##VIDEO ID:ByZThE85QJI## all right you are live good morning it's 700 a.m. in the secondary school media center we'll call the meeting to order and we'll start with the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all roll call Christensen order SA here sad here strong here is here and Vincent Yes all right is there anybody that would like to Sir would you like to make a comment to the board this morning um then we'll look to uh adopt the agenda as modified you'll notice that uh there's additions of Jackie Anderson part-time custodian and Corey Spencer as a part-time District office administrator um and also the removal of the uh 5. 2.1.3 uh the head Gulf coach is pulled from the agenda this morning are there any other additions or corrections to the agenda and a second second all in favor say I I I motion carries uh Mr Brownell okay superintendent for student enrollment so we will keep you updated on a regular basis my plan is to come up with a spreadsheet so you can see um what those different numbers look like trying to figure out okay if we drop that number here's what our budget looks like if we add students it should be able to do I mean it'll be a rough estimate and things like that but I think that'll help you stay a little bit more informed on that from day one to day now after things all adjusted we had said 725 at the last board meeting now we're at 720 students and that makes continue to fluctuate so there was a few students I think that we were uh intending to attend school here at WCA but did not so we've got some pieces there that we'll continue to look at um as I mentioned again our biggest piece is homeschool is really starting to kind of take a toll on the district I would say that and probably some of our PS uh PSO classes so I think I'm going to figure out to get a work group put together what can we do uh to look at some of those things I know there was a note already that uh probably figure out how do we reach out to those homeschool families to say are there certain classes here we know that our egg program is very very popular maybe there's some ways that we can do some shared time things that way of course science classes I always think I'm not sure how when you get to the advanced math and science courses you know that's going to be difficult for a homeschool family now you also have to realize that the online learning really took a um huge leap uh when the pandemic hit districts got that figured out so there's some districts I mean Fergus Falls is one of those that uh has really expanded their program I think they might have as many students in their online as they actually have in their in their District in the high school so that might be something down the road uh that we need to consider and look at but I think the other thing is how do we talk to our students to figure out maybe some of their interests sometimes I find that we do all the planning and when it's all said and done it wasn't something that they really were looking for or needed so we'll continue to work to work on that uh education focus group so next week the 23rd we have the 23rd at North the Thursday the 20 6 at South and then the 27th Friday at or excuse me Fridays at South Thursdays at the secondary school uh Gathering some staff and so that includes not only teachers but food service support staff and things like that to get feedback from them um I think one of the things we've noticed that our responses to that have been very limited we don't have a large number of folks who are interested in doing that so I've reached out to a few folks that said well I've done it every other time I didn't know if you wanted me again I said absolutely you know and I think the other piece that I may have to clarify um is the fact that they can probably be on the Ed focus group if they're not a district resident they just won't be able to serve on the task force because I think that might be keeping some from doing that as well but we want to make sure that we get as much feedback there before we move forward but I know that whth is reached out and they're ready to to come thing check things out and get moving on that Community task force uh will go through that application a little bit later here uh to make sure that that's exactly what you were hoping for to go out we'll get that out in the newspaper as well as on Facebook as soon as it did go out on Facebook last week I already had a response to that of some interest so we'll get that taken care of and start moving forward there late bus we're still in the same position of uh Palmer is not able to secure any drivers and so we've not had the late bus as of yet there was a mixup yesterday so we had students waiting for the late bus and there was no late bus so we'll make sure that that communication is clear and families understand that um of course we know our budget already has some challenges and so this will be one of those ways to help that but we also know that some of our families are counting on that so I think this is probably another work group area to say okay do we look at a user fee what do we do how does Palmer get driver so we can take care of that as well and then the levy eron and I continue to review those numbers I'm actually leaving after this meeting to go over to Fergus Falls for an administrative Forum but also then the um Financial director from Minnesota Department of Education will be out and she explains everything as well kind of the levy and right now it does show that we do have um an increase in our Levy remember this won't be new the 300,000 for the capital project Levy was already incorporated into last year's Levy but the numbers that we still adjust could be some postretirement benefits that we get to do the implicit rate subsidy piece that we have to look at for insurance since we still allow retirees to be on our plan so there's some dollars there it include student enrollment and things like that so we'll continue to check that so today what I recommend in is you approve the maximum and that allows those adjustments still to happen because if we would approve a finite number then changes can't happen so all sudden hey we saw that our student enrollment number was incorrect and I would say probably 95% of the districts across the state do that maximum when it comes out on the truth of Taxation taxation statements it gives a number it doesn't say maximum there but it's not actually due until September 30th is when the Auditors say okay this is the cut off we need to go from there uh upcoming dates had the Grant County get together on Monday home coming of course is this week so an exciting week we're hoping Jake tried to move that of course earlier hoping to maybe have decent weather so we're hoping that we don't have rain but looks like there could be rain so one of the suggestions is maybe Jake doesn't plan the date he does all the work but somebody else plans the date and then he just does all the work so we'll see what we can do there already talked about the Lakes Country service Cooperative meetings today our focus groups the me uh MAA fall conference for superintendent is at the end of the month uh then we have our first early release for professional development on October 2nd and of course that's what our next school board meeting is all right any questions comments that'll bring us to our approval of payment of claims Mr sabolik do you have any information there you'd like to highlight yeah we had a couple of checks that Paul caught that were ran on the 31st that weren't included in the first um go round that we did catch in there in this new approval of 461 5495 7 I call the board's attention to a couple of different expenses this month in particular um we did kind of uh clean up a lot of the fertilizer spraying in the grounds and weeds um of the grounds of the buildings grow green had 14,6 1790 in this month uh hilard as a large custodial supplier for us getting us back up and running 63346 um and then Excel learning software is an annual cost of 10,200 so there are a couple of uh additional onetime type costs that are in this one as well as several others that you can take a look at if you're so inclined I would move to approve 461 54957 second we have a motion in a second any other discussion all those in favor say I it motion carries um consent agenda item number one will approve the meeting minutes from August 21st um and also from September 4th um we'll approve the following Personnel items uh The Hires of Beth Dietrich PA professional Alicia Stein PA professional Jackie Anderson part-time custodian Cory Spencer part-time district office Administrative Assistant also o approve the lane change for Nicole balinsky and accept the following resignations of Ki krft as head speech coach and Tara Larson as a prayer professional um we also have the final reading of the following policies policy 304 the superintendent contract duties and evaluation policy 305 policy implementation number 306 administrator code of ethics policy 401 equal opportunity equal employment opportunity policy 403 discipline suspension and dismissal of School District employees policy 405 Veterans Preference policy 406 public and private personal data policy 407 employee right to know and policy 722 public data requests there I need to add one more resignation that I had in the actual Personnel recommendations I apologize for that Elizabeth Dietrich so you're going to see that she's a our Beth Dietrich she was a hire and then the week following she's a resignation so if you can add that is 5.2.3 point2 um Elizabeth D3 yeah or 3.3 sorry yep okay um as a prepar professional and that I'll Make That official from a higher to resignation the only question I have was on the minutes it said seven and it's like it's not 7 I don't know if there was a different a seven should I add something on there you want to write the note then I'll make the adjustment there so yeah say oh yeah perfect yeah gonna add it and didn't happen should I just circle it if you could yep I'll do that and well also I see did one of the minutes at the community ed report for some reason when I saw on my computer it shows up right but what Prince doesn't have that written in verbal like off to the left where on the administrative reports for Community Ed does it show that that's not correctly so yeah I'm not sure so I'll make that correction as well okay do you want me to sign them or wait sign if you can if you can sign it after I fix it thank you sorry about that all right any other additions or Corrections and I would look for a motion to approve the consent agenda move and a second second all in favor say I I I motion carries all right that bring us to Old business uh approve the 23 to 25 agreement with the buildings and grounds director is there any discussion on that item you all saw the contract I would look for a motion to approve second a motion in a second all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries that brings us to new business uh we'll accept the resolution for donations that sheet up here a second here we go so we'll accept the following donations um several of our corporate sponsors hoop and building supplies uh for $500 for the night's closet donation do petroleum $500 for corporate sponsor Barrett Care Center $500 corporate sponsor Carlson Production Services $500 corporate sponsor Central Lakes orthodonics $500 corporate sponsor runstone Telcom $500 corporate sponsor staple seed $500 corporate sponsor Egg Country Farm Credit $500 corporate sponsor Culligan uh Elbow Lake $500 corporate sponsor Grant County Lumber $500 corporate sponsor Cruise plumbing and heating $500 corporate sponsor Barrett Agra Inc $500 corporate sponsor hair Fusion $500 corporate sponsor American Heart Association $850 for Jump Rope for Heart uh Eagle Bank um$ 13990 for um just a donation and then we also have prairie air corporate sponsor donation I'm assuming that's $500 as well so too I'll take um that is our um donations I would look for a motion to accept the resolution for donations so and a second uh roll call vote Christensen yes Porter yes symbolic yes sandstead yes drunk yes Al is a yes and Vincent Yes all right then we're going to look at to approve our e-learning plan for 2425 school year Mr Brown would you like to give some information on that or highlights yeah that's just an annual piece that we have to take care of there was no changes from last year's plan of course last year's plan we didn't get much practice because we didn't have many days but uh yeah we're hoping for the exact same thing I've heard mixed reports some that say it's supposed to be as bad as it was two years ago that was from the propane person that came from so I think that might have been a good business model so but I think it works out well I think it just making sure that our students are prepared and ready to go so we sent home the devices Kevin and Stacy have those already to go for our students and I think it's an important skill just as we again see that things are becoming uh more aligned to being the digital age and so I if our students can learn how to do that how to stay focused now does it work for every student probably not but it does allow us the opportunity to still conduct school on those days where the weather is not uh that makes our roads nonp passable so good opportunity there but yeah our admin looked that over and you'll kind of see it's the same sign that we've had in the past year all right any other questions comments I would look for a motion to approve the e-learning plan for 2425 and a second all in favor say I motion carries um we need to certify the proposed 24 payable 25 property tax levy this is the one where we're going to do the maximum at this time is that that is correct yep so you see numbers on there I just want to be clear those are the numbers that are currently there those still can adjust depending again on different factors that are submitted by the district or things there could still be Corrections that they're making so uh that's why we've got the box that says maximum highlighted there or has the circle filled in just in case those adjustments are there so yeah the recommendation is to certify the ex all right any other questions or comments move to approve motion to approve in a second all in favor say I motion carries uh set truth and Taxation meeting for December 2nd 2024 at 6 PM in the secondary Media Center I think if you all recall the law says you have to have the meeting after 6 PM um for the truth and Taxation specifically um so that will be why the time would be correct yep y it's our during our regular meeting time but we'll just start that meeting at six o'clock and that's something now that I just need to notify the County Auditors so they can put that meeting date time and place on those truth and Taxation notices move to approve and move to approve in a second second all in favor say I motion carries um item 7.5 would be to call for snow removal quotes uh pretty standard this time of year um is there we have to just yeah authorizes us to call for those motion to call for snow removal have motion is there a second motion a second all in favor say I I I motion carries all right item number 7.6 uh the community task force application did everyone get an opportunity to look that over yes there are some last minute adjustments last night um so just want to bring that to your attention it says these task so it's that very last sentence of the introductory paragraphs and that second paragraph these task force meetings will be facilitated by an architectural firm with the goal of developing presenting recommendations for the board to consider what the board making the final decision I think that's still a critical piece that the board is still needs to be the one making that final decision and that we've got an outside group with expertise in this area facilitating those meetings and so I don't know if there's more information that you need there from folks but just wanting to make sure too that they realize that the only reason we're asking for the addresses as well as we just want a verify District residency if they're going to be a member of that committee if you saw the bullet points is there anything that we need to add is it too restrictive I mean I think we just want to make sure that they can attend you I don't think they have to have perfect attendance but if they can only make 60% of the meetings I'm not sure that that's beneficial either and I thought the other thing that I took away from our last meeting was the fact that they kind of need to act as a liaison um right sharing out to the community and maybe bringing information back to that community and then also having that open mind and we need a Solutions mindset as we kind of move forward I think um one of the pieces that was mentioned was uh maybe some of the staff are reluctant to participate at because they've done this several times and nothing happens and so I think that's the other piece and that's not anybody's fault but that was one of the other comments that was was made to me and so I think in our we're getting near the end of what we do need to have something happen we do need to get something figured out because our buildings are are aging and unfortunately the budget is taking a hit because of those facilities and so we just need to get some plans to move forward and kind of get those things set up for the future any other questions comments concerns I guess my only concern is we're asking them you know like to the commitment is two days a week or whatever it is but we're not still not giving them when it is so to say I can be there and they don't know when it is that's tricky so like maybe they have a commitment every Wednesday night and that's when we have a meetings they don't know that when they apply so that's why I'm I'm just concerned if we don't say it's meetings are going to be Mondays and Wednesdays or whatever they're they can't answer that question correctly you know what I mean if they're able to or they can't commit to doing it if they don't know when it is would we I mean would it be beneficial to add a can you highlight a couple of days that would be most you know best for you you know like as far as one of the questions I but I mean I would say that because we kind of determine need probably Monday or Wednesday right is we said right I mean so is that just a question we add to it is are you Avail you know would Mondays and Wednesdays fit in your schedule if that was I mean or which one of these days is better for you or can you do whatever I just like they said this to ask him for a commitment but not know whatever the week it is is a little tricky maybe just we say Monday or Wednesday maybe it's a one night Mondays or Wednesdays right or something so that's a good idea so that we could kind of see because I think that was one of the discussion items was you know we kind of want to let the group you know yeah they know 25 people and we think it should be Wednesday and then they all think it's Monday I think it's going to be Monday right and that's what we kind of need to figure figure out should I maybe just note that the district calendar has the fewest conflicts on Mondays and Wednesdays so those would be days we would be looking for I still think it might be that very first meeting where the group gets together and says well we you know does it have to be Mondays and Wednesdays because the majority of us want to do it Thursdays or something like that you know because if there's a Elementary family they may say w dayss are out because of church so maybe we just say that the district calendar makes it look like Mondays and Wednesdays would be our date however this would be something decided at that first meeting by Comm I maybe add that to the qualifications okay we're looking at Mondays and Wednesdays I mean because if somebody has a Monday or Wednesday commitment they may just say forget it I'm not doing it are we going to try to recruit as was requested you know some of the the nice mix you know North the South business egg if I remember right kind of criteria as well so we don't should I put preference on there should I add that line to maybe preference to or does that restrict too much to say preference I I wasn't exactly sure just a balance of there go ref there you go yeah is there a deadline we're going to put on this or what is the deadline we're putting on this yes great point Sarah yep we should have that included um we're going to approve it the second yep so they should probably have because you as a board want time to review that before do we do the Friday before so okay I'll add that into that intro paragraph I would think I think that's got to be something where you know if we don't we only have three candidates by then we may just have to push that you know we may have to adjust that piece right yep so very true that would be our goal well we're going to put this in the it's not going to go in the paper till next week right right y it so I mean the paper goes out Tuesday Wednesday depending on when you get it and then being due Friday is a little right tight maybe we do Monday it's already going to be tight as it is so what I can do is what I'll I'll just share that with all of you so you can see them as they come in that Google form you'll have access so it would be something all a sudden Monday you're going to get slew you'll have all of them you could just look at them periodically as they come in I we could get quite a few in the first couple days and so should we say Monday then that going to be Monday first right electronic that's fine okay well and I think for those who aren't used to using a Google form I thought I would have these print P paper ones at each School site as well that they could go to the the building office and grab those and if they fill it out one of our secet assigned yeah assigned at each school to fill that out yep yep so I think I just have F the paper copy like you have here then we'll they'll just either scan it to me and I'll fill it in or now that we have a new part-time district office Administrative Assistant they'll be able to do that as well so we'll make sure that we have that out there we just don't want there to be any barriers where people say I didn't know how to use the form and and wasn't able to do that so we'll make sure that that's out there public access channel is that what they mean runstone still has that right so is that something maybe put it on there as well to make sure we incorporating probably if you get it on Netflix that might be a good SP be a better one there too okay between the game you know what maybe might not be a bad announcement to make at the homecoming game very good yep so we have volleyball on Thursday football on Friday so maybe we'll and what we'll do is we'll have some you could have some forms available I know I mean we at homecoming we've typically had a booth for school board members you know to kind of be there so if there was even a table so that way I know the Foundation is going to be there and they're going to have the QR code so should I see if we can do a QR code even if people just want so they can get scan the form there so okay we'll do that great we just jumped into the 21st century I think yeah now I'm getting nervous a little bit all right any other questions comments do those additions seem cover what we need can we get a to approve and a second second all in favor say I I I motion carries um item 7.7 would be to uh consider and approve the secondary school gym repair um you see the proposal there's two different copies if would you just explain um there was a difference right there's so I would say one of the projects or one of the quotes is the minimum to get us by and then if you look at it it's another $44,000 to get the entire piece taken care of and so the recommendation is to take care of all those pieces so remember we had the bleachers um inspected they did some repairs there at that same time he had asked if we had had our equipment inspected in the last several years we found out we we didn't so there's the safety straps that are on the they look like seat belts on the backboards the winches and things like that all those are of course 30 years old now so they start why most of those winches need to be repaired is they start to leak oil and that oil I guess one is kind of by the scores table on the auxiliary Court there's a leak there um some of the cables too are starting to fray so I think in some of those they were going to replace the cable but not the winch and it was just going to leave two inches so the thought being should we just take care of all of it now to be done with that and we know that we've got that in place for a long time moving forward and then it was going to be replacing one basket so these are going to be on the actual player court so not the auxiliary basket baskets where they're just shooting you know there's practice and stuff so it's going to be the two baskets on the Main Court and the two baskets on the auxiliary Court one of them they said definitely needed to be fixed but then it was going to leave the other three so we just decided we'll take care of all those we are going to keep those two Ines so it's not something that we're going to get rid of because remember North also has those we have to look and make sure that those winches work up at north um but yeah we don't want to just dispose of those but those are all the pieces and then that curtain um that comes down so there's one between the auxiliary court and the main court and then we have the one that splits the main Court there's some cabling and stuff like that that's starting to fray and one of the uh how do they call that the curtain structure it rubs on the frame there of the backboard and so they're going to or the hoop piece and so they're going to drop that a little bit just gives us more time as well if we don't take care of it then the curtain completely needs to be replaced because there's some holes in there and we're probably going to have to have some conversations with some of our folks about we got to take care of that stuff too it's not just a wide open where you can throw things into it and stuff like that it's nice but they're starting to get older and and starting to see some wear and tear so the recommendation from Chad myself and Jake is looking at that $28,000 8,794 and that takes care of the entire all of the hoops and everything in the secondary school gym otherwise the cost was going to be uh just north of 24,000 and it was going to leave out a couple of those wenches and things like that and some of those Hoops questions comments will this include like a a followup inspection you know say in a year how how often what kind of a frequency know that's been a problem right I think they recommend every five years I think this says fiveyear warranty on that so five year warranty but I'm wonder if they can come back to inspect the repair make sure everything's working right let me I'll ask them that to see if that's a possibility yep I can double check with them to see for sure throw that inal yeah something is misaligned or something well it should be a I mean if it's warranted I would think they would want to want to check it I also noticed at the bottom of that second proposal maybe both of them have it but they recommend moving the switches outside the closet so that is something that vinco would take care of that's something that we're not going to do right now so what happens their concern is is you have to go in that room so you can't see what that Hoops doing and so you just go in the room and have no idea you're kind of doing it blind and so they're recommending that those be moved out into a panel and then you always want to make sure that that switch comes back so because I'm trying to think do those just they're toggle they're toggle toggle no you they go they come down automatically they come down automatically you got hold the button up you can't sure but if something's getting hung up and it's like far right hoop you can't see and also the cords fraying or raing up you have no idea till it's done or if somebody's not paying attention they're talking or if they just do all of them that way so they're looking at maybe a key type deal that would be inside so it's secured but you take the key and then you could raise them up and lower them and stuff like that and so so Nathan our plan was to wait on that for now because that's probably going to be another $10,000 expense um to do that so that would maybe be something with operating capital or maybe a project that we put in next Summer's list there so what they'll do is they'll move have to put a box just outside that room hopefully it can be recessed so nobody has to worry about running into that and then they would just be able to raise and lower those but they always want it to be where it automatically shuts off that you don't just turn the key and you just walk away and you know things that way I know there's also been ways to do it so you can get a couple Hoops because sometimes the frustration with those keys is now you got to take every key and it takes forever you try to get Four Keys and put them in and do that where you can get maybe the two main baskets to be on one key maybe it's the two other you know you get two at a time that could all be wired together and things like that so but yeah there's an option for remote as well because I know the the new bading cages have remotes and that is super helpful to be able to bring that remote out into the gym so you can go up and down as you need to so there are he's opposed to that he said those of times yeah they often times get lost somebody just hands somebody else and the remote's gone I you there were some other pieces too but I'll I'll check on that CU I know the remote was mentioned because they said that was the the nice piece of the cage you know that you don't have to be inside there but there was some concern about not being able to find it I think and and I think again paying attention to that I guess I'm not exactly sure but get that figured out years ago we talked about the possibility of putting maybe a window so you can actually stand that might be cheap is that possible that's just possible if there's anything else in the wall there the one well the one thing might be those wires probably run up and down there but there's got to be a way to put something in there a window in than it would be to we something yeah although you're taking off the same area to put that box in so I'm not sure if because then you're still facing the other wall right because how much distance is it probably five I mean it's it's like you can get the first two switches while you're looking off the door you just can't get the the see right oh I for reason thought that was on the back wall it's right on the front wall but you can get the first two or three after that but you just can't I don't know maybe maybe some people my arms aren't that long if you want if you want to get all of them sure and stillare and that's probably why it never got switched you know well that sounds good okay then any other comments questions concerns look for a motion to approve the repairs second all in favor say I I I motion carries and clarifying that's doing all the repairs right the 28 okay got it all right that brings us to our discussion agenda um the pre pre-referendum planning of course we've talked about a few of those things here as we went along yeah I so I just kept it on there to make sure you know the the wets kind of has that on our radar for schedule so next week we're ready to go with our um Ed Focus groups I guess I would give you that recommendation as well if you'd like to come into an ed focus group and sit on one of those um you definitely could I think it maybe would be I just want to make sure that our staff also feel comfortable at that point that they share you know so if all a sudden admin sits down and board sits down and they're like well we're not goingon to say what it was really going to say be better to just not be there to get the feedback from it I don't that'd be myut on that we just want honest feedback so I think that's fairly straightforward so so yeah and I think if we get the application out we'll have the Ed focus groups we're ready to start moving forward so I think we're on schedule but like you said if anything changes with the number of applications we get in for the community task force that could change but hopefully we'll have some and I maybe we just need to look at it closely and maybe next week we need to start reaching out to to folks like I said some of the staff that I talked to here I had one person come in and they said I've done these the last two times are you sure you want me again I said I don't think things have changed so I said yes we would like your and if you've been here that long you definitely know things that we need to to address so and maybe at that point there needs to be some reaching out as well so um I think they normally do that at the Oscars in the emies don't they want to say it's your time to start stop talking okay I'm done cut it out that's we're done the SK all right any other comments questions discussion on the pre-referendum at this point and we'll move down to the corporate sponsor Auditorium lighting project discussion and so there was just a concerned kind of how the corporate sponsors funding was handled for that and so what you've got in your packet is what Jake put together I will say that there was not a formal meeting by any means but Jake did reach out to staff kind of towards the end of the school year uh to see what pieces we could look at to take care of and one of those is in the auditorium and I know at the auditorium there are some significant dollars that I think were spent a few years ago taking care of the lights it didn't take care of the soundboard or the light board and my understanding is there's been frustration from some of the folks that are using some of those pieces that it doesn't work or it's not set up to the way they need it and and things like that one being one act and the other one I think being some of just our own play stuff and so uh looking to see that we could make an update there um at a small cost and Jake said hey this would probably be something that would be uh worthy of corporate sponsor dollars to get that updated Jake did want me to note that as well that the um soundboard also probably in the near future would need to be replaced as well and remember the stage curtain is the other piece too so that we need to to take care of on the soundboard um Jake said I think that might be original because that's what the company they said that's been there for a long time and the lightboard and the soundboard look very familiar to when I was uh here as well many years ago so probably some things that we need to to look at there so looking just to get that update I think the key being when somebody comes in and uses it so we don't have to have all that burden put on one person so if they're not here that they get called okay what do I have to do here this isn't working where you can just push a button that says hey here's the set stage lighting for a presentation so if we have somebody coming in like we did this summer uh when Patty wling came in you can just push the button to say presentation I think there would be like five to 10 different presets or for me so what happened for me when I did concerts here is Brian poiser would always have a nice light up and set up and stuff like that that it would be my turn to do it and I didn't really know how to do the lights and all that stuff that well so we just had to follow the same setup so my performance things would have to go where those were because I tried climbing up on that cherry lift that one time and I thought I was swaying and moving and then the kids I had kids come in I said hey you make sure that I'm not moving they said Miss Brown you're not moving but that chain continues to move and I said well scaring me enough so I said the lights are going to stage so I think it's just trying to get those pieces figured out where we could have those presets and then it's taken care of so it's going to simplify that that setup and it makes sure that we have so they do not touching any of the lights but they are going to make sure that that light board is is userfriendly and it doesn't put the burden all in one person having to try to always be kind of ready to go my understanding even I think with homecoming some calls had to be made because they weren't able to get some of those pieces um ready to go it's complex if you're a light guy and you know how it works it's right in your wheelhouse if you're not somebody and you just want to come in and make sure that it's there and working this will make it easier that way and it is um equipment that is old that we do need to update I'll just say too I'm the one that asked for more information because quite frankly in juneth we all the information from that report went in one year and all the other so anyway um but in June of 22 we created the the policy for corporate sponsors how was going to be handled who's going to be in the committee who's going to be present I get recommendations uh or requests there's recommendations made to the board and board approves expenditures and so I just want to make sure that we're going to follow the policy that we've created back in 2022 that's my only concern I don't have a problem with the expenditure for for fixing I mean that's what that's what corporate sponsors is for it's for arts and academics and everything and Athletics but as long as it's handles it the right way so that was my only concern makes sense to me any other questions comments so which one did we end up going with the 178 or I mean is this it looks like the the second quote was 178 but then that was in August that's the one we went the 17 yep okay that's that wasn't completely clear because in 2017 we spent almost $100,000 to upgrade that Auditorium so that's why I was concerned I thought thought at that time the boards and everything had been upgraded along with the lighting and so so was it adjust the lighting then at that time and I haven't had time to back Kevin shaking his head so we spent uh just about it was like 9,800 on the lighting system that lighting board is brand new it has all those presets it has all those Ops a train issue um the light the sound is all brand new as well the only piece of the sound system that is not brand new is the power switch which is in the that first setup it's it's just a transfer switch it does nothing all the other stuff is all brand new as of Summer of 2017 okay so is it just not yeah I'm confused I guess yeah at this so the some and lighting panel or control both both new 2017 that's interesting cuz I recycled the old ones and that's what I thought back in 2017 I thought sound was like 56,000 lighting was 90 or 99 so together it was about $150,000 project so the request was just to get a new board that's more user friendly is that what I'm understanding that's way I was told that it was the original board so I'm going to do some follow up on that as well yeah okay so those are just questions I have I I have no problem with the expenditure as long as things are you know that there needs to be requests made you know just like with the Ed Foundation there needs to be a process where staff knows that they can make a request for these dollars for for those things and proceed that nope absolutely okay that brings us to the end of our agenda there's no motion for Jes have a motion where oh it is right there all in favor say I motion carry it just I know I was like where is it oh it's right there