##VIDEO ID:c-b1Ze0lfxM## all right you are live good evening it's 5:33 in the secondary school media center and we'll call the meting to order and we'll start with Pledge of Allegiance I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America to theic for it stands one nation under indivisible and justice for [Music] all take roll call Chris here Porter here symbolic is not with us sandstead here strun here is here and Vincent here um we don't have anyone that wishes to address the board this evening um we will move into Mr Brown where do we need to make that addition so our um what at 5.6 we actually need to remove 5.2.1 point1 Melissa fer is PA professional okay has a higher 5.5 and then we'll have 5.6 would be the um 2023 through 2025 agreement with the buildings and grounds director all right so we have those two um additions Corrections is there any other additions or corrections to the agenda then I would look for a motion to adopt the modified agenda mov and a second second all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries that brings us to our administrative reports and we'll start with Miss Hendrick all right this our last week we had our staff development week the Morris in service was great we had the opportunity to have a variety of different trainings and staff could pick where they attended so it was good to um just address different needs and interests of staff and we had an engaging keynote speaker who was funny and had a good message so that was that was a good time for and good opportunity for us to engage in and then we had our staff meeting Megan and I reviewed the handbook and really had teachers think about and talk about our purpose and our why and do some reflection on um just kind of reflecting on our our wise Educators and and what drives you and what's your passion in in the profession and so that was fun to to hear teachers talk about that and then we also had K5 classroom teachers have another hour and a half of training with our new literacy curriculum so we engaged in additional time with uh a trainer so we could be prepared for the upcoming school year we had early entrance conferences the last couple of days I sent out a back to school welcome letter to families just introducing myself and giving some highlights on our handbook and I also sent the handbook electronically today through an email so um students or parents have that as well and it's just it was great to have everyone back in the building we had from the totals I had so far 97% of our families came to early entrance conferences so that was a super high percentage and great to see I got to meet quite a few families I set up a table right in North so I got to say hi when they came in and couldn't sneak past me um and greet greet as many families and students as possible so it was really fun to to meet a lot of people and I look forward to meeting others that I haven't met yet for the rest of the year we have our screening dates set for reading and math so we can get our interventions up and running as soon as possible our goal right now is September 17 and so that feels really good to have that timeline set so we can start serving students as soon as possible and Megan Ki Jodie manum from the um Co-op and I are working together to develop a plan for our early release days to make those really purposeful to engage our staff in some um professional development and really excited to engage and Lead that purposeful time for our staff so we're working together and I feel very confident with that collaboration that it will go well and students start tomorrow that's what we're most excited about and is on our minds that we have students back in the building and I'm excited I'm going to stop by both buildings and try to catch students and um be in the classrooms and see how the first St goes any questions for me thank you enjoy the first day thank you uh did you get um anything other than what Mr wood he has football practice until 6 so he said uh that I didn't have to stall until I got here that we could keep moving on so I think it's everything he said there wasn't much to report I just know that theyve been busy getting schedules taking care of in the secondary school office uh getting things ready to go there for the students of course there's a little bit of change because we have a few less electives after some of our reductions but I know that Miss rolloff and Miss mffi have been working feverously to make sure we get all of our kids ready to go and I would say that early entrance conferences here even at the secondary school were Fuller than I've Remembered in the past the parking lot was full both days and so I think most of our students are ready to get things started and to to get going with the new school year so they're ready to go we still um have some positions as he's noted I noted in my report um remember we didn't fill the position in egg and we're still looking for that ban person to fill hopefully second semester we have a plan ready to go Miss NY came into me today and said the Curr students one of their main concerns right now is pep band you know we want to make sure that we still have pep band and so we will work through that to get that taken care of I believe she's willing to take some of those evening events and and then we'll find some other folks to help fill in the other spots there too um that way so that I know is one of the questions of the students but we'll continue look and make sure that we can get that position filled hopefully after the first part of the year with somebody who's student teaching this fall you can still do the school song I think I still know how to do it's all right then okay um that brings us to Mr fleing well our athletic contests have all started our last one I I shouldn't say they all start our last one to start is tomorrow Junior High football starts tomorrow after that everybody will have got a game in um we have good participation numbers in all of our programs we have had some game workers Step Up step up we still need more um so you're can help in any capacity let us know or let our coaches know um as we all know homecoming week is very early this year so a lot of our details are starting to come together for that and a couple upcoming events that I have we have our mandatory State High School leag meeting on Monday um this is my fourth year and my final year on region six we have that meeting on Wednesday and both of those meetings are at Thumper Pond and Otter tale and then we have our conference sportsmanship day and sock Center and I'll bring a group of 10 to 20 student athletes with me up there for the day so um if you know John Malay from the State High School league their social media guide he is our speaker at that event so that will be be a fun event for our kids so perfect any questions or comments for Mr fleen all right thank you we move on to miss dos all right um so right now we've got Mighty nights football underway good numbers great grades 3 through 6 um North and South steam registrations are still open Flyers will go home um with students um either tomorrow or Friday um but online registration is already open uh fifth and sixth grade volleyball um registration is open online for that we've had a lot of registrations already just wanted to remind those that haven't um and then looking ahead we will also have grades 2 through four fall volleyball camp those flyers will be coming out within the next couple of weeks um as for daycare we are completely full um across the board at North before school care after school care and wraparound care um so we started wraparound care these past couple days and then obviously before and after care will start tomorrow with school starting um and then just a couple updates on the preschool numbers um we are at 14 little nights at South um South kindergarten connection is 20 North Little Knights is 20 and North kindergarten connection is 30 any questions no questions thank you um Mr mcnamer the technology report well this time of the year so quiet for technology it's wonderful probably about um overall everything's been going very smoothly we have phenomenal staff and the the more chaos that we see in technology just means the more teachers are hustling to make sure that everything is perfect and ready for those kids to show up tomorrow which is wonderful and amazing um I don't think there's anything the kids will notice that is out of place or not functioning as it should be yet um we're still waiting on two doors at North Elementary to get key fobbed in and then our new security piece will be in place um the issue we're lacking those is the doors had a very unique latch system and they ordered latches they were the wrong latches they ordered new latches they were still the wrong latches so they're third times a charm type thing um one of the issues we've run into and it's not really an us thing but region one which posts our data in Synergy which is our student information system had a bug go through their system and wiped out or moved around some of our data so it's not showing up up quite correctly which is causing some chaos in this building specifically for our sixth grade scheduling um it's getting cleared up it's much better and it's functional now but we're hoping that it will be fully restored back to the way it should be within a couple days um nothing critical or to be concerned about just caused some chaos in our office it's a little extra stress nothing like little extra stress in the office for the start of the school year um overall all is well Stacy's running around like crazy getting everybody up and running fixing everything in sight so she is absolutely amazing and wonderful and she's stressed to the max because she cares about everybody getting what they want and things going well awesome any questions questions comments thank you absolutely that brings us to Mr Norberg good evening um you guys got my report there uh s out uh update uh fire protection for monitoring the systems um Kevin and I Mr Brown have been working on that and I hope by the Monday or Tuesday of next week we'll have something set into place with Summit um they are who is on our panels right now and takes care of the hoods and the kitchens and things like that um worked with Kevin a lot on that because that's a little more in his wheelhouse but we worked something out got some stuff taken care of and it looks like that will be kind of of our best deal so we're just trying to get it set up um we got a letter last month Mr brono got a letter last month I can't remember if you guys know about it or not but Grant County is no longer monitoring um commercial or private businesses for protection um with the new facility they have in their new radio equipment they are not spending the money to upgrade to do fire protection so now we are having to go to uh an outside Source um Third Party Source I guess to take care of that so um hopefully that will be up and and in in the move next week um our roofs um they were able to sneak us in um they should be done with the roofs itself today if not they will be right away tomorrow morning there was also a crew at 7 that started at North and they were hoping to be done with North if possible tomorrow afternoon um so they were able to to get us into the schedule and we didn't have to wait which was grateful um to go another winter through that so hopefully we have everything taken care of um and then uh as Kevin said yeah the door systems we're just waiting on a couple parts to come in and then that should be all ready to go with the swipe badges for north and other than that um buildings look good we've got a lot of extra stuff done um my Crews did a great job getting stuff ready getting stuff cleaned up um and and we're ready for the kids um excited for them to be back and and get this get the year Rolling perfect any other questions anybody the uh Landscaping looks oh yeah as you can see the Landscaping um we got that done they were able to get in here Kyle was able to get in here and take care of that and get that whipped out um they did Hydro seed the hillside back there on the back side by the dugouts um ended up with just a little bit more of a slope than we liked but what we did is we also made that top up there just a little bit bigger for seating area for people to walk around um the way it was anyway with that wall once you got the bleachers behind home plate it was kind of a tight squeeze so um should be great um ready to go and and yeah they got it seated so hopefully that'll all even start yet maybe this fall to get some roots in and next spring should come in great so perfect any questions comments thank you thanks um that brings us to a business manager and here's her report that she just sent along so you to pass it over to them can you hear us Aaron muted maybe that's me we don't have speaker now we can hear you yeah yeah okay um it was a mad rush to get out of my other District tonight so I um sent the board report to uh Mr Brown low right as I sat down so I don't know if you had a chance to get it but I also sent it to the board members via email so just an FYI that you should have it in your email if you don't have it in front of you but they have a as I was going through the um board report you'll notice it looks a little different than last the last few months that we're used to I went old school because I have added some new Revenue codes such as our Capital Levy um and when I did that it broke all of my formulas in my current board report that I usually present to you so I just ran this expense Revenue summary report that will show you where we're sitting um in regards to expenditures and revenues from now compared to last year I will have it fixed by the next um meeting for you guys so you'll have a an updated board report again um So currently in FIS school year 25 in July our expenses for the whole all funds equal 370,000 670 uh We've expended we spent $327,999 in the general fund and revenue we've received so far in fiscal year 25 totals $3,357 compared to last year at this time we've received 2,848 3362 the reason why last year looked so much larger than this year um is because the person that had taken over for Diane previously last year in July he recognized our taxes for last fiscal year right away in July and typically we don't make that adjustment until June so that there's like $1.4 million of tax money that's already that was already um put in for us as Revenue in July of last year and like you said typically you won't we don't do that typically until June so that's that that's why it's such a large discrepancy for from last year to this year um also July is usually a rough month for us financially in regards to revenue we usually get our big state aid payments in the either the very end of July or beginning of August so there's not a whole lot of Revenue coming in that's why it's just up to the timing regard from the state but um this time this year like I said we had spent $370,000 last year at this time we spent $3,334 just a matter of new whatever we needed purchasing in the general fund we did some um we had some capital projects going on I believe and things like that so otherwise we're not that far off from where we were last year all right any questions comments okay thank you that brings us to Mr brownell's report okay so we already kind of talked about Staffing we're ready to go I think there might still be I think we're seeing if there's any adjusting or shifting potentially in par professional staff and the elementaries otherwise I think we have everybody take care of still completing some variances and some petitions for some variances that are a little bit more complex but we'll have that all taken care of and ready to go there and then of course at the secondary still that CTE teacher but again um Mr swatski did say wait until we can see the direction of that program and I think a few folks came to that meeting from the board and so sat down and got to hear some of those different pieces that we'd be looking at student enrollment Maggie just put that together here and and the good news on that um is we're about 725 students that's kind of where we ended last year so I believe and that's going to be K12 we're 810 prek K12 counting the little nights in kindergarten connection um so the really exciting news is uh next year's kindergarten class could be 51 students and that's where we're currently at is the number that Maggie showed it's like 51 for this year as well um I think we just had two new kindergarten students enroll at North the admin team and the clerical staff are realizing that student enrollment is a big deal for me and so they email me right away it's kind of like hitting bingo I think sometimes so so we've got some nice class sizes down in lower elementary of course it's that first grade class that's our smallest one but a little bit bigger than we ended last year I believe last year was 39 and now we're at 40 so that's our smallest class as we look all the way through um our bigger classes are usually in the upper uh High School pieces we have a we have 62 seniors this year um but back fill that with 51 kindergarteners next year will make that a little bit easier but still when you have a difference of 12 that makes it kind of difficult especially when we budget so we'll have to continue to monitor that um Palmer bus did add one additional bus route I think I did send a message out to you um I am going to follow up with management there just a little bit because it has been somewhat of a struggle to come up with some solutions and things like that of how we do that really for me the non-negotiables are we can't start before 6:30 and we can't drop after usually 450 that's a long day for anybody and so that's kind of where we're at and so we were trying to find some Alternatives because each bus does cost about $60,000 before the fuel Clause is what they told us that cost would be so yeah the fuel Clause it's going to be well over $70,000 and we just want to make sure that our students are taking care of on those bus routes and that we're not starting before 6:30 and and after 4:50 so we've got that taken care of and ready to go uh that way but like I said I'll be meeting with them just to to make sure that they understand in the future how we kind of look at those pieces so we do add an additional um they call Mini Bus I would call it just a smaller bus because it does hold 29 students I believe I think it says it can hold 45 but you know how that is it's the big buses say they can hold 77 and there's no way that you can fit three to a seat there especially high school students so we'll have enough room there and they've made a few minor adjustments on their shuttles um and I'll get to some other pieces over Transportation just a little bit but title applications uh those have all been submitted as we look at title one two and four so I got those submitted last week and that total of federal funds is about $181,000 and so that of course covers our Title One intervention in the um Elementary and we do that all the way through sixth grade with parent professionals and our licensed teaching staff to take care of that title two really takes care of our classroom size reduction uh some of those classes that are a little bit on that larger side we're able to have two teachers doesn't cover the entire expense it's only about $23,000 but it does help for for one of those classrooms and then of course the title four we've used for some mental health uh Support Services as well as the robotics program uh to cover some expenses not covering all of those but some of those uh numbers there summer Levy I know aon's been busy working on that we'll still get our student enrollment numbers in there because that does drive a lot of that lovey piece for dollars um as well as some of the other pieces that we need to look at that does include now our Capital project uh lovey for technology for that additional $300,000 there as well as some other pieces uh at our next meeting we'll probably set that preliminary Levy at the maximum we've that's been the typical practice of the board then our truth and Taxation meeting would be that first meeting in December uh where we do the final Levy there so that's kind of those pieces um as I talked about Transportation I know Mr Fine's been working with Christine we had talked about late bus kind of cutting back on that just because our ridership is not real strong on some of those evenings I think it's still something we need to investigate more um one of the things that I did hear from a parent today who I reached out to um was you know we're willing to pay if we're just aware of what it's going to cost and so we'll just make sure not necessarily for the late bus this was a little bit different situation with some care items and things like that but I think we may have to look at that for the late bus just because our number sometimes those buses were carrying anywhere from two to six kids and that cost is somewhat substantial that way way but we also know that that's pieces that some of our families need right now Palmer is also struggling to get folks to do the late bus and so we're going to kind of put that on hold here for the first couple weeks we'll communicate that out with fam so they're aware that many of those evenings that we had set up that not having the late bus were already busy with activities so there wasn't going to be many students riding those I think with junior high volleyball Junior High football varsity events there wasn't going to be many students that would be here anyway um but we'll continue to work through that because that was one of our pieces that we were looking to to to be more efficient and to have some budget savings there so as I mentioned first day of school tomorrow homecomings coming up rather quickly uh you know car's been busy working on the Grant County welcome event which is September 16th and our next board meeting will be Wednesday um at 700 am remember so our first meeting of each month now is at 5:30 and that the third Wednesday of the month will be that still that 7: am for the business meeting all right any questions comments from Mr Brown okay that brings us into our new business um we have a review first reading of the following policies with the statutory and recommended changes from msba uh policy number 304 superintendent contract duties and evaluation policy number 305 policy implementation uh number 306 six administrator code of ethics policy 401 equal employment opportunity policy 403 discipline suspension and dismissal of School District employees policy 405 Veterans Preference policy 406 public and private personal data policy 407 employee right to know and policy 722 public data requests those would be our just for the um review first first reading correct Mr correct y all right and then that brings us to item 5.2 we would look to approve the following person L items uh hire of lar VII I believei Fair professional um contract adjustment for Erica bordon increasing FTE for yearbook class um Lane change requests for the uh Matthew NCH and Jennifer Johnson and that was it goals correct correct so those would be the um Personnel items um I would look for a motion to approve those and a second second all in favor say I I motion carries Kaye you made that motion um number 5.3 approved posting for a part-time district office Administrative Assistant um did you want to speak on that a little bit yeah maybe I'll just kind of bring I did a include today in the online piece there just some details we're looking to hire a 05 uh so 20 hours per week really to work through District communication and I think also just facilitating some organization in the district office but um realizing that one of the areas that I'm not able to facilitate very well sometimes as a communication so I think having somebody to to get those pieces kind of taking care of the although I see Marissa here so maybe she wants to do the board minutes but uh the board minutes the board packets all those pieces especially as we start to work through the building project uh to have somebody kind of take care of those other pieces there if people have questions you know car's moved uh directly into the the instructional coach piece and we know that we're one of those some of those things start to come about say okay we've got people asking questions on on our district questions page who's going to take care of those pieces and that person's not going to necessarily answer all those but they'll be able to facilitate and push those out to those who would be able to um answer those questions assisting with public data requests uh taking care of those necessary documents to file as we have the election coming up contracts bids District communication and promot on Facebook and our website and then assist Community Education with all those different clerical duties and pieces that are going to keep Megan from doing the ass assistant principal duties that we have her lined up to do so it takes care of that and then any other duties as assigned so 20 hours per week we'll start with that to see where it goes but remember we're still watching budget as we go through there and we should still be able to get that taken care of that way so we'd like to just request permission to post that position and hopefully get that build that our next meeting moved and I have this motion is there a second second any further discussion on that item all in favor say I I motion carries uh item 5.4 approve the 2425 School nursing agreement with Lake Region Healthcare um that's pretty standard pretty standard yeah I nothing's stuck out there I think the biggest piece is remember we it took us a little while last year to get a school nurse uh here um from Lake Region they were also struggling to find somebody so now we do have somebody who presented to our staff at the opening Workshop days and is getting things put together with student health plans uh getting things ready for staff as well as our big one is that Naran uh to make sure that we're prepared for that and we have response teams to take care of that in each one of our buildings so she's been uh busy getting that taken care of I know that the fire department in Elbow Lake donated some money to make sure that our aeds at both um North Elementary and the secondary school here we're taken care of we just need to make sure that all of those are ready to go uh with appropriate pads and batteries and so she's been working through all those different pieces just to make sure that we're in line and prepared for the school year perfect any other questions or comments it looks like just need to update the dates this an old just a copy of the old contract well it says 24 25 on the top but is there something in the back later on that's well the very first line says 22 Yeah inra and further down it says need to go through and change I will do that so I won't mention her name she was a graduate here but I'll let her know that she didn't have it quite ready so yeah I will make sure that those are all changed and ready to go call Good eyes Terry perfect any other Corrections we have a motion to approve the modified nursing agreement motion to approve and a second second all in favor say I I motion carries item 5.5 is to approve the 2425 collaborative agreement between wcmca Head Start and west Central Area School District I think this one's pretty standard yeah that's West Central Minnesota Community Action and we just need to have that agreement in place every year so it's an annual uh review and um doing that for our Head Start program at North Elementary okay questions or comments on that one I look for motion to approve second all in favor say I I motion carries all right that moves us to uh number 5.6 the uh 23 to 25 buildings and grounds director contract um just kind of cleaned that up this evening um and so that is ready to go are there any questions or comments on there any changes we don't have a copy yet right hasn't been emailed no it hasn't we we just cleaned it up right prior to coming in here um we do have a uh we did the standard 3% for 23 um there is a 3% for the 242 yeah yeah fiscal 24 23 24 last year that we're behind on um there's a 3% this year with an additional um two goals right two goals we set yep um if we meet some um goal criteria then there would be an additional 3% to match with the three and six that we gave across the board is that correct did I state that correct so um that was yeah so we had that meeting today um with a plan in place for um Meeting those goals so it's kind of hard to proove something we don't have a copy and haven't read it yet okay um we can certainly table that if you uh wish to do that um like I said we just came from that meeting so it has not been pushed out yet um if you'd like to wait that's always an option I guess I would but what what the rest of the board think if you're ready to move forward then I'd like to see a copy of it I guess do okay so will we let this uh item you a motion to table motion to table that I'll make a motion we table Mo Motion in a second table to the what is 18th meeting 21st 21st that's the business meeting yep any other comments questions okay uh Motion in a second to table the item all in favor say I I oppose same sign motion carries that brings us to discussion item 6.1 uh the pre-referendum planning um you did get that out um yeah that was sent in an email to you and then it's also in the paper packet but should have been an email that was sent out the last Monday I think yeah so um just kind of lays out some different details there of what wood Seth is proposing and then I think I sent out a second email so you could look at some pieces there just of what um of what like cgb did and some feedback that I receiv received from a couple superintendant who have went through that process so what C cook Cony was that the other one yeah Cook County and cgb were the two that I had some feedback on there here is that to Nath that may be a little easier to read then thank you so essentially we're going to start with that space utilization study um they're going to be coming in uh that's supposed to be submitted what what they've got the third this next week and then they're going to have something submitted their preliminary is to have something submitted by the 13th of September um to Paul um get some feedback from Paul by the 20th and then finalize that utilization study by the 27th um they've got an agenda to do some site visits the week of the 23rd to both North and South um to look at traffic flow mornings afternoons bus routes all those kinds of things as far as how things flow at those buildings uh when the kids are in there um parent drop off all those kinds of things yeah they want the buildings to have yep to be busy so because they said sometimes those hallways look different when there's students in the hallways compared to not in the hallways so they just want to do some some evaluation there to to find some maybe some improvements for us yeah uh we'll be looking to put out um some educational they're going to work with some a task force Planning Group and also an educational focus group so working with some some of our Educators some our teachers some of our par professionals um as far as working with those groups as far as how the buildings function and flow and and what works well and what doesn't work well and and then also um preparing our uh task force of uh Community I think we've got a list here see yep should be on that I think the third page there the suggested task force task force members they they came back with this uh so couple of board members the principles um buildings and grounds um athletic director or coaches some athletic staff um parents from each building I guess one thing I thought was we maybe should have more than one parent from each building this is a suggestions I think this is where we need some feedback from yeah from the board I I don't know with five communities three buildings of 15 to 18 is really a good number I think there needs to be more I don't don't think you want it to be too large because it's difficult to come up with a recommendation but I do I think there needs to be some adjustments there and and one of the pieces too I think as we look even building administrator in the elementary might be fairly new as well so it might just be as an advisory just kind of watching there not say that you can't handle it you've got some different ideas there but I think just with the being new to the district and stuff like that it might put some some pieces in there that maybe you're not willing to take on right away but maybe you are as well but I think it's for sure looking you know and it says an elected official I'm not sure if we can just have one elected official again in five communities or maybe needs to be some some additional pieces there of how do we figure out who those people are um in our different communities so I think that's kind of that was just a suggested idea and so are there other people that you believe we need to to uh include for some reason they really believe law enforcement is a is a critical piece I know that Lindsay mentioned that a couple times of of having law enforcement there um sometimes with parents you can I mean I think you need to get parents that aren't just staff members and parents um you need to get some outside ones but sometimes you can get that parent who's the parent has kids lives within the district and maybe coaches and he can get many different you know ideas that way as well I think one of the things for parents is the parents should be residents of the district um you know they shouldn't be open enrolled families they can always give some good information of why they choose to come to WCA but I'm not sure that they're ones that should be making recommendations not to diminish um what they bring to the district but I think sometimes it's a hard thing for people to to understand when they say so people are making recommendations when it comes to down to time it's they're not going to be paying for that recommendation so I think that was part of that discussion of other groups that you think we need to to include or have for that task force I'm just wondering about a senior citizen since they V and maybe one of those categories could be right mhm I would think we'd want three parents from each school three family representatives from each School minimum I don't know I don't know for me the law enforcement being a necessity in our rural area I guess to me I think maybe in a biger the bigger city schools I think maybe probably cover that over the parent well I was say might be a parent that is to get that perspective right I just I don't know that that to me is I think that they maybe were pushing more towards like you know we've done a lot of work for building security wise and and those kinds of things we do a lot of things with you know unfortunately with active shooter now um and so to get that perspective as you're planning a building or planning a project of a remodel that may definitely be a good you know as far as something that some of us maybe won't think about they might so that I think that was where they lean to more not necessarily that you know they're um you know essential but but they probably bring a different perspective on some of those things as we're talking about building renovation changing traffic flow you know those kinds of things around the building they just may have some insight that we might not look at or or some might not look at so um I think that was kind of where the P that too right no I get that I just this is a lot of commitment to when we look at how many meetings these are and I'm looking at you know well I think that was one thing they talked about um with the with like an application process you know there's there's going to be a meeting schedule when we get to this point and just to make sure that if if you're going to be a part of this we want to make sure that you can commit to being at you know a majority of these meetings you know if you're can only be at one or two you know maybe we should have somebody else commit to that that you know obviously we know everybody can't be at everything but um just to make sure that as people are thinking about being part of this that they they understand that there's going to be multiple meetings that are going to happen we'd like that they you know be able to attend a majority of those things so um so we can get that feedback all the time so um yeah and of course after you get your applications it could change up a little bit too where it doesn't need to be hard fast these pieces but and who knows how many people will have submit applications I'm assuming that's what we probably want to do is get something through the website and and just accept those I think it's that very last page if you look there that kind of shows their suggested board activity so September 4th approval to proceed with forming a task force um consensus to move forward forming the educational focus group and then we'll start to get those pieces put together at our September 18th meeting so maybe what we do is it makes a tight timeline but if we have that do we approve the application at the September 18th meeting and then get that posted make people aware that we're looking for committee members get that out on Facebook and the district website in the newspaper and then let them know that that application will be made available on the 18th with a deadline you know just before that se our October 2nd board meeting so there's plenty of information out for folks to to I think that's good okay the the task force you know this the members the suggestion here I think is a great start and what we've added to it is um exactly what I'm looking for okay that uh you know obviously we're not we're not ready to approve a a list or an application at this point but um does that seem like a feasible idea to try to get that prepared and ready to go for the next meeting as far as um being ready to put that out or available online or in the offices or whatever that needs to be um obviously this was a proposed timeline we know that everything's not going to be perfect but the idea would be that by you know regardless of what happens here by that you know January is time frame we want to be ready to you know or have an idea if that's where we're you know we're at maybe this happens a little earlier I know they mentioned that there's a you know proposed I think what they have two to six meetings that we talked about you know it's possible that we could get into the meeting four and say you know what everybody came to the you know you know you know everybody thought this is a great idea we're going to go you know so they just kind of put this in there as um I think the one comment that was made is you know by meeting four we're going to know if we're going in the right direction or or we need to tweak some things right I mean so after those first three or four meetings they felt like they should have a pretty good idea if if this group is going in one direction or if we're scattered to the winds and we don't have a clue yet so um you know some of these things are going to have to obviously adjust we're not going to have a stone cold this is the day we said we're going to do it but you know to get moved forward we obviously know that we you know if if we're going to look at something for a November Ballot or whatever ballot it is we need we need to have that process done months ahead of time so that we're ready to prepared to put that out so so yeah not this November a year from November y right yeah obviously you know we're we're out we got a couple other things on the ballot November that right could adjust so um I like the other part talking about those meetings which is Cost Containment because we realize that adding meetings is a significant cost when they do that so we just kind of wanted to be up front with them to say if we need to add another meeting or two is it going to be and they said no that's where we'll look at it just kind of see right where at I think there was still some discrepancy um do we need to do site visits to other schools with our committee or do they kind of know what we need can we do it virtually I think was part of the conversation or do they need to go up to they would kept recommending braider that's one of their big projects they've just recently completed that had several different I think some remodels of some buildings of older vintages and then some brand new facilities so I think they thought that was one to show but I think there was talk too that that's quite a commitment right to get a bus and have people we figured it's two hours to go up there two hours back then if you spend two hours there which is a pretty light timeline it's a full day for people to to virtual tour that situation would probably be a better idea where they could show some videos they thought and stuff like that to to get that taken care of I think the main thing is just getting an idea and giving them an idea because sometimes Architects get excited and they can build something that's really spectacular and we say that doesn't fit our community our community doesn't need to have a waterfall in the middle of the commons area and things like that and just making sure that here's what our our needs are but also our wants at the same time to make sure that it's appropriate for the district and things like that so it does kind of lay out that meeting schedule I think they have six my is what they kind of felt and that gets us to the end of December and then kind of making that final recommendation um January 15th um if we're ready to go right but I think our first piece is kind of getting that task force there so if you feel comfortable with that I think there's still some pieces of you know how does that what does and I think that would be something maybe to discuss at that next meeting what is that ideal Task Force member are there some expectations we had kind of talked about that a little bit that you got to be Solutions mindset right you can't come in just saying this is the only way we're going to make this work is this way how do we come up with some solutions to to hopefully best serve the entire district and try to get that sorted out and figured out and and um also I think trying to figure out is that open to everybody you know I know sometimes in some of the past ones that I've been involed with people can attend but it really is your committee that is the one that's making all the they're the ones speaking at those meetings just so it's not also you have a full group that comes you get 80 people there and you can't get anything accomplished at that meeting and so I think it's setting that up and I think the other pieces they needed to be somebody who is willing to communicate that message out to others to so not only are you Committee Member but you're willing to deliver that message out to the community on a broader scale but I'd really like you to look at what what um cgb put together for theirs they've got a nice thing about the minutes from those meetings so you can see what was discussed and so you can be up to speed through all those pieces so if you do have questions you can read out to reach out to the district a board member or you can call a community or a task force member to say hey I don't understand why are they looking at doing this and stuff like that so I think that's very helpful for for people to have that to bring that back and and kind of move forward with those meetings yep sure okay any other questions or comments on that you kind of have that timeline there and obviously we'll have to work to figure that application piece out um what would you like I guess for next the meeting on the 18th what do you want me to have prepared and ready that you have time to look at beforehand to say Yep this is exact I would assume won the application right to say Yep this application looks good or needs to be tweaked add this take this out please have these descriptors in there I guess what would be the pieces that you'd want ready how are we going to have an application with um time like with meeting dates because I mean obviously if I'm gonna apply for it I want to know if I can get to them or not are we gonna good point Sarah yeah if somebody's gonna say well if you're going to do it on Tuesdays I can't do it you know what I mean we don't if it just says week of that doesn't do anybody any good so for our community Community now I know in some places Wednesdays are completely off limits right don't touch Wednesdays but as soon as you look at Tuesdays and Thursdays my kids are in activities and sports so now we want the parents and they're going to say well how can we be there when you we're not going to miss our students events or our Mondays I mean do we look at Mondays I would say Fridays are out typically people at that point are pretty well finished up for the week and they may say an hour and a half's not way too long Mondays are probably your safest I mean but I know we have like isn't that firemen or city meetings or something on Mondays too so that could but I mean that's only one that's like the third way you know it's once a month but I would say Mondays are probably your safest avoid those dayses yeah but try to avoid those dates I mean the it's gonna be hard if we're going to do this because it looks like it's almost weekly but cgb did Wednesday nights well the problem we're going to have is we still have to have our board meeting so to have board meetings and those I don't want to sign up for that sorry be honest it's already enough hours any uh I mean I I guess you know obviously nothing's going to be concrete here but I mean that would maybe just be a hey we're we're proposing that you know we obviously have to go through wood Stu as well too to make sure that you know that's their company golf night they maybe don't want to have meetings on Mondays either so we just got to figure out we put on there explain that these meetings May interfere with yeah right I'm just saying we have to have a date we can't just say we're going to need you once a week because and and we're wanting you to be there we have to have something that says we're gonna have it Monday nights if you can't make it work you can't make it work or once it work better like it might you know and it may boil down to who can do it as well you know so so I just because it looks like it might be every other week the way I looked at that or did I no I think I think it is it's Twi it's like twice a month twice a month and then just Mon and maybe say we would be looking to Mondays and Wednesdays um as possible meeting dates weeks month okay which matches right up with our perfectly bo0 meetings yeah so maybe is it the is it the first Monday of the month and then the May needs to be second and fourth you know maybe you know they just kind of put this they just kind of put this together as a you know kind of a template you know hey this is what at the board chart like they said they're expecting us to review things at our board meeting so we can't do it on the same day anyways we can look at activities to perfect right I just think that there has to be something on there about what dates we're looking at or how how do we ask them to commit you know send me an application and commit but we don't know when it is should we maybe put on there that we're looking I mean just to get word out right now that they know planning two times per month yeah we're trying to avoid conflict so we're looking at Mondays and Wednesdays um but may not be able to accommodate all schedules but we do need people to commit to a certain number of a majority of the meetings so we're consistent that way yeah and you can put on there like to have them comment like what what will work for them so we know when have appliations and okay and then on maybe R and responsibilities so they clearly understand what they're going to be doing right what they're doing so I'll bring that to the meeting on the 18th but I think we should get something out to advertise so um is there anybody here who's willing just to we get something drafted just forward it to you to say yeah it's good to ship out not the entire board but is there one person who's an expert in Communications and marketing not not Kayla no I do the numbers not the marketing Sorry Miss Vincent would you have any interest in in something like that I I'm happy to help we're talking about sending correspondence out not necessarily I don't think you should rely on me for that okay I think we have skill set right the table well maybe I'll put something together if you'd be willing to look at it I think we've got some other people in the community that have helped I think in the past that I can think of I don't want to mention their name here to I'm say great thanks for mentioning my name now everybody wants to see what you're sending me and stuff like that but just a Community member that I think does some marketing and and I think reviewed some of our other flyers that have went out so maybe I can just say as this biggest thing right is to include all the details so I don't leave out the most important details as we go through to say well if I would have known that I would have been out from the beginning so if we can do that and and just get that out so people are aware that that's going to be coming up and October second is really kind of our board date to select right so I mean we're going to get that application on the 18th and then we would have to have something probably in by well I'll just bring it up with the next meeting on the 18th but you probably don't want to wait until that Monday you probably want something on that Friday just to have time to review over the weekend because in case you have events and things like that it makes it awfully tough to watch a volleyball game and scroll through application so what about the educational focus groups looks like we're supposed to by the next meeting it says so what's your recommendation there is it another application process or think an application are we asking teachers and staff I don't know that there needs to be an application because I don't think they're going to have to hold staff say I want to do it okay how many think we ask for volunteers and we see what happens it may be that same thing that they would just Comm is okay um so we put put a preliminary email out on that as well just to say be prepared to see this coming out we're going to do both on October 18th and we just what's the time commitment principles have any ideas on that we just is that all do all of us participate in that or how does that look from is it school or is it like I think they I think they did mention that um you know obviously we're focused here on Elementary but probably a good to have some secondary school you know is there potentially is I I mean at least with our last Bond you know there has been some pieces here at the secondary school that have been on the you know that have gone with on the B you know type of thing so I don't think they necessarily wanted to exclude the secondary building just because we're kind of talking Elementary stuff here but I you know yeah so I I think yes we would definitely include some staff here that would be interested in that process I think so this just looks like there's a group group one group two group three at each school so but I also think that we need to have we need to include staff there needs needs to be included on our task force because I think that if there's conversations being had and there aren't any teachers or staff in there for them to say oh wait that's not going to work and I think that we need to ask the staff either do you want to participate Will you participate in either this or this or both and here's here's the commitments on both but I think they should be included in the task force as well well I think correct me if I'm wrong but the educational huh focus group was supposed to be helping the task right I mean the the educational focus group I thought their comments in our meeting were that you know though that would be your group of Educators that would help that group as far as okay it looks like that you're going to bring these educational focus groups are going to be coming to the first meeting and that's part of it so it it' be like whatever they came up with they would bring to the task force right but I still think that we should include staff in the Tas Force as well I think so INE in case an idea is thr somebody wants to commit to this or this or both I don't know it' be ideal if they could do both probably so they kind of know what's being set at that one group like you said time commitment but if we get one people some people that just want to do one and I'd be happy with that so okay I think you're gonna have a lot of Elementary staff that will say yes to the to the task force too or just to the education part cu the educational thing is one one night or one night two nights I feel like there will be some that will say I will be a spokesperson like there's some like that would feel comfortable in the bigger setting but I do feel like you will get if you open it up to everybody I feel like you'll get a lot on the elementary side anyway so you can speak get them moment that's well I I know I just I don't think you'll have trouble finding Elementary staff that are willing to share ideas I definitely think that we'll get them for the educational Focus My worry is putting them in with the community members with all the yes trauma we have in this District which maybe that's where we step in as the spokes people of that like right I up to you guys that instead of putting them in that position that could be something that we present what they come up with I but yeah I think you can offer both I think because maybe somebody wants to do one and not the other sure so say what the communication to staff should be both the focus groups and the task fors so for a point of clarification I think is an educational um focus group yep they don't have to be live within the district what do you think about coming to the the community task educational focus group don't you don't have to live within the district but I would say on the task force you need to be within the district okay because in case there's an argument about you don't live here but you just teach here you know that's something get to deal with other comments other ideas clear as mud here Mr Brown that by so for clarity I'm putting something out to our staff now as well as a community just making them aware that we're going to look to form these groups here's what we're looking for nothing really starts until the 18th of October or excuse me the 18th of September the board will approve something and then at that that point please get information submitted and then at the October 2nd meeting is when final decisions will be made so we can start moving forward with the educational focus group and the and the task force or is it or did I miss I think I would just train because they want the educational task force to start the week of September 23rd so the 18th to the 23rd is a pretty quick turnaround so I'd say the educational task force we need to get that well there again this is just a template of an idea we may have to shove this back right two weeks or well I'm just saying if this is our current goal we got to get that out there sooner than right yep no I just want to make sure that you're not this isn't lock nothing thing here is locked in it just was an idea of a way to flow this thing to say all right this is kind of a schedule we want to stay on so we keep things moving in the right direction if this can't start on the 13th or on the 23rd you know we maybe have to push it back a week or two just to make sure that we have things in place but and and again on the other end we may not need six meetings it might be done in four it might be done in five so you know those are the other pieces that are going to be play out in this whole piece as well so yeah I see SAR you see that they're actually saying discussion on educational focus group makeup should be selected is what they have the board on the 18th you're right so I who's on it yeah because the it says today we should be consensus to move forward with forming it yeah well I I guess I don't is there anybody that's not thinking we should you know I think everybody here is in consensus that these are things we're going to do we just need to figure out what the process is you know I don't think that we're not finding consensus here nobody's screaming that no this is a bad you know we just got to figure out timeline that's going to work but probably should get maybe out to the staff in the next couple days that's what I'm saying so not waiting until the just preliminary we should get this out in say hav your interested submit your information maybe a few principls can get them to tell us tomorrow on the first day they tell us tomorrow that would be a good day for that put something there said by the so we have it before the 18th and we can make that happen on the 18th yep no and plan on a two hour meeting on the 18th well no I mean so for the application I see they they're ideally 2hour meetings the cgb was two and a half true yep that's a good point I think they I think they didn't note that they just said from their experience once you get past two hours people's productivity is tapering out so they their goal was to keep those things down to two hours and and then if we need to obviously if we need more meetings if we you know we just don't want people to get burnt out on a five hour meeting and not I know that next week we have slated for Tuesday and Wednesday to have Elementary staff meetings is that something that I should discuss at our staff meeting next week absolutely just say here's a list put your name down and how many because they'll ask how many from each building so that's something you should probably think about too is how we're going to do you think we're going to have that many um well like how big are you thinking like are you well it's going to be one group for schol per site so I mean are you going to get more than 10 people that are going to say I want to do it probably not from each building yeah probably not I would think 10 I don't know it's a lot but and how do you manage that within the school day I mean we get rotating subs and certain people go at one time like certain grade levels and bring other grade levels so maybe think that over and let me know and yeah because I mean if we can give them a little direction as to Y they're going to have three from South and three from North chances are they will probably Talk Talk Amongst each other to come up with you know like okay these are our three levels you know they're usually they operate like that so so we can give them some direction in terms of they're gonna be separate groups is the way I am I not reading this right that so sou would talk about their educational yeah Focus issues is that what I'm reading is that and I think that was part of this whole traffic you know the part of the whole piece here is we want to you you know is is what we're doing now you know obviously it's been working for everybody knows since I went to school here all that stuff but um you know the idea is to look at you know what's the answer for what we have you know so we need that input from each each group to say you know these are things are working really well for us um you know maybe it's a small adjustment from what this building does or that you know whatever that looks like so it looks like in their suggestion it says Administration you know selection of teachers and special education so I don't know if like you would want to do one you would want to do one and Nate would you know what I mean if we had one admin per and then got you know that's I didn't mean no no I'm just saying because that way if you guys each did one then you wouldn't have to but you did mention special ed and so that probably would be one piece that you would want along with your regular instruction you probably want somebody from that realm as well um so you might want to did you say for that one or repairs in the I think he want support staff yes I just couldn't remember I think maybe our number is one par professional or support staff that could be parah or secretary yeah I would say probably custodial staff somebody from the custodial staff as well so is six to eight a good number I'm I'm thinking at least five because you have your administrator and then probably a couple teachers two or three teachers but if you have if they've already identified special ed that only leaves two General Ed right so okay two gen one special One support staff one Adat I would think that if you get to that number and there's one more person that wants to be you know I don't think that these would be locked in stone and if you don't get that number maybe we go with you know whatever that is um again these meetings are facilitated by this organization right so when the teachers go it's facilit okay during the school day or is this something where people are volunteering their time for my understand be during the school day so we have to facilitate Subs as well because it's coinciding with the September 23rd site visit at North Elementary so I think they're going to do it at that same time but it could happen in the afternoon so maybe we do it from 2 to 3:30 or 2 to 4 or something like that or 1 to 3:30 or something that way whatever fits best for your planning schedules for subs and stuff like that okay and is there a place that I could get a little blurb or is there something that you could send out so we could I just want to make sure I'm speaking accurately to what I tell the staff about I'll push something out to all of you so yeah you could just use that same piece there so it's consistent so they don't say Well Mr wood makes it s like we're having a party it's s like we're doing work here so I think yeah we'll make sure it's consistent so everybody because I I see one other guy that's sitting in the back that probably needs to be included too or is it Stacy probably probably Tech because I think they've talked about that piece as well just kind of where our technology is so Kevin should be part of that conversation and there's going to be larger groups so maybe we're we're anticipating but yeah I think Kevin you definitely need to be there as we talk technology and and then probably some influence from Chad as well so it's probably going to be those focus groups might be closer to eight people I think by the time we get I guess I'm not sure Kevin if you have to commit to all three buildings or or how that would work but I will do whatever is needed let's make you in Chad carpool and these guys as long as there's Pizza I'm good plan on plan on picking the pizza up on your way to you want me just to hook up the fifth wheel and Kevin and I can just put a sign on the side that says right we'll travel we'll travel for pizza I like it yeah we'll travel for pizza there you go so are you do we know where we're going like everything y so I'll get that email out for staff I'll put something together though too and run that by Claire and probably somebody else in the district just uh say does this look like enough information and it's just purely informational to make people aware that an application piece will be coming out in Octo or September 18th and what that deadline is for them but probably letting them know what the commitment is I would say would be a big piece you just because we don't have that packet in front of us um what timeline are we looking at for this educational focus group because we want it done fairly soon this is a week of September 23rd to have it assembled and then meeting already be 23 that's why all three buildings here it only shows just here it only shows North and South I see though it shows North and South for site visits but it shows groups for focus groups so it' be probably like a morning site visit and a meeting and yeah something like that let me reach out to them that's a pretty full schedule say I don't know how they think they're GNA week doesn't say the 23rd the week of that they GNA try to get I'll I'll confirm that with them tomorrow and let you know so I know they talked about wanting to see morning traffic e you know afternoon at both buildings well you can't do that at the same time and I don't know how many people they're going to you know we've we've seen obviously two or three in our meetings from them but I'm assuming they have other people you know on their in their crew but I would guess that we're going to get this you know and so that group is meeting just that one time NOP then they're to come the week of October 7th the educational review efforts oh that's just reviewing the efforts I'm not sure that they need to be there it just says why would well I think there should at least be a representative from I don't think it necessarily needs to be whole group but they're going to review whatever they came up with that at next one so I would say no you it would be just that commitment to have the educational focus group and they will guide that meeting and would just come with ideas as to one meeting yeah oh okay so I said we that would be the one is we want you for one meeting but if you want to join the task force then you be be the longer but they would apply they would apply for that for then I'm say can I motion to please any other discussion I have a motion for adjourn all in favor say I oppose same sign motion cares [Music]