e e e e the that our lightning detction system goes off we do not our alarm secondly the home side of the field can make their way down to the front entrance of the school or to their cars and wait out until we get the all clear signal the visitor side can make their way down to the cafeteria entrance of the school or their cars where you can wait and we will wait for the all clear signal when we get the all clear signal we will return to the field and continue graduation outside up here on the tur so once again in the event that our lightning alarm system goes off we ask everybody if you're on the home side of the field towards the front entrance of the school where the doors will be open if you're on the away side of the field make your way down to the cafeteria or to your cars when we get the all clear signal we will resume graduation ceremonies outside up here on the turf thank you for e e e e e [Music] [Applause] [Applause] la oh [Music] oh [Music] oh [Applause] oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] la [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh la [Music] la [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] la [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] a [Music] oh a [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] a [Music] a [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] la [Music] oh [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] la [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you [Applause] please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance and remain standing for the national anthem I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all oh s can you see by the dawn's early light what so proud We at the Twilight lastes and bright bright [Music] St through theight the ramp parts we were so G streaming and The [Music] Rock Pro through the night that our flag our flag was still there [Music] Stars Spangled B yet [Applause] W or the land of the free and the home of theing [Music] [Applause] everyone may be [Music] seated um before I start my speech I'd like to uh continue a tradition and do a senior selfie thank you thank you to all parents and staff for attending today's graduation I also wanted to give a massive thank you to people who make this school run thank you to Mr mroi Miss Hobie Dr Westervelt M uh Dr Westervelt uh and Mr dberto for making sure we have a functional school I would also like to thank Mr manella and all he has done for athletics at West Essex congratulations on your retirement last but certainly certainly not least I'd like to thank the custodians and our maintenance staff who work so hard to keep our school clean coming from a dad who manages facilities at a school I know how hard it is to keep a thousand kids who use the bathrooms every day running smoothly and looking as good as it does it is no small task no mess in the cafeteria was too big except for that one yogurt incident no task to man not even searching the locker room room for a certain class President's phone even though it was home the whole time thank you for making sure our school is one we want to be in thank you because you do not get thanked enough to the class of 2024 our time together has been strange for a lack of a better word I remember smiling ear to ear when they told us we'd be finishing eighth grade remotely for many of us that remote was either an Xbox or PS4 instead of virtual classes many of many of us conquered the virtual worlds while devouring oatmeal cream pies and a leader of coke just me um life was good who would have thought it would actually get better when we got of our pajamas got out of our bedrooms and got ourselves back into the building there is quite a bit I could say about our high school experience but I'm not certain the statue of limitations of high school Shenanigans so I'll gloss over some of the truths and mention some of the highlights freshman year our faces were covered with masks our schedules were built around cohorts and hybrid learning and last and least at least one of us split our pants busting a move at fi in the 10th grade we tried to convince that the school runs on sophomores but they really ran over us we spent Halloween together and celebrated many sweet 16s as we learned the importance of being punctual while at least I did as Juniors we Rose together like minions we read The Great Gatsby in search for our own green light we went to prom and headed down the shore I'll leave it at that as seniors we sought revenge against all those who said we are the least athletic grade and we wouldn't even win color day we showed them one thing we all learn senior year however is when it rains it pours and pours some more thankfully even though I live in the only nonf flood zone in Fairfield all my tardies were unexcused those days we learned that the administration can also rain down on us and boy they did locked bathrooms ID detention blitzes phone jails no such thing as excused absences sick unexcused broken leg unexcused shoulder shoulder surgery unexcused torn achilli unexcused on your deathbed unexcused stay home after the Super Bowl unexcused and every absence ever unexcused as well as one special one too exhausted from a weekend full of graduation parties unexcused it's it's actually amazing that some of us got senior service now we are sitting here at graduation hoping that it doesn't pour on us again today symbolizes the beginning of the next chapter of our lives our lives are full of decisions the path we take from this moment on will be of your own choosing Choose Wisely choose poorly just know that each choice will be your own to make you either bear the fruits or reap the consequences of each one of your actions for example the opportunity to give this speech as your class president came with numerous amount of choices for me to make unfortunately many meth methods my classmates used to accomplish tasks in high school could not help me here I cannot ask for someone's copy of their speech because there's no other class president I canot ask my mom to write it for me because her English is worse than mine I could not use perplexity AI or chat GPT because while well written those things wouldn't ring true I am not a bot I'm as real as they come I could choose to ignore the emails from Mr dberto and Mr mcnaught about the content of my speech but that would make me a bot and Bots aren't smart they say AI is smart but I would like to change that word and the meaning of that word smart gets thrown a lot what is smart I believe the word smart is used to discriminate People based on what they deem intelligence is intelligence is a spectrum a smart person is someone who does not view themselves as such according to Socrates the only thing I know is that I know nothing this is real knowledge the only thing you truly know is that you are real you know you're real because you can feel you wake up every day knowing you exist I believe true knowledge is achieved when that is understood that is the understanding which we must have as we graduate here today we're going to out into the real world breaking the bubble that is West essic getting away from the school drama fake spray tans and basement Gatherings that we swore were fun we are finding our own path some of you haven't may have a more hedonistic approach to life that's right live Young Wild and Free while you still can because that might be what you need don't let anyone look down on you for your pursuit of pleasure because you are an individual special in your own way others here would prefer to delay gratification hope for greater rewards down the road don't let the naysayers tell you to have more fun your path will take you to the place you want to be in life we are not here however just to talk about the future it's a good time to remember the past and all the time we spent together we share a bond we all have different lives different ways of thinking but for six hours a day we share the same space we went to club meetings pickleball tournaments and Miss Kinsey's office you you won't remember that one grade you got on the test but you'll remember the times in the junior calf screaming ready to see your classes for the next year you'll remember seeing Mr dberto getting pied in the face you'll remember the plays the musicals the Championships the time I got robbed by Dom kuszi Nam after Mr West essic remembering these times doesn't mean we peaked in high school well maybe Dom did his living his version of living on the prayer would be tough to beat remembering these times me remembering these times means we value shared experiences for some high school is the best years of their lives and right now they should be for us but today is our biggest move up day yet through all the changes that we will experience we need to keep as many memories and lessons that we can before we eventually kick the bucket it has been an honor to be your class president president your classmate your teammate your friend and it's an honor to graduate alongside all of you thank you good afternoon Board of Education members faculty staff families friends and students today we congratulate in honor the class of 2024 at high school graduation this important Milestone marks the end of one journey and the beginning of many others graduates high school has been a time of learning and growth you have faced challenges celebrated successes and most importantly learned the value of hard work hard work is the foundation for Success it's about dedication perseverance and continuous Improvement true hard work means showing up each and every day putting in the effort and pushing through barriers it's about learning from failures and never giving up it's a concept that applies to every aspect in life because at some point in time you will encounter obstacles you're going to experience setbacks and you will undergo moments of Doubt but instead of giving up consider these obstacles as opportunities for growth staying focused on your goals and trusting your abilities one of my favorite examples of facing adversity involved NBA legend Michael Jordan who was cut from from his high school basketball team instead of quitting he set specific goals and practice endless hours to improve his skills in his words whenever I was working out and got tired and figured I ought to stop I'd close my eyes and see that list in the locker room without my name on it that usually got me going again Michael Jordan's hard work ethic perseverance and ability to set clear goals led him to become one of the greatest basketball players of all time so seniors whe you're whether you're heading off to college starting a career or pursuing other dreams always remember that your willingness to work hard will be an important factor in your success class of 2024 congratulations and best wishes [Applause] thank you today we come together to celebrate the remarkable achievements of the graduating class of 2024 over the past four years you've navigated a repetitive high school routine waking up at 6:00 a.m. catching the bus attending classes participating in extracurriculars and perfected the art of procrastination and studying for that next test this routine is to too familiar to me as I've experienced a similar pattern for the past 23 years much like the movie groundhog day however today is different this year I was actually voted by a senior class to give a commencement speech unlike my senior year of high school where I lost the election after being president of my high school class for 3 years and I was not able to make my speech so today I get to make the speech I never got to make for the class of 2024 for those of you that did not get the reference to the movie Groundhog Day because it was made in 1993 and does not involve Taylor Swift Tik Tock or Tinder it is a movie where the protagonist Phil Connors finds himself trapped in a Time Loop reliving the same day over and over again at first he sees this as a curse like having bathroom duty every day and seeing the same seniors getting their daily 10,000 steps in like Alex Esposito Nick janish and Ethan kurlin burning those extra pounds to make weight as the story unfolds Phil begins to realize that this repetitive cycle could be fun he starts to joke around and enjoy every day like I do when I give ridiculous dating advice to seniors who have no Riz for my generation Riz means game John Luka viscuso I hope my advice finally starts to work for you in college through these repetitions we learn to appreciate life's small moments we witness achievements like Angelina Jen Carelli earning a full division one scholarship to play softball or Liv fulo and sha berac pursuing accounting we see student council victories such as Evan feldstein winning his election and sitting up on stage during graduation and triumphs like Dom kuszi another Italian from Fairfield winning Mr West Essex and wi and witnessing incredible music talents such as way Trey wakashima and Max Raymond as we reflect on our shared experiences remember that the most significant days can be both the best and worst Days of Our Lives Groundhog Day teaches us to embrace the present and find joy and fulfillment in each moment like Ava vagio who despite her injury her surgery and crutches through two seasons remained a beacon of positivity and support for her teammates life is what we make of it Embrace each day as a gift it took me years to move past losing my senior year election it was somewhere during my Groundhog Day PR repetitive life of teaching and never leaving high school that I made the conscious choice to begin living with intention and gratitude I learned to find beauty in even the most monotonous circumstances thank you to the administration and my fellow recent class advisers Mr mcglenn Mr Walsh miss fernicola and miss procaccino and especially Miss MCD who's retiring this year thank you to my family especially my son col who is here today in attendance you have all made these past 23 years the best of my life even though every day seems oddly familiar and finally thank you class of 2024 when you wake up tomorrow and it's June 15th you will break the cycle and the day will not be like the day before you will face new options and I encourage you to embrace them wholeheartedly you can choose to wallow in self-pity or see every day of your life as a gift we will all experience losses and make mistakes these setbacks no matter how big or small have the ability to shake us to the core they will make you question your worth and change the way you view life it's been 27 years since I lost that election in high school and I want to empower you not to let those losses consume you the way it let it consume me it took me a long time stuck in a groundhog day time Loop to realize that each loss each stepback we encounter is an opportunity to see the best in ourselves persevere learn grow and become even stronger and finally if one day you find yourself in a groundhog day time Loop and you feel like you can't change the channel welcome it and courage to make a change the smallest change in perception can lead to a Wonderful Life congratulations class of 20124 thank you sounds good afternoon class of 2024 friends and family teachers and administrators esteemed guests and anyone else who somehow found themselves here today before I begin my short 2hour speech I would like to extend my gratitude to some influential people in my life to my parents who have worked tiously to provide for my siblings and me to my friends who I constantly bothered with questions such as what should we wear for this event and whose support is the reason I stand before you today to my church who welcomed me into a great Community to our teachers who went to school and came back to school just to educate us to the band who had to rehearse the same graduation music for the past month and to the most important one the West essic class of 2024 with whom I've had the honor of being a part of all these years it felt like yesterday when our high school Journey began when we walked through the entrance of the middle school meeting kids from the other three towns a febru l trip a cancelled Washington DC trip and an extended twoe break turned Global pandemic later we entered the great hallways of the high school correction we entered a year of Zoom after school reopened we had a School's first ever sophomore semi we competed at Pep rallies and cheered at football games we danced we still there our Junior Prom and before we knew it we were seniors we could leave for lunch we could sleep in drive to school and run past administration just before the second bell ring and throughout these high school years we experienced a variety of emotions we felt anxiety when we started a group project on the day due we felt relief when we submitted an essay at 11:58 p.m. we felt we were on top of the world when our teacher didn't check the math homework that we totally did not forget about I believe that it was these small moments that define our high school Journey however our time together is approaching its final hour after today we will go to various places heading in all the cardinal directions some will be 3.4 Mi away While others will be over 2,800 Mi away there are 270 graduates gathered here this afternoon together we are the class of 2024 but we are also 270 individuals each with our unique strengths perspectives passions 270 dreams 270 different stories a singer who runs a nonprofit organization a dancer who want coding competitions a musician who collects pop figures a swimmer who volunteers As A Firefighter an actress who loves reading novels a runner who walks right after practice an artist who directs movies a writer who advocates for their beliefs a student who will be receiving their high school diploma today who will be embarking onto the next chapter of their life remember this era of memories filled with laughter and tears of all the times you've fallen down and climbed backed up of all your success es and future aspirations and remember that you are the Trailblazer of your own path it has truly been a wonderful Journey with you all what we have experienced is ours and only ours congratulations class of 2024 we have survived High School [Applause] [Music] friends and family welcome to the greatest High School in New Jersey yes you know everyone everyone employed by this District take so much pride in what they do and I'm just so happy to be a part of it what will the nurse's office look like now that you're all gone your freshman year no one would even talk to her you would Dodge her calls parents would all be dodging her calls just in case you were in the same town as someone who coughed but now it's like everyone is quarantined inside the actual nurse's office but when you were not in the nurse's office you have some amazing accomplishments football North group 3 Champs girl volleyball yep yep girls volleyball won their division field hockey state champs this year and every single year that you've been here that's a four P I think they're actually on six pets I don't know how many pets but it's a lot of pets baseball won the division Esports are state champs you have the First underwater mural which is highly appropriate after this year the wire and their very talented Ed editors document all this and lots more for you boy swim boy swim won the Liberty division for the first time since 1981 that's 43 years for a reference for a reference the last time the aquanites won their division Soft Cell was topping the music charts with Tainted Love wrestling had eight District Champions the most ever sent 13 wrestlers to Regions sent five wrestlers to one of the most competitive state tournaments in the nation and one of you placed sixth that's right I saved you guys for last the marching Knights are state champs after taking first place in the US band [Applause] circuit that's quite a legacy for you all and you are going out with some power Educators as well tasiana baros Cindy MCD and manella Lisa tamburri three of them are standing right back there right now see they still got your backs your middle school assistant principal emulate any of these individuals and you will be okay in life Mondo thank you very much for the roast and praying on all of my insecurities that was more ridicule than I had my first time in high school for the record I did have braces but they shifted back my niece actually asked me once when she was younger if I was missing a tooth in the front so thank you once again for praying on my insecurities it's important for us to be able to laugh at ourselves it makes us more resilient and who doesn't want to laugh about silly stuff and even occasionally at the expense of others that's why epic fails and skibby toilet will always generate more online traffic and likes than anything with substance we still need substance we need character we need stories of inspiration just don't search your phones for them because that's like searching for caviar in a cesspool the most inspiring stories are happening right in front of you frequently during the moments in between those Great accomplishments and you do not need to look further than your own classmates or your own family I apologize that these need to be intentionally vague but they are you the freshman year your hybrid year with cohorts and temperature scanners on the first day of school and every day thereafter there is this one girl who smiled so big that even though she had her mask on her eyes just lit up I said to myself if this girl is so enthusiastic to come to school I'm going to make darn sure that this is the best possible experience she can come to even in these ridiculous circumstances that That's The Power of a smile your emotional honest emotional honesty is also incredible one of you young men got in a wee bit of trouble once and a young lady was involved and while sitting it in 700 you simply said but I love her love is good my friends outside of school I once watched one of you walk a classmate into what was potentially a hostile and definitely an outnumbered situation and two of you have embraced and supported classmates even when those same classmates and perhaps the community were not so nice to you last story in 1968 Joseph dberto dropped out of the University of South Carolina and enlisted in the United States Marines after he finished boot camp at Paris Island private Joseph dberto was promptly deployed to Vietnam there was a war going on which typically include some of the more unpleasant displays of humanity as a boy who used to run around the woods in full camouflage and building forts I was enamored with the idea that my father was this jungle war Marine veteran on occasion he would regail my siblings and I with stories mostly about some of the insane but lifelong friends he had Acquired and their Antics but of all the stories there is one thing he told me that I remember word for word to this day one time I was asking him what his job was in Vietnam and he told me he was stationed on a Jeep sometimes he drove and sometimes he was on guard the following are his words my official job was to shoot anyone who approached the vehicle but my real job he said but my real job was to throw food rations to the little Vietnamese kids that were chasing after the Jeep class of 2024 and everyone in attendance What story do you want people to tell about you live that story thank you for [Applause] listening today June 14th 2024 as the principal of West Essex High School I am certifying that the class of 2024 has met all of the requirements of the state of New Jersey for graduation superintendent Machi Board of Education family and friends I am proud to present to you the graduating class of 2024 [Applause] thanks you can sit down now please welcome your valedictorian Anna [Applause] wilcoms good afternoon before I begin I would like to thank my family my parents my grandparents and my brothers David and Anthony for not only supporting me but also tolerating me these past four years I would also like to thank my friends whether it's those I've known since our days together at Grand View or those I've met along the way as well as my teachers and my guidance counselor all of whom encourag me to grow not in only intellectually but also emotionally finally on behalf of the class of 2024 I would like to thank the administration and the board of education for their continued commitment to the student body it's an honor to stand before you today on this stage although as a softspoken person I've been offered a microphone many times to speak louder in class I never imagined I'd be using one in front of so many people at graduation honestly I really struggled deciding what to talk about introspection does not come easily I spent hours scouring the internet and watching videos of past graduation speeches in search of inspiration I could start out by throwing out platitudes and life lessons but that's just not who I am in fact let me reintroduce myself to all of you my actual authentic self my name is Anna wilcoms I am the 2024 West Essex High School valadi dictorian but I'm also a ballerina a crocheter a coder and a violinist I love Harry Potter my two dogs moo and Stitch and teaching my preschool ballet students every Saturday I'm crazy competitive in trivia and board games and my favorite artist is Tim McGraw I was always too embarrassed to share my interests but here I am during my first 3 years of high school I was so focused on how others perceived me that I never really allowed myself to live in the moment with the beginning of senior year I realized that our high school experience was finite it was then that I made the conscious decision to enjoy myself whether it was choreographing a dancing gym traveling to Italy alongside classmates I had never really SP spoken to before or knitting in my statistics class during the last week of school I put myself out there in ways I wished I had earlier as for my fears there are many but here are just a few raising my hand in class with the wrong answer driving on the highway thanks Michael and Riley for chasing me down Route 46 during senior assassin and public speaking I'm standing before you sharing my Joys and admitting my fears you're welcome to to judge me but I hope to impart this message as we all transition into our future endeavors we must accept ourselves for who we are and this includes the good and the bad we need to share this authentic version of ourselves with the world because if there's one enduring lesson I've learned in high school it's that there's no fun in blending in with the crowd as a high school student if only for a few more minutes I admit that's a very difficult concept to accept most of us act differently in the pracy of our homes than we are when hanging out with friends and we behave even more differently uh when we are in school we obsess over not creasing our Jordans or the number of likes on our most recent Instagram post but at home when we are the most authentic version of ourselves are these the things we really care about as we enter the next stage of Our Lives I encourage you to begin implementing what I wish I had done sooner celebrate your Joys and confront your fears to become the best version of you whether it involves taking a class in a subject that interests you joining a club or volunteering put yourself out there surround yourselves with people who share your interests and encourage you but are also willing to tell the truth you will most definitely have to step outside your comfort zone and be a little vulnerable yes there will be failures and successes but as we all learned here at West Essex you are neither defined by your worst failure or your greatest success in short be you in the words of children's author eel kongsberg before you can be anything you have to be yourself that's the hardest thing to find thank [Applause] you and now the awarding of diplomas [Applause] [Music] Alysa Marie [Applause] aate Mary aaor [Applause] Aiden [Applause] Alberto Janessa syes alus janess congratulations Jacob Alan Jake Nathaniel Alvarez congratulations Ethan alare congratulations Jana Bella amilio Gabrielle Rose Angelo Michael N [Applause] appio Zachary Arthur artali Nicholas [Music] Baka Michael Joseph barbarito [Applause] Michael Paul Barbosa Amanda Sandra Barlo Luke Edward Barrett Victoria [Applause] Bayard Daniela benava [Music] [Applause] sad Aaron Berg Chloe Juliet [Applause] Berger sha William Bonacci Caitlyn Byer Aaron Luis Blanco congratulations Natalia Paulina blazon Sydney bonai Samuel Vincent [Applause] bonsor Aiden n [Applause] bue Jessica Janette Brennan Sophia Marie [Music] brignola Gabrielle May Burke Joseph C busigo Mia Butler [Music] Sophia Noel cajano Nicole Marie camparo Khloe Nicole capasso Simone Elana Kaplan Leonardo caramelli Emily Aaron Carpenter Charlotte H casaza Christian Anthony castra Vinci Joseph Richard ktina Alexandra an Caesar salutatorian Alex yusan Chen pingin Chen Patrick Thomas Chippendale Sarah Eliza chatov Nabil chowdery Zachary chalia Rebecca Mara Clemens Michael Alexander cobos Amy Koka Haley Joy Cohen Christopher J cologne Delaney Rose canel Domenico [Music] [Applause] [Music] kuszi Ryan Conway Jonathan M Costa Owen Blair Coello Aaliyah crate Luke Nicholas Crum Brennan Joseph Cunningham Mia diamore Nicholas DeSaro the fourth Caitlyn Rose De Gro student representative to the Board of Education Joselyn deguzman Robert a delmo thei Christina Marie Duca Briel DeMarco Jack alowishus demichel V Dem merian Junior Francesca Adriana Dio Dominic Joseph DeBartolo Dante Carlos degia Anthony Lewis Doo Sophia dwarte yasaman DNA Josephine Marie duva Zoe M eisenberger Jonathan LCC Alex Esposito Alyssa Farina Katherine Alexis Farley Sophia fasani Olivia fulo Andrew Jack fa Evan Brett feldstein Drew Aaron foyin Jackson Field Devin T fog Eric Mark forier Julia Christa fod Luke Steven fredman Michael Connor fredman Riley fredman Nicholas Anthony gagiano Ava Elizabeth Gan Tyler gan elen Agron gshi Laya May gabro Angelina Rose Jen Carelli Marco chalai Melanie Brienne Gomez Garo aush goatee jazella Maria [Music] Grande Braden w guabas Patrick Alexander Giuliano Lauren Jolie Hayne Julia hzc Jeffrey haraca Kennedy Grace Havens Katherine R haza Jonas himan Sarah Elizabeth holer Allan Hugh Jack Thurman ianuzi Luca infusino Gabrielle Rose ier Alexandra jablonski Nicholas Raymond janish Ethan Thomas Jara Derek jeo [Music] Jack Roco George Kira capadia William Keenan Nicole Kelsey Ethan James klin Julia Rosa kersner Paul archel ctii Steven Joseph Kimbell Jr Eden Rose CLE field Colin Henry Co Stella Cole Alina kalenov Evan Joseph kman Brandon Quang William Gardner Lanning Ryan Nicholas Lasher Alexa James last Brandon laau Matthew David ler Aiden Shay lifer Alexander Luke Leon Haley Jane lenberg Nicholas Richard lever Roger Lee Jasmine CH Lynn Alden lanin Francesca Nicole lafredo Ava Maria lamio Samuel Dominico long Sergio Michael moso Abigail Grace Malik Richard A Malone Gina Rose mangarelli Ava Manning Olivia Elizabeth man OS nataline marotti Olivia Markman Isabella morero Riley Marsh Danielle Grace masaro Luchia Francesca Matarazzo Edward machovsky Gian Rose moriello Kira McCarthy Alexander Gordon McHugh evangelene KAS manella Matthew Matthew Nassau molesworth emilyn Faith Molinaro Alana Marie Monae Jake Peter Montano Gerardo Marco Monon Cassidy Paige money John Michael Moss Sophia Danielle moano Alejandra Munos Leah [Music] Nal umu endow Sophia Elizabeth Nichols Christopher modestino Nigro [Music] Sardar oir Serenity rain Pagano Mia Marina Palazzo anuka Satya Papu Akash Patel Dia Patel Jay Patel Simon R Patel Raa Angeli pwen Lila Jenny poo Nicholas L pavvy Jack V Payne Tessa Grace Payne Alexa Rose Panino Brian H Perez Morgan an Pini Marley Alysa Pearl Victoria Perry Briana Lynn Peron Delany Grace [Music] picoli Daniel piler Anthony Gino Peron Nicholas a place Mario lazaros Pontius Justin Zachary panski Claire Alfreda Pria Alexis pres [Music] balinski Pino Mario Mario poro Madison an Quigley Michael Richard Quinn Shayla Ral Max Harris Raymond Joseph John re Jr Brian Anthony Reyes Mark rhs Luke Ryan Romano Eliana Hana Rosen Eli Nathan Rosenthal Riley Patrick Ruan John Anthony Rubino Vincent Russo vieta JEA Ethan Michael sone conratulations Derek Benjamin [Music] satz Eric scalesi JC sha meline Ellie shei Jordan Nick Simeon Allison Lynn Simmons Brandon Michael seori Gabriel John [Music] sledit Ella Ray sorg Juliana Maria sperelli Matthew Joseph Steiner Margaret Isabella SWAT Sebastian zuba Anna talong Douglas Rock Taylor Leonard tenorio Alana Rose tufaro Dominic James Tano Kaye Elizabeth Ura John Luca vescuso [Music] Ava Grace vagio Brianna conetta vano Florio Trey wakashima valedictorian Anna Elizabeth wilcoms [Applause] Owen Scott Winkler John D [Music] Winslow Marcus Jason wji Molly Rose wolf whose diploma is presented by board member Debbie Holland stat her aunt Abigail Woods Alexandra Josephine rosinski Colin Yang Jacob Zach Thomas Frank Zack Abigail Marie zanelli Joseph zerillo Isabella Sarah zuzi signing off as your high school principal my name is Caesar [Applause] dberto can all graduates please rise class of 2024 to signify your graduation from West Essex High School please move your tassels from the right to the [Applause] left congratulations to the class of 2024 [Applause] [Music] [Applause] that concludes our ceremony thank you very much congratulations have a great summer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] a [Applause] la [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] la [Applause] [Music] la la [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] everything up we're not e e e e e e e e