everyone of Al I Al to the FL of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible Miss Pino here miss Eagan here miss hollat here Mr parate here Mr Sher here Mr Sone here Mr trumman is absent Miss wtz Miss Calderone here notice of the December 11th 2023 meeting of the Board of Education was emailed to the clerks of the bureaus of essexfells North cille rosand and to the township of Fairfield and to the editor of the progress on January 6 2023 and the Star Ledger on the same day notice of the location change for the remaining 2023 meetings was emailed to the clerks of the bus of vestic spells North Cola and rosand Ander the township of Fairfield and the edit of their progress on August 15 2023 notice of the location changed for the December 11th 2023 was emailed to the clerks of the buroughs of essexfells North cwell and rosand and to the township of Fairfield and to the editor of the progress on November 21st 2023 welcome to everyone it's so nice to see people in the audience for positive things um and especially right before the holidays it's nice to enjoy some good things and and accommodations for our students and things that are being um recognized for our staff and students and the board welcomes you all here this evening um and with that being said I really don't have any reporting specific so you can take over you want to start off okay so we're going to start off with um with one item with um which is sad for those of us who have been on the board and have shared so many years with Cindy Egan um and we miss wtz would just like to give some information Cindy will no longer be with us there will be a new board member representing Fairfield in January um but Cindy has given many years of dedication to the Board of Education so um on behalf of the board Cindy I just want to thank you for your nine years of service to our community um you have been a dedicated board member dedicated to the board dedicated to the students their success and um our schools um as some people may know or may not know you had four children go through the school district um all four have graduated gone on to great schools great careers Cindy herself is an alumni of West Essex yes yeah um before joining the board Cindy was very active in the West essics Community she was a member of the band booster uh she was president of our football booster for many years that's where I originally got to know Cindy and we've been friends ever since um I'll keep this short but um Cindy has served on every Community I mean every committee on our board um most importantly you served many years on our our finance committee and you have kept us very fiscally responsible uh you've chaired that committee many years um you've also served as board vice president and you served as board president during her uh her um tenure as board President we were in search of a superintendent I think you're very uh instrumental in um helping us hire a new superintendent who's not new anymore but Mr MAOI so that all um happened during your tenure as president um you know you've put 110% into everything you've done here always the voice of reason on this board um you know you just always are very levelheaded in your decisions and um you know just want to say you know it's a great loss to us we will miss you um you know you've done a great job here um I wish you were here for a few more years but we understand um you know you're ready to go and uh just wish you the best in the future and um you know just thank you for all you've done giving back to the community of West essic Fairfield all the towns um and just you know your dedication to the students here at West essic so thank you it has really been an honor to serve um it's amazing what a district we have here it's great education for our children and I appreciate the staff that keeps it running so smoothly so makes our job a little easier up here so thank you just one other thing we're very lucky as a board um because we do have dedicated board members who have given many years to service and um there are three of us who are actually alum and I from West essic and you know of course our children all went to school here but we've all given Mary um Mary has between North Caldwell and West Essex 18 years um Ry Jonathan all of us here Cindy Frank you know we've all been here and um really do are honored to be here and get elected each year from the community so we also want to say thank you to those of us who support us out there and have given us the opportunity to be the voice for you and to actually give the give the reputation of West essic to continue on as it has been so we thank you and we thank the board members and especially Cindy right now who will no longer be with us going forward but I'm sure we will pull her in in some way shape or form along the way so thank you again Cindy okay okay uh I too send just want to wish you the best of luck it's been a great pleasure working with you um happy holidays everybody this evening um this is one of the nicest board meetings of the year because we get to um recognize student achievement we get to acknowledge our um staff members for outstanding performance um so this is definitely a great way to uh go out um of uh 2023 um um just a couple uh plugs for our winter uh concerts um we have two uh remaining this week tomorrow night is our district band concert over at the high school auditorium at 7 o'clock and then on uh Thursday December 14th is our district orchestra concert um which will conclude our three-part series last Tuesday we had our choir concert um if you have an opportunity to go see any of these I highly um recommend them um we're full swing um with the winter season our Middle School sports are underway basketball wrestling uh basketball for boys and girls and wrestling um our high school winter sports season ice hockey and swimming is underway and then this Friday um all of our other winter sports open fencing track basketball wrestling um one big uh congratulations to our 20 23 Governor educator of the Year award recipients and um I'm not going to take away the Thunder from our principls they're going to do that recognition but one big shout out and congratulations to them and a big congratulations to all of our students that are um here this evening as well and um last but not least Friday December 22nd just a reminder and probably nobody needs this reminder uh that it's a single session day and um we wish you guys um a happy healthy holiday season and a healthy and happy New Year so with that being said I'll turn it over to our student board rep uh Joselyn dezman hi I just wanted to acknowledge some of the student uh commitment throughout the community in the past month so so far we've had a successful production Queen in the maskers program for the West Essex High School Musical um the football team went to group three state championships at brers where it was very cold and rainy but it was no fun nonetheless the turkey classic was able to raise over $4200 for the calwell food pantry where almost I think every grade had a team and it really represented West essics as a whole field hockey won their six cons consecutive group to State title girls volleyball and state soccer went to state state sectionals and marching nights went to state championships in the everyday school of West Essex we've had our first activity for the no place for hate which this program is supposed to Target building tools to fight prejudice and discrimination within West Essex our first activity was within our English classes and it was based upon discussion questions with the main goal on how we can improve our school to have no Prejudice in my own English class there was a lot of student teacher interactions as I read many poems and discussed without with my peers for an entire period about this and all these responses led to identifying our weak points and continuously working towards improving our school from the student perspective we took these perspectives to the first climate and culture meeting with parents where we want to take action from an uh we want to take um action and put education on different cultures that push further than why we should not discriminate against others in other news the Multicultural Club had their annual friends giving where we were able to welcome new students from New Jersey and also from turkey and other countries and the national English Honor Society had their showcase where there's over 20 acts of poems songs and other uh speeches and finally over the past month there have been a lot of field trips which I think is very valuable from the student perspective that I would like to shed light on from the AP research and seminar going to ruers to learn about college level of research to film club going to clarage cinema and Montclair to watch films and have real conversations with directors and AP art Euro French art history going to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and looking at all the art pieces throughout the centuries so that was my summary of the last month in the students perspective of West essic thank you uh great job Jon um so um we're going to have the board actually we're going to move down to the front row I'm going to have Dave dropped the screen and we'll have Dr dun leevy and Mr dberto come up to the stage to do our governor educator of the Year Awards s good evening everyone my name is Gina dle I'm the principal of West stics Middle School thank you for joining us for this special board meeting it's probably one of my favorites of the year we are starting off with our Governor's educator of the Year Awards it is my absolute honor to recognize Mrs Michelle lombardoi as West Essex Middle School's 2024 Governor's service professional of the Year during Mrs lomber DOI uh her 11year career at West essic she began teaching health and physical education for grades seventh and eth she is currently in her fourth year she is currently in her fourth year as our middle school guidance counselor during her time as a health and physical education teacher Mrs lamardo assisted with schoolwide events such as the American Heart association's Hoops for hearts the hero assembly that culminated the character education curriculum unit and our annual field day during this time Mrs lamardo also served as the seventh grade class adviser which was above and beyond her position in addition she was the head varsity cheerleading coach for 10 years and created a top tier competition program and corresponding middle school program both of which are still running strong today as an educator Mrs lamardo believes in educating the whole child Mrs lombardoi is caring approachable and inquisitive her counseling conversations with students often revolve around academic courses peer relationships home life and social media she often asks students to share details of their family culture and traditions as well as their personal interests Mrs lomber dozi Fosters self-efficacy skills by having students set attainable goals because as she states quote I believe it will set students up to be confident healthy and independent individuals who are lifelong Learners regardless of the environment Mrs lamardo advocates for her students during team meeting she demonstrates her ability to multitask be flexible and think quickly and effectively she also makes it look easy to diffuse difficult situations while still upholding ethical standards of confidentiality Mrs lombardoi embodies our culture and climate initiative and our Weare core values of collaboration awareness resilience and empathy she is a true team player who goes above and beyond for her students as well as the entire world essic Community we are so very fortunate Michelle to have you on our team without hesitation you are our service professional of the year please join me on [Applause] stage [Music] [Applause] it is also my honor to celebrate Mr James quinas as West Essex Middle School's Governor educator of the year for 2024 Mr quinis has served the W essic middle school Community for 20 years as a middle school social studies teacher and athletic coach as his colleague eloquently wrote his commitment to meeting student needs desire for professional growth Community involvement dedication to the education profession and outstanding rapport with students parents and staff make him an outstanding candidate for educator of the year in the classroom Mr quinis creates an inclusive learning environment where all students are inspired to reach their potential Mr quinis encourages his students to share their individual stories perspectives and experiences on his application packet he wrote I try to highlight these different backgrounds but remind the students We Are All One Mr quinis is currently finishing his master's degree in educational technology from the College of New Jersey these courses have enhanced the educational experience for his students by promoting engaging and interactive l Mr clinis uses data to drive his instruction and to provide differentiated instruction one colleague wrote quote he has consistently demonstrated a datadriven approach by analyzing student performance data identifying areas of improvement and then implementing differentiated instruction strategies accordingly whether it involves adjusting pacing providing additional support or offering enrichment opportunities Mr quinas takes a personalized approach to to ensure that every child reaches their full potential outside of the classroom Mr quinis inspires students as a West Essex High School boys lacrosse coach a middle school wrestling coach and a girl soccer coach Mr quinis is known for his sense of humor he just play jokes on some of us and his ability to create a nurturing and inclusive environment Mr quinis has also embraced our weak ha core values by creating a culture of open communication teamwork and a strong sense of Community Jim please join me on stage and everyone please join me in congratulating Mr [Applause] Jim [Applause] good evening friends oh thank you life so on to the high school Governor's educator and Edge Services professional of the Year this is the second year get these that we Chang the structure of the governor's educator of the Year committee on the committee we have the winners for the Governor's educator and Edge Services professional for the past five years so I want to thank Daniela cabelli Tony and cavalo Andrea laga Alicia Perez Amanda fernic Tony eming Di lman Karen Kinsey Michelle Gonzalez and we had a parent on the committee too that I see is here tonight Mrs infusino who coincidentally is also a recipient of the award of award herself so a very very appropriate member of our committee for the Governor's educator of the year and I thank them because this is this is really no easy task and you'll notice even especially some of my colleagues when I mentioned even those who were nominated all the teachers make a very very significant contribution to our school our community and our kids especially and so to try to measure one teacher's contribution against another it's very very challenging and we're not really comparing Apples to Apples or oranges to oranges but all the same we were able to choose an ed services professional and a Governor's educator of the year I'd like to acknowledge the other nominees for ed services professional uh professional that's Alysa Donnelly and Tony Tony eming is not even actually eligible because he won recently so he's not even eligible but but we'll we'll say his name anyway I hope that uh by saying his name we can at least get like another year or two out of him before he retires and Taylor would you please join me where are you come on up here well I say nice things about [Applause] you I have a special place in my for case managers this team of case managers handles with ease the most volatile situations that occur in our building they look out for each other and if one's out whoever is is the next door down no problem handling any catastrophes for someone else's Cas this year Taylor Lang is our standout sometimes non-educators and grown adults need just a little I feel benefit from just a basic reminder we have 1100 teenagers descend on our building every single day and they bring with them all of the love Rebellion heartache excite excitement empathy aathy and spirit as is typical and healthy for a teenage however occasionally emotions and circumstances May interfere with the normal cause of student school day when that happens Taylor Lang is that Beacon of support in Special Services I have seen her deescalate the most impossible situations with poise as the school's social worker she is thorough in making sure all of our students transitional needs are met and connects them to vital outside resources nominators and there were many state that Taylor offers support to students on various cognitive levels and differentiate and differentiates her counseling approaches goals and objectives I would like to add that above all Taylor leads with and operates from her heart please join me in congratulating our ed services profession [Applause] be [Applause] and before moving on to the edge Services uh the governor's educator of the year I'd like to acknowledge the other Nomine nominees for Governor's educator of the Year Andrea beralo Kristen Capen Jacqueline collo Maria fagian Steven Miller Melissa Rowan and Tim Walsh Elizabeth would you please join [Applause] me this year's winner nominates colleagues for this award every year including this year so two of the individuals who I just mentioned were nominated by this individual but this year this is your year to be recognized with this award and in this case it is long long overdue I have said before that this individual is one of the kindest individuals I've ever met but now it has been confirmed by the survey from our very own Family Feud at least for the number two spot I'm sorry Melissa aers got the number one spot but there's something in her demeanor that is so disarming and soothing for students and even potentially hostile parents as an administrator you walk into her room and stop in your tracks for a moment because literally every single frequent flyer to 700 that's our discipline office is in her room and you're like wow you got a crew in here but she doesn't even recognize it to her they're just they're just learning chemistry she doesn't even raise her voice ever one nominator St States that her success is due to her willingness to listen to get to know her students on a personal level and share in their both in their accomplishments both in and out of the classroom years ago when I was an assistant principal and before she did her stint as an administrator she was doing her internship hours with me in 700 she'd be helping me with discipline and she'd be encouraging me to go much lighter on them that I was actually comfortable with back then I had a conversation with former superintendent Barbara long ago I think it was after I had the privilege of visiting one of Liz's classes and Barbara said emphatically Liz rickord is a master teacher and that phrase Master teacher is just so accurate I had the opportunity to work with Liz as an administrator and she she was one of the best administrators I've ever worked with and so let's have a little confession here sometimes at work colleagues May vent about each other here and there just on very very occasionally it's okay it's cathartic but I will say that Liz never ever did she never had a bad word to say about anyone never a negative comment about any any any adult kid ever she is not only an educator of kids but a life coach to colleagues in a previous year when Liz was nominated Lisa rubel wrote it is a privilege it was a privilege to work with her because she makes us better Educators and better people Lisa who used to co- te with Liz and also said to me on several occasions during that 2021 school year which was the hybrid year and even after that she said that Liz was her Savior and Liz was the only reason that Lisa could even come to school the ref the rickord contribution to West Essex education does not stop there Liz's family has established the Brian Shaw Memorial Scholarship in her brother's honor and each year her family continues to support kids with this generous scholarship which also includes a pencil lizz's West Essex alumni herself she graduated in 1995 I actually have her yearbook here not to embarrass her but if if you're interested so that you can see that she has not changed one bit how do you do 25 years in education and still look exactly the same except for the banks but they're coming back please join me in congratulating Elizabeth Ricker our Governor's educator of the [Applause] Year let's go for our photo up [Applause] you Mr dberto you're not supposed to share graduation years because people can do math it leads to age where's your manners West Essex Middle School believes in educating the whole child which means focusing on academic achievement but also on students social and emotional growth at the end of the school year we hold our annual honoral assemblies which recognize Gro averages however throughout the school year we like to uh recognize students with strong character as many of you may know student members of our Culture Club identified our We Care core values last year so tonight we are shining a spotlight on some incredible students who have truly rocked our Weare core values which are hopefully they know these by heart the C is for collaboration the r is resilience e is empathy and a is awareness these students whether it's teaming up on projects helping a new student get acclimated to our building bouncing back from challeng challenges showing heartwarming empathy or just being super tuned in to our wests school Community are our picks for this marking period um in this first semester for this Spotlight so hold your applause Until the End students I'm going to call you up and when I do please come up on stage please remain on stage so that we can get a group picture so for collaboration this involves uh being inclusive and uniting our students and staff whether it's completing tasks in the classroom being a good friend in the lunchroom or somewhere else in the building we'd like to recognize Anthony serlano Kyle Moran I don't think Kyle was able to join us but I do want to recognize Kyle and Elizabeth schlasser being aware includes being alert to personal feelings of others um and just being aware of our school community and the local and National Community we'd like to recognize Lucas Flynn Nicholas Jen Carelli Emily Chris noisy and Zoe waj being resilient and having the ability to work through tough tasks and overcome adversity again whether that's here at school whether it's on a playing field on a stage uh or perhaps overcoming something at home we'd like to recognize Ava castiglia Sophie kzco and Dylan ker and finally for empathy having an ability and this is really hard for middle school students to put themselves in someone else's shoes and have an idea or a sense of how they may be feeling in certain circumstances we'd like to recognize Mila infusino and Logan ronet and I also want to take a moment to thank Mrs tamburri for joining me on stage and for everything that she does to support our students thank [Applause] you it I e before the high school comes up to recognize their students I was asked just to give my typical principal report so we have four activities primarily at the Middle School uh that I think the kids really enjoyed and uh took great pride in most of these are surrounded our excuse me involving our culture and climate initiative we had our Bobby Illinois dodgeball tournament which is always a huge success it's on that half day before Thanksgiving this is a real team Builder the kids get to select their own teams and you know that you can see by the pictures they choose kind of their their uniform if they if you will um if the eighth graders are here I'm sorry but the seventh graders did meet you this year um in the championship theme so that's always a fun event our Builder club uh did a Thanksgiving food drive and you can see they're working hard here to bag everything and take it to the cwell food pantry we had a social media challenge you may recall me sending out in the newsletter we had uh a guest speaker Lauren Morello um providing an assembly we challenged our students to limit their social media use to under two hours for one particular day you'd be really shocked if you go into your child's settings to see the number of hours we have some students on social media upwards of six hours or more a day um it was actually really eye openening for our students so we had this challenge you can see the winners at the bottom um and I want to thank our art club and Mrs Massa for creating the the kind of um poster and the the thermometer here to keep track of that so that was our social media Challenge and lastly our Toys for Tots we did uh through student council and hopefully some wonderful toys will get to some children in need this winter this holiday season and that wraps it up for the Middle School hello again since 1999 ShopRite has been bestowing Awards to individuals for Exemplar performance and character each marking period faculty members nominate candidates for academic Athletics the Arts leadership and service to the community the shop right stars are then selected by a committee the Stars photographs are mounted on a banner at shopright as well as on plaques that will Adorn our walls here at West Essex will the first marking period shop right stars please join me up here so for academics Sarah chadov is managing six AP classes this year including Cal literature as well as micro and macroeconomics she is the only student this year to get a perfect score on an AP uh macro unit test he does that so far in high school High School sar's lowest final grade in any class of any year is an a not an A minus an a Sarah [Applause] CH for athletics Riley Ruan is captain of the football nights and he consistently displays great leadership sportsmanship and high quality play on the field as a fullback on off and back on defense Riley contributed significantly to the team's huge success this season coach Benny had some colorful metaphors for how tough he is but for the board meeting I'll just say he's tough as Nails Ry [Applause] ran for the ARs Thomas zck plays Chone in the marching band where he constantly helps the new members of his section he arrives early and leaves late with all the equipment he also helped to propel the marching nights to their success this season finishing a state champion in in the US band circuit Thomas also plays in our small Jazz Ensemble Thomas [Applause] sa and for leadership Matt Steiner Matt shows great leadership as one of the we unite peer leaders he stands out among other of the enthusiasm and energy he brings to every interaction he has with his freshman group advisers report that he seeks out students who Miss group for any reason and that he has gone above and beyond for certain individuals Matt doesn't even know it but I per personally witnessed Matt do some really really standup things here during the time that he's been here so far Matt [Applause] Steiner and for service to the community wrong page here Sophia dwarte volunteers her time for Fairfield Recreation and she's helped coordinate charity events for her volleyball team for which she is a captain she has also served as her as her class for years and to do so out of genuine desire to create a great experience for her fellow classmates Sophia dwar if anybody wants a photo now down there is better thank you can I get the second marking page shoppr Stars for academics Akash Patel is also loaded up on AP classes and is also completing four years playing KET in symphonic Wings AOS is doing a research project for AP research class for which his research question is can the design of explainable artificial intelligence applications be more accessible and interpretable to the users without background knowledge and AI in the credit risk management industry I need to I needed to actually read it like seven times before I began to understand it Akash Patel Alexandra jabli is is captain of the girls volleyball team she's an outside hitter and led the team with 159 service points and 42 Aces she was named SEC first team and SEC o academic team by maintaining above a 3.5 GPA Alexandra is a significant factor in the volleyball team making it all the way to the state sectional finals for the first time in school history congratulations for the Arts Delany picoli is the art Editor to the wire and has been nominated to Reg in choir three times she has participated in every drama drama or musical the mancers have done most recently Queens she has also created her own documentary that encourages other students to volunteer for the monair community for Delan and for leadership Yasmin DNA is also a peer leader but with a very special role rather than a group of freshman Yasmin assigned is assigned to new students of all grade levels in fact the day after yasine was named shoppr star I saw her in the hallway with the guidance counter who was giving a brand new tour a brand new student a tour the new student spoke very limed English and Yasmin Wass to run translating Yasmin Olivia is not here but I will say something nice about her anyway for service to the community aside from being one of the friendliest faces in our school Olivia MOS is a model of community service she is volunteered for over 400 hours in Camp Fatima of New Jersey a recreational facility for individuals with disabil Olivia has been recruiting many of her friends to volunteer as well our shop stars for second markting [Applause] period you so just the remainder of my uh principal report I'll try to wrap up really quick because I promise you that that the rest of the board meeting is not as fun as it's been to this point once again West Essex is participating in several charity drives during this holiday season community members uh should consider donating the Key Club annual holiday toy drive has already concluded but I do have some photos of the uh the sheer amount of toys that they had that was donated on the next slide student council and Angel Wish Foundation are taking donations for sick children in hospitals all over the world donators can choose locations individual children and items on their wish list the angel wish L link is just angel. org westx also the West Essex and James colell ice hockey team is having its first ever teddy bear toss and that's at their game on on December 22nd at six o'clock pm in Cody Arena fans are just encouraged to bring a new teddy bear and at the first goal whether it's whether it's our team or the other team every one throws their teddy bears on the ice to be collected by the players and in sports news some of these things Joselyn already touched on like uh the the foot football going all the way to the group three state championship at Ruckers where throngs of family and friends showed up for support Jon also mentioned the field hockey winning their sixth consecutive uh group two State title of course girls volleyball for the first time in school history advancing to the north 2 group two State sectional final and and girls soccer as well Advanced the north 2 group 2 State sectional finals I'd also like to congratulate any senior athletes who have committed to playing in college and that there's about seven of them here Nicole camparo will play field hockey at Columbia University Devin fog will play baseball at urenus College in Pennsylvania Angelina Jen Carelli will play softball at Manhattan College in the Bronx Evangeline manella will play field hockey at Villanova University in Pennsylvania Riley Ruan will play lacrosse at Quinnipiac University in Connecticut Ally Simmons will play field hockey at the College of New Jersey in Ying Ava vagio will play soccer at the College of New Jersey in New in ying and ABY zelli will play field hockey at Bucknell at the at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania Joselyn also mentioned the uh our uh turkey classic and I would just like to thank some of the the sponsors to that event Dio F food service Willowbrook Animal Hospital ticktock Diner any excuse for a party Trinity Contracting SOS which is side out Sports the Pearl Branch the Pearl Beach Inn Hadad Plumbing legal bay lawsuit funding Premium Auto Premium Auto Detailing real te Allerton pest control silverstrom group D Dentistry The Original Pancake House and uh Delizia Pizza finally oh that's our toy D lots of toys I would also like to uh put a plugin for our our concerts this week tomorrow band and then Thursday Orchestra so hopefully you will attend thank you very much so although the remainder of the meeting is very exciting this is the portion where typically 99% of the auditorium exits have a happy holiday everyone one Li Cesar you want to keep these they get get those yet like was that a duplicate certificate or no are those yours or genas maybe they're genas are those yours you just tell me when you want me to start Dam you just tell me you just tell [Music] me what did you say yeah you tell me ready okay so this next portion of the meeting is the harassment intimidation and bullying report we are mandated to report this two times per year at a public meeting so the dates of the reporting are September 2023 to December 2023 as board members you're already aware of most of the information on this slide but I'm going to review it for the public So within the high school we have four reported cases in total one is founded and one is still pending at the middle school we have 26 reported cases 12 are founded and zero are pending at this time the protected categories of Hib that are a part of all of these reported cases include race color religion gender sexual orientation and mental physical sensory disability or other distinguishing characteristic which is another category the type and nature of discipline that has come out of the Hib investigations include counseling social probation if necessary a reporting to police suspensions remediation measures and written assignments so this concludes the reporting publicly on the Hib investigations thank you I never got that you I okay good evening everybody you can hear me right all right all right I had a much bigger crowd at my last meeting presentation also okay um I'm here to report on the order of financials uh so 6323 I'm going to give some financial highlights and at any point in time if you have any questions please feel free to stop me okay so on the first page of the summary on top of the first page you have the comparison of the uh overall fund balance at 63023 uh which is $22 million most of that is restricted in their reserves you have $435,000 in encumbrances which are Goods that you've placed an order for as of June 30th but has have not received as of that date $17.5 million in capital reserve that you can use for anything in your uh long Wing facilities plan that might look like a big number but if you have any significant project it can go really fast $981,000 in maintenance Reserve that you can use for any required maintenance $437,000 in unemployment compensation for unemployment claims I know the state's still behind on sting out their bills $500,000 in current year excess Surplus which you have to use in your upcoming budget your 24 25 year 500 in Prior EXs Surplus that you are using right now in your 234 school year so that leaves you with $1.6 million in unassigned fund balance and you can see it's a drop of $840,000 because uh the state lowered the cap on that from the 4% the temporary 4% for the two years uh back down to 2% now the mle section is a recap of what makes up the overall increase in your fund balance you have $300,000 in uh excess in local Revenue over what you anticipate as revenue and that most of that is in interest earnings uh excess in state revenue of $869,000 that's uh mostly extraordinary Aid $2.7 million of unspent budget appropriation after you factor in the $400,000 of encumbrance you left with $2.2 million unspent that's about 5% of your budget it's a good thing because it goes back towards the it replenish the Surplus that you used during the year which is 612,000 uh you liquidated prior incumbrance of nearly 400,000 and between the cap reserve and the maintenance Reserve you took out $227,000 any questions so far all right so the bottom is a trend of how much fund balance you've been using to balance your budget as you can see uh the last couple years is about 00,000 uh this year in during your your current fcal year is 500 so in 2425 we're still shooting the for for the 500 now if you flip to the back second page at the top is a recap of activities in your Capital maintenance Reserve uh as I mentioned before your maintenance Reserve about 17 and then uh I mean capital reserve excuse me 17 maintenance Reserve is 900 um 80,000 uh in your 23 24 budget you would you had budget withdrawal of 15,000 so that's leaving you with about $830,000 the middle section is a comparison of the activities in the your Enterprise fund your food service fund and as you can see uh you had a raise in uh revenue and corresponding uh increase in expenditure prior year and then the bottom is a just recap of your long-term liabilities I'm not going to go into details really for informational purposes unless anybody has any specific questions okay and I have to commend your you know Financial ministration once again for a very good audit you good in good financial position there are no formal recomend ations and I have to thank superintendent bus ministrator and all their staff for putting up with us during the audit we asked a million questions so we app appreciate everybody's patience um thank you okay if there's no questions and I wish everybody a happy holidays guys [Music] for okay well to all of you who stayed hi we'll have a raffle at the end and you'll get prizes youe us um you all heard our audit report and I would like to specifically thank Melissa our ba she is extraordinary in keeping us in tune to all of our fiscal responsibilities and she and amen work together to make sure that we are fiscally responsible and can afford all the things that we need to do for the facilities and academics and going forward so we've been very lucky and uh we do appreciate all of their help with that being said Do we have any comments from board members or board committee reports Bethany curriculum got it the curriculum committee met on Monday December 4th and several revisions and additions were proposed new High School courses were proposed um pop culture in American history CPA AP Psychology French one CPA and Spanish for Heritage speakers honors as well one revision for high school Ela was that the English for CPA and honors will now be offered as a full year course in the Middle School the reading class will be replaced by four nine we courses students will have a different topic and a different teacher each marking period the topics are designed to meet the needs and interests of different of all the students and to better prepare them for English one freshman year and finally after much research and review by teachers and administration the new textbook for seventh grade math will be Big Ideas Math and that is it our next meeting I believe is in the spring to be become any board member questions concerns okay um our next Finance meeting will actually be this week on Wednesday we have a finance committee meeting scheduled so maybe I'll ask great to report all right yes he's under the weather but he did stick with us this um public comments noie dokie with that being said we're going to start following uh Finance motions uh Cindy the following Finance motions are made at the recommendation of the superintendent of schools anything placed on this agenda items one through six will be voted upon in one motion and I sub move second second Miss Pino yes Miss yes step for I abstain to number three and number four that was AB okay okay uh Miss hollat yes Mr PR uh yes to one and two abstain three and four and yes five and six okay Mr sherff yes Mr Sone yes Miss wtz yes Miss Calderone yes Frank building and grounds sorry uh the following building and grounds motions are made at the recommendation of the superintendent of schools anything placed on this agenda item one will be voted upon in one motion I so move second Miss Vino yes Miss Ean yes Miss hollat yes Mr parate yes Mr Sher yes Mr Sone yes Miss wtz yes Miss Calderon yes Debbie curriculum the following curriculum special education motions are made at the recommendation of the superintendent of schools anything placed on this agenda items one through four will be voted upon in one motion and I so move second Miss recino yes Miss Ean yes Miss hollat yes Mr parate yes Mr Sher yes Mr Sone yes I miss no okay Miss wtz yes Miss Calderone yes Jonathan Personnel following Personnel motions are made the recommendation of the superintendent of schools anything placed on this agenda items 1 through 27 will be voted upon in one motion and I so move second Miss Pino yes Miss Ean yes Miss hstat yes Mr parate yes Mr Sher yes Mr Sone yes Miss W yes Miss calron yes miscellaneous um Bethany the following miscellaneous motions are made of the recommendation of the superintendent of schools anything placed on this agenda items 1 through 17 will be voted upon in one motion and I second Miss Vino yes Miss Ean yes to numbers 1 through n abstain from 10 to 15 yes from 16 through 17 okay Miss hollat yes to items one through 15 abstain from item 16 and yes to 17 okay Mr PR um items 1 9 yes items 10 to5 I abstain and items 16 and 17 yes okay Mr s yes Mr Shar I mean sorry sorry and I was gonna make it easy on you and just say yes but now I'm gonna go through them one by one yes Mr Stone Miss wajt yes Miss Calderone yes okay do we have public comments on non-agenda items okay with that being said number one the Board of Education would like to wish a very happy and healthy holiday season to the staff the students their families take this time to enjoy Traditions make memories get all your reenergized for the new year coming forward and just enjoy the time off I um I as the board president would like to thank Mar del wtz for all of her support as being my VP this whole year I couldn't have done it without her and the support of the Board of Education um the members we are very lucky to have each other um we're a very cohesive group that really supports each others and respects each other and I'm grateful for that in this year and I wish you all a very happy and healthy healthy new year with that being said I thank you everyone it's truly been an honor to serve with you okay that being said there no further business before this board of education be resolved that this public meeting be adjourned at 84 still wasn't bad all in favor