girls flag uned States misso Miss Chrystal Miss holl Miss C here Mr Sher here Mr Sone here miss wz here okay notice of the July 17th 2024 meeting of the Board of Education was emailed to the clerks of the bus of Essex vals North P rosand into the township of Fairfield and the editor of the progress on January 5th 2024 and St Ledger on the same day welcome everyone tonight is a very exciting evening um we will be appointing um two new hires very big hires this uh you know our school year uh we have a new high school principal Dr werel and we have a new right a new assistant principal Amanda Forte so we're very excited um you know we love the combination we have a nice group there with the um three new fale admin I know I'm not allowed to say that but girl power but no um so we're very excited to have um our new high school principal our new assistant principal and our other assistant principal Miss um so we're very excited about pointing them uh this evening um I also want to mention that we have a family Paul and Amry bestant bestant sorry who made a very generous donation to our school of $14,000 for new uh wrestling app that we also will fill vac member this evening uh we have two candidates who applied for the vacancy so we're going to do that at the end of our meeting tonight we will go through our agenda and then after our comments we do little interv session with them into our exective session um discuss the candidates and then come back I just want to mention that as AO our principal and assistant principal that's why detail Sor for thank you uh Mrs wtz so welcome um everybody to tonight's board meeting I do also want to thank the bastante family for their very uh generous donation uh to the athletic department which will be used towards the purchase of new wrestling mat so I'm sure the uh wrestlers the coaching staff and our athletic director are very uh Happy um that we will be uh using those funds uh towards something really nice for the wrestling team so thank you to the bastantes um yes tonight is a very uh exciting evening I'm happy to have um hopefully we're finished hiring administrators it's been a busy couple months um all for good reason though um so yes so tonight um I just want to mention um a little bit about Dr Kimberly Westervelt who I'm recommending for the position of high school principal uh do Dr Westervelt just a little bit about her she started her career she was a a teacher for seven years um teacher of English at Patterson Eastside High School um Wan Patterson she was promoted to the position of supervisor of English she stayed in that position for three years she then um was very interested in becoming a building administrator so she um started at Montclair High School where she served as the assistant principal at Montclair High School while also serving as the English supervisor for the high school English Department after spending four years in Montclair she saw an opening here in West Essex and she made a lateral move over here and spent the last five years working as the assistant principal at the high school um I can go on and on about Dr Westervelt but I do want to mention just a couple things um uh Dr Westervelt is a is like your go-to person um somebody that you can always count on she's been on several committees Wellness committee social justice committee culture and climate committee she served as the AP test coordinator she ran the uh no place for hate program at the high school um she served as the interim English supervisor at one point the English supervisor for Fine Arts and Music and much more so um very happy uh this is 20 years for Dr Westerville and I'm very happy to be recommending her to the position of high school [Applause] principal so taking over um my uh is Amanda Forte Amanda I'm gonna have a hard time not calling you Fern so formerly Amanda fernicola um she's been a teacher at West iic for the last 10 years um for the first half of her career she was a social studies teacher taught a number of uh classes in the social studies department for the past five years trans trans uh transitioned over to our we connect um teaching position where she worked with teachers of all subjects and kids of all backgrounds um did a fantastic job in that role um she somebody that has completely immersed herself in the west essic culture and is just a part of so many activities and has taken on so many leadership roles security and safety team member so School culture and climate team member social justice Committee Member adviser for the Key Club adviser for the student council works for the athletic department sells tickets at football games chaperon chaperon is just about anything that's asked of her was the 2022 2023 Governor educator of the Year award recipient served as the SAT ACT Testing coordinator was able to get me 50 pizzas donated to our teachers for a free lunch in about a week she pulled that off so um just thrilled to add her to our team um I know our everybody um was unanimous and in moving her forward so happy to be recommending Miss Forte tonight [Applause] thank do we have any comments from board members Miss W I'd just like to say congratulations to the both of you um I know when we interview you know we do Mr Mochi does an excellent job in all the administrators having an unbelievable committees and going through the whole you know the whole system to make sure and you know we do know that there's outside people that do come to you know to the table and that have you know comparable or you know um abilities or certificates or whatever but it's always nice to see that we take our family and we held our family accountable and that they're always ready to step up and it's nice to see the promotion from within um it's great because we know that you have an emotional connection to the staff and to the students and to the campus and to West Des and you know as you know Mr Machi always goes well it came down to and we kind of go like okay we we know we know that the people that we start with are the people that we want to continue with so as being a fellow educator I I'm really so proud that we continue with those of you who we've you know promoted fromin and um it's just great we're looking forward to all the wonderful things that you will continue and bring to the table so we wish you all the best very well said de I I just want to say um I was an envious of your job as knowing that you had to do this because I know how many incredible teachers and admin there are in this school and so I can only imagine what it took to secure this position should feel so proud and we're really really um excited to see what comes next you know for West do we have any board committee reports or anything so this time then we'll open up the Flor for comment on agenda items does anyone have any comments on agenda items okay then we will move on to our action items um Ray would you like to take Finance following Finance motions are made at the recommendation of the superintendent of schools anything placed on this agenda items 1 through 14 will be voted upon in one motion are there any questions or comments Miss yes Miss yes Miss H yes Miss C yes Mr sh yes Mr s yes for items one and two abstain three and four yes 5 through 14 super agenda Miss yes Miss chrisal yes Miss holl yes M yes Mr Sher yes Mr Stone yes Miss W yes Jonathan do you want to take personel please the following personel motions are made theend of the superintendent of schools anything placed on this agenda items 1 through 34 we voted upon in one motion I so move Miss chrisal yes Miss holl yes missone yes Mr Sher yes Mr St yes items 1 through sixain seven yes8 [Applause] Yesa do you want to take a curriculum please sure the following curriculum special education motions are made at the recommendation of the superintendent of schools anything place on this agenda items questions comments Miss Miss chrisal yes Miss hollat yes Miss yes Mr sh yes Mr Sone yes Miss yes open up the floor for public comment on non agenda items comments on non agenda items okay great then at this time we will start our interv our intervie process you're all welcome toie have two candidates from rosand have an interest in us bring ask questions that's fine thank you so we have Bruce Bruce you can come up here you can come up either seat doesn't matter take your pick yes yeah rude okay it is small um you know first I just want to start off by thanking you both for having an interest and coming here to be a part of the Board of Education um it is a thankless job we' dou our zero so we did get a copy of resum but if we work this is G ask a question or two well everyone's GNA ask a question you know maybe we'll start off Dawn you ask ask the same question then the next we'll start with Ruth you know this way everyone get the same question start off like I said we all received your resumes but if you can just maybe give us a little um blur about yourself little bio whoever wants to go first to been in educ my life I'm currently um an assistant principal of a lower school and the director of Early Education in Livingston um I've been doing been at that school for almost 19 years so as you could tell I don't leave I stay I commit um but I think in particular in that role um it is a private school so I think yes wow okay um the relationship between being fiscally responsible um Administration teacher parent and student happiness is um a constant tug of war and I think that part of this role is understanding all of those Dynamics the important role that all those people play around the table and I think my biggest lesson I've learned is to be quiet and just listen and hear the thoughts um and to try as much as I can not to put my own personal opinion or experiences on decision making but to really listen to the evidence in front of you and for that I think it takes practice and maturity um but being in education I think someone else Deborah you said I heard you say you're in education maybe that um after many years in education I think you learned that role of pulling back and listening and reflecting is that is that okay is that good I a kid in middle school ioc kid in high school we have a dog have a dog too no I do have dog um so my name is Don spango I am also a of rosand I am a proud mom of two Rising sophomores that are attending the high school um I am also a esteemed proud resident of the burough of rosand my husband and I have resided there for the last eight years um I don't know if anyone has a chance to review my um work experience I probably could talk about that at for a really long period of time but um my work experience is pretty much been committed to public service I have 22 plus years um State local and County government uh my degree in Communications I believe is What plummeted me to uh pursue my career serving the public uh which is what I enjoy because I am a people person and I like to help people so I think that that is an important component to any aspect of any business or any job you might have to be successful is to be able to communicate well with people um and so um the same as you had just mentioned sometimes people do um they hear but they don't listen when there's issues or conflicts and I think that's a huge impediment to uh pushing the envelope forward and uh reaching our goals right um so I think that based on you know my experience um working in the public service sector um I have uh a lot of experience and expertise in conflict resolution with internal and external parties um I also have a lot of experience dealing with the public and dealing with the aftermath and what that comes with um very hard to please but although we do believe that being in public service is a thankless job I can appreciate the good work that all of you do because I also myself has have experience with the volunteerism I'm a former Zoning Board member um in the township of Livingston um I am also a current sitting a trustee slbo member on ndd which is the newerk downtown district the Bigg City State um and I also volunteer my time with uh local initiatives such as my daughter has attended um or participated so much in soccer freshman and it was uh very exciting because there wasn't a freshman team for a very long time but because there was such a large demand um we I guess were able to get put together a freshman uh soccer team and uh they needed volunteers to be team captains so um I myself volunteered to do that it was a wonderful EXP experience I think the athletic department is doing a phenomenal job and I plan on volunteering my time again this year to serve the community as best they can I'll why you are interested in joining our yes so I think that would be a great opportunity for me considering the fact that I I do have daughters that have benefited from the solid education that they've received thus far um I could with my skill set help ensure that future Generations are able to uh benefit from The Sound education that they're receiving here um I think that um the the qualities that I have would work well in collaborating with the board and supporting the superintendent on your goals and the Weare initiatives um and I think that it would be a good fit um with my skill set um I'll be transparent I'm I'm fairly introverted I have a small circle of friends which is ironic because I teach little children so you have to like play the role of it's acting um so I guess I must forfill something in that role um so it's I think my interest is not bells and whistles I I prefer to be behind the scenes um I prefer to quas help and guide as opposed to um at this point in my life I I don't I don't need to be upfront um and the shiny penny anymore and I I appreciate that this has a more of a lay leadership role that's behind the scenes and um a listening and learning and contributing um it happens to be in my skill set so it's of interest to me um you know I think when people ask me hey can you help out like booster club also it's I'll do all the technology I'll post all the schedules I'm very organized and structured and take notes um but I'm I going to be like come buy this $10 t-shirt unless you really want me to yes 100% I will but like is that going to be my first bet no because there's other people who are really great at that and let's share the we um but I do you know I think in my job in particular and this is what makes this one interesting because we as a private school don't have a board like this with um the the level of I think laws and procedures that need to be followed so that's very enticing for me to understand more of the procedural piece on a public school end um there's a learning piece of this that is also very interesting to me oh you guys are very thorough so I was gonna you kind of just sort of answered my first question for you so I'm gonna jump ahead and and you address this just a little bit just now um but get your thoughts both of your thoughts on this um what do you think you know what do you see as a school board member's primary responsibilities um you know what do you see as the role of a school board member do you want to go start take that so um as a role of the board member is to support the superintendent and collaborate with the board to um Carry On The initiatives um with the Weare uh District goals um make sure that you know everybody is following policy and procedure um based on my work experience I do that dayto day um with state and local government um we also as well have very strict rules and guidelines that we have to adhere to uh whether they're ethical or um federal state um so I've been intimately involved with those processes um in adhering to policy and also drafting policy so um I think my role here would be to uh contribute to the board and collaborate and support whatever initiatives the superintendent wishes to move forward with um which I think by the way I'm just going to add you've all been doing a phenomenal job as is um but since there's a vacancy I think that I could contribute toward that nailed it on no um I could keep talking but it's really hot in here having a hotash listen I think part of our role is to learn the policy and the procedures of the school and keep in mind that um we need to be like I said before fiscally responsible but also responsible for pursuing academic Excellence um and any which way we help support that we're we're moving that belt curve for I think we are ambassadors to the school so um Your Role outside of the building is important just setting a good example and talking positively about the school um it's about confidentiality and being respectful to the members and anything that comes up in meetings um so I think in those aspects are a natural quality of mine and and for transparency the the policies of which we run a board meeting and how those take place I've never sat I wouldn't know how that went I would be a complete learner debate when I was running I think de asked me that exact question like was an audience question as I recall and I'm still learning and but I think you guys both uh have a down better than I did back then yeah thank you um you guys kind of Ted think examp your relationship abilities yes um okay that's a that's a fun topic I just to start um sorry I just like jazzed up like okay um okay so I work at a school I started as a classroom teacher um and at 25 I became their literacy coach and I had to be their literacy coach for teachers who for the same age as my own mother right so part of that is learning how to build rapport and trust and relationships with those teachers that they have Buy in and so that that you're not sort of the new age person coming in with new um educational jargon um within those years I think we've be able to build a school that both parents and teachers are feeling as if they part of a Community Field together the ways we do that are we initiated a liaison committee where parents get together and gather feedback about the school it's presented to the administration we give the feedback back and then it's sent out in an email that sort of explains all that with certain rules and guidelines on how that information is portrayed the goal of that was initially just to help our family build more trust with our school inevitably what it turned into was a good opportunity for people parents to feel like they were volunteering and being part of a process um that maybe they didn't touch before so those elements of ways that we can bring parents in to be part of the learning experience um this year we started a book club if you haven't read the anxious generation you should and then go burn your phone um but we're starting an initiation our school goes till 12th grade also we started two and a half till 12th grade so it's a very wide range of understanding children um but that level of just like on a baseline of how to build community with our families and our teachers listen at the end day it's exactly what I said before is that you need to stop and listen and here I think education is a very personal career it's a very isolating job you can definitely be siloed so the more that I think theard can and that teachers feel like they have an Avenue for expressing what they're learning and interested in and there's validation from your board right you're stepping outside of that siloed environment so this is another way you can do that by serving on this board is you're building that team not directly indirectly right but there's validity in passing the things that they're of interest to as simple as the books that you're reading in the summer right there's work that went into that um so that is like the line but I would say as an educator you're in team building left and right that is the story of your life right whether you're building it with threeyear olds n9y olds 10y olds or parents you need to build their trust that is relationship building believe in true transparency I'm G to say it to you the same way if you're two and a half or if you're 50 right it's just the method of which you get there and how you're saying it but you I do believe however that Equitable is not the same um and that equable you're getting what you need and so I think maybe that would be my only baggage I would take with me to any decision making is that I I don't think it's always everything should be um always the same you really need to listen to everything to understand the complexity of it especially in a field like education I don't I think I tangent Don take it away um Team where it makes the dream work um so obviously working in government it you know not being part of a team is not an option um you're dealing with external internal parties um the division the state agency that I work for now has multiple divisions and so navigating those divisions and being able to be uh the regional manager which I am for my region um it's I'm charged with the responsibility of getting my team and my divisions together to come to resolutions for problems and you might know that is not an easy task um you know some find um you know some issues to be insatiable um you know you you find a solution and then it's still not good enough but at the end of the day I think that um you know I've been tasked with those responsibilities due to the fact that I am um I'm I'm very good at it um I've also been appointed to uh numerous boards within my agency to be on to be jur for artist selections throughout the state um for different stations um gender equality board I was recently uh appointed to to do studies and collaborate with different team members from different divisions to determine what policy should be changed altered or stay the same in order to create a good environment for the employees um I think anytime you get together a group of individuals people are going to have their own opinion and I think that's a good I think everybody should be working together collaboratively to come up with the best decision possible um and so based on my work experience I I really haven't had an option to not be part of a team um I work in government community relations and that just comes with the territory uh with that being said um I think that it's not always um an easy feat to be dealing with decision-making processes but it is the best way to get to the end result which is Success um so I I have been part of um many team building type committees um I've had to collaborate in team effort um on my position with the ndd as well um i' I've had to collaborate with fellow zoning board members and I was a member there um it's it's something that comes uh very easily for me because it's part of my day-to-day function when I'm at work and then also outside of work my um other volunteer positions do requ a lot of teamw work to make the dream work and that's that's just the way it goes right so welcome both of you um and thank you for your position um easy question so what do you see areas that we could strengthen in our district sure yeah um so I would want to as a board member um obvious collab other board members and support the superintendent on the initiatives um to expand and grow um you know social and mental um health education um also social media awareness and and safety um I think they're all uh super important components to the overall structure of the educational system you want um students to have uh concrete sound sound board for uh quality education but if they don't feel that they're in a safe environment um that's fractured so I think with reverting back to the the Weare Mantra I think all those factors combined I think I would want to enhance and strengthen those goals um and work with the board to support them um those are you know areas that unfortunately are always fluid they're Ever Changing um with our social media and Technology um things are not staying the same so with that as a board you know you have to look at those things and and maybe ad modify to make sure that you know the students are getting the best experience possible um social media is if you read the book it actually says in early childhood is when you need to start addressing technology in your house and now that our children are in middle school and high school it's um it's it's it's it's disheartening it's just an interesting you said that just on my mind this book is on my mind um you know I think politics in general is um an area that's let's backrack five steps I think in West Essex we are a fortunately bubbled for the most part area um and when and how the political temperature of world not just our country at all but really the world um is going to impact life and um how we can support that ever growing I think that for sure mental health is sort of the has been the bucket preco um everywhere has you know tried to reflect on guidance and I think our job as a board is to have checks and balances with the superintendent about that we're feeling as ambassadors in our towns and what the school is seeing and what they're experiencing and I think there's a really nice Safety Net in West Essex and um how do we maintain that but also make sure our children are prepared for life outside of our bubble and I think our role in this again is a listener and an observer um the ones that are in the building and have a pulse on the children so I'd be presumptuous to say um hey this is what we need to work on but can I see that especially in like a high school life that climate yes can I save my own children I've been really satisfied with what I've seen and the level of communication and the scaffolding of that happen happen especially even coming from a private school I think that they're well prepared but they they're in their book never know our town is already so so packed friend what would we um um I would say that two areas one is um I think both my boys are in a loving way but like very run-of-the-mill kids um and I think that I don't know if they're as known as people as they could be by faculty and guidance and so I think if there was a way to you know it's sort of like when you're a classroom teacher you have like the really advanced level kids who are raising their hand and the children who are struggling and you're like yikes I got to catch you up and then you're like you're on level kids and you're like cool but Bobby's always going to be doing great so I have like two bobes you know um and I don't think they feel it I'm just a mom um but ways and I think it's ties back to on was saying about guidance is you know you always worry especially I think in society now that like am I missing something as a mother with my children or is there something else I me God forbid that they're feeling throughout the day so knowing there's a lot of ways there's communication but it's holistic and I just wondered if there was a way that they felt that they had someone to turn to that was a faculty member and I'm not sure that they do um and the other piece I would add is just Reflections on um the level of material that is covered on like midterms and end of year finals I think that curriculum piece there's a little bit of dated methodology in testing and to I think that um especially when our children go to college the level of computer savvy and unfortunately or fortunately AI accessibility that they're going to have that can be generated for them what we're doing now is not in a bad way we're cutting that off but we're also not teaching them as much as we could I think the resources they can have for the learning process that potentially their peers right like this bubble their peers might have when they go to college and I think the system the system of this study and regurgitate for some subjects that's like 12 pages of review is just right it's it's sort of like if we're saying I did the same thing when I was in school It's just sometimes a good idea to reflect on it that would be my two reflection oh my gosh session by the way so I guess it's a testament to this board and the superintendent and former previous boards um my daughters um attended noer and from there went through the middle school and now are attending the high school um I have to say that their experience has been phenomenal and not just in as I mentioned before um you know educational component um the outside athletic activities have been um exceptional they've had um a wonderful experience um which is part of the reason why um it was something that I felt like I could contribute back to the community to be part of the board so future Generations could have the same experience um you know I think way back when which I don't want to say how many years you know I went to high school and those are still like the best days of my life um and they're not necessarily just like the most ex you know exciting period of time for me because of my education but it was the entire experience so I mean I do think that the board in general is doing a great job um keeping up with the climate um we we have so many factors that we deal with now within the school system that um Educators did not have to deal with um way back when so I think it's just a matter of as Debbie had uh keeping up with the times and making sure that you're ahead of the game when there's certain issues that arise whether it's um you know the aspect of Social and mental health awareness or social media awareness to make sure that the students along with their families are uh empowered with information because information is power and they can make the best choices for their family um so again I think that the school has been doing phenomenal job um doing this but I would hope to help expand and grow upon um keeping up with these um very everchanging issues that have a very uh direct effect on the everyday lives of not only the students but the faculty and the Educators um my sister's an educator in Bergen County and um although I'm not one myself um I do you know I hear about things that you know you know teachers maybe shouldn't have to worry about so much so again I think that um comparatively uh with what you're doing on the board uh with West tics is uh phenomenal I think that you're doing a terrific job but I I think that it's very important and it's very vital that you know you keep on it and we continue to track and monitor these things to see if there's something that we can do better um and again I think really sharing information and Empowering Families is an important part of that process um thank you welcome both of you um very thankful that you showed interest in this position and um listening to both of you in the last 45 minutes is you're twoo amazing woman and there's no doubt about that I think at the end of the night you say that again my husband's it's be very hard for us to to Really choose that also listening to the two of you how you are so very active in a daily life and outside inside outside the school so my question is do you have any idea of the responsibilities the time and the training that's to I don't remember first okay um so I do I actually I investigated that um and vetted that prior to submitting my candidacy I certainly would not want to overreach and volunteer for a position that I could not uphold um I do that with any aspect of my life I'm not going to overcommit myself um I do have a family I have two daughters I have other responsibilities I have an important um job that does get paid um however yes um I I did look into what the responsibilities and the time commitments would be for this position um and at this stage in my career and this stage of my life I um thankfully am able to be able to contribute um which is the reason why I submitted my resume I I think I've been waffling this time of the commitment and my own personal life for two years now so yes I am aware um I I have asked a number of questions and also the Committees that were going to be open from the rosand person who stepped down which were of Interest so that was um satisfying um you know I think that you try to look for ways that give back in your wheelhouse um and when those areas of interest you make it work right just I'm going to be very gender specific now and I'm so sorry to the dads but like at the beginning of every year as a mother when my kids were little and I'd have to like carpool them and get to work like the first month I'd be in tears how am I going to make this work how am I going to get them to take care on a school and a half hour window and make it and set up my cloud right you never feel like it's going to work and then by October you're like okay it's your new structure and it's your new routine so I would put this in that same bucket of the meetings and then the committee meetings of that once that colorcoded by child and parent schedule is made True Story um then you I am also fortunate my boys are old enough that they can figure things out on their own um so yes just a follow up of that question to the rest of your recollection um can you tell the board how many meetings have you attended the meetings have you attended or watched online yeah um oh sorry it was it my turn yes we be my turn now I don't know I'm like melting over here I don't remember um yes um I've definitely when my boys started uh and that's when they were online so um all of those we watched um and then you send out the minute notes so those are things that I look over as well so I have not physically attended meetings I have read through meeting minutes and it's been my experience and again I'm not saying this is as a whole um usually when things are going well which clearly they are because you have an empty house here um you typically don't get a large crowd um in attendance or even maybe you know scrolling through to watch your meeting live which again is a testament to the board that um you don't have a crowd of people here tonight um in my experience the only time I've ever had to attend a Board of Education meeting was when I was displeased or when I wanted to question something um regarding board decisions so so um you can take that as a compliment um it's not that I didn't want to see all of your beautiful faces it's just that um you know everything has been for at least my family running um smoothly and uh didn't feel the need to have to make my presence um so thank you for your good work EX question C question I don't remember who's next I don't know is it me I don't know I thought you were like I don't remember like what she just said call Em I'm get the heat [Music] on yeah I'll dress more appropriately if I ever come back um so the first part of the question was um are you ready to commit not only to board meetings but also the other um areas of of donating time so in my experience working for State County local government I've always required not only to attend boards attend meetings and conduct my day-to-day business but um since I started working back when I graduated from from I don't know from college I've always been required to take ethics training courses um it's a requirement by the state um and I've had to continue taking those trainings um you know subsequent to that I've had to take other trainings um along with that um which is required by the state of New Jersey so I'm famili with a lot of those practices um I know that you know they're mandated so it's not like it's an optional thing when you see those things pop up and it's like your training is due it's like you know it's like you have to do it um I'm certainly um in line with adding to my my list of trainings that I am already required to take um the second part of the question was okay so um you know there's but actually piggybacks off of the ethics training so there's um a lot of different rules and guidelines that you have to follow when you commit to being part of a board um me being appointed to the ndd in the city of Newark um I am also and I went through my ethics um division uh required to take my New Jersey Transit hat off and when I'm sitting on that board I am an ndd trustee member um so I do have experience with doing that I you know it's not always easy to compartmentalize when you might be passionate about a certain issue um but I do have uh a lot of experience doing that um so that's something that I'd be completely comfortable with moving forward um there was something in there in what you said about parenting I can't remember what the line was but I I will say this um my family will always come first I'm a mom um that's that will never be up for negotiation were my children raised with me working 24 hours a day because I was an education and administrator at a affluent private school yes do they know that we sit in car pools in silence because mommy's on the phone with the head of school or a parent yes right me that that's the life they were raised in is me working 24 hours a day so I think that that umbrella of you know having to go to a meeting nobody even bad an eyelash today they're like by um or negotiating that is that is their life so I I I I'm not concerned about that whatsoever um and I think I could probably speak for me and Don that neither one of us would do this job in a havy way if there was a certificate to get we'd probably beat you to the end line to get it um right I like to expand my knowledge something new to learn in those webinars um but yeah I mean if you're going to do it you're gonna do it you're GNA do it to the best of your ability you're um and um try your hardest and know the things that you don't know that that is part of the attraction of the role is that you're you're not quite sure about it so you definitely want want to sit there uncomfortably um and I think in regards to personally being a parent in the school and a board member um like I said I'm not an overly social person so I don't an issue um but I think my job in general is knowing how to tiptoe around different people when you have so many stakeholders around you at all times whether it be Financial or their job and role in a building or balancing the intense employees with the ones that are more um insecure need the love right you have to be the balanced one I'm a mother I have to be the balanced one in my house assuming at this role you also have to present yourself as the balanced one um so I think it would be that those parts are certainly certain parts of life are easy I think that part of life would be easy in this case amen can I can you walk through or at least walk me through the what the training looks like just literally is it once Let's Pretend Don is elected then what uhuh and how does that take place is it online thank you you could have messed with could have messed with us and said it's in Pennsylvania two hours it's virtual fine was just asking sort of like what does that look like fine got it got it and I just want to confirm I wasn't sure if you just said miss that the other boardings are in conditioning I it was a good tool though it's a good tactic swe him out what you thought is that we wouldn't talk a lot gu you so good [Music] in the mov great candidate I was about to say is a great candid while you're deciding can we get some air okay perfect thank you thank you I have thank you e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e