##VIDEO ID:YCCXdUXu4dQ## a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] uh council president we are live and you have the floor uh thank you Mr Fagan welcome West Orange thank you to my colleagues that are present today for this special meeting um we're going to open it now Madame clerk this is to inform the general public that this Workshop is being held in compliance with Section Five of the open public act chap 231 Public Law 1975 the notice fig Workshop was emailed to the West Orange Chronicle and the Star Ledger on September 11 2024 councilwoman celino present uh councilwoman de Michael is delayed councilwoman Scara present councilwoman Williams council president ruer here will everyone please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America United States of America to the to the Republic it stand stands one nation under God God indivis indivisible Li and jcece for for all thank you madam clerk um we only have one item on our agenda today is is that correct yes the budget amendment number one and public comment only on that Amendment thank you madam clerk we are going to open public comment on the budget amendment now uh Mr Fagan if there's anyone in the uh uh joining this meeting via Zoom that would like to comment on it they can however uh I'm going to uh ask you only to call on uh Zoom participants that have their full name listed um with their Zoom uh window so if it it for those that are in the public if you have a nickname if you have a computer name if you just have a phone number I'm I'm I'm asking Mr Fagan not to call on you unless and until you change it to a full name uh we want to avoid any of the prior problems that we've had with zoom participants not maintaining a level of decorum that is fitting for this type of meeting I support that council president great great suggestion thank you councilwoman so Mr Fagan uh you can call on members of the public at your at your choosing whoever raises their hand you can give them the instructions and please only call on um uh those that have a full name I would like to note also before you do that the councilwoman gbra Michael is joining now she was able to uh get out of that meeting and join us uh Mr F uh thank you council president we currently have three attendees in the audience uh and no one has their hand raised so I'm going to repeat your announcement for their benefit uh if anyone any member of the public uh has anything uh to comment on on this topic only uh please raise your hand as council president has indicated uh you must State your full name now there is one member in the audience who is on their iPhone and in all fairness they might not have the capability of doing that but it might be a mute point uh this will be the uh last and final call uh unless council president advises otherwise if any member of the public wishes to uh uh comment on this topic only now is the time to raise your hand uh council president all three members uh in the audience have not their hand raised at this moment uh so I turn the floor back over to you thank you sir uh we we are now going to close public comment on the uh budget amendment um yeah I was just checking the attendees list as well all right so uh Madam clerk I offer do is there any convers any questions any issues with uh from my colleagues I want to open it up to you before I call for the vote council president if I can interject real quick Mr Bono is in the building he's just making his way to my office just to let you know thank you uh Mr Bono did address the questions that I had uh at the last meeting um and from from just to remind folks the uh The Columns are from and to what they were before and what they are now uh there were some mistakes in the from column those were clerical errors the M the two column is accurate so those numbers do correspond to the actual line item I'll give you an example General Capital fund balance went from $827,500 65 rental Environmental Center went from $687,000 the $687,000 is an error it should have been on the reserve to pay debt service line but the 150,000 is accurate likewise Reserve to reserve to pay debt service goes from 50,000 to $175,400 is not accurate it should have been on the rental Environmental Center Line uh but the two number the 175,000 the number that we're actually voting on is the accurate number any questions from my colleagues before we proceed counc I have a question because I have the um the other version with the clerical error so the rental Environmental Center should read 50,000 in the First Column uh yes so uh the rental Environmental Center should be 50,000 okay and then the reserve to PID debt Services is 687 914 correct those two lines were switch correct that before I advertise it thank you okay council president just to let you know Mr brono is in my office so if you have any questions for him he's here thank you very much thank you Mr Bono for joining us uh colleagues uh any questions before we call for the vote no none here uh councilwoman castelino yeah no I just want to make a statement for the public that is watching that um you know lot many hours went into this process and and I want to thank my colleagues for a great job looking at every single line item um on here and for the patience of the administration um directors to to to work with us to get this done so uh thank thank just want to thank everybody thank you very much uh councilwoman I agree and and just for the public benefit we were able to find uh just under a million dollars worth of savings then reallocate a very small portion of that to other areas of the budget it took a tremendous amount of work and I do want to thank my colleagues as well uh for the spirit of uh of cooperation uh that was required to get um this budget in the form that it's in uh I'm ready to call for the vote so Madame clerk I offer a motion that we uh approve uh the budget amendment um what is this 27524 I said second all right 275 is the number will change but it's two it's the budget amendment number one okay so should we how do we identify it um we can identify it hang on one [Music] second we can name it 274 D 24 sorry say that again 274 24-24 I offer a motion that we approve 274 d241 second I thought councilwoman did the second or no Michael I seconded it earlier but it doesn't matter yeah it doesn't yeah it doesn't matter you could put her name there that's fine councilwoman celino yes councilwoman gber Michel you're muted are you're muted sorry yes thank you councilwoman Scarpa yes councilwoman Williams can't hear you councilwoman can you hear me now yes yes I was just saying I I can't vote I don't even know what we're voting on can someone tell me what we're voting on the budget amendment number one oh yeah I I support the amendment yes I'm I'm sorry I was having trouble joining that's okay so yours is the gas okay council president rord yes the motion carries all right that is all that we are voting on today uh chair will entertain a motion to close yes soov so moved hi want to thank you all uh Madam clerk that concludes our meeting thank you West Orange for joining us those of you that are live and watching it later uh you can now resume your lunch hour have a great day everybody happy Friday everybody see you guys Frid bye bye happy Friday thank you sir Mr pegan