e e hi everyone good evening happy June happy end of the scho year thanks for joining us tonight we called our me to order during our CL executive session um and we do have turn over to our closed executive session topics um I think you mean just in terms of what we discussed in close superintendent evaluation that's was the closed executive session topics um so I mean that's really all we get into because it's Personnel all right perfect thank you and I would also like to take this opportunity to recognize the achievements of one of our board members uh which furthers her leadership in the njsba or New Jersey school boards Association Dana was recently reelected to serve on the njsba board of directors representing the Mercer County School boards Association she was nominated and voted in for her second full term which runs from May 2024 through May of 2027 for your awareness the board of directors helps to determine the goals and directions of the njsba there is one board of directors member plus an alternate Per County Dana has served on the board of directors since January of 2020 together they work to advance public education and promote the achievement of all students through effective governance thank you Dana for your tireless service so now I'd like to turn over to Dr aderhold for any comments just very brief sorry uh good evening everyone just very briefly uh want to wish everyone a safe uh happy and healthy summer um want to thank thank our staff and students and families for a wonderful conclusion of the school year um congratulations to all of our High School South and High School North graduates and wanted to congratulate um over 40 retirees for their more than 1100 years of service to wwp um we are very busy in the plannings of the opening of the school year with uh hiring for uh vacancies as well as professional development and curriculum writing so for many of our staff the the summer uh Qui became a a Work summer uh but we we uh we thank all of our team for preparing the doing the work to prepare for the opening of the 2425 school year so thank you thank you and now is our first opportunity for public comments the board invites thoughts and reactions on agenda items and items of concern from members of our community who are present each participant is asked to give his or her name and address prior to making a statement which will be to 3 minutes in accordance with board policy 0167 all statements shall be directed to the presiding officer this public comment period shall be limited to 60 Minutes do you have any public comments tonight for the first no seeing none I move to close this uh first opportunity for a public comment and uh moving on with the rest of the agenda we uh do not have any committee reports at this time so we can move on to the uh voting portion uh can I get a motion for administration items numbers 1 through 8 plus the purple addendum uh Dana and Liz um any questions or comments no okay we'll start with Miss Krug yes Miss chenera yes Miss ho yes Miss migga yes Miss shed Miss Juliana yes Miss McAn yes and can I get a motion for curriculum and instruction items numbers 1 through four um ly and Rachel any questions or comments okay we we'll we'll start we'll start we'll start with Miss malga yes Miss chenera yes Miss hoe yes Miss Krug yes Miss Shetty Miss Juliana yes Miss McAn yes for uh Finance um we need to acknowledge that the board members received a list of vendors in the board packet that was distributed on Friday um the acknowledgement item listed on the agenda tonight is number 35 should be number one not number 35 if everyone could acknowledge receiving the vendor list by saying yes yes yes uh did anyone not receive it okay say would anyone like another copy no it's easy another a few pages um all right great so then can I get a motion for finance items number 1 through 34 uh plus the blue addendum uh Louisa and scha any questions or comments okay we'll start with Miss hoe yes Miss shed yes Miss chenera yes Miss Krug yes Miss malga yes Miss Juliana yes Miss MCU yes one moment here okay next we next we will move to Personnel um okay um I'm first going to turn over to Dr aderhold Who has a few comments good evening again um this evening we're joined by um uh two um individuals that are being recommended for administrative positions so I just want to recognize them and just give a little bit of a bio uh for the Board of Education members of the public um in the area of supervisor of mathematics um with the upcoming retirement of Miss Andrea Bean who's in the audience thank you again Andrea um I'm pleased to recommend Kristen wolf as the next 612 supervisor of mathematics for wwp Kristen's the current supervisor of mathematics and science K8 for Flemington ridan Regional School District Kristen served Flemington ridan for the past seven years in that role prior to time at Flemington ridan uh she was supervisor of mathematics K12 Bernard's Township School District for four years um and prior to that she served as a mathematic special education teacher and instructional coach in Bernard's townships for eight years before moving into administrative uh role at in Bernards uh we look forward to her joining us I believe September 1st if I remember correctly um in the area of uh language arts um K5 supervisor of language arts I'm pleased to recommend Kimberly Haynes Kimberly's also in the audience this evening um for the position of supervisor of language arts over the past 12 Years Kim has served as the coordinator for early intervention services interventionist or the teacher resource specialist for instruction and intervention as well as um she served as a fourth grade teached Village for the majority of her time here in wwp as well as a first grade teacher over at morce Hawk Kim served as uh numerous professional development committee she's served as a wwpa uh grievance chair uh we never actually had to talk in that role so that was awesome um we served as a member of the superintendent advisory Council and has been vice president of wwpa representing Village uh during her time there we're thrilled to welcome Kim to this new role in wwp so Kim and uh Kristen welcome to both of you well thank you and welcome and now can I get um a motion for personnel item number one plus the green addendum uh Louisa and Liz um any questions comments okay we'll start with Miss hoe yes Miss chenera yes Miss KW yes Miss malga yes Miss Shetty yes Miss Juliana yes M McAn yes and before we move on I do want to also acknowledge the uh retirement of Julia Walter a cafeteria a from Dutch neck who is uh retiring after two years of uh service to the district so we wish you well in your retirement uh congratulations and thank you for your service and dedication to wwp and now we will move on to the approval of the Board of Education minutes from June 11th um uh can I go a motion to approve the minutes um ly and Dana uh all those in favor say I I I uh any extensions um I obain okay do we have any board lays on reports okay any new business okay that brings us then to our second opportunity for public comments the board invites comments from members of our community who are present each participant is asked to give his or her name name and address prior to making a statement which will be limited to 3 minutes in accordance with board policy 0167 all statements shall be dis directed to the presiding officer and this public comment period shall be limited to 15 minutes um do we have any public comments for the second NOP okay seeing none I will close this second opportunity for public comments and um because we moved the agenda item for the second closed executive session we already had it at the first session uh I moved to adjourn um can I get a motion to adjourn this evening's meeting uh Louisa and uh Liz um all those in favor say I I I all right we are juring thank you and welcome