it was terrible I remember one time Jack came me you know Jack and he goes M first time in here goes this place is a Time we're starting okay folks folks we are starting so if everyone can we're starting okay folks folks we are starting so everyone okay we are starting I call this meeting to order it's the meeting of the council February 26 20124 roll call gaas here Jers here mandal here Weiss here Woodfield have we been adequately noticed for this meeting yes we were adequately noticed on January 19th 2024 to the times the Princeton packet filed with the clerk posted in the township and on the township website would everybody please rise for the salute to the flag to of the United States ofer to the rep it stands one nation indivisible Li justice so under ceremonial matters this evening um we have a couple of proclamations and then a uh discussion on our draft uh shade tree ordinance so um Dan uh you would like to read the colon cancer month Proclamation sure um first just a a quick comment about the proclamation so March is not just about about the arrival of spring but it's also a Time dedicated to raising awareness about colon cancer disease that affects millions of lives worldwide poal cancer also known as CRC is the leading cause second leading cause I should say of cancer deaths among men and women combined in the US but it is highly preventable and treatable when caught early more than 27,000 people under the age of 50 will be diagnosed with colar rectal cancer in 20 30 and of all cancer CRC will take the most lives of people under 50 by 2030 so colon cancer awareness month serves as a crucial reminder of the importance of early detection prevention and treatment of this often preventable yet deadly illness and as a survivor of coloral cancer I am living proof of the importance of early detection and treatment it literally saved my life um there's a lot of great information online one organization that I would highly recommend is called fight coloral cancer and they can be found at fight coloral so Proclamation for March as col colon cancer awareness month and March 1st as dress in blue day whereas colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer related deaths in men and women in the United States and whereas colon cancer is one of the few cancers that can be prevented with timely screening but one in three eligible Americans are not up toate on screening and whereas a colonoscopy is a procedure that detects small growths or pops so that they can be removed before they develop into cancer and screaming finds colon cancer early treatment can be most effective and whereas screening for colon cancer should begin at age 45 or younger if at risk and continue at regular intervals recommended by Health Care Providers whereas colon cancer awareness month provides a special opportunity to increase awareness and offer education on the importance of early detection and screening of colon cancer now therefore be it resolved by the by mayor marate and the township Council of the township of West Windsor that the month of March be proclaimed as colon cancer awareness month and that Friday March 1st 2024 be designated as dress in blue day in West Windsor Township and the mayor and the township Council call upon all citizens to ask their healthc care provider about this potentially life SAA Liv screening I'd like to make two other comments on that our health department has placed information on the health web pages regarding colon cancer as well as on our board out here a revolving TV that the health department keeps notices on there's information there as well which is also in the health department as well as the senior center yes yep good well thank you Dan and we're so happy that that everything turned out okay and you're encouraging others to you know move forward and talk to your doctor about issues I become a walking PSA but that's where I am now okay um well I will read a proclamation for women's uh history month and I just wanted to thank all the women up here on the deis um I don't see any women in the audience but I'm sure there's some some watching and um and all the women in our community in the state in our country because they do they do so very very much um you know to help the children to help other women uh you know succeed and so um and especially Our Youth and know you know some of us um have done you've done a lot with the Girl Scouts in Sonia too I've done sports with the girls um coaching basketball and and I know all the rest of the ladies up here have done so many things for women so thank you all just want to say thank you um all right so it's Proclamation for women's History Month whereas women have made substantial contributions throughout American history in the building of our nation our freedoms our culture and our Commerce and our families and whereas the histo historical and current contributions of women is celebrated internationally nationally and in the state of New Jersey during the month of March and whereas women's History Month provides us with the opportunity to honor celebrate and learn about the history of women through many events and activities that recognize the trailblazing achievements of women as they faced and overcame obstacles and continued to break down barriers and whereas women have made major roles across all Fields including Science Education medicine law politics government military business culture Sports and More and whereas West Windor strives to encourage our ver women of all ages and backgrounds to achieve their full potential in all Endeavors and encourages all our young people to pursue their Futures with freedom and whereas women in West Windsor historically and actively serve in all levels of government including elective office volunteer Emergency Services police management and staff positions and whereas women in West Windsor contribute to our community every day as volunteers educators medical professionals service Personnel business entrepreneurs technical professionals business people artists military service members and managers across many fields while serving in their crucial family roles as both nurturers and providers and whereas we stand together as both women and men to recognize women's history and accompl accomplishments now therefore be it resolved mayor hamont morate and members of the township Council hereby recognize March as women's History Month in perpetuity so I just want to thank all of you for the support of this uh Proclamation and uh and for all the women out there for all the hard work you do whether you're you're working or raising a family and and contributing to your communities it makes the world a better place okay uh next on the agenda we'll be uh discussing a proposed tree ordinance uh just as some few comments to begin uh last summer 2023 the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection revised the tier a municipal storm waterer General permit revised permit requirements include an obligation for municipalities to adopt and enforce a CommunityWide ordinance covering tree removal and replacement based upon a model ordinance if towns did not already have an ordinance that met the requirements the final model ordinance from the D was issued on November 3rd 2023 and a deadline of May 1st 2024 was established for municipalities to adopt a tree removal ordinance that addresses the provisions in the njde model the West Windsor Township shade tree commission uh met on January 24th 202 January 24th 2024 and finalized its recommendation on a proposed draft revision and replacement to the Township's code section 170 regarding trees the draft proposed revisions were then sent to the mayor and administration tonight the council will be discussing the proposed draft revisions which respond to the NJ D's model tree removal Das replacement ordinance with us here tonight to discuss is Dan dolber milsky Township land Cape architect then like to start I think the mayor wanted to say a few words I just want to make a couple of comments before I give it to Dan I mean uh usually uh especially my philosophy is not to go out looking for ordinances to generate this is required only because the state requires us to do that um so when this came about I did have a discussion with Dan and asked if this is a major problem I mean some some of the surrounding towns do have S a similar ordinance so I asked him if there's been any issues that he's aware of that people cutting down lot of trees and as far as he could tell there's only one such incidence in however many years where a person cut down unreasonable number of trees and there's another history behind it so there's really not a it's not that West Wier is facing a serious problem that we are trying to address with this ordinance but this ordinance is uh required by the state so we should uh come up with an ordinance that achieves the purpose which is a worthy purpose to preserve trees and to plant more trees but at the same time not let people feel that it's owner us and big government is coming down and managing their Liv so that's a balance that we'll have to strike and as Dan goes through the ordinance we will talk about various sections and see what modifications if any we need before we can introduce it okay thank you mayor thank you mayor thank you presiding officer gers in Town Council um my Dan Dober milsky I am the Township's landscape architect I'm the Lea on to the shade tree commission um so and you touched on some of the points I wanted to start with to introduce it so I won't repeat them um some of the things that we just to start we should talk I should offer is the current West wior Township ordinance which is chapter 170 called trees was adopted I believe in the 1970s and it's been amended a few times it since it regulates tree removal activities and requires a tree removal per permit for destructive actions related to trees on private property that that measure 5 Ines in diameter breast height it's a standard measurement method or greater the majority of single family Residential Properties in the township are Exempted from this permit requirement for trees located on an area equal to the lot minimum lot size in the zone under zoning that's a technical part of it that if you remove a lot of trees you may come under the requirement for a tree removal permit on a single family property and there are some conservation restrictions on lots that make them um come under the requirement for the permit the model code that njd promulgated and that you guys all just talked about is relying upon a 2003 Jackson Township ordinance which was upheld by the New Jersey Supreme Court in 2009 and established a Nexus for requiring mitigation of tree removal on private property and it also established the parameters for such mitigation and that's what this model is based on several communities in the area decided to adopt similar ordinances at that time or around that time but West Winder did not owing to the fact that West Winder basically was a farming Community was clearcut sometime after colonial times uh and probably maintained that way for a period of time thereafter and the fact that West Windor Township in the 70s again established a green belt and that has blossomed into a lot of open space preservation that has basically created a expanded Community forest in the township well beyond uh what was once here when the town was clear-cut and is such that the community forest in my opinion and from stat statistics we have is growing and is established in a manner that is sustainable it can continue to sustain itself so based upon that we didn't feel it was necessary to regulate at that level um the draft being presented tonight is for informational purposes at this point it's not an introduction of the ordinance yet for adoption at this time it was determined by when we first started the review the model that the most efficient means of taking on the task would be to fully rewrite the chapter that and replace the entire code just delete what we have and start over um although the vast majority of the provisions are present in either the existing code or in the ngj DP model that we on this draft most of them are from one of those two aspects we did make some adjustments to that to clarify things for West Winder Township there are a few minor Provisions that are not present in either of the but these are not significant and could be subject to further analysis to determine that the provisions will be included in any ordinance offered for consideration at township Council introduction I think the best way to pre to review the new code would be for me to offer a couple of brief scenarios of possible tree actions and how these regulations these new regulations would apply first before I do that this code does not regulate or establish a need for anyone to get a per trim prun or treat a tree or landscape plants unless such action essentially or directly results in the death or removal of the tree second the existing West Windsor Township Code requires private property owners to obtain a tree removal permit before they act to remove any Tree on a property that exceeds 5 in diameter brast height the existing code exempts the majority of single family Residential Properties from this requirement the new code would bring these properties into the jurisdiction requirements of a tree tree removal permit the fee for such a permit is $25 at present and it is not changing as at this time the services provided by obtaining a permit will allow the township to Monitor and regulate the tree removal and to limit the potential for tree removal that could present a significant impact to a neighborhood or the township as a whole the permit process also offers the property owner a service by documenting the activity offering a second set of eyes on what is being considered and creating a record of what did occur in case someone disputes the legality of the activity this is basically what we do now with a tree removal permit since the vast majority of tree removal that occurs will need to be conducted by New Jersey licensed tree expert or a licensed Tree Care operator as required by law in New Jersey these professionals once this code becomes applicable we most frequently be telling property owners that a tree removal tree removal permit is required and will either obtain the permit or walk the property owner through the process that's what we would expect so scenario number one a private property owner whether residential Homer Association commercial Etc has one or numerous trees that are determined to be dangerous as the finded in the code this may include insect infestation disease structural deficiencies storm damage wind damage or physical damage or other factors that present an actual or potential danger to persons or property this property owner would be required to file for a tree removal permit but the dangerous trees would be exempt from any mitigation Provisions scenario number two a a single SLE family or two family residential property owner has several healthy sound not dangerous trees measuring less than 33 in diameter breast height that they would like to remove they will need to file a permit for application permit application the first three such trees for every one acre of property to be removed within a 5year period will be exempt from any mitigation Provisions any additional trees outside of this exemption will trigger a mitigation requirement to plant and maintain one or several small one and a half inch calber now that's measured down towards the base of the tree not a a diameter breast height uh trees on the property that the trees are being removed in the event that it is not possible to plant the mitigation trees on that property then the in agreement with the township it might be possible to plant it on another property or an additional fee will be imposed so the township can implement the mitigation in association with public property scenario number three any other property owner not single family or two family property looks to remove a healthy and sound Tree on their property they will need to file a permit application they will need to address the mitigation Provisions by replanting trees in accordance with the prescribed mitigation requirements with the same stipulations regarding the additional fees if tree planting is not possible on that property and scenario four there's four not three a private property owner is looking to expand their use or to develop a property in a manner that requires a land use permit before by the township which would include tree and the use or the expansion would include tree removal this would include planning board applications zoning board applications or even a zoning permit application in that case the tree removal permit process will be folded into the existing per zoning permit that will be required but the regulation the information to be submitted and the mitigation requirements will all be the same they just won't have to submit a a separate separate tree removal permit so in summary the basic changes that occur with this new code compared to what we have now is the requirement to file a tree removal permit will now include single family Residential Properties which will involve an application of a fee $25 and and docum documentation of what is being proposed for Township staff and approval to allow for the monitoring of the activity likely offering professional feedback for the review and establishing documentation of Records to protect the property owner from any potential disputes regarding the activity the removal of healthy and sound trees could incur a requirement to plant trees or pay additional fees basically to plant trees to mitigate the environmental Community impacts presented by that tree removal the removal of dangerous trees will will be exempt from tree mitigation Provisions trees that become dangerous due to storms or similar events can be removed as soon as practical and a tree removal can be filed afterwards to document the activity for monitoring and documentation as noted above similar to what occurs now if one's were in a similar scenario say one's water heater burst that's what we would do we would tell the app the person you go ahead and replace it and then file for permit um so that's kind of like what we do now in those situations so that's that will not change the DP has requested that these three ordinance Provisions be adopted by May 1st thus it is likely that this code with some modifications based upon feedback will be be offered for induction by Township Council within the next month or so to achieve compliance this evening we're not looking to review the text for typos or scrutinized the Visions in detail as if they will be established as law this evening this draft and brief presentation is being offered for information so everyone can review it and help with the introduction of a westwinter Township ordinance to achieve conformance with the state of New Jersey requirements by May 1 thank you Dan that hopefully that was brief enough um yeah can you clarify just based on what you're saying at I think I know the answers um the $25 application fee that's whether you're going to be one tree 10 trees 100 trees there's one $25 application fee correct correct yes it's not $25 per tree it's one applic one it's it's one permit now if you apply for tree today and then do so six months from now it's separate permit right um and when you mention the per acre um that if I'm on a half acre of property I still have the three trees it's um it's basically per um it's basically any residential that's a legal residential property for one one unit I would assume and uh up to an acre and then if goes to two acres then you double the number of trees uh at a minimum of two acres so um it never goes below the Three Trees over the fiveyear period correct correct corre thank you um thank you Dan that was very helpful um want to just reframe the intent of this ordinance this ordinance correct me if I'm wrong is not to to stop people from taking trees down but it's to ensure that when trees are taken down a new one is replaced basically yes when a sound healthy tree is being removed that it there be some type of replanting to mitigate the environmental impacts of taking that tree out so are there any cases that you foresee if somebody applies for a permit and it gets denied uh well the scenarios there are Provisions that that indicate that you can't plant an invasive tree species that I get so that case you would deny it um uh I guess the the scenarios would be let's say you you you asked to remove four trees and you don't want to do the replanting then we would deny it because we'd say you got to do replanting well then they would incur feet right or or no they wouldn't the idea is to to have the replanting occur on the property that's being that it's being removed that the fee would only the additional fee to cover the planting would only occur if you can't put the trees back on the property in some form so if a homeowner decides that they don't want to plant more trees the opt they have an option to say I'm going to pay the fee right but the fees would be set up such that it's and they by law they have to be comparable to what the costs are sure sure so I mean the fees to some degree I would hope but it's not intended that way but they would discourage people from just saying well I give you another $20 then I don't have to do yeah so I saw so that's not what's going to happen the fees are such that that's not going to happen but trees are expensive right right whether you decide to plant them in your own yard or something but the size to be replanted is is only one and A2 inch caliper which I actually have a little Aid here that's an inch and a half Cal the red and actually one thing that's going to change is right now trees at five inches are regulated and that'll change to six inches it'll actually go up just a little bit then can I just piggy back on your question if I interpreted it correctly so so if I want to cut a tree down the township cannot deny me permit to cut a tree down you can't judge why I'm cutting a tree down right that wouldn't be that's not in the provisions at all that I mean I thought that was the intent of your question so anybody who just the remedy would be different but anybody who wants to cut a tree down can cut a tree down right well yes that's that would I mean part of it I mean we would T I would typically as a as a tree expert and and a licensed steuart for trees would talk to them about it and ask why are you doing that and if they have misinformation or if they misunderstand how trees grow and what they do I would talk to them about that but I would not say no you don't understand what's going on you can't take the tree down they own the tree they have the right to remove the tree the late person like we call it a permit but in many ways it's like a registration I'm not I don't it's not like we're they're it's not like they're asking for permission well no I mean we do the same thing you have a you have a right of say putting a pool in your backyard but you need to do permits for them so it's um you have to do you have to jump through hoops to make it legal but um you still have the right now the basis of this is not even necessarily a tree ordinance or anything from the state it's more for the M4 permit and it's more St storm water related I think that's the yeah the IR rationale that it could even come from the D on this there I guess that's the bludgeon if you will since it's not a law it's it's a d regulation yeah so yeah I I skipped over that because no nobody else cares I think councilman explained that so I had a section in here I was just going to basic right but but I'm saying one of the presum reasons for this is uh you don't want a situation hopefully where somebody clearcuts an entire yard of trees and now creates a storm weather situation in their yard and then says fine go plant them in a park somewhere to make up for it because I I don't care so hopefully we would talk to them but they would still have that right to remove the trees uh as long as it didn't didn't void some other law that um that we had that uh control the the water run off from that property is it end up costing a significant amount of money if it's a lot of trees removal of tree is not cheap no no it's it's every time there's a storm but frequently people say you have to hope it folds on your house because then insurance pays for something it's a lot less expensive to take a tree after it's falling down right take it but also the int encourage people to to replant on their same property at a different location because that particular location may be a reason why they're removing it I would say seed of the pants we probably get about around 10 tree removal permit applications a year that for that aren't you know aren't Exempted now I and we probably get several dozen requests that we we tell people that you're exempt from the requirements and you can remove the tree now most residents in Arbor know in West Windsor that single family Residential Properties are exemp so there's a good bit of tree removal that occurs because people know this exemp but that's about the number of inquiries we get uh relative to that so have you given any thought to how many permits you think will be requested in the coming uh not really I mean I but I just kind of gave you a feel for it it's not my point was it's not going to be thousands just piggy back on piggy back on that I I'd say it's gonna be under a 100 unless we have another tornado coming through yeah which case yeah that's that's isn't that usually where when people remove mature trees they're either creating some really big danger or there there's a big storm is probably the biggest biggest thing or there there's trees dying I mean that's right y That's most of the situations there there probably a couple people a year come in they bought a property and they want to change the landscape in which case they're replanting stuff anyway so it's just it's just show us what you want to do and it's probably all whatever they want to do is going to mitigate it so it's just reviewing well like just a piggyback on your as like I think there will be a point of time where we we'll need to take some uh give some education to our residents who may or may not be aware of this new ordinance right so we'll we'll have to figure that out yeah I think the shade tree um Commission had discussed that at the last meeting you know as we move forward and whatever gets um approved that we will they will be working on that correct Dan yeah we we'd be able to try and post stuff and explaining what's going on Etc but but quite honestly like I indicated in my most often the way it's going to happen is there there's probably three or four dozen Tree Experts that do work in the community in the area and they are aware of they know about this because other communities Princeton and East Windsor have an ordinance like this right so it's not new to them um and I'll get calls from them frequently just saying I want to confirm that you don't have a removal permit requirement I'll like you know in this situation yes or no um but they're going to be the first they're probably the ones that are going to do the most education interacting with clients because if you have a fairly large tree on your property you can't cut it down yourself no you're proba you're required law to hire somebody who has insurance and knows what they're doing right and that person is going to know about this and explain it so chances are I don't even think there's a huge educational part of it quite honestly chances are the pre rable company is is the one who's going to let the owner know that that they need to apply for not be able to do work per I would want to take a look at that application um make it clear like uh especially the amount of information we ask about that replacement tree um we seem to ask for information we don't necessarily need or would not necessarily make us uh say yes or no um and that might for somebody filling this out be a little scary to them um and the simpler easier we can make this um I mean nobody's going to cut down a tree because it's a little easier it's a little harder they have to cut it down I guess they're going to do it so the easier we can make um the application um so that it's less of a burden on the feed times when people do need to do this um I'm happier I I'd be and I think the residents would be so so what what you're commenting on it's not part of the ordinance but I offered a draft revised tree removal permit appliation I don't know if that's going to be in the ordinance or it would just be separate thing that we would adopt or use and and I set it up so that it it allows for someone to provide the information we would need in order to review to make sure it's in compliance but we can modify that or and what typically actually happens is I mean most frequently people if it's if it's a resident they'll call me and I'll talk to them about how to go through the process of filling out the permit sometimes I'll even go out there to look at the trees with them and have them fill out the application right in front me because it's not that complicated and then and deal with it that way so I think that's the way we typically deal with it um and I think we were I was trying to make that application so that it covered everything we could possibly need um they wouldn't have to be submitting other documents or producing other documents and that's what we were trying to do okay so the application itself won't go in the final code or ordinance that'll be something that'll come out like like a lot of the other forms do from the Departments and stuff like that and and the idea would be to make it fillable so you could download it and fill most of it out like a PDF fillable PDF that wouldn't go or would they be able to do that online or is that yeah then it would be available online I mean that they would be able to fill out online and submit online uh well that would depend I mean ultimately somebody's got to go out and look at it most likely so at some point you're going to be connecting with them somehow but but yeah we could figure that part out yeah s picky back on that and presumably a certain amount of those probably a lot of those just as if you were putting in a u you know a car charger or a roof or something well roof a new something or other that you don't have before uh heating system would be actually filled out by the um the provider right they could be filled out by the tree expert or tree operator and the planting Provisions only come in if you if you hit the mitigation requirement so the second half of the application most people wouldn't even need so we're not necessarily asking anybody to submit um a written statement from these providers uh like saying hey this is a disease tree or that this is a tree that's uh going to fall down or are we ask it it it basic I mean the way the application currently the Draft application currently is is you could list who that who the the expert is and their license number so we know that that's real and and that they've actually got advice from somebody who knows what they're looking at um and it the provisions in the Ordinance do say that we need something from that expert saying the reason um so it could even be a a a um estimate saying cut down dead tree or something like that they could they could attach a quot or requirement and says what it is something so that it creates a dialogue so we can review it but it doesn't have to be you know a certified you know notorized document or something just give us something so we know what you're talking about it's communication we need you to communicate thank you I gave you about three pages of comments and questions which I will not be able to go through here you know this will take I did five so get the answers hopefully the answers were wrong point but I had had raised the issue about owner you know um some definitions and I I felt that who who can get this permit and should it be it's a legal question too should it be the the owner people rent their homes um could a tenant just come in and fill fill this out I I really felt strongly that the that the owner of the property should be should be the one that's that's that's not always always easy to do because a lot of times you'll have owners who don't even reside in the country um and you'll have tenants who have a situation where there's a tree that's dangerous and they're trying to get it down and to make them have to go find the owner and get them to submit it or even it gets tough so because that's what it is now we have those situations now dangerous trees that's okay I understand tree looks like it's about to fall over in the house or somebody or what that's okay I understand that understand that it's very International Community right but uh I I I still sort of felt strongly that the that the owner should you know have have some say or at least reach out to an owner but is it really the Township's responsibility to monitor that we didn't want to get into that I felt like give a permit to someone to take down a tree that could be a healthy tree then is it going is it going downstairs to the permit department it would yes so would be coming downstairs yes okay I mean I I'm sorry to say I haven't looked at our permit form but at work when I apply for a permit they ask who the owner yeah and they force you to get owner signature so on the permit application there's a line saying who is applying for permit and then who the owner of the property is and both are required to sign I assume ours is similar I mean mine all projects have done the contractor has filled out the form right we would have to I mean again this that was that was just a quick draft to show you what it may look like it's not not by no mean is that intended what we asked for in that form was the name of the property owner and the name of the applicant and that would allow us to surmise okay well the property owner and the applicant aren't the same person so it like I told you in the answer of your question that would allow us to ask the question do you have the permission of the property owner to do this or not and if we felt like they were lying then we would we could again we're not talking about hundreds of applications we're not talking about huge amount of applications here so I didn't want to make it too burdensome as Andrea was me saying well I know that but I you're trying to protect property owners who pay property taxes in West Windsor and have some protection for for them this is this their right now any I guess anybody who was renting a property could illegally go and get a tree cut down they could write the name or forged in address signature of a property owner if they wanted the goal of this is not to protect the property owners but is to ensure that replacement trees are put back so the qu the question is really who's responsible for the replacement tree and not so much who's who's whoever signing yeah and if they're a renter are they going to disappear and now it's the property owner still going to be responsible I mean hopefully it doesn't get to this too often for tonight so we don't delay this this point I want a legal review of that and maybe some behind the scenes a little more for further discussion on that okay um I know one question that's also come up um here uh like does does the township have to have this application permit process for the removal of trees um you mean is it required by the model rightel no question about that remember the the model is set up for what 560 some municipalities in the state of New Jersey so there's a broad range of what that could be and so what the model says is it says it's an option whether you want to have a permit requirement or not and I presume that's because there may be other means that I don't even know of that communities use we use a permit process that's what we have used so it was felt the best way to do was just keep what we do and expand it slightly as I described um I did not do research into say what other options or ways would we have of doing what I said the services of monitoring it and giving feedback and recording it I think that's the three things we need to do in order to comply with and show and be able to monitor that there is compliance in the community like I said to me I think some Property Owners will would probably find that this is like a service because in some ways it documents it we do get situations where neighbors or people in a community dispute or question tree removal and I get calls from people saying did they get a permit to remove that and I have to figure out where it is and explain it by having this documentation it'll be real easy to answer that question without this type of documentation that now means that I would have to go out look at what's going on find out what they did ask them what they did if there's stumps or something I have to measure the stumps and try and figure out if the information is accurate would it required a permit or not there's a lot of investigation that would have to be done without the permit I think that having a permit allows allows one us to be able to do this efficiently but also allows the property owner to have a record so that they can say look this is what happened right and people owners who have dead trees might not be falling over it's just dead do we require them to that tree they would have to if it's overse six inches in diameter they would have to file for a permit application and list what they're doing and the township would approve it because there's no reason we wouldn't approve it and they could either if the trees were dangerous they could proceed and then file it or they could file it and then proceed right they don't have to replace that tree no no no but do they have to remove it was your original that's a different question no that's question that's part of the existing code I mean no that's an existing codee so the existing situation in the code now that involves that is say say there was a dead tree on a piece of property and they the neighbor was afraid it was going to fall in their house so they don't own the tree but they're afraid it could impact their property so we get those calls frequently too not frequently but several a year at least so what happens in that situation usually I talk to the person first and say well did you talk to them and usually say no and I'm like well why don't you just go talk to them and and see if he can tell explain what's going on that that probably resolves half of them the other half they they say I don't feel comfortable talking to them I said okay then I can go talk to so I go knock on the door and talk to the person and explain that there's a dead tree on your property and that you really need to take care of that and that if you don't take care of it there are Provisions in our code that could allow the township to issue a summon to you saying you have to take care of it and if you refuse to do that we could take you to court and have you take care to take it down down if you refuse to do that we could take it down and put a lean on your taxes we have never in my 30 some plus years of experience ever even gone to court with this yeah so to still they would still need to pay $25 well at that point they would they would need to get a permit to take down the tree the challenge is the trees that fall down during storm like if you ask them to pay like 4 fell down on my property for example to ask me to pay $100 no 25 you pay 25 oh 25 yeah but but it's still means that you're waiting and you know if those aren't quote dangerous they're just lying there um it's it seems to me like a lot of the trees that come down are are these reasons that they're exempt trees people call somebody in kind of want the job done and now um now they have to go through a whole permitting process and fill things out and but it's not like a building permit this is not that 20 days though yeah that's just that's just in there as a caveat I mean they typically they can happen within hours and frequently do I get a phone call with somebody asking and usually if I'm available it's within hours that it's resolved and they understand what's going on the most it's a few days but would the permit actually get past so that somebody could do the work within there's there's no code to go research no plans to submit because I've looked at some of the other towns and when they've had these codes it's usually 10 days most uh that that they're expected or something so we just put 20 days in there because it seemed like it may be in the code somewhere else or something but typ I don't expect it would ever go to 20 days it also says if we don't process it in 20 days it's approved then you're automatically approved yeah for whatever you asked for if you ask for exempt or so she should always you know that does that mean people should always ask for exempt and I don't think people are looking to get around this that much but yeah all right fur couple of comments couple of comments I mean and this is right in my head because when the tornado came uh lot of trees fell down and people are going to feel that I'm already paying $1,000 to cut the tree down I mean cost them $1,500 to cut and it's not amount of $25 it's just like feels adding insult to injury right right so people just get agitated not for the amount of money but just the fact that they are being forced to pay $25 for no fault of theirs I don't know if you want to exempt any trees that falls down during a storm but that I mean I I'm certain if that happens I'm going to get calls that people definitely look at that I mean it's the money isn't it's not we're not making money on it yeah yeah I mean it's not question if you make it free then you'll get hundreds of them yeah yeah if there's some way to make it a little friendlier because most of the time I think you're talking exempt trees you're really looking to go after somebody clearcut I mean I have back in the 80s I lived in a place with all forests in the back which I loved and somebody moved in next to me and then clearcut their whole backyard I must have to taken 60 trees down one night and was like and this was a whole area where there were were flood issues and where that those were anyway I won't go into personal so that's the kind of thing I think we're really looking to avoid right um so anything we could make it for easier for someone who's just trying to make things better and take a disease tree down so the other trees don't catch it or there's some bugs on infesting that one and the ones next to it um that would that would be exemption policy might be something to yeah I mean we could look that or I mean like I said it it to me it does provide a service that if your neighbor said if you disputed the neighbor neighbor went back and said look I got the document is there an easier way to make a record I I don't know like or maybe just something where you take the thing you you submit it uh it doesn't necessarily get judged by anyone but there's a record that it was submitted I'm I'm just throwing some possibilities out there to make it a little easier for that piece of the process okay council members you can you can feed in more comments or questions sure um last comments okay good okay mayor well yeah just one comment I mean this relates to question that Dan had emailed and also section of this ordinance about the impact Financial impact I mean there's not going to be any on $39 million budget this is not going to move up yeah I just wanted to make sure that this wasn't going to put a burden on the staff to take but that's exactly my point is section 17.5 requires us to report to shry commission every quarter I would just like to change that to reporting to council every year during budget season so we're not talking about thousands of dollars or even five figure dollar amount I mean uh just the staff time and just reporting requirement every quarter for $50 or $200 is not worth it I would just like to change it to reporting to council every year during the budget season just like we do every other uh uh budget line okay well the administration will work on that and I don't know whether there'll be another draft that goes to the um shade tree commission or not or whether at some point right I would think if there's not substantial changes then we just come okay so that will come back to to council right usually three weeks before we introduce okay but we'll see since this is we're already talking about this soon you get it into us Madam president yes it really needs to be on the second meeting in March in order to make the timing um to have it in place for the May 1 right okay so work that you have to do get back to us I'll find out the DAT I need to get it in and and just to confirm the money that was um only the money not the $25 but the money that's collected in case you have to plant trees and some park that's going into some special right that'll be in a separate fund or count or whatever it is that Finance determines for that purpose for that purpose and then if there's extra money from that it's used to plant more trees it's only used for that purpose it has to be used by code by the code it's got to be used for either planting trees or some type of community forestry so something to do with trees something to do with care of trees the treatment of trees it doesn't have to be for that specific tree right it could be for the care of the forest making you know the land around it whatever whatever might be involved something that goes back to the the reason for doing this right Mar yes gay and I also will work with Dan because not only is this ordinance uh going to basically repeal the existing ordinance it's providing a whole new section with the wording for the most part that Dan went through this evening but at the same time gay and I will work with Dan to amend the um other section of the code that gets impacted by this and this has to do with the fees that are called for for the tree I think there's a tree removal permit fee now if I'm not mistaken but we have to codify the fees in order to be able to collect the fees and with respect to the issue of the funding once the ordinance is adopted and the there's advertised and there's stoppable you know challenge to it then John marer will prepare something for Council in terms of amending the budget to include a dedication by writer and the dedication by writer basically a establishes and authorizes the CFO when those funds get deposited that they get deposited in a trust fund account solely for the purposes that we just discussed right so we're going with the trust fund yeah so you're G to see basically three actions within one ordinance for right right Mr Herbert you will review all this legal okay all right all right well we're gonna go straight into public comments so if you're thanks you're still around thank you appreciate it thank you good job thank very good job all right so this is the first opportunity for public comment so if you'd like to make a comment please come to the microphone state your name and address Mr church has signed up okay thank you good evening Madam president in Council yes I've been listening to this it's very interesting presentation obviously a ordinance still needs a lot of work I don't want to see this rush through necessarily rapidly uh because you know sometimes we do delay things past the statutory date with budgets and so forth I don't think that the sky is going to fall if we take our time on this and and do it do it the right way that we have to do it so just a few comments here I actually I'm very happy with the present chapter chapter once have narrated through its an entirety and single family homeowners are totally exempt from that entire chapter there's no fees no permits no nothing so if you if you read it you'll see that if you own a single family home you are exempt from the present chapter so you don't have to worry about that uh now so there's a lot of work needed but I've read about the proposed fees and everything uh they are excessive in my opinion as they stand now in fact they're sort of X post facto after the fact and I'll explain what I mean by that I planted several trees years ago that like all trees need to be removed I was never given any reward B from the town for planting these environmentally friendly trees they didn't pay me anything but now I'm going to have to pay them if I take them down so this is this is it really is a sort of expost facto I I don't like that at all the present trees I have ought to be grandfathered in I planted them I should be able to take them down I won't take them down for no for bad reasons if they're threatening my house or if I just you know overgrown what I should be able to take them down without saying mother may I okay I have to that's my private property right I should be able to do that and so I don't want that interfered with and this the point that that's being made here is that it's environmentally unfriendly to cut down a tree we have thousands and thousands of trees in West Winds that are not going to be affected by this if a homeowner or two wants to take down a tree or two that's not going to hurt the storm water for goodness sakes it's ridiculous to say that it's just ridiculous look look at all the other trees we have the one tree here there and and homeowners just don't take down trees just because they want to it's expensive they they will have a good reason to do that they're not going to privilously take down trees we all know that uh now the other thing is that every municipality does have a right to control its own ordinances we have the right to control this and naturally the EP wants us to do this wants us to to do that but we have control there's home rule here in New Jersey we do have control over our own ordinances so I'd like to see what whatever ordinance we do get and this uh is friendly to the homeowners doesn't infringe on their rights and is uh just and fair to all those who are concerned so thank you very much for the opportunity to speak and I'll look forward to the next iteration of the proposed ordinance thank you thank you anyone else like to make a comment okay seeing none we'll move on to Administration comments ter jayena from Administration and um we have a couple updates um just a reminder that sewer rent is due on 3124 there is a 10day grace period through 31124 and any payments received after 311 11 will be charged interest from the original date of 3124 um in accordance with NJ SA 544-6727 in come adults and is available on Tuesday Mornings from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 through April 9th 2024 for appointments and more information please call the senior center at 60979 968 and a Mercer County hazardous waste and E waste recycling program is scheduled for March 30th 2024 at the um dumpster fire training school for more information also please check on on the website and that is all the administration updates for tday okay yeah thanks Lind uh John as I explained we are not doing this ordinance we are doing this ordinance only because the state requires us and whatever you described is a law it's called law of unintended consequences uh so you said that you planted the trees so future homeowner may may not want to plant the tree because he may have to pay to take it down I mean nothing I can do about it not not not my control as I said we that's why I specifically asked Dan if we have ever had a problem in 30 years and he knew only one instance and like she said the guy was mad at his neighbor and did something but nothing I can do to prevent it um anyway just one update the council should get the budget tomorrow uh since they don't have the budget um I won't talk too much detail wait till the next uh meeting but again I'm happy to say uh there's no tax increase um there's zero tax increase and one of the questions always Council will also get is a spend more here spend more there we have maxed out spending uh I keep explaining to public that there's a 2% cap on taxes and there's a 2% cap on expenditures and we have hit a 2% cap on expenditures so if you want to increase spending in one area you have to find a comparable decrease in some other area um by law we are not allowed to spend uh more than 2% more than whatever we spent last year and I didn't make the law so we have maxed out the um maxed out the expenditure side and still kept the taxes zero and still have a very very healthy um Surplus and balance and but we have used all the cap so John you don't have to worry about preserving the cap next year there's no there's no cap to preserve so you don't have to make your annual comments about that so we won't move it next year um I will talk in detail about the provisions in the budget at before the next council meeting once the council has it and have a chance to uh look at it and then it's their budget to do as they please so thank you thank you mayor let's move on to uh council member comments um Dan um yeah a couple things actually um one is um I want to highlight a conversation that I had with the parking authority I'll present more detail in report oh that'll be the reports yeah but I wanted to highlight something right now in that one of the best kept secrets in West Windsor is how West Windsor residents can park for free at the at the parking station on weekends um and so I've talked to the parking authority about ways that we can promote that to make it more um more known as well as I asked if we could extend those hours um to make it a little bit more easier specifically right now the hours start at 7 pm on a Friday evening which if you're going into New York to see a show or dinner 7 P.M doesn't really help you so um they were very agreeable and effectively agreed during their meeting that they haven't actually announced it yet but so stay tuned to an announcement with the uh about an expanded expanded parking Westwinds are residents at the station on weekends right um at the Wallace lot at the wall slot yes yes yeah you a lot I would also like to make some remarks about well and make sure your license plate is actually proper license plate because has to be a car registered yeah yes um i' would like to make some remarks about a current event that is winged heavy on the minds of parents and students in our community last week a 16-year-old student from aasu Oklahoma died after being brutally assaulted in a bathroom at their high school they were beaten by their peers at school a place where they were supposed to be safe protected and taken care of while many of us would like to believe that our community is immune to this type of violence is naive to think that similar acts of hate could never happen here sadly anti-trans rhetoric can be found in Schoolboard meetings across the state where attitudes like the ones in oaso are being repeated in debates over New Jersey school policy 5756 a policy that provides crucial protections to lgbtq plus students there are organizations here in New Jersey such as the center for Garden State families moms for Liberty and parents defending education who mislead the public with deceptive and legitimate sounding names while spouting anti-lgbtq plus rhetoric calling for book banss and forced outing of gender diverse students these groups advocate for parental rights and child safety while at the same time spread lies and ostracized lgbtq plus students creating a hostile environment where chance gender youth as well as their supporters are made to feel unsafe these groups must be challenged as their goal is to erode the protections that this state currently offers we must remain Vigilant and take explicit actions that endorse and celebrate gender diverse experiences within our community anti-lgbt plus rhetoric and hate spe hate speech have devastating effects on youth leading to increased rates of depression anxiety and suicidal ideation while young lgbtq plus individuals are subjected to discriminatory language and attitudes they experience feelings of Shame isolation worthlessness exasperating their vulnerability to mental health struggles such rhetoric reinforces societal stigma and rejection making it difficult for them to seek support and acceptance consequently this hostile environment significantly heightens the risk of suicide among lgbtq plus youth highlighting the urgent need to combat this rhetoric and create affirming and supportive spaces for all young individuals to thrive I encourage everyone to speak out in favor of lgbtq plus and trans affirming policies at school board meetings it is crucial to speak out against anti-lgbtq plus rhetoric because such rhetoric perpetuates discrimination marginalization and violence by challenging and condemning such hateful speech we forcer a culture of inclusivity respect and acceptance promoting the well-being and rights of all members of the lgbtq plus Community especially for our children who are the most vulnerable to hate speech speaking out sends a powerful message that discrimination in any form will not be tolerated and it encourages others to stand up against Injustice and support equality for all teach your children about gender diversity and how to be an ally to their friends and their peers neglecting to engage in these kinds of action sends its own message and implicitly sanctions the rise of harmful attitudes and biases we must continuously address the systemic issues that contribute to the vulnerability of marginalized students particularly lgbtq plus youth I am grateful that the state of New Jersey has numerous Protections in place for the lgbtq plus and trans gender Community these Productions Encompass a variety of areas including employment housing Health Care education and hate crimes the tragic incident in Oklahoma serves as a stark reminder that no Community is immune to violence against lgbtq plus individuals particularly transgender youth even within the supposedly safe confines of our schools the recent debate surrounding New Jersey school policy 5756 underscore the importance of remaining Vigilant against anti-lgbt plus rhetoric and organizations that seek to undermine the rights and protections of gender diverse individuals it is imperative that we Challenge and counteract these harmful narratives by actively supporting and celebrating the experiences of gender diverse individuals and addressing the systemic issues that contribute to their vulnerability we can work towards creating safer and more inclusive communities for all although New Jersey boasts numerous protections for the LGBT plus and transgender Community commitment thank you sure our school district our student school district is amazing right and I'm very thankful for that yes but we are surrounded by other ways I thank you for bring that to our attention thank you Sonia sure all right I don't have much to say I just want to um remind everyone today marks the 31st anniversary of the bombing of World Trade Center they just want to um keep those we lost um that day um injured um everyone who responded um in our prayers especially the ones who you know respond to any event and put themselves In Harm's Way so they can keep um the community safe so just um remind everyone keep them in in their prayers um and um you know World Trade Center is it's very personal to me um but anyway I I won't get into that um and um on another note um High School North class of 2024 celebrations um Team is hosting um their annual designer bag um Bingo on March 3rd um at milstone River School um you know if you love Bingo and if you like designer bags a fun afternoon with your friends and they allow you to bring your own food from outside no alcoholic beverages but you can get non-alcoholic make it into a you know girls afternoon whatever um tickets are 30 or $40 at the door um I did attend this event last year with some of my friends um lot of fun and they are really good designer bag so if you want to go have a fun afternoon um March 3rd um at milstone River from 3: to 5: PM Andrea oh well maybe you know most of my designer bag say Target or something on them so maybe May maybe I should upgrade here yeah um on Friday February 23rd I attended the O day Watershed Institute annual conference at the College of New Jersey uh there were presentations and classes on storm water and W water quality with some interesting ideas um one newer idea being floated by The Watershed Institute and the D is multi- toown cooperation in addressing Watershed issues uh that's flooding for people uh um who want to know what what we're talking about with Watershed issues to to some extent that's uh includes flooding I had the opportunity to remind the D commissioner Sean lerette and state Senator Bob Smith that West Windsor had made a proposal over two years ago by Council resolution to address flooding from the Upstream of the millstone River and had gotten support from several affected towns as well as the Watershed Institute so we were well ahead of our time uh in looking at this as a multi- toown approach I'm happy to say I received renewed interest in our proposal from several attendees of the conference including Mr toet and I will be further contacting the assistant commissioner in this area for follow up on as on his suggestion tonight we are celebrating women's History Month with a proclamation we have also just completed National Engineers week when we celebrate Engineers so I want to give you a little bit bit about my background and both I'm wearing a t-shirt I got when I was a national delegate and chapter president for the pyow sigma engineering Honor Society alumni of Central Jersey I was admitted to pyow Sigma which is the five better Capper for engineering students when I was a very rare female undergraduate in mechanical engineering at the City University of New York less than three years before women were not admitted as full members no matter their grades neither did the tal beta Pi mechanical engineering h a fraternity in which I became the first woman vice president in my University this was nothing unusual Princeton Yale Brown Dartmouth and Columbia universities did not start admitting women undergraduates until at least a year after I started college New York City's finest public technical prep schools my fathers Peter ston and Brooklyn Tech High Schools would not even let me take the competitive exams because I was a woman although everyone was sure I could have easily gotten in I graduated college into a world of help wanted ads divided by male and female in a time period that brought both Challenge and new opportunity I won't bore you with Tales of Trials or triumphs we have gained much and we have further to go I and many others have done what we can to lead the way let's encor encourage all our young people to follow their career and life paths without any artificial restraints this past Sunday I once again attended Girl Scout thinking day where girls get together to exchange information swaps and food representing many countries congratulations to Girl Scouts on another incredible event Girl Scouts encourage girls to be leaders and to experiment in everything from camping to stem careers and West Windsor Plainsboro has an amazing program and group of volunteers I encourage all parents to consider this terrific Organization for your daughters thank you very good Martin so I was not going to speak too much because I didn't have too many comments but um I definitely want to um add to uh what my Council colleague Dan spoke about um in terms of uh discriminative practices um oppression against others inclusivity and things of that nature um as someone I've never played the victim role as someone who has faced this discrimination um in so many areas of my life uh job work career schools education uh you name it and have actually seen my children face discrimination as well many many times even in this incredible School District that we have um we do live in a incredible Community a diverse community and our school district is phenomenal as we all have said many times um but we also live in this world of social media we live in this world of incredible hatred against others against those who may not look like you or may not have the same um political affiliation or may not um believe in exactly the same things or live a lifestyle that you may not agree with or agree with um I think one thing that we really have to do and I think as a as a community it's something that we can do um collectively and comprehensively each and every day is that we just have to Value Humanity more and we have to Value each person more and I think need to educate our young people um in the home because I always my line is always first Ministry is in the home um I don't rely on schools or governments or things that nature to raise my children that is my job that is my responsibility and I think that's all of our responsibilities but collectively and comprehensively I think we just really need to Value each other and unfortunately because of social media television politics and that that thing and those um things that are obviously each and every day out here in society um our young people are really really starting to not understand conflict resolution not understand how to speak to each other um it's more you know spew hatred or spew dislike first um believe it or not a couple hours ago I was at the park in playground and I saw two little kids you know uh probably sixth seventh grade and they just all of a sudden just got into a fight and I of course knowing myself I ran over there and I talked to them and I just you know and they know each other they're friends and you know it was kind of like typical having an argument about something and they start started swinging on each other and I was just like kind of shocked because I don't we don't see that very often in this community um but you know just and speaking when I took like 15 minutes just to speak with them about Civility and Humanity these are sixth seventh graders and they may not totally understand it but um I think it's about planting seeds and planting seeds you know to to uh despise because the other line I always say is that which you despise you will never become so if you despise discrimination racism bigotry you won't become it you cannot have it in your spirit and in your soul and you cannot do it but we have to also transcribe transfer that mentality and thought to others and especially this next Generation coming up the Young Generation Um because they are really really being parented um by social soci media and TV and music and movies and influence um that are that are really really destructive to humanity I mean we can talk about so many other things that are destroying Society but I think the biggest thing is the lack of humanity and respect for others so I think that's where we should start even as a community continue to really really push respect of other people um because the violence that we're seeing the gun violence that we're seeing and things that nature obviously there's been violence in this nation this world for a long long time and it's not going away um very fast but there's things little things that each one of us can do I think to influence others and take it upon ourselves you don't have to be a part of an organization you don't have to be a elected leader elected position um you just you know it's about a community and it's about you know the village we have to get back to that Village mentality where people in your street people in your neighborhood you know you respect each other's belongings you respect each other's items you respect each other's body and in person and I think that's the the core um tenant of humanity I think it needs to return so I just wanted to add to what Dan was saying because I think it's very very important for us to respect each other thank you right thank you Martin and um we're all we're all striving you know for the Beloved Community no no no doubt about it and inclusive and to to be friends and help help one another out especially when kids have a have a really bad day and they're getting bullied I know that the school district tries very very hard um you know to to sort of end if it's ever possible so much of the bullying that goes on the hate speech there's emotional pain so there's so much to deal with um but it also starts sometimes at home and just talk to your your children and and tell them like this kind of behavior is not acceptable and stand up for kids that are getting bullied too not just like standing stand up for them and say don't do that that's not right this is a good person so um we continue continue that conversation all right um the council will be receiving uh the proposed 2024 Municipal budgets and 224-229 capital Improvement program um from the mayor as he said uh uh by by the end of this week maybe tomorrow but certainly by the end of this week uh once a Township Clerk receives these materials and delivers to council the budget information will be placed on the Township's web page the uh public budget meetings are tentatively scheduled for March 7th 19th and 21st dates for the budget introduction and hearing will be forthcoming the budget meeting agendas will state which departments will be presenting at that particular meeting public comment is taken towards the end of the meetings these meetings are broadcast live on uh YouTube and rebroadcast on YouTube uh I contacted the New Jersey League of municipalities asking for more information on proposed bills there's two Senate bills s 1106 s 2347 uh which would allow accessory dwelling units uh as a right in certain residential areas so they um get back to me I'll let I'll let you know what what they're saying uh um and Andrea and I attended uh the wake of Kathy Murray who is the wife of former West Windsor Bob Murray uh on February 8th I always enjoyed talking with Kathy and um Bob about Township issues and and um I extended our deepest sympathies uh from the mayor and Council to Bob and his family okay chair clerk comments I do comments I want to announce that I have been working with the Merc County clerk's office and we have picked a date for passport Clinic which will be Wednesday March 27th it'll be in this room from 1: to 6: PM uh the information is on the township uh not the township sorry on the county clerk's website and we'll go up on our website um with and it's to contact them for your RS this is for Renewal and or new passports so no usually not usually if the county does it and it's open the state I've been working with the county clerk and Senator Watson and we've been just picking dates and then somebody's got to take the date out so we've got it done we were doing this at least once a year prior to co so another good thing for our residents to be able to do that's it for me okay good so we have uh two public hearings this evening uh the first one 20 24-3 uh this proposed ordinance with its changes are intended to update and provide better Clarity on the permitted uses and required standards of the rom1 district so the public hearing is is open anyone who would like to make a public comment please please come I got to read the whole I'm sorry legally we should the whole thing we'll do that yes 20243 and ordinance to amend and supplement the code of the township of West Windsor chapter 200 of the code entitled land use part seven entitle six sorry entitled zoning article 24 thank you entitled regulations for research office manufacturing research office and research development District section 200-209 entitled ROM 1 Industrial District research office limited manufacturing use regulations and section 200-210 entitled District bulk and area regulations okay now if anyone would like to make a public comment please come to the microphone and state your name and address okay seeing none uh motion to close the public hearing so move second roll Callas yes mandal yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes Jers yes motion to adopt s second ladies from Sonia okay gas yes Mandel yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes Jers yes 2024 4 an ordinance to amend and supplement chapter 168 traffic and parking of the revised General ordinances of the township of West Windsor okay if anyone like to make a comment on this um ordinance please come to the microphone and state your name and address okay seeing none motion to close the public hearing so moved second alas yes mandal yes Weiss yes yes Whitfield yes Jers yes motion to adopt so moved second gas yes mandal yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes Jers yes motion approved consent agenda 2024 r74 approving the refund of construction permit for solar system installation to Tesla energy operations Inc in the amount of $665 for permit 2023 027 2024 r75 approving the refund of the balance of remaining escrow for development plan review for various Planning and Zoning Board applicants bills and claims does anyone need anything pulled from the consent agenda seeing no nothing to be pulled uh motion to approve the consent agenda salute second you can take gaas yes mandal yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes Jers yes motion approved okay recommendations from the administration 2024 r76 approval of the place to place and personto person transfer of preliminary retail consumption license to Eddie holding LLC 2024 r77 authorizing the business administrator to purchase one 2024 Ford F450 regular 4x4 Mason dump from Cherry Hill winter Ford under New Jersey state contract a88 215 t211 for 86,4 and 2024 r78 granting reservation of sewer capacity for the project known as400 steps PB 2305 does anyone need any resolution pulled okay seeing none like a motion to approve 2024 r76 through 2024 r78 salute second gaas yes Mandel yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes Jers yes motion approved the introduction of ordinances an ordinance amending and supplementing 80 chapter 82 fees a motion to introduce second who okay I heard somebody gaas yes mandal yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes Jers yes public hearing will be March 26 2024 for okay we have additional uh public comment anyone wishing to make a comment please come to the microphone and state your name and address okay thank you again uh Madam president uh just to follow up here church we know you but could you put it on the record please your name and address I didn't do that okay John Church 11 P place thank you okay thank you okay uh just uh when I read the uh propos osed ordinance uh message from D it did say at the end that every municipality has the right to modify this ordinance any way they like does say that so please go to it and modify the ordinance any way you like and actually in my opinion it may not be correct but I don't think you need a new ordinance we have one and it's working fine uh I think this was directed mainly to towns that maybe did not have such an ordinance and they do need if they don't have such an ordinance they would need something but I think it could be argued that you don't need to do anything um but if you do anything just for proformer reasons uh make it as minor as you can and please don't uh start imposing all these possible fees and regulations on Township residents when in my opinion they're not needed at all and not necessary people are not just going to go clearcut their land people love their trees they're going to take care of them but when trees need need to be removed when it's obvious that they need to do that they should be able to do that with the minimum amount or no amount of paperwork and fees again just my personal opinion and thank you for considering it thank you all right um under Council reports discussion new business Martin uh planning board did not meet since our last meeting uh but planning board will meet uh next Wednesday March 6 at 6:30 thank you and um affordable housing and the environmental commission haven't didn't meet since our last meeting okay Sonia um parks and wreck uh met on February 15th so just um few things to update um the daddy daughter father daughter dance um had 20 200 plus registrations it was a very successful event um it's always a has been a very popular event um happens right here at marcer OES and it's a fun event my doctor always loves it um the day camps um this summer the timing is um is being changed a little bit um to avoid any confusion um regarding the lunchtime or before it used to be where either you pick up your kids before lunch or drop them off after lunch and if the student is staying for lunch they had to to register separately for lunch so the timing is now being changed from 8:30 to 1 so it will improve the lunch time um registrants have to bring their own lunch lunch will not be provided just want to make sure um the um the Cricut field uh rental uh costs were discussed um the field at Community Park would be at $300 um and cariv would be at $200 it's for for when you know when they hold um tournaments and such um the pool pool manager position is um is open so if anybody is U looking for summer jobs um especially especially summer P the pool manager position is open so um you know right you know send in the applications um the board is also considering um looking for at um sponsors uh to for movie night and tree lighting to bring the costs down because um the the fireworks for example is pretty pretty expensive and even movie night needs um licensing and such so they're considering that that's true okay um Board of Ed uh met on February 20th um it was a very quick meeting um less than 30 minutes um but um auditor Scott cand presented the 2023 Financial it um West Wier Plainsboro B of had received the certificate of excellence in financial reporting I think this is um they mentioned 15th year that they have received this um audit went very well and was uh filed on time on December 5th um it was mentioned that only 28% of the districts have filed um on time and our district was one of those 28% so that very good um there was a very various committee reports um that were presented um just to highlight a few athletic spring registrations are ongoing um the new Cricket program um is to start this spring curriculum um committee is considering entering into a partnership with middle six County um uh Community College for high school students to earn deal registration and um earning college credits I think similar to what um the partnership they have right now with the merca County um I think um so that's what they're considering and looking into so both both our towns right now can go to the the high school students can go into a program with Mero County now um if this this program goes through they'll have an option to um go to middlex County as well right it because we have two two counties we have two counties Two Towns District yes yes okay middle sex County College a little further isn't yeah M County College is quite far middle sex county middle count County College is right here um but the program The Academy program has two different campuses one is right off of Old Trenton Road and SMP campus the other campus is at C campus which is in hell you talking about the The Merc One Mercer yeah so it's it's um it's a lot closer um the cek cic campus is a little further out than um the smic um campus but middle six um county is um I believe it's in yeah yeah so it's it's for um but right now for merer County um the district provides busing to the students who um um apply and um choose to go there my son actually goes to that program he's in the thisam academy there um but uh and uh I think the question was raised um how what about middle sex County because middle sex County also has a program that can be utilized um and uh our town our district being in two towns and two counties I think they're looking into that very good thank you man um so the parking authority had uh their monthly meeting the other week and as I mentioned expansion of weekend parking uh one other interesting item of note is that they are working on a proposal to uh remediate the uh the dilapidated Garage in Wallace Road um and the the surround there they actually township owns two lots and to uh convert those into uh parking and Rel landscape it and remediate the um the contamination there I spoke to the mayor who's supportive of that of course we need to see the proposal and what the numbers look like but um conceptually um I would love to see that happen I've been looking at that building for 32 years and it would be nice to see something else there yes yes we're working on isur by Ice yes but um so stay tuned for more information as they put that right right good good great thanks um the shade tree commission meets this Wednesday February 28th at 6:30 pm in meeting room B of our municipal building that's all I have um Administration updates okay seeing none do we need a close session we do not so motion to adjourn nobody wants to this meeting is thank you everyone to go home