um we're just waiting we're we have to bring somebody in online so we're working on making that work well okay goodone was ringing okay we ready yeah you let me know when e got thank you okay I'm going to call to order the meeting of the Board of Health for June 10th 2024 gay can you call the role please that was here Jers muted ask her to unmute you might have to do it in the back you have to do it in the back one second please um while while we're waiting um Linda J is the council president I'm the vice president Linda wi sick she'll be coming in Via Zoom so I'm going to be running the meeting tonight thank you I'll start over with roll call gaas here iers here Mell here Weiss here Whitfield here and have we adequately noticed yes on January 19th 2024 to the times the packet filed with the clerk and posted in the municipal building would everybody please rise for the salute to the flag stes and justice for all I'm now going to open up the first public comment period for the Board of Health uh again this is just for the Board of Health the regular business meeting will be held after we adjourn the Board of Health meeting is there anybody who wishes to get up and speak at this meeting seeing none I'm going to close the public comment period and we're going to vote on the uh minutes for the Board of Health for February 12th 2024 can I have a motion to approve the minutes motion to approve the minutes of February 12 2024 second um okay can you call the rooll please gas yes mandal yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes Jers yes now can you hear me I yes okay good I just want to make sure we're good thanks okay um what we're going to do before we make any comments is listen to the updates from uh Jill and then we're going to go into the um into the board of Board of Health member comments so Jill take it away hi Jill Swanson help am I on um no um can you get in a little closer see if we can hear how's that okay good thanks um hi Health officer for the health department um a few updates uh today we were advised by the State Department of Health that we were the department was awarded the influenza honor rooll for 2023 2024 season and that was vastly due to the hard work of our public health nurse and her Outreach team so I wanted to publicly thank them and acknowledge the work that they had done um and they're already planning for this coming season so more on that in August at the August meeting um we're also working uh as we do with the um greater Mercer Public Health Partnership doing the community health needs assessment we're um continuing through that cycle and at this point we're doing a community survey and that survey posted on the township website it's also hard copies are available in the senior center the library and we've shared it out with our partners so I would ask community members to take some time to do that survey it takes anywhere between 10 and 15 minutes pretty basic information a lot of it's based on your own opinion and it is anonymous but it helps um both the hospitals and the provider agencies within the county to develop programs moving forward and um to to try to move the needle on some of the health indicators when when is that um closing that survey we expect it to close um at the end of June so we have a few more weeks you'll also see coming up um some of the hospital systems do separate Community Health needs surveys so I do suspect that we will see an additional one come out from um pen Princeton soon um and I will post that on our website in addition and and I assume West Windsor people answer the survey they get a better idea of our needs and that's an advantage for us absolutely knowing what our local needs are um does help the service um providers and the hospitals and public health departments know what areas to focus on and what um opinions are in the community on what you see what those gaps are that may not be reflected in the hard data that comes out of these reports um another uh point I wanted to touch on the project first line program which we have been involved in for the past year was a mini Grant we received through our Prof Professional Organization that wrapped up at the end of March and we put a report on the website that tabulates um and provides a summary and gives you an idea about how many healthc care providers we were able to train through that program and um as of the end of March it was 167 healthc care providers that we touched base with We are continuing even though that mini Grant is through um we are going to continue that Outreach with some of the grant funded staff that are on board we have two experienced Public Health nurses that are parttime and they come in specifically to do these trainings both in our long-term care centers and we've modified it somewhat to go into the schools and do some infection control with the little ones and the daycare centers um and I expect that program to at this point go through respiratory season this year into the early parts of next year um another brief update on the lead safe rental program the deadline for compliance for any landlords out there that have pre-1978 construction homes deadline is July 22nd 2024 so that's rapidly approaching um at this point we estimate we have about 200 properties in the township that are affected and again that's an estimate but we've only received 16% of the reports back so we do have we suspect we have some non-compliance out there and I would encourage folks to um make arrangements to do those inspections and get them into us and the last reminder I wanted to touch on was um preparing for travel as we go into the summer season a lot of people are planning for trips and it's important to understand that when you take these trips there's some research you should do beforehand both on the safety of where you're going and also what kind of illnesses are in that area um there are vaccinations that you may need prior to going the CDC travel website has a destination specific research tool that allows you to look at factors like that um and it's as simple as making sure you have all your vaccinations and what diseases are you potentially exposed to it could be mosquito born diseases in some areas where we don't have those types of diseases circulating so if you're infected and you come back with symptoms it's important to make sure your doctor knows where you traveled recently and protect yourself from mosquito bites here so we don't introduce those types of pathogens into the mosquito pools in New Jersey and a note on measles um measles is increasing globally it's important that if you're traveling internationally that you make sure your vaccinations are up to date any questions um well one thing on the measles is we heard that there was a case right over here at upen um yes a case was seen um and that that highlights um how that affects the community because um when you go for treatment um if if you go in with me and knowing you have meal symptoms you should let the facilities know ahead of time that you have traveled recently and um these are your symptoms now sometimes you may not know that those symptoms are related to measles it could be very early and there's no rash which is often what happens and um at that point anyone who is in the same area as you may potentially be exposed to measles so if you're not up to date or you're too young to be vaccinated which often happens um or you may just not have your vaccination records readily hand handy to um to verify that you are immune to measles so this sometimes involves an inconvenience to folks um and potentially also um a threat to your health if you're not if you don't have immunity or if you're a young child who who cannot be vaccinated and now you've been exposed so there are some challenges and that is why it's so important when you do travel not to bring this back okay okay um we'll go through see if anyone on Council has um Linda you want to go first do you have anything um yeah on a a different topic um at our last council meeting a group of eighth graders from Community Middle School uh spoke during public comment about their work on a community solving problem issue so the project is Under the Umbrella of the um schools prism program uh the bloom team's mission is to uh spread awareness of the falsities by social media media among teenagers and to help teenagers accept and embrace their bodies and to develop a positive body image so um for our our conversation are there any resources the health department or the township can recommend to the bloom team uh to support their efforts so yes um there are some communication materials that are readily available um with under the CDC Health Communications web page and I'm happy to share those with the bloom group um there's very audience specific um science-based methodologies for dealing with different age audiences um so I think some of those materials can be very helpful as they're crafting their messages and um it is a very um ambitious Endeavor um talking about changing social norms um and it does take time to make those changes but is in line with some of the previous Public Health initiatives and things like wearing seat belts and um the acceptance of smoking and drinking alcohol while driving these are all things that have been tackled by large scale Public Health initiatives to change social norms so um there's a lot of documentation and research available on tackling things such as this but I think specifically for crafting those Outreach messages and um raising awareness and my understanding there were some brochures that were in the process of being crafted and I think that's where these CDC materials on audience specific communication materials and how to craft those messages for a specific audience could be very helpful for this group so I'm happy yeah also a lot of it has to do with I guess me mental health issues too yes um um and um reaching out to some of the recognized um mental health organizations and groups are um would definitely be recommended um I believe one part of the presentation talked about um some peer assistance and that should really be in consultation with some mental health professionals and we can provide some links to organizations that may be able to help guide them in that direction great good yeah I thank you I'm sure the girls will welcome all of your comments and and recommendations so thank you um for doing that for for them Jill um and I guess um I I am home now I I tested negative afternoon for covid so that's good um because last week was positive so uh I'm getting better um alls I can say is is that uh it was a lot of coughing spasms 247 so um that's pretty much um passed now so just be on a lookout it's even though it's summer there there's still uh some covid out there yeah okay Linda yeah anything else no okay um Sonia would you like to go no I just wanted to add that um I did speak with the bloom um Team earlier today they returned back from um Indiana just yesterday um they informed me that they did not place um but they really um had a great time the experience I think was um very beneficial to them and they're very focused more focused now to continue to work on their project I think what they're looking to do is create a mentorship uh program because they are the rising um freshman group they want to create a mentorship program for the Middle School aged kids so any support um that you could provide them for them I think would be helpful and also if we can maybe put some some of this information on our website I think that'll be great for Community to have and as always thank you for everything Jill Dan I have no comments other than to thank you for all the work that you do thank you Martin sure just have a brief comment um just knowing since the pandemic that this summer obviously probably have the largest uh traveling um throughout the United States but as well having such a large International Community is there anything that we should be doing to educate you know parents or and kids about the vaccinations and things that nature especially as uh Council vice president mentioned about the recent measles case in at Princeton pen hospital so the um CDC travel website would be my recommendation because you can enter the destination of travel and it will indicate which diseases of concerns and obviously being up to date on all your basic immunizations is important so each individual age group will have different recommendations whether it's um for Min ninja cockle or um measles Ms and Rella so age will play a difference also but your location of destination is important to keep in mind and that CDC travel and once you're on there you can um scroll down and you'll see destination enter the country of destination and sometimes it even breaks down to the region within the country and it'll talk about the different types of vector born diseases or um vaccine preventable diseases of concern um there's also a um a travel um registration if you're traveling internationally that you can register um which allows you to receive re alerts on other than um public health issues it may be a um um some type of disaster situation when you're in another country and you need to have quick access to the Embassy um it's if you're traveling internationally it's not a bad idea to I believe it's called travel-wise and um it's you can register your dates of travel where you're traveling and your contact information can also be helpful if there's an emergency back home in your family needs to find you and you're traveling from one place to another so there are a lot of resources you just need to take the time to do the little bit of research if you have any questions you can certainly call call the health department and we'll try to connect you thank you thanks um some of us had measles as kids so that makes it even more a little complicated as far as do we have do we still have immunities and stuff like that um the um one of the things with the bloom group is it is a mental health um and and this problem which we've most of us have been familiar with having had daughters and having work with groups like Scouts um is that it's not just mental health but it can lead to very severe physical problems uh things like bulimia and anorexia which can lead to more problems so the more we can do um for both our boys and our girls um for this and I think we'd all will appreciate that um as as always I'd like to thank you for for everything Administration still gets to speak so uh um let the mayor say something now you have something as you thank you very much we don't talk as often as we used to but that's a good thing yes thank you Mar gay do you have anything more to say no well then thank you very much Gil it's been very informing and um we appreciate everything that you do and congratulations on that award thank you thank you for everything congratulations yep we're going to have one more public comment period I'm opening it up for public comment just for Board of Health is anybody this is just for Board of Health the same thing that it was last time so if anybody has gotten any thoughts since yeah since Jill spoke uh and wants to make a public comment on public health you're welcome to do so no if not then I will close public comment and we will go ahead and I'll ask for a motion to adjourn the Board of Health portion of the meeting salute second all in favor okay and thank you Jill thank you Jo have a great summer till our next meeting okay we're now going to call to order our regular business meeting of June 10th we've already done the roll call um I believe we've already done the adequate notice as the same notice and we've done the salute to the flag so we have one ceremonial matter uh a few of us um the mayor um Sona uh Linder and I were able to say goodbye to uh Mrs maryan henan who um is retiring after 53 years with the township and that was very moving for us and I have a proclamation here from the mayor and the council which I'm going to read whereas Maryann henan started her career with West Windsor Township on November 18th 1974 as part-time help in the records room of the West Windsor Police Department and where as Maryanne started her full-time employment with the West Windor Township Police Department in the rec room on February 17th 1975 and whereas Maryanne became the secretary to the chief of police Paul Maguire in 1978 and whereas Maryanne was promoted to the position a senior Administrative Assistant office manager in 1987 and has served in that position for the past 37 years and was whereas Maryann henan is the only employee to serve under all four West Township Chiefs of police to include Frank Maguire Frank Cox Joseph peer and Robert garolo and where is Chief Galo as his first official act as Chief honored Maryanne presenting her with the matriarch award and whereas along with her matriarch title the police department's 50th Anniversary coin recognized Maryanne for her long distinguished service to the township and whereas during her nearly 50 years with the police Department she has mentored many officers during their careers with the township and whereas there's never been a more dedicated conscientious employee and will probably never be like Maryann now therefore be it resolved by Maya hont marath and the township Council of the township of West Windsor hereby congratulates Maryann henan on her nearly 50 years of service not only to the West Windsor Police Department but to the residents of West Windsor Township as well and be it further resolved that they all wish Maryanne well and thank of her many years of service and wishes her well in her retirement and Maryanne um was not able to to be here tonight so I'm going to give this to Gay and she's going to get it to the police department so that um it's it's actually beautifully framed um it's probably the nicest looking framed one i' I've seen since I've been on Council so it's it's a beautiful job um and we hope she keeps it in good health so okay okay and um Marian's not here otherwise we would probably do a standing ovation yeah I mean we would definitely deserves right and you should have seen her in the side car of the uh of the of the motorcycle she was she was really rocking that yeah yeah we with a red white and blue outfit it was uh it was it was wonderful to behold okay now I know it we seem to have a lot of people waiting for which is public comment so I'm going to open public comment uh three minutes it's going to be give you please give your name and address and there is a 30 minute um maximum total which I don't think will be an issue um so you wanted to get up I believe a number of people signed up so you can uh line up and uh we're anxious to hear what you have to say hello um my name is G Goyle I live on 21 Castleberry way it's right next to Duck Pond uh uh the issue I want to talk about is the uh Mercer County library and I understand I recently found out that this Council May uh may not be able to do much with the merer county library uh but I at least hope that this information can at least allow you to use your influence to maybe at least advocate for the issue and accelerate any any issues or roadblocks towards advancing it so um with that out of the way the mer Library which is right across the street um is a staple in the community I believe it's a lot um it helped provide solar eclipse glasses during the solar eclipse it has lots of programs like such as hoopa and things for kids and resum thing things for resumés to review and um I think that's a valuable asset and that we should look into into the the roofs which leak a lot currently there are three areas which leak in the um which leak in the mer Library uh namely in the young adult section and one in the juvenile section and there uh buckets U I say there are a lot of buckets in a lot of places um and they're yellow tapes in lots of places as well I have pictures on my phone if anyone is interested at seeing them uh which are just areas to Mark the areas that the library is leaking um and there's even visible roof damage and I think that that's concerning because uh roof damage allows uh potentials for mold and flooding and any any hazardous issues so I think it's important that we um we take this issue quickly and we address it uh and I think that uh as a whole in the State uh Library roofs tend to actually need repair uh in 2019 there was a uh Library construction Bond act about 20% of the uh libraries that applied for this um for the for the grants that are providing this act they all had 20% of the libraries had to use um the funding for roofs so I think that as a whole as a state and as a community we need to be focusing on our on our libraries roofs uh now I know that again as I mentioned the council may not be able to directly impact it but I hope the influence that you all have can uh help at least with the with the roofs uh lastly I would like to thank um Deputy CLA gay I think she's the clerk Allison's the deputy clerk I'm sorry I used to be the deput uh she informed me about the um how the council may not be able to directly influence it and allowed me to adjust my speech and I would also like to thank the mayor who assured me right before uh this meeting began that there would be meeting next weekend which could possibly um help with the issues in the library and it'll be at the library um just so everyone knows uh we don't comment if we let everybody do their comments so we if there's going to be any comment from Administration or answer we'll wait till the end so after everybody's had a chance to speak okay so thank you next hello council members our names are lyan Yuan my excuse me um every individual speaks individually so if you could each give your name and address and then when the next person speaks they can do that thank you U my name is lyan Yuan and my address is 38 greyland Drive we're Juniors of w WP High School North like today we'd like to talk about of pedestrian safety in West Windsor specifically on Rabbit Hill Road as we're sure wait as we're sure you know a lethal accident occurred on the crosswalk intersection of Rabbit Hill Road and ab November resulting in the death of a 12-year-old girl and her dog as members oh sorry my name is kashish aora uh my address is 4 wway as members of the West Windsor community and students who are concerned about local safety in our district we established safe strides an organization advocating for pedestrian safety we are our first call to action with this oration is advocating for the construction of a flashing crosswalk or rapid flashing pedestrian beacons r rfbs at the intersection of Rabbit Hill Road and Abington Lane such a safety measure enhances driver awareness and is extremely effective in getting motorists to yield pedestrians this measure is necessary to pedestrian accidents due to sa of driver attention chairwoman Charmy of West Windsor Democrats is heavily ins supported this cause and is backing our mission to set rfbs and pedestrian push buttons um to this area this is not a political issue but a human issue just so you know everybody gets one chance to speak so if you want to sit down you can do that thank you go ahead um so my name is Eliana Sun I live at 25 Rosewood Court and as of right now we have reached to several local groups the West Windsor Democrats being one of them and another being the West Winder bike and pedestrian Alliance now from the response it is clear that such enhanced safety measures have the potential to prevent any future future accidents from occurring and flashing crosswalks have already been installed in other areas um for the same purpose we are aware that more lighting has been added to the road which is definitely a big big contributor to the overall Improvement of pedestrian safety in the area however we believe that the installation of a flashing crosswalk at this intersection specifically will be the most effective in ensuring the safety of local residents we also understand how such a project requires a lot of budgeting and planning but we hope our comments and concerns today will be able to convey the importance and urgency of a of creating a safer Community with such improved um pedestrian safety infrastructure uh hello my name is Isha shini vson and my address is seven Prime path in West Windor um can you speak into the microphone please um my name is ISA sh bason and I live at seven Prine path in West Wier uh to prevent further accidents We Believe driver Behavior must also be considered through our Instagram account our petitions and our work with the Westminster bicycle and pedestrian Association we hope to shine a light on responsible driving practices our efforts are primarily focused on the education of importance of safe driving through our Instagram account and through our petition but we also believe it is imperative that drivers stray from speeding and other unsafe driving practices in order to ensure the safety of everyone in our community we believe the best way to promote safety while driving is through reducing the speed limit on Rabbit Hill Road and that promoting safe driving goes beyond the efforts of educating drivers stricter regulations would help with that tremendously we ask the council to please consider our concerns when making future decisions thank you so much for your time thank you very much and as I had mentioned we will uh address anything at the end thanks thank you yeah yeah it's so I would use the mic but if you guys don't mind I just speak without it you have to use the mic so that we can hear it online and if you could please state your name and address for the record okay is this good y yes yeah I just rather not let my voice shiver and you guys hear that so that's what I was thinking it go without it but besides the point I'm Zak Kong I'm a student of lawrenville school I live at 24 Highpoint place so I was talking with Miss Mandel and miss gers about this before but my friends and I were working on a project to bring comp hosting a food waste to the township so we currently service 50 households in West Windsor and we're right now I'm just looking to see if you guys would be interested in promoting it so we talked about sending out an e-bulletin if Mr Mayor would be interested in supporting this initiative so basically why is composting important right so if you think about it in the US we waste 33% of all food produced not really sure what the statistic is in New Jersey but that gets sent to landfills and that emits a lot of greenhouse gases and it's just really bad so composting right now the reason it's not widely accessible is if you look at the cost of composting companies it's like $26 a month for two pickups so like 13 pickups a $13 a pickup and you know if you can just throw the food waste in the trash doesn't really make sense to pay that much extra just compost your food waste so since we're high schoolers and we don't really need to make a living right now we're offering for free and composting companies they actually have to charge for it because they need to provide for themselves right now we're lucky we we don't so we're offering for free that's why we've signed up 50 households and going forward we would just like to sign up even more houses so that we can actually have a larger impact so that's like point one point two is we try to provide okay so like although make money it's not sustaining to just keep using other people's money or keep asking for volunteers just compost the food waste and do all the pickups so we ask our households to pay after like three months of the trial period and in return for paying a lot of their money is donated to like the Community Food Bank of New Jersey and other organizations so that food waste can become food and things like that so that's pretty cool so right now all I'm asking for is just maybe like a separate meeting after with the mayor or any of you guys that'd be interested to see if we could promote this to the rest of the community so thank you thank you can you sign here please so that I have the correct spelling your name does anybody else wish to get up and speak John hold on Mr Church okay I don't want to lose your timing here okay go ahead okay thank you um good evening uh John Church 11 Princeton Place just a couple of brief comments about resolutions R 136 and 137 regarding the purchase of some new trucks now I know when we acquire major equipment like a fire apparatus worth hundreds of thousands of dollars uh we usually donate the uh the the equipment that's being replaced to other towns I know we've done that in the past I'm not sure what we do with the trucks that will be replaced and they might still have useful life in them uh uh and the administration can address this after I'm through uh later on uh we could maybe get a tradein value for it or we could donate them or we could sell them to employees or the general public I don't know if we sell them it should appear as a revenue item in the budget under sale of ass which we do have a revenue line item for that so it's just just something that the administration can comment on later after the public comment is period is over and and they they have the floor thank you thank you John is there anybody else that wishes to come up and make a public comment please Dave D David Paris 207 Washington Road I to briefly add my congratul anigan respect that many of you may not have known about her was scouting when she where was the pck Scout minister at the pens Princeton Baptist Church at pens neck my henan became an eagle scout first again was a constant supporter of troops 45 lots of people forget when they recognize an eagle scout or anyone who does Fine Things in all aspects of scouting they forget that it's often a parent who deserves an awful lot of credit too and Maryanne was one of those people and continued her support throughout the time that I known her the time that I've known her 50 years thank you thank you Dave is there anybody else that wishes to speak during public comment period we will have another public comment period after later in the meeting after we do our business um no one else wishes to speak this one I will close the public comment period um mayor do you have mayor okay I have two comments for actually announcements this evening Public Works is collecting in zone two this week please remember to separate leaves from uh uh yard waste and branches and the like and then on Saturday June 15th from 800 am to noon at the township of West Windsor Public Works facility 70 Southfield Road West Windsor residents only are invited to bring their papers and have them shredded this popular event will last H it may end prior to noon um if the shred trucks reach capacity residents are asked to limit their boxes to eight 10 pounds each um and at the same time when you're at the facility um there will be a collection of food um for send hunger packing of West Windsor Plainsboro and the little free Pantry which are local programs of Mercer Street friends um there is more information about the um P paper shredding event um and the collection um of the types of foods on that day as who else do you have some any comments on some of the yeah public comments thank you thanks Andia so um I'll first I have my own comments but I'll first answer uh four questions that or four comments that were made by various people during the public comment uh uh Merc County Library you made the comment at uh the right time as I said uh County exec Dan Benson is coming this Saturday I hope it rains if it doesn't rain please go to the roof and pour water we can show him where it where it leaks but the count is aware of that and we will continue pushing them to fix that but it is a it is a problem and we deserve a much better Library uh uh merer County except for Princeton everybody has a County Library if you go to Middle sex each town has their own Library uh there was a talk a long time ago of making our own Library we never got there uh County library has its advantages you can borrow from any other library and they bring it to you you don't have to drive to Robinsville or lawrenville but we will definitely bring it up and if you have time as I told you you can come and point it out yourself so thank you very much um next is uh Public Safety uh very vital and uh we are aware of the tragedy that happened on Rabbit Hill Road uh um there are a lot of things that the township does for uh ensuring safety of both pedestrian and bicyclist and uh cars I would encourage you to go to the website and uh read my state of the township address that has very specific things that will be done in this year's budget including on Rabbit Hill Road including on car over Road um um we do things based on input from professional the police engineering and you will get a list of projects that um that we will be doing under this year's budget to improve the safety um but I I'm happy one young gentleman left but at least five of you are here um the best thing you can do for Public Safety is convince your friends convince your parents convince your neighbors to drive safely um since they was okay it's back good um because all of you will start driving soon if you're not driving already and um when this tragedy happened I requested the police to keep track for one week of people whom they rote ticket and on every internal Road almost 60 to 70% tickets were written to West winster residents which means they are your neighbors friends your parents yourself um the best thing we can do is to teach every person to drive within spe limit to follow the rules apart from other things I mean we always ask other people to do other things but if all of us follow the rules um I know three four years ago the township tried to Institute a program um b car where every person takes a pledge to uh drive under speed limit other than Mr Stevens who is running the program the mayor and few Council people nobody showed any interest picking up the blackard I mean you can't drive fast to your yourself and expect safety to improve so we will definitely do our part but I'm telling you specifically because you're all young you haven't started driving yet and you can watch your parents you can watch your neighbor how they drive and most complaints we get are on internal streets people driving are crazy now my street is a dead end so everybody driving on that street is my neighbor nobody else is coming there other than visiting me or my neighbors and drive fast so the best thing we can do is each of us be responsible citizens we get a lot of complaints about people bypassing school buses I mean the police chief will tell you that even if you hire 40 more police officers there'll be people who do that right we can't be everywhere at every time so the township will do our part what projects we are doing you can go on the township website read state of the township address but since you are young you have influence influence on how people drive your neighbors your friends if your friend drives like crazy just tell him or her hey that's not the way to drive because it can happen to anybody I mean unfortunately that tragedy I know way more than I wish to know about the tragedy and can happen to anybody I mean when you're young you feel oh it's going to always happen to somebody else it's unfortunate that's true so we will continue doing our part but I need your help as young people to watch out develop good habits and tell your friends and neighbors to develop good habits composting um we will do everything within our power to um advertise your program but again you yourself said it's a it's a challenge because of the cost I either Princeton or Lawrence will one of the townships had a program Township program Princeton had they charged $100 a month I believe and then the composting facility actually shut down too so they have a uh it's it's very expensive to do composting facilities in New Jersey so um it's a very good concept but as young you can find something Innovative a program that will make it feasible financially feasible and easier for other people to use but it's it's a it's a very important concept it's a good concept but also at the same time when we eat we should make sure we don't waste food in um as a kid I was not allowed to leave anything on the plate in this country it's all different right uh so but but that's something that um we can uh we can learn do ourselves also about our B so you send us information by email we will see how best we can advertise and then it's your job to choose 50 people I'm not going to if you get 100 applications it's your job to choose 50 I'm not going to in the middle of that oh you can do all the power to you whatever you can do so yeah no issue at all um Mr church I think I've answered that questions once before uh you asked about something else right but we do whatever is required by the state law we I just can't take the truck home saying hey Surplus so we do auction it off or whatever is water is allowed by state law to get dispose of all old equipment that we no longer use not only trucks but every other old equipment so it's not simply uh given to somebody or simply discarded there's a well there's a procedure we do um and I can send you details I don't know the details right up front but we do auction it off or we we follow the state procedure to dispose it of so that I mean that's made to make sure tax pay are protected that it's not somebody just mayor just doesn't take it at home and sell it so yeah yeah but the assets have to be disposed off otherwise it will be like 300 Page asset list from 225 years we don't have what we bought 200 years ago right we disposed it off so we do have a process and we do keep track of what we bought what we sold so I will definitely send you that process thank you mayor and just to clarify the council has already voted that budget we did put a lot more money in actually the administration put more money in this year for the safety um procedures the Council made it very clear that the council wanted even more money so we added even more to what the mayor had added and that's been a priority for both the council and administration even even before that accident happened which was horrific and um uh Linder and I and the mayor met with uh about 80 people I remember after that um and I believe Sonia you had a meeting with a number of people on Zoom at the time um so we're all very aware we were we we've been part of this even before that happened um and so it's just been you know because it's something that we all believe in as far as the pedestrian and bicycle and and Motor Safety so money's been put in there if you go on the website you will see the mayor's uh stateof the town speech where he does delineate even more um where some of the money is going to go and we're you know it's it's not in a day there's a limit to how much money we can spend and we've um we've put as much as we can at this point and we're always looking for ways to improve so more you um you know you ask for it or you come up with places that need it or work with somebody like bicycle and pedestrian who has been working very closely with us um helping them out not only advocating but also maybe helping them out with some of the projects that they run and some of the where they need volunteers to go do things that would be a good place to spend some volunteer time uh with them so thank you I un finished okay okay so these were the answers to the questions I was going to make two three comments uh before again just to join these two people want to thank Mrs anigan uh as as enria mentioned she has worked with every police chief in the history of West Wind so which means uh she knows where all the bodies are buried so now people can make up stories that she's no longer working we can make up story and nobody can challenge what happened 15 years ago or 30 years ago um regarding the uh uh regarding the perisan safety and um the we worked with the county to improve the um lighted crosswalk at sherbrook outside of the old Acme Center um we were hoping they would do a a light overhead uh overhead something that is more visible but they did install two new lights and hopefully uh that whole section between Cranberry Road and Clarksville road is going to be uh improved um with the uh three lane road with a bike lane and a sidewalk on the side uh county has been that project was probably approved probably 15 20 years ago um and funded at least 15 20 years ago the county has been promising us for last four five years to get done that I hope this year is the year that they will finally uh start the project it may take couple of years to finish it but the road between um cranberry and Clarksville Road uh will become much much better much uh calmer um with a single Lane in either side with a turning lane and last but not least uh I was at the artist uh uh center today uh memory care facility today and uh lady Betty R celebrated her 100th birthday which is very rare so happy birthday to bet right and celebrate A Century of her life and it was very uh grateful to see that so happy birthday anything else yeah thanks anything else Marina okay thank you um at this point um going to council comments um Linda would you like to start yeah sure um want to thanks uh to all those who helped the West Windsor Lions Club uh packed 20,000 meals at the West Windsor Volunteer Fire Company station on June 1st uh it was such a a wonderful event with seeing everyone uh contributing their time and and bonding with each other uh to help those um in need of basic nutrition uh afterwards I went on to the ribbon cutting events at Paris Baguette in Nassau Park U everything there is absolutely delicious they got fresh pastries h crafted Donuts warm breads Gourmet Sandwiches and salads um and they also have beautiful signature cakes so if you need to order some trays for a party or special celebration um consider Paris spaghet uh on June 3D I attended the pride flag raising ceremony at Mercer County Park by The Boat House Dan spoke and read the Proclamation signed by the mayor and Council and on June 4th uh we gave Mrs henan uh a big sendoff at the municipal building as she uh rode around on the the side car of a motorcycle with a police officer so she was she was very excited about that and and so were we uh Mrs henan served uh you know all the police Chiefs in in West Windsor for the past uh 50 years and she provided extraordinary service to our Township and had a lasting friendship with many officers and their families so thank you uh Mrs henan and all the best in in your retirement uh we all love you very much so thank you um I guess I think we covered the um flashing Beacon issue with with a lot of comments from the mayor no so I don't think there's too much more I could say about that other other than we're constantly monitoring uh with our professionals with the police department um different uh intersections uh one on my list is also pen Lyall and Cano Brook that intersection I think needs to be um you know put at the uh top of the list there um it's right near High School South so uh you know we have a a capital budget and each year we have been doing flashing uh beacons making crosswalk improvements uh and we will continue to do so because uh Public Safety um pedestrian safety bicycle safety is is always at the top of our list um so that's it for now thank you Sonia thank you um yeah I just wanted to um wish Mrs H um Good Luck in her future endeavors and keep um writing and rocking um as always I've U seen her many times um when I visited um um for my meetings with Chief gar follow um over there so um always a smiling face um she's um she's worked for the township older than I am so uh I wasn't even born when she started working here so you know show show off well come on I'm the youngest one here I get that well not youngest in this room right now but still um I want to thank mayor for coming to artist um earlier today um I do visit artist uh Memory Care almost every day my uh my uncle my godfather is um at that facility um but Mrs um B was very happy uh to celebrate her birthday and her daughter messaged later um to thank mayor um for making his appearance I think um a lot of the um residents over there were very happy to have a celebration and Cake earlier today um and at age 100 Mrs B was walking with no support so I wish I would be like that if I alive um then but it was amazing to see her um chatting away and celebrating with um with everybody there um I just want to um remind everyone um that um June 21st is the Dive Into Summer Event at Waterworks um Westminster community pool um this year's charity organization is air attitudes in Reverse um so it's a very popular event um it's right at the Friday after school lets out so I hope to see the town there um there is a young um group of kids from High School South and High School North who um have their um they've started a Westminster um running club they run every Sunday morning at Westminster Community Park um so this summer if you don't have anything to do join them they r every Sunday morning at 9:00 a.m. in West wicer Community Park so meet with them they do have a they are planning of to um run at the 5K at this on this Father's Day June 16th at Mercer Community um Park um for the run for Dad um for the um American Cancer Society to um get advocating for prostate cancer so if anybody is around um go to the run before hitting the grill and you know um lastly I want to congratulate everyone for a wonderful and successful school year we are almost at the end of school year next week congratulations and good luck to all our graduates from both our towns west Wister and Plainsboro and um you know keep doing the good work thank you thank you Sonia Dan well I'd like to start by saying I think for this year this was the best set public comments that I've heard so thank you especially for the younger folks and the older folks too but especially the younger folks for making your voice heard because that's incredibly important and we encourage you to do that because that's the only way that we learn and we hear what's going on in the community um the gentleman who talked about the Leaky Roof in the library uh you have my heart with that um I've been um talking about that for the better part of the the last year um earlier this year I spoke to County Executives uh Dan Benson's Chief of Staff Sharon Gardner about this um and asked what can we do to ensure that we get funding for that she um noted that and also introduced me to the um the county library superintendent I'm not sure if that's his exact title um and they've been looking at it and just last week I met with Dan Benson and he informed me that in the upcoming budget which I believe is going to be revealed in the next month or so I'm not exactly sure the timing but there will be line item details for uh Library roof and AC repairs for every library in Mercer County including West winster I don't know the exact number um but it is it's going to happen um and as as we all know these things take a while between the time the budget gets um passed and then the time it takes to um approve Bond ordinances and then get quotes um but it is on we're on the right path um it might take a while so yeah it's probably a six to 12 month period where it will happen um similarly I don't know if anybody saw in the news the Hamilton Public Library received a huge Federal appropriation about 1.5 million ion dollar to upgrade their lb which I think was in probably worse case than the West Windsor one worse condition than the West Windsor one um but um when I heard that I reached out to um our congresswoman Bonnie Watson Coleman's office and said how do we do that for us next year so I'm starting to have those conversations um no guarantees but uh we as a council um one of our responsibilities is to Advocate within the Border community so uh as you pointed out it's a County Library so we don't put any money into that but we do pay taxes and so we are entitled and our voice is important just as your voice is important so um I do um I will continue to use my voice to advocate for that so but thank you for bringing it up and um maybe we can connect afterwards because I think adding your voice to the county letting the county know about your concerns can only be U you know provide more more ammunition for them to to things forward um to Lillian and her crew I can't remember everybody's name um again thank you for for advocating for safety um we've heard um this um numerous times we're keenly aware of the issue as as Andrea said we have a significant amount in our budget that was approved this year to support that and the mayor and administration are taking the steps to prioritize and evaluate um the various areas where um those safety mechanism mechanisms will be put in place but keep using your voice and and let us know um what you think and how how would proceedes and for the gentleman who left the room I I suspect he had a ride home which is probably he had to run out um I'm very interested in composting and I'm very interested in the program that he's put together and I'd be happy to um support that initiative and make it more well known um you know the township has ways to communic unicate um we all individually have ways to can communicate whether it's through digital channels or through our local community groups I'd be more than happy to help them out so what we have is contact information I'd love to that's it for me thank you thank you D Martin sure thank you um very very thank you big big thank you out to miss Han Hanan for all of her contributions to this Township through this community for the many years of service obvious is immeasurable what she has done for our community so just want to thank her for that I wish you the best May the true and living God bless her in her retirement very happy um to hear some some of the great stories especially uh that she has some of the great things that she has done outside of just her work um there's so many people who have so many Dynamic stories and so many Dynamic things that they do so it's great to hear uh their work stories but also hear their contributions personally to our community so I just want to thank her for that that I don't want to be too repetitive um but I just wanted to I had a son that just graduated high school is going and play college basketball I want to congratulate him and I have a daughter who just graduated from college so to all the graduates our next council meeting I think is after the West wi South and North graduation so I just wanted to wish all of our graduates from 2024 many many many years of success um just wish you all the best whether it's College Tech school or going on to do uh things that you feel personally attached to just want to wish everyone the best uh may may may your blessings be be with you at all times to the young people who are in this room thank you so very much as uh Council councilman Weiss mentioned um to be an advocate for the things that you believe in it's very very important um we have obviously been very cognizant of um safety in this community uh we have pushed for bicycle safety running walking jogging we have a large walking community so uh this council is uh very very much behind any and all things in all efforts to make sure that people are safe and as we go into now the hotter and warmer months thank goodness um we will see a lot of people so as the mayor alluded to uh safety driving personal safety driving and as well um speaking to your friends your parents your neighbors about safety uh we obviously see a lot of people speeding and going very fast at times and I think even in the evening time oh they trying to cut my cut my my time off oh I I know I could be I know I could be longwinded I didn't know y'all set that up you got a three minutes Mar whatever you like it's all good it's all good but thank you to the young people as well to the library I have five kids so I mean they grew up in our library here in this Township so I'm very much behind uh any efforts to to create a a safe nice awesome library and reading reading is very important we live in this technological World um but we definitely need to have uh our kids understand the uh importance of reading and reading different stories different things um gaining incredible knowledge uh that's that's a part of Academia that's a part of education so thank you to the young people as well for showing up and coming out tonight thank you thank you Martin okay I guess my turn um I think I've already talked about the um pedestrian and all that we've been doing with it for actually for several years making improvements um and in this past year specifically and what you're talking about uh just just to be clear we do pay a library tax we it's not a gift from the county so we do pay uh I think it's approximately 1% but have to take a look of your property tax goes directly to Mercer County for the library so I'm hoping we have some say in it um I've already Lindon and I already spoke with the um with the um fellow who was here with the composting and we gave him a whole bunch of ideas including coming to our council meeting um as far as things that we could do to help him uh advertise the composting I'm very familiar with it I've uh been W looking at the the Princeton composter for for years now and things like that so um we're you know hopefully different programs and stuff can can start moving in that direction including a lot of work that has been done by a number of students uh particularly for backyard composting where you don't have any issues with traveling and with trucks having to bring things back and forth um anyhow the um already talked about Mrs hunigan but I did want to get a little serious on something tonight um tonight um we're going to be voting on a storm water ordinance to comply with New Jersey D at least on the um introduction and so I just wanted to tell you some of the other things that uh flooding and storm water handling U are being done um for one I've been part of the asup pink working group of the Watershed Institute since it was started several years ago uh the aim of this groups to discuss re Regional approaches for towns to work together on their Watershed Improvement plans that will be required by D for the municipal ms4 I see eyes glazing over there um which but it's the municipal separate storm water systems permit on Thursday May 30th I attended another meeting of this group to discuss uh making this happen uh to put that in layman's terms um this is the watersheds handle our water if you will and uh whether or not the water there's too much water you get flooding if there's too little water the water is of bad quality then obviously have other problems um there are many benefits to working together both for the environment and for the township Watershed projects can accept uh affect several towns we' need to be sure through various contracts that each Town involved in a project contributes their fair share and that the Deb is on board with giving credit for the project I want to thank mayor Marathi for putting West Windsor in the Forefront of this initiative by involving our engineering department West Windsor is actually located in more than one Watershed and on the other side of town includes Washington Road which is actually part of the Stony Brook millstown uh River Watershed in January of 2022 the West Windsor Township Council approved a resolution asking for the state of New Jersey to get involved to address the flooding in this watershed area that is 20 65 square miles and spans 25 towns and five counties one town can't fix it we've asked some of the town's most prone to flooding to pass the similar resolution I'm happy to say that we're still getting responses so far not only West Windsor but cranberry heightstown Manville burrow Princeton and Lawrence have passed similar resolutions I've been commun I've been in communication with the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection I'm happy to report that West Windsor including the mayor Administration and Engineering will'll be having a meeting with them next week to discuss what be done uh so that's that's um some additional things that West Windsor has been doing uh about the flooding problem and about other issues with our watersheds um our last council meeting we were introduced to both next chapter from Grover and Bloom from Community Middle School uh which are additional student groups their middle school future problem solving teams uh that just went to the world championships as I've worked for years as a volunteer with different students and their projects and their competitions I've offered to do practice interviews with both teams at the schools what I found were passionate and extremely spok and well young women and men who learned how to work together in teams to plan and carry out their projects we have many amazing students in this District we've seen some tonight and they will go far so no no wonder everybody wants to move here speaking of reasons to live here our retail communities continue to do well well Linda and I attended the ribbon cutting of parisette in Nassar Park Mall at our West Windsor liance Club meal packing event this past Saturday we helped pack about 20,000 meals paid for by our very generous Community please continue this generosity when we collect for send send hunger packing at the Department of Public Works this Saturday the West Windsor Historical Society farming open house had a record turnout last Sunday of people interested in our history so several of our West Windsor houses of worship including Beth Kim Jewish temple and the Muslim Center helped put together a much needed Interfaith discussion that I attended in Robinsville last night and please plan on joining the mayor and council at West Windsor diversity day next Saturday at 2m at Grover middle school so that's just some of the things that have been going on in the community that have brought the community together that um have been things where people can see what the not only the history but what's going going on in the community and um that I think make people appreciate living here thank you um moving along gay do you have any um comments no all right if not then we can uh go with the public hearing 20 2413 modern ordinance amending the bond ordinance number 20239 of the township of West Windsor in the county of Mercer New Jersey finally adopted August 14 2023 in order to amend the description of the project I'm going to open the public hearing on this specific Bond ordinance um is anybody wish to speak on it oh hearing none I'm going to ask for a motion to close the public hearing was that Linda was that a second yeah I I it okay um okay Stan seconded and can I get a rot roll call to close the public hearing daas yes mandal yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes Jers yes okay yes um is there any Council discussion on this none then I can I get a motion to adopt so move second daas yes Mandel yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes Jers yes okay moving on to the consent agenda does anybody wish to pull anything no then can I get a motion to approve salute moved okay gay did you want to read on there that's resolutions minutes bills and claims we just have bills and claims this time I know that's all we actually voting um okay gas yes mandelle yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes Jers yes okay and moving on to recommendations from Administration and Council clerk 2024 r131 approval liquor license renewals for the 2024 2025 2024 r132 approving the request for permit from lead festival for public fireworks display on June 28th 2024 and July 4th 2024 with rain dates of July 1st and July 5th 2024 At Mercer County Park 2024 r133 authorizing the mayor and clerk to execute an easement modification agreement for 16 darell Drive 2024 R134 authorizing the mayor to execute the revision and extension of the payments in lie of taxes agreement for the development known as the Hamlet at Bear Creek 2024 r135 authorizing the mayor and clerk to execute the emergency contract with Princeton air conditioning Inc for the installation of six supplemental mini split HVAC systems at the westwinter police and Court facility for 120 1,535 2024 r136 authorizing the business administrator to purchase one new 2024 Ford F250 Super cab four-wheel drive pickup truck for the Department of Public Works from Cherry Hill winter Ford under New Jersey state contract a887 26 t210 and factory options not under the state contract to replace truck 49 at 2009 Ford F250 pickup truck in the amount of 61523 2024 r137 authorizing the business administrator to purchase one new 2024 F250 Super cab four-wheel drive pickup truck with the Department of Public Works from Cherry Hill winter Ford under New Jersey state contract 8872 6210 and factory options not under the state contract to replace truck 32 a 2008 Ford F250 pickup for 61523 2024 R 138 authorizing the mayor and clerk to execute the reimbursement agreements with canalo Condominium Association and Windsor Haven Condominium Association for refuse and snow removal cost for 2022 and 2024 r139 authorizing the updating of the signatures for West Winter Township's Ocean First Municipal Court bank accounts this do anybody wish to pull anything from this hearing none can I get a motion to approve salute can I get a second second okay roll call please gas yes Mandel yes Weiss yes Whitfield yes Jers yes and now the introduction of ordinances 20244 an ordinance to amend and supplement 200 of the revised General Orin or es of the township of West Windsor 1999 by modifying Provisions perit pertaining to the storm water control regulations and drive can I get a motion to introduce salute second second he can you call the rooll was comments um usually we don't on an introduction but if you want to make say something you can yeah well at our last Council meaning this body made recommendations regarding changes and enhancements to this ordinance and I specifically requested enhancements to further protect Westwinds or residents from flooding and water pollution the enhancements that I requested both during the meeting and in writing were to one reduce the threshold definition for major development two to require major developments to treat runoff from all impervious water surfaces for water quality three to require s bur management minor development four to address Redevelopment five to require the use of low impact development techniques and six to include maintenance and inspection reporting requirements and I'm disappointed that none of these enhancements have been included in the ordinance that has been submitted for introduction today in addition members of the community have asked that the language the language be added regarding how proposed revisions to previously approved plans should be handled specifically the request is that any proposed revision to an ex existing plan should require adherence to the current ordinance the proposed revision ordinance is not bad it includes the minimum standards set forth by the njd as well as an enhancement regarding driveways um but we can do so much better we should be doing everything possible to protect and improve water quality while mitigating flooding for the public health safety and Welfare of our community if we claim to be environmentalists if we claim to want to mitigate flooding in our community if we claim that we want to keep keep our water clean then we should turn our claims into actions demonstrate leadership and enhance this ordinance to further protect our community without these enhancements I cannot support the introduction of this revised ordinance May did you want com I'll just respect the process and not uh this is a introduction so I will respond at the time of a vote this is not this is introduction for public to look at the ordinance but that's exactly why we had Page by Page you were all given ordinance two three weeks ago to look at or whatever time sufficient Time ahead of time and as I explained last time everything you do has effect on people who live in the township uh so I will comment on it at the time of the vote I just don't want to get a political discussion now so okay thank you anybody else I I I would just like to say you know as a matter of process the as the mayor said he did give this ordinance a couple of weeks um prior to it being discussed at a council meeting I did have U our Township engineer Francis gusk um attend our our council meeting it's a approximately 45 pages um you know the the ordinance we went literally Page by page I thought that was very important and also thought that that was the time when we had our professional our Township engineer present um to bring up any issues um to be discussed and and that that didn't happen until an email came out the next day okay you could argue better late than never but the but in my opinion my experience the best time is to discuss all that when when we have the the township professional uh at the table and so he he's the one who deals with all this daytoday and and and could have a discussion on on issues that come up and why you know certain wording is in there or or not um so that's all I can say is I I I felt that we we wanted an an open process we had our engineer who you know gathered with us you know for quite some time at the meeting and and um I mean that that was uh I think one of the best opportunities to to talk about this ordinance so any I'm just repeating what I com that I made during that meeting so all of that wasn't um then we the ordinance was sent out by the mayor just going through the procedure uh I believe about two weeks before we'd had any kind of of the engineer um we were asked to submit any of our ideas comments questions to the engineer and as far as I know you hadn't submitted anything to the engineer at that point before the meeting then we had a meeting and we went Page by Page through the ordinance where there were a number of possible changes that I know some of us had suggested I I had made several suggestions I had several questions as we went Page by Page uh some of which got taken some not and you basically didn't really make any changes at that point I think it was only after we had completed all that that you made some general uh suggestions saying that you know the Watershed had made uh suggestions to do things and should we have um use their ordinance essentially so I think what Linder is saying is we had a whole procedure to attempt to have open Council discussion Page by page on any change that anybody wanted we were had as much time as anybody wanted to do that and that really and you hadn't said anything at that point um there were there were Pages where definitions were there were Pages which said what was included there were pages of and yet no comments were made and that that's what I think Linder is saying I disagree with that assessment because I did make comments during the public meeting while we had this I outlined specific requirements that I thought should be considered and I just repeated them now today but those weren't those aren't specific to the written law and we went over the written law and that was the discussion where the changes could be made and that that's the way um now you may have sent a letter after you made the I do know you did say something after we had finished going through the 42 Pages um that was the next day during the discuss um but well no the that portion I'm just saying that if you had come back and said you wanted this now this change or that change we you know maybe there would have been a discussion on it I thought very clear I followed it up in writing yeah and and some of the things I think you've asked for are actually in there so I don't know if you if you did look through the whole law but anyway um as I said as the miror said this is an introduction I'm just going through the process because I think there was confusion what what Linder was saying because um I really appreciate that Linder did an excellent process it gave me a lot of opportunity I know to look through that law in detail go through it word by word and uh essentially go back and forth word by word and actually get a few words changed um so I I really appreciate it having that process I don't know if on the other end you appreciated all the questions that specific questions I asked but um I I think we had good discussions and I think we ended up in a good place personally but um you know so the Linder did put a process forth that I think is um un unusual probably unusual anywhere in terms of the amount of time and the amount of chance for review before we ever get ever got to um ever got to having a an introduction process is fine I participated in that process and this is my conclusion all right okay uh given that if nobody else has any comment I will ask for the vote Yes Mandel yes Weiss no Whitfield yes Jers yes yes public hearing will be June 24th 20124 this ordinance will be at the June 17th planning board meeting at in accordance with law thank you gab y all right at this time we will have an additional public comment period um this one has a maximum 15 minutes the same thing 3 minutes a person please uh give your name and address I'm opening the public comment period okay thank you once again John Church 11 Princeton Place I think Mr Weiss has brought up an important Point here uh it used to be the practice and Linda was here a long time ago when we used to do this she's still here of course we used to have Public Work sessions on ordinances and they were very valuable you could get bring all these things out to everyone's attention at a work session where no votes were actually taken we haven't had these work sessions I think you should have them I would have appreciated one on the tree ordinance we should have had that now I wasn't here on April 8th I was at the eclipse but uh more important than this but uh anyway uh I don't know what you discussed then but you really need to do these work sessions and I think Linda would back me up on this as she may comment later they are very valuable that we we do that and you bring all these things out in the open that can be discussed with public input so if you can do that please in the future when ordinances of this type come up we would really like to have Public Work sessions thank you uh thank you Mr Church um we did have a public work session at the last meeting that's what I'm talking about we with no vote Yes it was it was on the agenda the last the last May 28th May 28th meeting it was a public work session with the township engineer we uh he he um gave a summary of the law and we had I wasn't here it my wife's birthday and we went out so I didn't see that me so if it was a work session that's fine what what's in the name arose by any name smell as sweet sorry what's in a name AR Rose by Any name would smell as sweet we had a work okay we went P by p word by word okay all right so I apologize I wasn't here for me for the for that one I had an excuse EXC don't call it a work session we don't have a we used to have work sessions called work right and that's why we insisted on doing it this way Mr have an extra meeting yeah we had extra meetings called work sessions no votes were taken we don't have an extra meeting but okay we still have public comment open and and know but it's not the same as a work session no no I'm talking about right now still other people who may want to do public comment um so I'm I'm just please have more work sessions thank you okay yes we we did have the work session and and it I think it went you know I I I appreciated it I was able to get a lot done thank you um is there anybody else who wishes to do public comment at this point no at this point then I will close public comment um is there any um we'll go into Council reports and discussions okay Dan we'll start with you congratulations Council had their the meeting earlier this week they are essentially um in Full Steam planning for diversity day this Saturday very excited about that should be a wonderful program and the parking authority meeting is um this Wednesday so that's all for me okay Martin yes uh planning board met on June 5th um there was a detail very detailed presentation concept review for the projected mixed use development we all know as Ellsworth Village Center history and context was originally given along with projected next steps and Visions for the elor center improvements to parking storm water infrastructure and we were shown projected aesthetic upgrades to the existing commercial building so that the property is aligned from a be beautification perspective uh the review did include co- Apartments uh goals of the project as presented is to create a village look feeling accessibility to train station for commuters and even a more vibrant neighborhood with potential for outdoor dining and Community socializing in the second half of the meeting we were presented with another concept plan by K henan Representatives this plan include a proposed new residential development on the property which would be on cranber road but adjacent to the current Elsworth property that currently exists overall this project would include New Town Homes storm water detention Basin and affordable units as well uh next playing board me meeting will be Wednesday June 19th thank you thank you Martin Linda yeah the shade tree uh commission um is not meeting uh this month um just in in response to to Mr Church um it the uh tree ordinance the shade tree ordinance or cutting cutting down of the uh the trees tree removal ordinance we did discuss that um extensively at Council dandre milsky was um at one of the council meetings um to discuss that with us Council felt that it needed further discussion and we also um went I believe we went Page by page at at a second meeting uh on that ordinance um and and oftentimes we we do do it um under uh ceremonial matters Andor topics for priority consideration so uh that's where we've been putting some um you know very big to topics of of interest and sometimes it's it's ordinance work uh so to prevent another night out with all the professionals on an off Monday night uh I would have to say it's probably more than a decade ago that we we decided um you know to kind of combine that those type of discussions um into into one into the business meeting and put it at the top of the meeting in case anyone was coming just for that um other other issues over the years that added was was new business in case anyone wanted to bring up any new business and and put that that's um you know under number 16 Council reports discussion in new business so for both of those ordinance um I'm sorry Mr Church you know you had you know some personal um business or you're away and you couldn't make it but um we've been trying very hard to have thorough discussions um on on some of these um very um more broad very large um ordinance uh that that need to get um presented and uh and get to the uh the hearing stage so that's it thank you Lyon Sonia Board of Ed uh met on May 28th um during our last uh council meeting I did go back and looked uh looked at the um their YouTube channel to get my notes um and I also met with um spoke to a couple of um board board members um there were two retirements that were um announced at last meeting um Shane Binger um from uh Grover middle school after 21 years and Smita btia from uh milston River school after 26 years on June 7th milston River School held a school picnic um and a farewell party for um Geral Dalton Mr Dalton um the principal of milstone river um Mr Dalton has a long um history of um were um you know with our school district he was the assistant superintendent and he's been um I've worked very closely with him during covid at milstone River so we you know we're going to he's going to be missed in investment at lboro for sure um District also superintendent also um Dr aderhold also announced that for this um next fall fall of 2024 um the district is looking at um Contracting with 24 new student teachers um there has been a shortage of um Educators in in the state um this is this will allow the um District to keep the teachers in the district um and and hiring from Level zero as opposed to level six or seven um district is also looking at um Contracting with Southwest Food Service Excellence it's a new food service vendor um that would be um contracted for next five years starting July 1st um after 25 plus years of um contracted with sudex so District um is looking at this new vendor because of all the options they are bringing to the table wegan Halal vegge options um making from scratch at school um options so more healthy options um will be available and with the diverse population that our school district has I think this would give our students um and staff um many options in their um lunch um the United softball team um made the state semifinals which was great um so that was B of Ed Parks and Rec met on June 5th um unfortunately the day camp um needed to be cancelled because um of not much of registrations um which is resulting in other cancellations because a lot of parents use the day day camps to and um you know to make up their full day um child care if you if you will so they're um the rec department is looking into trying to combine some of the programs and trying to figure out how it's going to affect um there will be three movie Nights the movie night dates are not the movie in park nights are not announced yet but they're looking at three movie Nights possibly two in July and one in a August um in length the board discussed about security cameras um in the Parks um there was um a Breakin in the um shed um of the cricket field last week unfortunately um it wasn't it wasn't um a weather related um damage to the shed it was broken into the shed was broken someone took a crowbar and yeah absolutely um so the rec department Parks and Rec Department is looking into uh possibilities of security cameras because this is not the first time um the parks or um Fields have been vandalized so um more to come on that once we have more information on that um pickle ball court um the uh the board is continuing to work with the contractor trying to figure out um what um needs to be done and how things would be done uh new Nets have been ordered is what was told uh for the um existing um courts and the new courts um we're trying to work things out um but we don't have any timeline on that um bike fest is going to be the Sunday after Labor Day um September 8th so save that date um that's the new date for bik Fest and Community day is September 14th that's it okay September 8th now okay thank you well before they were planning to do it um Labor Day and then so this is this is after so I think because Labor Day being long weekend yeah and the last weekend before the school reopens I don't know how many oh families would I think I remember that right um okay the environmental commission's been really busy um they did hold the special meeting to have the discussion on the storm water ordinance back um before our meeting uh and they had passed a resolution uh supporting it we had discussed I believed at the last meeting their next regular meeting is going to be June 13th this week um the affordable housing committee met on June six the committee had a spirited discussion on the concept plan for Ellsworth Center um I think uh three of us had actually been at the planning board meeting so um that uh we were able to go over what some of the plans were um there's some concern that the plan was to build uh one set of housing that was going to be all market rate units and that the affordable housing obligation would be in a different section in a 100% affordable housing building uh that would be managed by a different company than the one building the um building market rate on the on the other side so there was there was some discussion on that pros and cons and and uh some some questions that they had so I'm sure that as that concept plan develops more fully there'll be um more opportunity for everybody to look at it thank you um at this point are there any more Administration updates anybody gay um we need a close session so if you want to we do you want to go into it or shall we vote on it first need a motion and second okay um we need a close session can I have a motion to go into Clos session moved second all in favor I whereas njsa 10412 allows for a public body to go into closed session during a public meeting and whereas the township Council of West Windor Township has deemed it necessary to go into close session to discuss certain matters which are Exempted from the public and whereas the regular meeting of this Township Council will reconvene and whereas the below stated subject matter shall be made available at such time as the issues discussed therein are resolved and its disclosure would not subvert any particular exception for convening a closed session now therefore be it resolved that the township Council the township of West Windsor will go into close session for the following reason as outlined in njsa 10412 for the discussion of litigation updates right and we will be um coming coming back into Open Session and and taking any votes there there will not be any action after we come back it just be to adjourn thank you right G e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e recording in progress motion to tojn all in favor who second okay favor I