welcome we will now call a regular meeting in order it is now 7 o' requirement of the Sunshine Law been met this meeting was advertised in the Burlington County Times on January the 7th 2024 an Electronics notice was given to the njac 5 colon 39- 1.5 we will now start with the Pledge of Allegiance I pled to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all you will now have a moment of silence roll call committee woman Berkeley pres committee man Carr pres committee woman Mungo pres committee woman Wright present mayor Henley present also present Township solicitor Township administrator Deputy Administrator police chief we will now have the approval of minutes February the 6 2024 regular meeting minutes do we have a motion second any discussion yes uh mayor when it comes to uh the ordinances on second reading under B when we changed the salary wages and compensation of certain officials and employees I thought it was a typo but apparently the uh clerk said it wasn't it says mayor H Hanley asked for a vote to amend the position of Deputy Talent which is to adj adjourn the public hearing until February I don't understand the word adjourn adjourn means to there wasn't a public hearing because we it was it went back to be a first reading once we put an amendment so I don't understand the adjourn the public meeting and I ne I never made a motion to adjourn uh so don't don't give me words I did not say please so it's up to you mayor where you think that is appropriate or the attorney to use the word adjourn because we didn't adjourn anything we just said here's what we're doing and next month we're going to vote on the second reading attorney does anyone have an issue my recollection is that it's said that the word used was adjourn um I did not listen to the T I I think it's appropriate that upon an amendment to the to the ordinance that the public hearing is that then adjourn to the next meeting um for a second for second reading and a uh public hearing doesn't adjourn mean to stop a meeting we adjourn at the end of the night because the meeting's over according to the uh I believe it's the Oxford dictionary the definition of adjourn is to break off a meeting legal case or game with the intention of resuming it later which is what was done for the public hearing and the second reading of the the ordinance okay it's up to you roll call Berkeley no Carr abstain yes Wright yes mayor Henley yes motion carries 311 February 6 2024 executive session minutes do we have a motion motion Berkeley second any discussion roll call Berkeley yes Carr abstain yes Wright yes mayor Henley yes motion carries 401 monthly reports we have a construction report police report Public Works Court Fire EMS and tax collector we will now open a meeting for public comment on agenda items please remember to state your name and address and reminder this is for commment only uh G 138 Winstead so uh for the comment on the agenda items only I actually had a couple of comments on agenda item 7 the month of reports a the construction and uh I guess really uh also e the fire report and then I also want to make a public comment about I think we Chang this right w2b so it's 37- 24 yep yeah okay and actually yeah all right I'll try to be brief so um so I think I've been on record I'm not really a fan of the construction reports I think they're kind of clunky to read um but if you looked at the report that came out here in January and I was just kind of poking around here see if I can make a little better sense of this and I'm just going to kind of pull it up um so I think it's like page three of the packet if people are following but so on the construction report so when you when you look at some of the line items there in terms of the um the remittances that we're receiving for some of the fees so for example I was taking a look at uh the report number here where it says that the certificate issues so this is kind of in that lower left quadrant of that document I don't know if you can see it's in bold right so there's three line items mentioned there so it'll say for example certificate of approval is 27 um so my question really or my comment is I think it's a little bit confusing if any of the certificates for approval were in connection with for example um I happen to spot an ordinance that we have 994 which is on the construction permit fees so for example there's a specific one 994 C subsection 8 which calls for the annual remittance of a fee for um inspection or reinspection or rep permitting for pools that's specifically called a pool certification in the ordinance so I guess my question is does this line item in this report Encompass that under the ordinance um I guess ultimately what I'm really kind of getting at is to see that if it's important enough for our ordinance to discuss these in specific breakdowns I'd like the report to reflect that I think it gives us better data that's kind of you know one thing we're I'm going with that the other the other thing that was a little bit confusing about this report is that if you take a look at 994 C subsection 9 um I'm sorry yeah subsection 9 it sets the minimum fee of $69 but it's interesting because the report shows zero are listed for the administrative fees that are quote minimum that's in the Box in the lower right corner so I think some clarification would be helpful to figure out exactly what 994 sub you know see subsection 9 applies and why it's sort of I don't know not making it onto the report I don't know if you guys are tracking what I'm saying here okay and then um the certificate of occupancy um that's listed here on the report as well this one I also had a little bit of question with um again just taking a look at that ordinance 994 this one is e certificate of occupancy fee our ordinance list specifically that if you're in R Group R34 or five it's $100 if you're in any other R Group it's a different fee so if our again if our ordinance specifically says that it's important enough for us to charge certain kinds of fees depending on which ARG gr you're in I think the report should reflect that it doesn't it's hard to say and I think it makes your job harder trying to figure out what we're doing and what we need to assess in terms of you know uh additional resources that could be available there um and then if you jump to the fire report this is where I had a couple of questions because if you go all the way to it's in the packet let me see page uh I guess it starts 30 maybe in the packet so this is submitted by the fire officials report uh for January and he's got sort of a Rd or a matrix there talking about um the fees so fire safety permits were issued in the fire report was Zero but yet the construction report actually shows that there were fire permit fees collected doesn't tell you the number it just tells you the total dollar value that was collected so that's an incongruent data point I'm trying to figure out well who's responsible for reporting on on that information it is being collected apparently because the numbers reported in this information from the construction official who did receive money for January for the fire permitting fees but yet the Fire official report shows zero so that's my confusion I don't know if you guys are making sense of that um and the other thing too is that construction plans reviewed it says zero now interestingly enough I was taking a look at the speed structure here but apparently 20% of all the fees are collected are automatically administrated for plan review so there were fees construction fees collected so part of that includes automatically plan review um so if the fire department are doing this maybe they should note this just so we can see the activity and or the person who's paying the fee they're paying for a service they should be getting it and so I guess my question is um that report should probably show a partial collection of the planed review fee by 20% so in other words I think the fees are not being properly accounted for on that report and it would help you because you know maybe again more resources might have to be deployed for something like that so you know ultimately where I'm going with this I would really like to see this Construction report kind of revised make it easier to read so I'll kind of leave it in your hands but I'm just presenting the data points that are in the ordinances so it's information I think we should all you know have at our disposal if we want to take a look at it um I'll jump to the police report I think police did a great job uh the the one observation I had was on for January there was one uh Megan Law notification we've talked about this before now it's interesting like I did check this out on the Jersey State Police and it's very difficult sometimes to search that site because for one reason if you search by ZIP code and as you know we're kind of lumped in with Mount Holly so you get you get Mount Holly and West Hampton sort of all together but you can't sort the result so the only thing you could do presumably is just maybe search by Town names so this really isn't a u issue it's just um I know this was talked about years ago uh trying to encourage the post office to designet us with our own specific discreet zip code so if this is another you know helpful talking point for that furthering of that conversation with the with the post office would make it a lot easier for the citizens to make use of that tool by the state police to be able to search by ZIP code for example so again I think something that would potentially be super helpful for that and then um I do have uh oh sorry question about the bill list I know this is uh kind of obtuse but if you go to the bill list it's on page8 and I may have asked this before and if I did I'm just not remembering but if you go to page eight of the bill list it is the trash disposal with Condominiums there's only one line item I don't know if you need going to read the number but can you guys see this it's 4-01 32465 d251 that's the line item but it's in the bill list it was for an amount of $2,467 and it said Township of Maple Shade Westampton Court Condominiums and I guess my comment is more of a question in a sense that I think that development or that Community is a condo association so I'm assuming I guess I I guess I'm curious like why are we paying for the trash if their Condo Association presumably covers that for disposal purposes so I guess I'm questioning maybe I don't understand why this is mentioned in the bill list here I just don't want us to be paying for something we're not supposed to make sense no up um and then lastly uh is on the ordinance uh or the it's a resolution right on the the local Grant um it's that 3724 so good job with getting that resources to produce that uh for the Board of Education I guess my question on that when I was reading through that was it does say in there that the Boe is going to be responsible for the maintenance of that once I guess it's construct constructed and deployed I just want to just double check that do you think at all that the Township Public Works Department would have any responsibility for any maintenance of that in any way shap form okay thanks guys thank you Gary hi my name is Ken Craft I live on in Ran hog Village one of two Wills I just have a somewhat of a complaint not against you guys it's just before something happens here there's a couple halfway houses that were they're in our neighborhood and I there's nothing you can do I mean people have to have a second chance or whatever that's fine but it's a business but we have the people who are running this house there's just no respect for the neighborhood they race up and down the road 40 50 mph revving the engine when they leave work at 11:00 it's say Clockwork you go there tonight 11:00 you'll see a big truck he'll rev it up as if he's at the the big truck event and it'll race down Second Street like he's late for dinner but it's every night and I I hate to be a pest to you guys cuz you know but and the police have been there this month I think three times ambulance took somebody away and it's just starting to escal escalated a little bit there was one or two cars there now there's five or six there's visitors from out of state parking on people's Lawns it it's just starting to to build up a little bit I'm just and we have and my biggest concern is the three kids across the street they're not really watched like I would watch like they play along the road got cars parked along the road I mean I just haven't forbid you know one of these days we going to get hit but um and then the other house I don't know if it's a fway house either but people come in and out of there 2:00 in the morning I I don't know how they fit this many people in a car they'll pull up in a SUV six seven eight people at a time single file March into this house it's literally as big as right here it can't be 500t home I have no idea what what the deal is with is but it's all night every week piles of trash out on a Wednesday out on the road as if there's I just don't know what the ordinances are all but my biggest concern is the other house with the cars it's just I don't know if you can send a a letter to the owner who runs the business and say hey this is a business here it's not your you this is not Center City you know or just before something happens that's all that's all I have to say thank you sir all right it's 222nd Street that's the address of whoever owns that property all right thank you thank you all in favor to close hi if you want you can stay up all right ordinance to the second reading public hearing 2- 2024 in ordinance of the township of Westampton fix salaries wages and compensation of certain officials and employees of Westampton Township or Township of Westampton I'm sorry for the years of 2024 to 2025 do we have a motion Berkeley move second we open to public comment do we have any public comment Roll Call Berkley yes car yes yes right yes mayor Henley yes motion carries 5 Z ordinance first reading 42024 an ordinance of the task of West Hampton amending and supplementing Westampton Township Code chapter 128 entitled fire impr prvention do we have a motion motion second any discussion um mayor did you get a copy of this cuz I didn't I have no idea what's in this ordinance first reading yeah the fire things I I I got a copy very late on B but I never got a copy on a I have no idea is it going to say the kids can start a fire in their backyard likely not but um this is the first ordinance this is the way it's always read during the first ordinance for the last I understand that but I have no idea I can't vote on something I don't know what I'm voting on okay did you get a copy of it I call the question Mr Mayor sorry call the question for a vote why you want to shut me up no I think that what he's just saying is that so the first reading this has been the same for a year and we understand that you don't like that during the first reading that we get information more information the next I think it's the next day on the website but it's something that we've covered over and over again so I think that's the last time we got it on first reading I just want to let you know I do I realize that uh roll call Berkeley no car yes yes right yes mayor Henley yes motion carries 41 52024 in ordinance of the township West Hampton amending and supplementing Westampton Township codee chapter 128 Property Maintenance to add article two lead base paint inspection we have a motion motion second any discussion yeah may I did get this at 1:00 this afternoon or at least I found it at 1:00 um I I knew that it was coming up I so I I read the law last last night um I'm going to vote Yes on this but there are some things that are not working together at one place it says you don't need to get another in inection if you pass the first one and the other one says every 3 years you have to pass inspection so the Law supersedes whatever we do so I'm going to put my faith in the law thank you uh do we just not talk about this as far as the change and yeah the state law requires that you be recertified every 3 years there are certain circumstances um where you may be exempt from the law uh such as if the house is built after believe it's 1978 but I don't have it in front of me so I'm not sure um or if uh certain circumstances where the property's been remediated completely of any lead and those circumstances I I believe you do not need a further inspection but uh every 3 years an inspection is required the one I'm talking about says has been certified to be free of lead base paint okay can you point me can you point me to the section I'll research it uh C1 and then C5 says has a validly LED say certification valid for 2 years okay if you could email me your concerns then at the public hearing I can address them thank you roll call berley yes car yes H yes right yes mayor Henley yes carries 5 Z resolution 36-24 payment of vouchers this resolution approves the payment of of bills through 220 2024 do we have a motion berley moveed second any discussion roll call berley yes car yes yes right yes mayor Henley yes motion carries 5 Z cons agenda resolutions cons agenda items are considered to be routined and will be enacted with one single motion any items requiring expenditure are supported by the certification of availability of funds any items requiring discussion will be removed from the consent agenda do we have a motion I'd like to move D please for discussion do we have a motion uh from 35-24 through 38 through 23 move Berkeley second discussion roll call Berkeley yes car yes yes right yes may Henley yes Mo carries 5 39 uh resolution 39-24 resolution approving the third amendment to lease for the call Tower located at 710 rank hookus room you have a motion make a motion second second discussion um I was looking at this and and I couldn't understand we're we're Leasing Property to a multibillion dollar Corporation and I couldn't see anywhere where they're paying us rent for this property are we giving it to them for free Mr Mayor this is an amendment to a standing lease because the company was brought out successor and interest that's what the amendment is that still doesn't answer my question so if I may mayor so this is the cell tower that's in the parking lot here uh and it's an existing lease for a period of time until I believe it's 2032 2036 it's it's in the resolution um this is an amendment to allow them to add extra antennas the they do pay monthly monthly amounts that's not changing pursuant to this amendment um this is allowing them to add additional antennas and swap out their antennas so the schematics uh that are an exhibit to the lease are going to be changed uh they are also running new cable through the parking lot um and that's going to change from what the existing lease is there's also been some change of ownership that's being clarified in the third amendment okay and this is in timbu two no it's right here I thought the M it does reference timb timbuk two that's what the uh the cell tower company refers to it as but it's the cell tower that's right outside here it runs through 710 I I just want I was not on the township committee when you made the original lease so I didn't know if we were getting any money for it the the amount of rent is not changing pursuing to this amendment okay thank you very much that's all I need to know roll call Berkeley yes par yes yes right yes may Henley yes motion carries 5 Z we now open the meeting for public comment please remember to state your name and address reminder this is for common only now close for public comment all in favor I dates to remember uh next Township committee meeting is March the 5th budget Workshop will be at 6:00 regular meeting is at 7:00 store commission February 28th or 7 Land Development board meeting March the 6 or 7 Recreation committee meeting is March the 13th or 7 coffee with a cop at dunin Donuts 802 Woodland Road is from 9 to 11: and then we have the Easter egg hunt on March 23rd at 9:30 a.m. we will now have the administrator report uh thank you mayor I just wanted to let everyone know that the budget Workshop will begin at 6:00 p.m. on March 5th we will have two budget Workshops the 5th and then the second meeting in March march to go over the 2024 annual budget we will do be doing the presentation here in the courtroom and we hope to have it projected up on that brand new TV on the wall to your right that's it committee Le Exon reports or comments I just wanted to commend uh the mayor solicitor Wendy and Shad on the agreement Le Stanton to get some much needed resources for our town I think you guys did a great job let some of Gary's comments I understand the confusion I will look into it uh the report I saw saw one Co but we've got 1300 Coop somehow um the only thing I think I can answer to your questions is the fire inspections I believe there's two separate operations the building department has a fire subcode inspection whereas I think the fire department handles fire inspections of a different nature but that's all I had to say I will look into it and keep it about it thank you sir thank you I know the first time I don't to say I was looking forward to it um yes ma'am comments come on I'm Ali Stanford one Maple Tree Drive at surgery on my throat show it's always for me to talk and I hope you can understand me mhm the first thing I'd like to do is to tell you how much I appreciate the services of the public service that public service emergency Squad and the police department I had several occas that I needed them this year and last year and as usual they are simply outstanding people and I happen to think that no other Township has better police and emergency people than we have here in Westampton so I'd like to convey my thanks to you because I have to thank them on many occasions so you'll know what a wonderful job I think that they're doing secondly I'm here because I'm a 44 year resident this year I built my house and take great pride and it's upkeep I spend thousands of dollars every year to make sure that everything is kept neat cleaned and well groomed got neighbors last year I won't say neighbors people across the street cuz I have a different definition of a neighbor now I called the TA ship somebody named s I don't know who Sam is tells me that a man has a right to do whatever he wants to do on his property it's his property well I happen to think that if everyone in Westampton puts seven garbage in recycling can and a big old thing that Sam tells me is a trailer I don't know what it is it look like some kind of attaction that I have to look at every day it's disturbing my well-being it's disturbing my peace of mind and I don't appreciate have to walk out my door and look at that we don't keep our neighborhood that way on on anywhere over in I area IC Woods IC Lake everyone in that neighborhood takes pride in their property so for someone to move in there I have always said that if you only wanted a roof over your head bu a tent don't come and especially live in front of me because I think it's a CRI disgrace especially on the corner with all that garbage out there now there's been ropes and stuff at it I've been most patient because I thought that it was all a part of them getting moved in but it's been now over 6 months and I think it's time for something to be done I only see one garbage can out there and one recycling can so I don't know why the others are all lined up on the on the driveway they have a backyard they have two side yards and there's no reason for all that stuff to be put into the driveway so who's Sam anyway you wonder who Sam from the township building Sam's an employee she's are technical assistant to the construction excuse me she is the technical assistant to the Construction office I can't hear her she's a technical assistant to the construction officer she's not here oh so she yes okay I didn't know if it was a man or a woman so anyway I disagree just wholeheartedly with the Sam about a man doing whatever they want to do on their property if everyone did that and put the junk out in the front like it's there someone sent someone around there shortly after I called and they told me that it was not in violation the ordinance doesn't cover anything like that now I don't know how many years ago it was that I ran for office and we had no ordinances at all but um I made sure that we got some even though I wasn't elected because this is no longer Farmland these are expensive homes and we maintain them and people pay big taxes around here to live here so I'd like to see something done about that stuff being moved off that property and it is cleaned up and that the driveway is do like that A C like that if of everyone in Westampton but that garbage and all those garbage cans and all that choke that these people have got in the front yard on that property I want to welcome you to ghetto abon because that's exactly what it would become ghetto ampton because there's no way possible that that neighborhood on my street especially and the whole neighborhood over there and we kept that Nobody Does It And as far as I'm concerned intelligent people comes into a neighborhood they look around they see how other people live and they try to blend in and don't they don't just tear up the neighborhood and I certainly wish that if they were going to move to Westampton and that's the way they were going to keep their property they would have found another location but I am terribly upset every day looking at that stuff from that front door so I'd like to have something done if there's ordance I appreciate that you get one because something has to be done now I haven't said anything to them I figur I'd come and take it to official channels and if nothing is done about it then I'll have to take it into my own hands thank you okay ma'am thank you we'll get that man ma' we'll get that Ally after you uh met me at the post office and shared your feelings about this I did call the uh Chief Ferguson who takes care of the ordinances and he said he drove by and took some pictures did he get back to you about that did Chief ferkins get back to you about that I remember you asked me to contact him when you met me at the post office Miss Berkeley do you mean chief barnesworth not they they said no no this is after that Alie real quick do you mean chief Farnsworth cuz Chief Ferguson's right there I'm sorry I always get them mixed up I mean they both forget with that so see Craig the the fire chief did he get back to you because he no okay I'll tell him to get back to you because he after I called him for you he did take a look took some pictures and said he'd get back to me so I will remind him to get back to you okay claimed it they claimed that it was within the guidelines and there were no stipulations that they couldn't do that okay ridiculous like and over there with it's not okay well like I said I I want you to know that I all my live there I just I put here I said husand this is the clest I will get toen in I'm feel that way thank you um lastly for the committee report I would say that last time we were here we talked about um an ordinance with eastampton where we were using their sweeper they were using our sweeper but we were using our our guy to kind of do the the uh the activity so you know I want to give you know C celebratory congrats to Chris who reached out e Hampton these Hampton is now going to pay our guy to sweep um to sweep the the streets of Hampton so I think that that's a fair a fair trade and I appreciate that he not only listened to the residents but he listen to the committee reached out and uh and was able to work that out for us so with that being said we now going to Executive session resolution number 202024 res resolution authorizing the township committee and staff and support staff to meet in private session authorizing the exclusion of the public from the portion of this meeting dealing with specific issues requiring non-public discussion attorney client privilege pending litigation we have a motion motion second any discussion all in favor all in favor I I thank you everyone have a good evening right all right time the door