good evening everybody adequate notice of this meeting as required by the open public meetings Act was provided through the posting mailing and filing of the annual notice of regularly scheduled Mee meetings of the Town Council on December 12 2023 the notice was on that date posted on the bulletin board of the municipal building provided to the Westfield leader in the Star Ledger and filed with the clerk of the town of Westfield Miss L you may I have a roll call Mayor brindle here council members H here Dar here here here hereo here contract here please rise for the invocation just will be given by councilman dardia and remain standing to the salute to the flag We Gather to make decisions for our community may we use only our best skills and judgment keeping ourselves impartial and neutral as we consider the merits and pitfalls of each matter that is placed before us and always act in accordance with what is best for our community and our fellow citizens the United States of America the stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all I have a couple of quick comments mayor just about road paving um we're getting to that season now uh so the town's road paving program bid specs will be going out this month uh and we hope to be awarding a contract to a vendor uh likely the first meeting in in June and that's for roughly a little over six miles of roadway that we're doing uh we're also waiting for the county get back to us on the timing of the paving of particularly East uh Broad Street from uid to North Avenue outside and that should be happening soon as well probably in the month of June um also Elizabeth Town Gas is um been Paving they have 12 roads or sections of Road already completed uh in two different grids uh and they have about 12 miles of Road they're doing this year so uh that's two grids are done and they're working on finishing up some other areas uh and they'll be Paving to uh probably starting next month in some other areas so it's going to be very like we've said the past few years pretty uh inconvenient process during the month of June July August September but a lot of Paving we expect about 7.7 miles of Road between the town and the county and another 12 Miles Road or close to that from Elizabeth Town Gas uh throughout the course of this year so anyway um if you haven't those residents that haven't uh are not yet on nixel please join that we are trying to get updates out every morning from the police department and also anyone that's planning to to do um upgrades to gas or generator for your home and if you go on the website and you see your road on the list please call the engineering department as soon as possible because once your Road's paav there's a seven-year moratorium on on cutting and open unless it's an emergency so um anyway that's a quick update on Paving great thanks sure uh before we go into my remarks we have several proclamations tonight and so I'm going to have two of them read two of them up here and then the other three from the deis I so uh we are going to I don't think so I'm just going to do this um quickly I do want to acknowledge Liz Jeffrey who organized all of this um and uh is unfortunately not able to be here and I want to give a shout out to our councilman our men T Saunders who are wearing their mental health chirs and appreciation so um I did want to acknowledge the efforts of the volun that worked last weekend for the mental health awareness walk the CATE walk and the um uh and the Symposium and venue that was over at the uh at the YMCA Annex in terms they had all kinds of vendors there uh promoting their mental health services so whereas mental health includes our emotional psychological and social well-being it affects how we think feel and act it also affects how we handle stress relate to others and make choices and whereas m mental health allows us to maintain relationships take care of ourselves and our families take care of our physical bodies and respond and adapt to daily life changes and whereas despite its prevalence mental health remains shrouded in stigma preventing many from seeking help and whereas early intervention and access to Quality Care are crucial for managing mental health conditions and improving quality of life and whereas with early and effective treatment those individuals with mental health conditions can recover and Lead full productive lives and whereas May is recognized nationally as mental health awareness fund providing an opportunity to raise awareness combat stigma and promote Mental Health Resources and whereas local resources are available to treat the disease of mental illness so no resident needs to suffer alone or feel hopeless and whereas each business school government agency healthc care provider organization and citizens share the burden of mental health problems and have a responsibility to promote mental wellness and support prevention efforts and whereas ordinance 2174 establish the Westfield mental health Council for the town of Westfield to promote the mental health and Ware welfare of all Westfield residents now therefore I mayor Shelley brindle on behalf of the members of the Town Council to hereby Proclaim May 2024 as mental health awareness month in the town of West field and I call upon the citizens government agencies public and private institutions businesses and schools in the town of Westfield to recommit our community to increase awareness and understanding of mental health the steps our citizens can take to pro pro protect their mental health and the need for appropriate accessible services for all people with mental health conditions and again I do want to thank everybody on the mental health Council that have worked so tirelessly to advocate for mental health services in in the state in Westfield um and so now it's Emergency Medical Services week I see Trey and John uh there there you are um you want to come up for this you bring everybody up if you want go to on this side our wonderful members of the rescue squad it's great to see you Trey so it's Emergency Medical Services week so whereas May 19th to 20 25th 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of Emergency Medical Services week this year's theme is honoring our past forging our future and whereas the members of Emergency Medical Services teams are ready to provide life-saving care to those in need 24 hours a day 7 days a week and whereas access to Quality Emergency Care dramatically improves the survival and Recovery rate of those who experience sudden illness or injury and whereas Emergency Medical Services has grown to fill a gap by providing important out of hospital care including preventive medicine followup care and access to Tele medicine and whereas the Emergency Medical Services cons system consists of First Responders emergency medical technicians paramedics emergency medical dispatchers firefighters police officers Educators administrators prehospital nurses emergency nurses Physicians trained members of the public and other out of Hospital medical care providers and whereas the members of Emergency Medical Services team whether career or volunteer engage in thousands of hours of specialized training and continuing education to enhance their life-saving skills and whereas it is appropriate to recognize the value and the accomplishments of Emergency Medical Services provided by designating the emergency medal Medical Services week now therefore I mayor Shelley brindle on behalf of the town of count Town Council do hereby Proclaim May 19th 2025th as Emergency Medical Services week in the town of Westfield encourage the community to recognize the contributions of our EMS professionals and I hear you have an award or something to get out toight is that right yes mayor brindle members of the council members of the public Chief baloro I'd like to announce that for EMS week next week Overlook Hospital is going to to honor our member Mr chrish reval with the Overlook Hospital EMS Excellence AB next week chish is one of our most dedicated younger members and we're able to do what we do 247 now in our 73rd year of service with great dedicated volunteer members such as Trey and our fellow EMTs and we're also able to do what we do to cooperation with the Police Department chief cloro and the Fire Department chief DS so thank you take a picture of course did I just want to make a quick comment um I was at the event a couple months ago with Council have good for the EMS services and I I found out a lot of information I didn't know and uh the EMS is totally volunteer and they do it out of the goodness of their heart and uh it's free to the it's a free service to the town if you have get transported doesn't cost you any any any money so I think it's a very impressive service they're staff 247 and it and what I was told is that we're the one of the largest in the state of New Jersey and again something Westfield should be proud of so I thank you for your service thank you okay so we have a couple more um and ntion it's also National Public Works week um and I do want to Craig is over there want acknowledge our incredible uh DPW director Craig Gibbons um whereas Public Works professionals focus on infrastructure facilities and services that are of vital importance to sustainable and resilient communities and to the public health high quality of life and well-being of the people of the town of West field and whereas these infrastructure facilities and services could not be provided without the dedicated efforts of Public Works professionals who are Engineers managers and employees at all levels of government and the private sector who are responsible for rebuilding improving and protecting our transportation water supply water treatment Solid Waste Systems public buildings and other structures and Facilities essential for our citizens and whereas it is in the public interest for the citizens Civic leaders and children in the town of Westfield to gain knowledge knowledge of and maintain an ongoing interest and understanding of the importance of Public Works and Public Works programs and whereas advancing quality of life for all the theme for 2024 marks the 64th annual National Public Works week sponsored by the American public works Association now therefore be it proclaimed that I mayor Shelley brindel along with the members of the Town Council to hereby designate the week of May 19th to 25th as National Public Works week in the town of Westfield and I urge all citizens to pay tribute to our Public Works professionals to recognize the substantial contributions they make to protecting our health safety and advancing quality of life for all so thank you Craig and to your whole department for all you [Applause] do okay it's also Building Safety month it's we got a lot going on um and uh Jim are you repres in the Buildings Department today okay whereas the town of Westfield is committed to recognizing that our growth and strength depends on the safety and essential role our homes buildings and infrastructure play both in everyday life and when disasters strive and whereas our confidence in the resilience of these buildings that make up our community is achieved through the devotion of vigilant Guardians building safety and Fire Prevention officials Architects Engineers Builders trades people design professionals laborers plumbers and others in the construction industry who work year round to ensure the safe construction of buildings and whereas these Guardians are dedicated members of the International Code Council a nonprofit that brings together local state territorial tribal and federal officials who are experts in the built environment to create and implement the highest quality codes to protect us in the buildings where we live learn work and play and whereas these modern building codes include safeguards to protect the public from hazards such as hurricanes snowstorms tornadoes Wildland fires floods and earthquakes and whereas Building Safety month is sponsored by the International Code Council to remind the public about the critical role of our community's largely unknown Protectors of Public Safety our local code officials who assure us of safe sustainable and affordable buildings that are Central to our prosperity and whereas Mission possible the theme for building safety month 2024 encourages us all to raise awareness about building safety on a personal local and global scale and whereas each year in observance of Building Safety month people all over the world are asked to consider the commitment to improve Building Safety resilience and economic investment at home and in the community and to acknowledge the essential service provided to all of us by local and State Building departments fire prevention bureaus and federal agencies in protecting lives and property now therefore be a Proclaim that I mayor shelle brindle along with the members of the Town Council hereby recognizes the essential role of the Westfield building code and Fire Prevention fire prevention professional and protecting our community be it further proclaimed that the month of May 2024 be designated as Building Safety month in the town of Westfield and I do want to shout out for drank foso we do have an unbelievable Buildings Department and safety is always number one and they are no joke and every developer that works in our town knows it so I'm not representing the building department but just want to say thank you mayor but also want to say again the fire prevention Bureau is an integral part of that and they work very well together so Chief dels and the fire prevention Bureau with uh uh Captain Bola and uh Carla kelber um are a really integral part of that and when when um storms have when a fire happens in a house we have when when weird things happen to houses they're called at 2 3 4 in the morning they have to come out and assess that home for safety for the residents that's just small examples of it but we really have a great um Team there between Fire and Building which is great so thank you great and the last one National Bike month and I do it Paul's where's Paul hi Paul per from our bike board is here so thank you very much for being here tonight um and I want to acknowledge Mike Daria too who's on the bike board lison um whereas since 1956 May has been recognized as National Bike month sponsored by the league of American bicyclist and whereas the bicycle is a viable and environmentally sound form of transportation and an excellent form of recreation and whereas creating bicycle friendly communities has been shown to improve residents Health well-being and quality of life and boost Community Spirit improve traffic flow and reduce pollution and whereas educating bicyclists and motorcyclists as to the proper and safe operation of their vehicles is Paramount to ensuring the safety and comfort of all roadway users and whereas through the efforts of the Westfield bicycle Advisory board our police and Public Works departments the town of Westfield has installed 25 share the road signs throughout town this year reminding motorists and bicyclist to share the road responsibly and whereas on June 14 2024 Washington Elementary School will host a safe bike skills and Community ride with the Westfield Police Department Westfield bicycle Advisory Board breakes and easy ride where students will learn about traffic laws and practice skills they need to know to stay safe while riding their bikes and whereas the third annual tour to Westfield will take place on Sunday September 8th an exciting event with activities for all residents and whereas residents and visitors alike are encouraged to use one of two bike aases installed in downtown Westfield where they can find bike racks benches a water bottle p and Bike Tool Repair Kit now therefore I mayor Shelley brindle along with the members of the Town Council do hereby Proclaim May 24 as bike month in the town of Westfield thank you Paul to the entire bike CLE VI okay I think it's a very active proclaimed Month in May um okay and in case you wanted to hear more from me I'm um just want to give you guys a a little bit of an update of things that are happening uh before we get into tonight's agenda um I don't know if you've noticed all the new businesses opening in town it's pretty crazy the number of ribbon cuting which is a very exciting time for our downtown um since our last council meeting yes you guys can leave we won't be insulted at all um you've AP students unfortunately I think have to stay um but since we last met just a couple weeks ago farity celebrated its grand opening in the former William Sonoma space um I was in there the other day they said business is unbelievable and and then on Saturday um Council macki and I attended the official grand opening of brase Italia which is um next to Forest Coffee in part of the Old Wolf Gang Bakery space um it offers high quality affordable fashion jewelry for both women and men is headquartered in Italy and it is the first store it's only their second Us location after the grand Canal shops in the Venetian Resort in Las Vegas so we are in very good company and it's very it's a great gifting store too so I encourage everybody to go by and I was very fortunate coincidentally to get a sneak peek and taste of the new takaria that opened in town it just physically I think literally opened yesterday uh Tako Doo Takara which is in the former inspiration rooll space um I think officially open today um their their soft opening hours are Tuesday through Sunday 11 to 9:30 um and uh it's I can tell you it was fantastic my little taste of it was and then lastly very exciting for the community members with young kids smalltown play Cafe is going to be opening soon at 278 north um Avenue right next to the former ngoya space in that Walgreens shopping center if you know where that is um it's a custom design Place space for age of 6 month to six years it features a cafe I think kersin bomb is providing them their baked goods and will'll have open play parties and special events so parents can go and join a cup of coffee their kids can play it's really very very ideal and coming up very uh quickly upon us is Memorial Day and our annual Memorial Day parade is going to be on Monday May 27th um once again it's led by the Martin Wahlberg American Legion Post 3 um and uh we are assisting the Legion by collecting parade parade participant information on our website so if you have a group and I hope you do um please you can register on our website and the last date to register is Wednesday May 22nd um and as similar to last year it begins at 10:00 a.m. with the traditional remembrance ceremony at um Memorial Plaza and then it proce proceeds Down East Broad Street turns left on North uid and ends in mindowaskin park where all the members of the public are invited um and then the police department will be escorting veterans up to Fairview Cemetery for their annual solemn service um and then the legion is going to be hosting their annual ual event barbecue of music and entertainment in the afternoon um and once again the memorial the Westfield veterans banners assoc um program is up um which we are uh looking will be displaying the next round of banners recognizing our veterans and active duty military personnel and they will be displayed on those banners throughout those locations from Memorial Day through Veterans Day in partnership with the Westfield veterans fund which is a locally established nonprofit and then tonight on our agenda we do have some very important items this evening most of them are kind of exciting focusing on key areas investment that we've identified so after our budgets are can have been adopted the fun part is actually now getting putting them to work um and so a few things that are happening tonight on the agenda that we all will be voting on a down payment for the previously approved contract to purchase the home on 1037 Central Avenue um next to Firehouse number two so so that we can expand that uh Firehouse become the main Firehouse um purchase of bulletproof vest for the police department the purchase installation of new equipment for the memorial play park playground which will make it fully Ada comp uh compliant and accessible to all senior transportation services purchase of four Department of Public Works pickup trucks and two Mason dump trucks all of which were funded out of the capital budget um we're also going to hear an ordinance on first reading for the use of the Capital Improvements fund to enable our investment in the following areas is an upgrade to our parking assment equipment and Technology to automate a lot of online permitting and purchasing of uh like employee permits and so forth resurfacing the tennis courts at tacis um equipment for athletic field maintenance uh an engineering phase for stream cleaning of a portion of the Robinson's Branch tributory tributary of the raway river planning and design phase for improvements to tacas park and designed phase for the installation of above ground fuel tank system at DPW and this is a fully funding ordinance meaning that um no debt Services generated from this authorization has been fully funded by the budget and then from the code review and town property committee I councilman contract isn't here um there's going to be an ordinance on first reading to allow for ground floor office uses in the central business district at very specific locations on The Fringe of the town as recommended in the town's master plan so in our core CBD currently our zoning requires a concentration of retail sales and services restaurants and personal services using to occupy ground floor tenant spaces but outside of the core which we call the fringes of that we will now allow for a variety of office Types on the ground floor including offices with high rates of visitation such as physical therapist offices and the like so in order to bring additional visitors from both inside and outside of Westfield and to really evolve um and create some more flexibility our downtown zoning to allow our property owners to just kind of adapt to The Changing Times and some of those Pro some of those properties aren't really in terms of their configurations aren't really don't really lend themselves traditional retail storefronts places like physical therapy and things um seem to be better suited uh this follows a similar amendment that was done in the in 2017 that allowed for ground floor offices on North and South Avenue so um it this is just an introduction tonight it then goes to the planning board for review and then at the next um uh in the council meeting in June there'll be a public hearing and a vote on adoption um and then there's also an ordinance tonight on first reading that puts us in compliance with the new state law required for tree REM tree removals we've had tree ordinance for decades um but uh we've actually been I think a bit ahead of the curve but the state is now requiring that every municipality have tree removal and replanting requirements and so essentially this is going to put us in line with what the state requires and in in some instances our place our ordinance is actually more stringent than what the state is requiring um and lastly two ordinances on second reading from the Public Safety Committee it's adding a handicap space on Summit Avenue at the request of a resident in need and establishes a no parking area on Grove Street which allows for a proper line of sight when exiting a driveway and um again this put U an ordinance that puts the town in compliance with the new state law for required Leed inspections for rental properties so hopefully you're done hearing from me most the night tonight so um we are going to get to the agenda um Miss ly are there any advertised hearings yes may there are two advertised hearings first is for General ordinance 20249 in ordinance to amend the code of the town of Westfield chapter 13 anyone wishing to be heard on 20249 please come to the microphone state your name and address for record see no one may may close the hearing this hearing is closed next is General 4 an ordinance to amend the code of the town of Westfield chapter 11 fire protection article 3 fire prevention code to amend and supplement with a new section for lead based paint inspections anyone wishing to be heard on General 20241 please come to the microphone state your name address see no one mayor you may close the hearing this hearing is closed councilman Daria please move the adoption of General ordinance number 20249 thank you mayor I would like to move for the adoption of General ordinance number 20249 in ordinance to amend the code of the town of Westfield chapter 13 may I have a second second councilman Macky any discussion please call the role Council m t yes Dar yesal yes yes Saunders yes Aro yes Mackie yes mayor yes this motion is carried Council Mackey please move the adoption General ordinance 24- thank you may I would like to move for the adoption of General ordinance number 2024 dh1 an ordinance to amend the code of the town of Westfield chapter 11 fire protection article three fire prevention code to amend and supplement with the new section for lead based paint inspections may I have a second second second councilman Saunders any discussion please call the rolec members have yes yes yes yes Saunders yeso yes Mackie yes mayor yes this motion is carried may I have a motion to approve the minutes from the Town Council conference and regular meetings of April 30th 2024 so move my Council Mackie second second my Council mardia all in favor yes oos this motion is carried now is time for open discussion by citizens anyone may come up to the microphone and speak to the Council on any subject on which we have jurisdiction please state your name and address for the record and please limit your comments to 5 minutes nobody hearing none I um I close this portion of the meeting and move to bills and claims councilman ha good thank you mayor I'd like to move bills and claims the amount of$ 357,96 36 may I have a second second by Council Mama Gala any discussion all in favor yes yes opposed this motion is carried next on the agenda is reports of standing committees be of the finance policy committee Council W have good thank you again mayor I have 11 resolutions that I'd like to move as a package but before I do that I just wanted to say this is an exciting meeting as the mayor mentioned you know we have our um Municipal budget approved we have our Capital um budget approved and now we get on to the process of spending the money but it's very rare that we get we have an evening when we are inserting five new line items of Revenue into the budget and this all comes from receipt of grants for important things like the memorial playground and um uh services for um seniors and so we're really excited to um be implementing these things um the other uh the mayor went through a number of things that were going to um you know be implementing in a ordinance that will start the approval of tonight as well so here we go on a long list of resolutions for tonight um first a resolution authorizing the CFO to refund Recreation Department fees second a resolution authorizing the CFO to draw a warrant for dog licenses for April 2024 third a resolution authorizing the CFO to draw a warrant for unused parking permit fee for a resolution authorizing the CFO to draw a warrant for overpaid tax taxes five a resolution authorizing the CFO to make a down payment for the acquisition of property this is the property by the existing fire department 1037 Central that allows us to expand the firehouse six a resolution to approve insertion of special item of Revenue Public Health capacity seven a resolution to approve insertion a special item of Revenue bulletproof Fest program eight a resolution to approve insertion of special items of Revenue Union County kids Recreation trust fund nine a resolution to approve insertion of special item of Revenue Union County infrastructure program 10 a resolution to approve insertion of special item of Revenue Community block development Grant and 11 a resolution authorizing an award of contract for the purchase and installation of playground of equip playground equipment at Memorial Park I have a second second second by Council uh any discussion all in favor yes opposed this motion is carried and last I would like to move special ordinance number 20223 on first reading a capital ordinance of the town of Westfield in the county of Union New Jersey at authorizing the making of various public improvements and Acquisitions in by and for the town appropriating therefore the sum of $635,000 and providing that such sums so appropriate gred shall be raised from the capital Improvement fund of the town I have a second second by Council Andia any discussion please council members yes yes yeser yes Saunders yeso yes Mackie yes yes this motion has carried next is a codee review in town property committee Council and Mackie I I have two resolutions I would like to move as a package one resolution to approve Peddler's license and two resolution to approve children's Amusement device license may I have a second a second councila any discussion all in favor yes opposed this motion is carried I would also like to move General ordinance number 224-1 on first reading an ordinance to amend the land use ordinance of the town of Westfield may I have a second second second by councilman armento any discussion please call the role Council m yes yes yes keep yes yes yes yes yes this motion has carried lastly I would like to move General ordinance number 20242 on first reading an ordinance to amend the code of the town of Westfield chapter 29a may I have a second second by councilor Saunders any discussion please call the role Council memb yes guardan yes yes yes yes yes yes may yes this motion has carried councilman Macky please move Public Works committee resolutions I have two resolutions I would like to move as a package one resolution authorizing the purchase of Department of Public Works Vehicles parentheses pickup trucks and two resolution authorizing the purchase of Department of Public Works Vehicles dump trucks may I have a second second second Council armento any discussion all in favor yes yes yes oppos this motion is carried and may I have a motion to adjourn so move so move by Council Macky second second by councilman keeper whoever you ever all in favor yes oose this motion to carry