the question is I mean is it is it a mandate on the homeowners as to hook up and and is it can they hook up to sewer and water both one or the other how does how is that going to work yeah so the the latest is every property at Ming rout six is going to get a water and sewer service extended to the property line okay and then they don't have to connect there's forcing but there's going to be betterments which the town is working on where basically you're going to get charged a bill a certain amount of the project cost is going to get covered by the individual a butter is on Route Six uh so they don't have to use that connection but they're still going to get a charge either way and the town's trying their best to minimize that cost to property owners and again not to speak up but one of those costs was not to charge them the water hook GLS yes correct yes the better would just be for the SE hooks okay I mean that makes more sense because if you only hooked up with sewer and not water then technically you're moving all of our water that recharges through our septic systems away and at the end of the day probably draining some of these Wells because you're not recharging with natural you know septics okay what what's the time frame for the construction obviously do you know the process on that yeah so so we're going out to bid we're going to advertise bids tomorrow if it passes um the dead exclusion vote and town meeting um then it could start you know sometime this year as early as you know potentially this summer um if not I think it's still a little bit up in the air and it's possible the water Bain portion could get constructed before sewer um if there's Grant funds um available which seems would they both go would it make sense from they both going the same time though it would yes it would make it easier but we're okay just it's just a possil we don't know at this point and how long is a project from beginning of construction phase to the end do you guys have any ideas how long it would take to run that length of Route Six uh we estimated maybe like 18 months um lot of it is like Pump Station lead times and take a while okay um yeah 18 months for phase one or the whole line that that would be for everything it might be more than that if like to get everything online but I'd say like the majority of the construction could be done in that time frame okay is it designed to um only take up one lane at a time like he's SP Lane against two lanes each way will the work be done in one lane and still maintain traffic flow on the other side or we have to bump it over yeah so it's it's possible in portions they might only um yeah take up one lane one travel Lane in One Direction uh but there's likely going to be portions where they're just going to close two lanes in One Direction and put all traffic onto the other side you know one lane in each Direction you're not using the business model from the Washington Bridge Project are you just making sure well you don't know that um anything else does this to the chair does this include any exterior connections off of the main route or this is just the immediate residences so is there a certain distance from Route 6 this will tie into or all properties are buing Route Six yeah for the moment this project that's in these drives and then there'll be stubs put in at each side street for future connections yes correct thank you because they're surveying on Gord Road by m right was it is it going this is a separate that is a separate project okay that is the waterline Loop that is currently being through a separate uh Grant application for federal monies because of pfa's in the whale system that's a different this was another discussion the selectman had so that that is a separate project that one seems to be moving forward I don't think it needs town meeting I'm not I'm not sure but I'm not I don't know if Alex even knows on that one so I don't want to speak on it except that one appears to be different than this one that is gr money that's a well in need or they're calling it uh because of the does it go up gford or does that Loop yourself it's doing a loop gford down Osborne back to Route Six okay which it's already in Route Six to the elderly housing so this would be like a loop from yeah coming off of that dead end that exist okay just pass the elderly housing that's all I have Mr chair so this current plan is just the route six Corridor nothing's been proposed for any of the side roads no no what's the what's the cost hookup per homeowner have they decided that or what it would be from the property line to for their endline to their into their home yeah so the goal is to try to keep single family residential house to around 10,000 as the the betterment cost um and then it gets scaled up if you have multiple residential units or and for commercial units it's based mostly on the developable area um and it's you know a multiple of that 10,000 depending on how large the lot is and you said there will be funding for that 10K hook up to help with home owners on that or and they have the choice on that correct so they they they don't have to hook up there's no mandate but they get charged that 10,000 way and it's over can be over 20 years it can pay it doesn't have to be like right up front Okay so they going to get charged either way if they hook up or not yeah yes because because as I understand it it's a funding source right but I mean the um other uh residents you know the town are also going to who won't get the benefit of it will also be have you know need to contribute in order for the project to move forward so through their property taxes though right essentially I don't know exactly how they're going to do it but I that's how I assume it's a dead exclusion it's a dead exclusion dead exclusion unfortunately I mean can't just everything a debt exclusion and just think you're printing money like the federal government well no we understand that can the um whoever wins the bid can the tie-in cost must be negotiated um you know like the Tom negotiated the um electricity Consortium you know can there be any this is going to be a big hit for a lot of people there going to be a lot of people that that have the taxes go way up and they're paying 10,000 whether they like it or not it's a big hit is there anything that can be done in the bidding process to help offset some of their cost well not the bidding process but in you know in the whoever wins the bid yeah so the the 10,000 number is based on our our cost estimate for what the total Project's going to cost and you know subtracting out any grant money subtracting up the water main cost um so if we get lower bids or if the low bid is below our estimate which we try to make it that way um then could be a little less than 10,000 but it's probably wouldn't be much less you know maybe we're talking like 8,000 um and it depends I think the latest from the town warrant article related to this is that we're just locking in a percentage of the total project cost that gets paid by ferat which was going to be approximately 80 or 2080 So 20% is to the individual property owners and ad get spread out chal wide so again environmentally this project is a betterment for the area and it is uh again contained within the route 6 traveled way uh except some work in the median so I I think this is not going to be an adverse effect to the resource areas and um given Mass do also has conditions I think we would be fully protected by uh approving this request tonight my problem is that you have people that live up there that have probably spent money on septic systems in the past year or two to the tune of 20 to $40,000 and now they're going to get hit with a $10,000 charge on top of what they spent to become compliant that's outside of our scope but I just think that it's unfortunate for those people that's that is something that is become of contention correct so or if they don't want to hook up at all if they like that well water I can't stand the taste of FL water i' rather my well water I'd rather drink my well water than water and what's the like what's the what's the long-term plan we spend 35 million for the current trunk and then that that doesn't really address many residents there going to be a bunch of used car lots and small businesses that don't use of water anyway then what's going to be the funding source for all of the um all the other pipes and all the other site work it's going to be done all those side streets and all the neighborhoods because these people going to pay you know taxes go up they pay the 10,000 tie in and this is there going to be another de exclusion two years from now to to to fund another phase of the project I oh yeah I I'll leave it up to the town speak for them but I would say uh you know does gr potentially for this gford Osborne waterm move um and um you know it could be Town Projects it could be um you know some of the side streets if they're smaller you know it's going to be lower construction cost so it might be more of cost that gets paid by the individual owners um but the the route six Trump lines designed with the capacity to support all these future extensions correct thank you Alex thank you so I suggest that you propose people to get to town meeting so um we do have someone in the audience that like I don't have an official role of this but Mike Sol and speaking as the president of the Westport water shed LS I have become acquainted with some of the facts that I can help out so the um the vment the targeted vment cost of $8 to $110,000 for this project represents as the sh just said a 20% share of the cost now this is this is a huge piece of infrastructure and if you were just going to tie in those 200 businesses and and probably 25 maybe homes or 30 homes I think if you were going to tie those into a sewer system you wouldn't be putting this in this is for the whole betterment of the it's an infrastructure piece for the whole of the north end but we can't really Chase as a town we can't chase after funding opportunities to do the neighborhoods which is really the bigger piece you know as far as trying to capture more Wells are uh are contaminated and and capture more storage we really can't chase after that those funding opportunities until we have this piece of infrastructure in place we've already failed in a couple of places trying to trying to get grants so we were talking earlier about the Macon Loop um you can't do that without putting this without putting this trunk line in so it's a very expensive piece of infrastructure that the the homeowners or the business owners most the B majority cases are going to shoulder 20% of the cost and the town's going to shoulder 80% of the cost now they're also as my understanding they're also going to be pursuing funding and grants to try to knock that down but they got to get the go-ahead to put this piece in so um it's a big project and and and probably the biggest reason it's resurfaced as a possibility for Westport is that we have this looming State um obligations or regulations that we may have to put in place now as you mentioned earlier we kind of got we kind of skated on that and they the DDP is focused on the C and that's where they're going to they're actually forcing individual you know whole whole town put in sewage or individual septic systems that address nitrogen The Arc of this thing is that eventually that's going to come here there's going to be some mandate I don't know what it's going to be but this is kind of a cost effective way to try to address those future mandates so it's more than just the 200 businesses it is for now but it's a big piece of infrastructure that's the start and it's the spine of what will hopefully be a more comprehensive project on our road thanks it's just it's a different type of vote because we usually usually vote on projects that individuals come to us with where they are willingly spending money to upgrade their septics or build a garage or do whatever they're going to do we don't usually vote on a issue that forces people to spend money whether they want to or not it's just a different type of issue for us Oh you mean not us as a Conservation Commission you mean us as a town no well in us as as a commission as well we usually vote on an individual's project here we're voting on an issue that fects lots of people some of whom may not want this right where just War One discussion guess right but we're only addressing the issues that were within our jurisdiction yeah correct yeah and and that's not the entire right we're not you know okay but you know I agree with what Mr Sullivan said which this is an investment that you have to decide whether or not you know if you want it to pay off for the town you know in the long run and so because it's not going to get any cheaper down the road um and there are a lot of contaminated Wells you know in that area um which can be addressed by this and it will also reduce the high concentrations of nitrogen are in the North End of the east branch which this project will reduce and put us in a very good position inevitably when D returns I believe because there was a lawsuit that forced them to address this that lawsuit is not going to go away and um and it's federal and state statutes that are requiring to do it so it's not going to be discretionary on their part and I think we would position ourselves very well than having to come back and everybody in the town I either uh put in their own individual upgraded septic system or we would be facing the same cost structure now except without having you know with having to address inflation and other issues and a timetable that would we would lose control over so but that's a policy issue although you haven't asked for it I I I will move to approve the uh sewer and water main um and the associated connections with the route route six sewer and water project so that's that's so we have a motion I have a mo yeah I made the motion want any more discussion before we okay we have a second I second okay uh those in favor I opposed okay everyone's in favor except Jake's toos Alex have they studied or have you or has anyone studied um the the past levels in the north wapa versus the contaminated wells in Westport like how those forever Plastics coming are they in a reservoir or any more or less so than individual Wells that yeah yeah I I've taken a look I I mean there's pretty much going to be a small out wherever you look almost so there there are low levels in North wapa like you can look up on the Fall River um you know their water quality report um but they're lower than some of the levels that we're seeing you know around Route Six this has been a couple that have had Fairly High hits from posos so and they're not the top of level so those come from um rain water do they come from the old landfill that they capped where do you how does it get into the pond it can it can be yeah it can be from rainfall it can be in the groundwater B Source like fire fighting phone have it okay just say I I I've been in some communication with the D program in uh there are two there are things are moving on this but in terms of Route Six I understood there were like two businesses and a few households that had uh levels of P above the threshold the threshold is 20 billionths 20 20 billions of a milligram per liter it's you need really minute concentrations and it's it's a the chemical that's just ubiquitous in you know so many products things we put on our skin things we wear things we live with so everything that you might wash will end up could get end up in the ground water or could coming off the streets you know down you know same way through rain water so thank you all right thank you thanks Alex thank you for your explanation appreciate it um so what do we have on that one if you got Mal P back in then you got Nancy Pico no is the and Mikey Sullivan Tom for yeah here it is okay uh yeah did someone meet you yeah that was quick yeah no Lally a speed Li the whole way that was a good one thank you for your your travels no problem did my best I would have tried to but we can't open the hearing without him I know you've done everything in in order so thank you very much um Mr chairman I I think most people you can just announce your name for the record and that would be fine Mr mlli is here again he is an each each lot owner he actually owns two lots 138 and 165 East Beach Road this is his notice of intent for both those lots March 6 2024 is the DAT of report the file number is pending site visit was on March 5th 202 2 4 the applicants filed for two lots they own on East Beach Road the lots are located on both sides of East Beach the owner has sent natural herin dangered species a copy of the Oceanside parcel 138 East Beach Road the grading of the Lots is requested to move Cobble from the winter storms the owner must provide a sample of beach nourishment to the office prior to placing on either lot the Oceanside parcel no placement of beach nourishment is within 10 ft of mean high water uh of which should be approved by the office this is a barrier Beach land subject to Coastal storm Flowage Coastal Dune salt marsh and Riverfront project the Westport conservation should approve the request with special conditions the sample provided to the office uh placement of material must be 10 ft away from mean high water and this would be pending the file number and natural heritage endangered species final comments Mr chairman that's all I have great any questions or discussion no if not looking for a motion motion to approve second Jake and Bert those in favor opposed okay thank you again I got to again hopefully we'll get that file number sooner than later thank you guys thanks for working appreciate it right thank you thank you have a good Nancy Pico Mr okay they've been waiting patiently Nan Chico 25 East Beach Road do you have the return receipts you to that's right I already have in the file right yes yeah uh Nancy pachico again representing herself at 25 East Beach Road this is a Le side property further towards the east end of East Beach just shy of the town on properties on that side this is notice with in 10 application report date is uh February 23rd 2024 this is pending file number uh the site visit was also on uh February 23rd 2024 description of the work the owner has filed to regrade the lot after the storms in December and January the lot grading is needed to allow trailer access onto the property if Beach nourishment is required it will require a sample provided to the office for approval before placing on the lot the beach nourishment must be of similar grain size as existing uh in this case the file number is pending issuance as well resource areas uh well I put my recommendation there at resource areas that's a mess up um West PA con paent should approve pending file number ISS with the condition that a sample of beach nourishment be provided to the office before placing on the lot uh so I would call this approval with standard conditions for 25 East Beach Road any questions or discussion if not a motion I we approve pending fire isurance the condition that's Beach nment must be provided to the office thank you second and Tom yep yep okay those in favor opposed all right thank you thank you so much I hope you got lesson did you enjoy it I was riveted yeah you'll never all the viewers you'll never you'll never file again thank you guys so we just have to leave yes and I will be mailing you the final docent I'll call you so you guys can come pick it up all right thanks all right thank you you we got our Michael Sol and notice ment 149 Sher web Lane construct the garage in a barrier Beach in coastal Doom Good Michael our Michael Sullivan 149 Jerry we Blan I think you all have received the report we we want to put up a single car garage U it's a uh hydraulically heal griven pile supported structure um attached garage uh it's going to have uh because it's it's in the potential it's in a flood plane Under 12 ft it'll have uh these vents on the side I can't remember the name of the vents but they're they they basically allow the water to come and go yep and this is this is be constructed on an existing driveway gra members Mike Sullivan 149 tering my Blain notice tent uh he does have a plan for filed by Schneider Dean Leon uh for his property the dated report is February 23rd 2024 there is a file number with no adverse comments it's SE 82723 site visit was also on February 23rd 2024 description of work the owner has filed to construct a 14x 24 single stall garage in a flood zone this actually would be an a Zone the proos the proposed location is along chair Blaine and we have a pstone pervious surface installed to allow access from the road the roof runoff will be converted into a dryw to limit any runoff destruction must meet mass building requirements for flood prone areas as Mr Sullivan mentioned that includes the vent openings uh of certain size and dimensions that will be required for those regulations those are just as he mentioned allow if the water does come to that point it allows it to come in and go out and not cause that structure to be ruptured or uh float in such a manner uh recommendations Westport Conservation Commission should approve the 14x 24 single store garage with perious driveway surface and roof runoff directed to discharge below grade and the building must meet uh mass building requirements for flood prone areas are those lers are they yeah they're kind of like a louage system exactly actively open them or no the water automatically can push in right I think they also were to keep it from diverting onto neighbor's property yes so it'll it's as if the building isn't there correct it doesn't dis yes of it so that it moves in the same direction it is rather than pushing it someplace else yeah I was thinking more of like you know mice getting in the louers if they you know they can they get in a garage believe me um sure yeah um there's no more discussion than a motion motion to approve second okay Jake and Kevin those in favor opposed all right that's unanimous thanks folks thanks mik thanks mik so we have two extensions following there okay so we've got uh Glenn Reed 144 East Beach Road this is for an extension correct Glenn Reed is former sari property he purchased this from West Beach 144 West Beach Road about 2 and a half years ago he is rening this uh permit a file number SE 82345 um Mr Reed is requesting an extension of that order of conditions for 3 years uh the request is in order it has been filed in accordance with the regulations Westport conservation should approve the three-year extension to file number SC 82345 for three more years and that is for Glenn Reed 144 East Beach Road okay any discussion if not a motion move to approve the three-year extension second Bill and Bert those in favor uh opposed all right that's unanimously we pass that around please do do then the next one is West Beach East Beach Road or what is that it was on the agenda listed is West Beach but on the this form it was East Beach Road so no it's West West Beach Road is Glen Reed did I put East Beach yeah it's West Beach it's West Beach Road as it is on the agenda we have a I don't have a folder on that one on what one Nancy cout br's right there you don't have Glenn Reed no yeah you do you just shuffled it around in your Madness no I don't think so [Music] [Music] no I think this is the wrong phone yeah I think Chris you may have grabbed this one instead of this is West Beach Road so you grabb the wrong one it says sari right yeah but this is Glenn Reed it's sari we haven't changed the name cu the guy just bought it okay so that is the V I didn't mention that at the beginning why did I figure that out I forgot to say was the previous own you it will say Glenn Reed now also known as Glenn Reed I should have known yes no you may not know this is a test we just been here too long yeah you got will catch you on we haven't even got to an hour yet no I'm saying we we've been here long enough to know who sari is respectively and Glen Reed and just cuz I know what they own by now hearing their complaints and concerns all right so then we're on to Nancy Couture all right Nancy Couture SL bro 141 East Beach Road be Road this is another extension correct Mr chairman uh Mrs Couture and Pauline bral uh co-owners of this property they're requesting extension off for file number SE 82316 uh the westw should approve the issuance of wow this isn't even that's Nancy Pico Chris over here no I'm messed up Mr Capone I can be confused too do you need it here wow I made yeah that help I went through everyone I got no problem we'd go to a break but no one will buy our ad space please stand by buy it that is so funny cuz I've been streaming watching those stupid commercials over and over again the same thing the silly music Nancy Couture uh ping BR 141 East Beach Road this is an extension for three years to file number se80 2316 the has filed a request for a threeyear extension to the order SE 82316 the extension is in order again this is a beach lock with um grading and what nourishment may be required Westport Conservation Commission should Grant the three-year extension to file number SE 82316 for 3 years that is all Mr chairman all right any questions or discussion if not a motion move we Grant the threee extension second Burton Phil those in favor I oppos all right that concludes our agenda items okay so now we've got you have anything unanticipated no I do not no Chris for a dredging project did they outline where they're going to dredge No I I can try no Jake had mentioned he saw some mapping of that but I am not sure where the dredging area so they know how much they're going to they approved how much they're going to take out but they don't know where they're taking it from no they know where it is just what you saw was correspondence of their review of the application so I never got the formal application I only sent that correspondents of their DMF and where the offshore materials were going okay I can get you a car I know you did mention you looking for but I would assume it it is the main section of Channel somewhere from spend Rock so think River they're going to use the old they're going to open up the old um they're going to make the channel adequate for depth basically I know that they're having trouble with it Shing in and Shing in and they're having some arguments for the record with the Coast Guard always being coming in when a ship runs ground and so the Coast Guard is kind of at the point now where if it's unsafe in navigation we're going to shut it down so you need to make measures to make this safe you you can't keep calling us every time someone runs ground because we only go there to move the buoy markers when there is adequate water so he says that now they're running into some so now it's being laid out what is what so I think that is where they're running into problems a fishing boat will come in at low tide and run a ground and and get stranded or or run drag bottom and I know some sailboats have been having trouble with their long Keel so this is just in respect to making a navigable Channel accessible for its use as a fishing port as well as a recreation P so I will get you more details on the approximate I think I can send it around if I have yeah cuz I know you had said you saw and and I never saw the initial application um because it hasn't been submitted to us it should go through some review how it comes to us maybe through the Army cor's approvals but I have not seen the formal application for the record I've got the dredging notice whatever I'll for it around to everybody cuz that's the only place I saw the location of the sand which is off a horse neck not too far off couple hundred feet and then it's like a yeah I again I know it's yep more than a couple hundred feet I think cuz they need to go in there with a dredge that's going to be able to not run the ground so they probably have to be I'd say 500 to 1,000 ft off of the beach just to make it safe water for them but it's it's going to be amusing cuz as they dump the sand I don't I figured they'd be making a shallower for themselves well it's all going to end up right back see see here's the they don't they don't necessarily say it I got the notice so I'll for it to the whole we very optimistic it ends up back on hene just to point out what what they're going to yeah it's not very specific no it's it's just like a a line through the channel that's not and I don't know how they cut it off Kevin if who is calculating the overall amounts I'm sure there is a some way for the contractor to make sure if there's a charge a change order that he is compensated for it so there is some mechanism to estimate the amount of cubic yardage that is being and has been removed okay it looks like they go pretty far out onto The Sandbar from the chairing web well they may be making it extend as they did to the left of of Shiprock there just to make sure that they can get that so they're not running ground I know when they went towards the they kept hitting and they couldn't get it deep enough that's that's not very specific I mean nature carved out the current new channel wouldn't it make sense to dredge what Nature [Music] has I can't speak to that or nor am I aware of what the ultimate dredging is that's where the Sand's going yeah yeah well that's for another day it's 12 ft deep now and 10 100 ft across now the new channel yeah it's deep the reason offer to go back to the old channel is that the old Channel many years ago was dredg to a death they removed they removed Rock and they know if they dredg that channel again they won't be hitting rock whereas if they go deeper on the new channel they could be that was what I was told that makes sense so okay you're hearing it is the old exist Bingo that's what Mr C wanted to hear thank you Mr Sullivan Mr Sullivan's answer not really I like the new Channel all the associate member Michael Sol any other any other questions nice Meritus Okay Okay so we've got the uh meetings from February 27th present were uh Paul was not here tonight me Kevin yeah so uh everyone's here except uh except Merchant was not here Tom's not here so any changes or additions to the minutes motion to approve if we can do it second okay that's Kevin and Jake in favor oh Phil I'm sorry Phil give you credit for the those in favor opposed you're running for re-election so you need all those votes all right and uh that's just I put that okay we've got a um a bill for postage $450 must be stance right yeah uh motion to approve motion to p move to pay second okay in favor all opposed stamps have gone so much so high it cost over $9 piece one condition but if you have old stamps they'll still honor the old stamps right the old stamps you got a black market in that well if somebody had like containers of old stamps but you know they keep coming back in fashion I've had these 71 C stamps the ages and ages keep them there now they're useful I 73 all right uh what's this East Bay Media Group $369 10 Mo second J Phil those in favor opposed all right um four motion to adjourn that yeah again I don't know if any other members have anything but I do not Mr chairman that was my suggestion motion to adur I'll second it can actually do that very I know pushy pushy it's okay all in those in favor opposed all right