##VIDEO ID:eo3V_kW737s## this is a meeting of weightly board of assessors on August 15 2024 first agenda item is approval of minutes from 7117 any motion to approve the minutes of of July 17th 2024 agreed second okay okay we do we need call vote um no okay we're all agreed okay uh next item is uh inspection review I guess I see that uh you've been going out making some inspections Stephen with uh what David yes uh you sent me a list today I guess of on you went out last week and the what you went out today did anybody else see that is that the list that you sent no no uh no do do you have a list you have a copy of that um on your phone I guess that specific list um I can send it to the two of you um through email but that that kind of encompasses everything I think the most uh important ones are going to be on this new growth uh report and so here is the list of um inspections that will contribute to the new growth uh so what you said FR was just an interesting resal and Commercial yeah yeah that was all building permits that been right right yeah got you okay right I thought you guys interesting yeah seeing that nor Farm yeah 28 million yeah the big one yeah well I noticed driving here today that they're up this end of the road too which I hadn't realized there was a sign what over here well that's the field that they're doing here yeah they own all these fields over here yeah I didn't know that was them that's a big H change yeah okay that's 2 okay so before we we get into into looking at the ones you've inspected you went out last week and and you went out today during the during the daytime yes and between morning and noon let me ask did you tell tell people beforehand that you were coming no there was no notice sent out and did you go inside any properties um not all we did go inside of [Music] some just did you want like specific ones that we entered no I'm just I'm just just wondering because I thought we the board here decided that we wanted to participate in some of them inspections and I think we also maybe express the idea that most uh inside inspections would be during the evening hours when people were home that during the daytime you don't see many people home because they're working or school or whatever sure uh and it would be difficult to to do it during the daytime for residential now commercial is different commercial you probably have to go during their business hours which are daytime so I I I you you've been out twice and I I I assume there's more days coming for inspections so yeah there there are none scheduled um the next big round will be the commercial inspections um in which we'll have an inspector come out um and for these ones that we uh went to today and last week most of them were um like exterior like features or things that not all of them weren't good to going into the residents like uh maybe like a three season porge or like other additions like that demolition um the only like really interior Renovations were the the former Town admin when SI went to her property um saw that this was partly what was his name Dave David we met last time he needed to get some in before this upcoming week yeah I remember so so we kind of rushed well not rush but like we did them last week early yeah yes but the plan definitely is to have be accompanied by board members um when you say we I don't want to ask a dumb question that's the firm we've been working with and Stephen yes yeah okay not make sure yeah and well it was specifically the man we met right and he do I remember right that he said he own only does the residential and different people do the commercial yes there'll be another team coming out to do the commercial yeah okay so how do you guys feel about the inspections they did so far we well I guess we'll look and see what they were but right should we just accept what they've done well I I I've been to so many proper to me it's either either or works but I'd like to participate so I get myself used to Massachusetts property versus Florida properties right just so I can start to get on board as what I'm supposed to be looking for things like that um how many did you do uh like 11 and 12 each day 12 that's a lot of inspections so yeah so it's about about two dozen with different uh information and results yielded from each um I think the most important for it is going to be looking at the ones that will be contributing to New Growth for this year yes um and from those you'll see they're pretty self explanatory um and new broke meaning build jobs permits um yes permits um and different additions or Renovations that increase the assessment that will add again say very similar to what the list that Fred sent me roof siding Windows stuff like that chimney I oh that's that might be a different list because we we don't we're not assessing for for chimneys is that from the building permit list oh from that's what he's looking at yeah Fred sentiment I thought I should out and how are you determining about this is the ones you looked at what last week it's both weeks it's the ones that are generating a higher assessment uh this is separate it's both weeks it's whichever ones are generating a higher assessment um it's whatever ones had um alterations that increased the Assessments in some case um like we went to one where there was a demolition that wouldn't add to to New Growth um but we recorded that visit in the C system noted it on the card um okay uh so you have another list there um this is building permits from like our last meeting okay so that's not the list of every place they went and looked at is are you asking for that list yes oh um all right for that list I can well okay that's one and these are ones that you actually okay new gr or change the value change the value up up well can you make a copy of this well I need to see this and look at it some of them just appear weird I mean the building permit was for I know some these for 100,000 and their increase in the value of 42,000 shouldn't we be closer to the building permit I don't know well based on how you presented it makes sense yeah but I mean your question should we just accept their inspections well first of all Were you invited to go did you know they were doing inspection well not I get what I want to say not formally I knew they were doing them but they didn't say come join us next Thursday at 10 o' and we'll go do it okay I kind of knew they were going out I didn't know exactly what day or what time okay so I mean honestly your question should we just accept them to me that was we wouldn't have said yes to them doing them otherwise unless you have some additional thought process um I also I'm surprised at the not giving notice because that was something you weight Le's historically been tried very hard to do and then has been a topic of discussion several times so is that not a requirement is that just a practice and if it's been the practice but it's not required what do we want to do going forward as far as I know maybe that's the practice of rrg that's not the practice of this town but which not giving notice right okay yeah no I'm saying the pr practice of the town has been to give notice right and we've discussed that several times right and we've asked you how are you giving notice and you had several options from phone calls to email to mailings letters even the postcards like we were doing and I guess this board never got a final answer how were you contacting people and even even last week I I guess when I met forly with you and David uh you know we looked at the the postcard than we were using before and I assume something like that was going to happen uh well I can speak to to that um so as I have been learning all the intricacies of the office um pretty much I guess I I have been in contact with with Cynthia but not having much kind of guidance as to everything in the office um I've been a little overwhelmed with that um and then I guess the the timeline in which these uh last two inspections needed to happen I just I didn't have the time to get them out okay but I think I think your question is are we comfortable with a practice of not contacting residents at ahead of time maybe commercial properties as well right um these are permit F and uh you and the razor one out gave a value to what they did more or less correct as it I didn't think it was common or pull permit to require a town to to advise the people that were coming over uh to look at what you've done uh you usually advise them you're coming over uh right it it wasn't we advised them from the board of assessors that we were coming out to look because they had a permit not I guess it wasn't because just they had a permit we wanted to see what we doing with the permit I might have stumbled through the question but yeah so so these have all been these have been pulled and you've gone out done these I'm getting ahead of the question should we be involved based on what I'm looking at based on the competency of the people doing the inspections would it benefit us to go out of there and see it again or can we trust what we've seen based on this report now I'm not looking I'm looking at just numbers here I don't know you said one was praised for 40 when it was a $100,000 deal yeah we need to match up the um permanent amount to each of these the mobile home like 151 River Road that says 4 where where do you get 100,000 look oh it's now I got to go to business okay I got you got got so okay mobile home is valuing at 47,000 447 they added a mobile phone well you get it okay sh it twice I guess further down it's also shown mobile home added mobile home so I don't know oh so is it both combined no sorry that so which is a mistake the the top one is an error the mobile home uh yes it's listed twice it should only be listed once so is the [Music] 47,000 okay so increase in assessment just look looking at that one compared to the building permit was what 100,000 well that's what I'm saying is this chart doesn't have the building permit numbers no oh yeah you have them well that's what he said that's what I said I know and I that's just hard to mat 62 can I see the cards that you have I had a problem printing that getting everything1 151 91 road1 is GE on a list the first page okay well hold on let me let me do the ones the bottom of the first page he's got he's he's yeah she's got my list but yeah yeah look at the bottom of the first page is 151 River Road did they go on the back I'm G it on the back yeah okay you were sing back okay so was for 100,000 was a building permit and you're assing it ah I see all right sorry I didn't really understand what we where the confusion was so the growth isn't directly tied to the cost of the bird building permit within the cam system we draw out the dimensions of what we are assessing so in this case we had a mobile home that was 13 by 52 feet and once that was autoc calculated in the system 44 47,000 that is the difference that the assessment what did I see the Patriot cards for this was I believe that card is this was before the 9 which what the house before the mobile home okay yes so did you actually go inside the mobile home we did not go inside where's where's the the value here for the mob home um that value is written on the front these cards are all directly like um after our inspection and so on most of them uh I was good about showing the new assessment I I guess I I don't know you're picking a number out of the air to me and you want us to accept it well you're that much difference I I mean it's a big difference but and and the the the other the other thing Stephen we looked at this two or three months ago this was in a pile of inspections that we did before before June made we made values for the house changes values for the house effective year and other things it's not a 19 it's not a 1800 house right the house today has bathrooms and electricity 18 00 oh 1800 1800 house did not have did not have that so we have to change the effective view of the of the house I I'm with you out it can't be an 1800 house and that's why it's only value at 200 and you're still talking about 151 yes here's the you want to look at that patri c and prise the 2011 that's before the the mobile home was added they put the mobile home on yeah the little note there says they added 44,000 for the mobile home I just I'd like to know how you come up with that value for the mobile home because for for any any building you you need to look at the condition of the building which is in Patriot you look you look at the grade the the quality of construction number of bathrooms all of that where is that for this mobile home to come up with that value how did you come up with that value um that that's what the like cam system Cates yeah but you have to put in the data how many bedrooms how many bathrooms kitchen don't you put that in what you use just a square footage value to come up with the 44 we don't go by square FL we look at condition of the house well the mobile it's a brand new mobile a brand [Music] new then then the condition is probably good I would think but I understand your question yeah and square footage to me is is is a starting point starting point right and I admit we don't necessarily go with the with the building per price or even a sale price in a house but we we consider that you know if it's it's up to 100,000 why is this only 44 can I ask when they pull the permit again I'll be asking questions in the beginning do they assign a value to that permit being pulled as what they're going to do they assign a number yes sign cost of the cost not the value of what the work is but the cost of doing value B so they say it's going to cost 100,000 it to do it what if it didn't come into the 100 what if they made it smaller or something doesn't matter we don't know the building inspector would just inspect it that's inter relevant okay that in in fact most people are going to put less than because you're paying to get the permit you're paying based on the cost of the renovation so you always are trying to underestimate if you can because it saves you some money there you're not because you well the permit is being pulled by the Builder right so they're I can't I can't imagine they're going to underestimate what they're going to do they're going to keep their best opinion of what is going cost well you know if you're if you're thinking if I hire if if you hire me to do a renovation to your house I'm going to you know maybe I'm going to have a contract that says it's going to cost this amount but I also might have a contract that says it's in this range right now I'm going to put the building permit in for the lower end of the range who s the permit the Builder um or the homeowner can the homeowner can't submit the okay that's it's it's kind of the the building the other part in there is is the price of the permit the building inspector has certain fees where they charge it uh based on either the construction cost or a square footage or number of bedrooms bathrooms and he says this house is uh the building permit is for $150,000 that that's what he anticipates he's going to cost it's going to cost but the fee for the permit is maybe $220,000 that's a set fee that they have I didn't realize it's that big yeah there is a big difference the fee is not the same as the value understood it's a percentage of the not value it's a percentage of the work cost cost which is why is not value yeah it's not value at all which is why though you are hoping to that the yeah go on the lower side we're stuck with the same problem that it was the permit was valued at 100 the assessment came in at 47 what caused the assessor to cut that in half yeah I guess question how did you come up with the 47 unless the 47 are supposed to be added so it took into consideration um the exterior structures um we did not go inside um um so for the interior uh we just have one kitchen at a average condition full bath at a average condition um for inside for materials we have gas um forced air for heat um actually this is there actually that's pretty precise we have plywood panel typical W of floring particip floring partitions um um I think Fred's questions that we don't usually do a new home this average I don't understand that's well that's what that's what go have to do that um new home um typically is an average condition so not in your subdivision I understand mobile home being in average condition sounds appropriated well even oh also I think there right now may be some confusion over um condition and grade so grade like refers to uh you could say quality like construction and so and like find PL like a higher grade sense versus condition um it's kind of an assessing practice to have an average condition for all new construction regardless of grade it's a mobile home it's a whatever do we know the square foter to the of the mobile home mobile home probably 800 squar that P Dimensions 13 by 52 yeah there you go that's the that's that sounds like a mobile home okay so what's 13 * 52 do it good I'm not good 676 squares I don't know what the average home would cost to build but a home cost 300 Square Minimum and a mobile home can't cost anywhere close to that no I I think you're raising your question of are you comfortable with the numbers they're coming up with Mak sense to me that you're asking it I don't quite know why you're asking it why this wasn't part of the discussion at the last meeting well what what were you expecting we didn't get into that level okay so so we are now we're getting into it I mean I just got most of the building permit numbers here the one that that really to me it's obvious here it's the one right next to my house here 162 Christian L get 12 by6 6,700 building permit is 200 yeah whoever this guy is I need to hire him yeah yeah we don't again I mean how extensive was the remodel were you inside were you inside that house chrisan yeah 162 Were You Inside Yes just the cost for materials and but that's what I'm saying you're trying to figure out the no except it's not six it's yeah they the kit 200,000 and the bedroom the bedroom that they uh put on it just replaced the existing bedroom it wasn't an additional that's a question it's a good question square footage that they were adding to the house it was it was I know I live next to it they put a foundation in and they added another room another bedroom it wasn't there the one that I went into there was already there was a basement yes there was a basement they added a basement a brand new basement and they put a 12 by 16 whatever you say room on top of the basement they didn't do it for 6700 no but that keeps that stop confusing value with cost right okay this one this house here yeah I know it's right next right next to me yeah so what did you did you you didn't change any square footage or anything well you added okay first floor living 12 by 16 okay and there's no basement under that section there there there is uh well I when I was there I didn't see it did you go on the Bas I went I went in from the kitchen and then went down to the basement through this way but if you're saying that there's Foundation yeah there's basement there there's a full basement but but the the other thing you know you left the other conditions the same they they did a full remod of the kitchen you're still calling the kitchen average I I don't know what they did with the bass the the effective years 1975 when they spent 200,000 on it we we don't do that you got to change the effective year to some some more current number sure um wouldn't that be if the whole house was renovated yeah but he but he's saying even you know know that it I mean part of this I think Fred is considering new construction average all right that's part of what you're challenging these are the ones I found but but it but it appears they're just looking at the new construction items and not reevaluating the existing house which we always do we just don't look at the addition they make to house or a new kitchen we go through and look at the entire house kitchens bedrooms bathrooms all of that so Stephen part of this correct me if I say this wrong because you know the history better than I do but my understanding is that the building permit has been a trigger to pick which houses get reassessed right and that part of that process has been assessing the whole property because they have to be done every so often anyway not just the renovation right and so what he's hearing is that this sheet is based only on the renovation and that looking at the Patriot sheet how it got entered is only based on the new renovation instead of looking at the house as a whole MH would you agree that that's how the new assessments there or the assessment change is being determined um yes and so um they will the kitchen wasn't complete so to put to change the grade of the kitchen it's kind of hard at this point because they're still doing the work I guess this is what captures like what we can say was effective as of um which dat as of July one then then I I guess you shouldn't have went in until it was completed unless you had unless you needed to get it for last year's taxes to partial partial completion and with the remodel and stuff I don't know it's hard to hard to do but the building permit says it was kitchen remodel and and other stuff in the house and if you go in a basement see they put a new furnace in new boiler new new uh air conditioning systems that they have air conditioning central air now yep that's in here for air air condition J other things we look at when we go in just not just looking at the the addition okay well so clear clearly Fred you you're spelling out that you don't accept this particular one that you don't think I mean it might it maybe it should be the way it was for July 1st and when the renovation is completed then look at it again well right but it I mean so but where are you two are agreeing it's that the inspections you did with David were not whole house reviews they were just looking at whatever building project took place yes that would add to the new growth well but I understand where you how you drifted there what makes it add to the new growth is that there's an increase in the assessment but if it's not if it's not fitting with the pattern of reviewing the whole house first of all there's an assumption that all improvements mean the house is worth more when the rest of it could have deteriorated which is a possibility second of all it's not really meeting the goal of getting whatever ex property reviewed in its entirety in what every three years or something years okay so that check mark isn't met right if you're there you might also review the whole property whole thing right whole thing is which is and which is what we've been doing okay but but that was never discussed well so I guess not um so that needs to be clarified you know does do do the inspections they did set the 10year clock at zero for those houses or are they wherever they were in their time frame yes to the second yes no these are not included in that I see okay okay so that's part of what he's pointing out is by only looking at the renovation we missed a window of opportunity to take care of that right issue because we probably won't go back for another 10 years so in the meantime nothing else has changed when we know things have changed you know the other one that catches my on here is the last one on the street 107 North Street that's l sibl 95,000 the building permit was for 8,000 well the building permit is for a shed but the sheet here says interior renovation as well right and it changed the and again I apologize so when I these cards were directly from after the inspection I haven't provided you with the updated cards and on that one you would see the effective year builds as um 24 for the interior rition right but but that missing a piece of the point he's making yeah go ahead for that one but what what he's saying is he's making a comparison to the building permit the building permit on didn't have the interior renovation now I don't know if that's this body's purview to care about well I know I know what it did inside it was it was complete remod did you go inside that house not okay it was complete remodeling new kitchen she spent 25,000 just on her Kitchens on her kitchen remodel plus other stuff in there I know so it's the the part that bothers you that it's 95,000 compared to 9,000 on the building permit some yeah okay how did you come up with that value well once we change the effective year build of the house because it was a complete remodel okay so why didn't you do that for the one on Christian Lane complete remodel because it wasn't complete it was just an addition well no they didn't completed the REM model okay that's a different answer but there's still a big difference from from uh 6,700 to 90 to from 6,000 to 95,000 well 6,000 that was so there was the cost the the there's the shed and so I think that is the 6700 that you're referring to and in addition to adding a shed she renovated the interior yeah so the shed and the interior renovation added 95,3 okay and for the interior Renovations did you change the condition and and grade um change the effective year effective year to what 24 this year yes go back into that okay but you didn't change the grade of anything or the kitchen or the bathrooms I kind of agree with you calling new construction average doesn't seem right it's certainly inconsistent with how you have great at things right so one one scale needs to change you can spend 3,000 on a bathroom with preformed uh bathtub and and shower whatever with a vanity from Home Depot a vanity from Home Depot or you can you can go to The Other Extreme and get a contractor in there to put ceramic tile everywhere uh a jetted tub two shower heads and and whatever and that's not an average condition for a bathroom even though it's built in you're calling it a 2024 bathroom that's not average condition and we see that you see it in your subdivision you don't have many average bathrooms probably in your subdivision probably not look look at that sheet of all the properties in your subdivision you'll see well I did see that yeah just so that I I guess have the same understanding of condition as everyone here so you're saying like to the uh so what is your definition of condition I guess first of all that would be well you start with an average and you you you go up up up or down some go go down but but not because of a building permit yeah or usually a sale they usually go up because because of that building permits you're doing improvements or even a sale will give you increased value uh but I mean take the renovation piece out of it you can have a new construction with those two differences you just described right and they're not both average how does your system David's system acknowledge that difference I I don't see how that can happen without going inside to look at the property I I I think that's where you're where you're headed just guessing we have we might have to get into I think that's where you're headed well but but if if the decision is to use David and and whoever else in the firm we can't be on two different papers so I think that's the piece to take back and get some clarification on is how well not just the numbers but the philosophical yeah I think yeah and I'm sorry with my experience I'm not as fluid as David is uh in giving you an answer um but I do know within the C system and how it calculates um that all new construction at least this is the practice that I've been been taught um in in ammer with rrg um and other like assessments like course materials like assessing um course 200 from the Massachusetts assessing office something something um that that is a standard practice that all new construction is average okay so if that does that is that just different than Fred's scale that may be different than Fred's scale um and um we're happy to I'm sorry I'm interrupting you go ahead but I'm sorry I said goad but I'm going back to his point about you can have these two different construction Styles so what do you mean by construction Styles like he just said you know you can have a threepiece tub surround you can have floor yeah new construction or you can have okay highend Construction can't be Aver well look that highend construction that's the grade um not that's the quality well part is a grade but a lot is the quality of the of the bathrooms or kitchen well to me the grade the grade is of the building the grade of the building itself you know that you know some have trusses some two by construction some have recirculating ventilating air all that outside air all that that's that's a great triple pane windows whatever uh styrofoam blowing in insulation everywhere uh that's the grade the condition is when you look at the bathroom or the kitchen and say well is is it quartz countertop or is it fora that's not to me that's not a great difference that's a quality difference whatever you want to call it and so how does how does the camo system and the business so for the grade um and not it's typically listed as average um based on the depreciation schedule that is in the C system and so changing uh that grade affects that depreciation well but his his thought was it's quality not grade right which is a different criteria in the system yes and we I guess I don't know where to go with this we can tell or at least I I can resolve it tonight but we're identifying how the scales how the inspections that they doing and how it's being entered in the system doesn't match how you were doing it and we have to figure out where it doesn't match to figure out okay which way is the system going to get used differently or are we going to change our scale one or the other I think without having like a a full command of the the camo system um I think it would be best for just on the next inspection to be accompanied by one of the board members um maybe Fred for the first one um and you can see how that is done from like start to finish look at the I don't know if you ever um sat down with um cynia and looked at the the C system um and then see I guess that that process um and then how that final number is computed and then if there is a difference in philosophy or whatever then I think it'll be easy to be able to we kind of have have sat down with it we at least I have not sat in front of the computer and made changes she made the changes that we suggested and we could see by changing the effective Year from from 1975 to 2000 made an increase of $25,000 we could see that and we said okay that house is worth 25,000 more so we agreed we make effective year whatever 2000 and leave it at that increase if it come out to be that the change effective year meant $100,000 difference we kind of said no that's too much the home owner is going to complain so we need to look at another year effective year so we picked a older effective year I guess to reduce that value that there's there there's that subjectivity and and and what the board of assessors does and what we have I think authority to do to make sure everything is is valued consistently which is exactly what David objected to because he saw it as subjective yeah sorry to not be on the formula yeah but but you're you are identifying some ways where the formula is falling down right um so yeah it's G to take some discussion to figure it out um I mean it it certainly is clear from your your non inspection seeing yeah Christian Lane that it's off the others might not might not be off or maybe um pardon them off I mean I guess to for us to be comfortable with these values and and to okay be comfortable with these values I think you you almost need to go inside the property to see it see the condition of these and if you've only been in I I don't know I'm hearing maybe a handful of all these uh you know or you just looked at the addition and nothing else well that that's that's been clarified yeah so that that would was not you know that that the history of how you've done inspections was different than how they looked at these properties that that we've established right um I think the question of advanced notice on inspections that still needs some clarification right um you know the Steph's suggesting looking at the next you know that you go along with the next inspections so that you can see more clearly how the information getting changed in the system Compares with what you just saw in terms of the property okay and I'm saying to do that we need to go inside and and typically we do it in the evenings we have a higher success rate maybe 80% versus 10 you're going during daytime you're going to do all yours in daytime and nothing else well I don't know maybe the board have to go on their own member of the board go on their own in the evening and verify what you're looking at but then it's it's double work I guess and then who's going to believe it your value or so what if we schedule an evening inspection well okay that's that's looking ahead but I think now we need to decide how are we going to resolve what's already been done your inspections how are we going to do that because I am not comfortable with any of these right now you want to get back you want to see it with your own eyes yeah well that or or more information from the from the patri well let me let me go back to one question on these I mean I you know I do I do see like okay a three Season room is about the same added value as it's is a little bit more than a shed maybe they're the same size I don't know but they and shed's pretty big it doesn't say how big the room is North Street finished conversion from what to what that's what that's not clear so I do think there's some more information needed but FR what if somebody starts a renovation process project should the value change before it's finished and what defines finished well if if it was new construction we would get a partial value like in especially Pine ples States because some of them were over one fiscal year so we get a partial value and then we would go back when it's completed and get the final value now other others I guess like I know building inspection building per thing we will look when there's a CO issu certificate occupancy by the building inspector which means the the work was completed and that's when we would go out we didn't go out when they were still working at typically sometimes we if it was it was a big project maybe we would but typically we didn't do that until the co was issued that was our key to go look because it was done what do you you don't do you get a CO on an addition well see I feel the thing you don't you don't always get a CO for everything you may not get a CO for a shed I had a built a shed on my property and took the building permit out I never got a CO at the end told the guy I'm completed come look at it I don't have time if I do have time I'll come looks the problems with building permit system permit so that's why it you know if the building permit the other thing if the building permit was taken out two years ago then we kind of would assume it's completed and we would go out and look to see was it completed most of the time it was occasionally they didn't do the work or didn't do a shed or or add dish whatever that that happens but that was the other key if it was enough time where we thought they should have did it building a shed say uh we don't worry about roofs uh kitchen remodel is it take years to do it but kitchen remodel probably not okay so so but let's say a kitchen remodel so I've I've built it but I don't have I have a closed room well no remodel it's already a closed room so I've done the demo I've put in new cabinets but I don't have counters and I don't have a floor yet yeah is it ready for evaluation or not I mean I have a plywood floor but I don't have for yeah you want see it complete okay and what about an addition there's no there's GNA be done an addition the same way you yeah and the other thing I tell you when when for determining for like new construction I guess it would apply for others especially for new construction to get the percent complete you know what you what do you go by that the the contract price and say well half of it is done so we we assess the value half no they unated the value and the cost are not really related there there is I don't know if it came out of the 101 course or not but but and and I've seen it I have it somewhere there there is a a table of of construction activities that tell you if you have like a foundation that's completed that's 5% of the value if you put in trusses and you put in uh uh walls on the first floor that's another 10% if you did all windows in the house you can add in another 15% and that's what we we kind of go by that value to come up with with what percent was completed it's otherwise you're just guessing a number but there is that table that shows you for these condition you're talking about for new construction conru for new construction there there is a table that shows you what percent you should value at if everything is all done except carpeting or Hood flooring well that's probably 80% or 90% that's said everything else is all done except that and and it kind of tells you that in the table and and kind of would accept that well you know 10% is not done so we we would so you could apply that to a remodel or addition right right but it's not it's not as extensive I mean Room Editions only like this room you're looking at looking at the whole building right so and David came up plugged in numbers and came up with these values basically based on his inspections with you and formulas whatever they might be uh yeah so I guess we we ran a tape to verify the measurements of you know like a por or things that we could like measure um and then recorded it on the card edited the sketch to add whatever feature um adjusted whatever um interior or exterior features and applied the percentage complete or not complete and then yes spit okay uh how much I think what David and you did uh come up with these numbers uh it might be helpful if we had David also talk to us about how he came up those numbers there might be some misinformation from what we're discussing maybe he has invalid data and he did some of the things you're suggesting read good bad ugly well we know that he did that these numbers are based only on the renovation not whole house I thought right we know that and it sounds like you would agree that you can't increase the value significantly if the renovation is not done right so that gives some explanations that might account for what we're looking at uh and not to Mak a difference but I think a homeowner would would want to know you know if if if they had a building permit for something that it increased the value of of the house and that was the value that we assigned and that was it that was done we're not going to come back another year and say oh we need to look at your kitchen and bathroom to evaluate them again to see if we need to increase the value again we don't do that and I I think that's really going upset the homeowners say well you were here already looking at the the renovation now you want to come back again and look at the kitchen and bath why didn't you do it at one time you probably don't have a happy camper there no you don't have a happy camper and it and it's twice as much work for us to do to go back again a second time to look when we were already there and I see that that happening here with with this list that was already done it's it's not the whole house it's only the it's only the uh the renovation say and and even even that to assume a renovation is average without going in well like I use the example of a bathroom they're not all average if you call it average today in two years from now you go in to make an inspection and say well that's excellent It's not average was GNA say why you inspected it before and now you want 20,000 more for an excellent yeah nobody's going to complain if you if you go down but they going to complain if you go up so yeah so somehow the quality needs to reflect when it's highend right this addition this was a the mobile home was added to this older house uh no it just sits it's on the lot on the lot okay so I don't know if you can buy a mile for 40,000 so how we want to proceed from here first we've got to resolve what was done what they did and to see we agree well I think did um Stephen can you tell from your recollection and from the lists which projects were completed and which ones weren't um all right well River roog the mobile home that like a pre ricated structure so that's completed um the porch on North Street is uh completed the shed on 31 Swamp Road 12 by 24 shed that is completed the thre season R Edition on 14 gray o is completed picture I know two bre not complet he still building it so Fred if you look at these completed ones and and I got the numbers from the building permit on three of them do those look right to you or not right right to you probably probably for a shed that's 4700 or in room 65 yeah but not the mobile pH CU you're saying well and does it that is adding value to since that's on the lot with another property which hasn't been looked at that's doesn't that seem relevant add it all go home with an assign price right but do you only change the value of the property based on the addition of the mobile home and not the house that was already there well that's we we were there a few months ago and changed the effective the house like I like I say it's not 1800 house 1950 put in when Plumbing come in so so that growth is not reflected in this number but no and that's it that depends how you define growth I mean that's a change in value that's growth I guess it's what they're defining it as it's from building permit no they're defining it as increased assessment well right but they're not looking at that they're looking at building permits they're getting the growth from a building permit no they're not getting the growth from the building permits because there there were some building permits that reduced assessed value like the demolition that's not on this list the only things on this list are numbers where the assessed value went up that's the definition of growth right right okay an increase in assessed value based on building permits all if you're tied to a building good that's just how they drew which ones to look at look at right but we're saying there's other New Growth that is not a building permit or not a building permit was not right you do a kitchen remodel I'm not I'm not sure you need a building I think you do do anything your house probably need a perit we've had well so when you went to that um one what would you say was that effective your built what we put 1975 or something all right let me change this because I justed yeah and I think we were in in that house more than more now recently but we didn't go in and we looked at the at the trailer that was there and we didn't actually go into the trailer we don't want to walk through the mud to get to the trailer so the homeowner was there and he told us and we figured well average I can go back and make that change but right now I just did it as a a test run yeah um and it changed the assessment by $7,000 up yeah yeah okay changing it from 1900 to 1975 only changes at $7,000 correct that's odd that seems odd we put a high if youan seems I guess you can alter the year to make the numbers work but how this is like set up there so I guess that that's his point that's exactly his point that's been his Point all along is that that's how they do it that they to meet the value to to that they're making what David calls a subjective opinion about the value but what Fred calls a comparative standard that he's been working on for however many doing this I get it I got it okay even if that's all came up with that's that's fine we accept it because because the the the data sheet patri has that value and that's the value we're going to go from now on so it's a current value regardless of if it's the right amount but it's it's a current value that we looked at this year and that's what we but it wasn't in there no but that's what we would move forward so it has some some B some value to updating the database from 00 to 19 C has that value that the database is updated because otherwise somebody could say we never looked at it never updated it to so is it still 1800 house or not I don't know but if you put a value in there that it indicates you did look at it or you did look at the consider the condition and you upgraded it some to something reasonable that's the other part we look at otherwise no I follow and I agree with you and yeah thanks for your patience I'm like at 30% right now um but yes all right I see what your it adds credibility our database we updating values we don't just leave them for 150 years and don't do anything when we know that house isn't that condition so do you feel comfortable saying going to the ones that are done and saying saying you know thanks for showing the addition renovation whatever it is but we'd like to not you know we'd like we didn't we failed to inspect the whole place and we think we should so we're doing a whole value and then with the other ones saying we're going to come back when the Project's completed well then people never know the homeowner will never know what you're saying because if it wasn't completed and we increased the value by this amount they would assume well yeah the the house is worth more so the value went up they wouldn't necessarily assume that was because we did the kitchen remod and and if we come back the following year and say well we're increasing it more because of the kitchen remodel uh that's our our basis for increasing it I guess because you did a kitchen REM model and they usually would accept that because the value of property went up makes sense yeah I mean but not all but then but then it sounds like you're agree with the numbers basically except for Christian Lane well yes I know but the the other thing you you gota realize what happens at the at the end of the year when uh I guess we and we should be looking at that pretty soon and look at look at sales and what the value of houses have increased based on sales that we we assign and I don't know the exact process because C there was doing this we assigned a percentage of growth to all residential property in in a town 8 and half% last year every resident went up 8 and a half% B on sales on sales so if you're going to increase your property 8 and half% that that's one increase and then if you're going to increase based on an addition well it may be more than 8 and half% you may have even up to 15% because it's a higher value so people kind of I I guess expect an increase every year very few properties stay the same value every year of course they don't stay the same value every day no right right so youve got to increase some and and we do it based on on sales towards the end of the year plus plus the building permits Plus or growth I guess you call New Growth well so so to to say you know I I guess there's increases every year whether it's based on sales or New Growth it is going to affect every property it's going to change you overvalue property it's going to go down well no us go up because it's it's a increased percent even an overv valuation yeah okay I don't want I don't want to be the C ask you a different question which of the places did you go into places which which one the property owners even know where inspected um Christian home you went in oh we did not go into the you did okay North Street one that should have been did you go inside that one no what did that convert what's conversion mean on that one sorry2 North Street try to figure out no 20 North Street I'm asking about I don't know which one he was asking about finish convert oh I don't know I was looking at the last one so Fred's asking about 107 North Street I'm asking about 120 there's three North stre that's a big could be very so 120 North Street we did not go into that is the commercial property where who's the owner of that red bar yeah okay wait that's not the commission no that's the what did he do um he when we went out he just confirmed that um so there was a percentage on the depreciation um which let us know that this new construction hadn't been finished at Le hadn't been closed out within um Patriot that prompted the visit um and this was to the renovation this section here um joining the barn okay so what what's the conversion from Barn to living space that is liveable space and before it was there it was in the system as the not being closed out the conversion hadn't been completed that it was 95% done and we went out and just verified by word that it had been completed so converted to finished living space yes yeah because we were there 22 two years ago yeah but you didn't go inside no good these numbers change when they're completed makes sense except how does it happen % so these are the cards that were printed out before our inspection and so they don't have the change on them but you can [Music] see um we took that off and then that but that calculated that would be the only I don't think that would man new construction yeah okay that's well any any re renovation that was done in Flor I know the perit iy had to come out close it out but they don't care they don't close them out not always often so there's an open permit that's just Le leave it open the one of the reasons why bother why am I paying in this case the the county Northampton the town to get a bmid if they may never even come in is that is there any guideline restrictions that says they have to or don't have to close up should shouldn't there be in Florida you don't close out a permit you can't sell the house it stops the sale right in it tracks and if it doesn't stop the sale then the new buyer is going to accept the non-close out permit and all of the expenses that go along with it so they show the house so maybe it probably happens for new construction where some for sale but how many permits are done on a renovation to one's own home but okay again we're all up the board right now but when you pull a permit I don't understand why there has there isn't any rule why you have to have it completed and because usually the town would come out and say this is complete the the building inspector yeah and then then once he's done that he's closed out the permit right so and you're saying some of these permits are not closed out how are we going to figure out proper values if they're not closed out well they might T off I mean they might close them out in that I'm done with the permit but they haven't I think the town but it's not the town County County city right County shouldn't they know the county but do they do they tell the town I mean that's what I'm saying because it's countywide they to I'm not sure to they well and that that's another thing that I guess I can get the answer to that question I know how to get it nice um one of the things that I guess is involved in our cleanup too so most of this uh was actually from a report that was ran a special conditions report and so anything that wasn't uh closed out in C system based off of the permits that were entered in that's what we went out to and so I guess even if the building which would be nice I guess if they closed it out and then notified us um it looks like the practice has been to get the permit from their system enter it into our um C system have the visit put the percentage um based on whatever factors um and then that would just be our own record keeping and then we close it out within our C system separate from what they have I'm a I have friends who are real person in found usually when a permit's pull it shows up on a title search and it'll show up that it's not closed I would B title when they when they to make sure the title clear marketable clean no leans I would guarantee it's not used guarantee I'm pretty sure that title company knows if that permit is still outstanding and therefore I don't know let me talk to it I know how we do in Florida I don't know how we do but that only applies if you're selling the house if you're not selling no but he's saying any permit true you got a good point the permit triggers the the would the perit would show up if isn't closed out if a title is pulled but we're only pulling we're only checking the title on a sale not on everything else right until you okay let let me talk let me talk to an agent on that so back I want to resolve need to go out you want to go out I can tell I don't blame you there some inconsistencies here but we're not resolving right now okay and I think I mention in the past to three of us we go but our administrator says we can't do that how many one one we talked about this last time I think you should go on I think you should go at least on the ones that are done right and the others you should wait until they're fully done is lind's done her construction her interior renovation yes um North Street so one bottom one yeah two three four five so that's five red that they're done okay and well it is sounds like Fred Baron is too the only reason they don't want to the three of us going out other than it constitutes a qu because it's the three members of the board and they ass we talk about the properties when we're there of course the whole purpose of the inspection right inspection now I'm thinking if we if we wanted to all go out together we one vehicle we meet at us at at a property Mike you go first you go look at it come out Jenny you go in you look at it come out and I go and look at it I want to be a static about exactly my thought we don't say anything I would do to to each of us and then come back here and say okay what are you guys St but you've got no I think you should go to these six that are done we're looking for I'm looking for education to get out there start this stuff and that will help you get a sense of whether the numbers make sense right and how the communication needs to go between but that comes down to looking at the values just based on on additions or total because these are not total right I know do the whole thing while you're at it and May okay well then get back to PR practice of a notifying people I guess we need to do that then we're coming out to look well what is the what is the requirement on that is there a requirement to have you got to that to notify yeah no a little bit I didn't get it's a lot of information so yeah yeah no I don't think there's a requirement it's just good practice I guess okay I agree that's a good practice okay so you have no problem with making that the goal I have no problem with making that the goal okay so here's six places you already know you know at least two of the owners you may know other ones um so you want me to send the notice and you'll wait two weeks and then go six properties yes and well okay and and what should be done is I know how line before David can come back at least if I go it should be you as well to to know that you agree otherwise I could come up with weird numbers and you say well that that's too high we never come up with that value we're not going to resolve the differ think it's so that he agrees I think so it's so that he can observe the difference in your practice and David's practice to help figure out how to bring the practices cons more consistent David has that little system might not understand oh he told us he does example since we both have a rapport with Lyn Sibly maybe we could go out and carry that inspection as like an example you'll have a card I'll have a card we'll both make our valuations and then we can plug both into the system see how those numbers can for and then or would you rather me send notice to these six that we've identified and then in two weeks go out to those yeah I guess I'd rather do that because I'd rather go with you also so we looking at the same thing a quick question uh could I go and sit in the car but can at least see the property or would that be considered more than one thing you don't talk that just interests me to sit here and look at the then maybe just get an idea what I'm looking at here I guess you could do that I don't I I don't want to get in trouble but you know I could just go by my motorcycle I guess yeah it's Pete this is a question for Pete because it's Pete who's coming in saying I'd like you to change this system yeah I don't like his change but but if if we're going to follow it not push back on it then it's a question for him the only part that that is really a question of this is the Del Liberation part I I say three of us going and we don't talk just look and write down we don't talk what we saw go home that's not deliberation we didn't say anything when you came to my house I don't remember you guys talking I just said just do your thing the other part is the three of us are going out as a Bo Jo we need to well I guess we can get around that by saying the board is going to these properties this week that's our inspection it's three of us work for them and we're going into these properties make that happen that three of us go and like I say once we get there we don't talk to each other we just look and observe and come back what's the difference between whether we're talking there or talking back in executive probably minutia but it's enough to get us in trouble I'm sure right but but I mean it what is the what is the actually the concern because there has to be discussion otherwise what's the point of having three people right so clarify you know we need clarification on what where when can that discussion can those discussions happen we all walk in we're quiet where walk out we get here and we talk versus we all walk we talk we get in trouble well go ahead can I just wait yes not knowing that much um the full um scope of like public meeting law but I think think that the three of you being elected officials uh discuss having that discussion at the home that makes a meeting and that would make it public you can't really have a public meeting at so I think that might be well it's under the other part site inspection we can do site inspections other boards do that s inspection and you can do it I just asked the the homeowner question you know is there going to be a door here or fence or gate or or elevation but you can't tell the other member well you know that doesn't agree with what we should be doing we don't talk to other members you can talk to the homeowner or site to do that is is the discussion of evaluation is that covered as is that supposed to be open or is that the executive session then yeah then you get into executive session we want to talk about individual properties and how we value them and the condition and the value we come up with we can go into executive session and do that so that's that's where it's confusing to me is if that if those kinds of discussion are already executive session then why does it matter whether it's sitting here or at somebody's home it has to do with posting it because at least if we meet in executive session here the meeting is hosted um even if uh it's like this meeting you have an agenda and then the last time we go into executive session Talk About Properties that's what we would do well well again I think Pete might whatever you get me in would be helpful say now I guess the without violating anybody's but just so that I'm like clear so that I can move forward with it so you're saying yes to sending out notices to these six and then scheduling the time to go out right all right well are daytime even I guess it's available also time this evening uh the other thing kind of basic question for the for the board is uh do we want to get this involved continue be this involved I we just okay I would be involved in the how does he coming up with his numbers and are they credible yeah I mean these could be very credible I don't know I can't tell but do we want to get into all this all this level of detail because I'm not it makes a difference to us but very few other towns do this they would take this when stepen David did and and put it in there and that's it that's done or they do a driveby okay we looked the house was added a room the room is there it's done I think this first report is confusing yeah and until we could figure out how the numbers got arrived at and feel comfortable about that then I think you're right how much involvement do we need but we don't have that Inc level right now I know Jenny how do you you feel do you want to get involved in all this it was the looking at the houses quite frankly the appeal of being an assessor right so you know it we made the decision last time to contract that out right and you know my question then becomes so is this still interesting to me yeah oh I mean from my point of view some sort of system that is consistent and accurate as described to us and Mak sense can only happen so we kind of dive in a bit okay I mean we don't have to be all this involved if we can can figure out how he came up with his numbers and are those numbers um reasonable and accurate and fits all of the goals that we're trying to get done here I don't think we have to get as involved as you're saying we got to get to every property we certainly have to figure out this problem right and then figure out where that takes us okay before we we look at these six here what if we we ask Stephen to give us a pel of the property cards for each of these value each of these properties on this list for our next meeting and and we sit down and we Rie and stepen says well you know we added this and this is where the value shows up or the or the change the condition and this is why will that help us will they give us a start CU right now we have no idea how that than him telling us uh that's what they did no I think that would give us a start I'm probably going to get on my motorcycle and Drive by these properties because it doesn't have interest in because really it it comes down to the board agreeing with these value right it's not what they they could come up with any value they want but it's up to this board to agree with this I agree and and how do we how do we do that again how did they come up with these numbers it's important right now and once we find out how then we determine that works or maybe doesn't okay so how soon do we do we want to me to do that are you guys available on the next week or leaving till next Thursday we're just long weekend I have to go to the car and get my pH cuz my calendar is a net yeah said 22nd you were out okay how about to the the 19th can you give us that information 19 Monday no what 19 August That's Thursday no that's a Thursday the 19th of August yeah the wrong calendar no you're not I'm seeing the today's the 15th today's the 15th yeah yeah 15th yeah 19th of of a 29th well okay okay sorry okay 19 29th is um 29th yes I'm getting my calendar but I think I'm afid I didn't know what I'm so we'll meet the 29th y can we we can meet at five it's five better time 5:15 I'm Flex I know st's the one want meet at five had a long day so I'm Flex the whole day really and you print out the sheets for all these one for each of us and we can and you can explain how you can up with with okay okay but is is it that him and David David well if David wants to do it remote I guess I don't know if he's available unless you can explain to us how David did it uh or or I don't think David's input is important at the first then after that once we figured out because I think that's what we're all wondering how do they come up with these numbers right it's not in consistent with how you used to do it right so how do you do it I mean that's not an unreasonable question it might save us a lot of pain moving forward right okay on on video conference I think that'd be great too but I trust Stephen how you got these numbers in terms of what you were working with for data so just where's well it's the 29th we're waiting for a time um we're just waiting for you on the 29th that's 15 five I'm I know he's the guy who's got to be here all day right yeah so he's the guy we should probably be working with just a bit we five okay is that work for you stepen you would have have to assume that with a new system in place that it wasn't going to go just perfect there was going to be there's always some debugging of any system um could I just have a list I can't find my yes um 192 North Street mhm 120 North Street mhm 107 North Street 14 Gray Oak 31 Swamp Road machine going and 151 River Road I just just ccle there's an 812 sare foot addition for $9,000 that be 199 River the building permit was for 150,000 on that one was what's an ad very good 8 by 12 812 not 8 by 12 812 square feet that's bigger than that's how many give you the exact number you're looking for 200 square foot something there I know that property is it's it's at 188 Square what is that right that's um 88 Accord this list $888,000 89 okay $889,000 divided by 812 s feet $109 that's a you can't build under 200 so those are just questions right just questions yeah that we we and that one's not well I think you've got enough on the sample to get us don't know1 but is that the way you do increased value is it it based on the cost to build oh no I was it's I'm always I know you're think gra towards square footage numbers and I was looking I go that seems right that doesn't and therefore does that seem like an appropriate number for what I'm looking at that's all right are we doing the other things on this agenda we just did we kind of just do inspection review that's it that's why let's if we're doing more let's do more more okay okay uh yeah we did inspection review okay upgrade computer software you got a you're dealing with h Ham on the price for the new software right that's will start in what January yes um so we just need to wait for the I guess that's something that the select Board needs to signed off on so they have a meeting on the 26th um and so we'll be able to move forward B after that okay uh why is it going to the SL not just Qui so I um brought it to the accountant because I thought I was going to get the accountant signature in your signature um and then it was brought to the the Town Administrator um and then on his advice to go before the select board haven't we already talked about software updates yeah it's already in the budget it's in a budget and they approv the budget that's that's not enough they're want to sign off what's the question what why is I I guess I'm not sure what the the question is so the yeah so I guess I had went to the to the accountant just to double check that all the funds were there before proceeding and there were were um and from how I guess the convergence have been done elsewhere it seems like it was the accountant and the board of assessors that were signing off on the upgrade change and so in preparation of our meeting tonight um because I've been speaking with catalis and told him that uh we anticipated having that signed tonight by the accountant and the board this evening uh but in speaking to the accountant um they wanted to check with the Town Administrator and I don't know why it needs to be brought to the select board I was in I didn't ask that question um but that's software has never been brought to the select board I guess you're you're getting my opinion you're get too many people involved in it's something they don't need to know about well they already do know about don't they they do but what yeah is is this more specific than what was in the assessor budget presented to the select board um no so this is just the document signing off to uh I guess commence the process i' go back to FR I mean not Fred to Peete and say that that Fred was already approved that this specific software not just the money for a random software this specific software was already approved why what what still needs to be decided okay and all the other well you get the invoices every quarter for the software and and the gis whatever updates and the board signs off on them they don't go to select board every time mhm right correct they want to look at it fine it don't matter to me but yeah I mean wasted wasted their time I guess well it's also he's waiting to be able to do it okay so it's it's making him work longer with the old software instead of switch to the new software so do you need an you need an action well you need an action by this board that we have to sign off on this right are you ready for us to sign off um well no well he actually has the document um yes okay but if we um that if that is not necessary then we we do still have that document to be signed so one of the two of you should contct and when we it select one meeting next week next Tuesday the 26 think that's two Mondays Monday yeah would you like me to speak with Pete I guess I can come next week and sign off if you want the board it only has to be the chair of the board right mhm okay to sign off on it you want that prog okay moving on okay sales it's listed it's not sale it didn't sell5 I was up I was up there today I wanted to see it always was interest in land it's all the way to the top yeah and then on the right across from jeffy's house about Jeffrey I don't remember the last name big yellow house up there yeah it does but in the beginning there's a little PR I guess so I don't know but 65,000 for 3.7 Acres sounds like a very good price but like ridiculously good does it sounds like a very good price for that much acreage but none of it's clear got that little possibly Wetland I know how the state of Massachusetts on wetlands and bridges and what you got to do to get across that that could be a $600,000 bridge or teamed it so it seemed like a pretty good price but it's just raw land it's it's there's nothing going to it but that's low for a building line seems low yeah but they're listing it I mean it's not so what's the board being asked to do on this then oh I'm just notifying oh of kind of U the happenings it's it's a on the base of it it sounds underpriced but when I went looked at the lot a lot of work to be done there and the big if for me is is it wet lands yeah so it's if it's Wetlands or they've discovered it's wetlands and I read the listing agreement says buyer has to come up with all the inspections and they responsible for all this and that there's there's just nothing there so there's it's not being sold as a building lot it's being sold as a piece land yeah I I don't know if it's a building lot didn't actually did if it's not per it's not right well I think they listed it as a bu I think they listed it as a place someone could live in the country so they're selling it as a building lot I don't know if it's officially a building lot it might not be per probably isn't therefore someone's got to go through all those responsibil the M law about yeah being perk yeah yeah but I'm sure it has to be per but but I guess if we're just bringing it to our attention very so you think You' already signed bom parts for some of them I I think that that will bring you up to of lots then maybe somebody would somebody might yeah somebody might but it's it's that 65 is that's why I went up to I looked at it too so you think it's high if it's not needs to be done I think line that much yeah because Lots in Pine CR St they're paying like5 that's what I yeah it it looked like an interesting location but it looked to me like a ton of work septic well bringing electricity water there's just a lot of to be done there and that's already in more less where so I'm I called the agent we've pass the number four you you get that from Zillow Ste uh that was fromter um and there was also a sale on 161 Christian for 895,000 oh yeah I saw that I saw that house mhm that's my neighborhood I know the house it's a nice house yeah he started at 960 or something that the one that looks out of place the one on the left on the North side um you signing that I got it tall and thin there's a yellow house yeah with an apartment unit or additional unit on it living unit in bar area sign okay thank you that's I don't know how big it was but that's it was it was only they like 2500 square feet they had a lot of they had acreage four AC or something and then that's again going back to what you say something 895,000 that's 3508 squ and you had acreage that seems high to me yeah I'm I'm used to seeing 300 Square 250 to three unless it's newer structure bigger land and you already signed that's okay tax we signing here too um I don't know are we signing down here too yes please okay thank you just to page number six um you already signed that good seven any new or old business disturbing next meeting date we said was August 29th 29th 5 we're not this is all based on formulas share this and David uh and I don't know Jenny or Mike you get the Greenville recorder no no there's a whole article even the Hampshire Gazette about Norse Farms oh yeah all that yeah you can keep this it tells you what all the some of the size of the buildings what the buildings are for some are greenhouse some are Laboratories some are incubation Labs or whatever um uh that may uh when we do the commercial inspections tell you what kind of building you're going to be it's not all a greenhouse that's going to be a challenge yeah or not all Warehouse whatever today so it's huge yeah it's like a city almost well it talks a two acre building yeah so yeah that's the first I see where it talks about the different types of structures on thank you now the building permit I don't know if it goes into that level of detail well the building permit is probably this thick with all the ples if you want to go through to see what each building is identified as in size and dimensions well I I I guess if you get the plans you you would see all that but I don't know what the building from it has what level of detail well you can see what it has on it's impressive SE very short only very be right pen came from okay anything else we need to talk about anything else okay in two weeks okay all right oh um just uh updates for 101 anything anyone needs from me I almost called you getting on was not easy but U I finally figured that out I'm going through the program it's it's a lot of information um and try to answer those questions by just a once read through I do have a real estate background that did help but uh it reminded me of my real estate days and reminded me of real estate exam so have fun with that I also have a binder of the 101 oh you that would be helpful to be able to look at it well I might take you up on that because I downloaded all the chapters and threw them into my computer so I could go back and look because that's where the intense information is the virtual part is very uh kind of glosses over what they think the important parts are perhaps but it's very detailed very intense uh it surprising that there's that much detail there it's all good I found it interesting I hope I hope to have it done by September I get that out a bill for my up find it inter you will find it interesting informative interesting more information M okay what okay