SED that because I totally forgot to record the last planning board meeting so we going off memories oh yeah that can get I'm sure in those meetings difficult it's just like before Zoom right sure well brand you're the first item on the agenda it in fact only because I forgot oh no I didn't forget it all right because I have this long list of updates so let's talk about the minutes that I did did send right we'll do and see if anyone has any um changes to them no comments okay um I'll make a motion to approve the minutes of great all in favor of approving the minutes great hands or voices unanimously approved lovely thank you very much Monty because they're are always so good you make it super easy I'm very appreciative okay now we all are it's it's you have no idea um glad I can contribute it's so great um so tonight I feel like there are multiple things happening that are in progress and it's just sort of a list of updates I'm not clear there's really any action to take right now except for maybe scheduling a couple side meetings to keep making sure other things move forward but uh I just wanted to get kind of a quick update from Brandt about public hearing I know was it you and this Fred or Fred arosi that went Judy sent me an email afterwards I think no okay oh no that was a different never mind that was a different issue sorry that was the zoning if you give me screen sharing I'll share the um amended Community House bylaw and and explain why it was amended by whom and all of that yep sorry I just like went to go ahead and start sharing my own screen as opposed to giving you there you go now you're all set that sounds good and now I'll just bring up that and I'll just do this screen share for all of you and then I'll give you my my story okay um so we received feedback hopefully you you're seeing screen we received uh feedback from Town Council on various bylaw proposals including the community housing bylaw most of them were you know very minor um I'll I'll just walk you through the little wording changes it might be a little hard to see because the the markup he reformatted this in uh you know basically ready to to go into the warrant articles so that's why you see things in you know bold fa uh italics underlined so the idea is that this could just be copied and pasted into the warrant article um so he added a word shall here that I've highlighted in in paragraph a he made some just just editor changes and clarifications in Part B that clarified what not only by number but by name what BW sections are being referred to he clarified that we were done about accessory apartment definitions um and he corrected or deleted a word that didn't belong uh in Part B he left C alone I I'll give you I'm giving you I'm doing the weeds first then I'll pop back a little bit right um no changes to part C from Town Council no nothing from Part D he made this change has changed part e to say occupancy may not exceed five inhabitants per unit that's a sort of a helpful clarification right FR yes okay yeah yeah okay and he had some questions about the original sort of mitigating traffic issues so he clarified that language um as you can see here impacts that may reasonably be expected blah blah blah um again he had this recommended language in part G regarding parking um you know that may reasonably be expected sorry for the highlighting and then added the water the word domestic before water availability so I think this is again to distinguish between like well water for out outdoor watering I mean it's basically water for use potable water is this is basically a way of saying potable water for domestic use all right so these were the relatively minor wording changes suggested by Town Council the planning board held a public hearing at uh what March 27th uh basically nobody from the public came to the public hearing um so we don't really know I can't say we really have much insight into how the public might really react when this is brought before for them at town meeting so no early warnings of or maybe you just assume that that means everybody's Coptic with it don't I think it is an early warning that no one's got a major problem well let's let's hope that's the case anyway we did get a couple of notices out on the town's Facebook page um there was nothing in the in the newspaper in advance there was a nice article I think that got all the facts 95% correct in the recorder after the meeting so for people who are reading the recorder and keeping up to date with things at least now people know we had the public hearing we discussed this community housing bylaw and Chris laraby I think did a perfectly good job of representing it correctly Chris usually does yeah yes indeed yeah uh the only thing that we that was because I had a telephone conversation with Town Council at Town council's request about this uh his verbal feedback to me was he he thought he didn't have a a problem with the bylaw it certainly wasn't illegal or he didn't recommend against it and so forth he said in his experience for a bylaw of this nature it struck him as rather um not very prescriptive or not as prescriptive as he might have expected and as we talked that through he said you know there's just like typically in other towns that do these kinds of things they have you know it runs to multiple Pages there's a lot of detail about what can be waved and how much and and um and he wanted to just understand a little bit about was this by Design and I shared because I have raised similar questions as this was being developed and the response I've I I've taken it on trust that the idea here is that virtually all of the interpretation of this is going to be done by the zba because any any developer seeking to build a small housing unit under the provisions of this bylaw is going to have to go before zba to seek a special permit and so uh the the understanding I have is that we basically that zba knows what they're doing they do these kinds of things all the time they don't need us to put a lot of prescriptive language in this in this kind of zoning bylaw this is like no big deal that's the message that I've received I'll just tell all of you reiterate I'm not long time in town you know didn't come over to weightly on the Mayflower don't hang around a lot at the transer for station um I don't know what's really true I'm happy to believe it that the zba is just that this did you hear that directly from the zba Brant or through someone else I heard this through a the author of this bylaw the plan what I suspected okay now you know what do I know um I was hoping Fred Orosi would be here since he has more insight I believe into zba I know that an earlier draft of this bylaw was sent over to the zba to get their feedback and that we received uh an email that basically endorsed or supported the bylaw that might be enough that might or it just meant that they like the spirit of it they certainly didn't have any recommended changes so I suppose it could be fair to say that know in the through the development of this bylaw the zba had a chance to see it and raise any concerns and they didn't um so that was the nature of my feedback to to Town Council we seemed comfortable with that didn't didn't really suggest that we add more prescription he was just it was basically he was curious it seemed rather tur in in his words so he thought that if we're comfortable and our zba is comfortable with this then he just focused on the the editorial changes that you can see here so we had that discuss that tur is is good I mean I don't know anything about this kind of thing but if if people can understand it and don't have to slog through a lot of details that seems good to me I agree it it gets when tness leaves creates ambiguity when there are cases that are not covered and now you have to sort of interpolate or guess then so like I was originally questioning Part B here which just says dimensional density and occupant limit requirements may be waved now that there's a spectrum from there's no dimensional requirements apply to well could you stop sharing so we could see each other a little better sorry all right so I'm G to assume you don't need to just be staring at the um at the text so yeah I think um just to say that they could be waved really means that the zba has complete discretion to decide based on each case that comes before them whether you know Frontage how far Frontage could be reduced or setbacks and so forth um uh so we don't have any language that sets lower bounds I mean we just basically say we trust you to do the right thing and that may be perfectly fair so the end I'll just to cut to the chase we had these discussions basically among the members of the planning board and in the end at our after we closed the public hearing we voted to approve the community housing bylaw as amended by Town Council um so um our next move with it is going to be to prepare well our next general move is to for all of our bylaw changes recommendations to prepare a report for the select board along with all of the bylaw changes um we have one more thing that one more bylaw issue that came up and we've decided that we're going to try to get one more thing done before uh this year's annual town meeting so at our at our planning board meeting scheduled for April 24th this month the last Wednesday of April we're doing one more public hearing on a relatively small not related to housing just a an issue in the in our table of dimensional requirements men so until we get through that public hearing at the end of April then in early May is when we're going to pull together one report with all of our recommendations on all of our byaw proposals including community housing so that's where we are in the process just be aware that we've moved the town meeting is now June 18th not June 4th yes all all of the filing dates are the same but Mark a calendars that the meeting is on the 18th not the 4th it's a little bit of extra Running Room for us but we that's that's our schedule great okay well yeah I still am mixed right having had a different plan entirely before this proposal appeared out of almost nowhere with very little notice I was kind of looking forward to a different process that may have taken a year or longer and may not have yielded too much different of a result but might have also got more Community uh impact and byan but it's fine this is what it is [Music] and yeah no and I I'm of the my personal view at this point is that this might this bylaw might be useful to the town first and foremost if we came into some parcel of land where such uh some uh Housing Development some small Housing Development could be built then this would make it much easier for the town to do that and that may be the primary benefit and make it worth it might be yeah and there's a slight part of me that's not super convinced that it will make a large difference in the yeah amount of complexity for a small project but that is what it is I'm also still a tiny bit concerned about the piece of [Music] getting a unit of housing listed on the subsidized housing inventory and the law the regulatory impacts that might have on how the unit is marketed and whether or not we're required to follow bare housing laws for example when a a homeowner may want to advertise one you know accessory dwelling or there's some things about that piece where I I feel like we we may be in over our heads until we get a little more apart from RDI but I'm not gonna they're not gonna jump in and be ready to do something without an issue excuse me what's what's RDI oh I'm so sorry thank you RDI is rural development Inc it's the nonprofit arm of the Franklin County Housing Authority effectively that is the only nonprofit developer in Franklin County developer of housing I think we'll worry about that when they show an interest in in a parcel exactly right so I had I because the of a different line item and the update you know sort of may have sparked a little bit of this I've had some preliminary discussions but we'll get there when when we get there uh I could have probably come up with a more natural flow of the updates but I'm to just move on to the March o meeting on housing you know furog was getting ready to um do these visioning sessions in advance of working on the master plan and no one came the housing night it was me and Megan rhods and her well and Sylvie from town and uh an assistant from furog and so it was kind of nice to sit around and talk a little about housing for a little while and I I filled out their charts so that they had at least one resident to so but it doesn't sound like the other s say it was so it was really poorly advertised there was not sign in the middle of the Town it wasn't in the scoop it wasn't posted anywhere yes and even the thing on the website was poorly I'm glad you said that because I had kind of I said something to Megan um probably when it was too late like the thing they put on the website is barely noticeable I had to go looking for it and I knew to look for it and it took me a minute to see it and I don't think it was anywhere except on the website I didn't get I don't think it was anywhere I I think you're right and and to some degree I think that is a little bit about it was that was more of a furog thing and you know they they I think Megan had reached out to Joyce at the scoop but Joyce didn't know who Megan was and maybe didn't get back in time and you know it it yeah it's too bad um also there will be more room for that later they'll reapply they have to apply for a new Grant to actually do the master plan with the select Board and they'll they'll there will be more public meetings fairly certain as a result of that process um like I think you had mentioned that too Fred like that will get applied for over the summer there there will be more as as issues arise and as the Master Plan update process and other processes go through there will be more transfer discussion sorry I just have to open a door I'll just while she's doing I'll just point out back on the community housing that we should have a strategy between planning and housing if we start to see at town meeting this if if we start to feel like this might be voted down oh there's one other important thing I'm sorry there's one I want to go back to one quick update we did get information from Town Council suggesting that um um it based on uh that we could pass the community housing bylaw at town meeting with just a simple majority vote rather than the normal 2third majority vote based on and I'm roughly paraphrasing that there's relevant state law about if we are allowing multifam housing and creating affordable housing options in eligible locations in town that's sort of the Q I can get you the exact language from Town Council but um it it did require the planning board to have a discussion about this topic make a determination that our indeed we limited community housing to ar1 ar2 and Commercial and that those are the eligible districts for housing in town um so it's pretty straightforward so on the one hand it looks like the bar would be lower at town meeting to get the community housing bylaw passed than would be typical however still you never know how this could go and if suddenly it feels like people are raising a lot of questions and it looks like it's going to go down we may want to make a motion to table it uh I think that if there's going to be serious opposition we will get wind of it before town meeting okay does that that's that comes up that's been your experience yes okay good to know um es especially something a bylaw like this which is at the end of the meeting and unless they're really committed people they're not going to want to stay longer okay yes that's yes I've certainly seen that end of meeting thing and been myself very anxious for the last few articles to go quickly in certain years in particular um well I'm just just going to jump to the bit that's related since we're talking about town meeting so I made plans for a a June vacation when the date was earlier in the month and we be in California so I will not be attending town meeting um Fred bar and that mean it's up to you and Brant if you're able to and uncomfortable sort of do the discussion um I am happy to work with Grant and do some like mind melding to try to come up with presentation and flow and stuff I'm just I'm not able to be there for the actual Talking part I I'll be glad to help out with that I would just say to keep it as short and succinct as absolutely possible yes again end of meeting you don't want to start saying things the more you say the more someone can pick on a word and jump on it yep I think one of the things we wanted to have available would be was a sort of um a primer on what is affordable housing which um Judy had asked for last week but her efforts in another area took more than the available free time I had over the last few days and so I did not give it to her in time for the other meeting but I will certainly be working on um something that maybe people can pick up as they walk in even to avoid having to bring it up at the end right um which would be what we've kind of talked about like area meeting income and our community for a family of four is this High the average salary for a teacher in the town of Whitley is this much lower than that so that means you know a f a working family with you know a primary caregiver who's a teacher would qualify for this housing or whatever with a few of those bullet points yeah which may not even need to be discussed when the Warr an article comes out at up you know speak speaking on the political side of this you just need to at all points make clear that affordable housing is not lowincome housing right that key point over everything that this is not lowincome housing that is being facilitated right well I think Judy named the bylaw community housing in the same area and so possibly maybe even by next month I'll try to have it drafted so we can people can take it with them and pick it apart and return comments but that the title might have to even be something like affordable how in in our community or something like that that that helps to try to you're right because you're right you don't want to call it low-income housing well no it's not even because it isn't right I think that's right the key is not to let that confusion be in people's minds yes that yes I I I wouldn't call it affordable housing because people see affordable and they think low income and I think the text has to disabuse people of that uh equivalent okay so not even include the words affordable housing not in the title no because people see affordable housing they think low-income housing right so you could you could say community housing and then have commun housing doesn't mean anything to anyone yeah okay so that's fine right yeah it's hard because I know also there's a subgroup of people that really would like to actively call it like no we would like to to diversify the income rate you know it but yes I get in the text you can talk about affordable housing but clearly making a distinction yes with Section 8 housing right right right yep okay fair fair enough all right so I I'll go I'm gonna jump around I'm crossing that one off um Center School so Fred I don't know if you wanna if you have something to say I don't know how many people have or haven't heard about a proposal going around now um regarding the center school I I I can characterize it we rejected the two proposals that came in for the school and by both by votes of two to one Joyce voted to accept I would assume would have accepted one of them uh mostly on Julie and I agreed that we just wanted a more public aspect to the building that the the proposals were strictly for private housing and the the building would just become inaccessible to the public aside from looking at it and you know there's no absolutely no and that would include you know a public aspect would include like they did in sunderlin with blue heron it was a public building but it became a restaurant so people could at Le the public even on a private basis could go in there and it was part of the community rather than stand alone yeah so uh Jenny Morrison on behalf of the scoping committee came to us and made a presentation and what we did we gave essentially gave her six more months to flesh it out and get more ideas and let's go back because my viewpoint is I want it public and this is essentially a permanent decision I don't want to be even though it seems like it's been a long time and it seems like that you know Jenny's committee may or may not be able to do anything I'm perfectly willing to give another 6 months to avoid 50 or 100 or however many years of something we really didn't want for that building I totally get it I I just will say that you know I explained to multiple members of that group The Way affordable housing funding works in the state of Massachusetts none of whom seem to believe any of the things that I said so I decided I needed to say it at the public meeting they can't actually apply for public for for housing for that building because it can't be big enough units you can't there's no funding source in the state I also checked with all the affordable housing developers in Western Massachusetts except for the home City housing in Springfield which has a new name now and all of them said no they wouldn't partner with any agency building a 2unit affordable housing I just and I think housing is not a good thing for the town to own I think I think that I think that a community use for that building is great I just don't think it should involve housing that's if it if it somehow becomes something with you know a restaurant or offices something on the ground floor and apartments upstairs and let me just add one more thing that today Congressman McGovern was in Deerfield at the senior center and I spoke to him briefly afterwards MH and essentially was talking about the problems the towns are having with both buildings that are need replacing and the building what to do with the buildings that are being replaced because like we have with a Center School it's not it's a problem that this this building that is falling apart and he directed me to his Aid and said you know get in touch and we'll you know work with you see if we can work with you and see if the some sort of federal money that we can find to help you with this project it's not a promise of anything it's not a specific program and Judy is applying for like a million dollars in Grants and maybe some of that will come through but if we can open a conversation at the federal level and find some pot of money right you know for you know as the federal government goes it doesn't have to be big but right for us sure again it's not it's not a promise of anything that yeah and all I'm saying is right and maybe that Avenue could get some State funding or federal funding for affordable housing it still won't be a manageable thing for our town right to own like at that point out and I'll speak up about that too I just think the level of complexity of becoming a landlord with such a small staff we you can't it it just there's too many legal um issues so again and I agree with you that the fing I figure that's the case yeah no I I don't think we have any from the known sources right may or may not be available but I'm willing to give it another shot I I totally get it and i' be we manage to get a coffee shop or something in town or a you know small Italian restaurant any of as said even you know professional offices yeah any of the things no I'd be totally happy for any of it I just just I feel like it's a pretty tall order to it is and I I'm not confident that it will happen but I want to give a chance yeah totally acceptable I just just if people didn't know I went and I spoke about it my initial words were I think what I ended up saying came out fine but I was having a hard time because I was frustrated with the members who were sort of disregarding my knowledge about the process of applying for funds and and was the members it was some of the people in the room yes right you're right no and I should yes not select board members it was people who have been people who were attending the meeting yes yes yes who and so it was um you know I I heard you I understood I agree with you that the funding is very iffy at best but I think it's still a better option than what we were given yes well yes and so I will still say I think a community option is a better option than a private option I just I I don't think it's likely of being a landlord I don't disagree with you yeah anyway [Music] um yeah so um well that was fun does anyone have any questions about that whole Center School building I just saw an early proposal and I had two quick Impressions one seemed like the the spir the heart was in the right place I just saw so many moving parts and pieces and no obvious like who's going to lead or drive or coordinate that project and well and there's this besus and lead abatement and you can't do volunteer work without and that was one of the things they were talking about it's so complex like yeah anyway were you saying that you saw that one one it seemed like their heart was in the right place and I'm with Fred and that give them some more time to flesh it out okay but in the draft that I saw there was I would describe it as it was very hand waving around how this would be orchestrated and managed like and it seemed to me the only way a project of that complexity and scale even though it's a small building to be pulled off successfully means somebody other than existing Town staff has to be hired and I mean that's not going to be done by volunteers right yeah well I two last points one is that I think what we're looking for is a potentially workable concept we're not even looking for yeah you know how how it's going to be accomplished but something which we can say that makes sense and it's plausible that it might be funded yeah that's really what we would want to go and the other thing is it seems like a key element of the new proposal plan is to try to get CPA money fix the roof at least so the building doesn't deteriorate further if which would which would be working on the assumption that we're not going to tear have the building torn down if the building isn't torn down that roof has to be fixed yeah and that will be not inexpensive Fred are you saying that you that um you want to get CPA funding this year to fix the roof I I'm not saying that I want get I say the proposal that we got was largely premised on that being a first step of okay so there's a funding CPA is not yet been approached there's been no submission to CPA and the select board is not going to be the the party that proposes it and CPA will analyze it and go you know when when and if they get it kather you will you know you know yeah as to whether it is reasonable use of CPA money right it falls under the historic preservation y bucket so it could be funded by CPA but yep will require an estimate and or multiple estimates and right time frame and all the rest but I I think that that plan is premised on that being sort of a first step that the town can take y to try to PR at least keep prevent further deterioration of the building yeah I was a little concerned after the meeting it occurred to me one of Keith's comments about that that you know those funds wouldn't be awarded until the special town meeting which has been getting bombed farther and farther into the fall so it almost would even require trying to push the timeline on the earth Lake September instead of an October or November special town meeting like just to keep that in mind or Keith may say can we scr up you know $10,000 of contingency funds so he can go patch a few holes while waiting for the bigger I don't know yeah well I I think that given that the CPA funding timeline that the propos will be do in December June we have an off cycle in June you've got an off cycle okay so in two months it doesn't sound to me like it's gonna be ready by June okay as a proposal sure sure um which means we're talking about next year's annual time meeting that's right so they'll definitely need to scrape up a little bit of something before right but it but it gives them more time to sure to put together a PL you know some sort of idea plan whatever you want want to call okay enough of that I know um tomorrow night there is a small town housing group meeting Zoom meeting in Greenfield I attached something Monty was kind of enough to respond that she couldn't attend I didn't know if anyone else was interested there are a couple of interesting topics I I'll at least listen to this one and report back because it does have a couple of nice things on the agenda I just happen to have already got another meeting tomorrow night I've got another meeting tomorrow night as well yeah let me just see I think I so it's 6 to 7:30 tomorrow yeah [Music] um it looks like I could make that small town housing working group okay um so just really listen in take some notes if anything is relevant to what we're doing yeah um I've been going to those meetings since their Inception multiple years ago and they sometimes don't have speakers just sort of do a go around this has a couple of different groups of people that I think are trying to do a little bit more sort of interesting Community ideas around affordable housing in rural areas one of them was working with this Woodlands Cooperative which is a a group that Wasing trying to get I was dying to do this for my house when we did Renovations was to get local trees to be the floors in my house I I wanted trees from like around the corner where there used to be a Mill and it was so much work and this group helped me but it was going to be 75% more than anyway uh it's it's a great Cooperative that would like to participate in affordable housing the other ones were working with kastl trust and I think another one of the area trusts around you know trying to use Land Trust models um to do sort of combinations of build affordable housing and preserve land which I think in a place like our town which could use more preserved open space and more farm land preservation restrictions those kind of things might be kind of great so anyway that's that um I'll send you contact info I have to that down right mean I have all the information the meeting yep it was there okay I wasn't sure if the zoom link was there sometimes she doesn't thank you Brent yeah that's super yeah we appreciate it um okay next item is the River Road duplex update since freder is not here um there might not be too much to talk about with this I was asked at some point in the last month to provide a little bit of input on this project I can't remember now if we talked about it at this meeting last month too I think we did it's there was a house well apparently someone permitted it's a structure yes we did talk about it yeah okay yeah right so so I provided some information to zoning there was a a meeting I think that a couple of a few people attended but I I believe that the group may be interested in still trying to use the units as affordable housing units even if we force them to do some restrictions but I think there might still be some questions about whether or not it will be applicable and then there was another zoning related issue that isn't relevant to us really it's just whether or not even the structure that was going to be for storage or whatever should have gotten started with the permit they were initially given based on the site plan or the something some other zoning thing that I don't remember and it's not really relevant to us but it's full of issues that one it's yeah no it looks like it wasn't done by the book I drove by it shortly after that they've got four meters on the outside which looks like they want to do Apartments upstairs and but the downstairs looks like it's either storage or office space and I don't think that they've got it permitted right no it sounds like they clearly don't have it permitted right and but it also I don't know if they could have had any livable unit based on some other thing somebody was said they were older or grandfathered in but there's no proof of whatever that piece of zoning was but more drama to come what is the summary for the minutes right 's the takeaway the thank you the takeaway for us is that if it does if they if the community housing bylaw passes this could be an early use of it because the only way it sounds like the zoning board will allow them to use the upstairs for housing if as if it's a like done in an affordable housing sort of formal get it on the subsidized housing inventory and have someone policing it kind of way so this may be an early test of how to use that bylaw I'm not thrilled about that because I had hoped to have time to set up a good relationship for the group in Franklin County to support us which I think is going to require some massaging and I didn't really want to have to Strongarm but I feel like this timing might anyway we'll see I for the minutes brief discussion of unit of structure at seven River Road okay I don't have to come to any conclusions no not really yeah it's depending right it yeah you're right Fred it doesn't I'm interested in seeing what happens though but all right so that's it I think Brant maybe you and I want to schedule sometime in the next one month period to talk a little about what we want to do around the town meeting strategy does that make sense yeah I think that would be good yeah I'm happy to Judy I mean and she's the she's been the primary driver but I don't know if she would relish the idea of getting up in front of T I mean I don't know I I would I would Judy has gotten up in front of town meeting many times yeah so many times can I just say I think she is not the best person because she's she's so she speaks so slowly and sadly that people don't like to listen to her even though she knows a lot and she often has really good information and and can be a lightning rod there are some people who right it's deliver is not ideal okay yeah I'm actually certainly happy like it I would I would get out of the way if she was like passionate and wanted to do it I but um I'm I'm comfortable getting up in front of town meeting okay that would be great yeah well we'll let's we'll Circle back we don't need to but the messaging I do think it's important and there yeah I wonder about if Judy might maybe not be the right yeah it's an interesting thing to think about anyway is there anything else that I have missed or that anyone wanted to bring up as a topic of discussion Fred I am realizing do you have an update on the planning study I feel like it's early yet for the um public safety stuff no not not even close no there was that it's all gotten sort of put on the Shelf with Brian having left yes and so there was did they scheduling a new meeting we haven't even scheduled another meeting with the consultant yet okay it's fine that makes perfect sense I had a feeling that would be the case okay so then I think yeah we're still sort of in limbo there there's not a lot of other forward momentum um I do think that once we get through this town meeting my my plan for the planning board is try to have a conversation around priorities over the next 12 months for next year's town meeting and it's been on my mind to revisit accessory dwelling units um but this may the next year may be our chance to really set a course together and then try to implement that at least as far as bylaw changes are concerned right right to encourage sort of the little a and affordable right and encourage rental housing I think that would be really nice um okay actually that reminds me in that initial email brand that I sent around from Andrew at furog for the meeting tomorrow night there there was a request in there if someone wanted I think she must have been in contact with Judy about the community housing bylaw they may actually ask if you'd be willing to share information about that I totally forgot because need to email something do you need me to email you the current draft of the bylaw text that would be useful I'll um and I'll forward it along to her and copy you and say it looks like Brant is able to attend tomorrow night if you want it discussed all right people will be interested because and there are other towns I'm not sure what anybody's up to this year but last year there were a couple of towns working with different sort of things not as direct as this more what you were just talking about like increasing accessory dwelling permissions making things a little easier um super all right so what I'm doing is I'm just sending you an email with this it's revision 4 as an a word attachment so you should now have it in your inbox super to matter public records so you should be able to share that's right yay all right you guys thanks everyone motion to dismiss oh go ahead yeah after we adjourn BR if I can ask you to leave and Katherine if I can ask you to get up and I just want to leave The Connection open and let have a minute or two to talk with Monty all out of the meeting but out recording yes not recording it's just a quick request but it's not for public consumption yet got all right I to that oh well I'll move to thank you second all those in favor yay okay good night BR okay keep it open for a couple for just a couple of minutes yes but I'm first going to stop go feed the dog