okay i' like to call this meeting to order Thursday April 25th 2024 it's 56 and first sign agenda approve the re review approve the minutes from March 7th I'll make a motion to approve the minutes from March 7 I will second it all in favor um next financial statements pleas okay um I don't think I presented warrants at the last meeting so I wanted to get that on here today even though this was just a special budget meeting so 23 warrants were signed electronically totaling 58236 that was for anything signed um which I think was from January through this meeting uh I gave you the year-to-date expense reports there's no new concerns there are some overages but if you look at the bottom line of the budget we still have about 5% to spend which is a little over a 100,000 um and we'll spend that down in ious ways not everything is encumbered yet so a lot of that's already accounted for it's just not in the report yet um and I think that's it mostly all the salaries are encumbered oh the salaries are only we worried about is like electricity and Fu some of the utilities aren't fully encumbered yet you know office supplies that kind of thing um PD right now teachers are putting in for second round of PD if they're eligible for that so you know the substitute lines those kind of things but anything salaries wise wise is fully encumbered I think that there's still some money in the technology lines to be spent that's a good chunk that's probably like 20 to $25,000 of the 100 that's left so and we usually wait to this time to assess what our tech means will be for next so exactly like for new Chrome books or something like that okay any questions about no uh public comment tonight no just here's the part be informed I really do appreciate everyone's thoughtfulness and hard work thank you and I'm just interested you're all our public you are the public we like it when public comes um guess we're GNA go right into fy2 budget talking voting All the Above all right so this is a I didn't screen oh you're doing it oh you're doing it I was doing it oh yeah is that okay that's what we've been doing if you would like to you can I don't know why I'm so off I am just off right so yes okay but it is behind me right yesac all right so another presentation of budget bringing it back I wanted to give you a recap of where we were at the public hearing so this is what we talked about at the March 7th meeting uh we were looking at a budget of 5.57% increase over FY 24 you can see level Services which is wages and non- wages that was a big driver with the transportation increase there compared to Prior months and then the new request did include uh the one new IA for the one: one that we know we're going to have new next year per an IEP and then the 0.5 uh full-time equivalent math interventionist position and then the couple of other increases we also were using $40,000 of Esser and $42,000 of rural Aid to bring that number down so if you take that into perspective uh $80,000 is what about 4% so we were at nearly 10% without those supplemental funds and the reason I want to bring that up is because we're already looking ahead to next year so that means we're going to start next year with a potential deficit of $882,000 as we build the budget and that's important as we go through the consideration process particularly with this math interventionist position which was the big topic of discussion at the last meeting um so where we are today I pulled the math interventionist out so you could see what that number looks like if we did not have that position in here we're still going to continue to talk about that request and need at the school but I wanted you to see what the budget would look like with out that uh so we would be at 3.79 which again that is using the 82,000 in supplemental funds so really another 4% on top of that so our true budget is about 8% increase um and it the new request comes down significantly because that 0.5 position is about $35,000 both of these drafts that you put up here that the increase in transportation in their okay it's in the $551,000 number under level Services got it got so continuing the conversation so like I said the math interventionist is the big point of conversation there was a lot of talk at the last meeting not only about whether or not we can afford it but whether or not um it is in need of the school and I you know will defer to Christy to give her um opinion on that again um my understanding is that you know we're holding firm that there is a need for this um but just wanted to give you some recap details here so it is a halftime position salaries just shy of 35,000 based on what we have budgeted um it would provide greater support for students and teachers there's still the question of is it long-term or short-term need we talked about it being a one-year position to try to support um out rolling the new curriculum so support for teachers and then direct support for students as well and then of course our challenge is funding so we do have additional Esser funds available that are not um earmarked yet however they are one-time funds and to date we have avoided using one-time funds to support budget um we've used Esser for a lot of other important things keep in mind we're already using 4,000 so if we use another 35,000 of Esser we're going to be 70,000 in a deficit plus the rural Aid because we don't know what the rural Aid take yet so but never less right the rural Aid never less no we don't know that heard out of Beacon Hill the house the house budget get my house and S mix up came out and it was at half that was a 7,500 Governor level funded in her recommendation and the house cut it in half so we could be looking at I think I don't know I'm trying to play the politics but I think they're playing games with it and it's goingon to be just level funded so you know I mean if it's at the at the best it's going to be when when is that voted on do we know do know when the are just sort of up so season but the awesome but the uh the other issue on that is that um they're pushing for the per child per pupil reimbursement to be at $103 or something like that instead of whatever but we win so much more with with ro so you know so instead of getting so we think our number here is going to be it what yeah no the price forup oh um it was in the governor's budget at 30 the house put it in at the 103 which only gives the town of weightly like an extra $4,000 or $5,000 it's minimum it's not even it's like if you like so they're politically right now the tra they're more emphasis on price you know goll pupil rather than the rur aid which we get absolutely sunk with but the reason they're doing that is because there are more States I mean more districts Statewide in a hold harmless than there are rural schools receiv receiving rural Aid money so absolutely more people will win with that and right more people use more vs right yeah so um the other two options uh with funding are to put it on the general fund which puts us back to the 5.57% which is fine if we feel like the town will support that um and then I don't want to forget which I've already touched on a little bit the 26 impact and Beyond you know it's it's a really significant deficit even just the SR funds say we get the 42,000 in burate again $70,000 to make up in one budget year is a lot of money so do we go into it as a one-year position can we even pose it that way in the posting and find somebody to fill that role um or if that is a need other Cuts would have to be considered to keep that moving forward because we don't have the Surplus revolving funds which I and the half the half um you're talking about onee position with no benefits no it would be a benefit eligible position I thought we were talking about even though it's part time yeah because parttime to be eligible for benefits you have to work 20 hours or more a week so they' be we really just need someone 19 old some that's still a mom and dad's Insurance until what 26 now or whatever it is 25y old lost there don't worry sorry we do bring in this person um what in your mind does that look like you know for how many grades is this person servicing like how many Stu do you have like an idea of how many students need to be serviced by this person right now and some of it has to do with we look at mcast scor you don't take mcast but there was a there's a remarkable difference preo and postco in what our upper grade students are able to do and it kind of makes sense um we focus our reading specialists in the lower grades for obvious reasons and I think we would probably Focus the math interventionist on the Upper Grade so like four five6 and getting them up to a grade level and filling those those gaps and if for some reason this de didn't pass or we don't find that person what's the plan to fill in those gaps with without person we keep doing the best that we can um to entiate instruction and like I said when it comes to math it's about filling holes things that got missed somewhere along along the line um you know you have instructional assistants who pitch in and work with small group but ideally it would be someone who could collaborate with the classroom teacher with flexible grouping so looking at who needs what now so this is the concept of class is working on what are the Cor skills and who needs those and then so it wouldn't be like these are the three kids who get math intervention all are reallying closely who needs what to participate what's going on in the classro um that being said we're also getting new math curriculum right right so that's a that's a piece in there too what do you think about the new bath curriculum that's coming out I mean you know and must know something about it it's awesome am I too late so you have go ahead we have a couple teachers in the building who have used it started using it this year and Mrs tibits is one of those and rarely do we take on new curriculum that so many people agree is really fantastic and bridges seems to be one that sort of overall people really think is is effective and uh not easy to use but manageable to implement um some of the the programs that are available are so cumbersome and this one seems to be a little more userfriendly both on the teacher side and the student side so kids are really engaged very feeling very excited about that our one of our issues has been that there was a lot of choice in what each grade level could use which is you know there's some value in in saying to a teacher here are three math programs that we have beted and we you feel are effective think about the kids in front of you and use what you think is best but then everyone's kind of doing their own thing and math each program has its own sort of language and its structure and if every grade is using it then the kids get to know what the language and the structure is and it's not new learning every year in terms of how the program works so I'm I'm looking forward to a time when everyone's using the same same program um and I do have to say this came to me from someone who's been here longer than I have been that prior to my being here a math interventionist was approved half time we thinking maybe 2016 well that person always used to be in the school this was different I think you're talking about Mrs H yeah um we were split a math interventionist with CGS and I I no one really kind of knows what happened but the other thing to keep in mind is most schools and most schools are not as small but most schools have a reading specialist and a math specialist on staff time yeah um and so there's a piece to me that feels like I don't want kids to miss out on opportunities for support because they came to our school versus so Darius is there anyone at one of the other elementary schools that could come here parttime and also be reducing their hour there so they're called full-time at the other three schools oh they are or we share with another District you know just work at one they work else so I think generally we feel like we support the need collectively as a group I haven't heard anyone say that we don't support the need um and the desire so then it comes down to how do we fund it um we talked a little bit about future budget concerns um couple other things to point out is that unit a and Unit C will have contract negotiations next year so we'll be looking at increases in wages um we talk about this every budget cycle and we're experiencing it right now it is hard to fill new needs um with such a small budget because your percentage points are they're minor you know 1% is $22,000 so that's that's tough to swallow um and then revolving funds our projections right now we talked about this early on in the budget cycle but school choice balance I'm projecting to be slightly under a 100,000 at the end of next year that's um less than one year in reserve and if we did have some type of emergency whether it's building wide or um a facilities wise or out of District placement that would get eaten through really quickly um and then Early Childhood uh we didn't talk a ton about this year because the program seems to be healthy as far as enrollment goes but we have had increase needs in the uh special ed population and early childhood which decreases our tuition because we're providing services at no cost um so you know it's just thing to be mindful of that we don't have other pockets of money to dip into to as we're making budget decisions the one on I mean I know it's only a small part but the oneon-one aid for next year are we looking at five years in the future for that or can you say how many years me there's a multiple years coming up for that person oneon-one it's multiple years okay the budget for a while so we it'll be on our budget for a while okay and so that's the other kind of that's one thing to consider that we're looking at increasing Staffing by a position I mean it's I are not the full pres teacher but it's basically which is very difficult to do in a school this right adding a position is huge it's three percentage Point minimum um and so that's you know so that's kind of what we're and so I just want to make sure people understand that if if we save Sr money what basically we're doing is we're swapping out cost with school choice and increasing school choice so that we have school choice funds for next year just want to make sure everybody has that kind of that's how we're moving money around like because the yra money has to be spent by September so if you leave trans you we have to spend it by September like well how do they how are they doing that basically we're just trading expense lines um and then try to have more of a savings to go into next year and next year I mean I think weightly Elementary if we can project with Collective bargain is going to be what going to be like reasonable kind of you know you know it's going to be this year or more right right and this year is probably you know being at 2% you know given their current market it's going to be that or more um it's t of here next year we are going to have to go to the town most likely unless there's an outside influx of funds that is not on the radar now we will be at probably without reductions of Staffing at six at least yeah at least so next year is going to be a tough year no matter what so the conversation um one we wanted to make sure we having that conversation early on with the town so they know that like we see it coming it's not like a mismanagement it's just the cost you can't you have to have adjustments um in school sizeing we we had one you know about six years ago my first year actually um but that's just kind of the reality so um so so so if we so if we do the 5.57 we'll be saving on S or use it on something else that we may we may need down the road but we have to spend it by September well we would basically be saving it so like Darius said we would move expenses around okay we' get that into school choice and we'd have that additional $30,000 or $35,000 to help offset next year's budget so it's a little bit like six and one half dozen in another do we reduce the budget now and use the Sesser and have a lower increase requests to the town and then um next year the increase is larger or do we go at the 5.57 save some money and help bring the increase down next year I still think regardless I don't imagine we're going to be under 4% next year even with supplemental funds we're looking at a few hard budget Cycles is everybody in the same boat as us okay that's that's what I thought just my thought is that you know if we go to the town this year with 3.7 and then we go next year with seven you know you're saying could be seven that's a huge increase there's going to be a lot of questions a lot of um you know unhappy people so my thought is we go in with the 5.5 you know we've already just had the math interventionist discussion with some of them and see what they say and if they approve it great and the next year's doesn't look so huge you know um and maybe that person we only need for one year who knows but then if we go in without the math interventionist then we're looking at paying for it ourselves because we all agree that we right yeah so I think we should save that Esra money ask the town for the increase and see what they say yeah I 100% agree and I also just maybe it's it's an emotional position but I've never liked the feeling of betting against students this year in the name of helping them next year I feel like they are in the school this year they deserve everything that we can give them this year and that way we're not prioritizing a class down the road it's yeah they need it now right and those fourth fifth and sixth graders like you're saying they need that math help now we don't want to leave it to Frontier when they get there you know then they're already behind starting in a new school so um I think it's an important person to have here at least for the year and you can see what they say so what happens if this person works out really well and we want to keep her keep that person for another year or two or three or four are we going to be able to afford a roughly $34,500 next year or are we going to use some other monies well so right so I'm trying to look at right and so fair question and I think the you'd have so there's one either you have to increase Revenue somehow which is either taxes to me from the tax base or you know from the town so to speak um any other outside money so we get an increase in rural Aid that might be able to help offset that um or you have to reduce other Staffing to prioritize the staff not to get off that subject it you looking at money what what does school choice look like for next year for for numbers are we are we getting the replacement of our sixth graders we're losing seven sixth graders and we have 13 new school choice students who are starting that's great yeah that's see there's possibly one more we're still waiting to hear from one more so that's money that if we had to use it for the map person again possibly as a until until we find out do we need this person all the time this person's the best person possible and it's helping our school then we're going to have to figure out getting it on the budget permanently in the future but if it's a one-year thing and it's worked out well and bridges takes over and and we don't need a person but if we need it and we're gonna have to figure out a way next year to put it on our budget I think you know you know who said it past Bill Smith and have to Happ here um in the sense of like you're do to say what the needs are if the the community doesn't want us you know he always says put up the flag B and salute it this community doesn't want to salute it they can reject the budget right that's your call and remember you you want to be in agreement with Finance Community you don't have to be in agreement I don't know they didn't officially I don't know they didn't give me official word if they voted up or down that early proposed number but you can be in disagreement you just have to be if you do just you have to be prepared to talk about time for I believe or we will be there as well they Ted it till the next meeting well and she also asked you know the Lynn asked press to send the numbers over after this meeting so they know we're making decisions and to be fair because we play this game in other ones as well like it's your decision to make you really don't want to divert it to them you just kind of want to give let them to kind of shout at us and say give us their ideas but it's your call on like Hey we're coming in above five this year this is why we think reason why we have no problem explaining that to the general public that if you're comfortable with that statement then go with go with the higher number and you know what I mean you get tell me this is why we think we need it and people will say y or and the other part is what we don't knows how much money the town has okay so right so their assessment for Frontier went up which means they have more money okay and so but I don't know exactly what that looks like I don't you know I don't see what their chapter 90 funds or other funds and I don't know the other projects and how that works in but usually when Frontier when all a sudden you have they have an 11% on Frontier for their assessment this year right it was 10ish little um and which means why does your assessment go up because your income has gone up that's how it's in some way or another your assessment of your town so got a couple millionaires com into town can we don't know exactly it's dangerous for me to say it like that but it does but just just to show that we they might be to say hey we can afford 5% this year and next year they could might have building or new whatever they could have there I don't know we don't know those things and that's where the communication happens with the town but I do the reason why they do again this is again I'm probably helping sell this to you but the reason why they do keep schools separate from whatever is this exact thing if you have people pushing pencil pushing Finance all time when dealing with education and you're not making education decision you're making St and that's why they created School Community act as it is so just kind of reminding folks that's why it is a separate body that why it is you know um just our school Comm controls 5.5 absolutely same I think we can justify why that number is what it is and so I'm bringing this back up for you uh because we will need a motion I'll make that motion uh and this is the amount a motion to is it to submit to approve the general fund budget at two 5.57% all motion to approve the general fund budget at 5.57% over FY 24 over FY 24 you can type the number in there in the minutes to proceed in that motion the 25484 you want the percentage the number if either one r that one time no I think we're good we got it all I just really like watching type really quickly I'll look at the minutes too and make sure that the Motions are there right you can make me look good that' be great thank you um I second all in favor so moved so I will send this over to the town tomorrow so they know great what we J forward thank you thank you I appreciate all the dialogue around everything a good conversation it's a big ass a big leap but if it's already big going into next year it's not like having to relive those 2% more doesn't seem as big as right and yeah I will tell you compared to where where as you were just talking about but compared um I can get the list of it was going around the list so to speak what all the increases are across theate not crazy five in the five area is not crazy in fact the fact that overall our districts have been lower than that pretty consistently um you know kind of shows like you know our neighboring towns are all I believe you guys talk all the time all the superintendant talk all the time so I'll oh enough are and the ones that aren't that high they're making dramatic cuts to get bunch I think East Long Meadow also had to cut a bunch um they got brought out with that school committeee thank you and part of the challenges is that these larger districts that got you know hundreds of thousands of dollars or a million dollars on Esser money they added positions and now they can no longer afford it that Esser is not available so that's part of the reason why they're having to make cut so we were really fortunate not to have to do that and up until this point and use S on other things yeah we're still debating about adding on as opposed to having to reduce which is a privilege be I really think the state the fedal government I know a lot of people that have Co that are still sick and can't hold a job is real I mean that's why the state the federal government should be still helping towns like like any town that has has problems because it's you have to bring in special people to help help the kids and I I know you know I know the state knows that somewhat are they willing to give up money or get more money from the federal government you know this is the uh this is where it was month ago sorry theot scoll you can kind of get yeah look at that elementary school 1.44 there yes they swing that cut to have a lot of money so Deerfield made some decisions last year with their budget that set them up this year they reduced two teaching um last year what's the word on the street they had two sections per grade level so they could consolidate they used to have three now they're down to two what are the class sizes they're still like 18 18 to oh okay so each grade only has two there now yeah oh wow and they which it started you know a few years back when they made a decision to school choice was being inflated the fact we we have a full class of school choice they started reducing that yeah I mean it's gonna have a ripple effect FR if they the proposed tax cuts for uh or the cuts for our Northampton go through the average class size is looking to be about 35 to 37 kids wow where for freshman if the if the mayor's proposal goes through what's pum you just went pass where are you on a superintendent what's we have a superintendent our principal's leaving pamart almost 5% students this year know how many times 3.27 on sundland that's true teacher one grade here I mean we can't the only thing we could cut if we had to cut something would be so these aren't all these don't don't these aren't like uh these were in MO in in the work so a lot of them I'm sure came down somewhat and yours went up well the.2 when I filled that in I think was before transport at West Field right nor what they they can collapse some of the elementary schools together as a way to save on cost I apprciate it makes our ass look very and I mean that's we talk about having to like pitch it to the town we're we're nowhere near the top right are like we ac like we're done we're not done are we still on are we all are we all done with this now so we can go on to composting yeah you have that information um I thought that they were going to be here oh did you ask to to come uh yes I can say that the last maybe you have a different one she can emailing you as well but the last numbers I have is $1,430 for the year to compost and that's going to transport yeah that that you I can't find it but that sounds right but they did they did they put the bins here did they put the bins here and everything or see buy bins how much does a bin hold it's all that stuff that's just going into the regular garbage correct right I'm sorry I didn't bring this Emil in advance um it's for hauling is what she's saying but you do we have a bin that we were using in the past year for composting no not I'm aware of and use of the dumpster 125 flat feed for hauling and the use of a dumpster all right so they give us a dumpster and we just so they just coming smell great wherever that is we'll be attracting Wildlife make sure we science interest on the yeah the Bears will be going right into it and stuff you said that was a projected cost of 1,400 that's what I have uh the lowest possible price 1,430 the highest 1,980 what do you think if you want to say 2000 is a okay yeah right you want you don't want to be under but that was for that's for the school year okay yeah all right what do you think oh you know I mean it's something we should be doing but other also have to think about like in the context of the larger conversation we don't have a whole lot of surplus cash linga so so I'm going to throw something out and everybody everybody goes to the transfer station there's a big compost thing there yeah and and and I think I asked about again is there any way that Dan if there's a Barrel a day or Barrel every other day or every three days that's not too heavy can Dan you give them gas money bring it over to that compost and Bing at the transfer station which is just a mile down the road I don't think I can volunteer his vehicle I think I think you're I I think for what you're asking like yeah it makes sense but when you're running a a facility like this Dan's out sick this week now double compost you know what I mean and then it's also compost it's a little different than what I don't know what this transer station like but Ian milk curtain are compost so it's like it's a it's not it's not your it's not it's not your leaves and branches and that kind of stuff it is like this stuff has to be kind of put pilia taking that kind of compost you understand what I'm saying it's all paper product and anything that's anything the scale is probably bigger than a a truck yeah you know what I mean like I imagine you guys produce a lot of food ways not intentionally the majority of your cap your was will my kids do any getting in the kitchen the do the other schools have this that's my impression and they budget for it they they just got it in they got it in a year they weren't having this discussion we had five minutes ago you I mean any other year would be like yeah okay was too compost so so run your budget for tra over and then next year we talk about adding it into the bu we're already asking for a 30% increase next year right we just said so what's another that's another 2K in there yeah I mean 125 to 150 a month I recycle I don't compost I don't have a compost bin on my own property I would I recycle I love recycling what you do your coffee GS I should be putting them in my garden eat some I know I should be I'm saving all my eggshells though compost I amet I compost I compost like crazy I do too I just gotta hold down Westbrook what you do comp if you buy me the trailer for my prus I would love to throw everything out there chickens get into it I'm in favor of doing this I think it's a good lesson for kids to learn I think it's a good uh Habit to get into as we can see as adults not all you did tell that let's let's keep out the lies of a mission because when they used to like there was a lot of training that went into teaching them [Music] pictures next to where we have a very fancy like do you have the triple the tripod and so we used to do that but we we didn't at some point say just throw it all in the same thing after our kids continued using that so we don't we don't lie to them and say we're composting we never told them that we're not well yeah it's kind of like what do you call the what's our trash service at Frontiers that way now too where they mix both they mix the recycling together where you used to keep all what call it's called single stream single stream right we do that in the restaurant too it's all together it's all together and people have been keeping a SE every year the truck comes they just throw it all the same thing and you're like I spent like an hour Shing but then they separate because it's cheaper than having two trucks yeah better for the environment too so so we got to put a we'll put a cap we'll put I mean it's really weird that they're talking from 1300 1900 yeah me you so I wouldn't worry about the number I would just say we move to I would make the motion that will be a composting school and we in the m the m figures out how to do it and obviously we're gonna you know we're gonna try to keep that price out don't put a cap on come back to and say listen it's $22 this year like it's just all right so motion to include composting and have Administration deal deal with it my to make professional motion motion to to what to include uh composting in part of our Waste Management budget for next year it'll stay down on a save on a regular trash but the problem is it it does reduce your amount of trash you make but the TR they're still coming yeah I didn't know if they could come every other week chrisy can you stay on top of that for us yeah go there the trash we set up a giant scale and have children come and stand on one side and that's oh all in favor I knew we a goat to eat the compos can bring goats when I was at um Sunnyside daycare we have a big poison ivy infestation there and so we were trying to find goats come in and oh yeah there was a there was a group called The Goat grou yeah they they still woman a death she comes and puts up a temporary never pulled it never got to happen but it was a really fantastic and they go in there and they just everything it's better than using round up and all that other crap not weed goats you think eat anything using goats on the side of the road now I mean now we're we're over we're over in I see in massachus as a an outdoors person there's so many evasive species out there for Vines I go in the woods some of the vines are like that big and what they do is they go in the trees you know what they do they strangle the tree to death the big is and I I cut a lot of stuff that grow up my trees I just cut it so the Tre I'm going to retire I'm going to buy a her of goats I'm to sell my goat services to clean up not lead alongside wow oh I should just said unline you can't steal that that's trademark um I see that we got something from we have nothing for new business can we can we bring up anything that we talked about with the denser or the you you can talk can't so um so did you hear I I would love to have it talked about yeah at the finance committee they discussed our duck system and that it is due for cleaning I don't know anything about it but has it been cleaned supposedly it's never supposedly it's never been cleaned okay ask why why who knows that who's tracking duct particle density well we wait um so this came about when um some folks from the town finance committee and they toured with Bill hild and um f and so that's where it came out I okay I did not know it was something I and there's someone on the committee that is a builder and understands mechanical systems in buildings and houses as part of this tour they were just like crawling in through the vents don't know probably asked how long it's been since there it's on our it's on our it was on our C plan it was not a one or two it was to us it was a priority to get the temperature in this building lower for high what is the cost of cleaning $4,000 lot of ducks in a row I had to say that yeah you wrote that you wrote that last night that was good but wow that's a that's a math intervention heal in general you know if you have any kids with asthma issues of course of course I I I want to make light of it all inter if we if the town whatever I would like to see how bad it was I mean if if there was a way to find out when they start doing it they show you those commercials the people who are trying to sell that service show you what it could they have the camera that goes in they must have own cameras I guess what I heard from somebody that there's like one person in the area that does it only with goats with ducks yeah yes we do have a quote already I don't know if it's one person in the area what is at 34,000 that would the so it's 34,000 we originally broke our mini split project into two parts plus the electrical upgrad so it's almost three parts and they approved it as one am I remembering that correctly they want to do it all at once or no no they didn't no what did we submit though I don't have it the capital Improvement they did put it through to the finance committee right okay but that was based on what we submitted and I can't remember the what the um I'm going to look it up right now the number of rooms that we submitted for is it is having these ducks as they are now reducing the efficiency of the mini split system in any capacity like is it are we paying more for the mini because the Ducks are so cled the one so the way we've approached it in other buildings is and people there's you can there different ways of SK whatever the cab all right um sorry deer in the Rock whatever it's it's the deer um so we pushed forward because of the reates with eversource and the idea of let's get the cool air condition in the classrooms that we first put the putting the AC into the classrooms and then we're working on getting the building management system to hook up to the AC units and the other heating provide however the room is May time it's univent right now technically yes you could have the heater on in the room and the AC on at the same time because because they're not going to be connected that's another $100,000 depending on the size of the building yeah it's like $1,000 per unit so right now in Deerfield um the green energy committee there is trying to get a grant to upgrade a BMS system to get everything wired so the two are talking to each other so you are not running two systems at the same time right now it's done manually and I mean basically depending on the building the control of the Minit is not always the classroom teachers control depending depending on what building the same kind of thing is happening at Frontier that third floor gets you know on a 75 degree day it's 85 degree in those classroom so we put the AC units in technically they can be on at the same time took all the remotes away because high school kids do you know and you know they're controlled by one person and they go through you know daily and check that so should they all be on the same thing and should you do it all at once yeah that makes complete sense but we don't have enough money we're trying to do step by step along the way and we're trying to find free ways of doing it because green can use you know it's Energy Efficiency not just because you can't have them on both on time but um it's B our control systems all our control systems are out of date we don't have the ability to you know open up our cell phone and check the whole building right okay be a frontier at a basketball game and it's 85 degrees in there because system on the fritz again which Happ awesome I'll see season so we BR it down into two phases six rooms a phase and this year we asked for the first phase so 60,000 because it's about 10,000 per unit or per room and then we asked for 54,000 to do the power upgrade because the electrical upgrade has to be done in order to do the full project so we asked for 114,000 which You' get about there are rebates um no rebate on the electrical but the would get back on the potentially $30,000 if we could get 50% on the units so know it's 50% off each room you know that's why we were pushing it you know and also you know so ever Source uses venders and they're like he it's going to be around forever and they've been saying that for the last couple years but eventually it's going to stop you know but um and then the $30,000 with the clean well well exact what we've done we've done in other towns so deer what Deerfield did is they said um stuff here but they give just go you get 30,000 roll it right back and do three more classes oh then you do those oh now you do three more classes you have $115,000 you can rebate those rebates you get what I mean and roll that back in and so they were very flexible with us about that money can roll back in it gets a little you get to work closer to the town because the money goes back to the town and that kind of stuff um how quickly did those rebates come back it's a while it depends on the project they have been quicker um when Jamrock has done the paperwork they've been quicker but if we go through ERS soures it takes a lot longer so we there one we had away almost a year yeah but we did the deerfields last summer we already received the rebate this year that was they $40,000 and Deerfield has an undertown warrant to do the rest of it they put $72,000 on Town warrant to under their Capital do that Conway is just about complete and some ones just started but if they're talking about and I didn't watch the meeting but Bill mentioned using possibly if the town has an arpa money to do the duct work project could we still request the other things under the capital committee and couldn't they be done essentially back to back or is this really about building management system not connecting and the de work is just sort of a delay in the process there was conversations from people in the committee that you know um worried about spending more money on energy and you know coming in here in the summer and it was cold in here and it didn't have to be that cold you know that kind of thing nobody was this room actually does this room has no it's it's got the server oh right great well and there's a a humidity control component with that too and news right a couple years ago and they had mold in the building and everything maybe that was that crazier we had the same that's why Conway really pushed too because was the year they had a lot of Meo we didn't get full mobile but yeah here those carpet BS so we have that here but you know if it's not consent it's not toward a management system then you have to have somebody responsible walking around you know I mean and old schools yeah shut the windows at night but the management systems cost a lot of money right it cost about $1,000 for Frontier was $1,000 per room moving you know in it well there's a room so you know it's you know it adds up but the 54,000 for the electrical upgrade is that only for the six mini splits that we're going to go in or is that enough yeah that would get where so that's that's good that the 54 is going to take care of all the future ones that we're gonna that we could possibly do but are they going to consider funding that this year and then we could ask for the mini Sports again next year because without the power upgrade we can't right can't do anything without the electrical being updated well it sounds like they asking for another meeting and they ask to Bill to go and when did you look up the next meeting you said I didn't it's in May I don't know the date that's all I can let you know please um anything else no thank you that make a motion to make a motion to jour second all in favor all right