uh want to note before we begin the agenda that there is going to be a public comment section inserted between item number three appointments and item number four new have somebody in the audience oh okay wants to make public comment yes thank you uh item number one is to review and vote to approve the meeting minutes from June 25th 2024 I will entertain motion um I move that we approve the meeting minutes from June 25th that's written I will second hi I've got a comment on the minutes Fred excellent nice okay great then we better do a roll call then y uh before the roll call I've got one thing to add to the minutes after the uh in the appointment section after the selection of Julia's chair it should be noted that Julie was at that point sharing the meeting okay was what I'm sorry that I at that point began to got it thank you I will make that correction okay then um I will take I withdraw that previous Amendment or the previous motion I move that we uh approve the minutes with uh the note added by Fred second uh rooll call vote Fred yes Joyce I Julie I second to review and discuss vendor and payroll warrant is there any comment no comment no comments from me as well long uh appointments review and possible vote on digital Equity plan is this the item that had 30 pages and I made one I have it I have it fog is with us yeah yeah yeah fog Ted Harvey are you I am here yes hi there are you gonna be making a presentation to us yeah if you don't mind it's pretty short just to go over some highlights and then um we can chat for a few minutes afterwards um I'm gonna share my screen if that's okay you might need to allow him access you might need to yeah on your MP sorry say it again you might have to wait a moment okay sure if you go to yeah make co-host there you go yes okay you should be able to Y looks good all right you all see that okay yep yep all right great yes um good uh it's it's very it's not long so don't worry um so I'm Ted Harvey I'm with the Franklin Regional Council of governments um I'm the economic development planner there um we've been working on digital Equity plans just some very quick background for everybody I'm not sure where everybody's at with these um on this meeting um and so we've been do we've been working on these over the past 12 months give or take um for a number of towns in Franklin County um weightly being one of them um and uh Nicole CR who it works in our office um kind of was the lead on the weightly one um she can't be here tonight so um I am I am somewhat filling in but I we worked on them all together so um this is um this is the meeting so so we've gone through and I'll go through the process briefly um of how we got here um but this is basically now that the plan is is kind of in its final stages or its final form um and I'll talk a little bit this at the end um we we're looking well it's it's up to the town we're looking for the town to um to approve it before it heads over to the mass Broadband Institute for their final approval so just a quick um overview of of kind of how this all um came about um there was um you've probably heard of a number of funding sources and number of broadband related um funding pools of money one of these um over the past 12 12 to 18 months was for um these digital Equity plans throughout the state um so it was kind of a no cost to the town they had to apply for the grant funding and then work with a consultant um so that's what weightly did um uh furog was one of the Consultants um so we've been working with the town over the past like I said uh 12 months give or take um we also did this um it kind of corresponded with the the comprehensive plan visioning process that was going on so um we kind of tag team some of that those um meetings um and and that public Outreach um so there's some of the public Outreach that was um on there uh is there on the slide um so this is the process um I'm not going to read through this whole thing but this is basically um uh how how we've been working on this um basically from the the Statewide survey that was again for the entire State we use some of that data for weightly um all the way to the where we're at now the final um plan to the select board um to talk about it here and various um things in between community meeting focus group Etc um so just briefly again I I I'm not sure exactly where everybody is on the whole you know where where we're at with um how much people know about the plan or digital Equity or um any of these pieces but um this is a this is an ongoing effort by both the at the federal level but also at the state level through um the mass Broadband Institute um and so um just defining digital equity and kind of what this plan is looking at um and I'll just read this this is from the national digital inclusion Alliance which is a um a nationwide nonprofit uh it's a condition in which all individuals and communities have the information technology capacity needed for full participation in our society democracy and economy and so the purpose of this plan was really to kind of look at um in this case weightly the town weightly and kind of where the town is at um when it comes to digital equity and kind of where there um are places that can be improve but also where things are kind of going well as um and then also um an important thing that I should bring up is like I said at the beginning there is um a a good amount of money and I'll talk a little bit about that at the end of this um funds that are available somewhat now but also over the next couple years um this plan kind of helps set weightly up to to look at um getting some of those funds to to do some of this work so it's not the goal really is not for this just to be a plan that we just give it to you and you nothing happens um the goal is that there is actually hopefully some the um actual concrete things that can be done over the next you know one to five years and going forward um so digital Equity again just kind of um we're looking at connection um fast affordable we're looking at um do people of adequate devices um either in their homes or they have access to them whether it's a library Senior Center um through the COA what have you and then digital literacy can they actually use the what they the internet and their devices and then the outline of the plan um I I sounds like you've seen the plan which is great um this is the general outline for those um who haven't been able to look at it yet uh we introduction kind of um talking about what digital Equity is existing conditions um kind of where the town is at um and then and also where um what what the needs are and then the recommendations um which I include in this presentation as well so one of the things we were um tasked to do um by the MBI and and through this program is to um have a digital Equity vision statement um for all the all our plans so this is the weightly um one um and I will read through it just so it's on public record our vision is for all residents and weightly to be able to access affordable high-speed internet the appropriate devices internet access which includes cost speed devices and knowledge is not a privilege for those who can afford it but a right for all of our residents the weightly digital Equity plan will lay the groundwork for long-term Investments so that our community may Reach digital equity for all its residents with this plan the town will be well positioned to compete for Broadband funds that may become available through federal state and private sector Broadband infrastructure and digital Equity funding opportunities so kind of what I said earlier um but in a um visioning statement um so we also had the three kind of broad bucket goals um that that uh we worked with the town of developing um you know these These are broad like I said these are broad but um they Encompass a lot of things so fast reliable connectivity selection of service um kind kind of having the um opportunity for that competition uh and then digital resource navigation and then this is I'm not going to read through all these but this is all in the plan too but I just wanted to give a summary of um the recommendations um so again it goes by the three goals and then within that um we've kind of determine some of the a lot of these are kind of coming up from the town itself but also kind of some best practices that we've seen from other communities that um would likely be something of use um in weightly um again I'm not going to go through all these but I'll leave it up for just a second um and I'm happy to share this and again it's also in the this exacts these exact um boxes are in the plan itself so all right so next steps in future funding um so again part of the purpose of this meeting um is to is to really finalize we've been working on this for a bit of time now um so the the process is is less formal than some other processes um I'm hoping for if if the board deems it okay I'm hoping for the board to approve it and then I will once the town approves it I'll submit it to the um the mass Broadband Institute um for their final approval they've already looked at it they've already gone through it um they had some comments that we've Incorporated in so um I my assumption is that they would approve it once it's approved by the town um then kind of looking you know the next steps for the town itself um we taking those recommendations and those goals and then kind of keeping the vision in the back of our minds we really want to the town and and you know we're here to help as well but the town really should start wants to start looking at formulation of the priorities and a lot of those priorities kind of baked into those recommendations um so we have those there but um kind of looking at those and what are the most important things right now um and then discussion with other municipalities about what they're doing um their funding sources because a lot of this stuff um especially on the digital literacy side not everything but a lot of it um you know we can look at other towns and work together and um um um to to put these um processes in place so um question go ahead because you said that we would be approving this what does approval mean in this context like if we approve of this does it mean that we agree with every priority that's in the way it's written or like what does it really mean for us to approve it does that um that's a great question and and I I probably don't have the um the the solid answer for you only because um there's no there's nothing written in um the our contract with the MBI or kind of how the the um Grant was um dist um there's no language saying exactly what it means to be approved so um it doesn't in my sense it to thebi that's one thing it means it means you can move on to the next step yes in that yes we by approving it we wouldn't necessarily say we agree that those are the same priorities as we have because I be I mean I read through the whole thing on Friday um and looked it over again today and I they I think it's good information and I'm glad we but um like which of those priorities really ought to be top is really not obvious to me so it's not like we're we're saying that we we agree with every single word correct yes I I would say that is true yes the next step and this whole thing is to help us think about our priorities right and not this is setting our priorities that we're thinking about them and it helps us get grants once we've sorted out you know what do you think what we think we can go for I think G to be a largely discussion with Sylvie and uh and Pete and correct yep all of us okay good all right y i i don't have anything to add to that you summarized it perfectly um yeah I think that is the way to go y it gives us a framework for setting priorities exactly yep yeah and that's why I did want to put it here U on the priority section because it it's you're right there's no um there's no setup of like this is number this is our number one goal number two goal so it's it's even though it's you know one two three um I wouldn't read that um as you know your your top priorities um so in can I interrupt you goad under next steps the second one is formulation of Municipal priorities exactly so I assume that that means once we approve this then we get to formulate our own priorities yep totally that's exactly right um and I do just want to point out uh just on the on the other side here this future funding because that that you know it it is part of this um it's an important thing to keep in mind when a you're looking at this as your framework um as I think Fred mentioned um but and then when you start talking about your priorities um you know kind of keeping an eye on as the funding comes forward so I just wanted to mention a few and and you know we we try to get this information out too and you know it's it's always um so so you'll probably be hearing from us about when this actually is available so there's there's which you've probably heard maybe through the Great Vine about this bead bead um uh challenge process so attached to that right now we're going through this this process um but there W there actually is funding part of that and so the state is looking to use that funding um Prim initially for um any areas that do not have service or can't connect or or kind of the infrastructure piece of it however their goal also is once that part once they've kind of tied all those loose ends up they really want to use this funding also for you know digital Equity um uh items so that's something that piece of it probably won't come about until you know maybe next summer um but that's something to keep in mind and that's for the state that's $140 plus million dollar um in that particular program um there's also a digital Equity capacity grant program um that it's about $14 million um that the state has and I my understanding is that they're still working out um uh you know how how they're going to kind of distribute that out but this plan kind of will help you once you get to that point and you're looking at your what what's important and what your priorities and then there's other ones that have come out recently and over the past year or so that my assumption will be down the road there may be other ones that this plan will help you um so I will my contact Nicole's contact who I said did um a lot of the work on this um but I'll stop sharing now and if there are any other um questions or comments questions or comments from select board no I I see no reason not to approve it it commits us to nothing and sets us on the path yeah I would this might be I I hope I'm not making it I feel too embarrassed but um and I wish I were more surprised but weightly is misspelled at least three places in this document it's spelled correctly in a lot of places so I guess I should have led with that is spelled weightly correctly most of the time but there's at least three places where it's spelled with ending with ly instead of Eli oh gotcha okay I I'll I'll make a note and we'll make those changes yeah so I I would not want to approve it without making those changes yep duly noted any further discussion i' entertain a motion to uh approve okay I move we approve the digital Equity plan um with with spelling with technical Corrections technical Corrections yes I'll second that uh roll call vote Fred yes okay I I thank you thank you very much thank you Ted presentation and all the work you've done you're welcome have a good rest of the night thanks uh next item select board Department liaison Library uh liaison we neglected to yeah we Haven I don't think we've had a library meison in the past but it's a good idea like one and no reason not to I think they Pro they probably want you I'd be very happy as I said to Peter earlier I chat with Cindy all the time when I'm in there I'd be very happy to be with unless somebody else feels that they'd like to volunteer sounds good to me I'd like to nominate Julie to be the library the second board Le onto the libraries I will second that uh I'll take a vote Fred yes Joyce hi Julie yes all right that was I am now selected for leaz onto the library and now we have our also recently inserted public comment section I'm going to say one thing and then Peter's going to say a couple things and then we'll ask you to speak I'll be brief okay good that was that's the major thing that I was going to say was uh keep your comments to five minutes or less got my notes so we have just roll right through and identify yourself and sure on your place of residence Peter and um I I know it's not but uh purpose of public comment is for the public to be able to speak on items that aren't on the agenda so um other than that you want me to go go ahead okay hi everybody so my name is Sandra linski SLE s ski I reside at River Road sley I've talked to the officer a little bit before um the meeting started every year I say I'm going to just speak my piece and this year I I finally decided to I'm not a big fan of fireworks illegal fireworks and um I'll just read what it is I'm realistic we're never going to eliminate them no matter what no matter how much you try um also I want to State up front this is no criticism on the chief or his department at all you know even if you call them they're great they respond immediately all the time I think I call once I fire it was a really long time ago um but they can only respond if something's happen I'm trying to head something out of the P so let me read through and I'll point out my Salient concerns and um I've referenced a whole bunch of regulations and I can actually if you copy absolutely yeah so just feel better if I speak my pce so anyway um made through another loud and disruptive Fourth of July I have livestock that um anyway um I just wanted to ask if there's any way the town can maybe more proactive messages or whatever let's be proactive Because by the time it happens you know the police of course are going to go but that's a reaction and we could have something damage wise before whatever it's just part of this is stemming from Decades of frustration with this and it just seems to be getting worse people are just growing more and more disrespectful I do want to say in my area within like the half mile whatever radius I finally got a great mix of neighbors a lot of them keep fireworks too so but there are other things that we're going on so anyway um I have to keep going uh let's see so we're talking about proactive measures um I know there's uh permitted displays are allowed and there's a place on the State website showing which permits are there you know by licensed people and whatever professional people and you know the Treehouse Brewery one was there you know there were a couple of at Greenfield recently it's surprising how many are there there's a lot listed there um okay so like I said I know you're not going to it R you know I'm not trying to be a do gooder it's really IC you're never going to get rid of fireworks ever in this state we're lucky they're they're illegal as they are um I said right now I'm in a great area but in general it's all around it seems to be more and more um this year was kind of tough because of the dates and how it fell so we almost had like a full six full days of fireworks like come on Fourth of July get it over with just just done um so you can find people on that too so maybe you can make some money on it but so I obviously there's going to be high decel sounds occurring during the year it's the high decel it's the Booms that most people have a problem we kind of deal with the snap crackle pop of you know this Standard firearms you know I have a firearms license the chief was here Chief could tell you yeah I remember you you get it renewed every five five years or whatever I I have a problem with going to the range or doing that I don't have a problem with hunters in our manyi Woods I don't have a problem with the agriculturally allowed you know p Technic sounds to to help keep the props good keep the birds with the props it's it's part of it's disrespectful it's this booming Cannon shot it bothers me it bothers other people with PT that's theing of saying that right fire safety okay um I was saying earlier I just for the heck of it I I heard one gee it's kind of close and I'm kind of seeing it like see it through the trees I said I'm going to take a ride for the forth in check it out and I thought for sure it was Bower Farm or you know somebody right there on the corner no not there and I'm riding and I'm riding and I'm riding down long plane and I'm riding and I'm still not there like where the heck is this coming from oh W 50 feet from the road I mean booms I mean Cannon shot booms I wouldn't have even wanted to go try to go in there if it affected me to ask the person to stop I'd be afraid I get H it's like come on you know did the guy ask the neighbors if it was okay ACC the UPS or nobody called on it so they may thought it was a great thing but I'm like why you know why are people doing that and my problem with that not that that particular instance affected me directly but other people are going to say hey this person did it I think I'm going to do it too and what if one of those people are around me what happens I will certainly call the officer who will come as soon as they can a livestock there I'm not going to lock them in a 94 degree bar you know why do I have to be you know I'm sure you're feeling my pain it's like why do I have to go out of my way to accommodate somebody that wants to blow something up and again we deal with this the snap grackle pop type you know it's not great but it's there but it's this other kind like come on really you know um it's a lot of disrespect there um but anyway toward your wrap up yeah yeah okay that's then I got this thank you for what you've said so far yeah so uh blah blah blah let's see professional level we talked about that see I kind of like went ahead of myself here so um you know pets domestic animals so I would I would call the police if I needed to but the problem is is it just going to be like they're setting off three or four and they're done is they not going to call and the police get there and they're all done you know what are they going to do that it has to be happening or is this going to go on and on and on so my question I guess I mean I could call dispatch if I needed to if I felt I needed to but um if there are damages worst case scenario who would pay for the damages you know I a breeding stock with rare Bloodlines that are worth over $20,000 animals going to break their light because somebody wants to blow off explosives just because like I said there are sounds like that that are legal and okay just it's acceptable and we know what it is just steal with it but I'm like you know just I just thought I'd come in and speak by piece it should be a nice holiday to celebrate but it's very very stressful for everybody um don't know what you can do about it except call and you know if I think it's going to be such an issue I'll call but if it's in the direct neighborhood if I see a party ramping up who knows that might mean fireworks um I try to establish a good relationship with the neighbors I'd feel comfortable enough if it was in a short radius to see hey you know can you please not do that and they'll probably do it anyway who knows but right around me now we have a fantastic mix of people I don't even care about loud music at disappoint like let's be reasonable but it just seems It's not the only time with problems my mom's in Happ she has a lot of problems but anyway thank you I just tried to summarize what it was and I feel better because I I talked thank you for giving me more information and that that's it I mean I don't know what there could be like you know the the how we get the automated phone calls saying hey we have a time meeting or register your dog maybe ahead of time there could be something to say we're reminding you that fireworks are illegal um you know this affects veterans effects blah blah blah blah blah maybe you could say be aware of any damages have occurred and you know if you're tagged you're you're gonna be responsible for damages it's a big fire safety thing I think around Boston yeah we know all the reasons why they're why they're illegal but you you were concentrating you seem to want to talk about proac would you be willing to write again it have to be short and you have to think about what subset of what you wrote here you'd want to include but we put out a town newsletter every four months there's one that comes out middle of May right before uh that might be a place that'd be a good time to cat to put something in because I uh it I mean I don't do fireworks myself yeah um but I do hear them yeah U quite a bit and I think um I didn't think about the livestock aspect I think a lot of people just may not know um thats their livock and veterans that uh not to condone doing it but just to let people know that their neighbors can be affected and I think to me that's one of the best ways to to get to get support right it sounds like you do that in your little neighborhood that that folks are we have a really nice mix of of people now and you know there's actually a guy a little further down he's involved with the Marines and why he was sending off some fireworks it was for a youngster that they knew and he he was going through a really bad time so they wanted to cheer the kid up but they also knew that this is going to affect your your lifestyle I think they knew but then the wife came out she was so apologetic she was great and she says we don't want to be a bad neighbor and I said you know that kind that was good I said thank you we really appreciate it and I have you but everybody else knows they think animal are if you're willing to give me a a an email address you can give it to me through Jessica or something I'll put you on the list of people who get a little heads up when the next groop is coming out and then that' be great I'd love write something up and it might not be for the the next one September of course I work for the state I work for UMass I'm a safety officer so yeah compli regulatory I do a lot of training proactive a lot of writing so yeah I'd love to do that and I could even um I had I could give that to the administrative assistance yeah you give yeah whatever you want to get to Joyce just email me and just like a yeah short parag yeah a paragraph and and and I think you're ready to like appeal to your neighbors yeah to say hey look this is this is hurting my animals you know it did did the guy with a big party go around and say is there going to be a problem if there was would he have not done it I I don't know well but people might example people might have found a different place to do it people any number of other things they I would ship them down to the and Happ I like I like the idea also I don't know if it's something we'd have to discuss and make a decision on but I do like the idea of a robo call just a general information rooc call saying because I get those this is what's happening this we understand you want to celebrate yeah please do it responsibly yeah be conscientious about where you're doing it and understand that it could I'm trying to be realistic I understand what we're all yeah veterans Etc it's to celebrate the veterans let's not terrorize them to decide like discuss we probably would have I don't know if we have to vote on it but we could probably put it on a an agenda upcoming and you know I'm involved with a lot of horse associations you know I could I will not mention W specifically but I can ask input on you know is there any like brief verbiage that they would like to go in there and hey Trail CER for other towns thank you thank you for listening I appreciate it thank you for accepting homework that's I would love to do that and thank you for that input and that's you know I know we try to educate and you know maybe people just don't know but it's like maybe I'm just so aware of it because I'm like a safety professional you know if they don't know they can't behave responsibly information is worthwhile thank you thank you thank you I appreciate your time thank you okay moving on to new business appointment of a member to the board of assessors with the departure of Kathleen Grady there is a vacancy on the board publicized the vacancy to solicit interest from community members who may want to serve two applications were received the Town Administrator and uh Fred Orosi and the assistant assess Stephen Casey interviewed and are recommending that Michael hust be appointed to the board of assessors is there any discussion or questions what I can see he'd be a great choice yeah I think it's say like a case where they had more than one um good applicant and Y I I I think I I'd like us to work as hard as we possibly can to get the other applicant on some other committee on another committee appropriate or something that that matches their their likes and needs and and skills that would be really awesome yeah I would entertain a motion to appoint i' move that we appoint Michael HED to the board of assessors second all those not in favor I have to take a roll call vote Fred yes thank you Joyce yes me yes than appointment of planning board and zba administrative assistant Rebecca Danielson um I actually don't have anything written about this P have to this yeah there wasn't a letter um sorry about that but uh so we did we did a posting We had two applicants apply for this uh very part-time position that does support both of those uh uh land use boards regulatory boards um we myself and the chairs of both the CBA and the planning board held those interviews the interviews also included a small word uh test to verify abilities um in the end we were very happy with um making a recommendation that Rebecca Danielson be appointed as the part-time Administrative Assistant um her work schedule will work perfectly for what's needed for the board um she'll have the ability and she has the experience to be able to be very organized which the board both boards really need um for this because there are so many different applications uh advertising noticing keeping those so uh okay very excited for that I would move we um oh sorry I should let you ask for I would entertain a motion to appoint uh I move we uh appoint Rebecca Danielson to the planning board board CBA administrative assistant position I'll second second oh and he'll second as well roll thank you yes yes yes Julie yes yeah and if Fran had a vote he would say yes he would say yes too but he says yay uh next item vacancy animal and barn inspector Pete I believe you have something to say about this also yes um so as you know the ACO retired from their responsibility as of the end of June um with that the town has been working to get into the Franklin County or Franklin Regional animal control program which is still in process I just learned over the weekend it had not been finalized the board had not held and and accepted uh weightly in um unfortunately we we're not made aware of that until just this weekend um so I have reached out to the Sheriff's Office to find out when that meeting will be happening so that at least we get the animal control program covered it still does leave us in the need to have an animal and barn inspector because this program does not include inspectional Services um so my question or request from the board is to confirm the process and to move forward with um working with the Personnel Community to develop that uh job description for this inspector or finalize that do the posting and then the interview process okay and this is I one of those positions it's more or less like a volunteer it's a stipend or something or is this a real job that we're g it's a stien I believe it's a stien so it would be a portion of what was previous yeah yeah y um yeah I'm not sure I'm not sure how to find a good in inspector B Barn inspector I imagine we have people in town with those talents but I'm not really sure who to we um threw around the thought of asking other towns um and maybe grabbing somebody from an adjacent town and seeing if they would perhaps want to do it on a part time do it on a parttime basis so this this that we don't have to fill it with the person from 10 in a point right could be anybody okay yeah all right so you have you sort of have some leads on how you might find you just need our appr to move forward and is that a voting approval or just a yep I think a yep right y think you need to vote however you would sounds good to me I yeah I I think yeah and as the select board wrap on the committee would we go before the commit or would I go before the committee to Brak forward the draft of the the job description because essentially we are separating most the previous job into a oh what's being served by a program and now explicitly an inspector role yeah yeah I think probably with the Personnel committee they're not accustomed to meeting in the summer but if uh we had the job descriptions split into two yeah and people understood this part is being taken care of by TR program and we need to look at this it could be a very short meeting people got St ahead so that may be the proper route to to take for that and it wouldn't need not be a long dve process either no probably just the hunt yeah the hunt will take I believe the inspections start in October if I'm yeah so a little bit of time yeah but we don't want to Blink it's G to be September right yes yeah red any questions or commentary no okay you have our y okay that's our y thank you uh next item a request for a letter of support for House Bill H 832 an act relative to paint recycling we do have information in our packages yeah we should be all over this yeah yeah yeah if you could sign like three letters I would sign three of them yeah could we break this into like five different letters of support and sign each you want to as a yeah any any any questions or concerns about uh forwarding a letter of support no concerns whatsoever okay same here yeah right so do we need to vote on don't believe this well so the forward if we're g something yeah do you want where I finalize the draft and Julie acts as the chair to sign or do all three of you want to sign H oh we all seem enthusiastic let's all sign yeah where we at we can certainly do that yep if everybody so what I'll do is yeah I I will be back next Monday to sign okay I'll put together uh a letter on your letter head with the date of Monday and that way we' get all three of your signatures over the next few days and this is not needed to vote I'm assuming it can't hurt to take a vote I move we sign a letter of support for this bill I'll second that all right Fred how do you vote Joyce I I all that next item request for letter of support for the Center School Grant requesting uh letters from state representative blle and state Senator Mark and there is a yeah template up a letter here right one right I think it was an oversight that it we weren't asked this at our last meeting yeah so we're our letter is going to our reps and asking our reps to send support letters because we've already signed support letters to this and we will include your previous letter of support as R rates yeah yeah I think this is also a no-brainer and I'm happy with the letter except for weightly is spelled with two e in the first sense yeah one yeah one of the EAS is not yeah I willon entertain a motion um I oh sorry go ahead uh I move that we uh send this letter to our reps with the one spelling correction the letter support for the town of weightly one application for the CER school second and Fred will too Fred how do you vote I Joyce I me I and just I always think I'm waiting clarification on that do you all three also want to sign that or do you just want the chair oh I'm fine with letting Julie take that that that's fine okay okay old business moving on to Old business uh Quan Quant sign review discussion and vote a wayfinding sign request but apparently we have additional information yet we are Kei is still working to get the sign side requirement from District Two we don't have that yet not responsive next item arpa remaining funds for consideration of future use P I think you had chart yes I did so um there are there are seven items in this chart um for you six of them have been completed and so those are remaining funds and then the fire department line item that was those funds were not utilized because the fire department instead was able to secure a grant to do that actual project so the request is since these projects are done to close and move these remaining funds to unobligated similar to what you've done in in the past um which then allows you to use the remainder of these unobligated to now consider future projects um I did include in the packet one request from the town clerk for the machines um I would ask that you hold off on voting on any commitment because the fire department the fire chief specifically wants to put forward an additional request for improvements to the facility as a public safety Improvement um he doesn't have numbers yet but intends to have the numbers and the explicit uh projects to for your next meeting so okay while I would ask that you if you want to uh close and un obligate These funds just hold off on obligating yeah I I I agree I'm not in a hurry to obligate the funds but we you have to do it by the end of the year by end of December contct yeah yeah yeah whatever obligated means there and then I think there's still another year to spend it two years two years the end of to 26 right but but we we will have to authorize it in advance of the end of the year to get the contract should be ping for not the December 29th meeting right yeah but yes maybe something earlier but you do have time and I did want to make sure you were aware there is one outstanding one that is being put together yeah okay okay okay um well I move that we un obligate These funds as outlined the all these are just remainders of other things so there's no reason to back second all right BR how do you vote I Joyce I me I hey next item host Community agreements Pete would you update us about the yes um So based on the the last select board meeting uh the board had uh authorized me to to move forward with at least starting discussions with all these companies that are in their renewal process and utilize the model agreement I have been been in discussions with DMC uh T 3 and green jeans who also is in the renal process all three are um in agreement on using the model all three have or two of the three have already put together their version of the model with their uh items listed uh DMC is finalizing theirs at that point I will take all three meet with Joyce and T Council to review what we have received and what we feel the town should be including because there is one area of allowance where a community can stipulate other costs based on the legislation and the CCC those really are kind of confined to you noting that any licensing building permits which are obvious but it allows you to put those in there um so I have some model language that the town of Sunderland has successfully used and so that's what I'm going to be using but we will verify with Town Council and then once those are finalized um between those companies and myself choice and Town Council will then bring those to the board my hope is that all three of those can be brought in August so that then those companies can forward to finalize their renewals Urban grown on the other hand has not followed up with any of my requests so I can't speak to where they are in their process other than this as far as the CCC is concerned they did submit for Renewal but they so we have to go through the motions but we can't do anything if we have nothing to work with so at this point in the ringr I have nothing to report on but the other three we will be moving forward with okay terrific thank you next item Donna dog update um possible discussion of appeal status and Sheltering of dogs Pete and I and one of the police officers leau lanau Officer lanau attended the hearing uh the appeal hearing this morning and it was decided that we would reschedule we um oh did not realize did not have all of the information that we needed in order to be at the hearing uh which yeah we had understood that they were going to review the tapes and review the previous testimony but it's what's called a re do no them oh yes yeah means as as if none of the previous testimony has happened and you need to have everybody there so uh officer liano was not accepted as a substitute for the chief of police and uh we were advised that because we didn't have any of the folks who had showed up at the hearing or the SEC first or second hearing that we were at a significant disadvantage um and so it was advised that we be skeptical that's very different from what we had heard before is very different from what we had heard before I will also let you know that we were told that because the decision we had made was written using the information that we had uh about what you can do when somebody violates an order uh there's not a lot of information about what to do following a violation other than uh seizing the dog the clerk said you understand that because this is written vag vaguely uh the dog could be put down as soon as I if I find that you're being him a dangerous dog is valid he can pop it down immediately you understand that and I said we are trying to avoid that if at all possible uh so he suggested that we write it more clearly however I have downloaded the information about uh nuisance or dangerous dogs and we did everything in the correct order yeah so we're going to go to speak to town counsil and say what what can we WTF what can we do at this point um really that was like I feel like Brian was sweating the whole time because he just he was he really wanted to make sure we did every single bit of that yeah by the rules and and uh he was really getting uh following what Town Council had told us had told him there is also um I'll point out and I can forward this if to Pete if needed um there are one two three four five six seven steps that we could have taken and we took one and two light I would say which is that we required that the dog be humanely restrained and confined to the premises of The Keeper of the dog and you're referring to the original the original original order um the second part of that says that they shall securely combined indoors or outdoors in a securely enclosed or locked pen or dog run area uh number three says when removed from the premises of the person owning the dog the dog shall be securely and humanely muzzled and restrained next one says the owner or Keeper of the dog should provide proof of insurance in an amount not less than $100,000 ensuring the owner or keeper against any claim loss damage or injury to persons so I just putting out there the information that we we very carefully took portions of steps one and two there we would have to go to a new hearing to take further steps right some of them don't make sense that steps to take if the dog is actually confined to their property but I hear what you're saying right you're given decis options yeah there's a list of options and you can't really pick all of them right yeah no but if you can pick one we picked two that the dog be confined to the premises which he was not able to do right the second part of that is that we require that there be a fence this this is all simply information yeah yeah that they're yeah and we're going to speak to councel and say yeah WTF and what our next steps and I think to the magistrate was giving us information but couldn't obviously give us Direction um but uh it seemed after walking away that there might be some confusion in that Denise is appealing the um violation not the original order because that that window closed she lost that opportunity to that and so the language that's in there if it is truly to look at the the order based on the violation you are very limited as to what you can do it's to remove the dog to uh deny the ability to license for five years which we've done um and there was one oh but you did those that's all keeper sh immediately surrender licenses and tags which um they do not have yeah we did have a discussion about the fact that the dog is unvaccinated yes uh and there's some 5% of all R cases in hum come from dogs there are unvaccinated some back and forth about whether the owner was even willing to vaccinate um the magistrate did say to her if you do not I cannot ever return the do to you so even if the magistrate does find in her favor he said he would not release the dog until it is vaccinated so it was made clear to missu the severity and the need to vaccinate and I think in the end we did come to an agreement verbally that she was willing to it but the magistrate in advis that we get this firm waiting that she will approve it and fund that vaccination and can I get a clarification I I'm not sure the denovo hearing is that for the the initial he last year's hearing or this second this one for the second one just for the second one the the appeal was for the second hearing yes but it sounds like when you went up there all I talked about was the first hearing yeah and I feel that that is confusing that's the confus right that's why I was confused because he made it sound like based on the ambiguity of what your intentions were in the order but we're not talking about the order we're talking about the violation no the ambiguity of our intentions in the order following the violation you you think that's what was referring to I do okay I do once the dog was seized like what then should happen What then should happen he was saying it was written in can't that you can't do we don't have any instruction about what else we can do so he didn't know but in the end I think yeah we're going to have to engage Town Council yeah and even if Denise does get the dog vaccinated we have made an order that she not be allowed to have a license dog yeah for the next five years unless the appeal turns that over unless the appeal turns that because that was part of your order of violation right that was that deis the second yeah yeah so that could be overturned yeah so yep we're moving more to be discovered but it was res to July 30th so we'll be able to provide another update um we will need a select Bo to attend because Julie will be will not be able to I will be able to run that select board meeting that night from vacation but I will not be able to attend that yeah I should be able to be there okay I know there's something on my calendar well Fred we'll plan on on you then if you BL yeah I I don't see anything that would keep me from being there okay okay okay all right that's good any more questions or concerns on that item I uh number six select for leaz on pleas I have a quick one um the South K Center Board of oversight um we had a meeting uh Saturday last Saturday and we're going to yeah I have another one we're making progress on uh basically coming up with a new draft agreement that it's probably going to take some time we're so we're at the stage where we think at the end of our next meeting we'll have a draft to give to our town admins and get their input and then kind of start talking about what it is um that we've changed from our current um Municipal agreement to uh address some of the things we think we need to do moving forward so we're making progress on that and I'm thinking in the next few months you'll hear more and uh and it'll end up somewhere on our agenda in the fall so Brett there was a skm's board of oversight meeting last week which I was unable to attend and I have not yet had a chance to review the tape uh they did schedule another meeting for tonight but I know that the chief and myself and at least one other member couldn't attend so likely will'll be rescheduled he got rescheduled till the 18th okay I believe saw that come through today right yeah that that was under discussion in emails this afternoon uh I attended the most recent meeting of the water Commissioners and they the water Commissioners now no they're the water Department no they're the water Commissioners their Commissioners the department was disbanded things chug along as they have been chugging and uh there are no specific updates okay um Town Administrator updates fixed yes uh a few um building off of your update for the senior center the feasibility study we had a kickoff meeting today of the Town administrators um as well as Jennifer rar are the director and the consultant team EDM studio um they will EDM studio will be doing an onsite excuse me tour of the three different uh sites on July 30th the morning of July 30th so they'll go to all three sites that's what I'm doing on July 30th yes that's what you're committed um and then that after the three site visits they will then go and meet with the senior center to talk about their programming space needs and that way EDM will be able to then put together a true picture of what it is the facility needs to be how much space they need how many types of rooms they need and with that need the the and whatnot can determine are these three spaces even viable or do we need to change what we need what we want from our program so um can you say what the sites are I was under the impression well the three sites are there's a church in Deerfield the town of deerfield's been slowly rehabing y um there's the um Oxford building used to be the that Oxford press building in sundland um and there was an unnamed third site but um Pete brought up the idea that well if we have sort of a shell of a warehouse clear that 5500 Square fet um that if it would need significant renovation you need to put Windows in not habitable it's not really habit space right now located centrally it's kind of you know if you had an empty shell of a building what would you need to do that's kind of what it would be and so if you got an old church an old church that you have to rehab that's F if you have a modern building that you have to do some work on so I think it's a nice kind of like everything else we're likely to ever come up with is somewhere in that triangle M right um it's a great addition so so we'll um look at that it also is like one from each Town that's kind of nice too yeah though though not required um but it's it doesn't mean we're moving the senior center into any of those places for sure it means we're getting the information we need looking at to just feasibility stuff yeah just to and I believe at least to the discussion today they they needed to know what kind of budget and I Dearfield brought up they thought that the budget would likely be somewhere between 3 and 5 million for a new facility uh a facility sorry I should say new yeah um so just not not to say that's definitive because we won't know anything until we get further into this process but so they're not going to propose a 10 no no um a couple others so com just for the general public Comcast did send out notice July 1st that there are some fee and service changes that go into effect August 1st they were um some in or a number of increases um burog is completing or has completed the transition of their emergency communication to from the county owned system to a commonwealth owned Co Coor's system I probably said the acronym wrong um it's taken a number of years but they are doing a celebration to commemorate that transition and that is happening this Friday at the South Deerfield fire district station from 2:30 to 4 clock if anybody from the public or any uh elected officials would like to um Highway Department Doug's go Doug Scoville has retired um and so with that Doug will stay on as a part-time um to assist the department in order to train the new senior Operator just want to make sure the board is aware of this transition we will be interviewing internal candidates for a possible consideration for senior operator should one of those candidates move up to senior operator then obviously we will have to post for the um vacated position but um just wanted you to know that there is this recent retirement and we are are doing some Transitions and then finally um you can tell the HVAC as far as we can we see now has finally been fixed um we believe that Jamrock has been able to identify the system issues that were going on um so we are we've had what six days of it operating consecutively so um good news is good news especially for committees that want to use it at night because by 3 o' in the afternoon this building was it's a sauna yeah very humid SAA I don't even want to be a SA that's why out yeah but you have the healthy glow you're welcome apprciate that thank you Pete uh any items not anticipated nope no no no okay I will consider a motion to adjourn I move we adjourn second Fred how do you vote Yes Joyce I me I this meeting is now adjourned great