it is 606 call meeting select order item of business is to approve many minutes of May 14th and May 20th I have one comment and that is the minutes we've been given both the header and the first paragraph say April 9th not May 14 that was my well this is an April 9th meeting it could I could have printed out the wrong ones guys I could put the wrong date so sorry it's just the wrong the wrong date well the first paragraph is April 9th too yeah it could be the wrong date I'll go out the first item oh but the first is this is the inter departmental transfers whoops so other than changing any comments motion to approve of minutes we approve both sets of minutes with the in two places in two places I second any other comments all in favor I I None payroll warrants any comments none want to move the Personnel committee report up ahe got the representatives here that ahead of the um so Personnel policies um just go around the table as you know this um uh Personnel policy we decided last year we really needed to review them we got a grant that helped us that a consultant who helped us with the initial updating and looking at things that that we were missing and um uh I think they did an an okay job of making us aware of things that ought to be there that wer um where I think they did not do such an okay job was taking the policies that they inserted making them consistent with the policy we already had um so there were places where they insert a similar policy but didn't really me what our practice and policy have been so um the personel committee with a lot of uh input from Brian from Lynn from uh traa there at the the end here and uh department heads uh did a lot of work on making a policy consistent with what are like for for example benefits they benefits it's like well okay this is how we do so um they we we had to work on the details so it seems like it's taking a long time but it was really needed it's an 84 page document I've never finished it in one reading and every time I pick it up I see something it's like oh like there's a double word or something like that but it's been gone over by many many people so I think the content is actually there may be a a typo in there I found one and sent it in this this afternoon but that's kind of um how we got to the point of having a new Personnel policy um that's really just updated and you one of the can anyone who be sitting there say what are the major changes signific I know I know there's a lot of wording changes things around the edges but are there any significant major policies recommended or change that I think it's more including things that we really needed to add to a policy than necessarily making specific changes it was more um Clarity in some of the areas for example we didn't give everybody an extra week of they's that and why not um that that that's um so we didn't want to make those kinds of changes we just want to make it um are there any specific areas that got included that had not that should have been included before I think that's probably the biggest changes uh like ly alluded to it was what wasn't in it that can you give any specific examples what if you go to the end where all the appendices are it's those um agreements it's it's you know looking through it there's nothing that compares it to what was there before what was there before was a mess yeah and you know some things like um different policies harassment policies or whatever have changed okay to yeah I would say the biggest change last addition that we made was in the area of it policies excuse can you identify yourself person um that the it policies were in some ways not clear some didn't cover some areas outdated and to me that was the bigest are okay yeah I just wanted for yeah our purposes and have to know what it is we're changing yeah another thing that also got clarified and maybe this isn't a big thing but there's they refer to things where an employee will get training on XY or Z and it's like clear who that training comes from does that come from the um the person who has a payroll on account does that come from the town administ so some of those things were clarified and some the town will do this like it's really the town it's really the town administra it's really the board of Select or something you know things like that I think where are some things that might have been kind a little unclear that what you do when you have a vacancy how do you recruit where do you advertise you know what to do what someone's hired what forms do they need to P just all in one and now it's it's fault of the work has been done if there things that come up that require tweaking we can do it section by section basis rather than looking at the whole thing the Personnel committee did a great job of doing thank you thank you and like Trisha said it's putting everything in one place because we had lots of separate little policies that were created over time but never really added into the because we knew that that needed to be updated in its entirety so we'd have a um the approval of vacation time rather than issuing vacation time on July 1st that was a separate policy but it never really got inserted into the old policies so it's things like that just to put it all in one place make clear get cified and employee has an issue the record here's the way we do it right now somebody has a problem we're pulling this one this one this one what and giving them all these bits and pieces of the what should be all person do [Music] comments anybody else I only a motion to approve the submission from the Personnel Committee of different Personnel policies second discussion all in favor hi thank Shar okay next we have report on electric vehicles from W and Samson I see you identify yourself okay uh so if you can sort of jump in and give a brief overview sure um can you hear me okay yes okay hi um so yes we have um uh John toot from rivermore energy and we have uh Rebecca and Sam um on on Zoom as well from um Weston and Samson I'm not sure if if uh Dave is there in person with you I think um yes yes okay great um so uh these folks have been working um on the town's behalf um over the past uh gosh I guess it's uh year or so um and they conducted an assessment of our Fleet of vehicles our existing Fleet um and our infrastructure and uh they finalized a report and submitted it um to the town um and that has been distributed and um so they're going to present um some of their their findings and recommendations to us tonight um and it will help us uh as we consider our strategy for transitioning some of our vehicles um to hybrid and electric options and um uh thinking about um what that would mean for um EV uh infrastructure in town um so thank you all for being here tonight it'll be very helpful for um you to give us an overview of your findings so that um residents can um U hear more about this and um and we can consider your recommendations yeah great thanks Sylvie um if you can all hear me I'm going to share my screen um although I think the host disabled it um is there any way to allow me to share my screen thank you to be the local guy on the team mind moving up a little closer it'll be so much easier to hear you all set now to share your screen I need you co-host yes great are you all able to there we go okay I'll able to see that okay great um well I think we already went through introduction so I'll just skip down to the agenda um and I'm Rebecca Mouser Hoy with Wesson and Samson and the we're here we wanted to discuss the EV Fleet assessment that we conducted under uh a meta Grant which is a municipal energy technical assistance grant um and we wanted to go through our findings from that report and then kind of talk and have a discussion if there's any questions uh looking forward for the next steps for the town so the goal of the assessment was to look at kind of two sides so we looked at the vehicles and we looked at the infrastructure so where we can put uh charging stations within the town of Whitley so we really wanted to evaluate a couple vehicles within the fleet um for uh replacement for Ev or hybrid electric and we wanted to look at a couple select locations that were provided by the town as kind of priority locations um and see what the possibili if they're good candidates for um charging St station infrastructure so we first looked at the existing Fleet evaluation and we looked at select vehicles um so we only looked at six vehicles within the police the fire department and the highway department um after looking at all these uh existing vehicle types we did identify that all were Poss for replacement with either H hybrid electric um or electric and I will note in the report we looked at non-plug-in hybrid electric um there also is a plug-in hybrid electric option as well um so we use the department of Energy's alternative fuels data centered database which provided electric and hybrid electric vehicle replacement options for the six Vehicles so these options that we found for each of these six vehicles are included in the report as an appendix um there's a table as appendix a that lists out all the different options for the town that they could choose to replace these vehicles we also looked at the department of Energy's uh vehicle cost calculator for the replacement um and the outputs of th those cost breakdowns are provided in appendix B of the report I'm not going to go through that all in detail um for this um presentation but if anyone needs a copy of that I believe Sylvie in the town have that um and from looking at if we replace these six vehicles from the town with either electric or hybrid electric it does reduce the town's greenhouse gas emissions from either 3,000 to the 12,000 pounds of CO2 annually um depending on which which option you pick actually a quick question here yep um the numbers in this chart on miles per gallon and so on those are just like averages for a Ford Explorer or for or are they specific to these exact vehicles or are they just cars they're average yeah they would just be what's average um for the the fordex floor not specific for ex existing Vehicles so the so these are not numbers for existing vehicles and also in here when we figured out greenhouse gas you don't know how many miles we drive on these each year what are you using for number of miles when they when you figure out how the greenhouse gas Miss savings I believe we had estimated um miles per gallons based on you know a standard police vehicle I can go back and look at the um at that I'm not sure if we use the exact uh mileage from your your vehicles um but I can get back to you and let you know what those numbers are if they're based on the actual mileage or if it's more of a average of what a police or fire would use right because it because that's really really important actually um because in terms of figuring out like what we could be saving here it does depend a lot on how much the vehicle gets used and that's that's what I want to be really clear about these numbers are all estimates based on like what towns maybe in general do and not specific to how many miles our cars are driven or trucks or what the miles per gallon are actually on our TRS right yeah it could be missing like Sy said we've been working on this for a while so I believe we did have uh data from the town um but I will confirm that because yes that does make a difference whether it's you know a large city or a smaller town like weightly for sure thanks vehicle but I do believe we do have um some information on that from the town um and the the miles per gallon is from fuel so that's kind of a standard so the miles per gallon was a standard um miles per gallon for those that class of vehicle that Ford Explorer um so the miles per gallon wouldn't be specific for the vehicle but the the miles driven would have been right but it didn't get miles driven it gave pounds of CO2 that you would save um or that you would be generating and that you would need to know the miles get transparent how the calculation was made I not the right information so that I couldn't follow the dots and understand where that number came from okay thanks thank you um so we wanted to kind of talk briefly we know that um money is is always an important thing for for smaller towns um so looking at vehicle grants and incentives um within Massachusetts uh there's the Massachusetts electric vehicle incentive program or mass evep they do have a fleet incentive uh that helps eligible public entities acquire EVS for their Fleet so there are grants out there these are kind of the values it can get up to per vehicle from Mass evip um based on what you decide to to pick um there are you know purchasing options versus lease options with all which also might help um the cost because we understand that some of these Vehicles might be an electric might be a little bit more than a you know internal combustion engine so there are grants and incentives out there for that um the more EV uh rebate incentive this while this grant wouldn't necessarily help uh the municipal Fleet um this grant is more for residents businesses or nonprofit organizations um it might help you know get the word out there to any residents if if they want to help kind of reduce the town's greenhouse gas uh reduction goals so we want to to include that in here as well um so the second half of the evaluation was looking at charging station uh evaluation So currently in the market there are three options for charging stations there's level one two and three and there's differences beside between these options um depending on cost speed of the charge the size of the units um typically the level one is going to be your smaller kind of home uh charging station wallmounted one this takes a lot longer you know 8 to 20 hours to charge your level two is kind of what's typically out there uh in the market these are the mediumsized ones these are 4 to8 hours to 4 to eight hours to charge and then you have your level three um which are the fast Chargers these can take anywhere from you know 20 30 minutes to 1 to three hours to to charge of these are um really quick and we are finding that a lot of uh the level 3es are a little bit more expensive of unit but they do actually have the highest incentives right now so we are finding as we're kind of doing the cost estimates for these that sometimes the level three is more cost effective for municipalities um depending on how many they're putting in so it's kind of a a balancing act um with what you're getting versus the incentives so for this for the town we looked at six different locations we looked at the Town Offices the harle park my apologies if I pronounced that wrong um the Dickinson Memorial Library the town hall and the police department and the highway department um so we looked at all these uh lots that are in town uh David was actually on site kind of looking at the existing infrastructure the space available uh where it's located Public Access and um you know all of these sites are feasible for locations obviously uh farther review would be recommended you want to look at um the location and the proximity of the utility infrastructure the hosting capacity see how much uh capacity is in with in the electrical infrastructure with the utilities um look at ADA compliance especially if you're getting EV evip grants uh you need to add ADA compliance um components to it um you know space if there's you don't want to take up uh the whole parking lot for electric vehicle charging station um when you need uh other parking for other residents um also space for the inverters uh these take out quite a large portion too um and so this is just a very high level cost overview for the six locations um you know we'd be recommending anywhere from um four to eight ports depending um for this column depending on where it's located um it's about1 to $40,000 per Port so like like I mentioned earlier you know we understand that cost is very important and and these do add up depending on how many you put in so there are a lot of Grants and incentives um for these especially in Massachusetts right now so um I'll go back and in start the the Federal grant um there's a us do charging and fueling infrastructure Grant um that was posted the last round was posted um in March and the funding was about $700 million for this grant um there's quite a bit of money in this grant it's also very competitive because it is federal um but they do expect to repost this in 2024 so this is always an option um for municipalities to look at if it's an option for them um as far as Massachusetts uh Mass evip just like they have the fleet incentive uh program they also have charging station um incentives as well um and these are for more of the hardware costs in the the actual charging stations Urus has a Make Ready program and this is looking at more the utility infrastructure so trenching trans former the meter the conduit anything up to the poll um and they have a grant for that so there's kind of two buckets within Massachusetts that you'd be looking at uh for the charging station uh incentives um as I mentioned earlier this uh report was done under of the metag grant program there's also taxt credits so you can look at um for these which are fairly high right now at 30% um and one of the latest ones is the mass nevi program um and this is the national electric vehicle infrastructure program so they provide funding for sites within one mile of Select Highway corridors um and Route 91 is one of those Highway corridors so this would be an option for for weightly to look at as well so kind of looking forward and I'll I'll keep going with that nevi uh locations um you have two two exit and non ramps within uh weightly that would be candidates for this along 91 so kind of thinking about potential locations Ong this Corridor um we know that the town is thinking of uh moving the new highway building so you know potentially this could be cited within a mile of one of these onramps um and be a good po uh location to host the Navy program um and just looking at Grants and incentives and you know we understand that the town might not be ready to go fully electric um so just thinking of options for leasing or you know maybe looking at hybrid electric options as well so um that's what I have for for the presentation kind of a brief overview of everything so we kind of wanted to open it up if there's any um questions and discussions you know obviously this is a very high level preliminary select you know a couple Vehicles a couple locations so there would be definitely further analysis um if any location wanted to move forward or um also with any vehicles moving forward as well so we're open to questions and discussion and thank you well the first question I have regards the disparity of 10 to 40,000 per Court what what's the variable in there for the uh the amount of the cost on the charging station I'm gonna pass that over to John John yeah thank you for the question the primary difference is whether it's a level two station or level three fast charging station the level three fast charging stations are multiple of the cost of the level twos so that's that's probably the biggest variable in the answer to your question financially as Rebecca said however in in um in the presentation and it's also in the report the level three stations are more heavily incentivized currently by the utilities so it does offset some of the capital Capital costs but the primary factor would be if it's a basic level two station which are very useful they're great for overnight charging they're great for daytime charging if people are going to be at a location for a longer period of time um that that's the primary factor they're a lot less a lot less expensive and I can I can give you an example if you'd like of um of a project we're we're currently managing the town of deerfields a public parking lot in uh South Deerfield uh on the intersection of Elm Street and North Main Street where birkshire Brewing Company and um Hamshire Lumber are located that project will have two level two stations and two ultra fast level three stations and the level two stations were much less expensive we we are seeing a lot of scenarios where you where um our customers are combining level two and level three I think it just to get you know this these are some of the things that we do do for our clients we help them with the financial model to another level of detail to say if you're interested in a specific location we would do a detailed financial plan for that location taking into consideration the appropriate appropriate charging stations for location and last point is as Rebecca mentioned in her presentation if it if the location is within a mile of the highway and it's going to be a it's Public Access charging both for members of the community and the surrounding towns as well as for people on the you know kind of going north and south on Interstate 91 then um you know you're that project is most likely going to be more level three oriented whereas if you're were doing overnight charging to support um you know fleet vehicles at the I know that the town is going to be looking at a new uh DPW facility but at the highway department police department if you're looking at overnight charging there then it could make a lot of sense to do level two um which is less expensive it sounds like say a combination of some level two some level three is might be what's called for the the highway department garage isn't going to exist for quite a few years yet so while while it's in the planning stage we're probably at least five years down the road for that and possibly more there's in Northampton who is working on a couple of level three charging stations combined with like a pizza shop and a coffee shop and that makes me start to think about the ex 35 study that doing yeah I was going to be one of my questions leading in the same direction yeah the um charging stations in South Airfield make perfect sense for coming off the highway because while you're charging you can go get something get something deep but none of the locations that we have here are really suitable for a person coming off the highway to sit around for two or three hours or even for 30 minutes honestly to charge up a fast charger I think all the locations seem to be more municipally oriented the exit 35 committee was talking about yeah doing stuff at that in that area that we be before we talk about say do restaurant some food get something to drink right check out truck yeah yeah that location is not show yeah it showed it for it's not among the there were six Charing station oh you were talk she was talking about the areas that are right off of 91 no these corre these are the ones that it looks like they were and I think it would be great to have electric charging stations at all the at the municipal places as well just I don't think we should expect those to be destinations for anyone other than people who are doing business at the town office or the hle fields or these other places as aesthetical um you got to a number of events or water muster oh absolutely what about the fact that the across the street all yeah but those those are not going to be destinations for a traveler coming through we just wanted to point that out but that these are places where the public would use uh stations absolutely if they were it's like the old field of dream build they CAU install get yeah yeah so is it okay to go next question ahead so these are public and municipal use and um I assume for public um like I might typically use a charge Point Station does that mean that these would be basically like a charge Point Station but when you're charging for the municipal vehicle we have our Municipal one the town pays for that uh and then customers would be registered and then so it's so it's not a like free charging like like was many many years ago right all over the place this is um the public who are using in our paint public would pay for um the B charges through the state have been drastically altered and reduced more more stru okay and in the report we talked about uh there was some discussion about Municipal staff being able to take the one option would be installed for them a level two charging system at their house so if they had an ELC they take policy I don't know let me ask you I'm an electric vehicle owner I don't own any gas and I never need to take it home to charge it for any significant amount time like if I had charging work I could just do all my charging and like so some of the vehicles we have number of miles they drive are not that big you might have to just plug it in while you're in the office and those number of hours per week are going to be fun I mean I I think it's it's kind of a we're we get all upset and worried about that I don't think it's going to be problem well this was this was based on I know based on somebody telling you be a problem about a policy right employ such a right right but I'm asking you you have an Eevee I assum you not yet not yet it's coming you know when you plug in like you get 25 miles an hour on a level two roughly um so if I mean 25 miles a day is lot to drive for the highway department say and I don't think they going need to be plugged in overnight any can plug at the I don't think I think it's sort of a just maybe that's really for Among Us that's kind of problem that we don't need to solve because I don't think it's really gonna be part okay there's another issue with putting in a charger at a department heads house if the department head re ties leaves whatever yeah so they got theyve got a charger right so anyhow that's I just sorry we all get one rant per meeting there's my rant okay no you to another that that's free rent okay I I think that's a very fair point Jessica I mean we have a a Volkswagen EV and um my wife is a primary driver of that and I usually take the train into to work in Boston um and she she she can drive the whole week with an 80% charge she only really she goes about over to to Watertown maybe around um 15 or 17 miles round trip you know so I think you're probably right you know yeah I think that being said if if people just had that kind of feeling of range anxiety I mean you know this because you're an EV owner but we installed um a home level two charger we bought the charger for $350 from Volkswagen and the electrical upgrades every house is different but it costs us um I would say uh $1,250 so the total EV charging the total charging costs were $1,250 plus 350 so um it's $1600 and um you know anyway so in the level the level two home Char charges as you know are portable it's like a it's like a dry for others you know on the call it's like a drer plug you know that they're installing so I think if you needed to do it you could do it for relatively short money um but I I think you're probably right on your observation that people could charge at work I think um when you start getting into thinking about the police vehicle having a full charge they may have some reservations if they're taking it home and they want to come in at 100% or you know but yeah the the police vehicles are less often taking home yeah Highway Department yeah or Fire Department police wanted to check you got the list of the six Vehicles we have now are there suitable replacement vehicle now on the market and available in electric for those that know for instance the police cruisers the Frontline vehicles are not they do not yet exist in electric suitable for their Mar right that's we've got but please keep you did some research that the front line cruises just are not yet available as with fully equipped any IDE are there are um there are police um forces that have adopted all EV and I believe Cambridge Mass is one of them but there are a number of them um there's an all all electric police um SUV Cruiser from Ford I believe so you can do it but I I also understand the reservations that I mean that that statement the answer to that question are there front Ling all electri vehicles that answer is going to change with time right that was my question where where are we in a timeline looking seeing get deliver I would say that leasing makes a lot of sense right now if you ask you know just when as a team when Rebecca and and um David and I and Sam you know all put our heads together you know and writing the report and thinking about the presentation tonight we we think that the lease makes a lot of sense because it'll if you did a three-year lease then as the technology improves you can upgrade and there is an incentive for leasing um so that may be a good way to hedge on um technology development I think any other questions I what's the next step um I don't think I was I didn't have enough time to read through the appendices just the power right do we have that report syby somewhere probably in my inass Sy if if you can just send an email with a link to the full report again I think I downloaded it so I think it is on my computer but yeah some also but sending out the link again would probably be useful yeah I I think I got about halfway through it I didn't get the whole way through it so I did not get to the to the go ahead well I would say maybe one closing point from us that's important and David is in the room and he could speak to this so we were asked to look at certain locations by um the previous Town manager and previous environmental um sustainability manager for Wy and I think they were good locations to look at we have um as an update for you I can tell you that the team of um Weston Samson and rivermore energy and an equipment provider partner of ours have been selected by mot as one of three companies that are doing the electric vehicle charging for mot on Highway corridors that the highway corridors that Rebecca mentioned earlier Route 91 route two Etc so David can speak a little bit about he's David has who's in the room has given some thought to you know what you might want to put on your radar in terms of of um suitable locations in weighty for Public Access charging do you want to share a couple thoughts David sure um so George to your point I mean the six locations we came up with u that was the first cut okay so there may be um economic development plan that you're doing where you want to try to encourage activity other areas yeah it was just something to show you places where the INF structure exists the utilities there's access to building facilities already uh as you start to sort of put your foot in water with this these such potential location but they a certain change really begin to Define growth development how Services how they may change but the thing I I was just leaving with is it's sort of a it's a two- path row so as you start thinking about basing as John set for your initial H start more and more options available as the technology advances you're going to see trucks or trucks you're going to see bruisers that are going to be short period of time as you start to look at vehicle replacement also think about the infrastructure John mentioned this is something that you can help with doing field doing other locations to help think about what are the GRS are available get that infrastruct so when there's more or more of a switch or yeah my thinking is that if we view converion to an EV Fleet as inevitable I think we pretty much do then I think that we have to look at the infrastructure first you can't have electric vehicles with no reasonable place to charge right v a two both sides the same time yeah but I think we really have to almost look at the infrastructure first the charging for element I well you don't want a charging station sitting there onus well no no but I I'm not saying that we build it and then we only then we start looking at the ACT but I think we have to have a plan early right they they do have to be intend but I think the first step has to be looking at the the charging option because you start Vehicles can of a vehicle no reasonable place to charge it right with just Level One charging which would take forever so as as as John we back at said this was the first cut and the whole team is certainly available to work with Sy you board and other officials we did a lot of interviews municip off questions that come up clarification on what's in the report it generates more information for GR Inc so I think that's what we need to do we need to talk to our department heads and the police fire chief Highway get their ideas for where what they would need then come back and start getting some hard cost estimates to build what what we want from charging right you know I I looked the list of charging locations and I think okay maybe we can combine the police and Highway Department at the same location put a bigger know charging facility there we only need to do the do one but just have more ports at that location saying with the library in town hall which are only two buildings apart correct and you know which one would be a more eous you know place right um to have it and we need to make those decision decisions on placing these and then start getting some hard harder numbers what they're going to cost what we look at in rebat I think that's Absolut I think that's the right way to look at it and I I agree with you that um that you do want to do some infrastructure so maybe you pick one location that's Public Access oriented you know um where the open to the general public but certainly fleet vehicles could use it as well then one where it's you're going to really need it with some of your some of your um Municipal vehicles I think I think thinking about the infrastructure from the outset as you said earlier is the right way to set the foundation okay so it's in our court now to guess that was my question what's the next step in this it's working with your board department heads faity figuring out where you may want to and we certainly assist with the technology another yeah yeah another another very actionable um point would be if the town does have some land that you're earmarking and it is within weight Ley is a little bit you know as we saw on the map you're sort of in between a couple of the exits you know so some of the locations are farther than a mile but if you have some land that you're thinking about doing a project on for economic development or housing or Municipal facilities or commercial um you could carve out a portion you know a small portion of that we're talking about you know four to 10 parking spots and um you know we could take a look at it for the um for the current Highway grant program the mot NY program you would need to have some amenities you know need to be safe you would need um you know have a some bathrooms fairly close by and need you know need to be has some aesthetic value for people who are charging as I think as Jessica said earlier you know um in the meeting but if you want to give that a little bit of thought we'd want to we we'd want to think about for Mast requirements a location that had both an entrance and exit to the highway within a mile ideally and then had those those types of amenities which may not be easy in you know because it's fairly rural but that that's an actionable item that we can help you with because we could did have a site like that we could submit it to um to mot in the program muff I'm I'm thinking some way to work with the state on doing something with the park and ride they have they do have okay oh good over yeah yeah the planning board is probably are probably good folks to talk to but they they're working with um Sil and the ex35 we're coming up with a better name a sexier name ex35 but the uh the planning committee to to talk about zoning and what might go in that area that is an area forly known as ex the exit for known as ex whatever okay uh we've got nothing else I think the both for to come up with a plan of action and so yeah and we're happy to uh talk through once you think about some of the other locations Maybe if you are thinking about the town hall we're happy to kind of look farther at that and put together some cost estimating for that as well thank you very much thank for coming in John thanks thanks for being a red and uh thank you for having us and David can give you a background on this but we forgot to mention that but it's in the report that Weston Samson is a eversource ready contractor so that makes planning out the infrastructure significantly more accurate and um more streamlined it goes a lot faster so um when you're ready I could really help you on you know that's a key part of the solving the problem so wanted to just mention that thank you thank you all for joining the meeting tonight I appreciate you making the time right thank you thank you guys uh some new business you discuss vote and sign the June 18th Annual town meeting La administrator do it you can start I can start okay so um I don't did you have a chance to look at it at all or not prior to this um the first four articles they standard that we always have in the um meeting actually the first five um six is just the revolving funds uh setting the limits we we just have to the limits now because we pass a bylaw that accepts all the revolving funds previously article seven is before we get off toing have we ever had any problem with the SE have adjusted the ceilings on a last few years like the direct committee and um I think the um recycling Solid Waste we raised a little while though but um no one has and said it needs to be highed okay um article seven is the elected official salaries with a it's a 3% toll added to those have a question uh having been on the select board for two years I I think it's time that I know what the all Smith will is Smith it's um he there was Oliver Smith created a will that in his will he said that he was going to supply a certain sum of money for various towns and he listed various towns Northampton was the Prime area I can't remember how many Prim is still there's a lot of accounts that are part of the oliv Smith will and we have to have someone from the town to help promote to manage whatever the Oliver Smith will um basically it has um several different um categories that people can apply for um and it they're a little Antiquated um you Brides can get I think it's a $100 um litts with children can get money um trade people nurses um bunch of different trades but they aren't specifically listed I can't proun can also apply for some funding to the Alis Smith will um what are categories I think those are the three main ones um and keth vle is presently our elected representative for the AL SMI and is that 12.98 per hour per meeting per per year for you yeah so I think a lot of people aren't aren't aware of that option I have to admit when I became a bride I applied for my $100 or whatever it was at the time 21 years ago if I had known about it I would oh that was just like 10 years ago yeah right so uming thank you I appreciate the clarification article eight is the Enterprise fund the water Department's budget uh article nine is the main budget for the town the operating budget um we have some transfers uh in the past on article 10 we're using $225,000 to offset the P right um 11 11 through it's basically Capital um question why is 18 okay why is that not we got it is it it doesn't say it in the article but it does the budget it is it isre okay yeah it's in because I think we'll get that question from it's in the budget The Bu okay yeah um because I think I think last time for that we put it in the article yeah you know I think I did put it in under the pickup truck but I forgot to put the word hybrid word hybrid can do that just for clarity just for clarity I think that would be good yep we can do that um so um um the 19 through 23 are Community preservation the first one is the the general appropriations of different um buckets article 20 is for the um the barn the Yellow Barn can have some upgrad article 21 is for batting cages for hurle field article 22 and article 23 are turning money back that was left over after various projects were done so one was the uh skating rinks that were there was some money left over $1,000 and the other one um the cemetery account for the uh benches and things that were put in at the cemetery so that's coming back going back back into the um 24 through oh one question maybe it's the the wording but I have other people will read it the same way I did I at first thought that article 22 was returning the 11 th the, and then using it to expand the existing ice rank installation or smaller r no I realize as I read the words that's not what it says but uh but I I guess expect that but if you read it that way remember that choyce made that mistake too and got it corrected by by reading it a second time honestly I worded it the way were worded worded in previous on so yeah and then um 24 through 29 are zoning articles um two of them pertain to well one is to remove uh um growth control bylaw the second is to basically when we they're disbanding the weight Lan water district they needed to take out references to the district and then one is also to the map to change the C categories where the Zone one and zone two are on the map by removing those from the weightly water district article 27 is to add a um Community Housing section and article I apologize can we get back to article 24 y I'm not sure that I understand removing the article about grow control those discussions are we no longer controlling Ro uh basically it's been uh recommended that growth control people have bought it and one in the cour so it's you're you're supposed to have if you have a grow viral bylaw this is the growth control bylaw if you have it if you have one you have to now limit it to we will control growth for two years because of this is just a generalized growth control bylaw they found that it was not I'm not going to say not constitutional but there were cases where we B it and this is so Nam familiar yeah so this byw is replacing our this is the whole text is there so in a way they could have put this whole thing in strike through because that whole thing exists now and would be it would okay it's going away I was just thinking that that new one they want to put in they this number at 17138 we talked about it but it's reference they're referenced in other areas of the bylaw so it gets a little confusing if you forget to do another reference somewhere else so actually Council advised just to leave it those L the numbers and so and but deleted something like yeah that's what will happen and so you don't have to reum everything and then re reference everything right right um the other thing with growth control oh well um oh we have a growth control bylaw of 10 building permits and we actually have never even gotten to that point in a year even with the subdivision because the subdivision had different category it would allow few additional um but so it hasn't really even been put in place to um so that's 25 is where we're removing references to the weight Water District 26 is uh changing the town map to remove the Zone one zone two that go with the weightly Water District 27 is adding a section called community housing and Article 28 is just to change the table of use to include that section of community housing and 29 is to clarify uh residential districts one and two on how the frontage is able to be used and whether you can count the frontage in your area one towards building in area two so they were just clarifying that and then the last three articles are were petitioned articles by uh residents the first is regarding the zip codes second is to end the war on Gaza and the third is the voting rights of 16 and under 16 yeah 15 of no I asked the one question extra word let just make sure we have the right time and place yeah April yeah and oops um we're going to have to change a signing page because it says June yeah that's not the right oh okay I'll Amy wanted to change hours was she requesting I can't remember [Music] I think she just wanted to change her evening hours Monday rather than weekday is I yeah that kind of makes sense she was um struggling with kids and activities their activities always seem to fall on Tuesdays and Thursdays so H that she felt the Monday night would be better so I have objection yeah and let's see they discuss operations at Club passway and minut we voted oh that's right um well I that we this um meeting more with the corrected date on the last page and with the hybrid inserted into article y second thank you other discussion all in favor corrected last page yeah and is the work we something we need to vote on or just say I don't know whether you have you voted in the past in a request like this is made it's more of an informative sort of thing I think as long as the number of hours stay the same y and got no no problem uh okay operation pass away forward to consider Next Step granted on AUST day The Castaways variance expires day after tomorrow uh I would like to extend it until June 10th and have a representative passway and police chief here to to talk about want to take take me long term at one way or the other without hearing from the princip our next meeting was June 10 soend we extend for two weeks June 11 representative pass away and second discussion all in favor see anything else listed old business oh I'm going have a leing for senior senator on Thursday so next time I'll have something next week I've got a we got this great grant to get a accessible band for South County Center and the towns between the three of us are putting in some it's roughly 20% match and we're getting so we're getting 80% of this vehicle for free and we need we demonstr for we put in 6250 administrator updates oh you have anything no you have the list of pend see what's going on I don't have an awful lot the accessories are going seems to be working well I am I'll be we'll be starting interviews I've gotten some applications for the assistant TG collector and the planning and Zone board secretary so we'll be starting in on those this week early next week I um seem to be moving along okay next meeting is June 10th Town election June 11th town meeting is June all favor