##VIDEO ID:JAOKiTo0EMU## e e e e e e call the meeting of the warot tech school committee to order y please join us for the Pledge of Allegiance Al flag of the United States of America and the repic for stands under God indivisible liy and justice for all first item on the agenda is public comment anybody here for public comment public comment going once going twice no one here next item on the agenda is approval of minutes June 12th 2024 minutes of the regular school committee meeting is there a motion for approval Mr chairman move the acceptance of the minutes of June 12th motion made by Mr Irvin seconded by second uh Miss CER any discussion seeing none please call the rooll Mr ear yes M Elan yes Mr Roy yes M yes M yes Mr fitgerald yes Mr Irving yes Miss L yes Miss Drew yes Miss OK yes Mr SL yes passes next item on the agenda is going to be June 12th 2024 minutes of the executive session is there there a motion for approval second uh motion made by I think it was Miss o Conor seconded by Gerald any discussion seeing none call the rooll Mr ear yes M suan yes Mr Roy yes m c yes M yes Mr Fitzgerald yes Mr Irving yes Miss L yes m true yes Miss oo yes Mrs yes passes next item on the agenda is going to be the treasurer's report for June in July motion to approve motion by Miss True seconded by any discussion see none please call the r Mr early yes Miss Sullivan yes Mr Rossy yes M CER yes M yes Mr Fitzgerald yes Mr Irving Miss L yes m true yes M yes Mr yes pass and Student Activity account authorizations is there a vote for approv Mr chairman move the uh acceptance or approval for the school committee authorize a principal to accept money from the VAR classes and clubs and organizations motion made by Mr Irvin seconded by second slow any discussion see n call roll Mr early yes M yes Mr Rossy yes M yes M yes Mr Fitzgerald yes Mr Irving m l yes m true yes Miss OK yes Mr yes passes old business no old business is posted reports in communication no student representative report so superintendent report Madam superintendent good evening Mr chairman members of the committee thank you so much for coming tonight I know it's a beautiful night and I want to I hope you're all having a wonderful summer so tonight before you I have personal action for informational purposes a root bus driver elect electrician maintenance department uh English instructor long-term sub English instructor chemist instructor biology instructor electrical instructor summer attendance school math acceleration curriculum summer IPP writing assistant uh Early College coordinator cluster chair department heads Co-op Liaisons class advisors Club advisors fall coaches equipment technician and evening school um for the budget as of June 30th all of our communities have approved our budget mcast update offer we offered a free mcast summer program for incoming nth graders and Rising 10th graders there were approximately 150 students who participated and received English math and biology skills on Thursday June 13th I attended a remote Early College meeting with Erica ganto from the executive director of The Alliance for Early College we dis discussed expanding opportunities for our students in Northern ass6 Community College on June 18th July 12th July 23rd and August 6th I attended remote meetings with app regarding our new website and training we've been developing a new website and we hope it will be ready for the beginning of the school year with the website we'll come also an app so we're really excited about uh our new website on Tuesday June 18th I attended the Kuan scholarship honors night at The Phoenician in hail I want to thank Cara cosmus rich pelli and the hail Kanas for their support of our students over the years with scholarships on Tuesday June 15th I attended a remote meeting with Northern aics and Lan Glen again discussing the opportunities and possibilities of emerg Campus on Wednesday June 26th through June 29th I attended the skills USA competition in Atlanta I want to thank Jane and Paul mosovich Bob Beaton Eli Roy John LaVine Tish Costa and Terry brag for the support of our kids during their competition I'm happy to share that Nathaniel shrimo won the electronics competition again this was his second National Gold Medal wow yeah it's pretty crazy it was great um on July 10th July 23rd and August 6th I attended remote meetings with Lan Glen from northern essic Community College again discussing the possibilities of a shared campus on Thursday July 11th I attended the Newberry Port City Council this was an opportunity to share the work that woodor Tech and Northern NX have begun on a shared campus model with our um friends at Newberry report on July 16th through July 18th I attended the mass executive Institute this was a great professional opportunity to work with superintendents throughout the state on July 24th and August SE uh 7th I attended aleron Hill communication remote meetings this is our new public relations firm that we will be working with this school year and we're really excited about the work that we've already completed on Thursday July 25th I attended professional development by John Gordon on the power of positive leadership on August 7th I worked with the Whittier Finance working group for the regional agreement this group met and discussed the possibilities of opening up the agreement and making changes to the capital cost allocation on Monday August 12th I attended a remot meeting with AI with Mary Bor from Mass the district may have the possibility of working and learning more about AI with MIT I hope to have more information on this opportunity at our next meeting on Tuesday August 13th we held our annual golf tournament I want to thank Cara cosmus she worked really hard Amanda Crosby elae kkus and all the foundation team um holding the golf tournament is a lot work but we're able to make some money continue to do the great work of the foundation and unfortunately I did not win this year but Mr legus did uh today I attended a remote meeting with the wooda regional agreement subcomittee this committee is Ted looking for how members are put on our school board and it was a great very positive meeting um school nurse uh it's not on your agenda agenda but it's my recommendation that the school committee vote to approve the appointment of Nicole Molly uh as the school nurse effective August 26th so we need a motion to suspend the rules first it's not on the agenda so motion to suspend the rules by Miss true second seconded by half the board call the RO on the suspension Mr yes yes Mr yes yes yes now is there a motion for the to approve the appointment of Nicole Malloy as the school nurs effective August 26 2024 motion by Mr Irvin seconded by Miss TR con Miss o Conor sorry um any discussion sign n please call the r Mr ear yes M Sullivan Mr Rossy m yes M Mr Fitzgerald Mr Irving Miss l m true M oor Mr yes passes that's all I have all right next item on the agenda is going to be the assistant superintendent principal report Mr lanus good evening Mr chairman superintendent Lynch the rest of the school committee members um I have in your packet uh the evaluation of the 2324 School Improvement plan and also the 24 and 25 uh both drafts of course uh of this year as well the school Improvement plan so any questions that you have um I can highlight um the 2425 draft and some of the highlights and the things that we're doing and in the yellow uh in the 2425 those are some uh initiatives that were some new initiatives but also um things that were enhancing and it's all for our children as usual any questions Mr Ry um first of all super thorough excellent job really hit everything on there it's a lot of work that went into that thank you um I just had a question on the the new courses that come up how how do you evaluate those or how long do they usually stay as courses through are you talking the elective courses all and I'm glad I have Katrina here too and Katrina jump in if if I I don't get it all right but um so each each year we evaluate and it's pretty much um interest in within the children um and I know that Kelly Fay as well the cric coordinator uh Katrina and um Miss Lynch and myself you know we we evaluate to say okay these substantial and enrollment for the kids and they picking these electives and these are kind of like the if you will the hip courses that that are coming in and I know you notice because you're in the business um but yeah some really cool stuff um you know our clusters and our cluster leaders of uh say the science programs and the leadership team they're always involved too as well you know coming from the teachers super yeah they look fabulous yeah and also my and probably like you my my principal's councel I have the students and you know the best information comes from the students uh and they're always talking about and we ask him questions how do you like these courses and the electives and you know and pretty much that's how we come about each year thankk you yeah very good question though any other discussion I just had a quick common question um is 387 is 387 Co-op students quite a large number um that's you know that was are you looking on last year's I think um is it the page 50 page 50 that's okay sorry I there's a lot of pages here 25 I know I know I'm so sorry uh yeah um it says approximately 387 were placed in Coos throughout the community in 3 24 yeah so that that we had um we had a lot uh you know there's obviously that a lot of the companies are looking for employment and our kids are uh the co-op kids that are are real um attractive if you will um but yeah that's you know we get upwards in 150 200 kids that that's a large amount that's what I thought that seemed like a larger amount compared to other years and then the only I just had a quick question electronic pass is that like a hall pass yes that's that's a very good question so we piloted um the electronic pass system which is now called pass system it's the same company um and uh again came from the teachers and the students said hey you know a lot of schools are picking up no more we're not doing the pencil and paper and showing the pass um and you guys got to get with the time so last year we piloted the Pass Program which is electronically where the kids uh within the classroom less disruptions um where they just kind of put their pass in on their iPad and the teacher some of them have um automatic passes where they can just go out you know how who's in there the great part is is the data that we receive you can um look at data and this is what we're going to do this year we got to inspect it a little bit more because you can see patterns like discipline wise and patterns so we're you know little Johnny or whoever is is out there um you know six times a day uh you know through every single class at this time you know where they're going so um it it looks like it's going to help but it again it's new to us uh but this year we're going to really look at that data and hopefully get something from it and of course it's all about safety and and keeping the kids in line and and making sure the instructional time is not disrupted maybe a little tracking device yeah well our our security guards too we we equipped them at the end of last year because it made sense uh there was nothing to say Hey where's your pass um it made sense sense for them to have you know an iPad too as well to check where you say hey where you going to a to a student and as you know if you've been in this building um you know over the years which you have we're we're very strict you know when when the kids are in their vocational areas that's where they're supposed to be when they're going to the bathroom that's where they're supposed to go when they're in their academic areas that's where they're supposed to be so it it it keeps everything orderly which is a good practice with high schoolers yeah but good question yes it's funny that's a question I always ask a kid or a student or somebody that goes here what they don't like okay and one of the biggest things they say is getting stopped in the hallway yeah but I'm glad you're getting more material and yeah you know and you know with all the devices out there now and um you know with with the epidemic of there also trial and error on both on both sides right and and think about all the iic devices from the the the effects of the the U The Vaping and the drug use and and how they're readily available to everybody the biggest complaints they had they're too strict yeah we have to be you know we have to be to keep everything in line so but we're lucky we work as a team and thanks to you guys and and the students and you know the kids are pretty much the ones that you know that that police this building which is excellent questions none is there a motion for approval on the school Improvement plan so moved motion by m delay second by m CER any further discussion see none please call Mr ear yes mivan yes Mr Rossy yes M yes M yes Mr Fitzgerald yes Mr Irving yes Miss L yes Miss true yes Miss oana yes Mr SL yes passes awesome thank you everyone to another great year next item on the agenda is the business manager miss cosmus good evening Mr chairman superintendent Lynch members of the committee nice to see everybody again can't believe we're two weeks away from school um I have for you this evening they kind of combined the uh year end variance report as well as the transfer request as you know we do this transfer request at the end of the year and what happens is when I do this variance report it shows the columns where I transfer the money to and from and um for those of you who are are newer this year uh we've been really lucky over the past three or four years particularly with the co money to get a lot a lot of Grants so when you think about the fact we do a budget a year and a half before the school year ends when you get grants that you don't expect especially when you get large grants for equipment that allows us to free up money in the school budget and we do take care of a lot of things at the end of the year such as supplies and equipment for the next year so this this transfer at the the end of the year basically balances all those accounts out so that the the budget is balanced at the end of the year before it's you know closed for our state reporting so I would ask that you approve the transfer any questions question um I noticed that about half of the total amount of 1.6 like comes from two of the health insurance lines about 800 over $800,000 is that a struct Surplus is that a conservative estimate of the increase in rates well there's a couple of reasons for that first of all when we did the budget we were expecting like a five or six% increase we actually had a 0% increase um we had some usage that went down we had some people Chang and so the usage went down and of course we were able to shift some to the grants when we got the new grants so yes we had a significant Improvement I mean significant savings as well as if you saw in the salary line as well because again when we got the grants we were able to shift some of the salaries to the grants so those were the two accounts where a lot of that came from I don't know what you're doing to get a 0% health insurance we've been very lucky with our Health Trust we have had good claims any other questions Mr chairman move the superintendent's recommendation that we uh move authorize the line item transfer in the amount of 1,625 481 is there a second second second by Mr any further discussion see none please call the Mr early yes yes yes yes thank you enjoy the rest of the summer thank you thank you next item Committee chairperson in September the annual agenda items will be the school committee review of the Strategic plan in the superintendent update on the goals uh next subcommittee reports executive we have not met uh no meetings needed yet but we will need one when the bids for the um RFP for the legal services come in um instructional Personnel Miss true have not met no meeting needed plan operations Mr Murphy is not here but I believe there's minutes of June 12th 2024 in your packet um somebody wants to make a motion to approve those minutes of the plan operations meeting motion by Mr Gerald seconded by mrki seeing no discussion we'll call the rooll on the minutes of the June 12 2024 plan operations Mr ear yes Miss Sullivan yes Mr Rossy yes Miss caringer M delai Mr Fitzgerald Mr Irving Miss L yes Miss true yes Miss okona yes Mr sloski yes passes salary in negotiations say have not met meeting needed and actually I would like to have a meeting to go over a future job job description okay we could set up the time to have a meeting call me when you're ready could it be before the next school committee meeting yeah let's let's look in the calendar is there a day that works better for everybody doesn't matter to me at this time September 4th Wednesday September 4th was yes yes does that work for everybody yes it does 3 o' you have conference R yeah thank you good on that yeah thank you all right policy uh policy chairman Mr urvan um Mr chairman I believe we have minutes for the policy subcommittee for June 12th to be accepted I move them motion by Mr Irvin for the minutes of June 12th 2024 policy subcommittee seconded by Mr please call the RO Mr early yes Miss Sullivan yes Mr rossie yes Miss Ceno Mr Mr Fitzgerald Mr Irving Miss L yes Miss true yes Miss Okana yes Mr sloski yes Mr chairman also we have a second and final reading for the following policies bhe use of electronic messaging by school committee members ending with efd school nutrition program uh charge policy I move that for a second and final reading uh motion by Mr uran seconded by yes second any discussion see not call the Mr early yes Miss Sullivan yes Mr Rossy yes M CER M yes Mr Fitzgerald Mr Irving Miss L yes Miss true yes Miss oana yes and mros yes AB Mr chairman can I have policy meeting yeah I have one more sure for our first reading uh public comment we've been working on that um the letters of B DH and we added to what was already there for masc and what we have submitted is that written public comment can be submitted to the chair or the superintendent's officer through the superintend office and read by the chair at the following meeting comments must be submitted by noon time of the day of the school committee meeting and that's going to be BH move that for first reading there second second second any discussion seeing none please call Mr ear yes Miss Sullivan yes Mr Rossy miss caringer Mr Del Mr Fitzgerald Mr Irving Miss L yes Miss true yes Miss okor yes Mr slos yes uh M superintendent you looking for another date yes Mr chairman if I could have another policy subcommittee meeting um the day of our next school committee meeting September 11th you can either do 5:30 or 6 I think there's quite a few policies so maybe 5:30 again [Music] neverends also just it's none of my business but usually either September or October we have an instructional meeting so October well let's get these two and then we'll do one in October okay meeting dates next regular school committee meeting is Wednesday September 11th at 6:30 uh no new business posted no executive session posted our motion to adjourn motion made by Mr second by Mr all in favor of adjournment anybody opposed we are adjourned