with the open public meetings act chapter 231 Public Law 1975 the requirements have been satisfied as to the time place and date of holding head meeting by posting notice on the bolon board here in Bur Hall and by mailing and emailing saying to the herald of Kate May County on October 4th 2023 and the Press of Atlantic City on December 13th 2023 in the event of an emergency your emergency exit is our front left your back right the door you came in or our front right your front left just by the American flag um this meeting is being shown live here today on the buroughs Facebook uh and YouTube channel if you want to ask a or make a public comment or ask a question uh you're welcome to di our conference line that number is 888363 4734 and when prompted you're going to enter the access code 9699 20 followed by the pound or the hashtag if you watch the recorded version you're more than welcome to email our clerk clerk Wildwood crest.org or phone her at 69729 8040 looks like we have two ordinances on or sorry three ordinances on the agenda today Madam clerk take it away that correct the first is ordinance 1424 regarding paid parking zones motions that ordinance number 1424 be placed on second and final passage by title only second that it has been moved and seconded that ordinance number 1424 be placed on second and final reading by title only roll call Mr Shi yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes ordinance 1424 reads as follows an ordinance of The Bu of Wildwood Crest amending and supplementing chapter 47 parking meters of the code of the burough of Wildwood Crest to consolidate parking meter zones to a single paid parking Zone to further Define and regulate the use of web based parking systems motion of a public hearing now be held on ordinance number 1424 I can second that it's been moved and second at a public hearing on ordinance number 1424 now be held roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabo yes FL is open for any public comment or ordinance number 1444 come on up to the uh Podium just need your name no address please good morning my name is uh Joe Pino just a couple questions and you know it's probably covered somewhere else but uh on paragraph um 471 the hours of uh period of operation it says is to be determined by the resolution of the Board of Commissioners but it doesn't state where that is maybe that is somewhere else it's in the resolution it's it's annually May 15th through September 15th okay okay and I can get you a copy of the resolution okay what what about the actual hours during the day as far as that that was one of my questions as far as as far as enforcement is concerned yes is that 10 a.m. 8 8 a. 10 okay so that's 14 hours and this is what I'm really getting at is uh in 479 it says that it's not to exceed a maximum of uh eight hours a day to be parked there lawfully and the zone that you've defined from Atlantic Avenue East over to the beach has a lot of business during that may to September time frame there are homes uh with that rent there are condominiums that rent there's going to be multiple cars that don't have parking spaces within their driveways or or the hotels so people are going to have to park somewhere and I'm suggesting that the hours of lawful um lawfully parked at 8 hours a day match the the period of time that you said from 8:00 am. to 10: p.m. and that way somebody can park from you know lawfully they'll have to pay for it but why not align those two time frames because you're going to have we're going to have people from out of town that are visiting that are renting um in our community and that's basically what I'm suggesting that those two align those two periods be aligned okay so it would be 47 paragraph uh nine that would need to be modified to match if you choose to do so okay thank you welcome any comments sounds reasonable Let's uh take a look at it thank you for pointing that out okay so uh any other public comment from anybody here in the audience hearing none we'll go to the conference line anybody have any public comments on ordinance number 1424 hearing none those a public hearing ordinance number 1424 now be closed second it has been moved in second that the public hearing on ordinance number 1424 now be closed roll call Mr shf yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes uh Madam clerk in light of the public comment do we want to table the adoption of this ordinance so the police department can take a look at that yes sir if I may mayor I I think by resolution after the ordinance is adopted you can just change the times the governing body can you can that be a resolution the times you want I think that's the way to go in my opinion and this way we can come back and you guys have an opportunity if you have a problem with it to voice your opinion as long as the chief's okay with it then I'm okay with it governing body decid that's fine that's fine with me I don't know America yeah that's F I mean that's fine Ron is that is that so from an ordinance standpoint versus resolution are we good there well your resolution controls when the uh times are going to be enforced right so in other words the meters are on so to speak from 8: to 10: p.m. the limitation on the hours you can park in any one area that's a time limit parking that could be two hours you got to move the cars give other people opportunity to park or you let the same car occupy the same space for 24h hour period would be the max day after day um so this was already in the ordinance I point that out as well that's not something that this amendment changes um that eight hour uh number was there prior that's what we've been living with for some time now so to change the eight hours uh you can't park more than eight hours in any one spot that would need to be changed by ordinance that's not subject to the resolution resolution is only for the uh enforcement periods got okay okay are you happy with keeping this yes I just want to make sure there's we had a clarification on thank you so the the resident has uh a clear answer as to where the direction of the governing body's going okay uh someone want to make the motion excuse me yep motion that ordinance number 1424 be passed on second final reading and advertise according to law second then been moved in second that ordance number 14 24 be passed on second and final reading and advertised according to law roll call Mr shf yes Mr Franco yes Mr Cabo yes next we have ordinance 1425 regarding EV charging stations motion at ordinance number 1425 be placed on second reading and final passage by title only second it been moved in second that ordinance number 1425 be placed on second and final reading by title only roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes ordinance 1425 reads as follows an ordinance of the Bureau of Wildwood Crest amending and supplementing article 11 of chapter 79 vehicles and traffic of the code of the burough of Wildwood Crest to regulate publicly accessible electric vehicle charging stations motion of a public hearing now be held on ordinance number 1425 question I'll second that it's been moved in second that a public hearing ordinance on number 14 1825 now be held roll call Mr shf yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes floor is open for any public comment on ordinance number 1425 EV charging stations I have cine just a local I was just curious where they will be located are they at the new arts building is that the only place there'll be four units at the uh at the Arts Building yes that's for now that's all we're doing okay and they're just for a standard car they're not for like they're fast charg they're not for lsvs or anything are they they're fast chargers they can be used for anything um Tesla's whatever it's uniform um but they are fast chargers they the 20 minute to 30 minut okay so they're not used for a low speed vehicle when you say low speed you're talking about golf cart golf golf carts have a plug different kind of plug different kind of plug just curious thank you anybody else public the comment Eevee charging stations ordinance number 1425 anybody on the conference line public comments on ordinance number 1425 hearing none motion that have public hearing on ordinance number 1425 now be closed second it has been moved in second that the public hearing on ordance number 1425 now be closed roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franko yes Mr Caba yes I get a motion excuse me motion that ordinance number 1425 be passed on second and final reading and advertised according to law second it has been moved in second and that ordinance number 1425 passed on second and final reading and advertised according to law Ru call Mr sh yes Mr Franco yes Mr yes next we have ordinance 1426 regarding the cap Bank motion at ordinance number 1426 be placed on second reading and final passage by title only I'll second it has been moved in second that orders number 1426 be placed on second and final reading by title only roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr cab yes ordinance 1426 reads as follows an ordinance to establish cap bank for calendar year 2024 pursuing to njsa 4A 44514 motion at a public hearing now beh held on ordinance number 1426 second it has been moved in second that a public hearing on ordinance number 1426 now be held roll call Mr shef yes Mr Franco yes Mr cab yes floor is open for public comment on ordinance number 1426 establishing the C Bank hearing none motion that a public hearing on ordinance number 1426 now be closed second has been moved in second that a public hearing on ordance number 1426 now be closed Ru call Mr shf yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motion that that ordinance number 1426 be passed on second and final reading and advertised according to second off has been moved in excuse me been moved in second that ordinance number 1426 be passed on second and final reading and advertised according to law roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr yes next we have the resolutions the first is opposing the state of New Jersey's new proposed Shore protection rule I'll motion that I'll second it is been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shf yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is cancelling aronia 2024 sewer rents in the amount of $124 for property located at 7201 Ocean Avenue Ocean R second has been moved and seconded the foro resolution be adopted roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing expenditure to resurface the tennis courts contract Under The sourcewell Cooperative purchasing program for the public works department I second it has been moved and seconded that the foring resolution be adopted roll call Mr Shi yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes NEX is authorizing approval of change order number three final and accepting work performed and authorizing the release of performance bond and accepting maintenance bond for the Reconstruction of Syracuse Avenue fiscal year 2022 and J do Municipal Aid and decreasing the contract of Mount by $883 89 for a revised contract amount of 2,236 722 36 it's a lot of numbers motion I'll second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted V call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing Award of Professional Services contract for special counil for General Legal Services pertaining to public utility law at the not to exceed sum of 5,000 motion second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Chef yes Mr frankco yes Mr cabera yes next is authorizing Award of Professional Services contract for specialized legal services to Christopher Orlando and the law firm Parker McKay PA at the not to exceed sum of $5,000 motion I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr CA yes next is authorizing approval of change order number one C View Avenue intersection improvements to reflect UPS battery backup upgrade at the not to exceed sum of $494 motion I will second it has been moved and seconded that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr Shi yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes next is authorizing advertisement of a notice to biders for the 2024 Road resurfacing program motion second it has been moved and second it that the forgoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shef yes Mr Franco yes Mr CA yes lastly is establishing a new bank account with Crest Savings Bank for dispersement account and authorizing signatories for the account motion I will second it has been moved and seconded that the foregoing resolution be adopted roll call Mr shiff yes Mr Franco yes Mr Caba yes motion that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid second it has been moved and seconded that all bills properly authorized as submitted be paid roll call Mr Chef yes Mr Franco yes Mr cab yes than sure okay on the agenda we have a safety presentation Mr Shear safety coordinator I'll keep it short sweet because it's a great report Steve Shear I'm your safety coordinator so the first thing I'm going to do is announce the uh meeting scheduled for 2024 all meetings to be held at bar Hall the adjacent room here uh where all the department heads or design will be uh assigned to required to attend the first meeting is scheduled for March 13th June 12th September 11th December 10th uh the March 13th meeting is at 9:00 a.m. all the proceeding U meetings are at 10:00 a.m. okay onto a few statistics as of September of 2023 to date the accident um workers comp claim reports it's a great news report we have only had three claims that have been filed today in those time frames that's awesome all right um some additional information as the uh safety program on December 19th of this past year we had a safety celebration I was hosted at the Wildwood Recreation Center the lunch in was a reward for um all safe actions for all burrow employees so we're able to obtain this award in the amount of $2500 comes through the the GIF and Mel organizations so if we obtain our goals we achiev the reward and we've done so consecutively for at least the last five six years so let's keep up that great work any questions good job good job St thank you thank you sir don't get shocked on that receptacle see okay it brings us to our first round of public comment we'll start with anybody here in the audience today please come on up to the podium and just give us your name Michael Garrick um just wanted to follow up from the last commissioner's meeting wondering if there was any consideration being made to um put into an ordinance something to to keep the view carer as it is written in the master plan make it part of the the code of the burrow so that the planning board can't stray from it going forward so I think uh safe to say the master plan does does already do that as part of the land land use law the planning board board SL zoning board that's their function as to whether or not after they hear the arguments to make the decision as to whether or not it benefits or has detriments to the community and then they vote based on that so it's that's that's the that's the mechanism to go against the municipal ordinance so to speak so in this case from the last meeting they thought that the benefits did outweigh the detriment so they approved the plan that you're referencing so so there's nothing then that the the Commissioners can do to make sure that it's not violated again in the future as far as I know the answer is no well I don't understand the term violated the mayor just explained what the process is I think if you want to um look at the master plan there's it's done periodically I think it's a 10year basis or there's a periodic reexamination of the master plan uh which point the uh planning board can make recommendations to the governing body to amend the ordinance zoning ordinance anyway well the governing body could make recommendations to the planning board for changes to the zoning ordinance so what you're I guess you would be referring to height restrictions uh along the beach Block in the burrow no I'm I'm referring specifically to The View Corridor that has been reviewed each of the times the reviews were done no changes have been made quite sure what's meant by a view card you have a building height uh limitation in various districts and the property owners are allowed to build up to that height if it blocks a view it blocks a view um The View carer as it's set up in the master plan is on the uh the streets there's a setback from for lack of a better term the side streets not not the Avenues that's supposed to be maintained so that there is that view and it really only applies to the North End of the of the bar so so as the mayor indicated um that then due carridor is really a side yard or front yard setback which you're not supposed to build in variances can be granted from that restriction deviation from that restriction and then you get into the the balance of what the mayor describes decision process of the planning board or zoning board whichever it happens to be in front of so they made a decision they they made the decision if if someone's not happy with that decision they can appeal that to the Superior Court um if there's enough facts in the records to um support the board's decision that it's sustained by the court if not then the court can either overturn it remand it back for further consideration or uphold it those are the three things that could happen Okay on a on another topic the uh feral cats are getting out of control at the dunes um I know it's it's something that is supposed to be enforced by the police it's just a complete nuisance for them I'm wondering if is there any way we can just put a sign at the street ends um that way it will be there too for summer visitors that choose to feed the ever growing feral cat population I mean the last time I checked Earnest Hemingway doesn't have a place in the dunes and it's a mess out there now it's really bad I just quote that reference too uh first of all our police don't police that right you know they're they're not in charge of chasing down cats we do have a uh company that works for us that looks after the cats and um takes care of the injured animals I forget the company name thank you that's correct there's a th C program that it's only for Spade neutered feral cats and they do U make sure that they're neutered but other cats that are not really feral that are you know a nuisance hanging around are not under the control of that program but we can actually we will contact animal control and let them know that the population has grown and it's becoming a Nuance nuisance and see if there's something they can there's there's at least two individuals that go out there every single day and feed them that's correct but i' I've confronted them on more than one occasion and they are under the impression that it is 100% legal that they do that the code although I don't agree with with the penalties the violations that're listed um a fine not to exceed $22,000 or imprisonment in a county jail for a period not to exceed 90 days or both I think that's a little excessive but but if that was posted um it might help yeah we have a bunch of signs up all over the place and we still have violations so I'm not sure the signs are the right way to go maybe we could put it on our uh website do you have any particular streets that you're seeing the cats on it's particularly bad from lavender to Buttercup in that area even coming down to Morning Glory that stretch yeah I've seen them there too it they're out of control I mean it's just they are multiplying like you can't believe and it's we got to we got to address it it's it's bad so we'll take a look at to his point I will say that I personally I was running the bike path in the morning and I saw them and I said you can't do that and they looked at me like I had three heads I mean I've taken pictures of their cars one of the women Parks right at the street end and and gets out another one just walks the bike path with her bag of food and it's just you know if if it's not allowed it shouldn't it shouldn't continue it's just going to make the problem keep getting worse so okay thank you thank you m anybody else public comments anyone in the conference line have any public comments first round okay uh nothing under new business old business uh Workshop meeting uh internally yesterday uh there will be a draft of not only the street opening ordinance but also one for that spell talks about uh concrete flat work Curbing and gutters uh looking to set up another Workshop meeting just a quick overview I think uh I think um Connie overviewed the meeting yesterday to the governing body and I think that Mr Guna solicited uh some or uh circulated some drafts of that and we're hoping to meet again next week week and then the goal would be to introduce uh two new ordinances and revisions at the next meeting in March chapter 67 and 6 yes chapter 63 and 67 and the next meeting is March 27th yes uh lot at Rosemary and seie I think we discussed that at the last meeting just just um just a couple Loose Ends we have to tie down and think through so nothing moving on that at the moment uh concession agreement that's one hold pending this Dune project traffic calming that has already been awarded to an engineer Back Bay Beach exavation is uh also subject to the uh the Army Corps D Dune drudging anything constants Mr Franco anybody actually the latest update is that um 90 90% plans we expect them to come in August right now we're at 65% um the 95% plans which are really final because there are always tweaks to to a plan um on site so there's never 100% plan they should be in by January 1 the project does look like it is going forward in 2025 with the way things are going with acquisition right now they have about 45% of the title searches done at this time which means they're actively pursuing and should come to you know a screeching called on that um by the January time frame that they were expecting so it does look like the Doom project will happen in 2025 at this point okay that was the latest update as yesterday from D Coastal Engineering and we're still going to have an opportunity k p the group I send you an email on that okay but we're waiting for you to come up with dates okay yeah thank you I'm just waiting on your response on that y okay it may be by Zoom Bel any else all right uh New Jersey Avenue infrastructure pre precount uh so that's a a topic for uh some Capital planning which uh uh I'm going to meet with Mark after this meeting uh to discuss some of that stuff I know the county is intending to start in the spring of 2026 which means the infrastructure along New Jersey Avenue and we just for the record had a uh collapse sewer line as an as an emergency uh repair so the the infrastructure there is in bad shape so you need to get that on the on the radar like real soon uh public Works roof uh is just waiting that's also waiting for funding uh however we did award for the recreation center roof and the flat roof at the pool uh to be uh to be uh repaired and replaced sometime in the very near future we're just waiting for some of the details to to get uh get everything signed off on and all the insurance is in place uh bas light outfalls capacity that's uh that's also subject to some additional funding so we're going to again talk about that uh very shortly puts the funding in place that we need to get that project out and running and we're still waiting on anything from Triad on on the uh the grant we have Triad on one Grant and we have Jala on the other the application for Triad is in I speak with for this afternoon about the other for Washington okay one grand application is complete been working to try on yeah so Triad Triad has the Bayside right Anda has the Washington Avenue yeah okay all right last round of public comments hello Catherine Hughes um this was probably done at a different meeting but uh I was wondering um how many how much money was collected in fines in 20123 with dumpster coverings we had a whole big thing over last year uh you're going to violate and do finds on anybody who didn't have coverings is there a number did we collect get that for would know that off the top of our all right uh was anything happened to habitual developers who we had to constantly call on were they not allowed to do business or they just they covered their dumpster what they were covering their dumpsters up I called significant amount of times on one specific dumpster over and over again and was just wondering if any actually happened to these people if they were uh responsible for it enfor I would have to code enforcement to know the we can find out back to you but we don't have the answer right now's not here okay any did spoke to the code of enforcement officials and uh the ones you're referencing they did go out and speak to the contractors um and they often do this without calls from the public they go out every morning and they check every construction site if if the construction site is in operation the dumpster doesn't have to be covered it's covered I understand that but what about at night time at like 700 p.m. shouldn't be checked at that point well you can call the police department okay and we we'll we'll go over and then code enforcement will follow up with the contractors are actually there and ensure that they uh cover them for the evening okay thank you I appreciate it okay anybody else public comments anybody on the conference line have public comments [Music] there none Commissioners you have anything before we close it out I'm fine there I do uh two things one I'd like to congratulate the Wildwood basketball teams on their Championship run girls are playing tonight Brian where are they playing so 5 o' at De is that going to be televised by any chance if you know uh I think at FHS you have to pay for it okay so your group is not doing correct uh so that that's one good thing I'd like to ask Mr Crips to come up for a second and he's got some good news to tell us yeah a uh the wood crest Volunteer Fire Company submitted uh on behalf of the burrow governing body as well the administration uh the 2024 American Rescue plan for firefighters Grant uh received top the top money P uh money which was $75,000 so uh we just recently were rewarded that uh through the fire company and thanks to uh to Connie and and Francine and the governing body and all that involved in it that helped get that through so it was an easy Grant uh through sage and uh uh fr's not here but I know maybe kind of I know they just recently uh awarded as of last night so uh we did get the highest in the county um there was six agencies or five agencies within the county that applied for it and we got the uh top number awesome great thank you yeah thank you what's that for parties oh specifies what you are able to use it for so that was all done when they app yeah for personal protective equipment it's I guess the basic standard is it was money left over from the co funds gotta so every year they've been submitting it uh and putting this out there so PPE PP so got it thanks again that's all I have uh anything I have is just to remind everybody that we have an event at the crest ARS Pavilion this Saturday 2 p.m uh uh Dorothy kisic from Sun by the Sea will be speaking to the crest Crest history so if you have an opportunity to get over to the arch Pavilion don't mind the construction we're are under construction at the moment so just make sure everybody uses the front entrance on Ocean Avenue all right that's all I have for the good of the orders entertain a motion to uh adjourn I was second