okay good okay okay so option yes Captain bucks is going to be on to times all right good evening everyone can everyone uh hear me okay okay we'll go ahead and uh we'll go ahead and uh get started so uh good evening well Willingboro and welcome to the JFK Center and welcome to everybody online I'm captain Ian bucks the public safety director for Willingboro Township so today marks you know a significant opportunity you know for us as a community you know to come together and discuss a project that the police department is moving forward with and give us the ability to answer questions that you may have so our community is filled with individuals who share you know the common goal of ensuring the safety and well-being of our families friends neighbors and businesses you know and we as a police Department you know we want to make sure we're as transparent as possible and we want our residents to know and trust your police department and that we also have you know your your best interests at heart you know I said it you know a bunch of times you know when I've when I've done some some different events and uh spoke at different at spoke at different events we as a police department are only as good as the relationship that we have with the community and that the community has with us you know and that's and that's why we're here tonight so tonight's format it's going to be a brief overview of the police the police department's decision on why we looked into this project a presentation by sound thinking and then a question and answer session so before I get started I'd like to introduce the panel and give them the opportunity to say a few words so I'll start with our Deputy Mayor Natt Anderson good evening good evening willber good evening our mayor K Macintosh could not be with us this evening due to work obligations so I'm sitting in for her and the rest of my Town Council Members she ask me to read a statement to the community just to give you some insight as to what this forum is all about Welcome to our Willingboro Community G for to discuss the possible mation of shot spot technology in our this form is intended not to be a sales pitch but rather a platform open dialogue and feedback last year the Willingboro Police Department was awarded a grant for gunshot detection technology as part of this initiative we have partnered with sound thinking formerly known as shotspot to bring this technology to our community this technology has been implemented in numerous law enforcement agencies across New Jersey and has proven to be effective and enhancing Public Safety shot spotted technology is designed to detect and locate gunfire in real time allowing law enforcement to respond swiftly to incidents by pinpointing the location of gunshots more accurately and quickly than relying solely on 911 calls shotspot can potentially save lives by facilitating faster medical attention for victims and aiding and an apprehension of suspects today we are joined by representative from both the Willingboro police department and sound thinking to provide information about how this technology works and to address any questions concerns or feedback from our community we encourage all residents to share their thoughts and insights on this subject your feedback will be very vital to helping us determine how we move forward if any questions cannot be answered during this forum rest assure we will follow up with you to get answers back to you as soon as possible just want to thank you for your participation and let's begin our discussion on how we can work together to enhance the safety and well-being of the Willingboro Community thank you also uh council member Dr Tiffany worthy she is in rot she'll be here in a little bit and she'll give her comments at the end of uh end of the presentation to my far left your far right our Township manager Dwayne Harris good evening everyone I just want to thank you for taking some opportunity uh or time out of your your schedule to come to this uh important session uh it's very important and certain things that we do in the community that we get community input and uh know how you feel about things so that's why we're here so feel free to speak what is on your heart uh no question is out of bound and uh and like the deputy mayor said if there is a question that we don't have the answer for you we will be very diligent in making sure that you get the answers to your questions thank you seated next to uh Mr Harris is our Pro our Patrol Division Commander Captain Jeff Perez he got his cheering session with him I see good evening everyone I just want to say thank you so much for uh coming to uh to this forum for us again it's our honor to serve you you and uh we welcome all your input and we hopefully we can answer all your questions and laay any uh any concerns you may have about this project so thank you and directly to my left is from sound thinking our customer service director Dr Kesha fed well good evening everyone is okay is it good can you hear me I know mine's good good there you go I don't know what you did something to the mic but good evening everyone thank you for the round of applause because I was feeling some type of way I thought I need to bring some cheerleaders with me nobody told me that but thank you for your time coming out this evening as the C customer success director my goal is to make sure that the PD as well as the community is satisfied and they are successful so I am here this evening to talk about what our technology does and how it can benefit your community I will tell you I have 19 years of law enforcement experience before I came over to sound thinking and I started out in community and crime prevention and so I know what it's like to be in the community that is riveted with gunfire and not necessarily knowing who's who shooting or you know who should we call so I can just tell you from personal experiences when start talking I will share some of those things with you and how I know that this technology can be very beneficial to willings world look forward to the conversation all right thank you thank you and again and thank you all for uh for being here tonight you know so so why invest in this software you know and is it worth it so the state of New Jersey was giving out grants you know and based on our numbers we decided to apply for this grant you know so so I talk about numbers you know what what are our numbers or what were our numbers we analyzed the data from 21 2022 and 2023 and the data that we analyzed was from calls that we were dispatched to so it's important to to notice the distinction or or the differences between calls that we were dispatched to and then calls that we were never dispatched to so the data that we have is only the calls that we were dispatch to and I broke them up into they're broken up into three different categories fireworks gunshots and shootings so how it works is a if someone dials 911 they're going to call our Dispatch Center our Dispatch Center is going to gather the information and you whatever the caller is reporting is that's how we're being dispatched to so it could in theory be a shots fired call but we're getting dispatched to a fireworks call or or vice versa so I'm going to briefly go over go over those numbers then I'll break them down a little bit further then I'll break those numbers down a little bit further so in 2021 we had 104 calls that we were dispatched for fireworks 96 calls for gunshots and seven calls for shootings for a total of 27 in 2021 in 2022 fireworks were 57 gunshots were 72 and shooting calls were 14 for a total of 143 in 2023 50 calls we were dispatched to for fireworks 58 calls we were dispatched to for gunshots and five calls we were dispatched to for shootings for a total of 113 so if I go over the the the totals real quick 2021 27 total 2022 143 total and 2023 113 and those are the calls that we know about and that we were dispatched to so you take those numbers and we I broke them down a little bit farther to where evidence of a shooting was actually found by either our Patrol officers or following up the next day uh by our detective division so in 2021 where evidence was found of gunshots there was 26 26 circumstances where evidence was found 2022 there was 30 and 2023 there was 202 there was 20 there was 23 so again 21 26 22 2022 there was 30 and 2023 there was 23 so now I broke that down just a little bit further to talk about homicides that were caused by gunfire over those three years so in 2021 we had two homicides two homicides that were caused by gunfire 2022 we had one and in 2023 we had zero you know so so based on that data we applied for the grant and we were awarded for the grant so what did we do from there so at that point you know we decided we started doing our research and looking for a company that that offered this technology technology and we reached out to to sound thinking so why did we choose sound thinking because of their reputation their longevity in the business and the footprint that they already have in the state of New Jersey so we entered into a two-year contract with them so that two-year contract is no cost to the taxpayer that's complet completely funded through the grant that we applied for so it it it's important to me to make sure that that I express to you that there that there is no there's no cost to the taxpayer for two years so what's going to happen after that we have to re-evaluate we have to re-evaluate the whole project and then we have to determine whether we want to continue to move forward with our contract and at that point we have to either apply for more grants and if we don't get any grants then it would have to be built into our budget so for the time being a two-year project that's going to be re-evaluated and determined whether we continue to move forward after those two years so I think at this point I will turn it over to uh Dr fed and uh you can give your presentation I don't knowes it doesn't well I can yeah I'll so Sean if you could go ahead and pull up um the PowerPoint okay all right next slide please so this is going to be short but I want you to know that you have two dedicated people here today starting with myself I also have the project manager Addie here with me Addie is going to be the one that you all will be if you are if it's favorable she will be the one that you will be actually working with majority of the time until you are deployed so right now Willingboro will be seeing kha fed's face and Addie rosado's face all the time because we want to make sure that you are Su are successful next slide please and you can press play please this is going to be a video showing you how shot spotle works a gun is fired somewhere in your city so what happens now in the past there was a SL chance the shooting would be reported to police at all even when it was it took precious time and there was often confusion regarding the location of the shooting and other pertinent information at least that's how things were shotspotter has changed all that by utilizing advanced technology honed over two decades we have automated the process we monitor gunfire activity 24/7 so if a a gun is fired in any area within shot spotter coverage the system detects locates and immediately alerts police of The Gunshot so how does it work it starts with acoustic sensors that are placed on buildings or Street lamps throughout a neighborhood if a gun is fired anywhere in the area multiple sensors detect and timestamp the sound the precise location of The Gunshot is determined based on the amount of time it takes for the sound of The Gunshot to travel to each individual sensor effectively triangulating the sound the exact location of the detected gunshot is indicated by a DOT on a map once an alert is generated it is immediately sent to our IRC or incident review center where trained acoustic experts then analyze each incident in mere seconds determining if the sound is gunfire shotspotter acoustic analysts receive extensive training on reviewing and classifying gunfire by distinguishing gunshots from other impulsive sounds that are not gunshots in addition they're trained to append additional contextual information such as multiple shooter alerts or full automatic weapons alerts that can prove to be essential tactical intelligence for law enforcement agencies responding to these crimes the entire transaction takes place in less than 60 seconds with the real time shot spotter alerts police can immediately be dispatched to the team utilizing the gunfire audio clip and tactical information officers can approach an exact location quickly and safely to engage the shooter interview Witnesses and collect key evidence at the crime scene the shot spotter app enables Patrol officers to receive realtime alerts quickly and effectively in their patrol car on mdts or on the go on their smartphones the shots spotter alert system is used in more than 150 cities and is an invaluable to tool to help make communities safer by responding to gunshot incidents faster making it easy to find evidence and reducing risk for police officers okay so there may be questions I want to walk through how shot spot works so you just saw the video but I'm going to walk you through it as well because one thing that you did not hear them saying there on that video was that we have sensors that are listening to conversations we have sensors that are or cameras that are monitoring your ins and outs you did not hear those things and I want to make sure that we're very clear that's not what our technology does it's designed to pick up bangs pops and Booms that's all okay next slide please so the way shot spot Works a gun is fired just selling it could be someone just firing off like a 4th of July or New Year's Eve or they've actually shot someone so our system detects that it's detected and it's located by that time it's going to send it to our review center we're going to actually have live people listening in to hear and determine whether or not it is actually gunfire they're going to review it they're going to listen to it they're going to immediately send that to an officer the officer will receive it on their smartphone or in their um mobile device on their mobile devices in the cars they're responding there may be 911 calls but the 911 calls are going to come about three five blocks further away we are able to get EMS there do some life-saving um measures recover evidence officers can move forward this is all done again in less than 60 seconds so our commitment to you Willingboro to the PD next slide our service level agreement is that as long as it's unsuppressed gunfire outdoor and unsuppressed mean that it doesn't have a silencer it's not close range it's not inside of a car that is outside again not invading your privacy in your homes if a shooting happens inside of a home we're not we won't be able to detect that we're not saying that we would not be able to pick up a sound at some point but we do not do that because of privacy issues next is it has to be above a 25 caliber a 25 caliber or higher those are the type of guns that we detect our accuracy level we say 90% but we have an average of about 97% Nationwide next when we when we provide that alert to officers they are directed to a space that is about 82 feet or 25 meter Halo so they are detect we detect it we tell them approximately how many shots that the system has picked up and they go to that particular site unlike if you were to have called 911 and you say I think I just heard a gunshot I don't know where it came from so what law enforcement is goingon to do what are they gonna do if you call 911 what they gonna do they're going to come to your house you told them you heard the gunshot you heard it you didn't fire it it didn't happen in your home so now they're going to waste waste precious time trying to ask you questions the only thing you heard was a gunfire or thought you heard a gunfire but what our technology is going to do is put officers to the closer to that scene in less than 60 seconds so that is what we're guaranteeing and that we will actually be able to publish that again within 60 seconds so that means that our systems are out there lying d d dormant listening for a bang pop boom as soon as it as it hears it it's sending it to our incident review center we have men and women that are listening to determine whether or not that's something to dismiss whether it's backfire of a car whether it's fireworks or it's a gunshot they're doing that on an average between 32 to 40 seconds less than a minute and then getting alus is there on the scene so therefore you have a quicker response time everybody understand that okay next slide so when the notification comes about it gives officers pretty good information things that you wouldn't necessarily know if you did call 911 but it's going to pretty much give them a a specific location not the direct location but it gives them a specific location but typically where you see that six some of you may be further away so I'm going to walk up to it wherever that six is located we're saying that six shots were fired there so if a gun was utilized and someone did not pick up their casings law enforcement will be able to go there and either find evidence be able to render Aid to someone that was shot or even or find property damage something of the sort that's what we're saying we detecting 60 six rounds in that 82 feet Halo so if they don't find it exactly where that dot is and 80% of the time most officers that have our technology will say that that's exactly where they found them um the evidence but if they don't they can search that Halo area it tells them the time of day the location the area of travel if it was someone running a um in a vehicle that may be a driveby and they having a firearm out of the window we can detect those type of things so that is what officers are receiving in less than 60 seconds next slide one other thing that we do we go a bit further you don't this is pay I'm going to say it's already factured in you get a lot more services from us than you would anybody else and we stand behind that we guarantee our work we monitor the sensors we repair them ourselves if anything goes wrong and not only that the data for good can you go back one slide for me please what we do with data for good we actually have a community engagement team they will come out they work with the community groups they will work with public health departments because we know that individuals that are in these particular areas where gun is riveting or fire having gunfire sometimes these individuals are indirect victims so they need assistance and if we can share that data with Community um influencers and organizations we can start providing an additional assistance to individuals that may need it this is especially important for your schools where you have kids that hear gunfire they're used to hearing it it's normal for them now which no kid it should be normal for them to hear gunfire and then gotta get up the next morning and go to work I mean go to school and then think that the teacher thinks that they're not paying attention and wondering why well they just heard somebody they just saw their loved one shot last night so these things this type of information we can provide it to you not to you directly but to community organizations that are working together that can actually work with the community to get you involved to assist these are the things that we do we have so many opportunities that we will come out and we will work with Community do if you have Community um programs like your cop with a coffee with a cop things with that nature we come out and provide literature and talk to the actual Community as well so we don't leave your side we're not like a refrigerator we don't sell it to you and say hey two two years and that's we we're gone we're here for you so next slide our next steps our next steps I'm GNA have Addie to come up and talk just a brief bit about what's needed and why we really want you here to ask those questions that need to be asked or that may be burning for you good afternoon everyone um I am the project manager for Willing borrow I'm the one that's designing the area of what the select area of where the discussed of Need for this one square mile area I am the one that goes on site and I start knocking on doors and requesting permission from homeowners residential and Commercial businesses um I obtain the permissions basically from you they are allowing us to put a sensor on the space of your residence or commercial building um once that's completed I'm the one arranges the starton and turn on the system making sure that it works properly um once that goes on they will get the notification we'll make sure that the team is trained up so that the officers uh in Willingboro actually understand how to use the system we'll get that running as well once everything is good to go and everything is working we will switch the switch it on basically all the sensors will be working properly and then it will detect gunfire from there on um it's very simple as that the only problem that we have not a problem but the more the position that we have that's more time consuming is the permission process we have to obtain the permission from residential and Commercial businesses because some locations we don't have the ability to use utility polls um so we have to depend on the The Help from the community to do that um so the point of contact I will be the point of contact for that so that being said if you feel that you are comfortable with this idea of allowing us to put a sensor on your business or commercial property or business or anything like that or rental proper property that you may have within Willingboro you may contact me you have my phone number and email if you don't have my card I can give that to you for as well you send me a message and I can check to see if your location is in the radius of where I need it to be um there are about over 40 40 to 50 sensors I need to be installed it does not have to be on every house or every building um our own field technicians will go out within the month of March because that's when we're trying to go live they will go out in March they'll get them installed um once it's installed there's nothing else to it it's a sensor is about 13 to six inches big we have different mounting options for depending the building that we're using so we have a chimney Mount strap Mount things like that um because every house is different we don't cause any damage into the roof it's not something that we do because we don't want have to pay for a whole new roof um we have different ways that you'll be comfortable with to ensure that you're okay with that sensor being on your property on the building we try that to do it as high as possible so where it's able to communicate with each other every sensor does not work independently as you can see in the the um the video it has to work in conjunction with the other sensors to triangulate where the gunfire is going um so basically that's how that system pretty much works I'm actually a deputy sheriff in South Carolina also of I'm on the road for about seven years now I actually use the shot spotter system on the road so it's something that I'm actually currently using not only helping to get installed in other communities to help law enforcement which is my brothers and sisters in blue but I'm actually using the system as in my own community so so thank you Addie so with that being said I'm going to turn it back over to Captain M thank you Dr fed I appreciate that so I think it was uh it was it was pretty important to to to communicate that when a call is dispatched from a resident without this technology you know there's the PO potential that your police officers are going to the completely wrong area you know as a as a homeowner as as a resident you know you may hear gunshots or you may hear fireworks and we'll just use gunshots and say Hey listen I just heard it it sounds like it was coming from you know pennant Lane and I just use pennant Lane because that's where I was from so it out so that may not be the that may not be the correct location but what sound thinking does it pinpoints that area and when they're talking about the notifications to our police officers it's going to go to our central dispatch and then it's also going to like Dr fed said it'll be on their mobile device it's going to also be in their incar laptops so they'll get those notifications immediately so um I think at this point we'll open it up to the community to to answer uh any questions or any concerns that that you may have if we could just slide the mic over by uh Lieutenant toner and if you have a question you know feel free to uh or we could actually you know what here we go so Captain bucks thank you and I would like to start off the the questioning uh with two questions number one how many persons do you are there located in the incident review centers um monitoring um you know the shot spotter technology so if a gunshot goes off in Willingboro at the same time one goes off in Camden you know how do you distinguish between or or is that person able to handle those two situations simultaneously thank you for the question yeah we have two incident review centers we have one on the west coast which is where our headquarters is in um Fremont California and we also have one on the east coast in Washington DC and for 20 247 we have we have 20 incident reviewers that are constantly Around the Clock listening to bang pops and Booms around the nation because not only are we operating in the United States we also have um sensors in South Africa as well as well as Uruguay okay and then my other second question the sensor locations are those confidential locations uh where they're where they at are in the community they are supposed to be yes they are yes to your question but I do want to address because some you all may have heard there have been leaks we just recently been dealing with um some employees that discal um ex-employees that exposed some detail some locations that they should not have and so we are currently taking civil and criminal actions against those individuals but those locations are confidential to protect the individuals the homeowners the business owners as well as the PD that's why we do not give exact locations we don't want the um technology to be tampered with you're welcome thank you for the question so so my question is willing Burl is approximately 7 m 7.7 miles how is it determined where the placements are what is it based off of so the the location was determined by utilizing our crime analyst our crime analyst went back uh Lieutenant Tona was it five years last the last five years of those uh of of the shooting calls or shots fire calls and he was able to determine a location within the municipality of where these of where I guess you could determine or could call our our our most frequently uh area of shootings have occurred it's it's it's one square mile uh guaranteed there is the possibility that uh that that that the detection can be heard a little further but sound thinkings guarantee is within that one square mile it may pick something up outside but they're only guarantee is for within that one square mile radius yes sir okay I'm not good at disguising my face so I've been making faces I'm sorry but what I'm asking okay you said one square mile is the detection area right I'm thinking about willenberg I've been here 40 years houses y that's kind of far off and I'm reading a sign here where it asked about um it talks about Camden and all these major inner cities that have it and I'm trying to understand why you came to this conclusion because from the numbers that you quoted crime was going down as I said I've been here 40 years I haven't seen where we're at the point where I think we need this do we need a change yes absolutely there was a shooting out in front of my house so I'm all for technology and you know trying to resolve the issue but I'm not really sure if this is something that's you know going to do that for us because again it's a mile radius that could be anywhere it could be that's from Mil Creek Park to the police station like that's not really narrowing it down in a residential neighborhood like this it might work better in C50 block but we're not a city then on the other hand as a homeowner my thought is what is this going to do to our property values having a shot spotter we're not Camden we're not Ohio you know our values just got good I'm just trying to figure out what shine on our you know so I'll start off by saying you you you pointed out that those are larger cities and I will tell you that we have several small cities that have less uh one was to come to mind is only two square miles but within that how can you put a value on a life that's generally and this is what this particular Chief said you know that he did not want to put a value on a life because one life saved is one life saved and it can cost up to almost a million dollars when you start figuring out hospital care me mental what all those things those charges are the question that you asked about property taxes and things of that nature this is not some big structure that's going to devalue your home if any anything if crime goes down in your particular neighborhood then that means that your value your home value could go up but if it's a an area where you have had crime on a continuous basis if it's considered one of those areas where there's a lot of crime and people know about it then your home value will be down so if you can decrease the crime in your area even within a year's time most of our customers start seeing even a more decrease you were talking about the numbers that um Captain books present it so yes you're right the numbers were going down but you still have some shootings and you're still maybe losing lives and so therefore that in itself is a value and can increase the value and I'm G to pass it on to you know and I and I think it's important that this is just another tool in our in our toolbox you know and the numbers that I presented were the ones where someone actually called unfortunately you know there are circumstances you know within our community where we don't get a call you know we've been you know we've we've handled incidents where we don't get a phone call until somebody is already at the hospital and that next thing you know we're trying to to backtrack to find out did this happen in Willingboro did it happen in one of our neighboring communities you know and if it did happen here in town where is the location you know um going back going back a few years ago you know we we had a a homicide um where unfortunately someone was was shot and killed and they weren't found until the next day when a neighbor walked out of their house and saw that person in their in their vehicle you know I understand it's only it's only one square mile I wish we had the ability and the funding to do the entire municipality you know but we have what we you know the what we have to work with good evening I wanted to um also add on um the comment about the one one square mile that's the coverage area not where it's pinpointed so um one square mile is is a big space as you noted but when the reports come through Dr Fed was showing that small circle that's what the police see so they don't get that something happened in a square one square mile the what's the radius Dr Kesha for the 82 feet is yeah so that's the detection they'll let them let them know there was something in that 82t Circle so so um the one square mile is the coverage area the 82 feet is um how it would pinpoint it I also wanted to comment um I had a few residents asked me a very similar question they said is willing borrow so bad that now we have to get this technology um and I responded I remember early on when I was on Council we needed to get a new fire truck and the fire truck was a 1997 it was just about going out of commission the cost of a new firet truck is about $2 million um and it takes about a year to BU build and um some members of the community felt like well but how often is it going to be used how many calls really go out for a fire truck um and and this particular truck had a ladder that could reach up um high enough for like our senior um housing and resident said well how many fires have they had in the past you know and I said well but if there is a fire we want to be equipped we want to make sure that we have um what we need and make the investment and so I I kind of use that same logic with this it's not that Willingboro is oh so bad that we need this technology but it is another tool that can help us it's something that's proactive and we'll see how it goes it's not costing us anything it's an opportunity to try it if the community says we don't want it take it up uh we don't want to do this anymore we can re-evaluate at the end of the year so it's an opportunity for us to try it out and to see what kind of data it's producing what does Captain Buck Say based on his professional recommendation and how our law enforcement team is out in the field using it and is it helpful or not so it's an opportunity for us to try it out and it's not costing us anything thank you for your question I'm not sure if you um reported this data um it said that the technology doesn't uh pick up anything in the home how many of the shootings are in the home versus outside I don't have that particular data good evening Captain bucks um I live um on W Lane in the back of my yard just like can looking through there you have the big Park mil Creek Park um and I see everything I'm sorry I I'm sorry um I said that I live on on Lane uh literally uh when you my backyard uh if that's the fence the glass I see everything in the park everything goes um and we get a we get a lot of fireworks I don't necessarily think it's a lot of shootings but I'm GNA tell you during the October seasoning of for hunting is really bad and when I call you guys so I'm one of the ones that call you guys because sometimes it sounds like it's in my backyard uh they say it's in dur or they say they're out there duck hunting uh in mil Creek Park and that comes a lot and that Echoes if is foggy it echoes all throughout so you know I like free and I'm try I willn't try anything free but when I was on Council there was a large cost to shot spotter so what is after free uh to make sure that we really need it here um because I mean we you know as mayor we looked at that um and to see but the cost was prohibited and I think that should be told to the public but I'm more concerned here as a private citizen you know in my particular area that those um those hunting dayses they can get really really loud one time I called you guys I thought it literally was in my backyard backyard and uh they out there shooting Donald Duck you know whatever uh but uh how does that play into do you're you're 100% correct you know we do get those those calls for uh for uh the duck hunters and it just it's just that's what it is you know this technology would would pick up those uh would would pick up those types of calls and what it would do it it would pinpoint within within 82 feet 82 feet of where that is and if they're in their Duck Blind you know out on uh you know one of the one of the Lakes it would pinpoint in you know in that area uh in reference in reference to cost the grant was for two years for $99,000 so divide that by two was at 40 495 49,500 uh per year and it covers 1 square mile great points and I'm glad you mentioned the 4th of July as well New Year's Eve so what we do is during those particular times when we know that the rate that there's going to be a large number of fireworks as well as gun Fir and although we are still trying to discourage celebratory gunfire what we do is we actually let all of our customers know we do much more suppression during that time but we still do detect gun gunfire and we're going to send send the alert to law enforcement but they law enforcement has the discretion to determine if it's a particular area where it's like like you know that people are just firing off because it's New Year's Eve or it's the 4th of July fire fireworks that sounds like um you're in the war but coming back around to the firework I mean at the park and the duck shooting what we could do and I don't know if I've even shared this with Captain Buck if you let Addie know we can actually let our team know so when the duck season comes into play if the sensors are in that area somewhere near near that area we can let our team know so that when they're listening they can start trying to filter out some of that during that time around that October time frame so there are ways to try to mitigate some of that okay we're doing a fireworks where they're doing the fireworks and they hurt themselves so they can also still show up to the scene even though it may be a fireworks and not an actual fire and some you know back up Terry you know somebody hurt themselves in the process of now they're losing fingers and they're bleeding out or they shot themselves or they shot their buddy while they were dug hunting because he was in a way or because he was was his son so you need to open your mind when it comes to the dug hunting situation yes it happens and they're aware they know the are is that's where it's hot but at the same time we do have people who also hurt themselves in the process and they're able to render Aid as soon as possible because it's that dug hunting season fireworks season and it's either you bleed out out or they show up so it's and nobody's going to call because it's fireworks right oh it's just fireworks but you got little Jimmy here who blew his fingers out he's bleeding out because everybody just thought it was regular fireworks so keep that in mind also and we also we respond to every call that comes in you know whether it's uh whether it's the fireworks calls or if it's you know the duck Hunters you know our officers respond to every call that uh that get that we get dispatched to got a question right here in the back and then I'll get to the guy um we've been living here since 1965 and I know that people always want to say I've been here 20 years 40 years whatever they weren't living here the way we lived here in the beginning that means your doors are un your doors are not locked your windows are not locked now we see this stuff all the time when we've called the police for the gunshots they've arrived at least within three minutes found the shells and that doesn't include us riding around and almost getting claught between stuff on Charleston Road and all over the place that doesn't include over there at the JFK Center when the person was shot in the car this is something that is needed this doesn't have to do with your property values or anything else if we don't get a grip and a handle on this as people come to the town visiting people who came from other towns from ghettos and other towns and have dumped this on top of us you may not want to hear this but this is what is going on in the meantime they can isolate these shots when nobody calls in when they don't hear it in their home and we can start back from 200 for even back to the infamous Melbourne Lane shooting these people move here they get shot they go back to Camden to Trenton and have their funerals and we're left here on top of all of this the gunshots the bleeding and whatever you may not think it's important you may not think it matters but it does matter and Ed explained it very well she's exactly right when people shoot off the fireworks when we used to have fireworks in the town and now people are shooting them off individually people do get hurt people do get hurt when people fire gunshots off for deer hunting and also for other things when you're looking at a mile radius and where the sensors are from our house it is almost one mile to the Willingboro Plaza that's a lot of sound okay and that's a lot of space but when you're driving all over town at night and you decide well I'm not getting gas after 9ine anymore I'm not getting gas after 10: we can't keep our company open anymore after 9 or 10 because we're coming in gunshot range of people just fir firing and shooting things this is not because the police aren't doing their job it's just we have too many different types of people here now and you may not want to hear this you may not like what I'm saying but it's the truth of the matter and this is a good thing to do if we go past the time for the grant revisit it the way they're saying see what other money that we can get and make the town a place where somebody would want to move to instead of what I hear all over the place oh Willingboro yes now we're oh Willingboro not Willingboro is a safe place to be and that's the truth of the matter what about the kids that were in the school on on uh Evergreen Drive when the gunshots were fired in there you're forgetting all of this stuff what about all the that I could give you tons of stuff everything is not in the papers okay it is not all in the papers and we didn't live here like this I okay I'm not a spring chicken I may look younger than I am but I'm telling you I lived here at 11 and a half years old in 1965 we know this town like the back of our hand we know this town before Garfield was put in here so I mean they were breaking ground when we came here this town is larger and bigger than it was and anybody can move here now they don't even have to have the money to be here they can come here they can leave they can do damage destroy things in the school destroy things in the neighborhood and then they'll go back to where they came from and we're all still living here okay that's what I wanted to thank you thank you can I director may I add a quick Point sir yes sir am to speak to your your uh question earlier um it was referring to uh director Buck's numbers the shooting numbers for 21 22 and 23 and yeah they don't sound crazy but please understand that my understanding 80% of shootings are not reported so that pretty much represents 20% of the shootings that we actually dispatch to so who knows what the numbers really are um and that's unfortunate and also you know we live in a day and age now where the proliferation of of firearms in our communities are at an alltime High you see the the mass shootings we have throughout the country and our schools guns are everywhere and so yeah one square mile may not sound a lot but one square mile is better than no miles or no miles of coverage in this town so please understand that 80% are not reported yes ma'am Well ma'am I I grew up in Camden so I tell you the problem is not the technology the problem is poverty lack of opportunities in education lack of opportunities for our young people to you know have active school programs uh you know good education because I went through their school system and I know what it's like compared to somewhere no I'm sorry ma'am that's going I'm not saying it's not but I'm saying I don't I don't think that that's just the just having that technology is going to fix everything I think it's part of the solution part A Tool but I think their problems go a lot deeper deeper than just shot spotter I hate I hate to interrupt I'm so sorry but I want to make sure that everybody gets their first question out so my question is uh shots spotter has been called by other groups in throughout the US from other organizations as a probable cause generator so my question is really not about shot spotter but what would happen if there's a false positive or something that was detected as a gunshot and police are dispatched to a location what is it going to be what are the policing policies going to be to ensure that our civil rights are protected so we have and we've created a a document and a policy everything that we do in our Police Department we have policiy procedures for everything whether you're being being dispatched uh via shot spotter or whether you're being dispatched through 911 our response is is going to be very you know very similar you know you still have to realize that there is that possibility that it was a a false Activation so our officers have to respond pretty much the same way whether it's coming from you know shot spotter or whether it's coming from our Dispatch Center you know and we're going to make take the the necessary you know precautions on on how we respond and then as the situation unfolds and that's how our you know that's how our tactics our tactics are going to dictate the situation you know if that if that kind of makes sense you know depending on the situation is going to be the officer's response thank you uh William Weston concerned citizen uh I understand shot spotter is a tool and with a tool I just want to know is what training do the people who handled the incident reviews have and is that data admissible to court or can it be used for uh you know as evidence and my second question is about the funding after the two-year period if we were if the town was to not to continue we'll say the subscription is there any obligation so your first question as far as the IR the incident review center reviewers they go through training they go through extensive train training and repeat trainings we don't claim to be 100% so part of that false positive that the gentleman just mentioned there if there is a false positive or even a false negative where it may have been dismissed by human error those are times where we actually have those sound bites and we play those back for our reviewers so that they can become acquainted with that and so that they are they're continuously trained and so they have extensive training and your second question was O the the no there was another one something with shot spotter admissible admissible yes forensic so we actually have a separate unit for any type of expert testimony so officers will have what we call an investigative lead summary that's not admissible in court but if there's ever a time when there is a shooting and you need shot spotter uh sound thinking representatives to speak on shotspotter they will come we have trained um attorneys as well as EXP experts expert witnesses that will come and present on that on our behalf so after the uh after the second year there is no obl we have no obligation we have no financial obligation or anything so you know year two ends and we decide and we decide not to move forward for it because it's not the best thing for our community and our residents we have no obligation to uh sound T they come they'll they'll retrieve their equipment at no cost to us and and uh yeah um my name is Karen Leone a Willingboro resident um we kind of raised over real quick about driveby shootings and how they are or are not picked up by shot spotter I'd like to go over that just a little bit and then um you had mentioned about having uh any issues with repairs on the equipment that you would come out what's the turnaround time of when it's reported that there's a problem and a response time so so our team we we're constantly monitoring the sensor so you all the the PD or the community would not know if the sensor is down we constantly have we have a technical team that monitor that so Willingboro have what we call a technical support engineer each of our customer has a designated person that is continuously monitoring the sensors and so if that happens then they report it we put it in the priority list and what we do is we build out for the redundancy so what Addie has done now she's made sure that we've have enough sensors in in the event that we do have one to go out we'll have enough sensors surrounding it to pick up the sounds until we get the other repaired and then you mentioned about the the driveby so and uh Dr Dr fed can correct me if I'm wrong the technology is able to track that gunfire so if you have a driveby shooting you know and again I'll just use you know my the address of 11 or pennant Lane so what it is is if it's going down pennant Lane it'll pick up whether it's one two three and it'll and you'll be able to see on the uh on the map just exactly where those shots were were being fired as long as the firearm is outside of the window yes well of course that would be but you know sometimes they're firing and they may be in inside and so it may pick up the sound but it's better out Point outside of it good evening uh Sharon Anderson Willingboro resident um I would I'm concerned about what uh the hidden cost uh of this system because while the system itself may not cost anything um the response to it does and there is a police chief magazine had an article about the hidden costs where it says that they found evidence that the implementation leads to a substantial increase in the total number of shots fired calls costing Department's additional resources in response time other research had found that while agds um acoustic gunshot detection systems might improve response time it does not improve case resolution so while the total volume of calls increases with the implementation the quality of the calls is lower leading to an overall reduction in actionable results um and this is a recent study from police chief magazine so I was a little concerned about that um I have it here if you want to see it um I did get some comfort in the audit that was done the independent audit by Edward the economics that says there's a 90% 97% accuracy but that doesn't include cities that have terminated their contracts so I do wonder what it would be if there were termination the recommendations and I trust our Police Department could take these up and they seem consistent with how you work anyway is to have a plan in place to evaluate the implementation of the new technology and work together with independent researchers or analysts in the department before implementing the technology it's important to create new or separate incident codes in calls for service database so specific effects can be measured and compared in St Louis evaluation of technology did not necessarily have to involve using fancy statistical modeling um but it was simple statistical test that can be done by in-house staff to uh make decisions about next steps so I I would like to think that we would hear from you in a year I know it two years is the decision point I think it'd be great to hear at a one-year Point as to how it's working and the the staff you know because we have a really good Police Department doing a lot of important things in addition to dealing with shots fired and I'm concerned that we not lose the um other support that we have in policing because of these these shots fired and possibly negatives thank you okay thank you for the questions I think I captured all of them so forgive me if I say them out of order I respond out of order but I will tell you for sure that there is an annual account review we do that on an annual basis so once you all were to go live you would see me for sure in that following year to do an annual account review however even before that annual account review comes about we do what I try to do is like a 60-day review after we've gone live to see are there any bugs any kinks that we need to kind of work out and so that happens and we're constantly I am the liaison for your um city so therefore any problems that occur you all will be talking well the chief or toner will be talking to me all the time about those issues and I'll make sure that they are resolved in reference to the data that you mentioned in um that Chief's magazine I I would caution I say anytime that you find any reviews or independent studies we want to make sure that we're comparing apples with apples and we've had that to happen with us in the past and we've actually had to have a particular um entity to redact and retract some information that was stated because they were not comparing all of the data side by side so I cannot speak specifically to that particular article but I will say that there is no hidden cost with us because what happens even if you are you're going to pick up more gunshots because 80 to 85% of them are not called in by 911 so what it's going to do is it's going to resolve officers going three four houses over when they do receive a 911 call so they can go to a more specific location collect data or evidence and then keep it moving versus having to go and look for hours in a location that it was not detected so those are things that we can kind of help to alleviate when it comes to that the data that you were speaking of at the hidden cost I have one more first question right Gary Johnson and Willingboro resident I have a few questions I'd like the first one that came to mind was when we were talking about locating the gunfire I understand triangulation but the comment was made I believe in the video that the sound the arrival of sound would determined in part way of how to locate it but that would be predicated on the fact that you knew where the sound was coming from otherwise how do you time it so how is the triangulation work to locate a gunfire um second of all we brought up here uh which brought up here earlier and I think is a very good question is I excuse me but I'm not familiar with uh driveby shooting to know whether it's common for them to stick their hand out the window when they're popping away at people or whether it's fired from inside the vehicle yeah and the question was brought up earlier I think is excellent is do we have any idea and I GA that we don't have the data right here but it would be interesting to know the number of gunshots that occur outside the home versus inside the home because I understand it if it's inside the home shot spotter isn't going to pick it up uh another thing that bothers me is when I first heard the program I was led to believe that they could discern between a gunshot and fireworks tonight I've got an impression that isn't quite so so what is the truth can you discern gunshots from uh fireworks because I hear an awful lot of pop pop pops going on and I'm quite sure they're not gunfire and you can see I wear a hearing aid so my hearing isn't that great but uh you know an awful lot of the bang bangs are just noises in the neighborhood and like gunshot so how how many gunshots do we have going on um uh the other well one of the question I don't want to forget is uh after the two-year period what is going to be the cost of this program and even for one mile radius uh the then brings up the other point I want to make is I support our police department and I'm in favor of anything it would benefit them in performing their duty but I think we need to seriously look at this in a cold impassioned cost benefit ratio what is the cost what benefit and in that regard question was brought up earlier will we get a report an interim report before this two-year period is up and if we should decide after the two-year period to go with it will the public get periodic information as the program is ongoing so I think that covers most of them so thank you very much thank you so much for the questions so I will start with the fireworks our sis our sensors are designed they have an algorithm that picks up bang pops and Booms yes it will it detects fireworks but it weeds those out so those are dismissed as fireworks there are times I said that we're not 100% so and we have human ears listening to and so there are times where we may get it wrong we're not claiming to be 100% may I may make myself clear we do not claim to be 100% we know that there will be errors but those erors we are we expect to have feedback so that our reviewers can get them be trained on them so that we don't have them to happen continuously but the algorithm is designed to detect gunshots that's what it's designed for as far as the public information I have think I have something about you want to know public information what you got there so um as far as uh the cost after after the two-year period uh I think we kind of already discussed that you know it it may be a little bit higher because after that two-year period you figure two everything goes up right so as of currently right now uh per year it's 49,500 per year for one square mile you know three years from now I don't know what that cost would be um the triangulation yep so the triangulation as far as knowing about the direction so the video show that the salent was poed it maybe would have been towards you towards your location so what the system is designed to do as Addie mentioned too we have to have at least three sensors to pick up the gunshot gunshots are directional they're not like um Fireworks when fireworks go they just splatter and the sound goes like in a circle or half circle gunfire goes in a straight in a directional area so with the sensors picking up they triangulate and therefore able to provide the location where the gun was fired so that's what the algorithm is designed to do as far as the gunfire goes did I miss anything else for a shot spotter I think one of the questions Mr Johnson uh had was uh was data for uh driveby shoot or data for shootings whether they were inside or outside that's something I can work with our crime analyst to see if we're able to uh to get and to get that data and figure out what those what those numbers are so I can get with our crime analyst and uh and see what those what those numbers are updates to the public um those are some of the things that we could definitely do we do neighborhood watch the third the third Thursday of uh of every month at uh 6:30 at the uh Reva Foster Senior Center so that's uh we always have an officer present uh giving uh giving out information that's going on throughout the community I periodically do uh briefs uh at our Council meetings so you know get get involved you know I'm sure Dr Worthy's going you know like what I'm say get involved come out to our Council meetings you know come out to our neighborhood watch meetings you know that information is definitely is definitely out there there um loc yep I think we hit all those okay want to take more questions I said we give us another uh another five 10 minutes and then we'll we'll go ahead and we'll wrap up okay so um let me say that I 100% support trying to make the street safer I do I'm 100% in in agreement with you that something needs to be done um as far as stats for cities that have it do you have numbers for how it's brought the crime rate down what it change do you have statistical data showing what numbers changed and how it changed and I think when she was saying about the independent and correct me if I'm wrong ma'am but you were saying a review in a year what we're not talking about like with your company you do your review and I understand that but maybe our department as a whole doing their own independent review to see see what the numbers look like because you guys are not here you know they are you understand so I'm talking about I think it was talking about an independent coun um and it sounds like this is already going pass there's no vote on this right is there going to be a vote in years how is this going to continue or are you just gonna make the decision hear what we say and this into you so to hit the uh to hit the uh the the review every year at the end of the year I do an annual an annual review of all of our calls and then I present that review uh to council I believe uh Mr Harris we're looking to set that up in either the the first or second week and week in March at the council meeting so I do a I do a thorough review of um of what happened in 2023 and that's where I got the you know those numbers for um the the the fireworks the gunshots and the shootings so that's going to also be in in 202 four is reviewed so when it comes to you know this time you know next year I'll also have that that data to be able to compare to the previous years that we already had um in the in moving forward to to year to to at the end of year two yeah that's something that we're going to have to discuss that's something that we're going to have to uh collectively talk about amongst you know uh the police department the governing body the residents of Willingboro um and present the data and present the information and then I think collectively you know come up with what's best for you know our municipality because again it comes down to you know a it comes down to a cost if we don't have a grant you know and that's why you know um our our elected officials are in the positions that they are to be able to make those you know make those determinations is it beneficial you know for for our community uh did I get all get on the questions oh as far as the data for the other customers I do not have that data handy but what I can say I can tell you for sure Camden County is one of our most outstanding customers and they have a system that works very well for them and if not so they wouldn't still be one of our customers we have a less than 1% retention rate I mean um not the turnover for H not retention I'm sorry definitely not retention I'm can't even think not it's gonna bother me but we have one we we lose less than 1% of our customers on an annual basis and so that says a lot for us and our customers will come back time and time again and tell us yes there are times we get it wrong but there's so many times that we get it right and they have multiple success stories to tell us about on a monthly daily basis if I call them they'll tell me hey last night our guys went out and they got X Y and Z so it's a tool it's made for officers to utilize it we don't claim to make that you're going to go out and make arrest directly from a shot spotter alert but it is a two for officers to utilize and to do their due diligence and investigations right um so my thinking is this has there been something put forth before for something like this if there's a problem in the community has there been something that's been put forth before if if there's been some people saying hey we have an issue we have a problem but no one's presented any sort of solution then is this the first time something has actually been put forth and if it is then that's part of the solution um for it to at least try it to at least say hey this is something that's possible that could help um and it's not a 10-year contract 10e government contract this is a two-year thing that we're trying out for for that amount of that length of time to get the data to get the information on it and to if it's a possibility to make Willingboro um a safer place and I'm not from um here I'm not from Jersey I moved here I'm in Willingboro now but it wasn't the place I wanted to be so let's just because of what was said about it you know and so but I'm here now so I wanted to my question was that was there is was there something else that was put forth before because we can complain about it all day we can complain about the crime but if we're not doing anything about it if we're not implementing something to say we're trying to do something for our neighborhoods our communities our children if there's been nothing set forth then why wouldn't we try to to implement this and see after two long years that's not not like tomorrow we're going to start paying something but after two years re-evaluate or after a year re-evaluated or whatever but instead of I I don't know I'm just that's my view on it thank you I just want to know is there a way is there a way for us to find out or is it confidential whether what other communities in New Jersey have shot spotter I could I could compile a list and provide to um the director yeah that's not a problem I know uh Burlington city is the our closest uh Burlington City just uh they just kicked off their uh their program two months ago month ago ago a month go and within I think that when they flipped the switch uh correct me if I'm wrong I think within that night they had an activation so um it shows that the you know no no one called you know they got the alert to their to their either their mobile device or their their uh their computers in in their in their vehicles and they were dispatched to the area you know uh within within that 60 seconds uh um guarantee so I know as as close as uh the other person or the other the other municipality that also was awarded a grant so go back to that Grant process so three municipalities locally were awarded it it was us pton and Burlington city pton has chosen to use a different vendor Us in Burlington city we chose to use uh we chose to use shopspot or sound thinking yeah there are about 16 um New Jersey customers right now and a couple more coming on board but I mean I'm I'm busy coming now they call me the Jersey girl at at this at the office because I have all of the Jersey accounts so so LT do you remember off the top of your head how many or the the grant how many municipalities or the the details of the grant okay I have one um one or two final things first of all I want to say to the newcomer I'm approaching 40 years here if a person is shot somewhere else been willber resident prior 10 years gone there still a Willen resident when the paper given so so keep that in mind they could be going for 20 years and it be listed as former Willingboro resident first thing out um when we had the problems in I say 2015 to 2020 when we had the three towns and they were fighting and shooting at one another and uh and so forth we l that shot spotter at that point and now it brought back because I think then it was about $50,000 and I was thinking 7 square miles we were about 7.5 square miles councilman Anderson it be 7.7 didn't matter 7times 50 was 350 my question specifically is the one square mile is that enough of a sample in a 7.5 square mile T I mean literally to to try to figure out unless and you don't have to say because I totally support uh the police department that maybe there's a specific area you have in mind that you you know sort of feel that would help because that's only one one square mile I mean one it's one mile in a year or one square mile so it's it's it's one square mile and uh we used our our crime analyst to determine to that that location um you know we we're going to keep that location you know confidential just for you know investigative reasons and things of like that but it was could we have gone to square miles that would have that would have you know eaten up that Grant and would only have given us that data for that one year so you know our decision was to go for you know to go for the one square mile for that twoyear to give us enough of that statistical information to be able to determine you know moving forward all right do we need to increase this out to a a a two square mile thing or is that one square mile good or do we even need the platform itself after the comment from Addie we'll do one final question also keep in mind um once with the one square Mount if in the future we decide that this is a good thing and we can push forward for William Boro we have the ability to do an expansion with the expansion is we will currently have the current coverage and then we will expand the coverage area to wherever they decide we need other additional coverage so we have the ability to expand on the current area does it have to be attached to the exact coverage area no it can actually be in a different area of whatever they choose according to the stats of what they received within the past couple years or so so keep that in mind that that can happen as well we can go up to as many miles of square footage they want that they're allowed to receive and in addition to what Eddie just stated um bucks mentioned that some we will pick up outside of the coverage area as well and oftentimes our customers utilize that data a lot of the suppressed gunfire that has been outside of the coverage area to kind of determine where their next expans would occur because they realized that there's more gunfire outside of the area that they that they did not know about so that's just another tibit of information so uh I was able to get that information from Lieutenant toner so he says 20 law enforcement agencies across New Jersey with grants totaling $7 million to acquire and expand technology to combat gun violence couple final questions uh since it came up here today that the shots fired isn't the only player in this field we the public of course it only heard information about this particular um agency so how do we fit into the analysis or do we in evaluating this program we have data for no one but this one also if a program is good I feel it shouldn't appear no questions for least questions about the things just about the first time I I heard of this meeting I also came across a news article that apparently Chicago had a falling out shots fired and since then i' I've heard reports that other communities such as Seattle pompo Beach Buffalo San Antonio and Portland have also had problem their citizens uh looking unfavorably about shots fired if we're going to do an evaluation I do respect the views of our police department but I think we need to evaluate Pros and cons and so if this is a good program we should have nothing to inter fear with these but ought to be some input at least some examination why are these people turning away from this program and I know some of the criticism that was made of it was police officers found on Wild Goose case chases too often so I I don't want to say that I'm against the program I just think that we need to look at it with a cold and addal Viewpoint and look at all sides thank you thank you for that I'm glad that you mentioned it that's why I mentioned the leaks um earlier but you right with Chicago Chicago has been a long one of our longstanding customers and if you've been following it closely you will find in those articles that you have several citizens and even their commanders speaking out from the PD saying that they do not want to get rid of shot spotter that it has been very helpful they have over 123 precincts in Chicago and they have a lot of gunfire and those officers are saying and if they lose shot spotter what are they going to do the residents are saying the same thing the mayor made a promise when he ran on for um election and he's talked about it but what I will be I'm happy to say today is that we have been able to actually at least Quil some of the fears for now and do an extension for Chicago right now so they will still be covered utilizing shot spot of technology for the next few months so they are good right now but and as far as the others again again shot spotter is a tool and just like with any tool if you don't use it or if you don't use it properly then it will be ineffective for you and so we do provide best practices we're constantly coming back for retraining and when we know better we do better we learn better and we let our our customers know those things as well so we are constantly constantly having these conversations with our customers to make ourselves better thank you for bringing that to light Mr Johnson I think uh one of your questions in there was you know why why why shotspotter you know I think I mentioned it you know earlier was you know their their longevity in the business um you know their their footprint in you know in New Jersey you know and and their reputation so um that's why we we you know we chose to go with with with sound thinking shotspotter and as far as uh response you know it's going to be in our policies and procedures on how we you know on how we respond to these types of incidents you know and officers are held accountable officers are held accountable you know every single day you know in our Police Department we have we have layers of review uh we have we all of our officers are equipped with a body camera we have incar cameras so um anything is uh we have we have random reviews of our officers body warn cameras and any uh discrepancies are you know they're addressed they're addressed through uh our disciplinary process and our Internal Affairs uh process so um at you know at at this point what I'll do is I'll I'll open up to the uh to the panel for some you know some some closing remarks and then we'll go ahead and uh we'll we'll wrap this up if I will start with uh you know the the deputy mayor if he has any uh any closing remarks or any comments I just want to say thank you to the residents thank you to those who zoomed in to be informative to understand what we're trying to do that we're trying to be inclusive of the community when different opportunities approach us not just this but everything because we do understand it's all about the communication and the education of whatever goes on in this community and I just want to thank you for the representatives from shotspotter the police department Township Council and our manager and uh where's Gary Springer he was walking around with the mic but any to our to our gracious host but thank you so much willbo at this point I'll uh turn it over to uh council member Dr worthy thank you I okay can you hear me now okay I want to say thank you as well and I appreciate uh Captain Buck's leadership um him and his team for the work that they did to um to get the grant for the community and to bring shot spotter to willing borrow we've had a series of discussions and meetings um and we're very intentional about making sure that that we bring the community along with us to help the community to understand what this is as uh another tool for Willing borrow and we look forward to Captain Buck's report a year from around this time where we can hear how things are going what we like what we don't like get your feedback um and do that again at the end of of that year before we make any decisions about moving forward um but I appreciate everyone who came out we hope you share the news with your uh colleagues and friends about what we're doing in will and barl this video will be available also on the Willingboro Township uh YouTube channel so if they want to play it back and listen to questions um they can do that and as always they can reach out to any member of council the manager or the police department if they have follow-up questions about what we've covered tonight thank you so much for coming out Mr manager so I again I just want to thank everybody from from that came out this evening I will share share with you that I am not a long resident in Willingboro either and when I told people that I was coming to work in living Willingboro and and live in Willingboro I kind of got the side eye like you said willing burrow and it was funny because I I my history is not one where I've been around gunfire but my my first weekend here I heard this pop pop pop I was like o what was that and I didn't know what it was and then Captain bucks was like oh yeah there was a shooting at the gas station right outside of your bedroom window and I was like oh that was interesting but what I have come to realize is that the reputation of willing Barrow is not the reality of willing Barrow and willing Barrow is a wonderful community and I think as we see some of the testimony from Captain bucks how things are turning around the crime levels in Willingboro are coming down and this is not a tool to solve anything in totality but is is another tool at their disposal to make our community a better more respectable safer place to reside and if it's a one-year trial that's a good thing and after that one year or two years you say you know what we really looked at this data and it was nice but we really don't need this here we are free to walk away but if it's something that still helps us bring those numbers down then it is still a good thing to to have and we can find the money we can always find the money especially when it comes to the safety the health safety of our residents so I I thank you all for being open-minded and willing to give this a shot and I thank you all for for being on board and no pun intended no pun intended yeah and then a year from now I thank you all in advance for coming back to the table and rediscussed on how we move forward as a community thank you Captain pz uh just quickly I want to say thank you all for your thoughtful questions and concerns you know it does me good to see how much you folks care about your town our police department and please understand that we care as well again uh we bleed for you literally um we're here so thank you um and if there's any further questions that we have not answered I'm going to be mingling around saying hi to everybody so if you have any other questions concerns I'll be here to talk well thank you again Dr I'm gonna let Addie speak just before I give my closing remarks Edie if you are interested in becoming one of us to help putting a sensor on your residence or commercial property or anything like that in Willingboro please take my card email email me text me or call me whichever it is we are going to start the site visits within two weeks um and we are going to start installation in March so the sooner you let me know that you want to participate you don't have to tell me now because I prefer to you just email me or text me on your own time um if you want to be participate sir put your hand down if you say it in silence um if you go n no go ahead sir go ahead I'm not going to tell you when you call me and text me and and let me know you'll let me know where you live at I'll confirm the location of the area if you're in the coverage area I will ask your permission would you allow me to install one of the sensors on your residence you will sign a permission form and it's not a contract because you're not obled in any way with it um they pay for everything that you agree to it and then we'll start an installation in March so please make sure you take my card if you're interested in installing one on your residence or commercial property that you have in Willingboro okay thank you Addie there's also a confidentiality agreement that you non-disclosure non-disclosure that you'll be signing off as well because we don't want we don't want you to be telling your you know your friends and your neighbors hey I got one of those things on my because they're G to tell their sons or Daughters of somebody next thing you know you're gonna hear somebody on your roof or whatever the case may be and we don't want that we don't want that Addie this this is the the very very last last question so so basically you as you can tell we didn't show you what the sensor looks like right the sensor has been upgraded to a different one you won't even know what it looks like it actually looks like a regular antenna if I'm going to say it like that you will see it on the day of installation um and the the technician will talk to you first to make sure you're comfortable of how it's being installed on the residence we're not going to install on a roof we usually try to use the back portion of the house the mounting option would be different depending how your house or commercial building is you will allow us to be able to do that we'll have a different conversation as well on it and then once it's up there it's not going to be shown where it looks like an actual shot spotter because it's not going to have any logos on it it's not going to sound off or nothing like that it's just going to look like a regular cable modem box if you know what I mean thank you Addie thanks for that last question so just for the record because I know we're being recorded here I need to say I need to correct I said 1% retention that mean attrition so I got to make sure that's on the record because I don't want anybody going and saying that's what she stated but I want to say that one thing that we did not mention and no one asked the question why did our name changed we were shotspotter for 20 odd years we changed our name because we realized there was more for us to do shot spotter is just one piece of the puzzle so it's a technology and because of the other things that we offer we could not still be shot spotter and be able to provide Community engagement or you know cop um crime trait or different things that we have so we wanted to be and this a real play on words the sound thinkers for Public Safety and so and that's truly what we have we have dedicated men and women I mean some real brainiacs that are working in our our um organization that work tirelessly to make sure that they are thinking soundly about communities everywhere every day so I just want you all to know that thank you for your time and all of the questions they were very good all right as uh as I just give my final remarks you know again as as everyone on this panel said is you know I I appreciate you guys and I thank you guys for coming out excellent questions and what I said earlier in my remarks you know we are only as good as our relationship with you and the relationship you have with us 100% agree you know transpar transparency is key you know we as a we as as a police department in municipality we have we have nothing to hide the more we can give you the more information we're allowed to give you you know we will stay tuned in the March meeting either the second the first or second meeting I will be giving another presentation in reference to you know our 2023 year in review and it's going to have a lot more detailed information you know about the police department about our calls for volume about our crime stats right when we talk about our crime stats you know I compare it to other municipalities you know um homicides gunshots it's not just Willingboro it's eam it's mortown it's Mount Laurel you know so you know a lot of people and I feel I feel what you guys feel when someone says oh oh willing bro you know it I'll leave it at that so um again thank you guys I appreciate you you know good night and God bless thank you