he I didn't ask night what go okay Mr St hair it is now 7 o'clock we'll Now call this meeting to order good evening willbo Township roll call council member present council member Whitfield present Council member Dr worthy present Deputy Mayor Anderson present and mayor Macintosh present to the prayer now go into the prayer let us all pray dear heavenly father God Almighty we just thank you Lord for this day that you allowed us the strength of our bodies the rightness of our minds to experience in its fullness God we just thank you for your continued Grace and blessings on this community called Willingboro Township we ask that you continue to shine your your show your face towards us and Shine Your or pour your blessings down upon us God we ask that this meeting be conducted in uh in accordance with your will that it be done in decency and in order so we can do the best that we can for the persons in this community we thank you for all of your your grace and mercy and your blessings in the name of Jesus we pray amen you'll now stand for the flag salute please the flag the United States of America and to the Republic it stands one nation under God indivisible withy and justice for all now a reading of the compliance statement in compliance with the open public meetings at act this is to announce that adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following manner Advanced written notice of this meeting was posted on the bulletin board in the municipal complex and was mailed to the Berlin County Times the intelligencia and the Cora times Advanced written notice of this meeting was filed with the Township Clerk the clerk is directed to enter into the minutes of this meeting this Public Announcement thank you well good evening everyone good to see everyone out in person and on online um welcome to today's council meeting for February 20th 2024 we will start with our managers Municipal updates good morning mayor and governing body members the residents of willing bough Township I did submit the full report for January for your review and I'll just go over some um um highlights for this evening just to update on some things on Thursday October the 5th um back in 2023 be willing okay can you hear better we got this is as close as we can get okay on Thursday October 5th the Willingboro Township Municipal Court hosted a formal security meeting followed following directives of uh number 15-6 for the Statewide Municipal Court security policy um and the New Jersey Municipal Court schedule of protection uh we received the report from uh that meeting and uh Lieutenant toner will be working in conjunction with it and our buildings ground persons to put those recommendations into effect I know Dr worthy you had requested at one point a type of exit be put on that that was not approved so but that doesn't mean that it won't happen but we'll talk about it later uh also a few months ago the tax assessor was here and was explaining the new revaluation process that was uh transpiring throughout the communities in Burlington County uh to move that process forward we have brought on board an assistant assessor who will be going door too uh doing reevaluation inspections of Willingboro properties uh we are tasked to do reevaluations which I believe are 20 25% of our homes each year so that every four years uh we have a complete 100% revaluation so the tax assessor is in the process now of putting Communications that we providing to the residents so they have a little better understanding of who it is coming on knocking on their door and why we are going through this process we will also be adding an HR component to our Prime point system which is our payroll system uh currently used here in in the township for payroll management the additional components will allow Auto or will automate many of the processes we are now utilizing paper forms for and we'll give uh employees access to certain items and and View and perform certain services in a self-serviced portal uh this will facilitate the onboarding and offboarding uh process that allows for certain approvals uh capture signatures complete digital forms and communicate between departments for example when we have a new hire a workflow would notify it that that IND idual need to be set up with an email address they would need to get a uh a new badge or a computer for the employee and things like that as well as automatically process that employee into the payroll processing time and attendance systems and basic HR systems uh which are currently all being done manually I believe this will add efficiency to our departments and um be allow us to keep our additional Staffing uh to a minimum by automating some of these um human manual processes on February 27th at 6 p.m. at the JFK Center we will be hosting a community Forum to inform and discuss shot spotter technology with our residents businesses and other Willingboro stakeholders and I'm going to ask Captain bucks if he will come now just to give a brief synopsis of uh what is going to transpire at that event and what shot spotter is good evening mayor Deputy Mayor counsil Willingboro residents uh if you guys remember about a year ago we uh we were given a grant for uh for shot spotter which is now called uh sound thinking that Grant was for $99,000 which gave us the ability to um to purchase that equipment uh at no cost to the taxpayers for for two years and part of that um part of that that technology that software is for outside gun detection so there's certain uh acoustic audible devices that are be strategically placed throughout the municipality um and part of the uh part of the process and part of the the the Forum that we're going to do on uh on the 27th at the Kennedy Center at 6m is we'll have representatives from the township the police department and sound thinking to go over you know the uh the technology answer any questions or concerns that uh that residents may or may not have thank you Captain bucks and we do encourage all the residents to come out and participate uh on on February the 27th again at 6 pm at the JFK Center um in line with that the Willingboro neighborhood watch will be having their uh next meeting on five days ago so we'll catch you next month thank you I would like to uh take I'm sorry third Thursday yes uh on Thursday the 15th DPW did a a Township wide streetlight inventory and identified 122 lights that were out of which have been reported to PSC and for repair um they did um address 11 uh pothole complaints throughout the month and filling in 12 actually um they are still out collecting trash on our main roads um 156 30-gon trash bags of material were collected um on our Parks we collected 28 30-gallon trash bags of material and they've been uh busy also collecting Christmas trees throughout the month they collected over 135 Christmas trees and they are still out collecting loads of leaves totaling last month at 875 cubic yards um I just want to announce that Willingboro residents can get their taxes done during the the tax season um services are being provided through the AARP Foundation tax Aid if you're interested in getting your 2023 taxes prepared for free you can get in touch with the senior center by calling 609 8778444999 a few months ago there was a request uh to investigate having a traffic light installed on Beverly ran cookus Road and Windsor Lane Sean can you put up the U PowerPoint for this at this time I just want to go over some of the results that were were sent back to us unfortunately the county did not uh warrant or feel that a traffic light is warranted at that location uh there were certain there were nine warrants that they looked at or could look at to justify the installation of a traffic light in Willingboro they use four of the nine number one being an 8 Hour vehicular volume uh the second one was a 4our vehicular volume the third one were peak hour vehicular volumes and uh and then number seven warrant number seven they utilized crash experience Sean can you go to the next page please the first warrant um which they just kind of measured the number of of vehicles that um travel during during up and down the roads during critical um periods of of time uh the vehicles per hour or given uh both of the 100% columns uh condition being there a table that's attached to the back if anyone wants access to it we'll have this on our our website for your review um but most important their evaluation was that in relation to the The 8 Hour vehicular volume that um the review of the data indicates that that we just don't have enough vehicle traffic um to meet the requirements to install a traffic light um at that intersection the second warrant that they went through was the 4-Hour vehicular volume um which is associated with vehicle volume during any 4 hours of a typical day and the collected uh volumes compared to the requirements for Warrant to are not satisfied also um for that intersection the third thing that they looked at was the peak hour and if all of three certain conditions were were met um during these peak hour investigations then they would would consider or could be considered to have a traffic light installed there Sean you can go to the next page please and uh it was determined that um the collected volume compared to the re requirements for Warrant 3 peak hours indicated that the volume requirements are not satisfied for that intersection and then uh the last one they looked at Shan you can switch to the next page um is the crash experience so the collected data for that intersection at Beverly ran ccus Road and Windor Lane indicates that again that the signal warrants that would appli to the intersection or not satisfied due to the conclusion uh due to this conclusion a traffic control signal would not be warranted um at this location uh and attached to this are the different graphs and and um outcomes that they utilize to um make their determinations so we are in discussion with our engineer as to what other Alternatives that could possibly be done um to kind of regulate or help regulate the traffic in that area um but none have been identified as of yet but we are still working on it so I just wanted to give the council and the community an update on that uh particular in instance or issue uh I'm going to ask Mr lry to come and give you a quick presentation on some modifications that we are doing with teams to keep the council better informed on some of the projects that are going on in the township and some of the issues that um are brought to us U by the residents Mr lry Mayor deputy mayor council members of the public good evening Sean can you promote me please no don't don't don't promote him no whatever you can offer I appreciate it thank you okay so uh to start off um we're using Microsoft teams um this is birth from a conversation that I was having with the mayor and Dr worthy a few weeks ago um when we were talking about the ways that we could you know just figure out how to best communicate um communicate the different projects that are happening in Willingboro um how we can just kind of streamline these things and just have a One-Stop shop uh where they can keep track of projects the council being they um you know and and here's what we came up with right teams is pretty depending on you know it can be simple um it can be cumbersome but for the most part it's pretty simple right so we created a is that my mouse yeah um a teams channel for the Willen BR Township Council and the administration to communicate back and forth updates for different projects um there's two tabs that will work out of primarily the general Tab and the announcement tab the general tab will house the different projects um so here you can see the bid opening for the 2023 uh Road segment project um the funding through the ibank um so those are just general post right so common updates that we'll have throughout you'll see the same thing with the uh multilocation storm water infrastructure Improvement project um Public Works manager updates uh information about the new affordable housing legislation um Microsoft teams training unfortunately teams doesn't offer live trainings um however they do have um training videos that are between 30 seconds to two minutes long um and they're pretty uh easy to grasp um same thing with the annual report updates um we'll be working with Dr Worthy and the May on getting that um together um so those are the posts for the general tab the general tab we can also house files in it um in this file section you'll see that we have um folders for things that obviously need to be there right the Country Club pool the manager updates are in there so if the council wants to go back and refer to anything that was mentioned to um during the meeting from Mr Harris through his updates those will be in there other things there's a healthcare memo that's in there that we'll probably talk about a little later tonight um the Sops um so uh some folks have already jumped in here uh councilwoman Peron has been here she's added the document um and then we have the notes section and I probably don't need to go through every single one but I just want to give you know um so the notes if there's like a meeting if we want to take notes uh for the meeting tonight uh especially for things that will probably mention during uh public comment we we can add those to this section um I did create a there's a projects Tab and then there's a council meeting notes those could all be added there as well so that we can refer to those as a collective um the big part would be these two sections here the issue tracker things that reported to us through Council things that are reported um from the meetings through public comment we can add those here the last meeting or the meeting before uh someone spoke about the speed bumps at Buckeye Lane we added that here um project tracker we can add the projects that are currently in play we have the Triad grant writing Roo park playground uh Penny Packer pool the annual reports in here uh the township council's uh seal and and the seal for the mayor's office um and that office upgrade as well especially as as well as the uh Wi-Fi at mil Creek Park the announcement tab is just general information excuse me general information um we have the Black History Month activities in there the grand open invitation that the council received and the administration received from the 1911 Smokehouse uh there was filming that happened at the complex earlier this month um and then prevention Plus at Burlington counties uh is looking to you well is using space here um at the JFK Center for uh their strengthening families program uh so to access all of this right so if you go to one drive um so excuse me if you go to office.com you'll sign in um this should be your landing page as soon as you sign in or if you're on a desktop it will look a little different but if you're going to use it um from the web you'll go to Office 360 office.com you'll click down here to teams and then it'll bring you to this uh this main section here I have a few more uh teams channels uh so I'll just keep it to this one here but you'll see it um it'll be in general of course or you'll be in announcements we can add as many channels as necessary um so whatever if you guys have any information or any um ideas that you would like to have in terms of channels um absolutely let me know or you can create them yourself um because you have that ability to do so as well um are there any questions all right sounds good thank you thank you Mr lry and we are going to do uh in-house training on teams for our employees and this platform is going to be our primary mechanism for internal Communications because it is much more expedient um and easy to navigate through than than email so um change is coming uh last but not least I am going to just ask Miss Jackson if she will just come and give us the going on for the township over the next couple of weeks good evening mayor Deputy Mayor councel and all residents assembled uh just to uh close out black history month on Thursday February 22nd the recreation and parks department is hosting a Black History movie night and that will be at 7 o'clock um at the Kennedy Center all invited for that and then on Saturday February 24th the Willingboro public Li is hosting ambition the poet special oneman show of poetry and music that all can enjoy this is also a free event it will begin at 3:00 and all are invited and just since um March is right around the corner I will let you know that um the first Saturday in March is our story time celebration at the Kennedy Center that's Saturday March 2nd at 10: a.m. we're excited once again to host nety NY Netty Nana and friends and we'll feature Cory eats everything as always this promises to be a treat for our younger readers as well as for the entire family so we'd invite everyone to be a part of that and then as we Embrace an early Easter this year the Easter is dag gansa which will is the drive-through event that will be at the Kennedy Center on Saturday March 16th from 11:00 am to 1 pm or while supplies last as always donations of candy and those who want to volunteer to distribute and donate candy are always welcome so contact the recreation parks department for more information regarding that event and then on Saturday March 23rd we will have um entertainment for our little ones with the Easter egg hunt fastic and this was a this is a rain of shine event as is the Easter stravaganza and open to ages of 3 to six years old all children must be accommodated by an adult and more information regarding this can also be obtained by contacting Recreation and Parks and this year's event is co-sponsored by the sanctuary Sanctuary foundation so we're looking forward to um that collaboration so this event and all events are always posted on our website and our social media pages and by subscribing to willing bro weekly so thank you thank you Miss Jackson and that is all that I have to present to you as far as updates for this evening are there any questions for Mr Harris Dr worthy thanks Madame mayor um Mr Harris I had a few questions related to the traffic study um that the county did and I guess I'm just a bit concerned um I understand that they are not recommending that we move forward and we look at other things but the reason one of the reasons why this became um an issue top issue that Council wanted to look into was because residents expressed um the danger that they had and accidents they had been in personally um at that intersection and because this is a preventive measure um we're looking at data and it appears that the county is saying well it hasn't been enough accidents in order to put a tra make um put some kind of traffic calming in there or to add a light but I thought we'd be looking at this to do something preventative and so we have leading indicators versus lagging indicators which would be a bunch of accidents so I'm a I'm I'm not comfortable with just saying you know no traffic light I am curious to know what else we can do I know you said we could look into other traffic common measures or and I don't know what that will be but I'm not um I I don't know what perhaps we can reconsider what the county has said or even reject their recommendation and see what it would need would need to be done I just don't want us to get to a point where we're waiting to see how many more accidents are going to happen before we take action because this conversation started because residents were in those traffic accidents um I agree with with you 100% Dr worthy and this was just a report from the engineering department that did the traffic study um but I agree with you 100% um that yeah I understand their position but that's really not that that's not the final answer it can't be the final answer because we know the the amount of development that is going around around us especially on on 295 in West Hampton and it's just a straight beline down uh Beverly ran cookus Road to to 130 and track TR track truck tra yeah tractor trailers tractor trailers and truck traffic has increased um there so part of my um Plan B is to begin to visit the um County Commissioners meetings and Advocate to them on behalf of willing burrow and again have discussions with our engineer about realistic options that we could put into place um and you know we can um reject uh this appointment because we're we're trying to save lives not just preserve a status quo so I agree with you 100% thank you thank you and before we um disrupt the county meetings I know we could reach out to our uh County Commissioner director Hopson um to have a conversation with her uh before going to those meetings she's often very receptive and open um especially since willing Boro is home yes thank you Council Muro thank you uh Mr Harris U this question is relating to the Sops um I know you had shared um a draft of the SOP and then I responded with a example of more towards um what the SOP should entail and what it should look like I did send that on the 5th of February I didn't see a response and I did share it in teams I wanted to know um is that something you're working on and you just haven't posted it or do you have any any questions about example I did receive uh your examples and recommendations and I actually um Incorporated um some of them into the SOP today um it's still a work in progress um and I will share you know the the update um but I would still again re welcome any other additional comments that any other council members would have in regard to that particular matter um I might have missed what you said did you say you've updated the the sample that I created or you have a different one at I Incorporated some of the recommendations that you gave into the piece that I put together yes so the layout that you've sent initially you're still working on that format yes okay so that the layout that I sent to you that's what it should look like like not a whole a book on the fauler ACT and our governance um very specific on operating and communicating with individuals as the as sop had laid out so that's more simplified um way of communicating is that something you can do where you can incor if you want to incorporate the fauler act on that example um can you use that as a shell as far as well the sample that you provided me was specifically related how to acquire funds for like food shopping and things related to parades and and events but I think an sop has to be a little more inclusive on how an a committee is going to operate in the township and not just purchasing things so you're correct that it does incorporate uh monies dealing with um exchange of money paying for things however the SOP is not specifically on purchases it's to its entirety the exact everything that involves with um an event or the council communicating with putting on something so to speak an an event right so it's not just about money um it's everything the process from A to Z on what Avenues to take once you're approaching this step what forms to fill out and C certain things like that that's why when I sent the example it was to help break down the to break up the communication in a more simplified and clear capacity where everyone um the team your staff as well as the council members or people on the Committees are able to communicate so the format that you initially submitted very U congedo much but um really just breaking it down on the example that I gave I think it would be a better um format is what I'm looking for so if I'm if I am taking what you are saying correctly you're not really interested in the SOP that I was putting together you just really want me to formulated it to what you would like it to see like it to say see well sir theop standard operating procedure so you did create a standard operating procedure in the format that you send right um that format it's confusing and it it misses a lot of areas so that's why when I sent you the SOP that helps break down things in a more simplified fashion no different than a resume if somebody sent you a resume with 10 pages of paragraphs like a story book right it would be too much you know the whole story about when they went to America and how they got on the boat as opposed to I work with this company this state this bullet bullet format that's how theop of an example that I shared with you because it simplifies it and it still has the same objective correct and uh again if I'm if I'm not mistaken the SOP the sample that you had sent to me was particularly related to purchasing um supplies and events uh for particular events but the the the the the the form that I Was preparing um tells them you know the need to establish an officer when the the Committees are formed how they elect their presidents and what those responsibilities are how they're required to keep minutes and submit those minutes to uh the the clerk's office for recording and things like that so if you want to have you know a further conversation and sit down and collaborate I would be more than happy to do that and again receive comments um you know from other members of of the governing body because if you're asking me to put something together which I think is pertinent and relevant then that's what I'm presenting to you but if that's not what you want then please tell me what you want everything that you said is and that's important too how do you how because it's part of our um our governance um how you how do you select um a president how how long should their term be that's all written in our bylaws so that should be incorporated as well um I just gave you a shell of what it should look like so just use that format as far as when you when you're incorporating that detail as far as selecting your officers all of that yes that's all great I'm not saying to exclude that I'm just saying to have it as a part of it for our boards and commission thank you thank you Madame mayor um I just wanted to um underscore what councilwoman Peron has said and add that the initial request that councilwoman Peron made that I was also interested in was a standard operating procedure specific to how boards and commissions can host events how we can operate how we can um host a parade how we can do the autism event came up how we could do um teen night um how do we operate so that we are working um collaboratively with the township Administration without overstepping um our our role you know does it mean that we need a member from the from the administration on the boards and commission how do we close the gap and what's missing with the SOP that you provided is that so you gave us the the high level the framework what is a boarding commission how does that work but the essence of what we wanted isn't there in fact the language in here um speaks against what it is that we're even asked in terms of how to work together it talks about there's no expectation of the administrative branch of government to execute the work of the committee it goes on to talk about how they can't accommodate what we're trying to do and so we're trying to get to when we're ready to do events as a committee how do we work with the administration what roles who does what so I think that is the SOP that councilwoman Peron was saying is missing okay understood I thought that was in there but we can we can look at it and um and tune it up thank you just real quick I just and I know I said this already but also Mr Harris just Google um Sops and what it looks like and you will see it's the format that I gave you so just like anybody who Google how to create a resume they all kind of have the same format maybe different colors but the format that I sent you that is the format for sop the format you sent is not so I just want to make sure when you come back that it's in that format and um just we put it in in the format there was some language that you included that wasn't particular applicable to Municipal operations but we can we can tune it up yeah and I put in bold and red this is just an example the language please change it it's not it was just an example en WR and read it said that none of my language is to be accurate right next week the next couple weeks follow up with Mr Harris even if you come in to sit with him sure to see you know we're accommodating what you need okay thank you thank you um also Mr Harris um we were talking about the tax re-evaluation process has that started already are people getting any corresponden from the township saying they're coming to inspect their homes not well that part of the is is going on now putting together those Communications the actual inspections hasn't started yet because we were in the process of hiring an inspector so that will be correspondence that started yeah okay is there something that we could maybe um put out for the masses so that they know that's coming because I've I've read or I've seen a couple of um you know complaints as if as to if it's um if it's from the township or not right if it's a scam I just want to make sure it comes from you know our whether social media and our Communications I will follow up with the assessor to to make sure he's putting out the right information and we'll make it to the masses as well yes also as it relates to that Miss Harris you did mention they would be doing 25% I believe that's the ratio yes 25% every yearand is that a random 25 or is bsection I think he's going going to do it by section okay so this way to the communication if it's a particular Park that would also help yes I just want to make sure everyone's aware because it seem like um they were I didn't see at the any correspondents but um you know there were some complaints that it seemed like it was random and they weren't sure if it actually came from the township or not okay all right any other questions all right Mr Harris you can move on to the ordinances and resolutions so the business being presented to you this evening for your consideration is ordinance number 202 24-2 which is an ordinance uh we're having a public hearing and final reading to amend the code of the township of willing Barrow specifically chapter 272 entitled duties and responsibilities of owner and operator um by adding a new article entitled outdoor placement and in a nutshell this is just an ordinance that states that no property shall allow any of uh certain items to remain on the property outside of a dwelling or other enclosed structure for longer than 48 hours in any location visible from streets or sidewalks adjacent to the property uh this would just uh prohibit persons from putting uh things outside and leaving things outside of their homes for days and days and days um that are an eyesore to the community ordinance number 20243 is an ordinance which is a public hearing and final reading again to amend the code of Willingboro Township specifically chapter 280 entitled renter property by adding a new article entitled lead based paint Hazard inspection requirements for rental dwellings um this is getting in line with um New Jersey statute uh 52 col colon 27 d-43 which requires Ires a lead inspector to inspect every single family and multiple rental dwelling located in a community um our our inspections team have uh gone out and gotten lead paint uh testing certified and I believe even licensed and we are establishing the criteria and some of the fees related to those inspections and the penalties for um violating the the the ordinance uh resolution number 20 24-40 there's a resolution authorizing the township to purchase self-contained breathing apparatus or SCBA for the fire department um we have a need to acquire these uh apparatus um and Associate equipment um and as a contract pursuant to the provisions of njsa 40a colon 11-12 a we have to um keep our equipment um relevant and working and for the safety of our uh fire department These funds were allocated back in 2023 in our capital budget and we're going to be making this purchase in the amount of $310,500 77 resolution number 20 24-410 Community Affairs this is a grant for approximately 100,000 to assist with the upgrading of the existing football field to a multi-port Turf facility and this is just authorizing the submission of that Grant application resolution number 2024-25 the 4, 62821 bond anticipation note that was put U together back in November of 2023 these are for professional service rendered in connection with that um we did that back in November 15 and that uh came to a total of $12,500 um it's going to be paid to Bowman and Company who did that work for us resolution number 202443 is a resolution authorizing the cancellation of old outstanding checks and reconciling items there are certain checks that have been identified in the municipal court in our current fund and dog register accounts by our CFO as outstanding um is necessary for us to cancel these checks so that the balances may be returned to the fund balance of the respective funds and these are checks from 2021 and 2022 and um uh they they total $26 for the municipal account uh $26,500 for our current fund account and $142 in 80 cents in the dog register resolution number 2024-25 is a resolution approving change order number three and final for the FY 2021 uh NJ doot Municipal a grant for the resurfacing of Penny Packer Drive Phase 2 this project was completed over the summer of last year after the NJ do uh reviewed the final documents um they gave us a change order number three um for a reduction in the contract price by $786 386 due to um asphalt pricing adjustments so uh we're going to accept this change order and decrease that contract price and keep our money resolution number 202 24- 45 is a resolution authorizing the cancellation of a contract balance for Zone striping Incorporated last year the county went and did um some line striping throughout the county we piggy back off of them and um got some of our streets uh striped as well we awarded initially a contract for 42 ,750 we only utilized $35,790 so we are asking that the balance of $632 155 um be be cancelled and again those funds will be um reappropriated into the correct um balance fund balance resolution number 20 24- 46 is a resolution authorizing an increase to the not to exceed amount for penon associates for the provision of Engineering Services to Willingboro Township um last year penon um did a lot of work for Willingboro and has continued to do a lot of work totaling $ 760,50 or $79,950 uh we only allocated $760,000 so we need to give them an additional 30,000 to meet all their invoices for 2023 resolution number 202 24-27 is a resolution authorizing the funding of the Willingboro Township share of the max contract this contract um is related to um the collection of trash or bulky items at the municipal apartment and con and condos um this was based off of a threeyear bid and these numbers reflect um the portion of the contract for the last two years um last year uh we allocated uh 115,000 for this contract we ended up spending just a little over 111,000 so this year we're going to uh appropriate 125,000 for um our Max collection and that's what that resolution authorizes 20244 48 is a resolution authorizing the approval of vouchers for payment and ratification these are all the bills that need to get paid resolution 2024-25 is authorizing the township of Willingboro to apply for the traditional Green Acres Grant through the New Jersey Department of Environmental PR protection Green Acres Program we actually did this resolution last week but upon its submission Green Acres reached back out to us and saying that in addition to Urban funding that we fall within the overburden community category which doesn't require matching funds so the $820,000 that we uh did apply for would be just a straight out Grant with no matching funds from willing Barrow Township so part of that requirement was to submit not only a new letter uh of acceptance from the mayor but a new resolution as well and this is the new amended resolution resolution number 202 24-50 is a resolution uh authorizing execution of Professional Service agreements for not to exceed amounts for 2024 these are all of the not to exceed for our professionals um which are based on the 2023 spend and the figures that were submitted in the rfps to the professionals so that is just establishing the not to exceed amounts for 2024 resolution number 2024 51 is authorizing a fair an award of a fair and open contract for professional Engineering Services related to the penny Packer pool assessment and repair um we had done an assessment of the penny Packer pool and had determined that um it indicates that there are two major leaks associated with the pool the larger of the two leaks appears to be due to the stainless steel gutter drain uh separating from the concrete pool shell around the pool perimeter and there was smaller leak appears to be associated with a broken supply or drainage pipe um to the SP to the the splash pad um this is awarding a contract to p uh to penon who is going to go out and acquire repair services through um not through a bid um uh sh not share service a huh what no um not a coalition a it'll come to me it'll come to me uh resolution number 202 24- 52 Co-op thank you do a co-op yes thank you thank you thank you he say Coalition now was closed but not there but thank you Deputy Mayor through a co-op uh resolution number 2024 d52 is a resolution authorizing the return to the state health benefits program for medical prescription and uh that was authorized or instructed by the governing body at our last meeting um this is just require paperwork uh required by the state of New Jersey to move forward with this process and for the record we are going to uh keep a seate contract with Delta Dental of New Jersey for dental services and vision services resolution number 202 24- 53 is in relation to that as well um as many of our contracts have requirements to pay retirement benefits for employees post retirement this is um a resolution agreeing to pay uh the state health benefits for coverage for the certain retirees resolution number 2024-25 multilocation storm water infrastructure repair this um project was put out to bid last year it came in substantially higher than anticipated and uh exceeded the fundings that were allocated for that project um it was put out to for rebid and came back uh again um and we we are awarding to the contracted think pavers Hardscape landscape uh in the amount of 442,000 Clubhouse Drive we're going to be doing a storm mortar project at Clubhouse and Windsor Lane um at Holston Lane we're going to do some outfall repair and we're going to do uh some covert repairs at uh Buckingham so we're asking you to award that contract to think papers resolution number 2024 d56 um do you want me defer that one to the solicitor is relation to okay and I believe that is all that is being presented to you for this evening uh resolution 20245 6 is the resolution awarding the plary retail consumption license to rmt Holdings LLC subject to the completion of the background check in accordance with ABC guidelines so um at this point the there's three resolutions required under the ABC handbook um the first resolution was completed the application came in um October 10th for rmt Holdings which is um run at 911 smok house I believe um so that gives you time at your next meeting your first meeting in March to complete the process within the six months required so the final award will be done then and then everything can be submitted to ABC um in accordance with their regulations all right so we will open up the floor for public comment for agenda items only you have two minutes please state your name and address for the record um public comment for agenda items is now open post we have anyone online uh yes mayor Sarah Holly hello Council I wasn't really focused as I should have been I just have a question for um you quoted $125,000 was that having something to do with trash trash collection what did I miss here yes that was the um the max contract sorry can you please State your address in street I'm sorry can you oh I'm so sorry 50 years at nine tyoga Lane Willingboro okay now was your question we'll answer that when yeah that that was that was my question and I guess the other part of it is that hopefully will that impact the number of pickups that we have per week or will the one day or week one trash can Prevail got it thank you is there anything else for public comment for agenda items only see none public comment for agenda items only is now closed okay so that'll we have if you look at the agenda um there's public comment after Mr Harris you can answer Miss Holly so the answer to miss Holly's question was that is the um the trash collection that the county does on our behalf for apartment and condominium complexes so it is what it is it's not going to effect it's not going to go up it's not going to go down um it's just our portion so they bid the whole contract out for the whole County and then the contract prices are proportioned to each municipality based on their volume So based on our Volume last year to anticipated that this year we'll spend 125,000 and this is strictly for trash for apartment buildings that we have okay that is correct okay thank you all right Mr St heler start with the ordinances I have two ordinances the counsil tonight your mic microphone is it on Bring it a little closer there you go um first ordinance uh for public hearing and final reading ordinance number 20 24-2 in ordinance to amend the code of the township of Willingboro specifically chapter 272 entitled duties and responsibilities of owner and Operator by adding a new article entitled outdoor placement motion to adopt so move public hearing final reading for the final final reading It's the final reading we do a motion to adopt ad normally we do normally we do the public he prce just to hear the final inputs from the the public if you would prefer to start it off with the motion to open it for public hearing and then do the motion allow committee comment and then motion to adopt thereafter motion to open up for public hearing second moved by Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by councilwoman Dr worthy roll call please council member Peron yes council member Whitfield yes council member worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes and mayor McIntosh yes is that open it up now we'll now open for a public comment you have public comment for this particular ordinance okay you can CL motion to close public comment don't move second moved by councilwoman worthy seconded by councilwoman Whitfield roll call please council member Peron yes council member Whitfield yes council member worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes and mayor McIntosh yes public comment is now closed Mo yeah Mo I'm sorry motion to adopt so moved second moved by councilwoman Peron seconded by councilwoman Dr worthy roll call please council member Peron yes council member Whitfield yes council member worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes and mayor McIntosh yes Mo um motion is now adopted yes I can move to the next let me go to next one is um ordinance number 2 24-3 as a public hearing and final reading it's an ordinance to amend the code of the township of willber specifically chapter 280 entitled rental property by adding a new article entitled lead based Hazard inspection requirements for rental dwellings now a a motion to open up for public hearing so moveed second mooved by councilwoman Peron seconded by councilwoman worthy roll call please council member Peron yes council member Whitfield yes council member worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes and mayor McIntosh yes public hearing is now open it public public hearing a motion to close public hearing so move second move by councilwoman perone seconded by councilwoman worthy roll call please council member Peron yes Council me member Whitfield yes council member worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes and mayor McIntosh yes um public comment is now closed motion motion to adopt so moved second moved by councilwoman Peron seconded by councilwoman worthy roll call please council member Peron yes council member Whitfield yes council member worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes and mayor McIntosh yes motion ordinance number 224 D3 is now adopted thank you before we move forward i' like to ask any council members are there any resolutions we would like to pull out um for further discussion yes madame mayor I'd like to have uh 202 24- 52 pulled out for discussion okay any others um got 20 24-55 um that one's pulled out any others okay I make a motion for a consent agenda um for Resolutions 20 24-40 through 202 24- 51 and resolution 2024-25 202 24-54 and 2024 d56 second moved by mayor McIntosh second by Dr worthy roll call please council member Peron yes council member Whitfield yes council member worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes and mayor McIntosh yes I like to make a motion to approve that consent agenda second move by mayor McIntosh seconded by councilwoman Whitfield roll call please council member Peron yes council member Whitfield yes council member worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes and mayor McIntosh yes okay um Mr St hair you can um open up resolution 2024 d52 MO to open up resolution 20 to read it resolution 2024 d52 need a motion motion I need a motion for resolution 20 a motion for 20 to open up resolution 2024 d52 so moved second moved by Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by councilwoman Whitfield any discussion yes so for purposes of clarification uh the council had received communication regarding the State Health Benefit plans we were offered two options to do a resolution by March 1st to have the employees go back June 1st or we had to do one by May 1 to have the employees go back by August 1 so uh when we questioned the two options it's we decided to go with the lad of the two to approve uh before May 1 to go back August 1 because with the contract that we previously have with the previous carrier there's going to be an overlap of which we would be required to pay two premiums so instead of having us pay the two premiums we selected the option the latter option to make sure it's approved by May 1st for an August 1st re-entry so I just wanted to make sure that that uh was clear and the clarification that came behind it all right thank you any further discussion okay Mr s hler roll call please council member Peron yes council member Whitfield yes council member worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes and mayor McIntosh yes um need to request a motion for 20245 you can read the title a motion requested for 2024 d53 resolution to adopt provision of chapter chapter 48 resolution 55 I'm sorry 5 55 yes resolution providing um a motion to adopt resolution 202 24-55 resolution providing appointments to various boards does anybody have a motion for any um I'll make a motion for um Miss Dr Denise King to the planning and events committee parade parade sorry parade and events committee and youth advisory and youth Advisory Board as well second all right moved by councilwoman Peron seconded by Dr worthy any anyone else R um I'm sorry any further discussion roll call please council member Peron yes council member Whitfield yes council member worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes and mayor yes thank you and there's no treasure report this there's no treasure report this cycle cor right okay um and the approval of the minutes um we will have all of those updated um by this um for approval by March 5th our first um meeting in March um so we'll have we'll have you know updated minutes that time um is there any Clerk's update today we will have an ex um extensive um report on on on March our March meeting okay all right moving on to unfinished business is there any unfinished business is any Council have any unfinished business I just like to um just go back to um Mr Harris's request um from his Municipal update that there's any other input from other council members concerning um the Sops that Council councilwoman Peron is bring up if they have any other input or feedback um please provide Mr Harris um um any comments and I would say by you know next Tuesday the 27th so you can get that um started and completed um anything else for unfinished business any new business from any council members okay now we will open it up to public comment now it's time public comment you have you have four minutes um please state your name and address for the record you have four minutes and any questions will be answered after the completion of public comment thank you um Mr St state your name and your address please name is Barbara Williams address 21 Roberts Place Rittenhouse Park I can I start now I stress I live in Rittenhouse Park the other townhouse is Fairmont Park I previously attended numerous Council meetings in 2019 and 2020 I expressed my utter disatisfaction with this Township since you ignored us as a part of this community a community that you promote as being a family oriented Community I'm here tonight because again we are not just treated like stepchildren but more so as outcasts of this so-called family community we pay our taxes and our home values are equal to or more than some of your single family homes like in um Buckingham Park and Somerset park yet we are uh denied the same rights courtesy and respect that you so freely give to them I am here tonight because I succeeded in accomplishing years ago something that is once against again being denied to the tow houses who want the blue recycling clean containers not the old yellow ones but the blue ones with the lid and the wheels in 2019 I complain because we were denied those new blue recycling bins based on the false allegation that the trucks could not maneuver in the townhouse area that allegation was a blatant lie which has again resurfaced my neighbor who is a veteran requested the blue recycling uh been several times he was told he lived in the apartments he stressed he lived in the tow houses where we do pay taxes by the way uh I went with him on the third or the fourth time and someone um that was said named Kevin um he said that we're not entitled to him because the trucks cannot get down into the tow houses and that is false I stress to him I've had mines for three years Rich bogal got mine before he left and I'm happy that he did because now I'd likely be denied um Mr Uh Kevin I don't know his last name I'm assuming from what I heard he's replacing uh Rich V and I hope that's not true because he was disrespectful and rude when I stress to him that the garbage trucks come down there and it's the same size container but yet we're denied the blue recycling that has the wheels in the lids a lot of us like myself were seniors we need the wheels and the lids help control the trash I mean the bottles and everything from making our neighborhood look bad um something that you afford to the single family dwellings you don't give to us and I'm here again for something that was already granted to us now I spoke to uh Jim mcgurl who is the operations manager at the recycling company he verified that you the township should provide those recycling bins to us um he also verified the trucks have no problems coming in they use that rear where they're easily accessible to our community um if you have any questions he's happy to talk to you he said I could use his name um to you the council members I'm not only asking that you give us what we are rightfully entitled to I demand it and on behalf of the townhouse residents I insist that you give us the same respect the same consideration and the same rights that you so graciously give to all the single family dwellings um actions speak louder than words and your actions have excluded us and I would like for you to respond because on my court I have I'm sorry your time is up and we'll we'll respond after we take all questions thank you thank you I see some some um resident hands raised online uh yes mayor Maddie mallerie good evening Maddie mallerie in Hudson Place and uh this evening I'm going to speak on um my black history moment and I decided to speak on this because a comment by a council member um from the last meeting uh motivated me to speak on this matter and of course I'm going to talk about something that happened in Orangeburg South Carolina in 1968 and it was called the Orangeburg Massacre um the Orangeburg Massacre involved events that took place in the town starting um February the 5th and ended February the 8th in 1968 at this particular time there were three students that were killed on the campus of South Carolina State University and of course uh their names are Samuel or Sammy Hammond who was a freshman he was shot in the back another was Delano Middleton 17 he was shot seven times and the other one um whose name is Henry Smith uh he was shot three times all three of them them were killed uh during this period called the Orangeburg Massacre but what I'd like to talk about are the events leading up to um the Orangeburg Massacre and just to give you a background about Orangeburg South Carolina it's located approximately 45 miles from the capital which is Colombia uh in Orangeburg there are two universities the first one is Claflin University it's the oldest HBCU in the state of South Carolina and that's my alma mat the other one is a land grant uh University that's called South Carolina state and of course it is the alma ma of my good friend the honorable James kber now these universities for many years were only separated by Hedges but in 196 62 the trustees of South Carolina state led by the late strong Thurman installed Defence so that the students from South Carolina State University could not participate in the Civil Rights demonstrations uh with the students from Claflin University our demonstrations grew over the years so Dr King Andrew Young and others came to Orangeburg to meet with the student leaders and the clergy that were very much supporting us and the reason they came was to make sure that our demonstrations were organized and would continue the principles of nonviolence many days after classes I carried picket signs downtown in hopes of getting locals and choppers from the rural areas not not to shop in the local stores uh at that time we were known as colored people and there were signs everywhere in public places that said white only and colored only we had many peaceful uh demonstrations but sometimes we were met with water hoses and of course uh as a result many students were arrested and placed in deplorable little jails in different towns in and around Orangeburg I could not get arrested because my mother was a teacher and their jobs were threatened if their children were identified as part of the demonstrations in 1968 time is up uh pickle ball had how many minutes longer and I would hope that you would allow me to yeah I'm sorry thank you all right Teresa fch yes hello having a hard time hearing um hear you now yeah I had been in the office a few times trying to get some information about Fenton Island and I've been waiting for you know a phone call back or something regarding my responsibility with it um and I was told it was going to be brought up at tonight's meeting and I haven't heard anything so I was just checking in on that what's your name and address please Teresa Fitch and I'm at six Warf okay all questions will be answered after public comment closes okay thank you okay will Weston yes greetings uh this is William Weston 44 Bowser Flame uh I just want to speak as a member of the NAACP um we had an excellent Founders Day event at the Willingboro library on February 17th where our keynote speaker was Dr Stephanie James Harris the director of Africana studies at seatan Hall and she did an excellent talk about the the local history of the nwacp ref referencing WR James who was also a president of the NAACP uh two times in history and earlier the NAACP uh encompassed the whole County not just willing Brown vicinity so I just wanted to mention that and uh we had me you know many of our local uh people and leaders were there I do want to mention that assemblyman Conway was there I I forgot to recognize him while while there but that was an excellent uh event and um yes we look forward to continually engaging with the township I also as a commissioner I want to mention that tomorrow there will be a w mua in uh meeting uh so if you anyone has any questions about the water water quality or had has anything they would like to add about that that meeting will be a virtual meeting tomorrow at 6: pm and you can go to w.info for login information and it's at 6 pm and that uh concludes my comments thank you thank you Mr Weston okay bua Williams wait a minute wait till we get the clock situated keep the meeting running I'm gonna I'm Gonna Keep time up here all right just let it go Donald I let it I'll do the meet I'll do the yes okay we can Miss Williams if you're talking I don't hear you oh I'm sorry mayor MCAS you good evening mayor McIntosh good evening Deputy Mayor Mr Anderson good evening councel Township manager and everyone nice to see you and nice to be here um I noticed a big pothole right um maybe right be if you're coming from levit Parkway towards John F Kennedy passing the fire station before you get to the fire station there's this great big pothole there please fix it please thank you also um Miss mallerie was talking about black history months if very interesting we're having our Black History Day on Saturday the 24th you're invited Miss mallerie maybe you can share some of your history with us as well and of course I'm inviting our illustrious Township man um manager of course our mayor deputy mayor council members fellow citizens everyone you're cordially invited and there will be a lunch served after that um the 24th of February as I mentioned and it will be from 11: to 2 including and really nice luncheon after um the black history uh proceedings so please come on out you're all welcome um Mr Weston has been so gracious he was invited as well he couldn't come because of a previous engagement he actually had somebody take his place our feeling for him which I think was very gracious um please bear in mind well you know what I appreciate all the work the councelor the mayor and the councelor doing um I see you have an interest in our community and you know you you're working hard Miss Peron the mayor Deputy Mayor um everybody and we really appreciate you God bless you and if I'm missing anything next time go God bless you thank you all very much thank you Miss Williams you're welcome Mr Gary you can come on oh yeah I'm sorry good evening d Johnson 54 gr Mery Lane I admit that I'm heavily biased in this but at 85 I don't give a damn there was a time before covid when there was a Marvel marvelous feeling within the world especially within the community of volunteerism many organizations performed at time and people were willing to volunteer their time and services one of them was C I was one of the first members of that organization uh I think we were one of the first C units in the area and we formed together and did a lot of training we were able to provide services to some people during some emergency C situations and I was very proud of that unit from C I became a member of County C member of cart member of M MRC and of course neighborhood watch but then Co came along and darn near killed off everything and one of the things that darn near killed off was volunteerism so when Co kind of began to fade away these organizations began to try and reassemble it wasn't easy strangely enough but it wasn't you didn't just bang and everybody was back but we were getting back and we were getting organized and then something happened and you know what I'm referring to when I say the man who dedicated 30 plus years of service to this community was cast aside an eventual result of that was that on February 2nd I received an email we no longer had any leadership all of it had vanished for all intent and purposes Willingboro C is no more great job guys I really must say all due respect that was not one of your finest moments okay thank you Mr Johnson any other public comment I keep seeing a hand pop up on line uh yeah Shirley Dorth is that her WR good evening everyone Shirley Dorth Newport Lane I just have um one question and one comment my question is will going forward okay will the community have access to the agenda and copies of the resolutions uh online the way we had it in the past and my comment is about the uh NAACP exhibit at the library I just want to say it is an awesome exhibit it is okay educational very inspirational um okay it it really is awesome okay and and I would encourage all of the residents of wenber you know to to visit it okay before the end of the month um and I'd like to thank the leadership of the NAACP and I hear uh Mr Weston who's there tonight uh spoke about that and other members who were involved in putting that uh exhibit together I'd just like to thank you you know for the exhibit okay it is a beautiful exhibit they a wonderful exhibit and it is something that we all should see uh as we all know the NAACP has played a very significant role okay in the area of civil rights and um in this country so thank you again for your exhibit good night all thank you Miss stillworth all right Sarah hly nine tyoga Lane again so for once I guess I'm gonna have to agree with Will Weston about something the black history event put on by the NAACP on Saturday was really an excellent excellent presentation of history and I really enjoyed um Stephanie James Harris presentation her history of uh how the residents of will black residence of Willingboro came to be here was excellent It's an excellent presentation also want to commend mayor McIntosh for the excellent job she did at Congressman Kim's celebration of black history and H the title was uh black history Through The Eyes of the Divine n she did a great job with that and um I want to thank councilwoman Peron and councilman Anderson for coming out last night to support me as I was um sworn in as the president of the Burlington County chapter of the Federation of democratic women so thank you for that and now to a question for you that you're probably not going to lie but here it is anyway uh so when you put in an open op request if the op request is in is relative to the person who we are supposed to turn that op request in whether the person is actually fulfilling the op request or training the person who has to fulfill the open request that's a conflict so who handles the conflicts with the open requests and that's the first question second question is who is the attorney that handles the open requests now and thank you that's all tonight thank you we'll answer the questions as soon as we close out public comment all right anybody else all right we have uh Torina Williams Miss will I'm sorry good evening mayor MOS Deputy Mayor Anderson councilwoman withfield councilwoman Dr worthy and councilwoman Peron Township manager Harris and Mr and fellow um residents um Terina Williams 88 botney Circle I also want to extend a invitation to everyone for our Black History Month tribute celebration this coming Saturday February 24th the theme is yesterday today and tomorrow we should honor the in innumerable accomplishments that our ancestors did for us honor the service we're doing and then inspire help to inspire tomorrow's leaders service is at 11: followed by our lunch right after the service it's for all age groups so I extend an invitation and if you don't already have a commitment please join us our service will feature Mr Harris we love when he prays at the council meeting so we invited him to do our family prayer for this s this or this Saturday service so please join I really appreciate the fact that whenever we have community service programs or whether it be on Sunday or Saturday that we can always count on a representative from the township to take the time when they can to attend and or participate in the service we greatly appreciate it um Dr Saluki vice president of the NAACP she'll be participating as well so we greatly appreciate and admire what the NAACP has been doing at the Willing bar Public Library Black History Month for Black History Month and of course all that they do um on Tuesdays the our church hosts a health talk from 700 P.M to 8:00 pm right now it's taking place on cancer prevention but if you want to make a note of where to go on Zoom the meeting ID number is 871 0209 the last four digits are 52 24 and then the passcode is Adventist a d v n t i s t our health Ministry director tamy fashion m m t tamy fashanu who's a nurse practitioner she does it on a wide array of things to help us have healthy and happy lives tonight's was on cancer prevention it's normally geared towards the health awareness of this particular American Heart month is this as well as can so please be encouraged um Everyone's entitled to their opinion but I truly appreciate all of you individually hard work and collectively as a body you have your differences of opinion but all of you commonly and passionately serve our community with love and compassion so may God richly bless you individually and collectively as a body thank you for your time have a good night thank you Mrs William Miss Williams welcome all right public comment is now closed Mr Harris can we start with so blue recycling bins are are available able um recycling is picked up by the county and my understanding of that that Arrangement was that um the county trucks could not get into the writtenhouse square and Fairmont Park so they were picking up those collections manually by hand and rear loading those trucks so that was the reason that I was understood I understood why they had the yellow carts or the yellow cans instead of the blue ones so there are cans that are available and If yeah for written house we have blue recycling bins available yeah what is Miss Williams's address Miss Williams will have a blue recycling can tomorrow har we'll follow up in that make sure you your neighbor needs needs no okay with you right after this meeting just okay um Miss mallerie um a Hudson oh I'm sorry Miss mallerie um I do appreciate you sharing um a story of black history I um unfortunately you know our public comment is four minutes so um uh we do appreciate what you shared um especially during black history month and then also Teresa Vic for defend Island Mr yeah we communicated with her just today that that item would be discussed in executive session and it will be discussed in executive session executive session okay so that is so this is um executive session discussion um Miss Teresa um so we will um convene um in closed doors to discuss this matter Miss bu Williams miss Will Williams had the pothole around ch um Charleston Road yes we will take care of that pothole we'll take care of that okay um Mr Gary Johnson um did indicate um initially covid um did Kill volunteerism um that did happen and we are seeing an uptick well from our perspective we are seeing an uptick and people coming back out and um giving their time to help the community um it did go down you know after Co to your point um and you also said that we I want to say killed the CT um can you speak more of the I think you're talking about the OEM okay and that we still in the process of yes we uh have um Captain bucks and I are working to uh recruit a new o coordinator we have some individuals who have a lot of experience here in Willingboro who are interested in in that position I think some of the circumstances that Mr Johnson May uh be aware of may be a little skewed uh because there was some conversations but um the OEM coordinate coordinator was not dismissed by this governing body and he actually just submitted his resignation uh a few weeks ago so that's just reality yes also to Mr Johnson's point we have recognized that a sharp drop in volunteerism um not only in Willingboro but across the Across the Nation um and the Township in partnership with the Willingboro Community Development Corporation is doing a volunteer Fair on April 27th there it is it's right next to it on April 27th and we invite all um Willingboro based nonprofit organizations volunteer organizations and organizations that work in Willingboro that are looking for volunteers to join that if you have interest in having a table there for sir or um you know trying to engage more residents to be a part of that you can call 609 491 1732 um and if you have any other questions about that I'm happy to answer them I Step Go agenda about go all right moving on to M BW Worth's concerns um Can somebody give me an update on um the status of resolutions and agendas being put on the website is that not happening now no yes can um it was happening prior to the transition from Miss bigin to Mr Garcia um I'm not sure if anyone else and maybe Donald might be better positioned to answer that if anybody else had the uh the resources to at that to the section where it is um with the integration from granicus to Peak agenda um however that training is available we can make sure that I don't want to so who so is it's the clerk respons let mean make it clear it's the clerk's responsibility cler office responsibility to upload that to the website correct okay so we will make sure um Miss stillworth we will make sure that that continues thank you for bringing that um to our attention we will definitely have the agendas um yeah and I I did notice that actually um today's agenda is up there um it's on um upcoming events um this exact agenda is there um the only thing I wanted to say it says February 20th it's there is that um what's uploaded it doesn't it's just like how we have it in our packet it's like um on each page it doesn't say the resolution Dash exact number just wanted to make sure that we make sure that we add that but it is there I see it but last meet last meeting was not but somebody did it for this meeting so whoever did it we need to continue doing that so thank you for doing that it's right there on agenda and minutes that tab if you go to Township Clerk it says um agenda minutes and it says upcoming events Township council meeting and the agenda is Packet the whole packet is there so but that is the only one and then we have available archives the last one that was up there is January 30th the link is not working though I did try to open it it is blank I also checked our resolutions the last time our resolutions was added was in 2022 so we are missing all of 2023 um but all right so we'll we'll follow with that and we'll get that situated um in the next couple of weeks make sure we're on board for our next meeting um and make sure people can have access to our agendas and resolutions I believe we did have that on yeah okay a link see thank you Miss stillworth for bringing that to our attention um Miss Holly um had some question about Oprah request and who's filling them out filling them out and if there's a conflict if the Oprah request is concerning the person doing the Oprah request but I think we have um can you give a update on the status of the registrar's office now or who's doing the opras now the opras are done by the clerk's office okay so we have so the deputy clerk at this point would be responsible for oper requests and I know we put out for an Oprah requ Oprah request attorney did that come back yet no we didn't vote on that yet I am not aware of one coming back I know um um the attorney used to work at floral perui I can't remember his name Nick yeah yeah yeah and Nick Sullivan um okay so I'll follow what I'll follow up with that this week um but there is there anything we can say about the op request she okay Miss Hol we'll get back to you um with with your question okay we'll be moving on to I think we have executive session oh no I'm sorry Count Council comments Council have any comments tonight yes just want to thank everyone for coming out um I had the opportunity along with uh the mayor um Dr worthy to attend a wrestling tournament at JFK it was a beautiful beautiful event uh the police department had donated a wrestling mat that was out of this world um when I spoke to Captain bucks he said it was funds that or confiscated funds that they had to allocate and it went for a wonderful wonderful purpose it was great to see the logo uh it had what we stood for integrity honor it was a beautiful beautiful mat um and in addition to that the police department I think one of the police unions did matching funds for a total donation of $5,000 to the wrestling program so that was just a great event to attend to see the surrounding communities you know the babies wrestling on up so that was a wonderful event I had the opportunity to attend um also uh once again um last night I had the opportunity to see Miss Sarah Holly get sworn in as the president for the Burl Co Federation of democratic women um also to mention that another Willingboro resident Miss Angelina Martinez serves on that committee as well as the coordinating secretary thank you thank you Deputy Mayor any other Council have any comments briefly um good evening everyone just want to say thank you for coming out and um just to let everyone know that um the council will be um kickboxing tomorrow or is it tomorrow right picking it with the council I'm looking forward to that um and I also am wanted to also um I attended uh Miss Holly's event um she was sworn in um as the president of the Burlington County the federations of democratic women along with also miss Angelina Martinez so congratulations to uh Miss Holly and Miss Martinez that's all I have for this evening thank you councilman Peron Dr worthy thanks madam there um well thank you everyone for coming out um today I also wanted to talk a bit about black history um we're ataps doing an event uh black history celebrity night Friday night for the the students that we continue to celebrate Black History all year long but particularly every Friday night um in February and the students will be dressing up as history makers that they've learned about and coming out to celebrate um today I wanted to highlight um Shirley Chisum who is someone who I highly respect and admire um for those of you who may have forgotten a brief refresher she became the first African-American congresswoman in 1968 and four years later she became the first major party Black candidate to make a bid for the United States presidency and what I also love about Shirley Chisum is she was a member of Delta Sigma Theta sority Incorporated and she was known for being a sister she was known for caring and doing things in love and bringing people together and not being divided and so that's something that I think is really important at least for me as a public servant to make sure that I work together to unite the community and not to do things that would divide or um make a mess if you will but there was a quote that she had that I really um appreciated she said you don't make progress by standing on the sidelines whimpering and complaining you make progress by implementing ideas and so I really commend this Council for the implementation of so many different ideas and working to unite the community to work together to try to make this a better willing burrow thank you madam mayor um all right thank you and another um great event that is happening locally um the Underground Railroad Museum of Burlington County is doing a celebration of local iconic Heroes and shuros at Rowan College of Burlington County um on February 23rd so if you are interested in going to that it will be from 6:00 to 9:00 pm in B Hall um for that one um also um in the manager's report I did just take a note that there were some carbon monoxide and smoke detector calls um with the EMS um and fire department so if you it's a new year you may not have checked but please make sure you check your fire um alarms as well as your carbon monoxide detectors make sure those are all in good working order so that we can stay safe for the new year thank you councilwoman Whitfield um I just like to say I just like to first thank everyone who came out um to voice their concerns and their issues um that's what we're here for um and like I always say you're you are our eyes and our ears and some things we don't know so I definitely appreciate um all those who had comments for public comment to let us know of the issues um that you may be having and we'll do our best to solve them um and as black history um month does come to an end you know we are reminded that there are a lot of events going on to participate in and we do celebrate Black History all month I'm sorry all year um but make but make sure um you check out some of the some of the um events that we have going on and then go definitely go to the library and check out the exhibit um with that said um I appreciate everyone for coming out have a great night we will be going into executive session though yes madame mayor um executive session is needed for matters involving pending or anticipated litigation or contract negotiation matters involving Personnel or employment and Andor matters falling within attorney client privilege thank you motion to go into executive yes you can say say it yeah motion to go into the executive session so moved second moved by coun Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by Dr worthy roll call please council member Peron yes council member worthy yes council member Whitfield yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes and mayor McIntosh yes now an exact yes thank you there we go Motion to come out of executive session so move second moved by Deputy Mayor Anderson seconded by councilwoman worthy roll call please council member Peron yes council member Whitfield yes council member worthy yes Deputy Mayor Anderson yes mayor mcos yes we're officially out yep we're officially out executive session make a motion for adjournment second second advised coun oh councilwoman Peron all in favor say I I I any Nays except for Donald no Nays all right thank you yep the time is