for microphones please okay we're going to call this meeting to order this is a regular meeting of the Willison city council it is Tuesday February the 6th it's 6:m and I will ask the city clerk to please call the role mayor Goodman I am here president Jones here vice president Cox here council member bulock here Council MMA hin she's running late city manager Terry bouard here City attorney kisten Balo here city clerk Latricia Wright I am here and all other staff present thank you thank you we appreciate you being here with us tonight if you will please stay with me at this time with the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance by the mayor join me if you will Lord we're beinging here is this thing working I love technology hello I love technology Lord we're gathered here today today as a city in the chambers of the government of that City and Lord I ask you to be with each one of these people that are trying to make the best decisions that they can for our city and for our community and for the people of that Community guide them give them the wisdom that they need to do the things that must be done and Lord today with a heavy heart I ask you to please put a hedge of protection around our police officers Lord as I have been watching news all around us Orlando Gainesville Okala police officers are being shot in the line of duty Lord I ask you to place a hedge of protection on my officers on our officers on our friends to keep them safe as they go through their day and do the duties that they are charged with and Lord I ask you to be with each member of this audience that has taken time out of their life to come here and to watch their government in action in your name amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you very much thank you Mr Mayor U at this time I will ask if there are any additions deletions changes to the agenda I know of none if you meet with approval please um give me a motion for approval of the agenda as it stands I'll make a motion that we approve the agenda I second get that I have a motion and a second do I have any further discussion all in favor of the motion to say I I all oay same sign motion carries item number two on our agenda is the mayor student of the month and we will turn it over to the mayor at this time I think I can say with a degree of certainty that this is my Council and my favorite time of every meeting when we have our young people which are being recognized and the first person I would like to recognize is Mr Co Cody Martin Mr Cody come right over here sir wait one minute I gotta find my paperwork grab the mic thank you m Mr Cody Lee Martin do you know that that Mrs action made the following comments about you do you like her I would too if she talked about me that way Cody Martin is a model student in class no in all of Joyce bulock Elementary his tenacity his determination his kindness and his resilience makes him the absolute best that is quite a statement Cody he is the best friend to everyone in school from prek all the way up to second grade he knows everyone Cody how can you know everyone well she says that if you don't know him you go out of your way to learn to know them and to get to know them better do you do that good for you when faced with challenges he goes in head first determined to learn determined to get better and to help his friends understands Cody embodies what it means to be both a red devil and a model student could I have a round of applause for this fine young [Applause] man Mr Cody I would like to give you this from me outstanding student Award presented by Charles Goodman the mayor of the city of Williston and this is to certify that Cody Martin is awarded this certificate for academic Excellence leadership citizenship and attendance at Joyce bulock Elementary School given the sixth day of February 2024 could I hand this to you okay now don't leave me I I need you up here for courage all right stand right over here with me in addition one of our businesses Cody stay focused one of our businesses would like to give you your very own personal 14in two topping pizza okay and this is from Domino's Pizza who is right over there no not in the hallway they're they're on the other side of the street okay so this is for you okay now stay with me okay turn around here this lady would like wait a minute wait wait just a minute turn this up so she can see all right now could I get a round of applause again for Cody stay here with me Cody I I need you my friend okay number two Miss Arena chin uhuh oh know Cody Cody Cody sit Irina welcome hi ireena chin is in the fourth grade she her mother and I Arena you got to help me here okay how do you pronounce your father's name H Hong Hong and Sandy chin Arena was nominated by Mrs Mr Thompson who made the following comments Arena has all the qualities of a Williston Elementary School student of the month that's quite a statement Arena she's kind to everyone I can see that you're a kind person she works hard in the classroom and she strives to be helpful to those around her she is always prepared for class and actively engages in every lesson you don't find some lessons are more fun than others it's okay do you like one one kind of like math over history or over geography what's your favorite subject don't tell me PE that was my favorite subject you have a favorite subject it's okay you don't have to tell me I'll find out from your mom Arena shows true resiliency through her dedication to her education never giving up when the task becomes when more challenging she has truly earned the mayor's student of the month congratulations Arena I have here outstanding student Award presented by Charles Goodman the mayor of the city of Willison this is to certify that Arena chin has awarded this certificate for academic Excellence leadership citizenship and attendance at Williston Elementary School given the sixth day of February 2024 may I hand this to you thank you and if Cody hasn't taken it I'm watching you Irena this is from one of our outstanding businesses Domino's Pizza who is want to congratulate you for making student of the month and they want me to give you this certificate for your own two topping 14inch pizza Arena I don't think you're going to eat a 14inch pizza if you do come and see me I want to know how you did it okay could I have a a round of applause for arena now I'm going to try this I'm looking around and tell me that I'm wrong Nar yes Lord Miss Nar Miranda I know that because I watched it on a movie Once Miranda not Nar Nar is a young lady she is already in the eighth grade you know I almost made it through the eighth grade near Nar was nominated by Mrs mcgaan ah who made the following comments neamar does okay no she says that you're a great student who always goes above and beyond and that you're a leader in the classroom so you were one of those people I was following and such an insightful respectful student and an asset to the classroom neamar is willing to help everyone and she also has excellent grades I'm going to ask you now what's your favorite subject to history history yes because that's what us old people are nar I would like to give you this outstanding student award it's presented by Charles Goodman the mayor of the city of Williston and this is to certify that Nar Miranda is awarded this certificate for academic Excellence leadership citizenship and attendance at Williston Middle High School may I hand this to you don't leave me I'm trying to keep you need to watch Cody make sure you doesn't get away and also Domino's Pizza would like to give you this 14 in two topping pizza and recognition of your achievement could I have a round of applause from neara now if I could get the three of you right here Cody I need you right in front of me right here where I can watch you and ladies if you can get on either side and hold your certificates up for anybody that wants a picture there you go I won't let that get away C everybody good I did stay at a holiday in once can I get a l Round of [Applause] Applause you go I started to say this is your time to escape if you want to escape if not you're very welcome to stay and and listen to the process here U but if you'd like to sneak out this is your opportunity yes sir please don't appreciate you bringing your children it's wonderful that you do that okay item number three on our agenda agenda is public participation and the public participation is the first of two times that you have the opportunity to speak to this Council about something that is not on the agenda that you would like for us to hear tonight uh you have up to five minutes to speak to us and like I said there are two opportunities the other one is at the end of the agenda there's anyone who would like to speak at this time please come to the podium yes sir please state your name and your city of residence we got a $462 water bill more than what the light bill there $74 all together and they had to find the water Meer this morning so whoever read the water meter I disagree with what they read because they didn't know where the water me was do you think they read it wrong before or they read it wrong this time no all the other month it been cheaper all sudden this month the must didn't read it cuz it's $462 this month just for water bill was it buried or something do you know it was in the busher in the bush so evident they must be been not reading it right from the GetGo that must be the the city worker came out there this morning and I had to help them find it okay and they mocked it all right Mr where no what they should have a blue Mark they put a blue Mark there this morning yes sir there's an on his meter we don't have to see the meter to read it it's electronic I don't go for that do not meter it has an earth I do not go radio it's a radio rate they don't know where the meter was in the bushes in other words you don't have to get so I'm not buying that okay so was it being read properly in other months yes ma'am any idea why it's 400 something I'd have to look at the individual bill to make an assertation of it we did have a rate increase obviously it wasn't that much well it shouldn't be that much if he'll bring in wait Mr Monro if he'll sit down with the staff we'll go over his bill but his his meter in particular is an ER there's no reason to get to the meter in order to take an accurate read it's done electronically I know there are some that you read with a a device okay I think they do that in my front yard as well okay number one why did they did not know what the meter was this morning because they don't have to approach the meter to read it it's in bushes so I think they got to they got know where at there's an electronic device that reads it from a distance I'm that I'm not bu that well uh y'all will let me know in the morning I if he'll come see us in the morning uh Miss president um we will have a conversation with him for sure absolutely okay can you time morning uh someone can meet with you anytime you're here between the hours of 8 and 4 all right back yes sir thank you Mr B anybody else at this time anyone on the ring central meeting unmute your mic if you wish to participate okay you want to speak you want to participate okay thank you no okay tell them if they want to toward the end that we have another opportunity all right hearing nothing further we're going to move to item number four which is the consent agenda the consent agenda at this time consists of the council meeting minutes of January 16th they were in your packet if you have any changes let's hear them if not I'll entertain a motion for approval I make a motion to approve consent agenda yes I second I have a motion in second do I have any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries item number five is updates and we'll start with the staff updates with the city manager all thank you madam president and Council so I'll try to be brief but I do have quite a few for you good A lot has happened since the last time we met so just kind of give you an update as you know we're still working on the high-speed internet the city of Williston and uh I've had discuss with y'all about having a workshop in the near future you know so we're still working together to put that presentation uh out to y'all to get a date that figure out when you want to do it and the mayor has graciously I believe left some things on your table that actually came from a presentation that he was at uh from Central Ford electric and that can give you a few things kind of take a look at but we're moving forward with that and uh so we hope to come to y'all and give you a presentation of what highspeed internet would look like under two different uh things one a qu uh hyper kind of thing with us in the city Bala and then plus another one with us in Central Florida electric so we'll have two business models for you to look at and make a decision from there we're excited about it um I'm excited about bringing high-speed internet to the city of willston regardless of how I get it here that's my goal um we did have a meeting about the impact fees so we started on those and of course you know those are directly related to police fire and Parks so that meeting did occur I would like to also tell you that I'm almost still maybe Lis Thunder Don Adams Mr Adams was selected as our new uh code enforcement Animal control officer so I want to congratulate him good job congratulations we are absolutely looking forward to great things coming out of him so uh as y all know Don came from um streets and parks and he's done an excellent job uh here at the city the next thing we have is um we're still trying to set up the ribbon cutting date for the John Henry Park draining project so we'll be coming back to you to date with that we're monitoring very closely House Bill 1277 all of youall what that is that's the transfer of the City utility bills currently it's gone through the house but currently the companion bill through the Senate is not agenda yet so if it doesn't get agenda it probably will not make it a law but once again we need to be aware of it as you know the golf cart signs in Southwest are up and uh yay so we have uh in the southwest we have golf cart usage of golf carts and actually uh my understanding they've been out today riding around utilizing that so that's good um we have made some progress on the Northwest 9th Circle lift station also known as a curl lift station so we answered some questions back to Mrs curl and what that would look like when we get it done um so we are moving forward with uh at least now starting that project uh also I will give you a real quick update on on wag you know wag came in and made a presentation to the council about um what they would look like if we had them take over the Animal Control Function for the city and um unfortunately there were some issues with lease and Rental that you just simply cannot get around you know so we're going to work through an mou with them as them being a guest and a guest only in the uh in the animal shelter I think they're happy with that and they're very happy with the decision made on even their future place there at wag mou being a memorandum of understanding memorandum of understanding yes ma'am uh let you know the sidewalk front of Palms Medical supposed to be uh this week we'll have a date when that one's completed and done from fdot and we will have the wison rehab payment done uh this week also so those those two things uh uh will be getting done pretty quickly I will tell you the line of credit uh is moving quickly um we've had a meeting with both our attorney and the bank's attorney and the senior staff over there the uh Justin head and myself and Stephen Bloom so they're moving forward with that and we're making pretty good progress with that I know that was quick if you have any questions um I know we got a big agenda but we got a lot going on in the city also any questions for the city manager thank you you can always come back to him later okay so I will ask if there are any updates from staff I see Miss Jones saying up there good morning or good afternoon or evening I'm gonna have Mr uh Walt come up and give you some updates on our grants it was a citizen request and so I thought we'd do them all at the same time thank you good evening wel with right Pierce yeah I just want to run through the list of the various grants that we have either active that are pending that are going on in the city and it's quite an extensive list um you know there was a $25,000 grant for um assisting with the Broadband investigations through lit communities and that was $225,000 uh we have a pending Grant with the cdbg for Lift Station 4 and some roadway repaving for $700,000 um that we're just kind of waiting for the documents to come be coming in for John Harry Park and I've presented these numbers to you in the past before we have the southwest Florida grant for 700 under $122,250 that's one active and construction is is in its early stages right now shop drawings and so forth we haven't uh Broken Ground yet but things are are moving on that plus we got an FD resiliency grant for that same project for [Music] $834,900 progress plus a fur app which is a Florida Recreation development assistance program an additional $50,000 and that Grant is pending uh waiting to hear on that uh not a grant but a loan but the CAA uh has a loan for the block 12 improvements across the street for $1 million um you will hear more today Dennis will present um the sanitary sore facilities plan which is an FD srf loan with princip forgiveness not a grant but a loan with principal forgiveness for $332,000 uh Safe Streets for all action PL uh the city received a grant um just a month ago for $153,600 and uh you have a pending Grant with FEMA for the hazard mitigation grant program for [Music] $168,900 and there is still a grant pending we're waiting to hear through the US do for electric vehicle charging stations for amount of $716,000 and there was one grant that we Us in the city went uh was applying for through FEMA which is called brick building resilient infrastructure and communities for some drainage problems there were some technical difficulties with that and the grant wasn't able to be submitted but the next round is coming up and all those documents will be submitted um and that amount is to be determined so the city has been very successful in the grants program there was quite a quite an extensive list for a small community but those are uh the grants that we are aware of I'm not sure if we missed any others um but that's a summary of the grants Uh current or pending grants that you have going right now terrific any questions for Mr niichel Mr Mayor Mr nichel would you kindly explain to me what kind of a grant is principal forgiveness so you'll get more about this later when Dennis presents but it is a low interest loan that a state revolving fund they cannot give grants but they can forgive the amount you owe as it goes so is a standard practice through the srf loan for for communities that are the term disadvantaged can get those those opportunities can't give a grant but we can give you the money and then forgive the loan that we gave you yes thank you you're welcome I have one question for you the thir app Grant is that just on 50,000 is that for Kus Williams yes okay perfect yes thank you I thought so but I wasn't sure all right any other questions for Mr niichel okay thank you very much thank you all right any other staff any other hands back there that I did not see Miss John's was so quick I saw her first all right nothing at this time I sorry to say I'm singing fingers and I'm seeing not has he had it yet I'm not sure he's had it yet he has changed his mind what do you mean he's changed his mind being quiet he's definitely being quiet okay so you haven't had your Chief's meeting yet oh with a microphone sir I guess you're going to make it whether you want to make it or not I guess so who's ringing somebody's ringing thank you the fmit meeting that uh Miss Latricia W our city clerk got me appointed to the board uh it was a very uh interesting meeting we talked about a lot of things especially dealing with insurance and HR uh which because of that meeting uh we were able to get a claim closed so a lot of good information came out came out of there so I will give you more details as I get more familiar with the program which will be in our next meeting terrific thank you thank you I serve on that board by the way the fmit board we meet quarterly so I'm sure I'll hear from it there too okay uh any other staff members before we move all right then we'll move to the council the council have any updates or questions they would like to ask at this time absolutely so a week ago um I went with Mr Bishop Mr Aron Mills and Mr D Barber we went over and we T the wastewater treatment plan first time I saw it was three years ago and it was not a pretty sight but through the work of the staff utility guys and all that the place looks great so if somebody was looking to give us a grant or whatever and they wanted to look at our facilities they would see that we take care of our yes so great job guys I know I'm in line for my tour next but hopefully this Friday we'll see anybody else okay I have one question um I know there's been some conversation about the curb the infamous curb that is um on Main Street as it goes across and I understand there was another incident there either yesterday or today do can we make some um effort to talk with do about either cutting that curve down making it more visible whatever they think it needs to be happened I think if we get crash indicators from the last year or so it would definitely be something that we could put on their radar at least I know that it's you couldn't straighten it out very well because it's it's not got the right is that got enough property to do that yeah we don't it's actually it's it's in the hands of fdot and and actually I've had to had some discussion with the police department about some of that data uh so I'm still waiting on that data to uh to get it over to fdot we can present it with them as to what they'll do I I don't know um unfortunately it's nothing that we can control nothing we can change U it's an fdot area highway curb sidewalk um although we can encourage and influence sometimes greatly and obviously ly with data it would be easier and uh so yes we we'll take care of that and that's all I'm asking is that we let them know some of the the incidents that have occurred at that location just so that they can at least look at it yeah be happy to in our report I appreciate that all right anybody else on the council all right Mr Meritt your turn thank you Madame President for those of you I'm sure most people in the room are aware February is Black History Month and we have in our midst two people that have contributed to Black History one of them is counselor darus Hines who is the first black female to ever serve on this Council and the other is my friend Chief Mike RS and on the 18th of this month there is a organization that in honor of Black History Month is going to be honoring those two people and it is going to be my privilege and my honor to represent the city at that event and to congratulate those two find individuals thank you madam president yes can I Patricia is first as well ain't she she is yes absolutely she's the first she the first black city clerk may may I answer that I think we've already honored honored her Miss Latricia was honored yeah and there was a mistake made in which she was recognized ized and rightfully so she holds an esteem position and uh but some other people were not so we're making up for an error can you tell us about the event I mean you told us the date but you didn't tell yes I did tell you the date but it's a private event I didn't want any of you guys to crash it okay it's New Hope Missionary church and I'm you can look up their address if you want to but uh got I received an invitation to represent the city at that event which is honoring Black History Month and our two candidates for that that are going to be honored in that event okay appreciate it maybe I can wiggle myself an invitation I appreciate it uh anything else from you Mr Mayor no man all right we're going to move then to item number six with which is new business item a resolution [Music] 2024-the ringer and the City of Wilston with legal descriptions as outlined in the attached reciprocal easement document authorizing the city council president to execute the reciprocal e easement document and providing an effective date and for this we have Mr Bard we also have Mr fuget and I attorney Miss K thank you I'll I'll let Mr puga go if he would like uh it won't take long no sir um so um we're here again I think we've been here a couple of times um uh before tonight and uh in front of you tonight you have a packet of paperwork not too much and a recommendation from the city manager and I'm not going to say anything more other than uh we're asking the council to follow the recommend recation of the city manager and the uh as supported by the opinion I guess of the City attorney and I'm here to answer any questions if I can okay city manager do you have any comment uh no ma'am other than I I I agree with Mr bu we should proceed I I'd like to thank uh uh before they get too far away that uh both Mr bug's office and his staff and Miss King and her realtor and Fs and Walker for their diligent work this was a lot of work over three months and uh sometimes it's heavy lifting uh but I think the documents that they have in front of you are not going to get any better and uh are good enough for me and meet all of our needs and I think it actually helps everyone okay Miss B do you have any comments happy with the legal descriptions McMillan surveying has provided you with map and additional legal description to your um to your request so I'm I'm pleased with the document and it has my approval the maps are wonderful if we'd had those to begin with we probably would have been a whole lot better off at least one meeting gone okay uh any other yes sir Mr city manager has the other half of this aware of this and do you know if they are willing to accept this document which other half miss her attorne Miss ringer yes fug is is her attorney yes I don't want to speak to M for Mr fuget but we did have okay in our office where everybody was in agreement I think we'll I think we would both say the same thing me and the city manager because we both sat in a meeting at which Miss ringer was present she was pres absolutely and would and has and agreed with everything that is in uh this document and the document calls for her signature so uh so if she's not pass this resolution she could refuse to sign and then and then we're so that's that is the tone of my question she is on board with this as M you know that is correct thank you if there are no other comments I would entertain a motion for approval of resolution 202 24-17 I'll make the motion to approve resolution 202 24-17 I'll second that I have a motion in a second to have any further discussion from anyone all in favor the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries thank you all of you all the staff all the attorneys for a job well done thank you sir all right we'll move to Res to item number B resolution 2024-the the loan application authorizing the loan agreements establishing pledged revenues designated designating authorized representation Representatives providing assurances providing for conflict severability and effective date Mr nickel are you Mr Mr Davis is taking the lead thank you Dennis Davis with r Pierce Mr R I don't know if you were going to say anything or okay no sir I'm all yield forward to you all right M rght if you could I I believe it's uh page 34 or 38 of the agenda package if you could go to that or yeah I don't know if you have the PowerPoint yeah there we go so we're here tonight to talk about the um State revolving fund loan slash uh principal forgiveness project um if you'll go to the next slide please M Trisha um just a quick summary on this project just to remind everybody uh what this is uh about and um I'm sorry I I forgot I should have deleted the title of this table here the table title is incorrect but if you could Overlook that eror on my part just as a reminder uh going back a little bit before the the dates on this table um We R Pierce worked with City staff to develop a master plan for water sewer storm water roadways all of that all of those different service areas and through that plan we presented it to the city council we had workshops on it um following that we had a big grant funding Workshop here at the city we invited a lot of the grant agencies to come here and talk to us about ways that we could fund this large list of projects out of that one of the the funding mechanisms that Rose to the top for the utilities is the state revolving fund program um the the state revolving fund is ultimately funded through um the federal government they pass money down to the state and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection administers the state revolving fund program they have one side of it for um Wastewater which they call clean water and another side of it for drinking water okay so one of the things that came out of our Master planning process on the Wastewater side was that we needed to evaluate and improve our collection system so again that is the the pipes that are out in the streets it's the lift stations that pump everything everything to the wastewater treatment plant and so um we we worked with uh Depp to talk through a project we um back on um October 17th as you see up there we came to the city council and presented um a a document that is required as part of the the srf process which is called a request for inclusion that request for inclusion identified a $393,000 project that would allow us to go out and evaluate the collection system and then prepare what um in in FD terminology is called a facilities plan which evaluates and puts recommendations for for how to improve the collection system um so we presented that to the city Council got approval to submit the request for inclusion following that um we made the submitt um we heard from back from FD that our request for inclusion was accepted we heard that on um o excuse me November 8th they had to publish that for a month um to get any public comment on 128 there was no comments on our inclusion onto the priority list to get that funding and so on 128 we were basically approved um after that they sent us some paperwork that has to be completed and so this grant ultimately uh I called it a grant but this loan it's state revolving fund loan is a $393,000 loan with half of that being forgiven uh the principal forgiveness on that so if you could go to the the next slide Miss Latricia the details of this uh of this grant or loan so the loan amount is $393,000 uh the loan term is 10 years and the interest rate is 0.34% so um very low um interest rate and as I mentioned you're only going to get charged interest on half of it because half of it going to be forgiven so that makes your monthly payments over that 10 years approximately $1,700 one of the important things that we wanted to make sure of as we sat down with uh the city manager was that to understand cash flow and so the way this will work is that um right Pierce as we imp if we implement this project if the city approves this we would move forward we would invoice the city monthly and then srf is able to basically prepay the first month then every subsequent month they'll give you another check as long as you provide the canell check for where you paid us so really the city has no outof pocket expenses while the project is moving forward and then the last bullet there 6 months after the facilities plan has been accepted by FD you'll start in your loan repayment um for the the following 10 years so again the purpose of this of this report and this investigation is to evaluate this the collection system to identify what improvements need to be made if you'll remember back back to our presentation when we were going through the master planning some of this gravity sewer has been in place since the 1940s some of it since the 1950s and then some of it is is newer but this this um program will focus on evaluating the 1940s and 50s air piping to make it uh you know to replace that piping that's well outside of its livelihood of its life expectancy so what we're asking for tonight is approval of this project approval of us to submit this loan application um we're asking for the president to be able to sign it um Mr President we're not ready it we'll need to talk with FD and go back and forth they need to review a few things so we're not expecting you to sign it tonight but we're expecting would like to have approval to move that forward the entire packet is very large you can see the city manager got it in his hand it includes everything from the city budget to the to the most recent financial statement um everything possible that the bank or the state not the bank the state would need for that revolving Loan Fund um it also pledges some utility utility revenues yes we need to I think need to stay that I'm not sure if it's a percentage or what exactly that I could not it just said utility revenue uh so I know that's what we're using for backup sure so I mean that's where the ultimately that's where the payment will come the $1,700 a month payment for the next 10 years on this will come from the utilities fund and so what we had to do is prepare the fin financial documents so Mr Bloom was involved with this and then of course M blue was involved to uh prepare the the required letters that go to FD so that was evaluated so yes the city is committing that hey to pay back this loan we are using our um utility funds Revenue to pay that loan back I thought it was absolutely wonderful that you're going to use a camera to look at the lines the actual Wastewater and water lines and that you're going to look at M the not all manholes but a large percentage of the manholes yes that's probably something we haven't had done in a long time um that's needed to be done I I don't see any other way to get it done but through this mechanism and you can't beat an interest rate of 0.34% no um anybody else have any questions or comments mine were simply comments the only other thing I see is on page 20 it refers to Drummond Community Bank instead of C Coast okay 20 the only thing I saw that needed to be changed that I caught on the utility billing revenues anybody else have questions it was a lot of read but a lot of it you'd seen before between the financial statement and the budget that was a lot of it right so if not I'll entertain a motion for resolution 2024 d24 I make a motion that we approve res resolution 2024 d24 second I have a motion in a second is there any further discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I got something Sor with this uh scope of work on just more to the manager I mean is this going or possibly to to you is this going to solve all the problems or is this going to be a a dog chasing a tail and find more problems so what it what it will do is that will will actually determine where our best needs need to be go where we go to next so you know obviously you know the city manager is hoping that more than likely it will lead to the expansion of the Wastewater Plant wastewater treatment facility but that may not be will be it they may say that you know what your plan needs to be to develop the roadways not the physical roadways but the the infrastructure that gets the wastewater treatment facility to your Wastewater facility plan and what it may also do is where we may believe that we're at 50% flow capacity or less that when we make these changes and make these Corrections our flow capacity may go down because we're not getting so much storm water and rain water in into our our holes and piping and manholes and so we may not need to increase the Wastewater facility plant for several years but it will be bind I mean it's a binding process that once we go down this road you know where I may not get the wastewater treatment facility plant we may have to change out some lift stations and some piping and all this kind of stuff that's going to give us a better system to our Wastewater facility and is and and all of that is covered in 1700 a month the extra stuff or would that be have to search for Grants and yes so I think so the next steps this the $1,700 a month is going to cover the study and evaluation and the plan to move forward from that when we identify what the the the true solution is uh to com fix all the piping and whatnot then we will have opportunities and Mr Bo to go back and look at where to get the money srf is available for us actually um uh doing the construction cost of this project too and in that case case while it's not guaranteed they've talked to us about 80% principal forgiveness on construction side of this project so um we hope to identify all of the issues within the collection system so that we can get those fixed so so to give you an idea the reason why we say that about the collection system right is that during the big big rain event remember we had the the five five Ines over the four hours which we said was more like s to 10 right we saw a spike in our flow rate about 25% so if we have a 25% Spike because of a four 5H hour rain then we likely have some collection issues that we have to straighten out that's going to lower that rate that flow rate when it gets to the plant and maybe we won't need to build another plant for another five or 10 years we don't know but this will certainly tell us yeah which which direction we'll have to go and it gives us the analysis we need in order to apply for those loans to get it done for the construction yeah through srf right if if you wanted to use srf as a funding mechanism for this gravity collection system which has to get repaired eventually then you have to go through this first step according to srf they want you to do the facilities plan in order to get the their money on construction and and there's a lot of things that drives our ability for uh building new homes putting in new subdivisions but the one main factor that drives it all is your wastewater treatment facility and I would have never thought that two years ago but I can tell you today that once you hit a certain number the state will simply tell you you cannot do any more developments there will be no more permitting until you resolve this issue now a lot of the issues we resolved as yall know are the rate structures that was a step in the right direction and this is just now the next step in the right direction to resolve these problems and and that's kind of where we're trying to go does that help you Mr bullet well a little bit seems like a I don't know seems like a lot of a lot of money for more test and studies to spend money in a way so I'm just trying to wrap my head around it for one last time all right okay I do have a motion and a second on the floor there any further discussion if not I'll call for the vote all in favor of resolution 20 24-24 please say I I all oppos say nay motion carries it item C discussion with possible action assistance to firefighter assistance to firefighter Grant Chief Lamar steel assistant chief Jimmy Willis hello chief hello Willis how are you can you hear me yes sir okay tonight we come to you asking permission to apply for the afg grant this the assistance firefighters Grant we try to apply for it every year uh looking for the whole grants going to be $260,000 it requires a 5% match for the cities around $133,000 that Grant would replace between 20 and 25 of our outdated MSA air packs mask and the testing equipment that goes to fit the mask to the firefighters yearly any questions for M for deputy chief Willis it is in your packet um of course the scuba gear is as he says the air packs that they need um in order to do their job we didn't get that Grant last year did we no sir and our time is pretty much expiring on the packs correct it's a good way to put it and this is is in the budget sir all right all right I'll entertain uh I don't know if you need a motion I resolution we need a resolution we usually do so this is just to seek permission to reapply for the grant so you won't need a resolution just to vote all right so just do we need a vote or you'll need a vote we'll need to vote I thought we did but I usually have a resolution when we vote all right so I'll entertain a motion for approval uh to apply for the afg grant for the scuba I'll make a motion to apply for the afg grant for the scuba I second that I have a motion and a second I I have any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries item D is resolution 2024 D15 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida approving the Statewide Mutual Aid agreement authorizing appropriate parties to sign the agreement and providing an effective date city manager Bard thank you madam president Council so if if you're not aware of this the State of Florida requires us to sign a mutual Aid agreement when we we have things that occur that are that are hurricanes related um just general storm related uh could be fire related could be anything related to where you know we have a mutual Aid where we agree to assist each other and in the way that we go we agree to assist it and it even breaks it down to the point of where if we require assistance here in the city of Willison of how we go about requesting that assistance through the Emergency Operations Center through the state Operation Center to making sure that we have a tasking number making sure we have a tasking order and those things help us get the reimbursement back it's the same thing if somebody said like in utilities hey we need a utility crew and we're willing to send one utility crew then we understand through this Mutual a agreement that if we don't do do it properly we don't get the right tasking number we don't get the tasking order we don't send the crew with the right stuff that we also understand that they're operating under our uh license or operating under our insurance all these things are outlined in this state mutual agreement the last one that was assigned by the city was in the year 2000 so it should be signed if not yearly uh at least when they update it and bring it out so all that does is provides us with an understanding agreement and a road map of how we are going to ask for resources get resources and get reimbursed for resources and the process in which we go about doing it so I'm asking y'all to approve it I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024-the same sign motion carries item e is resolution 202 24-21 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida to approve CH change order number one for the airport terminal building making changes as outlined in change order number one from Gray Construction Services Inc authorizing appropriate parties to sign any documents required to execute the same and providing an effective date Airport Manager Ben St yes ma'am um so tonight we have change order one for the terminal project project a lot of these changes were already or have already taken place um there's there's one or two of them that haven't going to give you examples of of some of those that have in the the water storm that was mentioned earlier you know the heavy rainfall Kell and I called pasero and asked them to come out and expand our retention areas um right around or for the terminal project to ensure that this building doesn't flood and also raise the building up a little bit um there was some additional excavation and Earth work required for the terminal based on the uh based on some of the surveys that were done U there's a a new lift a small lift station set for the septic system that has to be put in because the one that's out there now wouldn't support both buildings it barely supports the one that we're on but uh and then the uh the Portico was you know was an additional part of the terminal buildout that uh we didn't quite have the funding for so with the bico not being there it it was just removed and there was no front porch so we we asked them to put a front porch in there yeah I think the three things that you've added in your change order are great will be a great addition to the plan um I was really happy to see the lift station yes ma'am I definitely know we need that and of course the canopy I hadn't thought about that yes ma'am any questions questions for Mr St one thing one thing I will say just to to put everybody's mind at ease for the funy part of it it is well within the the money we have set aside for change orders in the grants right um we're still we still have more left in reserve then this change order is is you know worth left on a project um and we we do have some good no good news aside from this particular resolution fdot has actually come down and said that they're going to fund a emergency standby generator for the building terrific I actually wondered about that because you're leaving the one in the L one yes ma'am so that's terrific good news any other questions Mr stle Right I to entertain a motion for resolution 202 24-21 I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024 D21 a second I have a motion and a second any further discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I all oppos same sign motion carries item f is resolution 202 24-22 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida approving the land lease agreement for land with existing building between JNS trailer repair Services Inc and the City of Williston for property at the airport with a legal description as outlined in the attached land lease agreement authorizing the city council president to execute the land lease agreement and providing an effective date Airport Manager stle yes ma'am so um this is this is a essentially a renewal of a lease we don't have renewals as it were U but JNS has been at the airport for a long time they've been a you know a great customer at the at the airport if you're not familiar with where they are U just pass the the main campus of Monterey boats uh they're a small little metal building right there on the right uh this this lease not only uh or this lease in particular renews their building and land lease and actually adds about a quarter acre should say about a third of an acre to their land for additional trailer storage because they've just been growing that much so this this lease is for a fiveyear initial term and an a fiveyear option to extend so a 10 year total lease okay questions for M Airport Manager St not we'll entertain a motion for resolution 202 24-22 I'll make a motion to approve resolution 202 24-22 a second I have a motion and a second any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I I all oppose same sign motion carries thank you very much item G discussion with possible action temporary appointment for Group C Group C seat um are in your packet let me make sure I get there we have uh two people who have applied for uh the temporary seat which Mr Robinson vacated um we have Miss Meredith Martin of Southeast 2 Avenue and we have Mr Christopher serota from Northwest Second Avenue um I would I I see Miss Barton is here tonight I do not see Mr serota um so if you have comments questions or a motion entertain it at this time yes sir thank uh she did attend our meeting once before and she actually sat through the entire meeting and it was a very long one I remember that's that was the first time I believe that I met her um I do know Miss Mr soda also he lives in my neighborhood so I do I am aware he actually lives next to my daughter so I am aware of both of them and I can't make a motion so I would ask one of you to please or ask a question whichever you prefer either that or I could pass my G was there a particular reason why the other candidate could be here uh no sir I don't know I don't know if we've had any contact with him other than the application yeah I I know Miss Martin is so I I could tell you that uh I had a meeting with both candidates and talked to them about the how the city operates and how we go about doing things so um both them very pleasant meetings and um Mr Trisha joined us with with the one with Meredith who I called Miranda have halfway through the whole meeting uh but other than that um I heard about that yeah he's still calling you Miranda no I got to but yeah so they they were both of them were aware that the the meeting was occurring and both of them did have a conversation with myself about the duties of the city cc is this something that that needs to be voted on T night 100% or this yeah so this comes down to the council's choice of choosing our next council member instead of the people strictly an appointment and it lasts until May once we get a new qualifying period uh we will have two two positions open that people can qualify for so what happens in May in May that's when new people take their seats that's when you leave because you vacated your seat so then we'll have two seats seats uh so we need qualification for your seat as well as Mr Robinson's seat because nobody qualified I don't know if y'all are aware with that we had qualifying period the second week of January and nobody qualified for either one of those seats uh we had two people who applied for the temporary seat which is from February to May because May is when you install the new group I see comments right here first let's have them just just as a clarification so that everyone's on the same page section 20-13 of your ordinances is the section that that governs what it is that we do when there's a vacancy in the middle of the term and it says that you shall appoint someone and that they shall hold that seat until the next general election which as you've already stated is in May right well election was supposed to be in April we taking the seat in in in May yeah so so yes it's our duty to appoint and we've done it you know many times uh and it has to be within if it's it less than six months right if it's more than six months we would have to have a special election but since it's not then we appoint well it's hard to make a decision on not knowing anybody but I see one person here yes and she's been here twice and she hadn't left us yet I'll make a motion to approve Meredith Martin to fill the seat vacant until May okay I have a motion do I have a second I'll second I have a motion and a second is there any further discussion we gotta have somebody fill that seat so we need to just do it all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign congratulations at our next yeah at our next regularly sched SCH meeting we will spare you in uh so be prepared to take your seat whichever chair is empty at the time and Mr Cox is occupying too at the time he keeps moving back and forth so it's probably right over here somewhere but welcome a board um hopefully the staff can help between now and then can uh work out a schedule with you and kind of Orient you to different areas so you can pick up on it really quick uh Miss Latricia will be your guide she's really great um all right thank you so much for that item H discussion with possible action performance evaluation for the city manager Miss Patterson you will please start the discussion thank you so much good evening Council uh in your packet you'll find the cover page um along with the copies of the individual council members performance evaluation forms and my reconciliation of those uh evaluations the background uh behind the evaluation is the purpose of the city manager's evaluation and development report is to increase communication between the city council and the city manager concerning the performance of the city manager in the accomplishments of his or her assigned duties and responsibilities and the establishment of specific work rated goals and objectives the recommended um action through uh the evaluations presented I have reviewed and reconciled the evaluations presented by the individual council members to include president Deborah Jones vice president Jerry Robinson council member Michael Cox uh Zach Bullock and darkness Hines the recommended action is for the city council members to review the collective evaluation forms as well as Mr Bard's self- evaluation to determine satisfaction of job duties as well as a possible increase to his Salary thank you for that um as you can see from the compulation uh which is at the end of our packet uh the total score when you add up all of our scores is 4.8 out of five um I have some recommendations for you I don't know if Mr Bloom is online it would be really nice if he was um I kind of have a couple of comments to make and we'll go from there um I'm looking at a 10% he currently makes 8,159 my recommendation is 88,000 I can tell you that the 8159 that he currently makes that there are three other department heads in our city who make more than that I think that's important to me um that our city manager I would love to see our city manager make at least 10% more than the other highest paid City department heads and and that's just me I believe that he has all the responsibilties sitting on his shoulders um because he's responsible for every Department every area that we have um I Al we did some looking around um I could only get numbers for Bronson Bronson are right at what we have there the Bron and Bron a much smaller city than we are um the current their city manager is making 77,000 at the moment but that is my recommendation that we go with 10% increase because again I'm trying to get him I would love to go a little more than that but that's what I'm my recommend recommendation is to you because again I think as the city manager he he should make 10% more than every other department had in the city well that 10% that you're talking about put him at that 10% I would say currently the highest paid department head that we have makes 824 so if we went 10% over that it would be and when was the the last time we gave a race to you we I can tell you I a full year has it been a year yet it what I was right um it even has been a full year since we made him fulltime man that time before he was just interim it seems like it's like six months y we actually looked that up today Miss Crystal and I uh to see what he started at original ly as the interim city manager and then when we hired him full-time we took him to the 80,000 so it's now been a little over a year because I think that was December actually so now if I remember correctly my official start date as the full time is like December the 12th I don't hold me to that but it was definitely in December but I came over in I'm sorry December but I came over in September uh at my original salary where I was at at the PO Department right Mr Mayor if you only knew how hard that is I'm happy not to write tickets that's cheap will tell you that is not an easy thing discussion I can read those numbers again if you'd like for me to where are we at with Mr Bloom evident he's done online yeah it's not that late I think we're doing really good for everything we've talked about tonight only been here an hour and 15 minutes of course we're not through yet if we go the full 10% more than the highest paid department head that we have now it would be 8,240 excuse me 8,240 no that is not right I have to add eight 1,240 to the current 8 $8,000 yeah get me here in a minute huh okay currently makes 880,000 if we want him to be 10% more that somebody might have to help me then the eight $82,400 department head where are you Cody yeah Cody was Cody the math wizard he could definitely be better than me I got my calculator out I see Mr Bullock working down here though yeah this is where I need do I need to do it I mean okay Mr get get your calculator out so is it 8,129 or which one are you going by that huh H his his current salary I'm he makes 80 8,159 now I'm trying to do 10% more than 8240 82400 currently 8,159 but 10% of 82400 400 is $824,000 is that 10% it is is it not thank you I know don't laugh at me well I I feel I got to ask this question the other day and I feel like said um you know how do you like him this is from the resident I said I think he's the best that I've known but I've known two well I've known five or six and he's the best um I I do know this um you know the city is is operating and moving in my opinion way better now than it was two years ago when I stepped on year and a half ago when I stepped on but I also know that my company when I get a I get a raise sometimes it's only like 1,500 bucks for a year you know or 3% raise stuff like that um I do think and feel 100% that you do need to be making more than people working under you um um so I would I would like to say to get you somewhere around that 85 86 Mark um and I think that based on that would put you higher than all of them um I don't want to lose you though so I don't know what that's G to take and I haven't had no conversations with you so I wish Mr Bloom was on is what I wish I so yes we did 90,000 plus what 90,000 plus how did you cuz she said 82,000 10% was of that was 8,200 right and he's at 80 so you add 2,000 more it actually would be 87722 no huh this is the part of yes I know that I know that are you sure you want in on this I hate to tell you this is called a Sunshine Law and we have to do this in public because it's the only time we can talk to each other matter how embarrassing we hate it but this is why we have to do this I come up with 88369 that's that's I've got 88399 well I'm obviously wouldn't arguing so 884 how about that yeah 884 yes I do and that's what I was trying to figure out what the temper that would be 8200 no it's already 824 is what the other guy makes so okay while while y'all are figuring that out I'm look yes please so I I think we have to continue to remember um which I feel that we we typically continue to fail um when we're looking at increasing a rate for somebody we always want to look at the comparison studies if we gave them a raise the year before or if um they're making more or less than somebody else um that being said if that's the reason that we're giving raises then I can't support that raise if we're giv the raise based on the job that he does how he makes improvements to our city I can agree with that I think we just need to be careful as to when we're talking about giving a raise why we're giving that raise it should be on his Merit the job that he's doing not the fact that we mayor may not have given him a raise the year before or mayor may his first year so we haven't given him a raise before I'm just saying yeah I know I know you're saying in general him and what we've done consistently is what I said so not specific you know it doesn't have to necessarily be specifically him at this time but what I'm just saying is as we continue to move forward when we're looking at giving people raises it needs to really be based on the job that that they do does an excellent job um so if on that basis I agree with the 10% but if we're giving it be based on these other things I cannot agree that's all I'm saying and I do I do agree and I think a 4.8 out of five is a reason to give somebody really nice race outstanding I mean every time I've reached out to him I get replied back fast great response time yeah that's that's one thing too like what you were saying with them with uh Mr rard is our city managers if a citizen comes in he goes and sees him and talks with him I know yes uh he always always has a open door it seems you know if you need to talk to him he's available to do that or we'll be with you shortly um you know so but I agree the city manager should be making more than anybody in the group you so but um it's been a good switch for having Terry as our city Mr Bard as our city manager um I think he represents us well absolutely been to meetings and you know Tallahassee and you with them so it's it's good for the interaction Mr [Music] Mayor he may not he wasn't waving at me like you don't to leave us I was going to help my friend out but I think you already got the message right I will I just have to add this because clarification here I'm now being told um by our HR director that there is another employee who makes more than I thought that they made you got the message yeah um that 10% of the Sal we were looking at 8240 and actually what I'm being told now is the department head who makes the most it would need to be 8772 because we do have someone who's making 87 722 she say that's what that's what my that's what my my HR Director back there is telling me she's sending me messages here I'm reading just keeping me straight according to the Staffing plan that's what his salary is and he is saled I mean the person we're talking about is saled correct hate in the room so you might as well say it well now is I man in the blue shirt in the corner over here that that's true and we we we've had that discussion and as as I've said before having a journey met there that's a totally different story I mean yeah um I got in trouble earlier by indicating that when you have a trade that sometimes we have to pay more [Music] money you definitely have a trade Mr B means a but I do not expect you to hold me to that standard so I I don't I don't M it doesn't matter me what I've never seen you say red before yeah so that's not that's not what we're talking about here but you also have to take into account how long somebody's been here I mean that that does factor into everything not necessarily that it does they are better or do better than that particular person if they've been here for 20 30 years then yeah they may make more than that person so I don't know I'm just saying Mr long you here we just have to be mindful of that as well 12 I knew it was 10 or 12 but I wasn't sure which and we're fortunate to have yeah somebody like Mr and don't get any idea should not go I don't know what we do without you okay so I'm adding up over here hold on can't do that and and I will I will say though I get we had that conversation about we were not talking about my pay okay we were talking about another employees pay that we trying to get hired so the discussion wasn't centered around me at all it was centered around it we understand that there's some professions we have to pay more just to get them there because we need another lineman if y'all know anybody throw on my way please and and I made the mistake by saying when you have a trade uh okay so we're back to the 88 400 which is where we were before we discussed the previous salary sorry about that and if you'll remember there are only two positions we have to do this with the department heads determine everybody else's salary with the approval of the city manager we only do the city clerk and the city manager and it's so hard I couldn't imagine doing all of them is hard enough to have to do with this in public with these two with their evaluations being in public as well I mean we're what we're great we're so lucky that we have exemplary City Clerk and exemplary city managers that don't mind having it in public because their evaluations are wonderful but sometimes it's really hard when you have one that's not so the increase in Pay does that take into account all of the benefits that he has as well or is that separate it doesn't include benefits that's the salary okay yeah and and if you'll remember the city manager has a contract and his um bennies if you want to call them his benefits are essentially written into his contract and what he gets um is based on his contract his salary is what we have governance over so this is your first year it is yes and may I add that since he's been here his first year Terry has been a great asset to the city he has helped me in so many different ways with the work that I do as well as his work when I go to ask him a question he doesn't frown or be like oh here she comes again so I am very appreciative of him not doing that and willing to sit down and talk with me and discuss the things that we need to discuss to make the city a better place why you keep looking at me he's a good representative I think all those comments were written in that in his evaluation all the comments we made here tonight um he absolutely you that's us that's right even Mr Robinson he he has voted in there Mr Bishop I'd just like simply to say that me and you have been here for all the city managers in my opinion he's the best we've had so far I agree appreciate it I've been here for all of them too um on and off I remember the very first one we ever had um our Charter has always said we have one but we never had one until we finally got around to hiring one before the city clerk would run the city and did all the finan and the finance books and everything I know good not not this one not not the ones we've had in the past but well that was just one of our clerks I remember the ones we before that they and we didn't have we didn't even have it we just they all got computers um they were no computers when we first started so I we got to go somewhere again my recommendation is 88400 what was your recommendation 88400 this one I mean Mr I didn't hear anything I didn't uh I don't think I really did one I just kind of said what I ever got I think I might have said something though I mean I get 3% pretty much sometimes up to 5% um I am in agreeance that he needs to be higher than than people and he's got extremely good performance I still have a hard time taking the highest number minus Mr Miller and then adding 10% to it because technically we're throwing 12% or something we can't do that I added it to it we can't do that not this time not no I'm talking about from the one that we started with though from where he's at to to get to 88 is more than ter 10% is 10% higher than the highest paid minus Mr Miller yes that is correct which which is still a bunch um like I said I don't want to do nothing to lose one of the best things that's happened to the city um so so whatever makes and do we have it in the budget I mean how can we make this decision we do oh no also the city manager is hired under a contract right so therefore it is we don't have to give a raise it is an option to give a raise um showing that we appreciate the work that being done so bearing that in mind as well it doesn't have to be 10% it doesn't have to be 12% he still needs to make more than the people that are that are under it can be whatever percent so once again oh as I don't know if you were around but we've actually taken money away from city managers before I was not around and that's not on the table at the moment that was disc oh it was fun I'm just saying what the job that he does with all the accolades that you're hearing from everybody but the 4.8 out of five my recommendation is still 88400 I cannot unless I pass I would make that motion yes I do I move that we um increase the city managers pay to $88,500 annually call for a second gotta learn how to do this we can approve this I'll second it we have a motion we got a second any further discussion not used to this you better get used to it so any discussion no those who approval say I I likewise no motion is approved very good thank you very much thank you thank you thank you well deserved all right item number seven is public participation this is the second time in our agenda that any member of the audience can speak to this group um about anything that is not on the agenda or at this point that even was on the agenda um and you have up to five minutes to do that if you have anything that you would like to say at this time please approach the podium same thing applies anyone on the ring central meeting that wishes to speak unmute your mic and speak up now nothing heard Mr Adams is there anybody in the hall okay yes they gave up on us all right hearing nothing further I would ask now if anyone has any announcements they need to make Chief rolls I saw that hand see that was easy yeah right um you know I have to give accolades to uh agencies that assist the Willison police department and our growth uh and today I want to give a shout out to the Florida Highway Patrol uh as you all know know we were in need of new tasers because the ones that we have are outdated and no longer supported by the manufacture uh Florida Highway Patrol uh purchased new tasers and donated 30 of them to the Williston Police Department along with the batteries the cartridges and the hosters wow for a cost of 37,46 .36 is what detective or was able to calculate on the worth of what they donated to the police department uh and like I said I want to thank them because that is savings to the city as well as the tax paays and as you all know I like networking because networking to me is it is yes yeah exactly networking to me is important in this line of work our old tasers that we have we are going to donate to some other agency who does not have tasers that may save one of their officers from hurt or injury so we're going to pass them down but uh I just wanted to give them a shout out for that because that is a big big savings to our city yeah as well as the bellie police department uh like I said I like to network and uh they donated a speed trailer to the police department as well uh it needs a little bit of work but I think with a little bit of effort we can get it up and going so those machines run around5 $6,000 so that is also an additional savings to the city as well as those are like the ones that have the speed until you're going too fast yes ma'am okay yes ma'am so uh h no they don't so I I just wanted to pass that on to the council and let the citizens know the work that we're doing behind the scene to try to save tax do and be good stewards of the tax dollars here in the city of willon so thank you thank you anybody else announcements to be made Miss Jackie you might quiet over there no announcements today all right I'll go down the panel Mr AR you got anything Mr B Saturday baseball barbecue but probably too late to get your rib order in you can maybe text me tonight and I can get your rib order in I got money and I'm ready found something go ahead since he said that um the football booster club they're having a cake auction on tomorrow night at 6 o'clock tomorrow's Thursday oh okay Thursday tomorrow's my Thursday so Thursday don't no no I won't be there so Thursday at 6 o'clock at the willon Middle High cafeteria so if you guys would come out and support Mr Mayor Mr Cox uh yes a couple of things probably should have been the first one who knows um on the day that I toured with the utility guys also went out to the airport and if you haven't been out to see the building it's going to be really nice um you can see the pride with Benton and Kelly what they're taking in with that building coming and then they showed me where couple of the um hangers had to be re redone because of fire that they had um so good job out there you guys um our Charter Miss um hin and I went to the emo class don't ask me what it stands for I don't but um if you want to know sure go ahead elected u u elected municipal official who University thank you okay so um they were in one part of it they were asking for Council people how long do they have their councilman serving for and I think us and one other uh municipality was twoyear everybody else was four yeah in their reasoning they said because your first year when you're in office you know you're kind of like you're just yes or Reverend Jim from Taxi you know but the second year you get you've got your feet wet you're getting more into it then you're having to worry about if you want to get reelected or not and so I think there's some things in our Charter that maybe we need to look at um to help move us forward a little bit maybe get into what some of the other municipalities are doing um at least this way here we if it's a four-year term then maybe by the fourth year there's some people who are wanting to run so it's just you know just something that we learned and um so and they also said to years may not be enough four may be too many three may be your your your squ spot so right I would say that's good advice Mr Fuller you're being quiet over there too I knew you couldn't resist I just wanted to say that this single item is not a reason to have a charter review but we've been promised to char a review and we've never had one and so somehow we need to think about a real Charter review and consider all of the things that do need to be updated for this city and not just term limits or whatever but we need to still think about a charter review that we've talked about a number of times but nothing has been done we have is the charter review done by the council or by the um residents so that was the fight last time excellent question that was the fight last time because in email it says it's done by residents well I made a mistake last time thinking that the council needs to and I withdraw that statement yeah the there needs to be a committee like and because there's too much on us we we F Well we want to know what the residents think too we don't want to we know what we think we want to know what they think I I was wrong yeah um I mean appointing ourselves as the committee was not what we needed to do and I think I voted against that to begin with I did we need I I eat my my Crow yeah but I learned that we're too busy to to go through that and do what we're doing up here and there needs to be if you remember my original recommendation was that each council member appoint somebody and choose somebody at large for the number for the fifth one I would like to do that again I would like to go back City attorney Miss Belo would you please advise us on the proper way that it's supposed to be done she she did about four times and nobody paid attention wasn't here there you w here you're exactly right but nobody paid any attention to her when she told us there are several options one of which is you appoint yourselves and you go through the charter like the process that we started and you work through and see what changes that you want to do you can each appoint someone to be on a special committee that does the charter review then the charter review changes come before you all and you take a look at them the ultimate way that this ends up is that nothing about the charter gets changed until it goes for a referendum so it goes on a ballot for the citizens to vote on so whatever committee whatever group of people decide these are the changes that we're going to do ultimately it ends up on a ballot and the citizens will vote for against each change one question so the people that let's just pretend real quick that we get our six or five or whatever their number was um they can't talk to each other so they will all have to go through the Sunshine Law other than when they are in meetings what about them talking to council members yeah so I'm just so my my question is is whoever I appoint if they're seeking advice into me am I allowed to talk to that person and say look at this don't look at that or is that Sunshine Law between me and my recommendation would be that we don't have those kinds of conversations because there will be conversations that you all will have with that board at these meetings I point Mr Albert to represent me I appoint him the represent that's who we were trying to appoint last time and nobody would let us Albert was everybody's list all right and there Mr Fuller there was about four or five things just the I left my list at home but the one about the years was one that just stands and all I'm saying is that maybe that's that may be the impetus for some of the things to review but there's some things in the city that may not occur other places that also need to be reviewed LCI I stand at the ready to assist with any Charter review process yeah excuse me but it I'm down it did but Albert Albert had a good good thing to say so there you go go anybody else for the good of the cause any other announcements for the evening I see Miss Latricia I just want to thank the council for attending the rural County days in Tallahassee uh what was it two weeks ago I appreciate it whenever I asked you all to attend something that you jump on board and go out and participate and let wison be shown in front of everyone that's there and they do recognize that we do show up and number I definitely know who we are that's for sure all right anything else with a good if not I'll entertain a motion for adjournment make a motion to adjourn I have a motion in a second any discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppos same sign motion carries and we will adjourn at 7