sign to seat uh we're going to call this meeting to order this is the regular Willison city council meeting of May the 7th it is 6PM and I will ask the Clark to please call the roll mayor Goodman I council president Jones here vice president Cox here council member Martin She's online council member bulock here council member Hines here city manager Terry Bard I am here City attorney Kristen Belo here city clerk Latricia Wright I am here and all other staff thank you okay thank you for being with us tonight we will stand at this time for the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance by the mayor join me if you will Lord we come here together as a community gathering together to do the business of our community Lord I ask you tonight to be with our chief of police who is Meandering across the country in efforts to better able to serve us and Lord I just ask you to be with him in his travels keep him safe I ask you to be with all of our police officers Lord you know know the danger that they put their themselves in every day and I ask you to put a hedge of protection around all of them Lord I ask you to be with the fire department and all the city workers and the city staff and Lord most of all I ask you to be with this Council to give them the wisdom to understand the things that are before them and the will to do the best they can for their city and Lord we ask all this in your name amen amen pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America the it stands one nation God indivisible withy andice for all thank you very much thank you Mr Mayor uh at this time on item number one is additions deletions changes or approval of the agenda and I have been asked to move let me see which one is it uh help me the one that has to do with Laur point I'll find it here in a minute uh item e I've been been asked that to move that forward and we will move it if nobody has any objection to the first item under seven under item seven new business anybody have any objection to that okay then I would entertain a motion for approval of the agenda as amended I'll make a motion to approve the agenda as amended a second have a motion and a second do I have any discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppos same sign motion carries item number two is the mayor's student of the month the floor is yours I have a request is Elena in this room is Brooklyn in this room I thought not miles it's you and me brother miles would you join me up here sir miles you have been nominated by Mrs Scarlet MC did I say that right yes you did all right who made the following comments Miles Miller is a good team player he completes his work and is willing to go the extra mile this year he has been coaching two classmates and is a valuable resource in the Spanish classroom good luck miles on your next journey I know you will do well you te you speak Spanish miles a little bit just enough to get me by wias well it would be that's the end of my Spanish that's good afternoon all right well see I told you it was the end so I would like to present this to you miles outstanding student Award presented by Charles Goodman mayor of the city of Williston Florida and this certificate is to certify that Miles Miller is awarded this certificate for academic Excellence leadership citizenship and attendance at Williston Middle High School given the seventh day of May 2024 would you hold this I sure will the family would like some pictures of I believe could you kneel down or something I can do a little I can do a [Applause] little now miles we have a rule around here that if no one shows up the guy that does gets all three of the awards okay and then the city clerk chases me so we probably better not do that because have you ever been chased by Latricia I have not it is a scary thing are you sure yes me and my dog had to run out of City Hall one day she was so upset would you like to see a picture of my dog okay miles this is your Shogun this is the first time for us if do you know where that is I do know where this is you were pretty quick at that yeah I think it's a beautiful and excellent restaurant that's Ambiance is one of the best in the area congratulations sir thank you sir [Applause] thank you Mr Mayor and congratulations miles yes this is your opportunity to run yes sir thank you for taking the time to come all right item number three is a proclamation recognizing Municipal Clerk's week which is May 5th through the 11th very good for those of you that are unaware the clerk is probably one of the mo most important people in in city government we could do precious little without a capable City Clerk and it came to me from the Florida League of Mayors and I was all prepared to give this wonderful eulogy to the city clerks so I have been corrected and I will now put an even better eulogy and it's not a eulogy I know I sorry to say she didn't die did she you're not leaving are you okay so it's not a eulogy but it is a thank you this is a proclamation whereas the office of the municipal clerk time honored and vital part of local government exists throughout the world and whereas the office of the municipal clerk is the oldest among public servants and whereas the office of municipal clerk provides the professional link between the citizens the local governing bodies and the agencies of government at other levels and whereas Municipal clerks have pledged to be ever mindful of their neutrality and impartiality rendering equal service to all whereas the municipal clerk serves as the information center on functions of local government and the community and whereas the municipal clerks continually strive to improve the administration of Affairs of the office of the municipal clerk through participation in educational programs seminars workshops and the annual meeting of their state provincial County and international professional organizations now that I therefore Charles Goodman mayor of the city of Williston Florida to recognize the week of May 5th through 11th 2024 as Municipal Clerk's week and I further extend appreciation to our municipal clerk Latricia Wright and to all Municipal clerks for the vital Services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent signed under my hand and seal in the council chambers of City Hall on the 7th day of May 2024 now miles is gone so I'm G to feel very comfortable hugging my friend and I would like to present this to you thank you Madame President I was just going to ask Don if we've gained any students in the Boyer I saw some kids come in there aren't any no okay just make it sure saw some kids come in the front door thank you at this time uh we are to the part of our agenda that is our first time for public participation and this is a period of time where you have up to 5 minutes to speak to this body about anything that you'd like to speak about that is not on the agenda if you have something please approach the podium I have Mr Bloom and Miss Martin online if they you need to speak to either one of us Miss Martin and miss Mr Bloom okay right now miss Appling has the floor okay if you will state your name and City good afternoon jacqu and Appley um I would just like to stand and thank everyone for your participation with our movie night that we had back in March it was a a reschedule but we also have another event coming up that we will be collaborating with a couple of um coaches in willston um on June 8th is what we're looking for to called family fun day at the park and I have a couple of coaches here that are active in our community and I would just like to introduce them and let them give you their name and the program that they involved in we're hoping to do softball of all age groups so if you have that urge to want to play softball at your age we're accepting anyone that wants to come out with practice on Wednesdays um we're doing kickball softball and these two young men will'll introduce themselves because they're ones that have programs already started and Williston we're really trying to get some programs started for the children before school um lets out for the summer so that our children will have something active to do during the summer um give parents a little break and but also like I said these young men will just introduce themselves in the program that they already have involved and there's a few of the coaches that was not able to make it so if you will state your name for the record how youall doing my name is JaMarcus Brown um this is kayin Penny U we coach for the Wiston Raiders um we've been established since 2011 um you know I'm saying we've been together for a long time helping the kids you know that's what our main goal is helping the kids keep them out of trouble but mainly was that raor yes ma'am I thought he was yes ma'am yes ma'am first draft Pi many more to come absolutely yes ma'am that's wonderful we also have several kids that went to college and got degrees too so that's big and important yes sir you know try to teach them to be good young men yeah thank you I knew I saw some children out there a few of their players that are waiting to go to practice so that's good you say practice on Wednesdays um Tuesdays um Thursdays and Sunday Tuesday Thursday Sunday yes we practice at the new high school okay AG is from six all the way up to 12 6 to 12 it's 6 and under so five five come up be a little tall and so far practice is at the park and we practice at 6 o'clock and like I say we because I'm taking that challenge on again so um again the program will be on we're looking for the date to be June 8th which is a Saturday and it's a family fun day so we're hoping families will come out and get to see these young men show their teams display and those of us that are going to try and play softball we try and play softball okay so thank you okay we appreciate all yall are doing no problem thank you anybody else at this time if you will sir please state your name for the record thank you good afternoon everyone or good evening hello my name is evens pure antoan um I am I want to introduce myself to the Willison family um I am running for state attorney for the a district circuit um I've been a res of Florida for the past 24 years um I've been a prosecutor um I've been a public defender I've been a business owner man of Faith uh a father a husband um I've been a resident for the last 24 years um in this circuit I made this circuit my home and um and I want to serve as your State Attorney um I've grown to love this area um when I first came to Florida I had no idea where Gainesville was yeah um my mentor who recently passed away judge green who who brought me here when he first told me about this area I was so ready to go back to the DC Maryland area because that's where I'm from and I thought there was no way I was going to stay here for the last 24 years and when I told my wife who was living in New York at the time um we were dating and I told her honey um I think this is where we're going to live if you want to be with me you want to come down here and she moved from uh Manhattan to move down here here and and she loved this area as well um I love the the combination of the culture the wildlife it gives you a lot of different um um things to enjoy um I would love to get to know every one of you um it's honored that those young men spoke earlier because that's one of the things that I really want to direct the state attorney's office to be more involved in the local communities I think that's extremely important um I think that's how we combat are creating relationships um because you know there's only one way you're going to know what's going on is you have to develop relationships it's really important I do have um some pamphlets I would love to pass out if you guys are interested um I I don't know what the protocol is to wait until after the the meeting is and I can do that as well if you want to pass them out I would ask you to wait if you want to just leave them on the table people can pick them up whichever you prefer I will wait because I I love talking with people so that's great we shouldn't be too late tonight no problem no problem so if anybody has any questions I would love to answer any questions you may have um um I'm an open book and um love to again have conversation with you guys yes sir what was your name again my it's a little different my name is EV EV Pierre Antoine it's a fancy way of saying Peter Anthony Pierre is like Peter and Antoine is Anthony it's like a fancy way to do that um and the first name is evens Even Stevens it's spelled yve NS it's French I'm Haitian and Haiti used to be a French colony and so a lot of the names have French you know Frenchie is that a word Frenchie any any any any absolutely yeah so so so the Y in French is pronounced e and so e y is e v NS so EV vents okay it has insisted that I use a microphone yes sir I am totally confused about what your name is will you teach me after the class I will you know what as long as you remember the pamplet as long as you remember that the man with the longest name is the one going that's it I that'll work yes anybody else have any questions all right thank you for your time and I look forward to getting to know every one of you later appreciate you coming tonight thank you okay so do Meredith uh M the council member Martin and Mr Bloom want to speak at this point during public participation or do they have an agenda item they want to speak to anyone on the ring central meeting wish to speak unmute your mic speak up now okay is there anyone else for public participation at this time reminder that we do have another occasion at the end of the agenda if you'd like to speak at that time okay then if not uh we're going to move to the consent agenda which is item number five uh which consists of the council meeting minutes of April the 16th if there are no changes to the minutes I would entertain a motion for to approve the consent agenda I make a motion we approve the consent agenda a second I have a motion and a second do I have any further discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I I all oppose same sign motion carries all right we're going to move then to updates um for staff board and council member updates we'll start with our city manager Terry Bard thank you Madame President so got a couple things I need to go over tonight uh just to let you know that the there were some questions at the last meeting about the golf cart video safety and what we're going to do with that I will tell you the chief and I are working on that uh he does have a video but unfortunately twice he's tried to send it to me and it apparently won't come over so um but we'll get it I have it maybe I can send it to you that's even better well I I think it's the email system but I could be wrong oh could be too too big yeah so you have it on USB or something nope okay so we'll work on getting that and uh so just want to let you know we are working on it and basically uh we should get it up on the Facebook and website hopefully for for the next meeting I will tell you that the golf cart signs are all up the job is completed um I'd like to if you we'll just thank Derek Williams and the street Parks uh Team for doing it an excellent job um I know it took us a little longer than normal but it was a lot to it to get it done so I know we're completely finished there um to give you an update on the roadway water break on Southeast 10th Street that has been fixed Lime Rock is in and we're waiting for coold patch for that that came up at the last meeting we are still working on the uh getting the southeast 8 Street uh mode so uh we we we'll have that done by the next meeting I will tell you that we also still working on the uh water rates on the individuals that have some concerns with the new rates and how it affects their business uh and the Youth Athletic lead so we're we're still working on that project I will tell you that developers agreement for the towns of wison is in the hands of the developer they uh requested a couple minor changes they're going to send it back to us and then basically we'll send it back to them for their approval and then as you know the last step is that we get our two sides kind of worked out we come to city council for the final approval um you could disagree with us and go go back to the draw board and let's do something else the uh Morales agreement uh you know the one that involves the out of town uh site that basically is uh should be backed To Us by the City attorney who's been diligently working on it uh by Friday so we'll be able to get that to you I would also like to shout out give a congratulations to the following individuals and that is uh for receiving their water license uh here you know as as you know one of our big pushes is a session and so always having somebody that can back up what you do and always knowing what the person above you does so Dallas Lester received this level two and correct me if I get these wrong is it two okay Brandon Cunningham level three Alex Rodriguez level three Donald Barber level two and Anthony Bishop Jonathan Bishop I'm sorry I don't anything Jonathan Bishop level three now to give you an idea for the 3,000 hours you have to have for the level three you have to have 280 hours on the job wow for the level two you have to have 4,160 6,000 I knew I'd get it wrong so a two is higher than a three yes a one's higher than a than a and then to have the level one it's 10,000 hours wow over 10,000 hours on the job so these are pretty significant Milestones that they have met uh the following individuals received certifications for uh uh splicing fiber work Aaron Mills and Dallas Lester just went to the school and learned how to do that uh and obviously that will play into whatever plans we move forward on either which way we get internet uh because of our service philosophy it does it will help us in that field I will tell you there's been no changes on the South Main Street so I have to follow back up with do on that um I will tell you that the bank line of credit should be uh it's in the hands of our attorney and she's making some minor revisions and we should be you should see that on the agenda for 521 um at least that's what we're hoping I will tell you that the pawn shop demo had originally planned to start this Monday however it looks like it's probably going to be next Monday there's a couple things we need to check for inside the build building to make sure that they're not present and uh and then basically all we're going to have to do is shut off six Terrace I think it is and uh and that's the only road that will be closed in the city F do says we do not need to close down uh the main so uh so we should start on that on Monday um I will tell we're still in draft form with the RFQ or RFP for performance contract and Engineering Services that as you know is the one where the the statute guarantees you know certain return and that is on a lot of different things throughout the city but it's mainly C centers around obviously water um the Ami system and things like that so um so still working with Hector on that to get that done uh but it's been revised a couple times back and forth on our staff not his and so hopefully we'll be able to uh get that thing knocked out um we did as you know I work on a drainage issue with Country Lane Estates and uh that was a house on the corner of Northwest 7th Street Northwest 4th Avenue uh Lenard did go out and make some drainage changes to the swells uh and we're kind of giving that a wait and see if that that resolves a problem for that gentlem there um my opinion it will resolve a lot I don't know it's going to resolve all so and working obviously with right Pierce we drafted a letter and sent it to them and they're now responding to our requests and unless you have questions to me that's all I have as far as an update Mr Mayor Mr Bard some we talked about it and at that time you told me that you were looking into it and it was close it's been months are we still just close do you have any idea to what we're doing inter to what we're doing as far as Internet in the city yes so like I said there there's two different business models we're looking at Central Florida electric the last time I talked to them are coming back to us with what they're willing to offer the city that was the last discussion I have with uh Mr Denny this for electric that was a couple weeks ago and so we're waiting for him to come back and say this is where we're willing to offer um I'll be honest with you we're looking at sever several models now with him um is that if we go with Central for electric are we just going to be operating in the background and receiving pole attachment fees and a franchise fee or are we actually going to go into a partnership with him where they will be the forward- facing partner and basically we will then operate in the background and helping them with the fiber you know as I explained several times you know we're we're in the service industry so there's certain things that they offer to their customers that would not work for us and that is you know we provide service so if you're out of a service uh of fiber on a Saturday at 4:00 I'm probably going to send somebody out to resolve that problem because we provide a service right um they provide a a resource they provide electricity they provide fiber and although they maybe would love to you know they're not signing on to send somebody out for one customer at 4 o'clock in the afternoon uh so part of that structuring would be for them to pay for us to go do that because of our footprint of how many customers we have and Prov we provide a service you a lot of people absolutely want that service they don't want to be out of Internet you know for a whole weekend or wait till Monday to come up so that's one issue we're working out with them and I don't think it's going to be an issue because I think Mr George understand that um so then you also have the other model which is the Cal City of Williston and then to be honest with you um that could morph into the program we want to do with c c for electric we own the middle mile which is the fiber that's in the city and basically we can uh sell it back to them give them space on it provide whatever they need um so there's a lot of moving Parts here all of which is are not going to be resolved uh probably until uh fall I would think to be honest with you so as that being our Target date to have our internet up and running so you said the problem so I'm just telling you we got to work out some Logistics of what that looks like so but it is back and forth um what I actually asked was a Tim and just given it to me I yeah I think without a doubt no doubt in my mind that the city of Willison will have highspeed internet by fiber by the Fall that is both their timeline and our timeline you're welcome and I'm with the mayor uh people want it and they W it yesterday some of them they get tired excuses I mean some of them could get it now if they if they call us depending on where they're at if they're close to that middle mile um you know we could provide them internet service I mean today so that was the point of them going to the class there are a few pieces of equipment we have to buy that aren't too terribly expensive you know but you know you don't need we understand now you don't need a clean room to splice these fiber things back together you could literally do it in the front seat of your truck you can get the cable in there you do it on the side of the road with a tent as long as you're careful you know but the piece of equipment that does that splicing that allows us then run down these side streets about $4,500 which is not a big expense that's not too bad yeah but we just learned that just recently so uh and the two individuals that went Dallas and Aaron to go do that they learned how to do it and I'm sure they could probably do it tomorrow so so I could have an internet at my house tomorrow your house a little different it's a little further away than that middle mile um now once we run down that side street yes so okay so the middle mile being Heritage Park yeah the Heritage Park thank you yes you're welcome and so yes and eventually they pulled it down the park and they pulled it intentionally to the Sewer plan yeah because we needed it there to run some equipment yeah that's why it was so imperative at that time and and I will tell you we were in conversation with the city of voala and two businesses in town that are willing to offset the cost to run it down 41 and up 121 um so and that would be Homestead and Dr Bullock's office I just had one word what about me thank you expect an answer okay uh Mr bills I just want to add we actually have two customers in clle now that left Quantum fiber and came to us last week because they could connect to that middle mile that they could connect to us and we could give them the same same service with much cheaper pricing okay all right and who should they contact if if people are interested they should call you oh City Hall all right all right let me figure out where we are here um any other questions for the city manager and about what he has spoken about today all right I'll ask staff if they have anything else at this time remember these are updates things that we might need to know uh Mr stle yes ma'am uh just want to let the council know a couple of things that are happening out at the airport U by the end of the month um the terminal building should have all of its exterior finishes complete um so we're really excited about that a lot of the drywall work is being completed inside uh currently and they're uh working on finishing up the ducting for the air conditioning system um and also the Electrical uh permanent electrical power was uh finished I think last week if I'm not mistaken um so they you know the our team got out there and and did everything they needed to do temporary power we per power yes ma'am um so we're basically waiting on Gray Construction to hook up to it um but I don't think we're quite there for the building yet um also wanted to let you guys know that we the airport just had its strongest month ever in fuel sales um you know on average we're pumping somewhere around 40,000 gallons of fuel um last month we pumped 51,000 uh while being short-handed so um you know really really big deal for the team um you I couldn't be happier with the team that we have right now so perfect thank you yes ma' yes sir I have a question I got asked these are commercial AC units out there residential yes sir thank you great question Mr Barber wanted to make mention uh that D came out with with uh a lot of grant funding and we have a very short timetable uh right Pierce uh the city manager myself Jonathan we met with um and sat down and talked about some of these grants so we just wanted to give you guys a heads up we're probably looking at two or three being put in and that would be you know obviously coming to you guys with an item discussion explaining what it would be any cost related and then uh but be looking for those um uh their water quality uh couple of could have to do with septic to sewer others could have to do with um water supply and water quality uh but um we're going to try and hit those as aggressively as we can uh we might even have a window of possibly uh helping with a little bit of plan expansion on one of them that we possibly could fit in so uh just be looking on uh out for that okay thank you appreciate y'all working on that any the other staff member have an update at this time okay any council member need an update on anything that you haven't heard already tonight miss Martin got anything she's still waiting for the right agenda item okay and I'll ask the mayor you have anything you would like to bring up yes I would I would just like a question answer about my Airport Manager in your new terminal you know I don't like you sometimes I know you don't care okay in your new terminal I like yes sir yeah in your new terminal are you putting a backup generator yes sir that is part of the grant has it been purchased uh the purchase order has been um written and approved by the city council uh we just haven't sent it off yet so we're it's in progress are you putting an automatic transfer switch in yes sir thank you if I remember correctly it's going to take months to get here yes ma'am I mean it was a back order I think the lead time was like 46 weeks yeah it was a long time the building will be the building will be complete before it actually is put on so but it's I knew it would be back ordered and take a long time that's the reason I brought it up to see if you had begun the ordering process yeah yes sir unfortunately we didn't get the money until about a month ago or so um you know if we if we had it it could have been installed in time for the building to be operational but um you know kind of is what it is at this point I think it was our last meeting we approved that or was one before that yeah dot came came back and said hey the state is throwing a whole bunch of um you know disaster preparedness money around and do you guys want a generator for your new building is like I I mean I'll I'll take your money if you're just you know giving it away big one too I remember yes ma'am all right anything else Mr Mayor all right last call for Council Members okay we're going to move to item seven which is new business and we're moving item e forward which is resolution 2024 59 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida extending ordinances 674 and 675 approved originally on January 7th 2020 to amend the official zoning map at Future land map of the city of Williston Florida pursuant to an application by Chamilia Plantation Inc for 8.18 Acres more or less identified as parcel number 0433 2 0000000000 Parcels A and B on the official record of the Levy County property appraiser and changing the zoning designation from commercial to plan development PD providing severability providing for Corporation into the city maps for 2 year two years ending May 7th 2026 and providing an effective date um again this is resolution 2024 59 in our packet we had many many pages of history of this particular uh resolution that is our packet I will say that the ordinance itself was missing from the packet but it's very simply a page and a half um our attorney has reviewed it tonight actually it's only a page because it's just a signature page on the second um and at this point we do feel comfortable going forward with it because of all the information that was in the packet I didn't even miss the resolution I probably should have uh but we don't take action without the resolution it is made it just missed the packet um so we will move forward and I will ask at this time Miss Jones if you'd like to begin the the discussion thank you Miss Jones um in January 7th 2020 we had one of our very fun ordinances our zoning ordinances that you guys love and we gave a very new zoning that we hadn't done before in the city of Willison it's called a plan development and we have a lot of other ordinance that you have have seen as a group in fact just recently you saw our land swap ordinance we did for this property as this PUD was brand new for the city we did didn't um have a list of things that we usually follow up on for puds because we've never done one so as I was looking through it I realized that in the code it says they expire after two years the original ordinance is what expired not all the ordinances that came after and since we've done so many I did call um the property owner we've been talking back and forth the past couple months about site plan work so I knew they were moving forward so I asked if they were still interested in keeping this a plan development and remember plan development is something with different zonings categories on it um so it's not just residential or just commercial it can have a bunch of different ones you saw a beautiful one with Berkeley Oaks a couple about a year and a half ago um so we've asked him to give us the request that he definitely wants two more years and he did so that's the first attachment is the letter asking for that extension I also attached the ordinances that were related to this particular property and I attached a resolution for you to extend the plan development that is the procedure the only procedure that's missing is that we're a little bit late we should have done it two years ago but because of covid and because of changes in in staff and because of dot we've been working on all this but we just didn't realize so this is really housekeeping to make sure that this put is still active when he's ready to break ground questions for the city planner any questions about what we're doing so we are extending the project by two years until 2026 if I have no questions I would entertain a motion for resolution 2024 59 M Meredith has a question hold on a second sorry we're not ready for you yet hold on okay go ahead my question may be more for the City attorney are we setting any sort of precedent by retroactively extending a ordinance I think that the circumstances in this situation are so specific um that there's really not a fear unless we have another pandemic um I I'm not worried about the fear of setting a precedent that we can't work with in the future okay thank you great question Miss Martin anybody else if not I'll entertain the motion for resolution 2024 59 I make a motion that we approve resolution 202 24-5 I'll second it I have a motion in a second is there any further discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I I all oppose same sign motion carries thank you thank you all right we're going to move back item 7A thank you for coming gentlemen thank you discussion with possible action USDA loan for one police vehicle Captain Fortney this is kind of this got to be close all right this going to be for the more or less the ending process of the grants we're getting to the final portions of it they've now figured out the funding amount which has dropped to 15% which is $8,400 and signing this is starting the ending of the process so getting closer they have the money they've now released it to um USDA and they're trying to finish up the grant okay so this is essentially accepting yes the grant it's it's to the end of the it's not application for the grant it's accepting the grant it's getting to the very end of it so we've did the application we they've got the funding now to the very end of okay and it's a 70 7030 or 8020 no it's 15% now it okay so it's 85 8515 yes okay and you see the amount was listed amount 30 I think the balance is 33 if I remember right yes yes 8,400 is what USDA is willing to pay the balance would be 33 and I'm sure this is why Mr Bloom must be online U because it quotes Mr Bloom um in our resolution whatever we have here discuss all right the discussion we're having about the POS about the money and it says Mr Bloom has approved the transfer of the $33,000 from another area within the police department budget Mr Bloom do you have anything to add don't want to put words in your mouth he still there Aaron he's there I guess he doesn't have anything to add and I know it's probably delayed so he hasn't maybe even heard the question yet okay anybody have question for Captain Fortney or for Mr Bloom before we just consider this matter okay and what we have before us is a it's essentially a contract it is the loan resolution is what it is for public bodies between the P from the USDA and between the loan resolution from the USDA to the city of B any questions all right so seeing no resol solution do we need to vote on the loan itself yeah you in lie of one of the resolutions that looks like ours you have the loan resolution the loan resolution we're just calling it that rather than statement of a numbered resolution on our correct all right okay so you've heard the $8,400 and the 33,000 one police car and the 33,000 can be found within the police department budget I would open discussion or motion for approval of the loan resolution is the $33,000 the that's the total amount with the grant money as well so that's what we're paying and then they're paying the the grant money now does that also cover having everything done to the car that has to be done once you purchase it yes sir okay do I have a motion I make a motion that we approve the loan resolution for the USDA Grant and the total of 33,000 thank you sir do I have a second I will second have have a motion and I have a second any further discussion from anyone anyone have comment all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries thank you move to page two Item B resolution 202 24- 56 a resolution of the city council of City Williston Florida appointing Mike Langston to the community redevelopment Agency for a 4-year period uh term beginning May 1st 2024 and ending May 1st 2028 and providing an effective date Miss Jones thank you um Michael Langston has already served on the CRA for quite a a few years and he asked to reup his appointments um and he was up in May so I'll entertain a motion for resolution 2024 56 I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024-the same sign motion carries res item C resolution 2024 57 a resolution of the city council of City Williston Florida appointing Mr Mark pompo to the Planning and Zoning commission for a three-year term beginning May 22nd 24 and ending May 22 27 and providing an effective date Miss John yes ma'am so the planning um is a little bit different it's only 3 years Mark uh this is this would be his second um seat on the planning he used to be on my code enforcement and um he also ask to reup his appointment okay entertain a motion for 202 2457 I'll make a motion to approve resolution 20247 a second I have a motion in a second do I have any further discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries resolution 2024 20 58 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida approving an amendment to section 23 of the human resources policy regarding sick leave Bank authorizing appropriate parties to sign any documents required to offic officiate I don't know what word is same on behalf of the city of Wilston and providing an effective date effectuate Miss Willis I think I'm going to take it you want to take that one oh I do see your name there thank you yes ma'am thank you so so I don't know if you're completely uh familiar with the sick Bank sick Lead Bank but it's an opportunity for employees that been with the organization for a year and a half and over 120 hours uh of approved leave or acov sick time to enter into the sick bank and and therefore through a request to the sick Bank committee uh asked for donation for sick Bank time so uh it is in the HR uh handbook so what we were looking at was there was a very narrow window in the in or now there is that only during September the 15th through like the 31st or something like that is the only time an employee can sign up for the sickly Bank regardless of how long they've been here so and regardless how many hours they have so if I got somebody that meets the criteria in February has to wait in September previously before this discussion in order to get in and it has no bearing on anything we do for taxes it has no bearing on anything we do for open enrollment is strictly inhouse our internal internal thing that we handle so we we wanted to open it up where if you met the basic requirements that you could sign up at any time uh once you're you were approved to get into it so it eliminates that specific T signin period from the 15th to the 31st of every calendar year it opens it up you meet the criteria you can do it at any time that you meet the criteria um this doesn't really change anything it doesn't affect the number of hours in the sick Bank it just gives the employees an opportunity to not have to wait six months in order to take advantage of that benefit there was a lot of word smithing in the HR policy on this thing so although the changes you will see eliminating that you will see or have seen basically where we've kind of cleaned up the uh grammar a little bit cleaned up the HR policy uh and makes it flow a little better um other than that there has really been no significant changes to it and um all the other things we left intact you know they can only still use 240 hours max you so there are still limits there we did change the uh election dates for the sick Bank committee to run in the uh fiscal year from October 1st to September the 31st and uh so other than that that that's really all there is um and I I whichever way you fall on this one we're hoping to be able to bring to you periodically changes the HR manual as we find them and address them through the city council and make the corrections as as as we a great idea rather than wait till the whole book is done because it just take it's never gotten done no and we know there are lots of things that need to be done um I can tell you the only thing that I saw is on the enrollment form and you and it may be just me it may not need to be changed I think it's page 26 of our packet where it still says withdraw days instead of withdraw hours and that was the absolutely only technical thing thing that I saw everything else looked great to me and and it might still need to be days but I think you're allowing hours now instead of days that seemed to be the terminology you were moving to and that's probably still the same old form It Ever Was and never got changed so I just anybody else have questions for Miss wellis can you explain what the sick leave bank is yes so uh we can we can definitely team on this one so the sick Bank was created some time ago I don't know when uh basically to allow employees that have the minimums to join when they join they have to donate 40 hours that 40 hours sits in a depository of time that theyve take it off their books other words if I donate it I lose it it comes out of my sick Le um and so then what happens is if you have some sort of illness that requires you to use sick time beyond what you have and you're in the sick Bank not if you don't join you don't have the ability to use it so if you're in it and for some reason you require additional sick time then a uh you make an application for that time um if you're in good standing basically you get uh uh approval through the committee and you're granted the time and and it it has to be kind of like a one shot deal it you can't keep coming back to it over not over and over you can't for different problems or even different occurring problems uh but you can't just hit it every once in all and and it's governed by the employees also that's why they elect the committee members so is there a um opportunity for the sick Le Bank to have no sick Le in it dependent on and then what happens is are we still going to give no if it fallow if it falls below a certain level it's paid out so it's says a couple places that if you can't give more than in the the SI bank right yeah if it ever comes unsolved um the requirement is I need to make sure it's still in there because I'm pretty sure it is it is that you're then we give it back to the person Jonathan gave 40 hours or whatever and they take it um there's a process of returning that if if it becomes where it's not viable any longer we can't just keep it so once um they take they use the sick leave Bank um above what they have um do they have to pay it back at any point no ma'am are you good good ah okay so currently the sickle Banks has 1,3 13915 hours that's been what we have documented through our system St sorry so with that um when an employee enrolls it's they donate their 40 hours from their sick so at any time that it falls below the 16 it was started with originally 16 members at 40 hours that um if it falls below that then we reach out to who is in the sick Bank and request for additional hours to be donated so it's all laid out in the policy so it um it's an additional eight hours um when the sickly bank is getting to a low point where it doesn't meet that low threshold so after that um then it just either continues or if it doesn't then we go back and donate we split all the hours back up to who was in the bank and it dises all right that sounds good so can I make a suggestion um if you would maybe look into um doing something like Advanced sick leave okay which would be PID they would have to pay it back of course you would still go through whatever process you have but you could give them sick leave if there is no sick leave in advance and then they would have to pay it back during each pay period or however it is built so maybe that's something else that you can look into so that um if you start to deplete your bank you still have other avenues to assist your employees wonderful yeah absolutely thank you because I um I don't know that I would be in favor of that but y'all can look into it Mr Fuller I saw your hand first I'm sorry I just wanted to say that there is a reason for having a uh having one an enrollment period and that reason is is that an employee may choose not to be a part of the sick bank until they need it and so in order to keep from abusing that it's it if they didn't get in when they had the opportunity to get in they should have to wait until open enrollment in order to get in otherwise if I get sick and run out of sick Le then I can jump in the sick bank and and actually abuse that system as opposed to waiting until the open enrollment period to get into that sick bank so there was a reason for that open enrollment period yes sir and and do you mind no so I agree with you and there is there's stipulations within the sickle Bank policy that an employee must wait 90 days after your initial enrollment before eligible to withdraw hours so they can enter but then they still have to wait 90 days before before they can reap the benefits of requesting the sick leave if they don't time in they can't get time out yes so and the other reason and I will clarify a little bit of what you've mentioned the original enrollment period was July 1st through June 30th that does not coincide with any other dates within the city so it it is very it has seemed to be very difficult for someone to during that period of time set up an enrollment and get everybody together so changing it to our open enrollment benefits allows us to reach out to all of our employees um over a week period to sit down and say hey we have this this benefit for you if you would like to enroll give them the information versus trying to bring everybody in totally in the middle of the Year sorry I'll also add that they the employees have a cap on their vacation and sick leave correct or on their sick leave too and they can't acrw anything else once they've reached the cap so it behooves them to donate it or get sick yeah the 90 days does protect the protect the city a little bit but that was a reason for the P for the open enrollment period is to protect uh people who may abuse that that system Mr Cox you had a question yes can you explain the payback how they would be paying it back if they borrowed 40 hours they don't pay it back so the employee who is enrolled in the bank and they say they've exhausted all of their leave and then they have a medical situation or a situation they need to be out for they can request a certain amount of hours that's a cap of 240 I believe and let's let's add too that all your vacation and sick time have to be gone yes ma'am for you to even apply yes you have to be completely out of any AC time that is a benefit from the city and then you can you're eligible to withdraw 240 hours for one occurrence so if I go out and I request 240 hours it is given to me per pay period instead of me saying okay I'm giving you 240 hours and I'm throwing it in your bank and I'm only gone for 40 hours or 80 hours we're not having to withdraw it so we keep track of how many hours you've been approved or you've requested and then it's only given to you per pay period for us to withdraw it from the bank to pay you your full salary or your full benefit so as a good faith then we don't have them pay back a couple hours per thing and then the committee no do that did we check into other places like what the state does University of Florida some of the other ones to see if we can get how they do theirs cu because I knowless I misunderstood my wife um is they they make the attempt to pay back the committee you can meet and vote then to say they're resolved of it they don't have to pay it back I can say no we have not um I know that this policy has been probably 30 years 97 I would say at least 30 years to my knowledge yes ma'am so it has been in our HR policy for a while um I just found a whole bunch of old documentation from it um this past week so I'm going through it slowly to try to cross reference a lot of the other history of it but absolutely we can definitely look in to other agencies who have stuff like this to see if there's something that our committee would be interested in looking at um to do that to make any changes okay any other questions all right so we're down to resolution 2024 58 uh the request now is to make the changes that you have in your packet at this moment I would entertain a motion to proceed as it is now with possible changes in the future I make a motion to approve resolution 202 24-58 do I have a second I'll second I have a motion in a second do I have any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries we have done item e we're moving to item F resolution 202 24-6 a resolution of the city council of the city of Willison Florida relating to the state revolving fund Loan program making findings authorizing the loan application authorizing the loan agreement establishing pledges pledged Revenue designating authorized representatives providing assurances and providing for conflict severability and effective date city manager Bard thank you Madame President so you'll probably recognize this as something that's been before you in the past so it involves our uh State revolving fund loan on the uh current 392,000 I think is that pretty close where we're at the the issue was is that the the original resolution that we did through the city council pledged the water revenues as the the Enterprise fund that would cover this loan and the state needs it to say the Utility Fund Revenue um so and the reason is that the water utility IL fund does not make enough money to cover this loan and if we went with that current um pledge we would be denied so okay Donald you want anything else so we do make now enough money but they didn't care what the future or es created they were only concerned about past performance and so Terry's 100% right when they looked at Water and Sewer and they were shocked at the rate structure and they said that if we did not change this and commit all funds there was no way they were going to approve a loan for the city of Wilston okay any other questions regarding the state revolving fund Loan program or what we're going to use it for yeah if you recall you recall on this one this was the 50/50 so this is um half it's not the 8020 that we'll be seeking down the road after this assessment work is done okay how do you understand I would entertain a motion for 202 24-6 I make a motion that we approve resolution 2024-the same sign motion carries okay uh we're moving now to not not that we aren't always an open public hearing but we are opening this is quaza public hearing and item G is the first reading of ordinance 2024 726 an ordinance of the city of Williston Florida resoning and amending the future land use map of the city of Williston comprehensive plan under the amendment procedures establishing chapter 163 farida statute changing the zoning and future land use classifications on the following describ properties on certain lands within the corporate city limits of the city of Williston Florida providing severability providing incorporation on city maps and providing an effective date Miss Jones do you need to swear a or no so that again I couldn't either I'm sorry if we're ready for everyone to be sworn in I'll swear them in well are we I still can't hear you I guess we're going to do that then um I've read the title at this time I would ask if anybody has expart there's really not anything to look at as expart communication but if anybody's had any expart communication regarding this resolution please let me know now or let us know now if there is none uh I would ask for anyone who wants to speak to it that is not a member of this Council or a member of the staff all staff has to stand to please stand at this time to be sworn in do you swear or affirm the testimony you give is the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth thank you so much I will state that the clerk will take take all exhibits uh that are not in our packet that are exhibits diagrams photographs or any other physical evidence is presented to tonight she will keep those for up to 30 days in case uh of appeal um until the date of appeal has expired I will ask the staff for opening statements please thank you this ordinance is going to update our zoning and land use maps um as the city goes through these ordinances that you guys pass we have not had the staff to update the physical maps so the maps that are on our walls and that the realtor see they were not correct um the last time that they they were updated was 2012 so I asked last year for funding to get this project started and you you guys gave it to me we went ahead and employed JB Pro to help us with it they did the gis they did the map updates they looked through our old ordinances they looked through things that look like they were mistakes and the um maps that you guys will see attached to this which are in the back um they should be updated these are not new changes that we're making so these are ordinances that have already been approved um some of them are annexations so we have a little bit of property line changes which you guys are going to see in a couple months we're going to do that as a separate so we don't confuse everybody after you approve this it will go to the state and they'll take a look at it our host hope here is that every time we have one of these ordinances like you just did for the Pud that we'll be able to change it immediately so the maps will always be updated we also know that the property appraiser has uh a tab on them now where they can put zoning on and we will be giving and but we needed it to be in GIS right and we needed it also probably to be accurate so we'll be able to give it to them and we'll be able to give them new ordinances and let them know when new zoning or when new annexations or de annexations occur so this is basically again housekeeping that needed to be done it hadn't been done for a long time and planning and zoning has seen it like I said um and then we'll go to the states and then it will come back to you for a second reading after the state has approved it do you have any questions on that okay the only thing would add is that there's a few classes so first of all that we held um two workshops on this for the public to come and speak with us we also sent this map to any affected property owner by certified mail twice is that Laura am I wrong on that that we s that we sent the certified mail out twice to people who were getting a change yes to any so not if you already had an ordinance that that already did your change okay so that's a qualifier thank you well staff so we have been working hand inand with staff on this we've been we've been the technical support and they have done the the day-to-day work on the project but we did have two workshops what and one was held at so we had two major drafts we had a draft that we did in the fall and then we had had a draft that we did in the winter after we made changes so the first draft was when we H when we sent out the first set of letters and we held the first workshop and the second one was held in February when we sent out the second set of letters and did the second Workshop I think all of three people attended both workshops I started to say what was the workshop called because I'd missed both of them it was a map revision Workshop it was they were held from 4:00 to 7: at the community room um and we had three people who attended the first one and we had nobody come to the second one um I you would have to ask staff would have to Laura yes ma'am how was how were the workshops notified how were they notified in the paper and on Facebook anybody else up here on the website okay I missed it all together paper I don't do Facebook well I mean and I'm I'm sure I probably wasn't one of the people but so I don't know if I was or not but excuse me were the people that were affected by these changes notified in writing or were they expected to pick it up okay so again we want to talk about what this is this is a these ordinances had already been passed by Council for the past 10 12 years but you said there were ex if there were a mistakes the mistakes were were fixed but we didn't change anybody's zoning just for that heck of changing their zoning you know if their zoning was wrong and it was a mistake we went ahead and fixed it on the maps but we didn't go this is not a rezoning of the city that's not what this project was for this was just to fix the maps for the mistakes or the upgrades it didn't have yeah these were we were we as as you know we are getting ready to go into and will be starting in June your update to your comprehensive plan at that point we may make some land use changes that are being done for strategic reasons but this was a fix this was we we every the staff would identify ordinance for us they would send us the ordinance we would our GIS planner um would update the ordinance after he he first had to create a base layer but then he went he created baselayer everything was done by staff looking through evaluating the ordinances sending us what needs to happen we would make changes we would send this back to staff we probably did that six or seven different times we would make changes they would look at it again they would come back to us so this was not we we were not making changes that were of um a discretionary type these were made because they were fixes to the existing map that needed to happen before we go any further and I have lots of questions but let's let's follow our pathway here um does the staff have any Witnesses they want to call other than just miss Kathy Miss Kathy uh all right so and there is no applicant no this because the city this is in initiated by the city so there is no applicants there's no witness or testimony or cross examination uh so um I guess we should have closing statements by staff before we have discussion by Council because that's what it says on my paper um so I don't have any closing statements ma'am okay um so discussion by Council uh of the evidence as presented tonight which I assume means what's in our packet as well and and I talked very briefly um with staff before the meeting started there are some on the land use map and some on the zoning map that are totally contrary to what the use currently is uh not necessarily what some ordinance may have said somewhere but there there are residences that are own commercial on here so that may happen and that in fact happens it is not in common for a for a municipality or a county or a jurisdiction otherwise to have their existing land uses to be different than what their future land well what either their zoning or their future land use allows for so you that um that's why there's actually in when we get into the comprehensive plan and this is a really good question Miss Jones when we get in the comprehensive plan we will be evaluating your existing land uses we did not evaluate your existing land uses here because this was not intended to bring existing land uses into compliance with your future land use and your zoning map these are these are what at some point in your Town's history your your your city's history were established through regulatory ordinances could be allowed on that property but your existing land uses may be different what is actually used on that property may be different we purposely did not look to change that in this effort because we wanted only to address and reflect what was established by your ordinances so we did not look to what your existing land use categories are we have not done an evaluation of what your existing category existing land uses allow for but it is not uncommon for a jurisdiction to have an existing land use that is different than what it's allowed Lane use is and in fact that's one we um because we have been working so hard with these maps and because we are also as you know working on the downtown Main Street project we have identified a whole bunch of areas that we want to evaluate because we've recognized that there are areas where you have a residential on a commercial property or you have a commercial on a residential property or or what the zoning category allows for is different than what the existing land use what your what Your existing um use is so we will come back to you when we're going through the comprehensive plan process and share with that information but that was not what we were trying to do here all we were trying to do here was establish a new base map and working with the city attorney we determined that the best way to do that was to do it through this process where we adopt a new future land use and a new zoning map and then as Laura mentioned eventually we will bringing you a new boundary map as if on that day as of that day certain those are new base maps for you and that really establishes the right tool for us to then go and do the comprehensive plan Amendment or comprehensive Plan update and then eventually Your Land Development code update and do that evaluation of what's your existing land uses what does your code allow for do they match and how do we fix that we also I mean there I don't want to get into a rabbit's hole but all of those kind of um what I would call discretionary is that a good term Kristen dis discre what discretionary things You' like to do things what was it things you'd like to do things you would like to do all of those things you would like to do fixes we will do that when we go into your update of your comprehensive plan and then subsequently the update to your Land Development code all we wanted to do today was do what was allowed by the existing ordinances and I guess all I'm trying to do is make sure that the property owner knows what we're doing to them we I say doing it to but I'm saying do it what impact it's already been done so yes so the ordinances have already been done they already applied for these zoning changes years ago and how did how did they get done in what method would they have been done so it was so since 20 would it have been a comp plan Amendment it could have been a comprehensible Amendment it could have been a rezoning it could have been a special use permit these are all so what happened and what has happened in the last 12 years is every time a zoning application a rezoning application or a comprehensive plan amendment has been brought forward to you there's really two things that need to happen as part of that application one is is that you approve the oblation to move forward and the second is that the zoning map gets updated or the comper the future land use map gets updated right but unfortunately what we found out is that that has not been happening and so um so what was happening was that staff was getting phone calls about what they were told was a proper use of their property and they because your Maps were not updated they would say no that's not accurate and then they would go research the ordinance and say oh but wait a second you're right you can do that so what we needed to do was update your Maps now we could have done this as a scribers but because there were so many of this and such a long time had passed we didn't want to just come out with a new map for the community and go where have the community say where did this map come from we wanted to go through a public hearing process to publicly make everyone aware that your Maps which have not been updated in 12 years are now being updated and we are creating a new base standard as of this set of maps Miss blo is there anything that you can well let me add a couple of examples here I first I have a question if what is the consequence of changing it let let me on a on a future land you spent I know there are consequences on zoning but what is the comp the consequences on future can I just answer that so the future man use map is going to be updated again with your comp plan that's going to happen again cuz you guys are going to make changes but we'll have some control over it cuz we're sitting here but we have it now what all this is what I said I'm not sure what all this is let take an example there's probably six or seven churches on here that were either public or quasa public and now they're commercial so they were they were actually those were like those are good examples of where you had an existing land use which was different than your than your allowed zoning or your allowed future land use so there are churches that do have commercial designation but they always had commercial designation they just are built that way your they okay they they there are times and I know this is hard to understand but there are times when you can have an existing where the use that exists does not is not compatible or with the future land use which is proposed or the zoning which is proposed those are proposed uses those are allowable uses I know they're all on the main drag and you could put something commercial there so so exactly so if you so for example but again what are the consequences of calling them commercial that's the consequences of the consequence of calling it commercial is that that is one their allowed use but it would ALS also mean that and this is why this is so important it as we move forward and we evaluate your properties um that a use that you a use that you may not want to be on a property is on your property but we wouldn't before because the map was not accurate we wouldn't be able to really do the good evaluation because we were evaluating it against something that was 12 years old now when we evaluate what your future land use is and subsequently what your zoning is we're going to be able to evaluate it based on what we know that property has and if there is a use that you would like us to re-evaluate and bring to current now we know we have to look at that before we weren't sure because the zoning the ordinances were not accurately reflected on your Maps your ordinance changes were not accurately reflected on the map and I know what you're trying to accomplish I'm just trying to figure out how it's going to impact property owner it's it's not so for your churches if they go from one zoning to another it's not going to impact you at all because you're still not paying taxes well I know i' let's take the the business the the resident that's currently on a residential a and he you're moving him to Commercial and who's that you want a name sure yeah Mr nusle so that's probably what the the ordinance said that was probably from years ago cannot imagine so what what it means is that that that so if you have a property that your existing land use does not match with your underlying zoning or future land uses it means that you do not you could make an automatic change that might be beneficial for the property owner it might be not beneficial for the city because maybe you have a a city maybe there's a land use designation somewhere or zoning designation in a place that the city would rather that be something that were maintained as a church but they have a right to come in and change it to a commercial property well Mr nusle for example is on a large uh residential lot very large I'm probably four to five acres if I had to make a guess um and it is on a on State Highway um so that's probably why it says commercial but I I could not see him ever using it for that purpose and and so when we go through the comprehensive I just don't want to impact is taxes or anything else this isn't a tax issue this what this is is a use issue so if he does not want his property to be anything but Agriculture and that's what he wants or if he wants it to be residential we can talk to him when we go through the comprehens plan process and the Land Development code process and we can and we can bring it into compliance all we were doing here was bringing it into what the current regulations allow for but if there is some a property owner that wants to make a change they can we can do that through the next process and there are a couple of businesses that don't have an address um so if that have a change in future land use I mean in future map yes future land use it um you and Zoning for that matter and it doesn't list where the where it is I know where it currently is but it may be somewhere else it doesn't have a parcel number either no they have a parcel number so for example um FFF is owned by Dorothy Harris but there's no about QQ there's a actually Technical and I'm on the future Landing SP not on the zoning map okay I see I I do see what you're looking at um he's also listed on the zoning map the same way and I know where that business is now and it's he doesn't even own the property cuz I know who owns the property he does own the property M these are these were verified from the property own some property but he doesn't own where this business is at the attorney at the moment if yes ma'am she he does no Captain Fortney owns the property where his current business is now this may be a different parcel it could be a different parcel but I don't know that because there's no address here there's no address because it's vacant property and he owns that property okay so he's got a different got the name of his business on a different piece of property but not where his business currently is yes ma'am okay very confusing now you know why I have questions no I I and that's why that's why we're here because we want to go through this and and answer any questions and if we need to come back we are we're able to come back Miss BL do you have any other I saw you getting ready to speak so I I just want to reiterate that it's very important for us to understand that whatever impacts this may have on a property owner whatever impacts we we may imagine it has it had at the time the or original ordinance was passed so impact I feel good with that if we notified everybody well impact already existed but does the same person own it I mean there's years ago examp there's really not a way for us to know that for every specific property what what we can say is we held workshops to of these workshops we advertised in the paper at Great expense to the city we advertised on Facebook we we did what we could to notify every every owner okay in the same way that we advertised many ordinances um that are intended to impact the entire city um and intended to give notice to all the citizens um and so we followed those exact procedures what I what I'll say is to the extent that there are these impacts they they already exist so we're we're doing a greater disservice to the citizenry by not making sure that we have a clear understanding of what currently is zoned and what the future land use is on every parcel because what we don't want to do is 30 years down the line come back and say okay well this is actually what it is now additional property owners don't know what they actually have and you know if there's a tax issue it would be retroactive that entire time now I don't imagine that there would be any of these tax issues but the faster we fix this the the better we do for our citizens by allowing them to understand what we have and then to to the earlier Point made fixing anything that doesn't make sense anymore maybe something happened in 2012 and it doesn't make sense anymore that it would currently be and we have the opportunity with our next steps for changing the future plan use map changing the zoning map to make those changes that make sense and certainly we understand as a council that we wouldn't then you know bring down the hammer on anyone who is is currently maybe having some issues based on this clerical issue so it would be very difficult for us to go into thank you Miss blue be very difficult for us to go into an update of your comprehensive plan if you're if we're working with a map that's 12 years old because because we don't we can't accurately assess your map as it currently is because because it's 12 years old okay so can we make provision if we decide we're going to do all this and you're right it is Citywide it's everywhere it is um and somebody comes back a year from now and says I had no idea my my property was no commercial I would say if that if that is a concern of the council then I would recommend we ask for continuance this evening and you you direct us to have one more workshop with the property owners because it is I don't it is I don't think it would be prudent of you to establish and miss blo you are welcome to disagree with me um but I don't think it would be pertinent to adopt an ordinance with a new future land use with a provision that something could be retrofited back okay that's what I was asking I've got a question yes so I want to buy Lot 27 across the street that was a business in everything else the real would know if that's a commercial property or a residential correct Mr Cox the realtor calls me and asks me and I look at an old map okay that's real don't know other than calling me yeah that right now right now you could be getting so you may have be you may have a property that that a realer has called and said I want to buy this property across the street and the realer tells you that property has a future L use category of residential it doesn't by the way that's all commercial over there but you you have a you have a future land use of residential and your zoning is residential and then we go and do our homework and find out that there was an ordinance that happened 10 years ago that changed that to Commercial and CBD which is what is across the street but the res the realtor didn't know that because your map is 12 years old and they are looking at a map that is 12 years old that does not reflect all of the ordinances that have happened in the 12 years I I have um I've been a planner for almost 30 years I was recently inducted into the American Institute of certified planners College of fellows um and I have worked on many many public projects in my career I have never worked on one as more as important as this one to because of the the importance of these Maps these maps are the foundation of everything you work on and to think that your maps have not been updated in 12 years means that there probably are people who don't realize what they had because a map showed from 12 years ago did not accurately reflect when an Ordnance brought in place in the last last five years it this is really really important that we get this done it's the reason that we did this step first before we moved into your comprehensive Plan before we move into your Land Development code um many people at our at your next meet at an upcoming meeting we're going to be presenting to you I believe it's your next meeting we'll be presenting to you the plan that has been developed for Main Street we will not be able to execute Main Street without these Maps being updated because right now what your current maps reflect and and what are are not the same thing so basically we're just correcting the issues of what took place 12 years ago well from 12 Years too to today yeah yes you were that's what we're doing that's what you're doing in order to move forward we've got to fix and and even some other small like there were some other fixes that we did there were times when we went in because the way your Maps were drawn in the past and now we're using GIS parcel layers we found slight irregularities that's why your zoning map or that's why your boundary maps are going to be seen when you when you see the changes that are happening your boundary Maps it's because there's a little parcel pieces that were carved out there was just there were sometimes where you had an overlap of a of a property of a you had a residential use that overlapped into another use so that property is showing a mixture of two uses we we went through I mean we went painstakingly through every single detail on this map to know what needed to be fixed and made sure that it was accurate based on your ordinances so I think the biggest problem here is that the these ordinances are not getting out to the public I mean you have told me this multiple times in the past few years um people don't read the paper anymore people don't look on the website a lot of people don't have Facebook so we may need to change that um kind of brainstorm maybe put them in with the bills I don't not everybody gets a bill so I don't know how else to get it out there did do all that this wasn't there this is what shows that was all on the website for weeks and weeks every single page every single let me tell you it's the first time in our packet I've seen it and I look at our Facebook page I look at the newspaper I look at everything it was on the website for weeks and and so was the first draft our our city Willison website then the first draft was well the the fir so both drafts well and actually now we have three drafts so the first draft that came out in the fall Facebook page what's that I said people don't look at the website they look at the Facebook page not everybody the first the first draft that came out in the fall was on was up on the website the second draft that came out in the winter was on the website and this draft which is the third draft the third I mean there's been a lot of Staff draft but public draft we've had three of them every one of them has been on the website so question so with change from residential to commercial can they still operate their land in a residential way or do they now have to change it to commercial no you're if if you have a what we call a non-conforming if you have a non-conforming use you are entitled to use that nonconforming use as long as you desire you also are entitled to make a change and if you do the change you do not have to go through a rezoning or comprehensive plan Amendment so long as it's meeting the the one that is on your property and if that piece of property is sold it would then be sold under commercial as opposed residential yes with the resid if you but but I'm just trying to understand but just like if you own if you're a resident and you're H and you're selling it to a resident they can continue to use that use as long as they want it's it's only under a future land use and a zoning map are not about what is it's about what could be okay and the existing land uses which we have yet to evaluate but we will as we get into your comprehensive plan that is what it's going to tell us what is and then we're going to be able to say in the comprehensive plan process we'll look at what is versus what the land use is and then when we go through the Land Development code which will be subsequent to the comprehensive plan we will look at what is versus what the comp what the zoning allows for so but but we can't even do that evaluation until we adopt these Maps because we don't know what is right now and Miss Hines um the code talks about that it talks about residences and Commercial and what they're allowed to do so it covers almost every what you're not allowed to do is really what the code is going to tell you so you're not allowed to um do industry in a residential area but if you have residential and Commercial this is how you do it so it's all kind of covered under different zonings and different uses okay Captain Forney has his hand up I believe it's a parcel in the I just have a question up there are hopefully City staff's checking all the paperwork because they have the same address for something that I own the city own with different parcel numbers and I'm just hopefully we're going through it to make sure he must own another parcel that's right there at the 150 Northwest 4th Street I do not own the city actually owns it because I think that's John Henry park and it's got different partial numbers so you have two addresses there that are the same for two different pieces of property so it's just something there's a errors hopefully we're checking that to make sure there's not error errors there probably one's the location and one's the mailing address yeah so no no if you look up three it's 150 North West 4 Street which is Park and it shows that Wilson Investment LLC also owns that same address so there's got to be some error in that if you look my property yes ma'am there's probably an error somewhere it's probably not on the chart but it's probably on the well prop appr when you look on The Zing map that that parcel has a county address I also see someone else at the end of Northwest Second Avenue in the county that is on this map she is not in the city limits so again if there are if there are that's that's the reason that we're here today if there we have we we also and I forgot to mention this we've had two workshops with the um planning board um and then also a hearing so they have seen these they saw multiple drafts but if there are changes we don't have to there is there's nothing pressing us to do this tonight I mean it's first reading yeah well and we could come we can continue first reading and come back if there are changes that you want again if you want us to do one more public Workshop we can do one more public work I mean we we don't there isn't we don't have to do this we don't have to approve this this evening what we do have to do is we have to approve it before we can start the comprehensive plan so if we if we don't approve this then we're going to delay our start next month the comp I me I know what you're trying to do I agree with what you're trying to do I just want to make sure the property owners are aware of what you're trying to do and I and and there is no that as I said this is really the one of the most important projects I've ever worked on in my career and so we don't want to do this wrong if you feel that it's necessary for us to do a continuance and do one more public workshop and do one more mailing we we can do that I don't know how everybody else feels I'm just one voice up here so they may be fine with it well be into other work workshops people don't show up bottom line yeah if we spend if we go to do another one I think all we're doing is wasting money that's just my opinion sorry I I'm just I'm saying all I'm saying is if if it if you feel uncomfortable doing this this evening you don't have to I I don't want to make you feel like you're rushed into this I think I'm okay doing it first reading and if we have somebody we want go contact to be here for to to contact staff in between to find out what that ordinance may have said and or whether they're aware of it they could be aware of it and I'm just not aware of it I know a lot of it appears to me to be a comp plan Amendment uh I was on the Planning and Zoning commission at the time Mr Fuller was too and I know they Point Blank went down the roads and turned everything into commercial we are we are aware that that whether we wanted that happen or not they turned everything that was on the highway state or federal into commercial and a lot of them are residences um and that is probably what you're trying to clean up it's definitely again when we start the comprehensive plan process we're going to be doing a joint workshop with you and the planning board to have you identify for us any issues based on these new maps or other issues that you know that you want us to evaluate so once we once we get through this then we can start that but we can't can't start that until we get through this I I personally am okay with doing first reading and then identifying properties and talking to either the property owner or the staff for the second reading I don't know if anybody else feels that way or not I hate to delay it when I know you've got a timeline you're trying to yeah I'm okay I mean the only question I got with with anything is like say somebody's actually living in a place and it somehow gets flipped to commercial is that going to change him to commercial rates on the water and utilities right out of the gate no okay if this shouldn't it shouldn't affect anything to do with their taxes or their current use because or their water rates or anything because there it that should all be based on what the property appraiser identifies as their use got okay but if he sees our new map he's not going to say oh this is commercial no because it it because just like just like the property appraiser understands that there's a future land use a zoning use they also identify the existing land uses so the property appraiser works in the same kind of Trio of future land use zoning use existing use I know the future won't the future Lanes won't affect it but the zoning I thought did no zoning is just a one another step in the what could I mean it's it's it's a future Lan use as well it's not a it's it's it only applies if you come in for development okay well I agree let's pass it and do some more research CH to figure out what we want to do for the second one I'll make a motion to approve first reading of ordinance 2024-25 second it I have a motion and a second to have any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign hearing none the motion passes thank you all right item H first reading of ordinance 20 24 733 an ordinance of the city of Williston Florida amending the city of Williston code of ordinances at as amended providing for amending chapter 20 section 20-5 regarding qualification dates changing qualification dates and regular elections to reflect the period of 71 to 67 days before the election and amending chapter 20 section 20-3 regarding vacancy and office during term providing for the city of willston with an authority to appoint an interim council member if no individual qualifies for a special election or in the event of a vacancy due to providing and amending the title of chapter 20 section 20-12 to better Define types of vacancies providing severability providing for incorporation into the city codes of ordinances and providing for an effective date I will ask the city manager and the attorney to please address it all right very good thank you I'm going to lead off and then I'm kirston will jump in uh on the parts that I'm deficient on but as you know this really was brought up because of the resonation of the members of the board and then how do we fit in this this 60 days of uh coming in and holding this vual elction and what do we do if we're outside of that six-month period I mean where I could literally be honest with you and we've had this discussion where we can end up doing 60 days 60 days 60 days 60 days until we get inside that six-month window where then on our old ordinance city council could appoint just like we did Miss Martin to the fill out the remainder of that term and as it goes on um so to bring your attention to one of the very first changes uh is the qualification dates you know the qualification dates have have we used to be 50 days actually is it's between the 67th and the 71st day to qualify that's what we did last year even though our city ordinance uh reflects the wrong dates on it so we had to we're amending that in this ORD to reflect what we actually do um and have done in the past the other change under 2012 it talks about the vacancy in candidates uh for office due to death withdrawal or removal and it specifically talks about uh basically you know how we move forward with uh those elections and what happens and I think that was the only we added to that right yeah so just to clarify the only reason that that uh that the header of 20-2 was changed is because we have more information in 20-3 so just to delineate the differences instead of just vacancy in office it's vacancy in can seat and a little bit more explicit because we also have vacancy in 20-3 now so then the next change is under 20-3 where it talks about vacancy in office during the term and vacancy due to qualifying candidates uh it also includes as M blue said if the vacancy was caused by death or resignation so A and B which change the one and two and of course they talk about what we do if it's less than six months and what we do if it's more than six months and uh did you flip over to the following page you can see where the changes were made um what it does it actually it it gives us the opportunity to hold a u election you know within six months that pushes our time frame out a little bit so we're not stuck with that 60-day window um so we can do the six months have an election and basically by a majority of vote the remaining members can choose and appoint a successor who otherwise is eligible to serve in the office to serve until a special election at which time the new city council person or mayor in this case shall be elected uh for the unexpired term as we talked about the the special election once again we'll be moving from the 60 days requirement to up to six months and so in the event that uh a vacancy occurs due to the following of any individual to qualify for the office that no such individual has qualified for the office at the close of the qualifying period uh of an election such office shall be filled as follows and it talks about a the seat shall be declared vacant on the day that which the due to be sworn in is the city uh clerk shall arrange for a special election to be held whenever possible within six months of the seat being declared vacant and taking into consideration the benefit or coordination of such special elections with the supervisor of elections the city council May by majority vote uh fill the seats uh choose and appoint an individual who is uh otherwise eligible to serve in the office to serve until a special election once again within that six-month period at which time a new city council person or mayor this case shall be elected uh for for the unexpired term if any uh the procedure for a special election called herea hereunder including the folling and campaign reports and statements by the candidate shall be in accordance with the board election code and provisions of the city Charter um so Al those there there's quite a few changes to this ordinance it does kind of put us in a position where I'm most concerned about where we're not doing a special election special election special election they cost $2,000 a pop to be honest with you the supervisor of election even stated for Levy County stated that she doesn't even know how you could arrange one within 60 days based on the new voting process and election laws and that really pushing us a 60-day election is really pushing us up against the wall and trying to do um so one thing to note is that your the current ordinance that you have was passed in 2004 so 20 years ago in 20 years I can tell you that there's been significant changes to the way people vote there have been significant changes to election law and so th those are really the the driving factors for changing the 60 days it's simply impractical in 2024 to hold a special election within 60 days um it just is is not possible and I I'm unable to find it uh similarly situated cities that have that requirement and are actually able to fill it and I think we settled on the 60 days six months uh because that seemed to be what the council was comfortable with that you we're not comfortable with doing something more longterm filling the seed or going more and that's why we focus on that 6 there are municipalities to to that point that do just fill the seat and then that's it maybe they hold one special election if there's no one that qualifies to they just fill the seat for the remainder of the term um that didn't seem really where the interest of the council was so we we put it at six months which seemed to be about where you all we're comfortable appointing someone um but but that's not a a upper limit um it's just sort of where we felt that you're you were interested so could you could you make it in that situation where the council say voted and picked somebody to do it could you have it to where that term just was automatically ended at the end of that one year that particular seat would always come up anytime someone was in that situation it would be in on the next regular election so right now how we have it written is that you've you've got every 6 months a special election now if if that's the case so you wouldn't need to end the term of the of the office two years it would do that though right so could we put it to where if that is the situation say my seat for an example nobody runs for my seat it's a two-year seat could you have it though to wear at the end of year one it got added to the next ele election which would it was always been three on one election three on the next election election but they're all twoyear terms to where that time now you would have four maybe on one and two on the next that's the way Miss Martins would have been this time if she had qualified it would have been up in the end of the one year because that was Mr Robinson's term um now I don't even know when her term ends we we sort of don't agree on that um because no she didn't qualify for the election um that would have filled that seat for the remainder of its term um and we didn't have a special election right and that seat is to me that seat ends next week but nobody else sees it that way I'm the only one who sees it that way because that's when the next person would have taken the seat you actually wrote it that way at one point in here as to when they would have been installed right so the so the I think there's a two questions Miss Martin and then sort of where we are with with the ordinance right um for Miss Martin the council and I can't remember how many meetings ago it was several meetings ago we were talking about this made the decision to declare the seat vacant at the time it would have been sworn inh so that's when the seed is vacant according to your current current ordinance not this change but but the one that already exists if there is a vacancy that occurs during the term so that would the term would start at the time that the swearing in is to it's actually both of them not just hers this is a onee seate yeah I'm just using it as example um that term would begin therefore would be vacant during the term your current ordinance provides that if there are more than um six months you have a special election in 60 days if there are less than six months then you may appoint someone right so the my my reading of your ordinance is that your ordinance doesn't contemplate the idea that there would already be a special election that's scheduled Within six months we've already moved forward scheduling our special election um for August so at the time this seat for in this example becomes vacant at the next meeting there would be less than six months until the next scheduled election which would include this seat which gives you all the power to appoint someone in that interim so the seat would become vacant at the next meeting you are all can appoint someone be it Miss Martin or someone else to that seat until the election occurs in August August August 20th have we seen that yet we haven't called for an election yet have we did I missed that I know we talked about it but it hasn't come here for call you well the LA the last vote that you all held was to do that so we're in the process of of putting all of that together so it's I mean you've already called it and scheduled it we just haven't put out the resolution and all those that's what I'm saying we haven't done that yet but we would have to have this changed to do that you don't have to have this Chang to do that I thought the seat would be vacant they will both of these seats will be vacant more than 60 days you're saying by State Statute there's a what I'm saying is this Council voted to declare this seat vacant at the time it's supposed to be filled right okay so right now seat is not vacant at the next meeting it will be declared vacant the next meeting is May 14th if we're having our election on August 20th there's less than six months that the seat would be vacant during an active term which provides you all the ability to appoint someone in the interim everything that I just said Mak we have two seats I just want to throw that in yes yes so we need to get some paperwork work out there right I guess we have to declare it first [Music] huh you can appoint for for any of the vacant seats you could appoint someone until the August election because it doesn't have to be a regular elif right your code doesn't contemplate that you would already have a special election scheduled it it doesn't contemplate that but what it does contemplate is there needs to be another election that's scheduled within 6 months and and that's the case that we have here just not this is sort of a unique situation that we've never really had before um so I think that following the intent of it which is no more no pointing for more than six months without an election scheduled is is really what is intended well you could do what I mentioned earlier and not throw the the system where there's four one year and two the next because you could have it where in that scenario it's only a one-ear term kind of like the County Commission just did with the passing of Mr Oz and um um that is traditionally right so they them people got elected on our regular thing that they wasn't supposed to be on for a two-year well yeah one yeah so a twoyear term and then they were up again so we could take that same exact thing in the situation and do do that okay so how do y'all feel about waiting six months to have an election no I I think it's okay I think y'all can do exactly what what we said and appoint somebody because that will serve until the election correct which would be in under six months right that the election do you want to wait six months to have the election yeah good I think we need to do it on that ballot up to six bus I we just need on August 20th ballot and then like I said even if it is for from now on not just this one if she changes it it's going to be from now so so just just to clarify everything that I just talked about with this seat you you already have in your ordinance the power to do already existing make changes okay so if we're gonna I just don't want us to get confused with what we already are able to do and what we're contemplating changing right so the contemplated changes to de's point are this is moving forward the six months would be the limitation in all circumstances very explicitly because I've said that your current code doesn't contemplate it so you sort of have to figure out what the intent is this makes it explicit that this is where we go I think we could take the six months out if you do what I suggested a minute a minute ago and and filled somebody for the one year put that person on the next ballot for a oneyear ter I wouldn't want to do that I think six months is too long that's just me though to go empty or to have let me just say too when you appoint somebody they don't have to do form six let me just add that while we're here because they're not because they're not elected let me just add that if you appoint somebody they have to do for it is true or she says that's true they have to do you say that's not true they have to do the form six that's if they're appointed yes okay that's not what I was told originally cuz um was it I feel a whole lot better about it yes but it says elected official it doesn't say appointed we so we've I've talked to the you have got that yes I've talked to the commission on ethics definitely if you are appointed you must fill out the form six if you sit in one of these seats you are considered elected you are elected by who the people elected but we didn't do that last time right I don't think we did that out do you what D it's not due until July 1st okay all right so it's not when you qualify or get appointed it's until July 1st July 1 all right see there that's different too well other than I mean in other words they wouldn't let us qualify until we did it right but you didn't have till July 1 do it you had to do it before you qualified the first week of January the law I think the change of law required everybody that that was elected sitting on a board by January the 1st or the 30 whatever had to fill out a form six you're sitting in a seat on January 1 I think on the commission or a council not just the board yeah well Council I don't death Council or commission that you have to fill out a form six so yes y'all were required to fill it out because of that's what the law wrote In other words it was kind of like okay this is the starting point we're gonna get yall yeah to be honest believe me I know it yeah the the idea behind it is that if you are at the next meeting when the seat becomes open and you all have the ability to appoint you could say okay Mr Fuller we want you in the seat there's no period of time for him to put together a form six he just is appointed to the seat and here he says there's a period of time that the Florida Commission on ethics allows you to put together your financial information but it's always the same date it's byin so many days it's always July 1 July first and correct me if I'm wrong but even when you leave the board oh yeah you're going to do a form corre to do a final one yeah yeah I have to do mine yes sir unfortunate you got two I got two to fill out so let me get this straight Miss de you are asking or you're saying that you think you don't want to do it for every 6 months you want to have the special election each time is what you're saying I'm saying appoint somebody but I once we appoint somebody I don't think we should wait half a year to have an election that's just the way I feel about it but that's what y'all want to do that's where we're going if I may miss Kirsten what you're saying is that currently we have to do it within 60 days and that currently that is magically impossible there's a whole lot of difference between 60 days months I'm not saying there's not I'm asking for clarification that is correct but you don't have to wait six months you have up to 6 months to get it done which get which allows you that time to prepare properly and Stu a Russian and doing things the wrong way actually what we would probably be doing is waiting on a county election to come up so we wouldn't have to pay for it ourselves no um I think let me just add that I have to mail out some ballots overseas so that would also give me time for them for the ballots to reach them overseas I also wondered about the SEC the uh runoff in here because there's no time to do that and I think there was some concern with the supervisor of elections about the number of days uh between the the second election for possible runoff because we only allowed I think it was like two weeks and there's no way it's going overseas and back in two weeks so we may want to and I'm not saying hold it up now because it's is first reading but we may want to consult the supervisor of elections to see how long that needs to be I can tell you that she has concerns about the two weeks off yeah she she suggested three that was her suggestion that we change the two weeks to three weeks I know that's I picked that up in here when I read it if I may how many what kind of time frame would miss Martin have that would be have left Mr Robinson spot when would Mr Robinson spot had end it December September December December because he would have to qualify in January qualify in January so she'd have till the following May correct when his seat's over in May of 2025 his seats up basically one year from right now yeah I'm not real that all we can do because nobody R can can we would we be of next week or next meeting since that will be vacant can we bring her back for the remainder of the ter currently right without a change you cannot do that because it's more than six months you would need to have a if we don't change anything you would then need to have a special election in 60 days right if if this passes you all can reappoint her until when we have our special election in August can we make a motion and just just remember we're not just talking about one seat we're talking about both because we're going to have to do it times two this one's getting ready to be vacant right but we're ahead of the game as of next week to prepare what now all the more reason to have time to prepare all the more reason to be sitting here with three of us instead of this five we need unfortunately that's life sometimes that happens that's why I want to have an election but if you're going to have an election every every three months because somebody didn't come and qualify you might as well waited the 6 months and allow people time to advertise and get people to come in and do this but you don't actually have the election if nobody qualifies you don't you just have qualifying which is what we did before we had qualified and nobody qualified well you have at least one so let's keep moving say that again now you have at least one yeah we have I agree with qualify she didn't do it last time I hope she does we we encouraged her to last time but I know Latricia did encouraged her to shall we ask her if she would like to be able to continue I'm sure she would M Aaron is Miss Martin statement but I think it shouldn't matter we need to doesn't better or not at this point well I all for doing the six months changing our so you like it just as it sits no the new one well that's what I me yeah yeah well if make the emotion well you said I thought you talking about the one we cently have no the one resolution the one that we're discussing okay now this would be and this is just for the first reading right but this would be with where she would be able to extend we can't take that into consideration it's whoever well whoever right now want clarification what's your question she's been the one that stepped forward to do it now we still have Mr so what you want to know is if we go with the new one that they just put out that we're getting ready to vote on that you'll be able to extend her extend anybody for at least six months correct so now but that's all you want to know all right so I make a motion that um we approve the first reading of ordinance 2024 733 second I have a motion in a second to have any more discussion from anybody all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion Carries On First reading all right I don't know why it says close public hearing but it does and we're back to public participation and this is your time your second time tonight if you have something for this agenda go please come to the podium you have up to five minutes to speak to us about anything at this call are you sir please state your name for the record yes my name is Sydney Frasier I I'm up here uh concerning the light bills um my light bill was paid and it was overpaid and I asked for a refund on my light bill and I was informed that um y'all didn't give um refunds back on overpaid bills so um I went through that with um with the city manager I guess um and um my uh this light bill it wasn't credit for the money that I overpaid it didn't show on my light bill so I you know that's that's that's a problem that I have with um money not being refunded you want to handle this you want me to take it well I mean I can start so Mr Fraser is correct he did come in and pay on his account um to add a little Clarity to that uh there was a voucher that was assigned to Mr Frasier from the community action committee to pay on his account multiple days after he came in PID he actually came in and paid before the actual bill was due um so when he asked for a refund you know we we don't he owed money on his light bill or on his electrical bill there's portions the community action committee does not pay I talked to them um they said they spoke to him you know there's now whether or not there should be a credit there is totally different story um so I I might have to look into that to see what the deal is but um you know he he has an account with the city he's required to pay his bill just because we getting a voucher from the community action committee does not mean it's going to be paid it just says they're promising to pay it when the money shows up I I would say probably you know we had this discussion that maybe you can go get it back from them I don't know if they applied the whole um $800 voucher or whatever it was I don't recall the actual amount um but us not refunding money is not accurate we do refund money right um but in his case like I said the problem is that and you know obviously we can bring Selena back in two weeks to have this discussion is that he came in and paid on a bill that he owed and then Community Action applied the voucher and then they eventually paid the bill I guess just because we have the voucher still doesn't mean the bill's been paid it just means that we take that as a promise that the community action committee will pay it they can leave tomorrow and not saying they are but we have this program which is a great program don't get me wrong it helps out plenty of citizens in Willison but if they pulled up Roots tomorrow and left there's a lot of vouchers out there that would be unpaid don't have the money for it yeah and ultimately it relies goes back on the citizens that we H how who would I go back to get theone money from I can't get a community action you know they're they're just they have just a process with the city there's no promiser note no guarantees no deposits I mean no nothing it's difficult enough to track the vouchers and I wish he wouldn't have committed paid I don't even think when he paid he was even looking at being late so I and a conversation I think I've had with staff they don't know why he paid but he paid so it was applied towards his bill and then the voucher will go against what's left and then if there's any left on the voucher I suspect that it will stay there and go towards his next bill um one thing and that's the way as you know that's the way the voucher works is they put a larger larger amount down than what you owe and it sits there and the money comes down off of it every month U and your money was just added to it so there really wasn't a credit it's still the voucher that sitting there no I I'm saying it's a difference between the voucher and and actual cash money that y'all receive from a citizen I'm saying I what what I don't understand is why it didn't sure on the light bill that I had a credit of um $175 you mean that was a plot are you saying it wasn't shown as applied toward the bill is that what you're saying or there wouldn't be a credit if the voucher hadn't paid yet so are you just saying that it didn't show you paid $175 right on this this this bill that came out but how long does it take for it to show up the money he paid or the voucher the voucher the money it may take 30 days it may take six months yeah there's no guarantee it's we get it we honor the voucher in the anticipation that um that we're going to get the money you miss H there's no other way we can do it there's no um and we're not the only people that has this problem you know they're give the give vouchers all over the place you know and basically it could take several months for the actual money to show up and we understand that we know we're going to get that so we we carry the voucher on the bill um and it is somewhat problematic to understand how the process works and you know by Mr Frasier coming in and paying the money you know he he paid the money on a bill that he owed the vouchers there now whether or not the voucher still there minus his money I don't know or is the whole voucher I suspect if the voucher was $800 and he paid 75 what was it Mr Frank 175 175 so imagine the voucher was there it was $800 and I'm just picking that number because I think that's what it was I could be wrong and he paid nine he paid $175 it's like having $975 sit in his account right but really 800 is not really there so if if he paid the 175 the 175 is applied to his bill and then whatever the whatever's left over then the B takes yes the B takes and I suspect but don't know this yeah I I suspect but don't know this that the voucher doesn't change I don't think Community Action once they give the commitment of the money the V they're not going to commit and go well Mr Fraser paid 175 so now we're going to back off down to you know $675 right or whatever it is right terrible math yeah well the the bill was like I think was 270 and uh they just went ahead and just paid the 270 I didn't have any money that was sitting there and then when I came in to pay it um I was told that uh well the Community Action haven't paid it yet but we have a promiser note or whatever that they was going to pay and uh but still they went ahead and accepted the money m I'm saying I but last mon last month bill but this when bill came so your your five minutes is up for public participation so what I'm going to ask them to do I'm going to ask them to pull your bill and make sure that your $175 does show against your bill because it definitely should um and it may have brought down the balance that was due because your your total due is still sitting there as well that may be why it doesn't show but it should be something on the bill I mean if your bill was $300 you paid $175 it's not going to show a credit but that's what we need to look at and so if you'll call back say midday tomorrow maybe they'll have an answer for you and and we'll know and then I'll know actually what does it mean that that the Community Action put the money in there what is actually mean when when uh citizen pays it um you know when I talk to them right you know they're they're just they threw their hands up in there didn't understand why he paid it and there's there's nothing that they can do they're they're out of the game now we have a voucher we have the dedicated amount of money we have the money he paid and I I don't have any options here to be honest with you other than but yes it should show a payment of $175 right that's what I'm saying but it was it didn't show on the the actual bill on the bill that printed this month yeah this so I'm going to ask them to look at that and make sure that it got credited to your account and so if you'll call tomorrow sometime after lunch hopefully they'll have time he's going to make a note to ask the billing clerk to look at that we'll do we'll do a breakdown and an Excel spreadsheet to show the history of the payment stuff like that um and see that's all we can do tonight see on yeah I understand that but I just want to get a Clarity on on how how that process work and then I feel like if the city is not giving ref funds back because it should be told to the citizen or some note or we do refunds every week because I sign I sign them every week right but at the front desk no we don't give refunds we don't do this we you know that's what I'm saying that's only because it was a bill still ow it was a bill still owed that's what we're trying to tell you it was still right but you do give refunds we give refunds if refunds have but they say you don't give refunds we do so refunds you know are when refunds are due we give refunds we do them every week every single week Mr Barber I I will just say five minutes for participation I I think that the confusion here is that we do give refunds we do not give refunds on Community Action please sir Mr prer Mr please be I have somebody else talking I think the confusion is is we give refunds what the front desk told uh Mr Frasier was that we do not give refunds if a payment is made and then a commitment afterwards comes in from Community Action you can't leverage a commitment from Community Action on something already paid on an account it was the timing of it had the Community Action voucher come in right that would have been different when he went to pay his bill but when he came in and said has it been paid the honest answer was no even a voucher had not been received and so after after he made payment then a voucher was received and Community Action in the past does two different things they'll either a release the full amount depending on how and and regress the bill is how much or they will instruct us that they will give multiple payments so they've done up to $1,200 before on an account and they've said we're going to release 400 400 and 400 in subsequent months so just because they've committed to $1,200 we do not release that count or account or show a credit on that account until the money has posted the voucher is irrelevant on that the only thing that the voucher prevents is cut off it prevents that I also know and I don't know what services Mr Fraser has but I also know the community act agency only pays the Elric they do not pay water in sewer it depends on the month sometimes they get funding specifically for water sometimes they get funding specifically tied to Electric it depends on the funding source that they receive the donations from right because I know at the church where I work people come and they ask for watering sewer because they've got a voucher for for electric currently they don't have a voucher for currently it is it has been electric um but they she she just mentioned the other day I mean today actually that there has been a donation for water and sewer okay and it was specifically designated for water and sewer and that could be possibly applied to this month again it has to do with their funding source either from the state or a private party perfect yes and she has an open and Community Action has an open house tomorrow about this Mr I was there I F through the incident and the city employee kept saying um city manager was not in right now and that we had to talk to him so that they could get that resolved and that he would have to do it when he got there the next day I was there during the incident when that was going back and forth that's how I actually heard about it so so I they were told that the city manager will be in in the morning you have to speak to him and then he can work the details out to get it done right thank you sir so Mr Fraser still there is he is he in the hall yes sir so if you'll call somay sometime after lunch tomorrow they will try to have an answer for you on whether your $175 was credited to your account that doesn't mean you're going to get it back that's a policy decision above me um yeah because they run the city not me we do the policy procedures here they do daily running other z um so but they can make sure that your $175 was credited to your account but but again if there was a $300 bill due and you had $175 that you paid there would not have been a credit remaining there would have still been a d a bill du that the voucher would have covered yeah that's what I'm saying I need when I come up here or whatever somebody that sit out explain to me $300 Bill current and it's curent charge of 270 but it's still3 something that's like5 something that's on that's on yes and the voucher will if you have a voucher the voucher will come through and pay the rest of it but that's every month that's every month you got you use your utilities every mon no I'm saying it's a a carry over every month of $300 and plus $270 that my life that is still sitting on my bill it's because the voucher hasn't come in so it's still there so you saying if I come in and I pay 270 and the other 320 or whatever is already on there none of that money goes to watch because y'all already have promis for for the 320 we do have promiser if we do I'm not sure and I don't know how much it is just the city manager has said but it may or may not come and if it does then there will be a credit well we we do we do now the problem is once again when Mr Frasier paid the money right there was no voucher on file um but we'll be more than happy sit down with him and I agree with him that if he paid money to the city there should be somebody to document the fact that that was paid and we'll be more than happy to go over with it should show on your bill yeah exactly right about that all right the payment post should be okay I don't even know where we are anybody else for public participation anyone on the ring central meeting wish to partipate Mr Bernard mov un mute your mic and speak up now Bernard oh I heard the uh city manager said that uh he was uh looking into the water bill for some commercial customers and uh we got the community garden out there and the rate uh what we were told we a commercial customer so I don't want you forget that all right yeah yeah don't get that put him on your list and right he did I remember he was here last last meeting and on this uh on this uh 20247 uh 726 uh which is the uh I re we can get a copy of it offline right which one now I'm sorry uh 20 24726 the first reading on the bill about your oh yes sir yeah we can get that offline right you can okay well they say it's on the website would you like mine well I need yeah I think they're both here yeah yeah and also uh is there a map do you have a map of the city uh in other words City Utilities who City provide utilities for we're working on that really hard I mean you know I know you it's not only the city it's outside the city too right so that's something that uh that's something that they've been working to map all of the utilities and get them on GIS mapping um I don't know where they are which is there any particular is there any particular one that you're interested in any particular utility no it's just the new you know they're very complicated overlays I mean there's water there's sewer there's electric yeah I know but still you need to have a map of it well there's multiple Maps is what I'm saying and they all overlay each other so it's any particular one and some of them are finished and some of them aren't that's why I'm asking if there's any particular one you're interested in not ready 10 okay okay um well we're working really hard with our engineer to get those mapped and the gis coordinates put on the map so that we can know where everything is okay and on the uh proposal for the uh Cy lamb property old school that's on next week I mean next meeting uh it's been table so I assume that it's going to be at your next meeting is anybody we haven't seen the agenda for the next meetings I don't know if a staff member can answer that I believe I heard the annexation was on the next one it was advertised for May 21st May the 25th okay 21st May the 21st so it's next May the 21st will be the next one yes sir all right not this next Tuesday when we do the install installation okay before you go sir the the capital Improvement we have that shows it would that provide enough information for him to have that where we shows all the capital Improvement plan would show Mains but Mains don't necessarily extend to service um we do have service Maps it just just depends as Miss de said Water and Sewer are complete uh gas we have a tag Grant uh before uh I guess tag is what it's called Uh technical assistance grant we have that for the third year in a row to try and GIS our our gas and then our power if anyone wants to know about that there is a form on the website that you can print off or you can email in and it's called a new service request and if someone inquires about a particular piece of property whether in the city limits or outside the city City Limits they click on there what services they're interested in they email it in comes in through it comes in through Laura comes in through myself and we assess it within 24 hours of whether or not we can provide service and what services are provided that's offered to anyone at any property so I think there would be probably as council president suggested there's probably some maps available already on our our Capital Improvement projects um yeah that we're going to push through over the next five years yeah uh but we'll I what I'll try to do is I'll try to get those for you and see if we can get them to you because some of them may be beneficial for you now to understand where some of our services are at and that way you'll have that and while you're waiting on something more comprehensive yeah it's it's very comprehensive to begin with but it may not break down into the micro level you're looking for showing the actual residential if you go to the form he's talking about you can put in an address and it'll tell you what's available there okay all right or they can call you back and let you know what's available there okay uh back to the property out there uh last time we talked uh no one seemed to been aware on the council set maybe de about that uh farm exemption I hope that the council has studed looked into that F exemption because that could create a big problem for citizens of not only East W but will oh yeah that's all I got say we include East Willison and Willison I hate it when people say East Willison then we need to change it on the map we do I can't believe it's there even anything else for the public participation thank you for your ments Mr Bernard we'll see you at the next meeting anything else for the good of the cause not we'll go to the announcements all right announcements will start right down here got the announcements for us just some Kudos oh the Kudos are good you got announcements too well that that's the announcement right um so Lil Williston um kind of been put up has been put on the map by Quan Mitchell um now the world knows about Willison it's big Williston by the way oh I'm sorry big Williston now um so congratulations to him also want to congratulate the basketball team who has now won two state championships I was not there for their celebration but congratulations to them as well and the softball team and baseball team mhm went to to um won their District Championship um and I think they're going to Regional sometime soon today so they're at regionals and you're sitting here okay can't believe you're here wow okay um and don't forget the football championship the football team has done exceptionally well um they are on the road to state so hopefully they will pull it off this year God's willing and also the weightlifting team they actually had um a young man to place 10th in the top 10 um of State for weightlifting he brought he brought home a medal um for fifth place in Olympic and placed eighth in traditional do you know his name is lantree Coleman my son um so will I just want to give kudos to the athletic department in Willison um and all of the the gentlemen who are out with basketball team fly um the Raiders with football who are putting into to our youth and whomever else that I'm not aware of we have to be supportive of our children because they truly are the future um so to the athletic department at willon Middle High School they are doing an excellent job in everything that they do we we talk we we recognize our youth for that academics let's also recognize them for the sports that they do as well thank you Mr Mayor yes I I have probably the most important item of the night Aon is it adjournment no I was told by someone that I trust oh that Wendy's was giving away free food today they are not they were they were they were not before 7:00 because I sent an emissary there and they said it was a false rumor and that people started showing up and wanting free food and they closed the restaurant back because everybody wanted to come and get free food and I now have no free Wendy's food sitting at home that's all I got we got ours how important is that oh my gracious okay I don't know where to go with that I have I have had a request that we put a summation a simple summation of the golf cart rules on our Facebook page so I would like to someone to do that just the basic does and don'ts the basic do's and don'ts of the golf cart regulations okay simple so they don't have to read an ordinance I I can I can tell you that could be easily done and I will I will tell you that if you park on city property a public park you have to have a permit I know but you're in a golf put on if you're in a golf you're not who can't drive post the ordance and let them read it themselves for the parking permit I'll post the ordinance I I see two people I got to get out of here y'all as quick as possible I I saw the attorney first let's go there well I'm hoping i'll let Donald go I I'm advocating for someone who's not typically or who's typically here and that's right Pierce right Pierce as the engineer of record they are the most legalistic person I know well but they take they take all the liability in this they explain that to the council they explain that through the process if someone's going to publish rules it needs to be the engineer of record I also think that if we publish any rules that are not just a restatement of the ordinance we need to explicitly stay say that these are not all the rules there are other rules go look at the rules I me I don't care what you do but nobody knows what they're doing so we need to put something out there this is why I link the ordinance that we had meetings prior with people to the know the duudes and the don'ts nobody will come we can have them we we can just post the ordinance okay can you post the whole ordinance on Facebook yes that's where they want it they want it on Facebook because they're not they just don't go to the website they don't know how to do it all right so somebody that I promise them I i' at least say it out loud the other thing is right along with M stus has said is I've had people I've had written letters that I've received on behalf of the council that have asked us to recognize uh and we have recognized some people didn't realize we were getting ready to recognize the basketball team which we have since done but there are a lot of other people too out there that need recognition um that they would like for us what they really want they wanted us to hang the remember the sign that used to be on the welcome to Willison sign it said home of the Willison football team that had won and it was two years worth well I've talked to the chamber and they can't have anything on this sign whether it's on top or hanging from because the thing is made out of Styrofoam but so they want us to come up with some other kind of sign to put up in the park that is you could add to that list all these accomplishments especially the state championships for basketball and football um NFL players NBA players we' got basketball players NBA players and baseball players we got them all and what I I let me just say too what I told them a while back I actually proposed to the CRA that we have a Walk of Fame in Heritage Park because it's Heritage Park for reason it's there for the heritage of Williston um and they told me to go away and figure out how to do it and come back and also we we talked about it's essentially a Hall of Fame and it's not only current people but people in the past as well that we want to pick up and put there uh and we may want to do 10 the first year and maybe three every year after that couldn't do everybody at one time it be too costly but we got to figure out how to do it uh so I'm going to try to do that and go back to them and ask them for some money so we can get it accomplished now for the sign if anybody's got an idea let City Hall know Mr Barber I'm hoping that's good news we got a couple of lots that a building is going to get torn down on and it'll be available to put a banner on we also have the city clerk who's getting ready to get a permit into do for signs to go across 27 and other than the 4th of July of advertisement other things periodically through the year would be approved through permit to go up across 27 well that's something temporary but I think we want something that says home of the state champion district for the County visitors bureau turn me off are you off are you on laa are you talking The Levy County visitors bureau does have a grant available and they would like to help us put signs on the East and the West sides since the SI and the Chamber did the North and the South they definitely wanted to have hangable things for this exact purpose so perfect they're not giving us a lot of money I talked to utilities a little bit to see if they could help us um so we're trying to get bids um for it'll be a little bit different than the other two but it'll be similar in size and similar well that's exactly what they want that something that says home of the whoever yeah that just tells how proud of proud We Are of the M Mr Mayor before we before we go I need to Mayor hang back for the resolution for Mr Mayor I need you hang back for the resolution on the US da thing what to sign it is that what you're saying I'm good with that I just need you that's why I said that I need excuse me I had announcements to make anybody else have announcements down here Mr Cox um yes Miss hin brought up about the girl softball and the men's baseball the girl softball plays Thursday night for their Regional they'll play here um and I was talking to coach Williams today he had another uh senior who got a scholarship for softball for school in Alabama yep and would still like to see us start either coming up with a charter review board or we do it come up with some reason but to start getting it corrected corrected what's what needs to be corrected all the state things I'll bring the list yeah well good you'll bring yourself the list Mr pvar you got anything else Kirsten Stacy Patricia yes we' always got something uh I just want to thank Stacy for filling in for me uh at the last council meeting while I was at a conference she did a very good job so thank you thank we appreciate it too anything else for the good of the cause if not I'll oh Mr Bishop are you waving goodbye he's waving goodbye I thought he needed something I I would entertain a motion for adjournment I'll make a motion to adjourn I have a motion in a second all in favor say I all oppose same sign motion carries we will adjourn at 847 my goodness I thought it was going to be a quick one