if you will we're going to call this meeting to order this is a regular meeting of the Willison city council it is Tuesday fe uh March the 5th um and I would ask the clerk to please call the role good evening mayor Goodman I'm here council president Jones here vice president Cox here council member Martin here council member bulock here council member Hines she's absent city manager Terry Bard City attorney Kristen Balo city clerk Latricia Wright I am here and all other staff thank you all for coming tonight if you will at this time please stand for the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance by the mayor Lord we thank you for the opportunity to be here today to do the work that you have given us to do to help our city to run as smly as it can and Lord I ask you to be with the police department the fire department and Lord all of our city employees that are out there every day trying to do the things that we need done to keep our city running this smoothly and as effectively as we can I ask you to bless each one of these counselors as they make sometimes difficult decisions give them the wisdom that they need and help them to make the best decisions that they can I ask this in your name amen States thank you Mr Mayor um at this time item number one is additions deletions changes or the approval of the agenda I do know item two needs to come off yes uh because the student of the month was unable to be here tonight um um other than that I don't know of anything does anyone else if not I'll entertain a motion for approval of the agenda as revised I'll make a motion to approve the agenda as advised I second that I have a motion and a second any discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carried item number three is a proclamation recognizing Irish American heritage month from mayor Charles Goodman so I have no microphone but I got a big mouth Jason Jason oon I have and and I have a91 withal call upon the people of the United States monong [Music] usrs America to escape discrimination equity andine and seek OPP large number of imig United States imig C is a safe place for all where at home now mayor of city of theth of march24 this day of [Applause] March recognizing women's History Month um mayor Goodman will continue with that and I would ask Mar next I'm not going to ask Miss because she is not here however I will ask whatever she says I would like every woman why don't I have the Press not [Music] so I would like to announce a proclamation of women's History Month whereas in March we celebrate women's history to recognize the countless women in American history who fought for equality Justice opportunity and to overcome systemic barriers to full and equal participation in society and whereas through hardships and discrimination women have worked to open doors for future generations of girls to become doctors entrepreneurs Educators artists scientists First Responders service members trade workers and much more and whereas we applaud the many organizations that bring women together to create space for women to develop careers earn degrees and take on leadership roles and whereas more than 200,000 women compromise 6 % of our nation's armed forces and more than two million women are veterans and also the fastest growing segment of the veteran population and whereas there is still much work to be done to do to close the wage and the opportunity gaps that have changed very little over the last two decades in the United States the world's richest economy women earn 82 cents for every dollar earned by a man and ginger parody is not expected until 2081 I don't intend to be here and whereas despite these obstacles women continue to March forward forward the city of Williston is very capably represented by women in local government and County government now therefore be it resolved that I Charles Goodman mayor of the city of Williston hereby declare the month of March 2024 as women's History Month in witness thereof I have here under to set my hand and cause the Seal of the city of Williston to be affixed at willston Florida this fifth day of March 2024 could I get a round of applause for these [Applause] ladies and because Deborah Jones is the president of the Council of Willison I am going to present this to you Madame President thank you ladies on behalf of all the women President we thank you Mr Mayor at this time we have public participation this is a time when anyone who is here would like to address this Council has up to five minutes to do so uh there's an opportunity at the beginning and there's an opportunity at the end as well if you would like to address us about something that is not on the agenda please come to the podium if you're on the ring central meeting and wish to speak unmute your mic speak up now I would just like to introduce myself my name is Charlie Kennedy and I'm a candidate for the County Commission district one seat in Bronson uh I graduated Bronson in 1991 uh worked in leevy county in the surrounding areas All My Life um I'm a third generation roofing contractor here in leby County uh I own Gainesville ruin but it's always been Kennedy ruin in the past so the older crowd remembers Kennedy ruin that was my grandpa and my dad uh I've decided to run for County Commission uh in the Bronson district and I'll leave a card and if anybody has any questions uh please reach out and give me a call or I'll be back before uh election time and I'll get on the agenda where I'll have a few more minutes to talk I don't want to hold everybody up tonight but I did want to come and introduce myself and say thank you I have a question yes sir do you have an email yes sir I do would you announce that email yes sir my email is Charlie c h a r l i e Kennedy ke n n d y the letter number one aol.com Charlie kennedy1 aol.com thank you thank you Mr Kennedy we wish you well anyone else at this time good afternoon my name is Mandy Waters I am a candidate for the leevy County Circuit Court and comp troller position um I wrote this down because I have 12 years worth of knowledge up here that's how long I worked at the courthouse was 12 years so I will go down a rabbit ho if I don't write it down and refer back to this so if I may I would like to refer to this throughout and then I have something to leave with you afterwards so I'm here today to tell you about my credentials and my experience like I said I worked at the courthouse for over 12 years um I've moved around the courthouse to learn everything I've trained for this position all of these years it's always been the plan I've always had a passion uh to be the clerk report uh the the moment I went to work there some of you may remember me working at Perkins State Bank way back when uh it was Perkins and I used to my home base was in in Bronson and I would look across the parking lot and say I want to work over there and I point at the courthouse well here I am and I've been there a very long time um growing up I always wanted to to give back to people I always shared everything I had I always wanted to help people I did the same thing at the courthouse I always wanted to help those uh that needed help and and in the clerk of court position you'll run across several people that generally generally need your help um and I think that's important so the Clerk of Court's responsibility I'm sure most of you know but those of you who don't um it is a clerk to the Circuit Court Clerk to the county court and a clerk to the board um there are several departments in there and I've worked in every one of them um so the titles that I did hold was felony Clerk County ordinance clerk recording Clerk CL public records Clerk tax D clerk value adjustment board clerk Finance I worked in the finance office at times helping with them helping them uh do things um I also did the board minutes when uh Shanda wasn't available Shanda's done it forever but when she wasn't available I was able to learn that as well the clerk's office um there's there's many departments there but there are so many divisions in each department the criminal Department alone is a lot the Civil department is a lot and then as you know the the finance department is a lot too um in in working in all those departments I was also able to work with other elected officials um it's very very imperative that you have a good working relationship with all of those elected officials because you deal with every one of them tax collector for instance somebody gets a ticket they're like license is D6 clerk of court has to report it to DMV because their license is suspended and DMV has to um do it on their side the property appraiser for an example you record a deed it goes to the property appraiser there's something you need to have good communication there I I could go down a rabbit hole with that one but I won't um supervisor of elections somebody's a convicted felon um they're adjudicated guilty in court you got to notify the super supervisor of elections because they can't vote um public defender office State Attorney's Office Sheriff's Office is a big one that goes without saying clerk oft and Sheriff's Office works very closely together I'm happy to say that I've always had a good working relationship with the elected officials and their employees I think that's very important too um prior to working at the courthouse I worked at the bank I was an admissions coordinator at a at one of the biggest nursing homes in um gaino uh for a very long time I was one of 12 department heads um I graduated Bronson High School 18 years ago I know I don't look that old but that's okay when I get old I will may not look old I guess I got good jeans um I have such a deep passion for this position and I want to continue going after my dream it's not the job title for me it's not the salary all those bonuses I want the job I want to do the job I know what it takes and experience absolutely matters for that position because if you make a decision on this it's got a domino effect to something else in everything in that office with that being said does anybody have any questions for me I have the same question for you do you have an email that people can contact you it is Mandy Waters 0526 at yahoo.com I also have this if I may I will give it to you it's got my website on it my information is on there there's a QR code you can get it with your um s up with your phone um and and it tells it's a getting to know me card so if I may thank you Miss Waters we do appreciate you coming thank you so much for we wish you luck as well thank you again we're back to public participation if anyone else has anything to add at this time uh that is about something that is not on our agenda this is your time and hearing none I assume there's nobody online we will move forward to item number four which is our consent agenda which is the council meeting minutes of February 20th they are in your packet for review if you are in agreement with them I would entertain a motion for the consent agenda at this time I make a motion that we approve the consent agenda now a second I have a motion and second do I have any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries at this time we will do updates from staff board and council members and we will start with the city manager thank you madam president just I'll be brief to give you an update of some of the things we've covered in the past so just a little update on the South Main roadway here with fdot so uh fdot has met with their design and planning uh Division and have come up with several ideals obviously the the one uh uh you know redirecting the roadway and and purchasing right away and stuff like that is not on the table for this year because it's something that they obviously didn't budget for however there are some things that they can do and are planning on doing um obviously some striping changes for the roadway enhancements and what's called delineators for visibility which you had to explain that to me but those are the tall markers that stand up and basically will'll identify there's an obstruction or curb there and we'll direct people away from it um so those are just a few things that they're looking at doing right off the bat that may help us enhance that direction or flow of traffic that we resolve some of our issues hopefully immediately uh longterm I I don't know what they'll do um but it's really going to be up to them um so I know as they move and enhance us27 eventually that roadway will factor in and basically will be uh uh probably something will be done to hopefully straighten straighten out that that roadway there the other thing I do have is that they give you an update on the line of credit so I will tell you this that uh you know we're looking at going through C Co for a uh line of credit to help us with the construction project at John Henry park so um basically the cast Bank uh has the final package from underwriting it's uh they're doing some final tweaks on it my goal is to have it back in front of the city council by the next city council meeting for your approval um so long as a City attorney doesn't give me a hard time over it and uh so um we're going to get that up and running as fast as we can I will tell you house bill the uh 1277 if you haven't kept up to speed on that uh did not their Senate uh companion bill has not been taken up yet um what that means in legal terms is unless they take it up for discussion the house bill will die in a current state so um but you know remember that's the one that limits our transfers I will tell you that uh our transfer are roughly about 16% of our gross prop our gross revenue out of utility department so even if they did come under scrutiny we are doing very well as far as managing that transfer uh of our gross uh of our utility gross uh Revenue that we make so uh golf cart signs I'm going Ste a little Thunder from uh the utilities director who's shrugging his shoulders so they are all up in the Northeast section so they've done a great job in doing that so currently now we have the southwest and North Northeast is up Southeast is next and I've been told that basically hopefully by the next city council meeting they will that will be done and and finished um that's your goal that's the goal so you will see coming back before you uh increase from safe built you know there are um um help me out there there are building inspectors yes ma'am so the they've got a increase on their CPI coming up which you'll see that in form of resolution come up and then last and certainly not least just to uh give a a um um shout out to Danny uh Wallace as you know Danny finds stuff for us and so I I think our our we're very very close to being done on our truck purchases from GSA I will tell you that he has found eight vehicles for us uh and we have spent 65,8 $17 for eight Vehicles wow yeah it's just unbelievable um you know like uh we found a he found a 210 Ford Explorer um which is the vehicle I'm driving for $7,000 by the time it's all seven and done I'll have about 8,500 in that vehicle um one of the vehicles he found was a Silverado Pico truck uh 80,000 miles 12,000 I mean so he's really kind of hitting them out of the a park for us and I think we're very very close to having that done and then I know we have some things on the agenda so I'll defer to those items as we get up unless you have some questions of me questions for the city manager at this time okay we will move in to staff looking at the back row Mr stle yes ma'am uh so we got a couple updates concerning a couple of different things the terminal project um we're moving right along on that they actually put a lot of the Iron Work working for the the mezzanine this week or this past couple of weeks the stairways put in and you can actually see where the you know where the mezzanine is going to be um so it's it's pretty exciting and then Friday is the first pour for the actual slab um so and then Monday is going to be the rest of the pors for the slab so by you know Tuesday or Wednesday of next week we'll be able to walk you know the entire building with concrete in it um so it's pretty exciting U as far as the te hangers go um the beb building fire that we had we're at about 95% completion of that project um all the sheet Metals been replaced all of the lights in the building have been been replaced U and the last thing that they're going to do is they're actually going to paint the uh the ceiling um so that you know we we don't have to worry about anything anymore for in the rest of the ceiling that wasn't replaced um so and then an electrical inspection then it that's wrapped up um I think that's about it okay any questions from Mr deagle any other staff member at this time wait till the announcements at the end uh I'll go now to the council whoa any updates needed from the council or questions any more thought on the charter review I'd say it's on the burner not on the agenda yet but it's definitely on the burner I think we're all in agreement we need to do it uh we've heard from our attorney that we do we need to update we're out of compliance with some State statutes uh we just need to get it done you got your gu here how can he be your guy when he was my guy you stole him from me he's the one I was going to appoint the Thor can we just let him do it yeah why not he's good at reviewing those things okay oh I heard somebody nope the the only thing I keep getting from people is the it has to do with code enforcement I know Mr Don is sitting around the corner uh I know he's there I can't see him but I'm sure he's there and it's about the and I look at to the one that is commercial in the residential area in southeast uh first app so this case has already been to the board and it's already a crewing fines there's nothing else for code enforcement to do until they acrew enough fines that we decide to okay um put a lean on the property but it is a house it is their Homestead I believe so we won't be foreclosing so at this point we have uh communicated with him I would like to say weekly for almost 2 years and there's nothing left for us to do I I knew that I didn't know they were currently being fined yes ma'am I knew they had been in here I happened to be at the meeting when they the man came yeah and claimed he didn't know about it and they weren't doing Commercial Business there that they obviously are well we don't know he he his son has a commercial business the man is retired Commercial Business there let's put it that way right the man is retired so he doesn't own a business and he's not doing Commercial Business out of his house the son does have a commerci Commercial Business and it's possible that they're parking the trucks there and maybe leaving equipment but at this point it's moot because he's getting fined anyway for having the property in out of compliance didn't we tell him he had to put up a fence yes ma'am and has he not done that yes ma'am we have a permit for the fence um we had some heartburn over it because I'm really not supposed to give a permit out if you're under code enforcement there you go um but so we went ahead and decided to go ahead and let them do the and clean up at the same time and he we then we had some arguments cuz he doesn't want his yard fenced in so we were trying to figure out where the best place to put the fence was it's been a long haul but yeah he's defin we're definitely on it right but uh we're just doing the best we can with what we've got there right and it is better than it was there were pallets that were higher than the house and there were uh Stones yard Stones whatever those things are called patio stones that were on those pal and there were 50 or 60 of them now there the pallets are there and a lot of the pallets are gone uh so it it does look a whole lot better than it did when we first started working on it two years ago yeah uh I still do hear from people almost daily about it that are in the neighborhood so do I so yeah I'm sure you do yeah so that's why I asked the question so I was unaware that they were being V yes ma'am uh that's I will let them know that because I don't know if they know it or it's a smaller fine because it was a person who had some hardships right so we didn't give him one of the heftier fines but it is still going to acrew and it's going to turn into a hefty fine so okay thank you my other my next question is the also code enforcement related the building at the top of the hill that we now own that is blighted yes ma'am that's actually out of my hands and it's now into the city manager's hands and utilities so I'll let them well I'll ask well yeah when do when am I going to tear it down I was hoping to have it down already I'm in discussions with DOT over theot so once I figure that out I'll get a better date for you okay and you'll let us know figure out yes ma'am absolutely the everybody know what they're talking about mot is when when he said that would you explain that why why we're waiting for DOT soot is when you see all the the barricades and cones and signage out when you come to a construction site yeah they're very detailed and very uh specific and how you lay them out and because that's such a blinding intersection slash multi entering intersection it's it's an interesting thing so once we get that figured out then I can give you a date true we'll have to push it inward make sure it doesn't fall out absolutely yeah yeah just just to add to that if if fdot does theot for us then then we're covered under them and the liability of how it's set up and the way they do their traffic pattern and everything is covered under their responsibility and not ours okay they assume we have the stuff we could do it um but we would prefer fdot to do it on 27 their Highway and um and that way they take all the responsibility just like they did with this and I appreciate knowing that because I also get questions regarding when is that building coming down yes ma'am because it looks so B we have a time frame of I'm hoping this week but I'm scared to say it out loud is it okay yeah this week's half gone I wouldn't no I'm saying but I'm should have to ansers this week I just didn't want to say it out loud I answer this week that would be great is Mr Upshaw the one we're talking to or yes sir Mr Upshaw Mr Webster appreciate that update anybody else got anything any question to ask about anything all right Mr Mayor your turn about that on your part I have nothing thank you okay we will move then to item seven which is new business and we have a Florida Municipal uh Electric Association restoring communities award Public Works director Jonathan bishop and Amy zali is that right clar close executive director of FMEA welcome thrilled to have you thank you so much Madam president Mr mayor council members thank you for having me here this evening um I'm Amy Zub the executive director of the Florida Municipal Electric Association which is the Statewide trade Association representing Florida's 33 Public Power communities like the city of will system um in addition to advocacy and Mr city manager thank you for mentioning hp1 1277 that's been one of our primary focuses this legislation are the session which will end on Friday but in addition to advocacy Communications information sharing conferences and events FMEA serves as the mutual Aid and emergency response coordinator on behalf of our members so whether it be a significant thunderstorm or a hurricane FMEA is here to help assist our members and bring bringing in Crews when additional help is needed um we also serve as the liaison between our members and our state and federal Partners whether it be the governor's office the division of Emergency Management the Emergency Operations Center Public Service Commission we are here to serve in that role excuse me so during emergency situations I'm in close contact with these guys making sure that you all have no unmet needs and as well as answering a lot of questions from the governor and other entities side to keep them off of you as well and serve as that as um because of fmea's role and the number of hurricanes that I have dealt with during my tenure of FMEA emergency response coordination is something that I'm incredibly passionate about and every year FMEA uh rewards our deserving members with a restoring communities award which recognizes Our member utilities for an exemplary job during emergency situations like significant weather events and being able to award Our member utilities is probably one of the most favorite things about our job as I was telling uh the president prior to this uh commission meeting this evening and so in August 30th Hurrican idelia slammed into the Big Bend of Florida as a strong Category 3 storm and I'm reminded every time I drive across A10 which I just did a couple hours ago of how significantly a lot of people in this St were impacted by that storm and while the city of Willison may have been fortunate that it did not experience the direct path of that storm you all were significantly impacted by that by that by that hurricane and thanks to the work of Jonathan and Mike and the entire electric utility um they were prepared they worked hard and tirelessly throughout the day on August 30th restoring power to customers quickly and safely and I believe by the end of the day all customers that could take power were restored and the City of buison needs to be congratulated for that so great work to you all um you know it's often said that the primary role of an electric utility is is to keep the lights on and the beer cold um and while that is H certainly important I think that the work that these guys do is so much more and so congratulations to them and to you all and to the entire community of Williston for a great job if I could uh ask somebody to take a picture we would like to be able to share it on fmea's social media channels Donald will get it he's good I think I got a take her here thank you so much C cut off feet cut off heads yeah can get the city seal in the back wait wait wait wait wait she took a while but she's coming thank you thank you Miss Zub we appreciate you coming it means a lot we know how great they are but it's nice to know that other people know they're great too we really do appreciate it and now they have a new motto they can put on the wall right gotta keep the lights on the beer coal right a new motto for today right okay uh item number B is resolution 202 2423 a resolution of the city of Williston Florida electing to use the uniform method of collecting non adalum special assessment levied within the UN the Incorporated area of the city stating a need for such Levy providing for the mailing of resolution and providing for an effective date Chief Lamar stle uh good evening ladies and gentlemen you have before you tonight a resolution of intent to possibly put a fire assessment in place this is something that's been in discussion with the city for some time um we've looked at it on several different occasions and opted not to move forward with it um to say it may have put us in a position of of kicking the can down the road would be an understatement you know if if by chance there's certain regulations or certain bill passes up in the Tallahassee in the next year or so we could be in a very bad spot when it comes to funding our public Ser Safety Services um you know this is something we've looked at in the past we one of the few municipalities in this County that do not have a fire assessment in place um I have given you some notes to look at you know some com some comparisons what could possibly be done off of just the residentials uh um homes um and you sort of see what some of the other residents are currently paying now like I said this is just for inside the city this is not in the county there the we do not pay into the County Fire assessment um um so that you know there's no double dipping there or anything like that it's this is strictly inside the city limits for the citizens inside the city okay any questions for the part M Mr Mayor so unlike so many other areas inside the city we do not pay County Fire assessment cost that is correct yes sir thank you you know I didn't even realize that we we pay the ambulance fee I thought we did no ma'am we pay the ambulance fee we do not pay inside fire assessment so our our our safety is strictly ambulance yes ma'am not as part of the fire assessment gotcha interesting okay this is something we haven't had in the past no sir we've never had it in the past and this is a resolution I tell me exactly what this does so everybody will know it's a resolution ution to send um the intent to publish we've already publicized it yes ma'am in the paper uh so now it's to send it to the State of Florida is that right that I would believe that's correct send it to the State of Florida and to um it has another purpose it was number two was the second thing it does so essentially what this does is because everyone hates a special assessment you have to give lots and of notice right so this special assessment could not go into effect until October 1st 2025 this doesn't set a rate of the special assessment all this does is notify that we are going to be using um a certain methodology for collecting the special assessment it puts the state on notice that we will be using that methodology and it permits us to set the special assessments begin October 1st 2025 this does not require you to set a special assessment yet doesn't set it at any certain rate it just says this is how we're going to collect when we do collect and we intend to begin collecting We Believe October first 2025 and between now and then we have to do a study of some kind that is correct there's lots more work to be done this is step one of many yeah that is that's not what we're talking about tonight not talking about any that's what I'm trying to establish yes is this is just step one notifying the state that if we decide to do it this is how we're going to collect correct and it will essentially be on the tax bill yes with the rest of your property tax and ambulance service Andi sort of thing it'll be it'll be an addition that all the rest of the county currently has that we don't correct okay so that's what we're talking about notifying the state that we have intent to collect in this method if we decide to do it after we do the study that's not a part of this resolution anybody got that any other questions from anyone I see I see a perplex look on your face Albert yeah remind me again what the average County resident base County that's what I'm it doesn't say the Le count9 oh there go 129 yeah okay Bronson the with this they're at 129 I think they did the exact they did did the exact same thing the county did um chand's at 159 uh High Springs at 223 newberry's at 195 um and like sevy Count's at 129 those are residential rates now understanding when these assessments come in place they're going to come back with a number that would be a a full funding number for the fire department right and that would be the top end and then we choose what we want it to be anything less than that you could take it down all the the way to 25 cent a house if you wanted to um that was one of the things we discussed in the past was once we got it in place was even just implementing it to have it if we had to get into a bind or got into a bind to be able to fund some Public Safety from there okay so any other questions for the fire chief or for the attorney I have a I have a question' would it be possible to have it be integrated more slowly like it would start off at a lower amount and then increase over X number of years to the amount that you want is that an option what what'll come back what'll they'll come back with a number that will fully fund the fire department now like I said you could start off charging 50 Cent a house if you wanted to and then move it to a dollar a house the next year but there you have to do some other studies and and things which ends up costing more money to be able to do that fact the county is currently going through it right now um we're having to turn over all of our data where we run the calls outside the city limits so they can look at redoing their cost of Assessments now or what they charge for them right I assume that the money that they pay us to run those calls is coming from their fire that comes from their fire assessment yes part of it part of their fire assessment so and this is like I said just to notify the state that if we decide to do it this is how we will collect by using the County's method of collection so all right if there are no other questions don't know if there are I'll entertain a motion for resolution 202 2423 I make a motion that we approve motion resolution 202 24-23 I have a motion in second any further discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries item C is resolution 20242 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida establishing authorization for the city of Williston to appr approve contract work in order to make repairs to a damaged lift station not to exceed $20,000 and providing an effective date Public Works supervisor Mr Barber good evening Council um this right here is uh to in order to maintain a safe and functioning system at uh Russell uh the staff is requesting the council to approve authorization for contract work uh we provided three quotes we believe the lowest and probably the best value is for Coastal Pumps and Supply uh it's necessary for repairs and installation of the pumps to lift St Russell lift station it's uh one of our Master lift stations acre Fugate Russell and it requires this work to be done in order to maintain functionality so um this is part of massively the the plumbing uh if you can think of like having a straw and you're trying to launch a spit ball across the room and you put a ton of holes into that straw you have to apply a lot more force and so what's happening over time with not addressing the condition of these pipes is we're creating more of a burden on the pumps and on the infrastructure in that lift station to the point where we may get to the point where it's not functioning at all so this uh basically um fixes a lot of those issues that it's experiencing I know where Fugate is where's Russell Russell is down there on Southeast 6th Street and Southeast Fifth a okay and so there's a little tiny Hut there um that's out there on an eement that we have and then there's a big Dr next to it uh but that's that's the one that uh is Russell okay any questions for Mr Barber so it's just in bed repair nothing nothing catastrophic happened to it than bandaids on it we're just hoping to get it fixed more permanently all right and you see what the cost they think it will be but this is for up to 25,000 and I I asked the question before I heard that Mr Bloom was online uh I assume we have funding for this Mr Bloom is the finance director by the way and it's up to 20,000 20,000 yes ma'am and if he's not available I can speak for him I know you've had a conversation with him today are you there Stephen can you hear me now I can yep go ahead we got you now go ahead carry on Mr Mr Bard hello yes we have you go ahead I guess he can't hear us okay I I'll be more than happy to fill in so yes we did we did have a discussion with Mr Bloom today who who has the M president St was our fiscal director so to verify that the funding would be in place for the the items that are on the agenda tonight and this this one absolutely is uh we have it out of our Revenue that we generate funding revenues we generate monthly to fix this and this will not be a burden on the budget okay other than you're spending $20,000 all right having heard that okay I'm hoping you can hear me so the short answer is yes there's funding for this hopefully you hear that I sort of hear you he said the short answer is yes you have okay I'm glad you heard that I did good okay so having heard that um I would entertain a motion for resolution 2024 29 I make a motion that we approve resolution 202 24-29 thank you sir I have a second I'll second it I guess I have a motion and second any further discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries resolution D Is 2020 resolution 202 24-30 a resolution of the city Council of city of Williston Florida establishing authorization for the city of Williston to approve engineering and permitting work orders to make upgrades to lift station number four not to exceed $45,000 providing an effective date Mr marber uh yes ma'am thank you uh Madam president so lift station 4 uh that is located on Northeast uh 9th Street it is just North of second a as you uh go across the road tracks take your first excuse me your second left and then go up to the just beyond second AV and that is the lift station that is on uh some private property um Council about two years ago if we remember gave uh Fox uh Enterprises permission to apply for Community Development block grant and applying for that uh there was a problem with the publication so it pushed it to this years we have been approved for that and we are looking to break ground one of the things that could not be included in that funding was to upgrade the three-phase power um we're trying to make sure that the lift stations are heartier and not with vfds which you know basically translates single phase into a little bit higher startup but instead to integrate into our designs uh of a more robust lift station for three-phase power and so that design has been integrated but now we have to get three-phase power there this is not the materials uh or the crew actually taking the power before that because it crosses railroad tracks there is a very complicated permitting process and design that has to be submitted and so of course we go through fmpa and FMEA to provide those Services through their engineering that we get at a very uh you know a stellar rate so that's what this proposal is um it's not to exceed 45,000 and this will allow us this will be fmpa handling all the uh permitting and all of the things that are required to get that power across the railroad tracks any questions for Mr Barber I have one yes sir you said that this was not for materials So when you say fmpa will do everything to get that across you're just talking the paper work I'm talking the permitting and the planning okay not doing the work no you'll see not get it across makes it just makes it possible well the grant is for the building of the station itself it's almost a million dollars and in order to get that Grant approved there's repaving of Southeast 10th Southeast 9th uh Terrace Southeast 9th Street uh so there is not even money in the budget to build it but we can't even give you guys a sum on that until this stage is done it's a design have we have a lot of these materials I mean this isn't but taking a transmission line over this isn't to you know hundreds of Transformers or 10 transform anything of that nature but again it's we've never uh run power over the railroad tracks and so it's just better that an agency that handles this frequently basically be The Driver behind that thank you sir any other questions if not I'll entertain a motion for resolution 202 24-30 I'll make a motion to approve 24-30 I'll second that I have a motion and a second do I have any further discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion and say I I all oppose same sign motion carries item e resolution 202 24-31 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida establishing author authorization for the city of Wilston to approve bore booring installation and permit work in order to supply power to the new city of Williston municipal airport FBO and not to exceed $25,000 providing an effective date Mr Barber there's where I got my 25 from Yes uh yes mam president so this uh this is to hire a boring company and again we provided multiple quotes um many of them are are very close to the same really the only difference between many of them are uh mobilization fees so we're going to be working on the with the company that obviously has the least amount of cost there's a lot of work that the city staff can do um running the lines uh running the wire terminating hooking up to the Transformer but there are sections of it that because of the nature of it being the airport and the the runways or the taxi ways we do not feel comfortable trying to missile shot so we want a professional boring company to come out and make sure that there's no issues there and this would be approximately the cost to have those three-phase uh Power Underground through those those particular areas okay any comments from the airport manager except you need power uh yes ma'am we do need power but um I will say one of the reasons that it this is is the way that it is is a lot of these hangers that are being developed on Alpha Taxi way um you know coming our Direction it uh they they require three phase so you know because of different generators and stuff like that so I mean it you're going to have to spend a little bit more to get where we're getting okay appreciate that any questions for Mr Barbara or Mr stagel Mr manager so I will add because I I got a text from Stephen so he he can't hear us he can speak but I'm going to go ahead and speak for him on this one also so there is funding in our Revenue Scream the budget for this um that's no uh no issue as far as funding it I will tell you this that our calculations on our return on our investment by just having our own power and the cost associated with it you know it will take us about 13 years to recover those cost but at 13 years we will recover it and then from that point on um you know we'll be saving money and making money and and that's just for the FBO that's not for anything else everything else that we put on that that obviously is going to be beneficial to the city now for those that are unaware Central Florida electric has the power at their airport currently but because we're building a new FBO and it's a new service we have opted to put in our own power and do our own service and that's what this is all about yes um and we've had a meeting with Central Florida electric about that um they weren't real thrill with it to begin with but they understand that it's something we can do they understand that we can do yes they do we're not going to end up in the law no we have emails and now we're going to take over the whole Road correct all the all the buildings over there well basically we can't yeah we can't cross any lines can't take over anything that centr for electric already has you we we have as the president stated we have the right to uh provide services to our own buildings uh so any building out there that we build from this point forward we can provide service to we will um long as it's in a specific area that they don't already provide service too so we have two others currently that are on the interior of the airport yes uh and I think maybe a fourth that's coming online pretty soon uh that we built they the electric Department actually pull lines from the 41 side across the airport to get to yeah I'm supposed to have a meeting with a developer to possibly put in four hangers within the next year oh wow there you go right next they right on Alpha so and long as it's new service and it doesn't cross their lines correct we're good to go yeah it'll it'll be on on that run that's from the high school right and and we're working with them we're not we're not working against them I will tell you this is that you know the conversation that we've had is that it's easier if we all work together um in order to get where we need to get and so um there is no headbutting there is no nothing I mean we've had multiple meetings with centr for electric and um so far they've been uh very successful in arranging you know what we believe will be our service area and what would be their service area and so far there's been no complex matter of fact um they were more than happy to provide the temporary power to the FBO construction site with an agreement to remove it once it's uh we go to full power there so okay can I ask a question uh once these lines are are run if there is further expansion will there be need to pull or run more lines or is this set you up with like a central hub from which you can Branch out service all of the future incoming buildings so this this particular one um like Terry said is uh is coming towards the FBO U so in anything that we that we put in you know moving from the FBO to the lines that that would be that could potentially go on these lines um but the big win for the city of wion here is going to be the the developments on Alpha Taxi way and then on the opposite side of the runway um as we you know continue to progress in the future and Alpha Taxi way is the one that runs parallel to the main Runway I'll show you next Monday yeah you'll get when you go on your tour he'll show you for sure and there's a there's already two buildings on that taxiway already yes ma'am uh I don't know if the second one is on electric yet Del Del Auto is on U Del Autos was CFC and the new one is our power right right but and he put up a second building why did I think he would that we're we're talking about it right now yes ma' I thought so okay all right so resolution 202 24-31 there are no other questions I would entertain a motion for approval sure wish we could get it there faster than 13 years but I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024 D31 I'll second that I have a motion and a second I would just make comment that that's if it's just that building the more we add the shorter the time will be okay uh are there any other comments all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries item F resolution 202 24-32 a resolution of the city council of the city of Wilston Florida bless you by the way electing to award the herbicide project to the will at the Wilson municipal airport part of the reforestation project to McLaren Farms LLC DBA McLaren a Agra forestry and authorizing staff to negotiate a full contract related to the same authorizing appropriate parties to sign any documents required to execute such action on behalf of the city and providing an effective date Airport Manager St yes ma'am so U as much of the council would remember last year we passed a resolution of to herbicide uh a lot of the area that was forested that was harvested rather U at the airport for you know pine trees right um that that amount came to somewhere around $36,000 U did not execute that contract last year because of the way it all played out um if we would have executed that we couldn't secure the trees in time to plant the trees within their growth cycle um so what what the Forester decided to do was he made the recommendation to hold off on you know doing the herbicide because if we just went ahead and did the herbicide and didn't plant then it yeah you just have to do it again in the year so so we reached out to McFarland and said hey guys we're not going to hold on or we're we're going to hold off on this um you know and we're we're going to have to bring it back in next year um and McFarland said you know what U you know we we bid this out U we'll honor our rate even next year um so it it is it's a really good deal especially since the original bid was like 36,000 and the nearest one was you know 100,000 wow um so what this is is an addition to that original quote um so and the reason we're bringing it to you without the bids is because the addition is less than $25,000 um it's about I saw the map I saw the areas that were marked as addition but I didn't know what it meant until you just did that explanation right so um it's it's like N9 to 9 to 10,000 roughly um in additional funding to go to towards this but instead of um instead of just half of the airport that we've harvested it's going to get every piece of land that we've harvested thus far wow um and then we're going to replant everything at one time instead of doing it you know in stages he meal so um you that's that's kind of what this is we did have uh just to say that we did it we had um forestry go ahead and reach out to their other contractors and get some bids um and just for the second phase not the first phase but the second phase the only other person that submitted a bid was for $60,000 just by the way it's on page 50 you want to pull up the out 60,000 as compared to the 36 no as compared to the the second bid to the the 9,000 gotcha wow um and the reason the reason the there's such a large disparity is because of the the method of application um so McFarland what they're what they're going to do is they're going to do aerial application for the herbicide they're going to come in and within two days um you know with a helicopter just come in and spray everything you know crop dust everything um and the other uh the other guys were planning on bringing in dozers and you know all kinds of equipment to make roads and rows so that they could you know get their equipment in and spray properly and that's just it's a lot easier to do it with a helicopter um or you know or a crop duster where you don't have to worry about the terrain um so that's that's the reason for such a large disparity okay and the areas in the circles are the ones that were added if I remember right yes ma'am okay I asked this question last time I don't remember is this the same chemical that's going to kill all them live oak trees as well did you ever find that out I did and yes sir it will it's it's unfortunate but it's I'll say waral because that's what happened an Auburn they killed all the oak trees in downtown Auburn from Alabama F I was told that there's a possibility if they're a little bit more robust that they could survive but more than likely yeah they will not survive if they do they won't yeah they won't be the same and there is no chemical I'm assuming that is friendly for the light folks or he can't make a buffer not that I'm aware of those are wow did you say they were going to clear off the rest of these trees now and they replaying all at once yes sir so uh what we have harvested to this date um the plan is to spray all of it initially we were going to break it down into two phases um and and since we're moving into this year we're just going to do it all at one time so we still have land on the airport P that's ready to be harvested I'm actually going to be bringing some of that back later this year um to the council for you know approval and and all that but U we we still have plenty of land that has trees that's ready to harvest this is specifically for the replant areas that's happening this year okay other questions yeah I think the one I have me is that these areas are going to be harvested is they're like a high population of oak trees or are they planted Pines already and maybe they're just an oak tree in there or or or what um some of them specifically the area behind Monterey boats had a had a decent oak tree population and when they planted they went around the oak trees to plant their Lanes um and so you know 20 years of growth on pine trees plus 20 years of growth on those oak trees they're they're really goodlooking Oaks and we hate to see them go but U you know it's just part of it unfortunately the areas that were're spraying though or is there a high population of oak trees in those areas I I mean I wouldn't say high but I mean there are some oak trees out there so how much more would it cost to go around the Oaks uh you can't if you're I mean just in the Monteray boat area but the ones behind Monteray boat you can't if you're if you're spraying it's just well you can't in a helicopter right but if we told them to do that portion and another method we'd probably have to go back out to bid because that's you'd have to you'd be looking at the other guys's um bid to do that that section even if we just left that section out I would imagine so yes ma'am Mr fer I know you're kind of an expert on this so I I was hoping you'd chime in here the reason for the difference is definitely because the other the other companies were going to spray on the ground and they can be selected y but this company is is aerial spraying and it's non selective so if you're looking at an area with like really valuable oak trees you may uh and you're really concerned about it you probably would look at a separate bid for an area U if you if they're really valuable oak trees that you'd want to you want to protect right I'm just thinking about the those particular oak trees on that particular Road and where they sit which road is that uh the ones behind Monteray okay um if we good if we just Exempted that area back there and did everything else and got another method of spraying for that section to save the Oaks the rest of them I don't think would really matter because they're on the airport they other ones back up to a residential area not what I'm saying but are we spraying that area the area behind Montery boats yes sir I thought it was clearcut already he mentioned it is but they the a lot of those guys will u a lot of those guys will harvest everything around the larger oak trees because there's not anything of value in them um and I I would say that you know exempting that area exempting unit one um you know that's that's a pretty large area and you know we didn't even know that the vast majority of those trees even existed did until we cut down the Pines um so I wouldn't necessarily say that they're you know Great Value it's not like they're the ones that are you know it's not like the giant oak tree that's right there by the Piper Cub that's just a you know a monument of a tree are they along the road no ma'am they're whatever that is I can't remember the name of the they're mostly in the center say again now they're they're mostly in the center of that cut yes ma'am okay there's not I mean so once the trees grow you can't see them anyway pretty much yes ma'am and um yeah we're some of that natural scrub will grow back up along the tree line anyway and we're going to we're going to leave a decent buffer this time um so that Miss Mac doesn't have to worry about that if she probably won't have to worry about it anyway but um next time we cut them but yeah that's I know she'll be glad to see them planted again yes she's wanted to see them plet is there any chance that as they spray that there'll be any drift that would affect trees or vegetation on the adjoining Parcels of land that are privately owned yes ma'am and that's something that they take into consideration before they spray um they any crop duster that's that's worth their salt is going to look at the wind direction and wind speed um and calculate for drift in their patterns and I'm sure these guys are experts they know what they're doing but how many acres around there are we talking 109 that's that's just the Monterey it's total herbicid is 344 Acres right so the largest part is the Monterey boat yes ma'am that's that's why I said you'd probably have to go out for another bid for it yeah you know I I could be wrong but that that area behind monter boat to me looked like it was clear cuted and I I recall a couple taller trees out there but but I don't recall and we can most certainly check but I don't recall like old Heritage oak trees I can't remember them either I thought it was clearcut clearcut it was clearcut and I mean there there are some oak trees out there uh but there's none there's none of them like the one that was that's over by Perkins or you know over by the Piper Cub that there's just just trees that you could look at and say like wow that's a great looking tree um nothing like that in there okay all right any other questions all right I'll entertain a motion for resolution 2024 d32 I'll make the motion to approve resolution 202 24-32 I second it I have a motion and a second to have any further discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I uh all oppose same sign motion carries I another comment sir do we know when we're going to do this Benton um I don't have the exact date of execution yet so so at tell will do we we will even though we got the motion even though we're good we will we will go look again we will come back to the council and report to you next time exactly what we saw um Meredith will see it next week maybe um just just to make sure because I want to be clear in my mind that I that what I'm speaking about is is accurate I can't remember any that are close to the road right at the very least which is the ones that the homeowners across the street would be wanting to stay and we can tour the other areas too right can we get through there yeah we can we can get back there in the golf cart yeah so so what we'll do is we'll come back to the council with an evaluation of what we saw and that that would maybe ease your mind a little bit I mean we're talking Blackjack Oak scrub Oaks things like that I don't recall any Heritage Oaks or beautiful oak trees out there um the vast majority of them are scrubs what that the vast majority of them are just scrub Oaks they have grown I think so too I don't think they're live Miss JS when was the last time that this was done the last time that this was done as in like any kind of herbicide I I'm just a little worried about my dogs they going to be okay your animals will be fine they spray over deer and Hogs and everything they're all safe I've been sprayed with it oh okay all right then they'll be fine you look good not agent Arch or something right okay so I don't know we didn't get a vote on that we so all in favor of resolution 2024 d22 we did we did vote okay sorry I missed it all right so the comment was after the vote sorry all right so resolution item G resolution 202 24-33 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida approving the amendment to the State of Florida Department of Transportation public transportation Grant agreement for financial project number 44255 9424 regarding the Williston municipal airport design and construction of new general aviation terminal building at Williston municipal airport adding additional funding authorizing appropriate parties to assign any documents required to execute such Amendment on behalf of the city of Williston and providing an effective date Mr stle yes ma'am so this amendment is probably one of the most simple amendments that we can see from fdot um they they are giving us $150,000 to install an automatic standby generator on the new terminal U this comes from a push from fdot Aviation to make every um every FBO that is you know a part of the emergency response program um capable of being stood up during an event um so you know as you know we're a we're a location for dis different disaster relief events that happen for the state during these things and you know we just just had one out there last year you know just had an LSA set up on the runway for you know half the year it seemed like uh so this is why they are giving us this funding is to add a standby generator to the FBO so that we can maintain our operations while this is going on okay any questions for Mr stle I'll entertain a motion for resolution 2024 d33 I make a motion we approve resolution 2024 d33 second have a motion and a second any other discussion on the motion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same signs motion carried item H resolution 202 24-34 a resolution of the city council of city of Williston Florida approving the interlocal agreement for animal control services between the city of Williston and the town of bronza authorizing appropriate parties to sign any documents required to execute such agreement on behalf of the city of Williston and providing an effective date Miss jnes thank you uh the city of Bronson approached us seen our beautiful new shelter and our amazing new animal control control officer and asked if we would enter into an interlocal agreement um this basically entails that they don't have a place when they do pick up dogs they have their own animal carrying control um they have no place to put them the levie County shelter has been full for a number of months and we would like to keep some kennels open for them when they do hand over the dogs we will take care of them and get them adopted out at our um under our contracts and um we will do some night stuff so if they needed us to go out in the middle of the night now we both still have Ley County for dangerous dogs and bites and especially late at night um but we're going to just work together and it's a lot closer for us to do that um because our animal car and control officer lives halfway so it's it's just fine I know I was asking him today how he felt about it he said yeah we'll also be sending um whoever our new shelter manager becomes into animal caring control classes so they could be a backup okay all right any questions for Miss Jones we do have with us uh the city manager from the city of Bronson Miss suet and council member I know it's Tyler but I don't know the last name thank you B very good um I'm sorry um who are here with us tonight if you like to ask any questions or have any um thing you'd like to ask about the only thing I was going to ask it looks like y'all paying the 83333 per month that's a a deal so is there still some split in C store labor is that all included in at 8:33 it would all be included um our Veterinary bills right now are free for space and neuters and just regular for any other tests or anything like that emergency es and then we have we'll so they'll pay us that fee and we'll do everything up to adopting them out all right then next question about how many dogs y normally come up with a month would you say and we normally always have that space correct no we wouldn't normally have that space no oh so our spaces are full pretty much we're going to leave them one or two spots open for this yes we also have an agreement with wag and we're looking to leave them for kennels open for e mercies so we'll have these guys we'll give them kennels for emergencies so it almost be like one side is for all of our helpers and the other side is for us but it's best for us not to keep this kennel full like Levy is we're going to really just hit the floor and try and get everybody adopted now a lot of the dogs that Bronson finds and that Willison finds excuse me are Strays that are found you know the owners we find the owners pretty quick so this is a good spot for them to have a place to go while we're finding the owners which is no fee actually we're going to charge them a couple bucks for keeping their dog for a couple days sounds beautiful like it very good and there's no reciprocal on our part meaning we're going there but are they ever coming here other than to drop off an animal okay so no coverage of any kind if we' a any coverage so that's not included in this no we're not no they're paying us but we're not we're not paying them back okay like that's what the fees are for all right we are paying somebody or we can coverage from time to time are we used to we may not be with our new person we were paying Ley County if our new person goes on vacation we'll still have to probably do that because I do see those checks when they come across from time to time so I'm aware of that but that's the kind of the purpose of having that backup that we'd like to have okay um I I would just think that we might possibly could do a reciprocal um or give or give thought to it maybe because what we have is our persons on vacation or sick or not not here of course we have more than one person now uh so there is another person who could actually feed animals um but when Ley County covers for us it's fairly expensive because I see that enough to ask a question about what is this for so um and that was the one thing I I was kind of hoping we could cover for each other but if that's not part of it I just would say keep in mind that we might could amend it to include that at a later date um yeah for I don't want to blow this for for thinking that I mean they do um I don't know if Miss who wants to and you don't have to address it now but I would just say keep it in mind okay um because we're kind of taking their animals and their especially if we're going to do in the middle of night and on evenings call um if needed because otherwise their people will bring them to us right yeah there's I mean during the day the dogs will be brought and dropped off but in the evening if something came up he would go there if we got the call we would be able to go there okay I see he's got authorization to do that in the in the uh in our local agreement and like I said knowing that when he needs coverage if the our other people are not available in the future maybe we can kind of make it reciprocal yeah just a thought okay save us a little all right any other questions or comments from anyone I'll entertain a motion for resolution 2012 24-34 I'll make the motion to approve resolution 20 24-34 I'll second have a motion and a second is there any other comment discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries thank you thank you so much nice to have an agreeable neighbor discussion with possible action changing the March 19th council meeting time to 7 o' versus 6 o'cl at the request of the supervisor of elections uh Tammy Jones because there is a general election that night and it does polls don't close till 7 they really don't want us over here having a meeting at 6 o' when they're still having people coming into so some discussion there no Tammy seems to work with us we've definitely done it before at her request y okay so would you like a motion or just consensus um would you like consensus consensus work there's no resolution okay so you have we have consensus that everyone is in agreement okay I saw there wasn't a resolution I just didn't know if it was necessary all right this time item number eight is public participation this is the time again for the second time in this agenda but if you have anything that you would like to add um at this point at all it doesn't matter if it was on the agenda or not you have up to five minutes to talk to us about it hello Mr Johnson well hello how are you doing oh it's been a while if you will state your name for the record yes Marvin Johnson business owner and uh Vice chair of The KES Willam par committee I was just wondering we know our basketball team just repeated and I haven't heard anything I don't know if we got some special plan for them young men they were a little disappointed last year because we didn't they got they didn't really get what they thought I'm in Communications with their coach and uh and we have talked about police chief about trying to get them a little parade set up we we'll go back to their gym and do a net cutting okay and I'm waiting on him I'm waiting on the coach to call me back'll go ahead on what day is best because last year the cheerleaders was left out and try to get involved once he contacts me back I already talked to the fire chief and the police chief and got we just didn't come up with the date okay looks like it's going to be a week day at around 5:30 and I'm sure the mayor will do a proclamation we did one last year sounds good thank you Zach you need to stay with the city don't go to the county but I do appreciate that I was just concerned okay thank you we're definitely working on it anyone else at this time anyone online wish to speak up okay so hearing nothing else we'll move to announcements I know we have a few Miss Wright I saw your hand first I just want to announce on March the 233rd the city of Wilston in partnership with Premier Events would be having Springfest here in Heritage Park from um from 10: to 3: so if you're not doing anything on Saturday March 23rd please come out and have a good time will there be information about that on the Facebook page or how do we find out more about uh it is on Premier event Facebook page yep I've seen it it's on Facebook yeah yes are you hooked up with the chamber Facebook page not yet that's that's where you go like the chamber Facebook page and you'll see everything uh pretty much all over the city um we also have a Swan River Le of cities meeting coming up that we're hosting yes on March the 28th at 6 o'clock pm at the RV Crossing so if you have a if I sent everybody out an invite if you see it respond back to me so I can get you all registered please yes to Mr bores we'd love you to that's that also includes our police and fire department yep yep yeah it was it was a great time last time I know you've got you I know the chief's got something coming up that same day I believe is your Chiefs meeting that day do you have your Chiefs Mee I think your Chief's meeting that same day they're both on my calendar let's put it that way but your meeting is in the morning and that meeting is in the evening so we'd love to have you for dinner you have no excuse you can bring your lovely wife just RSVP yeah y'all can bring your wives or your husbands or significant others just don't will they provide transportation for us back there we're going to try to arrange that yes I'm going to try to get my one of our buses to do that from our church now the gokart I mean the golf carts are available the city manager also has Gokarts let's use Gokarts that would be yeah yeah I think I think currently the trolley's in operation so we'll be using that good that's wonderful hopefully it's still in operation um to hear that before we've rented Vans and of course if we can obviously get d8 Vans that's great uh golf carts people love to haul people on golf carts there my understand the chief had a very nice ride last time with a golf cart so individual so um but yeah I I know the chief has a an important announcement that I was very proud of to hear if if you don't make it I will you forgot your announcement FBI you've been accepted to the FBI Academy go ahead you you come on I don't know the dates but I'm I'm so excited he was one of very many who who applied no you do it I don't know the dates you have to tell me the dates it's in April I believe or may oh was accepted to the FBI Academy thank you which is a very prestigious thing I don't know if everybody had heard that already well yeah you like that mayor but I was I was just really thrilled and very happy to hear that for him proud for him that to be one of those few selected to attend this year yeah I had applied to attend the academy um and I got worried for a while because I I never heard anything back and then I finally got the call that that said uh had been accepted to attend the FBI Academy at quico Virginia so I'm super excited about it I think travel dates May 5th we'll be leaving so I'm super excited for myself as well as the city of Williston uh you know a little small town Williston is you know selected to attend the FBI Academy uh I think is a great great success story to what we're doing here in our city so thank you and you can't get those little credentials behind your name and go with someone else have to remember where you came from oh don't get any ideas okay I have no plans I have no plans I get any AUD okay so I will I will add you that's that's not an easy appointment to get you have to go through the local FBI office have to be approved and then approved through the Jacksonville FBI office and all up through the chain of command so it's not like you just put in your application they pull your head out of the straw most waiting periods are three years or more and uh so for Mike to be selected is is a very it's a good honor for us very prestigious congratulations that's why I couldn't let you not forget that one so couldn't let you forget that one yeah well I'm very proud miss miss right I'm sorry I do have one more on March the 8 I'm sorry March the 19th at 10 o'clock AM we will be doing the ribbon cutting at John Henry park for the new what is it Donald it's the two grants for the storm water it's the uh golden shovel uh digging the ground launch the project that everybody's been fighting for for many years yeah okay we also have a cleanup a mayor's cleanup at at uh Peggy O'Neal Park no matter what the picture shows it is Peggy O'Neal's not the picture of all the beautiful pictures we have of that Park I said what is that it wasn't Peggy O'Neal that's but I can't remember the date on that 10:00 anybody remember the date I know it's a Saturday we've got it April 9th at 9:00 a. April 9th I believe that's right it is I remembered it was April that's all I can remember okay um we also have a movie in the park uh which is uh coming up movie in the park on March the 30th we'll also be having the Easter Bunny since it's right before Easter yep and that's sponsored by cor Williams Park starts at 5 Williams Park no I'm sorry it's going to be at Heritage Park at Heritage it's at Heritage right but it's sponsored by them yes ma'am yeah I think free popcorn and drinks yes so if anybody's not doing anything bring your chair they're showing enchanta yes ma'am so if you need to come to that I'm also thrilled to say that um I have been appointed to the SW River League of cities board of directors so I'm very happy about that um I first meeting com coming up before our hosting here that we have um Mr Bard do you have anything else uh just one thing I I meant mention a staff update but you notice we have a new face up here with us so Stacy scar world is our new administrative assistant and um and we'll be filling in the when Latricia is not here doing uh clerk duties and stuff like that but she's will be assisting both uh Latricia myself and HR and it took about nine month how many months nine months 10 months 11 months you know took a year so that means you got the right person I think so too so um you know she has some of the classes that Latricia has so I think she's going to be a great asset of set City and welcome thank you for being here wonderful okay Mr Bishop I just want to tell you to remind everybody that the Barnwell project is under is under construction as we speak and it should be completed hopefully within 60 days um you were talking about the may clean up mayor work day um that's also for the public to come out to assist and there will be drinks and refreshments also okay so don't let us forget keep reminding us at these meetings so I have it on the calendar but don't let me forget did we skip I or is it just me say again did we skip I or is it just me did we skip we did no no we didn't okay that's just me okay we did change it to 7 o' okay I'm sorry my consensus we didn't vote but we did change my consensus okay uh any other announcements anything else for the good of the cause not I'll entertain the motion for adjournment make a motion to adjourn second all in favor of the motion say I I I all oppose same sign we will adjourn at 7:35 thank you for joining us