getting signals it must be time are you ready Miss Miss lri okay we're going to call this meeting to order this is a special investure ceremony for the Wilston City Council it is Tuesday May the 14th at 6: p.m. and I will ask the clerk to please call the rooll mayor Goodman I am here president Jones here vice president Cox here Council Rima bulck here council member Hines here council member Martin here city manager Terry bouard he's absent city clerk Latricia Wright I am here attorney Scott Walker and attorney kirston Belo their absent and all other staff present thank Youk you we appreciate you coming tonight and we will ask that you stand at this time for the opening prayer and the pledge of allegiance to the flag by the mayor join me if you will Lord we thank you for the opportunity at demonstrating our government in action and Lord I just ask you to be with everybody here each member each council member all of the people that have joined us tonight I ask you to bless them and keep them safe in your name amen United States of America and to the stands thank you very much thank you Mr Mayor um item number one on our agenda is the administration of the oath of office to Mayor Charles Goodman and council member Deborah Jones by judge Lewis Bustamante um and we will proceed with that at this time right before I start one of the things I wanted to just make a couple of comments um and to me it is a priv privilege and an honor to serve the people of um BB County as as the county court judge and I do believe that it's also a privilege and an honor for you all to serve uh the good citizens of the city of Wilston and one of the things I may be so bold as to give you some advice I I know that both of you are veterans and have a career of public service but I always like to make these types of uh statements uh that way as encourages not only you all to continue doing the good work that you do but also to anybody out there who wants to uh be part of Public Service help others and give something back I guarantee you that you will discover that while Public Service improves the lives of the community around you it is the greatest reward uh is the enrichment and the new meaning it will bring to your own life and that one is a quote from Arnold schwarzeneger I like him too uh and the another one is to give real service you must add something which cannot be uh bought or measured with money and that is sincerity and integrity okay and so with that I'm going to get off my preaching post and I'm going to go ahead and Minister the one thing I want to notice is that you guys are dressed impeccably thank you so much last night I was doing the same over in Chiefland and I wore black and everybody else wore black and I thought that we were going to some type of funeral so I decided that I was going to go ahead and wear something a little more um colorful I'll say that but you go look great but please uh this is the O office repeat after me and if you please raise your right hand I swear or affirm swear or that I will support protect and defend the government of the United States of America States and of the State of Florida St against all enemies domestic or foreign and I will bear true faith and loyalty and allegiance to the same Al that I am entitled to hold office under the Constitution of the United States and of the State of Florida and that I will f F performed all of the duties of the office of Williston city council member or mayor you now are sworn in congratulations all right thank you so much I wish you guys successful term and make continue doing the good job that you do all right I'm going to give give you this because if I continue doing this belongs to me thank you sir we appreciate your time and your uh kind words and your white your Sage words uh before I pass the gavl to the mayor for to conduct the next part of the meeting I would like to make a presentation to council member Bullock um who is getting ready to leave us uh because his term of office has is up and he's running for other offices uh so if you will join me this I don't know if I need this this is from the city Wilson from City staff from all of us and you can go ahead and open it um don't want you to forget us we appreciate the the years you have given us and we wish you your best on your next venture if there's anything we can do to help you you let us know I will I'm sure I'll be in touch I'm sure you will I thank y'all all very much it was fun learned a lot it's hard hard sitting in the seat yeah hope some people step up and good job I do too thank you sir thank you [Applause] hug there yes [Music] sir at this time item number three I'll pass the gavel to the mayor who will be presiding over the election of the new city council president it's an old familiar seat item number three the election of the city council president I am now opening the floor for nominations for the president of the city council Mr Mayor I will nominate Mr Michael Cox I have a nomination of Mr Michael Cox is there any other nominations hearing none we will call for a vote all those in favor of Mr Michael Cox becoming the new president of the Williston city council affirmed by saying I I any who are opposed do the same president Michael Cox I give you your new president thank you everybody um I hope I can do as good a job that the people that are here followed um got big shoes to fill so hopefully I can uh can do that but I want to thank I've been a member of the council for about three years now and um want to thank the staff because I've been able to learn from them if I have questions I've been able to go to them and they've helped to answer questions or show me things and stuff like that so thank you to them and my fellow council members as well so with that we have to elect a vice president I will entertain a motion to elect the vice president um I have I have a motion for it's only two of us I'm look I'm look I'm looking at you do you want to do it oh yeah you gotta know it's you or me you will all right I nominate uh Darth Des Hans to be vice president all right anybody else anybody hiding over here right all in favor by show of hands raise your right hand say I I let the record show that it's a 3 to0 three to zero account welcome Miss [Applause] D so well I hope next week's meeting is as short as this one item five um announcements staff no Mr Mayor I'm going to announce this again next week or on the 14th but this is such a momentous thing that I think it Bears stating in this meeting our chief of police went to the FBI I course and was elected as the president of the board of directors of the FBI course and he's going to correct me because I left my little paper Mike you have a microphone tell us what he was elected the president of this year's class at the FBI Academy at Quantico thank you m Jones yes he's since been also elected uh or appointed I'm not sure which appointed I do believe uh to the regional executive board which I'm am also very proud of I had my paper about it but I left it at home so thank you and as we said big will to okay anybody else got any announcements Miss Latricia Miss R Miss Stacy nobody else over the next three or four weeks I just asked for everybody to be patient with me doing meetings so it's a little nerve-wracking um with that being said let's see we have an uh Refreshments outside in the hallway out here so everybody's welcome to that and um if we have nothing else how move weour do I have a second second any discussion this meeting at 8 nope sorry 6 14 is over [Applause]