it's 601 and a half we're g to call this meeting to order this is a regular meeting of the Willison city council is Tuesday April the 16th that is 6 pm and I will ask Miss garbor to please call the role mayor Charles Goodman council president Deborah Jones here vice president Michael Cox here council member Meredith Martin here council member Zach Bullock It's not here council member darness Hines here city manager Terry bavard here attorney Kirsten blue here city clerk Latricia right she's absent okay I would ask uh all other staff members to please chime in present okay thank you very much we appreciate everyone's attendance tonight are we a will at this time we'll stand for the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance by the mayor thank you Madame President join me if you will Lord we come together tonight as a community to try to do the business in our community and Lord I Thank you for each and every person that takes enough interest in their Community to attend these meetings I know they're not always pleasant but Lord we live in a country where we have the opportunity to participate in our government let us never forget that and Lord I ask you to be with the police department each officer puts his his life on the line with everyday activities something as simple as a traffic stop can turn into a piece of tragedy and Lord I ask you to be with the fire department help them to always make the right decisions and to stay safe and Lord specifically I thank you for each one of these count counselors who spend the time and do the work and the sacrifice of their time to help our city to grow and to prosper I ask this in your name amen I Al to the flag of the United States of America the thank you Mr Mayor all right we're now to item number one which is additions deletions changes or approval of the agenda Madam chair Miss attorney um we would request that items FG and H um be tabled um item G the zoning change um we need to get it roted um send it back to pnz just to make sure we check all of our boxes we've discussed with the applicant and they'd like to have all three heard at the same time so we'll bring them all back in front of you when item G is ready again did we ask Mr Cory Lambert L Lam at all did somebody consult with him yes he was in agreement with that thank you so much FG and H f f g and H correct yes all right I have I would entertain a motion for approval of the agenda with the tabling of those three items and make a motion that we approve um the addition deletion changes approved to the agenda those changes yes with those changes okay all right do I have a second to the motion I second I have a motion and a second is there any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries let me just say that if the people that are here want to discuss that at some point during this meeting we will open discussion for that because I know a lot of people are probably here for that andless I don't unless I have an objection from the attorney I think now that it's not on the agenda I believe that you can have it during public par than very much I feel the same way thank you thank you all right um we'll go to item number two which is public participation and this is the time when you can discuss something with the city council with the city staff that is not on the agenda you have up to 5 minutes to do that so if you would like to add anything or discuss anything that is not on the agenda this is the time to do that if you do please come to the podium Mr Pinkston Mr Mills Miss Garber if you will turn that clock around so I can see it please thank you very much that's perfect come to the podium if you will sir and just state your name and city of residence for the record uh Dan Pinkston uh not I do not reside in the city but have several businesses within the city well yes sir uh coming to ask city council might need to revisit your stance on I just got my utility bill for the car wash the other day I knew rates were going up but I did not know it would go up 200% I'm using in a world where we're used to 5% 10% when we get a raise at work we get a five or 10% raise how do you budget for a 200% raise that's on sewage that's on water um I just how how do you pass that on to the customer I just want y'all to rethink that you might want to look at redoing that again because like I say 5% 10% and I heard rates were going but when you get the bill you go wow over 200% increase you just that's just in one year that's hard build swap so I want y'all to really think about that we appreciate it um any comment from city manager are you going to leave it at that I will I will say that you know I've talked to Mr bson and my office several times and you know we are we are looking at um some options of course as he knows also I have a very narrow Lane that I have to stay in and you know um hopefully um we'll be able to help him out in his business maybe some other businesses that are waterbased so to speak I don't know the exact terminology I'm looking for because you know we not really sure how far we can go what we can do so um we are meeting with him included him we will continue to meet with him he's not the only business there is uh the triangle laundry mat in town uh has the same issue um so um we will be more than happy to do whatever y'all like us to do come back give you some numbers let you know what's going on in other municipalities how they're handling it if they're any different um you know and then we would be glad to do the will of the council so I would also add that we've had uh some discussions about recreational facilities that also have need for large varians of water um one of those nonprofits has actually spoken to us as well uh so we're taking that into consideration too any anybody else at this time have something for the council's consideration or something you'd like for us to consider don't be shy is if you will state your name for the record even though I know what it is Bern Bernard thank you sir uh in reference to the water bill we have the uh community resource we have a b Garden out there our garden uh bill went $10 for no uses you do the same thing I think to $84 now something don't seem right about that picture there's nothing compared to his $1,100 but it's the same it might not be yeah but percentages yes it is a lot it is and I think the city need to read address that I me I don't know if why what I can see double maybe even triple but 800% that makes no sense I mean and I'm sure I've heard other people in the community how much they like their water bill went up something ain't right something needs to be address appreciate that yeah and are we here can we are uh the uh School Michael lampad I mean that uh Cory lampad um maybe we should wait till the end on that one don't guess it really matters it doesn't really matter yes sir go ahead okay now when they presented this thing to the school I was there first the citizens who met at the church you know and they painted a good Ros the picture which I asked them about security okay they said two people wait a minute how how you going to trest thing with two people on armed guard police chief said the same thing yeah I mean come on it don't work that way and the other thing is they pred a Rosie picture of uh wanting to uh yes grow to marijuana not process okay now it's my understanding that the County that's count that prob in the county I understand that the county turn them down so I want to know why is the city so eager to bring them in under the circumstances uh now yeah and let me just say that it's my understanding that the county didn't have a proper zoning classification for them well did you all I think y all had to rewrite y all didn't you not yet but uh wait we're still talking about it well wait a minute how can you go forward to I mean if they call it if they call it a which is what they requested we don't have to rewrite it okay that's a good thing on EG now on the agricultural exemption Florida statute here uh 82314 if you read it have yall read it have y'all looked at it have your attorney looked at it we probably have but I don't know it by the number is that the Right to Farm Act what is it right the Farm Act oh yes sir absolutely I'm very familiar with it okay now first of all did you offer them them a special exemption to where it would be did we ask them offer them a what uh did you offer them a special exemption no sir okay all right well that's they didn't ask for one here okay now the reason why this they want to change this thing to agriculture as you know if it's changed to agriculture the way I read this statue here after one year one year they can do whatever they want to do with it am I not right yes sir you are right all right so what's going to stop them from doing processing huh and all the people out there in that area I don't think nobody wants that no I mean that that's I I don't think the city do doing due diligence enough to notify the citizen and on behalf of this company of putting all the facts out there that's why we did pull it from the agenda tonight because we agree with that statement you just yeah I mean those things need to be bought out and the city council need to y'all need to step up I'm just telling you like it is it's not fair to the people not fair that's all I got to say we agree with you I'm Willie battles yes sir and I second at a motion thank you okay anybody else at this time I will say there's another participation for the public at the end of the agenda uh and it doesn't doesn't look very long now that we've taken these three things off so you can either speak now if you have something else to add or you can wait till the end yes sir please say your name for the record my name is Cameron Smith I live within a stone thr of the old school it would be a disgrace it would be a disgrace to this councel it would be a disgrace to the city to bring this type of business here there is no reason for it I think we can do a whole lot better I don't know if any solicitation has been done for any alternatives or not but I don't want this in my backyard actually it would be in my front yard which is radical across the street okay I oppose this everyone that I have spoken to about this the research that I've done and I'm so glad Mr Bernard brought it to your attention and which you said that you were already aware which is a good thing they've done our research since the last meeting too or at least I have I'm sure they these people are awful and he mentioned after this year the environmental effects could be terrible astronomical you shaking your head I don't know that it would be it would be terrible for the citizens in that area I could agree with that it it would be it would be awful it would be environment so I will say this right here I will say this uh and for them to tell you that all they need is two people on a golf golf cart to secure this place look we we don't need it you don't have to convince us we we okay we let's let's uh we said that last time we were here so I would say this as I leave the podium um let's let's let's not let's not be on a second reading or approaching a second reading and having to to address issues like this let's do du dilligence upfront before we even be before it's a uh propos to you let's notify the citizens let's let's do our homework let's do our homework that place out there has so much history it has so many people I can look out there and I can see the Seesaw yeah it's not there anymore right the basketball court that Mr White her put up is no longer there but I can I can remember those times I can remember the the the baseball games and the softball games in that Community now uh I understand this chain ownership from the of the County School Board which is County so I I'll say this I I I'll say this if you're going to if if you choose to replace it with something Mr bovard let's let's do a better let's pick someone better let's find a hotel maybe maybe what have you thought about talking to Mr lamb not us we don't know have any interest look I I understand that Miss Jones I I understand that and I understand I need to talk to you instead of Mr Bo are okay no problem I I I I get it I I get it you're good go ahead U here's the thing here's what I would like to see um you you you you I would encourage you to do some meetings go do some meetings or something like that and and get some input because I'm going to tell you right now uh I am going to to be in touch with Mr lamb I believe one of my buddies might be interested in maybe a hotel maybe in a conference center but he simply didn't even realize the property was available but I'll be speaking I'll be speaking with Mr lamb if anyone knows him tell him to call me please I don't have his phone number yeah I I will be glad to speak with him thank you for your time let me let me just explain to you too that uh because of sunshine laws things are put on our agenda by our staff and this body cannot discuss those things with each other until we are in a meeting and we saw this when our agenda came out Thursday two weeks ago first time we ever saw it it it can't have discussion by us with each other we can we can discuss it with staff but not with each other because of the Sunshine Law of the State of Florida so we have to discuss it for first reading that was our first opportunity and the first time we saw it and since that time as I said a lot of us have done research on it uh and I will add Mr Fuller in there as well Mr Fuller has done a lot of research on it uh Mr Fuller and I have talked at link multiple times uh since that um and he I'm happy to hear that it's going back to Planning and Zoning because he is the chairman of Planning and Zoning so I think he will um if if in fact it goes back I think we will get a better product when it comes back to us if it does well I won't ask to reclaim any of my time uh Mr Jones but uh thank you guys okay thank you yep anyone else at this time yes sir if you will please state your name and city of residence for the record my name is Alan Alexander I'm a former resident of willston I now reside in Bronson Florida and I want to address the Town Council I've met some of you and I've passed by and left some material information I am the community leison person for Meridian healthc care and what I do I'm working underneath the thema Grant from last year with hurricane Adelia to identify those survivors which are still struggling whether it be Financial or material wise because we're right here at hurricane season now and my Grant's going to be lasting through the uh end of probably September I'm out of the chief L office and we to the 3count area and uh like I address is I'd like to have people who are maybe friends neighbors uh relatives that like I said still struggling we have those resources available I have five crisis management people that can work one onone with those folks to kind of get them back on their feet now I can be reached I have some handouts which are out front flyers and information yes but it's Meridian healthcare and we're located in Gainesville Florida I'm a former board member thank you I believe in it very much appreciate it very much thank you we appreciate you coming tonight thank you anyone else at this time Jimmy Gooding 1531 Southeast 36th Avenue of Cal I represent the applicant on the items that were pulled and I just want to comment on what I've heard here tonight and ask a favor um the decision to pull the items was uh but the pull the zoning items was based upon the fact that there was a snafu with the notice a technicality technicality yeah and I absolutely agree with Miss belo's decision on that and because of that we requested the other items be pulled too so that y'all could consider this at one time um I have heard however some things that I've never heard before um that I would appreciate um hearing before we come back and that is the statute that Mr Bernard I think cited um that says after a year we can do anything with the property that we want to I'm unaware of any provision in zoning law that says after a year you can do anything you want to is the right to form act yes but it has nothing to do with our zoning code if you ask your attorney that I think she'll agree with me I well if it's changed to agriculture it then applies it wouldn't apply any other way I don't I will be I will be glad to look at that but what what what I'm asking is to be aware of of things like that I'm really glad that he stood up and said that because I'm going to look at it too and I'm sure your attorney is as well um I've heard that um um that these are horrible people I'm I'm going to ask Mr Smith to stick around with me afterwards to find out what he knows about my client that I don't um I I'm you know we're we're interested to coming here we want to come here we hope that you want us to come here but we would like to know the issues that we have with people I'm going to ask rever battles and and Mr Bernard to stick around too so that we can talk cuz we we had a neighborhood meeting and I thought things were going swimmingly um I guess I'm glad that uh that the notice may have been messed up so we could find out about this stuff but all I'm saying is that that we would like to know what people's issues are and hopefully find out about them before we get to another public hearing and I'm going to I'm also hoping I'm kind of asking the favor here um i' plan on leaving after this not that I don't like sitting at City Council meetings but I did that quite a bit of oala so I was going to leave after this round but if if people are going to have public comments it' sure help this Okala if they come up to it now as opposed to later it is on tape as well so if you have to go back and listen you can good point good point yeah thank you sir we appreciate it anybody else for this particular time all right anybody online Mr Mills no okay so I think we will continue at this point we're going to go to item number three with which is our consent agenda which consists of the council meeting minutes of April the 2nd I would entertain a motion for approval of the consent agenda I make a motion that we approve the consent agenda I'll second it I have a motion and second is there any discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I all oppos same sign motion carries item number four is updates at this time we will start with the city manager Terry Bard thank you madam president and Council so I'll try to be brief just give you a c couple updates as as you know where the srf loan uh we'll be bringing back to you we talked about that earlier so we're probably will make it on the next agenda for that to happen to give you an update on the um line of credit loan you know with C Co so I've been informed by uh our our represent over there that the documents are through Mr fugate's office and he's now ready to send it over to our attorney's office so I'm hoping and praying that we will get it on to the next city council for y'all uh to review and look at I will tell you that I'm on my final review of the towns of uh Williston developmental agreement I'm hoping to have that done and sent over to the developer for their review um just a little reminder that you know we we the staff get together put it together goes back and forth and unfortunately it takes three or four months for us to get what we're happy and then it goes to the developer and normally they have a pretty quick turnaround and then we come back to y'all once everybody's in agreement and y'all get a bite of the apple to make sure that everything you're seeing you like and that's the format that it works in um also the golf cart signs uh my understanding Southeast there are some signs that are up and bag we should have that done pretty shortly and then as my understanding by the next city council meeting will have moved into the Northwest and hopefully doing some work there um my one and final thing and that be more than happy to take questions is um we will be meeting tomorrow with gfl representatives to discuss the contract coming up and myself Selena Megan and a few of the staff that are involved in that daily like Megan um will help try to draft that new contract as we move forward of what it looks like now it's a renewal so it's a renewal of our existing contract but I'm I'm going to encourage some changes to that that hopefully will uh be to the council's liking um I could cover some other things but I'll be more than happy to take any questions I would just point out for the audience that the town houses of Williston the towns of Williston are tow houses that are being built in the Southeast section of Williston um and gfl is our garbage provider so that's what what that is uh so if you have any questions on those things this is the time for that any council members have questions for the city manager you can always let me look at them that Garbage Contract you know you need help with it I would be happy to actually we have two we we reviewing our previous vendor and we'll have the other one so I will I'll talk to you right after the meeting if that's okay Mr Bullet thank you all right so we will move at this time to the staff members anybody in the back have anything in by way of an update Mr Barber thank you uh Madam president um I just wanted to make sure that everybody knew that April 15th through April 19th is National work Zone awareness week uh that's just keeping in mind that when people are on the side of the road working anywhere whether they're in the county or the city uh to just be careful and be aware of them they have families and they have lives to get back to so just slow down and uh just be aware of the people out there doing that sort of work Chief rolls quick reminder oh sorry uh this week is telecommunication week uh so thank you wonderful and great dispatchers when you see them also um Thursday is the law enforcement memorial at the Bronson courthouse at 10 o' okay thank 10:00 I wish it wasn't in the middle of the daytime when people are trying to work but appreciate now when when it is Miss Jones thank you for the record Miss Jones and I are not Ken to each other I've seen a lot of that on Facebook that we are a family unit here and that we agree with each other and constantly do if y'all don't know us we don't always agree with each other um and and we are not not K to to each other at all in any way M Jones I just wanted to remind everybody we're about a year in since we've had our animal shelter we had our grand opening April 28th last year and we are just so appreciative of all the support we've had especially from city council and our um citizens and just remind everybody that we have the shelter we have a lot of stray dogs there right now that we believe are somebody's we just can't seem to find their owners so we are here if you call City Hall or if you call wag or if you call least they'll all give you our numbers so you can pick up your dogs we have four right now um and we believe at least two of them are looking for their masas that are probably looking for them as well they just don't know how to reconnect so so thank you all for um supporting us for the last year we appreciate it we me it thank you for that any other staff member at this time okay we'll move into the council members any questions or updates that you need sorry um just a couple of things to kind of piggyback off some things that were said up there um one of the things is Corey still the owner of this property or has it been trans no okay that's that's one what I was reading kind of confus that's actually one issue that I have moving it to agil because he's not right okay okay secondly um I think it would probably be a good idea for us to think more um about having a town hall meeting when there issues arise that are going to affect the public as this issue and a previous issue has um that way you can possibly get people to come and have a discussion there and you get a feeling or an idea of where everybody stand as opposed to you know having it here in session um let me it also will allow us to have time to do the research that is needed in order to make sure that we are making the correct decisions for our citizens let me comment that we knew they were having a town hall meeting wherever they had it I believe it was at the church but I don't know that for a fact staff offered to go and they were told they didn't need to attend we offered to host it here at City Hall and they said no they would have it there so we tried Okay so I'm a sit I agree with you I I live over there I agree with you and I was not privy so everybody that's in the community may not have gotten that notice even though you guys did no the people that were holding the meeting I didn't get a notice the people that were holding the meeting we asked them if they wanted to have it here but you were aware of a meeting right I was because I heard it through the great BN well can I get attached to your Great Vine no that's true I can't talk to you but seriously um I'm I'm just saying um I was not aware which in this case I probably didn't need to be there anyway but I'm just saying that maybe we need to look at um having Town Hall meetings when things of this magnitude are addressing our CI I agree 100% And we like I said we tried I do just want to interject super quickly on this that just a reminder this is a quasi judicial matter um that comes before the Planning and Zoning Board it will come before you all quas judicial which essentially means that you all take sworn testimony you sit as judges and so really trying to limit your exp parte Communications is a really crucial and key here so not that these discussions can't be had but that these discussions maybe as a as a predicate to get everyone ready for the quasa judicial hearings which are held on this which is really the appropriate format for those discussions because you all are not permitted to take into account when voting anything that wasn't presented to you in those quasi judicial hearings okay so if if we have a lot of discussion about this prior that you all are involved in um you'll end up conflicting yourself out of the vote um and then we're sort of up a creek with no paddle and I think it was staff members who offered to go and they know more about it than I do I only heard about it which is what I understood I just wanted to make sure that I I remind us all of just really trying we don't need to attend such a thing is what you're saying limited yeah y right all right anything else on your list looked like there was no that was that was it I was just trying to understand what it was that she was saying um to go to an outside meeting that somebody is having I understand but I was saying as the council that we hold ourselves advertis that is not appropriate then I understand so even advertising and holding a town hall meeting is not appropriate it would not be appropriate because it's not the Quasi judicial proceeding so you you need to take all of those yes it's not part of evidence collecting I would not recommend it because it very messy and it becomes an issue of is all of it moved on to the record had you already made up your minds before you got into the Quasi judicial proceeding it just casts a lot of shadow on the decision that you all make in the Quasi judicial hearing which is why it's not my recommendation is it a you know dagger to the throat it depends on the circumstances which is why I always recommend we do it in the qualifi judicial thank you I ask question yes sir you can if you come back up here and state your name again start that clock for me Mr bills I I won't need it this time I just about this particular subject about this particular subject yes sir Maran County alacha County Duvall County they all have the same rules we do and they have meetings all over the county about issues that affect citizens all the time so I have no idea the thought process or the the legal knowledge and I will not question Miss Baloo's legal knowledge but that seems kind of asinine it seem it seems like they could be conducted by staff members even if we weren't allow you're seeing council members and Commissioners when you see when you see meetings in Newbery about an issue then you see some in mopi about an issue or the village or wherever whatever the city is or whatever the issue is they talk about it they meet and they talk about these issues to say that it would be a negative for this Council we're not saying it's a negative we we just told you that no she didn't she said she said we couldn't do it oh oh she said you couldn't do it she didn't say it was a negative cuz we we all want to do it positive we just just can't do it that's even worse don't you think I do we agree with you good night we don't like the rules we hate the Sunshine Law because it prevents us from doing a lot of things that we could accomplish things better I find it critically necessary to make oh yes please a distinction yes go ahead and some clarifications um my firm represents Newberry and represents mopi um so I'm intimately familiar with the procedures that are followed in both of those municipalities um I will assure you that my recommendations to those municipalities are exactly the same as my recommendations here today to you all um and consistent across the board in all of our municipalities um as as a first point and as a second Point um there are there is a lot of confusion I think that surrounds quasi judicial matters versus matters that are not quasi judicial it is very common for commissions and councils to hold workshops and meetings regarding things that are not quasi judicial it's a very specific set of actions that a council can take that fall into that quasi judicial category those things are more restricted we recommend that you do not have those outside meetings for those particular matters but there are many many matters many more matters than not that you absolutely can have these kinds of meetings for so I I do want to just make sure that that is very clear and I will say we have public workshops all the time and nobody comes all the time we put it in the paper we put it on Facebook we put it on everywhere we in the newspaper we put it everywhere we can think to put it on the bulon board outside we have public hearings like all this the water issues we had public hearings we had many probably six or seven public hearings we had an entire Workshop where all the experts that had to do with water came and talked to us and the public about it come to come no come to the podium it has to be recorded back to water we knew the rates were going up we didn't know they were going up 200% that was never publicized it wasn't 200% we we went through that bill the other day we did yours went up but yours was a lot to do with capacity as well right but I'm just saying I mean with the volume of water that you like I said we we we saw that the water was going up and back of your mind you said you know yeah I trust this is going to be 5 10% not 200% that oh let me just say Royal Water who are the experts who give the grants out to help you repair and increase and extend your water lines and your sewer lines they wanted us to go out twice as much as what we really did we've had this conversation well I understand and we did the best we could and still because they won't loan US money if we didn't go up I just wish fire department give me a 200% raise just saying raises how we raise things in runs what to average two three four 4% 5% yes but it's just when you get a whack at 200% in one year it wasn't 200% the what was what was the a percentage somebody want to tell me back there I know Mr poer probably has it in his head so again like you said Madam president it had to do with capacity so a commercial increase would have been vastly different from a residential increase and there are certain commercial operations that are exclusive in their business to water for example like an ice machine I'm one of them right or car wash or a laundry mat and so what we're working on currently under the city manager's direction is to go back to those agencies that helped us come up with those with those particular Industries in mind and say okay how do we get these on irrigation so we don't have to count sewer but all of this has to be done very carefully because we can undermine the ordinances that we have and as you just mentioned we have an srf loan that we desperately need and if we had not done these rates most of the staff was in meetings with people in De EP and Swift Mud that clearly said you guys aren't getting a loan unless you do these things right and again I also want to remember that we mentioned in the workshops quite a few times if this had been done over a period of 15 years we wouldn't have had a significant significant increase these were ignored for 15 years and that's the reason why the jump is as significant as it was well the rate before the right before was what 20 was build per was build per 100 gallons and it was around $5 and the current is around $445 per thousand so that is not a 200% increase now that's the first tier tiers are based on consumption of gallons so 0 to 5,000 5,000 and one gallons to 10,000 and so on up to over 20,000 and the state requires the higher tiers to be more because we are a state that works on an aquafer and we are running out of water and our population is exploding and so they're promo in a conservation of water and that's what the tiers are for so the third and fourth tier you double triple and quadruple how much per thousand gallons that you're charged and it's designed so that you don't use those higher gallons of water can you turn that off please thank you the chart the chart that I was handed by the city official right here it was 23 that it went to 60 something whatever scale they use that's the base rate the base rate is different than the consumptive rate everybody pays a base rate for their meter and for if you never turn on the water what it takes to maintain the lines in the ground the consumptive rate is the flow of how much water you use those are two totally different charges right okay the bill I got last year was $1,100 the bill I got this year same month is $ 3600 that's not the bill I looked at the bill I looked at is that the bill we looked at I don't think so I thought the bill was 11 I thought the bill was $100 it wasn't the rate did go up 200% it feels like it though that's for sure and we're working on it we told you that we would they don't they didn't I mean they did they did uh I can tell you Mr Fuller was there we had a room full we had a room full but there were none of the business none of the businesses were there really and they're the ones who did an assessment of our r and our and our if you if you're going to keep talking you have to come back up here because it has to be recorded um it had to be they did a whole they did a whole assessment of our system as well as what our plant water plant and sewer plant needed and the fact that we hadn't raised rates in 12 years yeah and and that's you're the rate rate you do the rates but to throw it at 200 let's just say 150% in one year that's just it's not a percent it was a totally different way of calculating water Mr Barber tried to explain that uh okay well explain to me $1,100 Bill a year ago and then 3600 I mean I I'm just that's my simple math simp that's how I work math it's now based on the number amount of water that you use are we using that much water more water right that mean structure and pricing changed the price has changed yes okay all right anybody else that has to I don't even know where we were y'all staff oh my goodness we're still on staff we did anybody else got a question up here who asked that question I can't remember any other questions Mr Mr Cox um yes I've seen some things on the news because we watch our news comes out of Orlando and um they've had some uh things they've talked about golf carts so I'm wondering if we can period periodically put safety tips in with our utility bills so people can read them about not having a 10-year-old kid driving a golf cart out on the road yeah totally illegal just it's right but to have different safety tips the dudes and the don'ts just curious Chief can you come up with that I sure B wax you're the one to go give them a ticket thank you great idea yeah right well in this sense well if they don't know what the ordinance says and what the state law is because our ordinance is modeled after the state law yeah in this instance it was a 10-year-old kid who parents let them drive it on the road golf cart failed to stop and got killed because of on traffic passing by and so I just was thinking about it and thinking you know we should do safety reminders and just tips of the dos and the don'ts especially you know to have parents educate their kids as hey you can't be on that golf cart can't be driving you know so maybe a flyer that's inserted not just a little line on the bottom of the utility whe do they charge us extra to put a extra sheet of paper even one sheet how much so they do they do the question was do they charge if if if we do stuffings inside I hate to use the word stuffing but if we stuff inside the utility bill there's a charge what the charges I don't know but I can come back to the council and give it to you uh but there is a process for us to do that um so um I think Mr Cox is right we could probably put some stuff on Facebook maybe even the web page I'm sure there's some stuff out there that we don't have to reinvent the wheel that's already ready to go canned um that we can probably implement pretty quickly uh that is one of the benefits of having Stacy here is that's one of the programs we're looking for her to launch and do a little more with and so we will definitely get on that right away and like I said the stuffings are just a matter whether or not we want to pay extra to have that done and I think we were planning to do that we were just waiting for all the quadrants to get their signs because right now we still have two quadrants that aren't able to drive golf carts Chief Falls and I do believe I sent you the safety video and pamphlet that they Ed down in The Villages you did so city manager if you're going to give it to Stacy or I could send it to her or you okay all right they've got all the rules so have it yes ma'am yeah and this needs to may be double checked against our ordinance right to make sure it's the same anything else Mr Cox Miss Martin the only thing I have is I'm back to that building Uptown I want to know when you're going to tear it down yeah I'm looking at whoever wants to answer that I'll answer the question um so we had the uh couple of serious incidents with the uh Force main break and a few other things um we also have the golf cart signed project quadrants that we're trying to finish up we were trying to wrap up a couple of those projects before we began another one the other aspect was as Jonathan mentioned last meeting we were trying to make sure that we could save the city as much money and if dot is willing to cooperate with us they could close the road they could take care of the permitting um because we're so close in proximity to 27 uh we have to take some precautions so if we do those ourselves there's going to be some income or some expenses excuse me required so the opportunity to work with DOT they have not gotten back to us to my understanding we are waiting on some answers from them we will call again I know that Jonathan's put in quite a few calls uh to them and every time we speak to them it's they're they're just checking with their higher-ups to see what they're able to do uh if Council really wants to hop on it and not wait for DOT just understand that there could be some expenses additional expenses that would be part of that now we just need to get it on their timeline correct and ask them to help us yeah okay that's every time I look at it that's what I think of still there all right Mr Mayor thank you Madame President I have a couple of things first thing is I want to caution the councel against trying to do traffic enforcement get with your Police Department as my uh chief of police has already said he has the information we don't as a city want to start getting into warning people that's the job of the police their traffic enforcement their law enforcement we should instruct them and allow them to do it now on a lighter note I want to thank everybody who showed up for Peggy O'Neal Park cleanup I want to thank the city workers who showed up and we had a wonderful time I had Girl Scouts there I had lots of citizens there the park has just I have had a number of people come to me and thank me so much and I've had other people say what's going on at the park so it is taken notice people have seen it I have citizens that after we had our cleanup we so inspired that they have been going to the park and continuing to make maintain the plants and to upgrade and to keep up on the plants and it has just been a wonderful experience and I thank the utilities department for helping us and all of the citizens and the Girl Scout Troop especially that showed up to clean up our park we hope to continue to do this to other Parks uh but you got to start someplace and we started there thank you thank you sir um that sparked a memory but I can't remember it went out just as fast as it came okay I think we'll move on anybody else for the good of the cause anybody thought of anything else all right we're going to move to item five new business resolution 20245 a resolution of the city council of the city of Wellston Florida approving surplus of certain equipment to the Williston municipal airport deemed unneeded by airport staff approving a seal bed auction for said Surplus equipment authorizing appropriate parties to sign any documents required to effectuate same on behalf of the city of Williston and providing an effective date Miss har hello uh so we have three jet Porters that we had acquired um through the GSA uh that we paid like I think $75 a piece for them um after doing some research we learned that it was going to cost close to probably $20,000 to get them in working order so uh we have decided that it would probably be best to just part ways with them so we're going to Surplus them have we had them long enough that we can legally sell them I know we got them from Surplus right yes ma'am we have good good good that was the only question I had anybody else have a question if not I'll entertain a motion for resolution 202 24-50 I'll make a motion to approve resolution 24-50 I'll second I have a motion in a second do I have any further discussion from anyone all in favor the motion say I I all oppos same sign motion carries Item B resolution 2024-the FAA Grant number - 026 d224 Williston municipal airport construct terminal building Final Phase authorizing appropriate parties to sign any documents required to execute such agreement on behalf of the city of Williston and provide an effective date Miss har okay uh this is an FAA Grant um that was recently awarded to us it was actually a very competitive Grant and we are uh one of only a few airports in the State of Florida that were awarded this grant um it's an additional $500,000 that we are able to apply to the new terminal building uh we are going to use them towards the Portico and uh repaving the asphalt around the new terminal building okay any questions for Miss hars Mr Mayor is is this [Music] it's part of the bipartisan infrastructure law I'm I'm not 100% sure on the details but I do not think that we can just use it wherever we want I think it was um it had to be allocated to the terminal project to the terminal project yes sir but there was no it has to go for this or that on the terminal project correct I believe it's just for the building over here hi hi it's written right in here I'm trying to find the page number y go Ahad it's for the terminal building itself for the for the construction so as long as it's related to that item as long as it's related to the construction of the terminal building then then that's appropriate to your question of whether it's 100% there is an upcoming item right um where fdot covers the remainder um of the project that's not funded by this FAA Grant I remember it's a 955 and fdot is paying the other 5% okay so here here's my concern you said part of it was for the Portico yes sir is that part of the building yes sir it is attached to the building yes sir okay cuz Portos can go a lot of places oh yes sir no this one is attached to the building okay thank you and there wasn't one originally that's why they had to get additional money for it it wasn't originally there correct I remember B saying that before all right so I can't even remember I don't think we have a motion yet for one I'll entertain a motion for 202 24- 51 I'll make a motion to approve ordinance 202 4- 51 uh resolution 2024 a second okay I have a motion in a second do I have any other questions good question Mr Mayor all right all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries the next item is C resolution 202 24- 52 a resolution of the city council of the city of Wiston Florida approving the State of Florida Department of Transportation public transportation Grant agreement for physical project number 44255 D4 d94 d24 regarding the Wilston municipal airport construction of new general aviation terminal authorizing appropriate parties to sign any documents required to execute such agreement on behalf of the city of Williston and providing an effective date Pages 50 through 80 done Miss hor okay this is um just a second part of the resolution we just discussed as Miss beloo said um the FAA Grant is a 95% Grant with a 5% local match this resolution is that the fdot is covering that 5% match any questions for Miss hars all right I'll I'll unate a motion for resolution 2024 52 I'll make a motion approve resolution 2024 52 I'll second I have a motion and second is there any further discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I all opposed same sign motion carries item D resolution 2024-the agreement currently with Dennis mullman to be assigned to GTC Services LLC authorizing the city council president to execute the consent to assign and provide an effective date Miss har um so this is hard stand number two out of the airport um it's now known as Revolution Aviation formerly known as team Tango um the owner Dennis mman has decided he wants to sell the hanger um Mark wac um a representative of GTC is actually here tonight if anybody has any questions but his company um has been in in contact with Mr mman and they have um come to an agreement that they will purchase the hanger okay any questions for Miss hars I'm glad he's here um I did look up the company and saw that there was only one man's name on The Division of Corporations so what you obviously don't build team Tango airplanes so are they my question I guess is are they leaving I'm sorry I did leave that out my apologies um the revolution Aviation has um they have plans to relocate to Arkansas they have a a gentleman who is investing in them okay and can I know it doesn't make any difference but what do you plan to do in this hanger yes ma'am Mark wack High Springs Florida um GTC GTC Services is my business partner Roy candidate the name that you saw yes sir U he's my business partner in another Aviation company that we have um where we currently operate one aircraft partners and uh most of our operations are back and forth to the Bahamas it's privately owned and um what Roy is looking to do we're looking basically to house all of our aircraft in one location um under my other company I've been out at the airport actually since 2018 uh leasing a hanger so we're trying to get all the all the birds back to one Nest so to speak to use some Aviation terms there and uh that's where this opportunity presented itself where uh where my partner said well let's purchase this hanger and then we're actually looking to build on um because that is a large parcel of property we're looking to build a larger hanger and provide more opportunities for larger aircraft to come in and to help sustain uh you know ongoing uh purchases of fuel I think our aircraft last quarter purchased approximately 20% of the Avgas volume at the the city of Wilson airport so we're looking to increase that quite significantly over the next few years okay so it's mostly for aircraft storage yes ma'am okay that's just what I needed to hear thank you very I like to hear all that other yeah me too it's good stuff you know I and and if I could just take a moment to Madam chair and Council to just uh commend Benton and and Kelly and the rest of the staff out there at the airport I watched this airport grow I've been AV in aviation a long time and uh there's the reason why people are coming here yeah um and you know the FBO building um is just going to make it a little bit nicer for everybody as well exactly we appreciate you coming toight thank you app any other questions for him all right and we will entertain the motion then for res for resolution 2024 53 I make a motion that we approve resolution 202 24- 53 thank you ma'am do I have a second I second I do have a second any further discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries item e resolution 202454 a resolution to the city council of the city of Williston Florida to approve the purchase of 150 kilowatt emergency generator and automatic transfer switch Miss hars that's a big one yes so um this is the emergency standby generator and the switch that will be for the new terminal building to provide the power during power outages um this is also 100% funded by um an additional grant that we received from the FD okay any questions from Miss hor yes siral gas the it doesn't think my mouth's big enough is it natural gas would you like me to weigh in on that yes please okay so we're looking at two options here one the the the easiest answer is maybe okay so so we're looking at two things one one we're looking at we've got the prices of both the natural gas and Diesel our our desire is to be able to extend our natural gas line out to the airport and buy a natural gas run generator because then I never have to worry about diesel U that's my desire so but a couple things have to fall in line not Stars luckily um but some things and then we'll be back to yall for some additional improvements out of the airport in the gas line Supply uh for not only this generator but for some other vendors out there it currently stops at Monteray right yes ma'am it does but we're going to need some improvements to do it right so my question is we're going to buy a generator and not know what kind of fuel that generator is going to take Telly no not yet no they're saving you aren't they yeah well she doesn't she she probably knows but um there is a timeline that I have and that if they if if my natural gas PR project timeline does not hit the mark we will purchase a diesel gas or diesel fuel generator how's that thank you you're welcome don't buy a diesel generator if you're going to use gas well obviously not thank you no better than that um I will say that the bid does say diesel uh yes but we've actually contacted the vendor now we have two quotes one for natural gas one for diesel um and we're prepared to go either way depending on what Mark they meet and obviously I can't have the airport held up on a project that we won't be able to do unless I'm certain so if I'm certain I will get the we will get the natural gas if I'm we're uncertain unfortunately we may have to go with diesel do we put our own natural gas lines in or does a contractor do that we put in our own natural gas lines uh it's the line that we would tap into is actually down there at B&G okay uh Monteray is insufficient gas supply so Monteray actually wants to buy more gas so that line would extend we would do all the installation of the lines ourselves uh which is not very complicated but the station itself uh that would be new the the gate station we have to have a gate station that would be professionally put in by a contractor I knew if we needed a gate station it would I just didn't no we needed one wow so that's a big project especially if you got to go all way from BG CU that's a long way uh we already have a proposal and everything in line of course we have to bring it back to you the the key piece what we're waiting on is funding so we have a potential buyout for another thing and if that money were to be freed up then nobody has to put any Capital into it and I think that's really the big holdup is just trying to make sure that that piece falls into place okay thank you very much any other questions for staff I have a question is there currently a generator at the airport for the old hanger yes ma'am and what will that remain for the old or sorry not the old hanger but the old um the old terminal building yes ma'am that'll that'll stay there with that building with that building uh second question what are the annual maintenance costs on the generators just out of curiosity I just don't know that's a good question um I don't I don't know the answer to that but we can get that information for you well maybe Mr Barber could help well I'm I'm thinking about all the other ones actually I can help that at the police station I've had a a gas generator for 15 years with an automatic transfer switch and the maintenance is simply you got to change the battery every now and then got to change the oil it's just like a car maintenance and it has been very reliable cool I mean I know we have them at the police station and we have them at the other terminal I don't know somebody ought to know what we do with those if hopefully we're doing something we have them back here too for that matter do we we have a maintenance program and the mayor's correct the maintenance is a lot lower on it the police department to be clear they do have a diesel generator um y can tell by looking at it but the the the one benefit for storm Hazard mitigation is clearly the refueling problem um and so of course with the natural gas here at City Hall we don't have to worry about the logistics of the refueling right obviously natural gas is better if we could get it without a doubt any other questions from Miss hor or anybody else all right then we will entertain a motion for resolution 202454 I make a motion that we approve resolution are there any additional questions all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries at this time we're back to public participation again if you have anything that you would like to address this Council about uh please appro approach the podium yes sir come on up if you will state your name again for the record I don't want to speak as the representative of my company of I'm ready in healthcare but I uh I've attended a Allen Alexander I do live in Bronson sorry okay and uh I attend a lot of Town Council meetings and I know you uh everybody struggles with growth whether it be positive or negative and is managed and unmanaged growth I want to compliment well and I've watched Willis in the past seven or eight years when I moved here and I was a full-time RV person that uh has absolutely been managed and I really appreciate you folks being the neighbor of of bronsing because we don't have a whole lot of stuff there that we often have to drive either chiefin and I do see a lot of difference between those two cities yes sir but uh it's a pleasure being your neighbor and uh having robust discussion about what's happening with the airport and the town the water because it's going to happen right kind of happen yeah so thank you very much I will say we love Miss Sue and we've gotten your your city manager and she's got where she attends a lot of different meetings with us because we we've encouraged her to do that and we enjoy her company as well right well thank you very much all pass that yes sir we appreciate it anyone else at this time speak now or forever hold your peace yes ma'am come on in you will state your name for the record no ma'am um I have two things I want to state your name do I have to he didn't State his name but anyway he he didn't say his okay it's fine I have a complaint about I still need your name I did say it Crystal Wilcox I said it I didn't hear it I'm sorry ma' it's okay we know each other long time I know we do but it has to be on the recording okay so um areas was not being cut with the grass with the fire what I'm trying to say the 500 they're bad everyone not just I want use the word across the track but well give us an give us an example cut okay and also give us an area tell us the exact area so we can go look at it everywhere 10th Street where she live Southwest 10th Street ma'am Southwest or Southeast both southe yeah I mean no it's bad just take a drive it's everywhere I don't know all the neighborhoods by the middle school it's the grass is like terrible over there terrible has not been cut okay this year the middle school is not in the city limits okay well yeah I figure that out yeah but and also down on Southeast 10th Street somebody they City just fixed the water but it's busted again and right before the stop sign when you go down in there it's been like that for months but the stop signs down no matter sign it's not down it's a water Le but down to the next St sign between houses it's bad the the I'm surprised when you say bad you mean the grass no the no I'm talking about the water water the water's busted they fixed it the water and they never came back and did nothing to the road now the road is like really okay so we need to look at Southeast 10th Street is that right yes and car I'm looking at her but she's not looking at me is that right Southeast the grass is like really bad y'all making notes back there any particular block like is the 400 block the 500 block 600 block I know my street a Street Southeast a street for her so the whole street okay do we cut Road rways or do people who live there cut the road rways it's not the road rways it's it's a okay attention Pond oh it's a retention Pond okay now we getting somewhere just a small bit of it it's this big but that that much has been cut is it a city Rich Pond or is it for housing they came and cut it but they didn't go down they cut around it I'm done no I'm just trying to locate it so we can find it okay do we have a rich chipon in that area on the Southeast side I'm not aware of a retention P South I know that we have Retention Ponds on the northeast side um okay but I'll look into it if some go and look at Southeast 8 through 9th and 10th if you will absolutely and they didn't give me a block so look at all of it if it's if it's Southeast 8 then it's got to be uh the um 100 to 400 block uh just past the the the uh the riler tracks in the Wilston peanut okay we'll look at it yes ma'am gotcha all right anybody else as you cross the road all right as on the left side soon as you cross the road Road Track it's on the left side around that curve it's like right there so do you turn the first road to the right yes ma'am the first road to the left to the left yes ma'am okay then that's Northeast not Southeast if you go across the Red Crow check turn left that's Northeast right on the left okay Northeast that's Northeast instead of South East so are you talking about the retention Pond right there next to the Bell bondman or the the greenhouse that is further down the road so it's Northeast right okay so it's Northeast not South but you can look at both sides so I I know the I know the retention p in the Northeast side but I think they're really indicating it's the southeast so you're saying when you come over from willston PE it on the track if you make a left she said when when you go across you across the r track it's on the left on us27 yes ma'am so that's definitely the Northeast that's Northeast not Southeast okay I understand I mean that's why I ask questions about where it is because we have to be in the right area to find your problem just build a t about to get a t no we're good I know it's all right and we'll go look at both sides so don't worry about it we'll look at all of them um anybody else at this time anybody up here any announcements to be made by anyone what you got going on anybody know of anything I have announcements go ahead uh don't forget the basketball it's not a parade it's a escort um next Saturday not this coming up Saturday but the next Saturday last Saturday of the month starting at 10: right here there'll be food trucks oh that's on the 27th last Saturday from 10: to about two I think is what that's the 27th that's what we're doing the basketball thing yes 10 to two April 27th then the only other question that I did have was um still about the little league did we get anything done on trying to help out with a special writing the so we are working on this if be talking about the irrigation meters and a special rate for that that's one of the things that Donald talked about we're working on you missed that at the very beginning I will tell you that the the answer your questions is that the plan that I had um will not work so um so I'm going back to that one and but I okay used to being told no by the City attorney so when the city attorney says no you can't do comfortable with it well City attorney please try hard as you can yeah we'll have to discuss that and if I may remind everyone that law enforcement memorial is on the 18th in Bronson at the courthouse this is paying respects to law enforcement officers that have given their life and if you have the time I know it's an inconvenient time in the middle of a work work day but these men did not give their life conveniently so thank you and Miss Latricia is not here but I know if she was she would remind us that the National Day of Prayer is May the 2nd at 12:00 noon at our Pavilion uh so you may want to put that on your calendar as well anybody else don't have anything else oh I'm seeing something sorry you mentioned Latricia and she'd also be remiss if we didn't mention the I think it's the Monon bacon that's also coming up yep and that's in a couple weeks or something I think too but I think it's at the Horseman's Park this time if I remember right yes it is and then but there's one out a Springfest the Springfest is out here I thought oh never mind oh yeah it was in March Spring Fest well I thought I'm sure it was a great event yeah the the Spring Fest was in March but the Mak and bacon festival has moved from the park to the Horsemen's Park and I don't think it's this Saturday I think it's next Saturday yeah and Mr Foster is doing that one as well Premier Vince is doing that all right one more call if not I'll entertain a motion for adjournment I'll make a motion for adjournment a second I have a motion in a second for adjournment any discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppos same sign motion carries thank you for coming and stay in with us