[Music] if you will we're going to call this meeting to order this is a regular meeting of the Willison city council it is Tuesday April the 2nd 6: p.m. and at this time I will ask the city clerk please call the role good evening mayor Goodman here council president Jones here vice president Cox here council member Martin here council member Bullock here council member hin she's absent city manager Terry bouard here attorney Kiren Belo here city clerk Latricia Wright I am here and all other staff that wasn't very hearty from the rest of the staff I know you're here thank you for being here we appreciate it um and we will start tonight with the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance by the mayor please stand with join me if you will Lord we come together as a community to do the business that is necessary in our city and Lord I ask you to be with each one of these council members as they go about doing the best that they believe that they can do for our city guide them give them the wisdom that they need to deal with all of the issues that come before them and Lord I ask you now to be with our police officers sir please don't let anything happen to them plant a hedge of protection around them give them the wisdom and all of their situations to make the best decisions to keep themselves safe and Lord our First Responders I ask you to be with them and protect them in their duties and Lord I ask you to be with our country in your name amen flag United States ofice thank you very much thank you Mr Mayor item number one on our agenda is additions deletions changes or approval of the agenda I have been requested to move item 7f to under 7A they both have pertain to the police department if nobody has objection to that and I see none I would entertain a motion for approval of the agenda with that change I'll make a motion with approval of the agenda a second thank you I have a motion and a second is there any discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries item number two is the mayor student of the month turn it over to you Mr Mayor thank you m M president could I please see Miss Ariel cardosa Eric good evening didn't print it out no you got it my kind of Day comments from the teachers okay Ariel you were nominated by Scarlet McGowen you know who that is and is it mgan or McGowan McGowan of course Miss mcgaan made the following comments about you Ariel is a great student why am I not surprised not only due to the grades but in her willingness to help others she never complains about who she is working with that's amazing I complain about who I work with and is always willing to teach others not just to give answers great student and a great person Ariel also has good grades and she says keep up the good work Ariel so Ariel I would like to present with you this certificate it says outstanding student Award presented by Charles Goodman mayor of the city of Williston Florida and this is to certify that area cardosa Eric is awarded this certificate for acad memic Excellence leadership citizenship and attendance you're just a perfect child aren't you at Williston Middle High School given the second day of April 2024 would like to hand this to you and do not leave please because there's people up there that think you're supposed to buy their pizza but that's not the way this works okay don't listen to them this is a pizza from Domino's Pizza it is a 14inch two topping pizza and you are allowed to share it with anybody you want except city workers okay now if you'll wait here just a minute because I have I have a young man that I have met Zing Tong ly Zing Tong Lynn nominated by Mrs scha and Mrs mcabe who made the following comments John for any of you that don't know what Zing Tong means it's John John is an exceptional student he works hard and sets a great example for his peers he is kind I can see that in your eyes and a great friend John is well-mannered respectful and driven to do his best and sets a great example for other students John is such a bright light and a blessing to both his teachers and all those around him John I would like to present you with this certificate and it says outstanding student Award presented by Charles Goodman mayor the city of Williston Florida and this is to certify that John Lynn is awarded this certificate for act academic Excellence leadership citizenship and attendance at Joyce bulock Elementary School would you hold this now I heard some people trying to tell you you had to buy them pizz thank you and we won't name anybody but do not buy buy those people pizzas okay so this is a a certificate from Domino's Pizza for a 14inch two topping pizza what toppings are you going to get you don't know you want some suggestions pepperoni okay could I get a hand for both of these young people so has Daisy came in Daisy I was looking for you I was looking everywhere for you were you hiding you were just not here oh okay well John will you stand right over here with Ariel Miss Daisy you were nominated by Scarlet McGowen who made the following comments Daisy is a wonderful student I can tell that you're a star you know how you have a star on your face she is excellent grades and a super positive attitude and as always willing to help her teachers or peers it is her willingness to lend a hand to help others in need that make her a clear winner for student of the month Miss Daisy I would like to present you with this certificate it says outstanding student award and it is presented by Charles Goodman mayor city of Williston Florida P now you're going to have to help me okay I'm going to Massacre your last name Daisy s sentes centes so the C is pronounced and the I is not learn something every day centus is awarded this certificate for academic Excellence leadership citizenship and attendance at Williston Middle High School given this day the TW the second day of April 2024 Charles Goodman mayor of Williston now Daisy you can share your pizza with John but not with those guys okay so I have here a pizza that is from Domino's Pizza you know where they are I'm not surprised and this is for a 14inch two topping pizza so Daisy this is the most important question what toppings are you putting on a pizza yes my girl good [Applause] job you want to take a picture of these young people come right over here [Music] oh [Applause] the next thing on our agenda is item three it's a proclamation also by the mayor sorry I was trying to catch before you got around recognizing April water conservation MTH now I barely know this person and Larin would you please come up to accept this Proclamation this is a proclamation in in case none of you are aware of it water is basic and essential need water is a basic and essential need of every living creature whereas the State of Florida the water management districts and the City of Williston are working together to to increase awareness about the importance of water convers conservation and whereas the city of Williston and the State of Florida has designated April this month typically a dry month till us set tomorrow when water demands are most acute Florida's water conservation month to educate citizens about how they can save Florida's precious water resources and whereas the city of Williston has always encouraged and supported water conservation through various educational programs and special events and whereas every business industry school and citizen can make a difference when it comes to conserving water and whereas every whoops yes every business industry school and citizen can help I almost sound like I'm repeating myself okay yes it does it twice I'm not doing it wrong I'll move on now therefore let it be resolved that by virtue of the authority vested in me as mayor of the city of Williston I do hereby proclaim the month of April as water conservation month the city of Williston Florida is calling upon each Citizen and business to help protect our precious resource by practicing water saving measures and becoming more aware of the need to save water signed under my hand and seal in the council chambers of City Hall on this second day of April 2024 Miss [Applause] lurin in case you don't know an is here tonight representing the uh General Federation of women's clubs here in miston and she's um co-chair of the conservation department thank you Mr Mayor all right this time we're moving to item four which is public participation and at this time members of our audience have I'll let y'all Escape if you want to I'll say that first before we go any further you don't have to listen right if if you want to goome if you want to stay that's fine perfectly but I normally pause right here and let people escape if they want to so don't feel bad if you do because we probably would run to if we got a chance thank you for bringing your children it's very important okay public participation and this is a period of time we have two opportunities on our agenda this is the first of the of the two to make comment to this Council and and this audience for up to five minutes about anything that is not on our agenda so at this time if you'd like to speak to anything please come to the podium if anyone on the ring central meeting would like to speak up unmute your mic speak up now if you will please state your name and city of residence for record Steve pigram uh Dow Illinois thank sir thank you uh we just flew in uh the other day you have a beautiful city I just want to let you know that and the people here are just so friendly nice and just wonderful thank you and I used to hear that it is it's I know you've been here pretty much all day yeah yeah it's wonderful I did uh actually brought you guys some T-shirts and I forgot the City attorney and city manager and sorry about that I did find one for you though we appreciate it uh and to get off with the t-shirts real quick um those are our Christmas t-shirts uh they were um extras that we bought for um Santa School in uh Midland Michigan so that's why those look like that these are our actual t-shirts that we have every day I don't know if you have noticed the Red Ribbon the red ribbon is for drug awareness uh we've lost two children to drugs and this is a big part of got faith to us so um anyway and I did bring you guys a pamphlet and I'm just going to run through it with you if you can go through it with me real quick and I'm not going to tie you guys up I am basically we've got a a Ministry in Jerseyville Illinois we prayed over a hospital that was empty for nine years prayed prayed for two years for this hospital that we wanted this hospital and two years later two years after that the lady called me up and saids hey you want the hospital I said yeah we can't afford it though no we want to give it to you and uh it's just God at work U but we've turned this Hospital into um it's more like a a community thing whatever the community wants that's what's in there basically we do have a food pantry in there we've got a on Thursdays we've got a crunchkin room um I don't know if you guys know what crunchkin are crunchkin are older people who love to have free coffee and free donuts on Thursdays and it gets them it gets them out of their house basically and it's a good place for them to come check on each other you're right uh there is a sewing room there basically every room we've got there has got something in it there is a sewing room to teach people how to sew uh we are working on a canning room to teach people how to can there's a chest room people have play chess uh free haircuts there's a beauty shop there free haircuts uh there is a Martha's closet which is uh clothing 80% of it brand new from Walmart and Kos and we charge $2 for every item uh what we do uh there are people come in there every once in a while and are wanting free stuff what we've got no problem giving people stuff but we ask them hey can you come and hang clothes for maybe an hour or so to get your clothing uh 80% of those people never come back so but the ones that do come back they get their free clothes unless it's a house that burns down um women that's having problems at home or you know uh so uh let's see what else is there uh this is my wife too my beautiful wife Cheryl um and I know you were here today looking at our hospital and I was um I heard I'm sorry I couldn't meet you earlier yeah that's fine um what it was we've had there was some people that came into our place to help us and they actually were from 12 miles away from here I've never met him before in my life and they said hey you know there's a hospital in Willington that would be perfect for you you're doing such a great job here so the Lord put it on my heart made some phone calls and we're here and I went there today um it um needs a lot of work it's it's actually in pretty bad shape yeah but but here's what and I they sent me pictures and this is what I thought about the pictures we wanted to make sure you knew what you were getting into before you got here right but I've got uh 38 years of sobriety and if you would have saw me 40 years ago my life was worse than than that hospital and if God can change my life he can change that hospital and turn it into what the city wants yeah and work work together yes sir and I honestly believe that I honestly believe that's why I'm here God has brought me brought me here for that and uh uh it's up to God if he wants us to have it we will have it yep I understand you've spoken with receiver already yes yes good luck with that um I hope you have more luck than we've had getting responses from it honesty yeah yeah he he didn't say yes he didn't say no so that's good yeah just need a that's what I thought just need a price right what we've had trouble getting gotcha so uh if I can just kind of run through this real quick oh you're kidding no holy moly okay yeah uh let me run through this first one real quick all right this here is a bookmark and don't read it now read it when you get home okay this is uh from my daughter's funeral is what I read at my daughter's funeral and there again the red ribbon is for drug awareness and uh if I can speak a little bit later maybe possibly and we'll go through the rest of it real quick I didn't know I took so long and I'm sorry yeah we have another opportunity at the end yes if you stay that long gocha oh we will thank you yes sir sorry it should be anybody else for tonight yes am please state your name for the record and your city of residence my name's Anne lens I live in Williston Florida thank you you're welcome um this is a flyer I only printed a few of them but it brings to Williston and to leevy County a very interesting medical facility this facility is called vhg telemed home visit and there's only a phone number on here that's all you need so if you need a doctor to come to your house April 15th they're going to be opening in Williston but they come all over Chiefland Morriston any place um they have purchased land in Williston and they'll be building a clinic here so they can see walk-in patients too eventually but right now they're just on the phone so you call and you get a real professional medical person to come to your house and treat you there um if needed you get connected with a specialist elsewhere um in a tele Med kind of a way so uh I just thought this was just an interesting such an interesting concept that we've never had here in Levy County and I thought it would be of interest to the council appreciate that and to Residents so that's all I had I'll leave these few right right here yes sir um they should respond oh yeah I don't know I think that their hours are going to be like 9:00 a.m. till 6:00 p.m. every day even on the weekends and their eventual plan if Powers come to be is also to buy the hospital and open a hospital in willon the same doctors okay you're welcome now this is current this is the lot behind behind T-Mobile an is it the lot behind T-Mobile is that the one that just purchased the lot behind I thought so I don't know if yall aware that had sold yes so Clinic to be built there and speed it along so we have another doctor in town we really need one we do thank you anyone else for this opportunity you will please state your name for the record in your city of residence Robert Langan Williston yes sir you know we just gave an award y'all just gave an award for water con conservation I'm I've moved into uh lar homes area the subdivision there and there is no water conservation my water bill last month was almost $700 I've lived in towns where I've had two meters and not had water bills that high and run irrigation s days a week on new side yall are not doing your job I was told today I came in here earlier because I signed up for the second meter 6 weeks 8 weeks ago whatever and I was told it was installed I said where she couldn't tell me so she called somebody turns out it's not installed even though the paperwork work order already been closed out you all are doing a poor job of managing subdivision and also we have talked to people outside immediately outside our subdivision and they're water bills are about a third of what ours are I had one man tell me or got told my daughter he shut his irrigation off for a month and his water bill didn't go down there's something going on out there either internally to the city piping or the irrigation and boy you all have made a cluster out of that subdivision with water bills I don't know how people are paying $1,800 a month water bills I mean I just don't but it's in the city I mean it's within it's your all jurisdiction you all approved it the subdivision and granted I'm not saying Lamar's not got a dirty hand in this thing too but you all have got a lot of water problems out here to be pres talking about water conservation because you're not doing it end the discussion thank you have have you talked to anybody before today at City Hall oh I've talked I've been up here since I bought the house on the 18th December I got my first water bill in January and I've been up here I work out of state so I'm I come in here every time I come in so has anybody looked at his I have S I'm talking to staff at a moment if you will I'll take it off your time yes ma'am um we've uh I don't know if this gentleman has had one of our uh texts out to do an irrigation visit we've been doing those with the residents that have allowed us to we did a presentation and met with many residents of country L States back a couple of weeks ago we went over all the issues on the irrigation side which is the customer side uh there was a problem with the work order he is correct about that today I came in and uh our technician had filled out the wrong order for the wrong work order for the wrong house we corrected that but that's why the girls up front uh were incorrect was because a technician on our side made a mistake we've set up an appointment with him to rectify that I believe on Thursday to get the meter installed and um but as far as the high water usage uh the meter is accurate and it it has a lot to do with the irrigation systems that are being stalled and that has nothing to do with the city that was not put in by the city it's not managed by the city I can tell you when lar built the homes we asked them to put an irrigation met house and they did not let me tell you the the water irrigation I have backed My Water Irrigation off from what it was from my worst first bill it's higher now than it was two months ago then it must be leaking underground I have no soft spots in the yard and I work construction I work heavy industrial construction so if there a water leakage I'd find it Well then we will ask the staff to check that for you and this is also the first I've heard about any irrigation inspection by the city oh we've we've done it from probably three4 of the people out there again first time only only previous call I've got other than me coming down here was I got a call about two weeks ago well I know they door for a while from the city to I want to know if I would come down here because you all in lenar were going to have a meeting I was in Utah working so my daughter came down and lenar never came up never showed up but that's the only communication I've had from the city we've been out you all got water issues uh no lenar has water issues if the gentleman would get my card i' I'll reach out to him with the irrigation I appreciate that a lot of what we found is the the water lines underground are broken because they put the water lines in after they did did everything else before they finished everything else some of them they plained trees and and interrupted the lines I me if there's a lot of and I know you're saying you need a wet there should be a wet spot but a lot of them did not well the water the water query will come and look they'll check your meter and see if it's still spinning even though you have it turned off that's the best way to know if it's still spinning right you're not supposed to get it open that's the whole point but they will come and do it for you appreciate the comments anyone else at this time if not there is one other comment at the end what participation be at the end is there anybody online Mr Mills no okay then we're going to move on to the consent agenda which is item number five uh which consists of council meeting minutes of February the 20th resolution 2024-25 43 renaming the Williston Community Animal Rescue to the Williston animal shelter and providing an effective date we also discussed that at our last meeting mria I'm sorry it should say Council men is from March the 15th I wonder about that yes because you're not usually behind March the 15th it's 15th or 19th believe the 19th okay so I would entertain a motion for the consent agenda with that one change to the minutes or discussion if you want to pull anything from it I make a motion that we approve the consent agenda with the one item that's been changed do I have a second I have a second thank you ma'am I have a motion and a second is there any discussion on any item from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I all oppos same sign motion carries item number six is Updates this is Staff board and Council updates to begin with um again this is a reminder that you should ask your questions for updates at this time we'll start with the city manager Terry Bart thank you madam president so the I'll be real brief I we got a long meeting ahead of us so a couple things I can bring you up speed on is that our our line of credit from seast bank that we anticipated being here today will not be available until the next city council meeting but we will have it on the next city council meeting for that um also just to let you know that we are now talking to gfl it's time for us to uh consider renewing their contract there's a clause in it for Renewal up to 60 months um so we're going to entering in discussions with them uh about that I will tell you that uh renewing it on it as a whole the way it stands now is something I do not agree with there will be some uh suggestions tweaks and adjustments with the contract um to um take care of some areas of deficiencies that that we've found over the last several years so administratively and some other things like that um and that that's all I have unless you have any questions on the gfl contract um or if you have anything on the loan I'll probably pass on to the staff anyone have question for Mr Bard regarding those issues if not thank you we will move then to staff updates anyone in the back back there with an update nope okay you're sure aha I knew if I waited long enough enough Mr Bishop don't forget about the working the part for the mayor this weekend thank you oil 9:00 a.m. 9 this weekend Saturday 6th April 6th I believe it is right okay perfect he didn't say it but he said this weekend so it is Saturday the F the 6th any other staff member have anything at this time all right I'll start with the council Mr boock um I could do it at the end but the basketball thing I think we've got that in um in motion to the last Saturday of the month to do an event for them right here um for winning the back toback state champions I believe there's going to be bounce houses um food trucks and I'm going to try to get the mayor to present them with an award and recognize them for their second state championship are you doing it where right at The Pavilion at the Pavilion thank you it'll start at 10: and um they're going to get an escort at 10: that morning and uh on the firetruck to here and then we'll have everything already here from the school to here and then do it here so it's not a parade but people can line up and wave that's good all right thank you for organizing that Mr Cox nope M Martin hey I'll back up Mr Mayor I don't either we're doing good all right I'm turning the page maybe all right item number seven a discussion with possible action regarding USDA Grant police chief Mike rolls and finance director Steven Bloom who I believe is online Mr Bloom online okay chief roll got Madam president Council thank you for this opportunity as we have spoken before about the USDA and the percentages that uh it has it has dropped um I'm here today to talk about the USDA the 15% uh that the city of Williston is eligible for uh and that is based on the mhi for Williston which is according to them currently $ 51,70275 uh that is what has gotten us down to the 15% for the USDA I have spoken with step Bloom our finance director uh about the makeup of the monies that would will be needed to purchase one vehicle not two only one uh at the 15% and we have come up with some solutions possible solutions of how we can make those funds up which is going to cause some uh some cutting and some reallocations of some funds within the police department's budget uh uh and Stephen you can jump in and help me out on this anytime you want to talk about the uh the funding that we have identified that we could possibly use to uh offset the cost of the vehicle yeah yeah good evening can you hear me okay do you have a microphone Mr bills yeah go ahead Mr blam we hear you great okay so yeah just just to kind of briefly touch on what the chief said so what we're going to use use um uh if provided permission would be to allocate uh from other accounts within the police department uh we would not be increasing the police department's budget we would be uh basically using up any a one-time you know position adjustments or uh money from open positions uh to cover uh the differential between the you know the smaller amount uh that this the city will received uh compared to what was budgeted okay any questions for Mr Bloom or chief rolls all right what he needs tonight is consensus to do this so that he can bring us back a resolution so if you have question this is the time to do it all right so I would ask for consensus anybody think that's a good way to get the car Mr Mary you have any comments I could not hear St he said they were going to reallocate funds that were within the police department uh on unused positions f for the car coming fromin the police department yes sir that's what he said other than the 15% from USDA that's what I understood it's on yeah two feet away that do it so my question is what about about the other funds that we have like the arpa funds can we not use those Stephen uhuh mostly infrastructure use yeah th those and hopefully you can hear me um those really primarily for the infrastructure and has been um allocated out has already been allocated out yes stepen yes sir okay thank you [Music] our Police Department budget is already strain if we have to absorb all of this there has to be some kind of changes in that budget format uh we can't have our officers on bicycles trying to run down cars and we must have the cars so it's up to the council to find a way to do this I think it's the council approved the things that caused us to lose all the funding and we budgeted not knowing we were losing the funding and I think that the council needs to look seriously at other point places to get some of this money to get these cars for the police department thank you I'm not quite sure what you mean by that I mean obviously we expected the USD Grant but we didn't cut significantly I didn't say we cut that's what I heard well then you should listen better what I said heard what I said was that the council approved the the subdivisions and things that people came in with a higher income and that is what caused us to lose we went from 75 cents per % to 35% and now we're down to 15% and all of that is coming out of my Police Department's budget I don't know how much you think we can absorb I think that the chief is going to be scratching trying to find money uh and what I said was I think that the council should find other sources to help defay the cost instead of expecting the police department to defray the entire cost that that's what I said and what I heard from Mr Bloom was that we had the funds available within the police department to do that at this because we can't change the budget this year no not by cutting by moving it moving alloc money that's already allocated in a different place that's what I heard him say Madame President if money is allocated that means you have to not use it for the thing that was allocated for that means cutting realize that thank you it's not really cutting it's alloc reallocating what we have on the floor and what was been requested by our police chief is that we have consensus or discussion regarding paying the additional monies from his budget which I know is stretched uh to pay the additional dollars for the police vehicle he's asking for the vehicle and Madam president I'll say you know normally we get two vehicles yes through USDA uh but due to the percentage uh cut we're only seeking one uh I think that's all we could probably afford to squeeze out yeah uh and you're right it will be some scratching and some digging but um it's something that's got to be done so we got to figure out just figure out how we could do it and I just hope we can all work together on it it's either that or nothing and you know you need more than nothing yes ma'am yes sir that's what I'm hearing you say I got a I'm sorry you want to go ahead Mr Bishop did you have your hand up I'm sorry I I'm sorry I just have one quick question I thought last year we come up with some extra money and you found some vehicle that was a good cost was that the year before did we get three last year instead of two I think we did yeah we did we we we were able to do the same thing that we're trying to do now is uh scratch and diging find we did we used the deputy Chief's unused portion of his salary to do yes yeah that's correct I'm have a deputy chief now so I can't that can possibly help Flo us through this this one year as well on that other vehicle or what's that that other extra vehicle we purchased last year is that going to still with the vehicle you're trying to get now is that going to help float through this year and still be fine on vehicles for this year uh it will help it won't it'll help us but it won't help the rotation that we you know rotate the vehicles out of service once they reach a certain limit uh but yeah of course anything will help I mean so that's why we're asking for one and not two right that's what I thought I remembered us getting an extra you're exactly right I think Mr Bishop has something he wanted to say Mr Bishop Mr Bishop so if we can ask Stephen I believe my 25 for my front end loader from last year is still in my budget if it's still in my budget I would be entertaining the idea again this year as I did last year if he he he could use it I would allow that to go his way do you not need a front end lighter no it's for the sale of the old one that we got rid of of oh the 25,000 for the sale of the old front end lighter gotcha not for the purchase of a new one I'm with you now Stephen could it be reallocated I know that's a totally different budget On's one's utilities and one is general fund yeah we can take a look at it um as as you know we're still in the early um phases of our rate changes so I I I wouldn't um feel comfortable yet uh making that type of a budget allocation until we've got a couple more months in our under our belt okay and I would concur with that thank you sir appreciate it Mr BL any further discussion or comment how y feel we got it so of right now they're still just digging a little deeper correct we're not making the full 100% decision right now right that's correct it will come back with a resolution if we give consensus to do that I give consensus to bring the resolution okay you have consensus so bring us a resolution at the next meeting okay thank you all right we coun thank you yes sir item f is where we're going next because we moved it on our agenda resolution 2024 49 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida approving a sealed bed auction for Surplus property for vehicle number 141 and vehicle 161 Chief rolls okay I was going to wait and mention that on when we got to this topic uh what we're requesting is we have some old vehicles that we removed from our Fleet that have reached their lifespan uh so we're as we've done many times before we're requesting permission to Sur plus those vehicles and do a seal bid on them the monies that's collected from that seal bid will also be calculated in the cost of the new vehicle that we're trying to obtain so we're doing everything we can to try to yeah get that money so I just need permission to sell those to Surplus those two old vehicles and sell them these are vehicles that another small Department could use these haven't been wrecked or anything no haven't been wrecked uh they're just at the end of their life cycle for us okay uh and they're getting to the point where they're starting to mechanically and maintenance wise CA a lot of money cost a lot of money so uh we removed them out of the fleet uh we do uh plan on having that seal bid which if we donate the vehicles there's no seal bid there's no Revenue coming in to help offset this cost of the vehicle we're trying to obtain now so therefore we're going to do the seal bed try to obtain that money to help offset this cost okay but if I do get one I can give to a small agency I will Mr Cox so I had some clarity just and maybe absolutely I don't want to speak for the chief the chief and I have talked about this and and coming from that side of the house and understanding what it means that those vehicles are are on a eight-year rotation and in order to keep up that rotation you really either have to do like like commission or council member bulock said buy three last year one this year and kind of puts you in the same position you are but and we are going to have to look forward to next year's budget of how do we buy two vehicles to continue with that 8-year rotation and that's what he's really faced with and and yeah and and I can buy a $12,000 truck a $7,000 Explorer and I'm perfectly happy riding around in that but obviously you know you put a police officer and police vehicle and all of a sudden he's in a Pursuit running 140 miles an hour that's a totally different story and so so we're working together talking about it and I don't want y'all to think that we're not that we are we are in discussion so just keep in mind that that rotation is is the way it's set up is two years every eight years and then actually the ninth year they go to this go to the airport and and B enjoys the having those Vehicles out there and yeah they're wore out and yeah they're old but it's a vehicle yeah some still look pretty good yeah so so you know we we are keenly aware of this I support what the chief is doing um I I think we'll be able to find the money I think staff can work this problem out and going forward and we'll be able to make sure that the the needs of the police officers little Clarity Chief is that okay thank you very much city manager thank you for your support okay so what we need is a motion for resolution 20244 49 I'll make a motion to approve resolution 2024 49 a second I have a motion in a second do I have any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries just a point um in the resolution it lists the vehicle is the same vehicle twice um in the resolution itself vehicle number 141 and it gives a VIN Dodge Charger and then it says vehicle number 16 and it says DOD Dodge Charger with the same bin I okay so they have must have different bins uh well the one I'm looking at right here has a different Vin page 72 they must have changed it because that one's got 96 and 93 but we will check it before we saw it yeah one of them is a Crown Vic and not and they're not both Dodge Chargers no they're both do they're both Dodge Chargers oh they are yes I think in our packet it said one of them was a crown VI I don't know where that came from so it must have been changed since our packet was put out because it definitely said it was a crown there right there Crown Vic and Dodge Charger but they're both chargers for real okay so we'll we'll check the resolution before we sign it to make sure we've got the right vehicles with the right VIN numbers good call Miss bartin thank thank you thank you very much okay where are we now we moving back up to Item B resolution we did vote on that yes we did resolution 202 24-39 a resolution of the city of willston Florida appointing Max blank to the board of adjustments and code enforcement seat three for a ter beginning April 1st 2024 and ending April 1st 2027 and providing an effective date Miss Jones thank you Mr Max um blanks put in an application for Planning and Zoning that board is full right now so we asked if he would um come over to code enforcement and board of adjustments at least until that the um Planning and Zoning has an opening and he said he would and we are very desperate over on that board for some new people so um this would go through from April 1st 2024 through April 1st 2027 unless of he wants to move forwards gotcha anybody have any discussion on that if not we will entertain a motion for 20 resolution 2024 39 I'll make a motion to approve resolution 202 24-39 a second I have a motion and a second is there any further discussion by anyone all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same signs this is Mr blanks right here yes ma'am welcome aboard we look forward to seeing [Applause] you that's wonderful I could tell by your address you weren't far that's what I hear it's nice to meet you absolutely you will for sure probably more than you ever wanted to know Board of adjustments is a great place to start okay we're moving to item C resolution 202 2444 resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida awarding JB Pro request for proposal number 20241 to assist the city of Wiston with a comprehensive Plan update Miss Jones Thank you so I've been warning you about this for a couple years now it's finally happening our comp plan is needs an update you already gave it to me in the budget and what we did was we asked JB Pro to submit with advertising for them paying for any Community um meetings we have we've been doing a little bit with our other grants to pay for snacks and advertising so they're going to take this whole thing and anything that has to be paid for will be paid out of their pocket so it' be a lot easier for us financially um as soon as you approve this we'll get started so it's going to mean a lot of work for everybody here but we're very excited Terry knows I'm excited cuz I talk about it all the time and it's going to be about a year it'll be about a yearlong process so I know Mr Fuller is super excited y some people have no idea what I'm talking about um so the comprehensive plan is sort of like our road map that the city puts together they have to update it every few years it's called a um an ear Amendment but we're going to probably do a little bit more of an overhaul because Willison looks a lot different than it did um in 2018 and then 2012 so and I know Mr was here when we did the last in it yep he sure was CU at that time I was actually serving there as well he's probably going to be our comp plan leader I'm sure he will be yeah he always asked the great questions okay so you have met JB Pro they've done a couple projects we bid this out um a few weeks ago and we had a only JB Pro was the only one who answered but they came in right on budget so any questions for Miss Jones not I will entertain a motion for resolution 2024 44 I make a motion that we approve resolution 202 24-44 second have a motion in a second any further discussion I'll will only comment that the $150,000 is already budgeted we knew this was coming forward and it is in our budget all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries item D you resolution 2024 45 a resolution of the city council of the city of Wilston Florida amending the building department fee schedule attached and exhibit a and providing an effective date Miss Jones thank you our building department um Subs out our building official he's the guy who goes around and does the inspections and actually approves our permitting um we use safe built and they recently exercised their right that was in our contract to increase 3.7% for a CPI in January and um our city manager reminded me that we need to then increase our rates 3.7% so that we're not at a loss this year so that's all this is I'm updating our building permit fee schedule we did make it a little bit easier to read we think um and we put on the bottom the levie county impact fees so people aren't surprised by that because sometimes they get their their permit and it's $25 but then there's the extra impact fees or whatever and then we also added a rightaway permit which we're getting a lot coming in so we are doing a lot of administrative review for it but we weren't getting any money it was free uh the changing the demolition permit so it was 100 and now our minimum probably should be 125 or something like that so we went ahead and upped it and then the house moving permit was 100 so we just upped that to 125 so this can all be done by resolution it's not in the ordinances s say if you can find anybody to move a house you're doing better than me because I've tried haven't we Mr stle you've tried to it's it's usually a mobile home oh because we can't pay anybody move a house yeah all right um quick question these are not the impact fees that we're discussed in regard to Future subdivisions and no these are permitting fees that had but we just added at the bottom the leave impack we add it looks a little bit different what page is that on because I it's on it's on page 58 so the resolution looks a little bit different um than it did for the for before the fee schedule because we added those couple things and then we never had the Levy County impact fees on our fee schedule the only problem with that is if that changes we need to update our resolution and I would say that what what she's talking about when she says Levy County impact fees they don't have anything to do with us it is the school board yeah it's for new houses and it's the EMS we pay them they the new Builder will pay us and then we pay ly County no that's what we're talking about yeah right okay so there will there will be once the the planned future impact fees are agreed upon um then they will will have to alter this again correct we'll either put it here on the building permit fees or will it have its own res resolution yeah we'll decide how to do that we'll have to do an ordinance for that we'll do an ordinance but hopefully we can change it by resolution that's very true we haven't passed that all right any other questions for Miss Jones anyone at all all right I'm going to entertain a motion for resolution 2024 d45 I'll make a motion that we approve resolution 202 24- 45 it's 48 ain't it is it 48 oh wait maybe I'm wrong it is 45 yeah I'll second I have a motion in seconds any further discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries item e resolution 202 24-48 a resolution for the city council of the city of Williston Florida establishing authorization for the Williston city council president to sign an agreement with for Project Specific Professional Services with right period Inc and provide an effective date Mr Barber uh thank you council president I almost didn't think I had to present because I thought councilman bulock was about to prove it there for a second so almost um so we've been talking about I believe Dennis um in October of uh last year had come before you guys and given you a big presentation on an EPA ruling uh that discussed a mandatory um change in lead service lines and this is both on the customer side and on the city Side um he went through that presentation he went and talked to you guys about uh the different things that were required as far as steps that needed to be taken and so what this proposal here is and and Dennis had a scheduling conflict so Walt's going to get up here in just a moment and go over the proposal itself but if you look at page 68 of your packet what we included you're going to see uh this is directly from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and we just wanted to show you guys um it was January 15th of 2021 the EPA issued the lead in Copper rule revisions uh and they have gone into effect as of December of 2021 uh even though it passed then keep in mind that this didn't come down to the state level until about a year and a half ago and everybody at the Florida World water annual conference kind of panicked because we were told you guys have till October 16th of 2024 to basically go through your entire system and verify so we've been working on that uh as the presentation will talk about uh any house built after I believe January of 1989 that can be confirmed through the property appraiser or through other City Records we can automatically take those off of what we have to verify but uh other than that we have to hire a company to come out and do an inventory of every house to be sure that this can be accomplished and obviously dealing with private property rights EPA and DP D were going through with us of you know what what they were going to accept as to what would be verification so we've gotten to that point we're working with Florida Rural Water they have a grant that we applied for the staff here um we were awarded that grant that Grant is not a traditional Grant and that it gives us a flat sum of money where they will do is they will give us funds based on so much per electronic record that we do through the company that we hire and then another fee for that company coming out and physically looking at that meter on both the customer and the city Side so um Walt will go over those exact numbers but there will be a cost left over that the grant does not cover and so that's what will be presented to you this evening um so without further Ado Walt nickel wel I'm sorry hello Walt nickel with right Pierce um yeah I kind of a general overview so we have really two parts of what needs to be done here we need to do a lead service line inventory and a lead service line replacement plan and this is all um just really a continuation and an offshoot of the 1990 one uh lead and copper rules that the US EPA initiated and this is just just an additional phase as we go in as as Donald had mentioned um the rule became in effect in December uh 2021 but the guidance and how to do it and what you need to do and what you need to report did not occur I believe it was early in 20 uh 23 um but you do have a looming deadline that has not changed even though guidance wasn't initia very later is October 16th of this year 2024 and so what needs to be done is is yes an inventory needs to be done of all your water service lines commercial and residential which is approximately 1,600 uh service Lines within the city you need to verify that they do not contain lead if you don't do this the FD and USPA assumes they all are and that would that will cause problems so you do need to document and prove now there's a couple different levels as Donald mentioned um we can um automatically exclude any structure that was built after January 19th 1989 that's when other stringent rules were in effect for the services for faucets and things of that nature so we can so as part of our work we're going to go through um and that we can get from the county auditor site and uh property appraiser site and go through that and weed out a number of homes we're roughly estimating that should cut down the the task the number of services to investigate to about a thousand um is what we're estimating right now at this point um we will go through City Records to go through but a lot of the records that you do have that we've seen and that uh staff knows doesn't necessarily document the material uh so we don't know but we will go through that because if we can go through that and have paperwork documentation that would be acceptable and then that can reduce that uh even more uh once we do that then we go into a physical out in the field um doing with staff locating the meters opening meters uh some of them are filled with dirt if they're accessible some of them it's just uh too tight you can't tell the piping material within that in those situations we got to dig outside the meters and go through but this has to be done on every single service that we couldn't exclude otherwise and so we're EXP ing um 1,000 of that 1,000 we've estimated about 725 will be easy where we open the meter and we can uh do that and and do that and that's a one person going out and inspecting all that and recording it we're going to record a location with GPS uh document the materials and we'll have all those records we're also assuming about 275 are going to be difficult to access and that's where we're going to have a two-person crew we're going to have to go out and dig um and then there may be some that are just totally inaccessible um that there's nothing that we can do but we will then turn those over to the city staff and they're going to have to excavate with equipment and so forth more than what we can do in the field uh we're really hoping we don't have too many of those right so any that is the process of the inventory so we have to create this inventory we have the the format that this information is to be recorded and documented so that needs to be done what then follows is um the um lead surfice line replacement plan and so we then have to how many uh lines have uh have lead Construction in them and again this is from the city main to the house and then come up with a plan and a PRI priorit plan um we're going to do that using the guidance that came from uh FD uh working with your staff on doing that but there are a lot of parameters um that we're going to look at is um uh prioritizing basically you know are they servicing a child care facility or a school or an elderly uh Care Facility or a hospital are there an area with a high number of children under 18 um are we in area where there's a high density of lead service lines that just are congregating um so we have a lot of those parameter we're going to create that action list obviously in an ideal word you could replace them all but you can't do it instantly so we're going to have that priority list where do we need to do that that list will be worked out with staff will be come back to council for your review and approval um but that is all part of that and this needs to be done by that October 16th deadline also so that is the process that is the reason why this needs to be done this is Countrywide this is a US EPA mandate it's affecting everybody um and it it does it has to be done so explain to me if we find the lead pipes especially on the resident side yeah how do we fix that we have to work on an agreement with the people and there may be there could be situations where they don't want us to do it we they don't want the city to do it that would be documented are there any grants available to help well them do that as as uh Donald has mentioned um we are you know we've been in contact with floral Rural Water Association they are our estimate right now is what they will be funding $1,680 towards this inventory um there's an additional cost a city of $ 86,87 that the city would have to cover so uh real water won't cover the whole bill um it will be on the hook for 86 there are will be we're expecting other funding opportunities once we have this action plan okay I don't know what those numbers are going to be or what they will be but they're we're expecting addition addition dollars and we should know more about that and is any of those in the budget uh no ma'am I this was not something that was planned for um this would be something that Steven would have to address um either through increased revenue or something but unfortunately the thing is is we don't have a choice it could get more expensive uh what we happen on the October 16th date from what we're hearing from D and the EPA is you know Bronson's just dealt with this there's everybody's dealing with this even small towns like MacIntosh and mopi are dealing with this and uh whatever is declared unknown which automatically gets categorized as lead it will be the city's responsibility after that date to either provide some sort of approved filtration or water literally like bottled or you know gallon jugs of water wow and we will have to pay for that in Continuum until we identify uh what those issues are and what our action plan is so they're basically stating either you put an action plan into effect or you better be prepared to pay for everyone that you don't verify in perpetuity right um so that's why you know we understand there's not specific funding for this but we're going to have to figure it out on our side because uh it's not something that we we have to do it it's required by one of those questions I have to ask yes ma'am yeah in part of this we're getting assistance with with uh utility staff as we go go through and do this initial evaluations of that and that's going to help you know we're doing this at at hourly rates we've try to do as good estimate as we can of what we think we're going to expect if things or there are more easy meters and it's easier and we can get the exposure of the service lines within the meters that makes it easier and simpler and faster if you know so we're we tried to give it a very conservative estimate if things go better this bill could be lower and Florida World Waters also uh offered to all of the municipalities in this area um a vcon trailer so some of the excavation which can take a lot of time with hand digging can be quickly Abad if we're able to get that machine for periods of a week or two we can go through and we can basically suck out the soil and then you know you just drop in some soil and expose what you need to verify and document yeah and that situation we're going to flag that as the difficult one and move on and hit the easy and then we can tackle all those when I would suggest that we put a separate flyer in a utility bill to let the residents know we're going to be doing this so they're going to wonder what in the world we're doing especially if we're on their side even looking at things and having to dig up on those difficult ones especially we need to let them know so they don't have to call us let's tell them first is there is there no way that it would cut cut cost a little bit of this on the ones that are outside of the meter if even the city sent the guys over to dig instead of y'all digging if they're if they're very easy and shallow I think it's about so part of the grant with Florida World water is is that the grant will not cover the city staff to go out and do the work if the city staff tries to do it they will not give you the grant money that's crazy so they want firms they want companies to be hired because they don't want you verifying your own things well that makes sense so it's kind of like you know the fox garden henh house sort of thing um so this the first batch of money and it can only go up to $75,000 that's why right Pierce and the contractor that they will have involved has to be involved and then after we go through that and Max that out that's where he's saying at the very end we'll use City staff to Abate some of those costs on the back side of that because at that point it will not affect the the Grant and that Grant as I stated can only go up to $75,000 from Florida world water all right next question if somebody has changed their line from the meter to say PVC to their house but then they have not replumbed anything in a house I'm assuming you will be testing the houses as well we we are not going in that this only goes up to the house is the requir nothing inside counsman book those are already addressed every year we send out random samples to Residents and residents choose to participate D sends us a list and they require us to pick up samples we drop a sample tube off off in a cooler and then we pick it up a day later and it has instructions if they volunteer online um some people in town have done it many years in a row and what they do is they're instructed to go to certain faucets like a bathroom faucet a a faucet in the sink a faucet with the refrigerator if they have a dispenser for water and they fill up these samples and then we collect them the next day and send them into a lab so every year we have a lead verification through d it's a program so that's why they're not including the insides of the homes because um we're already had the dp's had that program in effect for many many years I have lived here all my life and I have never seen that we can't choose we can't choose de random huh D randomly reaches out to Residents and they do more than they need and they wait to get a response back and then they provide us the list all right when when the you come up with the house that's LED how long do we have to replace that line up to the house was it till the October 16th or no we have to have the plan a plan of how we're going to prioritize all of that so again they realize you can't do it instantly so but October we will have a plan we'll have them all identified list the priorities where are the areas of high priority low priority and start from there though there's no deadline from there the inventory and the plan has to be done by October and we would be remissed not to mention that this has been going on now for about a year in other municipalities and as of yet I believe in the entire state so far um last time we were at the focus on change in Okala with Florida water they had stated that they had not found one Leed connection yet in the State of Florida now a lot of the state hasn't been done but up until then they had not found one so we don't want to be alarmists um it's not something that's an epidemic this is not Flint we don't want to cause Panic uh but it is something that EPA because a lot of the northern states and what some of the ones in the Russ Belt have dealt with uh that they basically just made a proclamation on behalf of the entire country and States out west and States here in the South now are having to deal with this why if the government is forcing this why aren't they paying for this yeah start to say another unfunded mandate yeah we do expect to see some grant opportunities there is some grants right now for for some lead Mains in fact we're looking into some of that in that situation and we're expecting that there will be dollars another question you said give or take maybe a thousand homes so if you do find one is there cost to the homeowner if his line is affected or is this a cost to the city that's going to be fixing it if he agrees to allow us to do it um it would be a cost to the city and again hopefully we can offset that with grants so it would be no cost to the home owner if if it's found okay even between the meter and the house that is my understanding correct yes Mr Mayor well we've been talking lead are we talking about lead solder in the line because they don't use lead for the actual line so we're got to be talking about lead solder no they do there are lead lines out there so it's both so we're going to look at fittings we're going to where fittings can be uh exposed and visible you're saying they actually have lead yes fitting yeah lead fittings pipe pipe from what year pre 1989 yes yes so it sounds I don't want to justify that because I've been doing this since 1969 and I've never seen a lead pipe yeah there are yeah there are lead pipes out there they were used very much you mentioned Flint not to be an alarmist Flint the Flint Michigan had a lot of lead lines where the what happens is over time when those are first a scale develops and it does the theory was in the EPA stance many many years ago was that scale isolates the lead from the water and protects it in Flint they changed their whole water treatment process didn't add the right chemicals that would prohibit that and that scale disappeared and exposed it to lead and that was that was the Flint problem but they also know we need to get rid of lead in our water systems and and so that is his push um but there are whether they're here in willston I can't I can't say hopefully we won't find any or many but yes they were used thank you for the education I think we all needed that we are again to resolution 202 24-48 [Music] I make a motion we approve resolution 20 24-48 I have a second I have a second I have a motion and a second any further discussion from anyone it's been water night miss lkin all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries all right we've already done f so we're moving to the open public hearing which is a quasa Judicial hearing um for those of you who are not familiar with that it it's pretty much run like a court case um ordinance and I will I will start I'll state it first ordinance 2024 723 an ordinance to provide for the annexation of certain property in the city of Williston providing the description of the annexed property providing that the the annexed area be subject to all laws and regulations and entitled to all benefits and privileges providing an effective date I will ask at this time that any council member who's had any expart communication with anyone regarding this to please notify us at this time we all know where it is so we know where the site is and remember exp expart communication is not necessarily a bad thing it's just something that needs to be declared hearing none I will ask anyone who plans not the council but anyone else who plans to speak to this to please stand to be sworn come on y'all might as well stand up over here thank you very much okay would everybody please raise their right hand do you swear or affirmed that the testimony you're about to give tonight is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth thank you thank you Miss Wright um at this time I will state that the clerk is will be in custody of all exhibits any exhibits diagrams photographs or any physical evidence that we are using tonight that you are presenting other than what's already in our packet um needs to be given to the clerk she will keep it for up to 30 days in case there is an appeal uh of any kind for this decision that's made in first reading tonight I will ask the staff at this time to please make an opening statement thank you so this ordinance 2024 723 uh the city of Williston received a petition from L andb Investment Group LLC for a voluntary annexation into the city of Williston L andb Investment Group LLC have requested the annexation of property which is situated adjacent to the city limits as described below so this is the old Middle School the parcel number is 04 86600 0000 and the address is 20 55 uh 20555 Northeast 42nd Place it's about 20 acres the property is currently in the county in the county it is zones public the properties to the north south and east are in the city limits and are zones residential if the property were annexed all development projects would be subject to the city's Land Development code and development standards which Control building design height floor area Etc City Utilities available include garbage sewer and water power is not available for the city the county was informed of the petition in February 2024 letters to Property Owners within 300 ft were sent by certified mail no inquiries were received back to City Hall the petition was advertised according to Florida statute we do have quite a few um attachments and then they would also like to do a presentation so the first attachment is the property survey then we have a location map location map will help you guys see exactly where it is the survey is just for legal reasons the County zoning map is next and that shows you to our um to the one side we have County zoning and then to the other we have the city municipality municipality is in yellow so this is actually the County zoning and so we're not included in their zoning so we're mun so they are right now public I also attach the application and the ordinance itself do you have any questions about the staff report I do have one question maybe misunderstood I thought I heard you say that the property to the north the South and the East was all city limits you mean do to the west to the West okay I thought I heard East I just W West is that way clarify that it's all residential those are all zoned residential mhm all of are residential North South East and well even to the east but it's not in County yeah that may have been bunch of hurt all right um at this time do you have any other witnesses to call we do have a presentation do you want to give it at this time I'm not through that part yet do you have any Witnesses no ma'am uh okay then I want to ask for the applicant to please come and make an opening sorry I have to follow my attorney's recommendations here hi I'm Jimmy Gooding I'm an attorney 1531 Southeast 36th Avenue in Ocala good to be back here um we've got with me today Samantha if you'd stand up please Samantha heims is the Executive Vice President of fluent uh Mike Spelman back there is the real estate representative and Cory lamb a representative of L&B investment the owner of the property I believe is also attendance um I'm a first I got a kind of a question for y'all we do have a presentation that we would like to show in terms of what we do but we've got three items here we've got the annexation we've got the comp plan zoning and then we've got some changes to the Land Development regulations if y'all don't approve the annexation we can all go home which I don't want to happen um but what I thought may be best would be to proceed with the annexation and then we can come back with our presentation and public comment on the land use and Zoning I would defer to miss pardon that is the order that we have okay um first resolution is on our first ordinance excuse me 2024 723 and it is the annexation so all we'll talk about is annexation and the question I would want to know if I were y'all is why aren't you doing this in the county that was a good question that they ask at PNC and so I'll get into that um we talked to the county first the county comp plan is interesting they established various areas around the municipalities and they say within those areas you can only have Urban land uses in other words under the county comp plan they cannot assign this property an agricultural classification which is what we need um and uh and I said well can't you change that and they said right now we're in the midst of some interesting things going on at the county and we don't want to devote the state time effort whatnot to make that change therefore we contacted the city found out y'all do have agricultural land use agricultural zoning that could be used for this but that I'm getting ahead of myself but the fact the point is the county did not have a land use and Zoning that we could use and therefore we're here to Annex we're glad to Annex um it's it's probably a good thing is we'll see a little bit for the city but if I were y'all I'd want to know why it is we're here and that's why okay thank you so much so do you have a video you want to show is that part of or is that part of another we wait I think it either way um I might be speaking out of terms but the property owner would like to Annex either way is that true so yeah okay so we'll wait on that if that's agreeable to everybody you okay with waiting on that we'll just the annexation first before we get the ldrs yeah micone either way you want to do it is perfectly acceptable if you want to watch the video we can just move it on to the record for the next quas judicial hearing for the other two or you can wait until the next two it's up to you I'm seeing signals from the back corner who said wait so I'm going to wait um I would call it this time do you have any Witnesses uh or cross-examination of no ma' it's been a pleasure working with Laura she did a good job on the whole thing but her presentations thank you um I would ask that if the applicant what am I do it now um testimony from the public evidence from the public anyone in the public have anything they would like to say or present and either in opposition or support no one you're just G to let it ride right now okay I would ask for a closing statement on this issue from the applicant property's eligible for annexation it's contiguous to the city limits we'd like to be part of the city I know it's plan would be as well thank you sir closing statement by staff yes ma'am uh this type of thing does go to Planning and Zoning first which you guys aren't accustomed to this is all up to you um the additional tax revenue and employment opportunities we felt the property was in the right place to be annexed in so uh staff is recommending that you approve it okay any rebuttal statements by either party discussion from the city council regarding annexation only the last time this piece of property came available did we not have this discussion about annexation we did so I can tell you what stopped it then was the neighborhood was here up in arms and did not want what they thought saw coming um I don't see anybody tonight that appears to be in opposition I was just curious because if this was to happen again and we're going through this process why not let's get it in exent we you know we didn't do it last night so that there good observation my my only question is is the roads and anything like that that are not um are they going to get brought up to the city or will the city have to take responsibility say there's damage on a road or anything like that the road in front for an example I don't know what that road number is ain't that County Road that's an excellent question streets and and Parks I'm seeing an attorney signal back here too I'm I'm looking at the piece of property could we scroll up just a little bit lri tightest bit to the first map right there okay so just the parcel that is in this area is going to be annexed into the city so none none of the additional surrounding roads are going to be city responsibility everything remains how it is the parcel is just annexed into the city limit so just what you see in the blue there none of the surrounding roads does that answer the question I guess I would look at the police chief and I would say we have the west side of that County Road we are it is our jurisdiction okay but the right hand side is not it's our jurisdiction for the police but for maintenance it is still the counties yes for maintenance it's the counties but the police are allowed to yes your police in fire because this is part of the city your police and fire and all of that good stuff will now service this area of the city because it will be part of the city but the road itself for maintenance purposes Still Remains County I know that's the question he's asking I'm sort of asking a different one I'm asking about jurisdictional you have the entire Road I didn't think so I was trying okay so in in in annexation we will have both sides of the road we will not unless we include the road in the annexation proceeding I realize that and we have jurisdiction on our side and this particular the way I'm looking at it it doesn't include the other half of the road no so we still won't have jurisdiction on the east side of the road I don't know not if it's not in the legal description is that a correct statement Miss Miss attorney or is it not so I think we we're talking about a couple of different things and I'm not at this point really even clear what the question is to be honest with you he's talking about something different I'm talking about something else okay so if someone could clarify for me and Mr Gooding is is looking like he'd like to say something sure I used to's job in the city years and and and she she she's pleasure to work with this is a complicated issue here's what it is you can't Annex the road this is a voluntary petition to Annex in order to Annex pursuant to a voluntary petition the owner has to sign the county hasn't signed so we can't Annex road that doesn't keep us from annexing though it happens all the time now the jurisdiction of the road for maintenance and we'll talk about law enforcement just a little bit in it used to be all roads in Florida were state roads in the 1950s or 60s they adopted a statute started dividing them up and what this statute says is that every road that's not a state road is a county road unless the county decides that it's going to be a city road and so roads that are currently County Roads like this one will will forever be County Roads unless the county and the city agree that it will be a city road at which time y'all can pick it up for maintenance and we have plenty of roads in the city I thought that's what he was saying he he didn't want it so I think that's the answer he wants and that's not my question at all I know that's not your question your question is question at all your question is law enforcement and I can tell you in my opinion the law is not clear on that um in in Okala the police do if if you were to do this they would would enforce the law there but also under a territorial agreement with the sheriff and they would too the chief can do that so yeah so so I'm I'm not certain that we have to answer your question okay because they have the ability to do it anyway um under their territorial agreement with the sheriff but not necessarily they're not okay they're not doing it now let's put it that way okay yeah okay so they don't have to but the road's a county road if they don't want to enforce that they don't have to if they ability if they're agreement with the sheriff lets them do it then they can but it's going to stay a county road is that right Miss Blues you understand that that is my understanding of that question not in your legal description yeah and and because we can't Annex it because the owner didn't sign the petition right I understand that it's not uncommon to have these this is how they do it in municipalities you can't Annex those roads unless the county joins in I agree as to jurisdiction sorry go ahead even when they Annex it's still a county road because of that statute Y and we have plenty like I said plenty County are in the city limit and they do maintain them all right where was I no discussion by the city council all right is the utilities already set up through the city water and sewer water and sewer I think there's a huge there's natural gas as well I didn't know that natural gas was there okay and it's a it's a large water main as far as I know good water two separate veins thank you and does the the waste water is that already go into our treatment plant or would that be additional so there would not be any real Utility change or cost annexing this cost to the utilities depend on the volume yeah I was going to say that would totally depend on the volume that's right so um and maybe Mr Goodings in their presentation will address residual waste or whatever that's in your plan um so yes and then like Mr lamb said clay electricity has electricity and we have the other utilities out there it was a school and um so they had a lot of sewer that went through there so it shouldn't make it much of a difference that came to the city yes ma'am yeah we've had the sewer and the water out there for a long time there has been no discussion this would be an issue for us to handle help yes thank you all right any other discussion from the city council because before we look at the resolution itself all right no other questions all right all right then I'm gonna call for a a motion on ordinance 202 24- 723 for annexation of the property under discussion I make a motion we approve ordinance 2024 D 723 do I have a second I don't know if I'm breaking the rules here because I'm the rookie can I ask one more question no it's too late get the motion at this point and then you can discuss all you want I'll second it okay so I have a motion in second is there any further discussion I feel like uh my question without I understand that this is planned to be a nursery um or Greenhouse but should that plan change is the annexation of this going to affect you know I mean at that point can another subdivision come in and then we have to approve that I mean I guess my question is don't okay well unless it meets all of our ordinances and codes then we technically cannot say no technically and I would say that the current owner has indicated he wants it done whether no matter what the curent the future land use is excellent question any other questions for staff or amongst yourselves I have a motion on the floor any any comment from the public nothing on the annexation all in favor of the motion please say I I all oppose same sign motion carries all right now we are moving to ordinance 2024 724 an ordinance of the city of willston Florida relating to the Amendments of the city of Williston comprehensive plan and zoning map for the city of Williston Land Development regulations amending the future land use map of the city's comprehensive plan and amending the official zoning map of the city's Land Development regulations pursuant to an application of lnb Investment Group LLC for tax parcel number 048 660000 00 changing the future land use classification of the designated property from public county to agriculture a tax parcel the same uh 048 660000 00 changing the zoning of the designated property to agriculture this is also a qua IAL hearing so at this point if you plan to speak to this please stand again to be sworn and uh Madam president just briefly because these next two are related and we've gotten past the enation for expediency purposes if no one else enters the room we can swear everyone for both we'll do the X parte for both and then we can just move you want me to read the title for both um not we'll read the title when we get to the next one but just for the swearing in and the xart communications before you stand you don't have to stand no oh good if you're up here you don't have to be okay I I am above Miss right you're all all yours okay please raise your right hand again do you swear or affirm that the testimony you're about to give tonight is the whole truth nothing but the truth thank you thank you all right again I will ask for the disclosure of expart communications if you have had any uh expart Communications regarding these land use changes and ldr Zoning changes with the applicant or any associate please state so now and just for clarity for the council this is for both of the upcoming ordinances so 24 and 25 okay exactly all right hearing none again I will state that the clerk will take all exhibits diagrams photographs any physical evidence that you present at this time that is not currently in our agenda packet she will hold it for 30 days in case of appeal I will ask the staff to please make opening statement thank you I'm going to go over a couple things the same but I do want it to be recorded So the city of Willison received a petition for zoning and land use class ification changing the zoning from public which was in the county to agricultural in the city from L&B Investment Group LLC for the following property property is commonly known as the old Middle School tax parcel number 048 66 000000 address is 20550 Northeast 402nd place the property is 20 acres the property is currently Zone public on the Levy County map the properties to the north south and east will remain in unincorporated Levy County and are zoned residential the properties to the West are in the city and are zoned residential the properties to the north south and east will remain oh I think I read that already the owner specifically wants agricultural zoning to use the property as a nursery with the future addition of green houses so we talked a little bit about um different types of zoning at planning and zoning we only have a couple here in the city we have residential we have a couple different kinds of residentials we have a we have two commercials and we have industrial we have open space wreck RVs and stuff like that for public and um parks for public but agricultural was the best one for nurseries we felt um it tells us where the permitted uh principal uses and structures would go would be within the agricultural District plant nursery and green houses are explicitly um talked about in that zoning it's not talked about industrial it's not talked about in commercial um in the commercial General District it is not talked about at all so the Planning and Zoning commission saw this in February we had a little bit of a delay um the fiscal impacts for it would be additional tax revenue so the Planning and Zoning commission approved um this to go to City Council for your recommendation okay do you have any witnesses to call or presentation other than much you've just stated I don't have any Witnesses the only things that I have are um similar maps behind this agenda item if you have any questions and then I have the application so if you questions about my agenda item them I'll take them okay if the applicant would like to make an opening statement if you have a microphone you do yes I've got the chief's microphone everybody else okay with that can you see him and hear him well okay I'm going to try and connect now I'm going to try and connect now eron hopefully yeah you P have to eat it to disconnect CL you it is come on [Music] baby technology to love [Music] it says it's connected but it's not okay okay all right thank you sorry for the delay um let me first let let me first say that what I'm going to tell you now is mainly uh and Mr Fuller and some of these other people have already heard this most of the information that I'm going to give you is not because I'm an expert in this area but rather based on a presentation that we did neighborhood at that point Robert fluent the Pres excuse me Robert fluent the president of Robert fluent Robert Beasley the president of fluent was there he's been the founder of this company he's been involved in it forever he couldn't be here tonight uh but Samantha is here to correct me if I go astray uh and to answer any additional questions that you have I just want to let you know I'm going to be talking some technical stuff here it's not anything that I was taught other than uh listening to Mr Beasley give his presentation um but we will we will go through that um what is fluent fluent is a vertically integrated and we'll talk about what that means in a little bit cannabis company with licenses and operations in Florida Pennsylvania and Texas uh we have some uh uh laudatory statements here highest quality Canabis companies uh unreeling commitment to operational excellence stuff that you would expect for us to tell you uh for a new business coming here uh but in fact we're very proud of our operation and in fact it's true um let's talk about what vertically vertically integrated means the medical cannabis business is not a business like say um if you want to go to the store and buy some peaches where a farmer grew them then a trucker then they got on a truck they drove to the publ and then publ put it out or wind Dixie or whatever in the medical cannabis operation you cannot sell a product that you don't grow and process so all of the facilities that you see the same company that sells them grows them processes them ships them they handle it from start to finish I don't know why the legislature did that except because of the potential for there to be an abuse uh in the uh in the product contamination or whatnot whereas if a company has control over it the whole time uh as you'll see in a little bit it's a very heavily regulated process and the uh the the potential for can for contamination is minimized uh but the vertical integration means that this product is starts out being grown is then shipped away to be processed and then is sent to the dispensaries um we've got um there's the states we operate in um what do we want to do in Willison first what we want to do and then what we're not going to do from this site we want to grow medical cannabis for shipment to other facilities where it will be processed and then shipped to additional retail facilities this will not be a retail sale operation here is a picture of one of our stores which is a retail sale uh it's not a badl looking facility but that's not what's going to take place here it can't take place here and and it's not going to so we're not going to be selling this product in in this area um and so I I wanted to make that very clear we're going to be growing it it's an unobtrusive job Creator what does that mean it means in Florida all of this stuff has to be grown indoors in some states Colorado California you can grow it outside in Florida it's all done indoors furthermore as you'll see in a little bit we plan on using the existing building at the middle school spending a significant amount of money renovating them and using them uh till we ramp up and then eventually if uh if the the need arise Building green houses or another or more structures on the site to the east you'll see we've got plenty of it here's the point from the outside there will be no visible evidence of what's going on inside not going to be a big marijuana leaf or anything on the outside of it it's going to look like the the school except for the security measures which we'll talk about in a little bit we think the project will eventually generate an excess of 150 jobs they'll be hired over time as the operation expands security um Miss Jones uh talked about the previous annexation that you asked a question about um where a I watched it on video um where somebody wanted to come in and put a drug re have facility on here and they had very little in the way of security they had very little in the way of planning um and and as you pointed out the neighbors were outraged um thus we realized that one of our main jobs is going to convince the neighborhood that we're going to be safe and to convince you all that we're going to be safe um first point on this again it's not a dispensary secondly as you would expect this is a heavily regulated business and there are laws and regulations that St uh what we have to do in terms of security the entire property will be fenced limited access points on-site security and surveillance systems to prevent unauthorized entry at least two security guards at all times uh ingate will be man to control access for employees and vendors I see I misspell vendors um the um when when uh Robert was talking he explained the process that they have for the employees and even the people bringing supplies there whoa um they have to have cards they're issued cards and they have to have that card to get access to the property nobody can just come and go you have to be a person who has business there uh in order to even enter the premises um uh it'll be security lighting but the same as most other commercial operations it's not it's going to be designed to minimize light bleed uh but the point the fact of the matter is this facility will be more secure than your typical business um because of the on-site security and the fencing our employment is also heavily regulated pre-employment background screening of all employees is required uh presant to procedure with fingerprinting and background checks the list of offenses for which if you've committed them you cannot work in one of these places is extensive and in in in my opinion probably a bit uh uh too much uh it goes the whole gamut from murder as you would expect all the way down to peeping Toms um it's a it's an extensive list of things that disqualify somebody from working in one of these facilities further even if you work there if you are arrested for a serious offense uh you the facility has to provide notice to the state and if required by the state you have to discharge the employee so not just will the facility be secure but the employees are heavily regular regulated uh more so than than would be the uh than the case in a regular thing okay we currently have um three facilities where it's grown first is Tampa Tampa not only grows it but processes it we're not going to have the processing here zfo anybody know where zfo is I didn't it's in what county is it Highland party County um we'll see a picture of it in a little bit uh it's an indoor and a greenhouse and the green houses are all indoors we'll see in a little bit that they're they're sealed the same way as the indoor is and then in PK city um okay this is this is interesting um and all this I got from Robert and Sam's here to keep me straight you see this picture over here to the left this is how the plants are after they have started out this is not something where you put uh dirt down and you plant these things in these are all grown in pots I believe they're recycled or you recycle them at the end of it each plant has a pot and you see these wires pardon uh oh man this is what happened to pnz here we go yay that's God's way of telling me I better speed up okay you see the white tubes we're going to see where those come from but those are what carry the nutrients and the the moisture into the soil they're not sprayed it's put in the soil and the plants uptake it we'll see that in a little bit uh as you can see these don't look like typical green employees these are pictures of our employees uh these are trays where the things are grown and here is the room where the magic takes place um you've got the the liquid over here and these are are those the computers Sam these are computers here they they get feedback from the soil and they determine what the plants need in order to grow and they mix it it's mixed here then it's sent through those tubes and goes into into the pots these are older plants um as you can see they're they're in bigger boxes but once again you've got the tubes going in there um with them now what is the environment that these things are in and by the way here's a picture of our zalo facility as you can see there's nothing to identify it as anything other than in this case a looks kind of like a industrial operation ours will look like a school cuz that's what it is and and then they were building some green houses what is it that's unique about this operation one of the things that's unique about the operation is the degree to which it is I don't want to say insulated but protected from the outside world now what this means is that the air is recycled that there is no odor outside of the building of anything that's going on here now why is that I would love to tell you that that's because my client is a great Citizen and doesn't want its product to be smelled and that's probably true but there's a a more capitalist motive to that and that is this product is extremely sensitive to being uh contaminated by pollen and thus they have to keep it sealed to keep the pollen and other contaminants that are in our regular atmosphere out of it that serves two benefits of course it it keeps it from smelling but also it helps the client produce a a better product but this is a this is a fairly unique operation it's agricultural but at the same time it's got a very high technological level of of of uh sophistication with it as I think you can see what do we want to do here um our our size is actually 19 1 12 acres there's 11 buildings 77,000 squ Fe the current zoning and land use Miss Martin you asked a really good question and that is what happens if you Annex it as as uh Christ Christian can tell you they can't do anything with it yet until they change the land use and Zoning because it has a County public land use so only a government can operate from it now yall lost Nothing by annexing it in order for us to use it we need the land use and Zoning change which is what we're talking about here um and and what we anticipate doing is utilizing these existing improvements in in our first phase of the operation we will spend a significant amount of money kirston I don't remember what the number was 15 the Lo low number is 10 million to renovate these buildings um one of the things that Mr Beasley said that I found fascinating at the at the meeting was that this these believe it or not school rooms are perfect for this use do you remember the pictures back here with the with the separate rooms with the plants in the separate rooms that's what they're going to be doing they're going to be using the classrooms to go from stage to Stage um as the plants go through their life cycle so this I found it fascinating that a school building uh could be used for this purpose and of course there's Offices here there's bigger the uh the cafeteria the the the gym all those things are going to eventually be used as we'll see in a little bit though because of this configuration we have challenges Under Your Land Development regulations and we we definitely need to talk about some of those dad G it I'm just I think I'm done anyway but let me go yeah um I'll just summarize um we think we're going to be a safe secure facility that's going to benefit the community we're going to provide employment opportunities we're going to maintain the use of the existing structures we're going to have a product grown here for handling and sale elsewhere no retail sales from the site my client looks forward to coming to Willison now if I was still hooked up I'd show you one of the thing and that is some material that was provided to you by Scott ostein of The Economic Development Council for for leevy County it's got a different name um I don't know if it was Laura was it sent to them I sent it it came to me to give as an agenda item so I sent it to Latricia okay it let me let me just summarize it for you because I don't want to emphasize the numbers on it it was performed by a company in oala that does this type of analysis for the for the Maring County C for Levy County and for other counties what they do is they try to analy of a particular activity in a community in terms of jobs impact and on economic impact for the business Community now the reason I'm not going to get into it too much is because it's not an actual prediction of what's going to happen here um they analyze two things one is if we hired 50 people again we anticipate hiring 150 the others if we spent $10 million what they do is they look at and they don't look at uh our company's data they look at for purposes of the hiring people what the horiculture greenhouse industry pays and they say okay if you have 50 people you're going to spend in this case it was $2.7 Million for those and then they say okay if you have those people then they're going to go out in the community and buy stuff and you're going to have this many more people and the business is going to spend this much and this much all of that is great but the reason why I'm not hanging my hat on it not up here toot my horn is it's just a prediction based on government data um it it it it's not you can't count on it in terms of actual numbers but here's what you do know and and let me talk about first their their construction estimate too for the 10 million that we spend all of the estimates that they have there were what we going to be paid to construction workers and there I think the number was over three and and after you go through all these multipliers and stuff that people get here's the point it's going to be a significant economic benefit to have somebody come in and spend the money on renovating this thing and hire these employees it is not going to be a burden on the city getting this property back on the tax actually on the tax rolls because it's never been on the tax rolls with this level of improvements the the water and sewer if we're required to upgrade it will upgrade it um I don't know if y'all charge Capital charges for your for your facility or not but but we'll we'll pay it does it is water heavy uh usage as you can well imagine so we may end up being a big customer of the city but the fact of the matter is this is going to be an economic boom to the city it's not going to be a detriment um it is a safe secure legal operation we're not here to debate whether that's should be the case or not fact is it is legal and so what we're hoping to do is come to Williston and have this opportunity to legally grow our product and be a good citizen of the community did I say anything wrong that you need to correct me on Sam thank you and I'm happy to answer any questions that y'all make have Chief rolls you have I took your microphone so you couldn't ask me question you have 11 Billings you have 20 acres and on your first slide you said that you're going to have security armed or unarmed unarmed okay you said you're going to have two people two people uh and one's going going to be Manning the entry gate when people come in correct the the entry gate will be manned at all times there may be two people there the other one may be making his rounds so but but there'll be at least one at the security gate okay so who's man in the cameras while the other ones making this round and the other ones Manning the gate who's watching the security camera Sam somebody hand her a mic come closer give your name and address you can pick it up if you want to and just hold it hi Samantha heims Tampa Florida um we have our security cameras are monitored for the entrance points by the guards yeah for sure yeah probally have to sit on it yeah yeah you got to be right up on it I'm on it um the the guards in the Shacks have access to the entrance points they do not have access to what's happening inside of the buildings they do not they do not that is monitored by our internal security team and we're required by regulation to keep 90 days backup footage for that where's your security team that's monitoring the cameras inside or somewhere else on off facility somewhere so both we have a full we will hire a full-time security manager that will be on site during normal business hours um but we have uh our security director and other teams that have access to the cameras 24 hours a day other location okay so that was that was my concern is if you only have two people manning its place and you you have one at the front entrance and you have one watching the security cameras which and I'm hearing that he won't be uh because he'll be doing his rounds um you say you have a secure type building but two people with 20 acres and 11 buildings and nobody man in cameras in my professional opinion is not the greatest Security in the world so we have found that um you know in the seven years that I've been with the company we have not had one intrusion into our building bus we also have the 24-hour day monitored alarms so should someone open a door or try and access the building after the codes have been set then that would dispatch immediately who to our state alarm system that is being monitored remotely off site so if if an alarm is triggered they then can pull up the cameras and access and see what's happening so they have access to the facility as well as all of our dispensaries Chief if I could say something else too sure just as a um I was pleased to hear the gentleman speak up earlier I've got 32 years um so I know a little bit about this from the bad side um there's very little incentive for people to break in and get this stuff because until it is flowers until it's flowers flowered and picked and dried and processed it's not that good for people or bad for people however you want to look at it um so um so there's not a great incentive for somebody to break in and steal one-month old marijuana plants um and the security is designed just to make sure that they don't but but just from a a human nature drug addict perspective um there's there's a lot easier targets for them to go after than immature marijuana plant I understand that totally uh but welcome to Williston and uh welcome to times have changed uh uh so my concern is I just want to make sure that not only for the the community but also for the men and women that will be responding if something was to go wrong at your facility that there is enough security there to handle it uh you've said you've had a seven-year track record I've got 34 years in law enforcement I think i' whenever I think I've seen it all I haven't seen it all so I just want to make sure that we're providing enough security own the property in the facility that you know your staff will be able to properly handle it until my staff can get there and and assist you uh in my opinion I don't think two people's enough but that's just my opinion I just wanted to throw that out and one other question your green houses um they're outside of course no they'll be fully enclosed enclosed with the same type of air protection as the buildings okay and also within the fence thing okay so there won't be anything in anybody can see nothing open nothing anybody can get to okay and chief if it turns out I mean again seven years without any incidents but we've got an incentive to keep the product safe too so I would think that if there were incidents that they would react and and and beef it up I would just assume that but we we look we we knew that he was going to be someone that that this was going to be very uh and he was going to be very interested in this and we're willing to do what we need to to to make sure that we're good citizens uh and that we are secure we think that the regulations uh you know at least two at all times uh is is sufficient to do that but we're willing to learn if we do have problems if you have a question would you please come to the podium yeah I my name is Elisha Brown I just want to know one one moment did you um swear in no earlier no I need to swear you in Mr Brown Hold Your Hand up you ra your right hand I'm sorry do you swear or affirm that this testimony about to give tonight is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you I'm Elisha Brown and I just want to know what would the hourly wages would be great question the starting salary for cultivation positions is $16 an hour and it goes up from there okay provide benefits we have full um benefits offered to our employees health dental vision thank okay um where were we I don't even know that's all that we had and if Chief has any more questions or y'all have any more we're happy to answer okay thank you for that presentation there's my paper yep well we are also going down on the list here uh that was the applicant opening statement you have any W other Witnesses both sides saman Samantha or Sam um any testimony we we've just heard one from the public is there anyone else who wants to speak to this particular ordinance 2024 724 we're also considering 725 but we haven't read it into the record yet so we're we're just considering 724 with this we've just done the EXP parte and swearing okay right this is the zoning portion Mr [Music] for I've looked at this quite a bit and part of it I'm I guess I was concerned that I didn't look at everything when we when it passed Planning and Zoning one of the things that I am considering and I expressed a little bit in Planning and Zoning was the was the idea I don't have any question about what the organization is doing now what I do have question about is that since the zoning goes with the property what happens if they desire decide to Desert the property or sell the property right and someone else of an agricultural nature which may not be compatible with the community buys the property and this is what I want to uh this is what I want the U the council to consider is that is there a better way of doing it and I I I proposed a variance and of course I was quickly shot down because it doesn't it doesn't fit in there fit the purpose what I'd like to consider is something of the nature of a special exception as a method of doing it because with the special exception when the practice goes away so does the opportunity and so that just seems to be a better method of protecting the community and I I do live in that community and I'm concerned about the people around the community um as long as this organization operates I have no question they they appear to have an impeccable record and the things that they're doing is fine the only concern is if they cease operations and decide to sell than what happens to the community and right and and we can't re we can't easily Rev that once it's granted [Music] so I don't know if a special exception fits but it just seems like it might be a better solution than to card blanch just give them agricultural exemption and it goes with the property it goes with the next person that buys the property or whatever right the thing that the the thing that kind of in uh makes me a little bit more comfortable is the amount of investment they're making in the property because that investment is considerable and it'll make it a little harder for them to walk away from the property but the council does need to consider what happens if for some reason they must walk away from the property and what happens that property and how how will it impact the community and that's the thing that causes me to pause and think is there a better way to get them to do what they want to do I have no question about the fact that it will be an economic impact on the community I think it will will be a considerable impact on the community they have a lot of positive things that supports they're coming the only reason for PA yeah is if they cease operation and that would be my that would be my concern and I don't know what you all want to do about it is say or um propose but that is a concern of mine and I can say I guess this is a good time for me to insert the thoughts I've had as well I've had of course I only really saw this um on Friday when or Thursday afternoon late Friday really it was the the Easter holiday um I did look at it I believe for the first time Saturday um and in having discussions with not only the city manager but also the planner um number one let me say that I retired from the Florida Farm Bureau I've been to many large green houses and many nurseries um I have um I have a good friend who owned a large nursery and I know it's heavily regulated that's why I have absolutely no problem with the the industry with the business coming in U because I know that state of Florida regulates it very well um and because it came into being in the State of Florida when I was still working for Farm Bureau and I'm very familiar because I worked at the State office and we were doing all the efficacy and the the planning and everything else so I don't have a problem with with the business itself and I had no problem with the annexation because I think it needs to be in the city limits that those two issues I have absolutely no problem my problem as well is that the way this is currently written it affects every single agricultural piece of property in the city if something is zoned agriculture everything we're going to do in the next ordinance pertains to every piece of property that's zoned Agriculture and when we get there you'll hear what my concerns are but right now I'm not talking about that one I'm talking about this one because it's zoning if you need me to elaborate I will but I have issues not so much in the fact that they not be there but if they are there and we Grant this to them I can make some exactly concessions so that they can do what they need to do so that it will conform um and I don't have a problem with a I I I sort of do because it's in Corey's name and not in their name that's the one problem I have with the with the petition uh is the fact that all this is still in Cory's name and not in fluence name if it was in theirs it would piece of cake um but the fact that it's not yet it gives me reason to pause because it is a school it's building after building after building after building there's not too much agriculture about that that I can see and as Mr Mr Fuller said if they walk uh either before or after it's still a bunch of buildings not necessarily A however I do support the project so what I talked to Laura about special exception if it fits and our attorney is probably a better place to go with that but what we thought of or what I thought of this afternoon we were talking uh because that was the first opportunity because they were closed on Friday and uh I did not get here until today because Monday I had the day off it's and they were back um but we discussed possibly a secondary a classification that is more for nurseries and green houses that need to have the things you need in the next ordinance in the in the land use area um and that's sort of where I feel because if if it's EG if everything we do over here it's going to pertain to every a property and that's you have a big map you see everything that's green on it everything that's green is eg and it w only just affect this piece of property if we on it a it's going to affect all of these because there's no distinction unless we make one and if we make one and have a secondary classification of egg that is maybe specifically for green houses and uh and I know it will delay the project because it'll take us at least two months to get it through and advertise again to add another zoning classification I don't know whether the special exception is the best way to go or adding another Zone classification so there are a couple of things in there that I would like um to to do some clarifications on first of all and I'm I'm kicking myself because I shouldn't have even said do do the the swearing in and the X parte um for both because we really are the only thing you're looking at for this ordinance is zoning are we zoning them act so so don't we we've just sworn everyone in for everything but we're only considering do we Zone them act so for that to that question it doesn't impact any of these other properties it's just will this property this parcel be zoned a that's it that's the only question so if you want me to ignore all this and just consider that I can do that so so just that and I just want to make it sure everyone's clear on that for the council because it is sort of a a complicated process so I do want to make that distinction however if we make it act and we decide later to do a secondary classification of act what do we do then all over it you can't take it back right you would need to rezone it there would need to be a because they may not want us to reone it so the the other thing that you've sort of laid out there is this idea of a special exception I've so the way that special exceptions work is you have a specifically in your code a list of things which you can do in an agriculturally Zone on an agriculturally zoned parcel with a special exception granted by by the council it's a list of I think like 28 things um I don't see in here any of the special exceptions fitting what it is that this um property uh what fluent would like to use this property for um the special exceptions are things like Livestock Auction areas slaughter houses group living facilities airplane landing Fields I mean you you run the Gambit and things that you can get special exceptions on but the problem is that it is a defined list of things that can be granted a special exception in a outside of this list of 28 items you can't Grant a special exception and say okay well we'll we'll provide you a a sort of a a variance but just for this and to Mr Fuller's earlier point the issue of variances just so that everyone's on the same page did come up at planning and zoning we discussed that the problem with the variance is that you can't Grant Grant a variance unless the issue with the property that requires a variance is not being caused by the property owner um and so we're really sort of in a position where we can't it's will be very challenging to make a finding like that because they are choosing it to use it in a way that is not within the bounds of the zoning that they are in um so I covered special exception variance the distinction I think that those were the big points that I wanted to cover you can to your point of making another um agricultural um classification classification you absolutely could do that um many communities have different agricultural um classifications and that is certainly within your right to do if you choose to do that if that's something that the property owner would even be interested in and Mr Gooding is indicating he has some thoughts so I'll leave it there I don't want to interrupt Mr Fuller but if I could weigh in on just hanging tight in case he's got something else at go ahead Mr two things one is I'd like to proceed with the the a zoning but I would like to request with her consent that we do open up the ldr ordinance as well at the same time here's why as Miss Jones pointed out and by the way one problem with a special exception is you still got to give it an underlying zoning you you you've got to assign a zoning category you can't just have a special exception in this case the Agri ultural zoning category allows you to grow things and specifically allows green houses so you'd first have to amend your a ordinance to say no you can't have green houses without a special exception then you'd have to give it a special exception so that's that's a lot of Rigo but the fact is you got to give it a zoning classification first in this case Miss Jones we would we would like a a zoning with the ldr changes but I would like to address your concern but in order to do that we need to open up the hearing for that I don't think it's going to do us any good to give us an a zoning without the ldr changes because we can't use the property because it's nonform and then you'd have to come back and readdress it so if we could and I don't want to give it an egg and then come back because I can't come back after that and change it well you could you could rezone it um but it' be kind of hard to do it after I gave it to you well yes ma'am but you're given it to us with ldrs we can't use um because of the old ldr so but it would be more efficient if we could at least talk about both items at the same time um and and and I I'd also I don't know if you want me to do it now but but I'd like to address the concern about a and and and what happens if we go away but I don't want to jump ahead of the game if we could open up the hearing for the ldrs I think it'd be productive if that's the will of the council we can do that what I'd have you do just so that everyone knows what that would look like is I would have you read in the second ordinance and then what we would do is we would still have two separate votes it would just be at the end of one big session of public hearing okay if that's what you'd like to do all right I'm going to read the second title into the into the record one second who said that Miss Jones is there since this is going to have two readings and you have another opportunity could we get a motion to get the zoning to be a at this point and then we can talk about these ldrs if you guys don't like it the next hearing you just you don't approve it I'd rather not but I'm only one vat technically you can absolutely change your mind afterwards the only question that you're asking with ordinance 724 is is this property is it appropriate to Zone it agriculture based on the surrounding properties which I I think your your city planner has told you that is her opinion that it is so that if you decide that that's a yes and you want to be able to change your mind later you can vote Yes on that and move on to the next if you choose but again you don't have to it's up to youbody else say something beside me I mean I you know how I feel I I can't call it egg if it's going to be every egg in the whole city and we might have a resolution for that well I hope so but it's got to be on the next well I forgot Laura Laura's right this is just first reading yeah so y'all can do we have two readings of an ordinance by the way this is only our first reading if y'all want to we we can just address it that way k sorry for bringing it up but we can just do it in two things so when when the public gets through I'd like to respond to Mr Fulmer's comments my way through the little judicial thing here um and we are as as you said to the public to the public comment and we're sort of moved our way farther I I think I will ask for a closing statement any other public who has comment at this time regarding the zoning change to EG okay I want that's a closing statement for the applicant pleas Mr fulford's concern is is well made um but I want to point out two things one is an agricultural zoning is your lowest zoning category that you have um I represent developers and and other people in Maran County and getting an agal zoning change to to something that would allow a residential Community is a job um everybody says no leave it a um because the reason they want that is because it allows less you lower uses than almost any other zoning category that you have um I unless you put it in some sort of public zoning or I can't imagine anything that that would restrict it more yeah so so this is the lowest level of zoning that you have and if we can address your ldr concerns which I think we can but next next subject if we can address those then there's no harm in the zoning now his next question though is a good one if you give it a what happens if we disappear and and he kind of answered that question um first is that it's unlikely that somebody who's going to spend this much money on this thing is just going to disappear secondly if it does if they did so what if we can fix the ldrs you've got a site that's got school buildings on it if you had somebody that wanted to grow uh plants indoors is designed is designed for them perfectly they can grow something else indoors again no adverse impact on people outside but if they wanted to buy it just for farming who in their right mind would spend the much money for this improved site to go in there and tear the buildings down and and plant peanuts on it there's a lot better land elsewhere that's suitable for P for the old style agriculture than this 20 acres here so my point is that it's yes it it zoning is forever but it is the lowest intense zoning that you have and and the chances of this person disappearing are pretty slim considering the the the economics of the business uh and and the amount of money they're going to spend there but if they did you're either going to have somebody grow indoors or else Cory will be back back or will be or Corey would be back in here asking for a zoning change to to a different category now let's talk about your your comment Miss Jones about you'd feel better if we'd have bought it um I'm sure Cory would feel better if we'd have bought it too but we don't want to buy it if we can't use it um and so that's why we haven't bought it yet it's it's contingent on us getting the zoning us getting a zoning classifications that we can use it you'd find very few buyers that would close on this without having the entitlements in place so so we we would like the a zoning uh and and we would appreciate it it consideration on first reading it's your less intense use it doesn't allow any noxious uses and the chances of something bad happening on this site are pretty slim okay closing statement by St Cory yes you will just state name for the record sorry uh Corey lamb I'm the property owner lmb Investment Group so I have a question and a statement I guess um first off the property is uh been owned by the state it's uh an abandoned school that um no one is attending to the sides ourselves um right now the the property is subject to vandalism and other things that you guys um don't know about um that is obviously uh not a good thing for the community that in so the use that's being uh suggested by the the purchasers the buyers um is honestly a good use so my question to the fear of the property becoming agriculturally zon what else are you going to do with a agricultural property that's 77,000 uh square feet of building and less than eight Acres of field what what are you going to do with that zone what what are the fears what are the other businesses that are going to come in and take advantage of that and that is a question for you because I I haven't figured one out yeah those are not my fears well I mean yeah are not my fears if this is for a greenhouse that's what the agricultural zoning is for a greenhouse it is but I read the next one yeah I'm just saying that as he stated who's going to come in and buy 20 acres of property for another agricultural use that's going to be uh that's they're going to be able to afford to purchase a property of such after they get known with their improvements uh what use is is really going to be feasible on that prop ask question absolutely um what would you anticipate traffic on the road um from your business would be in terms of large trucks obviously workers coming to in front um so a majority of our traffic is employees um but we do receive deliveries uh for nutrients soil items like that um but it's usually once a month or once a quarter we don't have daily truck traffic so and shipping is not a daily shipping out is not a daily occurrence we use Sprinter vans we don't use uh large uh semitron it's good okay um I guess one comment I would make is is zoned as a and strictly a um that it would put it back on the property tax rolls but not at a very high rate U so we would not gain much revenue from that but that is not my motivation um my motivation as I said I I think a is probably the right thing for what they want to do but not with the changes to the ldrs that they want uh not when it pertains to all act in the city if we can make a separate category so that and know like I said it has to be advertised and re re another ordinance so it would take a couple of months to do that but I know that we hadn't gotten there yet but I can't call it egg if it pertains to every every piece of a land in the city I can call it act if it's just single piece property as long as it's got its own designation and like I said we can discuss that a little further if if we get there so I think it is maybe appropriate to do both at the same time um I don't I don't know y'all y'all decide if you want to make a motion and vote on this and go to the next one or you want to wait and do it well I mean this question is another thing about well first of all a I think you know nobody will be able to go back and build unless it comes back before us anyway and then the zoning gets changed or whatever to and it has to come back one more time right right I still got to come back but I'm talking about it for future if they sell it if they whatever and it's owned agricultural then it's ex it's Agricultural and so it's not going to become residential unless it comes back before us again or whoever is in the seats again you can put some residential in a but I think the flot size is probably large well don't forget the future land use on here is also a so if you wanted the future land use to be residential then it would be easier to change the zoning in the future no no I mean I'm I'm okay with keeping it uh as a which I think would be something that might would help like what Mr Fuller was talking about as well is where if they do go to sell or walk away or anything if it's if the property is stuck a then it is stuck a that it's only going to go to to somebody that's got some sort of an agricultural interest um instead of some big developer coming in there because then he's going to have to jump through some hoops to get to get the development and get everything changed my my question is is with a lot of agricultural permits and this might be something for y'all is um water so you know naturally we want the city to make as much profit off of this as we can well with the a is that going to allow them to go drill their own Wells and use their own water or is there going to be something that locks them into using the city water no that's a really good question now they already have City water so it's not going to um behoove them to drill a well they they cannot drill a well in the city unless we approve it and there has to be a very good reason for it and if you're already hooked up to city water it probably wouldn't be approved un would be a lot cheaper if you're running a lot of water to run it out of a well and so I just wanted to ask that question because I know sometimes they can um you know go and do that and then it kind of cuts the yeah cuts the heart out of us trying to to to make it profitable for the citizens okay that's my question Samantha um I will tell you that we prefer Municipal Water uh we have a lot of problems on our site in zos Springs with the well um this is a very sensitive plant that absorbs any heavy metals or nutrients that are in the water so it is much easier for us to not have to drill a well treat it and then have problems with the well so our Tampa site that uh we run off of city water is definitely our preference okay so as far as trying to figure out which one we're going to make the Motions on I mean basically it is going to be a second reading so we can get whatever done fixed um and we can't do anything moving forward unless this thing is not become agricultural so I almost think we just need to vote on this one now and then jump to the next one is that I think that's what she wants us to do is that what we're needing to do I think it I think it may be cleaner and I think the applicant's on board so so that would be my recommendation okay if before we do that I would like a closing statement by staff so we never got to the end what are we doing uh we got the closing statement about applicant not we never got the closing statement by the applicant I'm just playing we kind of jumped ahead and the council discussed but we never got through the right framework here um ordinance 724 did go through planning and zoning and it was sent to you for approval um that was back in February so the fiscal impacts that we do have would be utilities and additional tax revenue and um as far as staff is concerned this a zoning was the appropriate zoning to to do for future land use and property use for zoning okay any further discussion by the city council I would entertain a motion if you so desire I make a motion we approve ordinance 2024 d724 I have a motion do I have a second I'll second I have a motion and a second do I have any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign I would be opposed motion carries all right we will move then to item I which is ordinance 2024 725 an ordinance of the city of Williston Florida amending the city of Williston Land Development regulations amending section 44-2 12 non-conforming Lots non-conforming uses of land non-conforming structures non-conforming characteristics of use and non-conforming uses of structures and premises amending section 6172 permitting principal uses and structures amending section 6179 maximum floor area ratio amending section 6180 maximum lot coverage by all impervious surfaces amending section 6182 minimum off street parking requirements described herein providing severability and providing for an effective date again I have read the title I will ask for any council members we've already done that have already done your expar we found none you've all been sworn in if there's anyone else who would like to speak to this particular that has not been sworn in if not we will proceed again all the exhibits uh photographs diagam pictures should be given to the clerk uh to be kept for 30 days in case of appeal and I'll ask the staff for the opening statement thank you um the proposed text amendment is initiated by an application received by L&B Investments LLC to update the city of williston's code of ordinances this ordinance is to amend the uses in agricultural zoning to make it more feasible to conduct business in current times so I don't want anybody to get confu confused I tried to make it very clear on the staff report I know that there's a whole lot of stuff that's attached just going to go through these and then you can ask me questions on what they are if you have any questions so section 44-12 would include Annex properties section 60- 172 would update the buffers Section 60- 179 would update the maximum floor area ratio section 60-180 would update the maximum lot coverage and section 60-12 would update the minimum off street parking so what we decided was um we're not really sure where the AG ldr came from it certainly wasn't pinpointing towards any properties in the city of Willison it seemed like maybe it was taken from the county or another a bigger city with real a like big 100 or 200 Acre Farms so we tweaked this a little bit for our smaller properties and specifically to make it work for the old middle school to become a nursery okay home my comment I'm so sorry go ahead okay so do you guys have questions I'm not going to read you the whole ldr I got to follow my paper here okay so do you have questions about including the next properties nobody y I'm not supposed to ask for questions yet is that I'm asking questions for my staff report do they understand what this means everybody's understands I do okay ibody so you want questions now I just want to make sure that everybody understands what we're changing and why we're going to go through it one one at a time okay um so I want to make sure everybody understands okay I'm asking for yeah any Witnesses no ma'am I want to ask for an opening statement by the app please yes ma'am so here's the challenge um we're buying an existing site with existing buildings an existing uh floor area ratio and are Desiring to use it for a purpose that is only permitted in the agricultural zoning district and so what we have done is we proposed several changes to your development regulations targeted to this site actually two of them are not targeted to the site I'll show you what those are in a minute but but most but the others are targeted to this site so that we can use the existing buildings and expand the current pattern of development on the site it is necessitated as Miss Jones indicated because most agricultural zoning regulations were established at a time when you were farming where you weren't growing a product in doors and existing buildings that were on a School site um and so these are targeted primarily for this site and as we'll we can figure out a way to even make it more targeted in a little bit but what I'd like to do is if you don't mind is explain just go through them briefly and and show you why we're requesting these and if I can uh let me try to cast up here again if not Laura if you would go to um can you go to your uh staff report where the changes are can you go to the staff report where your changes are one after another With The Changes shown in red can you'all scroll through that page 97 yeah there's just one page past where you are [Music] atricia one more till we get to the red starts with Section 442 one more okay then we can stop here yeah what this is this is not just for us yall are fam problem okay no no let me okay let me explain to you why it's a good idea anyway y'all are familiar with non-conforming uses if you got a use that is legal in the City and y'all go and change your regulations and make it illegal in the city in other words if you had a uh let's say that you allowed um uh peanut sales from a residential from in in R1 let's say you allowed agricultural sales in an R1 zoning District that those were legal I'm just thinking of bizarre use and then y'all made it not too bizarre Williston okay well actually it's not good point I'm sorry I didn't I didn't mean to insult anybody but that's a really good point something other than people okay so let's say let's say let's say that it's legal and you made it illegal if somebody's got an existing use it is grandfathered in as a non-conforming use your code says and Kirsten can explain it better than I can constitutionally we're going to come in and and and and and give you a claim that we've made something you've been doing all these years legal we've now made it illegal so you make it a non-conforming use it means it's legal as long as you continue it what we're proposing to do is add to that not only changes in the city code but if you got an existing legal use in the county and the property is annexed then then those that you have the same non-conforming use for that this is not just for this property it is I would recommend it for for y'all to do regardless if you want people to Annex because otherwise let's say somebody has a structure that's that violates that would violate the setback in the city of Williston but it's legal in the county if you don't adopt something like this then they're going to be discouraged from annexing because their house is now too close to the property line let me tell you I'm okay with the non non non-conforming use right area but but so that that one not just for us um that that this is a this is a I think a good idea for the city anyway um the next one though is for us and and it is the permitted principal uses and structures and and it is uh oh I'm I'm scrolling on my computer like I can do something page 101 in our it's 60- 172 of the code right subsection two scroll down just a hair yep okay right there so right now your code says that the processing storage and sale of agricultural products and all we're going to be doing is storing them that's the only one that we've got here which are raised on the premises not including livestock provided that no building used for these activities shall be located within 300 fet what this means is we can't store any of our product anywhere within 300 fet of our property boundary guess what all of our buildings are within 300 ft of the side and rear lot lines so this as it currently reads we can't temporarily store our product which is if you want to limit this change to storage we can do it um but it's but but this would unless we change this then we can't store the product while we're waiting to ship it out in any of the existing buildings on the site because we're too close to the front and rear lot lines now I'm going to come up with a solution cuz I see you moving uh that that can limit it to this site if you just bear with me let me go through these and then I'll come back with report I'm listening to it okay okay but that's I'm having a hard time listening to it but I know you are that that's why this is necessary we can't store we we can't put our product after we pick it anywhere on our site unless we do something with this one and your idea is to set up a separate category and I respect that okay next we get to maximum fler ratio in the ACT District y'all had an extremely low maximum floor year ratio um uh Miss Jones and I looked at it and we couldn't we couldn't find uh any in this vicinity that were Light low well Cola County I think has 50 um so what we're doing is we're add an exception for commercial green houses or plant nurseries uh for the sale of products where we're increasing it to 80% that's one you're very concerned about and I understand that and so so I'm going to have a proposed solution to that one let me just say that I'm not concerned about you doing it yes ma'am I'm concerned about it applying to all AC and I got it here let me just jump ahead because I know you're chomping it the bit um and I'm not very good at being koi um that's good but you can't see my screen um let me try to cast it one more time eron help me out here brother maybe I can stay connected long enough here to at least show you what my idea is come on baby it don't help it oh come on all right let me explain it if y'all could go to the language on your um Let me let me give it a second here oh something went wrong I'm going to try it one more time then I'm going to give up masker to connect and put it back up there is it on your computer or on MP3 It's okay if I'm sorry I'm GNA quit trying would you mind putting it back up there if it's on a jump drive if I can load it it is it's the same thing as on yours I I'll just show you where what my idea is I can explain it if you put it back up the chief's claiming that I'm trying to wear y'all down can y'all believe he would say that it won't work he knows it he tries to wear me down do don't find this fascinating yeah okay go to the change that we were looking at before um go to the one up above this one 6072 scroll up a page if you don't mind 6072 go up one page top of that page okay right there here okay look on the screen you see where it says unless the building if we added the phrase is on a parcel at least 19 acres in size and and then you pick up with meets the buffer requirements of section blah blah blah in which the case the building shall at a minimum okay now why am I saying 19 Acres our site is 19 and a half how does that address your concern though for all other agricultural properties if you look at your zoning map all of your Parcels are less than 20 acres in size except for one which as Miss Jones indicated is an existing uh residential use so by adding that language to that section you would limit the impact of this to our site and would not open it up for possible abuse on a different location unless y'all decided to Zone another piece AGG that was more than 20 acres in size in the same token let's go down a page and I will say m Jones and I actually talked about that okay doing the the size of your lot we about but I'm saying we could do this pretty easy I mean I've already written it out I can get with Kirsten then have it by second reading 6179 um go back up one I'm sorry down right there okay we're we're going to start with however however the red however for Parcels at least 19 acres in size that include commercial green houses or plant nurseries blah blah blah the maximum floor area ratio shall be 80% once again limiting it to only the big Parcels like this go down one more page now this one I need to segue on because the first sentence I changed it doesn't have anything to do with us y'all had in your code the maximum lot coverage for all impervious services in the ACT District was 20% um I did something that I shouldn't have done and that is I got to be a busy body and I figured I'm gonna fix this for the city so this this doesn't affect us that changed right there but I strongly suggest y'all yall increase that for others um that that's extremely low impervious for for a so that one's thrown in there without being related to us but then let's keep going on however for Parcels once again we add the phrase at least 19 acres in size that include commercial green houses or plant nurseries blah blah blah once again we limit it the minimum off street parking is the next one we haven't talked about it yet if we could go down two more pages now this is the other change that I don't think is just related to us yeah you can't really see it's not highlighted there that that was it you just can't see the colors go down one more page I wish I could cast because I've highlighted mine yeah right there okay the colors didn't show up but it's that commercial green houses Nursery your existing language requires one's parking space for per square foot of actually where is it yeah per square foot of non storage floor area now that's an outrageous parking requirement for a nursery um I don't know how anybody could have have a nursery I mean that's just you have the whole area covered with parking so this one is not just for us this is one I'm proposing one space for each group of 20 employees plus one space for each employee in other words you group them for 20 and then you um and then you go up one so so um so that is a suggestion I would make regardless of of this site um for the just to fix your uh Greenhouse thing that one if you want to limit it to parcels under over 20 acres you can but I think that'd be a mistake so here's my suggestion if you like my size thing we can go with that if you want us to narrow it further I can get with Kiren and Laura and by second reading we can come up that limit it for example to where you're growing an Agricultural Product indoors you can even if you want us to say in a building that used to be a school I mean we can make it as narrow as you want but the fact is we can draw this to avoid the problems that I think you're concerned about if we if we do with go with your option which is a legitimate you guys are the boss if y'all want to set up a new category here's the disadvantage though you got to draft that ordinance and and I'd be glad to help with that you got to take it to pnz you then got to adopt the ordinance with the ldrs and then you got to decide whether to give it to us for all I know we're going to have to go back to PNC because now we're applying for a different a classification I don't know that that's a that's an issue for an in LA to decide but it may not be just two months delay it may be closer to three or four where what I'm proposing I think we fix it limit it to this site avoid the concerns that you are worried about and and not cause any harm to the not not open up the the plethora of the Pandora's Box to the other other R lots that you got um but again two of these changes you ought to do anyway in my opinion um so got problems with some of them yeah so anyway we're willing to limit it any way that you that you want us to but we can't use these buildings under this existing ldr structure and and also build our Greenhouse where's the one about the 300 Fe all right my question is I'm okay with that I really am what happened to my thing did I quit I am as close as I can get here um Pally in my mouth well what I'm saying is do you want to say 19 Acres or do you want to do more like 15 or 18 something nice and round I mean it seems to it seems to work for me uh because it's all those others I don't want doing the same thing because I I just don't want people going so close to their their lot lines I don't want them covering it the whole Space 80% of the space if it's a it's a most mostly it's an open FI or and a pole bar it's not a whole building I realize you're different that's why we're here and I thought about doing that originally but then I figured what farmer is going to pave over the property he needs to farm with I figured our use was already going to limit this to people like us um so I didn't think it was needed but I'm not sitting up there yeah so we're fine with these changes but and I do think they they avoid any problems that you foresee I have a question for Laura if I can yes ma'am absolutely is there any precedent of having such a you know very narrow uh narrow requirements coming back and sort of biting Us in the tail end in the future and we have narrowed this so much that then the next person that comes and also wants us to narrow the regulations as well that's a good question I'm not sure that we've tailored much zoning before in the city like this for anybody um kirston and Jimmy may have done it more often than I but um maybe they could talk about some precedents sure so so two I think it's the question has maybe two parts so the question as to is something like this unusual it's not um this is I'm not going to say common place but it's fairly typical for municipalities to say generally this kind of use and so they tailor their Land Development regulations in order to permit the uses they feel are appropriate and prohibit the ones that they feel are not and sometimes it comes in the form of of these sort of tailor made regulations to if the question is if we do it here do we have to do it for somebody else only if we find that it's appropriate so we're only doing this because we you as the council I say we the city of wion feels um that this is an appropriate use and so we're we're tailoring Our Land Development regulations to permit something that's appropriate rather than something that that we feel is inappropriate than and I like the fact that we're tailoring it because that was my whole problem all along is that it needed to be specific to what you wanted to do not every property that was allv de all right so what would be the the benefit though of like say the 15 Acres instead of the the 19 is this I mean this is going to be better language for properties in the future to possibly be able to do this or does it really not matter is there any anybody else got egg at the 15 or up in the city limits we have a couple I believe there there are a couple and they're possibly will will be some that are going to be annexed in um when they're annexed in though they probably won't want to be a they'll probably want to be residential or commercial I don't know a couple of properties that I'm thinking of they won't horses they probably will be a but I don't know that they going to be building any buildings that are closer to the lot line um these two these Parcels that are on Seventh that back up to ston hedge how big are they so they're 10 10 okay and they are going to be AEG and there's two two of them at the moment there's three three and but they're only 10 they're 10 okay there's part of your answer and just as a reminder if another property were to Annex in in the future you you all have the decision of whether or not to to Zone it a or to Annex it even to begin with so there's no requirement that say a 25 acre parcel comes in and you say well Our Land Development code allows for this to be a greenhouse but we don't feel that that's really where we want this to be these are all things that we that you all can consider when you're considering is this an appropriate parcel to Annex that answers a question for the most part I just didn't want to put in the language 19 Acres if then a year from now you have to do something different and and 15 would have worked better you know what I mean or something can I hate on that that's a really good point we're we're relying on an old survey I hope if if it's less if that survey is wrong and it's less than 19 Acres I'm fixing to get sued so we we wouldn't mind y'all saying [Laughter] 15 I would say 15 or 18 is probably where I'd go with it I like numbers of the tens and fives so i' would say 15 okay all right I got your marching ERS explain to me the one last question I have um under Section 60 172 about the buffers the three 00 ft on any side re yard side re what what this says this says if the building meets the meets the commercial buffer requirements all right here's my problem here you're not supposed to be commercial I know that so but we're saying if the the buffer requirements yeah um the reason that I picked on that is because we've got a a site that even though it is a we're using it for a use the storage of the product which could be otherwise considered to be commercial right and it also addresses commercial green houses that's another issue I have want to talk about if y'all wanted to limit this if you wanted to say unless the building in addition to the acreage is merely used for the storage of agricultural products we we could live with that one as well um uh that way it's it's not allowing any sort of processing or or sale to happen within there what kind of buffer would it are we talking about here the minimum buffers under your 6177 Laura or um yeah have a yeah pull that particular I've got it right here pulled everything else but I had pulled that I've got it written down but I got the computer up in here um it's a landscape buffer which shall not be less than 10 feet in width along the affected rear end or side yards that's what you have under 6341 which is the part that's referenced does anybody know if there's buffers there already I haven't surveyed the land um it's on your it's in your package um if you go to I've seen the map but I don't know there buffers there already yeah you you can see it oh on the earth yeah if you go to the it's in page um my page numbers are different than yours because I I did an excert um I think it's it's our Ser is our is aial photograph Laura what page is that on it's over here I don't know it it's heavily buffered on the undeveloped part of it6 the um what going that uh this is your uh Sam this is the storage building right yeah that stop with that picture right there this is the building that's like to be used for storage in it Mike yes if you look down at the um far left of our site y the um there are a lot of trees there already yeah but but what I'm saying is the building that we would use for temporary storage is that one down at the far left old cafer the old gymnasium that's the building that we would use for temporary storage the one to the far left bottom left that one right there that's the cafetorium okay whatever it is that's where that's would be the temporary storage is the cafet the gym is behind the you dve so we would have to have those other buffers uh for for that location um looks pretty good there's lots of trees there yeah and and you can see the the uh e the future expansion area is even heavily treated right but but we're um you know here's the point guys it's it's already there um we're using it you're not going to be able to tell from the outside that we're doing anything different if it was okay for a school what's the problem with being used at the same location you can't tell the difference from the outside well I just wondered if we needed to put that same little 19 Acres it's in there that's that's part of our proposal okay 15 Acres I me right all right any other discussion by anybody I think I've hammered it to death here sorry can I just can I just clarify from there just so that I'm on the same page me and Mr Gooding um are you saying just have just keep the 15 Acres or do you want that additional provision that only if it's to store we we'd like it just to be cleaner just the 15 Acres I think that's the easiest thing to do but um I'm at your disposal I'm just trying to clarify what the council back to the other section thought is I think it would be a little bit difficult for the city to regulate what's in the building yeah we're not going to have a clue what's in The Bu building I agree I just want to make sure that we're I know yeah okay and we'll get them revisions tomorrow with the next day so that they can look at it in plenty of time for second reading y all right so where are we I have no idea on this discussion uh because we've had I guess I'll ask for a closing statement I've taking enough of y'all's time I appreciate it Laura do you have any closing statement um if it's okay with the city attorney the city does um approve the changes we'll make those for you and you'll see them at the second hearing okay okay all right so I think we've had plenty of discussion I don't know that we had public comments yeah that was my next thing is anyone in the public got anything they would like to add I think we've hit every base here probably more than you'd like to hear and I can't believe you stuck it out with us um I would at this point if I can to find my agenda my agenda's gotten [Music] lost they got buried in my papers ient I make a motion we approve ordinance 20 24-72 I'll second it I have a motion and a second is there any further discussion from anyone in the room all in favor of the motion say I I I all oppose same sign motion carries it's approved on first reading thank you coun who said that oh thank you all right we're back to public comment and some of you have stuck it out you must be here for a reason Mr HS would you like to make comment are you sure let you introduce yourself and tell us what you're what you're up to we we welcome that at our we've been here a long time yes we have that wasn't why I was here but my name's Johnny hirers for anybody doesn't know me running for district Five County Commissioner Le County and um if you have any questions feel free to call me U talk to me pretty easy to get a hold of um but I'm here to just put myself out there and let you know who I am if you don't know me thank you we welcome you okay at this time I'll ask if anybody has any announcements cuz I know we must have Mr lri who are you pointing at oh yeah I I don't know I wasn't back to participation yet but nobody has announcements okay the Chiefs meeting did go very well it was they're still talking about it I still hear I heard it from M bamon uh yesterday about how much her husband appreciated it because we were at the Woman's Club Mr stle yes ma'am just want to let everybody know that the uh formation flying clinic will be happening Thursday to Sunday U so if you do see a bunch of planes you know in and around the area it's normal perfect I saw your post this afternoon any anyone else have an announcement I do miss right uh Miss Jackie appan wanted everyone to know that moving moving the park went well Saturday there were 75 kids that showed up that's wonderful and she wanted to thank the staff and want that help it make it be a success terrific okay now we're back to public participation wait I just like to add that if anybody needs an example of how municipal government works and how it should work should watch this video tonight excellent job on everybody here it is it's amazing thank you very much yeah I got I got one thing to don't appreciate it until they see it and I just you know I know I've talked to you about I tried to come by um I want to try to do something to get that Little League field a second thing written like what we were talking about or something to where we can help uh the youth in Williston uh if we can get some heads together with our attorney or something to where we can try to help with their rates of the water and electricity yeah it sounds like Mr Mr proo has been talking to him like he's been talking to me yeah you had some suggestions yeah I just want to you know just say that I want to try to get something sooner rather than later for them that that electric bill is going to be really high when they're running their lights so anything that we can do to help our youth um in this city I want to try our hardest if we can to do it so I I have a suggestion but it's going to require a vote back in front of City let's not forget about it yeah I just want to try to do it sooner rather than later especially while I'm still sitting i' be more than happy to bring Council on the us been back to Y uh and and just for so you'll know um he he Tommy proo is the president of the Wilston Youth Athletic League and he has been calling me it sounds like he's been calling Mr Bullock too uh their water bills are really high they have two 2in water meters and they are irrigating Fields softball fields soccer fields football fields um they had a well at one point and well is is not working hasn't worked for them in a long time they tried to hook it back up it's still not working it's not going to work unless they repipe everything um and I I can tell you that we did some investigation I'll leave it later to the city manager to to look at the the rates and how they've changed and they did change so it is something that occurred um that they have a complaint about so um we're going to try to see what we can do to help them without overstepping what we can do at the same time and like I said I'll leave it to the city manager I heard something it's yours is is it playing music it's hot it's hot it's hot yes oh whoa it's got a lithium battery be careful I heard that popping going on down there all right anybody else your own got five minutes I hello is it that it I'm not gonna be five minutes I guarantee thank you for sticking it out with us I'm so sorry that it's okay I got educ educated so much tonight unbelievable um you guys are awesome you really are um if you guys just take those booklets home with you and just look through it you know um um I do want to mention to the chief back there Chief are you listening yes sir while all this was going on I said a prayer for you for new new vehicles for your right so just buts and while all this was going on I was thinking also did you guys know there's a helicopter pad over there you know why can't we have a helicopter over there it used to be certified right I actually worked at the hospital for 30 years and it used to be a certified helicopter pad and they were fly survival flight or police or whatever yeah but you know um God faith has just got everything we do we do it for the community and uh I'm looking forward to coming back and working with you guys crossing our fingers and say our prayers amen thank you yes sir thank you again anything else for the good cause if not I'll entertain a motion for adjournment make a motion to adjourn have a have a motion and have a second do we have any further all in favor say I we are gone