##VIDEO ID:W## good evening everybody the date is Tuesday August 6 at 6 PM in the city of Willison city council meeting has come to workorder Mr R would you please call R mayor Goodman council president Co here vice president hind here council member Martin here council member Ryo here council member Jones city manager Terry Bard here attorney Kiron Baloo here city clerk with I am here and all other staff all right open in prayer and Pledge of Allegiance their flight and they are good join me if you will Lord once again we come together as a city and these Council people have to deal with many complex issues and I ask you to give them the wisdom and the ability to make the differences and to choose that which this their minds tells them is the best for our city and Lord I just ask you to be with our police officers again Lord police officers have been killed trying to help citizens it's a terrible tragedy to know that you go to work in the morning with wives and children and you never come home because you have been murdered and Lord each one of our officers know when they go out on every stop as innocent as it seems it is a life-threatening situation so I ask you to give them discernment to give them wisdom and to give them caution and protect them in all that they do and Lord I just want to say from my personal self that the staff in our city were amazing to us amazing for us I came Lord and I saw that they were blur eyed and worked over and I know nothing but your grace could have carried them through this last event and I thank you for that and I thank you for all that they did and Lord I ask you to be with each person here and those that are listening give them guidance give them comfort and let them know that it will be okay that you are in control in your name I pray amen thank you very much all right item one addition deletions changes and approval to the agenda I'll ask for approval the agenda council president excuse me I need to make a delution okay I need to remove item three the city council minutes from July 16th please corre do I hear get a second I second all right entertain uh motion okay yep sorry about that all right any discussion see none vote move to vote Mr Mayor would you use your mic please Aon you know I love you have they are they being moved because of an actress thank you very much okay all right all right all those in favor I have it all right item two public participation this is the first of two opportunities to address the council at this time anyone in the audience can come to the podium speak for five minutes on any topic other than what is on the agenda please state your name and reference if you come up okay all right please state your name your residency Len Lewis wion resident wion you know my address no sir uh I was wondering what's happening with the parking lot behind the new restaurant I keep hearing stories stories over the years that it's going to be developed I've seen artist rendition of what this parking lot supposed to look at look like right now look like a pool again after the hurricane just had and we having a big business restaurant moving in there which is going mean a lot of parking and stuff and nothing has been done to it I keep hearing all this but these putting it off putting it off putting it off what's going on Mr what please hi Walt nichel with right pierce the engineers of the city you talking about cross the street of black 12 yes sir okay just make sure what we call 12 uh the project has been uh you know it was designed by others we put it out for bid we got three bids we uh decided came to council to award to the low bidder they have been mailed their contracts and information to sign and they have to provide their bonds they did return the document I believe Friday to us so we're going to be finalizing those bring them back both the CRA and Council to execute the agreement and then we'll have our initial kickoff meeting so we are in that process of just getting under contract with the uh selected contractor that's where we're at okay thank you sir Mr Barber no okay the other I I mentioned that we are now getting a Health Fitness place here in wion you guys know about it it's being built right next to kid company yes I haven't seen it there but probably is there that's all I have okay thank you anyone else please state your name and where you're from Sir Albert Fuller City Willison I came to express kind of a concern that I have based on the last meeting um I was cut off uh after my after supposedly five minutes of my presentation and in that five minutes I was interrupted three times and I think that there probably needs to be a policy such that there is a timekeeper and whenever I am inter whenever people are interrupted that they get the full amount of time that is allotted to them and so I think there should be some policy set that may may help in that regard so just a recommendation to the council thank you sir I believe we have a this wasn't thec and five minutes is fine as long as as long as that person isn't interrupted and I was interrupted three times and supposedly unless if I'm given five minutes and unless I yield my time I'm not supposed to be interrupted or I'm supposed to be I'm supposed to be get given a full five minutes and that's the concern is that interruptions or whatever should not interfere with the period of time that my presentation should take place thank you thank you Mr R anyone else ma'am please state your name and residency my name is Haley Perry we live down on sth Street Northwest 7th Street um I know we were up here almost a year ago especially off we had a historic rainfall I guess our questions still haven't been answered on Northwest 7th Street of what drainage we're going to put in place especially coming down Seventh Street as I know L's coming to an end and closing out their construction so we're looking for some form of I guess guidance for us to understand Walt Nel with great Pierce um back we met today with staff to prioritize um some Grant applications there is um a thema brick Grant uh opportunity the grant window has opened up and grants need to be submitted by August 30 30th of this month and so we met today to prioritize projects um what projects we felt were applicable for that Grant amount and the Northwest 7th Street is the the project that was number one on the list and that is uh the project that we're going to present to you at next next meeting to um ask you know basically a resolution to submit that project for a grant of FEA brick Grant they so um we decided that today we're going to put the paperwork together for that working with staff and and apply for that Grant and that would be for the design and construction of improvements on seven street so um yeah that one was in the city's highest priority with staff as we talked about it we'll come back to you at next meeting with the resol for your permission to submit on that Grant well is your solution a resolution to the person concern yeah there has been flooding predicted and happening in that area for for Country L State there probably has been some aggravation during construction no doubt um so we're looking at that and it would resolve uh the flooding that was really identified in a 2017 study that was done by another consulting firm Jones Edmonds they did a large water set analysis and that was one area that was highlighted back then in 2017 and so we're looking at improving the drainage along North foot 7 um pretty much um just North Fourth Street to Just sh shy of uh the park Peggy Peggy O'Neal Park um but it would improve the flooding that happened in Peggy O'Neal northw 7 and the houses and we would our plan the current plan is to discharge that water to the west to the Cory that is behind the houses in that area so that that is the plan and that's what we're going to be asking for Grant thank you well um if we receed the grant what would be your estimated timeline for completion of that project um you know it still has to be surveyed designed permitted and then you know putting the project out for bid a process like that is six to nine months and sometimes longer and the permitting process can be can sometimes be so you know a nine month before and then you put it out for bid and that's a two to three month process I mean in reality come from a year from now if if we get the Grant in a timely manner um you know we could be looking at final plans and then weing can put it up a bit but it does take some time and the permitting is not just through city of will it's like Swift Mud and things out of out of the city thank you sir yes maam so I understand this has been something that's been going on for a while and I appreciate working towards the resolution on that street now for the people that live there now what do we do for the next year and I think that's the real question obviously a hurricane is normal for this area and it's not president in every single year but when we're impacted by rain which is currently flooding it anyone that can drive down this road right now is going to see that seven Street turns into a river for normal rain and I know I've seen you come through many times check that out heavy rainfall so especially for us you know do we B our driveway every single time it rains and that's the resolution because that seems like a poor resolution for us as well as every single other neighbor on the street that was affected and really big shout out to City Works because City Works did respond and get us more sand back be able to water especially this last week um and appreciate their hard work but I know they're obviously ply working for res for us as well just trying to understand is there anything that can happen in a shorter time frame than even people that live on the street consist with the city I know the homeowners next to us offer to provide easement on their land to allow water to back behind us but in order to do that obviously we have to be involved with more than happy to be on that street and a part of the city so anything that we do toite anything or evenor Solutions the to set Place yeah so your your biggest thing y'all could do would be just like the E with knowing your property I don't know it's capable of doing it because we would have to cut in swells in your property just like we did for the e um so you know that's something y'all willing to look at talk to us about um but you know you have that little builtup wall on the one side on the north side of your property um and I think a little bit of your water runs over to the East and swell that runs back into our property y um we could take a look at the other side see if that's beneficial it would take us the engineers go out there and take a look at it but it's destructive I mean to cut that in there so it it cuts up grass and a bunch of other stuff reestablishing your swells in front of your house would work um but other than that I mean this project that we're talking about you know even though we're getting a grant you we didn't get it last year um I I think we'll probably get it this year but this could be a 700,000 to a million dollar project um so unfortunately you know if we had that money we would be doing this tomorrow right absolutely and that's where you know I feel like your residents on seven Street can definitely come to play for that I mean I've wrote plenty of Grants my dad bu for a living so we go up and ask for Grants every year when we're working especially for anything environmental so if the city residents can help with something to expedite process even on grants so they can he there is true concern from your residents living the county I think all your residents on that street are going to be more than happy to sad part is we watched every single house around us cell and every single person's left because it's flooded and the new residents that just moved in up the street from us the same thing happen after this is normal and sadly for us it is since we moved here it's been normal since the first month we moved into our house and flooded so I think that's kind of the reality for all of us living on that street we want to be proactive in help how we can we just need to know how we can help especially like looking to taxes and bringing in revenue for the county even I mean as soon as these help more and more of an issue people are going to ask for assessments on their houses to reduce the cost of their home and when it does that we pay less tax if there that's probably their point of doing it is so they pay less tax back to the county but the idea behind us trying to help is to get in front of this so you guys don't lose money the county make Revenue well we can also live comfortably not have the same B houses every other week well the can definitely be part of the granting process and without a doubt I'm sure letters to the people that are we sitting submitting the grants to would be helpful um and other than that we just keep attacking it the way we have um other than cutting and swells putting up the sandbag doing the things we did during the last hurricane you we'll have that same footprint going forward I know it doesn't help you on a Tuesday afternoon if all of a sudden we get four inches of rain like we did that one day which turned out to be8 Ines over four hours um you know will will the continuing slotting of the houses across the street resolve or help prob won't resol help I'm hoping it will suck up more I think that was the hard part were up when this rainfall came I know they're planning to put grass in but they didn't put their silness back in so we've got you know Sil up our driveway all over that we get to start cleaning up and as do everyone else so obviously we can ask an AR out help you with that clean up because it is from their site I have no problem that okay we'll we'll have a second opportunity okay later on to do public comment again okay okay that sounds good I would say my only last question really quick is just if Public Works can respond prior to hurricanes or anything that's to be like super heavy rain in our area because everyone came out after it already happened okay so they be a little B more okay all right thank you I know they're looking at it again yeah they're looking at the whole block area the the fifth the fourth seventh again so you know they should return which may be help all right anybody else item three it's an agenda uh these are the minutes yep scat that one all right updates staff board Council updates city manager Terry B so I'm I'm GNA hold off any staff updates uh very lucky fortunate the staff very Hardbody any questions all right staff police chief rolls thank you Council I have a couple updates um about a month ago ftle open up a bulletproof vest Grant uh that pays 100% for uh vest for officers currently we're in need of three new vests uh we did receive approval so we went ahead and ordered them they're paid for at 100% so uh that was a great plus to us saved us the taxpayers money on having to buy vest for officers the unfortunate thing is we can we only got three because we just bought this not too long ago so um so that was one One update the second update was related to officer Steven wink uh his vehicle he struck a tree that was in the roadway during the storm uh extensive damage to the vehicle uh we have enough at Williston uh Tire now getting checked out and I spoke with Miss Latricia about uh insurance and I think I spoke to Stacy too about FEMA maybe getting it fixed to uh the FEMA Grant uh for those of you who don't know uh we're in demo stage of two LPR cameras LPR license plate readers not red light cameras not speed cameras they're License Plate Reader cameras uh with demoing them we have used them since we've had them up for maybe a week or so now we have used them multiple times on cases that we've worked and we've been able to identify the vehicle by having them there so uh if anybody have any further questions or want any further information about it we can do that after the meeting sometime that's all I have thank you right thank you fire chief Lamar deagle all right Mr B Ste not much from the up uh not much from the airport we're uh moving right along on the terminal building um we have a meeting tomorrow that we should talk about um final plans to for a move in date and a grand opening and we'll let you guys know as soon as we have those dates thank you Mr Bishop yes yes sir far as the pothole updates um we've had 11 big projects one on the Northeast Second a uh Fifth and Northeast Fifth East Northeast 5th and 10th Street and Northeast 6th Street and then we started reclaiming the uh Northeast Sixth Street Road thank you m Jones you don't have anything all right Mr Barber I'm sure you'll hear enough from me tonight all right Council like update I see Wawa's doing something you might know the status of that Wawa's ready for their underground um so they'll be doing their site prep you'll see a lot of dirt moving pipes being put in then this company will turn it over to Wawa for the vertical building so they're still staying about a year out the environmental company is there today that oh no this is they're ready they're actually doing prep they're doing their pipes they're sewer their water the underground pipe y Yep they're doing their site work so but they're still staying about a year for us to be eating sandwiches at w long as they're doing something they are and any update on the pawn old pawn shop property up up on top of the hill I know anything about that where do we stand there yes ma'am uh we're in the final stages of removing debris um obviously the storm and some other things have caused delays on that uh we are then going to be presenting to the council to work with JB Pro who's doing our main Street project and uh they're going to uh ask to do some proposals to do an RP uh RFP on the property and um to put out for proposals we have some businesses that are possibly interested developing it and so we just think it's a great opportunity for Council to have more say in the direction of that property since it's owned by the city at this current time so you'll be seeing that proposal and then from that proposal you'll be able to decide if that's the path that you want to go if you want to just do an outright sale or any of that other stuff and we need JB Pro to do that uh it's something the city hasn't done before it's um it's a proposal to go out and kind of give a scope of of different types of businesses the city would like to see and it's basically like if you do that within so much time and then multiple businesses would come in with their proposal and Council would kind of pick and choose based on basically swapping the property for what they would want to do or could be assigned a lease or it could be assigned there's a lot of different ways to do it but they have experience in that and we haven't done that again nothing you guys are committing to it's just what they're going to propose to offer to help us through that if that's something you guys want to proceed with so you telling me they're gonna come back with a cost or what yes absolutely yeah absolutely but of course that cost could be interred within the uh whoever we choose to purchase the property I thought we were doing an appraisal so we could put it up for bid well we're doing that as well we're giving you guys multiple options of which direction you'd like to go I'll report thank you glad I ask any more no all right Mr Mayor for those of you that are not aware of the heroic abilities of our fire chief there was a lady who was submerged from wrecked trapped in her car and our Arie got to that vehicle while she was still on the phone to 911 broke the window and got that lady out of her car and I think he deserves to be recognized for [Applause] it is that it sir that's it okay he need the C I would like to um commend the police the fire but I want to commend our utility guys I came up Sunday evening they all had their little bedrooms throughout the rooms and everything else but they were here for 36 hours straight um and soon as a call come in they were out raining and everything from what I understand at 4:00 in the morning they pulled them in because it was just too much to be out there but um you know commend everybody but these gentlemen here they stepped up their game and that's why you know when I tell people it's why I love Willis we got our own thing I've got friends who were out of power for a full day and I'm going I us so thank all right [Applause] okay all right item five new business section A discussion with possible action spring shed grants Mr Donald Barber P work supervisor thank you council president Cox um so uh as many of you know uh it was just previously spoken about um some of the storm water things uh have been mentioned that we've had issues with this is uh sewer uh there are three grants that the uh staff would like to apply for I'll be honest we've actually already applied for them I was gone for eight weeks and so we're trying to catch up on that I wanted to have Walt here to explain the scope of those grants um but just for your specifics uh Grant one and Grant two our septic to sewer this would add about uh roughly 500 folks in our city limits and our service area be able to remove themselves from the septic and to have Sewer Service um those are zero match grants there would be no contribution by the city for those and then of course a concern for quite a while for the council and the staff has been um our upcoming capacity problems with the plant we've been speaking about that for a long time uh one of the benefits of the sep sewer grants is that we've parlay that into a third grant that we'd like to apply for and that is the expansion of the sewer plant by doubling its capacity because of the septic to sewer Grant so basically we're asking uh D to say hey you guys want us to reduce our bmap contamination our total nitrates things of that nature and so in order to do that and take on more customers we're going to need to expand the plant and so there that's kind of like a backdoor way of getting a grant approved to expand capacity which has been a like I said a pretty good concern um there would be a sort of a match um to the third Grant the capacity increases uh that Grant though would take the form of the capacity fees that we've already implemented it last year and basically the revenue that would be collected from the sewer and the water uh capacity fees would basically pay for the match that we have in that third Grant so if you have any specific questions um we're just looking for basically a uh consensus this evening to move forward with those and work with de to get those three grants approved we going to do a presentation or what okay so I guess just just for starters even if we did get these grants we could always not accept them corre correct how much is the grant for the sewer for the plant yes about 22 million I believe is what we number at the plant yeah and that is and then for there's three areas in two grants for septic theour area one we're asking about $9.7 million for the grant on that and then the other area which has two areas is1 million we're asking and those two have a city requirement so these grants are kind of going in parallel with uh some rules that we you the city need to abide by D as being in the Rainbow Springs Bas and management action plan is requiring a plan from the city and everybody else around here how you're going to address your nitrogen load reductions to the springs and they we've had a meeting with d and with staff they gave us our the city's allocation of what they expect the nitrogen reductions to happen going into groundwater the springs and they're pretty extensive to do that but the biggest way to reach those goals is septic programs that that is the biggest bang for your buck that you get and so fortunately they're funding in a parallel route grant money so you have a mandate on one side where you have to do Springs restoration and mandates and there's another branch of the that's doing the funding they will look to one another that our plan includes these projects and so we're updating that plan putting those projects in the plan and then when they see that we're funding them that goes in your favor so we're doing both of those at the same time we're working on the theing Fe plan and we're applying for GR so we're doing that we're doing the right thing for the city the city is doing that going after these simultaneously if you didn't go after these grants and they're mandating this you'd almost don't have an excuse to say why you didn't reach your goals well we're giving you grant money so we're do you're doing both and so I think that's it's a very good thing that you need to do both and I think this is the right thing to do this I may for some years now I've been hearing about they're trying to get rid of septic yes and that's what you're referring to yes septic dour is I wonder where that it all went because it seemed to burst into a flurry and then just so quietly went away uh it it's been rumbling in the background and it's coming it's coming to a head yeah they're not telling you can't but that's the biggest source in areas like the the Rainbow Springs Watershed the biggest sort of nitrogen pollution to the springs is sub existence so I can't help but do this no I'm going to get you pretty much but fortunately they're helping to fun it okay the you mentioned all the houses yes I just supervised and contributed to the building of an animal shelter that was required to put two septic tanks in is that going to be part of the what's going if if the septic toour projects are in that vicinity and in the sewer is available then you would be required not available for l than $250,000 well if the city comes in with Mains okay and we've identified with staff we looked at a to of 14 areas over you know a 20-year period where we saw it could be a septic to sewer program okay and and I don't think we have one in front of the Amo shelter that was not that wasn't in the area we're looking at more denser areas because that's where you can get the most efficiency and so we're we're looking at that we're just doing these three areas and two Grant programs now um this pays for the sewer the improvements everything in the right away it does not pay for an individual to abandon their seist and look into it there's a whole another separate grant program specifically made for that so what if we get the grants for these and we start this process then we start applying for individual grants we help the home owners or the city can do it on their behalf to get grants so that they they don't have to pay that abandoning intercept system connecting it's a whole another program that is out there so that is also there and I think you know we're successful with these grants will be before you in a a year or so asking for to apply for those grants too so what will happen if the person who has a septic tank that is quite happy with the septic tank yeah and will they be forced to get off of the septic tank will big government now tell them that they must do it state state law already says that if there's a sewer available within uh there's a distance I think it's around 200 feet uh um if there's a sewer available public sewer available and it has capacity you have to you have to connect that's already State any other question anybody else have any more questions yes ma'am can you please come up to the podium state your name please state your name and residence please my name is Vicky Todd and I live in Williston sort of outside wion that's why I'm asking the question what areas are you designating where you're trying to put this project in for the what what neighborhoods are you looking in so lri if you go to page 12 go to page 12 there's a map on there and uh we're talking about the first grant that we applied for is what you see as site one it's in yellow at the top right corner correct it would cover from Northeast um well cover from Noble East Noble All the Way North to Fourth F and then it would go over into our service area that crosses into the county and cover the neighborhood next to the old uh Middle School um and then it would go down the street even a little further than that so that would be site one the second Grant is site two which is Northwood uh along Mixon Road um it is uh what we call the old mayor's Road or Northeast 2 Street along 121 or sixth Boulevard and then another part of that site would be over on 7th Boulevard V uh leading up and then there's a final area on Northwest 7th Street which goes over to 9th AV which is the last City street on the northwest side of town and that's also part of that second gra so those are the areas one is roughly 243 customers uh the other one is roughly 242 customers so are you one of those people I'm on 27 asav to City [Music] you have no worri good and one one other since we have this map up that I would like to comment on you know we looked at what was in within the city we looked at what was in the city service area but then we also looked at areas that are adjacent to the city that are in the county that could be great opportunities for a more Regional approach you know city of Wilson has a mandate to reduce nitrogen levels but so does the county the county has the same mandate they're having their meeting I think this week that we have they're going to get their notice of what they have to do they've got a very difficult time because they don't have trigger plans we have already talked to them about these outlying areas site 14 and 13's down below it um where the city could like 12 the city could sewer that area provide Sewer Service to areas in the county whether it be annexation or just expand your service area you pick up customers and they pick up their their Basin management nitrogen credits so this is just something we're looking at down the road um looking as we plan what can be done with the wastewater treatment plant how can Willison help this surrounding area in the county where they can meet their Bap requirements but at the same time you pick up customers um and so we're having that we see this is an opportunity for them and they're they're starting to Talk Amongst staff amongst staff right now so that is something that we're looking into something that's a year or two down the road for sure before we have anything more but it's things like this are coming Regional approaches are coming Willison is a utility provider it's something you could do quite a bit from the county in this area so anyway that's what's being depicted in these two you look possibility okay thank you sir okay yes sir please come up to the podium state your name and residency please L leis Wilston question what happens to all the people residents who have septic tanks go to the sewer system what happens to the septic tank are they required to remove them fill them in empty them or what because after a while some separate tanks will collapse after a while Mr n can answer that yes typically they can be abandoned in place where you do back fill them um punch holes in the bottom so ground water doesn't lift them up and you can fill them with sand aggregate soil um and they're typically left in place they can be removed if somebody wish to do that but it's t typically abandoned place than will the city fill them in with soil or the property owner be as I mentioned as we go down this process there's a whole another grant program that D funds for individual payments for for individual homeowners they may even apply to businesses I can't say that for certain definitely for homeowners where they fund that and they fund the expense of connecting abandoning the system connecting the new sewer and connecting to the system so there's a whole another grant program that helps pay for that and those are typically 100% funded by by e thank you all right anybody else yes ma'am please come up to the podium state your name and residency please Shirley Henry I'm on Fourth Avenue and I want to know what kind of price would be added to the light bill every month uh none they would have to pay for SE if we're adding sewer there would be none to your electric no light would beone but there would beic imp you do have a sewer like payment for sewer yes there would be a base charge to sewer yes ma'am um and then SC he's being funny he he said there's none to the electric bill but there would be a I'm saying whole bill bill I know what you're saying but he was trying to be funny so but and when y'all do it you won't have to pay a fee to for them to install we don't know yet no okay part of that M blue can this be done as a consensus to move forward yeah that would be appropriate based on the fact that this will come back before you when we get to that point okay all right so I move I make a motion to approve for the cons agenda to move forward motion to approve one so I get a motion I move we approve the springshed grant by consensus is there a second all in favor say I I five V Item B resolution establishing authorization for the city of Willis Willison city council president to approve additional funds payable to overid construction for the John Henry Celebration Park drainage Improvement and providing an effective date Mr Walt Nichols Jonathan bishop and Mr Donald Barber along with Mr dere TR do we have the we got a couple slides that I just kind of want to go over a little bit of what's happened and where we're at with this request I here so I'm park to a lake um be a park again very very soon um so we're this construction phase update as you're all aware we had our groundbreaking earlier in the year for the project with over construction they they uh posted our ground breaking and did that so that was uh you know early in the year when we started that we got a couple pictures of start a construction next slide please just construction ongoing we're on Fourth Street installing the sewers and then I want to give you an overview way to before construction started I came here and I believe November 2023 as we were getting our final Grant going over the bid and where we saw construction going our costs and this is kind of a summary of that um we had a Swift Mud Cooperative funding Grant agreement um that was an initial Grant and there's a 75% Grant 25% in kind match for the city that would in their term call the cooperator and so we had 7222 Swift Mud the city's share would have been $240,700 for a total of 963 $963,000 um we had significant shortfalls going to construction with the delays in the project multiple bids um and we weren't able to Award with that funding uh we went and applied for an fdp resilient Florida Grant and we won a grant for 8347 79,000 and that had no Cooperative share for on the city so that brought the total funding you scr just a little bit total total of grant funding 1.5 mil 240,000 for the city for a total of 1,7 97,7 so that was what we saw the finances on this project in November December next slide we go through oh and and at that time we presented to you a couple options we had our base bid we had a bid that was going to an alternate one do an overd of the pond with and bringing clean fill and sand it would perform better um uh function better but it was an additional cost we presented that to you and Council chose to go that route with that additional cost and you approved that and that was back in in you know November December that was going to cause a $348 se7 overage that the city would have to cover you approved that um back then going forward so we knew already going in we're going to have to kick in another $34,000 round almost $35,000 so that that was Council action um now we go into the next slide we go into construction there were a number of change orders and adjustments that needed to be made both up increasing the project and also down where we decrease in the project and we we work with all rich on this um to conation I think and cting but we worked to try to get the best uh numbers we could on these change orders there or were several almost all of them were unforeseen utilities that we just didn't know were not ma were not mapped where they ended up being in construction um nearly all of those were uh we had one of the bigger ones was the Force main coming from uh your treatment plant to the E station was at a different elevation than we expected and it needed to be adjusted there was no way around it um and that had to be done the other ones were small but there were just other utilities we found other connections that were un mapped um driveway that was added since design was done that needed to then be repaired um so there were a lot of small additions that that are needed on the project one change that we had to do resulted in reductions in our pavement repairs now that hasn't happened yet but we've got their number we've shifted the limits of Base repair so that was reduced and so there's two credits that you see in there so that money coming back that we were able to adjust the design and save some money for the city to try to offset all these other changes $119,000 in uh payment base repairs and another 16,700 the first one was the asphalt repairs that we were able to to reduce and payment based repairs that we were able to reduce so those were negatives Mone money coming back the net result though with all the other credits they're still a plus of 35,000 800 so we had may ask question yes the didn't go away no no so you're Shifting the repair of that as to the city no no we were able to reduce the limits of it because we changed the routing of the storm sore pipes a bit during construction to avoid some other conflicts that we didn't know so in the result we had a lot less base repair that we needed to do and there's another area where we didn't have to repair the road at all we were able to keep it as is so okay thank we're still we're still Paving and that's going to happen weather permitting the next yeah yeah he's saying Monday but we're no yeah weather permitting next week we they'll be out there with the paving process we're in the home stretch are we going to talk about Paving or are you through you're not through yet are you well I I we can I I've already talked to city manager about this he's tried to make me feel a little better um the road on Northwest 2 as well as Northwest 5ifth fourth maybe but fifth is falling apart where they've run the Machinery up and down and up and down we'll be Milling I mean it's down to the lime rock base there hunks of concrete asph concrete asphalt coming out is it going to be Mill down and Reser I mean I'm seeing the Milling credit that's the reason I'm asking the question but that area will still be milled and resurfaced okay it's just the other one that didn't have to be redone that got section smaller section that we were able to with the four on four yes so this results in$ 34,800 of additional funds that due to unforeseen circumstances and issues that were in construction uh next slide so that results in a total um and also you I do want to say breakdown of all the costs that we're that we're looking at back in November um you know we've been kind of doing the grant Administration the grant applications and Grant everything out of out of scope in November I said we would be coming to you with a change order and there's a right Pierce Amendment there back in November I put it in that number analysis of $45,000 as we're any completing we're it's going to be $27,000 so we had that in the budget before we're going to be reducing that but that's going to come with Donald being gone it just hasn't made to the council for approval that's going to I think come next next meeting that's all in this financial so you know we've been doing our construction Administration and management and not build really bilding you yet we we got $27,000 in there so trying to keep things moving along um so anyway that is in that so bottom line with that with the F fdp grants the Swift M grants the shares the net total cost to the city total is $ 76,1 20116 additional so we thought you're going to have 36,000 back in November that has increased to a total of $76,000 um they were all Justified they said we've had multiple meetings with the contractor and City staff negotiating these prices making sure that they were accurate many many meetings we had a lot of them we have representative from over here too um to make sure that you were getting you know the right work for the right cost I'm not going to apologize for this humor but Latricia I see a possibility of your water splash part right there in that hole so that's that's where the project stands today we're done with excavation excavation is always kind of the unknown we're not going to hit any other utilities because we're done digging um we're just going to the final clean up um overall um you know the system was tested pretty good this weekend overall on a big picture of it it worked well the big pipes conveyed the water the pond acted as it should it's already reducing it's coming down there was some unforeseen water flow on Fifth uh south of second that was entering the house over there it was coming from the West off off of our project and in um I think there's some minor grading that we may be able to do with Swale that's what it does it comes down the hill yeah well it's coming done for years it has I think we can do a little bit of minor grading to help help that that home out that happened there uh in the big picture and not to discount them they got a lot of water coming through there we can we can do some minor adjustments to that but the big picture the system worked I mean it got a good test so I think the problem that we've had there for years and years um is is working so but anyway there there is there were cough overruns there are some on every project I you know can't say you can't be nice to never have them we do have some um but basically it increased $41,000 on the map from where we expected it at the end of construction me my question is all place where is coming from where's the money coming from always my question remember is Stephen online thank you D can you hear us David can you hear it go ahead Stephen you hear me hello hello hting for a second Stephen are you there I'm here okay so the question was where's the 35,8 3822 going to come from for the overrun on the project that that John H so the the short answer is the Hope is is that there will be a surplus by the end of the year to cover this meaning that either Revenue or expenses exceed budget by you know by this amount if it doesn't then it'll have to come from cash reserves uh I think my recommendation would be to see where we are at year end we do our budget amendment and uh kind of the worst case scenario is we would have to pull a little bit more from the Utility Fund in the transfer so we can pay the bill now but then we'll we'll see about the end of the year budget September what it looks like to figure out where it's okay yep I mean that's that's really the only option there there are no just to kind of you know expand on that a little bit there are no extra line items there's no real contingency uh for this particular amount those are kind of the options as to where we are right now and no arpa infrastructure money left arpa well we can we can go back and re-examine that all the arpa money has been committed to other projects um if one of those projects were to come in you know less short you know what I mean something like that and certainly some of it but that is not something that that we can promise uh today like I know the squirt trucks G come in cheaper than what we yeah that's a that's a a perfect and great example of what we'll look at to see if something will come in you know less and then that you know obviously we could reallocate it dur during the budget amendment process proc thank you anybody else has any questions from Mr W just just one comment uh Mr President for youo there we did receive one complaint over the weekend about a house that was over there um that's at John Henry park and uh was receiving some flooding in their backyard but I think the flooding was probably there you know uh even before so we are going to go look at it but we do believe that the paving will assist in a lot and uh so that shouldn't be a real big issue but obviously a homeowner is if you hear about that we're we're handling that was that area that I think we can do some minor sailing yeah it worked like it first or second that on first or second it was on uh Fifth Fifth Street and second and the so the house that's at the corner of second the fence the big wood fence around they've got the main drain in their front yard yes yeah but it was coming from the west across the road and the road is low it's going to be higher when it's asphalt that's going to help collect some of that water but I think there's some sailing that minor swelling that we can get the water to go back south into the park that I think we can add when when the Wawa comes in um will some of the water that is on the top of the hill cross from the former green shutters restaurant be diverted into their well we have some less water coming off the top of that Hill you would have less the water always went from that direction it was accommodated for and size for um we went through a lot of reviews with the Wawa Pond back and fors to ensure that they are discharging less um than what was going there right now that is the case so they their plans been approved and we went back and forth with their engineer to ensure that knowing that they're at the top of the hill of this we really look very very hard at that same thing with the T-Mobile we really had to make sure that they were not causing any increases from what was going so we we could even see an improvement in a year or so from what's already happened you with what's been done in John Henry yes and then these developments yes designed to provide less runoff than what was there before they're they're designed that way and that that is our goal when we review those plans to ensure that's happening else all right I'll entertain a motion to approve resolution 2024 79 is there a second all right any other discussion seeing none move to vote all in favor say I I five Z all right one of my fun ones to do all right item see all right item see is a u open to the public Quai judicial meeting resolution 202478 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida approving a proposed plant for a map of wellis and do Stadium Acres parcel number 0505 90050 A- vacant parcel number 050 5900 608 located at 605 Southeast 4th Drive Williston Florida 32696 Miss Laura Jones all right so is any of the council had any expart communication with the app I will tell you I did sit in on the meeting the other night I had no clue that they were G to do this um all right are there any applicant staff or Witnesses speaking on the matter right need to be sworn in please any diagrams exhibits photographs similar physical evidence referred to drawing the testimony or which you would like the council to consider must be marked and identified and kept by the clerk for 30 days until time for approval has expired staff's open and statement thank you there shouldn't be any new um evidence but I did ask for a big piece to be printed out so you guys could see it you get it on your desk okay so this is plat 202 402 the do Stadium Acres plat um this consists of two Halfacre Parcels the parcel numbers were read already um Kenneth and Susan do are the property owners and Mr Steven McMillan is the agent the parcels are currently zoned agricultural the purpose of the plat is to divide the two Halfacre Parcels into four residential units couple questions that came up at planning and zoning was how are they going to get access to them well they're actually being split right down the middle they're not being split um in half so they all have front access on Southeast forth drive another question that was brought up was why I'm I'm not requiring to get the a sidewalk um there's a couple reasons why I'm not requiring the first one is this is a dirt road um this is a neighborhood that only has eight and now 10 lots and it is a dead end so there aren't any sidewalks going to it near it around it and it just didn't make sense to put two sidewalks right in front of these lots and not require the whole neighborhood to have sidewalks so we didn't require this time every lot's going to be about a quarter of an acre so there'll be four every anybody understand where this is anybody have any questions about location tell me exactly where it is so this is I had a feeling so this is um how do I expain there baseball field yeah it's it's near the old baseball field you know where the big one acre lots are that are on the um you go down the road where the uh old uh Lions Club is that's sixth AB you would take that down to one of your first turns which is fourth drive where it turns into a dirt road and it would be right there so if you're at the Lions Club down six AV you would make a left and you would get onto a dirt road which is fourth drive and that road would lead you to the back side of the Christian Academy over there if continued on all the way back to Third Street or third M excuse me so that's your location so if you're standing at the Lions Club Head East on six AV make a left on fourth drive if you don't stop you're going to cross uh fifth AV fourth a and then eventually you'll get back to the back side of the willston Christian Academy and it's in the back of the application so there's a couple subject locations on the map do you see them there's a couple of what there's a couple of subject property location in the application in the back there's two the neighborhood doesn't really have a name with Donald walking me there I know where I am you have to do driv directions like he did to get me there all right so the approval of this plot complies with Land Development code um therefore staff recommends it we brought this the planning on zoning on July 30th and they recommended approval uh to city council you have any questions for me before the applicant any questions Mr Mayor so we uh have a process where once it's approved the they come in and they have a new service request off the top of my head I do believe they are but I'm not 100% on that but that's part of the next step if they were to want to build anything there we would tell them what services are available we hav't specifically looked at it but I believe on this section of fourth drive that sewer is Avail I sewer is Avail not 100% but I believe it's available and you want the council to approve this project not knowing that their sewer available to it sir right that's right yeah if not they'll have a septic okay you have any other Witnesses Mr uh Steve McMillan surveyor I can answer any of the surveying related questions but it's it's two lots of record that we're basically splitting in half um the only thing I saw at planning and zoning meeting was in note number four we said the proposed number of lots was two and I guess we can't count all the way to four so we changed it before it gets run on the uh the plat gets run on the myar so we have dwellings coming down they all four will be empty they're going to start over Okay but there's right but there's already F or well or whatever establish to those that have not sure there's just a barage there I don't know what's there part of the process doesn't require I bu looking into the sewer or subject so I didn't have that answer any other questions no with anyone in the public like to speak on this matter okay close statement by applicant I all right close the statement by staff I don't have then councel I will entertain a motion to approve is there a second any other discussion seeing none U move to vote all in favor say I 5 thank you and that's going to close the public hearing qu IUD all right okay SE item D discussion with possible action presentation from Cal link Viber Aon Mills it director Donald Barber public work supervisor all right good evening I'll come up here so I can see the screen better so if y'all want to take out your phones there's a QR code here and there's also QR code that I passed out if it's easier to scan on the piece of paper and you can use your phones during the presentation it's not slides the phones are to participate in the presentation that's all right Mr Mayor we're okay with that so I'll give you guys an opportunity to scan the code there so this is the presentation for the city of will for cow link um that QR code if you scanned it it should come up to the presentation and as I said during certain parts of it it'll give you an opportunity to answer questions participate in opinion polls things of that nature uh this is for us moving into the future um for Council to determine if this is a path they would like to take I know we've had a previous presentation on fivr and we'll have another one I believe later on uh next slide did everybody get that QR code to come up Aron anybody else get theirs up yep all right so if you want to go on the public Wi-Fi if you need a signal in here the password's password lowercase so great security and you'll have to open the browser and accept the agreement first before the internet will work all right so there's a couple things that we're going to address tonight you go to the next slide um and those are we're going to review a little bit of history of the town uh because I think it's relevant to the question before Council as to whether or not they want to pursue this internally uh we're going to talk about future savings which is critical to that same idea of the history and then we're going to talk about the affordability and reliability of what we are proposing the staff so next slide so who is your current internet provider so if you're on your phone go ahead and click that in and we'll see what we have here in town so far give you a minute to respond no sir I want to be unbiased so what is Cal link considered cellular C link is considered would be considered other at the moment yes ma'am all right so there you have the breakdown a lot of people are dealing with I believe would be Sentry Link other providers uh few we' heard from in the town are relying on some satellite and um if you're at my house you're providing cellular so we rely on the cellular all right next slide again as I mentioned we're going to be talking about um where are we currently at we have Enterprise funds we have electric we have water we have Wastewater we have gas we have sewer these are Enterprise funds and they're interlined of course with those General Public Safety Services that we provide uh Community Development the animal shelter um fire police and then of course our roads our Parks our facilities all of those things and it's really a symbiotic relationship go ahead and go to the next slide so um of these categories I don't know where that was there which slide am I missing here there we go yep of the categories for history savings affordability reliability which one of those um is most important to you that's what you're answering all right we got a few responses we gave it a short time limit we don't take too much time all right so basically it's cross the board everybody feels like each one of those issues are important go ahead and go to the next slide please go to the next part all right so Wilston was incorporated 1897 chartered in 1929 I wanted to go over some interesting facts we had our electrical distribution system purchased for 33,000 the original generator that's there at erson Park on June 11th the generator was used for seven years to produce and had a capacity of 100 kilowatt um and then from that point forward we began to develop a distribution system and expand across the city limits on August 13th 1981 was kind of the first blip in the radar outside of normal operations that's the paperwork that you're receiving now this is from our records and approximately on August 13th 1981 the council that was seating at that time was concerned about revenue from the electric and they entertained the idea of selling off electric and selling it to Florida um Florida Power that's right and you can see that the handouts that you're seeing uh one of them that's together the total price tag of that was $658,000 approximately and there was a lot of discussion there were many meetings from August all the way into almost the new year on these proposals and what ended up happening was is the people that came before yall believed that that would have been an unwise decision and and I think that they made the right choice I think that's proven we would have gotten less than a million dollars in 1981 and since then of course what that's generated in gross revenue is extremely significant I believe it's one of the few reasons why we're unique and we have some of the services for such a small town that we can afford uh to provide so move on from 1981 where the council had a question of what do we do with an Enterprise fund and go and move forward to August of 1994 and Brandon if you pass another sheet out please what you'll see from that page as you receive it is that there was a discussion on the council at that time if you look at 13th Street in the city limits and you go east to the county line to the Maran County Line there was a section of electric that the city had that we owned and it was 131 customers it was 131 customers and the contract I didn't give you that information uh actually no I think I did on the back you'll see that it had how many poles and how many miles of distribution line and all the things and that was part of a proposal in 1994 to sell and one of the one of the key things in the minutes for those meetings was the discussion around you know the system's getting aged and we may need to put in a lot of money to replace polls and update lines and infrastructure and so we're concerned so let's let's go ahead and entertain an offer of selling off that part of our electric service and so that decision was made it was sold for around $133,000 and taking conservative estimates we have lost approximately $7 million in not gross but net revenue from that within that period of time for 30 years um I bring this up because this is kind of these two examples of when we chose to invest in ourselves and when we chose to put that money out there since 1981 by the way you can check the tags on those polls out there and the funny part is the majority of the polls are still there from 1981 that clay took over from us other than outages and major repairs from Fallen trees people crashing into them with cars that's pretty much the same system so there wasn't really that much money that was needed to maintain it at least not the money that we were told at the time that would be required so I just wanted to put those two concepts in contrast because the council comes to this decision again um with what we have moving forward if you want to go to the next slide so future savings and value planning some of the issues that we're talking about tonight although it sounds like it's fiber it's internet is does not really Encompass the things that the staff is presenting to you tonight because there are other things coming down the pike I know for years now we've been speaking about Ami Advanced metering information and the Ami is going to be a critical part to preventing what you guys hear all the time when people come in and complain about I paid my water bill and 30 days later the next water bill came in and it was $400 just for the water and we come to find out that there was a leak on the customer side and but they didn't know about it for 30 days because that's as often as we get to that meter to check it once a month to read it um Ami provides customer portals to come in and at any time check what you've spent daily it gives reads very frequently and in a lot of the presentations that staff sat into for people who provide Ami services and build those systems the majority of a lot of the initial cost and overall of the cost is for the communications and the technology behind establishing that Ami system so for example one of the ways that most Ami systems advertise is through um cellular so that each meter that you have sends out a signal and the cellular towers pick it up and then we have relay stations uh that then take that information and translate it and send it over into our system here in the office and make it available to the customer portal but what they don't really want to tell you is that in each one of those meters and each one of those spots where that device sends out a signal you pay for that the average cost is about 80 cents a day so if you take all of our services that we currently have and what we would eventually have as developments are built and homes are put up um you're going to have an ever increasing cost for that that's why fiber is a great alternative because first of all it's more reliable than cellular and second of all if you own the fiber and you own the poles and you own the infrastructure you're not paying those monthly fees those Annual fees that come with receiving that information and that's an ongoing cost that's a recurring cost then we get into scada and it brings up the example of the city of Okala which by the way the city of Okala this last year for the first time their internet their fiber actually provided as much revenue knew to transfer to the general fund as their electric utility and Okala did not start out having any interest in having fiber customers or having residential or commercial customers in that space what they really wanted to do was cut the significant cost to developing scada that's the monitoring of their lift stations the monitoring of their Wells the monitoring of their sewer plant these spills that we used to have in the industry were something where you'd call D say hey we threw lime on it and we're good to go we we let you know that's not the policy anymore D now has a no spill policy that is the state policy so if you have a spill of sewer whether it's at a lift station whether it's pouring up through a manhole whether it's a spill at the plant they take these issues very seriously on contamination and so it's important that we in real time can address what are those pumps doing are they down and not have to wait for a 30-minute window for one person to come rolling in and reset it to the second or backup pump if they have a tablet at home they can literally go on there and from the control mechanism simply select the other pump and turn it on or they can at the plant shut down one process so that it doesn't continue to overflow or start to overflow at another because you can monitor levels um so skate is absolutely important Wells uh some of the the notices that we've had for loss of pressure we've had Mixon well over there on Mixon road that has constantly thrown a breaker because we have some electrical issues over there that we're addressing but in the meantime in the middle of the night that could stop and the only way we're going to know is when someone calls up and says I don't have water pressure which then precipitates what our community absolutely has fallen in love with and that is a boil water notice so to avoid these types of interruptions to avoid these interruptions to people's daily lives scada is absolutely necessary moving forward to stay within compliance of some of the things that the state through d Swift Mud and others are trying to March Municipal providers Within These spaces and I bring this all up because a lot of these cost when we come in when we bring you guys a skada proposal from a third party company when we bring you the Ami proposals I know that an RFP and an RFQ have been talked about and authorized by the council you should be seeing that not too far from now these are costs that you're going to see built into all those proposals when in perpetuity if we maintained that fiber and we were the owner operator we could not have to pay long term so there's significant Savings in that a lot of benefits to events Peanut Festival communicating with the event goers vendor POS or point of sale a lot of the folks complain about when they're trying to sell their goods for the festivals and events they don't really have good access to take cards and not a lot of people carry cash anymore obviously for Public Safety we could do some real-time security monitoring if we had fiber out there throughout the events in the Parks and then of course potential revenues from from guests um this is what a lot of the one penny sales tax initiatives all throughout Florida are doing it's not just relying on your residents but anybody that comes and enjoys your town if you have a fiber guest package available that they could log in wirelessly from anywhere in town you can actually have them buy a day buy a week they're staying at one of the tiny houses and they could buy internet for that short time that they're there and that would be Revenue that would come into the town that they helped contribute toward as guests also giving them a reason to come more often and then of course growth we have one developer right now that we had a developers meet meeting with today who wants to do an RV park uh south of town and one of the things that they would like the city specifically the city to provide for them is fiber services and uh that's one of the things that they requested we didn't offer it they requested it along with water Wastewater and gas so there's a lot of potential growth for that and increased Revenue you want to go to the next slide so we're going to talk a little bit about affordability and we have the questions highlighted and then the numbers there corresponding so what will it cost the city of Williston for an owner operator model so if you go down to the estimated total Capital costs Allin to build out 100% it'd be roughly $1.8 million if you go to the next slide uh how long will it take and I will say that if you look at the engineering which would be about 3 months and the construction about 10 months uh that's a very good timeline uh if you consider uh what we have in place and how quickly we could get things up I also want to mention here that there's been promises made by other providers of what they can do and I will not discount anything that they say but keep in mind that one of the things um and you'll see it in a picture later on in the presentation I'll readdress it is how a lot of our lines in the town are developed from previous linen shall we say and the the town isn't uniform and it's not really to the standard in certain areas that have been upgraded that is conducive with height requirements and other things for fiber right now so there's a lot of uh changes that need to be made and I think that people could possibly be underestimating that we're very familiar with that system and we believe that we would be better equipped to handle and addressing some of those issues go ahead and go to the next slide please so let's talk about potential gross revenue um and uh or excuse me um yes potential gross revenue there we go I skipped one so we took a very conservative uh retention across town um one of the studies and I'll I'll pull it up here in just a minute and H hand it out to you was from one of the grants that we did that connect humanity and lit uh sponsored us for and approved us for and they studied out our Market um and we can share some of that information here with you in just a moment but uh they do usually let you know when you have what they call a um a Broadband uh uh ghetto so to speak they offer to say that when you have that lapse of of really good coverage for Internet that typically 80 to 90% of people within that area nowadays in 2024 will hop onto those Services we went way under that we said if only 70% of our customers that we currently have went with cink that we would uh produce a roughly 1.25 uh 1.2 million almost uh 1.3 million so um that is what we came up for as far as revenue and um if you go up above just a little bit and I guess it's the next slide actually you'll see what our operational budget would be and we put a lot of work into this as far as general operations ongoing and our ISP ongoing that's of course your technology side your equip things of that nature so you can see that that's uh just under $600,000 which would leave the council to ask the question what do you do with the other $600,000 that would be generated and as we've even seen tonight there are many areas where probably we could use annually another $600,000 um so some of the packages that we offer uh if you go down to the bottom it's not highlighted 25 up 25 down 100 up 125 down uh we can have a question as to why aren't larger packages offered we can have a question as to what the reality is as far as what people use in bandwidth and what they claim they need there is every provider out there that's going to tell you you need this big of a connection we have data from every C Link customer currently here and not one of them have exceeded the packages that we're talking about I'm talking about Peak usage and we have those graphs and provide to a council for anyone that would request so let's go to the next slide and again the question is what can C link contribute it can contribute a lot we have growing needs we heard that we had to get grants for bulletproof vests you know we have the issue of the USDA loans um or grants excuse me that are no longer becoming an option for the city and we're talking about where do we get that those funds to have those cars that we need um these are things that Council should really take cons seriously I hope and go back to the where I started the presentation and asking two times Council was before them to invest in ourselves one in 1981 and they chose the right way and this is why we have a lot of the things that we have here o over other smaller communities around us and then I would say a poor decision made in 1994 where they said it'd be easier the easier path is give those 131 customers away and we're paying the price now for those decisions so I encourage you to consider that next slide so I know a lot of you have concerns and so this is your opportunity go ahead and chat type in what you have as your as your greatest concern we can see what some of those are go back all right so think of a word that best describes your top concern I know some of you have some serious concerns about about the city provided cing just just type them in absolutely yes sir sure there we go it's open and this is a great part of this because I mean everybody cross the room they'll have different things and it'll show you which one is the most important which seems to be reliability which is good because that's our last point in our presentation that works out real well reliability bandwidth construction timeline so you see over there those are all great concerns things that definitely can easily be addressed all right so go ahead and go to the next slide again I mentioned the grant that we had that Grant studied out all of the um all of the design issues it engineered quite a bit uh Brandon if you go through and pass this out so uh it put out on Facebook and on the website a summation of kind of the timeline of where we started on this journey uh what we've done along that Journey uh again there are some great models out there and then there are some nightmar stories out there and there is a fair analysis of each one uh dellan I live in Maring County dellan entertained this many years ago and it was a considerable blunder it was not executed well and it was probably a space that they were IL equipped to get into now what's the difference between dellan and US dellan did not have its own power one of the reasons why you're going to have folks lined up in here to convince you all to give them the golden ticket is because they want access to our polls anybody can come in here and do fiber anyone can come in here and do underground and pull the permits and provide and compete any single company can do that what people really are after is that poll agreement see the town owns the poles it's our property and we can choose you can choose whether or not they get to utilize those poles and those aren't just for fiber keep in mind that's how we keep the lights on I think yesterday and the day before are good example of why those polls are important we appreciate that um and if I've been ill insufficient in my presentation now I can tell you it's because we've been up like 36 hours but we um we pride ourselves for being such a small town and that our small little crews are resilient um and we do a good job I mean last year when the storm came through we were the first provider up in the state 100% we didn't get to be the first this year but we were darn close to it we certainly weren't the the last uh and that should go to the question as to competency and reliability in regards to what we can do as a staff to have faith in our abilities uh for your last mile design that's in uh the lighter purple that you see there throughout the map uh we currently have about 1,800 residential and business customers through our other uh uh utilities provided particularly the power um we would construct and complete in phases and that's important because we would put people online immediately soon as their area was done they'd go online they would have access we would not wait until everything's built and then have one day where we just turn things on that's not how it would go we would start getting people on immediately upon expansion and I say expansion because we already have fiber throughout certain parts of the town and I don't and I don't mean the tower up there I mean we have microps throughout these blocks and we have quite a few people that have hopped on and we have not had a complaint yet matter of fact during the storm and some of the power outages they maintained the ability to hop on to cow link and use their internet as long as they had power to their computer uh the middle mile design which is your darker purple uh that basically has seven anchor institutions again we go back to cost savings and value uh those are institutions that we're either going to pay for service or we're going to be the service and then of course of course we have potential growth uh approximately 1500 new Services projected over the next 15 years that's just based on our comprehensive plan our development plans um with certain people that have come in and shown interest for certain things that are plaed certain ways and then the last thing I wanted to mention and Ocala has really taken advantage of this is the potential dark fiber lease income and that's basically like a company comes in and they want a dedicated they only want to be on their fiber line and you get you can get some considerable income from that uh as I mentioned Okala has quite a few of those uh where they require for standards or certain things a more secure connection um that they don't share go ahead and go to the next slide and again that's one of the major points that I thought would be an issue is what's the reliability if you want to go to the next slide uh C link how does it operate we are a fiber optic based internet service network uh we're instituting or we'd like to Institute this in three phases uh the first phase is what already been completed that was studying this out this was as you see on your sheet right here in the highlighted sections lit fiber recommends the city of willson pursue an owner operated model and let me say what's interesting about that they'll tell you if you call them this is the first time they've ever issued a letter to anyone that they've done the study for where they've said you shouldn't partner with somebody and they looked at that based on what assets and what staff we had available and what training was there if you go down further to the highlighted area the city of Wilson has experience serving as a utility operator which affords the city valuable experience with the operation management and service requirements necessary to deliver services to its constituents this company's job is not just to give you the grant they give you the grant because then they have companies that pay them which is where the grant money comes from to put them with the people they study out with one of those Partners to develop fiber for that company to independently run in their community so this Grant had a financial incentive to partner us with a partner and say turn over your assets to them and let them run a fiber internet service and they instead came back with their letter at the end of that Grant and said we recommend you guys do this yourselves and it's the first time that they've done that so that's phase one phase two is what we have just started to do many months ago out here on Northwest Maine to not rely on Tower and line of sight but to rely on micropops that are literally in every corner in every part of every neighborhood so no matter where you're at you have red um and then of course we have business and residential savings because we're obviously going to have a lot less cost compared to some of the other packages that are available through other providers we're looking at 3250 all right 3250 $32.50 uh and that's for 25 up and 25 down and again I have the metrics for anybody that would like to look at it there's not a business provider in town that we have on that package that has come close to exceeding that bandwidth some of them have up to 12 to 15 devices inside uh again no contracts free installation and local 247 support I will brag on Aaron we were at a barbecue and a volunteering at a function a couple weekends ago on our own time and he got a phone call from a customer here in town and said I can't get on to my uh my my internet and so he quickly on his phone right then and there in the middle of his event on his time off looked it up everything was good on our end showed up within a few hours helped them diagnose something that was on the customer's side which typically another provider would say not our problem they would make them call somebody from an IT expert because that issue was an IP problem that was on their side they had changed something they had messed it up on their end so that's not the type of customer service you're going to get from very many places next slide so here's the photo that I told you about if you look at the bottom right hand photo uh the reason why I have that there is that green line points to where the Telecommunications would go there are height requirements safety requirements for where those lines can be typically this is a great idea of how power should be you go through communities all over Florida this is the standard you have your neutral on top you have your three phases below it I can tell you that there are many parts of town that are not vertical that way they are horizontal they have one two three phase es they have a neutral down on the bottom by quite some distance and there's not correct amount of footage in order to stall right now currently the way it is a fiber cable um those need to be redone and the reason why they need to be redone is because the poles aren't even talling enough even if we tried to raise the neutral which is not a safe thing to do uh they need to be completely replaced and so other providers that have come in or might come in and said hey we can do this super quick there's a lot of engineering there's a lot of work to be done that I don't think a lot of people familiar with our system would be able to see uh right off the bat the picture all the way to the left is uh just showing you how cink Works uh you have your network switch on the pole you have your power supply and you have your microp and that microp here on this corner is reaching much further than you could imagine uh and then I mentioned three phases so third phase is after we get everybody up and everybody's on reliable service anyone who cares to would be able to have a direct fiber line to their home so we're not just saying we're going to stop at Wireless we would go directly to the home directly to the business if that's what they chose if they were for some reason unhappy with the service that they were being provided and they or they wanted say more reliability I would say that's really honestly something that I would disagree with in many cases because um well we'll get to that question here in a little bit go ahead and go to the next slide all right so everybody get ready here and want to start so here comes the question get ready to answer it here so what accounts for 60 to 70% of all operating costs ongoing operating costs this comes from our neighbor the city of Okala all right so the answer for anybody who's curious is any kind of repairs from underground fiber being busted that's the answer that's the costly part one of the main reasons why we want to initially have wireless coating the town to get everybody up quickly would be because a lot of the costs associated with fiber are people disrupting those fiber lines they're pretty much safe on those poles um but once you get them to the house once you get them underground once you get them through people's yards you'll be amazed at how many repairs you have and that's where a lot of the cost comes in it's where a lot of uh you know folks that have come in and talked before previously have said look we have teams that can splice that can get out that can take care of these things they have those teams in place because it's a common occurrence go ahead and go to the next slide all right You've Won you answered the most questions good job all right next slide all right so here's our final tips and takeaways uh what does the future hold well more resources required for Public Safety and infrastructure uh do you want another body instituting rate structures that was a question that a few council members asked you know what happens with rates from other providers well they're either from governing boards or Boards of directors or things of that nature um I would think that many of you feel more confident in yourselves in determining what uh happens to their constituents fees in regards to that should the city of Williston plan for the future well we we do need to plan for the future and skate and Ami will provide customer controls and real-time information this isn't about spending money this is about saving a lot of money and most of the savings are in the customer hands because if they had real-time information any minute they wanted to log on and look at what's going on with their electric account you know Ami even has controls for people on fixed incomes that you can have it alert you when you've met $50 on your electric bill and you can actually monitor that and even request services to be turned off believe it or not or water to be throttled believe it or not all these Technologies exist out there they're things that we've had presented to us but there's a lot of cost associated with instituting these things in the field and then what can we expect create local jobs further community business tools utilizing Communications to bring people together so if you want to go to the next one that wraps it up if you have any questions you've had an opportunity to ask those throughout the uh time and uh you want to go to the next one here if people did so here we go um wouldn't the city be faster at repairs and getting the network back up I would say that the only thing I could guarantee you is that you'd have to look at our record with electric it would be our electric staff it would be that merging of that electric staff and the fiber staff that would be one the great model that city of voala has had that's what it happened till they outgrew and they were able to be independent from years of Revenue but yes I do believe that we would be much faster response time since we already have on call and we already have boots in the ground we're already familiar with that system of electric we would know potentially where there's an issue much faster than a than a third party provider um what does it do for the homeowner well as I mentioned Ami scada all these things it does a lot for the homeowner it gives them a more affordable internet it gives them a reliable internet and at the same time I would say that uh they would be able to control a lot more things on their financial side through Ami that uh that they don't currently have at this time uh how far we be going out we would we would only do our plan is only to do according to the map that you saw the service areas that currently have services so if you're a utility customer for the city of Williston that is where we would go now if there is a development that came in an undeveloped land again within our purview and provided by our electric um then yes we would hopefully in the future add those as customers that's that number that we gave you previously over 15 years but um right now currently the goal would only be to concentrate on people that are current customers of uh the city of willson um does this impact the area near Homestead Park absolutely I mean right now we are helping him answer his internet needs through it I mean they're up and processing cards because of our it department and our assistance to them but furthermore yes this would make them to where they would have no issues whatsoever and as they became more interactive and and expand their operations it would be uh something that their guests could easily get on and have plenty of bandwidth fastest package available that would be 100 up 125 down is that correct at this time okay say that again down 25 there you go so that's the current at this time and again we have the metrics if people come in here and tell you that you need a one gab uh you know that I'm just telling you folks we have metrics that are going to say that that's nonsense that basically they're just upselling you just like a used car salesman I'm I'm sorry I think we've used that term in Council before right in the back I'm looking all right yes so um fast package available any other questions that's it all right so I hope we've answered the questions if Council has any questions we can entertain at those time question so you said it'll take about a year to get it get F op service to the entire city yes we suspect that many people would be on a much shorter timeline as I mentioned when we got a when we got a section run we would put those customers on move on to the next one we wouldn't just start building kind of the infrastructure and weight to put on the end user but overall we believe that after the engineering for about 3 months and uh getting materials ordered and staging everything that it would take approximately 10 months to get everyone who's currently a utility customer online we wouldn't focus on new development we wouldn't focus on people outside of that service area okay and you said that um being above ground below is well because it's cheap to be above a lot of people don't want to come in here and put it underground because it's expensive that's why they want your polls why they want to convince you that they're the the best route to go because you you make it profitable for them to come in and do that we know that that's profitable as well because underground work takes a lot more money you're talking about Jack and boring you're talking about open cutting you're talking about um yeah missile shots all that kind of stuff it's it's just a lot more costly a lot more timec consuming so what about reliability um to the customer does it matter whether it's above ground over sure absolutely absolutely absolutely so underground and years ahead you know that's definitely when new developments done done and we've already been doing this so when Country Lane Estates was put in and we put the power in we always put us another piece a fourth piece of conduit for future expansion into telecommunications when we did the airport project and we took power all the way out through there to connect the animal shelter and pick up future businesses through our part of the airport we put in another piece of conduit for all of telecommunications for future so everything that we do new um the levy Animal Clinic uh they put in all their infrastructure put their underground power their gas their water we put in an extra piece of conduit They begged us to do it they paid for it and so when telecommunications are available they have an underground connection right into the building so yes it's definitely more reliable but you're not going to have a lot of companies coming in here and offering underground they're going to be offering to get on those polls and if they do offer underground it's going to be really expensive and Nothing Stops us from competing with them if they don't need our poll so if they do come in and say hey we'll do underground we already have underground here we have um centry links residential provider that partnered with the lonard development and they spent a million plus dollars putting in fiber Underground through that new neighborhood and we already picking up their customers they switched some of them have already switched to our cow link which by the way is on the system we're talking about and they love it so it saved them a lot of [Music] money so so even though we we're going above ground at this point in time if any individual resident or someone wants to have ground the city is going to be able to do that as well yes ma'am that's why when we talked about free installation we had the word basic there if they want to upgrade certain things or they want more resiliency either a business or something of that nature and they want to put in the investment we'll do that right at cost for them that's in the proposal to upgrade to that more reliable service because you you're going to have points at different sections we don't have to worry about line of sze no ma'am you would not have to worry about line of site because there's going to be too much redundancy if it it's going to be done to where it's like a 1 three share basically there's three points micropops that should be able to reach significantly to each customer if one goes down you have two if two go down you have you have still have one and if all three go down it's probably because you've lost power and you've lost Services critically the whole way so that's that's the plan that we have in place what's the percentage of customers do you think that we will get if you the council were to decide for us to go in this Direction I Would I would guess submit that 70% is a very conservative number if you tell people out there right now it's your house you can get internet right now tomorrow we get phone calls when we did this run here along Northwest Main Street and down fifth place people immediately found out we immediately put them on we haven't had a complaint yet okay what about Mark marketing marketing I will tell you I don't think you need to Market it I think if people find out they're on word of mouth all the time they're always asking on Word of Mouth once a week twice a week does anybody know who has the best internet throughout Williston or moriston or Bronson I mean the questions out there and people come in and say yeah this is the provider you should use or hey this is who I use or no it's a desert out here so those things come in I mean that once something becomes available uh we also who we're targeting as our utility customers we send them a bill every month so it's very easy to let them know when something's in their neighborhood we just put it in their bill you are now eligible for cink if you are interested in those Services call and then give them the number how many additional staff do you think you'll have to hire for the construction phase or will you contract that out we do not suspect right now at the beginning of having any additional help and um as the department grows and we get those new customers on and the revenues there that's when we would say hey is it time to address those questions but right now with the plan that we have we are we are uh doing we were proposing to do that with the existing staff and no we're not talking about going out on third party Contracting we've already gotten uh relationships with uh materials providers and uh and similar discounts to what other providers are getting buying and bul so you're not planning to do third party I thought that was the plan all along we've asked city of Okala if they would like to assist they've said they would but it's always dependent on their schedule um that would be up to counil if they wanted to go that route yes that would definitely speed things up but of course it's always dependent on what their availability is they helped us do this but when they did it we trained with them we've sent a few off to school to get certified and these things are ready and and we were already training and then one of the a linemen that we hired since then he came with that experience so we have a staff that knows uh and and to be honest with you you've got the home side of it putting up the devices the the routers and the homes and then you've got the actual distribution side of it while the time the distribution goes through really you want to keep same Pace with the other team that's going in and doing the installs so basically the time period is the same as we March along for to do both of those at the same time you speed up two quick and you do all the distribution like I said then you've got lines and things that are built and yet you don't have the staff to put the customers on but we're not asking for additional resources that was the nature of the question we're not proposing that and funding Mr Mayor I'm waiting for my turn you go for it okay Mr Barber yes sir thank you for a very long and eloquent history of our city and the Meandering through all of the things and the multiple sheets that you give us and I know that you're very intelligent capable man I think I'm getting set up go ahead I hear a butt coming however the assumptions that you place here I think are fantasy at best misguided at least okay you you present us all these facts and here just on one and I obviously you've had these and you could have presented them to the council earlier so they would have had a chance to look them over instead of throwing them at them and wearing them out so that they listen only to your voice but right here you said Florida Power has estimated that after the purchase it would serve riston residents directly at retail and a and that his retail prices rates would be substant less than the rates Williston would charge based upon my discussion with the Florida Consultants who I worked for their assumptions were not correct why do you think their assumptions is not correct yet your assumptions are well that's not an assumption Mr Mayor that's historical that is what you said in this no no no that's historical data the 1981 what they promised they didn't deliver to their other their assumptions were not correct why do you think your assumptions are correct because frankly much of what you have put forth here are assumptions and so every other presentation you've heard Mr Mayor those are assumptions those are promises and you're asking the staff what they can do this is the proposal we came up with this is what we're offering that we can do you you can absolutely say I don't think you're capable of doing that and that's the council decision I'm very clear on that you have you have minimal staff right now you have two people and you're telling me that well I don't have two people but well you how many people do you have sir uh I have 10 people in electric and that's the proposal that I have 10 staff in electric on it one one thank you so you're going to run all of this with the it throughout the city with one person that I can't even get to put the TVs on or put fix the computers at the police station in the timely man well Mr Mayor you know I'm not here to get into a tip fortat for you if you have a question understand all right I just don't I think that your presentation while beautiful and well done is not a true representation of what is going on here thank you it's not the first time I've been called a liar I did not call you that sir M Jones I did not is it m chair yes ma'am um I can say I have concerns about timeline I don't how many people do we have on the waiting list now for C that have requested the service that are able to get the service go ahead okay last I knew there were like 26 we have a lot more customers on not not that are eligible this time anybody that's eligible gets it usually within a week okay I I have concerns about and I know we need to listen the other presentation actually before we have this conversation that we're having now but I have concerns about lack of Staff the timelines are too long the money is too much if I had that amount of money I'd buy into buber by Central Florida is what I would do with it um because they are up and running and half staff they've got hundreds of Staff members not one um yes I I know a utility is what the utilities would like to have and I can see that there would be money in it I just don't think we're prepared to do it I don't think we're prepared to respond when the people need us to respond um I I just don't think we're prepared to do that and 10 months even six months is too long well miss dber I I will tell you this I don't believe anyone who tells you they can provide service to our customer basee in this city in six months is accurate and I think you'd be hardpressed to find someone outside of those promising that to confirm that in a professional opinion as I mentioned we've worked with other utilities that provide the service we're getting advice from people who are in the space and they're telling us there's just with engineering with design with going in in the improvements that need to be done in our system we're we're being conservative in our estimates because I don't believe in over promising and underd delivering I believe in under promising and overd delivering and I think that's what customers want to see so long we talk about eligibility who's not eligible with at at this time those that are not within the micropops and those that are not within line of sight to the tower which was phase one which is how we learned and kind of studed on the internet uh the fiber connections and that was also through the truest Grant so if you're not within that area and that scope and then you're not also within the runs that we've done with the micropops right now you're currently not there that's that's what we wanted to expand that's why we wanted to expand so the micropops will be how you will be able to get it not just for the residents but for guests for people that come into the town for people that want to log on for a day for somebody that's in a park for someone that's at an event for someone that visits a business and maybe the business isn't a customer they can buy time they can get on and they can utilize cing and it's it's another potential Revenue source for a lot of folks that come through town but the micropop microps whatever they are um that's what you'll use to bypass the line of sight in phase two yes ma'am in phase two so and then phase three we would Harden that and begin to slowly overtime over the next you know 20 years to to do Hardline connections So based on the decision here is going to to determine when your phase two starts we've started phase two would be depending on whether or not we move on excuse me it we've started phase two as exploratory part of the grants and things of that nature we've used money that was already budgeted to finish phase two is what it would do yes ma'am any questions ma'am if you come up to the podium please St your name Vicky Todd and basically I'm representing the First United Methodist Church First Methodist Church of Williston my question is is Lite has been here two years for us okay it's been a little but it's been okay okay my question is is why didn't you go back and put micropops where we could get them okay because our main concern right now or why didn't you put it down your main business Avenue in town before you started running that way okay I I'm just concerned of priorities because the businesses have been work waiting for the um the links for a long time it's my biggest prayer ask anybody in church because we we're trying to broadcast from our church and we can't do it with Sentry Link and we can't can't do it without fiber so we were kind of expecting or hoping first fiber guy in would be the one that we would probably go with and we haven't seen them yet and I know that centry link has it now too that they're advertising but we haven't gone that way either so my question is is why didn't you go the business route where you could get people signed up quickest to do it because they're the ones in need of it for their for their computers for their Communications with their other customers and especially since we've got so many national companies now down that road just a question it's a good question I alluded to it um earlier in the fact that if you study Ocala's model and as we mentioned Ami and skate and those things fiber primarily for us when we're testing it out when we were using a grant to learn what our capabilities were we took that to the plan the path is to the plan it's to our asset so if it had failed it was to our asset we weren't putting customers on it went to the plant because I need fiber at our sewer plant we need to monitor the levels of those of that sewage going through the process and we need to monitor that plant as far as the sand pumps and all the other things so that was the destination of the fiber and then anybody within that path was who we used as a means to learn about the system yes sir please come up to the buting state name where you're from ju Lewis Wilston my question is with these pods is this working on the same Theory as cell towers do passing on the signal each other also what happens when if a tree falls and stuff are they I mean are they fed by a line on the poles or are they connected radio frequency together so the micropops are plugged directly into fiber and yes the fiber is on the power lines if you have a tree that takes out a whole section catastrophically then yes you're going to learn lose service for that area if you Loop your system properly like we have in our design you may get fed from the opposite direction that's the point of having more than one micropop servicing an area um as far as radio frequency no they don't operate on radio frequency um so they do there you go I'm not the IT guy yes that's why I have it over there well I apologize you had to look at my ugly mug Mr Mayor I was making sure you were using your microphone Mr Mayor where are the fal lines located now in this town where are what located the f l are you are you referring to our fiber yes our fiber that we've run runs from the blue water tank behind the police department straight across up Northwest Maine to fifth place fifth place to Fourth Street Fourth Street to the sewer plant or wastewater treatment plant okay I live by kids and Company how can I get F or my where by kids and Company behind them or next across the street right behind them he lives right behind not yet cuz we don't have it won't reach that three block won't go that far we get anywhere from 300 to 600 ft radius off of a microp okay with the mop pops What About Trees interfering with signal uh doesn't interfere because our height we're actually down below the tree lines our biggest problem with line of sight is our 80 90 100 foot trees that we have they're three blocks thick this actually drops it down below that line of sight issue with the trees please state your name sir Hector samario and good evening everyone can you hear me K for and do you have uh the slides or the two pages that I forwarded to you so I'm going to refer to them I don't think they know it's from you but it's on our desk it's the one that says Bank of America on the front very first yeah top one is the letter you can sign back on lri you can connect so let me um let me start by asking a rhetorical question is an investment in your fiber Network a good financial decision does it have an attractive rate of return don't I say rhetorical because that was really answered at your last council meeting right I mean you have companies that are knocking at your door saying we want to be your fiber network provider we want to install it we want to operate so they so they've done their due diligence they've looked at the financial analysis they've done the technical analysis they looked at the risk and they and they're knocking on your on your door saying we want to be that provider so that question's been answered so I think tonight really what you're really asking is it a good financial decision for the city to invest its funds in its own fiber uh Network and that's what Donald has and Aon have been talking about and I think they did a great job of of talking about that providing that background so I'm just going to add my perspective and pro and possibly provide you a path forward so if you would I'm going to be on the package that I sent you I'm on this page so I've already reached out talk about an investment well do you have the money to invest I've already reached out to two financial institutions on your behalf or on our behalf actually and I have two that I said that have already committed on a preliminary basis to provide the city of Williston and put into a city of Williston escro account between 4 and $10 million to help you fund this infrastructure and any other infrastructure that is needed again I've talked to you many times about a performance contract you have an rfu that may be issued this is all how this is uh it be under that umbrella but I've got two folks that have said that that they will provide the funds and it's not for them to own it this is funds that get put into your esro account for you to own it and you to operate it for you to construct it buy the equipment you need to to do the maintenance to run the staff until your staff is up and running that's what those funds are for the next one I just want to let you know know that this slide here I've been looking at your internet for over well over a year so information that I'm sharing with you today is is founded on on extensive re work that our that our team has done so it's not new in this conversation well it's new here and it was new at your last council meeting we've been looking at this so this information that I'm sharing with you is uh we've been looking at this slide when you look at a a an investment you got to look at all your costs and Donald addressed a lot of those costs cost your staff sing up your staff trucks equipment tools all of those things so we have to look look at the cost of your resources want to share with you the numbers all of these things have been taken into account upgrades to your electrical infrastructure that Donald mentioned cost of adding any additional benefits everything you see on this page are things that have to go into have to be assessed when looking at that investment is it smart for the city to invest in this infrastructure go to the next slide added benefits this is just for just for your reference if you wanted to put because you own this you won't have to pay any data fees again Donald mentioned that could be part of your Ami back call be emergency call buttons you know scattered throughout the city surveillance cameras scada that Donald mentioned all of these things can be part of your package and there won't be any data fees because it's your network so I just wanted to show you that there are you know some additional benefits and features that you can add I'm here so some of these numbers I I I missed but this is a summary of the numbers that I that I've generated I I have at the top left corner three $3 million as a cost I have that in there purposely because at your last council meeting you were told that for $3 million you could be a 50-50 Equity owner in in fiber I'm saying that for $3 million you can own it all to generate all the revenues and keep it all for yourself and we would help you in the instruction if you needed it I think you get great staff so if they did the construction and we just provided all the equipment and the money I mean there's different ways to to slice this or to peel this onion but but we we will work with you on on what is the most cost effective and expeditious way of getting getting this done but I've got annual cost of resources I I I use 500,000 I was off from what they have closer to 600,000 but these are just some of the assumptions I made part of my my estimat growing to over 1 Mill million Donald mentioned 1.2 $1 million in annual revenues net revenues really it says 500,000 that should start out lower at about 200,000 growing to over 600,000 net revenues over time and again I think I'm being very conservative in my numbers the 10 years you're going to net $2 million and 15 years you'll net five I say I'm being very conservative because if you go to the next one the table where I break down some of the numbers that I'm using you see that I'm using a slow growth for your customers 150 then 500 then 1250 and so on so a slow growth to that 1500 that I'm going to hold there for several years $50 in maintenance fees annual revenues you see in that third column now I want to I want you to remember a number here 1.5 million 1,800 customers 1.5 million I say I'm being conservative when I share with you what Okala is making on that on on their customer base you'll see that these numbers are pretty very conservative based on their history and what they're generating but that's okay I want to be conservative when I'm when I'm looking at these numbers this early on you can see the cost of resources I grow that quickly after three years to 500,000 I'll increase that if staff says 600,000 I'll increase it so these numbers will be impacted but also include in there The Debt Service we're going to put $3 million or $2 million into a city escro account that's got to be repaid so I include that in these calculations because I want you to see on the far right corner what you're going to net on an annual basis what that's going to do to your bottom line starting off starting off slow 54,000 and then growing depending on how we structure the debt repayment growing to over 600,000 over the next few years so again five $5 million over 15 years net reeven net total revenues I think I'm being a little bit conservative there but that's okay at this stage so all of that to say that great investment for them I think it's a great investment for you and we're happy to support you in this way the next one just a reminder we looked at this stuff some time ago in fact this was part of the presentation some of you got uh November December of last year this was a 6.9 million that had a lot of different things in there only 220 Cen customer growth I would take out of this the lift stations I would keep the skada at least but certainly it's going to we include a marketing campaign Mary you asked about that as part of an I certainly we would do the same thing for the for the the internet you know if you wanted to include that in the package but all of that to say that these things can can be done and there's different ways to do this under performance contract and Terry whether we do the installation they do the installation we just buy the materials different ways to do this to get it done expositionally my timeline design and Engineering three three months installation in six months you say that that's too long uh perhaps um maybe somebody can do it quicker but in this case you're own you're going to have that full ownership and all of the all of these revenues come to your bottom line not somebody else's I've got this one here on Okala I just took this off funny that Donald mentioned it because I live silver springs I called Okala because I have costs and my bill went up considerably it's well over $100 maybe $140 so that's what I expect to pay and that's what I think people are paying more than $125 140 but the reason I mentioned this because when you look at the numbers at the top right 6.8 million in revenues that gen that they're generating on 3100 customers 3150 customers if I use their per customer base I showed you 1.5 million at 1,800 customers that number would actually be $3.8 million if I use their per customer uh cost or or revenues just wanted to share that with you but also wanted to share these other two things these other two quotes that I took right off of that their website a community gem you know this can be a community gem for you guys you know if you own it and you get to set the rates as Donald mentioned you get to own it and then that second quote you get to provide that Lo the local office you get to provide the local technician and I like you when I look at at ellaa I wasn't in their service service territory so I didn't I didn't have access to it but I thought what a great you know what what a great offering um to make it a local offering I thought that was pretty I'll say special but I thought that was a nice feature last one timeline as I said three months to do the design six months for cool installation middle of the next year you have the city fully covered with fiber and as Donald said you're starting to generate revenues as we're doing the construction so I wanted to share that with you because I think this is a set a path to keep that ownership keep the revenues but have the funds to make this happen and as we're doing that we're looking at Ami does that make sense we're looking at SC we're looking at using Ami back call on the on the uh fiber Network so we're looking at this as a comprehensive solution looking at scada all of it and then figuring out what what makes what is cost effective what makes the most sense it may be that fiber is the only thing that makes the most sense that's all we do but I wanted to offer to you that that option or or that path forward making this happen in a way that you can keep it and and again keep those revenues stop there answer any questions I have a question about oala real quick do they have uh competing companies who are using their lines or in a similar way that we had the presentation from Central Florida electric that they would pay us fees to be on our power line so I don't know about joining their power Lin but they have Coxs talk about other vendors right so how many vendors does Okala have they have Cox at least in the Southeast that's where I live you couldn't get anybody else other than that I only have Cox or staring yeah so I don't know so they have pole attachment fees and franchise fees just like any Municipal provider in power um but the bigger part of the revenue is from that uh that D fiber I can let eron explain that a little bit those are companies that come in and they buy uh and they they basically lease assets um for dedicated lines and whatnot but that's that their their revenue in that space uh comes from there more than anything else so you're talking on this this is fiber straight up exact same thing that yeah we bring the money from different financial institutions they're they're willing to do that because we're going to show them that there's a revenue stream to repay that now taking that off the top so these net revenues that you're going to generate if you're going to get more from these other companies than what you're seeing here and these are Conservative then great that's a great maybe that's a great option but if they're not going to be able to match these revenues that you're going to generate $5 million in 15 years conservative numbers you have to ask yourself you know do you want to really sell it off or do you want to do it in house we can help you do it in house we'll work with with Aaron I work with Donald to make sure that this happens in the way that you want it the timeline that you want but in a way that again it makes the most Financial sense for the city of willon Mr Mayor thank you Mr President Hector my friend your position in in this is to offer the city funds is that correct yes funds to the that's uh and you said that it would take additional people but according to our people they're going to do it with one until they get a lot more customers all I'm saying is we're getting a lot of information from a lot of different directions and you're everybody is asking this Council to make important decisions on assumptions and misdirections and I like you I know you know I like you but $10 million in credit we paid $3 million for this building and if we're going to invest that kind of money in that credit credit means it cost you more that's what credit does when you get credit you pay more back than you borrow so that's costing money and I haven't heard the variations of the cost of all that credit because we don't know and I understand that we don't know how much much we're going to borrow we don't know how fast we're going to borrow it but there is a cost to that credit and that is a cost that I think a good Steward of the Citizen's money will not do but that's just my opinion thank you let me respond to that because cost of money in that slide is something that we have you have to weigh so you're absolutely right and I weighed and I looked at it and that $5 million was after you paid off the debt so that cost of money has already been included in your stomach if that number was negative I'd say nope you're right you're absolutely right do not invest in it let somebody else do it that's a very positive number $5 million is a very positive number that you're going to net so your interest you know that that 4 and a half% interest whatever it may be is again I'm just talking numbers it's irrelevant not irrelevant but it certainly something that if I remember right it was at a low a low interest rate because it was governmental fund the tax examp lease and so and that that word lease is very important not a bond doesn't require Bond referendum your your fa and your bond Council and your CFO will determine whether or not that's going to have impact your debt capacity or your bond capacity so the one one question I have maybe something can ask we went from a $1.8 million investment to5 million I'm using a $3 million here okay so what is it 1.8 or is it 3 million I use 3 million because that was as I said earlier because that's the number that you were offered for half of this so I you have to do the design and Engineering to come up with that final number but I wanted you to know that that same $3 million gets you all of it got it but the cost wouldn't be no we have to do a lot of work and I'm not going to tell you that it's going to be a lot less I I don't know how many PS be UPG upgraded this is if we're going to do the work if you're going to do the work this is a great time to get everything upgraded get your infrastructure upgraded and get your Survivor link again that's all part of what we would do working with Donald working with Aon to make sure that whatever standards have to be met we're going to make meet them so I can't tell you that 3 million is high it likely is but until we do that final design and Engineering don't know and I will say when you talk about investments in order to make money sometimes you have to spend money um so therefore we as a council once we hear the other presentation determine whether or not we want to take we want to invest in ourselves um at that point so I would love to is Ami any part of this in the cost that we're doing just for fiber or is that going to be something in that proposal I looked at Ami I looked at fiber but only for 220 you're going to do that you're going to look at this look at it all and that's what we do we we look at Ami we look at skate because these are all things that would could latch on to that fiber I'm not saying that you have to do them all look at them all part of what we do with the smart utility infrastructure that we do and then you can pick and choose and say well no let's not do that let's not do that but let's do these two things or just to do one thing so you're going to have that menu brought to you with the cost with the payback with the return on your investment then you get to pick and choose which make more sense anybody else have any questions yes ma'am please come over to dep state your name please where you're from my name is chrisy Richardson and I work for the city of Willison um I'm not here to give any numbers or any of that I'm just saying that your staff who does who does anybody here whether you're on city council whether you're resident who do you call and you need you have problems or things are going on or whatever and who no matter what steps up and gets it done it's your staff and all I'm saying is we're not asking for a handout we're asking for a hand up invest in US Believe in Us and give us a chance I mean you're going to you're willing to possibly invest in somebody that you don't have a clue who they are you work with with us every day you see us in this building every day we're here we've been here over the past weekend for three days straight making sure that everybody got what they needed done and and fixed and had power and water and waste water and everything was up and going like it's supposed to go so I mean don't try to I mean we're just asking don't try to like you know put us down like we're not producing what we're supposed to produce we can't take it back way yeah but unfortunately we do because we're dedicated here I mean what this is what we do this is our livelihood a totally different decision yeah but not really I mean what I mean the money is different I I get that and it's all about the budget and it's all about the investment and everything I get all of that but again you're you're willing to like shoot us down as to whether we've done our due diligence to be able to give you numbers just like some other company's going to give numbers and our guys have done their due diligence and we need to be recognized for that that's all I'm saying is is don't you know don't cut us short because we're your regular staff I mean we bust our butts here every day for for everything we do and we just want that opportunity just like another company wants opportunity come in and make money off of us we want to make the money oursel for us for all of us so I mean this is again I'm not I'm not up here try to give numbers because I'm not part of that staff that's not what I do okay so I'm not here to try to sugarcoat anything I'm just saying that we just we would like the opportunity for when you're considering what you're going to do and who you're going to invest in and who you're not going to invest in to you know look at your own staff look at your own staff for what they provide every day day in and day out that's all I'm saying thank you [Applause] another city employee why would the city want to invest in itself they have a lot of Youth around here that can use jobs this can bring in a lot of money um you got linen that can do the work so we could be here 36 hours at night working storms losing our voices cutting down trees and putting up line 20 25 30 mph wind but we can't put up fiber optic in 9 so when SE backed up give guys out there in the water make sure everybody can live comfortable while we are here but we can't put fiber in a year time do yall not have faith you with us give us our Applause and say how good of a job but when the council member say we can't put up fiber Ops oh y'all don't have enough St yes sir I know on and the wind comes and the storm sir we're going to be replacing holes and wires anywh you are we we will be we replacing all that anyway yes it will be down yeah it will be and so will the power be on the power will still be on but we with no power there's no internet oh with generator with the power line down the three p oh so you talk generator well sir we sir we we um we we put up a lot of line uh this weekend um that same that same fiber will be up and when you have F on the ground at the for at the Fourth of July I was there to pick you up because you know what we do a lot of facet of stuff we we're very capable a lot of you rolled on the back of that float because US city men we do a lot of fas stuff and just to think that y'all don't believe that we can operate and put up hoptics that that's kind of a kick in the gut to us long-term Investments normally pan out you have a lot of Youth here that want good job this city is a good job give them something to work forward to something to look up to this I mean it's awesome thank you sir that was Sir very good Mr Mills you have a question sir no change your M uh Mr President can we take a 10-minute break please yes ma'am we will be back at 8:45 well there's two ways to look is that all right [Music] really that's good to know make it very clear and very for e e e e no spe okay e spe e e heart spe [Music] spe e e up spe to two minutes two minutes and we're going to be starting this again e time is now 8:46 city council meeting of city of Willison let's come back to order all right Mr Hector you wanted to say something real quick I want to understand I I wanted to uh I was asked to clarify the funding side of things and I'm going to ask you if you could look at this slide one more time it's one that has 6.9 one million the top left box I can bring funding or I can find funding through as I said Bank of America or various financial institutions and the reason I can do that is is I leverage Florida's um legislation 48945 it's a legislation on performance-based contract that means that that very that's a very important concept performance-based contract when I enter into a contract whether it's for AMI whether it's for Energy savings or whether it's for internet there has to be performance Clauses in the contract have to has to perform technically and it has to perform financi finally so when I talk about we talk about your water meters Ami Advanced metering infrastructure I have to calculate how much revenue that will generate and then I have to put that in a contract I have to look at how much we're going to generate an internet not not for me this is this is your your internet I don't own it but I'm going to work with staff and put those guarantees in there now you going to bet that I'm going to be fairly conservative because to protect our interest because if we're wrong we have to make up the difference If I'm Wrong by by a dollar or by $100,000 our company has to write that check to make up that difference so when I bring that money to the table it's under that legislation and it has those performance guarantees attached to it so whether we do all of the things that we've been looking at the Ami the list list station and skada or just the internet it doesn't really matter we do we approach it the same way I just wanted to clarify that okay thank you sir all right item e discussion with possible action presentation from open infra fiber Daniel K all right thank you so much for having me um so I'm not going to go through our slide uh slides I think everybody's an expert at fiber right now I was given five minutes so I'm going to try and use them well uh my name is Daniel K oh okay yeah you don't have it if you're on the agend I will try and keep it to my five minutes if either way agenda you don't have a time limit I don't know who told you five minutes but you're on the agenda okay perfect thank you so much I'll still keep it to 5 minutes probably we appreciate it my name is Daniel K and I am one of the owners of open infra and also work as the CSO um open infra is a swedish-owned company with fiber optic infrastructure in Sweden Norway Finland Germany the UK and now the United States of America I'm Swedish you might be able to tell my wife's American um and my kids are American too I hope to become one one day and I'm in the Green Card process hoping it goes well it's a long process um our first American office was started in Texas and the Florida office was established in 2022 so we're quite new we build and manage Open Access fiber with currently 10 different isps in our Network Open Access fiber means that we build the infrastructure we then try and get is piece Spectrum Frontier whatever ipce there are to join our Network so that they can provide a service to the customer um it's very rare in the US in Europe there's a lot of U Open Access networks there's a lot of providers uh Sweden is a small country there's only 9 million people but we had 27 providers all over the country to choose from uh which is good I think and in Florida we have passed about 30,000 homes in four separate counties so far upgrading the infrastructure for communities that before us had no fiber at open FR we love competition we believe in free markets and that competition is what brings value to a market competition it what guarantees the residents We Believe of Williston fair pricing for valuable Services we are certain that the city of Williston and its city council also believe the same thing and we want to bring fiber to your community without you guys having to pay anything for it we're not looking for any grants we want to invest our money into building fiber everything that we build is put Underground when we talk about the infrastructure of the future and fiber optics it only makes sense to ensure that the future is protected that it's built in a way that's going to last in this project we will not be using any poles at all so all of our infrastructure in Florida right now is underground there are no polls in one of the communities where we've been recently in in Spring Hill the county told us well good luck with the turtle holes is the main issue that we're running into there and old gas pipes um and nothing is documented that's in the ground but I come from Sweden we come from mountains we had to use Dynamite to put fiber in the ground it's pretty easy with the sand so it's been we don't use Dynamite here oh boy no dynamites are going to be used we don't think now 177,000 homes later in Spring Hill uh the county is asking us when are you building more in Spring Hill they only had one cable company for the past 40 years now for the first time in 40 years in Spring Hill its residents have seen a price reduction to the internet service people used to pay $100 $200 depending on whe they're using TV internet but around $100 for an internet service people are now getting offers from Spectrum our competition for $29 for the same service that's never happened before in Spring Hill it's the first time that people have seen a price reduction and to that we say you're welcome um after we're done in Williston we're looking at going to hopefully um Northwest from here to Bronson to do the same thing and Southwest to Williston Highlands so we want to expand we want to keep building building we're coming from East we're coming from Hawthorne we're building South to Citra I don't know if that's what it's called or Citra I don't know Citra I Citra Citra Citra Citra um and we're building those communities as well and from there we're building over here and all the homes that we're passing we're building fiber 2 and we're giving them the same uh campaign that we're offering in Williston as well um our buildout is not determined by the grants we receive since we're not asking for any I think that's the biggest difference between what's going on here tonight um we like the competition and we think that it's important for any Community um for the city of won as well to have an updated stable infrastructure for internet everything is internet nowadays school is internet education I mean we had a whole lecture about what the internet can do in terms of what you can Beed for by the city as well a lot of things a lot of monitoring same thing with Healthcare um there's a lot that can be done in healthcare you can be monitored at home you don't have to go to the hospital as often you don't have to see your doctors as often so there are a lot of good things and obviously everybody knows that the internet is very important for the future um I don't necessarily have a lot more to say I applaud the compet ition uh if a resident can get a better deal or a better solution from someone else we are happy that that's the case and we just have to be the best at what we do and that's how I believe that the free market should be run and that's how we intend to do it thank you so much questions Amy Amy have to ask the question through through the chair Amy Stark here in willon what speed are you offering our lowest speed is 1,000 megabits up and down symmetrical our high speed is 10,000 megabits up and down right now for residential that's as high as we go we're looking into for businesses up to 40,000 megabits per second up and down but it's not anything we're doing here soon so but 10,000 up to and I mean I'm sure that you can do good on 100 megabits that was talked about before but our lowest is a thousand anybody else got any questions please state your name res Bill Perry will what is your construction timeline we want to begin Construction in quarter 1 2025 so it would be great if it could be January it's probably going to be February or March something like that so we're currently uh building in Hawthorne and yeah it should be a fairly decent timeline so sometime quarter 1 2025 to be done completed probably Quarter Two because we're moving on in Quarter Two we're planning for our expansion from W two excuse me sorry just yeah so you're saying your design and installation of infrastructure is four months it's already been done we already have Buist designed it's already prepped so we designed that probably three months back so yes it's already completed we just have to start the permitting process in the building so you have but nothing has been sent to the city for permitting you have the design I get that part correct and I know you've been in the city pushing open impra having people sign contract correct right so and I just want to make sure your question get answered you know you unless you put infrastructure in somebody's yard you have no infrastructure in the city correct so when will that infrastructure be it's coming with the buildout so our infrastructure is coming the main line is coming from Citra okay but what what what timeline we like that's quter 1 2025 2025 yes so when you get here in 2025 how long would it take you to move off the main road and into the community um the whole willon probably take about for all the excavation and all the build outs Y and all the tie-ins Y about probably 12 weeks for the whole area so we're talking still I heard you say February March we talking April May probably March yeah quar one for will then we're moving on so we'll probably move all of our teams probably 20 teams for excavation in Williston at the same time okay Mr Perry that didn't answer your question you can ask more if you like I just didn't okay yes I have a question um what's the typical time frame to to um excavate and build out a community a I say a community or a res resal area let's just say residential area um looking at me uh no I'm trying to think okay Northwood let's just say Northwood North yeah Northwood or or it depends on how many feet we're we're building so one team will do about a th000 feet per day we have about 20 teams so we will do about 20,000 ft per day so it depends on how big that how many uh feet that Community is and you're going underground underground for all it through roads yes pulling all your permits yes okay going through under yeah not through that's very expensive and you guys are fixing new spots where you've gone into the road yes okay service goes down mhm how long does it take to get back up we have uh our standard SLA is about two days so two business days we start on the first day it's been reported and it can take up to two business days for it to come back up depending okay so if it could be the same day but if you're open access M I heard are you did I misunderstand that you are actually selling the service after you put it in no so we're already selling the service we've picked one of the providers in you already sold the service yeah okay so you you sell the so it's not really you after it's installed it becomes somebody else correct that's what I thought I heard you say but I was a positive uh so any service provider in this community could also join our infrastructure and have their services in the community as well so have you sold what's in Williston already Yes and who did you sell it to can you tell that yet M it's Optics Broadband a small provider most of the projects we have right now are very small because spectrum they don't like like the competition and will you sell on your fiber line to more than one provider or is it one provider is the only option on your line right now we always do one provider per area that's how we make a business out of it so we usually have a 24mth contract with one provider and then we move on to the next city we choose a different providers we can have more providers that want to be part of our infrastructure so we try and get providers and tell them that we'll will give them customers for one or two years so after two years M you will open your lines to any provider who wants to use them is that my understanding so currently right now there are 10 that are using our lines so you could pick from any of those 10 in in a say Hawthorne for example or spring spring Spring Hill yeah in Spring Hill we have yeah there's multiple providers that they're using right now so if you don't need grants and you're not asking for money why are you knocking on doors and asking people to sign contracts before you've committed to this community and because we do want to get to that point where we can say yes we're going to build if we get let's say 300 customers in Willison we can say yes we we want to build this community if we don't build there's nothing that anyone's paying so once they've signed the contract you guys don't do it they're customers are not going to get a bill MH correct okay few comments from some customers yes Strongarm tactics when the sales people come in and talk to them they feel they they're being not strong D into up doing a contract um this one said to my wife we're the city's main provider of Internet that's not true exactly but your people are telling that MH that's not right yeah we don't do business that way here no I understand that and they also a good one mayor has influence over the council so they aren't using your name at the door well because I told them to oh great thank you very much thank you you're welcome but I mean what I told them counselor was they were more than welcome to say that I had signed up for them what they're saying is you endorsed it we we can we can we cannot say that obviously I can tell the vendor they are saying that yes so I I sorry go ahead I'll come back my question so is is this the first time that you've um come before the council to talk about open Emperor yes okay so my experience when someone came to my door and I won't say who because they really nice um but my my experience was it was said that open infra was partnered with the city council you guys had been here had a conversation before the council and I as well when was that was it within the last 6 months they were like yeah I think it's been about within the last 6 months I've been sitting on the council almost two years and I've never seen you guys yeah the other thing to that is let me just answer that one real quick we did meet with mayor Goodman and with city manager Terry so that did happen a couple of weeks ago this was way before that was before the council okay they' been in my neighborhood you never you never met before the council um and then when and the young man called to speak with his supervisor um he said yeah I'm pretty sure that we've done it if not I think I need to to look into it but I'm pretty sure they have come before the council the person hung up really quick and I was like well I had another question so the young man picked up the phone to call back so I that I could ask another question and the person on the other end said move on just move on from there as though you know you didn't want to well the person didn't want to to um address my questions or concern when I am a potential customer so for me that was a red flag yeah and then to hear other C other citizens within the city because I'm not going to base anything on my perspective even though I am a a citizen but I sit on the council but to hear other other citizens say that they were told the exact same thing to make them feel as though you were partnered with the city is a miscar of Justice because you're you're not actually doing that so for me is it you're you're lying to the community and I don't know that we I would am willing to support somebody who lies to our citizens I agree does that make sense yeah makes a lot of sense and that that's the same thing that I'm hearing from customers is the same thing they're all it's it's like your guys and ladies have got scripts and this is what you're telling people you're giving them false information you know and I'm sorry I just don't M Jones um president Cox I just had a couple questions about uh the digging and the underground I've read a lot of Articles um Kaufman County Hernando County Citra Hawthorne Spring Hill where you've broken a lot of water pipes and sewer pipes we have gas here um so you guys have a crew that'll fix that or is that going to be up to us to fix it now no we have Crews that fix it so you guys have Crews that'll fix our utilities and you have gas yeah okay so yeah obviously when anything happens like that we fix it okay because in these counties it was their utility groups that fixed them oh okay what I don't believe that okay I mean the media often is yeah we fix I mean sometimes it's being like we hit something that we don't see it pops up a day later cuz it's a water service line to a house so there's going to be mud and it's going to be very it's going to sink in and then they fix it on their own then we always reimburse them if they never told us we don't know but yeah that happens too we've built past a lot of homes so yeah yeah and then can you explain your Better Business Bureau rating of an F no I cannot explain that but I didn't know we had an app all right thank you Mr SE yes sir um I guess my question is for the uh the long-term service um so after the two years or whatever the time frame is and you have the 10 different companies that are are vying for service um using the same lines if if I'm using company a and can somebody on the same street be using Company B yeah is that how that works all right so if if the lines go down in that way do you you just call your individual provider yes you do and they make service caim and we CLA we repair it yeah that's that's kind of my concern is the the timeline that comes with that um you know like a lot of the reason that u a lot of utilities became Enterprises is because you had duplication of services on the same street and um you know you'd have to call Central Florida for for example I'm not saying this is you guys by any means um but But Central Florida would be responding to an outage that was on a you know city of Willison pole because they were both on the same street mhm um so that's that's a concern that I have for the citizens but we service all of the providers so the providers have a contract with us we're the service company so you guys continue maintenance even after the two-year period forever okay yeah that's that's our business model okay so how do you maintain the low price that you're holding in there if you have different service providers so we basically have a base level price that we give all of the service providers they have the same price and it's far lower than the price that you're seeing there they then add whatever they want to add to the prices to have their service so we have a price that we $9 after two years is not necessarily guaranteed it could be lower it could be higher yeah depending on what the market does so it's a free market okay this gentleman right back here M Mr Lewis Glen Lewis somewhere on the planet Earth um question are you going to have technition on 27 27 720 yeah for call located in Wilston we will have a base technical crew in Wilston no so we're going to be about two hours away to start but then coming out of uh basically Spring Hill so about two hours away to start but when we build more there's going to be people that are closer y as we get more customers H one this gentlemen has a question than you Mr May hi this Brandon with the city of Willison um gas and water technician we deal a lot like I I think people are getting a misunderstanding here that just because it's underground and sayfe uh that's not necessarily true I deal a lot with locates I deal a lot CLE has been a big Target for us just because of how much activity in the ground is over there and we've found that we have a lot of Damages that happen underground and if you're not going to be here to have a timely response for repair and I just see a whole outage in the neighborhood for days weeks however long that's going to take and on top of that if you're going to do the repair you guys have people who are gas certified yes we do use contractors as well and for gas we do so we use a contractor that specialized on gas um for the something being out for weeks or uh more than weeks we still have our contracts to our providers where we have to repair it within two business days so I don't see that as a problem um but yeah I would probably also be concerned that too if I lived here and worked here yes maam come over to the podium please man' Christy Richardson city of Willison and Poe uh I just have a question on your services uh I am gas certified and so if your crew is out there digging and they cut a gas service line uh you know I don't know if you know if you're not gas certified okay so there's a certain timeline that you have before you have to have gas certified person on the scene when you're talking 24 and 48 Hours you don't have that long to respond to a gas line that's been cut so those are two different things if something is cut in the future once we've already established our Network then we have 24 hours if it's cut in in the same day we're working there we're going to have some that scast certified on site so that's going to be taken care of right away so those are two different things we we build out our Network and then five years from now someone might put a shovel in our lines then we're going to come out and fix it still but I'm saying when we're building building we have people on site that are certified oh yeah oh yeah of course we can't build if we don't I I noticed in your uh presentation reading over that finding pipes and wires underground you're holding the um the resident responsible for that my house was built 18 years ago I can't remember where all the different lines run to M so people live in homes that are older MH um they're not definitely won't know how their lines run you know for where you guys are going to run your equipment to attach into a house yeah so what what are you going to say to a consumer um when you tell them that so there's never been a case where we've charged any customer anything for any lines um but if we ask the customer where things go and they give us our best estimate we only go down 8 in 8 to 10 in there's usually nothing that we hit but cable and sometimes a water irrigation line on the on the yard there could be a service line that's that shallow usually they're not usually they're deeper and I mean we've hit some service lines probably like 10 over the past three years so that could happen but we're going to fix that right away so yeah that's a nonissue okay yes sir you know you know the drill um there is a big thing that of me is there is a service called 811 that comes out and surveys your property for all three utilities gas electric and phone are you planning to use that service yes yes we use 811 for everything except for the yard if we're using shovels and we're not going uh deeper than 10 in anybody in the audience have any questions yes ma'am please state your name I'm Haley Perry I'm from Williston so one of my biggest questions is signing a contract obviously you're automatically legally bound why are you having people in the community sign a contract if you don't have a contract currently with the city put in fiber optic so for us to make a business we need to know that there's customers since we're not getting any grants we're doing it with privately funded money money sorry and we sign contracts we know that we have a business when we build so when we build we know that there's going to be money that's going to that we can take back from what we've put in so our investment is safer that way obviously some people cancel some people might not want it anymore things happen but that's why we do it that way so that we don't have to have the city's money go to build infrastructure now when it comes to say somebody wants to terminate a contract it was a question that I asked that no one answered for me what happens if somebody wants to terminate a contract especially when you're signing 24 months and say the wait time's too long and service that we're looking for in the time period um as long as there's been no buildout or anything like that we'll just cancel the contract if we are doing the buildout and you've signed a contract and we've installed your house and the buildout is happening then we charge $495 for the Box installation if we've installed the entire house and the service has started we charge 80% of the installation of the contract cost please speak into the microphone so I deal with contracts every single day and it was one of my biggest questions on termination of a contract there's nothing written out stating how much to doe within that nor was it provided to any of the community on that and it wasn't even provided to me so that's why I'm not interested in the contract right now if there's nothing in the contract then you can get out of it I thought we build a lot of communities and in some of them we do have the 495 for box installation and the 80% but you if you couldn't find anything in your contract then obviously we don't have anything then you can pull out whenever you want cuz in Spring Hill we didn't have that either I will say that on the Better Business Bureau that I've read also that has the f grade it there are multiple people on there that are complaining that they are having to pay over $2,000 to get out of the contract we have not charged a single customer with that amount well they they quoted that's like $345 yeah but we have not done that well not in the State of Florida but it might have been someone in Texas if they've been in a community like that I think our Better Business Bureau is uh well that's some of them Mor out of Texas I will say MH uh because I did see that you were in Texas because there's some people from Texas that are on there yeah um but it does as as has been spoken talk about all the lines that have been hit and all the irrigation lines and they're all saying that they had to repair it because you would well we do that all the time we have teams that only do that I understand that yeah but we they said nobody respond to their phone number phone calls and they had to fix it themselves the water and whatever was leaking everywhere mhm that's very suddening to hear that's that's what's there you should get on and read it yeah yes so I have a question so you've already installed into numerous um citizens citizens homes um if they come back to you tomorrow and say that they don't want your service because there's nothing stipulated there and you haven't provided a service they can automatically get out of that contract and then what happens to the equipment and things that you've placed into the house are you going to go back and get it how do that work if we still want to build we're probably not going to get the equipment because maybe in the future someone does want to have fiber on that address so it's more costly for us to send someone out to get the equipment back when maybe in the future there could be someone who wanted that fiber so you leave the lines and the stakes just sitting up in their yard yeah till we build it till it's being built but if we don't build then obviously have to come back what they what they're doing is they're putting a line in the front yard and they're not putting anything in the house I don't believe no they're they're actually they are they putting things in the house too they are okay the box there nothing hooked to it there's nothing hooked to it but there's a there's a line that's sitting up in the yard yeah that so it's it's going to stay there for 20 um for a year until you guys build up and then after that do you come and remove it if we don't build you're talking if we don't build if you build but that customer does not want your services then we we connect them still no we connect them to the main line you connect them even if they don't want the service yeah we just connect that conduit into the main line we don't thow we don't get the fiber through there to the house so there's still fiber that's going to be run through the line to the house okay so it's a conduit that goes there but you won't charge them because they W have service with you correct so let's uh say you're not our choice of internet provider you going to pull out or what are you all going to do well we are not looking to be the choice from the city council we're just we're not looking for anything we just want to be competing with the other companies that are here so we're here we want to put the infrastructure in just you're just here to tell us that you're doing it we want to we want to do it if there's interest from the people who live here uh we want to build fiber optics and I don't mind that I don't want the dirty tactics BL leis Wilston question we signed a contract the other day of last week two gentlemen came to our house laid down the fire casing to the house with the little white box on the outside of the house and put a modem inside the house what if you do not get contract or permission whatever what happens to that equipment you going to leave it or you can come back and get it or what so yeah the equipment stays no cost yeah any we hope that's not going to be the case anybody else on the council have any more questions all right Mr Mr President real quick I want to make sure that the council's not confused on how they can be here and why they're here is in in Florida you know it's kind of a use the terminology the Wild Wild West when it comes to installing highspeed fiber internet that we could control how they come here we can control how they do their installs we can control like they wanted to do Jack and boring we can say we don't do jacking for it right so but we can't literally say look you can't come to Willison and try to sell us a service um I couldn't stop any other provider coming in here even if they wanted to install polls and run as long as they did it legally in the right away and hung it and we can end up having four or five internet providers here um you can't pick you can't just say okay we're g to stop this person from doing it we're going to go with this vendor I suspect no matter whatever decision we make tonight between C link or Fiber by Central Florida is that you know um they'll still continue to try to sell their business here in the city of Willis and that should be a good thing right more comp more competition more for the residents to choose from well I would have only if you're saying the real truth would you come to the door I agree with that yes sir Mr Mayor Mr Bard yes sir you said two names but you didn't even mention their name is there a reason you want me to it's a open no I just said you can't you know no matter what we decide about this one or this one yeah this one this one or this they're not asking yeah they're not asking from our permission but I think I included nobody needs to ask our permission yeah if you'll let me if if y'all y'all let me finish I think I said they that's when I included them I didn't realize that I was required to say open impra and that's what I included Ci or Fiber bus Florida yeah Cox could come here centry Link centry Link could come here they're already here I don't know that they could open up the speed to their because I don't know enough about it their cable Cox Cable whatever it is but we don't know they can't turn up the juice on that and be a competitor I mean I don't know if that's possible but I don't really about it so I'm just saying that like electricity Water waste waterer all these things we have the city has that you have to get that service from us uh this because it's Broadband is totally different let's just say welcome so where your box is going to go is it you going to have a box in front of each house or you going to have a box that's down the road that all of the community goes to every house gets a separate box so every house gets a box on the inside and the outside so the outside box is a service box so that you don't have to be home if it needs to be serviced and the inside box is your modem and every house gets a separate box it's fiber to the home so it's fiber the whole way I actually worked for Ericson which is a company that has radio link or has the patents for radio links which is what cow link is kind of using the same technology uh for a while back in Sweden so it's fun to hear about all that stuff too but yeah so we're doing fiber to the home the whole way into the house Mr D Mr President and in in Council uh Denny George I'm the CEO of Central Florida electric c as well as fiber by Central Florida so I'll just take a couple of quick minutes um first of all I totally recognize the passion of the staff I get it um Cal link is their baby just like pyper Central Florida is ours we started about a year ago we already have 8,000 we haven't celebrated that yet we've got to get back and finish up a little bit of work uh tomorrow that started Monday morning early due to the we are remarkably similar as you all while y'all are a municipality we're a co-op in fact we're missing dinner tonight with 350 other pairs of boots uh at Co-op because we're still fighting our storm on a significant way but we do everything that the staff does here and that they spoke so passionately about earlier and regardless of what decision you make here tonight whether it includes fiber bu Central Florida or not we will be a resource to you if you choose to do your own things to help you be as successful as possible the way we look at the Tri County Community is we live together we work together we play together and we worship together and so we just thought that as we deployed this through the Tri County Area that it would just be great to have a homogenous system that ran through the entire Tri County Area including Duke Energy and so that's one of the reasons that we approached Mr Terry and the concept of potentially partnering together uh a quicker deployment capitalizing on some of the ground workor that we've already done yet still enabling you all to take the staff and carry that passion forward as well as some of the skill sets and uh and still attract some of that Revenue uh rather than than not be in the business at all and so again regardless of whatever decision you make tonight we will we will as partners in this community work with you all to help you be as successful as possible uh we'd love to be partners with you we think we can move fairly quickly most of that really depends on you all uh we're we're doing this with Duke throughout our Tri County Area and that process is a little slower uh because of the entity that we're dealing with but we would love to work with you and then one final thing on the reliability is that as the gentleman spoke uh on your staff about overhead versus underground we have incurred some damage due to the winds because of overhead but I I I shared with Mr Terry one day if I was to drive down here from Chief office stop my car and get out and take an Axe and start swinging at one of your power poles Mr Terry and the line side Department would have a hundred phone calls in a few minutes but I can actually stop my car and get out and start digging in the right way and you may not even know about it in fact there been probably some digging that you didn't know about and so just because it's in the ground does not mean that it's safe just like the staff number mentioned so we can do a combination of overhead and underground of course the more Underground the cost does go up so I'll answer any direct questions but I just want Mr President this was thank you sir this company had waited patiently and now we suddenly interrupted in the middle of their presentation and question and answering and went back to Central Florida um yes in which ask questions instead they made a a speech for business I believe I that is totally inappropriate counselor I believe he said he was he's still standing there I think well thank you sure my name's Matt P I work for City Wilson um the line here I've got 27 years in it um I've been in the power and communication sector for 27 years I've built hundreds I've built hundreds of miles of line fire all over country and in other countries I've had large projects where I've overseen all over the country and I've been from home for a long time that's why I took this job it for financial aspect of it is to be home with my family um I have the experience I have proven track record in these fields and with my help and training we could we could get this done I believe that the the people that we have employed here are good people and they are willing to learn and cross train to get things [Music] done I believe that we can do it um I bet everything that I'm all right thank you sir all right Council any other questions all right all right section of discussion with possible action the city of wellison Florida city council giving guidance to the city manager on how to proceed with the highspeed fiber internet in the city thank you Mr President I appreciate it thank you very much so you know uh go need to tell you that you know our goal was to to get highspeed internet the city of Wilson you know and because it benefits us so much um you know sometimes regardless of how we get there you know it open UPS avenues for people no matter what it makes things available for doctor visits that people don't have that can't do T do um all these things if you've heard me say time and time again I think it boils down to the halves and the halves not in the world very easily and it really divides to community um so with that you know my push was to see who could get in here see what we would have and have us make a decision which way we should go um I I will tell you after you've seen the three presentations one before one tonight then C link you know the The Many Factors will determine obviously the financial cost of how we move forward you know uh I explained to you uh how internet can come to the city how that it's basically a wild wild west anybody can come in Long don't break any laws tear up anything fix what they do proper permitting they do whatever there's not a lot we can do to prevent them when I say that it it's it's regulated highly it is regulated highly in the sense of it being deregulated they really open the doors for everybody because it is so important to the nation and our community so I will tell you the open Emperor provides no cost obviously to the city it will provide no Revenue in return um and basically orever in the future so we'll have no control over what they do when they come in once again I already told you you can't stop them but obviously we will get nothing in return fiber by Central Florida would provide obviously a revenue Source a capital infrastructure uh change that will benefit the city uh and the taxpayers of citizens we've talked about this before in the sense of they're going to have to come in engineer our polls they'll have to pay for that it'll be our engineer um you know basically whatever polls that aren't suitable to hang the fiber on which you may not think is heavy but actually it's even what Donald talked to the structure of how the Po's design may have to be changed they may have to all be changed out and made taller we we don't know um and that's what the engineering study has done and and if fiber by Central Florida wants to do this that's a cost that they will bear um and then there we would enter into obviously a negotiation with them and when you enter into a negotiation with somebody with good faith there's things that I'm going to want in return and hopefully they'll be able to provide and that that would be the the the deal we would have with fiber by C Florida the other option that you heard here tonight C link would completely stand up an existing Enterprise fund that at some point would create a revenue stream down the road um you've listened to their presentation tonight uh you've listened to Hector come in and say if we went the route with him Performance Services you know that would basically um get us to look at the numbers and understand what it is we've already been told it's about $1.8 million um there is more than just one person there is actually um just for clarification because I want everybody to understand there is a open slot in it you know that basically we will fill eventually um and or it could be shipped to somewhere else depending on where we go tonight the uh other is is that you know we talked about our linemen have been sent to school uh to learn how to do this stuff and can do it you know so that that will be a part of of their service model I will tell you not to not to complicate things um but obviously two days is not acceptable response time anybody would sign a contract understand it's two days for me I don't understand that but I will tell you the conversation that I've had with Mr George is that he clearly understands that we are in the service business okay we provide service to the citizen so we're he may be unable to respond to crew out at 3:00 in the morning or 5:00 in the morning or whatever to fix a fiber issue we most certainly will and a part of that negotiation if we good if we go with them you know with fiber by cental for r i staff we will have immediate service um backup and running regardless because I don't want to say we lose money but when you're out of power out of out of you internet whatever it is it doesn't really matter um basically we're going to get you up and running as soon as we can if we go with fber by Central Florida they're going to reimburse that's the bottom line they understand that we've had this conversation with them um this is a tough decision and I'm I'm telling you I'm glad I don't have to make it um we looked at it as a two-prong approach where I would work with fiber by Central Florida um and I would separate myself from the cow link process and they would work on their proposal and then basically whichever the two would Prevail and so here tonight I'm asking for the city council to give me directions on which they would like me to go either to um stand up a Enterprise fund much bigger than what it is and start pushing that forward of course we'd have to work get the financing and do all the things we have to do with with Hector the other option is to have instruct me to work with fber by Central Florida to negotiate a contract and agreement you know that would best benefit the city and that's where we're at I hope that I've been helpful I think there's actually a third who uh well the third that I would well no the third the third option that I would say yeah y y'all can tell me to do nothing absolutely no I think that we could actually get the money from Performance Services to become a a partner with fiber bu Central Florida I me if you're going if you were going to spend the money that's I think that's the third option um if if the money's available for that to actually buy in as that 50/50 partner so that we have the partnership with them that has more than just uphold tax so I I don't I don't disagree so so the other options I did Bel to tell you about is to do nothing have you do nothing that's in there too um I will tell you that if we part if we partner with uh uh Central Florida fiber we've had minor discussions on how that would work and obviously our Capital stuff our polls everything that they would use to help do that would be figured into a part of our buyin right so so where we would become more partners and giving the 1.8 plus the what the polls are worth we're not I'm not giving you my polls I'm not selling you my polls they're my polls so they're not never goingon to be my they're always going to be our polls but that could be one of those kind of things where yes ma'am you're correct we so if is this an open discussion at this point in time council members yes so my question would then be with your proposal of a 5050 partnership with C FC we have not seen any numbers yeah and I'm not proposing that I'm just saying that's another option right with that option that you have presented maybe um we've not seen any numbers so it's h how do we decide if we haven't seen any numbers I feel like we need to come back one one more session with numbers that explain the 50/50 price breakdown for what the city would make I from the discussion with Mr Denny um I think they would prefer a partnership I don't know what at what level um as opposed to you know just coming in here and you know and hanging St on our polls and whatever because that was a discussion we had what were to be a be a fulltime partner so yes we would have to sit down and talk about that and we could come back at another meeting and give you whatever I I I could be wrong I don't know that whoever's going throughout the city now trying to sell internet service there could be a fourth one out there we don't know about um I don't know how much of Advantage they would have um but you also have to understand that and sooner or later if we don't have enough customers customers to entice fiber by Central Florida I lose that leverage okay so we have to understand we're going have to turn around on this pretty quick which I'm good with I'm fine with I just think it's hard to make an educated decision without seeing the numbers if that isn't fact an option that's on the table I I mean maybe I missed it but I haven't seen those numbers I've only seen cfbc taking full responsibility with yeah well I think in this particular scenario if Mr George would like to speak um you would like to comment I I don't know or yeah I mean this is my agenda item so yall okay if I bring them up [Music] yes yes please St name where you're from c c Bo sorry about that all right so a lot going on and I understand the 5050 part of it we've got to come back to the table to the finan which is very easily done we definitely have the design built in we know approximately how many customers you guys have and and we've been doing this now for 13 months we we feel very confident with our timeline we feel very confident with our estimates that we've given the council at previous meetings um we've got a great example of that with the city of Trenton where we're currently working with Duke which is another utility they've got a very long process we started that in February uh we should finish that construction piece up by September 15th that gets us months I think when I was here last time I was talking about six months for Make Ready engineering construction and then the first quarter fiber buildout and uh U service that's all built on actual numbers not conjecture not something that we're making up it's actual physical con um I think Mr Terry what he brought up in his last H Point can't keep anybody out right so you're going to have competition when we jump the gate there's no one else in the Tri County Area that's providing this service our take rates were estimated 18% per there's some places they don't have anything and we're hitting 52% so to have 70% in your first year that's a very high number I'm not saying it's wrong but when you're deal dealing with a competitive market that's a pretty high number that get and I just want to make that pretty clear because there's a lot of things that you can do as a city you do water very well you do electric very well you do Wastewater very well you you have territory boundaries internet you do not have this territory bound you may have one year where you're getting 50% of your customer base and then next year you get 30% of that customer base what makes fiber by Central Florida different is our risk is way over three counts we cover three pool CS not just the city of w except our take break is lower than 30% lower than 20% that risk is throughout the Tri County Area and the other part is maintenance you know what your maintenance cost is on your infrastructure current we do as well we we do electric very well so that infrastructure cost then you have the maintenance every year that goes on top of that that you've got to keep up it's it's pretty substantial most Market will tell you it's 1% of your bill out so if we're going to spend $7 million here in city of Wilson we're going to have 1% of that every year just for that type of Maintenance that's an industry standard for a $100 million project for the Tri County Area I've got to have a $1 million repair and and budget operational budget for that piece of it so I just want to bring that up make sure everyone realizes we're here for the same reason Mr Denny your work was talking about we live here play here we work here we worship a lot of people think we're coming here trying to say hey we'll give you 50% you see all of the money that can be made but we fund your schools for for scholarships here at the city of w we don't even serve power here but we're still in your community we still believe that each of it and the reason we're willing to come in and do that we want to make sure that we also help out your conru I appreciate all that I just want to know in two weeks can you get us the numbers on the 50/50 split I longwinded I apologize for that the piece of it is yes ma'am within two weeks also can you um tell us about how much it would cost for the citizens to have your service theice talking about the plans that we offer the price the price so bottom price is $49.99 for 100 Meg circuit for one gig circuit $79.99 for two gig circuit 9 no contracts they can sign up one month and uh get rid of yes ma'am can you put that in your information yes ma'am that you submit to okay thank you the both are very attract last yes both are very attractive the one you know I'm kind of looking at williston's Future right is the you know us possibility of having another in Enterprise fund you know so um that's you know that's something that I'm I'm looking at you know it's could we use it yes you know so um that's just on that fence of boat but that's the one that I'm looking at you know not saying that's who I'm going to go with or anything but to be able to do the Enterprise fund is um is is good they took a chance on electric years ago and you know so and I got some people who are very passionate that says they can they can do it you know so like again nothing with with you guys or anything and since we're all just talking yes sir I appreciate it thank you well you do it I'm sorry can I just because I had I had my question for CFC and my question for cink to come back with was an actual number man hours and and you know men requ men and women Sorry by men I mean men and women um required to you know get the job done and and my concern is if we are you know annexing an RV park which was mentioned are our City utility workers going to be busy running water and gas and everything else there and is that going to pull them away from running the fiber and so I think that's would I would like that feedback before making decision so the short answer on the RV park is the developers going to have to do all that okay so that other than our inspection process correct me if I'm wrong other than our inspection process um that person will be responsible for every bit of that so looking forward we're not looking at any additional Beyond just the maintenance of the existing City right now we're not looking at any additional hours for any developments required like our utility workers could really focus on fiber yeah so so and maybe y' weren't around for you know the the change in the way we RI business but you we're not in the development business so we don't our goal is to now have the developers do their work do their job and we then hook up to their access point basically we're done uh the electrical department it's a little finicky about their underground pool so I get that and because if somebody comes in or messes it up they'll never going to tell you and um but yeah that we are we are solely focused on service in the city period great thank you Christie I just wanted to say in little what you were the question that you were asking um um I also just don't want to for us to lose sight that our it and electric are now merged and they are have been trained so when we're talking about the amount of personnel that we have that it also includes all of our electric guys so it's not like we're going to have like one or two swim picking out there just kind of hunting and pecking around we're going to have a full criw okay okay so I just I just wanted to make sure that didn't get kind of lost in the translation while we've been talking because it's kind of a new thing they weren't that way before but they are now and have been for I don't know maybe three months four months thank you exit okay is that any more discussion for I just I just want I don't want to be negative but I I need to I need to know from the St there are a lot of things that take priority and they come first and obviously Electric's going to come before Wi-Fi our W our Wi-Fi fiber it's going to come first and gas is going to come first if if there's a problem if there's a sewer M button if there is a waterline break that's where y'all are head and rightly so because that's what you're there for we just need somebody dedicated to know that they're also the first one to the fiber site I realize you have to put the line back up before um put the pole back up before you can put the the fiber back on it in the way that we would want to do it but at the same time I don't want it kicked down the road when I know the others take great priority and y'all do a terrific job of those things I just need to know that it's also going to be that's going to be a priority because for some people that is their priority or their businesses not running may I answer that question sure so if you've noticed over the budget seasons over the last four years we have separated those Services we have built staffs we had three people when I was on the crew uh when I was the crew leader that did water gas and Sewer we're not there anymore we have five gas we have five water we have four sewer they're not working out of classification in those emergencies because they're trained for those emergencies we don't need more than four or five hands on a water break we don't need more than four hands on a gas there's only so much is there supporting staff people running a generator like that been there there been 50 well yes if we're on staff and we can get things done fast but that's people in the actual intensity of the situation you mentioned uh Power if there's a power outage and it takes the fiber out as well whether it's Central Florida or the staff they have to wait for us to restore the power we can't work on top of one another it's going to be the exact same timeline let me be very specific about it if they in their services provide Power and internet they're restoring the power first they said that in their presentation iiz so the timeline's the same so long as the crew don't get pulled to another place that needs electric so since we're we're coming back with more information and she's requesting more information from C link as well can we table this discussion and move on to the next item and we can have that conversation next week whenever we revisit this please just the question wanted to offer up that I shared a spreadsheet high level if you'd like I can refine that look you know get in more into the details including the pricing I use three three Mill and if it's okay with Donald I work with Donald to refine those numbers uh to make sure that they match and that way you have them to compare when you come back in two weeks I'd I'd actually like for you to work with both of them I know that's a lot of your time but if we went this way how could you help us become a 5050 partner and if we went that way to help us build a new Enterprise happy to do that thank you yes ma'am you had to come up to the podium I'm minan Craig I live here in town I have signed up with I put my name on the waiting list with the yeah and one of the things they offer which I gave up because of all the robo calls that I was getting was a home phone they also offer home phone and that's important to me that's what I'm talking about yeah that's what I'm talking about um so I that is and the price on the um uh Central Florida is uh half what the info is and with the phone on top of that it would be about the same price I am paying now just for the internet with the c so I'm looking at it from a price point of view and I'm not paying $100 okay thank you all right I make a motion that we table this conversation until more information brought back at the next meeting with the information was requested today right all those in favor say I I I 5 all right all right resolution 2024 74 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida authorizing the city council president to sign a renewal agreement with American Pipe and tank for transportation treatment and disposal of domestic Wastewater residuals and providing an effective date Mr Barbara yes sir so just briefly I know it's late so I'll go through these quickly um America paper tank is the current company that we utilize we have a very what we call Sweetheart deal with them um and every other system that they service for every load that they take out of a waste plant this is the sludge that collects in the digesters um that you can't process after the process um they basically because they have dialysis centers centers that they service and because we have higher nutrient loads that we can do through DP We Do a Swap this contract basically establishes that swap now there are times that we have additional needs from them that we do get contracted for but this is simply a renewal of that ongoing agreement that we've had with them for many many years this is basically just a recopy with the dates changed and they need this to continue the deal that they have with us to trade the dialysis material for once a week on Fridays hauling away that sludge material out of the digest that's in a nutshell what this is so we're asking you guys to authorize the renewal of that contract for the next year or years and um and just continue with current operations as they stand Council have any questions for Mr Barber is this the company that puts the stuff in the manhole near the near the nursing home yes ma'am okay I've seen them before thank you and we're renewing for one year um so the last one was five years I don't know if they're still doing that they may have gone down to a year um I'm looking through it here real quick it's three years now they're asking for three years from the effective date of service and shall be automatically renewed for number 10 second page for like terms unless either party gives written notice of termination uh to the other at least 60 days prior correct so just to clarify for the council this there's an automatic renewal that will be coming up this is essentially a check in with you all keep going with the contract allow the automatic renewal or do we want to send in our certified um notice that we're going to cancel the contract essentially so the contract will automatically renew automatically for three years for three years that's correct thank you I'm a little tired I'll second a second any other discussion seeing none move to vote all in favor say I I 5 all right resolution 20 24- 75 a resolution of the city council of the city of wellison Florida authorizing the city council president to sign a renewal agreement with the Florida gas transmission company LLC and providing an effective date Mr Donald Barber so uh second renewal just like the other but instead of poop this is gas that's as simple as I can make it if you have any questions I'm sure Kirsten's really better prepared to answer them Council have any questions the renewal period is three years on this one I believe it's longer than that for um this one is effective through 2035 yes yeah they're 10 years that's right they're 10 years and again I mean the council can choose not to do this but then everybody's gas shuts off really soon so okay well we don't want that are there competitive companies that we should consider or is this the best option so we could uh go with the contract through floorida gas transmission but being a single operator as opposed to the co-op that we're part of and the bul purchasing that we make um for those members who've been here before and for those of you that are new we have little uh types of savings programs you're allowed five slots we already have three of those slots plugged up and each one of those give us a reduction on the price that we purchase so with a Cooperative there is a lot of savings if we were to go out and do this on our own um similar to the power when we were buying directly from duke we still buy from duke but we do it through fmpa and that was 3.7 million over 5 years this is very similar so what happens when those five slots are fi does it continue to move downward we pick the most um attractive and as long as the terms of those go on we continue to save we can add a couple of more um but we're really selective the reason why we only have three is because the three that we have there's no penalty at any time we want to stop most of them that come up there's penalties if you want to stop them we've never entered one that has a penalty so we kind of Reserve those two every once in a blue moon I think it was two years ago we had the the Third third one that was plugged in it was just like 30 cents off a decm no conditions no market caps it was like a great example we kind of wait for those questions all right I will entertain a motion for resolution 2024 75 I'll make a motion that we pass resolution 2024 is there a second all right any other discussion seeing none move the votee all in five favor say I I five vot all right I discussion with possible action city of Willison General pension fund agreement M Deborah Jones council member okay um at our last two actually uh General employee pension fund meetings uh we have discussed the fact that the current plan that we use is not up to date with IRS code uh there are a lot of Provisions in it uh that are State mandated by state wall uh that are an IRS code that our plan doesn't have uh it has been suggested to us by the part cities that we need to either completely write our plan which would be get our our own attorney and our own pension attorney to do that or adopt an agreement that they use for all their cens this is the adoption the agreement that they have that has been our name have been put in it our particular Provisions as you read it about you know when you qualify and when you what the blender rate is that uh where you go the drop all of that has been entered in here for our particular plan but it has the provisions of their of their plan that meet Cod that we need to meet so they have asked us to do this it is the recommendation of the vure board uh that we do it it also applies to the 185 pin plan I don't know if they're going to bring that back to separately or not that's the one that covers police officers they also need to meet the same standards and the plan they have now not this attorney that you see listed in here is um a consultant attorney it's in uh section A6 he's a Consulting attorney that we have from the fora Leo cities that we spoke with during that meeting um and as I said this is the recommendation to it has been provided for To Us by the Florida City for approval we this cut dry got I got our same Provisions in it none of that has changed only the state statute IRS is this the pension that we discussed I guess about a month ago Miss Bish was presented to us yes but that was a different subject oh that was about hour different from here we can't bring that hard back it is the same that if we would be modifying the plan change those it but we bring that back so the things that are different are the things that are highlighted and then in section G2 if you would like to see the old one it pretty much looks the same um and I have been at home so do all the plan members like Latricia is a plan member as well if you would like for us to give you both of those they pretty much read the same exision for IRS which is the information that's highlighted or no highlighted part is just I don't the only thing I see highlighted is G2 it says normal benefits retirement section 6.2 that's I don't know why that okay because all that is the same that's not any change I thought that was a change that those are the for the normal retirement benefits those are the current you would you agree with that that's right are you looking at that on page 107 the normal retirement benefits there gives the options so is there anything in this adoption that has CH other than the IRS requirements and state stat those are the only things that than that they are the same the staff can look too that's what I know it as right now it's not any different than what it is now those are your options when you retire you take it any of those so what are requirements the IRS requirements you don't uh maybe I'm thinking about this the wrong way um but the league of cities is has reviewed our stuff and told us it's bad and then recommended their attorney to fix it are they paying the attorney's fees to fix it no uh the the plan is the plan did and this is what they gave us the general employee pension plan paid this Consulting attorney on our behalf okay uh and he called into our meeting he didn't travel here so we didn't have to pay him travel we didn't have to pay time other than the probably 15 minutes we talked to him on if y'all feel more comfortable looking at both of them I could we put both of them in the totally up to and what it amounts to is we could what we have is our own yeah because you're a finance person we have our own individual plan right now and it has to be updated by us but if we have their plan that's adopted just for our purposes they will change it and keep it up to date as we go also updated since so ours is outdated and not in compliance with state regulations so all this does is put us in compliance and they will update it as the new legislation comes out they automatically do it and it doesn't cost us more money talk about okay and it doesn't change any of the provisions of it only the IRS and the state statute requirements okay that's fine I was just curious if you knew what the requirements were the changes Mr President Chief Rose M M debor correct me from wrong you said that it's the same changes for the law enforcement side as well yes correct okay their state statutes need to be updated as well as their IRS regulations because their plan has not been followed um the their uh 185 pension board has also voted on this and has also approved it right so if it's just the change of the IRS in the state I mean we ain't got no choice that's right we got to do either that we have to pay an attorney to rewrite our own individual plan yeah if we do this one they will keep it up for us and and of course the police pension 185 will have different terminology right yeah okay yeah okay all right it'll have to come back here for approval too yeah we really don't have a choice this is the only one no which is fine I was just curious I to see what it was yes you can make and you know how IRS they change every year Miss Bel can this be done as a consent there are several more steps will have to happen in order for you to it to formally be adopted I believe that there's a speed ordinance and all that so yes if we get direction that this is what you want to do then we can move forward on those this what we want to we have either that or we have to get an attorney to write our own I make a motion that we move for okay all in favor say I I five Mr count president uh does that go for both does that go for the general and law enforcement side as well or we got to come back and revote on it if we can make it both of them we can bring them both back okay okay that y bring them both back to at the same time all right section J resolution 202 24- 76 resolution 2024 of the city council of the city of willingston Florida establishing an maximum ad maximum ad vorum tax rate for the city of Willis L County Florida for fiscal years 2024 d225 providing effective date Finance director Sten BL is he still there hang on Ste I gotta get back on hold on my good all right go ahead okay I'll be very brief uh this resolution is going to establish your maximum millage rate of 6.75 and like we talked about at the workshop uh you can still come down from that rate at your um public hearings uh but you won't be able to raise it from the 6.75 it is it is uh my recommendation at this point for you to to keep the 6.75 at least at this point until you're at a minimum your next Workshop which is um next Tuesday um and again you know um this particular increase will provide and I put I noted in the agenda item about 131 ,000 of additional uh funds which again then is going to be used to cover uh the increases for staff um and that's basically it it's kind of again you're set maximum but that's all you're really doing this particular resolution okay anybody have any questions from Mr Bloom that's second any other discussion I'll move to vote all in favor say I I five V right resolution 2024 d77 a resolution of the city council of the city of Willison Florida approving the 2024 2025 holiday schedule providing effective date human resource director Brook Willis not here there you are happy birthday yes happy [Music] birthday weing our last our thank you so I did see your email Miss merid um this afternoon so we will make sure that that is so these are our dates there is no additions from last year no changes no ma'am just the DAT what has changed we have not added any additional holidays we have not requested and we have not Tak okay simple please Che rolls isn't juneth a Federal holiday it is a Federal holiday so I was just wondering why we we haven't considered it we have talked about it um I believe that in the current state of where we are talking about with our budget it is probably not a good idea to you would have to add that into one of these or take one of these away so um with some discussion that we've had um I feel like it is you know the best option our discussions in the feel of how the council wants to look at our budget that we're going to have to increase our budget for another holid so do we want to do that is that something why why are we increasing our budget for another holiday tell me tell me about how our our budget run because you would have to run with if you had any law enforcement officers who were on duty so that's time and a half that you would have to pay them that's an increase to your budget Plus paying everybody else in the city their normal rate to pay for eight hours so you're giving everybody an additional pay but we would also be calling people that work the holiday holiday itself of the celebration itself so that is the additional cost and if it's something that yall want to consider I'll be more than happy to put have St put something together you know but you got to understand it does come in an additional cost with the biggest person not throw the chief under the bus but it would be for him um he'll have huh but then you'll you'll have from 12 to 6 you to 12 and then you have utilities at any point that juneth calls that you would have to supply um the resources for any cration opening up any of that too so I mean there is a financial burden if we do add that but if that is numbers that you would like to see we can we can bring those back and I would just comment there are other are other federal holidays that aren't up there it's not the only one that's not there are just presidence which um the council has I mean there's probably another five or six that aren't there so what bring those numers about what oh you want all those do you so and that's the only reason that it is not on here I mean we have had the discussion we we um city manager myself Mr we we have sat down and had that discussion and I really believe that it was just more of a financial burden currently with the decisions that you're having to make for our bu and it's not the first time we've actually had we' talked about it um the previous budget year um thank you um that the staff had all come together and we talked about it last budget year and barall was brought to the council before personally would love to have those numbers so that I know what I'm basing my decision on I want to say it's like 20 $20,000 or something like that 18 to 20,000 it's quite a bit I it's not not that's because you're having staff come in for events and stuff is that what it is the staff who would be working those holidays um so that would be at least um police four police officers two dispatchers who would be paid at time and a half at their rate be on that day and then any other utilities if the event falls on a day that um um I'm just looking because we have the day before Christmas and the day after Thanksgiving you want to remove another one and add it well I'm just saying where I work we don't we don't get the day after Thanksgiving and we don't get the day before Christmas so I mean I don't remember what no I'm just saying that's why we have and I say sometimes we don't have the days after and days before sometimes it's the day before and sometimes it's the day after it depends on what day of the week it falls on you know like it's it's like only one more day until the week is over so they'll change from the day before or the day after if you looked up the well see it's a a Wednesday but if it's in the middle of the week then you're looking at Tuesday and Wednesday you still come and then you come off to that's like July 3rd was for or July right but I mean in the do you remember what year it was when um we had a city personal day we had our personal holiday and we switched it to um MLK Tok us birthday or a personal holiday oh your birthday no no it's just a personal day that you could take that we that the city decided that it was going to take away that personal day to um utilize in mem so a question I know you it's fine I I love it so 12 can take um okay it it was just a question I mean I mean it wasn't I wasn't saying let's do it I was just asking a question but I will ask this question the police department doesn't get overtime to 84 hours so how would that affect it's a holiday you get so it still won't matter okay everybody's going to get it even AR working people off even if they're not working I think your people even the ones that are off still get it I would hate I would hate to pull it out the biggest drain would be the police department yeah yeah that's okay I don't care you okay with that yeah I'm all right with that but yes you can sleep at night right bu additionally to what adding an additional holiday thank what team would for us for this coming year if a citizen asks why sure I have a really good yeah you want want some number because also you you looking at the day before Christmas and day Thanksgiving there's no real event so there's nobody tring to come in and do different things as well a lot of these days online a lot of these days are just a single day that you know the staff gets off there's very few so we have Veterans Day that our staff would be partip the events there MLK um parade or event that's on a Monday so if you have the citizens who want to put together a parade they're coming in either on that Monday or on a Sunday you know I mean so it depends on what day those events are actually scheduled on how it affects our budget Mr Bloom is still online he absolutely is so if we want to ask him you a good example I'm sure he knows how much it cost somebody ask him speak up he may not have it off hand he may have to look it up so he could probably look it up next next meeting I'm sure I'm sure he's got a pretty good round number I don't need to know the answer this we don't need to know it like right now him he's got it I mean you had to do the rest of these so I'm sure he knows how much each one is are we GNA I make a motion appr resolution second thank you all right any other discussion seeing none move to vote all in favor say i i i five yeah uh public participation get nope okay what number no they're going to bring it back oh yall just approved it oh yeah we did we we still need the numbers we did approve it we still want to know what it is yeah we still want the numb fine we put the numbers together so you have it the next Workshop actually bring that works thank you okay announcement staff so when when are we going to get a budget uh you should have it tomorrow I'm so excited I'm sorry from me like go ahead I take it back staff you got any announcements yes yeah I already did nobody here can you put me oh it's St I hear St yeah yes Mr thank you I did submit the budget so uh once it gets the the stamp in city manager it's good to go all right I'll have one announcement I have an announcement as well but go ahead I have one an I have one announcement uh we talked in the budget about things we could do to offset some costs for the law enforcement side and I'm glad to report that Arizona will be going to a grant writing School uh this month to learn how and to how to identify grants to see if there's anything out there that can help us offset some of our costs Miss hin I thought you were going to say you were having Poli appreciate it policeman ball OH police ball ra want you to have a police ball so we can raise the money y'all just want to have a party raises money two things um Friday August the 16th we have music in the park again starting at 7 this is our last one for the summer and president Cox you have something as well yes I have a proposal okay so on some of us are going down to a conference down in Fort Lauderdale and yep and we're gone from the 14th 15th 16th 17th coming back the 18th on the 20th we have a council meeting what that does is it jams it up to where it could be hard to get an agenda put together since uh they spent 3 days doing it um so the proposal is uh if we move it down to the 27th um it gives you that whole following week the 19 20 21st uh 22nd 23rd for them to get the agenda and everything else done um the 22nd there's a fdot meeting in liuk so that's the proposal um thanks for the proposal but I believe Miss Stacy sorry Stacy I'm G get it um I Believe Miss Stacy is the one that does our agenda now right but if she's not here then you would be the one to yeah the the actual process is about 3 days so there staff is required to return send their their stuff in lric on Tuesday they get it uh it takes U myself Stacy and Latricia three days to get it out on Thursday so there's I have to go through it make sure it's correct make sure it's accurate what they're asking for proof it the same thing's done by Stacy and by Patricia and there's a lot of changes that I asked them to make because they're formatting or they leave a date off or do whatever and that that's actually the process takes about three days to do it okay but if we did it on the 27th and we're having a a meeting on the 27th now you have those same three days to get another agenda out my my I would suspect that if we change to the 27th your meeting on the third is going to be very light right didn't we just make the one on the 20th right um back back meetings I mean we're already I mean they has a lot Monday or Friday they have it to you by Friday you guys talk about August see but Terry has to on August 27th they have it to you by the 16 oh it is isn't it if they have it to you by the 16th you ought to be able to get it out by the but T's going to be down I'll be I'll be with y'all so um just to reiterate well planning in zone is on 27th anyway so you can't do it so we have to would be challenging for Laura and I to be in two places at the same time correct we just put you in the middle between we'll just listen to both at the same time we'll just sit in the hallway have them get it to you by the 9th which is this Friday there's no way and you can get it done by the 13th it'll just be light it's better than got a lot of huh has a lot of items that needs to go on the agenda and we have a workshop on the 13th we do I mean we have a lot of stuff going on to be trying to change well how was just trying to make it easy for you guys I for them they're the we stick we's stick to the pl let's just see unless unless we want to if they give it to you by Friday that's still days we can not have a meeting and and you get it out on the 13th we could not have a meeting on the 20th I mean because you don't want to be rushing I mean honestly yeah I don't I would not like to rush I know I have four items myself go I have ordinances and things for the meeting no I I was going to say no offense but I mean I'm going on since last week you know like a 100 plus hours so to say that I have to have a bunch of stuff in by Friday I wouldn't even plan on being here on Friday I mean it's so I mean it's it's okay I'm just let you guys know that there there won't be a lot of stuff that I mean we had we had presentation from fgu on some stuff we had some other things people arrang to come Walt got some stuff on the 20th but they arranged to come on the 20th yeah we also agreed to have our internet thing on the 20th so oh yeah we that's on we'll just stick it out don't worry about it we'll be good okay yeah you sure don't say in TR I know I appreciate it so okay so anybody else got any other announcements you going once was that good tce adjournment favor time can I get a motion to adjourn our motion we adjourn second second all in any discussion all in favor say I I 5 and the time is 10:30