I was going to wait till start Mr Cox we're ready good evening everybody the time is now 6:02 p.m. in the city of willston city council has come to order Mr Wright would you please call the role mayor Goodman I am here council president Cox here vice president Hines here council member Martin here council member Ricky yo here council member Jones here city manager Terry Bard here attorney Kiren beloo here city clerk Latricia Wright I am here and all other staff here thank you all righty we have have our opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance by mayor Goodman join me if you will Lord we gather together here again to do the business of our community Lord I ask you to be with each one of these counselors give them the wisdom they may need to do the best decisions that they can and Lord I just thank thank you for them I thank you for their willingness to serve it's not an easy job Lord and we are thankful that they are here and Lord I ask you to be with my Police Department Lord every day they go out and they are in danger and this Fourth of July period this Independence Day of our country it will be even more dangerous than normal and Lord I ask you to be with the fire department the city workers as they help our community get through this safely and I ask you to be with each one of our citizens Lord and to help them to make the good decisions that will keep them and their families safe I ask this in your name amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you very much all right item one addition deletion changes and approval of the agenda Mr President yes ma'am if I could recommend a change to the agenda the items C and D with the consent of the app because of some um issues that we had at pnz we'd like to talk about these together so that the citizenry doesn't get told no don't talk about this now and talk about it on this other point because the two are related so we'd like to just have this be one item we'll vote on the ordinances separately but just one hearing where the public can comment on both ordinances okay all right so I if there's nothing further I would entertainment a mo I would U move to approve the agenda with that change can you turn this down a little bit I feel like I'm echoing thank you yes that's what it sounds like a second motion all right second motion any other discussion all right seeing none move to vote all in favor say I I I I let the record show eyes out okay public participation this is your first of two opportunities to address the council at this time anyone in the audience can come to the podium and speak for five minutes on any topic other than what is on the agenda okay please stand please could you speak into the microphone okay thank you can hear me now all right uh my name is wford Baker and I've uh this come because of the the marijuana I guess it is that did trying to um install you know U uh whatever uh growth thing whatever we even sell or and on to produce you know make a factory whatever Mr Baker We will be discussing that this is an opportunity to talk about anything other than what's on the agenda other and that okay okay maybe it came up you get your time okay all right all right thank you okay s please state your name good evening my name is Mark Firestone um I'm a licensed general contractor in California my wife Carol kery is a teacher in Williston she's a native Floridian whose family goes back Generations in Key West several of her siblings have been longtime Florida residents and one of our sons is a native Floridian and resident of Key West as a family we have deep roots in this state we picked Williston to live in for many reasons not least that Carol has a sibling just outside of town she was offered a job a teaching job and we lik what we saw of the area the rural nature of it and the Pastoral beauty of the hor country here relocating to Florida was a decision we talked about for many years it was particularly difficult for me to leave the state in which I was born and had lived for almost 50 years I left behind family members and numerous decades long friendships and business relations we settled on the house at 209 Northwest fth Street we did due diligence and inspections Etc while negotiating with the seller at no point did we have any reason to believe that there were any drainage issues with the home however halfway through escrow and under the gun to get moved and meet job deadlines we discovered that it had flooded in June of 2023 we found an article in Spotlight on Levy County government in which it was stated that the storm was a 1 in2 or even 100-year event we discussed the issue at length we had a mold inspection done we read the article which seemed to indicate the city was committed to working with engineers and swf at wmd to mitigate further drainage issues in the area we secured flood insurance as it is Florida and a hurricane event is always a possibility we closed escrow and finished packing and moved cross country to begin settling in on Friday June 21st to Saturday June 22nd we experienced heavy rains overnight we awoke to a front yard that had flooded up to the front porch leaving my wife's car and my truck parked in over a foot of water her car and our garage were partially flooded this is not what we expected in a not one in 25 or 100-year event one week later during less severe but heavy rains I drove around the neighborhood and took numerous picks and videos of drainage issues on Fifth Place Fourth Street 4th Avenue and 7th Street it is abundantly clear that many drainage issues are exent by the amount of flooding that occurred from just somewhat heavy rain the Williston city code section 56-28 States quote land the city council finds to be unsuitable for subdivision of development due to flooding improper drainage harmful to the health safety and general welfare of the present or future inhabitants shall not be subdivided or developed unless adequate methods are formulated by the subdivider and approved by the city council to solve the problems created by the unsuitable land conditions it's apparent that none of this was done before our house and then it at least six more surrounding it were built now we're the sole recipient in that area of drainage from every lot surrounding us and the lenar subdivision the city of Williston gladly took in all the permit fees for our house to be built and at no time did the city council the planning department the building inspector or code enforcement officer or any other city of Williston officials seem to stop and consider drainage deficits on our lot in the surrounding area after that the same process was apparently followed for all the other homes on our street and the lar project across four street from us numerous Neighbors on Fifth Place 4th Street 4th Avenue and 7th Street will and have attested that none of these flooding issues occurred until the lar project was raised above the original grade with no thought to flooding issues or a perimeter drainage system to deal with a new increased runoff I just met with our neighbor Sean Schuler and you're all familiar with him I'm sure on Monday from that meeting it's apparent the city has known about all these issues for quite some time I'm here this evening to respectfully request the city council do the right thing and begin correcting this egregious oversight immediately by getting the city's engineering contractor out to look at these areas again and especially our lot to come up with solutions to prevent future flooding of our homes and yards on an annual basis we bought the house in good faith now four months on we can't settle in permanently worse it seems patently unfair for us to pay the same amount of taxes as everyone else for a lot we can't enjoy and a house that may flood at any time simply because a multi-billion dollar company decided to change the adjacent topography to are detriment time is of the essence and the present situation cannot stand thank you thank you sir this is the first of reading this letter here that I've seen um so I would have to sit down with the city manager and just go over it and everything with him to discuss and from there um did the realator note anything in there about flighting or anything no and what happened was we discovered this situation halfway through esro as I said and unfortunately it was discussed with can you come up to the microphone please sure we uh we found out about this halfway through escrow and at the time we the seller had not divulg to us that this had occurred we were not happy about that but we discussed it with them at that point now unfortunately that constitutes disclosure and there's no way that we can sue the seller however and I'll tell you this this is my bigger issue with that particular uh uh idea this is about community and I'd rather be here to speak for and with everybody that's been impacted by this everybody on Fourth Street Sean Schuler The Neighbors on Seventh Street it's not about just us at this point at this juncture and I want to make that clear I'm I'm I'm coming at it from a a sense of community okay and you move to a place and you you do due diligence and you you you want to be here we don't want to move we love the house we don't want to move we just like to see something done and I'm sure every body else in that area would like to see something done too we're not the only ones that are impacted by this okay so all right I'll um meet with the city manager next week see what I'd appreciate that thank you okay okay great thanks anyone else okay all right item number three cassen agenda can I get a motion to approve the consent agenda and these are the minutes from June 18 2024 meeting make a motion to approve the consent agenda I second all right second third any other discussion seeing none all and vote favor say I I I I say no all right eyes have it motion carries updates staff board and Council updates city manager Terry Bard thank you Mr President so I'll make mine pretty brief uh obviously as yall know I've been on vacation so thank you for the time off it was nice um I will tell you that tonight we planed on bringing to you also the presentation by fiber Central Florida um but it missed the agenda deadline so will bring that to you at the very next meeting um the other thing we got uh coming up the very next meeting that we're working on now is the gfl contract um and we're at a I'm at a comfortable Point uh with that contract and the extension uh with some administrative process changes that we're developing with them so we'll be bringing that before you at the next city council meeting for consideration and that that's all I have now unless y'all have specific questions of me all good thank you staff anybody have anything Council mayor thank you Mr President I just want to remind everybody and anybody that happens to be listening that the city of Williston is going to have a parade tomorrow and I may have the times wrong but I think the councelor Jones can correct me if I am the parade should start at 5:00 and the music in Horsemen's Park should start at 7:30 at 7 and then the fireworks are supposed to start at 9:30 but last night it was still light at 9:30 so I don't know what's going to happen with those things but we will have fireworks not drone displays thank you we may have have a Maran County too all right anybody else nothing all right new business item a and this will be a quasi judicial correct Miss Miss blue all right so all right resolution 2024 69 a resolution of the city council of the city of Willison Florida approving a proposed repat for map of the Williston Oak Villa replat of lots 1- 4 15 and 16 parcel number 05778 00000000 plat 05777 0000000000 plat 0578 000000000000 and parcel number 0578 000000 located at 320 and 322 Southeast 6 Street all right are there any council members who have had any exp parte conversations with the applicant this includes site visits if any no okay will there be any applicants staff or Witnesses speaking on the matter M Jones be sworn in please and Mr McMillan do you or the testimony all right all right if any um exhibits diagrams photographs similar physical evidence referred to drawing the testimony or which would be like the council to consider must be marked for identification and kept by the clerk for the 30 days until the time the appeal has expired staff's opening statement thank you Mr President um I want to get started by showing you guys if you go to um the page right before page 35 that's the updated plat we did have a little change when we were at planning and zoning I'll explain that in a second so oakvilla replat of lots 1 through 4 15 and 16 are located over on Southeast 6 Street this is an L that has been purchased by monserat Rubio group it's not on page 35 the map right before page 35 the map right before page 35 okay thank you is the updated maap got it can you raise my volume how's that so this is an L that was this was purchased by monster review Group LLC and it right now we have three Parcels we have one 2 2 3 4 5 six lots and they would like to replat this so that they can put two duplexes and one single family home when we brought it to Planning and Zoning last week we had a resident that was nearby if you look on page seven you can see that the resident according to the property appraiser it looks like her house actually goes over into some of this plat it's not accurate on the property of appraiser but the survey is accurate the one I told you about on page 34 see it's not marked so I wanted to say right before 35 it's not accurate so what we did was they had a bit little bit of a concern because they thought well a fence is going to go right up against their living room or their dining room and they'll be looking directly out and they won't have an egress in case of emergency they won't be able to get out those windows because it's right on the property line it's less than a foot so the developer said that they would give them an easement which you can see on that map it's actually um sort of if you look where it says residence you'll see the little easeman it says fence setback line and so this is on the Plaid which means they cannot put the fence right on that property line anymore they're going to set it back a little bit in case they do have an emergency also so they can get back there cut the grass next to their house so that's the change from the original one to the one that um you'll see tonight so the parcels are Zone res iial multif family and the purpose again is to put it into three parcels and five residential lots or to divide the three parel into lots for duplexes and a single family residence so this is just a resolution it's only going to come to you once it was approved by Planning and Zoning for recommendation all right do you have any Witnesses Steve McMillan the surveyor Mr McMillan uh hello everyone Steve McMillan the surveyor um this is 1925 plat and the Lots do not match today's zoning this is Oak Villa so what we're doing is we're taking six old lots and turning them into five New Lots that's the replat uh this is the old city south of the old city Ballpark and the Watson house the brick house is the one that we're talking about that's a foot off the property line where my client is allowing a 5 foot emergency access easement or if they want to paint the brick or whatever uh that easement will sunset if that house is ever removed because then it'll need to be reentered and there won't be a problem so that's what we came up with at planning and zoning um but should be a nice little development two duplexes and a single family house is the plan all right thank you do we have any questions Council for the witness was the homeowner comfortable with the setback yes the easement sorry the easan yes okay any other questions all right applicant opening statement he's actually the applicant thank you yeah he's applicant representative I kind of ran out of stuff so um presentation by applicant with Witnesses that's not taken care of um Witnesses taken care of presentation evidence would anyone in the public like to speak on the matter if so make sure you're sworn in okay all right nobody all right closing statement from the applicant if desired no thank you U I guess just a quick this is a uh minder subdivision it goes to pnz and it comes to here and that's all she wrote once I get approval tonight uh we can run that thick myar paper that you've seen me carry around and get signatures and then we'll get my client to sign it uh there's no Bank involved I'll sign it and we'll get it to the city for signatures and then it goes and gets recorded okay closing statement by staff which just mayor had his hand up Mr Mayor sorry you said it's going from from five lot from six lots to five but then you said it's two duplexes or those duplexes going to be on four of the six Lots yes four of the five Lots right each the duplex will be centered on two lots legal lots of Records so you'll be able to sell obviously with the party wall in the middle you'll be able to sell either lot okay so that's where the five comes in yeah okay thank you okay discussion by Council of any evidence presented which is what he presented all right taken a motion to approve the ordinance I move resolution 2024 69 point of order president called it an ordinance it's a resolution sorry very true resolution all right so I did say resolution 2024 you did okay 69 all right thank you there we have a second um any other discussion okay seeing none move to vote all in favor say I I I I all right I have it thank motion carries thank you sir all right Item B resolution to the board of adjustments in Code Enforcement seat three for terms beginning July 2nd 2024 and ending July 1st 2027 and approving an effective date city planner Laura Jones thank you we got an application from City resident Selena Collins her application is attached if you'd like to review it as you know we need the city council to um appoint my board members and I do still have one open seat on Code Enforcement if anybody's interested but we're doing pretty well planning and zoning and C are both full all right good by chance is Miss Collins here she is okay can you stand up so everybody can see who you are we want to know who to blame that's right all righty thank you all right anyone El I'll entertain a motion to appoint for resolution 202 24-70 I make a motion that we approve resolution 202 24-70 is there a second I second any other discussion all right seeing none move to vote all in favor say I I let the record show the eyes have it motion carries thank you welcome all right now we reach the open public hearing where item C and D will be merged as one as Miss blue stated all right hang with me folks all right this is the first reading of ordinance 202 24- 725 uh ordinance of the city of Williston Florida amending the city of Williston Land Development regulations amending section 44-12 non-conforming Lots non-conforming uses of land non-conforming structures non-conforming characteristics of the use and non-conforming use of the structures and premises amend in section 60- 172 permitted principal uses and structures amending Section 60- 179 maximum floor area ratio amend in section 60-180 maximum loot coverage by all imperious surfaces amending section 60-12 minimum of Street minimum of off street parking is required describ herein providing serab ility and providing date all right first reading of ordinance 724 D 202 24- 724 in ordinance of the city of wellison Florida relating to amendments to the city of wellison comprehensive plan and zoning map for the city of wellison Land Development regulations amending the future land use map of the city comprehensive plan and amending the official zoning map of the city's Land Development regulation pursuant to an application by lmb Investment Group LLC for tax parcel number 0486 00000000 changing the future land use classif ification of the designated property from public parentheses County to agricultural a tax parcel number 048 660000 changing the zoning of designated property to agriculture are there any council members who have had any expar conversations with the applicant the this includes uh site visits if any no okay will there be any applicants staff Witnesses speaking on the matter everyone who okay everybody who plans to speak let's have everybody stand up including members of the public so any member of the public that's going to speak to this and just to clarify for everyone I know that was a lot of reading but this is the um um plant that we're talking about um the um old middle school at the old middle school thank you so much all right so anyone and everyone who plans on speaking in any capacity on this issue all right we'll go from right to left State your names for the record you sir we can't hear them repeat them I can't hear them they may need the portable mic that would be probably a great idea for the record we just need our clerk to get all the names of everyone that's being sworn in state your name and residence please Dwayne Williams Willison Florida take Willison Florida Robert Beasley Pensacola Florida Michael smellman Okala man Katherine Brown Willison Porter Bernard Williston Florida Albert Fuller Willison Florida Marvin Johnson de business own Wilston Florida Cory well that's a bad sign Jimmy Gooding oal Florida it has to go that way there's still more people Laura Jones city planner Donald Barber all right everyone who has just said their name can you raise your right hand please do you all swear or affirm that any testimony you give today will be the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth yes I do thank you very much you're all duly sworn all right if any exhibits diagrams photographs and similar evidence referred to during the testimony or which you would like for the council to consider must be marked for identification and kept by the clerk for 30 days until the time for approval has expired anybody got anything all right staff's opening statement thank you Mr President it's very important to me that this is not confusing to anybody so I'm not going to speak too long since we're going to be doing both ordinances at the same time I just want to very briefly explain what we're doing and then I'm going to hand it over to the applicant to give their presentation on the matter but the first ordinance and I did swap them for a reason I thought it would be easier to do the the Land Development code before the zoning change but it it didn't matter it's still a little too confusing so first I'm just going to talk about the Land Development code for one minute we want to talk about changing some things for agricultural zoning those things are just for the first one is for Annex properties specifically we want to talk about buffers and buffers are you know property to property line buffers can be fences trees um a road a space we wanted to talk about updating the floor area ratio which we believe was Antiquated the maximum lot coverage which we also believe was Antiquated off street parking requirements which is a parking lot typically for employees it was just very very very low and it didn't make any sense at all and then we wanted to talk about no processing for marijuana plants so that is also in this ordinance as a change to section 60 183 that is what the Land Development code is asking you to look at then ordinance 724 is a zoning and land use change and that is asking you to change the zoning from this property which has been annexed it has no zoning right now in the in the county it was a school so it was basically public and when you Annex a property you typically want to assign them as Zing fairly quickly we have have one or two properties in the city limits that still haven't been assigned but when you do this you want to do it pretty quickly so that you know what the land use is going to be the applicant asked for agricultural zoning and land use as agricultural agricultural is typically the lowest impact type of zoning so you have we have recreational RV park or public and that would be like a school it could be um a park open space and then we have agricultural then we have residential then we have two types of commercial and then we have industrial and planners typically talk about the impact levels um obviously open space recreational would be the least impact if it was a park and then industrial would be the highest impact which would typically be some kind of manufacturing so this applicant is asking for Agricultural and they'll explain to you why and I wanted to let the council ask me any questions about what I've just gone over generally um so that you understand this is all we're asking for we're going to be you know having a lot of conversations today and I just wanted to make sure that this was generally just what we're doing today okay thank you all right excuse me president yes ma'am we have Mr Gooding he's trying to upload his presentation okay so just bear with us all right uh Jimmy Gooding good to see y'all again um for the two new Council people if we could kind of refresh our recollection in terms of how we got here uh for the three of you the point is why is it that we're back I'm sorry do you want me to go up there okay okay sure I'll start out but then if I could come back here when we run the presentation U my client will be up there sure hi Jimmy Gooding 1531 Southeast 36th Avenue um the uh two of you are new the other three of you have seen this before and the two of you may be wondering why are we back here again um and the answer is as uh as y'all will recall the ones who were here um we had a pnz meeting back in April I'm sorry in March followed by a first reading before city council followed by a schedule second meeting second reading before City Council on the day of the second reading we found out that the property appraiser had given the city the wrong addresses and so the pnz meeting which under the city code is the one that has to be advertised through notices um that meeting was not properly advertised thus we had to start all over again again um uh and had a pnz meeting again last week now also at that city council meeting which was supposed to be second reading there were a couple of issues that were raised and as you'll see in a little bit we think we've addressed those um through the some proposals that we've got before you tonight so for those of you who are here if y'all don't mind listening to us again for those new ones um I hope you will find this interesting I'm going to turn it over to my client um Robert Beasley he's the president of fluent uh he's going to explain and we've got a a presentation that will show you what it is we propose to do and then throughout the thing I may make a few comments um on new things that we've added to it if I could do that from back there but after Mr Beasley comes up I I'll come back up here and then y'all can ask us any questions that you want to okay thank you as long as he's got a microphone back there so we can pick him up yeah there was one there I know he just needs to turn it off Robert can you see the thing let me see he's working the laptop okay hello I'm Robert Beasley um 1700 Scenic Highway Pensacola Florida while he's getting that spooled up I'll I'll tell you a minute about me um I I was a practicing lawyer in Pensacola Florida for 24 years I'm a Florida resident of fifth generation of Pensacola with the University of Florida right up the road from here so I haven't left Florida very much in my life um um and now currently um I'm the CEO of a corporation that is in multiple States we just acquired New York um but we're in Pennsylvania Texas and Florida Michigan um and that entity's headquarters which has all of those States under his umbrella is in Tampa Florida it was in Miami but I moved it to Tampa because I didn't want to be in Miami um and so um we're working out of Tampa Florida we our main facilities are in Tampa Florida our production processing packaging and Shi facilities in Tampa Florida that's significant for you because that starts the first step of how we got here um we are expanding our grow production capabilities and and so we have there's three components to our business the Florida licensing scheme is uh what they call vertically integrated other states allow you to be a retailer you can grow it you can sell it you can do different components but in Florida it's seed to sale you have to grow it to sell it so we plant the little baby plants we we we we monitor that plant all the way through to its final product and then we sell it in our stores there is no Wholesale in Florida there's no selling anybody else's product every product that's in our storage we grew in our facility so it's truly vertical it's very unique as a business model not many true vertical businesses certainly not true vertical agricultural businesses anymore the the Orange Grove grower farmer doesn't put the the Box on the shelf and sell it at his store in Publix's um it just doesn't happen anymore it's regulatory required there's some good reasons from consumer safety and health why they do that we Mark every plant it all has a number and so when you get to the final product whether it's whatever it is um the QR code will give you it'll give you the information to it all the way back to that plant or plants that make up that product um the products are tested at seven different stages depending on well five to seven depending on where they go we have our own in-house Labs that tested along the way for heavy metals contaminants mold yeast mildew those kind of things but then the final products before they can leave Tampa Tampa is where they all come out of um is sent to a third party lab in a random sample and then that testing is gone to sent to the state uh we don't even get to touch it it goes to the state so it's very very very strictly regulated industry we are regulated like a pharmaceutical industry and our facilities look like pharmaceutical facilities they don't they don't look like uh agricultural Endeavors like you would think of of an open array or anything like that you'll see some pictures in here um so we're you know it was it was tough to get this passed in Florida Florida's still a medical State meaning that it's only our products are only available to one of the 940,000 registered users in Florida you have to be a card holder to come into our Stores um as you guys know there's a ballot initiative in November to turn that to adult use whether that's successful or not I couldn't weigh in on um but currently we are a medical only state meaning we only sell to registered patients in the state of Florida you have to have a card to get into our store when you come into the store we look you up on the state system with your ID um and then you're able to uh uh take certain amounts of certain categories of products up to State limits it's not unlimited either you have to you know there's there's limits on milligrams it's a little bit about how we work um it's in here I'm he wants me to follow this but I'm terrible at following stuff so I'm just going to talk to you for a minute and then he'll flip it along as I yeah so why did we get how did we get here so the infrastructure to all right it's not going to be a dispensary he wants me to tell you that we're not going to sell anything out of the front door here or the back door or the side door uh this it's not set up to sell anything it's not a retail shop it's it it will look like it looks today except a little bit more nondescript um because there won't be any glass or anything we'll take all the glass out it'll just look like buildings and if you drove by our Tampa facility um or Sweetwater facility anyways you would say I wonder what's going on in there uh it's just a big white building with a fence around it um there's nothing on the outside you can't see anything or anything like that um he's going crazy with it yeah that's what our facility looks like up in over down in Sweetwater uh Florida it's on Sweetwater Road it's in Z it's in Hardy County um when we went to Hardy County um I went to hearings just like this and meetings just like this and had concern citizens just like this um these folks will tell you I've met several of them we went to a church meeting and um I stood up there and took every single question I could take and answered at best I could um we've tried our best to make sure that this is a well-informed process and that everyone in the community um that we got ahead of it because I've learned if you don't get ahead of it then it'll it'll burn its own wildfire and it's hard to stop it um so we've tried our best to answer all the questions we can um that's what our facility looks like down in you see the Orange Groves all around us and then that's what our sweet Sweetwater facility looks like drive by you can't see anything don't know what's going on there um the fencing's requireed by do the do is is is is difficult they their regulatory oversight of us is very very strict uh they're there all the time for spot inspections they're there all the time they require fencing they require camera systems that they tell us where to put the cameras and those camera systems are monitored in a central monitoring area down in Tampa and so part of the security that I think got missed last time we talked about this is we're required two security guards on site 247 and and that sounds like well two guards somebody said well that's not enough well we also every building every room has motion sens C sensoring cameras with light systems on it every single building every single room um and then the do comes in if every hallway and if they don't like the camera angles we put two more cameras in uh we are camera heavy and then all of those cameras are monitored 24/7 by centralized Security office that we have in Tampa that monitors every store also and so that's the first level of security if you would the two security guards couldn't be expected to walk to campus and and be as on top of things as as you'd want them to um I don't um I don't like security guards armed that was another issue that came up before I I I called the sheriff actually the chief and we talked about this and I explained it to him I said look if you give me some of your law enforcement deputized folks who are under proper supervised program and have proper current training I'll put armed guards out there but I don't know what these security companies will send me I don't who they send me I don't know what their qualifications are and I don't believe in using Force to protect property anyway let them have it um we haven't ever had a problem we've never had a Breakin we've never had anybody steal anything we've never had anybody jump the fence um so we've not had a problem but certainly if we did I wouldn't want to shootout out there on the property with some uh night security person wielding a pistol that doesn't sound like the right answer for us we'll we'll catch them law enforcement will catch them and so that's why we don't have armed guards if if the chief had the resources he says he doesn't I'd be glad to pay for his off-duty law enforcement folks that are highly trained and supervised and be out there but I can't stand the idea of having someone who's who's just as dangerous as anybody to his folks to even to his officers so that's why we don't have armed guards we only have two we're required to have two if yall think we should have more we have more if we get out there in the situation provides that we should have more we'll get more um you know we've just never had an incident jumping around a little bit um why do we get here that was the question right um it has to do with your biggest concern concern go to the pictures of what's Happening inside our facility so there's Tampa all right slow down that's what it looks like so it doesn't look like um I guess the way they used to grow weed I didn't come from this culture by the way I'm an attorney I went to law school never touched the stuff even through law school I'm an uncanny person to be the CEO of a cannabis company but I it's a long story how I got here but that's what it looks like everybody's in suits with hair nets and face mask and gloves um this the plants are grown in a in a very safe secure environment that's hermetically filtered um the lights are LED lights um they never leave the site that they're on they're they're they're put there as seedlings as cuting and then they grow up there and then they're harvested in a single take down Harvest um we're here because we're already in Tampa with processing so the infrastructure to build a processing center the equipment you need is very expensive like 3040 $50 million expensive and so because the extraction devices we use either CO2 or butane or otherwise they they require a lot of equipment and and services um gas and power and so forth and you wouldn't want to build two of those um we have enough capacity what we don't have right now is enough Raw Feed material which is the biomass uh which is the plant um and so in Tampa we have a small grow uh it's not small but that's a picture of it but we also have all of our process C in extraction equipment all of our ovens to cook everything all of our packaging equipment we've got uh things to put bag stuff in jars we got all the labeling equipment there the vaults are there the trucks come out of there and then they go to a hub system in the State of Florida we have five Regional hubs hubs are just big Warehouse they're stores basically that have an extra Garage on them and so that's what happens in Tampa We Will Not Duplicate that but we do need to service it and feed it so what do we do well we go about an hour and a half from Tampa and we find a site that site I showed you earlier is about an hour and 37 minutes from Tampa and why is that number important it's just about enough time to get a truck back and forth during the day um and so we've scouted around and we said what's in about an hour and a half two hours of Tampa well the Hardy County facility is south east of Tampa and what we've learned is as we go Southeast we run into water problems um not just quality but quantity um we also run into a severe amount of heavy egg with oranges and such this plant is very very very sensitive uh it's weird it actually is what's called a bioaccumulator they used it to clean up Chernobyl um it will suck up anything bad in the environment um any heavy metals any radioactivity it's wild the way it works uh it's actually a very good plant for remediation but when you're growing a plant like that you have to be in almost sterile environment your water our water goes through reverse osmosis your air has to be filtered coming in and out and so it's it's very tricky to grow this plant and keep it clean because it likes to soak up bad stuff so we went down to Hardy County we're surrounded by oranges I showed you that they're spraying those oranges all the time we're having a devil of a time keeping our filters clean keeping the in air inside to be perfect um and so then we ran down south of we went to pulk we we got a facility in pulk um pul doesn't have good water um they just don't have the water uh well I grew up you know I went to school in Gainesville and I know that the further you get North the better the water gets uh the more quantity and quality you have so we started looking up here um and they found this School site we looked at this community we thought this is a good Community to bring this kind of operation we're going to have 200 250 employees that will be sourced right out of here um um the type of work that and I think is good wages good benefits good jobs um and we found this site it's a it's an old Middle School um it's a big campus um don't know what other uses you'd have for it I'm sure there's lots of creative ideas out there but actual real commercial uses people who are really going to use it not sure what how what that list looks like um but let me tell you how we like it show the the C campas let show you what I like about it so what I like about it is its expandability uh capacity so all of these buildings you know they're built like a old school right they're just big block rectangle buildings and and they make a pretty perfect scenario I don't have have a pointer but that front circular drive and those offices that are just admin offices there's just going to be offices we're going to leave them just like they are they're going to be shipping receiving and so forth to the left right in there will be shipping and receiving so we'll run our our trucks that will come through now these aren't semis these are um Sprinter vans um so they'll come in this material when it's in its final form isn't that heavy or bulky it's you know it's we we our business is in the well it's in the um but it's in the ounces uh it's it's not in the hundreds of pounds or whatever it's you know we a good harvest will be 300 lb uh of finished product and so it's just not a lot of big material so we'll run through there um and we'll outbound through there we'll office in that that top space and then if you notice the building next to it just below it see how it's like a solid rectangle it's just a cinder block block rectangle and as you go in it's you know English room math room science room well they're perfect square rooms um and so very quickly I can turn that building into grow room one grow room two grow room three grow room four and I can use all that infrastructure I can use those block walls that block is really good for us because it's insulated um it has good insulating properties um we'll close the windows off we'll reblock the windows we will you know we'll put a little build of room inside that room but that infrastructure that's sitting there is has value to us just us I imagine I don't know who else would use it like that um the other building's the same that that back building over there that one there yep yep that's about the same as the other one um I like that building too and then you've got your basketball gym that one's a little bit more of a challenge uh that's not the gym that's actually the new Auditorium you get the basketball gyms right there that one will be a little bit more of a challenge anybody wants that flooring they should come get it cuz it's beautiful it's just I'm not going to use it uh and then you got this cafeteria Auditorium over here that one's a bit of a challenge for us too cuz it's got a nice kitchen set of equipment in it and we don't we don't really know what we're going to do with that yet so we will start on the top side offices admin shipping receiving we'll drop down to that next building grow building building the left grow building and and that'll be about it that's going to be about $25 million um to turn that into what we need it to be we'll fence it according to do regulations we'll put all the cameras up uh and we'll start growing um so that's the plan the reason why we gave on processing it's been a big issue of controversy which is the smell and I get it there was an article about cure Leaf down south they were stinking up the place our Tampa facility you can smell it um we're cooking there we're processing we're we're cooking under High Press CO2 extraction so we're taking the material and first of all we actually cook it in ovens and that cooking require and off gas is vapor um and it's just like smoking weed I mean that's what it smells like uh and so where is it located Tampa no I mean where loc keep driving down down the interstate till you smell in turn um and so yeah so that's what it smells like um and then we highpressure CO2 extract that has an off gasing we B BHO which is using butane for extraction the reason we use butane it's a it's a beautiful system it's volatile but it's a beautiful system because it's 100% recovery of the product and we don't lose the the butane um near 100% there's no residuals in the product there's nothing left when you use CO2 otherwise there's residuals doesn't matter but um so all of that happens in Tampa we are not going to rebuild that in Williston Florida we don't have the money to we wouldn't do it we have plenty of capacity we need feed we need just biomass um so what do we want to do here well we want to grow here growing isn't that kind of endeavor this is what growing looks like we're not processing it or cooking it or doing anything else we're planting a plant we're growing it we're watering it we're harvesting it we're drying it trimming it and shipping it to Tampa that's what we're doing that's all we need to do and so when it came up about the all the issue of processing and all that it was an easy give for us um because we don't want to build it anyway in a processing center there's no plan here for a processing center it's just it's one of these things uh I was a land use lawyer did condos and hotels and residential subdivisions and so sometimes that it gets run into through the community that we're going to do something and it's an easy GI cuz we're just not going to do it um so that's how we ended up with that um show me some more slid explain gr Tu yeah so those tubes are just support tubes for trellising um we got a better picture oh there you go there's some good that's the trellising so the way we grow is um we don't grow from seed we grow from Mom stock so we cut a clone and we put it in a cloning medium the reason we do that is genetic der from seeds about 12% and from a clone is about 3% plus we save two weeks by cutting a clone and putting it into clone media and then starting it so we have moms and moms stick around about 3 months and then we cut off those moms and then those generate the crops and we regenerate the moms so that's how we grow um then we put them in a growing media they're they seedlings then they go into a vegetative state they go into a flowering State um we control the seasons so one of the reasons why I promise you you're not going to see anything is cuz we control the seasons inside it goes through a full season of a full year this is a it's a weed remember it goes to it's a flowering plant it goes to a full season inside of our facility in 14 weeks we give it light and dark and light and dark various hours of light and dark 8 hours then 10 hours then 12 hours and 14 hours ratios and we send it through its seasonal cycle in 16 weeks and we feed it differently just like it would be fed out in the wild we water it differently just like it' be water in the we just take a year and we mash it down into 16 weeks plant doesn't know any better um so when it's in its vegetative state back that one you were showing those plants are in their vegetative state which means they're putting on mass and root structure and and and so forth just like any plant would they're the interesting thing about this if you all go to break into the place don't steal these plants they don't have any THC in them at all um and that's the interesting thing about our facility at any given time only one production room is ready for Harvest meaning only one production room has anything of any value to you the rest of it you're either going to steal baby plants or middle-sized plants or whatever that have no flower on them at all we of course of course grow all female plants right we don't grow any male plants because we don't want them to pollinate uh and put seeds on so those are all female plants all cut off same mom and they're in a vegetative state and we start the light cycle of treating them like they're in Seasons that that white uh stuff is trellising just to support them structurally wise um we grow our plants a little bit weirdly shaped um most plants are are mirror of each other G are like that too so whatever's on the top there's equal infrastructure on the bottom to some degree we trick that to where they don't quite have the root structure they need to support themselves because we're not interested in growing The Roots we're interested in growing the top and so because of that we have to put a trellis system in place but it's a temporary system um that then what happens there those are under a white light cycle so then they'll go into a different light cycle like we're going into the fall and they'll put on flowers and those flowers will turn into Buds and those buds is what is what people smoke um so that's our fertigation room um the only significance there is we feed them seven different feed Cycles a day um show me something else you keep showing me that same picture we already talked about that all right tell me something else all right Williston already told you about Williston and what it is to us and what it isn't um and we put future expansion there I don't know what we're going to do with it um we don't have the money to do anything with it right now um maybe some more buildings I don't know maybe a greenhouse maybe nothing um we don't really have a plan for it it comes with the property um and so the reason I've got it is future expansion on this map just so you know is I don't have to fence it um under do if it's future expansion land I don't have to fence it I can put my fence on that mid Red Line there and I don't have to fence the rest of another 10 acres just to have it under fence and I don't have to guard it I don't have to camer it or anything like that it's just going to stay as a ball field I mean we'll cut it and everything um but it'll just stay as a ball field until we do something with it but I I I I have no idea what we're going to do with that is a lot of growth for us um you know if those buildings turn into almost 100,000 foot of canopy um that is a lot of growth space um could we need more than that eventually I don't know I I don't it's it's on our plans um so that's my part um we want to be here um we understand the concerns I have tried to meet with the neighbors and answer every question I can as honestly as I can we're going to put on about 200 and something folks they'll be the type of jobs you guys want there'll be 156 $18 an hour jobs um cultivating cultivation texts all the way up through management there'll be HR jobs there there'll be business office jobs there it will be its own Standalone facility it doesn't it's too far away to be connected Staffing Wise from anything else so it'll have an HR department it'll have an accounting department it'll have a shipping and receiving department it'll it'll be its own place um and like I said we'll be couple hundred people when we're done um it'll be when a harvest comes down every 16 weeks you'll probably see three Sprinter vans come and go will'll be receiving um supplies like um palati supplies so it'll be uh grow products grow media and stuff like that will come in on R product products that's probably what we'll do with that um cafeteria we need a quarantine uh when stuff comes in it comes in from China and all this stuff it's got boxes it's got bugs and Pest and all that stuff we've got to go through a whole quarantine with it because we can't put we just can't take a cardboard box into our grow facility it'd be a disaster um so we'll probably use that as a quarantine room to quarantine inbound which is just a supplies um do I have any questions I'd love to talk about what you want to talk about yes sir Mr Mayor Mr Mayor is this crop what is used to make the CBD oil so it's it's that's a great question so cannabis the genus cannabis has 104 elements in it it's really cool stuff this is actually why I got into this so we know what a couple of those things do we don't really know what they all do imagine this it's this plant you can it it effectively treats glaucoma it effectively we can turn into a cream to treat neuropathy for your foot foot pain with no no you don't get high off of it um it effectively cheats muscle muscle issues and Joints us through CBD it has CBD and THC which is the two things everybody knows and then it has 102 other things um and those are amino acids called tpin and that some of them give them flavor some of some don't know what they do um and so the next stage of cannabis science now that it is legal and not pro part of prohibition is we will be figuring out out if you the next stage will be cannabis derived medicine it won't be cannabis so you have glaucoma we'll say well that's some THC at this rcio some CBD and some lonol and some merine and some other stuff here's your glaucoma medicine you don't have to take the whole plant because we know what it does now um it's great for PTSD it's amazing for PTSD so you're working on a mental state of condition your eyes your feet your joints it's pretty pretty miraculous it doesn't do everything but it does a lot and and the next stage of cannabis science is figuring this out but the answer your question CBD is a active component of the genus cannabis now when y'all are running around and you see these shops pop up and this whole big issue about CBD versus THC what happened in 2010 is US Congress passed the farm bill and it basically was the hemp there's a big hemp business movement back in 2010 2015 it totally failed but it was a big P where a lot of people really states of North Carolina South Carolina were trying to find replacements for tobacco and so they were pushing hemp hemp was a in the early colonial days hemp you actually required plant hemp uh it's pretty fascinating our history with cannabis um and so hemp's a very useful fiber plant it can also be an oild derived plant the plant doesn't know what it is but if it is less than 0.003% THC by volume it is hemp if it is greater than 003 c% THC by volume it's cannabis it doesn't know any better so what do we do well there's genuses and subspecies and what we call strains it's the Common Street name that tend to produce more CBD than it does THC and so what you do is you take one that has those properties that it's it's a it's a plant that likes to produce more C CBD naturally like red flowers versus white flowers and you continue to accentuate that property and all of a sudden you get a plant that's producing more CBD and no THC and then you're legally growing hemp in the United States at that point and so what these what these shops are doing these head shops and everything that you're seeing with this Delta 9 and all this is there's a little bit of THC in there so they're taking massive amounts tons of it and boiling it down to get the THC levels up and so when you take those products those Delta 9s and Delta eights don't take them by the way you're getting this massive overload of the other stuff just to get enough TC to feel funny um now you can take that same genus either sativa or indica they come from different part the world which is interesting um and you can you continue to breed it in a way that it accentuates its THC content which is the thing that has the the effect on you right and we grow plants that are above that 03 mark because we're trying to harvest the THC values out of it but we do CBDs too because a lot of our medical products are ratios so if you have like joint pain or something like that you might want a little THC and you might want a little CBD because the C CBD is an anti anti-inflammatory uh and so you want the CBD to to deal with your pains and aches and pains and you want the little bit of THC for pain relief um we've had a lot of success using it for that type of treatment but yes it has both CBD and TC the reason I asked is I'm a member of the Tri County 63 Disabled American Veterans and a number of the people in Tri count 63 are using CBD yep uh my dad uses he's 76 and he said he wasn't going to smoke dope and I said that's fine can you just use some of this CBD and and he loves it he absolutely loves it um and uh it's really good for joints and and and muscle issues and and pain like that as an anti-inflammatory um it we have CBD products we have ratio products also um did you have a question I'm sorry sir what's that I'm sorry I thought you asked a question no not yet okay all right I'm done okay I'm sorry uh all right does the council have any questions M Jones yes about this or about the actual paperwork sorry and I appreciate the education I really do yes learned a lot and I like the pictures of the inside because we had not seen those before good addition um we've got about five minutes more Miss Jones I won't do that until you're ready then we'll ask questions when you're when you're done how's that yeah sure okay I'll be glad to take any questions I have question okay um on the Zulo am I pronouncing that correct yeah I always say wrong to it zfo yeah cultivation facility picture that you had I noticed that there were outdoor green houses are you what are you growing in those outdoor green houses because they're not they are not inside of clock building and not right so CBD that was question was about that that's where we grow CBD okay um it's a CBD can be can it's a more tropical can handle the outside extremes and we process all CBD we don't have any smokable CBD in flow form so all CBD goes to extraction so we're not as worried about it um contam it's free of bugs and uh stuff we it all going to go get cooked okay I have another question I have a lot anyway um what happens to after you harvest what happens to the any is there any byproduct leftover and where does it go and how do you dispose of it um so those little sacks um um those little those little sacks you're not driving anymore but um those little white sacks that you saw um those are cocoa core um we grow in Cocoa which is just shaved coconut because it's completely inert we we we want to add everything we want to add we don't want we actually don't grow in soil CU soil is is organic and it it interacts and so we don't want anything to interact so we grow in Cocoa so those sacks right there they they come off um they're perforated so they come off we cut it right at the base at the stem and the top plant goes to into the drying facility it's basically that same netting but it's hung and it just dries it just it's a low humidity environment it just sits and dries naturally um and then the Sachs we have a machine with fingers on it and you drop those cubes into the Sachs and it pulls the Sachs off uh and baales them and then the cocoa core and the stalks and stems get ground up and then we have to take a sample of that to make sure it doesn't have any THC in it because it doesn't that the plant doesn't keep THC in its roots um and we have to every Harvest we have a disposal process and then a disposal record and then a sample of that has to go to dooh again they're they're watching us like Hawks um and so all of that is Mulch and so there's um there's a community garden right across the street and so what I was saying to somebody is we'll just dump it there if you want if youall want mulch for your community garden it's great mulch um it's just soil cocoa and fiber I mean in uh plant fiber ground up we use Grinders and grind it up the then the top plant goes into um the dry comes out of the dry and it's called it's get it gets bucked and bucked is taking the the the bud matter off of it and then you're left with the leaf matter and all of that um that gets ground up as well um and so then we test that and it goes into the grind and it gets all mixed up into an organic compost um we in Tampa in zofo in Tampa we take the compost back to Zulo and pile it up because we had land out there and the farmers uh the strawberry farmers and stuff come and get it we just give it to them um so it's an off it's an offgrade of our of our facility of our production um the bud then goes into a trim cycle it gets trimmed it's dry it's really dry at that point it gets trimmed that trim material is valuable to us because the trimming process is not 100% efficient and a lot of the uh the TC molecules sitting on a little stem on on the plant and it knocks those little crystals off and so we catch all that trim and bag it up and send it to extraction cuz there's a lot of value in that trim for us so we uh it falls the trim falls into like a cloth and then we take the cloth and it gets vacuumed two two one's quick what what would the hours of operation be um we don't work on sunds the plants are the plants are growing 24 hours a day right um but we don't we don't produce or we're not in production on Sundays uh there might be some people there just keeping an eye on it um these rooms are pretty automated um but it's a our shifts are pretty much 8 to five 8 to six kind of regular typical shifts there might be a night crew there watching but usually not now when we first started there was a night crew but now with technology these um the the grow systems they just send you a text if there's a problem um and so we're getting we're having less and less hours of man hours nowadays than we used to but they'll the crews will be there 8 to five 8 to six just regular work hours great um one last question um if the laws on vertical integration change what's the likelihood that this would become a place where you would actually dispense or sell zero zero okay zero no offense it's just not in a place to put a store okay um it's not the kind of road it's not this traffic's not there it's just not where we'd put a store we are closest store to you guys is in uh Gainesville thank you m robertet um let me just go through a couple of more points just to U and then we'll be done I appreciate your patience but th this is an unusual process usually when you come in for resoning you don't talk as much about the use as we are here today um you come in and you want to you want to reone it commercial you don't have to tell City count so we want to put a drugstore here or a bank or whatnot the the issue is whether or not it's suitable for B2 son this is unique however we're CU we're coming in with a unique use we wanted to be transparent with yall and with the neighbors as to what we're doing plus this is a very specialized form of Agriculture we're proposing to put a a unique Agricultural Product on a former middle school now one of the questions that that was asked at the first reading was why are we doing this in the city and not the county for the benefit of the the new Council people we first went to the county we're in we were in the county until it's recently annexed they have areas around the municipalities in Levy County uh Urban expansion areas or something they call Municipal Service District thank you very much um um and and they say in those we're not going to allow any EG we want to promote Urban Development there so they don't allow egg because of the Cork and their land use the cop plan we said can we change that and they go we got more going on than than we can handle we don't want to change it so we came to the city we met with the city and the only uh Zone loing that this works in is agriculture and that's what presented some of the challenges with the ldrs which we'll get into in a little bit but but that's why we're in the city we're in the city because we can't go in the county we couldn't the property couldn't stay in the county and so we have to come in here which we're we're we're glad to do um we we'd prefer the urban use anyway um I just want to touch on two of the issues that came up uh Robert's already talked about one of them at the April 26 meeting first concern that some people were was that we could process you'll see in a little bit how we're proposing to do with that the second is the Florida Right to Farm Act uh the the claim was that after one year we could start processing regardless of what city code said thereby possibly causing odors that's not true next slide please um again as Robert said we're only going to grow indoors um the um the highlighted there is from a government report up in Maine uh the indoor facilities the odor doesn't come out and Robert explained to you why it is we're not just being good stewards not having the odor of growing marijuana outside we're doing it to protect the product it also keeps odor from going out um but uh uh many states many local governments require marijuana to be cultivated indoors that's what we propos to do um if we grow um in in response to the question about the the greenhouse if we grow marijuana in there for medical marijuana we will enclose that greenhouse and have it the same same hermetically sealed as we do on this next slide please okay um we're going to get into that in a little bit um let's go to the next one I want to talk about the right the Right to Farm Act because this was a great concern to the residents um and and so what I've done here if y'all bear with me it's some lawyer stuff um next one um the Florida Right to Farm Act has three parts in it first part and by the way in your packet is my letter with the entire text of the thing in there first part is just definitions the second part deals with whether or not a farm operation may be considered a nuisance and this is where that onee thing comes in what it says is a farm operation which has been an operation for a year or more uh and which was not a nuisance at the time it was established shall not be a public nuisance thereafter the purpose of this the right to Farm Act the main purpose of it was because agriculture was under pressure from expanding Urban Development you you had a farmer that had been growing stuff his entire life sometimes generations and now all of a sudden you got a bunch of city Folk moving in there on two and three acre tracks next to him complaining about the farm next door well the the legislature and and most of the other legislatures pass these right to farm acts to avoid this type of nuisance claim it's the one year thing is in the context of the nuisance it's not in the context of what local governments can do that's the third part next slide this is is the text of the statute and I've highlighted stuff here to emphasize what this does this is a limit on duplication it's the intent of the legislature to eliminate duplication except as otherwise provided which there is no exception not with understanding other provision of law a local government may not adopt any ordinance regulation blah blah blah to prohibit restrict regulate or otherwise limit activity of a Bonafide Farm operation now here we go where such activity is regulated through implemented best management practices or or interim measures adopted by several departments including the department of a the department of a environmental uh Resource Department of Environmental Protection have adopted best management practices for fertilizer for pesticides things like that and what they're saying in this part of the Right to Farm Act is you can't duplicate with your local ordinances that which is regulated through the bmps that have been adopted by these state agencies there are any bmps for for marijuana they're for other agricultural type of activities but because there's no bmps best management practices for this the this portion of the Right to Farm Act does not apply does not prohibit the city of wion from enforcing its codes on this activity and I think that's pretty clear um I've sent and I believe that your city attorney's looked at this and I think she'll weigh in on that if I'm wrong but but in any event so we wanted to touch based on on that next um and um and the the the thing with the processing and we'll get to it when we get to the code um we adop we proposed a new section that says that in the a area you can only grow the canidates you can't process it you can't sell it um and and we Define processing to describe the type of activities that generate the odors merely drawing the product isn't processing but doing anything like extracting the oil from it is so we're we're not just saying we're not going to do it we're proposing that y'all put that in your city code that says we can't do it um so we're we're excited about this as you could tell Robert uh he's excited about this product excited about the activities um we plan on being good stewards we plan on being good citizens in wion we recognize the neighbors have concerns we're we're looking forward to hearing their comments and I hope uh being able to address those y'all have any questions for us I appreciate your patience by the way okay I question or a couple questions can y'all hear me no barely can you hear me now yeah all right um so my question is about your your your blocks once the plant comes out what type of um chemicals are in that I know you said that you're going to use it as mulch and you want to give it to the Garden next door door what kind of chemicals are part of that most frustrating thing about growing this plant in the State of Florida is there's no labeled pesticides available for us to use we don't use any chemicals we'd like to we've got every aphid you could imagine but we can't use anything we use soap water and soap we use sulfur we uh we we burn sulfur in the room to increase the P pH of the room we use every trick you can imagine but we don't spray one single chemical on this plant um because we can't um we're hoping that some company eventually labels because there's no labeled product you know the labeling of chemicals for use is a long process um that happens some other way and and so there since the the industry hasn't been around long enough these chemical companies haven't produced a labeled approved product so we don't actually get the benefit of any chemicals so we're using home remedies um and we're you know using it at a large scale and it's pretty effective that goes back to the secur environmental security of the environment um you don't walk in there unless you've been scrubbed changed you don't wear your street clothes in there your street shoes they all have their own uniforms their own shoes they have hair nets we it when you walk in there again I I I can't tell you it doesn't feel like an agricultural it feels like you're in a pharmaceutical company um because those plants are in a biocure environment things have sure changed since the 60s yeah absolutely absolutely and remember what I told you a minute ago is it's a bio accumulator so the problem with getting a labeled product is most pesticides have some kind of metal base to them to make it adhere like a lead or something and it'll go right in that plant and right in the product so what type of home remedy or Home Products that you're using so we got a little bit of trade secret but I'll tell you some of them um um so we use sulfur I already mentioned that we burn sulfur in these pots um that create a heavy stinks in there U from a sulfur point of view um but when we're doing the sulfur treatment so we shut it down at night we close all the air and we do a sulfur treatment um we use a incidal soap um which is just a soap mixture with vinegar um we use um we do a heat treatment and so we will heat the room up um I don't know if youall know this how we treat bed bugs um and so it's real good on aphids um so we'll heat the room up um is there anything that you're doing I think where she's headed is that's going to make this byproduct not desirable for use by for example the hood No but we sample it anyway I think I told you that we we sample the hard to say you said the the state samples we had to send it to the state um and um so now let me take you talking about what we grow in uh we we use salts and so um those big tanks uh we emulsify our own salt so we make our own fertilizer basically but we use basic salts that's what's in the in the the blue jugs um and so pottassium magnesium all the salts that you use to grow with because again we feed them seven times a a day and they get a little bit different feed throughout the day and they get a lot different feed throughout their grow cycle because they need different things sometimes more calcium when they're putting on root structure and all that um and so um but we have zero water discharge so if you go back to the tray with the plants what you'll notice is those little right stop come on right there stop uh see those white tubes with little spikes there's two per plant those titrate out exactly the amount that that plant's going to eat that's why we feed it seven times a day because we don't give anym you know when I water my plants at home I just pour water off but they squirt and the plant absorbs it and then every 12th plant there's a a sensor in the soil that says what the it's called the EC um which is the reading of the of the salts that are remaining and then when that EC level drops that means the plant has absorbed that salt and it gets another squirt um and so when we growing there's actually no water anywhere um because it's coming into into the plant plant's absorbing absorbing it and the cocoa core it doesn't it's not a soil and so it doesn't um doesn't get stay wet it stays very dry actually this plant doesn't like a lot of water Believe It or Not it'll take it it'll take all the water you give it but to do what we need to do we're concentrating the components inside of it so we're concentrating so we're trying to keep it pretty lean and then we we starve it the the last two weeks we don't give it any fertilizers we don't give it anything we just give it a water flush because we want it to to go into a inessence and die okay so how many of your facilities are within residential areas none none uh Tampa is inside of an industrial commercial area zos is out by itself uh pkes pul there's a couple trailers behind pulk but I don't know if anybody in them or not to be honest with you talking to City sir sir okay we'll we'll have an opportunity for you right but you you have a segment getting ready to come up where everybody asking me the questions whoever ask me the questions I'm gonna look at and that's appropriate um so my next question is it was it was mentioned that you guys came to the city to have this done because the county um it was too much going on and um but is it true that with the county um you have to be so many feet away from residential in order to be zoned egg I don't know anything about that other than the county didn't have the zoning that we need because because this thing is going to be rezoned you all know that I mean now said that at the beginning that you have to rezone it you're you don't get out you don't get out of that decision because you own it now it doesn't have a zoning it's got to be reson something so when we were in the county it was the same thing they had to reone it and so we were asking for the lowest zoning available and they didn't have it or you explained this earlier but I don't I don't understand exact we didn't get into that much detail because they said you can't have a within that Municipal service area so it may be that that it wouldn't have met the requirement anyway um in in municipalities it's a little different um this city of Williston has a number of a zone areas uh within your city limits it's there's not a lot of them and it's it's it's not a thing that I think is going to be continue um but local governments City voala where I'm from they've got a properties It's Not Unusual to have a remnants still within the city limits this is a again it's what I said this is a unique hag and and one of the things and I see Mr Fuller here one of the questions that that people have is what happened if this doesn't make it is some farmer going to come in there and start growing egg in the middle of of a residential neighborhood and and I will tell you that I think the chances of that are going to be extremely remote if a farmer is going to grow something he's probably not going to want the expense associated with coming in and tearing down all these school buildings so that he can plant crops on land that would cost five times what it would cost out in the rural area this is a one shot uh a zoning I think for this particular use and is I think it's unlikely to be used for any other type of act could it yes it could but I don't think it's very likely let me let me hype on one of the thing this is the lowest intensity land use zoning that you've got um I'm I Robert was a land use lawyer I'm a land use lawyer if I go into a public meeting and I'm ever saying that I want it to to to down Zone something to a the people that are there to to holler and scream me and call me bad names all of a sudden real happy um it's it's it's the least intense use that we could put this property to that I think y'all could put this property to unless you want more houses there if you want more houses you can put it make it residential but it's certainly not suitable for commercial uh the what we're proposing is UN un unobtrusive almost invisible use within the existing buildings that is permitted in an a area did I did I answer your question about the a why we couldn't be in the county we may not have made the zoning the setbacks I don't know I know that we couldn't be a anyway now let me just add that in the in the municipal Service District the city designates the areas around it that are called Municipal service districts and what that does essentially is tell the county where we want our growth to be uh and it's usually commercial or industrial growth it's not usually residential um but it's where we want growth and they they couldn't walk in to make it a if we were designating it as a place we thought we wanted to make growth it just wouldn't work um and and while we're talking about the zoning I I don't know if you remember at our last meeting I had serious concerns about making it a and I might as well just start that from the very beginning um I wanted it to be commercial because I thought it was a commercial operation I went I I asked M Mr Bard city manager Bard to go with me I actually went to the County Property Appraiser's office and I said tell me what you would do if it was in the county I said' if you could do it I know you don't do zoning but you know what I'm talking about I said what would you recommend and there were three people from his office sitting with us in a conference room they had all the maps and we had it all laid out um and he told me in order to protect the city and in order to protect the residents that it needed to be a so I should forget my commercial even if we made a separate category and called it commercial within the egg even if we came up with something different which was what my idea was I actually talked to Laura about trying to do that um he said the way to protect us and the way to protect the citizens was to make it egg because if it's a if we made it commercial somebody could walk in here and make it anything that was allowed in the commercial district and we could do nothing about it but if we make it EG they can only do EG so that kind of I cleared my mind of everything I walked away shaking my head saying okay I understand now because I definitely didn't want it to be X before and if we you know we grow there for 10 years or whatever we we're going to have again $25 million investment here so we're going to at least be there 10 15 years right we we can't just come in and go out but in and then we sell it and someone wants to do something else with it they got to come all back to you again because then it's going to be a and they're going to be like well it's a I don't know what we do with it so they'll be back here and you guys can then 10 15 years later whatever Williston decides is the right answer you'all can do your reviews and decide you want to step it up to residential um R1 R2 R3 I don't know what your zones are here or commercial whatever you want it to be we're going to keep it at the lowest form for now um and then later if you guys want it to be something different then you can up Zone it if you want is the future expansion going to fall under the same premise and guidelines yeah it'll all be a I think we're not asking for any any upgrade of any any portion of the property we didn't split the property that Line's just there so I uh that's for the do so I put a fence in it is one parcel it is it is not two Parcels so are we just only asking questions about for them right now or yes Miss Jones has some couple questions and for them for them and I have have a couple of questions well most of my questions had to do with the waist and after the trimming and Miss Martin definitely fill that that barrel for me um most of what I have has to do with the ldrs okay so I don't know if you have other questions beside the ldrs yeah mine's with what they were just on okay go ahead yeah okay so just you had talked about there'd be no windows and things like that do you have are because this is a campus it's got different buildings so for security do you have where employees have a key card or biometric to go from room to room to where nobody can just if somebody Wass to break in they can't just float around all the different ones right um so um I came up with a system that kind of looks like a deck of an aircraft carrier um everybody on an aircraft carrier has different color on so you can look out you know what they're doing um so our cultivation techs are in green jumpsuits um like Scrubs um and other people in logistics and everything are in different colors and only a greeny can be in the cultivation area and they have to go into a dress out airlock dress out scenario so they come in in their street clothes um these buildings will little different because we're going to have to put dress outs in each building because you got outside space um so once they go in the outside space they're contaminated they got to start over um so they'll come into a dress out room they'll dress into their greens they'll put their hair inet on their gloves and all that stuff beard Nets and all that and they'll go into the space but their key card allows them into the cultivation space um if they like it's a little bit more complicated Tampa because we have purples and reds and and others we have processing and all that a person with without the cultivation credentials can't go into the cultivation space again this it has a dual role of security but it's also a bioc security thing for us and so um we control we centralized control those lock systems um and so so we also use it for a safety issue U remember I told you we if we were going to shut the room down or heat the room up that room will be locked out and so no one can just walk in um and so yes every building every room has access points uh the the cards would you explain to them what you explain to the neighbors about somebody that wants to come in this facility not just employees but delivery people how how can they get in through the through the man uh entrance so we don't allow any visitors um we're not allowed to you can't just come to it or whatever not like that so um you because no one could be in the facility that hasn't had the do background check so we have a vendor list those vendors like our AC and our electrical techs and all those they have to have employees that and this isn't cheap for us but we have to pay for their employees to have the background check so then they get a vendor card or a visitor card um but you come in through the front the security office and if you came in and you were a a a visitor or vendor or whatever and you wanted access to the back um you would sign in and they would get your credentials and all of that but it's not an open to the public type scenario in anyway um you know we don't have we don't give tours you know people just don't walk in um so um and then we then we segregate the workflow just like we talked about um and again we're we're doing all of this mostly for biocurity but also because we have this do regulation overlay um you know they're this program is highly regulated okay um so it's strictly growing right and no odors anything like that we're not processing or anything like that so when you say no odors and I want to be extremely truthful if you walked into that grow room which you couldn't because I won't let you right but if you walked into that grow room while they were growing and you and they were doing something they're harvesting let's say they're harvesting there's going to be a green plant odor which is different than the the burnt odor and all that St there's going to be a green plant just like any other massive amount of plants there's 50,000 plants inside the grow room and so you start hacking 50,000 plants and separating them for their stocks it's going to it's going to smell like plants um but that odor doesn't that activity doesn't happen outside or there's no venting out or anything like that in fact it's a completely sealed room and so when you're inside of the space you will smell green plants if they're in that activity if they're just growing you don't smell anything right um but we don't process in a way that emits any odors at all we don't have any stacks there's no fans there's nothing blows out okay so no process and everything all right so you mentioned jobs how many people are you going to start out with we did this math earlier probably 40 to 40 to 50 something it may be on here um our HR department did the math for me but around 45 let's call it okay U and that'll be um um heavily slanted towards um office front office because we got to build the front office support up first it's a standalone facility so it'll have an HR department it'll have a billing department it'll have all those folks and so we'll build that infrastructure support up first the very last thing we will do because keep in mind the do has to inspect so they they don't give us permission to cultivate until everything's in place cameras everything we can't bring us a plant into that facility so the very last thing will do it'll be up and running fully staffed running we'll bring plants in because we have to do everything that we have to have our training logs in place restrooms have to be a certain way I mean everything has to be perfect they'll come and inspect and that's a series of failed inspections that's about a two-month process where they come out and then we they come out again and they come out again um and you know that camera is not pointing quite right and all that stuff so I'm going to stay on the jobs um in the first meeting that we had you guys had have benefits yeah health insurance I think it was 401K health insurance dental insurance uh pet insurance uh free psychological care um we have a system where you can call in and get uh you know three or four sessions um we have a canteen program for remote sites the Z site and the other site have is a canteen program so like we feed it feed people because you can't get anywhere on an hour because I got a dress in an out right I think that's all the benefits we have right now okay um oh we do food trucks that's one community that the Hardy County I wish somebody from Hardy County would come here and talk to you guys we um we we bring food in a lot because of the dressing out and the dressing in and so we'll contact the neighborhood restaurants and everything and so there's a barbecue day and a taco day and all this stuff so we bring the food in to them a lot okay and I think um the first meeting you guys were paying pretty well yeah for for that and that's what I like about the the amount of jobs that you're going to eventually have um you know with that that's he's asking for starting pay our lowest our lowest our lowest starting wage walk in the door is450 and from there it goes to 1650 and then 18850 so minimum wage uh 1450 if you're a tech it's reverse Tech 1 and a Tech 1 would be on a 90-day Pro probationary period just learning how to do it it's actually pretty hard work uh it seems like it's fun people get in there cuz they want to grow weed and then it's farming in the end of the day and farming is not easy um and so we we Tech ones come in on a 90-day basis at 1450 and they'll either make it or they won't and then they go to Tech 2 okay thank you m Jones we talking about the ldrs if you have any specific questions I'd be happy to try and answer them um if if you want to go through them too I don't I don't know how y'all want to do it I don't if yall want to vote on the zoning before you get the or what but I'm I'm happy to answer any questions you got on the ldrs so just I I think it might be helpful to just we're praying because we've been in the weeds you're so good I was saving that one um we've been a little bit in the weed so just before we continue on with any presentation to give you sort of the 5,000 foot view there are two ordinances in front of you or the first ordinance is 725 725 is the amendments to your ldr in your packet that looks like the red lines underlines to your current code that changes the a portion of your ldr across the board so that's part of what we're talking about right now I know that we haven't really gone line by line through it but I think that's what Mr Gooding is saying is that he's happy to take any questions that anyone has on that and discuss that a little bit further what the other thing that we've been talking about which is the second ordinance in front of you is 724 is the resoning to add of this specific parcel which is why we've been talking about all of this really in-depth stuff about what's going to happen in the facility um so to the extent that anyone has any questions about the change to your ldr or the changing of the zoning of this parcel to agriculture we're talking about both of those things right now so if you have questions for Mr Gooding on any of that now would be the time so that sort of clarify for everyone what what to ask when to ask how to ask you're looking at me like I have not answered your question at all how can I assist what have I missed so it it sounds like regardless of if what question we ask related to the zoning portion it also still affects yes ma'am we have to have both of them yes if y'all turn down the zoning you don't need to change the ldrs although you should for just because it approves your code but but if you turn on the zoning we're done with the ldrs if you turn on the ldrs you don't need do this Zing either so it's it's whichever one y'all want to do first or we can do them at the same time and Miss Jones I know you had questions about the odrs the first reading last time and I'd be glad to go through that I did and I don't know if we need to pro pro proceed through the quasa judicial questioning before we get to that part or I know the public gets to speak too so I think now before you want all of our questions first I think that we put everything out there so the public has all of the information that we're talking about so if we want to do the if you want to go through the red line and really talk about what's being changed in the code now it' be the appropriate time to do it in the Quasi judicial format okay M Jones would you mind if I went back to the thing so I could scroll through the ordinance so that ask Mr Cox ask me ask Mr Cox you want me to start okay um I know on the ldr on Section 6172 which is on page 43 of the packet um under number two of that section you see we may need Latricia part more than we need your part at this point uh when we start there you go y you're going to bring that up too you're so good 6172 uh page 43 if you have a packet number I don't know if you do or not what section uh section 6172 you you were almost there a minute ago yeah I don't have any problem with the front half I can tell you I don't know if anybody else does this is where my questions start right here and I know we talked about the 15 Acres making the egg I'm sort of looking at Miss Jones as much as I'm looking at anybody here um um and for the record Miss Jones and I are not kin to each other everybody thinks that we are but we are not um I've seen all kinds of junk on Facebook saying that she does what I want her to do and I do what she wants me to do because we're k each other but we are not in any way shape or form um and I can tell you under SE under number two on page 43 sorry I had I was at the wrong section there it's it right there there we go okay there we go and it's that number two right there yes ma'am where it's still talking about a and it's talking about we're in the area that talks about the um I think non-conforming uses here and this has to do with this section it has to do I believe with the setbacks and it's it's talking about the set backs that are located within 300 ft of the side or rear lot line and we added unless the building meets the buffer requirements in section 6341 in which case the building shall at the minimum comply with the minimum yard requirements which are in another section altogether but it's referring to them um it does not say that only for a those Acres over 15 so if we write this it's going to apply to every a zoning piece of property in willon I thought that's what this said unless the building is on a partiel at least 15 acres in size and meets the buffer requirements well then you're on a different then it's it's been changed what P that on it's in the ordinance it's in your package twice the first go round is where when we turned it in originally um later on toward you got me totally confused ma'am later on is after yall had us add the 15 AC what page is that um I'm sorry I took the some pages out to make it smaller it's not 55 anymore I took Pages out it's on page 89 89 thank you so much if you go to page 885 it's the the ordinance is there in full that's the new ordinance that's where it starts that's what when I got to that first one Miss Jones I saw that 15 went in there so you're calling 44 now instead of one instead of 60 the section is totally a different number 60172 but that's if I go to the page she told me to go to it's totally different section in your computer why don't I let this is printed for my computer but I'm telling you it's onage you want to go through it because your pages will match on page 89 that's where that on page 89 of your packet I pr I promise perfect yes I do page eight N I got it I'm going to open y'all's version too so from now on my pages will so you gave me the old one and you gave me the new one yes ma'am and then you gave me an additional one all together we hadn't seen before okay all right so that does so the setbacks of the 300 ft allowance is only for the 15 Acres or more yes ma'am all right so that solves that question let me go back to my old one again let make sure we got all my questions answered go t totally confusing me by giving me a new one okay so I'm assuming that one is two on 6180 can you show me the 6180 that's new yes ma'am I'm seeing it here okay almost 6180 I am looking at the new one on page 89 it's still talking about growing and process processing and storage and sale but can I clarify that yes this is all over so that's not that one does not refer just to marijuana growing there is an ordinance on 183 now that talks about just processing marijuana because we don't want to stop anybody from processing anything that's what I mean you gave me another one I hadn't seen before you gave me three different ones an old one a new one and then a new addition you mean you mean the ordinance she means the new section of the code no I hav prohibit process I have the new one also but it doesn't have so you're saying 183 supersedes 180 exactly yes because it doesn't say that here yes because you wouldn't want a strawberry company to come in and not be able to make jams exactly so we didn't want to stop all processing so Jimmy came up with just stopping processing of marijuana throughout a so that we'll never happen but other smaller processing may still be allowed but in 180 it doesn't say that no because 183 would supersede 180 for marijuana only I I think it would probably be agreeable to everyone and a very minor change to make before second reading to Just note in 180 that except as otherwise provided in 183 that would make me very happy okay that's exactly my point done if you only read one section you're not going to know it until you happen get to all the way to the end and I think we could actually do it in 183 that says that this prevails over any conflicting section in the rest of the a thing so even if it's allowed elsewhere it's not allowed into this one I think if we did that we don't have to go Section by section then the same would pertain to the floor ratio if it's actually going to offset that yes ma'am and I have no problem with the parking I think that's an improvement on our overall parking so on the new one I think I'm good with the new one I think that's all my questions for the moment okay Council have any other questions all my questions have been okay so should we judge open do two second no hang on come back to you now go back to your little list there you go all right when there be anyone in the public who would like to speak on this matter you got to make sure you're sworn in your name and residence Dwayne Williams Willison Florida um there's been a lot said uh a lot to absorb however um I heard it mentioned about the egg zoning being least impactful on citizens and the community I had a question and Miss Hines asked a question of the gentleman's which was how many of these facilities are located in residential areas and the answer was none I heard a lot of stuff but I don't necessarily think it's been fact checked if he he said it didn't smell in communities how many people rode past a facility in another city that can answer that tonight um I was reviewing their application online that led me to some more questions I think it's on page 52 you get into there were some things um and I don't know if you want to put it up on the overhead I can go back to um if I think2 is part of the old one Mr Williams that's that's why I was what I see Part D the uh response to finding criteria and continuous it says number seven the impact of the proposed change upon living conditions in the neighborhood I haven't heard anybody talk about that so I don't know how can we fact check how is it that it's been fact checked that it's not gonna have a certain impact that was number seven number 10 um let me get to it here the impact of the proposed change upon light and air to adjacent areas I haven't heard anybody talk about that matter of fact there's nothing written on so how do I know as a citizen how this is going to happen number 11 the impact to propos change upon property values in the adjacent areas again no compensation number 15 the impact of the proposed change with regards to the scale or need of the neighbors or the city again I heard great I mean I heard a presentation um but then I heard also that this has never been done in a residential area and I haven't heard anything to fact check anything they said if I ride I would like to ride past one of the failz and see if it's actually true since somebody said anything here tonight I I I have concerns about a type of facility like this in a residential area where a lot of people can be impacted negative and I think the council need to do that due diligence to make sure that don't happen that's first of all second of all um I wonder if this was being proposed to any other area inside the city limits would it be considered for example like the old hospital uh I'm I'm just I'm just being honest I think it would already be done if it was at the hospital well I I don't know that um and and and so when they talk about doing something or they talk about uh they're what they're doing is going to be least impactful on the Nabors and the citizens I haven't I I haven't heard anybody fact check that and these are concerns I have as a citizen before we get into something and find out that it wasn't necessarily correct or or truthful and then you know we in a situation I mean I think these things need to be fact checked and I I have that concern thank you my name is Wilfred Baker and I look I sit here and I listen to everything they they was saying and I know that he just sit talking see a lot of different things start please but my thing is is that as I sit and listen to them I looked at you guys and it and as we hear you speak it sound like you already made up your mind each and every one I it it this it really does now it may be one or two that haven't that is not sure but it seemed like you all have made up your mind we we wonder why we're here and this thing is impacting the the community it's not something that you want you don't have to answer this outside your house if you would to go to your house and this is going right in your community how would you like that another thing for them to come and say oh you know this and that all of these things and see all of these wonderful things and then they say that hey you know they don't have anything else in the community and then you te on one school and you build a Burg you build uh Wendy's and you build uh all of these nice things uh Contractor Supply and then you close down another school and you the same thing that people have been running uh putting people in jail for 10 and something years 200 and something years and the same you bringing that to our community and you just saying hey I'll lay it in your La you take it take it and each and everyone that's here you're responsible and you and I know it's not in cuz if you go and I said I wouldn't do this but I'm going to do it you go across the track and look across the tracks over there soon as you turn across the tracks all the generation of money and everything all the circulation of money come across the track that's way all the consumers are bringing the money over here and then when you go over there there's nothing this recently this cleaned up the place because it was a mess just 8 months ago or so and this was a mess and so what we just slow something under there this junk out there they take anything that's not the way it's supposed to go it's it's people that are concerned have family have kids have loved ones and this should go for each all of the community not just for for this because hey you know it's out there it's not up here if you would have put it up there at the the hospital everybody in it would be a line of cuse all the way from here all the way down to it would and think about it if it was in your community and think about how it would impact impact your your value of your home if you bought something like this there you wouldn't want to look and then smell this and and then it's going to change the life it's going to change everybody's life the way that they know it and so this is not just something that you just say okay hey you know boom we we we come to we come all the numbers and everything we come to an agreement we just dis we just going to ignore everybody else think about it and really really think about it because these are people and this is not just something that you're doing this is something that's irreversible you're not just going to change it just after you do it these guys are coming in here and saying anything just to get in here and a few years later they're going to be boiling and everything else and they're saying this now but prove it put it to the test a lot of things they're saying you can do this and you can do that that's just talk everybody can just talk but these things is put this these people saying something just to get in here and it's easy to do so but these are things that are going to change people lives they're not just not not just something that because there are people out there that that lives out there that's been living in peace and and and have their Saturday mornings and they get up in the morning and they they have their their their yards and they're cleaning their yards in there and they respect their homes even though some other people may not think it's that all that but it is I some something I I own some homes a couple homes someone said to me one time the one of the homes is a is a mobile home and they was like Hey that mobile home it wasn't all that it's it's not all that but to me I tried to make that mob home Palace to me it was everything maybe to them it was nothing that meant everything to me because it was mine Mr President not to interrupt but the five minutes are up thank you oh five minutes up wait wait hold on I'm just going to finish this up let me wrap it up okay I I think maybe you don't like what I'm saying you're you're wrapping me up real quick and I'm going to say this I'm I'm I'm going to finish up by saying this it's needed to not to not hear me but you heard every word that they said and then you also you you made sure that we heard the finality of what they had to say even though she said that the other people wanted to speak so I know that maybe you're not want to hear this but this is what's got to be spoken anyway and so listen you need to listen to us this is not just about you about the city oh listen we've been neglected and the citizen neglect is what we have dealt with for a while and and I'm telling you one of these days people going to pull together because you're not just going to continue to neglect us that's just not going to happen and we have a voice as well I'm going tell you that we do thank you Mr Baker my name is Elisha Brown in your residency Wilson Florida uh I heard them say about the debris they have they can dump over there in the community garden but look don't you know that that stuff's going to smell you can get a bunch of leaves and dump it over there and they going to smell and you going to tell me that this stuff not going to smell they don't have to have it Mr Brown okay they don't want it they don't have to have it well I referring to what he was saying the city we have a problem I have a problem on 10th and 2nd Street now they toore This Old House Down one year ago look can y'all Force the people to clean that lot up have y'all been by and see that if anybody been by to see that what's the address again our s they come and tell Don Northeast you can file a complaint with Don and he'll go check on it in a heartbeat well been complained with him over a year and they haven't not with Don um I can give you a little bit of an update with that we have been talking to them in depth we're trying not to put them in front of Code Enforcement because of the cost but um we've been trying really hard to find a way to help them clean up and they did say that they were going to finish it soon if they haven't made any progress Don and I will get them under code enforcement please do is this the old station it's it's the old seab brook house oh miss Old Saber okay anybody else please come to the podium Please Mr state your name and your residency sir I'm Albert Fuller and I am a resident of the city I have several concerns and we haven't heard all the changes to the ordinance yet but I've I have my major concerns deal with the residents I need you to look at that area of town and look at it from the standpoint that EV just about everybody that lives there cannot move they don't have the resources they don't have they don't they don't have the they don't have a way or a place to move to and because of that I have to agree with Mr Williams you got to do more research and you got to make sure that the things that are being said are indeed the things that the things that will happen 5 years 10 years 15 years or as long as long as the people live there I'm not necessarily concerned that the area is neglected but you all sit here to make sure that it is treated equally to the rest of the city and so we may be rushing things we may be pushing things and the one thing that has never been answered correctly as far as as I know is why is it that we can take and allow a group of people to come into this town Write Our Land Development regulations to suit their needs now that to me is very unusual I made a suggestion last time that we look at not changing all of those regulations I understand we even had a Land Development attorney look over it just to see and these are a lot of resources and these are not cheap people but there's been a lot of resources put toward this effort why not look at simp simpler means of doing this and I made a proposal Miss Jones made a proposal maybe look at an A 2 zoning where we can craft something that restricts it to just that and then when that uh and so that we can protect the citizens secondly if not an EG to zoning what about a special exception because a special exception goes with the property owner that means that they shall do what they said they're going to do and just that and if they and if they cease from that then they cease operation if they sell the property then the next property owner has to qualify under special exception why not look at a simpler method like that to make sure that we ensure that the people that live there are protected and we have to do that for much of our city it's not just that area but I think we've been so focused on growth that sometimes things go by the wayside and we let things slip through we had another gentleman here tonight concerned with flooding we got to make sure that we don't ignore the rights of our citizens in this process I know they may have a Time timeline but their timeline does not matter when it comes to protecting people who've been here paying taxes all this time and so maybe take a step back and look at what you a decision you may be making this not in this not in the best interest of the people that have been paying taxes here in this town forever thank you sir please state your name and residency Berard Mr P was a hard act follow but he is correct you got to do due diligence you got I sit here and I watch the presentation and there a lot of presentation you know sound good first of all going to be 250 people look at the graph of say 150 people it's going to start out with 40 people you know these numbers things are not what they seem and you know you cannot let them have a egg exemption unrestricted that don't work now you know we all know that this marijuana deal in the State of Florida let's get real it's going to pass so that's going to be there going to be more places that's going on process now why would you hold it all the way down to Tampa you might now you might have processing uh down there but it makes no sense to hold all the way down to Tamper when you can start processing there because it's the business going to become more profitable now they spend going to spend $24 million in probably what four or five years that $24 million recovered then what that mean they got free money come on people we got to get real of what we're doing like I say these people out in East Weston or in that area well it's not only East Wiston this thing will affect people within two miles not only people of color white I don't know why it's not more White Citizens here to be truthful I mean it look like it's a black thing but it ain't a black thing it's a city of willon thing it's for all y'all it's going to fix some maybe not y y'all cuz you don't stay you're not in the two M radius or whatever if you know I mean it's but it's going to affect you I mean in the way the city is going I know we want growth yes we need growth but there have been some you know I mean I'm not a I don't own property in city of will but there have been some bad decisions made in this city because of not looking at the big picture you know the housing developments and all that we have you got people that's ate up with this water bill and utilities my garden community garden 501c3 right now we ate up with a 700% increase uh something ain't right somebody's not doing due diligence I mean you have to face the fact I served on boards that had budgets like the city but you got to have du diligence you you got to have the people in place you got to understand that the people that's going to make you going to make more money off the people that will be affected by this then you going to make off of those people that want to put that plan in with an unrestricted a exemption I mean that's just the facts all right anybody else I don't think D was okay um sir let's get you sworn in you turn you have you'll have to swear in so what's your name state your name please I'm Danny Stevens okay raise your right hand do you swear or affirm that anything you say today will be the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth I hope so is that a yes everybody else was sworn in already that's yes you got here late so anyway I'm Danny Stevens I am not a resident of Williston I live just north of the of the middle school been there all my Life Family land you know it's a unique thing with this marijuana and how it's going to affect different things there's really nothing out there to determine what can and can't be done with it or that's my opinion anyway I keep hearing that this is going to happen and this and that and whatnot what I've learned is this if the news is anywhere close to being true the state of Colorado is in in bad ways but anyway what I would like to see is as Mr Fuller had suggested a special exception if this is the way that y'all want to go with it and you can craft it in the way that the special exception stays with the original applicant if the applicant tries to sell then the special exception goes away and he's right back square one again because realistically I'm going go back in time I worked at the city for 25 years and I was born and raised here I remember certain instances that was taking place at the airport different proposed businesses and whatnot that they had a big to-do over this and that and whatnot matter of fact several places not just the airport but in ly County as a whole and when everything got laid out on the table it was not all together as true as to what they had presented it to be matter wasn't there something with quarantines Miss Jones or livestock yeah something with a BMWs or Cadillacs or something too U you know I hear different people saying different things about what this would be what it wouldn't be I live like I say I live right up the road I've got a huge concern over what could happen last time it was a rehab facility and what else is going to come from this grow operation agriculture is a unique situation best land use management practices that follow on to the grower or the farmer well I believe this is more appropriate you get this other state agency or County agency and they're saying no you can't do it that way case in point is Marston on on something that's not marijuana but something else know and there's always a squabble going on now to go back to what they had presented 300t is that 300t from a building or from the property line to a residence property line to their building it's supposed to be a setback of 300 ft from from their property owner to the to the building it's not currently that way now so it's already non-conforming okay because of the school okay because I was have trying to wonder because 300 foot that's almost the whole football field yeah uh you know there again went to that school left from that school went on up to high school got a lot of fine memories of that school seen the school board spend a lot of money on that building or that property in the later years U I'd like to see something good come out of it but I've really got a huge concern as to these first two steps that's taken place with a rehab and now a manufacturing facility I really do thank you very much my name is Katherine Brown I live in Willison on Northeast 40th Place it might not be seed limits I do own property in the city limits and actually everything that I wanted to say someone else has already said it but I'm going to go back even a little bit farther for most of us season people that's a historical uh memories for us as Willison Vocational High School we went to school there before integration now okay I was in the second class that graduated uh that was integrated but nowhere can we look and see that there was a Willison Vocational High School so my concern is if something else comes in here I don't know all the the CES and ordinances about that cuz we really I mean we were lost because things that we don't know and somebody else is just talking about it we're not looking at it and writing but to to to put something in the neighborhood I've been in that neighborhood for all my life really I live just a block over I own property just across the street family own property just AC across the street so our concern is we are not having growth and development in Willison we've even called now East Willis and I don't even know how that come apart cuz nobody I mean how did that happen okay there are things that you know people from what I understand wanted to grow or build something on Northeast 10th Street and it was turned down and now we going to have something coming here that to me is a negative effect and that's not going to help our neighborhood and I know all of us want to see growth and development when you walk down every one of these streets on North on the northeast side you can count the residence a residential homes in there because they're vacer lot okay and we want to see growth in there all the growth is happening on this on the west side of Williston even though we might not be in all of us not might not be in the limits but we still are a part of Willison and we sure would like to see a positive effect not something that's going to be negatively impacted on us thank you okay anybody else I just want to say one thing and I know it's not going to be popular but I just want to say that we didn't build any of this stuff people who own the property built it we didn't we to they tore down my school too I was the first integrated class at Williston High School um and yes they tore down my school too yes I know they built another one but and I know exactly how you feel about your school it's just like every time I walk in the hospital it makes me cry cuz I worked there for 30 years it makes me cry just the same so I know how you feel but if we don't do something with this building it's going to look like the hospital and let me tell you it's falling down we've had the VA we've had everybody's brother come and look at that to see if they can use it for something and it's so far gone it looks great on the outside other than mowing the grass but the inside's got the wires hanging out of the ceiling every piece of glass in the place is broken because somebody has vandalized it and if we don't do something quick it's going to happen out there to out out at the old middle school too so and I know you don't want that I just we've got to find something that we can do with it um and and like I said we didn't own that property we didn't tell those businesses to come we didn't we didn't pick the businesses and if there was something on Northeast tth I'm not sure what it was and I've been here a long time well anybody who wants to build Apartments we'd be love we'd love to have them because we don't have enough affordable housing in Williston right now I don't know anything about a tiny house yeah I don't I don't they have not approached the city with it I can tell you that as far as I know they no they have not approached us with that at all but everything even in the down town area the the the Wawa and the elanos and other things that are coming we didn't tell them to come they bought the property from whoever owned it and they they decided to come here we would love to have development everywhere all over the city and I hate it when people say East Williston I have corrected them many times when they're standing here and they call it that then we need to remove it from the map I didn't put it on the map I wish I could so who we call you're right it is on the map we need to remove it from the map we didn't put it on the map it's not on the official map it's on I never I never call it that I always I always call it Williston because that's what it is um and it's a part of us just like anything else so I just want to say that I wish and and yes I know there are some properties that can be cleaned up that are in the 10th Street area even actually fifth to the 10th not fifth probably 8th to 10th and on both sides that could be sold on the road that are would make good business areas um but we got to get them cleaned up like you said the property own them it's not for the city to clean up the property owner and that's what code enforcement's all about and then somebody will want to buy it and they will want to build they will want to build something that's all I want to add okay Mr Goodings thank you sir closing yeah just a few parting comments thank you and um you know I feel like this is um somebody said we were in a hurry we we've been at this for over a year over a year and before we even started um some of your representatives maybe was the county said you should get with the Community First and talk to them so we did that we went to the church and we had a big meeting and we talked for hours and I didn't didn't shy away from one question I stayed till every one of y'all wanted to go and I talked to half of you in the parking lot and so we were there the word due diligence keeps coming up um this process I've done rezonings I've probably done 12200 of them and so this process actually we're not supposed to be talking about any of this um we we as a as a rezoning applicant we came in here we say we want it to be this we're going to qualify the use we don't even tell you what it's doing and we don't have to we're only doing it because we kind of want to be a part of your community and we want you to want us here and if you don't want us here we're going to go somewhere else and guess what you're going to have an old middle school over there and they're going to throw rocks at it and paint it up for you and and it's going to be sitting there it's still going to be sitting there and it's still going to be sitting there you're I didn't create that middle school I didn't put it in your neighborhood or your neighborhood or whatever I didn't put in a white black neighborhood didn't put it in a black neighborhood I don't even know what neighborhood it's in all right the fact of the matter is this the county had a school some of you all attended it then the county decided to sell it to a private property owner the county no longer owns it the city no longer owns it a human being company owns it it's a piece of private property just like your house and your house your house all right they can do whatever they want with it all right what they've decided to do is sell it to us it has no zoning that means this is going to happen they they can't have an unzoned piece of property they got to Zone it for something so now we're not talking about doing nothing something's going to happen that's going to get rezoned so now what do youall want it to be you want it to be houses you want to be condos Hotel what possible uses can you imagine are going to go in there let's just think about it and be realistic this is where we got to the church I'm going to go elsewhere y'all going to run me off and I'm going to take my jobs and my money and all that I'm going to go what's going to go there next Who's wants an Old Middle School in Williston Florida that's 20 acres sitting where it's sitting right now who's going to use it is Amazon coming Amazon's not coming that's right you don't have to that you don't have to you don't have to at all we will we will pack up and leave and it will just sit there and it's going to sit there like your hospital it's going to sit sit there like everything you talk about growth but then you turn growth away and so if it ain't us who is it use your imagination for a minute and tell me who it's going to be who's got $20 million knocking at your door to take an Old Middle School in Wilston Florida and do something nobody that's the reality of where you are and you don't like it and I'm sorry but that's where we are and we're willing to come into your community and we've tried our best to be good neighbors we didn't have to do any of this I didn't have to go to the church and talk to I didn't have to come here and tell you all this didn't have to do that slideshow that you don't like you keep saying due diligence we're actually going way above anything we would even have to do for this process no one required us to do this we're doing it totally voluntarily I could come in here ask them for the resoning do the ldr they can't ask me any of the questions that I've given youall they are not legally allowed to ask me any question that I've have given y'all voluntarily they're all shaking their head that anybody who walks in who see a like I said before if it's Zone commercial anybody who wants a commercial establishment can come in and and put up a commercial establishment it's only if they want to do something different that's not commercial that they have to come and get zoning change that's why I said if we do it a they can't do commercial and they can't do industrial at least if you do a is the it's the least intrusive to your residential neighborhood and and so and yes Mr I did have conversations about other AD classifications and exceptions we did have that conversation and that's a great idea Mr Fuller you want to do it we'll do that it's called conditional use we used to do them we do them all the time your code doesn't have one but we'll make one up and it says that so long as we're doing what we're doing we'll keep doing it if we stop doing that we can't do it anymore right well when the use stops the condition stops but that that your code isn't your code we didn't rewrite your code for fun the code has some issues and that was pointed out by your head of your Land Development code they said this is an issue and this is an issue and this is an issue so we're trying to come in and improve things in all aspects to include the code um if you want us to be in some special situation we'll go back to the drawing board again um we're this isn't a pull the wool over your eyes situation there's a lot of mistrust here and I get it I do get it but but all I can say is we've come here we've gone above and beyond this process we've disclosed everything we could possibly disclose I've invited yall from the church down to the facility last time I was here and not one person came so we talk about due diligence not one person came to my invitation to come see it so I get it it was an old middle school that you loved it's somebody's property now um and so I I I really want to do this we really want to be here but if y'all don't want us here we're gonna go we'll be gone and you'll have an old middle school that has to be resed on your property next to you and it's probably going to go to residential or commercial or something like that because no one's going to want to use it as a because we're the only people that want to do indoor a because a isn't indoors in Florida it's outdoors we can't legally grow outdoors if we could we'd be growing Outdoors that's not true change the name to the building will vocation we'll change the name of the building we'll CH you the name of the building memorial that's when it was built that's this is this is new and scary stuff and honor of it and and and we're going to do whatever we can to be a part of your community and it's a the growing marijuana is scary the having marijana in the state scary I know look I get it um but but we're your best use and we're kind of your only use right now so we either do it or we don't um and and I'm good either way uh we'll grow somewhere else um but I really want to be in Wilston Florida um and I really want you guys to I want to be a part of your community that's why I went to the church I didn't go to the church cuz I had to I went there because I wanted to be a part of your community and I hope we've answered your questions can I Mr President just just because this is quasi judicial I really am trying to keep us to our process and procedure right now there will be another opportunity for public comment when we make a motion okay I just want to say that I would love to see you to sell this property I would love to see you come but I just think that we should do more research and you guys are neighborhood okay yeah okay that's that's all I have to say I thank you for your time I thank you for your attention um I think our lawyer wants to make a few lawyer comments um because some really good points were raised um the gentlem who thought y'all made your minds up um I can tell them they weren't at the last meeting Miss Jones more or less uh read me the right act um at second reading about why she was concerned about the right farac and the zoning um this is never a process where developers count on votes we can't count on that it's up to y'all y'all make your decisions at these things these people have not made their minds up um uh I wish they did but but they don't the community garden stuff if they don't want the the stuff we don't do it um I do want to touch on the research issue because like I said we've been at this a pretty good while and and and um we started dealing with y'all back in May I think and and there was an invitation to go look at other facilities and that's still open you can do that before before second reading but I want to address some Mr Fuller's comments because I really respect him um he's a he's a um um somewhat of a icon around here um he first asked a question about why do we allow people to write our ldrs your code allows it your code says that people can submit proposed changes to the Land Development regulations it's it's not something surreptitious it's something in your code we did it because if we don't do it we can't use this property for and and that's what I'm going to touch on in just a little bit the A2 zoning category um I don't know what that would add with the new section we're adding that deals specifically with marijuana and prohibits processing and and uh and dispensing it's kind of like it is it's kind of like a a special category anyway but but I want to address the special exception idea because you have to listen to them very carefully one problem is your code doesn't allow special exceptions for this type of thing now you could amend your code to do it but it doesn't allow it but what they said and and I got to give them credit for it is under your code the special exception stays with the owner it doesn't run with the land and under your code as Mr Fuller pointed out if we spend $25 million there and it doesn't work out we can't sell it to somebody that's going to do the same use and that's the problem my client said he's okay with the condition use permit but I data feed be okay spending $25 million if he knows that he he can't sell the land and that permit Go With It people don't make that type of investment uh under that uncertainty type of condition and so your special use permits um under your code do not uh do not encourage that type of uh economic activity I just want to touch on the final point which is and my client said it best if not this will I recognize ma'am that this is a a unusual use in a residential Zone but when you look at it it's not not a whole lot different from the school was we're going to have less traffic it's going to look like the school that's why we're buying it it's not going to be we're not going to have big marijuana Leafs all over the place um uh it's going to look like a a non uh it's not going to look like a grow house it's going to look like a middle school and if not this then what um if if if you know Jesus were to come back and and turn into a gorgeous Park that would be great but it ain't been happening yet and if you're not going to have this what are you going to have you going to have commercial you're going to have a residential don't know that somebody's going to come in and want to spend the money to develop that but this is a property that needs a use this is a use a unique use within an agricultural zoning District legal use and we would greatly appreciate your consideration of it sorry Mr lamb you'd like to talk please state your name and residency my name is Cory lamb I live in Wiis in Florida but I do not live inside the city limits um so I'm sitting back listening and the one thing that I've really tried to remain quiet is because I am the owner of the property I'm selling the property and that is all I have no connection to fluent and I'm trying to maintain that separation because just like the first time that a business came in to purchase this property I've become the villain but it is what it is so again I haven't seen you you guys here so um at some of the meetings that I've spoke before so here's the the basic line of what has happened with this Middle School um the middle school was basically abandoned by the county um there was a contract for a a group to purchase it that could not financially afford it the city was offered to purchase this property for $1 when I was on the city council and just before I left and tried to help negotiate that deal the city decided that they did not want the liability of that property which would have probably been the easiest and the best use and the most the the most resources that would have been available to that property and for the property um obviously my dad went to the vocational school so it had a soft spot for me and so I spent three years trying to bring in a technical school that was what I thought should happen there if it's not a community center which the city could not afford to do which I could not afford to pay for a community center out of pocket to develop 87,000 square feet on 20 acres I tried to bring in a technical school a trade school HVAC electrical Barber CDL everything but if you look around trade schools are kind of going away the state does not offer the money for trade schools as they were and so everyone that I approached either didn't want to do it or the ones that I approached that thought they could could not get funding that's the bottom line that's what it was we left this property up for sale it's been for sale with the commercial realtor uh for about two years now because when I when I purchased that school I also use it as an alternative I started the youth basketball program here a long time time ago with a with another group and we had nowhere to practice we we paid for the lights at Miracle Vision so that we could practice outside we rented the high school gym from the county and made sure we maintained uh insurance so that we can uh play and practice in the gym whatever hours we could get that then went to the middle school middle school sold and I took the opportunity to purchase the middle school and allow the youth program to continue there as I've said before I maintained that property as well as taking out the trash mowing it paying the lights paying for any damages keeping the insurance up and everything else for free at no cost to the community to the kids to the people that ran that program after I walked or stepped away from a recreational and went over to a travel sport they maintained that or they used that facility for about three years for free and now all of a sudden even though I I made it very clear that I was going to sell the property eventually I have become the villain because I'm here to sell my property I am not the state I am not the city I am not the county I do not get funding to maintain the school that I have to I carry about $100,000 a year to carry this school half of that is taxes the remaining of it is upkeep having to keep it mode um the amount of vandalism that I have in this school is absolutely absurd I'll fix something I'll get whoever is out I'll get up cameras I'll put up signs you know what they go and break more so now at this point I can't even go and replace the $500 windows that I replaced because when I do that they're going to break more so it's easier for me to allow them to have access to the buildings so they don't just continue to destroy more I Patrol it I I have cameras I walk it day day have sheriffs that post up on it but you know what it's a unused piece of property regardless of how you feel about it it is a unused piece of property I understand the whole sentimental value of Willison vocational school and I respect that but at the end of the day this property is going to turn out like the old hospital it's going to turn out like the old wind Dixie or Hitchcock whatever this used to be out here and then we talk about property values that's when property values disappear because now you have nothing but an eyesore um I thought and maybe someone can can tell me that I'm wrong here these ordinances that are being put in place are to make sure that the buyer is not allowed to do these things so the odors the lights all of the different po uh pollutions or whatever it may be that may affect the neighbors that is a reason that these ordinances are here so even if we do the due diligence whether it's right or wrong if the business starts and they are outside of the ordinances that are basically being governed by the city of w that gives the city of Willison the power to step in correct they have huge oversight by the state of Florida the Department of Health right but but again these ordinances that that's what the ordinances are for so we aren't just walking into this saying we're going to give you open ended a and you can do what you want to do and you tell us what you want to say here and okay we vote for it and then that changes that is the reason for the ordinances correct correct we did ask for right but but but but again it's in the ordinance to govern what you can and can't do by the city you don't you aren't just walking in with open-ended deal you don't have free ammunition to change and do what you want to do you have ordinances in place that's all I have anybody have any questions for me no thank you sir thank you Corey um I will say this meeting was a little bit different because we had no one accusing you or demeaning you here so that was a good thing okay thanks for speaking Miss B I um if if there's nothing more from the applicant um it looks like Laura's coming up here to make her final I wanted to do my final statement up here that's okay staff presentation I'm going to tag on to the end of Laura's staff presentation and then it'll be time for deliberation and potential motion so I just want to map us out it will that will be part of it Miss Jones hi I've been in the back so I'm the city planner and I just wanted to come up I have a little bit of claustrophobia I've been back there for a couple hours um I don't think I have to say anything else that it hasn't already been said this has all been done very well there are a couple options I'm just going to throw out there um to make things stricter if you feel like you need to do that there are options there are developers agreements um there are things that we can do with the historical buildings to ask that they don't tear down the shelves now of course the insides are going to be changed but they're being changed on their own anyway but there are things that we can do to make it agreeable for the property owner to sell it for this new business to come in and for the city to keep some of their history and also um protect with the developers agreement so there this isn't the end all be all if you have more questions or concerns but as far as the the ordinances they are pretty strict they're pretty strong I thought we did a good job on them I would like at least the Land Development code to pass because in case somebody does try to come into another a property this isn't our only a property in town and not tell us all the at least we will have that processing in there which is important because I have read in the news that the processing can have a strong odor and all of our EG properties are near residential because we are a city and then um yeah I mean and and the the zoning that's completely up to you we did decide this was the best one for this area um we planners like to go from lowest to highest the property to the north is a the property to the South is residential um fairly low density although the the old plats allow um some housing on very very small Lots but this was to us the most unintrusive thing that we have heard for this property so that is why we presented it to you this way if you have any questions for me directly I will take them if anybody has any questions about this process this is the sixth meeting that I've been in for this property so it's definitely not been pushed we're I have a question for you huh I have a question for you so um if we pass the ordinance as you have written or as as it's been stated and a company comes in related to the processing and the aerial the um air being polluted how do we warrant against that if it says it's okay for processing how do we Okay so the or in 183 it says no processing it's it's banned in the city if you pass it this way This Land Development code will ban marijuana processing not just marijuana any other processing so that's where will cause yeah any other processing that will cause an odor we may um I'm not I I don't know I might need a expert in a about what other processing would cause an odor um and that I know that we've had some issues with the peanuts that are noisy and that's been an issue but um and they may stink too I don't know but um we would have to look more into that to if we wanted to be more specific in an ordinance we can always come back and change the ordinance again and make it stricter for different acts just trying to make sure that we we are not locked in because we say that processing is acceptable and then we have an issue where there's air pollutants of some sort now can't say anything because of the way that it's written and it says processing and then we we only ban marijuana processing we talking about other processing and I wouldn't know um we would probably have to think about other things that would be offensive and then ban those as well Dairy Farms Dairy Farm yes our existing code allows all processing it already but we're changing that to Banning marijuana process it's already there the slaughter houses and all that is already here we have couple of things just some code about the yeah let me just brief step in here to to clarify right now most processing other than poultry livestock and a couple of other very very narrow exceptions mostly to do with living animals that definitely smell everything else is already Allowed by your code already allowed so this just says it sort of adds marijuana processing to the list of things that are not allowed as processing make it as simple as humanly possible on the processing issue I honestly never thought I'd be a city planner and talk about this much egg you know but um we can definitely look into it if we need to ban other processing all right you guys so the the egg to zoning and special exception the things that he said that we cannot do is that correct so there are couple of things if you wanted to do sort of a two part question let me address special exceptions first I gave uh an analogy at the Planning and Zoning that I think resonated with people a special exception is permission for one property owner to do something on the property that is otherwise not allowed by right in your code but is part of a list of things that someone can ask to do so for example your code could say you are allowed to play base ball football and soccer on on a piece of property if you get a special exception if someone comes to the city and they say I would like to play baseball on my property then you can grant the special exception if someone comes and says I want to play hockey on my property that's not on the list so you can't grant that right now this is not on your list now you could change your code and you could give it give yourselves the ability to allow for hockey to be played the point that was made by the applicant was that the problem with the way that for them with the way that special exceptions work in Williston is that it runs with the property owner so when they say that they wouldn't be able to sell it what they mean is they wouldn't be able to sell it unless the other property owner had a guarantee so for example example imagine that they then build a hockey rank okay they build this big hockey rink on the piece of property the next property owner wants to run the hockey rank but if you can't get a special exception for property owner to say the city no longer likes hockey ranks we no long longer want a hockey rank there it's really difficult then to sell a hockey rink on a piece of property where hockey ranks aren't necessarily allow so when they say can't sell the property that's that's what they mean is that it's exceptionally difficult in those circumstances for that use so the existing use would then be a use that you're not guaranteed to be able to have on the property so the question of is it true that they can't sell it could they sell it sure one is terribly difficult two you very rarely get your investment and three because of those reasons people tend not to buy properties that are restricted in that way because it is not always a good Financial investment so that's what they mean by can't a two you could create into your code if you chose to you could create a a very specific special section that says a in this way there are a couple of different problems with that some that I think Deborah already talked about so so you can do it absolutely it has benefits of you know you can be really specific with what you want it only applies to certain uh types of a and it's it's very narrowly tailored all of the good reasons are also all of the bad reasons um it doesn't um limit all of your AG in this way so anything that's currently zoned a would need to be rezoned a too if you want these same restrictions um so any of your current a property would not have any of those protections so someone could come in and and use the property for processing an act that already exists so that's that's part of the problem with that so those are the pros and the cons basically the pros are the cons and the cons and the pros any other questions for Miss blo okay all right just briefly if Laura's done and you all are about to deliberate there a couple of things that I just want to give you a sense and some structure for our deliberation and also put a couple of things on the record for clarity um one as um I know that I've sort of been a stickler tonight about process and procedure it's because it this is a procedure that's mandated mandated by Florida law this is not made up by Kiren Kiren doesn't have any particular uh feelings about the procedure other than I'm your legal counsel and I advise you to follow the law in all circumstances um so I know that that's not it's not a terribly popular procedure procedure but that is why we do what we do um the other thing is there were allegations tonight that we were being content specific with our inforcement that is not true the reason that we interrupt people and the reason that we keep the structure the way that it is is so that everyone regardless of the content receives the exact same amount of time to speak on the issue um okay the there were a couple of questions about making changes to the ldr and is the applicant doing it I do want to make clear that my office was also involved in creating this ordinance language so there was a request from the applicant but it's not like the applicant's in uh request went immediately into your code and we just sent it to you I reviewed this Laur reviewed this it was a collaborative process to get this to to where it is before you um the final thing is Laura's uh promised can't vote with your heart speech in your packet it was mentioned tonight there is a list of criteria that you all are going to make your decision on tonight they're numbered they're laid out very clearly those are the factors that you can make your decision on I'm now I'm specifically referencing the zoning here your ldr the first one the changes to the a ldr those factors are not for that ordinance the factors are for the rezoning of this parcel to a when you make that determination what you should be thinking about is not is there a marijuana should there be a marijuana plant here it is this property appropriate for a with all the potential uses that come under a because once the property is zoned a if they sell it 5 10 50 years down the road all of the allowed uses for a will be allowed on that property so you have to think about do you want growing there you have to think about do you want all of the processing that is not prohibited by a code is that something that you all want there so you're thinking about this parcel should it be a not this parcel should it be a marijuana growing plant okay I'm happy to answer any questions I would just add we have to do that because if we don't we violate the proper rights of the person who owns the property yes all all of the things that I'm advising you on tonight are not because I I just have a certain proclivity for them they are mandated by Florida law all right thank you discussion by Council so what's your thoughts I start if you have some yes like we're voting my thoughts or are we waiting we're just discussing my thoughts are I approve the changes of based on what we we've discussed for all the reasons we've discussed I can go into more detail if you'd like but for the I mean I U would vote to approve because if we don't say he he he takes it somewhere else the building's going to sit and we don't need more buildings sitting here and if we don't rezone it to a then we could get somebody commercial to come in and try to Zone it commercial and then we have a commercial plant in the middle of a neighborhood versus an agriculture which is very as they stated low impact so I am for all that and I I would add that since it is first reading if we were to pass it on first reading I think we should maybe do due do our due diligence if that's what the neighborhood thinks we need to go down and look at a plant I know you said we can't do tours but we can certainly walk around outside and see if we smell anything or see anything that's that's objective I mean that we object to um and we could do that because it has it has to have a second reading so yes unfortunately we're going to see it again and it has to be advertised so that even more people know about it and have the opportunity to come and speak to it because this is one this is first of two readings uh so we do have the opportunity in between to to still take Mr Beasley up on his visit I agree with what was already said and I think that um I'm learning a lot as new city council member about the value of the developers plan um which is where we actually get to say yes you can correct me if I'm wrong but we get to have input on Landscaping on Lighting on all sorts of things that make it better for the community and maybe you know looks more like something that you're comfortable with having in your community and so hopefully you guys will bring some ideas for what you would think if it does pass that would make it more um palatable aesthetically pleasing something that you would want to live next to given you know may not be exactly the business you want but if it's not a vacant building what would you want the business to look like from the outside so I would love any thoughts that anybody has about that yeah I like the part about even though it's not going to be a school the school will be there because the buildings are going to be there the History part of it will still be there it's not like they're going to go in and Destroy part of our history um you know that that part I liked um you know so the other part about it is the jobs I realize at first there's not that many that they're going to do because in any business that you operate you have to start with the low staff and you have to build up to get more we could use some good paying jobs that's got benefits and stuff for our our youth um it just gives them something different to do so um that's just a couple of them the other ones have said some of the things I was thinking um again that's that's me Mr here I thought I would Dodge this bullet so the attorney very eloquently as she usually does puts it forth that we have an obligation we may not like some of the things we have to do I prayed about it before the council meeting CU I don't like some of the things that has to be done but the facts are I know that gentleman that bought the property I know what he did for the Youth I will never be convinced that he did would do anything that would be detrimental to the Youth of our community here here so I would say I would encourage this useth I have watched him struggle I have watched him put out a lot of money trying to find some way to make that building work we wanted a community center I would have loved to have a community center but you can't do it if you can't afford it uh so of all of the things I like this a lot better than a mental institution that gets its people from the correctional facilities that's what I have to say thank you we definitely didn't want that for y'all at all I could just see the methodone clinic right next door and everybody coming in and out every day yes so miss Belo so we would need to go ahead and vote on the 2024 d725 first and then the the other one 724 you've got it you got anything um or you want to do it after the motion I can do it after the motion all right okay I move that we approve ordinance 2024 725 on first reading can I get a second to that second right any other discussion yep it's your [Laughter] turn I think what what what my concern is um we definitely want growth we definitely want to um make sure that the area that is being inhabited is um appropriate for the area not just you know related to the business or for the business but um also for the citizens as well whatever we can do or um figure out to make everybody happy if possible um a solution for all of us is what we really need to look into um I know we talked about the EG to zoning um and I'mma get with kisten because I'm really not um I'm still a little confused a little bit so I you gave up on it um Mr no I don't think he did cuz he mentioned it um so the the special exception may be out um but we just need to make sure as we go forth that we are doing what's going to be in the best interest also of citizens not just today but in the future you know we have to look at that um and I know Corey has been going through carrying costs and all those things type of things so it's not that we don't want to you know have you sell your property but we have to definitely make sure that what we're doing is best for the citizens and not just the citizens um in the area but the citizens as a whole because we are one Community we're not an East we're not a West We Are One community and we have to make sure that whatever decisions we make that's going to may or may not adversely affect our community we need to make sure that we're doing what's right and look further so I do say that we take a better look because the results or the criteria that was listed in there um honestly if there was no answer to them we probably should have left them off because we really can't um look at what was done in another community and compare it to this one because it hasn't been done you know so we need to take that all of that into consideration that's it okay any other discussion no all right seeing none I move to vote all in favor Mr President just briefly we still need public comment oh sorry public comment on the motion it's an okay sorry if yall want to come down and look at it if we have second reading in two weeks do we need longer to to come down and look at it Robert or can you arrange for outside people to to do it in in the next two weeks okay anybody there's public comment on every motion so you made a motion so there's Public public comment on the motion okay discussion on the motion discussion on the motion please come to the podium and of course state your name and your residency discussion but from all I'm not sure if I'm commenting I'm not sure if I'm commenting on the right thing because there were comments made about zoning and we're not voting on zoning at this point yes and so we need to we need to be careful let's make the comments on zoning as once the motion has been made so that we're commenting on the correct thing but I have some concerns about zoning we're doing the non-conforming uses we're 725 is the Y we're doing ldr the changes to the ldr yeah the non-conforming uses and the non forming the rezoning is the rezoning of the particular property so ldr changes rezoning we're on ldr Chang I'm not sure we should have combined them I'm not sure that there was a good way to do it no matter what all right anybody from the public all right no from the council now we can vote all right see we move to vote all in favor say I I I those oppose that was the changes to the ldr just the ldr just the ldr changes that's it all right the motion carries one more we do it again man I move I move 2024 724 on first reading which is 4 the zoning portion second second to that all right any discussion public I think I already discussed yeah Mr Fuller said he had some zoning statement yes sir I think it's necessary that we take a strong look that may pass on first reading but we need to take a strong look at as Laura said further restrictions and the concern that I have is that we got to make sure that not 5 years down the road when the company has made their money back and choose to sell that we're not putting agriculture putting agriculture in an area where it should not be now I heard the comments from the two attorneys that were ill conceived when they said that they didn't have to tell us what they were doing that's true it's true but then we would not be allowing agriculture in an area where you have residential all around they'd have to explain that because there could be res it could be Zone residential but you'd have to explain that because we have because now once you say okay you got residents here residents here residents behind your residents over the other side and now we're going to just come in here and start agriculture Mr Fuller I believe that it was stated by the city planner that the area to the north is agriculture is that accurate yes sir I just I didn't I know you're a man of very careful work I hearder say that too yeah I heard that now where is it zoned agriculture okay I just I know I know you and I respect you and I I know you would want to be accurate but regardless there three sides that are residential yes sir so somehow would have to be explained why that close to a residential area you're going to put Agriculture and I would want to know if I were living that close that yes agriculture but what are you restricting it to because if it's agriculture I wouldn't want chicken houses there I wouldn't want horses there because stable flies will drive you crazy in uh in an agriculture area and so I think it was illc conceived to say that somebody somebody better explain why we're putting agriculture in an area where there where it's Zone where it's residential on basically all sides so I think that somebody would have to explain that to me as a citizen before you could vote that before you could vote to make it agriculture uh and so once again even though it may not directly impact me I live in the community but quite a distance from there I'm concerned about the future of the citizens there and that have we done all the research necessary to make sure that both the person that's the person that is going to be inhabiting that property now if indeed is zoned that way as well as future and so we need all the restrictions we can in that in in that zoning if we're going to be fair with the people that actually live there still live um the one thing that to his comments the one thing I want to add and and you heard it your District a lot of these changes need to be done anyway I mean like this is benefiting your entire Community not just us but there's one unique aspect to what we're doing that you might want to consider this is just up to you we are strictly indoor Agriculture and that means no horses chickens whatever whatever whatever um because that is a unique aspect to what we do that would tailor it to what we do um because we're not permitted by the do to grow outdoors and so we have to grow in side of a structure I just add that I throw it out there don't care what you do with it um if you want to continue to tailor down to our use I you know specialized spot zoning is bad idea anyway but but if you want to if you want to do it um there is something unique about us that is different is that we are indoor agriculture our our crop raising activities occur inside of a structure that is unique it's not we're not a cornfield and and probably anybody that you might sell to would be would also be doing the same yeah we're just going to sell it to another company exactly um yeah you invest all that money into the growing equipment you're not going to want to a corn farmer would have no use cornfield that's right so but that helps a little bit with these concerns it makes us we are unique to that and I just I throw that out there I'm not proposing you do anything different I'm just saying that is a unique aspect to our operation and it might be that we could come up with a developers agreement in the next two weeks yeah that says that that we both agree that that will be the case Miss johnes are your listening thank you all right any other discussion yes Mr Stevens state your name and where you're from I'm Danny Stevens I live just north of the proposed uh zoning changes so if you're talking about carving it out for the gentleman here and saying that they are unique and special why not create the special exception then it stays with the property or the owner your junk yards are that way it doesn't stay with the property the junk yards are that the special exceptions are with the junkyards That's why nothing is gone there yes ma'am right out there on 8th Street that's not the way our our is okay correct me that's correct make sure I think the best way to do it is is a land developers agreement that more specific okay anybody else all right see let see we had our first we had our second see none move to vote all in favor say I I I those oppose I let it show it that it is 4 to one miss I can't say your last name riio Miss riio descendant no you said no correct no D I'm sorry okay she said I yeah I said she did say I she meant she meant no when she said I said no sorry you supposed to say it at the same with the same here so I'll take home Lear it all right close the public hearing all right public participation this is the at this time anyone in the audience can come to the P Podium to speak for five minutes on anything other than what's on the agenda all right but you can just use the end all right announcements item seven announcements staff you can all right n from your staff counsel anybody nothing of July coming up July 3rd come on you keeping is that your announcement I don't want to steal it if it is so this was parade at 5 o' the mayor's already said it this is place for announcements we are we are meeting in the parade grounds at 3:30 if you know anybody wants to be in the parade tell them they wash their vehicle and come with red light and blue uh we have to be there at 3:30 the pra starts at 5: uh the gates open at six o'clock at the Horseman's Park The Opening Ceremonies at 7:00 um we will shoot fireworks shortly after 9:30 hope to have a great Crow and y'all please pray for no rain at least for tomorrow after that it can rain all it wants to all right um just also the Parade's at 5:00 we meet at the barn at 4:30 later TBD huh TBD I'm waiting to hear if I can miss work for a couple of hours and I said TVD and then um get oh sorry then afterwards um we go out to the park we hand Council generally handles uh watermelons we give out I'll know by tomorrow morning um so it's for all counsil generally we only got to work about an hour each shift like I'll Supply fans and lights and all that stuff get off call lri she'll tell you where to be what I'm sorry you can get off call Latricia she'll tell you where to be okay on 79 next Tuesday we have a budget meeting at 6 sorry Latricia Michael Cox quiet please thank you um okay now this is Lous I'm gonna let her have it all right excuse gentl gentlemen we're still in meeting yeah go to the foyer if you will that's right you have okay um first budget meeting will be next Tuesday 79 at 6: PM um pack of lunch stay we have food for um and then on uh July 16th will be the next council meeting at 6 pm and at this time can I get a motion a journey wait I have something oh yes ma'am tomorrow from 6:00 to 8:00 animal shelter is having an open house we're going to wave all adoption fees for those two hours of course people do not have to take their animals because I'm hoping that they're going to go to the fireworks after time so they can come no it's a great time no I can't [Music] come who can come all right the chief is going to wave the not animals or any adopted animal can come to the fireworks all right all right adjournment adjournment can I get a motion to adjourn I may we adjourn second yes all in favor say I I I all right the time is now 9:19 and we are adjourned who second the motion