##VIDEO ID:dXT5JF7tzrw## here just a friendly reminder to please use your microphone huh ready all right today is Tuesday September 3rd time now is 6:00 p.m. and the City of Willison city council meeting has come to order M Wright would you do roll call please mayor Goodman here council president Cox here vice president Hines here council member Martin here council member Ricky o she's absent council member Jones here CD manager Terry bouard he's absent CD attorney kerston blo here CD clerk Latricia Wright I am here and all other staff thank you all right open in prayer and pledge allegiance to the flag Mr Mayor good I each one of these people the fire department the police department and all the staff and all of the people that work for the city struggling in the same direction Lord to do the best we can for our citizens and I ask you tonight to bless each one of them to give them the wisdom they need to make the best decisions they feel they can I ask this in your name amen I flag United States of America it stand all right uh before we get going council members would please make sure your microphones are on and keep them at this distance so we want to make sure that they can hear everything that we're saying all right thank you item one addition deletions changes and approval to the agenda you GNA go we gonna move there are no changes uh I'm sorry we have a request to move item number five F I'm sorry 5G 25 a before 58 say that again remove item 5G more than one thing is what you're saying so what the request is is to move item five G and place it before item 5x oh you're moving it not removing it remove no moving we're flipflop yes yes okay everybody on Council okay with that yeah okay I move the agenda has presented um with that change right do I have a second I'll any other discussion it see none Mo to vote all in favor say I I I it's 40 okay public participation this is your first of two opportunities to address the council at this time anybody in the audience can come to the podium and speak for five minutes on any topic other than what is on the agenda hey my name is Joel Penny uh I just want to tell the crew and everybody I did a great job at johnry Park I appreciate it thank [Applause] you anybody else item three cent agenda can I get a motion to approve the minutes for August 6 and the minutes for August 20th President Cox yes ma'am on the minutes from August the 20th on the uh the FG item it should say review by uh City attorney kirston blue and brought back the first reading it does not state that so I'm going also make the corrections on my side so the minutes will reflect that it was supposed to say review by City attorney Kirsten blue and brought back for first reading at next meeting okay can I get a motion to approve I make a motion that we approve consent agenda second any other discussion no none move to vote all in favor say I I four up okay item four updates staff and board Council update city manager Terry is enjoying a vacation St Mr Ste yes sir just wanted to let everybody know that we have um posted a date for our grand opening on the new terminal building uh that'll be October 11th at 10:30 a.m. and we are planning on having lunch so feel free to come on it take new building all right thank you sir Mr Bishop yes so the yes so the do uh uh traffic like contract came up last last council meeting for so for clarifications um the two zones that Deborah was talking about uh are on the map are good to go and we're good sorry okay thank you police chief rolls I am reporting that uh officer Dave drenan who was one of our Reserve officers uh has officially retired uh think he told me he's had he has 50 years in law enforcement and uh he came in other day and let us know that he was retired so thank you Dave for you can hear us thank you for your dedicated service to the city of Williston and law enforcement as a whole and we will be doing something for it very good 50 years that's great I I wanted to follow up on John Henry we do have some more things that we're going to be doing out there uh but we are going to be transitioning this week to doing some more on Heritage Park as far as the storm water project I wanted to make it very clear that they are not finished uh they were here last week doing some Paving uh there was a manhole on on Fourth Street that had to be redone and there was some fixing of some asphalt that needed to be done on Fifth Street um there's a lot of grading that needs to be done there's sod that still needs to be put down we're going to be bringing in some dirt in a couple of spots um for a couple of residents but I wanted to make sure that everybody knew that that project wasn't 100% complete we did have a walkth through and we did go through a punch list but there uh is a list and task uh um a bunch of tasks and items that uh old rich and their subcontractors still need to address and we'll get back with the council when some of those issues have been resolved also wanted to mention with the storm water we took some sandbags this evening over to Northwest 7th Street um and assisted some residents over there and uh I think we showed up late but we were attempting to send some staff over there also to the second a and uh Fifth Fifth Street as well so um if anybody has any questions they can they can let us know all right thank you sir Council Mr Mayor thank you Mr President there is a we had a fire at a popular restaurant that is one of the few that actually serves sitdown breakfasts in our city and it has come to my thought we have lost three restaurants in recent time very recent time and I'm hoping that we don't get oursel into trouble financial trouble because we're losing Revenue right when you are doing your budget budget and when you're setting millage rates and we all want our citizens to have the lowest millage rate possible but we are going to lose a a a great deal of Revenue with these three restaurants going down who knows what's going to happen I just ask the council and the citizens to bear that in mind thank you sir comment I think two of them will be back shortly uh I think at least by Christmas uh I know sisters is moving into where um sarus munchie sarus used to be and I know the Ivy House has posted most recently that they're getting closer I don't know that they're anywhere ready but they're getting closer so those two should be back online soon um but you're other than that you are right we also have this Latricia if I me um I didn't catch it up here on item three on the Cent agenda on the date of the agenda it has Tuesday August 6 SE yes that needs to be correction needs to be September the 3D 2024 okay the one I copied off the off packet okay packet had the right one it did from this afternoon okay all right item five new business we going to start with it g Mr President this is a quasi judicial U matter this is a public hearing um so the first question for the council is whether there have been any exte Communications um from any member of the council regarding um this property or with the applicant the only thing the other night I came to the meeting and that's what was on the topic to be discussed but other than that that's and by the meeting you mean the the Planning and Zoning yes okay all right anyone else all right um anyone who wishes to speak on this matter um please stand raise your right hand to be scorn in is the applicant us I don't think so okay see the or representative do you swear or affirm the testimony you give would be the truth the whole truth and nothing about the truth do now staff presentation thank you you'll see that the um agenda item actually starts with the Bei that we put on on the website so this is an ordinance for uh rezone a parcel 0507 62000 right now it's residential duplex the applicant would like to turn it into commercial intensive um the applicant was turning point Fitness LLC so we're pretty sure he's going to put a gym there or something along those lines the vacant parcel is 2.2 acres and uh Turning Point Fitness is also the property owner so the property to the north is commercial intensive the property to the West is commercial intensive the property to the South is residential duplex and the property to the east is residential duplex but the land use right now is actually commercial so we might have to make those changes if that property owner is interested so this rezone complies with our Land Development codes so we uh recommend approval if you go to page 2011 you'll see that it's got the little star so we've got doc bucks in the front and the star is the property behind do bullets do you have any questions about why where or how is that property currently cleared or is it the one next to it that's the wooded he it was wooded he started clearing it I'm not sure if he finished this is the one to dr's office yes so it's between doc Bullock and Dr R's office which you can see Dr Rey's is being it shouldn't be there being used as commercial all right if there are no further questions now would be the time for the applicant or the applicant's representative to make presentation but seeing as how they have not entered the room um are there any additional questions from the council for Miss Jones Miss Jones do you have anything else to add as your um s of wrap up on yeah I just thought um Don't Give It Dem Merit to the applicant I don't think I think he thought I could handle it for him he did come up to Planning and Zoning commission um and they did recommend approval to the reone last week on August 27th I would just comment that this is first reading and we had haven't advertised yet right we did advertise but we advertised for the seventh so we did advertise because we we advertised for all three so the second reading will be 20 all right my next question is have all the property owners in this vicinity gotten notice they did get notice if they were within 300 fet okay that was question thank right is there any public comment on this item all right Mr President before we go to the vote I will read into the record the name of the ordinance this is ordinance 2024 734 an ordinance of the city council of the city of Williston Florida resoning and amending the future land use map of the city of Weston comprehensive plan pursuing to an application by turning point Fitness LLC on the amendment procedure procedures established in chapter 163 for of statutes changing the zoning and future land use classification on the following described property from residential duplex R2 to commercial intensive C2 on certain lands within the corporate limits of the city of Wilston Florida providing severability providing an effective date now is the time for discussion and motion mon nobody I move ordinance 2024 734 on first reading second right any other discussion without any seeing none move to vote all in favor say I Oro all right now we're going to jump to item a b resolution for Project Specific professional Consulting Services one moment Mr pres I apologize a would be the next item Okay resolution 20 up here all right 202 24-85 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston establish an authorization for the Williston city council president to approve solicitations to contract and I'm sorry construct an emergency byass pumping connection at the master lift station number one AKA Fugate lift station and provid an effective date Mr Donald Barber public work supervisor thank you Mr President before you start may I just comment that it's not for the council president to approve but it's for him to sign if approve sorry just get sticky there we make change good evening Mr President uh in prob Council um so this is uh the master lift station there at Fugate on Northwest Fourth Street and that is north of Northwest Second AV um it is basically south of the tennis courts uh on connecting property this lift station is beyond its life expectancy and it has been for quite some time uh 90% approximately of all the sewer Refuge that flows to uh through the city and goes to the plant flows through the station and right now of the three pumps that exist in the station uh one is completely down another is operating at around 40% efficiency and that's failing we're trying to replace gaskets on it and the third can only be run in manual mode in an emergency or a heavy rain uh so this RFP is uh to be put out for a bypass valve to be installed right now if the station itself uh does not function there's no way to bypass the station and take the sludge and move it on toward the plant so this is for a bypass valve to be installed outside of that confined space and then also in order to pump it into that valve we would need to purchase a bypass pump those bypass pumps right now we currently are renting one from Florida Rural Water as part of our membership um in the sludge pit there at the treatment plant but that is limited on how much flow it can prevent uh provide uh the one that we have access to through that organization is only a 4 in and has a limited amount um we would need something that's a little bit larger uh Walt from right Pierce is here Walt nickel and he can go over into some of the details please than your name good evening Walt nickel with right Pierce gu say Donald has uh kind of outlined that station is critical for all the sewage essentially that that flows through the city of Wilson to the Tre plant and it's aging and this is a stop Gap emergency measure right now so that if there were a catastrophic failure of the really the last remaining one and a half pumps really you got one that is running continuously one that they they can run manually but this would be an emergency connection where they they can connect this uh emergency pump to the system and allow the flow to bypass the lift station and you can keep backups and flooding I mean it would be a catastrophic failure um the long range plan is to to um come for you again as part of the srf loans and all the different things is to to Really redu the Fugate LIF station um there's a couple options that there are going to be studied in the future but until that happens this is really critical so we're going to install there's two parts to it installing some construction of the temporary bypass connection that's one part the second part is a portable uh pump which is a diesel operated on a trailer so you know this Public Works staff could keep it either on site or on their yard but it would be size where it could pump all the flow that would need would need to be if there was a castr failure um because of the cost of these it can't just get quotes it's got to be put out for bid um and so we're doing that um right now assembling the the package to do an advertisement for bid and we're going to do it in two parts because one part is construction and another part is the equipment essentially so we're going to allow biders to B bid on part one which is the emergency bypass connection part two is the the backup pump or they can bid um both combined so that gives them flexibility it's it's two different parts we're looking at a cost for the two right now between1 and $125,000 for that to occur um it is a stop Gap measure it's an emergency though that you really wouldn't want to face if that were to go it would be a catastrophic failure out of curiosity with the with the um emergency pump work at other lift stations yes yeah so when you answered my first question and she asked my second one so we're good so in the future when the Fugate lift station is uh uh upgraded and new it would have in its a backup generator it would have fail safe a lot more controls that really wouldn't be needed in the future but you could use it at other stations modifications to the connections and the hoses and so forth but no it it would be used throughout the city because it's portable you can use yes it's on a trailer diesel gener station yes be used to pump water or just sewage yes it's a sewage pump okay just specific and clarification so this is authorization to go out for bids we receive bids we come back to get approval to award so this is just right now to allow to go out for and get the bids and advertise and the 100 to 125 that's both yeah that's both yes we've gotten some rough estimates uh the valve we've gotten estimates is upwards to 50,000 as low as 31,000 and then for the pump there's used pumps out there for 45 50,000 some pumps are up to 880,000 so it it just varies in cost for uh that's why we need to put it out for B okay and if someone had a Revenue question Terry told me to tell you that we consulted with Steven and this would come out of revenues on the new rate structure knew that one was coming right all right anybody else any questions Mr W thank you all right I'll entertain a motion for resolution 2024 d85 I make a motion that we approve resolution 2024 second any other discussion hearing none I'll move to vote all in favor say I I I four Mr President before you continue can everybody please make sure you're speaking into the mic because it's hard for us to capture what your votes are on record thank you Item B resolution 2024 d86 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida establishing authorization for the Willison city council president to sign an agreement for projects specific professional consulting services for additional construction Administration services for John Henry celebration part drainage with right Pierce and provide an effective date Mr Don Barber public work supervisor Mr Walt nicker right Mr Walt nicker for right Pierce yes thank you Mr President um so this is a revision of the original agreement between the city of Wilston and right Pierce Engineering Services uh this deals with the John Henry project that we spoke about a little bit of the back history on this um and W can give some details here in just a moment uh there was a lot of additional work uh when the original agreement was signed this was about three years ago believe it or not um if you all recall through this project over the last three years uh we put out for bid multiple times um we then on top of getting multiple bids after the first successful bid came in we discovered that we were very short of funds this was pretty much during Co when it began so that's when we had to go out for an additional Grant then you remember that we got an additional second grant for the same project and that's what the two allowed for us to move forward and make it affordable to do this project so in all of that none of that would have been part of the initial agreement between the city and right Pierce so they've reported hours to us that we've had looked at that have gone through Terry Public Works and also stepen um we agree absolutely that the work's been done so tonight is just basically a revision to that agreement to update of the work and reflect of the work that had been done and if Mr nickel would like to further comment well Niel with right Pierce yeah when we did the financials back in November when we were going to construction that we had a number in here for this because we had done a lot of work ahead of time and that was estimated to be $45,000 so when I gave the summaries in the past of what the total cost was going to be at John hry Park that had a $45,000 line in there for Jones Edmonds for those additional services that has come down we didn't have to do all we were doing we're wrapping up the grants and doing that and that's at $27,000 instead of 45 so we're able to to not spend that keep that down so so um we were able to do that but there were a lot of things that as the project went on and we were able to do the grant applications and grant funding and get basically one.5 Million worth of Grants on that this is part part of that to cover those Services any other questions no I mean the park it's not a question but more of a statement park looks great well the park and the stuff that they've done the park itself I would tell your staff and the the staff of of the city of Wilson the park improvements I agree they looks fantastic so the stuff underground that was done by construction um and again we as Donald mentioned they were not done yet there's some but things we need a button up absolutely there's some minor things um uh not an excuse there was yeah some surface flooding there today definitely I was drive around the city and all that rain there was severe flooding in some places it the main infrastru instructors handling it we do have some swes and ditches and make sure the inlets are clean and the site is done so there's still some vinyl things that's need to be done but the park itself I would commend your staff and the city staff on that because that you thank you sir okay any other questions all right I'll entertain a motion for resolution [Music] 20486 make motion that we approve resolution 20246 is there a second all right any other discussion anything all right seeing none move vote all in favor say I I I all right I don't see resolution 2024 87 a resolution of the city council of the city of Willison establishing an authorization for the Willison city council president to sign an amend Amendment for a project specific professional consulting services for development of fire impact fees with r Pierce and supervisor nichel Donald and Donald bar public work supervis yes sir uh in January this year Council approved an impact fee study to be conducted for the Wilston fire police department and the Wilston parks department after research it was discovered the Wilston fire department could and should be included as we began to gather data for this study this additional cost of $111,000 will allow for all qualifying departments to be studied and for these recommendations to be finished and given to the council at a very near future presentation this study is required before any impact fees could be assessed or should be assessed um if you look at the uh paperwork is just adding that into the scope and um I know that police department and the parks department and even the fire department have started to turn over information um so that we can get this ball rolling and I know that staff's looking forward to making sure that we protect current residents from future development anybody have any questions no uh questions I'll entertain a [Music] motion okay I make a motion that we approve resolution 224 is there a second to the motion second right any other discussions none seeing none move to vote all in favor say I I I or all right item D resolution 20248 the resolution of the city council of the city of willerson Florida authorization authorizing the submission of an application for fee of blood invation assistance F and building resilient infrastructure and committees brick Grant programs for fiscal year 2024 Donald Barber director mrich uh yes Mr President um this is uh what Terry has been talking about and lur has been talking about for some time um we wanted to go before you uh the deadlines and submit uh get you guys' consent to move forward this is particularly going to Target uh the Northwest 7th um flooding this is going to address the issues uh coming down from all the way up from 27 on down to the neighborhood and this is to uh come up with funding uh through these grants for that pond that's behind the first row of houses on the west side of Northwest 7th and basically redoing that pond and making sure that we have inlets to start alleviating that flooding so that Peggy oal and the houses down in that area are not a collection point in the meantime of course you all know that we've done a lot of work uh just even tonight I mentioned we were out there doing some sandbagging um we have actually put in swailes at one of the addresses which has prevented a lot of flooding for them but these are the grants that will get us across the finish line and make sure that we mitigate any kind of flooding in that area and if uh Walt nichel wants to add anything we can go over some more hello again Walt nichel with great Pierce yes so Northwest 7th um was uh some planning and attempt to apply for this last year for the FEMA brick um uh application and there were technical difficulties with doing that in their website so it was it was unable to happen last year uh we had a meeting about 3 four weeks ago with staff and I reported two weeks ago that Northwest 7th was kind of their highest priority for drainage improvements and going after this particular Grant the window it opened up and there's really two parts to it there was an August 30th deadline to file a notice of intent to apply and an email was sent we filled out the paperwork and it came through City staff uh with some Concepts and plans and we submitted that ahead of time the window for the actual application is going to be opening up like any day so you first do that notice of intent and then when the official application window opens up then you follow up with that after that notice but you had to do that notice first so that was done and so we did that for Brick for Northwest 7th and again it's going to help alleviate the flooding there and you can go back historically the engineering firm Jones Edmonds was hired by uh Swift Mud 2015 through 2018 to do you know flood study here in Williston and that area back then was highlighted as an area that was potential for flooding um I'll tell you that report uh any of the flooding that we're heading today I mean they they've been they were pinpointed in that flood study and this is one of them so we're going to be using that study that was done before as evidence for the basis of this grant uh the grant the estimates that we prepared for this and the amount we're asking is $981,000 there is there are some requirements for shares and it depends on how you like a cost share sometimes it's 7525 but there are Provisions um if you can show the need which I think willston will that you can ask for a zero uh participation so we'll know that with the next round but right now we've applied for the brick Grant at $791,000 as we are wrapping that up there's another component to this Grant application it's uh the FMA it's a flood mitigation and we looked at that and the projects you had here in willston just didn't align perfectly so we didn't do that but at the last minute we felt what's the harm let's put an application for the FMA Grant now you can only do one brick or one FMA if you do two you're competing against yourself doesn't help so we're doing the one brick I talked about but we also talking with staff um put in a notice that we to get funding for Cottage Cove or Northwest Fifth Place and that could alleviate the flooding um just to the east side of countryland States just north of here byx in the low oh the low point so that um never heard it called that before yeah Cottage code is I don't know how that originated it's it's the development but it's Dixie Lily I I call it yeah Dixie L okay yes so we felt there there was really no harm in that and that one we put in an estimate of $600,000 for that on the FMA it's more of a long shot but it was an easy thing to do so we're also rolled into the same it's all part of the same FEMA grant program just a different facet and so um we would like to submit you know after this notice of intent if you're selected to fill out the application for that one also um there's really no harm no risk and that one also could have a zero participation by the city we just have to wait and see how they evaluate it so anyway you guys would look at page 31 of your packet and lric I don't know if you can uh move down a couple pages so uh again this is Northwest 7th and you guys can see fourth a there and if you remember Lot 24 came up many months ago and we talked about a vacating of one one access point to the property that's that Southern point so where you see the dotted line go up into that pond that's the spot that was vacated and turned back over the city and that was kind of the strategy way back then to prepare for this so that we had a way of doing some underground drainage and we didn't have to worry about blocking anybody's access or easements or any of those things this is back into City control if you look at the northern Point um that is so if you go up it's basically a Ong the uh the uh just between uh the Southern and the northern entrance now of Country Lane Estates if you look uh or I'm sorry at the northern entrance by the Dr so if you look at it um there the dotted line so where the red Farmhouse look is and then where we cut in the Swale on the single story home that's basically like an easement to negotiate with those residents which they've already shown interest in negotiating for that Northern drain point so this would be the project that we're talking about is getting these swes recut along Northwest 7th and getting this drainage to these two access points and making sure the pond is up where it really needs to be so I just wanted to make sure you guys had an understanding of the direct area we're talking about would it carry the water under Northwest 7 it would have inlets and they would then take the water under so we would we would basically as it comes down the hill it would have two catch points before it gets to the collection point at Peggy O'Neal that currently does that would also alleviate you know the Dr the northern Dr for Country States has a Spillway into Peggy O'Neal as well which has a natural swell on behind the first gazebo there on the southern side of Peg O'Neal so that would also obviously go back to the kind of the way it should have been where the only thing going into that Swale should be the overfill from that Dr as opposed to all the drainage down Northwest SE would the ditch be on the Country Lane estate side of the road or would it be on the existing the previously existing resident side of the yeah the details of engineering have not been done yet but the intent is in fact with the new um application we've up that cost estimate for riding more inlets and more pipe just to cover ourselves but there would be shallow swes in between driveways with inlets that are piped across the way so a pipe storm system you wouldn't have deep ditches at all and a pipe system to that pond or qu the the straight answer is we would like to hope that both both the East and the West that would be the intention of the project um because you you need to make sure that both sides are getting back over that pond and this is a national program through FEMA so you're competing with all 50 states but there's over a billion dollars in the brick wow uh so that is kind of the big one this is the one we're kind of we have feel a little bit better about it the FMA the other site has 160 million so but less people go for it but it's a much smaller pot but there is over a billion dollars available right now in this round this year just send pictures won't pardon they let you send we included some pictures of of the flooding in this and when we do the full application there'll be a lot more documentation I mean I think that proves the point right there yeah and Walt and I have also talked about you know residence statements things of that you know submitting all that as part of it to really Express the need going through and talking about some of the damages that have been done in the past so we've done a really good CH uh job the staff has of documenting the last few storms throughout the last couple years and really giving a scope of you know how significant the flooding is so how do you think our odds AR good I think on the brick for Northwest 7th I think that's a the project really is a line for that program I think you're going to check a lot of boxes for that um so I think the chances are really good on that one I'm optimistic it's a lot less on the other for the FMA Grant but it doesn't hurt to ask anybody else have any more questions from Mr nich no all right and I will entertain a motion for resolution 20 24-8 move approval of resolution 20248 second all right any other discussions seeing none all in favor say I I 40 all right item e resolution 20 24-9 a resolution of the city council of the city of will Florida appr proven loan number 400 97171 9-1 in the principal amount of $160,000 from seast National Bank for the purpose of rebuilding the fire department tanker truck authorizing appropriate parties to sign any documents required to execute such loan on behalf of the city of Willison and providing and effective date fire chief Lamar Ste yes sir thank you Mr President this is a resolution asking for you to approve uh something that we approved in the budget last year then we approved in a loan agreement a couple of five or six weeks ago and we're in round three of the approval process so if you would like to approve it we'll move forward we're trying to rebuild our tanker or we can start the process of trying to buy a new tanker for five $500,000 that was going to be my next statement was that was quite a bit more to yes sir yes there is get a new one so you spoke very highly of this company that was going to be redoing uh rev has rebuilt equipment for us in the past they are our service company that does all the service on our fire trucks um their lead tech that works with us has been um how would you describe it fantastic awesome he has treated us like family so you know I can't speak more than highly enough about this company very good and how long would it take once they start once they start it'll probably take between 90 and 120 days so they want take it down yeah as fast as we can move forward I would like to because we'll be in brush our season next year before we get the truck back yeah anybody else question we have a second terer we I would love to have a second terer do we have anything else we have an engine that we will use as a tanker until we get it that hold a little bit yes okay I will entertain a motion on resolution [Music] resolution 20249 any other discussion question all right seeing none move to vote all in favor say i i 4 Z all right F RFQ for the Willis than fiber and ISP fiber Network financing design and construction Donald Barber Public Works director Mr Walt yes sir so um as we promised Council we're moving as quickly as we can on this I think that uh Walt and others would tell you it's pretty record time Kirsten how quickly we got some documents together uh this is the RFQ um Pages uh 52 through 81 is your RFQ if you want to separate those out because it's a lot of documents that we we submitted uh Pages 82 to 181 is the lit study so that doesn't have to do specific with RFQ but we want to submitted a support documentation and then the uh example agreement that we would begin to work out once we uh brought in our recommendations to you all and how we would work through contract negotiations that contract is listed on page2 uh on through towards the end until you get to basically the average M and the task order from right Pierce found on page 200 so those are all the documents uh staff spent quite a bit of time uh making sure that everything that we had spoke about that Council asked about that were caveats and things of that nature went out uh Kirsten can speak uh but she's reviewed the legal aspects of this the contracts the insurance the bonding all of those things right Pierce has talked about the design and handled that so um staff and they are prepared to answer any questions yall may have but we're hoping to get this out and the schedule will basically put this out Friday and from there we'll have approximately 30 days to receive applications uh for bid on the RFQ okay any questions thank you guys for moving this vote would be appropriate for to allow us to submit the RFQ put the RFQ out okay all right I will entertain a motion for the RFQ from R fiber Mr nich well nich right Pierce didn't know there's one minor edit in the advertisement since it went to your packet the way we post construction projects things we have a right Pierce website and that's where contractors and people get it and there was always through the service that we use a $60 charge as we talked this is not design plans things like that it's just an RFQ they've waved that so that advertisement it will see it will be available it says $60 it will be available at no cost that's the only a minor change from what was in your packet since that has changed since then so just a minor thing I just want to let everybody know um when it goes out into the both the newspaper and on our website it'll say that so I just want to clarify that there was a slight change in packet docent thank you sir all right any other questions so I entertain I make a motion that we move for the r second all right any other discussions questions all right see none move vote all in favor say I I okay consider I sorry I I don't want to be that person but just for clarity of the record was that 40 or was that 31 I'm going to vote for it but I still do have reservations I'll just put that on the record okay item six public participation this is your second opportunity to address the council I announcements staff counsel any announcements I have announcements talking to us talking to us uh I just want to announce that Mr UE Ross's funeral is Saturday September the 7th at 11 o'clock at First Methodist Church um I don't know how many people plan to attend if there's enough of us I'll try to save a section for the City personnel so kind of let me know um also I would um ask that as soon as the poles are ready can you return the volleyball net to the park this the one it look and by the way the park looks wonderful I love the painting all the repairs all the pressure washing the tree trimming everybody did an excellent job um I did have somebody call me and ask me about the on that so I'm just passing that along so they they they redid the court just to let you know uh the sand we were waiting for that to be done then the Old Poles were metal and they were Rusty and so we took those down put fourx or excuse me 6X six is up uh we went to go and put the old net up it's not acceptable so we believe we have one somewhere in a box and we've looked for it and if we can't find it we'll be purchasing a new one but that's the only reason why it didn't get back up I also want to I know I've talked with Miss Jones about um moving forward trying to get some sort of Flash Pad in John Henry Park um as as she knows I also would like one sooner or later in Cornelius Williams um I think both of them would be excellent place for one I the neighborhood has asked me where we would put the splash pad if we put it in there so as I T I informed them as we began to develop that and and draw site plans that I would definitely tell them to to a Mee either that or I could get them to down once we had them all um so I've been talking to Fred Fox our F apps are reopens we do have a f app that's open right now for Cornelius Williams Park that was $50,000 for a gazebo that is not including the parking lot project that we got from the Department of State that's a different Grant so the f app is op and we're allowed to do two more um two different parks for $200,000 each so Fred and I discussed two parks for $200,000 each um so Fred and I discussed the splash park and then also doing some work at erson that person could use some help so you will probably see those resolutions next meeting would be wonderful yeah and then when that happens we do have to have that public meeting usually um so we will certainly ask everybody but as far as the engineering it really has to do with where like slopes and stuff so it really doesn't have anything to do with like me picking but it's like the engineer will have to find a good spot for it whenever they do we can let the neighborhood know the neighborhood that wants to know uh let the neighborhood know that we are working diligently I was waiting for this project to close out because we needed to uh close that out before we could apply for the for the F out right thank you you're welcome I have a question about I've been asked about the pickle ball tennis courts couple times the pickle ball I did get the final plans um the contractor was way behind when we not way behind but they were scheduled way out when we met them but we had to go through our engineer and get some surveys done so I think that they're just pushed out but we'll follow up with them this week and see if they can um give us a better schedule but that's all been planned as well it's just lar accept the bid lenar uh contracted the the contractor it's just that we didn't really know we had some drainage issues and then we also had some permitting that had to be done and because they only they gave us like a week that they could do the project but we weren't going to possibly be ready so they pushed us to the end of their schedule and they're just contracted out for a long time well I know the bid that I saw was very high and we worked and lenar had not seen it when I saw it so they have seen it now I don't know I mean lenar gave us the bid package I can send an email specifically to Nick Crow and ask him that and then we'll get back to you no because we haven't heard from them since we got it so we were worried that it was too much for them this an awful lot of money I didn't get a bid package lard is the one who handed me the bid package nah it's pennies huh it's pennies for them maybe is this pickle ball court going to go where the tennis courts are I think I think we're going to lose the tennis courts no sir I think it's calling for leaving one of the tennis courts and converting the second tennis court that's there into pickle ball courts I heard two pickle you can put two pickle ball courts in a tennis court area so I heard they were going to do two what I looked at was a bid for two pickle ball courts and one redo of the tennis court and I didn't know the particular contractor and I can tell you this was months ago and we actually called the contractor who did the bid and we ask him what caliber of courts are these because we wanted good tennis courts you know we wanted to make sure they had rubberized surfaces and all this kind of things like they're supposed to have and he is the contractor who does the tennis Sports for the University of Florida yeah that's this is what they do it is a very expensive project and I hope we get it that would be wonderful we'll get some clarification on I just I want to make sure they're want to move forward with with it knowing the price now right since you said that several times is this a tennis court in pickle ball that lar Development Corporation is going to pay for not the city yes sir so everybody out there knows the city's not paying for this and that's who I'm worried may not accept the bill hold on everybody so lonard is going to be paying for the resurfacing of the tennis courts any other work that needs to be done at the tennis courts of that particular Park will be done by the city sure uh while we were on the conversation of lenar this isn't the tennis courts but I did want to let the council know that the buyout for the town homes that that money has come in and cleared the city funds so that was $179,800 for the gas fund so I just wanted to make sure you all know that that actually got paid all right thank you that's right I just want to announce that on September the 10th at 5:30 is our first budget hearing also on September the 10th at 6 o'clock is our investure ceremony where Miss council member Martin and council member Ricky o will be sworn in by J by judge buam mon at 6 o' so the budget hearing is at 5 5 5:30 5:30 yes put a lot of pressure on I have from you then the 17th is our regular counc is our regular Council yes at 6 o' and for Council December 7 is light up will this gives everybody a chance to ask for it off join us on the FL have fun parade mayor I all right any other announcements why anyway Mr Jones I just want to let everybody know that the Planning and Zoning meeting for September will be September 16th we um have a business in town that has a pressing matter that we wanted to push it up a little bit and not wait until October and then September 7th from 10: to 2 we have a event with some other animal rescues at Green Gates in Okala at the Pavilion there'll be food there'll be entertainment it'll be fun and you all can adopt the dog I've got 16 kennels and 18 dogs so I need help please somebody come and Bost her dog or adopt it but um so we'll be there for about four hours please join us take a dog yeah take a I they join you all right thank you ma'am anybody else all right well with all that being said can I get a motion to adjourn all right we have motion and first second no other discussion say everybody wants to leave I I I 40 and the time is 7:01