this for hey mayor thank you very much so good uh I will ask the clerk to please call the role mayor Goodman I'm here council president Jones here vice president Cox here council member Martin here council member bulock he's absent it's going to be late it's going to be late okay council member Hines here city manager Terry Bard here attorney Kiren Balo here city clerk Latricia Wright I am here and all other staff thank you for attending at this time if you'll please stand for the opening prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance by the mayor join me if you will Lord we come with to you tonight as a city trying to do the business of that City and Lord we ask you to give us the understanding of the issues to understand and to make the best decision that we can make individually and collectively and Lord I ask you tonight to be with our police officers and our fire department and Lord I'm going to give a special request that you be with all of the city staff that has worked so hard especially the utility department who has done a phenomenal job lately in all of the adversity they have faced we ask this in your name amen amen I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with and justice for all thank you very much okay item number one is additions deletions changes or approval of the agenda I know of no changes yes sir I received a request from the Florida Council on compulsive gambling to do a proclamation about gambling awareness month for March I would like to read it into the record during the announcements I don't want to attempt to add it to the agenda at this late date okay I have no objection does anyone else have an objection no okay thank you Mr Mayor anything else if not I'll entertain a motion for approval of the agenda as it as written with that addition I make a motion that we approve the agenda's written do I have a second second I have a motion and a second is there any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries item number two is public participation at this time you have up to five minutes if you would like to address the Council on any issue that is not currently on the agenda we have anybody at this time Mr Penny you will please state your name for the record I just letting youall know y'all did an excellent job getting that war line I mean I've never seen it like that I mean was pretty thank you sir yes CH good evening um I would just like to remind you all about upcoming um movie in the park in cancer that will be on March the 30th um here at PR Heritage Park it will start at 6 o' again admission is free popcorn drinks will be provided um we just have to play mother nature in the weather as she comes so bring your blanket chairs families will be our fourth annual moving I reach out to different group support so hope everyone what time does it start it will start at 6: we will do activities for the children and with daylight saving time we're going to kind of that we have a lot of exciting we have a storytelling happening a Young author um illustrat author here in the community he will be presenting his first book and Miss Hazel will be reading it so it's really exciting so hopefully everyone will come out and enjoy the festivities until the movie starts thank you deal with um arring now which park it will be at Heritage Park this year M any questions for Miss a thank you ma'am okay thank you all very much thank you anybody else anybody anyone on the line in the ring central meeting wishes to participate unmute your mic speak up now nothing heard okay then we'll move to the consent agenda uh and it consists of the council meeting minutes of March the 5th I did have one correction that I saw this afternoon that I did not notice earlier um it was just a sentence that stopped in the middle and I know what needs to go there let me find the minutes oh so sorry um in section [Music] 7A uh where it says um president Jones asked about the house on and it's Southeast First Avenue it just stops you must not have had the address or could have understood what I said but that's what what I ask about that's the only correction I saw for the record Mr Bullock has joined us any other comments on the minutes n entertain a motion for approval with those with that one change for the consent agenda I make a motion we approve the consent agenda with the change thank you we'll have a second a second have a motion and a second do I have any discussion all in favor of the motion say I I I all oppose same sign motion carries item number four is updates and we will start at this time with the city manager Terry Bard thank you madam president so just give you kind of Qui quick update on a couple of things we've got going on at the staff level um so there's currently still no changes yet to the South Main with fdot so they're still working on what their proposal is going to look like for that um so hopefully I'll have something back to you at the next council meeting as to what they're proposing to do um you give you an update on the bank line of credit so we're looking at is that it's SE Coast legal side has it uh I've been um informed that we should be able to make the the first meeting in April to bring it before the council so obviously they'll need to go to our legal uh and then back uh to the council for yall did their legal not write it to begin no I don't know so okay it just seems kind of strange it's in their legal reviews what they said okay um so I'm assuming that's what Mr fugate's office so they are drafting the original document still being drafted okay strange so with that um basically like I said the the bank knows that I'm targeting April the 2nd as my date and so they're aware of that and I expect them to make that Mark so hopefully uh they will uh the golf cart so's giving update on that we're now in the Southeast section of town it's it's not although not completed it's ongoing um so what we will have that completed by uh before the next agenda meeting or council meeting so we'll have that done and we'll finally be able to move on to the Northwest so um and then as far as the pawn shop goes and I I don't think Jonathan has anyone to add other than I can add that we're still in discussions with them and we're waiting to hear back and he reached out for them just the other day um I will tell you that myself and Mr Barber are working on the draft for a performance contract for Energy savings um that we will bring uh back in front of the council and of course that's uh where you know somebody would come in and under the Forida State statue and show us where we could save us money there's no commitment to putting out the RFQ other than the cost of doing it um and uh hopefully we'll get several companies that may come in and present a good program and then we may make a selection or the council may make a selection from that group to move forward with that plan if you recall that that's the one um where they go through the Florida state statute or we may simply decide not to do anything so um so I'm working on that draft um and we should have that done I don't think it I don't think it' be April but it'll be close to that so and that's all I have Madam president thank you we'll move to the staff any staff members have announcements or up not announcements but updates at this time Chief Rose I just have one in the last uh council meeting we talked about USDA loan uh being at 35% uh met with the USDA representative uh she came back sent me an email and said the city was only approved for 15% of the USDA loan process uh you know that hurts we we've had USDA for a long time at 75 % it went to 35 and now it's down to 15 so we need to get I've talked to stepen spoke with Stephen uh I'll bring it before the council and we can figure out what we need to do to address the problem it's all due to the increase in population is that correct yes they uh the way they calculate is uh one of the examples she gave me is you have a lot of people that live in Williston but work somewhere else where their home income is a lot higher than what willon was rest y that affects the USDA process so it's based on income income and uh the census population census income and population okay wow okay any other staff member I Mr SLE You' poured some concrete U yes ma'am I can give a a quick update on the uh the terminal project that'll be quick uh so yes ma' we we did pour some concrete um all the fours are now down and they've actually started to u stand up the studs for the walls inside cool uh the next next section that we're uh that we should see progress on um you know aside from the interior continuing on is U the glass is going to be delivered the next week or so so all the exterior glass is going to be put on and um it's it's moving right along you can actually walk through the building now and see where the offices are going to be so it's it's pretty neat it's it's exciting so if anybody wants to come out take a look at it you know after you know 4:30 5 o' when all the workers knock off walk through it thank you any questions for Mr stel okay any other staff members Mr Bishop just remind everybody in hopefully three to four weeks six tops that John Henry will be closed permanently until the duration of the John Henry project say that again I'm sorry do what no it'll be permanently closed until the Project's over with that's temporary a play on words you're right it's a play no it's no it's a play on words but either way it'll be closed until the the duration of the of the project okay for John Henry okay good good Ceremony this morning okay uh anything else from staff members I didn't see any other hands back there okay council members any updates needed no update but um couple questions I also want to thank staff for the job that you guys do um when issues happen such as our water mains GI and broken and you have to come in and repair quick question um and this is just for my knowledge and if you can answer now that's fine if you can't you can get back with me at the next meeting or outside um is there a reimbursement for our staff when um water mains are broken and it's not due to anything that we've done but um is there um reimbursement for our staff having to come in and getting overtime or is that um solely on us just because that's what we do um and how does the breaking the water M affect the citizens other than just the water loss and boil water notices so I I can I could do a part portion of that so uh as far as reimbursement goes let's say like we could if we could lay blame somewhere in other words if if this pipe if they have not D called their 811s or they had not properly identified um you know been digging in the wrong spot and basically uh hit this thing where we had marked the line then then yeah we would go after reimbursement and have and do um in this particular case this water main was unmarked um there was no marking line piece of lead copper wire that normally goes with it it helps you identify it um how it got there who put it there when it was put there uh it's sometimes it's just a mystery and in this particular case there really is no blame on us or the the person that was doing the work on the site because nobody knew it was there um e even if we went to the we discuss this even we went to the point of purchasing a ground penetrating radar would help us find these things where we don't know where they're at if you don't know to go look there then really you're not you're not going to find it so and they're and they're not they're not cheap they're $45,000 plus a training a person operated in this particular case um you really just can't P por figureing anybody other than the person originally put the pipe down there they didn't put a tracer wire with it um because it's all plastic and water and and the wands find metal um and things like that so and then the second part of the question how does the break how does this affect citizens um related to their bill if at all okay um so there's no effect on the bill the biggest issue for the city would be water loss we have to track that very carefully because we have a a consumptive use permit what we call our cup permit that requires us to report daily and yearly uh usage of water what we pump out of the wells it's one of the reasons why the last two major breaks we've shut the wells down um it has been the habit and practice of this town for 30 40 years that we're going to just fight through it as a live leak and although it's more inconvenient to have boil water notice or precautionary boil water notice and I want to make sure we say that we get lazy and call it a boil water notice it is a precautionary boil water notice it is for safety you get it to a rolling boil the moment it boils nothing possibly could be contaminated in it but it doesn't mean that the water's bad um and so we've shut it down uh the repair this time was from the start of finding it to shutting it down was 2 and 1 half hours the way we used to do things that would have been a 12 to 15 15h hour repair fighting the live water so yes we have more boil water notices out but I think that we saved a lot of water we were more into conservation for the water their bill is not affected um there are some people that are making complaints that after the water came back on that there was damage to their systems that's not the case from the leak either because we have butterfly valves which are different than gate valves at the uh well sites and these butterfly valves are designed to throttle water so we do like a 1 foot- pound per minute flow it took us 3 and 1 half hours almost to refill all the pipes because we don't just turn the water on and and see how hard it can push through the system so we we do it slowly and it took longer to actually get the water to fill the pipes back up than it did for the actual repair uh but other than the inconvenience uh the citizens weren't really in any way uh uh financially obligated any any further okay thank you I've also had the same question so that's a great question they've asked me as well yes any other council member have any updates that they need other than the guys and ladies did a really good job Saturday absolutely you did and the uh the ones who were going out door too you know they were getting it yeah getting around dropping them off at people's doors ringing doorbells and everything so it's good to see they did do a great job I really did I I actually went and watched for a while I just stood in the Hardy parking lot and watched them uh the uh district manager of hardies came down I think his employees must have called him and his main concern that he asked me about it was I was just this person standing there was will they have it fixed by the time we close and I said looks to me like they will because you already had the patch out there by them and you Alex was getting ready to put it in and the guys were getting ready to put it in uh so uh I think he did a great job absolutely and it was a lot of water that pumper thing you've got that pumps the water out that is a lifesaver cuz even though you turned it off it was still coming out of there like crazy and like JY said it was going down that hill but it was going to the right place this time and it didn't flood anybody's house so that's that's a good thing anybody else have questions for other States all right then we'll move on then to item number five which is new business uh I I'm sorry Mr Mayor all right what you got uh there is an organization there is an organization uh called the children's table that does a lot of good in the community and focuses on children children and on the 21st at Two Hawk hammock they're having a groundbreaking ceremony for a farm uh that they're going to try to get as many family people children out there so that the children can learn about growing their food and understanding where the food comes from and there is an open invitation uh Thursday March 21st 2024 that's just a few days away it's been up on my door for some time don't know if anyone else in the city was aware of it or had posted it and it is thank you it is at 11:00 in the morning and it's scheduled to be over by one that's all thank you and it has been all over Facebook and the Chamber sent it out too so yes sir they they should know about it um anybody else have updates that they need all right we'll move then to new business item number a is discussion with possible action creating and filling a shelter management position for the Willison Community Animal Rescue Miss Jones good evening Council hey hey the city opened this the Williston Community Animal Rescue in April 2023 since then we've sheltered over 40 homeless lost and sick animals during the review of the 2024 budget the shelter director that's me agreed to give up a shelter manager position to assist the police department with their budget it was known that the shelter was necessary but the amount of animals that we've welcomed is far more than we expected by this time of the year between phone calls social media Animal Care invoicing handling the budget stocking and traveling to vet appointments the part-time position is no longer adequate we are requesting adding a shelter manager position to work with the Animal control officer and remain under the Community Development team next budget we'll ask for part-time help as we've been pretty successful right now with our volunteer program and believe that this will only grow so we're asking for that position to be reinstated for me to get another part-time or maybe two more part-time people um it doesn't make any sense it would be better for the people that we have working to just add more hours and keep doing what they're doing um there is a little bit of a fiscal impact Stephen sent us an email and I was just looking for it I don't think I brought it with but it was about 20300 4,727 something like that yeah because we're going to be adding this position would be added to um benefits right full-time yeah and Mr Bloom is online with us perfect thank you all right questions for Miss Jones or Mr Bloom okay so you want to convert two parttime into a fulltime yes ma'am uh and it will only be $4,725 more because that's the benefits essentially yeah and that's a year and we're halfway through now so that's probably where I got the $2,300 in my head yeah because that's probably just the payroll when you when you add the hours for both part-time positions that's the actual cost is $472 something dollar more once you figure in the benefits and everything goes with it and I just want to be you know clear that uh what what L's asking for also is that although we we will Zero out those hours and times for those two positions at a part time we're not looking to do away with them we're hoping to be able to staff those and bring those back in October uh because we still need the part-time people out there uh during the weekends and things like that to take care of the dogs um if it's in the budget then that's great next year um then absolutely we want to stop them if it's not then you know we'll figure it out like we always do okay questions comments so essentially you're not combining two part-time you're making a a whole another position no well yes yes and no so the answer we're taking the two-part time and taking their money that's allotted for them and putting back in the full-time manager position yes so the full-time shelter manager position was cut out of the budget last year uh it was staffed in order to lower the impact on the general budget um so originally that building is was supposed to be staffed with a full-time manager uh plus two part-time staff members plus the uh the animal control officer um that was the original Staffing model for that then like Laura said last year during the budget cycle uh to ease a pain on the general budget we cut that one out completely and thought we could go with just the two-p part-time positions unfortunately it's problematic to this point and trying to do that um so do we currently have two people in those two- parttime positions or just one person and one is open yeah just one just one is open so we'll roll all that money all those hours together uh and uh come up with one full-time position so now my goal is and my request is that we those two positions remain on the Staffing plan although we zero out the hours and that way um we have the position still there and we'll readdress it coming up in next year's budget I don't know that we can get to part times for next year and maybe we'll just have to settle for one um so but that that's the goal and there's no expectation just so y'all understand by zeroing it out and leaving them there is merely a placeholder and it just makes us feel better right there is no expectation that those positions will be fully funded or even partially funded next year by the city council based on what the budget looks like um so we we go into this understanding that yes sir M Jones do you have something in mind we're going to go ahead and um ask for an internal interview process like everywhere else and then if we don't have any applicants then we would go ahead and go outside but yes we do have some people in mind okay I know the young lady who's there now is doing a great job yes ma'am I've actually been out there a couple of times um I've sack at that because I've while Laura was taking me around and showing me everything with the animal shelter she was going about her business this young lady here and taking care of things and not having to have somebody stand over and say hey you need to do this you need to do that yeah I agree when I was out there with Don the other day she was doing a great job she was hosting people who were looking at the cat who were talking to the cats and visiting with the dogs U just going about her business doing what needed to be done it's rare to find somebody who's good with dogs and cats and people yes exactly that's very true hey I had thought about that so you need to keep people like that yeah I have a question if you go to just a full-time Position will that put a strain on that person for weekends and that's just an understanding of how it's going to be until sort it out yes ma'am the job right now is very difficult we we're very lucky that we have some volunteers we have some staff that have a regular volunteer schedule and some people around the airport that have been volunteering for us so we're it it's it's a difficult job with just one person no matter what but this is we're just trying to work through this first year and and figure out where our budget is going to be next year I don't want to ask for too much so are the hours going to remain the same or are the hours going to increase they would increase for fulltime would be 40 hours I entertain a motion yes sir I didn't want to butt in Laura you currently have have people that are volunteering at the shelter yes sir like myself yeah thank you for that clarification we have another staff member that volunteers every weekend and then we have um one or two people that come on a regular basis okay has there been any consideration or are you and the city manager against trying to relieve some of the pressure by instituting a program for volunteers to qualify and maybe help out for at that shelter we would love to have a um structured volunteer program and I do have it written good um but I have not been able to I just haven't had the time to implement I understand but you've thought about it but we do have Flyers right here that uh BJ's put together for us and it's been all over it's been all over Facebook the last two weeks or so yeah people come in and say I've seen it on Facebook where they're advertising for volunteers as well that's one I just wanted to I I try to stay off Facebook as much as possible uh but I just wanted to know that you had in fact been considering that yeah it's it's hard to have volunteers when you're not really like your feet are still a little wobbly because you just got started but we luckily we have um relationships with some other rescues too that are helping us and giving us their unteers and some of their advice so thank you very much is that one of the things that um what is your nameand Mandy okay so I only saying young lady is that one of the things Mandy Mandy is the person right is that one of the things that she'll be helping you get established yes she's already doing that okay awesome yeah any other questions or comments okay are we entertaining a motion to combine the two part-time positions into one full-time position uh with an increase of 40 hours a week $4,725 added to the budget resolution this is um discussion with possible action so okay I wanted to know that I could rate the resolution all right so consensus to write a resolution and bring it back yes perfect thank you that will work all right thank you yes ma'am thank you we'll move on then to Item B discussion with possible action renaming the Williston Community Animal Shelter Miss jnes thank you sir I will just say if you move to page he does say animal res I'm just say if you move to page 17 of your agenda you will get the possible suggestions they have given um so this is just a a suggestion we've had the word rescue means different things to different people and we've had a lot of people upset with us because we say we're not we're not a rescue right we are an animal shelter to find homeless animals in the vicinity of Williston and we have a lot of people from out of our area that get quite upset with us when we tell them that we cannot rescue their animal because we are not a rescue and then they say well it's literally in your name and I say you're absolutely right it is so we thought if this was going to be changed at some point perhaps change it now as we haven't made too many things and we do have two signs being donated right now and I didn't want to have those signs donated and then maybe next year this became an issue again so if the animal Willison animal rescue is okay with you guys that's fine with us but it is giving us a little bit of grief and we this is really good news but University of Florida is now giving us a lot of free veterinary care and I mean free but they had me write a letter because they didn't understand how I could be a municipal um shelter but be called to rescue so they've never seen that before either they're just kind of two different things so I just put some things up here that other people you know there's these are ones that other municipalities use um you could say Williston animal shelter or animal shelter of Williston so that's what I put at the the bottom we list in Humane Society will list in animal services will list in SPCA those are all things that are available we don't think that we can use Williston Community Animal Shelter because that's being used or anybody not for profit we don't want to get you know I don't think you could use the SPCA either yes ma'am we can I don't how I the ASPCA is a unless you're a division of them I don't know how you could do it no they're not divisions of them they just use those those things because people recognize the SPCA is a animal shelter I definitely would have want to have nothing to do with the ASPCA so I would not want that I would want not want that in my name tell us simple sorry wellist in animal shelter sounds simple enough to me and and can you tell us the difference between the rescue and the animal shelter so that for those who are not aware yes ma'am an animal shelter is typically a municipal run organization that is funded by citizens and taxpayers they do get some grants and they do get um some monies from you know donations but for the most part it's funded by the city or the municipality rescue is completely private a rescue is typically uh not for profit with a board um that is solely funded off of Grants and donations and doesn't get money from the government thank you and the Willison animal shelter is the one that's already exists no Williston Community Animal Shelter exists remember that's the people who built the building and that they're stay they're staying together so they're still they still exist so are you you say we need to not use that one because of that I think it would be confusing I mean I don't know ter what do you think we're saying we're g not not going to use Willison Community Animal Shelter oh yeah but we could use Willison animal shelter animal Williston animal shelter would be fine well the ones that are up there I like Williston animal shelter and Williston Animal Services okay with either one of those anybody else have a preference it is a shelter correct yes sir Willison animal shelter okay okay with that all right so you have consensus to come back with a resolution on that okay thank you perfect all right item C is resolution 202 24-35 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida establishing authorization for the city of Williston to approve the purchase of Municipal Park Fitness course equipment and not to exceed $155,000 and providing an effective date Mr Barber this is on page 18 to 33 of your packet yes thank you uh Madam president uh April 6th coming up uh the mayor and staff will be hosting an effort to repair and update uh our city park known as Peggy O'Neal Bashan Park it's a beautiful Park um it's a walking Nature Park it has great potential and as part of our updated uh Park master plan through the comprehensive plan coming up this year we want to slate that Park to not only be a Nature Park but also to have an exercise element to it so we have proposed here if council members they were insistent um previous years and this year was the first year got funded to put about $1,000 away for the seven city parks um it's not really practical to only spend $1,000 per Park so we're trying to pull that money and pick a park each year this year we picked Peggy O and we would like to through our normal already itemized budget lines and from that additional $77,000 uh get council's permission to buy this equipment um it's all uh approved Park equipment for municipalities um it's a package that we that we priced out we got multiple quotes that you will see uh the one we're proposing there I believe is uh just under $133,000 and these would be spread out through the park once the park paths were fixed and the benches were fixed and basically you'd walk through there there's no mechanics to this it's all basically based on your own free weight and energy and uh we really think that with the neighborhoods over there and the nature of the park that would just be a great uh thing that people would really enjoy a good example of this if you're familiar with Okala is the jvy Gant Park it's one of Ocala's Premiere parks off of 36 and 464 um jervy Gant has this equipment throughout it and uh people just absolutely love it they use it all over the place there's ways to do situps uh treadmills ellipticals stationary bikes um chest uh you know uh uh uh a repetitional exercise so all kinds of great things and um if you look some of the prices uh we think that the one quote that we got from a company that gave us a large discount basically wiped out any kind of shipping Freight charges and all that we thought would be the best best route to go uh there's also one of these in englas behind the ballpark they have a package similar to that as well so those are three quotes uh this is the project we like to do with that money that was designated and um and so that's that's the presentation is there um maintenance required on these as they age that's doable by city workers yes ma'am it's really uh good materials it's mostly metal uh there very few plastic components and their composite and other than a little bit of painting once every so many years uh this stuff gets a concrete pad gets anchored down it gets bolted down and uh I mean other than just someone deliberately trying to destroy something which is a danger of any park uh other than that it it has really good normal wear and tear thank you when it's done would we do some kind of a uh what do we want to call it not a send off because we're sending it away but a ribbon cutting and having you know make it a big deal to get people to come out so they would know yes sir we're inviting uh of course the community and the press to the April 6th that's the initial getting the park ready uh getting you know some some Footers put in for these things getting the bushes trimmed back getting the trees cropped getting the pads redone getting the new sign posted at Peggy O'Neal um and then once all those updates are done The Pavilions are repainted the benches are redone this would be that second step when it comes in it could come in around June and then we would have another event for the council uh to kind of show off one of the parks that we've redone and this would complete one entire revitalization of one of the seven Parks I have comments that go back as far as the cleanup process on April 6 the walking paths that are in there are in horrible shape they need to be level they need a lot of clay put back down on them I don't even know if you buy clay could you buy clay yes ma'am I I assume you can it needs to be I don't know that we've done it we've repacked clay since we built the thing that's what April 6th is for yes ma'am so you're going to have Clay then to put down okay there are also broken light fixtures so you're going to be working on those between repainted sanded uh repairs to the benches things that are destroyed pulled out April 6 is basically preparing us to where before we bring in this type of equipment the park would look the way it's supposed to I don't know how we'll get all that done on April 6th well I mean staff's going to be working afterwards but the April 6 is for the community to come and join us on a Saturday okay it's going to need bucket trucks to get to those those lights those lights are High um I guess by own a couple other comments Peggy on uh O'Neal has two L's on the end if you look up Mr Bill O'neal He was a Senator here in the State of Florida and he his name is spelled with two L's so everywhere we've got it spelled with one L it should be two I don't know what You' got on your sign I hope your sign's not made the sign is a duplicate of the sign that came out so it's probably a typo on my part just on the piece of paper Okay so it should have two bells and and O'Neal um I mean I sat next to him for years he was our City attorney as well and he bought that property and and when his daughter died and donated it in her name and and built it himself and dedicated it to us it was his property uh and he does have two BS on the end of his thing um the other thing I would say um I'm not against the exercise equipment I think it you're planning to intersperse it correct as part of the park you would walk you'd come across one of the machines you'd go so much further you'd come across another machine it would follow the path all right it's not on one single path like this no ma'am that's great I would I would prefer it iners first because it's it's beautiful and I'd hate to detract from it because of that but it definitely leads a lot of upkeep before we can put that in there and the money's coming from where so 7,000 would come from the line item that you guys did for the park fund this year and then the rest would come through our normal streets and parks materials and supplies and Stephen I think is on the line he can vouch that we have the funds within the within the fund if if that's what's required so the 7,000 has already been allocated well if you choose to allocate it for this it would be allocated we haven't we haven't used it to this point alloc so but it's there yes ma'am it's it's it's a line item in our budget yes ma'am so other than the 7,000 our utility department is going to it would not be our utility department it would be our street parkset and Parks is going to take care of everything else yes ma'am out of their budget yes ma'am no additional added cost to the and then as Miss Martin said regular upkeep needs to be done so they're they're magnesium joints um inside I mean they're really meant to last a long time this equipment's 20 25 year equipment other than just basically recoding of paint uh you know the metal it's galvanized I mean it's it's some parts of it are aluminum uh it's it's heavy duty it's commercial grade it's okay it's meant to to last a considerable amount of time and these are things that are from companies the quotes are from companies that fmit or Insurance trust actually allow to be Park equipment so these are certified Park pieces of equipment that's good these are the same kind of uh exercise equipment that they use in Parts like Gainesville just redid um the one part there 34th and 8th um so that's yeah these designed to last quite a while so another question so I I know you say that they this will last a long time but is there a plan that you have in place or that you're going to put into place so that money is been put aside so that when that time comes to do maintenance or repair the money is there we're not looking for it well that would be a part of the capital Improvement plan and I think that's a wonderful idea that as of late even with the rate increases um Capital was never really covered in those it's more of operating so uh I don't know how to answer I mean yeah we would love to have money over the next 20 years to be set aside to maintain Parks but I mean that's what you're talking about is a capital Improvement fund and that would that would obviously have to be worked into the budget should be maintenance instead of capital improvment well it I think what I'm hearing is it's growing the maintenance budget if that's what I'm hearing correct you is that what you're referencing the increase to the maintenance budget so if we if we need to put some in for the following year and set some aside as a syncing fund or rolling fund we could do that but I mean I I this isn't going to be a yearly maintenance this is powder coated I mean it's it's heavy duty commercial grade um equipment well I can tell you I have another request for a different Park that I'll bring up later under announcements um that I'll make you aware of that neighborhoods asked me for so we're going to spend the whole budget for this plus we'll have to wait for another year to even address that part we also keep in mind too with the the development right around the corner there's also revitol of the uh tennis courts which are also becoming part of pickle ball courts so it was kind of getting that whole area of town kind of fixed before we move on to another part of town that was kind of wrapping up that section that's actually what I have on my list but that's being taken care of I had no not to our knowledge it's not I would like to have known that may I um sure so it's as Community Development um parks are extremely core to the city and they're very important to us and we know that they haven't really had the best budget in the past few years but you guys have been very generous and you've helped us a lot with our Parks one of the ideas that Donald came up with and that we would like to proceed with but we're you know just haven't gotten to ask you yet we will is we have this amazing organization called friends of Cornelius Williams and when I grew up I was part of an organization that was friends of a park near my house and I have talked to Miss Brandon about starting another not for-profit that would be friends of Willison parks and those types of Maintenance things cleanups maintenance those are all covered by them so we need to get that group together we've been remiss because we've been very busy but it is something we're very interested in doing and we have a lot of people who would like to join so this takes some of the onus off of the city residents budget because the people donate a lot we get businesses to donate and we would go every month and clean up like four miles of beaches we'd have hundreds of people every Saturday so I know that this can work um and Don it was Donald's idea in the beginning so this is something that will relieve some of your budget issues in the future I promise I will bring it to you sometime in 2024 when I have this other list worked on because these are all the things that I need to do but that'll help a lot because they will donate they will donate their time and their money and I understand you as far as the cleanup and things of that nature but when you talk about maintenance and repair of equipment that may be something totally different yeah they donate I me start look at and start said at least talk about a plan well the so for for the future yeah the organization I was in we built the stairs we we donated the doggy bag holders we refilled them we I mean we really took care of that beach and the purpose of it was because it we wanted to keep it a dog beach so this was not a not for-profit that was no big deal it was a it was a huge it was a huge organization and we have 98 homes going in next door people have been talking about our Parks we're trying really hard but we do want to take some of the pressure off the citizens for you know renovating a park that's two miles away from their house I understand that so we're getting there and grants of course um but yeah for next year I don't know if we'll have any resolutions yet for that budget okay any other questions regarding the um exercise equipment in Peggy O'Neal know we've been talking about upkeep and all that I mean the lights and all the parks the p the trails yeah I mean if we're this just you know I'm not saying we're not doing a good job but if if some of these are getting behind and we're adding more to our list upkeep you know that's something we got to keep on our mind we definitely need to make sure that there's some kind of a of a yearly thing on the lights and the paint the benches making sure they're not rotten and stable and you know just everything involved before we add more to our plate is the one thing that we need like a monthly checklist for every part make sure somebody looks at it repairs it so that we don't have it all at one time to do but that's going to be addressed in the budget this year coming up you guys are going to hear how we plan on doing that successfully so we we'll have something to present to Council on that specifically it ought to be a in the everyday task that they do well I understand that but I me I know they're opening doors and their mowing grass well that's that's part of the issue Madam president I mean you have you have streets and parks which does your roads which does your facilities which does your Parks I mean they're literally doing 15 different types of work and the proposal we'll bring to you at the next budget is to separate and Define those departments more specifically and have people dedicated specifically to Parks because it is a full-time job if you talk about seven campuses which is what we have and then we take care of two other campuses that we are a part of but that we don't own it takes a lot of dedicated effort and so in order to have a maintenance program of that nature you have to people dedicated to that task and that's one of the things we'll be proposing in the upcoming budget and I think we probably should say I don't want that that same concept um prior to purchasing equipment and we don't actually have a friends of at this point but we're hoping to yeah only one right now that would be my suggestion a motion 202 24-35 I make motion resolution I make a motion that resolution 2024 d35 approve I second I have a motion and second any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I I all opposed uh for the record let the vote show as 4 to one approved okay we will move then to item D which is resolution 2024 36 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida establishing authorization for the city of Williston to approve purchase and installation of essential electrical panel upgrades at the barn well authorizing appropriate parties to execute all relevant documents and providing an effective date Mr Barber October of 2022 utilities department got approved arpa funds to be utilized for the rehabilitation of the Barnwell from Council uh this is a complete rebuild as a matter of fact right now Barnwell is not online it hasn't been online for about 20 days and that would be the one behind the Water behind the police station yes ma'am okay just make sure behind the police and fire yes ma'am uh the the condition of the building and the electrical Transformers in the state of the panels once we took the roof off and once we started gutting the structure uh were far worse and in deterioration than we could have imagined we believed that at the time when every all the all the people quoted and came in the experts they said yeah I think we can reutilize as much as possible we always try and save what can we reuse all the uh electrical is bad uh they're dating it from sometime around the 50s on some of the panels and so what we came across to some of them saying want to hook up to it so we've moved the poll you guys approved additional funding again this past year in January which was for a new Transformer and now we're looking at the quotes that you're going to see which would be a change um to the original price of 7,500 from hydr service to 46838 and2 and um the reason why we didn't obviously put this out for any kind of uh higher bid is CU this is an emergency I mean we can't have this well off for very long uh we already have lower pressures in certain parts of town and we're in the middle of this project so we're asking Council to um we had about $81,000 originally at the beginning of this budget cycle left of arpa funds we're asking to use 46838 not to exceed 50,000 of that arpa to complete this and get this project done and this well back on and this will be everything from the pit to the meters to the pumps to the pipes to the control panels to the Transformer there won't be anything on this well that hasn't been completely redone and um basically it'll be like having a new well so um that's what we brought to you that's the change in the quote for the uh work the installs and all of the equipment questions from Mr Barber sounds like we need it I know it wasn't built in the 50s I'll just comment that because I've been here since the 50s I that well did not exist I don't know what year they did build it but it wasn't the 50s they they suspect that they used panels that already had some AG I started to say unless they move that was my mix thing unless they moved the panels from somewhere else they could have used used panels for all of that but yes so if you're in the middle of it you got to finish it I'm just glad we have some money there to use I got lucky again because we need it the other night it would have been nice to have it we could have kept a larger portion of the city online yes yes very true uh explain one more time the 7500 difference in the 46,000 so if you look on page uh let's see your 28 in your packet that was the original um thing passed in 2022 from hydr service there was just one panel that was being updated with a cellular router uh the fiberglass 30X 36 Nea enclosure and then some of the components inside of it so that came to $7,500 um there's nothing that can be salvaged there's electrical so if you look at page 27 that's the revised uh to completely replace everything and that's the 46838 now there were some of the things on this list that the other company who's doing the water side we going to do and if you look at page yeah they took what 29 um I had them issue a letter to council that they're reducing their 120,000 which was approved down to 110 so 10,000 of it is being saved uh so I guess all in all technically it technically be an increase of about 36,000 but I just wanted to make sure we were transparent on the numbers okay Goa this is resolution 24 202 24-36 okay go ahead I make a motion that we approve resolution 202 24-36 I'll second it I have a motion in second do we have any further discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I all oppos same sign motion carries item e is resolution 20243 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida establishing authorization for this Williston city council president to sign an agreement for Project Specific professional consulting services for miscellaneous Professional Services for the planning department with right Pierce Inc and providing an effective date Miss Jones thank you um we need some more money to put in the continuing service agreement for miscellaneous Professional Services for the planning department um we wanted to add 25,000 um so the comp plan was budgeted for this year and it's not going to be used this year uh maybe part of it so the entire comp plan will probably be build in 2025 to be honest so we have that money in our budget for this and then we also have $114,000 left in the budget for Contract Services it's not def not it's especially allotted to right peers but we would like to so the fiscal impacts all together will be 25,000 I think that we started this in October 22 so we've gone through about a year and a half with them on 25,000 there's a little bit left but we wanted to get ahead of it and this is for services such as Country Lane Estates the new town homes T-Mobile Wawa Wendy's um anything that's brand new and needs engineering review instead of just us looking at a site plan zoning and our building official that's what they're looking at for us and that ain't something that the Builder themselves would just hire their own engineer and have their own engineer stamp that they do have their engineer everything was engineered that way it is engineered but we review their engineering they may try to get something past us yeah I guarantee it what I think what we find more often than anything is that the engineers maybe aren't from here and they don't understand some a lot of our storm water um and sometimes they do try to cut corners on us I mean almost every time yeah I'll just I'll add something here also so it from what I've seen since I've been here not having an expert on our side of the table would have been extremely detrimental to this city um and some of the things that were propose in some of the current developments that right Pier sat on and said well no we're not going to put our signature on this or no we're going to write a letter for the city and they State their claim um and they do a little bit of everything but the planning is a large part um today you know we had Walt running around the city with us with the utilities department which comes out of another separate thing where we were talking to homeowners and talking about issues with flooding and the r Pierce's writing letters are behalf to these developers from an engineering perspective so they understand exactly what the problem is and how to correct it so the citizens can get some relief from issues like flooding and stuff like that that's on the Utility side on Laura side is literally when you know uh ilanos comes in it says I want three-phase power and this is what I want it to look like and we need to do this and so we need to have our guy on our side of the table to look at their plans say yeah that will work or no that that simply will not work um and and that's what they do for us in the planning department they're involved in everything that yall see uh on planning that comes before this Council for approval when it comes to um stuff the town homes which we haven't even finished a developers agreement at our level yet y'all haven't had a chance to even look at it and there's been multiple times that we've had to have right peers to come in and help us with that process process and write it in a way that it benefits the city uh and doesn't put us uh in a position where we will regret doing this later down the road and um and just financially we do get um paid for their applications so the money does come in um it's not quite usually exactly enough but we're working with right peers to read you our planning fees so that it's more of a wash um so the developers are paying for it but they do pay some of it it's not 100% free service yeah I mean that was going to be my next thing I said is was going to ask is is there anything we can have in place to where they're paying for this service of our protection yes yes we're changing that soon um it's on the list and then also in the developers agreement for actual developments they are paying for engineering review from now on oh cool yeah that would be great I might want to get that soon moving soon get it going fast that would be great and like Mr B said sooner sooner the better all right so so hopefully this lasts another year and a half um and we don't have to up it again for that long and this this is resolution 2024 -37 I make a motion that we approve resolution 202 24-37 I second I have a motion in second any further discussion from anyone all in favor of the motion say I I all oppose same sign motion carries thank you yes ma'am item F resolution 202 24-38 a resolution of the city council of the city of Williston Florida authorized ing the Contracting with the true Force Roofing and repairs to the roof the existing Airport terminal building authorizing the city council president and the city manager to execute any documents necessary to facilitate Saint and provided a effective date and this is Mr stle yes ma'am thank you so uh some of you may or may not know that the current airport terminal has uh quite a few issues U with water intrusion into the building uh with the help of the City Utilities team we were actually able to negate a lot of those issues U we used to have you know the the flower bed that was out front it had a base of lime rock that was about eight inches down uh that would just hold water and from there it would seep into the foundation um with their help we actually you know dug the flower bed out um you know put a you know waterproof membrane in there and and then put a whole bunch of gravel in there and dug the lime rock out to help it percolate a lot better since then we haven't had issues with the flower bed um however the the design of the roof is a pretty terrible design um The Gutter system is actually built into the roof um inside of the wall so and it's not one continuous piece of gutter it's several 8 to 10 foot sections of gutter and over the course of time um they've gotten to where they they Flex in really heavy rain and a lot of the water comes from you know big hanger onto that small roof into that small gutter system and it's it's just failing miserably so we have a lot of water intrusion a lot of water damage U as a result of that um you know we have filed a claim through Latricia and Latricia is fought pretty hard we we've got a decent amount of money U Back from our insurance company to do this um but we have U we have true Force Roofing that's put together an idea or concept to you basically Dam off the existing gutter system to a point um and you know bring that or take that water somewhere else away from the current gutter system and fix a lot of the other issues um so you know on top of that they're actually going to re roof as well or not re-roof but put a a waterproof layer on top of the roof as well I have some questions sure send it so why they gave a quote for um 23,000 yes sir what did that quote separate from like Perry that did um a quote of 37,000 sure uh so here's here's what we did Mr Cox we took uh true force was the they were the ones that came in lowest for the moderate boat project re roof that we did um so naturally being you know the Lis last time we reached out to them said hey we need a conceptual for this um we need a scope of work for a project to to get rid of this gutter system because it's failing us miserable U true Force came out they looked at it they put together a scope um on on how to you know do this without using that gutter system that's in place uh basically kind of channeling the water down into two pieces of gutter that are external of the wall so that the water can't get into the building um and we took you know since their bid was under $25,000 um we took their scope of work remove the prices and send it to two or three other companies and said hey would you guys like to BU this project um we had true forces right here in right in Morriston we had Paradigm Construction come out take a look at it they did they chose not to bid uh keer Roofing which is doing our new terminal building U they they chose to bid and this other one chose to bid as well I honestly I can't tell you how they make their pricing changes U but they all use the same scope of work yeah they're all the membrane right and that's that's what we did is we took that that image in the scope of work and said hey bid this out um and you know true Force we already had their numbers but we didn't show that to everybody else and since it was below the threshold for a blind bid or sealed bid um you know we we talked at her with kirston she said yeah it makes sense as long as you're not going above the $25,000 threshold so basically they're just going to build up the two corners couple of inches high to get a flow coming down towards the center where the blue lines are leading to yes sir they're going to pitch it a little bit that's great do a buildup on it and then they burn down or are they going to mop uh well so over the top of those BMS there the whole roof is going to get another water waterproof inban I think it's a TPO layer or something like that and and it so it'll be you know the roof is already a a solid state roof there's no screws in this roof um but they're going to put that membrane over top of it so there's no leakage underneath the risers that are put in um and those two gutters in the center that are channeled those are actually um those go down into a French drain system that goes out and under the you know under the pavement as it stands So in theory it should um you know keep all of the water out of the building we've already talked to True Force about this like hey you know we think there's a a window specifically under uh this section and um that we believe the window is retaining water when it rains as well um and he told us he's like look you know I'm I'm I'm I can guarantee you it's a gutter system and on that guarantee if it is that window I'll come back and I'll fix it like okay well I've seen wind blow water you've probably seen it before too up a 412 or 512 pitch metal roof so there ain't going to be no guarantee that it's going to keep water from pushing in them Corners with with high wind unless they're going to do one heck of a big buildup um but they are gutter company they're going to have the right amount of down spouts that can to be able to handle the weight of that water that's coming in there that's going to be a lot of weight of water coming into a little area so the um the intention is to remove all of the water U from The Hanger area coming it's currently coming down onto that roof um Ro remove that transition it to somewhere else so and we've already got that with one of the sections of or one of the down spouts that comes off the hanger there are currently two sections of the hanger that feed onto our roof um so we're not only getting the water from our roof when it rains but you know a lot of water from the hanger as well yeah so there's two more sections that they've already they're already going to plan to to pitch that off somewhere else so by the time they get done with this the only water that will be on this roof and coming into this gutter system will be the rain that affects this roof R from the roof not from the hanger I like their warranty the best too I do too yeah there's three different warranties here and theirs is the best yeah we we're really happy with their service so far one of them was one year I said I ain't no way I'm looking at that one yeah we're um we're really happy with true Force so far and we were really happy that they came in as the lowest bid um you know they're they're really good people they're a veteran owned company right here um local so you know we're we'd much rather use them if we could um so it just kind of makes sense that they were the lowest bit as well miss well I know that flat roofs are tricky and my concern is true force is about a 2-year-old company right what experience or what references do they have that said they can do they've had success with flat roofs versus you know you're looking at the other ones and they have some references and things in there for different ones that they did I just want to make sure that we're not spending $23,000 on a wig and a prayer that this is going to solve it where other companies have a lot more experience with dealing with that stuff I'm going to guess this is just me that they are a commercial contractor roof and license which means they've passed the test this man probably knows as good as me that somebody can study and take it not meet qualifications but I could get up there and do that roof I don't think they'd have a problem I just and they probably worked for somebody else before they worked for themselves well yeah I mean they had to get I mean they had experience somewhere I don't know to do it too but be my and um I mean I I definitely do hear you're saying I think that's a very good good point but uh I don't always agree that the low price is the best yeah I would absolutely agree with that I agree too but we we haven't heard any complaints from honter boats on the the building that true Force just did for us that was an entire REO but this is a different roof Rel and the and like I said the warranty is twice what everybody else is El well that warranty if you get one drop you just make sure you call doing it so that there's records of it well after the after the roof place we're going to replace every ceiling tile that got water damage on it is you know the the next step is um after we vacate this building we move into the new terminal building we're going to lease this office space out um so if there's water intrusion in this we own that as well U so we we need to know before we move out um because that would be something that you know we would have to tell our tenants or even not not even be able to leas the space out because you know their equipment gets damaged and then you know we're liable for all that equipment we might as well just kept it something you know an empty room so no you can't leas it so do you have no do you have an answer to his question which question or or did you answer the question Mr what what experience do they have yeah is there anything that you guys have been able to other than Monterey votes um that's that's the only project that I we have worked with them with um you know talking talking with their owners they they've been in roofing for a very long time they recently moved to Florida and stood up true Force which is why they're they're such a young company okay um but he he's been he and she have been doing it for a long time um but personally I can't the are not new to the business the company itself is just new yes ma'am okay this is resolution 2024 38 I'll make a motion to uh move what say move forward res resolution 2024 38 bra I'll second have a motion and a second any further discussion all in favor of the motion say I I all oppos same sign I for the record let it show that it is 4 to one with Mr Cox uh voting that all right we now to public participation again item number six at this time if you have something you'd like to say you have up to five minutes we make comment about anything at all since we're through our agenda you will um come to the podium if you have something to say once again anyone on ring central wish to comment unmute your mic and speak up now nothing heard okay then we'll move to item number seven which is announcements um and I guess I'll start with Staff first you have any announcement you need to make Latricia see Latricia first just a reminder Saturday March the 23rd the city of Wilston along with Premier Events are having their Springfest here in Heritage Park from 10 until 3: so if you all AR do anything please come out enjoy the festivities thank you I saw Chief rolls next oh okay so he's he is uh giving it over to Mr stle I'm not speaking for him I just got something else but um the first week of April uh we'll be hosting the NATA formation flying Clinic again um so if you hear a you know an uptick in traffic that week um and you see a bunch of flames flying over in formation we are not being invaded they are training for the Sun and Fun formation flying all right can you let me know on behalf of a really excited 12-year-old um what hours of the day this and what days this will be taking place it'll be taking place um I believe April 4th is when it's going to start um and for about 4 days it will be from daylight to Daylight they they fly as as long as they possibly can okay chief RS just a quick reminder March 28th we will have our region 17 Chief meeting here at the Women's Club in willon at 12 o' thank you anybody else I'm sorry one more oh yeah uhhuh uh just REM March 28th at 6:00 p.m. the Swan River Leal City's quarterly meeting at the RV Crossing if you have not RSVP uh please send me an email if you're interested in going so I can get you on the list okay I did see Miss Jones hand thank you march 27th at 5:30 we'll have our one of our last downtown um visioning plan meetings it'll be over in the community centor and then um next week all week we won't have our code enforcement officer he will be in school so call me if you need anything um or you can email him and he'll get it to me so okay perfect all right uh any other staff member all right I will start with Miss hin have anything nothing nothing Mr B I do um Miss Latricia this is a quick question do we have anything on the last Saturday of April planned that you can think of off top of your head or anybody because the basketball team that won the state championship we were going to do something on the second Saturday of April and give them a grade into to hear an announcement they did realize that they push spring break back this year so spring break is there in that week so they were concerned and said if we don't have anything the last Saturday of April they would prefer to move it but if we had an event they wanted to keep it where we have it for the second Saturday of April what time from 10: is when we would do the parade as long as we can get it lined up think they're going to ride on on uh Fire Chiefs thing like they did last year and and be showford straight down Main I guess it is straight across to here and then we get something worked up in the Pavilion for him to give them an award and we're going to have bouncy house set up by what's the name of it um yeah yep so they're going to bring in two or three different type of bouncy houses huh I don't know what she's saying okay well all right well we have it set up not unless you have some insurance anyway um and food trucks and it's going to last from about 10: to 2 o'clock I think we said somewhere right in that range so starting at 10 o00 10 o'clock is when the parade would start leave the school and head to here uh that is casino night uh at the Woman's Club in the evening so it should not interfere you talking about the second the second Saturday or the last Saturday last Saturday last Saturday but it'll be okay it doesn't start to later I mean I got things to do but as long as you don't have nothing else that anybody's got planned at the city just let me know and I'll let them know so we can okay chief roll I have one more one more thing I promise the FD the DEA prescription drug takeback day will be April 27th from 10 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. 10 to two and where did they bring them to the police department and any kind of drugs any kind no questions ass I don't about all that I am back again um that just means we're busy Mr Terry do you want to fill in about the pickle ball things that we were in discussion I guess we can I got that right here too so y'all however yall want to do I I can tell you why you have not seen anything formally brought in front of the council because everything one of the developers here in the community uh lar which is developed in country land States has agreed verbally to do some work for us over at the tennis courts in the sense of redoing one of the tennis courts and taking one of the other tennis courts uh Mr bullet kind of said hey how about pickle ball you know it say we did some research on it and made a request so they're going to redo one of the tennis courts and pickle ball which I think is four yeah four and they've also guarant they've said they're going to redo a playground they're going to do a bunch no playground playgrounds gone no no so they do want to work on the tennis courts that are across the street from country Elena States they're going to we were we brought Walt to our meeting and Walt pointed out a couple things that maybe we may be flooding if we redid this the way they were asking so we've asked for a survey from our local surveyor so it's all been delayed a little bit um but they will be resurfacing it and then we are going to come up with a master plan on what to do with the rest of the park all right so I thought there was a playground there also but there is a small there are two or three pieces of equipment there but the reason why we haven't formally brought in front of you because there's nothing guaranteed in right okay well what what I had that I was going to bring up my computer just went off um is that some of the residents in country L states of course they obviously don't know anything about any of this they approached me about redoing the tennis court um they say that and I don't know if this is true or not maybe B will know U that you can stripe a tennis court in two different colors one would be the tennis court and the other one is pickle ball court so you could actually do yeah go ahead do both tennis courts and and I can tell you years ago we put a rubberized surface with the grit on it that was sprayed on the surface and it and restriped the tennis court that has probably been 20 years ago yeah so I attended a meeting on site um with representatives of you know the city lenar um and they brought in a tennis court contractor and they were going to come in within like a week or two and then just kind of resurface re tear it up RL on the asphalt base but they had no plan and there's elevations and there's dirt that's higher than the court in some areas right they're going to pitch the water one way or the other and change it and so you can't just do that no on a whim on how well we we build these all the time well there was no details so that's when we need a survey they're going to have a survey done they're going to lay it out set Elations and grades but the finished product is going to be a multicolored tennis court pickleball court they had a sketch of that and I think you know that looked good but the details they were just going to wing it essentially during construction evidently a a net that goes up and down in place because it's high for a tennis game but it's low well it's separate courts there's a tennis court and then next to that they're going to have separate pickle ball areas that are St these people were telling me you could do both on the side Court well you're dedicated now the plan that they brought in was One tennis court and then two pickle ball two pickle ball courts I think we have room for that there you fit all same okay so they could do four with paint I mean it's all the same thing right so they could do four with paint but what lenar has brought to the table is one dedicated tennis and two dedicated pickle ball and then I think you can walk between them or a walkway between there's walkways but like we said nothing's done because they basically brought us to a meeting and said we're starting this tomorrow and we're like ah so we still have to do help them with the master plan if you want four pickle ball courts I'm sure that's not an issue we have to increase the size of the tennis courts anyway so but we we wanted to make sure we were seeing what we're getting and they're changing grades we need to make sure that the grades they're proposing are going to be correct and so that did delay yeah they were ready to start in a week but with with no plan so I can go back to these people that I'm talking to and just tell them it's in the works we are working on it and the whole the whole park is going to be redesigned at some point soon new fencing new light new lighting new fencing um everything yeah yeah the lighting is pretty bad how many tick um tickle Parts how many tennis courts do you have out there two now is it just two out there now and when they redo it it'll only be one and then two pickle ball what what I got to be honest I've never seen a pickle ball court so I don't understand but I believe that you can lay it on top of a tennis court so I do too but I hate to lose a tennis court yeah right which is going to be my other the the the plan that was submitted back to us or at least the ideal back to us was according to lenar is that they'll maintain the One tennis court as a complete tennis court and lar claims and I've never played pickle ball okay lar claims that you can put four pickle ball courts in one full size tennis court according to the diagram do we believe a pickle ball court or four of them are going to be utilized yes as much asle Court I can send you I'll send you the email that I that I drafted to them with all the stats on pickle balls but it is the fastest growing sport in the it's big it would really be huge to the city as long as they're be getting use out yeah that's not all talk at once sorry the other person okay so does the tennis does anybody know if the high school has their own tennis courts I don't think they do they do but they haven't been yeah they haven't been I don't think they've been they haven't had a updated in a while but they are in the corner they used to use ours a lot softball teams using it they've got a batting cage there okay well the high school used to use both of our tennis courts a lot and they're in my neighborhood because I used to see them especially at night yes man we and we've had people from around town and outside of town asking when we're going to redo these tennis courts because they would like to bring some Junior training and things here well I don't think we need to get rid of a tennis court right that's what I'm saying I think we need if we can maintain two and lay a pickle ball cord over the top of it so that you could pay play either one mhm and just make the lines different colors I I'll look it I don't know I I've honestly like I said I've never SE that's what was bought to me not to do a not enough pickle ball courts or about tennis courts well if we had one tennis court and four pickle ball is that what we want they want to maintain both I you can make both of them pickle ball courts and two Tenn she's wanting to say keep it where there's two tennis courts but one tennis court can be converted into a pickle ball court where it can be either both you want where they can be either or I'm told that you can stripe them a different color as long as the net goes up and down it's the net that makes the difference that wasn't proposed that's not what Lenard came to maybe we could you propose it I hate to lose a tennis court we can have that discussion because usually more than two people come to play especially if it's a school oh yeah yeah yeah we'll look into it I can at least look at it yeah because the high school courts are down by the softball field there's two two courts here I remember when they built them but I didn't know they were using you a yeah cuz then I know they brought in a padding okay cage and I may not have a tennis team anymore yeah that had been used okay the other thing I have is I want to know the and W you can stay I want to know the uh how we're doing with impact these okay we've got a a data request the process is going in we kind of put gave a list of questions and information that we need from the city and and that's being worked on right now so getting information so try to get that in effect yeah so it's I mean I know the engineering review will help some but we desperately need those impact fees yeah so that work is in process because that'll affect the new people that come in they will be paying for their own Services rather than affected everybody else and I can tell you that however many years ago it was I think I voted no on impact fees but I have definitely changed my mind with all this development we definitely don't need to affect our residents anymore the other thing that I'd like to ask the and you may be into this too wal I'm not sure uh the utility department I know we talked about the fact that we could we could not or at least in my understanding could not segregate the sections of town when it came to the water so because we didn't have the right kind of valves or something uh have we considered that and what it would so starting in the 2021 2022 budget from then to last year to this year we put in $10,000 that has rolled over in a syncing fund we were waiting for it to reach right around 60,000 which were three years away and if Council wants to escalate that what that 60,000 does is it purchases a machine that goes on a back of a truck and we have to install Valves and strategic points and you can take existing pipe and you can put in a Mueller valve and basically create sections now that you could isolate unfortunately if we were to go out and hire those services and that's why we were going for the machine it's about $14,000 a pop so if you have to put in 25 35 45 of these valves you know the the cost begins to get astronomical so we were trying to get it to where we could actually afford to purchase the equipment uh Saturday shows a great example of why it would have been nice to ction off one or two streets exact but the system just wasn't designed for that and so if we're going to get to that point we would have to either pay per tap or invest in them equipment to do it I remember some discussion about the fact that if we bought the machine we could actually use it in other cities and rent it out well that was the hope wasn't just to you know for it to pay off for us but to also offer through mutual aid for other towns that have similar problems and maybe even recoup the cost of the machine once we get it through those Mutual Aid agreements right so it was kind of a two-fold approach exactly and I just wondered are it so in we're in the process of just saving money to purchase that yes ma but this this year it'll end up with about $30,000 in that fund again if Council wants to speed that up we would of course never refuse more funds so well I just hate to turn off the whole city when we could have turned off part of it right and you can't unless you've got it properly valved off yeah yes ma' and y'all taught me that the only reason I know that um the only thing I else I have is to just say that on Thursday afternoon I'm leaving to go to ailia Island uh I'll be there for um a day and a half for the Florida Municipal Insurance trust board meeting got anything Mr Cox nope Miss Martin anything else anything else on that end anything else for the good of the cause who I do should speak up oh come on go for it okay I receive request let me tell you about it in private I received a request from oh I have that on my agend the Florida Council on compulsive gambling incorpor at I'm sorry no you're good okay I have that next on the agenda I you got any announcements you want to make this was the announcement that's the only announc you want to make was going to make all right go ahead you sure I was just going to announce that the mayor had a proclamation for B of gambling okay after you made your announcement they requested a proclamation about problem gambling and March is problem gambling awareness month and the proclamation that I'm making is as follows whereas problem gambling is a serious public health issue affecting 1 to 3% of the general adult population and often results in personal financial familial legal and other costs including the high cost of suicide whereas it is estimated over 200,000 Florida adults of diverse age race ethn ethnicity and social economic status suffer from the past year gambling problems and 800,000 more are at risk of developing such difficulties con constituting a 4.7% of the adult population ages 18 and over whereas it is important to further note that these statistics do not account for the Youth who are increasingly and deceptively exposed to gambling Concepts and are at an increased risk for developing gambling related problems and whereas it is also essential to recognize the problem gambling is as a social a societal issue with 8 to 10 additional people adversely impacted by every problem Gambler increasing the affected population by an estimated additional 1.5 million individuals with conservative projected social cost accounting to more than 9 billion nationally each year and whereas the problem gambling is notable it is treatable for those who seek help which minimizes the harms to Floridians and to the state as a whole and whereas the problem gambling is treatable to those who seek help I miss this whereas the Florida Council on compulsing gambling public awareness campaign provides an opportunity to educate the public policy makers Educators businesses mental health and criminal justice professionals and others about the potential adverse effects of gambling and as well as the social legal financial and emotional impacts and available supports and where has free referrals to problem gambling resources and supports including to license certified treatment providers self-help support groups fcc's online program for problem gamblers and peer connect program Financial supporters legal resources and many more are readily available to all Floridians by simply calling or texting 8888 admit it whereas any individual professional organization dedicated to assisting those in need can participate in raising awareness and preventing the problem gambling by promoting the Statewide confidential multilingual tollfree number problem gambling helpline and whereas the city of willston can demonstrate its support in addressing the problem gamblings by raising public awareness through a declaration of proclamation of the month of March 2024 as problem gambling Awareness Month in the city of willness willingston I therefore Charles Goodman the mayor of the city of Williston do hereby proclaim the month of March 2024 as problem gambling Awareness Month in the city of Willison thank you very much thank you sir anything else for the good of the cost not I'll entertain a motion for adjournment make a motion to adjourn have a motion in a second is there any any discussion all in favor say I all opposed can go home it is 8:40 p.m. thank you very much yeah that's it all is go home