I did want to uh recognize the IND that did attend um also I see a lot of young people in the seat there so who know to that we will be do next year a human trafficking forum for youth for our teams that was one of the things that came back from the community um back day out there as well as to our service that our young people need to be aware of human trafficking and what it looks like so that they don't become victims of it and we may not think that you know um it's not happening in our area and our Township the human trafficking is real and a lot of times the target age start the age of 10 so there is a lot that needs to be I just wanted to come back before the board and again thank you um we will be looking at the school district and fighting and trying to find ways to make sure we get our students out there from our middle school and High School Dr OT you may be hearing from me regarding that but um again I just want to share my thanks and gratitude for uh some our SCH board members being out there so they can hear and see the presentation from themselves um to determine that there is a need for our young people to be exposed to what human trafficking looks like thank you so much thank you m m all right does that conclude um yes um thanks again most public comment most public com Peterson move forour of public comment second all in favor just a quick Qui comment it doesn't appear that we not listening but we are listening uh I counted over close to 40 people which is a win there been time so we we are happy to have you come out um cell phone we did listen goes back on the table so if you got suggestions got some data to support your your inquiries we're listening and we are this um you know out of our 4,826 students I was say yes we we're doing well there's a lot of school lot of students in here that are doing great and doing well I'll put them up against Hamilton or or anybody else in in the district far as what we doing our band is fabulous and we definitely want to uh take some time to see what we can do the increase and get that door fixed for you because our band is international winner as well um and this is the start where we all come in a room and we figure out what we need to do to move forward we don't have to go back to the beginning but we come into the room and we figure out what we need to do to go for it and once again I just want to thank everybody for coming out giving you concerns giving your comments to moving Us in the right direction thank you yes uh Mr Thomas members of the board and Comm I just have a couple comments I would like to make uh first of all uh thank you for coming out um I'm encouraged by the turnout and we encourage you to continue to come out because there are a lot of things we need to discuss and address um Mr Thomas and the members of the board will address the cell phone policy and whatever the outcome is that we'll live with however I do want to address the young man who uh mentioned what was is it E I want to address Ezekiel because I am aware of the fact of that door um at the band room um we have looked at and there are some issues U that I just want to bring to your attention so you're aware uh it's not just the door we have to place the entire frame um in doing so um we had to order it and because of going through that process and I think most of you know ordering is a backlog that has to be fitted exactly for that particular door so we're hoping that it's coming very very soon but we are aware of that issue we will be addressing it um as far as uh some of the things you heard here in terms of those violent violations that are occurring in our schools yes they absolutely need to be addressed because in addition to what you have mentioned tonight we also have those issues that need to be addressed because all of you want to have a safe working environment and learning environment for your children so we definitely going to address that so I I want you all to continue to come out and speak to us as you've done tonight because I think collectively we can address some of these issues and we do need to hear from you as a matter of fact I know you've heard me many many times encouraging parents to come out have these conversations with us so that we can address those issues thank you Mr thank [Music] you the individual yes the parent is here for the session thank you um in accordance with the requirements of the open public being act oh excuse me Mr Mr I I do want to mention one other thing yes sir uh and it's old business uh ladies ladies and gentlemen of the board as you well know we had our last school board meeting at the high school and it was on a trial basis um we haven't Revisited that situation and I need to know pros and cons as to whether or not the high school is going to be an appropriate setting for school board meetings or you rather not go back there go back to the middle school I just need to have some idea because our next school board meeting is in two weeks and we need to plan accordingly and advertise accordingly so may I have your opinions on whether or not we should go back to the high school should we go to middle school I have some feedback on that I talk to Madam president about it we said that we would give the high school a fair chance to go there one more time just to see um but in my recollection of looking on the YouTube it still has a little uh microphone uh problem being uh forecasted over YouTube so it lets us to believe that that same issue occurs not just at the high school but at the the middle school as well which is telling me it's not the building and it may be more part of something else may I correct that sure everybody was clearly uh heard I was the only one you couldn't hear and what I found out was of course my microphone which was clipped to my tie but my coat from time to time would cover it and therefore those in the audience could hear me clearly right but when you go back to the audio I was trying to figure out what it was and I looked it was me and because I had it clipped closely it was my coat that was covering the mic but everyone else you can hear with the exception of me so um just that small adjustment I'm thinking maybe holding it in my hand as opposed to clipping it to my coat so that we don't have that back and forth and I think that will resolve the sound as well as because everyone else I listen to the board report everyone else who spoke you could hear them clearly with the exception of myself so we we go back there and give it a fair assessment on the next and the community and the stakeholders didn't put that on their radar to say to be able to give us feedback rather that was acceptable or not any other comments than I believe the location of the high school is easier to access for the community because it's a place everyone knows where it is when we were I was talking to people say about coming nowhere no one knew where this was so just I'm sorry I I sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to put that out there we have it any other board members any comments about the high school if okay if not then we will schedule our next meeting for the high school and um we'll go from there to see whether or not it's approaching we'll make the necessary adjustments and hopefully that sound is more clear when we do the video thank you sorry M long that's quite all right Dr B and accordance with the requirements of the open public meetings act uh we will be entering into an executive session on March 13th 2024 at approximately 8:35 p.m. of the nine exceptions late AV law of which we can enter into executive session we would be entering into uh item one matters which by federal law or state statute or rule of Court shall be rendered uh confidential and therefore exclude the public this in this case it would be a student uh disciplinary appeal matter which are heard in Clos sessions as a matter of law I would anticipate that we would be approximately 30 to 45 minutes in that executive session and there uh May certainly be action uh by the board subsequent to that executive session we need a motion and a second um and a roll V please Mr Vice President asking for a motion to uh go into executive session or U approval to go into executive session second move by Miss Peterson second by Miss Mar roll call ask yes M yes Miss Martin yes Miss neand yes Miss Peterson yes Mr Shaw yes Miss Thomas yes and Mr Thomas yes the motion has Carri approve executive session we willour to second --------- want to come to school you make them not want to go to the office to tell anybody anything instead they killing we got to do better thank [Applause] you I'm going to blame this on handwriting but Sabrina is there anybody in the um I'm sorry I'm looking at technology anybody in the not at this time nobody in the waiting room not at this time now okay that would be we got to direct that to um the vice president we had a gentleman raise his hand want me to sign first anyone else last call Sten Dale good evening everyone I'm here to review our superintendent uh report dated for January 2024 and February 28 2024 regarding out of school suspension school one multiple School two physical assault to teacher school three fighting fighting School four fighting fighting cell phone use bus disturbance fighting fighting unsafe conduct bus disturbance School five bus misconduct unsafe conduct bus misconduct physical assault on sta School Bus misconduct unsafe conduct unsafe conduct sexual harassment School six unsafe conduct pushing tripping Etc physical assault Defiance misconduct in the cafeteria disrespectful the staff leaving class without permission multiple or severe offenders non-compliance to adult direct Direction twice bus disturbance fighting multiple or severe offenders bus misconduct bus disturbance middle school which I might add was recently ranked the 25th most dangerous School in New Jersey Middle School physical assault in incitement unexcused lateness to Cass unsafe conduct unsafe conduct possession distribution or sale of intoxicants Narcotics or controll dangerous substance twice unsafe conduct insubordination confrontational Behavior towards staff unexcused lateness to class inappropriate use of Internet insubordination confrontational Behavior towards St bus M misconduct down the bus twice dress code violation incitement two more times unsafe conduct unexcused lateness to class misconduct disruptive conduct in class use display of electronic device tce incitement wi possession of drug paraphernalia theft possession of others property without permission and I'm going to skip the ones that I've already said but they're there profanity in public non-compliance with staff directive misconduct disruptive behavior you're you're getting the point but I'm not done because this is y'all's report here [Music] um God I'm still in the Middle School in case you lost count but it's still all the same ones possession of drug paraphernalia associated with controlled dangerous substance insubordination during emergency situation willful destruction of personal property possession of drug paraphernalia shall I go to the high school fighting dress code violation Electronics Electronics Electronics disruptive inappropriate behavior use abuse under the influence of drugs unsafe conduct five times that I can count physical assault use abuse under the influence of drugs non-compliance to adult directions cutting class staff directed profanity insubordination confrontational unsafe conduct and believe me there's plenty more destruction of school or personal property possession of fireworks at least that's different use abuse under the influence of drugs fighting unsafe conduct physical assault violation of suspension possession of tobacco products staff directed profanity possession of tobacco products unsafe conduct that's not four minutes absolutely it's minutes well let's say this then if this is your out of school suspension report for the month of January going into February and I can't even finish in four minutes what are we going to do to fix this and I will say this I am an educator in Kansas City I have written a therapeutic learning model that has now done wonders in not only Camden City but also in Philadelphia treating kids like somebody else just said in a matter that makes them want to come to school you've got my number I'm happy to help you bless you [Applause] all uh I cannot read this sign and what is your name please I'm gonna say it on the microphone Britney RIS New Jersey so I took my kids out of this district for reasons that I'm not even going to set up here and say because honestly that's my problem in in here but nothing has changed in 10 years um I'm here to support my fellow parents Guardians people that love these babies that are our future I swear I need to go home back to my own board and I owe them an apology because this is disgusting okay I I I first I want to say the kids that are here shout out to you guys you stand tall you fight for what you believe is right do not fold okay I I was listening to the the meeting because I was late on away here and I kept hearing you say show up stand up speak up you have a mother up here pouring her heart out you could put the kids you know what I would do I tell my kid to pull that cell phone out every day so that way he can be out of school suspended and you be forced to give them an education at home what are we doing we put these kids out of school for covid for years these kids don't know if they're coming or going you guys are not helping them you're setting I cannot when I heard no Chromebooks oh my gosh if if there's a charger that's broken in my district those things are replaced with the quickness and I'm a tiny District well Tiny Town but I see your taxes and what's going to the school board you got kids up here talking whatever you're talking about was more important than these kids that came out here to talk Jersey has gone through bail reform Resto ative justice social emotional learning it is almost impossible to get a kid suspended in the district that I come from because they work with these kids because they're kids so listen take the cell phones away tell all your teachers all your admins your principles I need all their cell phones too when we walk in the door because you cannot tell me that these teachers I've been in this room for 45 minut any many cell phones I've heard going off in here come on this is sad not it's time to change you guys need to start looking up these people's salaries and then you can't get your kid a Chromebook for Real come on you guys we got to do better for our babies keep showing up keep fighting a two-day out of school suspension we want these kids in school because we know where it learn where it leads to when they're out of school that report that is disgraceful you guys you guys got to do better you guys got to start talking to these kids hey yo your cell phone's out put it away what is so hard about that they're kids I'll tell you what I told my school you better not touch my kids cell phone my kid can call me and text me whenever he wants because that's the world we live in in 2024 there are school shootings there are we're we bring our babies to you and we are supposed to put our trust in you and you've got moms up here crying there are resources and I will talk to you after this meeting there are resources you can come to the table do not feel bullied fight for these babies or actually I mean it's bail reform you probably won't even need bail money but we need to do better we need to do better do better wind blow and all I can say God bless you all and I'm so glad I made the decision I made because I sat with the same superintendent 10 years ago have a great [Music] [Applause] night my name is Jack MOA and I am a wind Township president um my daughter it's our first year in this town in this in the school district I actually put her private school and I took her out she want good public SCH um I she was not suspended but she was reprend and my phone was taken but she called me hiding in a bath and she was afraid she doesn't want to go to school so I applaud all of you here today um speaking up I'm this is my first meeting so I'm a little our last a little to say but I heard from my kid that day that she wasn't able to talk to me I wasn't able to do anything for her and we have kids killing themselves in school and then she got in trouble for hiding sir I'm sorry you can't speak out she talking about my daughter thank you and then she got in trouble for hiding we have a daughter together it is important that you guys look at the cell phone policy um because it could save somebody's life not just being listen mom pick me up dad picked me up I have to go to work it could save somebody's life and that's all I have to [Applause] say