e e to order can we have a roll call please yes sir commissioner dollison here commissioner Mercer here mayor proes here and mayor bong here mayor bong I'd like to point out commissioner dancer is traveling this evening for the Florida Municipal Insurance trust hence his absence from the meeting this evening all right thank you sir um we have some presentations these presentations except for uh number e will be presented tonight right uh every 5e will be presented this evening a through D will be presented right so let's just go right on down to 5e uh Troy heidle our airport director Winter Haven Regional Airport will present some information on our Sun and Fun wrap up uh good evening honorable mayor Commissioners it's a pleasure to stand here before you tonight and say that we have uh successfully completed another Sun of fun year at the airport um couple things we added this year that were a little different we uh flagged our off carts with multiple colors and what this did for our control tower last year we used call signs such as Ops one Ops 2 Ops 3 and we found that led to some confusion so we switched to multicolored flags on our carts this year and that made it really clear made it really precise when Crossing runways and increased our overall safety uh we also uh we brought back our control tower this year and we added the element of using our own radio antennas for this yes sir is that the same Tower from previous years the same yes sir oh yep same exact Tower she just got cleaned up this year she got pressure wash she got a new coat of paint and then she got some uh some new antennas we had some problems in the past with radio interference because the tower company was mounting their antennas directly to the tower itself so this year we purchased some additional antennas and made similar to a military style OE 254 radio antenna out there okay and we actually had to lower the antennas because they were too strong we were picking up traffic way out so they worked out very well well for us uh another thing we brought back this year was our grass parking as you can see in this diagram below you've got the uh the blue square closer to the terminal and the red square and the purple Square on the South Side there those are what we use for our grass parkings every year we do a a handson deck this year was a little more intensive where we walked the grass area we've got an abundance of gopher tortoises out there at the Airfield so we had to make sure that our parking was you know square and that we weren't going to run into wildlife and thankfully we had a successful year with that the teal light blue color the on 21st Street there that is our shuttle route we utilize a shuttle when we park on our South apron and that's how we get our customers you know from the south side to the north side of the FBO without having to cross any runways or taxiways that way we can make sure we're keeping our customers safe uh we also closed Runway 1129 this year again we found this to be successful uh the reason for this is Browns has an abundance of traffic during that week as well and this way keeps the North and South traffic all parallel so we don't have any intersecting traffic out there on the airport think my slide clicker broken here next slide if you can there we go a few minor incidents out at the airport this year too to be exact on uh Saturday we had a gear up Landing uh pilot came in hit with uh forgetting put gear down unfortunately he stopped right at the runway intersection so there wasn't the option of opening the closed Runway to bring a traffic uh this put us down for roughly about three and a half hours as we got a recovery crew out there the pilot claimed that he had an electrical failure we raised the aircraft we uh hoisted it up through a record company put the gear switch down we had it raised up and the gear came down flawlessly so that assumes us that's a pilot air but it happens so uh thankfully we got that up recovered the aircraft still sits on our South ramp and is waiting for repair today we also had on a uh weekday night we had a disabled aircraft a disabled aircraft is anytime we have an aircraft that's not necessarily crashed or anything like that but they have maybe a flat tire we had a gentleman land tire popped on landing and the great thing about this is for the first time we were able to use a new piece of equipment that we budgeted for last year this is called a bracket zero gravity tire Dolly with this machine we are able to recover aircraft with flat tires and under about 15 to 20 minutes off our Runway and get our road way back open so very minimal training it's very easy to use we were able to pull out on the runway get the aircraft on there and get it pulled off in about 20 minutes time uh some of our numbers for this year we did just a little bit of about 11,000 gallons of fuel sold we did just shy of 1,200 operations which is really good considering the week we had we started off we had the Tuesday and Wednesday which were some high winds so we saw a lot of cancellations across the board there and then we had Thursday which was really poor weather and then when that Friday came up and the skies were beautiful let me tell you we got bombarded I think we saw about 300 operations on that Friday and the tricky part when you say 300 operations well with blue line Aviation out there now we're doing anywhere from 250 to 300 operations a day but the thing about Sun and Fun these operations all usually come in about a 3-hour time window so with our typical operations they're usually spread out through the day with Sun and Fun usually see him first thing in the morning the influx rushing to get over to the show we had 26 transient Jets uh we had 94 aircraft tied down for the week we did about $54,000 in fuel sales and recovered about $44,000 in ramp fees this picture here is pretty Bittersweet for me this was the first time as a new airport director that I got to see the fruits of Labor I never thought that I would say asphalt is beautiful but as a new director I got to go out on a Thursday morning when the weather was poor and go up on our fuel farm and take this picture and it was great to see because this picture meant that phase one of the South apron ramp project was complete we were able to open our self serve fuel Farm on time for Sun and Fun uh this project is well on its way in a phase two and we expect it to be complete uh later on next week and complete Paving this ramp actually come I wish I had gotten some pictures from Friday come Friday afternoon this ramp was completely full not just in tie downs but we had aircraft chocked everywhere from left to right as well I want to say this is a very successful Sun and Fun year and it's not to say that the airport did it all um looking around I think every Department director had a hand in this because they've you know we had staff from all departments driving shuttles driving wagons uh directing guests and customers greeting them at the front desk so it really is a Citywide effort and people from all other departments come together during this week to make it successful so I appreciate all the other department directors and all the other people that had ahe into this any questions any questions I guess compared to last year I mean how did this year kind of Stack up this year was very different last year we saw um a lot of closures on the Lakeland end um lakeland's airspace closes generally from 1 to 5 every day while theyd conduct an air show last year it seemed like every day they were having some kind of incident in the early hours and when the Lakeland airspace closes we get bombarded um we saw less of that this year because they had less incidents over there so what we saw this year was more of the stable transient traffic people coming in parking staying for a couple days utilizing our shuttle and then coming back to where last year was it was bombardment after bombardment of Rush which is you know we anticipated but it was definitely a more planned smoother year that i' say went pretty successful commissioner Dawson i' also just say that the that weather impact is significant you know I don't know if you remember the the Thursday was extremely poor weather in fact they canceled I think just about everything at Sun and Fun that day so when you lose a day that that has a pretty significant impact on operations and you know any fees that we collect for that and it was kind of a yucky week except for Friday ended up being gorgeous so we're kind of a suspect to what's happening at the other airports but mother nature trumpa the three three and a half hours you were down for the supposed electrical issue uh how how did you guys work around that well thankfully that's where the tower comes in hand uh thankfully the tower was an operation at the time and they were able to divert traffic usually that time traffic would go to other airport whether it be Lake Wales Avon Park or Barto but thankfully the the tower really does play a big hand in keeping the traffic on the runway I've had an incident before where we closed the runway without a control tower and an air craft tried to land on the runway so having that control tower is really optimal for safety out there very good Troy for clarification if that were to happen when you did not have a tower You' put up your Runway X's yes sir we we would put out our lighted xes and close the runway we we' issue a notem a notice to Airmen just advising them that the runway is closed all right one else yes thank you thank you okay then we will have the U we don't have any developments of note no minutes we'll have comments from the audience uh audience second reading 0248 this is the uh blue uh Sky development out off of Recker Highway um wanting to uh reson a portion of that parcel from single family residential small lot R2 to multif family residential R3 uh this was discussed and I think um uh Sean and Wilson was here at our last meeting that spoke on behalf so there are no changes no changes no sir all right what about 024 24 are there any no no changes this pertains to uh allocating some funding for uh roof repairs at the police department no changes okay so since the consent agenda is new uh you want to highlight these Force real quick sure go through these pretty quick the uh traffic agreement for Ruby Lake Homeowners Association this is the Ruby Lake subdivision we have a number of these throughout the community whereby the HOAs have private roads and then they contract with us to an agreement to uh allow us to do law enforcement on those roads traffic control it's a haven't seen one in a in a few years but the pretty common uh scenario for the private gated subdivisions um 10B I would like um uh Chief Brandon to talk about this this is this is pretty exciting for us within the police department and I just want to point out if you recall in the um in the uh Retreat information we had when Heather Ben wall presented talked about using virtual reality is a means to do some training like in law enforcement and other areas I commented at that point that we were already venturing in that direction we've been working on this for probably close to 12 months now um and had some demonstrations but David will speak to to what we have coming up for you mayor Commissioners good evening um just a little background on this we have Acton agreements uh way they do that now they have fiveyear agreements they do with body cameras tasers we entered one in 2019 for tasers it expires this October um as y'all remember we entered one for body cameras about three years ago we still have two years on that but one of the things we wanted to look at was because we need to taser cost was going up current taser we use it'll be outdated no longer available so they offer bundles just like you do with home on auto and your cell phone and internet those type things so we looked into that um they had also come out with virtual reality a year or two ago and been working on it so in December we did a they came over and did a demonstration for US city manager I know was able to be there for that um so what we ended up coming up with is we're we got two things we have been using which is taser is a newer model just some different things but I think you all understand taser and how that works the body camera how that works the thing with the body camera is because if our current contract is up to date uh we won't have any charge for the body cameras itself actual new cameras we'll get new cameras in October um but the virtuality is new as you can see on the picture here um like you see a lot of other things what he comes with is goggles we'll get two sets of those um we have a training taser that will come with that and basically if you have a room a laptop and and internet or Wi-Fi you can run this training through their their system and the modules now yes it has the typical things for law enforcement where we can do you know like as far as accuracy and drills and things we can get more training in to make sure they're more proficient plus scenario Based training they'll be able to do but probably the more exciting thing about this is they have some modules that can be used for more than just law enforcement it's made for law enforcement but they called it uh I believe it was community commity service community outreach module and the neat thing about this is is it has all these different scenarios based on different things that we may encounter such as someone that's hard of hearing someone Alzheimer's dementia mental health issues schizophrenia autism those type things and the way it works is you'll put these goggles on they'll pull it up so one scenario you'll run through that scenario say someone with schizophrenia that may be armed and something like that you're trying to talk to them and your perspective and they're you know they're actually talking back to you and you know it's kind of strange in a way because but what the good part about this system is is once you get on usually everything else before has been just officer related this system then switches and then you're that person with schizophrenia which you know the first time is a little strange is all a sudden you start hearing these voices in your head and you're like where are these voices coming from well that's because you're experiencing what someone with schizophrenia may experience so it gives you those both sides you know help get our officers better understanding when they come up and deal with these type issues with people but as we're talking with them and looking at we can also expand this use for you know different parts of these modules with other city workers for training um we can use them like when we do our youth and adult leadership courses or anytime we have a meeting with interaction or open houses because we can have you know citizens do these things and they get to see you know both sides of the fence of how that operates on what we're going going through so um you know right now we're looking at we got this on the agenda now so we can get this approved so we can get the agreement in so that all the equipment would be in come October and we won't have any delays or hiccups of getting transitioned over to all the new equipment the um Commissioners the as you know axon is is who provides as David said both pieces of those equipment so getting them bundled together make sure that we have the most modern and upto-date Equipment um it it is pretty amazing how the taser evolved over the years and even the models that we're going to now what what um they can do that I think back to when we first started carrying tasers it's a completely different product um on that training side the thing that I'd like to point out is one having watched the taser training with one of our officers um I would if I if he ever draw drew a taser I would not run because he was so accurate with it it was it was highly impressive the um the scenario training that happens within that we've all done roleplay training you know you're the you're the victim you're the officer you're the you know the two opposite sides of whatever a conflict is in this type of training the way that it's done it is so lifelike and so real and the fact that it does put our officers or others in the POS position of the person experiencing the interface the interplay with our officers I think is an extremely unique training tool for us that will make our our staff much more uh skilled and prepared in in dealing with the different things we we come across um this productes this approach of bundling does save us money it is a 5-year agreement I think it saves us um upwards of $280,000 over the life of that contract versus if we had continued to do them separately uh and it does not take effect really until October 1 it's after it's in the next fiscal year when that first payment would be may but we need to to get it underway at this point so and one thing I I forgot to mention that we will be on as far as this type technology for PP County we'll be on that Cutting Edge because there's no one right now that has taser tin and no one I know that's using this virtual reality training um I don't know many in Central Florida they doing it right now some might have one or the other but not all of them the the body cameras you know like I say those are getting updated all the time and under this agreement halfway through typically what they do if they come out with newer model like we have three we're going to four if five comes out we get that at no charge so did I understand you to say no one else there's other people that have tasers yes I I heard Lakeland Police Department is looking at these but they just executed agreement after us so they're looking at them oh um I know some at the sheriff's office in their training were pushing for the taser tin um but as far as having all three components tied together because they all in that virtual reality basically it creates a catalog so whatever training you did because each officer is assigned a user it cataloges that and shows all every time that training so if they come in on uh for briefing and the supervisor says hey we're going to run through this scenario tonight it'll log that training form which then we can transfer over to their training files so it's just more econom iCal approach to get more training in it doesn't take the place of going out and do the live training we have to do every year but it just helps mayor one of the other things that I found interesting with this and David correct me if I'm wrong if you you training on tasers outside of this approach requires actually discharging of the taser which is a consumption of raw Supply materials you know your the cartridges everything with that the training taser allows us to do real life scenario training with that with without wasting the charges and and probes and all of those things it takes away if you do that taser training you have to have a taser instructor if they're firing actual they have training cartridges and they have to fire so many a year to stay uh proficient and like just qualific like we do with Firearms they have to do that um and that's based off of recommendations for taser and also for litigation purposes down the road um whereas what we're talking about if they come in a supervisor can run that training because they're not firing actual live cartridges pretty impressive stuff out of curiosity uh you know you bundle those things but just per unit do you have any idea what what costs they are I'm curious as to what they do run for you mean separately I yeah either way um well for this bundle uh the cost for this one is over five years it's 1.83 million for 5 years and that's broken down to five equal annual payments of 236 748 a year which we have in the budget uh when we looked at the because like I said we were going to have to do taser anyways and we looked at that that increased from I believe our last agreement was around 135 or 145,000 uh this new agreement just taser only was going to be around 500 550 thou 100,000 wow so they they typically have a 10% increase every year but when you do agreement you're locked in for that 5 years plus any repairs they give you ex spaires any repairs you know you notify them they ship us a new one before we even ship the old one back so same thing with the body cameras because we have those every now and then to malfunction and they you know they give you so many spares but they're back and forth you're getting them the new one before so wow that's really a cost savings I that's a lot you figure how many T technology is not cheap unfortunately I think yall know that how many tasers do you have deploy and that's the other thing with this increase typ right now we have 85 tasers um under this agreement we're going up to 100 it was 97 but they added in three uh for spares um which you know looking at adding officers that's going to make sure we have enough to cover all of that plus the ones we check out we don't issue them to reserve or alumni to come in to work but they we have spares to check out to them for them to use when they come in so we're actually going to be increasing our number Without Really you know in a more efficient way Chief what what is the most notable difference between this technology and the older technology the body camera that's the easy one to answer first the body camera is just it's got a little better resolution and audio on the camera which they're if you've seen the ones we have now are pretty good or you see on TV are pretty good but it's supposed to be a little better um with the taser the difference is U the quick explanation is is they use a cartridge now that shoots the two prongs out at one time right and it's supposed to spread a certain amount so when it it hits the person it causes that neuro neuromuscular incapacitation is what they call it which means that's the voluntary movement and they just kind of collapse um the difference with this one is is it has it's like nine different cartridges so instead of shooting two at a time it shoots one and you have to shoot another because what we found with the other one and tasers found while they went to this is you don't always get that spread right and not everybody's standing like this you know when it happens so you're able to do a more pinpoint and make sure you get a better that they've had more success and then you're talking less injuries to the officers to the suspects to everybody else because you're getting that that better incapacitation so and another thing this one doesn't allow is what they call Drive stun mode which is where kind of like the old stun gun where you can take the cartridge off in certain situations which acent don't like it we try to stay away from that but this takes that completely away so it doesn't matter how close I mean it it's that's the best easiest explanation the the probe piece is pretty fascinating that if you're how close you are to a suspect or how far you are and what that spread is the closer you are the worse it is actually you know so you somebody moves as that's deployed you may hit them with one and not the other and this gives you I guess in reality eight additional you hit the one and then you have eight addition additional probes within there and can place that next probe in the most impactful place to get the compliance that you need so it it it truly um reinforces the what the the the devic is intended to do um in a more effective way anyone else thank you Chief once we get that equipment in um certainly we we'll we'll set up a time for the commission to experience the the virtual reality um and you can you don't have to participate in it specifically but to see how it works because it's all on a big screen we're all watching it I put it on pretty fascinating I want the whole experience I come up police off all right you heard it Vance David remember you said he wants to hold experience yeah you got to give him the taser too used to be with the training on the tasers they actually had to shoot somebody so you know that's got kind of out of the mix now um okay moving right along 10c um commissioner Yates had such a a great time in Washington DC he's going back uh here shortly for the federal action Strike Team FAST fly in um 10d uh I'll be traveling to the Chamber of Commerce strategic planning retreat in July that will be held in Orlando uh 10e um Gary is here and Gary let me try and explain this real quick and you fill in the holes just in the in the in consideration of time we did a um let me back up here A second we did a design criteria in owners representative RFQ back in February you may recall on this I think commissioner Mercer you may have been the liaison to that one we selected Jones Edmonds um we this is actually to authorize the the first task order of work with them um we are still awaiting the progressive design build package that will be come about as a result of work that's done within task order one yes so this is just moving along the Water Resource facility did I say it right you did okay thank you wastewater treatment plant three future okay all right um second one Gary you want to speak to the water groundwater storage tanks yes good evening Mr Maron Commissioners uh this is uh part of our requirements from D where we have to inspect our ground storage tanks and as part of the inspection this year uh five tanks were inspected uh both tanks at Inwood uh Fair one at Fairfax one at Winterset and and rville Tech during the inspections they found some deficiencies so this is repair work for these tanks uh and this work my understanding is that uh crime is willing to U put extra work force to this and have this completed before the end of the fisical year uh the tanks would be uh repainted um T you have your uh your one water I don't have it with me the I but they're going to have the one water logo on them that' be painted white with a blue ring around the top and the one water logo on the tank one of the things that I had asked um Gary Hubbert about a while back you know you travel to other cities you see these mural water tanks and and logoed water tanks and for the longest time our groundwater storage tanks have been the typical kind of sand Brown tanks that don't really say we love our water as much as we really do uh so we're going to try and make those a little bit more Billboards for our one water ethos and and highlight our pride in our water operations blue is a water color not brown right how many uh tanks do we have uh I believe it's 12 12 yes sir anyone else thank thank you g uh G um this is with respect to our agreement with the uh proprietor of Richards fine coffees you may recall that Richard's um and we had consented to Dave Tuttle selling Richard's coffee to rhl Corporation earlier this year um and this is a Amendment to the ongoing lease agreement that we have with them uh this will extend the lease from for a 5year window um that commences bear with me it goes to 2029 thank you Julie um and then it has two fiveyear renewals thereafter 10h um hip you want to speak to 10 H being our ezri Communications please good evening mayor and commissioner um the uh esri uh is our basically the um software vendor for our GIS geographic information Services we've been using them for um over a decade and they basically pin for all of our GIS Services that's used throughout our um uh City departments uh this is a three-year agreement um and so this is a renewal uh to our um software uh Enterprise licensing scheme it's pretty much an everyday tool that we use in I think just about every department now is our GIS platform good all right Mo on to the next one um we have a too easement uh is requesting an easement this is specific to fire station 4 for them to do uh underground and and above ground wires cables data transmission communication facilities support structures all the things that go with the too easement um from my uh review of the location of this this is I'm going to call it PCC access road so it's the East West Road that's kind of on the south side of where the fire station is and necessary for us to get power to it all right the Safe Streets k j I'm going to ask Britney you want to take that one please good evening mayor Commissioners um so with this Winter Haven strives to ensure a Safe Transportation Network for all of our users and currently the city staff is working in collaboration with the Florida Department of Transportation and multiple other community stakeholders to develop a vision zero plan with that the plan however focuses solely on state-owned Road ways and so staff's goal is to create a similar plan that would complement the fdot vision zero plan but focusing on City roads and our our own network um developing that plan would um clearly and holistically identify crucial areas for improvement within our our transportation Network and better position the city to apprise ourselves of funding opportunities that could come available in the future um we've been exploring various grants to try and fund this effort and we are looking to pursue two two different grants at the moment um those grants are the Safe Streets for all Grant which is a Federal Grant and the community planning technical assistance grant um The Safe Streets for all Grant um supports the development of Safety Action plans that identify the most significant roadway concerns within a community and supports the implementation of projects and strategies to to address kind of those um issues that we identify the funds um available for that Safety Action Plan Grant as um would be available for the funding of that action plan as well as the implementation of things that we identify in the plan um The Safe Streets for all Grant does require the city commission um authorize the city manager to apply for that app for that Grant application if we were to be awarded that Grant we expect to receive an amount of $100,000 which would require a 20% match however there is a subscription fee that the city already pays that could be utilized as that 20% match in addition to that Safe Streets for all Grant um we're looking at a community planning technical assistant Grant to offset cost of of this plan um this opportunity would be available to us through the Florida Commerce and it's being distributed in an effort to assist cities with creating innovative ideas um in regards to Planning Development and infrastructure that Grant would be have an award of up to $775,000 and it does not require a match it does not need commission approval for us to apply for the grant but if we were to be awarded we would re bringing back an applicate um a grant agreement to the commission do you have any questions I'm just curious uh who is going to write the uh proposals for the grade so we would we would look to to bring a consultant in to help with those efforts I was just wondering if you all are going to be the writers or if we because we've talked about up here about getting a grant r or and so yeah yes so so for um one of these grants for both of these grants we actually are utilizing outside services to help us apply for those grants to to hopefully help better our chances at securing the funding um but if we were to receive those funds and we were to start to to create our own Safe Streets plan uh we would likely utilize the help of an outside consultant to help develop that plan as well I see okay I was just wondering so in um MJ was sharing with me we have two different groups that are helping us with those Grant applications that are expert in that area we' and one of them being kimley horn who's done some other um Grant applications for specifically in the in the uh the roadway side of the house um we're also uh looking to gear is it wsp that um wsp is a national firm that we are looking to craft the scope of work with to do Grant um I guess research to see when we have looking at all of our capital projects we have on the in the que um to SC do an environmental scan of what grants are available that may be appropriate for that at the state federal and in the in the nonprofit side of things and also help us pursue those grants with grant writing services so we're trying to use a number of different Consultants to go after grants wherever we can okay all right any questions thank you y thank you Britney all right we're down to um 118 resolution resolutions 118 so 11a speaks to the TPO Eric would you present that please sure mayor commissioners um based on population growth in P County uh the transportation planning organization um conducted prepared and and adopted a membership aort apportionment plan um which studied the distribution of population in P County the plan was submitted to the Florida Department of Transportation and the Florida governor's office um for approval as required and So based on that plan the total number of voting members uh on the Poke TPO board would be increased from 19 to 23 and winter Haven's voting representation would increase from two to three permanent members so this is a um resolution uh adopting uh an interlocal agreement there it's an amendment to the 2014 interlocal agreement that created the uh uh the pul transportation planning organization and it uh modifies the voting uh membership of that organization so Eric uh and I haven't been to a TPO meeting I missed the the last one so uh the approval has come back because the TP we it had to be approved at the governor's level right at the governor's level it's my understanding that it's been the plan has been approved and now it's up to the county and the municipalities to adopt resolutions okay um a modifying our interlocal agreement okay Eric when will that appointment need to be made for the not positive but I can I'll get clarification so at some point we'll come back to the commission with a request to to appoint an official thir uh representative and likely uh an additional or a new alternate yes I think it's effective upon signature of all of the municipalities in the county so we would do it at that time okay 11 B 11 11 B so this is a um uh an easement tied to water infrastructure for the pros Winter Haven Apartments or what's known as Pros Cypress Point Apartments this is on the south side of Cypress Gardens Boulevard generally just past the winter Set uh condominium multif family development out there uh this is um necessary for some of their fire protection so it's just a ement in that regard okay thank you uh all right we will move to audin this's our first reading 12 a Eric yes sir mayor Commissioners this is a voluntary annexation of one parcel that totals 1.19 uh Acres uh Cypress Southeast LLC is a petitioner uh the develop the property is located uh North of Highway 540 uh west east of King Road uh and south of cross Tower Drive the petitioner is seeking annexation for the purpose of future development of the property um the subject property is currently valued at approximately $2,629 um generating about $143 to the city's uh tax rolls but additional revenues expected upon development of the property again it's voluntary annexation and staff recommends the city Commission approve uh ordinance 02 2425 okay thank you any questions 12 B CJ you want to tackle 12b and I'll fill in the holes where we we need to so uh just last month the commission approved ordinance 02421 transferring 5.3 million of the general funds fiscal year 2023 Surplus to the 2021 construction fund we have two construction funds um 1.6 million was dedicated to the lake con9 project and the remaining balance of 3.7 uh would be to fund future capital projects well we have a project in mind uh the Winter Haven Rec Center has been a priority dating back to 2017 in 2021 it was decided that rather than doing a renovation a rebuild was required collage design um is the construction manager at risk and has provided a GMP of 19.9 million taking into account the required interior costs such as Furniture fixtures equipment and contingencies brings the total to 21.3 million the current appropriated funds for the Winter Haven Rec Center are uh what we budgeted is18 million so that provides a Delta of 3.2 million uh staff recommends funding the library impact fee for the library section and that would be 150,000 and then transferring 3.1 million from the 21 2021 construction fund over to the 2015 construction fund to cover the cost for the Winter Haven Rec Center so Commissioners um when we did the original transfer of the excess funds is is uh our CFO noted back in April our thought was at that point we would those funds would be set aside for uh the Delta that we knew we would need on fire station 5 this really just comes down to a matter of timing of which project hits first within the queue um fire station 4 is under construction now we still not even to a design phase yet on fire station 5 so the need to earmark those dollars for that project uh is a little premature at this point um the Winter Haven Recreation culture center project is ready to roll forward and so this is the the final piece of just locking in uh the additional funds to to make that project happen um is was noted this also you know the our cost for the project also includes contingency dollars they're factored in there so that we've got some safeguards there's also contingency on the um the contractor's side to account for any potential increases within uh raw materials labor those things that can come up so ultimately what we're just trying to do is move that money into the correct construction fund um and and have the two readings for it uh to do that which is required as a budget amendment in the second meeting in May uh our SEC your second meeting we will bring forward the actual guaranteed maximum price for the Winter Haven Recreation and Cultural Center project at that point because the money will be in the right place and those actions can happen together and we're ready to go all right um just as a note I do anticipate some point within the next few months we will bring back another budget ordinance uh for your consideration that will hopefully prevent us from being in the situation in the future by eliminating one of those construction funds and just having a single construction fund the projects get placed in different funds over the years based upon the bond issuances that we used to fund them um but much like we have a single Transportation fund or a single affordable housing trust fund having a single construction fund just really creates some efficiencies in how projects get managed in the long run okay so right any questions all right Lake conine uh they are they doing something with the uh Community uh the town hall there good evening Andy Palmer with Parks and Recreation we have a next Tuesday evening at the Wolford Smith Center there is a con construction open house uh for uh residents that have been noticed around the uh um the lake conine area as well as some email blasts gone out and we'll have our renderings and construction plans and residents can stop by and uh see the final plans and ask any questions about timing and if they have really specific questions we can get into that as well and that's from 4:30 to 6 next Tuesday at the Wolford Smith Center all right anyone else I have one uh just final thing if I could Mr Mayor um just looking ahead your June so we're getting way here um June 19th is uh scheduled to be an agenda review that is the juneth holiday that the city has the city observes um over the past few years so that is a uh employee holiday and I'm just asking what your preference may or may not be with respect to an agenda Workshop review that evening it can be moved or cancelled or we can accommodate Council okay and then the other would be um you are scheduled to have a workshop on Wednesday July 3rd that is a work day for us it is also uh when we will do our Rock and freedom Fest event at ml Park um and I Council very well I'm supposing that everybody supports that right so yes very well we will make note of that and those two agenda reviews will be cancelled accordingly thank thank you anything else motion to adjin so we dra