e e e they should have won that First Tennessee game every week I do a stretch session had a good team FL just got hot they weren that good they just got that they got 30 minutes and I'm telling you that has really T is not here today so I'm just like what am I missing okay think I got everything Mark Turner said they might be here on 630 okay I said well Mee starts at 6 and sometimes we clip through things fast but they don't have to be here life is well done your presentation than you John I be part of it I very much I very much appreciate that and you don't need a paper agenda either use your okay all right wasn't I couldn't remember if you did or didn't today is last day watch closely what good evening I'd like to call to order the City commission meeting for this the 24th day of June 2024 uh can I have a roll call please yes commissioner dollison here commissioner Mercer here commissioner danler here mayor proam yat here and mayor bson here we have an invocation by Pastor uh Drew Bennett from the Redeemer Church and uh we'll be led in the pledge of Allegiance by Vanessa Castillo city clerk stand in favor please pray with me great God in heaven it is good to give you thanks and so we give you thanks for this day for the city in which we live for so many people who love this place and want to see it flourish for this time set before us set aside for matter and Z its governance we ask that you give our commissioners our city manager and others wisdom as they consider the pressing issues before them wisdom because the matters they will deliber on are complex often involving many competing agendas and concerns and as much as we may desire Simple Solutions there are often none to be found so grant them to listen well to work together towards the good of our city and grant us the citizens they serve patience empathy and understanding especially when we may disagree with a decision that has been made their job is difficult and thankless and so we take this moment to express our gratitude for their sincerity and effort on our behalf and we acknowledge that it's a work all of us is our called to so we're gathered here because we believe that we are called together into a work that we cannot yet know the fullest of and so we trust the voice of the one who has called us and so we offer to you God these things our dreams our plans our vision shape them as you will our moments and our gifts may they be invested toward bright Eternal ends richly bless the work before this commission before all of us Shepherd us lest we grow enamored of our own accomplishment or entrenched in Old habit instead let us listen for your voice our hearts ever open to the quiet beckoning of your spirit in this endeavor we pray Amen to the flag the United States of America and to the rep it stands one nation indice for very okay mayor and Commissioners we have uh one Proclamation and one presentation this evening our Proclamation is for parks recreation and culture month ask Julie Adams and members of her team is she so desires to come forward Proclamation reads as follows whereas Parks and Recreation programs enhance our Quality of Life by contributing to Healthy Lifestyles Community Building Economic Development and environmental sustainability and whereas Parks and Recreation facilities and activities have become essential to our community's mental and physical fitness and whereas Parks and Recreation programs boost the economy enhance property values attract new businesses increase tourism and reduce crime and whereas parks and trails ensure ecological Beauty provide space to enjoy nature help maintain clean air and water and preserve plants and Wildlife and whereas Recreation therapeutic recreation and Leisure education are essential to the rehabilitation of individuals who have been ill or disabled and whereas celebrating our achievements and successes and preparing for Florida and Winter Haven future are all likely components of Parks and Recreation and where the State of Florida and the City of Winter Haven recognizes the benefits derived from dedicated passionate public and private Recreation professionals and park resources at the local and state levels now therefore Nathaniel J Birdsong Jr mayor of the City of Winter Haven Florida does hereby extend greetings best wishes and declares July 2024 as Parks and Recreation month in the City of Winter Haven and urges all citizens with all of the quality of life benefits essential to sustained happiness and healthy well-being in witness whereof he has here and to set his hand and caused the Seal of the City of Winter Haven to be affixed this 24th day of June 2024 signed Nathaniel J Birdsong Jr mayor ATT test Vanessa Castillo all right good evening since 1985 the national Recreation and park Association has been C celebrating Parks and Recreation month to promote building strong vibrant and resilient communities through the power of Parks and Recreation also to recognize the more than 160,000 Parks and Recreation professionals there are out there in the country plus countless of seasonal and part-time staff members and teammates to help us give back to the communities in which we serve at this time I just want to take uh an Ado back to my team behind me I have here the crew that helps lead the teams in the various areas of our Parks and Recreation and culture Department to provide those vital and quality of life services that were spoken about in our Proclamation this year's theme is where you belong and I want to take a second to really let that resonate where you belong it is a statement that everyone in our communities Bel belongs within our parks recreation and culture structure we offer something for everyone whether you're small or tall whether you're young or old and whether you're involved or not so involved you can find something that fits you our community we welcome and provide inclusive programs essential services for all ages and abilities and safe accessible spaces to build those meaningful connections that Parks and Recreation is known for just some of the shortterm and long-term wins what I want to focus on today is some of the love notes when I was attending City Works and after reading Peter kagiyama book about For the Love of cities we do love our city and and recently that love note struck a chord with myself and my team so we want to celebrate some of the love notes in this short presentation this evening so as you can see our projects at a glance we have Joyce B Davis Park that's been recently completed a completely transformed location our sidewalk cafes that are loved and enjoyed by so many in our downtown Corridor the Ruben Williams sports complex which we recently got to dedicate and give back to the community and share that special moment with both the Williams and the tuggerson families the lake Albert Trail which is in process now and which will provide another space for belonging on so many levels from families and Beyond the lake conine Nature Park Park the chain Lakes stadium and of course the Winter Haven recreational and Cultural Center taking a spin for a second into another area of our department is our library and soon we'll be able to say our libraries as we welcome a branch into the Winter Haven recreational and Cultural Center so with our library system we have some winds here that we want to talk about tonight our sensory garden the Friends of the library sensory garden is a huge addition to the spaces that we provide within the libraries where people can belong and just exist and be if they want to encouraging them to take part in this in the sensory areas around them the story time for children the children's activities over the summer the digital memory lab where you can convert your stories into digital components or your photos VHS and things like that to continue the memories of your families and also these these pictures here are part of what the staff at the library has created as welcoming Vistas when you enter the library that engage those that come in and encourage them to ask questions about how else they can take part in their Library System summer camp of course we are in the throws of summer camp now uh we offer this is our camp is called off the chain and so some fun off the chain stats for our summer camp we have three locations with hopes to grow that in the future in partnership with the p County School Board currently we serve 280 kiddos in our summer camp program and of course looking to grow that into the future we provide eight weeks of programming and of course fun fun and more fun what we like to think about with summer camp is not only just what we provide from a recreation standpoint but our Partnerships with our teammates and natural resources in the public works department as well to provide not only indoor Recreation opportunities but an opportunity for them to really fall in love with the outdoors as well and just some high notes to celebrate some of the wins that we've experienced I could stand before you all night and talk about the great things that our our team provides to the community but these are some really cool things that have happened over the last year that first picture if you're going left or right uh mayor bird song was able to celebrate with Miss Annie Davis her 100th an or I'm sorry her 100th birthday at the senior center and and you've heard him speak of how she goes to Publix every day and she she spends time uh at the senior center every day as well taking part of the enrichment and the programming there the Winter Haven Recreation and cultural centers our our final public meeting we called it the public party because we had a celebration of that facility and we took a public meeting to a different level with engagement and music and and of course what wouldn't be a fun party without some snacks in addition to that our American Red Cross Centennial campaign this year we're we're really excited to be able to partner with the American Red Cross and offer offer some subsidized programming and some scholarships swim lessons and so we can offer these much needed lessons at a lower price to the community and then finally our juneth celebration that was a huge win our fourth annual juneth celebration held in the newly dawned Ruben Williams Sports Complex a a huge win for us and and a fun time for the community as a whole so again we want to celebrate Parks and Recreation month but we all want everyone to know that parks recreation and culture is a place where everyone belongs and we're so thankful for what you continue to do to to drive policy and decisions to be able to make this place a great place to be for parks recreation and culture thank you which one is what right [Music] [Applause] right right okay we have a u presentation so yes uh mayor and Commissioners um we wanted you to give you an update on the uh the ship program that's administered through the city of Winter Haven you've heard uh commissioner Daner speak on many occasions as of late on the uh how our affordable housing advisory committee is doing and some of the Great work that they are uh advancing for us and so we felt that this was a good opportunity for us also to give you an update on what's happening with our ship program this is money that comes directly to the City of Winter Haven from the state of Florida to help uh with affordable housing and affordable housing initiatives so at this point I'm going to ask Eric Labby our director of Economic Opportunity and Community investment along with Cedric Cox our assistant director of Economic Opportunity Community investment to share some uh insights with you well I will be very brief I would just like to um acknowledge Cedric's hard work as the assistant director of Economic Opportunity and Community investment in this program um and the strides we've made and um you know this this year really with this program and since we've um done a marketing campaign and Blitz in in connection with um Katrina's office and the work that they do we've really been able to get the the word out to the community and um with that I will leave the details to Cedric good evening Cedric CS assistant director of Economic Opportunity and Community investment I just wanted to provide you all a highlevel uh overview of where we stand with the ship program um and with that being said AJ we we started I went to Katrina's office um and uh she and I collaborated and Katrina kicked off a marketing campaign on April 5th um since that time during the um the the information was released via television social media and the access Winter Haven act since that time we've received um 66 applications in total with that number 47 of those applications came in since the marketing campaign of April 5th um we have 19 for down payment assistance and we have 47 for owner occupied Rehabilitation I've also um went out to the community and reached out to individuals in the community along with Miss Christina she's helped me collaborate I did a presentation at First Missionary Baptist Church which uh 44 residents were in attendance I also did a presentation at church of the Bible Way with my coworker Angie Hibbert there were approximately um eight residents and attend attendance including Pastor coward um that meeting was to give them an understanding of what the CRA and the ship program offers the community I also did another uh present presentation with the neighborhood service center in collaboration with Miss Christina there were about 29 residents and attendance at that presentation and just um so you all are aware I'm open to do these presentations in the evening on weekends wherever you need me to go out to the community I'm open and willing to meet you where the people are for the record um the current fundings where we stand for physical year 2021 we had a total funds of approximately 92,000 we've encumbered 65,000 and we've expended 30,000 what encumbered is is actual funding that we have an individual that that money has been slotted for that just not had moved to to the um contractor's phase yet I can tell you we've also um made a an agreement with the envir build who's a local contractor that he's going to specifically do all of the work for the um uh ship owner occupied rehabilitation program I submitted 10 applica uh approved applications to the contractor today to begin doing work for physical year 2122 we had approximately 428,000 in funds we have 350,000 um encumbered and we have 105,000 expended the balance remaining for physical year 2122 is a negative - 26,000 and I know that seems confusing however in certain um funding categories you can move funds from one year to another if you run out of money that's the reason it's in a negative that's a good thing not a bad thing physical year 2223 we had approximately 540,000 we got 48 590 encumbered we've expended 185,000 and have approximately 306,000 remaining for physical year 2324 we had a total of 7 approximately 78,000 and we have not yet expended end of those funds come July 1st we will receive an additional $422,400 we've encumbered or spent nearly $800,000 of ship money absolutely um okay I'm ready AJ also um I'm pushing to the Forefront um the disaster mitigation strategy this is a strategy being that we're going into the hurricane season that I was asked to promote because it can help assist with um during hurricanes and preh hurricane or anticipation of a hurricane you know we could cut down um tree branches things that out effect to to help the home be safe also after disaster strikes we can assist with um a paying Insurance deductibles that homeowners normally don't have the money to pay for um with that being said we also um working with um we collaborated I got received information from tbank for the disaster Florida Rebuild rebuild Florida program they also assist with disaster strategy and I've added that to my presentation when I go out into the community um with that being said that's all of the information I have for the presentation I'll stand for any questions questions I've got more of a statement um as the Lea's on to this now I want to congratulate Cedric for bringing new energy and this kind of information is just what I've been asking for and just what we needed and as a commission we need to know this so this is excellent so Eric you and Cedric are doing a a fantastic job um re you know bringing breath back into this to this initiative my question is the the the uh most of the money that's spent on repair of existing homes o r I think yes sir is that predominantly roofs because I know we had a big backlog of people that wanted roofs at one time is that mostly roof work or where's where is most of that money going to be spent do you know a lot of it is roof work and and electrical interior renovation but the primary is roof work and all that these this is vetted and it's qualified and all that I mean there is a process in place I'm I know there is I'm saying this from other Commissioners to hear it that that there is a process absolutely that that a person goes through to get this money yes it is a a a stringent screening process okay well I'm just I'm thrilled that this is back on track and we're doing great and I'm Eric congrats you got this you finally got somebody here that can carry the mail for you here Cedric you're doing awesome so thank you sir keep it up thank you sir yes Commissioners if I could just add a comment and just to Echo what the commissioner dancer said to have expended down out of a $1.8 million AJ if you can back up to that slide for me um to have encumbered or expended that down to a remaining balance of just over a million dollars and I think that the fact that that marketing campaign kicked off just what three months ago and we're seeing that kind of activity our goal is to ultimately be spending this down as quick as it's coming in door that means it's getting into the hands of the people that need improvements done I think we were wiring a check just today on a down payment assistance we've had a number of those going out th that's exactly what what ship funds are for help help rehabilitate homes help get people into new homes um help mitigate disaster and emergency repairs and I'm I'm very excited to be able to say that Winter Haven is moving that needle significantly at the present time with regards to uh Insurance um and I know that many we have several residents who are challenged with paying uh for home insurance yes sir and is that a requirement that must be in place before monies can be um or assistance can be given or or help that that was a a city policy and I've already spoken to uh Eric Labby and he and I have agreed that we homeowners that can't obtain homeowners insurance due to repair will go ahead and do the repair however they'll have to show proof of home owners insurance after the repairs are completed appreciate that yes sir with the with funds encumbered um is that large in part to where the down payment assistance where people have applied and then they just haven't found the home yet yes sir it's it's twofold we were having a challenge with obtaining a uh having a contractor however we now have a contractor and you know on staff so to speak and I can now submit those applications once they're approved directly to that contractor to go out to do the scope of work and get and bring us a a a a quote back and so we can quickly start the work and that's an independent contractor we're not yes that's an independent contractor um how long did they those funds stay in like is there a timeline to where like you still haven't done the work in two years three years and that well the funding runs in threeyear cycles each funding cycle is for three years we have to spend it within a three-year time period so I my concern is like on for 2021 funds encumbered 65,000 if that money is not spent yet and we're knocking on three years do we lose that money do we need to open up that money for somebody else who is ready I assure you that money will be spended before they ask to return it okay gotcha I got one more thing yes Cedric would you for the benefit of the commission and anybody that's interested in hearing explain to them what you told me the other day about rental assistance because I beat the drum on rental assistance until rental assistance with ship funds in order to be eligible for rental assistance most jurisdictions don't do the rental assistance program because all rents must meet the fair market rent standards established by Hud the the fair market rent standards that are established by Hud are below the current market rate renage rents thus we would the only participants that would potentially be qualified are individuals that are already residing in subsidized rental units oh wow would y'all hear that I mean h their their two-bedroom rental is it got to be like 1100 a month or 1 12200 a month or something which is not even close to being realistic for us to give them any rental assistance so that's why we can't use ship money for rental assistance yes sir wow it took us a while to figure that out or me anyway but yes sir and I think that I've never heard that before yeah one of the I think that's what adds value to the program that hard for Winter Haven is is piloting out for us where we looking at what's the the bridge Gap voucher uh opportunity because of that very issue that you cannot find housing that that fits that HUD standard uh in terms of the threshold so we have to find alternative Pathways to to try and find some support there anybody else thank you Cedric thank you fantastic developments of no we don't have any Commissioners you have the minutes Mr Mayor yes move to approve the minutes of the May 28th regular City commission meeting and June 5th City commission agenda review meeting thank you I will close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to these minutes may do so at this time seeing none closed the public hearing we open the commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor say I I I oppos this by the same sign hearing none the minutes are adopted okay so I have two people that wish to speak and uh Mary wants to speak on item 128 but Betty Hoffman want to address us about us 17 and Havendale Boulevard would you please come forward you have five minutes state your name and address for the record that's on the agenda TOA yeah yes good evening Commissioners my name is Mary mavic um I am a resident of Winter Haven however as a former Public Employee my address is not subject to public record um I wanted to speak to the ordinance reading that you have coming up um regarding a rezoning of the property from commercial to residential and um there at the intersection of US 17 and Havendale my concern about the impact um of these 268 combined units which are one and two-bedroom apartments is on the traffic and infrastructure um the determination made by staff was that it would result in a decrease in demand and I think that is false um or at least flawed um the staff indicates that it's based on the maximum development potential and not the current use as of today so that would be as if it was all built out um and we had big box doors there and you had all that traffic however it's not looking at the traffic congestion that is there today um in landmarks resoning application it references us92 and State Road 27 for their traffic study which is what the city accepted Ed and did not ask for any traffic study and to be quite Frank I don't really care about 27 and '92 I'm concerned about that intersection right there at the light at Havendale in US 17 um if you recall there was a joint study this US 17 vision and action plan that was done in September of 2020 um in which they did a traffic study and looked at the data for five years and they determined that intersection to be a high crash area and a safety concern so far the quote unquote improvements that um fot has made has actually created more traffic so if you look they Clos the median at the intersection of MLK and 6 Street so that is now forcing everybody in lak Ridge condos and um the Winter Haven Harbor Condos to now utilize us7 so I think it's relevant to have a traffic study done today because I think that you will find that it that it has increased um I also believe that the planning department has some flawed views that it's going to quote unquote clean up some old zoning issues which I know is their intent and what they want to do but if you look at landmarks application they have some information in there that I think is only going to create more problems they referen that the movie theater is closed um which it is not as of today the movie theater is still open um and then they also say that they are planning on using the parking at the theater in out Parcels which is Zone commercial for this new residential Zoning for the parking um so I think that um you know 168 apartment complexes utilizing the movie theater I think that's just going to muddy muddy the issues of keeping rural you know keeping the residential and the commercial separated so I'm not sure what can be done at this point I know that the 168 units are already approved um but I would encourage you maybe not to approve this rezoning request and maybe redirect staff to to look at it maybe to require some traffic studies I did try to contact afot unfortunately as Citizens we didn't have a lot of time to pull this information together because you didn't release the agenda until this past Friday where normally we have a week or so to know what um Coming agenda items there are but I did work with act do and I don't have information today from them but I hopefully will by the next reading thank you thank you all right we're going to go ahead with uh Mary I was oh you were bar uh bet state your name and address for the records you have five minutes my name is Betty Hoffman and I live at us 17 and Havendale in that area you sent me a letter saying I lived within 500 ft of um Spring Lake Mall and what was going on over there and to be honest with you I agree with Mary I was a little disappointed um that the commission meetings were changed I know you did the mailings for the first one that was cancelled two days before that Landmark informed you or I should say peacock informed you that there was uh some Bal things that needed to be changed and taken care of so they cancelled that first meeting on the same day that you mailed out the meeting for the one in May so no one would have known about the June 4th meeting until they came to that first one because you didn't send out any letters um and if my recollection is understanding when you did send letters I think if it's involving a lake you also have to send letters and since this project has got lakefront property on Spring on Spring Lake I think it is um not Springland but anyways that that land of that body of water that's 25 acres um the other condo got one letter for how many people live in there about 70 complexes in that so they only got one letter that was posted on a bulletin board to my knowledge so I think they should have been informed formed that there's going to be um more boating on that Lake because they're putting in asking for 10 docks possibly um so Spring Lake did not condos only got one letter so um and then go down my thing yeah yeah the project landmarks project thing says the movie theater is closed and it's still open and number five on their thing was the traffic study I have no idea where us92 is and sr27 I know where 27 is and um but anyways um since I live and and you guys did the study like uh that other lady was saying um there's I have a beautiful view of going into that mall off of US 17 and right now I would like to invite you all I will leave my phone number I spoke with Mr Donald dinson tonight thank you for calling me back you have my phone number I invite you to come to our place and get a beautiful view from the eighth floor at how much traffic is on there and how many cars go into that center lane going north at certain times of the day they start from that second light at Publix's Mir Terrace Road they start there getting into that center turning lane to get up to turn into the mall and then come out onto Havendale so they don't have to go through the traffic light at the corner of Havendale Martin Luther King and 17 and I see ambulance drivers and maybe they can attest to it and fire truck drivers um they cannot get through because there's so many cars in that center turning link that they can't even go around the traffic and there's no no place for those people to move because that traffic is so backed up that I can't even get into my condo on certain times of the day two and three times a day depending on when they're coming to work and going to work and lunchtime um so for me since you now have since you the fdot has started making us go on to 17 to get into our place there is there's a center cement abutment where our driveway is directly across from the mall and we can only get about three cars in there to try to get in if anybody will let us in so we are backing up people going south on US 17 so I would ask you to check into that or shorten the the do something with that role and I invite you and I will serve you lunch whatever it takes for you to come to my house and see the traffic or come out there and stand say like 2:30 to like about 5 put a camera out there whatever it takes I know that they make signs that say the speed and they also have cameras on them I I gave that to Mr bird and team Michael one other time about last year when I was having a problem over at Spring Lake um mall and uh there is a thing that you can get do this feed so anyways just go ahead and wrap it up please so that is my big concern um Landmark SL Adams Family um acquis uh scarecrow acquisition and um peacock Investments can reading 02 2427 would you read by title City attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0- 24-27 an ordinance extending the corporate limits of the City of Winter Haven Florida so as to include therein additional territory lying contiguous and adjacent to the present boundaries of the city Winter Haven Florida describing set additional territory repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with providing for the administrative correction of scrier errors and providing an effective date General location 2400 Avenue East Southwest the area covered by this request is 0.91 plus or minus Acres thank you thank you city manager we've reviewed this twice so is there no changes this evening sir this is uh staff recommend City commission approve ordinance o02 2427 for the annexation thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes motion to approve ordinance o- 24-27 on second reading thank you I will now close the city commission meeting open the uh public uh hearing is there anybody from the public who would like to speak seeing none I close the public hearing reopens City commission meeting in a discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I oppos this by the same sign motion passes 0 2429 would read by Ty and the City attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0- 24-29 an ordinance extending the corporate limits of the city of win Haven Florida so as to include therein additional territory lying contiguous and adjacent to the present boundaries of the city Winter Haven Florida describing set additional territory repealing all ordinances in conflict with providing for the administrative correction of sceners erors and providing an effective date General location that portion of West Lake ELO Drive lying between Lake ELO Terrace and Hidden Oaks Lane the area covered by this request is 3.95 plus or minus Acres thank you thank you city manager has anything subst changed no sir no changes since uh first reading staff recommends City commission approve ordinance 024 -29 thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes a motion to approve and for public hearing of 02 2427 29 29 29 thank you I will now close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone from the public wishing to speak to this audience may do so at this time seeing none I'll close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I I opposes by the same sign hearing none 02 2429 is adopted Commissioners you have the consent agenda Mr Mayor yes move to approve the consent agenda in its entirety thank you I will now close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to the consent agenda seeing none I close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion all all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I opposes by the same sign hearing none the consent agenda is adopted in its entirety all right got my paper mixed up my iPad is so low on battery it won't open up I got see I got it all right moving right along uh resolution resolution uh R2 2428 C attorney rri B tile only please thank you Mr Mayor resolution r-4 pardon me -28 a resolution of the city Commission of the City of Winter Haven Florida repealing resolution number r- 21-10 which establish the public safety Community advisory committee and disbanding the committee and providing for severability repealer and for the administrative correction of scer errors and providing for an effective date thank you thank you city manager mayor Commissioners I'm going to ask Deputy Chief of Police Vance Monroe to uh present this item this evening all right thank you mayor Commissioners uh Florida house bill 601 um will take effect July 1st and that's it would disband the current Public Safety uh Community advisory committee that we currently have as you know um February 22 then 2021 this committee was established however with the current members of nine active members and uh two alternates the next committee which will be sometime I believe we met in April 18th excuse me regarding um the disbanding of this particular committee and I believe we are going [Music] to retain a majority of the members that are currently on the uh current committee so we want to re we want to start this committee again in I believe it's August sometime I believe we're going to be meeting once again with the committee I think it's August except the date for August Excuse me yes the police chief is going to have to name each uh one of these committee members once it's deand dis disbanded um as you see with this current uh fact sheet one member has to be retired from law enforcement that's uh coming from the state uh also it ensures um it also codifies the oversight board to ensure that we are directed by the chief of police who comprise of at least three to seven members like I said currently we have 11 excuse me 11 members there any other questions regarding this particular so Commissioners if I could just give a little further clarification you have a citizen advisory committee that was established an appoint appointed by the commission um the statute that has been uh that takes effect July 1st prohibits that from being the case therefore if you you can have a citizen oversight board but it has to be appointed by your chief of police not by your elected body so our committee will disband as a result of this resolution but will be reestablished by further action of the police chief uh to continue in its very similar role to what it's doing today and those members who are part of that committee today will be reappoint we anticipate will be reappointed based upon their desire to be be reappointed by the police chief so it will continue on but it will be done so in compliance with House Bill 601 thank you little confusing of an item but that's the the gist of it all right commissioner Mr Mayor yes a motion to approve resolution R 24 28 thank you I will now close the commission meeting and open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to resolution r428 may do so at this time seeing none our Clos the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I oppos this by the same sign here and none resolution r428 is adopted resolution r429 to read by title owner City attorney thank you Mr Mayor resolution r- 24-29 a resolution of the city Commission of the city Winter Haven Florida affirmatively accepting the conveyance of that RightWay Deed from vieto Management LLC to the City of Winter Haven Florida as more particularly described in the RightWay deed executed and delivered by Viet home Management LLC to the city Winter Haven and recorded on April 15th 2024 in official records book 13076 page 1718 public records of Pope County Florida and providing for an effective date thank you thank you city manager Commissioners I think the title of the resolution was longer than the fact sheet so um you can see on your screen what we are uh officially accepting from vieto Management LLC and staff recommends the commission approve resolution 24-29 thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes motion to approve resolution all right 2429 thank you I will now close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to R2 2429 may do so at this time seeing n close the public hearing reop to the commission meeting in a discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I poses by the same sign here none resolution R 2429 is adopted okay we have one resolution that's um it's a first reading the second reading will be on July 8th Ord 02 2422 would you read by Ty L to the attorney thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0- 24-22 an ordinance amending chapter 21 of the code of ordinances of the city of wi Haven Florida by amending a portion of plan unit development ordinance 08904 providing for the administrative correction of scriveners errors repealing all ordinances in Conflict herewith providing for severability and providing for an affected date General location 800 Havendale Boulevard the area covered by this request is 13.58 plus or minus Acres thank you thank you city manager mayor Commissioners Eric Labby our director of Economic Opportunity Community investment will present this item for first reading all right thank you yes sir mayor Commissioners this is a request by Landmark Investments uh Incorporated uh to amend a portion of a plan unit development it is a plan unit development 08904 that is approximately 35 years ago when this PUD was adopted um hence for the reason for many of the changes um the p is 13.58 acres and it's developed with a commercial shopping center and Associated parking the northern portion of this part of this shopping center is Zone C3 commercial and is subject to all the city's normal uh land use and zoning regulations the southern portion is the Pud zoning portion that we're talking about ton tonight access to the shopping centers from Havendale Boulevard and from US 17 the petitioner proposes to develop a vacant portion of the property that is within the Pud designation um as a 100 unit multif family residential um Community uh this was identified in the old PUD as phase three uh commercial development uh the current PUD uh does not allow for multifam so hence the request um based on the adopted floor area ratio for primary mixed use Hub the subject property uh in its entirety the entirety of the Pud the 13 acres could be developed with approximately 1.7 million square ft of commercial uh the proposed area that we're talking about for the multif family development the vacant area is 3.1 Acres uh when examining this area alone it could be developed with up to 45,1 18 square ft of commercial space under the current PUD uh as mentioned before it is approximately 35 years old the Pud contains references to obsolete zoning dat districts pertaining to permitted uses and does not provide development standards staff proposes to provide updated permitted uses and development standards within this PUD um to be consistent with uh the rest of the development you have uh your infrastructure tables in your fact sheet denoting the impacts of the potential 45,1 18 square F feet as it is already entitled as commercial U compared to the 100 multif family units proposed you can see it is a decrease uh in portable water sanitary sewer and transportation impacts uh again concurrency is subject uh to site plan approval and is uh granted at the time uh site plan approval uh is granted you have your portable water and sanitary sewer impacts uh denoted this is consistent with the comprehensive plan uh and the primary mixed use Hub um future land use designation uh all public notification requirements were met uh no direct Financial impact uh however um in staff's conclusion we do note the request multif family development within this PUD is consistent with the development in the area and the Pud designation to the West Staff proposes changes which the petitioner agrees to as part of its application that will address the obsolete language in the Pud uh in the 35-year old PUD the requested PUD amendment is consistent with the primary mixed use future land use Hub the requested um the request would result in decreased uh impacts in water sewer and transportation infrastructure needs over the maximum development potential and this portion of Spring Lake Square shopping center has remained undeveloped for 35 years under the current zoning development of 100 multif family uh units in this space will create a true mixed use Hub and will potentially lead to further Redevelopment of the Aging Spring Lake uh shopping center the Planning Commission did hear this on June 4th and recommended approval its regular meeting staff does recommend approval thank you as I previously stated the uh second reading will be on July 8th however we've already had two people that have spoken to this and so if there's anyone else that would like to make a comment or speak to it you may do so at this time question yes Eric if you look on picture on page five of five the picture that's got brown and blue color yes sir that we're talking about just a blue area clearly but is there any chance that this just goes so well they want to start taking more of the brown area or is this is this the only place in the world they can do Residential I guess I think my pages might be a little different from yours five five of the ordinance itself Eric I got you exhibit B it's an I'm looking at on the laptop yes sir I got you yes the blue area is is the the area that would be designated for residential the Pud area is basically everything south of the the roadway that you can see if you go back to the um zoning map everything with the lines on it which is in the fact sheet so what I'm what I'm getting at will they ultimately be able to tear down these buildings that nobody's renting and put more residential in here is that the no the only place they could do Residential would be in the um blue portion according to the concept plan otherwise they'd have to come back otherwise they'd have to come back and they're and they're doing apartments right yes sir their entrance and exit will be Office 17 so I understand what these what these ladies were talking about yes sir and we've already coordinated with um fdot on this project um they are uh a participant in our development review committee meetings now and we've um asked them we've made them aware of this project and they have um indicated to me that they will need uh even though their access is through an internal Road they will need an fdot permit prior to construction so when they come in for site plan approval we'll be sharing this with FD so they will need a driver a permit yes sir and that will identify based on their trip demands what kind of improvements they may have to make to US 17 or Havendale okay all right that's good you ladies did you hear that thank you all right thank you good deal all right new business uh 13A city manager mayor and Commissioners uh you'll be traveling to the Florida League of cities annual conference in August the 15th through the 17th in Hollywood Florida and as you recall part of that conference each member municipality that sends delegates is asked to designate one of their officials to vote at the annual business session that will be held Saturday August 17th so we're asking you to designate uh a representative during that I think um from if I'm not mistaken four of you are traveling I think commissioner dancer is the only one who's not attending this Florida Lega cities conference so if you'll designate someone we'll complete the necessary form and uh deliver that back to the league be delegate very well I was last year too is that a I mean does someone want to make a motion to that effect move the mayor bong the voting Delegate for the Florida Le League of cities 2024 conference thank you you've heard the motion any discussion all those in favor with the motion let it be known by saying I I pooses by the same sign and the motion passes okay uh 13B s man thank you mayor and Commissioners uh Winter Haven Housing Authority owns 10 plus acres of land at Avenue y Northeast just north of 6th Street Northeast this property is currently developed within nine buildings containing 60 units of public housing constructed in 1982 Housing Authority plans to make application to the Florida Housing Finance Corporation for a 9% housing credit financing and is requesting a local government contribution from the city you may recall this is the same thing that we did with Florence Place and more recently with a secondary project being pursued by um Blue Sky the minimum uh lgao for p county is $460,000 which is what your other lgao have been the requested local government contribution for this project which will be known as Hill Crest Reserve is $1 million as this is a Redevelopment project including relocation of existing tenants pre-demolition environmental testing and demolition of existing structures funding above the minimum is requested may recall in 2021 when we were establishing our affordable housing Trust this is a project that came forward and there was a request at that time uh the city had committed to that but the project was not selected for funding by the Florida Housing Finance Corporation so the Housing Authority anticipates they're going to demolish the 60 units that are there and construct 120 new units of affordable housing for families you can see within your fact sheet the demographic being targeted as families and Workforce it is a three-story walkup style project uh the rent range uh at the lowest level for a one-bedroom of $430 up to a maximum for a three-bedroom of $1,590 and you can again consider that in terms of what uh Mr Cox shared earlier with the HUD levels and uh the rent assistance this these are subsidized rental rates already within there so trying to uh incentivize that further becom somewhat of the challenge Total development cost is just shy of 28 I'm sorry just shy of $30 million there's no immediate impact financially with this request however if approved the city will budget $1 million from available funds within the affordable housing trust fund for distribution in a future year we would expect that most likely to be in fiscal year 26 keep in mind that we contribute money annually and and are doing so again in your proposed 25 fiscal year budget of $250,000 from the general fund to go into the affordable housing trust fund so that helps off some of these expenses staff's recommending the city commission approve the lgao contribution in the amount of a million dollar and authorized city manager to execute the Florida Housing Finance Corporation local government verification and contribution loan form stand for any questions you may have thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor move approval of lgao um item 13B on the agenda under our new business thank you I will close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to 13B may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing we open the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I I oppos this by the same sign car n 13B is adopted mayor if I could just add a comment with this I did have opportunity to speak with uh Lisa from the Housing Authority at length um and uh would encourage any of the commission or others that have interest in in how this project lays out in the Florida Housing Finance Corporation she is a a wealth of information in that regard and is doing a phenomenal job with our housing authority projects here in Winter Haven so just want to give some C some Kudos there she's also a member of the affordable housing advisory committee yes okay thank you item 13 C okay so mayor and Commissioners this is the agreement for sale and purchase of real property uh from the historic Ritz Theater Inc uh for the property known as The Ritz Theater so you may recall earlier this year members of the historic Ritz Theater board had approached the city uh in to gauge interest and opportunity for the city to uh acquire the property known as The Ritz Theater we have engaged in discussions with the richz board and and through their legal counsil and our legal council over the past few months uh pertaining to that uh to try and advance that I think we had some very uh fruitful conversations and dialogue with the commission while that was being vetted out at this level uh is somewhat of an update on that we do have a purchase and sale agreement that we are recommending uh for consideration by the city commission this evening uh the just market value at 2023 as determined by the P County property appraiser is $494,900 or the current amount due on the note and mortgage dated March 28th 2019 uh if approved the city would have 30 days from the date of approval to perform any due diligence it deems necessary I will tell you that we have already obtained a survey we've completed a for a phase one environmental assessment and obtained a title commitment so all uh such due diligent matters have been completed and are deemed acceptable closing date would be established for August 5th 2024 uh the purchase and sale agreement outlines the additional costs that would be paid by the historic Rich theater Inc as well as those that would be assigned to the City of Winter Haven as the buyer the amount of the purchase price and closing costs would be paid from Legally available funds within the general fund however given the one-time nature of this expense it is recommended that it be paid using available funds within the current fund balance of the general fund doing so would not drop us be below any of our uh thresholds or taret Target levels within the general fund the operational expenses associated with the city's acquisition of this those things for uh costs associated with utilities occupancy and the like Insurance those have been accounted for and programmed within our fiscal year 25 budget proposal under an independent cost center so that we can track those very specifically this time staff's recommending the city commission approve the agreement for sale and purchase a real property for the purchase of the property located at 263 West Central Avenue for the value of $497,000 and the other matter set forth in the agreement for sale and purchase and authorize the city manager or his designate to execute all closing documents and take all other necessary actions related to the city's performance under the agreement for the sale and purchase of real property um I know Mark Turner and Tom Westbury and members of the Brit theater board are here this evening uh and certainly would would uh welcome any comments they may have to to this extent um I know that one of the discussions that we've had dating back to the early early uh Venture in this regard dealt with the operation of that um we have been working with uh theater Winter Haven uh to explore that and are developing a new use agreement specific to their occupancy at winter at the Chain of Lakes property but would also allow us to engage them for uh services at the richz theater if that were under the city's ownership so I expect that that um agreement uh the the primary use agreement for theater Winter Haven will come before the commission at sometime in July and with that if this purchase goes through would be it would include an addendum that would allow for uh operation of the Ritz Theater as we have discussed commissioners you want discussion or you looking for a motion looking for a motion I just wanted to add that I I'll will not be voting on this specific item due to potential conflict of interest and we'll file the form 8B with the clerk do what commissioner mayor Pro Yates will file form 8B the city clerk I want to make the motion but I wanted to talk about a couple things before I made it but um make it and then we can talk well you may guys I may not like the motion if I make it what I've got on my mind and I can be convinced I just I just feel like we should have some sort of a time frame that we in three years or something we look at this again and I said two years originally and after three years we need to revisit this and see if we want to stay in the theater business or whether we want to go ahead and sell it and turn it over to the private sector but if there's no appetite for that I don't want to make that part of the motion but I think I think that should be something that that we should consider because we're spending the Public's money on this and I think we owe it to the public to give them an exit strategy if it's not working and you know I'm I'm I feel certain it's going to work because we got Dan involved and I feel like it's going to work but in three years who knows whether he wants to keep doing it or whether we want to keep doing it and and the commission will have to be proactive in three years whether they want to stay in the theater business or not that's I was I I want to make the motion I want to do this but I would like for us to have some sort of an exit strategy if it doesn't work I'd like to ask a question wouldn't we have that opportunity to exit anywhere along the way that and to that point and I I I certainly you all do whatever you wish that you think is appropriate but my my suggestion uh and my answer to your question commissioner Mercer was yes you would so why would we need it in the motion and and I would probably recommend against that specifically in the motion only because it it it potentially puts some strictures on you that you may or may not want um and I think the transaction is potentially cleaner um with moving forward with the purchase and sale I think that it you know it's whatever you want to do but I think it's likely inferred that you all as the commission will take the appropriate actions based on the Public's interest and so I think that you could have that conversation really and anytime um that is appropriate but if you're acquiring this property there are some there are some um uh there are some operational and other use things that I think um may or may not fit within any specific time frame so you may want to give yourself some flexibility on that I I'll defer to the city manager if he has any particular comment on that one way or the other but it's more of an operational thing it just seems to me that you would have that no matter what and it might potentially muddy the Waters more by by adding that in as a condition just an observation well I I hear what you're saying and I've got no problem with that I'm just saying if it's a if we use a provision of a sunset or something to that effect it forces the commission to actually look at this because what happens is we have a tendency to do these things and then we kind of drift along and if it's no harm no foul no nothing's really happening there's no there's no drama we not going to look at it and it's and like affordable housing committee we just got some great numbers and we're able to now really track what's going on there and and it and it just took a lot of I don't want to say yapping by me but we got all that stuff I mean that's what we need we need I just feel like we need to have something that will make the Commission in three years at least look at this again because if we don't it probably won't get looked at unless there's a real problem well that's all I I I would also note that as a city manager said this is going to be a separate cost center so you're going to be looking at this every year not just in three years you'll be looking at this every budget year because you'll have to budget funds I presume that's the city manager okay idea is that consistent with your understand mayor Commissioners let me let me speak to uh commissioner's dancer's uh point there I think we're looking at this every single month in the form of budget reviews and budget performance um the same as we do a golf course the same as we do utility account services you know everything that we're doing so if for some reason down the road this is not a viable uh investment for the organization you have you have that luxury to uh to act on that as you so choose I I would sense that and I'd be happy to provide the those updates to the commission and we can Factor those into um semiannual uh updates from from the operator side as well as from staff of what investments have been made and what successes have been accomplished and what shortfalls were experienced so the commission is very much in tune with that and I think that it's right for you to expect that of us um but I can tell you that if it's if it's not performing if it's becoming an albatross around our neck at some point I'm not going to come before the commission and say let's keep putting money into something that's not successful okay well I just brought it up because I wanted to discuss it but you know I can I can sense that there's no real real appetite for that so I'll go ahead and make the motion that we approve this purchase and sale agreement for the richz theater um for $497,000 all right I will close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone from the public like to speak to this item close the public hearing we reopen the city commission meeting all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I I posos this by the same sign hearing none we just purchased a building and the record I ask Dan a question the record will reflect that was a 40 vote because of the yes commissioner Yates who's going to run the RIT between now and time we close uh it'll be it'll it'll be the Ritz responsibly until the closing is occurred and then it will be a facility under the uh direction of our Parks and Recreation Department tomorrow Dan will get the keys and no no it's not closed it is not closed until August 5th August I'm saying between now and August who will the rich theater board of directors is still responsible for the building until the closing they'll keep the insurance up and all that yes okay and let me also be clear this is not being sold to the city under any dissolution or under any idea that the Ritz Theater as an entity is going away spe specifically or particularly that and and I've discussed that with uh Mr Turner he's aware of that so uh the Ritz very much will be remain in control until closing and then like any sale uh the keys if you will will be turned over at closing and responsibility for the operation will invest on the owner okay all right any other questions all right commissioner Le on reports commissioner Mera um I attended uh the pop County all sports award and Hall of Fame ceremony at the RP funding Center um it's nice to see young adults involved and uh not only Excel in sports but also uh academically too some of those had really high um um academic had achieved that too so it's really great and of course some of them were um coaches and things that were um entered into the Hall of Fame so and then on um just to kick off on um uh juneth and the ribbon cutting and the rededication of the Ruben Williams sports complex and um also uh Jim um terson um who really achieved High honors and uh went all the way and they came back to their Hometown and they coached their youth forward pass passing it forward and they coached their youth and it was a lot of people and young older adults that were kids and that he they had coached and that spoke on behalf of him and um what they learned and what he taught them um both of them so it's like I said it really nice to see that happening and that they took care of um the younger generation and um also did um the today did the progressive design U building selection of and the RFQ scoring of the new wastewater treatment plant and uh did the unveiling of the historical marker at the Ritz um for 100 years so it was very very nice to have the historical marker around the building so you can see it now I think that's all Mr Yates I was on vacation last week so not a lot to report but I also attended the ribbon cutting uh as well as the the juneth celebration just want to thank all the staff for putting on a great event um two great events simultaneously out there so facility looks absolutely amazing um and the uh juneth celebration was was awesome as well and no hurricanes blew through this year uh to to disrupt the event so um that's the I think about the first time we haven't had a a storm blow through but uh other than that I I did want to apologize to Parks and Recreation for having to step out you would have rather me stepped out than stayed I promise um but uh dealing with a couple other things this evening so um but you guys do an awesome job and please um send on my best to the entire team so that's all thank you Mr dos I was uh privileged to uh be a part of the dedication as well for the uh Park uh which is now the Ruben Williams complex I knew Ruben um in fact I um I actually eulogized him and his family I know quite well um this past Sunday several of them came I've even baptized some of his descendants uh this past Sunday um so it was very important and very significant uh just to uh have had the privilege to uh be a part of that celebration uh school boy uh James turgon his wife uh in fact I even funeralized her too I knew her and um had the privilege of uh being in their home and it's amazing when you you know you give that kind of recognition and significance to uh individuals who had given themselves to the service of community and uh I think the one thing that will always stay with me that uh uh for serving on the commission um and having the privilege to serve uh to know that that Park actually has my name attached to it now uh and being there was uh very significant for me for for the first time so that was a big deal as far as I'm concerned uh but it's a beautiful facility uh the celebration of juneth uh of course uh the Parks and Recreation does an outstanding job we partner with them to and various efforts so uh that's just how they roll uh also the um was able to attend the sports hall of fame um George Tinsley was one of the honores and also there was another gentleman uh from Barto Mr piol and uh and I've known Mr piol many years and uh he is one of the uh first uh black coaches that took a team and won the uh state championship and uh he's in his 90s now and uh it was a long time coming but it was it was certainly wonderful to see that and see see him uh wear Adorn his jacket but also the Tinsley family for the great work that they continue to do throughout our community also today I was able to uh uh be with the p County school superintendent Fred Hyde who shared the chamber lunch and uh very informative uh as many of you know that uh our superintendent uh is uh a wealth of information and he lives and Brees the district schools and uh but just listening to some of the things uh the accomplishments but also some of the improvements uh some of the other challenges that that we are uh certainly facing as a district and it appears that uh uh our superintendent is do an outstanding job so I was privileged to be there and hear the updates and things that he would share with so many that were certainly concerned about the district as we should be with regarding our schools so that's pretty much what I all right was able to do commissioner dler okay mine will be short too I was on holiday last week I flew out to LA to spend Father's Day with my youngest son and we were in Hollywood Hills of all places and everywhere you went you saw a celebrity and I saw George of the Jungle that's who the only one I knew all the rest of them were princess brides or Princess Diaries and all these other little kids but I saw George of the Jungle and he's one of us he's not one of them he's old and fat so you know Fraser Brendan Frasier yeah Brendan Frasier yeah no he was he was uh he was eating at a cafe that we were in so but we saw all these other people that I didn't know who they were but I didn't know who George of the Jungle was did they know who you were though that's more important that's right but I will tell you um gasoline was $7 a gallon out there $6 that was high test regular was $6 so luckily we don't have that and their sidewalks are awful they don't they have these trees growing and they will not cut a tree down so the Roots come up and there's like running the gauntlet when you use their sidewalks out there so it's amazing how they protected the trees and the trees are pretty but boy it just wreaks havoc on their sidewalks oh trees Mo Problems and I'll tell you another thing there will there is no there's absolutely no affordable housing out there I don't know what their commissions are doing out there but you know anyway it's it's it was beautiful though we had some really good fun times and good weather so thank you for covering for me for juneth and all that but I spent four hours at the pulk vision board of directors we had a visioning meeting uh out at the uh Lake mtle Park uh last week and we had some riveting discussions on planning for pke vision for the next uh foreseeable future so glad that's that's good um and also like the rest of you we all had our utility talk with Gary and T and the good news is we are we had a riveting conversation about um a funding source for public art and we have got some really good ideas and T Michael and I have talked about it so we got some really good thought things coming from public art you guys just wait and watch and see okay uh had a few things I chaired the uh Central Florida Regional planning Council and uh we celebrated uh 50 years the original executive director director dou from 50 years ago uh gave us a little talk on Zoom about how it was 50 years ago wow and uh much to my amazement I had never heard this before uh commissioner uh GS was on the central Florida Regional planning Council I never heard that for so uh it was good uh attended the Father's Day luncheon at the neighborhood service center and they have a reserved spot for me in the senior center at the neighborhood service center because they said I'm older than some of them so I didn't argue with them the food was was great and I had a uh a great time um the juneth celebration was was u a good event and also uh the dedication of the park now uh give you an idea just how old I am Ruben Williams and school boy tuckerson basically uh coached me in Little League Baseball so that just tells you how long ago that was was but uh in fact uh James turkers uh was also uh my late brother's uh wife's daddy so we've been knowing them a long long time um attended the uh Sports Hall of Fame and uh it's always good to see all of the outstanding athletes uh in uh pop County and finally uh attended the TPO board meeting and um they still have not received the uh approval for the actual uh increase in numbers of the TPO where the city of w Haven would then have uh three Representatives so we're just uh waiting to to hear about that and that's pretty much it for me City attorney thank you Mr Mayor commission nothing this evening city manager I have one thing this evening so uh commissioner Daner mentioned funding for art so this isn't really in line with that but I want to share with you City of Winter Haven airport has acquired a piece of art and I think AJ has it um you may recognize that jent so this I believe is a submitt in the the uh current Aviation exhibition that is on display and hanging inside the airport um that is commissioner uh JP po somebody uh Christy hamway had had painted that so we thought that um it was such a befitting tribute to him that has been permanently acquired we have a couple pieces at the airport that were permanently Acquired and uh we're Troy heidle our airport director is going to be working with uh uh hopefully uh Kim and Travis Powell to get some comments that we can put to a plaque uh to kind of celebrate uh JP no one had a of all the Commissioners uh probably him and him and Jamie Becket were the two that had more love for the airport than anybody else and so um nice tribute to him yes uh beyond that I just share with you we are doing uh some budget briefings with the commission this week and look forward to uh to sharing some thoughts on the upcoming budget with those that I haven't had a chance to meet with yet and we are lining everything up for a budget presentation in July so that you can vote on your uh millage rate and do meet all of your trim requirements prior to August 1st and uh just other than that thank you for all your support with the Ruben Williams Sports Complex in the juneth celebration and uh congratulations to our Parks and Recreation Department and best wishes for a happy Parks and Recreation month deput city manager I do have one uh small fun one for you this evening uh you may recall a few months back I mentioned that FWC has a program called trophy catch and they had released a bass in lake relle with a pink tag that had some prize money tied to it well the bass has been caught Harry lindberger I fourth caught a prize pink bass 11 pound 4 ooun was this bass by the way in Lake relle in the Northwest Winter Haven chain he'll receive $1,000 in Fishing apparel tackle and $1,000 check from the trophy catch it's kind of cool kind of fun deal I know mayor bird song was out there hunting for it so yes I 11b bass you can eat off that for a while I never C when that be that's it for tonight city clerk nothing for me this evening thank you Deputy city clerk is not here um emergency m not received for the agenda motion to adjoin we adjin here