do you need it until after the meeting I okay yeah cuz I can read easier for me to read work thank you yeah yeah yeah good afternoon sir for you to do what's going on how are you sir I'm well thank you how are you tonight good the regular City commission meeting uh so this the 11th day of March 2024 at 6: p.m. can we have a roll call please yes commissioner Mercer here commissioner dollison here commissioner danler here mayor proam Yates here and mayor B song here all right we have invocation and there's no one listed uh Abdul Al oh it is on here it's not on my on my agenda Abdul Al Street just stand and faithful and we'll have the Pledge of Allegiance by Bessa Castillo City cler let us pray for the name of God your merciful benefactor merciful Redeemer we come to you in this hour asking your prayers peace and blessings on these our commissioners and staff who have been called to lead our community in which we live work in place we ask dear Lord that you will grant them the wisdom knowledge understanding and courage to make and decision that would enable our city and his people to live prosper and grow in safe and unity we ask dear God that in all their deliberations they would think first of the least of these when you said what you've done un the least of these you've done me we pray a special prayer tonight in this the seasons of Lent and Ramadan may it be a season of prayer fasting charitable giving and sacrifice Done For Your Glory and the benefit of your people now Lord as we enter into this meeting we thank you for answered prayer thank you for your grace and mercy may we always be guided by the spirit of community Justice and love and give you all the praise honor and Glory United States of America and to for it stands one nation indivisible with liberty and justice for all right have some presentations some proclamations look at you you going [Music] to so we have two proclamations to read this evening uh Commissioners if you want to yes join us down front down front MJ Carnival Deputy C manager will present our proclamations I believe Mr canning is here to receive this whereas by 1776 nearly 300,000 Irish Nationals had immigrated to the American colonies and played a crucial role in America's war for independence five signers of the Declaration of Independents were of Irish descent and three signers were Irish born Irish Americans helped to Fashion a system of government for our Young Nation in fact 22 presidents have proudly proclaimed their Irish American Heritage and whereas in 1792 Irish born James hovin provided the architectural plans for the White House and served as one of the supervising Architects for the construction of the capital and where his Irish born Commodore John Barry was recognized by the United States Congress in September of 2002 as the first flag officer of the United States Navy Commodore John Barry fought the last sea battle of the American res Revolution off the coast of Florida and whereas in 1813 Captain Oliver Perry and Irish American achieved a major Naval victory in the Battle of Lake Erie and whereas in 1942 the five Sullivan five Sullivan Brothers made the ultimate sacrific for democracy and freedom during the naval battle of guadala canal and later had the Destroyer USS Sullivan commissioned in their memory and whereas the Irish first came to Spanish La Florida in the 1500s first as missionaries and mercenary soldiers and then as Planters Traders businessmen doctors and administrators and whereas three of the Spanish governors of La florita were actually Irish Military Officers and whereas Father Richard Arthur an Irish born priest from limmerick Who was appointed Parish priest for St Augustine in 1597 and ecclesiastic judge of La florita established the first public school in America and opened it to both boys and girls of all Races and whereas Andrew Jackson whose family came from County antram served as Florida's military Governor following its acquisition by the United States States and whereas Irish Americans since America's Inception have provided and continued to provide leadership and service to this nation's political business and religious establishments therefore it is fitting and proper to celebrate the rich Heritage and the many valuable contribution of contributions of Irish Americans now therefore Nathaniel J Birdsong Jr mayor of the City of Winter Haven Florida does hereby recognized March 2024 as Irish American Heritage Month in the City of Winter Haven Florida in witness whereof he has heing to set his hand and caused the Seal of the City of Winter Haven Florida to be a fixed this 11th of March 2024 May birome City commissioners ladies and gentlemen G CH good evening behalf of the Irish American community in Florida I would like to express my gratitude for your kind consideration in designating March as Irish amican heritage month St Patrick's Day March 17th is without questioning the biggest celebration of a national day across the globe throughout American and Canadian cities in Ireland the United Kingdom Germany Norway Denmark Australia New Zealand South Korea Japan Nigeria we not up and even on the Caribbean island of monserat the only other country in the world that decare St Patrick's Day a national holiday people will be celebrating this occasion and pro proclaiming themselves Irish for the day this Proclamation will coincide with festivities that are currently underway as Irish Americans once again gather to celebrate their Heritage throughout the state of Florida during the month of March Irish Floridians proudly reflect on the legacy of their Irish forbearers who have contributed significantly in the areas of Education business Sports literature science engineering medicine law enforcement and the Arts these are just some of the contributions that have been made not only by the Irish but by so many ethnic and racial groups who came to these United States from the four corners of the world and who have assisted in developing this great country of ours as the current Florida AOH state Secretary past National director for the southern states and past Florida State president of the Ancient Order of Hans the oldest and largest Irish organization in the world Tracing Our Origins back to the 1500s as the Riven Society I would like to acknowledge the exem exem honor mayor birar song and the City commissioners have bestowed upon all Irish Americans living within this community on the great state of Florida thank you and have a blessing St [Music] right three one two three one more okay are you suggesting something all right our next Proclamation is government Finance professionals week I think members of our City Finance team are here to receive that whereas the Florida government Finance Officers Association is a professional association founded in 1937 and serves more than 3,300 professionals from state county and City governments school districts colleges and universities Special Districts and private firms and whereas the fgfoa is dedicated to being a professional resource by providing opportunities through education networking leadership and information and whereas this government Finance professionals week sponsored by the fgfoa and all of its member governmental organizations is a week-long Ser series of activities aimed at recognizing government Finance professionals and the vital Services they provide to our state and our community and whereas during the week of March 18th government Finance professionals throughout the State of Florida will be acknowledged for their hard work dedication and Leadership now therefore Nathaniel J bird song Jr mayor of the City of Winter Haven Florida does hereby recognize the week of March 18th as Government Finance professionals week in the city of Winter Haven and extend our appreciation to all government Finance professionals throughout the state and here in the City of Winter Haven for their hard work dedication and Leadership and witness whereof he has here un to set his hand and caused the Seal of the city of Wen Florida to be a fixed this 11th day of March 2024 thank the Commissioners for this Proclamation better okay we want to thank you all for this Proclamation this is like better than winning the Oscar um and um we also Alan gonna sing like the kenergy song or anything he not that's him um we also want to thank the gfoa for this recognition I don't know if you're aware but the gfoa sets the standards for both our budget and financial reporting we have three members me Alan weeks Debbie Tate who couldn't be here and um Ruben Williams he's our intern we affectionately call him reuben sandwich and he will be gradua in May and he will also become a member so the gfoa is the has the ruling authority of both the US and Canada um but they do provide a lot of services like best practices how to implement procl proclamations or yeah pronouncements um they offer training and um job postings that's how I found this job so thank you very much it's like an Oscar [Music] two bar movie bar movie character called Allan because there was an all as well it's it's hilarious thank you for do this all right uh developments of note we have none uh Commissioners you have the uh February 7th minutes the February 12th minutes Mr Mayor yes motion approve February 7th and February 12th sets of minutes all right I will now uh close the city commission meeting open public hearing anyone wishing to speak to these minutes may do so at this time seeing none our Clos public hearing reopen City commission meeting all those in favor for the motion let it be known by saying I I closes by the same sign hearing none are adopted all right we'll move on audin say second reading audin oh Mr Mayor any comments from the audience is there any comments from the audience and I do have two comments Cesar no last name really good I this may pertain to an agenda item is it pertain to an agenda item okay that go which which agenda item 12 C 12 okay it's 12C and the other one is 12C as well so we will cover both of those when we get to 12 SE thank you sir I will give an opportunity to anyone else that may not have signed to address the commission you may speak at this time if you would like all right seeing none I'll move on to ordinate second reading 0241 would you read by tyone City what do I call you assistant City attorney or City attorney stand in I I am the assistant City attorney yes all right all right thank you thank you it's a pleasure to be here this evening um mayor on the on the day of tonight is ordinance number 0- 24-11 an relating to finance implementing sections 39 and 40 of chapter 73660 laws of Florida as amended making findings of fact and articulating intent enacting section 17-150 of the code of ordinances of the City of Winter Haven Florida authorizing the city manager designate to approve budget transfers of revenues and any parts or all the unincumbered balances of Appropriations within a fund subject of City commission ratification providing for conflict severability codification administrative correction of scribers erors providing for an effective date mayor the sign him is on for second reading tonight thank you city manager mayor Commissioners we've uh had I think lots of discussion on this I don't have any further information to share nothing's changed since your first reading or since the agenda review um this is being uh recommended to better manage budgetary controls and improve transparency and enhance the overall budget process staff recommend City commission approve ordinance 0 24-11 on second and final reading thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes motion motion to approve ordinance 0- 24-11 on second reading thank you I will now close the city commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to 02 2411 may do so at this time seeing none I close the public hearing is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I opposes by the same sign hearing none O2 2411 is adopted all right o 2412 which be read by title only assistance uh C attorney thank you mayor next on the day of tonight is ordinance number 0- 24-12 an ordinance amending chapter 21 Article 2 Division 3 section 2168 and chapter 21 article 9 section 21- 531 of the code of ordinances of the City of Winter Haven Florida for the purpose of amending standards and definitions related to fences and walls providing for administrative correction of scers errors repealing all ordinances in Conflict herewith providing severability providing for CIF apption providing an effective date mayor this item is on for second reading and public hearing thank you so city manager this is nothing's changed nothing's changed this is uh improving the flow of section 2168 of the code of ordinances and providing clarification with respect to fences and walls and adding some uh maintenance requirements setback standards and definition for retaining walls second and final reading uh Planning Commission did approve this unanimously or votee unanimously to recommend this for your approval staff recommend C commission approve ordinance 04-12 on second and final reading thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes uh move for motion to approve o0 24 12 uh and public hearing thank you I will now close the city commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to 02412 may do so at this time saying none I'll callose the public public hearing reopen the city Commission meeting Commissioners any a discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I oppos this by the same sign hearing none 02412 is adopted 02 2414 assistant City attorney would read by tile only please yes mayor the next item on the day is tonight is ordinance number 0- 24-14 an ordinance of the City of Winter Haven amending chapter 13 pensions and retirement employee benefit programs Article 2 firefighters Retirement System of the code of ordinances of the city of wter Haven by mending section 13-34 vesting to permit commencement of P benefit payments to otherwise excuse me vesting to permit commencement of benefit payments to vested terminated members when they are otherwise qualified for early or normal retirement providing for severability of Provisions repealing all ordinances and conflict herewith providing the administrative correction of scrier errors and providing an effective date mayor the sign is on for second reading and public hearing thank you city manager May Commissioners again we've had uh three discuss questions on this through agenda reviews in the first reading is noted the pension Board of Trustees for the fire pension for the City of Winter Haven is requesting to amend the vesting provisions of the plan to permit commencement of the benefit payments to vested terminated members when they are otherwise qualified for early or normal retirement uh this is uh recommended for approval um on second and final reading of ordinance 0 24-14 thank you commissioners Mr Mayor yes motion to approve ordinance 0- 24-14 on second reading right thank you I will now close the city commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to all 2414 may do so at this time by coming to the podium stay in your name and address for the record seeing none I close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I I opposes by the same sign thank you motion carries all right Commissioners we have the consent agenda Mr Mayor yes motion to approve the consent agenda as a whole thank you I will now close the city commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to the consent agenda may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing reopen City commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let be known by saying I I posos this by the same sign hearing done the consent agenda is adopted resolution r244 City attorney read by title only assistant a City attorney would you read by title only please thank you mayor the next item of the day is tonight is resolution number r- 24-14 a resolution of the city Commission of the City of Winter Haven Florida affirmatively accepting the conveyance of that certain real property from aw Properties LLC a Florida limited liability company in the City of Winter Haven Florida as more particularly described in the quit claim deed executed by sadw Properties LLC to the City of Winter Haven and recorded on July 31 2023 in official records book 12783 pages 1120 through 11121 public records of P County Florida and providing for an effective date thank you city manager mayor and Commissioners the commission had approved entering into this land swap agreement with saaw properties on June 12th 2023 and the closing occurred on July 25th 2023 uh the date the deed was recorded at July 31st 2023 resolution R 2414 formally accepts the real property from sa Properties LLC staff recommends the commission approve resolution R 24-14 thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes motion to approve resolution r- 24-14 thank you I will now close the city Commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to R2 2414 may do so at this time by coming to the podium stating your name and address for the record say n I'll close the public hearing reopen the uh commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I opposes by the same sign resolution r244 passes resolution r24 17 would you read by tyone assistant City attorney yes mayor next item on the day is tonight is resolution number r247 a resolution of the city Commission of the City of Winter Haven Florida affirmatively accepting the conveyance of that certain real property from ACG BBQ LLC a Delaware limited liability company authorized to do business in the State of Florida to the City of Winter Haven Florida for lands as more particularly described in the quit claim deed executed by ACG BBQ LLC a Delaware limited liability company authorized to do business in the state of Florida to the City of Winter Haven Florida and recorded in official records book 12974 pages 1570 through 1574 of the public records of P County Florida and providing for an effective date thank you city manager May Commissioners on January 12th 2024 ACG BBQ LLC delivered a quick claim deed for the real property more particularly described there in this into into the City of Winter Haven and noted on the uh the map that's before you this was recorded on January 17th 2024 the property will be utilized for sidewalk and RightWay purposes and is conveyed in conjunction with the owners uh development of a Sunny's Barbecue Restaurant on the adjoining property we'll note that that sidewalk has already been constructed along US Highway 17 resolution r247 formally accepts the real property from ACG BBQ LLC staff recommend City commission approve resolution R 24-17 thank you thank you commissioner Mr Mayor yes um move to approve resolution R 2417 thank you I will now close the city commission meeting open the public hearing anyone we wishing to speak to R 2417 may do so at this time by coming to the podium stating your name and address for the record seeing none I'll close the public hearing reopen the city commission meeting any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I all right opposes by the same sign hearing none uh resolution R 2417 is adopted all right we have ordinances uh first reading and the second reading will be on uh March 25th so ordinance 0249 assistant City attorney rre by title only please yes mayor next item of the day is tonight is ordinance 0-24 09 an ordinance amending ordinance 2325 the 23rd 5 Winter Haven comprehensive plan 2035 future land use map series by revising the future land use map series by assigning neighborhood Suburban future land use to one NX parcel repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with providing for the administrative correction of scrier Errors providing for severability and providing an effective date General location a parcel generally located Southwest of the intersection of old Barto Lake Wales Road and Waters Road the area covered by this request is 19.2 n plus or minus Acres mayor this item is on for first reading tonight thank you s manager mayor and commissioner Shelton rice request the city assign neighborhood Suburban future land use and multif family residential low density R3 zoning District to an Annex parcel totaling 19.2 n plus or minus Acres this is located the southwest of the intersection of old BTO Lake Wills Road and Waters Road and it was annexed into the city November 27th of 23 petitioner proposes to develop the property with residential but a specific product mix of and units has not been determined at this point at the maximum density of 12 units per acre Allowed by the arth zoning District the theoretical maximum number of units is 231 surrounded by single family residential and land approved for the peace Creek Village to the north vacant land R3 zoning to the east Citrus Groves to the South and a single family resident to the West the peace Creek Village has an approved site plan of 324 units with a mixture of single family and town homes to the Northwest toward County Road 6 53 553 single family units are under construction in the P Creek Reserve subdivision and there's an approved site plan for 120 Town Homes requested arth res zoning District would allow a maximum of 231 residential units based upon the acreage and the uh table within your chart shows the expected potential demands for water sewer uh and as well as Transportation final concurrency determination shall be made at the time the property receives site plan approval and is developed as far as public schools available capacity is determined by P County Public Schools at the time of final plotting for subdivisions or upon final site plan approval for multif family developments uh based upon the maximum build down of 231 units up to 48 Elementary 20 middle and 33 High School seats may be required uh this school the closest school to this is going to be South Point Elementary due uh Due West of here the requested neighborhoods future land use uh Suburban sorry the requested neighborhood Suburban future land use is consistent with the surrounding City and uses and designations the requested rth3 zoning district is consistent with the neighborhood Suburban future land use designation and City designations to the East and North Planning Commission heard this February 6th of 2024 and voted to recommend approval there were no members who spoke staff recommend City commission approve ordinance 0249 for advancement to uh second reading thank you all right Commissioners we will have a second reading on March 25th if there is anyone from the public that would like to speak to this audience you may do so at this time all right mayor can I ask can I make one quick comment on this and just and and I'm just talking to the Commissioners on this basically you know we approve these things I've been approving these things for 10 or 11 years and what I'm going to talk about at our plan retreat in the near distant future is is pertains to things like this that I I'm I'm hoping that we're going to figure out a way to maybe change our code or an ordinance or something where when we approve things something like this that some portion therein becomes Workforce housing I don't know how we do it or how how we come up with something like that but we've got to start addressing this issue of Workforce housing for the people that work for this city for school teachers and other people and this this is a prime example if because it's too early to tell now but if it's written into the code that 5 or 10% of these developments that we approve out here have some percentage for Workforce housing however it looks it's very generic I know I'm being kind of bland but this is exactly what we as Commissioners here all the time you're tearing down these Groves and you're putting all these high-end condos and nobody can afford them that live here and blah blah blah so I'd love to see the what we're what what's going on I guess I do I mean but at the end of the day I'm going to start talking more and more and I'm talking to you guys at this planning Retreat about trying to come up with ways to start addressing Workforce housing I'm not talking about I'm not talking I'm not talking about you know anything other than Workforce housing that's what's on my mind so and I'm using this as an example because this could this could be 244 units I think T said so if you had 10% that's 24 units that we could potentially have for the people that work for our community that that can't afford to live in our community because prices have gotten so high so let's start thinking about that and this is a good example that helps me bring home what I'm talking about so that's it that's all I had mayor okay anyone else just quick question we always kind of talk about these these trips on the roads but you know why not one more time so old Barto Lake Wales road so is Highway 653 considered part of that trips or is that I mean because it that's where all the the cars are flowing from this development is that in consideration in these trips or yeah we take into consideration when they submit their traffic study there the trips are dispersed amongst the roadway Network so some would be traveling um east and south some would be traveling uh West and north um and so we look at those dispersement of trips and verify through the currency management system that there's available capacity on those adjacent roadway networks to handle those trips and I and I may just be missing it but it seems like we had talked about at one time you know accounting for in this grid um already approved projects and trips taking out I don't am I missing it or is that not in here so those those are accounted in our concurrency management system at the time of platting when they get their plat approval then they're vested um for those trips and we count those we subtract them out of the equation so that they're not double counted um when we we don't do concurrency management at L use and Zoning what we look at at L use and Zoning is compatibility and density and surrounding uses um we must assign a land use and a a zoning designation to all Annex property um so at this point you know we do a high level analysis um but then when they do submit for site plan review we we dig into the details and if they do not uh if there are not adequate trips on the roadway they cannot get their approval and I get that part and and I I understand we're just assigning zoning here but do you know capacity wise where you know what that looks like now because that I do I would I would say 653 is starting get to get constrained yeah at this point so is it is it kind of like are we getting to the point point where first one that gets it in gets it in and then the others are sitting waiting that's how it works yes sir where we're at on that pretty much yeah yeah if there's capacity at the time of plat that the first one in will receive it and then if if the capacity is is no longer there then we're not allowed to issue an approval and that that seems like probably where we're at out there I'd probably defer to Shawn on exactly where we he he maintains the concurrency management spreadsheets but I do know it's getting constrained on 653 okay okay anyone else all right we will have the second reading on March 25th on it's 02 2410 which assistant City Man City attorney R read by Ty lony please thank you mayor the next item of the day is tonight is ordinance number 0- 24-10 an ordinance amending chapter 21 of the code of ordinances of the city of winner hav in Florida by signing multif family residential lowdensity R3 zoning District to an NX parcel repealing all ordinances in Conflict here with providing for the administrative correction of scrier Errors providing for severability and providing an effective date General location a parcel generally located Southwest of the intersection of OB Barto Lake Wales Road and Waters Road the area covered by this request is 19.2 n plus or minus Acres mayor this item is on for first reading tonight thank you city manager mayor Commissioners this is a companion ordinance to what was just presented this is ordinance 02410 and pertains to the zoning all right we will have the second reading on March 25th however if there's anyone from the public that would like to speak to this ordinance you may do so at this time Commissioners are there any questions that you need all right we'll move on to um ordinance 0 2413 thank you mayor the last of formal business on the day of tonight is ordinance number 0- 24-13 an ordinance amending chapter 21 Article 2 Division 5 section 2197 and chapter 21 Article 2 Division 2 table 2132 uh Suba for the purpose of addressing pharmacies and medical marijuana dispensing facilities in the mixed use MX zoning District amending chapter 21 Article 2 Division 2 table 21-32 Suba for the purpose of addressing medical clinics amending chapter 21 article 9 section 21- 531 for the purpose of amending and adding definitions relating to medic related to medical offices and medical clinics providing for the administrative correction of scribers errors repealing all ordinances in Conflict herewith providing separability providing for codification and providing an effective date mayor this item is set on first reading tonight a public hearing is required by Florida law thank you city manager May Commissioners I'm going to ask Eric Labby to present uh ordinance 0 2413 for first reading mayor commissioner section 2197 of the Winter Haven code of ordinances provides standards for pharmacies and medical marijuana dispensing facilities and was adopted in 2018 with the legalization of medical marijuana by the state of Florida uh other than where preempted by state law local jurisdiction cannot regulate medical marijuana dispensing facilities differently from pharmacies currently these uses are not permitted within the MX zoning District within properties currently zoned MX there are two large medical clinics within the City of Winter Haven one of these medical medical clinics is currently seeking to open an accessory Pharmacy with their medical clinic campus staff has reviewed this and determined allowing pharmacies and medical marijuana dispensing facilities by special use approval as an accessory use to a medical clinic only in the MX zoning District would be appropriate uh this request proposes the following amendments adding pharmacies and medical marijuana dispensing facilities as an accessory special use adding medical clinics as a use to the table uh a table of uses which is table 21 32A and allowing them in the same zoning districts uh as a medical office uh that a medical office is currently allowed and amending and adding definitions for both medical office and medical clinic um all notification requirements were met uh the Planning Commission did hear this on February 6th 2024 at a regular meeting voted recommend approval of this request two members of the public spoke in favor of the request staff does recommend City commission approve approve ordinance 02 2413 stand for any questions you may have thank you we will have the um second reading on March 25th we have two people that would like to speak to this audiance and the first one is Cesar so would you come to the podium and state your name and address for the record good evening Cesar sedeno and my address is 5410 Southwest 196 Lane Southwest Ranches Florida um thanks for your time today the um what what we're well I represent Center W Pharmacy Center W Pharmacy belongs to human Insurance um we um we are working with Bond Clinic and they'll speak a little bit after after I'm done to talk about what we want to do but we're we're trying to open a pharmacy within their Clinic to take care of the patients that are in that clinic we do not do medical marijuana at all um we have a we have a crew we have actually a pharmacist and two technicians that are actually hired um we uh we've completed the buildout of the pharmacy we're just waiting for the business license when we found out that it's uh was not permitted by zoning we started the process that that uh led us here today um we have uh 34 uh Pharmacy locations in Florida 32 that are inside a clinic the other two are a mail order facilities um each of our Pharmacy team consists of at least one registered pharmacist and at least one technician in this case we have two technicians hired for this location um our pharmacists do what every other pharmacists would do in your normal regular Community Pharmacy we dispense medications we promote adherence to medication we provide counseling to patients immunizations um and we uh we partner with the clinic that we're in to establish um an Optimal Health outcome for our patients that's all I have thank you all right thank you just like state your name and address for the record please good evening Ashley scanlin it's 2930 eagle nest View Drive and I am here tonight representing Bon Clinic um we know Cesar and the center well name may be new but the Bond Clinic name in Winter Haven is not um we celebrated our 75th anniversary last year and our pillars are Community Access quality and reduced cost and having a pharmacy on our premises is going to allow us to be able to meet those pillars in a a very specific way five of our seven locations are in the Winter Haven Community uh treating about 1,700 patients in those locations each day and so them being able to come on our premise and see their physician and get their medications ref build um in one stop is going to be something that our patients have been asking for for a long time uh this is about a 4-year project in the works um Dr a Aus our CEO um has been very specific about bringing on a specific partner that they know is going to be able to meet all of our needs and so we are very grateful to Eric Ley and his team of helping us walk through this process we desire to be good Community Partners we feel like um having the definition of this only being allowed in a medical clinic um with very specific parameters is important for us to be Community Partners so we thank you for your time this evening all right mayor I've got a question for for the lady can I ask you a quick question I don't mean to put you on the spot oh you're fine um and I'm a patient of mon clinic and I love mon clinic so other than like CVS and W R who would be against this I don't understand why who would who would not want you to do this I don't think that there's any opposition with that I think it simply has been the way the code was written um and opening up the door for um dispensary that because of there being schools in close proximity and a lot of single um resident housing I've learned a lot um that that the code is written very specifically and so as we talked with Eric and his team my first question was well how how can we make this happen why also protecting the community and and not allowing dispensaries where it's not wanted so but there's no heading or there's no fighting going on that we're not aware of okay none thank you that's all I had yeah all right anyone else quick question so Eric the only reason medical marijuana was thrown in here is that's just because how the state statute wrote it basically yep exactly correct creating confusion where there didn't need to be confusion yes they've never done that before um no comment so and and and so it does I guess my my concern is this doesn't just affect Bond Clinic this affects would affect the the broader Spectrum right so are we opening the door potentially for the broader Spectrum so it it only allows for pharmacies and medical marijuana dispensaries within a medical clinic that has three or more practices within that clinic that's how we Define a medical clinic um in the MX District we currently only have two of those um types of clinics uh and so I don't believe it opens the door for any negative impact on the community we still have regulations in place in the code that they have to be separated 500t from a school medical marijuana specifically has to be 500 feet from a school so we still have Protections in place it can only be allowed as an accessory special use so it has to be partnered with a clinic of which we only have two currently in the MX District um and it has to go through a special use approval so the Planning Commission gets to see it and look at Community impacts and approve or deny it as well so I I believe we have adequate Protections in place get that thank you anyone else but I think it's also for the uh adding Clarity for definitions uh related to that since the uh the medical uh medical marijuana piece was you know added uh so I think that was the real reason soon so that there would be Clarity and definition for that so it wouldn't be an ambiguity with regards to it to the zoning itself right with respect to the definitions we added is that what you're saying yes yep yeah so we specifically uh modified and add we modified the definition of medical and health care offices um to specifically say when three or more medical um fields are located within one office Medical Campus it should be considered a medical clinic and then we go on further to Define medical clinic within our code okay anyone else we will have our second reading on March 25th we have no new business commission L our reports commissioner dler I got really nothing I would spent a week in Charleston with my three grandkids that's where I caught this cold um but I was able to get back in time for officer Patterson's uh W Lane ceremony and that's one I don't I rarely miss that one I really do like that particular ceremony and I had a a meeting today with Austin graveley he's the fort me Fort me mayor he's just threw his hat in the ring to run for Sam killer Bru seat and he's working the rounds he's going to be coming and seeing all of you guys at some point um nice man and we had a nice long visit in the conference room in here about what he wants to do and he's definitely a home rule home rule guy so but his name is Austin graveley and he'll be reaching out to each and every one of you I I suspect so but that's it for me mayor okay thank you Comm doson well I had the uh privilege of actually having my last orientation today you're already we were going to have a graduation ceremony for him this evening I get a pen a cap or something you know but uh but it was uh I want to say that uh I've really enjoyed the process that uh it was um very well laid out uh and uh really helped me to really appreciate uh the uh one the staff and the leadership of our city and the functioning of various departments so uh I want to uh certainly give a uh big thank you to our city um manager and staff for just uh laying that out so wonderfully I appreciate every bit of that also had the opportunity to uh be a part of the Florida Citrus Mutual Florida Citrus Hall of Fame and uh that was quite enlightening I had never didn't know much about them uh but uh just some wonderful people that have world the Trailblazers I guess for this area in Citrus and uh also was able to attend the Planning Commission meeting um it's interesting coming to the Planning Commission just kind of come in Full Circle for me because uh that's the first Commission served on uh in the city many years ago and so it's interesting come back to that and be able to be a part Las on to them also I was able to uh be here for the memorial for uh Johnny Patterson Jr uh that faithful day and that time uh certainly has been a part of my memory from 27 years ago uh the chapy program was established uh at the death of uh officer Patterson and myself Father Fred Roose and uh and uh officer mooseburger and Daryl Kirkland who was our chief at the time and uh we established the uh chapy program then so it was just wonderful to see uh the parents and uh I'll never forget Johnny's mother as she leaned uh and laid upon on my shoulder she said you know I miss my baby and uh it really touched my heart um because you know when you uh lose your child that is a terrible terrible loss also I was able to uh attend the uh City Employee Appreciation wonderful picnic uh good hamburgers and hot dogs and uh enjoyed every every bit of that was able to go just a few days ago to the Legoland new attraction and uh I got a chance to set it in the Ferrari uh I'll never forget trying to get out of it was a little experience but uh but it was uh it's it's really nice I think it's going to be a lot of fun for a lot of children who will uh come to the park and enjoy it that's it that's all I have all right commissioner Mercer okay um I attended the community Fest I think that's about the largest I've seen it in quite some time um I attended the Florida Citrus Miss Florida Citrus and Miss Winter Haven and then the hundred-year uh celebration um also leadership poke um Winter Haven day um attended their luncheon meeting here they visited all the sites in the City of Winter Haven and mainly City Hall and that um the city employees appreciation um barely got there in time so um cuz we're so I was double booked on some other things on on that issue um did the Lego uh Ferrari build and race um like I said got to sit in the car um it's pretty amazing to to see that it was made out of Legos and two tons two tons yeah two tons of Legos and so w but anyway um and also did the PSC evaluation RFQ 2415 design criteria for the wastewater treatment plant um and attended a officer Johnny Patterson's annual Memorial ceremony and I do try to make that uh every year I was working here um when he um got killed so uh Winter Haven uh PD run for Special Olympics I did that uh last year I placed first this year I got fourth but the cold weather and some of the rain I didn't get out and walk that I normally do so kind of slowed down I guess some too um and I also uh did did a fundraiser for project Eagle uh did that um served Gator for from about 11 1: uh 12 to 1 1:00 I think cuz it was late coming out until about three or four so um on the housing um thank you mayor for all that you're doing on trying to get that going and the second piece of it you know the plan was the first piece and and uh how to go about that and we got the plan and locally we got the fund established but part of that was fighting the battle um for the state who um uh kind of uh I guess provide the money through a taxing means and then they use it for everything else but what it was designed to use be used for and that was affordable housing so now we after two years of fighting um that battle with the legislature they now are allowing it to be used they dedicated it 100% to affordable housing but they still take from that fund they they promised it one year and the next year they took from it again so uh but we've got 88 units um uh you know here now and there's more being built and so uh the next step is getting that development piece and thank you than you mayor for getting that started so mayor Pro just a couple items this evening um attended the downtown CRA meeting which several of the items that we discussed this evening in our in our CRA meeting um were discussed in that meeting uh attended the Art Festival this past weekend had the first opportunity to um sit at a sidewalk cafe and have lunch um drug my 14-year-old with me and he had waffles so he enjoyed it and um our little dog Daisy she uh she approved it as well so Sidewalk Cafe is is good to go Daisy approved um TJ Smith and D goodwi Rich uh Center assisted living facility attended that ribbon cutting this morning that facility is located just west of the skate park phenomenal job that the owners have done there at that property Landscaping is absolutely phenomenal inside is uh completely restored outside looks great so that is that is really a treat to that area and um they expressed to me their concern and some of the neighbors uh needing to do the same thing and I said well you you guys took the first step and now it's you know everybody else is going want to keep up with you and that's how progress starts is you got to take that first jump so um just a absolutely a great Mission there that those folks are are undertaking uh but the the the grounds are are are are beautiful as to what was was there previously uh attended the leadership poll CL in as well I heard from several members once again I know when I attended leadership pulk City of Winter Haven day was and I'm bi I may be biased but it was the absolute best day in the leadership uh pole class um heard that from several members as well going through this year's class so phenomenal job and I I have no doubt that we're going to continue to hear that from future leadership pulk participants that City of Winter Haven day is the day to look forward to of all the classes and so I love to hear that um has also attended the city Employee Appreciation lunch um and then attended the community Fest as well and that uh yeah like commissioner Mercer Mercer mentioned that that's the most crowded I've seen that event in quite a while um so that is is phenomenal I I think it's the Bucks cheerleaders help you know Brady liked them I i' stayed away um but uh that was a great event and great for the community to get everybody out and about there so with that that's all I got all right thank you Mr Mayor yes I wanted to say also the uh TJ uh Smith uh I was there also for the U ribbon cutting today it I wanted to mention because uh and I didn't wasn't aware of at the time but the owner uh she named The Sinner after her son who was uh who was uh slain and uh in fact I remember when that happened and uh for years they had not found you know it was a case they had not found the murderer but she did that in in honor of her son in the remembrance of him but as well as the owner who actually owned that property and gave literally almost gave the property to them and uh so I thought that was just compelling just to to know that and to keep alive the memory of her of her beloved Son because uh again you know very tragic situation that happened and uh so just just be able to be there today and share that with them was was really important okay thank you all right uh I had a few things um I attended the community Fest and I mean the weather was great so that made it great I mean there are a ton of people down there uh gained a lot of weight in the last uh two weeks uh eating those hamburgers and hot dogs that the city uh prepared staff prepared they were good and to baked beans um tended the uh leadership pop County uh in fact I uh welcomed them to the city of wi Haven at the rich theater and also had lunch with them as well um attended the uh Miss Florida Citrus and the Miss Winter Haven pageants um the pageants were on a Friday night and uh then the uh 100th anniversary of the Miss Florida Citrus Plaza uh pageant banquet was held on Saturday night so um that was a good event and in fact the young lady that won from uh Miss W Haven is actually a resident of w Haven so that was good I've attended all of the officer Patterson's uh memorials since I've been on the commission and it's uh in fact uh his dad said to me said uh I know you going to always be here I said well yes I'm going to be here if I can if I'm not here you know there's something going on with me that uh either in the hospital or laid up or whatever so he said yeah we can we can count on you um attended the uh one Haven EDC board uh meeting and uh Bruce always has something that he can't tell us about that's happening out at the ilc and so uh I'm interested to know what's going on there but there is something happening out there and that's all I can say because that's all I know because that's all he'll give us he will never give us anything until it's it's a done deal attendant the um legol land exhibit and uh the thing that was amazing about that Ferrari I sat in it took pictures had a hard time getting out cuz it was so low to the ground but it's been it weighed two tons and the only things that was was made into it that was not Legos were the tires and the and the wheels and two tons worth it was built in Europe somewhere and shipped to win haven so I mean two tons that's pretty heavy you know how a Lego brick is very small I didn't find out how long it took them to to to make it but I can imagine it took a long time 14 14,000 Legos I think 14,000 that's what they said I had the opportunity to uh to serve on a uh the Heartland Regional resiliency Coalition um I served on a panel uh and uh it was it was a very good panel panel and one of the questions that was raised to us after we gave our Spar was was uh May bir song what would you do in Winter Haven if you had all of the money in the world what would you spend it on and uh I told our uh city manager um that uh I pulled out his pillars and went straight to those you know his Five Pillars and you know you need you need roads you need water you need Transportation you need all of that you need quality of life but uh you know we would solve the homelessness problem we would affordable housing problem we would solve everything you know if we had all the money in the world so um they thought that was interesting and I I thoroughly enjoyed it um also um attended the the breakfast at Main Street puts on for the city employees and it was really really good food and that's how I said I'm gaining all this weight cuz everywhere I go there are feedus and uh Lego Land feds and so I mean you just gain weight uh Drew you know about that though right I all right all right all right I'll get back no it's okay get back to the to to to to my this all right and um pretty much um that's all I had for the the the last two weeks all right we'll move on to uh Drew do you have anything nothing from the legal desk mayor thank you not now that was like a defamation case see the bage Glad Drew's here that could have taken that shot tonight um two things one I just want to extend congratulations to your Winter Haven Chamber of Commerce you may have seen in some news releases that came out in the past few days that they have officially been re accredited as a five-star accreditation for the Chamber of Commerce that is a outstanding accomplishment um I think this is the forget how many years they've been accredited now but to get their festar re accredited was a major lift for them and um so if you see uh members of our chamber be sure to congratulate them I know that they are uh feeling very good about that also just want to remind you that I will be out of town beginning uh tomorrow morning through the end of the week uh doing some travel with my family and MJ will be available to respond to any issues that come up and he and I will communicate daily on anything that needs significance uh or of significance that I need to be involved in thank you thank you s assistant city manager nothing tonight thank you sir city clerk uh nothing this evening emergency Ms not receed for the agenda motion to adjoin so move stand adjin