e e good evening I'd like to call to order the city Commission meeting for this the eth day of July 2024 at 6: p.m. can I have a roll call please yes sir commissioner dollison here commissioner Mercer here commissioner danler here mayor proam Yates here and mayor Bon here we will have an implication by Elder uh John homman Senior of St Paul worship cator and V Haven and we will be led in the Pledge of Allegiance by vaness city clerk stand will you pray with me eternal God we first say thank you for this opportunity God we thank you for once again bringing us together to conduct your business now God I pray for the citizens of this great City God for all of our officials commissioners the mayor God I would that you bless all the city employees God I I pray that every decision that is made here tonight will be of your will God I pray that you would look out for the least of the cities of the the citizens of this community God we need your help we need you to guide us we need you to intervene bless this city oh God I speak peace H God I speak that you would continue to have thine own way in all of our Lives bless this city as we grow together and love God I speak kindness joy peace and God I pray that you would bless each each govern official in Jesus name I pray amen flag United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all all right we have uh [Music] presentation want to take a proclamation this evening Mr Mayor for uh Lakes appreciation month if the commission wants to come to the front of the DI we'll invite that team up and then they they will have a uh a short presentation as well on the report um and then also I believe uh members of the Lac are here that will come forward to actually accept the proclamation it's hard to get people to come up back of the church up Francis if you want to go to the podium okay our Proclamation this evening reads whereas Winter Haven Florida is part of a global Community desires to take action to create positive environmental change and whereas 50 Lakes are contiguous to the City of Winter Haven including the northern and southern chains of lakes and whereas Lakes are an important part of winter Haven's way of life providing social economic and ecological benefits and whereas the City of Winter Haven has taken the lead in protecting and restoring water quality to its lakes and whereas in working towards a sustainable future for our children we must also provide them the tools and experience expences they need to solve the environmental problems of the future and whereas through constant and friendly communication about environmental issues citizens will tend to be more creative sensitive experimental and flexible in resolving the challenges faced and whereas Lakes appreciation month can draw people together in appreciation of winter Haven's lakes and recognize the need to protect them for future Generations now therefore Nathaniel J Birdsong Jr mayor of the City of Winter Haven Florida Florida does hereby recognize July 2024 as Lakes appreciation month in the City of Winter Haven and urges all citizens to visit a lake and consider what they can do to contribute to a healthy and sustainable future in witness whereof he is here and to set his hand and cause the Seal of the City of Winter Haven Florida to be affixed this eth day of July 2024 sign Nathaniel J Birdsong Jr attest Vanessa Castillo City Clerk thank you Commissioners very very much Lakes appreciation is a nationally recognized event but nowhere in this country is it more appropriate and important than in Winter Haven the chain of Lake City I would recommend to you all that you take the time to go through the latest Lakes report 2023 now I'll Grant you this is not easy reading I had to say to myself okay you're going to read about 20 Pages a session but if you do this you can get through this okay and it is so important because it goes through the actions that your staff is taking to ensure that what we're doing to improve our Lakes water quality is on point and effective and so I want to thank you very much I would like to call something else to your attention and this is just to affirm how important the lakes are to this city a lot of people haven't seen this particular brochure and it's talking about what's important in Central Florida okay I picked up a copy I go to the section that deals with Winter Haven and look what it says life okay you turn the pages and it's page after page of water sports paddle boarding airbo rides fishing kaying water ski boating Etc okay that's how important our legs are to our area and I want to thank you for all of your commitment to supporting staff and helping to slow down the rfication1 of our Lakes a lot of it is caused by human activity and if we can modify the things that we're doing wrong like contributing to the nutrient load to the Lakes so much the better thank you so much thank you Commissioners if you uh want to return to your seats we're going to invite this time Britney Hart our Public Works director to speak a little bit more on behalf of the uh Winter Haven Lakes Report with uh assistance from I believe uh Dustin uh before she does I just want to say to my committee the Lakes advisory committee I've served on that committee from my entire tenure on the commission and uh Francis has been around almost as long she came on after her late husband was uh unfortunately tragically killed in a boarding accident but uh Francis has been one of our Main Stays so my Lakes committee I really appreciate you all and it's it's my pleasure for us to give the proclamation all right proceed thank you um good evening mayor Commissioners mayor we do appreciate your service on the lakes of advisory committee um as you all know that every year the Natural Resources Division under the guidance of the Lakes advisory committee provides an annual report with analysis of our local lakes and documents our management efforts um with the annual Lakes report they have detailed specific things in the water quality of each Lake um and list strategies that they plan to deploy to improve the quality of those Lakes um they always like to say that this document is technical yet approachable and something that everybody could read to understand better the water quality in Winter Haven with that I will let Dustin Everett our natural resources manager present the annual Leakes report to you all honorable mayor and City commissioners thank you for allowing my team and I to present before you information from the latest annual Lakes report this report can be found online at the City of Winter Haven website and it gives a thorough and comprehensive review on our lakes and focuses on water quality hydrology and ecology I'd like to start off though uh by introducing our dedicated team Olivia husk is our environmental scientist Annabelle Michelle is our scientific Aid Summer intern Devin Moore is our senior environmental scientist Mary Thornhill is our natural resources specialist and Savannah wi Stanley is our ecosystem and asset analyst together we have worked diligently to Monitor and improve the water quality in our Lakes over the past year our division has achieved several key accomplishments we increased our Lake surface level monitoring through the addition of 15 new uh sensors in which we're deploying those now we refurbished exis in Rain Gardens and oversaw the construction of new rain Gardens you may have seen the recent rain Gardens that were uh constructed over by Winter Haven recck and over by PK State College throughout the year we spoke with over 1500 people at various events various Outreach and educational events many of those uh children that we have been able to teach about our lakes and uh a lot of those are some are Camp kids Cypress Junction monu kids um so we have quite a bit of Outreach uh that we've conducted through that we've also managed our public lak Shores and natural areas uh like Lake Ma Nature Park uh what will be Lake conine Nature Park South Lake how Nature Park and Lake cartridge Nature Park in addition to that we've uh completed our federal reporting our npds national pollution discharge elimination system reporting required by the federal government each year and last but not least uh our annual a report which is kind of a culmination of everything we've done throughout the year and in one uh technical uh and approachable document so in looking at the annual Lakes report it provides a broad outlook on the health of Winter Haven Lakes the report evaluates water quality hydrology and ecology to prioritize management practices and ensure the sustainable use of these natural resources this approach helps us to maintain and improve the health of our Lakes water quality is a critical aspect of Lake Health we assess it using metrics such as chlorop Fila total nitrogen total phosphorus and water Clarity in the last year many of our Lakes showed significant improvement from previous years hydrology focuses on the route water takes through our environment including surface water and groundwater levels understanding these factors is crucial for Effective Water Resource Management water quality in our Lakes is positively correlated with lake levels we notice water quality improvements when lake levels are high and sometimes observe water quality declines when lake levels decrease ecology examines the biological communities within our Lakes focusing primarily on aquatic vegetation abundance species composition and diversity healthy plant communities contribute significantly to overall lake Health by providing habitat for fish and wildlife our efforts in promoting and maintaining biodiversity are essential for a balanced ecosystem I think commissioner dancer May recognize this fish here uh this one was from Lake mod did you catch him with a line Big Fish uh that was caught with Metro fishing with FWC redneck fishing so looking at Lake Health metrics we evaluate Lake Health using a variety of metrics across those three categories that I just went over water quality hydrology and ecology each category encompasses several key indicators that provide a comprehensive view of lake Health these metrics go together to form Our Lake Health score which guide our management practices and help us prior prti our efforts the report identifies some lakes that are impaired or have declining water quality the lake with the lowest Health score was Lake Idol and our division recently completed an alternative restoration plan which was approved by this commission and accepted by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to help outline and pursue water quality improvement projects in the lake Idol Basin this year's best Lake um Lake Buckeye was highlighted for having the best water quality thanks to its excellent water quality metrics and healthy vegetation Community close behind that was Lakes Daisy and Lake Winterset these Lakes uh serve as benchmarks for our continued efforts to improve all of our Lakes this presentation has barely scratched the surface on what is contained in the annual Lakes report the actual report is over 200 Pages as Miss Franc as Miss Francis said and contains uh information about every single one of our public lakes here in Winter Haven it is available in PDF and interactive formats on our on the city website and a hard copy has been provided to each one of you in your mailboxes with your continued support our Natural Resources Division will continue to monitor our lakes and Implement ways to improve water quality thank you and I will stand for any questions yes so I'm going to put you on the on the spot here Dustin um think to Lake Lulu okay and I noticed that didn't make the top 10 as far as the most uh the worst Lakes right that one's come a long way and I don't expect you to totally remember but I can remember the day when Lake Lulu always had the record for being the worst Lake in the chain and it's not now and um it's covered in Weeds Cattails and and uh lily pads and I've been a proponent of cleaning a lot of that up because we're going to activate that lake when we when we do the development down there but I don't want to push the lake backwards because I know it's taking a long time to get Lake Lulu to where it's clean and so my question to you is um the worst case scenar the the best case scenario in my mind is we go in there and we just clean everything out and then we put white sand down and we have a white sandy beach and we have volleyball pits and we have a really nice activated Lake I said that to Mike Britt one time and he thought I shot the pope he was bad so my question to you is where is the happy medium for Lake Lulu because we're going to do some development down there and removing weeds and vegetation to where the public can use that Lake but it's not going to greatly impact the water quality if you don't know you can tell me you get back with me but that's what I'm after you see what I mean no I mean with anything there's there's got to be a balance right because um you seem to allude to the fact that you understand how important vegetation is to improving water quality a lot of nutrients that would be otherwise freely floating in the lake that could be used by harmful algo blooms and things like that that nutrients gets locked up in those plants and so if you go in there and uh kill all those plants all the nutrients that in them will you know come out of the plants and go back into the water and be utilized by things like harmful algae blooms in anything there's there's got to be a a right balance and we're working with parks and wreck uh and this project at the lake Lulu Shoreline to um identify what vegetation is is harmful or invasive and that should be removed um vegetation that's that's noxious obviously uh those types of vegetation should be removed but as a activated Shoreline in the city you also want to have use by people and so we've acquired a permit through FWC that will allow us to clear corridors of vegetation to allow boats to be able to come in and out of that Shoreline and if there's um other needs directly on those Shoreline uh we should be able to address those uh as as those needs arise um the controlling insurance is FWC it's not you yeah so us so ultimately the controlling party of aquatic vegetation and in state water bodies is the Florida official Wildlife Conservation Commission anything that falls below the high water line is governed by the state of Florida in which case any type of treatment or management action that we would have to take has to be um gone before FWC and a permit has to be provided by them in which case our division typically works with FWC to secure the necessary permits to do that work we recently acquired one to do the the shoreline at Lake Lulu but it doesn't involve unfortunately for you it doesn't involve removing all of the weeds so the bottom line is no matter how much I Yap it's up to the state it's not you it's not it's not you you can't say yeah we can pull out those weeds what I'm worried about is we have long 100 foot corridors like you said but then we have hundreds of feet of cattails and people are just there's still going to be buggy there's still going to be spiders everywhere and people aren't going to use those corridors I'm looking for swaths where boats can get in and park and walk around and that kind of stuff that's what is ideal in my mind but if you're telling me that that's a state decision not anything we can do then I'll just you know hopefully best I guess well I it's been in my opinion that the state has been really helpful in working together with property owners to determine best use uh cases while kind of still taking into account the ecological need of the vegetation in the area so um they I don't think FWC will allow us to go in there and white sand beach it and eradicate all the the vegetation down there but I think that it's it's not unreasonable to get rid of some vegetation that interferes with sight line that may um you know thankfully most of the vegetation that's down there once you get past the the water line it's mostly spatter Dock and lower lying vegetation a lot of the high vegetation which is Primrose Willow and Cattails they're kind of above the high water mark and so we're working on trying to clear out that vegetation down to the water just to start with if you give her the Cattails you're just so far ahead I mean we can live with lily pads with Cattails and and I'll add bugs in them you know man managing the vegetation I think is doable you know we can work with FWC on that we do that on a number of City Lake Shores uh where we've activated the shoreline in some way um and we're also working with the county who owns some significant property on the south side of that lake so from an ecological perspective those things can also balance but um the vegetation is only a piece of the limiting factors as to what the challenges are on that Lake Shore you also have the sediment in the bottom of that Lake where it's very Mucky it's very shallow so in terms of being able to get boats in there um in any kind of major significant way that becomes a big challenge as well so the vegetation is just kind of one piece of the puzzle and I think we're we're exploring all those options okay good fair enough thank you I will say that there's a a great report on Lake Lulu within the document that starts on page 159 highlights that in reality that Lake Dustin wrong is is improving that the um the trend Direction on it's chlorop it's total nitrogen total phosphorus and it suy disc are all trending in the right direction so correct and there's there's some really good projects that are taking place um the county acquired a a large um section of wetland on the southwest corner of Lake Lulu and uh they're doing some Wetland restoration projects in there and those are all things that are going to help improve water quality in the lake anyone else yes I a question um we haven't heard of El Nino in a while what is that going to do to the Lakes that's it I'm I'm not entirely sure it's it it depends on how much precipitation we get and if we have um you know really the major effect in any of this in a Lino or elino year is what it does to our precipitation and we average about 51.6 in a year that's our average last year we had 47 inches of rain um if we stay within that average there's not going to be a whole lot of changes we shouldn't see a major reduction and lake levels um if if we do see less than uh average precipitation obviously lake levels will continue to to decline a lot of it is very complex with the um groundwater levels and things of that nature it's not just precipitation but a lot of those things are driven by precipitation anyone else so just a couple questions so on Lake idol being the worst I look at I see zeros and I see vegetation abundance is at three so is VE is vegetation actually hurting Lake Idol in this instance no the the three is actually a a good score um zeros are are the bad score so the the your final score is going to be kind of like zero to three and I think Lake Idol was a 0.5 which is the lowest score of any other Lake and so that vegetation was actually bringing the score up gotta so I know one of the biggest challenges for our area is is kind all the Lakes kind of talk to each other or flow to each other right back and forth so Lake Idol flows out to the best Lake which is Lake Buckeye yeah so so what are the concerns there that so you know ultimately having less than optimal water quality going to a lake that has better water quality it's you know it's the Optics of that right are like oh well that's got a that would reduce the water quality in Lake Buckeye there's probably I'm not entirely sure um how it's flowing right now my guess is that there's not much flow that's going on between Lake Idol and Buckeye at the moment because lake levels are down and that probably only happens during times of really high water like what we experienced during Hurricane Ian the other thing is that that I would like to point out is that a lot of Lake idles problems are it's within the lake itself and not necessarily the water it's the it's the mud and the the things that um you know the decaying vegetation that's that's down on the bottom of the lake that kind of feeds the nutrients into the water but as that water goes Downstream and and dilutes into Lake Buckeye it's its effects would probably be negligible because it's not this the detrus and other stuff that's in the lake that's that's going Downstream with it it's just the water and does this I mean this this doesn't happen really overnight I mean Idol's always kind of been on the lower end of the spectrum is that primarily due to the surrounding Citrus Groves that at one time were there and that kind of flowed down and everything went into idle this this took years to sure it there's there's probably a really big historical context to it that I'm not even aware of um the Orange Groves certainly didn't um positively impact the lake being there uh some of our storm water inputs Through Time have probably degraded the water there as well it's a small Lake a very small Basin and it receives a lot of storm water uh from that neighborhood and the north there and so that's probably negatively impacted water quality over over time and that's why many of the the projects that we're coming up with in that neighborhood um in in that Basin are looking to improve their storm water storm water input going into the lake and then additionally we have some projects that we've proposed and are seeking grant funding for that is going to look at inactivating the nutrients that are within the muck in the sediment the very best thing that you could do at Lake Idol would be to have a multi-million dollar dredging project to go out there and just take all the mud and everything out um and it's it's very difficult to get the amount of funding that would be needed to to do that although you know we've applied for Grants and opportunities and and sought funding in the past for uh dredging projects at elsewhere in the chain and certainly we'll be looking at doing what we can to improve Lake Idol did there was there an incident that occurred on Lake Howard recently um overflow of some sort or yes there was uh I believe there was a overflow this weekend a negligible amount um overflowed on somewhere along the north side of Lake Howard I'm not sanitary sewer there was a sanitary sewer that that backed up um that had a as he said negligible spill that was cleaned up and then treated and then we work directly with Department of Health to monitor any impacts to the lake coincidentally I think somebody dumped a box of chicken or something too on the shoreline of Lake Howard saw we saw that on Facebook yeah what was going on there that it was a coincidence I assume it wasn't it was opposite ends of the lake so hopefully not connected somebody was gator hunting or something is what it looked like but the last question I had is kind of piggybacking to what commissioner danler was referring to so as we move forward with the projects of of chaino Lakes Park in working with the FD FWC how long does that process take like if when we make the ask is that months down the road road is that how far so and and what I'm getting at is I just want to make sure that we're actively kind of doing everything that we can do simultaneously sure meaning that I hate to get you know the the park done and then now we're going to go you know and now it's going to be two more years until we get the lakefront done if we can do something simultaneously I hope that we can achieve that so here's what I can say about that is FWC the only thing that they control is the the timing of permits and that kind of thing FWC is not going to be the one coming out here to to do the work of um managing the vegetation themselves the only times that they typically do that is in like really large cases of exotic vegetation hydrilla uh treatments things of that nature so managing for small projects essentially they will give the city approval to move forward with specific management actions and then it's the city's timeline to be able to move forward with that and so I have been working with uh Andy Palmer and Dave Carter specifically looking at that project and and looking at ways where we can Implement some uh plant management strategies and have the shoreline uh really cleared out by sometime this fall so trying to recognize the the timetable that we have with other things going on on at at the park there and trying to move forward so that we don't get to finishing the park and then have a jungle of a shoreline down there at Lulu great thank you you're welcome anybody else yes go ahead um looking on page 128 at Lake heartridge and looking at the lake Health index um with for chlora a uh it would be um very low I guess the worst case nitrogen the worst case um phosphorus not so bad Clarity Trend the worst case vegetation abundance very good and invasive presence very I don't know why you call that very good but in very high let's say um what would you do if you could to um do what was necessary to make that um Lake health of three I guess are the highest well it's somewhat difficult to do whole Lake management actions that are going to like immediately impact water quality and so a lot of the work that we do is are are smaller projects that add up to a hole that over time the input of water that you're putting in there has improved and over time it will improve the water quality you'll notice you did say that the chlorop a and and total nitrogen were um were bad in the lake and and that is true uh the clarity which is often um it it it's often related to the chlorophyll a and the and the total nitrogen total phosphorus because that's you know LG or whatever else is growing because of that nutrients and LG is basically chlorophyll a that's impeding the water Clarity I wish I had like a Magic Bullet answer of like we should do this and it would it would immediately improve the lake I mean there's certain projects that could be done um I don't know if it's if it's physically possible but uh I know on the CMI Chain of Lakes they've done draw Downs at different times and they've let some of the areas that if if they've done a draw down they let some of the areas um dry and become exposed and oxidized and that helps to really change the nutrient cycling in the lake um the fact that there's aquatic vegetation in there you see that uh the invasive presence there's really not a ton of invasive aquatic vegetation in that Lake Illinois pondweed which is a a prominant vegetation there is a native species which is good um depending upon who you ask but I haven't heard it as being a good one but I was going to add commissioner if you go to page 132 you know that that outlines kind of how that Health has changed over the years and then speaks to some specific management strategies and so that each lake has that so each lake has a section that speaks to specific management strategies that are in place for it yeah since we got it tonight I didn't get to read all of it so I'm just looking I'll have to explain it to my HOA so I figured I better get prepared well commissioner after you have after you've had a chance to review the report feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions thank you I got one more question one more Lake Bess is not only list here that whole lake is now being surrounded by City Winter Haven people is that going to be ultimately on your list in the future to kind of start monitoring that lake or unfortunately uh Lake best we have no access to uh it is not a it's not a public Lake and uh we just unfortunately have have no public way to access the lake and if for some reason that changes if there becomes a public boat ramp there um I think that that would be a lake that we would we would go to and and try to get some information on and learn more about but unfortunately we focus mainly on our public water bodies um well fortunately and unfortunately so we have a lot of lakes in Winter Haven and we have a lot of public water bodies which uh it's about all we can do to try and keep up with with them okay just curious anyone else well thank you thank you mayor thank you mayor and Commissioners that item will be uh under um the uh later in the agenda under your resolutions for actually adopting the 2023 annual legs report okay so we'll move on to the uh strategic plan certainly so I joked with MJ Das that what a joy it is to have to follow you know some of the smartest people in the organization that get up and talk about all this data and detail and all the scientific aspects of it so hopefully um this this report will be as impressive perhaps not as technical so with that uh my intent this evening is to provide you an update on our strategic planning effort I'm going to ask Katrina Hill to join me um and give a little background uh and then I'll get into some of the the finer details of it but I just want to reiterate and kind of give the executive summary on the front end that we've been working on strategic planning this particular initiative since about December of 2022 so this was one of the first things that upon being appointed city manager that I felt we needed to have for Winter Haven and the commission was gracious and in uh supporting some of the efforts leading up to our strategic planning Retreat that was held just this past April so with that I'm going to turn it over to Katrina she'll walk you through just a recap of the process and how this document is laid out I know you've all had a copy of this for a week or so now to to be able to explore and and uh and take under consideration but she will for the benefit of the community uh in anticipation of this being placed to a uh City website in the publication being released if adopted uh so they'll have an understanding of how it's laid out good evening so as team Michael mentioned we began this process back in December 2022 with a meeting with some staff leadership where we laid out the first draft of what our six strategic pillars would eventually look like those were then refined throughout the month of January 2023 is we had three different focus groups um one was with City University class one graduates another was with our Community Partners and a third with City leadership to really kind of Define um and finalize those pillars our first Community survey was launched in March and then it it goes out every six months so we get a report every July and every January that tells us how our community feels we're doing and that survey is specifically designed to reflect those six pillars kind of give us a scorecard if you will of how we're doing in each of those pillars um and it is designed and distributed in such a way that is statistically um relevant and it is um the demographics of the respondents reflect the demographics of our community um also in summer 2023 as we went through the budgeting process that year staff created a list of performance metrics those are kind of the inputs and outputs that we can track internally and those are tied back to each of the Strategic pillars and we began collecting those as well and then finally kind of the final piece of research input um in February of 2024 we reached out to more than 150 different individuals in our community from the business Community to nonprofits to Residents to even youth um and asked them to participate in an environmental scan survey that was used to then create seven SWAT analyses one for the city as a whole and one for each of the Strategic pillars all that data and information was presented to you in March 2024 at your two-day strategic Retreat um and you guys put in the hard work to draft four to five goals under each of the Strategic pillars which really became the foundation of the plan that you have the following months um we met the day after your retreat and then met there's probably somebody at least one meeting every week the following months as we really met as staff to try to come up with the strategies that would Advance each of the goals that you outlined in the plan and then the full plan was um provided to you about a week ago for your consideration and I just want to walk you quickly through how that plan is structured sort of a how to read this plan if you will um so it starts out with an introductory section it has a letter from city manager T Michael stav and team it has an executive summary that goes through the whole history I just walked through and the process that was used to develop the plan each of the six pillars has a title page each pillar is defined um the current Community score data so by current that was as of December 2023 we will be getting new data here shortly um and then also this pillar specific SWAT analysis is there and that provides the context for how the goals and everything were set then you move into the goals and each of the goals that you set as a commission are listed and it also includes a definition for clarity so anyone picking it up not having been in any of those conversations can understand what is it that we are trying to achieve with that goal and then under each goal there are multiple strategies that have been proposed by staff and they're designed to help advance that goal that you set so each strategy has a definition again so that we're all clear on what we mean by that strategy it's aeder a responsible party um almost every strategy is going to take a team of Staff um but there's always that one or two people that are responsible for making sure that it's moving forward there's a timeline for implementation the perform performance metrics how do we know if that strategy is successful any anticipated fiscal impacts and resources and Partnerships outside City staff that will be needed for that strategy to be successful some of the goals also have a section that says C also this is because some of the strategies really help to advance multiple goals so instead of listing them multiple times they're listed where they fit best and then referenced under the other goals that they also help to advance and then finally some of the goals have additional metrics so if a metric would really help us track our progress on that goal but doesn't necessarily fit under a specific strategy because there are things we do day-to-day as staff that maybe aren't listed in the plan then those metrics are still listed there so you have a complete view of all the metrics that we will be tracking throughout the year of staff and then finally the last section um is a timeline view and so this breaks it down pill by pillar and list your goals the strategies and when they will happen by fiscal year as well as the responsible party so this just kind of provides an add a glance view of the full plan and I'll turn it back over to your city manager so Commissioners when we met uh during the strategic planning Retreat um we spent two days with you under uh the facilitation of Emily Rogers to come up with with the various goals for the six pillars you created 25 individual goals that are divided up amongst those six pillars as Katrina had mentioned staff immediately started the day after we we said goodbye to you on Thursday and at 8 o'clock Friday morning they were across the street in noro Hall to begin the process to identify what are the things that we need to do to make that goal a reality over the next 5 years that resulted in 116 action strategies um it's a big number but the scary thing is it's not everything that we uh intend to do or that we are doing it is very specifically things that align with that goal uh in great content but there are everyday things that we do everyday Services we provide that also will help to advance those goals that don't necessarily have a strategic component to them they're best management practices they're things that we have uh employed within our daily activities if you I don't know if you have your your documents with you but what I want to speak to is the actual goals and how these are laid out with some highlights on specific strategies so in the area of economic sustainability you have a as an example you have a goal that speaks to supporting the availability of a qualified and skilled Workforce in our community one of the strategies that was identified was developing formal programs in partnership with academic institutions that's working with our business Community our industrial Partners when they have a need and we recognize that in terms of them locating here we help grease those Wheels with academic institutions to help establish training programs in promoting Equitable access and how the city procures work this is how do we get a b a greater involvement from Minority and disadvantaged business enterprises things such as creating a and launching regular procurement training programs that Target small business businesses and minority Enterprises so they have a greater understanding of the process and how to participate in it and and not come in necessarily so blind to how procurement Works within local government also hosting an annual preview of upcoming projects over the next year so that our local business vendors uh have an awareness of what's coming down the pike and can begin preparing for bids and and responses to requests for proposals uh in terms of strategic approaches to growth management conducting an annual Joint City and Planning Commission Summit uh specific to growth management establishing a comprehensive neighborhoods program that allows us to better engage with HOAs faith-based entities and other nonprofits within our community in terms of advancing ideas and proposals and Gathering input to help us in our growth management uh systematically reviewing at least two of the elements of the comprehensive plan each year so that over the course of five years the entire comprehensive plan is reviewed in total uh those are some of the the strategies and again within the economic sustainability there are 17 individual strategies that we have laid out to align with the four goals in the area of quality of life maximizing the availability of attainable housing opportunities this speaks to things such as creating imple and implementing linkage fee program to help uh provide additional funding for affordable housing and one that I know that commissioner Daner is intimately aware of ensuring that all available local housing assistance plan strategies are implemented annually this speaks to the work that our aack is doing and staff taking that direction to see where can we do more programs and more initiatives and policies that align with those meeting the needs to include housing Health mental health and Workforce education of all members of of our community one of the things that was identified there was establishing a community wellness and health advisory committee that brings together uh the experts in that field much like we have a Lakes advisory committee and an mtac and a cultural arts advisory committee Library committee all of those are intended to bring to the table people that have expertise that can help us move the needle on a topic such as Community Health and Wellness championing arts beautification and addressing blight um EST one of the strategies here includes establishing an Arts trust fund that utilizes as an allocation of one half of 1% of all Municipal project costs to support community art projects this again is a way that we take a bold step on behalf of the local government to set aside funds for Arts advancement in establishing Community adoption programs for rights of way parks and public spaces uh we have a litter control coordinator that just started her first day of employment with us today and so being able to advance adoption programs to help beautify whether it's a park a shoreline a street uh whatever that area may be within our community uh a formal program for that ensuring opportunities for access to Recreation uh one of the strategies here and speaking of growth and development is establishing guidelines and incentive strategies to develop a matrix for securing Park land with development so that as development is coming in we're creating a process whereby there's an incentive program that we can offset whether it's through impact fees or other development costs that set aside of land to make sure that we've got sufficient Park land for those residents that are joining our community in the case of infrastructure uh we talk about Partnerships that are needed um this is includes meeting with the board of County Commissioners P County Public Schools and relevant municipalities and agencies annually to review Transportation as assets Investments data and plans it's not just about what we do in Winter Haven but we are also the recipient of traffic that comes from other communities around us and there needs to be a greater collaboration in that process taking a comprehensive approach to Transportation Planning and maintenance um this includes a strategy such as evaluating and implementing and enhancing mass transit and microtransit assets and policies one of the things I know our CRA will be considering uh in their meeting I believe next week is the opportunities for microtransit to help move people about here within the core of the community but we're also exploring opportunities for more mass transit to get people from I.E the the Legoland area into downtown or to some of our other facilities that's something that's been uh consideration for a number of years that in fact we just had a discussion with Legoland about that potential opportunity today um another goal is actionable strategies in place for the future of Water Resources we are on the bleeding edge when it comes to Water Resources with our onew Master planning and our onew ethos so the adoption and implementation of that plan is one of the strategies that's outlined as is the establishment of an an annual funding of a utility infrastructure repair and replacement program that prioritizes the replacement of vulnerable and obsolete infrastructure this is something that as we come to you in the coming weeks with uh some changes to our utility rates that is something that we have factored into that for your consideration of a repair and replacement uh fee to help offset the just the long-term vulner vulnerability of some of these Legacy systems in the areas of embracing new technology um one of the strategies is ensuring an organizational culture that Embraces Innovation and the adoption of new technologies the way we've always done things is not going to be an answer and it can't be an answer for the future so where we can increase our efficiencies we can uh leverage our successes through imp implementation of new technologies we need to have an environment that welcomes that and encourages that a prime example would be the use of artificial intelligence and predictive modeling to identify lead fittings and copper systems that are within some of our older utility projects if you don't have an environment that encourages that and fosters that that type of innovation those types of projects become extremely costly and and and take much longer to complete I'm sure that commissioner Mercer can can attest to that fact um in the area of environmental stewardship you just heard a great presentation about our Lakes uh one of the other things that's key to this commission is maintaining and strengthening a robust Urban Forest uh so some of the strategies that speak to that include the adoption of a non net loss policy by implementing at least a one:1 ratio in terms of tree removals and Replacements um so that if we have an area that we're removing trees we're not just denuding an area we're going back and putting in some uh some policies that uh call for the replanting or some type of payment in lie of to help replenish our Urban Forest um review and updating of our relevant sections of the code to further protect and enhance the urban urban Forest another goal is leveraging Partnerships to ensure a clean environment one of the strategies that aligns with that goal is the development and implementation of of a litter and dumping mitigation plan as I mentioned we have a litter coordinator that's coming on came online today um one of the other issues we we wrestle with youve mentioned somebody dumped a box of chicken on the Lake Shore well they dump a lot worse things in other areas of our community so having a mitigation plan uh to help identify and respond and prevent those things is something that we've identified as a need monitoring our lakes and implementing proactive strategies so the invent strategy here includes the inventory and development of strategies to address Legacy storm water systems and discharges that negatively impact local water bodies lot of great discussion about what is causing some of the harm within our Lakes it's not just what's within our Lakes but it's what gets to our Lakes through some of those Legacy storm water systems that need to be improved also ensuring Equitable access to natural amenities uh this includes exploration of non-motorized watercraft concessionaries uh on City properties so uh bringing into the fold opportunities for people to rent Kayaks and paddle boards and paddle boats and those types of things uh within some of our parks to further enhance the Outreach and education and awareness of our lakes and then also encouraging an incentivizing Lake access within private development so if you have a development that occurs upon a lake sure um working through incentive packages and and and strategies that will help Foster development of recreational amenities that take advantage in in of that of that Lake body and also create a recreational asset for the the residence there that can be in the form of docks and fishing peers and Vistas and just green spaces along our Lakes finally um actually two more to go here the uh issue of community safety um as you know this is a a priority within our community it's something we score very highly in at the same time protection of our technological resources so establish one of the strategies here is establishing a a data business continuity plan for all of our departments what happens if the data system goes down uh how vulnerable are we to data loss and and disruption and how quickly can we uh spend things back up if we have to relocate um our Data Systems to accomplish our mission in a way that we don't do it today if we had failures within our our servers within our uh technology infrastructure what is the means to be in place to make sure that we don't have a drop in service ensuring the ability to meet service demands is the population grows that's another one of our community safety uh goals so conducting an annual service demand assessment for infrastructure and service deployment across all departments so that we know as our community grows what is the vulnerability of Technology what is our ability to respond to police to fire um what are our assets within Code Compliance to ensure a a clean and healthy safe Community um that we do an annual assessment of that strengthening how our citizens feel about safety was another goal that the commission had set so one of the strategies identified within that is creating a community a quarterly Community safety Assessment program with each quarter focusing on a specific High priority area so this may be looking at say Northwest Winter Haven in this corner quarter and identifying what are the safety challenges specifically within that area the challenges are different from one neighborhood to to the next and from one quadrant of the community to the next so really sitting down and focusing on that and taking somewhat of our neighborhood initiative approach of pulling together a number of Partners to tackle that in a very Collective coordinated and collaborative way and then finally the goal within um the fourth goal within Community safety was uh embracing Community safety best practices there's six different strategies that align with that but one of them is the development and annual updating of a continuity of operations plan to to assure the capability exist to continue essential functions and services in response to a comprehensive array of potential emergencies or disasters so we think about comprehensive emergency plans or Coupe plans um continuity of operations the uh you know if you have if you were to have a storm come through that takes out one of our major facilities what is our continuity of operation plan for that a lot of that stuff is contemplated uh we need to have formal plans in place that specifically identify how do we how do we tackle that again in talking with the the new president of Legoland today that was really interesting to hear from the amusement park industry some of the things that they're doing for continuity of operation planning now finally uh the last pillar is the responsible government pillar um you had four goals within that first being exemplify fiscal accountability and resiliency we certainly come a long way in that over the past year and a half but one of the unique strategies within that goal is the Drafting and Adoption of a robust debt policy that complements the city's financial management policy and aligns with the gfa's best practices for debt management we we we have a sound practices for managing debt but actually having a debt management policy in place is something that doesn't exists today uh continuing to engage in legislative matters um this is going to be a particularly interesting year as we will have a a brand new state representative for a big portion of our community uh come November um and as we know that the challenges we face at the national level and the state level in terms of um particularly the state level when it comes to home rule but on the national level when it comes to environmental policy that impacts our operations particularly in water and wastewater having sound strong relationships in an annual platform to advocate for local matters is critical third goal within that was continuing the way to evolve the ways in which information about local government is communicated how do we engage better with our community whether that's on projects on new development on initiatives on challenges we face um a lot of different uh strategies speak to that but within this one of the things that we've learned and I think we've done extremely well on through the Winter Haven Recreation and Cultural Center project is uh the communication and engagement with the community on that project and that has become uh I think the framework for a best management practice for all projects we do going forward if we can replicate that effort on every project uh our ability to engage the residents Improv significantly we also speak to establishing a community out outreach program that includes yourselves as elected officials to visit each quadrant of the city annually and deliver relevant updates so these are somewhat of a a on the road Town Hall sessions where we go out into the different quadrants of the community maybe in a in a larger Community maybe in a Lake Ashton or in a church or wherever can accommodate us so we can meet residents at their location in their communities and see firsthand the challenges and and needs that they have and share with them some of the things that we are doing and then finally um continue to create and cultivate a team made up of high quality Talent uh individuals capable of bringing fresh perspectives and creative ideas to the table um there are six different strategies that align with that but two that stood out to me in particular creating a volunteer program to allow greater engagement we have unteers in a number of areas but a formalized program that welcomes people into the fold of local government and and utilizes their time talents and treasures in a way that they want to um typically when we reach out for volunteers it's because we have a specific need in an area uh a lot of volunteers out there that have have assets to share with us that maybe we don't recognize that as a need but we could certainly benefit from their involvement within it the other thing that stood out within this is the establishment of a formal internship program we bring in interns you just saw one this evening with our Natural Resources Division we also have interns within our it Department we've had them within Comm Communications in public affairs within Parks and Recreation within utilities but having a formalized program for interns to bring them from universities around the country uh to study what it is that they're doing in in at the at the uh boots on the ground level here in Winter Haven whether that's in it maybe it's in public safety maybe it's in public administ rtion or engineering uh in environmental Sciences those are those are the most educated up-to-date people coming out of the system even if we only have them for three months or six months there's a tremendous benefit to be realized from having those people be a part of our team um and also the opportunity to land those as permanent employees for us uh and we get to kind of test drive them in the process as Katrina mentioned within each of these goals you have the Strategic action strategies 116 in total again it's not everything we do but it is the very strategic pieces that we felt we needed to lay out to um that align with the goals that you all had Set uh the the document does include the timing for when these start and when they are expected to finish it is over a five-year period and it also identifies who's the responsible party not by individual name but by title so if you uh if you decide that you know after tonight or in the coming weeks you don't want me as your city manager um whoever does become city manager still has assignments within this plan and I would say that for every one of our employees that they've got very specific UH responsibilities assigned to their titles going forward from this point as I mentioned um I'm looking forward to feedback that the commission provides to us regarding the plan um we will if it is adopted by the the commission we will create create a city staff handbook version of this if any of you have been involved as I know you have in this strategic planning process we do within Public Safety we produce a smaller version of the overall document we give that to every police officer and firefighter um this document we would give to every employee within the organization it would become part of their orientation as well so they understand what are the driving goals for this organization over the next 5 years and how they fit into those what their responsibility is what you see on the screen screen it's kind of what that we envision that City staff handbook version to look like it really more so just lays out what the goals and and action strategies are and then there would also be a citizen digest version kind of the Readers Digest uh edition of this um this is something that we would look to give to new residents uh to make available during our annual state of the city address also to provide out to legislators and the agencies that we work with so they understand specifically um what what we're focused on um in closing I would say that this has been a a tremendous effort um I got to thank uh in particular um MJ and Katrina they were right by my side through this entire process which as I mentioned has now been 18 months in the making um your staff has been uh very much engaged in the process in the very back of the book on page 164 um there is a list of the team lead leaders for each of the pillars who help facilitate the discussions around what are these strategies need to look like and they are subject matter experts within the organization that could help us Define those um I'd say that of the things that I've done in Winter Haven with with this team and any other team that we've we've had the pleasure of working with this is probably one of the most impactful and proudest accomplishments to be able to create a strategic plan of this magnitude that doesn't speak to any specific ific project there's no bright shiny thing that we hang a plaque on or that we cut a ribbon on it is 116 uh individual steps towards achieving the greatness that we know Winter Haven can have so with that I will gladly stand for any questions as well my staff and uh we are happy to take your feedback questions first I I just commend everyone involved in this project this will be as you mentioned I mean it'll just be years to come that that hopefully that this document is referred back to and buil upon um as the city continues to grow in relationship to the city Charter did how much did you look at that while building this and does this complement that and and would you describe it almost as if the city Charters the bow and now you've got your 116 arrows that's a that's that's an interesting uh analogy to it um we didn't really look at the at the city Charter because what the city Charter is going to Define is um and certainly look to the City attorney to correct me uh where I may may ER here but it really defines why we exist and how we exist what the roles and responsibilities the Privileges and limitations and responsibilities of the commission and certain members of the organization hold myself to be included the finance director the chief of police and fire um but it I don't know that it it speaks necessarily to the goals that you that you establish certainly um the charter is the foundation for the mission of the organization and and these align with that mission um you do have uh we did do a charter Review Committee in 200 1617 I think we we established them um you know and they went back and looked through a lot of the changes that needed to happen within that um I'm I'm not I'm not aware commissioner U Yates of of anything that's that's glaring within the charter at present time um but I think that there will be an opportunity for us to reconvene a charter Review Committee in the near future to to look at that I think it would be beneficial to now have this built and then also go through that Charter review process I think that that helps give some direction and Clarity of you know what you want your Charter to look like going forward anyone else yes it is a very comprehensive plan it's like a master plan um it tells you what your goals are it tells you where your funds are going to go it tells you um everyone knows what what the plan is and so for the next five years um everything should you know go pretty smooth and it's it's really a great plan I'm really surprised thank all of you surprised when I said that's not really when I said surprised it has so many moving parts and so many people within that H everything has to fall together so come together appreciate appreciate that and you're you're bringing it all together driving at home thanks so um what stood out to me T was that you said the very end of all the things that you've done and you're you're not you're a veteran now this is one of the things you're most proud of so that speaks volumes that's pretty good Testament to this document and what this reminds me of in in a lot of ways in the other part of my life I'm a financial adviser and we do Financial plans for people and they look like this they're big thick books and they have a tendency to look very impressive and the person that prepares them knows what they mean and they know how to implement them but the person you give it to often sits it on the coffee table and they don't look at it again so the challenge and a lot of things I read this carefully and a lot of things in here we're already doing so there's not we don't have to reinvent the wheel there's a lot of stuff in here that you've already started which is a which is a good thing the challenge is going to be having somebody because everything in here I was sitting there trying to figure out who is this going to flow to and it always seem to flow back to Eric his Department I mean Eric is going to be the one that has to like work his tail off to make this stuff happen because I'm like what controlling interest does this well Eric okay so I think what you're GNA have to do his fault it's all his fault yeah Eric you're getting ready to be a busy guy but I think what you're going to have to do is you're almost going to have to task somebody and maybe it's Katrina maybe it's gets you I don't know to constantly put this forward and I take it back to my financial plan you know when I hand a financial plan to a husband and wife for example one of them I challenge I say one of you guys has to really read this and keep up with it and keep your keep pushing forward and using this to plan your financial future over the next five years and so this is a pretty document and it's good but you're going to need somebody and it can't be you T because you're too busy so you're going to have to find somebody that that's going to constantly keep this out there in front of your department heads and in front of Eric and you know whoever else it is to try to make sure that it doesn't get bogged down and Eric says well that's not me that needs to go to Gary and Gary says that's not me that go in other words there's there's a little bit of you know you got to keep nudging it forward and I think that's going to be your challenge maybe it's assistant city manager I don't know but that's what I think you're going to have to come up with in my opinion that somebody that take this document now and really own it and implement it as you have your meetings as you have your planning sessions because it's a great document and there's a lot of good stuff in here but if you if it just sits on the kitchen table it's not going to do anything for you so that's my thought so I think that's you you hit just a masterful point within that so it can't sit on a desk it it's not a coffee table book um the fact that we are already looking at how do you make this a document that can be provided to the citizens how do you make this a document that is provided to every new employee um some of the strategies we have to stay on top of it and it's not one person although I can tell you that um for me I'm going to be very intentional about demanding from staff that they stay ahead of the game and up to speed on what these items are um things that will come to you if it is adopted your fact sheets will have a new section that will speak to strategic plan alignment so if we're buying fire trucks or building a fire station or purchasing uh property for a park there will be a strategic plan or strategic goal alignment that hearkens back either to a pillar if it's not defined clearly within a specific goal or to a goal or to a very specific strategy so that the things that come to you you'll be able to see how they align with this document the other thing that will begin in October and we have already laid this out in somewhat of a schedule is that it each each month at one of your workshops or if you prefer it to be at a city commission meeting we will give you a short update on one specific pillar and the goals within it and what we're doing to move that ball so by the time you get to April of 2025 you have gotten an update on six pillars we'll then go into a um another session with the commission I expect it to probably be a one-day session where we'll go back and look at all of those collectively and where are we at in our goals and are there any new challenges on the table that we need to consider how do we refresh update Advance further the things that are in the plan that will happen every single year in that process so from October through March you get an update on all six pillars and then starting in April we do it again you'll get the second update on them from April until the end of September so it's coming back before you all time and time again so it can't just sit there and be idle staff have to know what's going on with it and where they stand with it it'll also be the foundation for the state of the City address um it'll be something that I expect to be referenced heavily within legislative platforms within our efforts to go after grants uh if we have to do new Bond issuance or Debt Service um you know these are things that that allow us to have greater credibility in those efforts so it has to be a major piece and and commissioner dancer I think you know one of the things I think that was so prideful about this when that group got together on Friday they were chomping at the bit to take the goals that they watched you all create and and oh I know what we can do to help make that happen oh this is an area we need to focus on that specifically aligns with that and they took immediate ownership of those strategies so I think you know it's not a it's not a um drive with an iron fist to get them to work on these they they helped write them they have an ownership in them and I think that they're they're excited to begin tackling them but I I greatly appreciate your feedback else I just want to say you know I I want to thank you all for the outstanding job that you've done relative to this document is very comprehensive I feel also proud to have been a part of the process um you know we've learned a lot uh and I think it's about the quality of life that we want to live as a as as a people within the city uh it's a road map gives us a guidance as to where we desire to go and uh so I think that Brad is Right commissioner is right that that we need to always keep it before us because I think it it will be a guiding principle and values that that we uphold and uh will value I think going forward as a community so but I do want to again thank the staff for just doing an outstanding job as well as yourself giving leadership to this uh something that has not been done before I think that uh it will will be so helpful uh for those we know that the seats up here change and those of us who uh uh serve uh may not be here always but we have something that will create continuity within our city and uh not trying to reinvent something every other year so again job well done thank you so very much thank you sir anyone else well I guess I'm the last speaker so you all have said a lot and uh I would just like to say to T and and the staff uh I've been here 20 plus years and in all of that time I've never been a part or seen it constructed such a strategic document is what has been presented to us and uh so I'm very thankful that I was able to stay long enough that uh to see it and uh thankful if I'm blessed by the Lord to be here another three years uh to see it in action so again hats off to uh to you and to staff and I really look forward to seeing it as we go forward now the work starts right yes and and you know it is a five-year plan so if you want to be around to see the the first five years completed you know you know what you have to do in terms of you know making sure you follow to run at the right times and all that but in reality the beauty is it is a 5-year plan it's intended to be updated over those 5 years and fully Revisited at the sixth year um but it's also so that you have continuity is commissions change is Staff change that there is a documented pathway forward for what is to be accomplished um and on behalf I speak for my entire staff when I say to you all thank you for the uh the opportunity to do this your willingness to allow us to to run full speed down this road and uh we look forward to to making you proud as we accomplish these goals all right thank you well done all right we have no developments of notes uh minutes of the June 10th and June 24th meeting contain a motion Mr Mayor yes motion approved June 10th and June 2020 June 24th 2024 regular City commission meeting minutes all right I will I close the uh Commission meeting open the uh public hearing anyone from the public would like to speak to the minutes may you do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing we open the commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I I post by the same side hearing none uh the minutes are adopted we have no comments from the audience that have signed up but if someone came in and didn't sign up and would like to address the commission you may do so at this time all right seeing none we'll move on to uh ordinances uh second reading uh we have none so we move right into did I did I miss one oh you're good you're good oh way y look like I was saying okay consent agenda mayor if I if I may offer a comment um it would be appropriate uh to pull item 10A okay we have a a modification to that to review with the commission um but the other two items 10B and 10 C if you're so inclined to approve those Mr Mayor yes motion to approve items 10B and 10 C of the consent agenda all right we have a um a motion I will now close the uh Commission meeting open public hearing anyone wishing to speak to 10 b or 10 C may do so at this time seeing none I Clos public hearing we open the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I I opposes by the same sign hearing none uh 10 BNC are adopted resolution 11 11 would you read by title on the City attorney thank you Mr Mayor resolution r- 24-30 oh hang on before we jump to the resolution if we can go back to 10A we we do have action on 10A but it just needed to be discussed Mr M oh okay yeah I thought you wanted to pull it no no sir so what um 10A um if if if I may um this is pertaining to the Planning Commission there are uh three seats that are open for appointment on the Planning Commission as you know this is a nine member uh commission that is appointed by the city commission for three-year terms um terms for seats one and nine on the Planning Commission are up for Renewal and these are held by David Lane and Craig Fuller uh they had both expressed interest in being reappointed to serve um and additionally Jennifer fasking of seat 4 has had submitted her resignation from the commi the Planning Commission upon there being a appointment to her seat um staff had revie had advertised for the positions reviewed the applications that were received and had initially done a recommendation uh to appoint um Rick hemway to seat number four uh Craig Fuller to seat number nine and the other appointment was of Jason Birdsong to seat number one and upon further review of State statutes this is uh again my my compliments to the City attorney and his team for making sure that you know everything we're doing meets our ethical standards both locally and at the state level identified a state statute that give uh gave us reason to not be able to appoint Jason bird song um that has to do with the fact that uh with mayor bird song being uh part of the body that makes that appointment uh that is prohibited within Florida Statutes so at this point we would like to recommend appointment of Rick hemway to seat four and the reappointment of Craig Fuller to seat nine and staff will go back and review applications again and bring forward a separate action item for the appointment of seat number one I'll offer to the City attorney if he has any further comments to that nothing further to add you said it very well okay entertain a motion Mr Mayor yes motion to approve appoint Rick H andway to seat number four and reappoint Craig Fuller to seat number nine of the Planning Commission thank you I will now close the commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to this item may do so at this time seeing none closed the public hearing we open the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I oppos this by the same sign hearing done motion passes now on to resolution R 2430 would you read by tyone the City attorney thank you Mr Mayor resolution number r- 24-30 a resolution of the city Commission of the City win Haven Florida making findings approving and adopting the 2023 annual Lakes report providing for severability the administrative correction of scri erors and providing for an effective date thank you thank you s manag you have anything else to add no just that this is the adoption of the plan you heard earlier this evening and it is a phenomenal document uh my compliments to the the staff that were involved in in creating that and all the work they do to beautify and protect our Lakes I'll say one thing for it it sure has grown over the years I you know mayor for what's worth we work with a ton of Consultants on so many different projects the fact that this in this this probably is not going to sound the way I intend it but the fact we produce this inhouse at this level of expertise and detail um I think that if you were to have this produced by an outside consultant uh you're talking hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars and I will guarantee you it will not be of the quality or have the um the intentionality and ownership that our staff put into this one said again we have great staff entertain a motion Mr Mayor yes motion please approve resolution r-2 24-30 adopting the 2023 annual Lakes report thank you I will close to the commission open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to this item may do so at this time seeing none close the public hearing weop the city commission meeting is there any discussion all those in favor of the motion let it be known by saying I I oppos this by the same sign here none R 2430 is adopted R 2431 would you read by title on the CATE attorney thank you Mr Mayor resolution r- 24-31 a resolution approving that certain platin titled Ashton kovy Phase 1 for filing and acceptance of dedications in accordance with chapter 177 Florida Statutes with a specific condition providing for the administrative correction of scor's errors and establishing an effective date the general location subdivision is located at 10201 one Thompson Nursery Road thank you thank you state manager mayor and Commissioners I'm going to ask Eric Labby to uh provide comments on this item this evening yes sir mayor Commissioners um this is a final plat approval for Ashton kovi subdivision it is a 99.76% open space areas uh the internal roadways will be uh private within 50 foot rights away and will be dedicated to the Ashton kovi homeowners association uh water and sewer utilities will be owned by and maintained by the city while all drainage and storm Water Management areas will be maintained by the HOA it is consistent with plan unit development ordinance o0 um 0571 uh all uh Lots meet the minimum requirements established by that ordinance it is also consistent with the neighborhood Suburban future land use there is adequate infrastructure and water sewer and transportation um for the subdivision uh the financial impact at an estimated taxable value of $300,000 per lot at the current millage rate this would generate approximately $219,450 in Ador Revenue to the city um all proposed infrastructure has been installed past inspection and is ready for acceptance so in this case there is no performance bond required uh staff recommends the city commission approve resolution R2 2431 thank you Commissioners Mr Mayor yes motion to approve resolution r24 D31 request by Lake astion Development Group for final plot approval thank you I will close the city commission meeting open the public hearing anyone wishing to speak to this resolution may do so at this time seeing none I'll close the public hearing reopen this to the commission meeting is there any discussion commissioner danor um Eric we heard tonight from um Justin that we can't we can't uh get into Lake best we can't go we can't qualify Lake best water quality because we don't have access and I'm seeing this is Lake best right here I'm thinking about for the future I know we probably can't get Public Access into a subdivision like this but is there any way that we could potentially start making in a policy that we could have private access for our for our Lakes people to maybe have permission to go in there and use these ramps as we approve these subdivisions particularly on on lakes that are private or that they don't have access to because he made a good point about why you know Lake best is covered by Winter Haven now but we can't we don't have access to it for them to go in there and monitor these Lakes so we have to start addressing that at some point because they're not going to voluntarily give us access but as we approve these subdivisions we ought to be able to make that part of our approvals that at least our guys can go in there and I'd like for the public to be able to get into some of these legs but I know that's a pretty heavy lift with some of these subdivisions but sure would be nice if we could write that in the code from now on commissioner dancer I'd like to take a stab at that um it's kind of serendipitous that you ask the question because strategy 4.5.3 within the Strategic plan says encourage and incentivize Lake access within private development that's exactly what we're talking about now it may not be boat ramps or or things of that nature but um trying to find ways to maximize the recreational value to Residents that are in there if there's not some type of of uh uh ramp or something there but um I don't know that being able to get it is a is a public if this is a gated access subdivision can be tricky but you know these that needs to be factored in there we hear exactly what you're saying and couldn't agree more it needs to be reasonable I mean it's like Lake Hamilton and you have one little sliver of City people that's fine but Lake like this it's getting covered that's going to all be a city property around it so we could get in there and monitor that Lake yeah I was going to add um that improved Public Access is also um a criteria for State dollars to flow towards Lakes so if there's any state money to be used for aquatic vegetation management or Grant dollars to help improve the Lakes the Lakes have to have improved Public Access so that they're available to everybody there you go which may be an incentive for the private property owners to want to agree right to some form of agreement or something that there's some neighborhoods are not that's a non-starter but we just start pushing for it we can get it and I believe Lotus um that's how they ended up with Public Access was they they looked at treating that um privately and realize the costs associated with it and create use that money I believe to create Public Access and then we're able to get the state involved in helping to manage that Lake in fact that was we made a swap with the Lakes Region Lakes Management District if Bostic family if you recall that yeah was the whole purpose for it was to be able to get in and address Lake Hill So my answer is yes good V point I felt bad for Eric because he had so much in the plan that he asked to do that I would take that one for Eric Eric Eric did you take a vote yet no okay okay entertain a motion I made the motion on the table but oh all right did I open the public hearing yes you did all right closed it all those in favor of the motion Let It Be know by saying I pulls this by the same time all right passes ordinance's first reading uh we won't vote tonight second reading will be on July 22nd my 55th wedding Ann iversary U but anyway so I may not be here um s attorney would read by title only please thank you Mr Mayor ordinance number 0-24 d34 an ordinance of the City of Winter Haven Florida amending ordinance number 0-23 d54 regarding appropriation of funds for defraying expenses of the municipal government of the city Winter Haven for the fiscal year commencing October 1 2023 providing for severability and providing for an effective date thank you thank you city manager mayor and Commissioners I'm going to try and talk through this one and look to CJ to correct me where I may be misstep but we have an encumbrance Pro protocol that we put into play last year um whereby we don't when we we place orders for items we encumber funds so that we can more accurately um budget and do financial planning prevent overspending and it it really helps with overall transparency in our procurement process um So within State statutes governing bodies of a municipality can amend their budget for the F the current fiscal year but must do so in the same manner as the original budget and that's why we bring to you these amending ordinances so in this case we have a number of projects that were encumbered um and we have to reappropriate the funds from F from the prior fiscal year into the current fiscal year uh there is uh um within your packet exhibit a identifies uh seven different uh funds that this applies to for a total of $10.39 s million that will need to be reappropriated through the ordinance um I do want to point out that this funds these funds go forward they're they're within the fund balance of those individual funds today so these are projects that we're Maybe expected to be completed last year and they were encumbered for it but the project wasn't completed sometimes they take longer um or they're they're anticipated to take multiple years so this is reappropriate that fund balance to those specific projects I'll point out because I'm I'm believe you may have some of the same concerns that I had with this when I hear about fund balance I start thinking about how does this impact the general fund fund balance which is what we we discuss so oftenly um there is only 35,000 which is pertains to the general fund itself most of this you'll see is within our utilities fund for major construction projects and then also within our construction fund um the 2015 construction fund and the storm water fund so this is simply reappropriate that fund balance that wasn't spent on those projects prior and I'll turn it to CJ if I missed anything or she needs to add said okay thank you all right Comm Commissioners any questions all right we will uh take this up on July 22nd new business we have none City commission Liv our reports commissioner danler okay not a whole lot and enjoyed the July 4th fireworks I think we're all there and I have to say that longest proclamation in the history of Winter Haven was given by our illustrious mayor and he did a good job whereas whereas whereas I think I think everybody that was at that fireworks display now is a home rule hero thank God so but no good good time good fireworks and um also had my budget discussion with the city manager and his crew and um looks like a budget shaping up nicely also went to the beer and Bubbles event and um I see Anita's already left but that was always that's was a fun time and and then um and also went to the RFQ opening for the Urban Tree uh initiative that we've got and we are well on our way to having 100,000 trees within three years and Savannah has promised me that she left already too so but uh we've got uh we we hired somebody to do it it was it was the the uh judging was really really close but we've hired somebody to move forward and um it was uh the committee did a good job so that's it for me all right thank you commissioner uh dos uh enjoyed the uh celebration Fourth of July uh just uh beautiful uh evening and uh well attended and uh so it's just great to uh see the growth and expansion of the that event and uh job well done by the staff by the way uh appreciate all the accommodations that were made available particularly the parking was really really nice to be able to access and uh enjoy the uh uh festivities uh food trucks really nice good food and uh so uh again thank you so very much that's all I have all right commissioner merler um okay you did the budget briefing um also the city rocking Freedom uh Festival I guess you'd say a celebration at MLK um I did a a lot of uh the Water recycling facility and the progressive design build selection and the final evaluation of the water recycling facility in the past couple of weeks so um also uh did the leadership um Winter Haven class of 43 and um I think I was leadership class 17 so that was a long time ago so um and you were 40 what I don't know I cannot recall with any level of certainty okay I was 22 you were 22 seven seven all right um and then um I want to say thank you to the staff for the rocking um Freedom Festival the fireworks were really great and um all of the other um that the staff had prepared for everyone um and the lakes management that's a great document I look at it almost every year I don't think I've missed any in a while um so it gets better every year there's more to it more detail um everything um in it so um and uh going back to um the um strategic plan usually what we focus on is what gets done so um it is a it is a very comprehensive document I've seen a couple of um plans but not as extensive as this one is um so I'm just really proud of it and that's why I'm saying I'm just really amazed and surprised you could call it surprised or amazed I'm just really it's amazing document and I really like it so um and I think that's about all that I did okay Pro 10 so first of all I'll just say the The Rock and freedom Fest was awesome uh the fireworks were incredible they kicked Legoland's butt um so Legoland's going to have to step it up a notch if they want to compete with the City of Winter Haven um and and that and so that's all I got to say about that uh so question though H arose that night there was a certain fragrance in the air throughout the park and potential future leg legislation that's upon the state and it seems to come back kind of every year year after year eventually I think could potentially get ped so I have a question and this might make John scream strring a little bit but do we have any kind of Clean Air ordinance in our parks and public spaces and is that something that could potentially be entertained by this commission to create if it's not already in place so I'll I'll start on that and and hopefully not make John cringe any further than maybe we already have um so they used to be up until I'm going to look to Julie last year that the tobacco laws were um preempted to the state much like gun laws that local jurisdictions had no authority to uh invoke policies or regulations prohibitions regarding smoking in public spaces um the the parks industry and in in municipalities had argued against that for many many years and last year in the 2023 session that Authority was granted to local municipalities and and uh other providers to uh regulate that some cities around the state have taken that action some counties have taken that action uh you may be familiar with some of the beachfront uh communities that don't allow smoking on public beaches um there are a number of cities that have put that into play with their Parks as well and that's certainly something that if the commission was so inclined we could bring back uh some information on that and and uh draft an ordinance for such a Prohibition it's hard to speak on what that would apply to the use of recreational marijuana um at present time recreational marijuana marijuana in general is a control substance an illegal substance um that you cannot have in without a um we'll Define it as a permit and so how that would apply to recreational use should that become the law I think we have to wait and see what that says um but I would say that you my expectation would be that that would if it were approved by the voters of the state that that would fall under the same conditions as any prohibition against smoking within your public spaces that that a local governing body May Implement nothing made me cringe yeah so uh I think at this point um those are those are uh things that we'll continue to look at and you know like alcohol where we regulate or we're permitted to regulate the hours and where it's you know consumed um for example you may recall the city manager has to authorize if it's on public streets we have our sidewalk cafes I suspect that as we evolve and if this measure becomes law uh that we'll be treating it no different potentially than that type of uh thing and so I think looking at an anti-smoking or prohibiting smoking in public places and outdoor spots I think is is appropriate um I think if you go to the university for example University of Florida I think they have a they have a Prohibition on the entire campus um my only question would be directed more to the operational aspects and that would be to the law enforcement or the Code Compliance and you know some protocols or practices and how to enforce and and how does that work I would just be of of mind that I I would like to see something come back and put our Wheels in Motion to put something in place because it it ruins I mean it just it reeks and you know if you want to do it do it whatever as long as it's legal but I've been to you know Seattle and multiple cities across Cal California and Washington DC and it just sucks to be outside around it and I don't think someone should be subject to that if they don't want to be around it in a public space I'm not I'm not questioning the legalities or or one way or the other I'm just I think we need to be preemptive on on this item um and and start to to consider what we can put in place so that everyone can enjoy outdoor the outdoor spaces of the City of Winter Haven well and I mean certainly if it's the if the commission is favorable to us you drafting something for consideration we can do that and it's not just the impact of you know the odor or the prevalence of you know secondhand smoke there's a trash component that comes into this as well within our our Park spaces and um Julie Adams who's about to be become the president of the state parks and recreation Association will tell you that you know the behaviors that are exhibited within our Park systems the people that are most impressionable are those that are within our Park systems and so you know it's not just about uh what are you doing to contributing to the health challenges of those children but what modeling are you displaying in front of them and what is the likelihood of them following similar paths as they uh mature in age so all those things speak to you know how do you have a healthier Community would everybody be in agreeance to at least going down this road to explore this I don't know I'm there's so many ways that you can get high you can eat it you can you know Vape it I just think you start off with putting up a bunch of signs there's no smoking and that includes weed you might try putting our police officers what I don't want to do is put our cops where they have to go out and try to enforce something that's really really difficult to enforce and I'm open for it I'm open to see what it would look like but I'm I'm just if people want to go and get high they're going to get high they Edibles you can do and all that kind of stuff I get what you're saying but let's put some signs up first and give our cops a reason to go out and say Hey you know if they catch the guy smoking you they can enforce something but I don't I don't know how in the world we enforce some sort of a an ordinance on air quality or whatever your whatever your term was I don't know I mean I'm open to listen but you know I don't are there currently any prohibitions uh are there currently any prohibitions relative to a gathering no sir I mean if you're in close proximity and I don't want to cite it for fear of getting it wrong but so many feet within a uh a building um there's a there's a Florida Clean Air Act that that speaks to that but within the park spaces it's it's really up at this point to the individual jurisdictions to establish that and we don't have that in play at present time we had actually talked about it many many years ago about um in places where we have playgrounds and you've got young children that are you know vulnerable to that you know do you want to have someone you know smoking cigarettes right there at the edge of a Park where kids are playing um and and at that point we were not able to to take any action because it was preempted to the state but it has not come back up as a as a topic of discussion amongst uh our staff or the commission until this evening let's post a bunch of signs and see how it goes I think no drinking no smoking but I think you'd have to have an ordinance that post the signs which is you know and the reality is that you you probably have people that walk through your parks where you don't allow drinking and open containers that have a a solo cup or a a water bottle or a thermos or whatever and you'd never even know that that was the case that it was it was alcohol within there because there was no no reason to suspect something was not a foot um you know we expect people to behave properly within the parks and follow the rules and I'd say that the vast majority of people do but I was just wondering because you know I'm offended by uh I don't I don't I've never smoked I can't stand to be around it at all period uh regardless what you're smoking but uh uh and I guess you know the vaping and everything else that we have available now that that young people and people are using I just don't know how you would be able to uh enforce it yeah enforce that that uh with any you know without creating a a great challenge for our own s uh but yeah it is it is it is reality and unfortunately the the world we live in it's kind of ironic in a way when you think about it you know I worked U I worked in office uh years ago when you know of course everybody was smoking and uh I remember sitting uh in my office and we had people in the cubicles and and one lady she smoked like a chimney and uh and I could just see the smoke rising from her cubicle you know and uh I look back on that and think to myself you know we tolerated that I remember being on an airplane you know and like I said I've never smoked i' i' I have a low tolerance for any of that and uh so you know I guess uh trying to like said trying to enforce that because people when they feel empowered to do something because they can if you have a card says that I have this for municipal purposes or whatever I'm using it for you open up Recreation well you know now that that opens up a whole different can of worms for us so uh I don't know I I I feel where you're coming from I really well I I mean we're not going to side on it tonight all I'm asking for is for to give direction to staff to put something together to bring it back to us to I have no problem posst signs no smoking no drinking I think that's don't you think that's reasonable but you got to have the ordinance in place to place the signs so that's what I'm saying we've got I'm just trying to get staff to move forward with bring back something to us to look at and then we can have a more lengthy discussion on you know how do you enforce it and those are suggestions that staff can come back to us with that's fine oh I mean we assuming we we get over whatever legal hurdles that we might that we might encumber or there's a number of there's a number of um examples of how other cities have done this and where they they allow it and don't allow it yeah maybe sharing those ideas uh and maybe we can you know glean something from that and maybe perhaps you know come up with something that we might be able to uh consider I I agree with you though I think maybe look at something I'm in agreement with that 100% well my only uh concern well one of my major concerns is enforcement I've I have to say to you all I've been to a lot of events around this country where not just marijuana but smoking was was banned I've been inside buildings where there are thousands of people where you can smell the marijuana I mean and these are inside no smoking buildings with police and everything in there so I'm just well there's speed limit signs posted and they speed too so yeah that's what I'm saying so I'm just wondering how how would you enforce it but I'm willing to take a look but I'm I'm I'm sitting here tonight saying that uh I would be reluctant because of the enforcement did you would can you imagine at our uh rocking Freedom Fest that if we had such an audience and the police was trying to enforce it how there were thousands of people out there yeah I think um the there's not an instant change I think it's an educational process if you have such an ordinance it's a an awareness campaign it is addressing the issue um I don't want to say on a on a as needed basis but certainly in an event situation um by educating the people that are there as well to help enforce that at the same time but if the commission and it appears you'd be at least favorable to hearing more about it what I would do suggest is we'll have uh Julie Adams through the State Association pull um those communities that have done such an ordinance and look at the parameters and dynamics that they've used and let's learn from them and and have further discussion in in hopes of advancing something that meets the commission's desire okay thank you anything else I just had one other question has the Ritz closing been scheduled yet August 5th and so if people have have something scheduled if there's an event already scheduled uh till August 1 5th they would go to the Ritz board for further communic we have nothing to do with that at this point and then if there is is there anything that we know of that's already been scheduled post August 5th that we I'm not aware of anything MJ had mentioned something of that he believe thought was uh perhaps on the schedule but we just need to confirm through Tom Westbury and the board um I think in advance of knowing that they had the the sale pending and forthcoming that they were not booking things in there um I know that the church is still there last I checked and and would be looking to um relocate okay thank you I'll tell you I saw Dan last night yesterday and he's not booked anything for when he takes over so if something's if something's booked it's up till August 5th anything after that not okay not any commitments that they would have had I'm not looking to assume those those contracts are commit okay thanks that's all that's it all right I want have a couple of things I went to um the G's uh press conference and um what he was talking about was the uh funding and improvements that's going to be made to I4 um in P County and so it was just a press conference to announce what had been announced and so that basically it uh he did they did have a reserved seat for me which oh good did hece first time did he introduce you no no okay um also the rocking Freedom uh Fest was was really nice and and you know I was I was uh talking to a friend of mine from uh Connecticut and I was saying you know times have really changed and been improved in win haven I years ago when I was on the commission watched the fireworks at the police department the new police department Department as a commissioner with my granddaughter so I just have to tell you all hats off and um I thoroughly uh enjoyed it and uh I'm I'm impressed with the budget that we're working on and I look I really look forward to it so that's it for me City attorney nothing this evening thank you city clerk I mean city manager yes sir um first of all I want to give a public recognition to Julie Adams and Natalie Wilson Scott isers Steve PR at handful of other folks that were directly involved in that rock and freedom Fest that is a massive massive event um that's on a day when they're working their their regular job throughout the day to set up for that and they delivered what I think was just a a great experience for so many people in our community um I tell people all the time those things don't just happen by luck or you know you don't just stumble on to him there's a whole lot of planning that goes into it uh mayor D commissioner dancer had sent me a a link to a uh an image I believe it was from 2012 of a fireworks show that had gone ay where they launched 7,000 fireworks shells accidentally all at the same time beautiful it was quite impressive beautiful it's one way to beat the rain and bring a quick end to the event but um you might not have any eyebrows afterwards so we're going to explore it and see but yeah I'm thinking maybe not somebody died in that video oh my gosh it was terrible um what I wanted to share with you uh this evening was the my second quarter report as you know I do these every three months just to give you an update on some of the things that we have going I'm not going to read through this but I will just point out the strategic planning was probably the biggest accomplishment not just of the past three months but of the past 23 years um the uh advancement of the Winter Haven Recreation and Cultural Center project we had that great close out party there and uh Julie is the fence up yet do you know up the silt fence is up so construction is is right around the corner demolition is um we had a wonderful dedication of the Ruben Williams sports complex and the James school boy tuggerson baseball fields um what a great event to celebrate the legacy of those two individuals we had a very successful trip to Washington DC uh back in late April early May and are still chasing some opportunities that are stemming from those discussions with our DC lobbyists and the representatives that we met with um had a number of presentations that were given out over the past three months to include to the Rotary Club and the uh Central Church Central Church of Christ uh those were somewhat many state of the city addresses and then also to City Works and at the uh Florida City County management association um the fccma was a great opportunity to highlight what has happened in Winter Haven and how we approach things uh to deliver projects your Grant and a Review Committee another significant accomplishment um since we've had that in play I've never seen any members of the agencies attend any of our meetings and I'll look to Mayor protim Yates I think we had pretty much a full house for both of those meetings um probably 40 plus individuals representing those agencies at both meetings so that process is working very very well and then last but not least the acquisition of the Ritz Theater and I want to thank personally uh City attorney for his work on that um it's it's really a pleasure to be able to take direction from the commission on the things that we we present to you and then have a great legal team that is able to carry those out purchase and sale agreement and all of the the negotiations that needed to happen between attorneys John did a great job with that and Andy Palmer um helped facilitate all of the due diligence we needed so we are looking forward to that closing on August 5th uh Deputy city manager will be able to sign those documents if I'm not a for some reason able to do so because of some travel plans I have um but that is uh rocking and rolling and then last but not least I do want to remind you that on your next city commission agenda review session which will be a week from this Wednesday I will present to you a update on the budget uh will be the official budget presentation um we'll do that that evening during workshop and then on the 22nd we will have a uh action item for you to establish your tentative millage rate and designate the first public meeting for the budget um you may have seen a notice that came through today from Amanda Joe that reflected a change in the September 9th City commission agenda meeting that will move to September 10th which is a Tuesday to um to uh uh so as to not conflict with I believe it's the board of County Commissioners that are on Monday so um and again thank you for your support on the Strategic plan and we'll look forward to bring that back for resolution and adoption at your next meeting all okay Deputy uh city manager I have a couple items tonight uh so first off I want to commend our natural resources team and the lakes advisory committee for another exceptional report um I'm obviously biased in this but I've looked around and you'd be very hard pressed to find another community that has um a robust management plan uh the way we do for lakes here in Winter Haven I think that's appropriate for the chain of Lake City so um appreciate everything they do um also wanted to note applications for City University open this morning I think you guys are all familiar with that program we've had uh some really great attendance and experience with that over the last couple years um applications are flooding in is what I'm told um but they'll be open until July 19th and then last but not least um the coastal Heartland and National Estuary partnership uh formerly the Charlotte Harbor National Estuary program or chn um so Charlotte Harbor they've asked us to kind of reach out to you guys so Charlotte Harbor is one of 28 water bodies recognized in the National Estuary program one of only four that are in Florida um they are a non-regulatory science and consensus based partnership that that brings local state and federal governmental entities together within the private sector and the public to advance common environmental initiatives we have a long-standing relationship with the chnp that goes back decades um we are the headwaters of the Peace River which feed into Charlotte Harbor um so we've always had a very good relationship um they have given the City Grants over the years they've also been a very strong advocacy partner especially when we are lobbying uh state or federal agencies and trying to demonstrate Regional impact act they are quick to provide support um on that so they also make a membership contribution that's about $1,500 a year uh and we that organization is driven by four main committees so there's a citizen advisory committee there's a technical advisory committee there's a management committee and then there's a policy committee um and City staff has traditionally provided input on the technical uh the management and the policy committees uh but for most organizations that are members of that partnership the policy committee is repres presented by an elected official uh so we wanted to make sure we give you guys an opportunity if if anybody is interested in participating in that um they have about three meetings a year often in Charlotte County uh the next meeting is September 20th um so I just want to put that out there if anybody is interested in serving um in for the chnp or if you want some more information about that let me know and we'll get that to you used to live in Charlotte County and um I don't know if Don Ross is still on there but he used to be a biologist from uh Charlotte County who used to head that up y I think he still serves on I don't know if he still serves on the technical advisory committee I I haven't been to the technical advisory committee in a while but I do remember him is that so is that are you interested you all right take more more information motion to approve I'll I'll commissioner Mercer I'll put you in touch with um with Jennifer who is who runs the executive director of that organization now thank you that's it for tonight commissioner all right city clerk nothing for me this evening all right emergency matters not received for the agenda motion to adjoin Jo