e e e e e e e is the door going to be open hell sir how are you [Music] [Applause] good that's right [Applause] time [Music] we [Music] [Applause] ch [Music] [Applause] [Music] I did it [Music] [Applause] w [Applause] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the stop waving [Music] [Music] he [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] laa my cat fell off [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] play w [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] the [Applause] [Music] yes get it minut yes [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sir I [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh down [Applause] [Music] all right [Applause] [Music] love what [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] going [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] there [Applause] [Applause] here [Music] [Applause] [Music] are you we you [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yes [Music] [Applause] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] every [Applause] [Music] good morning welcome to woodb high school and commencement exercises for the class of 2024 [Applause] I love you Jordan will everyone at this time please rise and remove your caps for our Pledge of Allegiance I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all and now the Woodbridge High School choir please remain standing as our choir sings our Star Spangled Banner you sing by the dawn's early light what so proud We the Twilight last who and bright star through the fight for the parts we watch were so gly streaming and The Rock the busting in a pro through the night flag was still there oh say do that [Music] star for the land of the free and [Applause] please remain standing as our Woodbridge High School concert choir sings the Woodbridge High School album [Music] honor PR let us sing through the years of high school may we to be BR football in baseball in basketball and track may we always Pro most loyal to our dear oh and and when our is over and we leave our school for May our meor often lead us back to Woodbridge High School days where we spend such happy hours in work and pleasure G so to help and when we [Applause] may now I present to you the principal of woodb High School Mr Scott osor good morning everyone Welcome to The Graduate of the class of 2024 let's give him a [Applause] hand this morning I welcome our families friends Dr Jen Carelli our assistant superintendent miss bouran our board member and thank everyone for joining us as we recognize the outstanding accomplishments of the class of 2024 at this time I ask you to join me in welcoming acknowledging the teachers that are here today from Woodbridge High School who to would like to share in the celebration I would like to give special recognition to our senior class advisers Miss sacko and Mr Casey and to miss Grano and Coach Jay for making sure our ceremony ran on time and is ready to go this morning thank [Applause] you at this time I ask that any veterans please rise any veterans in the audience please rise we thank you for your service to our [Applause] country at this time I would like everyone to rise for a moment of silence for those veterans who cannot be with us and the loved ones who are not with us today thank you and please be seated Woodridge High School class of 20124 you are the one and only original covid class good job you did it today we celebrate you tomorrow it's on to reality you've successfully completed 13 years of your study and that's why you're here today 13 years may feel and sound like a long time and it is but think about this in 13 More Years everybody sitting out here you're 30 years old that's a long time my advice to you is simple and easy when you do not feel like doing the little things in life just do them your life will change for the better say good morning to someone you do not know you may save their lives and change their day hang your clothes up when you get home don't throw them and leave them on the floor put away the garbage cans say thank you to the people who care about you the most they're sitting in the bleachers right now and please give your parents a hand [Applause] go outside and take a hike go down the shore be kind to each other and lastly and most importantly put your phones down and make life [Music] [Applause] [Music] fun in the next 13 years you'll create your own families you'll become veterans you'll write books become Master Carpenters start businesses graduate college change somebody's life and hopefully save some lives along the way in 13 years somebody out here may be giving a speech at somebody's graduation I thank you for all your hard work good luck and go baren and now the assistant superintendent for human resource versus Dr Maria Jen Carelli good morning American writer Mark Twain said the two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why the question then becomes how do you determine your why trust me your soul will let you know it's what drives you what has you waking up looking forward to more tomorrows to more opportunities to achieve your goals no no one has a definitive road map on this journey called life when you get off track and you will at some point that's a guarantee your why will become your compass your purpose will redirect you sending you right where you need to be exactly when you're supposed to your teachers coaches and administrators at Woodbridge High School have given you the tools needed to succeed there is no doubt about that but what no one can teach you is what matters most to you I'm one of the lucky ones I've known my wife since kindergarten from the moment I entered the classroom as a shy 5-year-old I discovered what would eventually become my why to use my love of learning to encourage others to reach their full potential whether you strive to work in the corporate setting own your own business to protect and serve others to build homes with your bare hands or become the founder of the next Fortune 500 company do it with an unyielding passion that will have no one questioning your why congratulations wridge High School class of 2024 [Applause] I now give you Woodbridge Board of Education member Miss Susan [Applause] bouran good afternoon Dr Jen Carelli Mr Osborne Mr Moscow M Broadway distinguished faculty graduates family family and friends it is a pleasure and a privilege for me to be here today on behalf of the Board of Education I extend sincere congratulations and best wishes to the members of the Woodbridge High School class of 2024 I offer a huge congratulations to the parents and Guardians of the graduates to our graduat I hope your high school years were amazing use these years as the foundation for whatever comes next wherever the next chapter in your life leads you I wish you great success as you sit here today closing out many years as a Woodbridge student remember this was no easy feat not only for you but for your family when things get hard in the real world and they will remember when you started this journey you couldn't read or write and 13 short years later here you are in it to your families these 13 years years went by in a Flash to you it took forever to get here in 13 years from now I hope you are more successful than you could ever imagine I hope you set goals today and have far surpassed them by then they say the days are long and the years are short as a parent of a rising Junior I know this to be true don't forget who has been part of your support system your peers teachers School staff parents Guardians they are all part of your journey and deserve some credit in getting you here today whether you're going away to college or staying near starting your career joining the military or taking up a trade take a minute to figure it out or perhaps you have it all figured out you are teenagers after all no matter what career lies ahead never forget the importance of what you think of yourself and how you treat others today you have completed an important stage of your life the diploma which you are about to receive will change your life in a very positive way it will provide you with opportunities which were not available to you before this ceremony always remember the support of your members the members of your family have given you and be thankful for all the people who have supported you during your years of growth they brought you up don't let them down as a wise nth grader advised me yesterday say keep your speech short and end it with this sound advice don't do stupid stuff congratulations congratulations Woodbridge High School class of 2024 you made it the Woodbridge Township Board of Education wishes you the best of luck in success in your future and remember be great every day thank you and now we present to you the senior class officer of the class of 2024 AER IIM [Applause] good morning Dr Jen Carelli Board of Education member Miss Bordan Mr Osborne Miss Broadway Mr Moscow dedicated teachers supportive family members and friends and the class of 2024 as a fellow class officer I have had the privilege of learning the identities of my classmates I have witnessed your triumphs whether winning Awards breaking school or County records and so much more truthfully I have been inspired by you all and the achievements you made throughout your entire High School career the F in the Oxford English Dictionary GD is a courage and strength of mind that makes it possible for someone to continue doing something difficult or unpleasant as a class of 2024 we started our high school journey in our rooms often visible from the foreheads up when the teachers ask us for our screen to be turned on and stayed on mute even if you were called to answer a question for many 2020 to 2021 was a crucial year in their adolescent lives because it tested the perseverance we must strive for even when all we had was unstable Wi-Fi but regardless of those obstacles passion drove the success of many for instance our athletes received multiple division one offers our students excelled academically in and outside of school to start their careers and many found a successful businesses such as clothing and food based on these experiences I have come to recognize that grit is a capacity to conquer difficult tasks while embracing the passion one may have in any given situation I would like to thank the teachers who helped me see that and make the difficult road to success possible Mr Modesto for his Friday Alma matter Min concerts Mrs Cruz for creating a safe haven in her office and always supporting her students and Coach a for volunteering his time to bring joy to his students and athletes like when he got quied in the face during the winter pep rally these teachers among many others have demonstrated that to find success one must find their purpose and passion many may think that our generation is doomed because we grew up in the age of modern-day technology but I believe the opposite our generation will strive beyond what we have learned in school and have seen you all do so with your passions continue to grow and shine persevere even when you're working until 3: in the morning and most importantly have the courage and strength of mind to keep pursuing your goals no matter how difficult or unpleasant the task may be as you all embark on the next chapters of your lives good luck class of 20124 your journey starts here now I give you the salutatorian of the class of 2024 Jenna [Applause] gesta hello and good morning everyone I first want to thank you for the honor and privilege it is to speak on behalf of your class as your salutatorian I want to give you a a special thank you to assistant superintendent Dr Jen Carelli and Board of Education member Mrs bouran for being here to support us on this momentous occasion I would like to thank our principal Mr Osborne and our vice principls Mr mosow and Miss Broadway for all that they do and for being with us here today perhaps most of all welcome to the wridge High School class of 2024 [Applause] as I was writing this speech I found myself at a loss for words unable to articulate the correct sentiments to accurately depict our graduating class from Athletics to the Arts to academics I am in awe at our class's achievements War high is an extremely diverse school and it has been a privilege to become acquainted with many of you it has been such a pleasure to interact with many brilliant and creative minds these four years students and faculty alike as someone who thoroughly enjoys a good novel I have always thought that people are like books in fact life is like a book very cliche I'm aware but I truly believe that the best of each of our novels is still to come we are each our own protagonists some characters exist only in certain chapters and each chapter poses its own unique challenges and lessons As We Gather here today we Mark a pivotal shift in our lives each experience we have lived through high school and prior has molded us into the people we are today and is only the beginning chapter of our narrative each event we have lived through no matter how Grand or seemingly minuscule can alter our perception on life as this chapter comes to an end I urge you to look ahead to the pages that are still blank and to look forward with great anticipation for what is to follow as I look at the Sea of black and red before me I am reminded of how far we have come and I hope everyone leaves Woodbridge High with as many fond memories as I am despite the tireless nights and grueling AP exams high school has been an amazing experience that I hope we never forget and although our high school careers began online I have formed bonds that I can only hope will last forever and I anticipate that you all have to it is Bittersweet that we must close this chapter so I'm going to trade school the military or into the workforce some of us going across the country to fulfill our dreams and others saying nearby as I am goost Scarlet Knights I wish each and every one of you success and happiness in your future endeavors in the wise words of Semitic every new beginning comes from some other Beginnings end may we all continue to better ourselves as we begin the next chapter of our lives and remember you have the Power of Choice you hold the pen in the writing of your destiny thank you everyone and congratulations again to the wber high class of [Applause] 2024 it is our pleasure now to give you the valedictorian of the class of 2024 Alexander Lou [Applause] good morning Dr Jen Carelli Board of Education member Miss bouran whhs administrators Mr Osborne Miss Broadway and Mr Moscow and thank you for joining us today as we celebrate this Monumental Milestone I would like to thank all parents teachers family members friends and my fellow graduates of the class of 2024 for making these last four years remarkable this time around we fin got to have a proper graduation we were denied our eighth grade graduation ceremony to commemorate moving on to the next chapter of Our Lives to then transition to high school isolated from teachers and peers right in the middle of a pandemic was a very difficult challenge many of us face unique adversities during this time period from loss and damaged relationships to anxiety to financial hardships to just getting toilet paper at the grocery store nevertheless this class is truly special for overcoming these obstacles and continuing to further our education from sophomore year on we were left making up for lost time we wed the hallways as the anxious and timid second wave of freshman awaiting our in-person debut we had no clue who to sit with that lunch which classes to pick and most importantly who the people behind the mask truly were it felt so strange in dystopian as if they were straight out of a movie but as the masks unlifted our true personalities were reviled and we began to feel more comfortable one another the awkwardness gradually melted away and we were back to normal in no time when junior year rolled around many of us myself included began to catch the infamous senioritis it only got worse as we eventually moved on to our senior year I can vividly remember just hoping to survive this year and looking forward to graduation I always envisioned feeling proud and ecstatic as I noticed my family in the crowd watching me receive my diploma but as I stand here today and reflect upon my high school years I'm going to miss the hallway conversations by the lockers I'm going to miss hearing the morning announcements and Pledge of Allegiance as we start our school day I'm going to miss my teachers valuable advice I'm going to miss special memories like the football games and catian and prom if there's one thing I regret doing in high school it's taking these moments for granted and assuming they never end I wish I had learned to appreciate these times as they unfolded rather than after they had already happened however one thing that I believe will always appreciate is the people who have helped us along the way to all of our wonderful teachers administrators and staff that provided us the guidance we need and continue to inspire your students daily thank you to all of our friends that stuck with us us through thick and thin and have made our school not only tolerable but memorable thank you to our family members that have believed in us since day one and watched us grow and develop into the young adults that we are today thank you and last but not least to our parents who have made numerous sacrifices shown unconditional love and unwavering support instilled important values and morals since childhood and molded us into the people that we are today thank you as our biggest cheerleaders strongest Advocates and greatest Role Models this wouldn't have been possible without you we owe you all and a measur bount of gratitude for providing us with the courage and determination to succeed as we look towards the future I know we're all heading in many different directions whether it be attending college entering the workforce serving our country in the military or another path let us remember and honor the legacies of those who have assisted Us by Leading lives of Integrity passion and purpose as we celebrate this tremendous accomplishment let us take what we have learned and go out into the real world and make an impact may we continue to learn about ourselves as we take the field in this game called life remember take the risk or lose the chance you never know what Fortune awaits you congratulations to the vbridge high school scho class of 2024 and thank you all so much at this time Mr osor and Dr jelli and Miss ban will distribute diplomas to the class of 2024 [Applause] [Music] [Music] fr Alexander Lou Jenna resta aarat AJ ibraim Leah Marie trener Kaye skar Julian catalon Sher Wang Angelina chicali Dylan lman Olivia Spano Lindsay laenen Luke Vasquez Sophia Mercurio R Riley vulpi Heather and Fitzgerald me Alvarez Jason Ian Gonzalez Christopher mang maglasang Kevin [Music] Mor Duff Reagan Samantha guenes jasine Vargas abdor Raman Ola Victor dantos Kira Banos Stephanie Olivia barisford Vanessa Morales Hickok Farah Selen pram Mara Fernando prto Sant Maria Kenny SoDo Peter Doo Francesco medwick quader Moore Wy David Venus Gregory Venus drva Mishra Isaac VZ Ali Marie babula Alysa andrich nikila Anderson Elijah AES o Au Savannah Al Leah [Applause] Antonella Lucy selenia aosta isari bias Javon Angelo Lucas Adas Ahmad Kabir Jade Allan Amir adul Dominic asang Angela Ayala Derek alanti Melvin Alvarez Anthony alaro Xavier Alvarez baladna aan to baber Kenny Abu Muhammad baber Brandon Oswaldo areta Marco balamo Sarah Butler David brki Caitlyn Beaton Bali asaria Abby Bose Abigail Bose jayen Bas Tiffany kixo Jeffrey Andre Burton Jr Christopher Brown Vance Kario conratulations Justin Bonia Leila Bernie shanira Bridges Nicholas bka Daniel Benson Ariana B John Brer eight Alexander Vos kusan [Music] bugga okay Mariano kamena Martinez Heather Bruno Bailey Casanova mariio cabar Nicole Castro Kelly Castillo Lou casan Will candy Castillo Castillo Roger Castillo Roger Castillo okay Dominic CA Eric chamba raldo Campos Alexander chavat Ava Victor IA kichi Xavier cillo Christopher Cardone Amy Cardona abti Jonathan cha Kyle Coleman Valerie kakur Lopez Roberto carv Brio congatulations Justin Castillo Yasmine concepion Michael Corvette F kah Jordan quas Emma anarie d Silva Daran Alexander D Silva AA Chach Samantha deuz Jeffrey Deon Voda Timothy [Music] Joseph deloro Jacob Derby kayn Z Davis Alysa Diaz Morgan divy FR Doo Kaitlyn Dru Aaron James drewb Evan James drewb Micah een Caroline elar Caroline elar Elder sa Ellington Andrew andas Raymond andas Henry and Isabella espa Jaye espa Mel espinal Jordan Fe John Feliciano Vincent Thomas Feliciano Dean Fior AML flann Angel flann Helen Flores marinero Fabian Garza Eric Isaiah Flores Aaliyah baren fontiago Santiago Jose Giovani Garcia Campo Sergio Andre Garcia escan Jonathan fero James fudge Paul Garcia Val Julian gear jari homman Alissa Rose Gutierrez Estep Gonzalez Zachariah Huna Cameron Starks Jazelle Gordon Melanie Hernandez Cole Greener Eric R Kaitlyn H Nathaniel Guera Hector Hernandez Angel Gomez Alexa Hernandez Pavia Tash Gibson Julian Guzman [Music] [Applause] Kiara Guadalupe Elise gurovich Brianna Gonzalez Victoria Gonzalez rir sing Gman Javon Gilmore Alana jino n Juno Joseph kto Johnson Zade Johnson Justin Joi Danielle Hughes Aran yanari Nyla Holtz MAA jaar Andrew Jones Trinidad Isa isoa Cassandra celski Grace jet Messiah Johnson Mark hind BR kiss Chase King Sean Kish Malcolm James Savannah Joseph har deep core Nathaniel Jared so [Applause] you got it which Mike doesn't matter just speak right very close to it right into it and I'll take so like I do announcements [Music] okay let do this Tatiana malinowski meline mtis Alicia Martinez Giana Maza Rosemary Leonard Luna Marin Shayla Malave Rodriguez conations Haley Lyman congratulations Cadence Masta congratulations Olivia Le Chico conratulations Nyla dun Lusher Drew Luc conratulations Adam hanafi Jason Blondo Angel maai Lucas migori Abraham Lopez Kane loru conratulations Lama Lucia Aiden Kowski Rosaline manah an Muhammad Emily Medina Kimberly mitma Briana Menaul an Elise muuh congratul Adrien midra Evan Mendes Alejandro Marcado Marcos Miranda Edgardo Moreno Jr Dylan Min Capelli Dwayne Mendoza Javin Negron Felix Medina Rodriguez Emanuel minino Rodriguez conratulations the good work GI nades Charles medwick best Kevin Modesto Aiden Miller Candi Morales Cassidy Jordan McLean Justine mon Louise Aviva Palms Angelina Iris Negron congratulations Juliana Nunes congratulations Melanie Nunes samal Nori conratulations kayn Naro congratulations jeev Nunes Rebecca nelwin Jason Neil Justin pegan sha Ortiz ran Ortega cardoso good J congratulations thank you chit Pond aim onon yiat theen Newell David okoro conratulations Jacob Oatman Edie Eddie Nunes Grace musan Mato Oles Riley Nixon Alexandria ponic Isabelle ponic Christopher [Music] Pon Matthew [Music] perona vendon Patel Zin pagero Giovanni PES Mariela PE you know gasen Pena Natata Perez Hernandez AA Perez Janelle Carolina Perez Ronin Perkins Vale Peterson Taylor pulit Alysia Pock Samantha prey Jared Kama vitro R Ron Lesley Nicole marz Larez Cassandra Ramos tayen Rock NAIA Rivera Emma roach Anthony Reyes pizaro Daisy roas Leandro Aaron rigin na'vi rimon Alito Rodriguez Nicholas Rodriguez Liam Rock Lucas Rock Jonathan Rivera kis RIS Ramirez Rita Ren James rtio Jaden roach tomara Sanchez jel Rea mados jayen Rodriguez Isabella Sanchez Roman Kayla Kayla Roman sorry Sai Rosado David Sanchez the third Nicole sarason Andrew Roy Devon surles good J congratulations Elijah sures Kaden cite Kimberly Roman haly [Music] Rosario mazah Sha it's m m right Oma John sedra conratulations Hamza shamza Hamza Hamza Shazad congratul Isaac Ruiz Justin seino Kevin Rosario Joshua rck angelene Amari [Music] Cadia mon shyers Benjamin seagull marleene Stevens Ryan surp Anette Thal Michaela Jaden steelwell Taylor Shaw Rebecca Souza Ezra Snider Erica Suarez Kevin Sosa Dennis Stefani patina spasova Isabelle Nicole Steven Julian solivan Megan Shayla Delila Spence Tabatha termitis bam je Singh Madison Camille Michael travostino Travis Tomlinson Samantha Toro Matthew a fre Zion Thomas Tania Thompson Melanie Torres Pella viila sh yourself Thomas Fiona vassel Jasmine Victoria Bella Vargas Matthew masera Drew vad Carlos Valera Brook updale carara Vasquez jel Valdez Lis veros the Tyler Weber Nicholas Walter Shawn White John Michael Wesson conratulations Robert Allen Wishy Jake Raymond Zaki Devin Vieira Jordan Williams Byron Christopher white Susan youf I got you Jason ZZ na w m Anthony right Shane whic Emma Camila valita delga congratulations good job atini White a Athena Winnie sorry Athena Anna Vox Z win I got you toach Williams tachio Williams also known as TJ go onj TJ conratulations TJ again ladies and gentlemen for the CL [Applause] and now again I to you of educ M Susan [Music] B I've never gotten to do this before it is with great honor and pleasure that I hereby certify that the Woodbridge High School class of 2024 has met all of the educational requirements of the New Jersey Department of Education and the Woodbridge Township School District congratulations class of 2024 [Applause] [Music] good you may all [Applause] rise congrats to the class of 2024 you might now move your tassel from the right to the left you are now officially all dismissed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] B