frez Thursday nights everybody I can't put my jacket on it's please rise for salute to the flag at a moment of silence please indivisible andice okay do I have a motion to reconvene no motion do I have a second second I have a motion by Mr Tre waser seconded by Mr Sedana all in favor I any opposed carried roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson here miss bouran here Mr deletro here Mr Muhammad here Miss Perez here Mr Sedana here Mr creaser here Mr bz here Mr haris here Mr secretary please State for the record Eddie notices of bids received by the board thank you Mr President the following requests for proposal were received on January 11 2024 RFP 24-1 for high impact tutoring okay thank you very much Dr mamino please introduce our student representative from wber high school this evening Alexander Lou thank you Mr President Alexander Lou is an extraordinary young man who is ambitious dedicated and an extremely hard worker Alexander is currently a senior class officer secretary to the Chinese Honor Society and a member of the Asian Pacific Islander Club he currently ranks number one one in the senior class with a 4.21 GPA awesome Alexander would like to study computer science and pursue a career in cyber security Alex thanks for joining us today thank you all right the following is a summary of the activities that have taken place at some of our schools at school one students celebrated holidays around the world the PTO offered a holiday shop for the students and Woodbridge High School tomorrow's teachers began their visits at school number four and five students were able to shop the Scholastic Book Fair the PTO offered a holiday shop for the students there was a cookies with Santa family event the winter vocal music concert took place the Jazz choir visited to St Joseph's nursing home the AMS Sidekicks uh visited the elementary students Colonia High School's tomorrow's teachers began their visits school for was home to an ml essay contest winter and lastly the dance club began at school number nine students were able to shop the Scholastic Book Fair the winter vocal music concert took place the AMS I kicks visited the elementary students wber High School tomorrow's teachers began their visits School number nine was home to an MLK ESS contest winner the whiffle ball Club began and lastly Santa Claus visited the school on on December 22nd at school number 11 students were able to shop the Scholastic Book Fair the winter chorus concert took place the PTO offered a holiday shop for the students there was a cookies and cocoa with Santa family event the Woodbridge Middle School Sidekicks visited the Spartan elementary students pbsis Raffles were distributed and lastly a holiday food drive was held throughout the school at school number 19 a Toys for Tots toying coat drive was held for students in need the student council made holiday wreaths for the veterans at the Meno Park Veterans Home in December School 19 started part started their partnership with John F Kennedy Memorial High School mentors pbsis honored first marking period honorable students with a breakfast ceremony and lastly a mittry for the month of January um began by collecting scarves hats and mittens to donate to the homeless at school number 25 the Ford's fire department brought their fire safety trailer to educate students on fire safety the core is sang for the community at wber center mall ESL and bilingual students caroled holiday songs in both English and Spanish various holidays around the world were showcased throughout the month of December the Winter band and chorus concert took place in the new gymnasium the student council sponsored an ugly winter sweater fashion show students were recognized at the December pbsis drawing where the second grade earned a class reward for their continued Improvement in being respectful responsible and kind the FMS Heros and cool kids visited the fourth grade classes fifth grade students participated in a dare ceremony students are working on completing activities and decorating for the school with flags and mandalas hiding the indic region for indic heritage month and lastly Title One family engagement math rights for grade four kicked off on January 11th grade five will begin January 23rd at school number 28 the PTO offered a holiday shop for the students the vocal music concert was hosted at wsh Middle School the students and staff participated in a holiday spirit week Santa visited the school and gifted each student with a stuffed animal in a book holiday gifts were provided to 880 families and 14 students from the school's Giving Tree and lastly five students from the W High School tomorrow's Teachers Program were welcomed into the school at avano Middle School Ela students visited the Walnut Street Theater to watch A Christmas Carol dance students visited midx County College to watch the MCC winter dance performance the guidance Department hosted a parents night to share information on how access Genesis standardized testing bullying prevention social emotional learning the positives and negatives of social media and substance abuse by teenagers lastly 58 students were recognized for exhibiting kindness as part of the school's Wildcat Way character development program at Ford's middle school the girls basketball team won the district wide championship for the second year in a row the heroes and schol kids Sidekicks provided School 19 students with a program today January 18th the winter contest took place and was a success both widge and JFK High School visited and shared with students the various programs that upcoming freshman can enroll in on February 15th several 7th and eighth grade students will have the opportunity to attend ja Inspire which is an in-depth career exploration program and lastly the student council will sponsor the Woodbridge Township have a har food drive with a goal minimum of 214 pounds uh Woodbridge Middle School students were able to drop the shop the Scholastic Book Fair and raised over $600 both the girls and boy boys basketball teams made it to the playoffs the band and chorus held an amazing Winter concert and lastly peer leaders SLS kicks visited students at mby Street school and raw Street school and finally at Woodbridge High School several W high school students were accepted into congressman Frank palone Jr's youth advisory Council including aarat Ibrahim Andrew Jones CA andari rang Chada and Nicholas Reyes saffron Alliance visited several district elementary schools to celebrate and and educate students about various aspects of indic culture in collaboration with indic of in celebration of indic Heritage Month the the saffron Alliance hosted a trip to Rasoi for students to enjoy a delicious lunch buffet featuring various Indian foods in collaboration with colon Middle School several high school students and staff participated in a training on how to Foster Brave and safe spaces in preparation for a day of expression and allyship and finally several students from the Woodbridge Youth and jooy Science Club visited the Ruckers University chancer [Applause] Institute thank you Alexander for the detailed Court uh tonight you're welcome to stay uh for the rest of the board meeting however don't feel uh pressure if you have other homework to do and just want to recognize that I guess it's your your family out there thank you for being here and also I think block uh blocked was Mr Osborne uh who may still be sitting there there we go the principal at wber high school has joined us thank you yes oh yes sir sorry uh thank you I really appreciate the opportunity to speak here tonight but forun it's my D time's approaching so I just want to tell everyone have a good night and stay safe so really appreciate it thank you thank you for [Applause] being Dr maso please stay for the record the superintendent reports for the month of January Mr President I submit the following reports student registers and fire drill report suspension reports for element and secondary schools bomb threat reports and reports of the attendance officers thank you Mr uh Dr Dro uh now for uh public comment the W Township Board of Education welcomes and encourages active productive and respectful participation by members of the public and seeks to protect the First Amendment rights of those who engage in the exercise of free speech at this Board of Education meeting members of the public are requested to express themselves elves in a civil manner with due respect for the dignity and privacy of those whose legal rights may be impacted the public is now invited to speak regarding the agendas being presented this evening when you come to the microphone please provide your name in the section of town in which you reside along with the specific agenda item that you wish to discuss as per regulation 1100d comments must be limited to no more than five minutes no response will be given until you have completed your opportunity to speak lights aren't out this evening anyone wishing to speak uh seeing none uh we'll turn to the superintendent's agenda Dr masino do you have any recommendations for us yes Mr President I have 11 items to present to the board tonight do I have a motion for the superintendent's agenda so motion excellent do I have a second second all right I have a motion by Mr treer seconded by Miss Anderson other any comments or questions from the board saying none roll call Mr wol Forman Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohamad Mr President with the exception of item 11 which I will be abstaining yes on everything else M Perez thank you Mr President I abstain from item number 11 as well in the name of Ruckers yes to all other items Mr sidana yes Mr treaser yes Mr bz yes Mr Harris yes Comm communication policy and planning agenda Mr Muhammad Mr President the communication policy and planning committee on recommendation of the superintendent presents the following six items I move for the adoption of the forgoing Well Done Mr Muhammad do I have a second second I have a motion by Mr Muhammad second by Miss Perez are there any comments or questions from the board I did want to just make one quick shout out on item number five typically the first meeting of January we approved the board meeting schedule for the remainder of the year of which we were doing it's located in the packet we welcome members of the public to join us at our future board meetings so take a look at that that'll be on the district's website uh very shortly probably tomorrow or or Monday uh weather dependent uh all right any other comments on the the cpmp agenda roll call Mr Walman Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes M Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr Tre bosser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes curriculum extracurricular activities and Technology agenda Mr Sedana thank you Mr President the curriculum extrac extracurricular activities and Technology committee on the recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction presents the following five items I move for the adop option of the forgoing thank you Mr SED do I have a second second I have a motion by Mr Sedana seconded by Mr valz are there any comments or questions from the board seeing none roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes M bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr sadonna yes Mr treaser yes Mr bz yes Mr Harris yes finance and insurance agenda Mr Tre thank you Mr President the finance and insurance committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary presents the following 12 items I move for the adoption of the foregoing thank you Mr Tre waser do I have a second second second okay I have a motion by Mr Tre waser seconded by Miss Anderson are there any comments or questions from the board uh one thing Mr President I just want to make sure the Public's aware that all these items that ared to discard list are not just discarded they are put up for sale first and then based on the results of that then the uh items that if they are not purchased will either be looked to be donated or will be discarded only after every attempt is made to get as much back out of it as possible thank you for that comment Mr uh tree waser I know that was discussed uh at length in the uh finance and insurance committee I know Mr wolferman whether uh this agenda or or future will provide a little more detail as to how members of the public can bid on some of these items uh this month is an interesting month for everything from kitchen equipment to technology to uh workout equipment is available on that disposal list and as Mr tree boster noted we try to make some money on those uh those discarded items before they're uh sent to the recycler uh buildings and grounds oh I'm so sorry oh sure you had something oh yeah go ahead oh yeah um I just want to give a little shout out to um the Gwen roaming charitable um trust they have um given the remainder of their trust to uh or donated to the PACE program and The Rise program and we appreciate their support of U our two programs thank you thank you Miss bouran thank you and for a roll call Mr wolferman Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes M Perez yes Mr sadana yes Mr waser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes buildings and grounds Miss Perez thank you Mr President the buildings and grounds committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary presents the following four items I've moved for the adoption of forgoing thank you Miss Perez I have a motion by Miss Perez do I have a second second second second okay I have a motion by Miss PR seconded by Miss bouran are there any comments or questions from the board Mr President yes sir uh just want to recognize I believe for buildings and grounds I think we have a comprehensive list of buildings that we have to take care of and I think the buildings and grounds committee along with the Administration has done a great job of following through on all the improvements that have happened on our in our buildings and grounds and and I think we're pretty much on track I think we're a little ahead of schedule with a lot of um the renovations then you know whatever maintenance the upkeep uh having the number of buildings that we do as a district and to manage them all so efficiently I think is a great job I just want to appreciate that thank you Mr SED anybody else on the buildings grounds I want to put a a finer point on that as well uh I saw this on one of the Facebook groups recently some questions as Mr uh there was some talk about uh potential new school and then there was chatter from there turned into one of the projects we had that cleanup reference 2023 just want to highlight on the tonight's agenda items two three and four all touch on that school four and five project that is in the preconstruction phase and will'll begin in Earnest a little later on uh sometime this year so if you just look at the items number two three and four have to do with testing have to do with removal of solar panels and has to do with um those who will be constructing this relative to a project labor agreement so that that project continues to move move along School form and five has not been forgotten and that project you'll see more and more agenda items as the winter and spring evolve so just wanted to make that point uh so Mr wolferman uh could you have a roll call for this agenda please yes Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Muhammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr treaser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes dining and transportation agenda Miss Perez thank you Mr President the dining and transportation committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary presents the following seven items I move for the adoption of the for goinging thank you Miss perz I have a motion by Miss perz do I have a second second okay I have a motion by Miss perz seconded by Miss Anderson are there any comments or questions from the board seeing none roll call Mr wolferman Miss Anderson yes m Dan yes Mr deletro yes Mr Muhammad yes M Perez yes Mr sadana yes Mr tree boser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes Personnel agenda Mr Del chair thank you Mr President the Personnel committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent of Human Resources presents the following 43 items a move for the adoption of before going second thank you Mr D do I have a second Mr trer second I have a motion by Mr deler seconded by Mr trer are there any comments or questions from the board roll call Mr wolferman Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr delro yes Mr Mohammad yes M Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr treaser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes M hope Madden do we have any legal advice for this evening no we have none right thank you very much uh Dr mamino you and I just had a quick chat uh you have something to offer sure Mr haris uh two items that I just wanted to bring to everybody's attention uh there was an announcement that went out districtwide today uh regarding a student at Woodbridge High School these this is a common message that goes out by individual schools um anytime there's an emergency we let the school know we want parents to be aware that if there's an ambulance at the school they know why there's an ambulance at the school or or a fire truck at the school so has not to create any kind of alarm uh there was an a clerical error um not to the fault of the individual there there was some confusion with the system so it inadvertently went out districtwide um there is no confidentiality breach there is no um concern regarding you the the mode which it went out beyond the fact that there was a glitch in the system uh we addressed it and just wanted everybody to know that that that's why the message went out districtwide it's it's a very common practice it happens daily with different schools uh nothing to cause alarm nothing to cause Panic about so apologize for all those people that got the message um everything is okay the second item that I want to address is uh once the meeting is over I will have uh time to make the phone calls that I need to make with OEM and DPW um I am well aware that uh apparently there's a storm coming tomorrow uh and I think it's bringing some snow uh Mr Harris shared that with me a few minutes ago so uh we will be making a a decision after the meeting uh there will be an announcement going out tonight uh but I I obviously have been here for the last few hours and and once I have the opportunity to make the phone calls to those uh individuals that are getting that information I will make an announcement tonight excellent thank you very much is there any old business that should be brought before the attention of the board any new business I just have one item uh for those who who do regularly watch uh tonight there was a shorter agenda because we went from 14 committees to 10 uh that was something that I had discussed with my vice president about trying to ensure that the board more thoroughly discusses all the subject matters on a on a given month uh so we truncated the Committees from 14 to 10 and I think it will Foster greater conversation among board members so uh that was the reason for the shorter agenda and you you heard some different committee names any other comments from any other board members no turning it over to the usual Open Session here we will now open the meeting for public comment when you come to the microphone please provide your name in the section of the Township in which you reside as per regulation 1100d comments must be limited to no more than five minutes no response will be given until you've completed your opportunity to speak anyone wishing to speak this evening seeing none is there any no we'll cross that one off uh the chair will entertain a motion to adjourn motion second okay I have a a motion by myself seconded by Miss ban all in favor I any opposed carried have a good evening [Music] everybody [Music] --------- [Music] yes sir the January 18 2024 meeting of the wber countship Board of Education will please come to order roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson here M bouran here Mr deletro here Mr Muhammad here M Perez here Mr sadonna here Mr treaser here Mr valz here and Mr Harris here Mr secretary as required by the Sunshine Law please read the notice of meetings thank you Mr President the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place there posted as follows on January 11th 2023 emailed to the home News Tribune the star Star Ledger and the municipal clerk's office posted in rth Street School number 11 and the Board of Education administration building also published on the school district website thank you Mr wolferman Miss Bordan please read the closed sessions thank you Mr President in compliance with the Sunshine Law the board must go into closed session in order to discuss subjects exempt from the public portion of our meeting the discussions to be held in close session will be regarding Personnel matters and the board will receive attorney client advice any information regarding the closed session discussion will be released to the public when the reasons for discussing these matters in Clos session no longer exist thank you m ban I have a motion by Miss ban do I have a second second I have a motion by Miss ban seconded by Miss Perez all in favor I any opposed carried we will uh return as soon as we finish our conversation thank you please rise for salute to the flag at a moment of silence please flag United States of America it stands God indivisible with liberty and justice for all okay do I have a motion to reconvene so motion do I have a second second all I have a motion by Mr Tree waser seconded by Mr Sedana all in favor I any opposed no carried roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson here M bouran here Mr deletro here Mr Muhammad here Miss Perez here Mr sadonna here Mr treaser here Mr bz here Mr haris here Mr Secret secary please State for the record Edie notices of bids received by the board thank you Mr President the following requests for proposal were received on January 11th 2024 RFP 24-1 for high impact tutoring okay thank you very much Dr mamino please introduce our student representative from wri high school this evening Alexander Lou thank you Mr President Alexander Lou is an extraordinary young man who is ambitious dedicated and an extremely hard worker Alexander is currently a senior class officer secretary to the Chinese Honor Society and a member of the Asian Pacific Islander Club he currently ranks number one in the senior class with a 4.21 GPA awesome Alexander would like to study computer science and pursue a career in cyber security Alex thanks for joining us today thank you all right the following is a summary of the activities that have taken place at some of our schools at school one students celebrated holidays around the world the PTO offered a holiday shop shop for the students and wridge high school tomorrow's teachers began their visits at school number four and five students were able to shop the Scholastic Book Fair the PTO offered a holiday shop for the students there was a cookies with Santa family event the winter vocal music concert took place the Jazz choir visited to St Joseph's nursing home the AMS Sidekicks uh visited the elementary students Colonial High School's tomorrow's teachers began their visits school for5 was home to an K sa contest winner and lastly the dance club began at school number n students were able to shop the Scholastic Book Fair the winter vocal music concert took place the amsi kicks visited the elementary students woodb High School tomorrow's teachers began their visits School number nine was home to an MLK ESS contest winner the whiffle ball Club began and lastly Santa Claus visited the school on on December 22nd at school number 11 students were able able to shop the Scholastic Book Fair the winter chorus concert took place the PTO offered a holiday shop for the students there was a cookies and cocoa with Santa family event the Woodbridge Middle School Sidekicks visited the Spartan elementary students pbsis Raffles were distributed and lastly a holiday food drive was held throughout the school at school number 19 a Toys for Tots toy and coat drive was held for students in need the student council made holiday wreaths for the veterans at the Meno Park Veterans Home in December School 19 started part started their partnership with John F Kennedy Memorial High School mentors pbsis honored first marking period honorable students with a breakfast ceremony and lastly a mitten tree for the month of January um began by collecting scarves hats and mittens to donate to the homeless at school number 25 the Fords far Department brought their fire safety trailer to educate students on fire safety the cor is sang for the community at wber center mall ESL and bilingual students caroled holiday songs in both English and Spanish various holidays around the world were showcased throughout the month of December the Winter band and chorus concert took place in the new gymnasium the student council sponsored an ugly winter sweater fashion show students were recognized at the December pbsis drawing where the second grade earned a class reward for their continued impr movement and being respectful responsible and kind the FMS hero and cool kids visited the fourth grade classes fifth grade students participated in a dare ceremony students are working on completing activities and decorating for the school with flags and mandala hiding the indic region for indic heritage month and lastly Title One family engagement math rights for grade four kicked off on January 11th grade 5 will begin January 23rd at school number 28 meet the PTO offered a holiday shop for the students the vocal music concert was hosted at W middle school the students and staff participated in a holiday spirit week Santa visited the school and gifted each student with a stuffed animal in a book holiday gifts were provided to8 needy families and 14 students from the school's giving treat and lastly five students from the W High School tomorrow's Teachers Program were welcomed into the school at aveno Middle School Ela students visited the Walnut Street Theater to watch A Christmas Carol then has visited middlex County College to watch the MCC winter dance performance the guidance Department hosted a parents night to share information on how to access Genesis standardized testing bullying prevention social emotional learning the positives and negatives of social media and substance abuse by teenagers lastly 58 students were recognized for exhibiting kindness as part of the school's Wildcat Way character development program at Ford's middle school the girls basketball team won the district wide championship for the second year in a row the Heroes and Cool Kids Sidekicks provided School 19 students with a program today January 18th the winter contest took place and was a success both Woodbridge and JFK High School visited and shared with students the various programs that upcoming freshman can roll in on February 15th several 7th and e8th grade students will have the opportunity to atttend ja Inspire which is an in-depth career exploration program and lastly the student council will sponsor the Woodbridge Township have a har food drive with a goal minimum of 214 lbs at Woodbridge Middle School students were able to drop the shop the Scholastic Book Fair and raised over $600 both the girls and boy boys basketball teams made it to the playoffs the band and chorus held an amazing Winter concert and lastly peer leaders Sidekicks visited the students at mby Street school and raw Street school and finally at WB High School several high school students were accepted into congressman Frank palone Jr's youth advisory Council including aarat Ibrahim Andrew Jones CIFA Inari bang Chada and Nicholas Reyes the saffron Alliance visited several District elementary schools to celebrate and and educate students about various aspects of indic culture in collaboration with indic of in celebration of indic Heritage Month the the saffon alliance hosted a trip to groy for students to enjoy a delicious lunch buffet featuring various Indian foods in collaboration with Colonia Middle School several high school students and staff participated in a training on how to Foster Brave and safe spaces in preparation for a day of expression and allyship and finally several students from the Woodbridge Youth and joy science club visited the Ruckers University chancer Institute thank you Alexander for the detailed report uh tonight you're welcome to stay uh for the rest of the board meeting however don't feel uh pressure if you have other homework to do and uh just want to recognize that I guess it's your your family out there thank you for being here and also uh I think block uh blocked was Mr Osborn uh who may still be sitting there there we go the principal of libert high school has joined us this evening thank you [Applause] yes sir answer so oh yes sir oh sorry uh thank you I really appreciate the opportunity to speak here tonight but fortunately it's my datner time's approaching so I just want to uh tell everyone have a good night and stay safe so really appreciate it thank you thank you [Applause] for Dr maso please stay for the record the super superintendent reports for the month of January Mr President I submit the following reports student registers and fire drill report suspension reports for elementary and secondary schools bomb threat reports and reports of the attendance officers thank you Mr uh Dr Dr Mana uh now for uh public comment uh the W Board of Education welcomes and encourages active productive and respectful participation by members of the public and seeks to protect the First Amendment rights of those who engage in the exercise of free speech at this Board of Education meeting members of the public are requested to express themselves in a civil manner with due respect for the dignity and privacy of those whose legal rights may be impacted the public is now invited to speak regarding the agendas being presented this evening when you come to the microphone please provide your name in the section of town in which you reside along with the specific agenda item that you wish to discuss as per regulation 11 00 D comments must be limited to no more than 5 minutes no response will be given until you have completed your opportunity to speak light turn out this evening anyone wishing to speak all right uh seeing none uh we'll turn to the superintendent's agenda Dr masino do you have any recommendations for us yes Mr President I have 11 items to present to the board tonight sure do I have a motion for the superintendent's agenda so motion excellent do I have a second second second all right I have a motion by Mr treer seconded by Miss Anderson are there any comments or questions from the board saying none roll call Mr wolferman Miss Anderson yes Miss Bordan yes Mr deletro yes Mr Muhammad Mr President with the exception of item 11 which I will be abstaining yes on everything else thank you Miss Perez thank you Mr President I abstain from item number 11 as well in the name of Ruckers yes to all other items Mr sad yes Mr treer yes Mr valz yes and Mr Harris yes communication policy and planning agenda Mr Muhammad Mr President the communication policy and planning committee on recommendation of the superintendent presents the following six items I move for the adoption of the forgoing Well Done Mr Muhammad do I have a second second I have a motion by Mr Muhammad second by Miss Perez are there any comments questions from the board I did want to just make one quick shout out on item number five typically the first meeting of January we approve the board meeting schedule for the remainder of the year of which we were doing it's located in the packet we welcome members of the public to join us at our future board meetings so take a look at that that'll be on the district's website uh very shortly probably tomorrow or or Monday uh weather dependent uh all right any other comments on the the cpnp agenda roll call Mr wolferman Miss Anderson yes M bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Muhammad yes M Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr Tre bosser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes curriculum extracurricular activities and Technology agenda Mr sadana thank you Mr President the curriculum extrac extracurricular activities and Technology committee on the recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction presents the following five items I move for the adoption of the forgoing thank you Mr Sedana do I have a second second I have a motion by Mr Sedana seconded by Mr valz are there any comments or questions from the board seeing none roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes Miss Boran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr sedon yes Mr bler yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes finance and insurance agenda Mr Tre bler thank you Mr President the finance and insurance committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary presents the following 12 items I move for the adoption of the foregoing thank you Mr Tre waser do I have a second second second okay I have a motion by Mr trew seconded by Miss Anderson there are any comments or questions from the board uh one thing Mr President I just want to make sure the Public's aware that all these items that are on the Discord list are not just discarded they are put up for sale first and then based on the results of that then the uh items that if they are not purchased will either be looked to be donated or will be discarded only after every attempt is made to get as much back out of it as possible thank you for that comment Mr uh tree waser I know that was discussed uh at length in the uh finance and insurance committing I know Mr wolferman whether uh this agenda or or future will provide a little more detail as to how members of the public can uh bid on some of these items uh this month is an interesting month for everything from kitchen equipment to technology to uh workout equipment is available on that disposal list and as Mr tree boster noted we try to make some money on those uh those discarded items before they're uh sent to the recycler uh buildings and grounds Mr presid I'm sorry oh sure you had something oh yeah go ahead oh yeah um I just want to give a little shout out to um the Gwen roaming charitable um trust they have um given the remainder of their trust to uh or donated to the PACE program and The Rise program and we appreciate their support of um our two programs thank you thank you m pan thank you and for a roll call Mr wolferman Miss Anderson yes yes M bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes M Perez yes Mr sadana yes Mr treaser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes buildings and grounds Miss Perez thank you Mr President the buildings and grounds committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary presents the following four items I've moved for the adoption of foregoing thank you Miss Perez I have a motion by Miss Perez do I have a second second okay I have a motion by Miss PR seconded by Miss bouran are there any comments or questions from the board Mr President yes sir uh just want to recognize I believe for buildings and grounds I think we have a comprehensive list of the buildings that we have to take care of and I think the buildings and grounds committee along with the Administration has done a great job of following through on all the improvements that have happened on our in our buildings and grounds and and I think we're pretty much on track I think we're a little ahead of schedule with a lot of um the renovations then you know whatever maintenance the upkeep uh having the number of buildings that we do as a district and to manage them all so efficiently I think is a great job I just want to appreciate that thank you Mr sedan anybody else on the buildings of grounds I want to put a a finer point on that as well uh I saw this on one of the Facebook groups recently some questions as Mr uh there was some talk about uh potential new school and then there was some chatter from there turned into well what happened to school four and five one of the projects on the referendum in 20120 we had that cleanup referendum in March of 2023 just want to highlight on the tonight's agenda items two three and four all touch on that school four and five project that is in the preconstruction phase and will'll begin in Earnest a little later on uh sometime this year so if you just look at the items number two three and four have to do with test testing have to do with removal of solar panels and has to do with um those who will be constructing the school relative to uh a project labor agreement so that that project continues to move move along school for and five has not been forgotten and that project you'll see more and more agenda items as the winter and spring evolve so just wanted to make that point uh so Mr wolferman uh could you have a roll call for this agenda please yes Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr mamed yes M Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr treaser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes dining and transportation agenda Miss Perez thank you Mr President the dining and transportation committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary presents the following seven items I move for the adoption of the foro thank you m Perez I have a motion by Miss Perez do I have a second second okay I have a motion by Miss Perez seconded by Miss Anderson other there any comments or questions from the board seeing none roll call Mr wolferman Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr delro yes Mr Muhammad yes M Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr tree bosser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes Personnel agenda Mr delip CH thank you Mr President the Personnel committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent of Human Resources presents the following 43 items a move for the adoption of the forgoing second thank you Mr delaer do I have a second Mr Trier second I have a motion by Mr delapa seconded by Mr Tri waser there are any comments or questions from the board roll call Mr wolferman Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohamad yes M Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr treaser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes M hope Madden do we have any legal advice for this evening no we have none all right thank you very much uh Dr mamino you and I just had a quick chat uh you have something to offer sure Mr haris uh two items that I just wanted to bring to everybody's attention uh there was an announcement that went out District yde today uh regarding a student at Woodbridge High School uh these this is a common message that goes out by individual schools um anytime there's an emergency we let the school know we want parents to be aware that that if there's an ambulance at the school they know why there's an ambulance at the school or or a fire truck at the school so has not to create any kind of alarm uh there was an a clerical error um not to the fault of the individual there there was some confusion with the system so it inadvertently went out districtwide um there is no confidentiality breach there is no um concern regarding you the the mode in which you went out beyond the fact that there was a glitch in the system uh we addressed it and just wanted everybody to know that that that's why the message went out districtwide it's it's a very common practice it happens daily with different schools uh nothing to cause alarm nothing to cause Panic about so apologize for all those people that got the message um everything is okay the second item that I want to address is uh once the meeting is over I will have uh time to make the phone calls that I need to make with OEM and DPW um I am well aware that uh apparently there's a storm coming tomorrow uh and I think it's bringing some snow uh Mr Harris just shared that with me a few minutes ago so uh we will be making a a decision after the meeting uh there will be an announcement going out tonight uh but I obviously I'm have been here for the last few hours and and once I have the opportunity to make the phone calls to those uh individuals that are getting that information I will make an announcement tonight excellent thank you very much is there any old business that should be brought before the attention of the board any new business yeah I just have one item uh for those who who do regularly watch uh tonight there was a shorter agenda because we went from 14 committees to 10 uh that was something that I had discussed with my vice president about trying to ensure that the board uh more thoroughly discusses all the subject matters on a on a given month uh so we truncated the Committees from 14 to 10 and I think it will Foster greater conversation among board members so uh that was the reason for the shorter agenda and you you heard some different committee names any other comments from any other board members no turning it over to the usual Open Session here we will now open the meeting for public comment when you come to the microphone please provide your name in the section of the Township in which you reside as per regulation 1100d comments must be limited to no more than five minutes no response will be given until you've completed your opportunity to speak anyone wishing to speak this evening seeing none is there any no we'll cross that one off uh the chair will entertain a motion to adjourn motion second okay I have a a motion by myself seconded by miss foran all in favor I any opposed carried have a good evening everybody