e e thank you thank you oh I can I every you's at Double a doctor and an attorney all right we're returning now uh before we salute to the flag and uh give a moment of silence i' I'd ask that we uh when giving the moment of silence that you keep in your thoughts and prayers this evening uh two police officers were shot here in w Township last night uh I understand they're they're recovering but please uh keep our police in our thoughts of prayers they protect our schools and our town on a daily basis so please uh join me and S to the flag in a moment of silence I pledge Alle to the flag of the United States theice do I have a motion to reconvene no motion do I have a second second all right motion by Mr Tre bler seconded by Miss Perez all in favor any opposed carried roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson here M bouran here Mr deletro here Mr Muhammad here m Perez here Mr treaser here Mr bz here and Mr Harris here will someone make a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meetings no no motion okay do I have a second second Frank did you get a first and second uh any additions or Corrections uh I have a motion by Mr delito seconded by Mr Tre waser all in favor any opposed carried roll call Mr SEC excuse me uh Mr secretary please State for the record any notices of bids received by the board thank you Mr President the following bids and proposals were opened for the 2024 25 school year on May 29th 2024 we opened ifb 2504 for carpentry supplies and ifb 2505 for Food Service kitchen repair on May 30th 2024 we opened I for hbac supplies and on May 31st 2024 we opened ifb 2508 for electrical supplies and ifb 2509 boiler supplies June 5th um we had an RFP for institute Staffing services 25-2 and June 7th we had RFQ 25-01 for copiers June 11th we had ifb 2510 for train proprietary software ifb 2511 for solar energy monitoring and ifb 2512 for solar panel removal thank you Mr Wolfman Dr Masano please introduce our student representative shus Singh from jnf Kennedy Memorial High School shre is currently ranks fourth in a class of 341 students and has attained a 4.2 GPA he is enrolled in the most challenging schedule JFK has to offer which includes many accelerated honors and advanced placement courses clearly his hard work has paid off as he has been named an AP scholar with distinction and a National Merit Scholarship semi finalist along with participating in the Columbia science honor program sh sucs in mathematics as noted in his participation in the AMC 12 National math competition wrecking fourth nationally in the American regions Math League holding the District Central Jersey Math League record and in his junior year scoring a perfect 800 on the math section of the SAT outshining his 780 on the verbal yes for those doing Mental Math Shas received a 1580 on his sat outside the classroom trus has not only only been involved in clubs but has been a leader in his activities holding the title of Captain and director of the math team captain for both the academic stem team treasurer of the French Honor Society officer of the science Honor Society officer of the computer science club and being named a life Scout patrol leader for the scouts shus is not just an academic but an athlete who has been part of the cross country team and swim teams as a four-year Varsity member shre plant a double major in mathematics and economics and will attend Columbia University in the fall shes thank you for joining [Applause] us all right uh for the activity list by school so at school number one students participated in the Dei showcase on May 14th the spring concert was held on May 16th there was a first grade reading celebration on June 7th field day was held on June 5th kindergarten promotion took place on June 10th the grade 5 promotion was held earlier today students participated in a bubbles for autism event and therapy dogs made a visit to the school next up at school number 18 students participated in a bubbles for autism in April a therapy dog visited the school in April and May third grade students participated in the Dei showcase on May 14th the track team placed first for the second consecutive year at the elementary track meet the spring concertband performance was held on May 29th there was a first grade reading celebration on May 30th field day was held on June 10th kindergarten promotion took place earlier today and the fifth grade promotion and awards will be held on June 14th now for school number 19 a grow and glow party was held to recognize and praise students for their growth in academics p P pbsis honored the fourth and fifth grade honor roll inductees with breakfast the D the Dei committee presented their project at the district showcase and offers a special thanks to the community stakeholders who helped make this project possible Home Depot Woodbridge Township parks department and the Menlo Park Terrace fire department Woodbridge police officers read to the students during police week and students and student council presented the officer with thank you cards the fifth grade boys won the really race at the elementary track meet and title won students in grades 1 through three participated in a book club which allowed them to Showcase their project to their parents during lunchtime right it's School number 24 students participated in the Dei showcase bubble day was celebrated A Mother's Day plant sale was held from May 6th to May 10th Police Week was celebrated with with students doing a craft with the sheriff's department reading books and coloring with the Woodbridge Police and stepping up ceremonies began May 30th for the preschool and kindergarten students and for school number 29 autism acceptance and spirit week was held April 15th through through 19th bubbles for autism day was held on April 17th a schoolwide fundraiser raised $485 for Autism Speaks the student council raised $320 for the Woodbridge animal group and students use their spare change to vote for a school spirit day theme next up at Ford's middle school the girls cross country team placed second and the boys cross country teams placed third for the season students participated in the district science engineering and Technology Symposium with the eighth grade science honors students placing second and third third in the behavior science and psychology category third in the environmental science category and two groups ranked in the top 10% of projects enabling them to enter their projects into the thermal Fisher Junior innovators Challenge and lastly for John of Ken Kennedy Memorial High School the All-Star track Festival was hosted at JFK for students across the district on April 25th 42 new members were inducted into the national English Honor Society the annual aapi cultural showcase highlighting Foods dance and other Asian Pacific Islander cultures was held on May 2nd at the district Dei showcase on May 14th the dance students performed and students also presented on the importance of access to clean clean air and water the choir performed its spring concert on May 16th the first international thespian Society Gala was held on May 21st the the annual melanoma walk to raise money for the American Cancer Society was held on May 29th and finally the annual fashion show displaying designs created by The Talented fashion students was held on June 6th thank you thank [Applause] you thank you shus for your detailed report and congratulations on your academic success good luck at Columbia uh you are welcome to stay for the rest of the meeting however if you're unable to stay we will not be offended uh I'm going to stay you okay great all right welcome board awesome Dr mam oh you know before I move on I want to recognize uh Dr Perry a principal at Jeff JF K Memorial High School for joining us thank you Dr Perry enjoy your summer all right Dr Masano please State for the record the superintendent reports for the month of May 2024 Mr President I submit the student registers and fire drill report suspend reports for elementary and secondary schools bomb threat reports and reports of the attendance officers thank you Dr maso the we Board of Education welcomes and encourages active productive and respectful participation by members of the public and seeks to protect the First Amendment rights of those who engage in the exercise of free speech at this Board of Education meeting members of the public are requested to express themselves in a civil manner with due respect for the dignity and privacy of those whose legal rights may be impacted the public is now invited to speak regarding the agenda is being presented this evening when you come to the microphone please provide your name and the section of the Township in which you reside along with the specific agenda item you wish to discuss as per regulation 1100d comments must be limited to no more than 5 minutes no response will be given until you have completed your opportunity to speak anyone wishing to speak on an agenda item this evening seeing none Dr masman will'll jump into the superintendent agenda do you have any recommendation Mr President I have 39 items to present to the board this evening thank you D do I have a motion for superintendent's agenda so motion okay thank you Sor John I didn't hear you do I have a second second I have a motion by Mr trew seconded by Miss bouran are there any comments or questions from the board roll call Mr werman Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad Mr President I have to abstain from items 36 38 and 39 in the name of ruers University yes on all the other items Miss Perez Mr President I will also have to abstain on the same items items number 36 number 38 number 39 in the name of Ruckers University yes to all other items Mr treaser yes on all items Mr valz yes on all items Mr Harris yes on all items communication policy and planning agenda Mr bohamad Mr President the communication policy and planning committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools presents the following seven items I move for the adoption of the foregoing excellent thank you Mr Muhammad do I have a second second I have a motion by Mr Muhammad seconded by Mr Perez any comments or questions from the board seeing none roll call Mr wolferman M Anderson yes Miss Bordan yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr treaser yes Mr valz yes Mr haris yes curriculum extracurricular activities and Technology agenda I'll be uh asking Mr Muhammad would you to move that agenda for us oh sure the our next one sorry we had Mr s at depart Mr President the curriculum extracurricular activities and Technology committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction presents the following 61 items excellent I move for the for for the adoption of the forgoing right thank you very much Mr Muhammad do I have a second second I have a motion by Mr muhammd second by Miss Perez any comments or questions from the board saying none roll call Mr W M Anderson yes M bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad Mr President I I do just want to clarify maybe I'm missing agenda items here I have 39 on one page and oh yeah [Music] 39 I'm missing I don't have 40 41 you know I I do see that now myself Mr pastorino do you recognize you think the numerical order is just off or or if we're missing a page back ah yeah you know what and we're missing items 11 through 22 so so it was a photoc copy error and 40 through sure sure yep 40 through 43 yeah uh through 53 excuse me uh would you like to I I don't have my copies on me previous review1 items 61 items did you have any question you want to see it at the next meeting we could fill you in yeah sure I can we'll make sure we we'll fill you in if you want to abstain on this particular if you're uncomfortable no we can move forward okay so you trust the 61 I trust myself there vo Mr M yes yes yes great u m Perez yes Mr Trier yes Mr bz yes Mr Harris yes than happen live TV here folks yeah you I'm kind of good with numbers I right all right we're moving on to finance and insurance agenda that's Mr Tre bler thank you Mr President finance and insurance committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools the business administrator board secretary presents following 18 items I move for the adoption of the forgoing thank you Mr treer I have a motion by Mr Tre waser do I have a second second right I have a motion by Mr Tree waser seconded by Miss Anderson any comments or questions from the board seeing none roll call Mr wolmer M Anderson yes M bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr mohammd yes M Perez yes Mr treer yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes buildings to agenda Miss Perez thank you Mr President the buildings and grounds committee on the recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary presents the following eight items I move for the adoption of the forgoing motion by Miss PR do I have a second second second right motion by Miss Perez seconded by Mr delap picho any comments or questions from the board nothing on buildings and grounds moving on roll call Mr wolferman Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr treaser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes dining and transportation back to you Miss Perez thank you Mr President the dining and transportation committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary present the following 38 items I move for the adoption of the foregoing thank you Miss PR I have a motion by Miss pres do I have a second second okay motion by Miss PR seconded by Miss Anderson any comments or question from the board none call call Mr wolferman Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr treaser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes Personnel agenda Mr Del any negotiation negoti on my script do you want to do negotiations first we do negotiations no it's in the it's in order in the order personel okay we'll have to talk to Miss Lanigan about that thank you Mr President the Personnel committee and recomend recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent of Human Resources presents the following 54 items I will be abstaining on items 44 through 48 yes and all other items thank thank you very much uh I have a motion by Mr Del Petra do I have a second second I have a motion by Mr Del Petra second is by Miss Perez are there any comments or questions from the board see you know I I will op on here um before us this evening on the Personnel no excuse me it's on the next agenda even I'm all twisted up here roll call Mr wolferman Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr Del Peter I just want to clarify since now we have it 44 through 48 you're abstaining yes yes on all others yes thank you Mr Muhammad yes M Perez yes Mr sad sorry he's not here Mr treaser I will be abstaining on item 51 in the name Michael Henderson yes and all other items and I will be abstaining on uh 44 45 46 47 and 48 Mr valz yes and Mr Harris uh I'll be abstaining on items number 44 45 46 47 48 and 49 thank you yes on all others yes yes on remaining agenda thank you thank you negotiations agenda Mr perezz mrz Perez over there what bz you said perezz okay thank you Mr President the Board of Education nominations committee presents the following two items and I move for the adoption of for going okay I have a motion by Mr valz do I have a second second I have a motion by Mr valz and seconded by Mr Del Mr uh tree waser I apologize are there any comments or questions from the board this was where I wanted to just make a quick comment uh uh each uh president of each uh each Board gets an opportunity to appoint a negotiations committee I uh I selected Mr valz along with uh Mr Sedana and miss bouran our vice president to serve on that committee they began in Earnest uh negotiating item number one that was the uh wood Township Education Association contract uh when I think of the school board there are the three most important things that any school board will vote on first being a chief academic officer or chief uh executive officer or superintendent uh generally because the contracts are 3 to five years uh after that an annual budget which usually uh is in the uh for us or it's over $300 million and then the third most important thing we vote on in any given 3 to five year cycle is also the educate Educators contract which is a uh a huge undertaking takes a lot of time energy effort uh and fortunately we have a long history of a very solid strong working relationship between management and labor and I want to thank our committee for for the work you did uh I know for Dr maso it's important we got contracts done on time and we did it uh on time and uh you know according to Mr Wolford on budget which we're very pleased about I want to thank our partners on the labor side the WTA president uh jof Frey thank you very much we're happy uh to uh to approve this contract as well so with that anyone else wish to make any comments Mr President I just like to also applaud the work of the team and everyone that's involved great job on a contract I agree seeing no others Mr President I just want to thank Mr wolferman on the administrative side for uh his his guidance in um explaining the the mundane to us and his math mad math skills so thank you Mr Wolfman seeing no others roll call Mr wolman Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr delro yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr treaser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris Mr Harris yes sorry I was checking in went legal here uh yes so thank thank you is there any old business that should be brought for the attention of the board M boan Mr yes you got me um I move to amend the board's previous finding regarding HIV investigation 26411 3- wm-41 62024 to a finding of founded thank you Mr President all right Mr wolman I think we have to do a vote on that Cor is that is that yeah do I have a second on Miss uh Ban's motion thank you motion by Miss ban seconded by Miss Perez call Miss Anderson yes M bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes M Perez yes Mr treer yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris Mr Harris uh it's up to me already yes all right any other old business that should be broken for the attention of the board saying none any new business Mr President yes yes I'd like to announce that our woodd Township juneth celebration which is sponsored by wac will be on Saturday June 15th from 1: to 6:00 pm they're going to have music by DJ ran and there also going to have the Epic Soul band it will be at wubber high school and um all are welcome so I hopefully everybody will come out and and celebrate with us thank you thank you M Anderson saw Frank's hand Frank thank you Mr President I want to recognize one of our um our power professionals last month a a student suffered a serious medical emergency um at JFK High School par par professional Su Bando uh witnessed the event and provided immediate Medical Care by using her CPR training to care for the student uh until more help arrived I'd like to recognize Sue Pano for quick actions that day providing medical care for the down student which resulted in her uh speedy recovery um you know we give our our employees all this this this training and it's good to see that our employees something like this you know not a lot of people jump in and want to help you know but um she did an excellent job I got a lot of people you know with feedback that wanted her to be recognized so um sue you did a good job thank you thank you thank you very much for recognizing her anybody else Mr President I'd also like to make a quick announcement I wanted to announce that the acacia Youth Center will be open this summer for Woodbridge Township students entering the 6th to 8 grade they're open Monday June 24th through Friday August 16th from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and you can find more information on their website thank you thank you m Perez Miss bordon I see your phone's open there my phone is open and unfortunately my page went away but I do know that it uh there two things that I wanted to mention was um middlex county is offering free swimming lessons to all second graders throughout the middle sex County area um and I was going to do Jenny's as well but Jenny did that one um and I do I the information is um out there pretty much on all social media channels um so you can find information on the the swim lessons and obviously it's a very important um swim lessons save lives right right uh I appreciate middle SE County for doing that the other thing I wanted to say was congratulations to the class of 2024 uh you guys have been through a lot in your years of school um you've been resilient and I do want want to wish you a lot of luck in uh whatever your future holds so congratulations can't wait to celebrate with you on Tuesday um that's all thank you thank you m Bordan yes I Echo that congratulations to the class of 2024 I did have just one recognition each summer the Township Recreation Department and the W Township School District partner up and provide uh summer enrichment classes to our students uh to students who sign up as subscription based ranges between 75 and $1 $150 per class uh there's 45 classes that the recreation department offers through their website you can sign up there call or email the recreation department these are taught these classes are taught by Township uh school district teachers uh and the courses range from stem to the Arts to the humanities really great way for children to to stay sharp during the summer months as well as visiting our our Woodbridge Library system and and picking up a book and making sure they uh they stay uh they stay Sharp for the next school year starting next year uh with that that concludes my remarks anybody else see no others this portion of the uh meeting where we kick it over back to the public we will now open up the meeting for public comment when you come to the microphone please provide your name the section of the Township in which you reside as per regulation 1100d comments must be limited to no more than 5 minutes no response will be given until you have completed your opportunity to speak Mr jeffroy thank you president Harris I'm Brian jeffroy president wtaa uh and I want to Echo your remarks about uh congratulating the the the board on their hard work the board's negotiations team I want to thank you on behalf of the association uh in my 25 years of being involved with WTA negotiations this is only the second time that we've settled a contract prior to the expiration it is not the norm it is only due to the hard work and dedication uh of both teams working together um over the years negotiations many times it can be adversarial that was not the case both teams were willing to work together to find common ground work through our differences uh and and I'm pleased that of the result that was put forward so I cannot thank you enough for for the for the board uh Team along with Mr werman the time the commitment the dedication and we are very happy with the result thank you sure thank you thank you very much anybody else wishing to speak this evening how you doing my name how you doing my name is William vula um my son goes to Island Middle Schools we live in Island um I hope that you can give me a little more than five minutes I've got some issues that kind of surprise me um uh curriculum wise and academically and I just wanted to voice the things that I've learned now I've already spoken with Mr poino he's given me an hour and a half of his time which I'm very thankful for but I still walk away with the confusion about where things are and where the township stands uh I kind of feel that there is a lack of exposure and opportunity curriculum wise in the township I'll give you a few examples um my son is graduating 8th grade going into ninth grade from IMS to JFK and uh history which to me is one of the pillar subjects um he has yet to be taught anything that transpired pretty much in the 20th century um there are different ways to teach history you can take a spiral approach where remember the old days where you just got dates when you were a little kid and then you moved up to more details uh he hasn't even gotten dates I have to tell him about World War II Vietnam depression all of that now he has had Civics which is taken care of some of the government issues but he has gone into no details in that that's history in math and in science I'm going to talk about the njl njsla he is in honors math so he got he was an Al he took the algebra 1 njsla test this uh spring uh we went through the practice tests and he did not he had never been exposed to imaginary numbers which is in the practice test and any depth of quadratic equations by the time the test was given um I had to teach him that so that he could do well on that test I don't think it's my I'm glad I did but I don't think it's my responsibility in preparation for that test for him to do that um to me what's even worse is the science aspect of the njs slas and again I want to emphasize to me the njas I saying that um is the states saying that these these students should know this by this point in time um in science uh he has repeatedly had Earth and space science from the get-go as the major focus of what he's been taught uh life science little to none physical science hardly any so in their in his class uh a week prior to the njsa science uh they took a unit one test uh let's see seven of the 20 questions were on earth science and they did great and the other 13 of the 20 questions they flailed on um and of the overall questions um of the two units they were taken on the two day in the two days or 3 days 11 earth science 17 life science and 12 physical science I had to explain to him what refraction was what reflection was I had to explain to him um what potential energy and kinetic energy is um again he's 14 years old this summer I would think that he would have some exposure to that at this point in time instead of waiting to high school to have that uh information so I I think it's it's pretty lacking uh in effectivity in in the curriculum I'm not pointing out the teachers I think the teachers are given be told what to do I they probably do a very good job um now move on to the other aspect um he's moving into High School next year he's moving into JFK uh myself and a lot of the parents were confused as to how the school was going to be structured now we eventually found out learn that it was four blocks in the fall and four blocks in the spring um and uh it's very confusing for me I grew up in a period approach where you were given certain subjects all year long now one of my concerns with this one of my major concerns with this lack of continuity you can theoretically ask English for one calendar year later now there's no continuity there there math is even worse you can have geometry in the fall and then not have Algebra 2 until the spring um I don't know how I would think you're setting up students for a setting them up to succeed but to me a system like this is not setting them up to succeed because they're not having regular exposure to these Concepts it's setting them up to failure and any students who end up succeeding from this I think the representative here is a good example is actually fighting the system and doing better than what the system is providing uh so I would love to see it go to I know things take time um I would love to see it go to a period approach so that there's some continuity in in what the students will be teaching there are not as many hurdles um the the the I think the school metrics that we see from the state show that it's we're not really we you're not really succeeding at this um you're doing below average yeah that's that's the five minute Mark if you want to finish your thought there I I do have to keep it consistent across all speakers uh I know I know I don't have a problem with that uh I'm pretty well close though I did rush through it um and and I kind of feel from my perspective you know I've been to school districts that did the period approach and that's what I'm used to that's why I was so shocking when I saw the two block system um what gets to me I live in Island which has a large Indian population and um they come here to the United States thinking that this is how the United States does things and then I have to tell them that this is not how the United States does things um even in the state of New Jersey most a gross majority of schools do not take the block and block approach they take a period approach and um it's just very disconcerting to have to um work against A system that doesn't seem to be supporting a continuity of Education thank you very much yes thank you very much we we had a chance to speak uh briefly before the meeting I remember you uh from from many years back uh the meeting is close to wrapping up if if you want to continue our conversation afterwards I could give you my contact information I know Mr Pino I I don't know if you an hour and a half long meeting I don't know if you have any homework from that meeting uh you know perhaps we we could connect and we could continue talking about some of your suggestions when the board curriculum committee meets and we could go from there I appreciate thank you very much with that um is there I don't see anyone else wishing to speak is excuse me I always get tripped up by that one part the chair will entertain a motion to adjourn no motion second do I have a second second I have a motion by Mr Tre bler seconded by Mr Del picho all in favor any opposed carried have a good night everybody we'll see you in July [Music] e e e e e e e e for