[Music] okay the March 14 meeting of the wers Township Board of Education will please come to order roll call Mr secretary miss bouran here Mr deletro here Mr Muhammad here M Perez here Mr sadonna here Mr treer here Mr Harris here Mr secretary as required by the Sunshine Law please read the notice of meetings thank you Mr President the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time and place thereof posted as follows on January 25th 2024 emailed to the home News Tribune The Star Ledger and the municipal clerk's office posted in Ross Street School number 11 and the Board of Education administration building also published on the school district website thank you Mr wolferman Miss bouran please read the Clos session statement thank you Mr President in compliance with the Sunshine Law the board must go into closed session in order to discuss subjects Exempted from the public portion of our meeting the discussions to be held in close session will be regarding Personnel matters and the board will receive attorney client advice any information regarding the Clos sessions uh discussion will be released to the public when the reasons for discussing these matters in closed session no longer exist that second I I have a motion by Miss bouran do I have a second second I have a motion by Miss bouran second by Mr CH waser all in favor I any opposed seeing none carried the board will retire to close session it will be a little longer than normal but we'll be out as soon as we're completed thank you I can't argue with that please rise for the salute to the flag at a moment of silence pledge allei to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all good evening do I have a motion to reconvene so motion second do I have a second second okay I have a motion by Mr Tree waser seconded by Mr Del Petro all in favor I any opposed carried roll call Mr secretary miss bouran here Mr deletro here Mr Mohammad here Miss Perez here Mr Sedana here Mr treaser here and Mr Harris here Mr secretary please stay for the record any notices of bids received by the board thank you Mr President the following bids were received for the 2324 school year on February 16th 2024 ifb 24-15 for dance flooring good Dr bro please introduce our student representative from JFK Memorial High School Mr payar you can correct him I have well you can correct me petar spanovich yeah that good close enough yeah say it how you say it how you said it before panovich I'm not going to say it like that you say payar is academically exceptional with grades at the top of his class his commitment to Excellence is evident from his participation in honors AP and accelerated classes from as early as his freshman year he's also one of an elite few here at JFK who has earned a seal of biliteracy for his Proficiency in the Serbian language pay is not only academically gifted but he is also well-rounded individual with a multitude of extracurricular activities his involvement in sports especially as captain of the volleyball team speaks volumes about his leadership teamwork and dedication in addition from his Awards of all division player Most Valuable Player and most improved player one can see how much he values hard work and personal growth Beyond Athletics he displays a true passion for the Arts pedar is the president of the guitar club and he also demonstrates enthusiasm for his music through the many hours he spents is practicing his craft at home as well as performing in live shows down in our Town's Waterfront he has also been an integral member of the school play Community petar's other activities are equally impressive he has been an officer for his class all four years currently is President he is the social media director for the American Cancer Society and a member of the following clubs and organizations Society for the prevention of teen suicide Heroes and Cool Kids Autism Awareness Club student council FBA and student council petar plans to pursue a degree next year in information systems with his track record there is no doubt that he will be a true success story P thank you for joining us tonight thanks Dr M at school one students participated in the kids heart challenge with a donation of $8,500 family science began in January and ended in February grade 3 had a class trip to the Woodbridge Library as part of the Dei program wh wh sbsu performed for Black History Month Woodridge Middle School Sidekicks program presented to the grade four students chess club began for third and fourth grade students Art Club began for grade 5 students as part of this month's Dei togetherness Thursday we celebrated by wearing sports jerseys we participated in a soup or bowl soup or Bowl in celebration of the Super Bowl and donated 2,19 jars of soup with a total of 250b Woodbridge High School visited School 1 for a science research collaboration with grade 4 at school 18 students participated in the have a heart food drive Family Programs ran in January and February for students in grades 2 3 and four students have been taking monthly class trips to the Island library the Scholastic Book Fair will be held the week of March 18th as part of the Dei program IMS dance class will be coming to teach teach a dance to third grade students Black History Month was celebrated with Buddy class activities and daily announcement announcements honoring famous black people fifth grade students will be hosting a live wax museum at the end of March for women's History Month IMS Sidekicks program presented to the fourth grade students chess club began in March for students in grade four and five at school 19 the JFK step team performed for the students and explained the cultural background for the step team during Black History Month over 1,800 food donations were received for the have a heart food drive family writing and family science programs ran through the month of February for our second and fourth grade families for Black History Month each class made a silhouette of a famous black person and listed their trads pbsis honored the fourth and fifth grade honoral students with a small breakfast and certificate ceremony classes visited the for's Library chess club began for fourth and fifth graders at school 24 students collected food for have a for have a hard food drive we celebrated black history month and the students did various activities indic heritage month was also celebrated with students from JFK indic Heritage Alliance and this exchange performing for the students we had a family and Title One programs after school at school 26 students collected over 214 pounds of food for the half a heart food drive made Valentine for the veterans in honor of Black History Month hallways were decorated A to Z each letter represented images messages and people to honor the drama club will be performing the musical Annie kids the national Elementary Honor Society induction will be held women's History Month will be celebrated Family Programs ran through the month January and February indic Heritage Month was celebrated with students from JFK indic Heritage Alliance and de exchange performing for the students at school 29 a kindness crew was created for grade four and five to improve the school climate and speak kindness the kindness crew began the Buddy bench to decrease loneliness and bullying and increased autonomy and pro-social behaviors for students at Ford's middle school the diversity Council visited Pennsylvania Avenue School and read books highlighting well-known African-American figures for Black History Month a group of students visited the traveling Museum exhibit from the africanamerican Heritage Museum of Southern New Jersey at avanel Middle School the entire School learned about why black history month is in February presentations were given in all English classes and then the students played Jeopardy where they learned various facts about Black History Month the Wind Ensemble visited Rucker University for an hour-long Clinic with Dr bz the first female band director in the University's history students were invited attend a concert in May the g&t students had a convers convocation displaying their project to the school 25 students went to the ja Inspire Junior achievements in-depth career exploration program at middle sex County College on March 7th from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. there will be an International Food and culture Fest to celebrate National foreign language week and finally at JFK High School the JFK staff and students competed in our annual FCCLA liping battle to raise money for rent for moms 19 new members were inducted to the trim music Honor Society the Key Club and student council collaborated to collect and donate food for the have a heart food drive JFK hosted the district honors band concert the step team elite and concert choir performed at the district Black History Month celebration at Woodbridge High School the Kennedy players performed High School Musical students from school 19 visited JFK on March 6th to view this incredible performance the competition cheer team won their second state championship in a row at the njcdca Championships and JFK celebrated National foreign language week March 4th to 8th with special lessons activities and music thank [Applause] you thank you payar for uh for your detailed report tonight you're welcome to stay but uh if you have other things to do we will not be offended if you uh excuse yourself so I had volleyball trials and I didn't get to do my homework after school so I will get to that right now okay thank you thank you thank you and good luck in the rest of school and uh a shout out to uh JFK Memorial High School principal Dr Perry in the back there thanks for joining [Applause] us Dr mamino please stay for the record the superintendent's reports for the month of February 2024 thank you Mr President I present the following monthly reports student registers and fire drill reports suspension reports for elementary and secondary schools bomb threat reports and reports for the attendance officers thank you Dr masino the wber S Board of Education welcomes and encourages active productive and respectful participation by members of the public and seeks to protect the First Amendment rights of those who engage in the exercise of free speech at this Board of Education meeting members of the public are requested to express themselves in a civil manner with due respect for the dignity and privacy of those whose legal rights you may be impacted the the public is now invited to speak regarding the agendas being presented this evening when you come up to the microphone please provide your name and the section of the Township in which you've reside along with the specific agenda item and the item number you wish to discuss as per regulation 1100d please keep your comments to no more than 5 minutes no responses will be given until you have completed your opportunity to speak anyone wishing to speak please come to the microphone on any agenda item okay seeing none superintendent's agenda Dr massino do you have any recommendations Mr President yes I do I have 22 items to present to the board tonight thank you Dr maso do I have a a motion for superintendent's agenda okay do I have a second second okay I have a motion by Mr de uh Mr treer second by Mr delro any comments or questions from the board seeing none roll call Mr wolman M bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Muhammad yes Ms Perez yes M uh Mr Sana yes Mr tree yes and Mr Harris yes communication policy and planning agenda Mr Muhammad thank you Mr President first of all I'd like to thank Miss Nicole for the tabs in the binder maybe it's just mine's but thank you so much it really helps the communication policy and planning committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools presents the following five items I move for the adoption of the forgoing thank you I have a motion by Mr Muhammad do I have a second second okay a motion by Mr Muhammad seconded by Miss Perez any comments or questions from the board no seeing none I I will offer one quick comment normally by now uh this part of the school year we have approved uh the calendar the student calendar for next school year however uh due to a number of circumstances uh I hope that uh for the April 25th board meeting that uh that agenda item will be on the agenda so parents I I've seen a lot of questions Sue and I you and I and Jenny's Notting her head we're on a lot of the parent groups a lot of questions about where the student calendar is that that's the update on that so we we should have that ready for April 25 uh roll call Mr wolferman Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss perz yes Mr sedon yes Mr tree waser yes Mr Harris yes curriculum extra curricul activities and technology technology agenda Mr Sedana thank you Mr President the curriculum extracurricular activities and Technology committee on the recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction presents the following six items I move for the adoption of the foregoing okay thank you I have a motion by Mr sedna do I have a second second okay I have a motion by Mr Sedana secondary by Mr Muhammad are there any comments or questions from the board seeing none roll call Mr W Forman M Bordan yes Mr delro yes Mr Mohamad yes Miss Perez yes Mr Sedano yes Mr treer yes Mr Harris yes finance and insurance agenda Mr tree thank you Mr Harris the finance and insurance committee on the recommendation to the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary I present the following 20 items I move for the adoption of the forgoing thank you Mr tree waser do I have a second second okay I have a motion by Mr tree waser second by Mr delap pitro any comments or questions from the board seeing none roll call Mr wolman Miss Bordan yes any abstentions oh I'm sorry yes I abstain on item number one in the name of Susan bardan yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes Ms Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr T waser yes Mr Harris yes Safety and Security agenda Mr Del chair thank you Mr President the Safety and Security committee and recommendation of the superintendent of schools presents the following two items move for the adoption forego thank you I have a motion by Mr delro do I have a second second okay I have a motion by Mr delap pitro seconded by Miss Perez any comments or questions from the board seeing none roll call Mr secretary Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes M Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr treas yes Mr Harris yes buildings and grounds agenda Miss Perez thank you Mr President the buildings and grounds committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary present the following four items I move for the adoption of the forgoing thank you Mr Perez do I have a second second okay I have a motion by Miss Perez seconded by Mr Sedana any comments or questions for the board none roll call Mr wolman Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr mohammd yes Miss Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr treas yes Mr Harris yes dining and transportation agenda Miss Perez back to you thank you Mr President the dining and transportation committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary present the following six items I move for the adoption of the forgoing thank you Miss perz do I have a second second second okay I have a motion by Miss perz seconded by by miss bouran any comments or questions from the board I'll I'll offer one one quick comment myself I want to thank uh Mr wolferman and the rest of your team from dining and Transportation uh Mr selli included dorine uh for following up on a number of questions from the the committee uh regarding the convenience fees that are charged the parents when uploading money onto their students pay school's account there's a uh flyer uh with all the updated information some new new means of adding money onto your students accounts that will be going out to parents in the the district I want to thank the parents for flagging that issue bringing it bringing it to our attention I want to thank my colleagues for and the uh the administration for getting that accomplished so thank you very much roll call Mr wolferman M Bordan yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr sadonna yes Mr treaser yes Mr Harris yes Equity commission Mr Dre Blaser thank you Mr President the equity Commission committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools presents the following one item I move for the adoption of the forgoing thank you Mr treer do I have a second second okay I have a motion by Mr Tre waser second by m Perez any coms or questions from the board saying none roll call Mr wolman M Bordan yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad I do have one comment that I'd like to share okay um not to make it a surprise but in terms of the equity Commission uh I saw on recently in Communications that various schools in the district are allowing students uh quiet time during this month of Ramadan so I want to commend the schools for recognizing that Equity amongst their students and and and the inclusion of all different Fates I just want to recognize that as far as Equity is concerned and yes thank and you vote yet thank you thank you m Perez yes Mr sadonna yes Mr treaser yes and Mr Harris yes person agenda Mr delra thank you Mr President the Personnel committee and recommendation of the superintendent of schools and assistant superintendent of Human Resources presents the following 32 items I move for the adoption of foro thank you Mr Delo do I have a second second okay I have a motion by Mr Delo seconded by Mr Sedana any comments or questions from the board excellent roll call Mr wolferman Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr Don yes Mr treer I will be abstaining on item 31 in the name Michael Henderson yes on all other items and Mr Harris yes thank you uh is there any old business that should be brought before the attention of the board NOP seeing none any new business that should be brought before the attention of the board Mr President yes I just have a couple of things I want to um to use your term shout out tonight all right um one is on um oh I lost the page here uh excuse me one second on oh sorry March 30th the date had changed uh March 30th from 1:00 to 3 at the Evergreen Center the Colonia annual Easter egg Bonnet parade and egg hunt will take place um it's always a really fun event for the kids uh make your biggest best Bonnet and get out there and compete it is a lot of fun there's they hide thousands and thousands of eggs for the kids to find if I'm not mistaken there's a uh like a not a hay ride because it's Easter but there's a there's you know Transportation down to where the eggs are are hidden so the Easter Bunny does a lot of work um and it's always a fun event um I also want to shout out to uh my pal Jenny over here and uh she was named citizen of the Year by the Woodbridge Elks and we are very proud of her and very blessed to know her honored to sit next to her and call her my friend thank you um and one last thing is I had just seen among other the millions of other things on Facebook that I that I've um seen so you know keep your eye out for events that are taking place um the woodb high school marching band is collecting gently used clothes uh Monday April 7th Tuesday April oh I'm sorry Monday April 1st glasses don't work uh Tuesday April 2nd Wednesday April 3rd um obviously during the break they collect uh gently used clothes there's a flyer out there uh about what what they collect and it um it raises money for uh the Woodbridge High School Marching Band I know a lot of schools do this it's I saw this one come up it's time to you know clean out your closets and get your uh your your old wardrobe out your new spring wardrobe in but donate um they get paid by the pound so that is all thank you all right thank you anybody else Mr President I'd also like to make a mention a quick highlight um the Woodbridge Township is having a summer job fair on Saturday March 23rd from 11:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. and this is at the Woodbridge Community Center if you are unable to attend applications may be picked up at the human resources department at City Hall or at the community center and additional information can be found on the township website thank you thank you Miss FZ I had just anybody else I'll go after you oh all right uh wow I only had one thing uh just on the budget this evening on the finance and insurance agenda we're uh approving and submitting our preliminary budget off to the county superintendent just want to thank Mr wolferman for his work on that this year uh after uh years of discussions you know appreciate uh your efforts I know still still a ways to go so uh the board will review your agenda as well as the opportunity for the public to hear Dr massino's open Public Finance hearing meeting Pres presentation uh that happens every year that's on the this uh month's agenda that will happen here on the same night of our next board meeting which is Thursday April the 25th at 6 p.m right here at school 11 and uh that's where we'll have a regular board meeting as well as the open public Finance meeting which is required by law and will be holding so thank you again uh those were my only items uh anybody else before I turn it over to Dr maso sing them doc I just want to give a shout out uh she's watching at home miss Maryanne uh mom to one of our uh truly most valuable employees does a lot of work behind the scenes uh watches the meeting every month uh gives me some invaluable feedback so just want to give a shout out to Miss Mayan and let you know we appreciate all you do and uh thank you that's all Mr President all right I like it see you know you're you're you get this chat out thing you get on the game don't get excited this won't happen again what's it going to be next one she special Marian glad you watched us and I I hope you're you're still with us this evening uh lastly we will now open the meeting for public comment when you come to the microphone please provide your name the section of the Township in which you reside as per regulation 1100d comments must be limited to no more than 5 minutes no response will be given until you have completed your opportunity to speak anybody want to come to the microphone all right seeing none the chair will entertain a motion to adjourn so moot uh I have a motion by Mr chw seconded by Mr Dela Petro all in favor any opposed carried have a good night everybody