[Music] [Applause] the July 18 2024 meeting of the wber sship Board of Education meeting will please come to order roll call Mr secretary Ms Anderson here Mr deletro here Ms Perez here Mr sadonna here Mr trew here Mr valz here and Mr Harris here Mr secretary is required by the Sunshine Law please read the notice of meetings thank you Mr President the New Jersey open public meetings law was enacted to ensure the right of the public to have advanced notice of and to attend the meetings of public bodies at which any business affecting their interest is discussed or acted upon in accordance with the provisions of this act the board of education has caused notice of this meeting to be published by having the date time in place thereof posted as follows on January 25th 2024 email to the home News Tribune The Star Ledger and the municipal clerk's office posted in Ross Street School number 11 and the Board of Education administration building also published on the school district website thank you M wol for Miss Anderson would you please read the Clos session statement please thank you Mr President in compliance with the Sunshine Law the board must go into closed session in order to discuss subjects Exempted from the public portion of our meeting the discussions should be held in close close session will be regarding Personnel matters and the board will receive attorney client advice any information regarding the closed session discussion will be released to the public when the reasons for discussing these matters in closed session no longer exist thank you Miss Anderson I have a motion by Miss Anderson do I have a second second okay a motion by Miss Anderson seconded by Mr tree waser all in favor I any opposed Carri we'll be uh out as soon as we finish the close session statement typically uh honor before 6:30 p.m. all right thank you please rise for a salute to the flag in a moment of silence sorry PL aliance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all [Music] okay do I have a motion to reconvene it's no motion second right I have a motion by Mr treer second by Mr Dela picher all in favor I any opposed carried roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson here M bouran here Mr deletro here Mr Mohammad here Ms Perez here Mr Sedana here Mr Tre waser here Mr valz here Mr Harris here will someone make a motion to approve the minutes of the previous meetings so motion okay do I have a second I have a any additions or Corrections saying none I have a motion by Mr delro seconded by Mr sedan all in favor I any opposed saying none Carri Mr secretary please State for the record any notices of bids received by the board thank you Mr President the following were open for the 2024 25 school year July 10th 2024 RFP 2503 for professional learning consultants for elementary and also 2504 for professional learning consultants for middle school math on July 11th 2024 RFP 256 professional development and science of reading and 2506 Elementary language arts Co coaching and Consulting Services thank you m wolferman Dr maso please stay for the record the superintendent report for the month of June 202 for thank you Mr President I present the following reports student registers and fire drill reports suspension reports for elementary and secondary schools bomb threat reports and reports of the attendance officers thank you Dr mmana the wean Board of Education welcomes and encourages active productive and respectful participation by members of the public and seeks to protect the First Amendment rights of those who wish to engage in the exercise of free speech at this Board of Education meeting members of the public are requested to express themselves in a civil manner with due respect for the D digity and privacy of those whose legal rights may be impacted the public is now invited to speak regarding the agendas being presented this evening when you come to the microphone please state your name and the section of the Township in which you reside along with the specific agenda item you wish to discuss as per regulation 1100d comments must be limited to no more than 5 minutes no response will be given until you have completed your opportunity to speak if you wish to speak please come to the microphone okay okay seeing none superintendent agenda Dr mamino do you have any recommendations to save Mr President I have 15 items to present to the board this evening thank you Dr Mano I have a motion by Dr mano's agenda do I have a second Mo a motion okay I have a uh I have a motion by Dr M excuse me I have a motion by Mr TR waser second by Mr valz are there any comments or questions from the board I think you should get credit for the motion you know you were the one who introduced it thank you so I think that's the way it all work all right roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes M Bordan yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad uh yes uh on all items with the exception of number 15 you're abstaining on 15 abstaining on 15 thank you m Perez Mr President I will be abstaining on item number 15 in the name of Ruckers yes to all other items thank you Mr sadon yes Mr treaser yes Mr valz yes and Mr Harris yes communication policy and planning Mr Muhammad second Mr President the communication policy and planning committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools presents the following one item I move for the adoption of the forgoing I have a motion by Mr Muhammad do I have a second second I have a motion by Mr Muhammad seconded by Miss Anderson any comments or questions from the board the public edification this one item on policy and planning tonight is a scheduled change for the October board meeting it's moving from Thursday October 17 to Wednesday October 16 just one day earlier any other comments or questions seeing none roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes M bouran yes Mr delro yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr treaser yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes Mr pasero Please provide an overview of the spring 2024 NJ GPA results as well as the 2024 access for ell's 2.0 report please thank you Mr Harris thank you Mr haris the 2023 2024 NJ GPA was taken by all the 11th grade students in addition to the um 12th grade students who did not meet with success during the 22 23 school year that's a part of the meeting the New Jersey Department of Education graduation requirement the information from this is used to make determinations with regard to graduation Readiness and placement in special programs individual student reports went out earlier this month um and questions with regard to your child's results should be directed to your child's respective counselor in regard to [Music] the access for L's this is the wiid weed's Suite of summi of English language proficiency assessments these are taken annually um by all students in our elll program from grades K through 12 they were tested between mid February and the end of April uh this is used to determine the placement in the ESL program as well as matriculation from the program the score reports were sent home in the middle of June um and those questions regarding students individual access test scores should be directed towards the child's teacher in grades K to 8 as well as the counselors from 9 to 12 okay thank you very much Mr [Music] Pano we're now back to that was item number one and number two on the curriculum agenda and we will turn it over officially to the curriculum extracurricular activities at technology committee chair Mr sedan do you have any uh items this evening thank you Mr President the curriculum extracurricular activities and Technology committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent for curriculum and instruction present the following 21 items I move for the adoption of the forgoing excellent thank you Mr sedan I have a motion by Mr Sedana do I have a second second okay motion by Mr Sedana seconded by Mr tree waser are there any comments or questions from the board okay I wanted to just give one quick shout out to the administration uh specifically the guidance uh superviser item number 20 on our agenda the there's a robust list of supplemental materials on this agenda uh I know the committee uh myself included really appreciated this item uh item number 20 has to do with a approval of a course to digital Consciousness assembly so all 15 of our elementary school students uh schools uh worth of their students I believe at the fourth grade level or fifth grade I apologize there's a program that goes around the area as Mr Pino Dr M are familiar with that teaches students about public and permanent and that's uh this this this initiative to make sure that students understand that what they post online whether through social media or through blogs or Vlogs that stuff is public and it is permanent and it could have uh an immediate impact on their fellow students their teachers as well as have a permanent um impact on perhaps for the rest of their lives right uh I I know when I was in college it was um told to us that when you're out there looking for a job your future job employers will be looking at your social media profile how you conduct yourself outside of work and that could have a a negative cons could have negative consequences on your um your future job prospects so item number 20 is assemblies for our students to ensure that that they understand the the power of of their smartphones or social media accounts and so on and so forth and hopefully it will also contribute to lessening um you know incidences of harassment intimidation and bullying and things of that nature so I just want to give you a thumbs up Mr Paso to you and your team for getting that item on the agenda look forward to to that program and also what Mr Pino shared with us for parents uh who who are often still catching up on this technology those resources and that information will be available following the the assemblies for our parents to to make sure that they understand what their kids are are uh you know have access to uh on their smartphone or their their devices at home so good good stuff uh before I move on I have to any other comments or questions no excellent uh R Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes M Perez yes Mr sedon yes Mr treer yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes finance and insurance Mr treer thank you Mr President the finance and insurance committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrative board secretary presents the following 13 items I move for the adoption of the foregoing thank you I have a motion by Mr tree waser do I have a second second okay I have a motion by Mr Tree waser seconded by Miss Perez are there any comments or questions from the board seeing none roll call Mr sec Miss Anderson yes Miss Bordan yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr tree BL yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes buildings and grounds Miss Perez thank you Mr President the buildings and grounds committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary presents the following three items I move for the adoption of foro thank you Miss Perez I have a motion by Miss perz do I have a second second okay have a motion by Miss Perez seconded by Miss Mr deletro any comments or questions from the board saying none roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes M Bordan yes Mr deletro yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr treer yes Mr valz yes Mr Harris yes dining and transportation agenda Miss Perez back to you thank you Mr President the dining and transportation committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the business administrator board secretary presents the following three items I move for the adoption of the forgoing I have a motion by Miss Perez do I have a second second okay motion by Miss Perez seconded by Miss Anderson are there any comments or questions from the board seeing none roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr delra yes Mr Mohammad yes Miss Perez yes Mr Sedana yes Mr Tre waser yes Mr vales yes Mr Harris yes Personnel agenda Mr deler thank you Mr President the person committee on recommendation of the superintendent of schools and the assistant superintendent for human resources presents the following 36 items I move for the adoption of the for going thank you Mr Del Petro I have a motion by Mr Del Peter do I have a second second I have a motion by Mr Del pet seconded by Mr Donna are there any comments or questions from the board see none roll call Mr secretary Miss Anderson yes Miss bouran yes Mr deletro yes Mr mohammd yes M Perez yes Mr Don yes Mr treaser yes Mr bz yes Mr Harris yes is there any old business that should be brought for the attention of the board saying none any new business anybody I know someone's got something I know I do anybody before I go I only have two quick items Mr President I'd just like to mention a fundraiser that's going to be held on July 2 7th and it's the David touch Foundation it's a nonprofit organization based here in Woodbridge and it's actually a motorcycle run that's going to be hosted by the Woodbridge Brewery on Main Street and all funds are to go to terminally ill children in memory of 9-year-old David who was a student here in Woodbridge Township again it's David's touch Foundation you can find him on social media it's a great event not only for bikers to come out and rally but for the kids to come out and see it's a really good time so July 27th if begins at 11:00 a.m. at the Woodbridge Brewery on Main Street thank you thank you m Perez look forward to seeing you there anybody else right I'll just jump in two quick items here uh to the district Community the school district is looking for substitute teachers as as many are uh in recent years if if you previously thought you were not eligible to serve as a substitute teacher state of New Jersey few years back reduced the number of college credits required in order to become a substitute teacher uh so it's down to 30 credit college credits so if you're a college student uh please consider uh and if you've completed your freshman year please consider applying we have a private vendor that runs uh that program for us in terms of hiring and screening applicants uh if you go to es.com or if you go right to our district website right on the front page we've got a uh uh a header there uh that we're looking for substitute teachers click on that website and then the process will flow from there takes typically weeks to months to get into the system get your fingerprints get your background check so if you're interested perhaps uh later on but you want to get started now I would encourage you to do that as soon as possible actually that was my well the only other one was and it was uh per my closing was that we have two board meetings in the month of August on Thursday August 15 as well as Thursday August 29 right here in in uh R Street uh R Street Elementary School number 11 uh right here in downtown Woodbridge any other comments or questions from the board seeing none we'll now open the meeting for public comment if you wish to say something please come to the microphone provide your name and the section of the Township in which you reside for the record again members of the public are requested to express themselves in a civil manner with due respect for the dignity and privacy of those whose legal rights May impacted please limit your comments to no more than 5 minutes in accordance with regulation 1100d no response will be given until you have fully completed your comments so was not to interrupt your five minute opportunity to speak no members of the public remain Dr maso anything to offer no all right CH will entertain a motion to adjourn so motion second I have a motion by Mr tree was seconded by Mr J Petro all in favor I any oppose Carri have a good night we'll see you on August 15th [Music]