[Music] all raise uh rise for the pledge of iag of the United States of America to the stands na indivisible for all but all remain standing there was a senseless act of uh violence after the Super Bowl uh one person was uh killed and um uh many children uh were were shot as a result of census act of violence notice requirements of the open public meetings act has been satisfied concerning this meeting the home minister bu and The starler Ledger published the notice on October 6 20123 was posted on the municipal bulletin board and should be so noted in the minutes of this meeting councilman Bower here councilwoman Deus councilman farara councilwoman muli here councilwoman Mayan councilman Patel councilman small vice president Spiller here and president Anderson here can I get a motion to approve the minutes from February 6 2024 motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I oppos I have it beginning with the second reading ordinances we have one listed tonight which is an ordinance to amend chapter 7 to add a handicap parking space on Michael Court I get a motion that this ordinance be taken up on second and third reading and the public hear and be open motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I oppos I have the public hearing is now open on letter a letter A only here no comment from the public can I get a motion that the public hearing be closed the ordinance be adopted and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law motion second any questions or comments all in favor I I opposed eyes have it first reading ordinances you have letters b c and d listed before you can I get a motion that these three ordinances be passed on first reading published in the home News Tribune on Friday February 23rd with notice of public hearing to be held on Tuesday March 5th 2024 at 6: p.m. motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I opposed eyes have it finally Mr President you have 32 listed items I just sent you an add-on for 33 earlier today can I get a motion to approve one through 33 by consent motion second I have any questions or comments from council2 so noted any others all in favor I I opposed eyes have it that's all I have Mr President at this time we'll go to our public uh comment portion of tonight's meeting uh please when you're approaching the uh microphone please state your name in what section of Township you live uh you live in and you'll have a one-time opportunity to speak up to 5 minutes uh also all videotaping must be done in the area that is marked off over by the microphone are there any comments from the public to seeing uh just just two things tonight uh joh John Wood uh first of all I would just talk to I want to congratulate you one really what the Township Public workers did a l two snow snow storms not because of my experience from over the years but here from the other people people are so pleased never never ever before and what was all the people young people uh they were careful a beautiful job they did but I told M Mr Brew over there now the Route 35 those people the state who does a state job those people allow it I mean they drive 40 miles an hour they push the snow up to the top of the buildings for that sake uh not just what specialist guy going got 12 in of snow and it goes 40 m hour like the rest of it and I remember many many years ago everyone was his kids were my shop and they got open the door people the shop snow that but anyway could something be done to those people slow down especially the buildings that Know M three my buildings things like that uh this T over the buildings I mean there's a reason I don't know they just just don't care or or it's stupid because something the snow hit something is going to kill her no and uh but anyway Tachi God bless you guys you did a great job congratulations uh last council meeting a mayor I said five things all the time but you said something that I'm scaring the people I don't think I'm scaring the people I'm just talking for the people because they're telling me I hope I'm not scaring you because those people are coming and they start to speak so please don't say I'm scaring the people but people are scared the bills they get and there's always excuse it's not you it's somebody else I want last week let THS to school meeting and ask him if the mayor is building everything paying for everything why are you raising the school T property T and of course the explanation was not clear when we know why because more children more expensive we know that's what they're doing it but well 2% here 2% there 2% there and I'm sure you're going to hear something from the county because you said yourself that the main street was do now over there by bowling Al it's a County job let Sumer say you do you you don't want to run into all the jobs so we know it costs more money only thing what people ped why do we have to pay for all of it not the people they're creating those what you call uh environment so more kids more traffic more more water whatever we call it and uh so that's what people concerned we know it has to be done but why all along I don't think those people they bring all this developments they're not paying the share share Mar taxes thank you are there any other comments this evening from the public there no other comments can I get the motion that the public comment Comm portion be closed motion second all in favor I opposed eyes have okay we'll go into the agenda portion of the meeting um my agenda is basically in order I do have some great announcements uh locally uh things have G very well for our um our sports teams here in Woodbridge Township for the winter um just the other day um our Colonial boys varsity the basketball team uh became the uh GMC Champions beating uh St Thomas aquinus um and uh just yesterday our uh Colonial boys JV also won the GMC uh championship and then uh yesterday I also learned that uh the Woodbridge High School coach for the boys basketball team Jonathan chinsky um was named GMC coach of the year which I think is um just outstanding uh I'll give very good example Coach T chinski has been there for three years his first record was 8 and 14 the next year he was 14- 12 and this year he's 16 and S and they're heading into a game against Playfield tomorrow um I think that that says a lot about the um program and the people that are buying in over there uh we also have Woodbridge High School boys and girls who are in the state playoffs as well well and would like to wish them all luck and Colonia has uh secured I believe the uh two seed for the state playoffs the colonial boys and uh on the girl side um Colonial girls um fell short in the county finals um but I believe it's nine points mayor yeah nine points uh mayor and I did the game um Taylor durak uh is set to be when she scores her first nine points in the playoff game the other uh at the next game she will be the first player in Woodbridge Township history to ever score 2,000 points in a career she is the all-time leading scorer in all of Woodbridge uh basketball boys and girls she'll be the first one to ever secure a 2,000 point and that's to me it's it's phenomenal um I also want to announce uh there was some uh accomplishments uh for our local bowling teams and I just want to give that announcement so the Woodbridge High School boys and girls had a successful season the boys are the GMC County runnerup and the girls are the GMC County Champions um both mve into the state tournament this week Coach Amanda small came back this year to coach after three-year maternity leave um and uh she's done a she was a a great bowler uh herself when she was at w Woodbridge High School and she happens to be the daughter of our councilman uh Mr Brian small um uh so I just want to wish everyone a lot of luck in their postseason and then uh again as we prepare for our spring Sports um just uh all those that are going out for the Spring sport teams wish want to wish them a lot of luck as well that's [Applause] over councilman uh Council vice president uh Spiller thank you Council pres answer uh item number 13 School four and five just want to give a quick update some of the residents I reached out to me recently at its last meeting the school district adopted several agenda items a quick summary of the agenda items one agenda item hires an engineering firm to conduct interior work of future of the building rehab rehabilitation one item concerns the removal and storage of the building's rooftop solar installation and the last item approves the construction contractor for the building to use union labor via a project labor agreement so things are moving forward uh just to refresh uh there'll be a new school four built School 5 will be um REM modeled and then after school 4 is built the existing School 4 will be uh Dem taken down uh item number 16 Greenway family Success Center is hosting its first ever father daughter dance this Friday February 23rd February 23rd at the Avenue of VFW uh located at 60 West Park Avenue that is from 5:30 to 7:30 and they are also holding a women's empowerment brunch on Saturday March 9th with dress for success Central New Jersey that is 11 test from 11-2 to register or volunteer for each event please call the center at 732 527 3400 and Center's located at 1005 radway Avenue uh the rest of my agenda is an order council president director Brew um I get nervous when I see you on TV that means something's going down I'd rather see it's strawberries like I said and the mayor um but again excellent job I think we were all a little bit surprised when we woke up and that 1 to three or 3 to five all of a sudden became at least nine anes at 64 Harvard Avenue so uh I woke up at 5:37 I saw black top and was 2 in off the curb so again please uh offer all my uh thank you to them thank you all emergency responders I War Police Department employees DPW God Bless America thank you council president thank you Council Vice President also my sentiments uh Mr brew and your crew um it was I heard the uh plow going at 3:30 in the morning and uh they were back again uh as Council Spiller councilman Spiller pointed out they were back again and uh it it's great um when you hear from your neighbors uh it's always good when they're giving you a thumbs up about the services from the town thank you I'll move on to councilman for Cara thank you councilor president my agenda is a mess here but I'm going to take a shot um in the world of recreation we do have a lot of Flyers that were mailed to our home that will give you good guidance since what's going on in the spring at the community center and the club at Woodbridge uh moving down to my item number five Heroes and Cool Kids is a peer leadership program that all three of our high schools and our middle schools are involved in um they had a training session last week and it was a uh you know it's just good to go and see our kids front and center doing public speaking talking about social issues like substance abuse awareness and Leadership and sportsmanship and it's just a great program if you are a parent who has a student involed with Heroes and coolins congratulations to you council president Anderson I know you guys know firsthand also council president while I'm giving you Kudos you talked about the teams uh Brian and Derek are key players on that wood high school so good luck tomorrow I know I know we got a big game and we got to get everybody healthy but thank you good luck on that uh also going back to Hero some cool kid just so you know it's not the reason to be involved but being in the college missions business that I am in now being a student and participating in peer leadership is a critical item to have on a resume really can separate you from other people so please keep those things in mind uh our Mobile healthc Care Unit is out and about uh so keep an eye on our website for the schedule uh just an announcement that we are in the planning stages Mr Brew I know you're aware of this we haven't even really started yet but the community playground at Merl Park we're starting to look at updating that and if uh anytime that I'm there with my grandkids it's always crowded if you have any comments or suggestion you can hit me up by my uh email address is on the website it's very easy uh but i' appreciate any suggestions you might have so I can bring it to the table when we really start rolling up our sleeves and then one final uh personal note that I have is that uh like many of you I never knew what to do with styrofoam seems like everything we get shipped has Styrofoam in it so I must confess that I was putting it into garbage and then I then I know even though it's on our on on the calendar that we hand out and all of our recycle material if you just go down to our recycle center there's a bider take it out of your car you put it in the pin and you're done and you're doing something good for the Earth so the recycle center is has unlimited resources check out your calendars or go to our website that's all I have council president thank you thank you councilman B thank you council president my agenda is in order just to reiterate what the rest of my Council may say director brew and your staff great job during the last storm God bless all our entral workers our first Founders and God bless America that's all I have tonight thank you council president thank you Council woman Mian thank you council president um going down to my agenta on number four the habah heart food drive is now concluded that we're still counting up some of the totals on food and money that's still coming in as of today we've collected 17,600 lb in food and over $54,000 in money thank you to every business organization resident that donated food and a special thank you to all the schools throughout the district that help different fundraisers to help them collect as much food and money as they could no matter what you donated even if it was one box of food it makes all the difference to help restock our food pantry soing these winter luds when supplies are incredbly low so that we continue to help families right here in our community they say it takes a village to feed a village and that is exactly what the village of Woodridge Township has once again done so also thank you to Peter B the director of weat feed Woodbridge who works tirelessly for the residents here in our Township and I just have one announcement on March 3rd from noon to 2 we will be holding our annual chili cook off at the wdge brewery stop by and tell some of the finest wage has finest chili W has to offer the price of admission is $10 to enter and to if you want to if you want to show your chili it's uh $20 winners have a chance to win up to 300 for their winning recipes to enter the contest please reach out to E from the wridge rec department at 732 596 4047 this year all proceeds will be donated to help with medal fill expenses for the family of Ben Larry a third grader at school 21 in Colonia who is recently diagnosed with leukemia if you would like to donate a basket to raffle off to help us raise additional money for Ben you can reach out to me at 732 382 0273 and also thank director grw for the hard work you and all of your staff has done so that's all I have thank you Council Mall thank you council president um my agenda is in order I just have a few announcements for myself and some for councilman small um for myself the announcement I have is that the Chamber of Commerce will be having their open house on February the 28th at 11:00 a.m. at 178 Main Street please stop by check out their new location and learn more about the chamber for Brian small he wanted me to remind everybody that the St Patrick's Day parade is coming up on March 10th starting at 1:30 from Woodridge High School coming down and finishing in town hall the uh American Irish will be having an Afterparty at The Acacia Center and the Elks will be having an Afterparty at the Elks for information about these two you can go on to the Irish americ website or the Elks website to get the uh admission prices and what they will be offering at these parties also uh wers Brewing Company has a multitude of signings that are coming up they have uh signings every Saturday and Sunday for the next several weeks to get the actual dates and times of who will be there for your favorite teams log on to Woodbridge brewing.com and go to their events calendar and it'll tell you who will be there and uh what team they're from um other than that thank you George Brew my street was actually down to a black top at 5:00 in the morning which is great because I live on a very small Street and some sometimes it doesn't takes a while to get plowed and the last thing i' just like you to keep um keep all of our soldiers in your prayers for a safe Mission and a safe return home thank you thank you and I'll just make two announcements for the wrid Public Public Library Woodridge Treasures a snapshot of recreation leisure activities and student life from the Woodbridge public library archives on view from March 11th through April 5th uh there'll be a reception and celebration of Woodbridge history Saturday March 16th at 11: a.m. and also Windows of understanding um visit the Woodbridge public library for a reception to welcome middle sex County students and view their art that has transformed our library into a Main Street space and literal Windows of understanding spaces in which the community can learn about the positive strides being made in local organizations around a wide array of social justice issues that do not make uh daily headlines the topic uh between January 29th and March 31st topic will be mental health and that's at what one George Frederick Plaza and then lastly uh a reminder that this Saturday not Sunday this Saturday um at the Woodbridge uh at the um Acacia Center there'll be the independent Club of Colonia Black History Month celebration from 3: to 5 and one of our own uh Mr varar will be celebrated and and acknowledged for his contributions to that organization and to the ongoing uh efforts in recognizing black history in Woodbridge Township uh so please come out and support councilman V and um uh have uh you know just it's always a good time come and uh be entertained and learn a lot about uh local black history and also um partake in some of the food that um the independent Club of Colonia provides I'll move on to Mr Mitch my agenda is in order thank you all right that was easy sir okay uh mayor M thank you council president I'd like to Echo the compliments to George brew and his crew Crews for the last uh snowstorm I had a pre-arranged call at 6:15 a.m. with WABC New York and when they called me I looked out my front window and saw black top and I didn't know what went on in the night so I told them look it really didn't snow that much I have no snow on my street little did I know there were between 8 and nine inches uh that came down overnight but the streets were already pretty much cleared so being the boss uh they wanted to interview somebody live at the salt being the boss that went back to sleep and sent George out to be on WABC and he did a very credible job as he always does talking about how snow removal you know Works uh so I just want to say great job by by George and all his Crews he you didn't even noticed the next day as Sharon said black top I got in the car a couple hours later black top everywhere yeah so it was a phenomenal job thank you George and the teams kid kids might have been upset that there was no snow to go sledding on the street with right yeah but I'm well yeah it's not about the kids it's about my budget yeah oh yeah well when I was I was a kid we used to go down on our street we would sled on our street cuz we had a nice decline down there on Brown Avenue can't do that if we have a crew as good as his you know all right uh Mr Sima you can get your roller blades out Council that's how good R DPW true is thank you uh so I have a few items tonight I have a tax andwer overpayment I have a court tax appeal I also have a we're creating a pool of appraisers a pool of attorneys a disaster recovery management provider and a construction management provider thank you council president thank you uh director Brook did I go out of order I'm sorry pres um so I have three items tonight uh first the resolution accepting dedication of Matty court and colon as a public Street uh second is a release of assurity bond for uh 8806 wot Avenue and Sweet Water Lane Colonia and resolution for cutter stock Road Bridge replacement sorry new new glass is not so good today okay sorry about that that's thank you council president I have two traffic coordinates thanks thank you Director D thank you council president just our standard by weekly refund resolutions thank you legal can get a motion to motion second