[Music] hello and welcome to Wood's the best town around my name is John McCormack I'm the mayor of this great town and we're here tonight for always one of the more fun Proclamation presentations of the year as we welcome all of our New Jersey senior Olympic athletes from Woodbridge to present them with a proclamation or I should say mayor citation recognizing their Awards in bronze silver or gold in the various different events that we have in the New Jersey uh Senior Olympics which were last September and there'll be this September I'll ask Frank to speak about that in a minute not Frank Pat Uh Frank I'm sure couldn't make it um so you know the story behind the Senior Olympics Frank Chad and Pat came to me in 2007 I got here 6 November and said you know we pitched this idea before it didn't work we want to bring the New Jersey Senior Olympics to Woodbridge it made a lot of sense we knew it would be notoriety for the town it would be good for our reputation we're centrally located all the highways come through here we have the hotels more importantly we have the facilities we have the beautiful Community Center we have at the time two bowlan alleys we have fields we have the club at Woodbridge we have uh all kinds of uh uh whatever we need we have uh golf course we wound up having golf here although not anymore but all the events I think except one year except fencing right the only one not fencing archery there was the only one we didn't have here was archery right at one point archery yeah but we have it now you have it now oh okay good good so anyway we're here today to recognize the um honores the winner so let's start with alphabetically ahed abdella gold medalist rall and if you want kind of stick around so we can get a picture stick up here if you want stay up here stay up here stay up here Joseph Adams Woodbridge bronze boty silver cornhole silver horseshoes Lu G silver Billiards good job Lou thank you we can have pictures with the mayor afterwards for $5 pictur with the counsel pictures with the counsel for a quarter Bob Anderson Woodbridge silver darts marshan Anderson Woodbridge silver bowling lman AAL Woodbridge Gold track Elizabeth Baldwin Woodbridge silver bowling there's two there's two Emanuel burnhard Woodbridge silver swimming [Applause] congratulations good work here you go Ron Blackwell Woodridge gold medalist cornhall oh Susan babowski Gold [Applause] bowling congratulations thank you Robert Boyd gold track Abul brma silver table tennis Joseph Garo bronze cornhole James cavaler Gold archery what's up man do Scout right yeah yeah yeah yeah Katherine Chesley Gold bowling Ray Chesley silver bowling Ray is the ray is the custodian at the Hickory Senior Center and I can't wait to see him when I go there to say how come your wife got a gold and you got a silver can't wait can't wait Howard chin bronze track sua kadori or chadri silver table tennis frer Collins bronze cornhole silver golf cig hoflin bronz and billiards uh Victoria DWI Smith silver be BK with all basketball AC receed bronze basketball foul shooting and bronze darts congratulations paches deal Deb bronze cornhole John denapoli Silver golf Tom de brinsky silver darts Harold angstrom silver swimming oh here we go you got I just gave a few P congratulations wait if I only got one Proclamation how come you got three medals bronze silver gold one of each oh that just says silver yeah I do have one of those but uh how don't we have all three I don't know oh man you got ripped off yeah well leave that with John the guy up there leave that with him and he'll make sure he fixes it Dominic fazo silver cornhole and bronze bot James farer gold swimming Andre floit silver table tennis congratulations J Fran gon silver bowling Patterson gold swimming oh Bob Rob gella gold medalist basketball foul shooting Mary Hammond silver bowling congratulations congratulations may Sandra hansar Gold bowling Linda Henry Gold golf Sally Jack silver swimming kovinic gold basketball accuracy andl jvis silver basketball accuracy John Carusi bronze boty silver cornhole silver horseshoes met gold ards Bob Casmir bronze darts another one the wife out shown the husband I love that when I see him Joe cber silver cornhole Lexi kembo bronze table tennis JEA Neer silver table tennis Kathleen P gold mini golf con silver mini golf let's get that so you can maybe turn Face the camera tell me what's it like to have your wife beat you in an athletic event it's the usual thing usual thing usual thing I think all us men understand that Absolutely I'll join you Kevin Copco Gold bowling you're not qualified yet come here a minute come here a minute hold this you want to be on TV a minute how many times does Grandpa come out to see you do stuff it's Dad Dad yeah oh good for you man how many times do D come out see you do stuff um is he come to all your games yes right like six or 20 times six or 20 times and now here you are and you're supporting him how does it make you feel happy all right all right oh thank you heather lamada golden softball Jeffrey LaVine silver bowling Marie limia chin gold table tennis blue lockamy gold basketball accuracy silver basketball foul shooting Meredith Len wood gold medalist swimming Seline Mah bronze table tennis Enzo Martino I don't see Enzo gold Bachi silver cornhole what happened at Billards Eno didn't win the medal in bards oh you I know you John Missouri Gold golf oh this guy's a hell of an athlete John McCormick silver Billiards Bron hor bronze Horseshoes and gold mini golf athlete mini golf for shoes but doesn't qualify as an athlete Daniel mlan gold swimming Angel medas silver Billiards gold D Silver horseshoes Daniel McLean gold swimming Diane nazimek gold track what you think what what race uh 400 me each one each both gold yes nice yeah Ed Nolan bronze foul shooting gaale Nolan silver mini golf congratulations Gale Anthony Russo bronze horseshoes silver mini golf thank you man and the goal for DJing Robin Scoville bronze accuracy basketball silver bowling gold horseshoes Scoville Hamlet bronze basketball accuracy silver bowling silver darts silver horseshoes bronze table tennis shy bronze cornhole silver [Applause] horseshoes congratulations buddy thank I don't see a president of the fers club I don't see affers in it competition competition Willie shate silver track silver softball and best TI around Yankee hat good job Carol sigasi bronze Billiards Sydney sit bronze table tennis bronze track Kevin Smith Gold golf Scott Smith silver golf uh Walter Smith bronze best and Bron SC how's the senior Academy today wonderful wasn't it fun wonderful you had a good day is going to be a great town of prot he's already protecting the town he's at one day in the senior Police Academy Barbara Stewart in the house silver cornhole bronze Dark Soul me good job Barbie thank you congratulations Laura Su you got to be senior play in these things gold darts gold horseshoes silver mini golf what oh the silver and track she got this wrong she's telling me it's wrong all right we'll fix it don't worry you get over it I will we're friends it's okay we're friends Pat whoa five the most so far Pat truma finally one of the Billiards Club guys won silver Billiards gold B silver darts silver horseshoes silver mini golf five medals what I beat you when B no you didn't no you didn't no did you really I don't remember of course I forgot and I lost Joe vital gold Billiards Eric winon Silver mini golf Janette winon silver mini golf John weworski gold darts silver mini I think we're missing some yeah Peter yasco gold swimming all right did you expect the medal you didn't did you expect the medal did you expect the medal no did you did you did you just you come on up what's you what's your name oh I said your name of the first I couldn't get you oh that's okay well it's okay no wait back wait back it's a it's a all the way back in the beginning yeah you're mom right here you go you go Mar Anderson Silver bowling ready All Rise so we can pledge the flag I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all if we would bow our heads and uh observe a moment of silence for those who are serving us here and abroad notice requirements of the open meeting have been satisfied concerning this meeting the hom Ring The Star Ledger published a notice on October 6 2023 it was posted on the municipal bulletin board should be so noted in the minutes of this meeting councilman Bower here councilwoman De Jesus here councilman faraka pres councilwoman McCulla here councilwoman miam here councilman Patel here councilman small vice president Spiller here and president Anderson here and I get a motion to approve the minutes from April 16th 20124 motion second any comments or questions from Council all favor I I oppose eyes have it beginning with second reading ordinances this evening we are going to take letter A which is an ordinance Town Woodbridge adopting the Woodbridge pero Redevelopment plan that said can I get a motion that this ordinance be taken up on second and third reading and the public hearing be open second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I opposed eyes have it the public hearing is now open on letter a letter A only uh good evening everybody John would uh that woodb and pero uh adoption for the or development plan what do we have in common with Pabo and developing plans I mean do they weav to follow them or they're going to follow us I mean what this all about this is a joint partnership um it's a warehouse that's prominently all of the warehouses on panoy land there's a very small piece of Woodbridge land that we're making available to them for the for their project thank you are there any other comments on letter a letter A only here and no the comments can I get a motion that the uh the public hearing be closed the ordance be adopted and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law motion second any questions or comments all in favor I I oppos eyes have we'll take letter B which is an ordinance abandoning of the rights to drainage easements in the Woodbridge Oaks section in Island can I get to make motion that this order be taken up on second and third reading and the public hearing be open motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I opposed eyes have it the public hearing is now open on letter b letter B only he no comments from the public can I get a motion that the public hearing be closed the ordinance be adopted and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law motion second any questions or comments from councel all in favor I I oos osed eyes have it we're going to take letters c d and e by consent letter C is a bond ordinance in the amount of 9,995,000 letter D is a bond ordinance for the sewer utility in the amount of $3,310 and letter e is a capital ordinance in the amount of $1,729 th000 can I get a motion that the public hearing be open on these three ordinances motion second any questions or comments all in favor I I opposed eyes have public hearing is now open on letters c d and e again uh job retiring woodb are that ordinators for the sure utility improvements uh is that necessary because of the old those uh Apartments building up or this is just um getting all sort of speaking that we have to do those all this improvements is it will be just done by the apartments or is going to be done different parts of the town let it be no not at all uh I'll allow the mayor to uh elaborate on that but no that's not because of the apartments exactly right council president these have nothing to do with the apartments the largest piece of the sewer is actually Bucknell Avenue down raway Avenue toward the skate park that's a very large project probably half of this total and the rest is spread throughout the town it has absolutely nothing to do with the apartments thank you thank you mayor thank you mayor are there any other comments on letters c d and e there are no other comments can I get a motion at the public hear and be closed and these three ordinance be adopt and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law Mo second any questions or comments All favor I I oppose eyes have it letter F is an ordinance of the township of Woodbridge adopting the one Area 25 Redevelopment plan can I get a motion that this ordinance be taken up on second and third reading and the public hearing be open motion second any questions or comments from councel all in favor I I opposed eyes have it the public hearing is now open on letter F letter F only hear no comment from the public can I get a motion that the public hearing be closed this ordinance be adopted and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law motion sorry second any questions or comments from councel all in favor I I opposed eyes have it beginning with first reading ordinances letters g h and I can I get a motion at these three ordinance to be passed on first reading published in the home news tribute on Friday May 10th 2024 with notice of public hearing to be held on Tuesday May 21st 2024 at 6 p.m. motion second any questions or comments from Council uh yes uh Mr Mitch I'd like to abstain from letter I please so noted any other comments all in favor i i i oppos eyes have it Mr President under resolutions we have numbers 1 through 27 inclusive can I get a motion that 1 through 27 be approved by consent motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I opposed eyes have it thank you okay we will now go into our public uh comments portion of tonight's meeting um When approaching the microphone please state your name and what section of the Township you live in uh you will have a one-time opportunity uh to speak up to 5 minutes I will give you a one minute warning all video taping must be done in the rear over there where the uh blue uh ribbon is and um please make sure there are no signs in the or or posters in the aisles or walkways um and uh and we just ask that everyone um be courteous to those who are speaking me what thank hello everybody my name is Gary dedeler and I reside in Colonia what are we it's May I'd like to talk a little bit about Freedom shortly after high school I found myself in the US Army between my active and reserved Duty I served my country for seven years America was in war in Vietnam at the time I went through that period of training I fired and hone my skills on weapons used in Vietnam but I never went to war nor did I lose close friends or comrades in combat so I struggled to make Memorial Day personal I'm aware I am inadequately it to truly feel loss sorrow heartache and yes Pride experienced by those who have been touched recently by the loss in war but I know this as an American those who fought and died for my freedom for your freedom did so in the very least part in our name so to say thank you for your service is nice but it's not enough we who are left standing must be resolved to stand firm against those who destroy the freedom that we cherish this is the highest honor we can give those who have fallen those kids when you think of a war hero you think of a grayhair man with medals on his chest they were kids 18 19 20 years old those kids gave up their tomorrows so we can enjoy our today in World War II 20% of our population served our country Vietnam it was down to 4.5% in the past 20 years it's gone down to 1% the ranks are going thin freedom is not passed on to generation to generation like Grandpa's gold watch or a house on a lake each generation has to hold it honor it trust it protect it and if need be fight for it Freedom always comes with a high price freedom is not free it was the veteran that gave us our freedom not the politicians sorry it was the veterans not CNN not Fox News it was the veteran who saluted that flag who served beneath that flag and whose coffin is draped by that flag that gave us our freedom I never knew the impact of those last couple words until a little while ago I worked part-time with the Costello boys and last month I had the absolute honor of taking a veteran to his grave site after the family did their final viewing Tommy cello and myself closed everything up and we draped the coffin with the flag and Tommy then in Ed me the correct way of putting the flag on the coffin where the blue field and the white stars always cover the heart doesn't get any more intimate than that so if you have flags flying not just on a holidays let's get them out I will leave you with this the nation which forgets its Defenders will itself be forgotten ladies and gentlemen thank you for your courtesy may God bless our troops may God bless [Applause] America deer I want to thank you for your comments I want to thank you for your service and uh thank you for this reminder uh as we approach uh Memorial Day um but uh and also thank you very much for the poppy that you've given us are there any other comments this evening from the public good evening gentlemen my name is Suzanne Reb Nikki Roland and I am out of avanel I recently had gone down to the health department in order to renew my permit for my backyard chickens come to find out it was raised from $35 to $75 which is $14.25 s% increase I don't understand why this increase for backyard chickens um I've been told they're wild animals chickens have been domesticated over tens of thousands of years ago um my chickens are not as noisy as the neighbor's dog or sports cars that are running up and down Route One so for a noise ordinance I can't see that fit and I'd like to know why it went up to $75 from $35 at 114% increase out of 32 towns that allow backyard chickens the lowest cost is $10 to $50 which is the highest town which is one of the most wealthiest towns in the state of New Jersey um so I'd like to know why well thank you very much for your question uh is Mr uh pachowski here today he's not but I I can feel that so we reviewed those fees those fees hadn't been changed in about 16 years so incrementally we mve them up over those years and that that's why you see that large increase so why am I paying for past years of not having chickens like I could understand raising the price but even $35 to have five chickens in your backyard to get eggs um for you know sustainability which I thought that's what our town is going for not only are they good for your eggs but they're good for compos thing they are good for keeping down insects in your yard since all the building going up and we're getting rid of butterflies and Grasshoppers and crickets that keep down these insects um my chickens are looked at by neighbors that are in wheelchairs that are homebound and they love to come out and look at my chickens um when I went on this Venture 3 years ago it was during Co I am a special education teacher I needed to get my kids to focus on a camera so I took chickens and I would show it to them every day in order for them to look at that camera and then we got to eat the eggs afterwards and learn about the chickens and the whole life cycle of a chicken and what it brings to you not only is it good for our environment but $75 for $2 chickens at five chickens is just I think absurd so I appreciate your comments um I will as a council we we will speak with um uh Mr samuca and our health department uh what we want to do is we want to be in line with um communities that surround us we want to but we also understand that there um uh that our our rates um we do trust our Administration to examine our rates and why our rates are where they're at um for you to be charged for uh for not having chickens back um you know a few years ago um it's you know I didn't have chicken so why should I make up the worth of 16 years you know what I'm saying like that's unfair to us today to do that you know because I didn't have chickens then and if I did I would have paid it incrementally but to go from $35 to $75 it's $20 for a pound of for a bag of food for a chicken besides calcium that they need you know maybe you know educating people on keeping chickens and putting someone in charge to know what goes on with chickens I studied chickens for two years before I even ventured out to get chickens to see what I was going to be getting myself into and the funny thing is is when I went to go and get my permit I was told that there's plenty of people in our community that have chickens yet 3 years ago nobody even knew that the ordinance existed you know so um it's kind of all over the place so did you know do people have them is this employ to try and get people not to get chickens because I was told that I would never have chickens in the town of Woodbridge well that's not true because my neighbor has chickens yeah so you know $75 where is that going what does that go to does that go to help educate people that have chickens to know what to do how to keep you know take care of them sanitary conditions you know medical things that you have to deal with I mean it's like having a dog the only difference is they're a lot quieter they're a lot more friendly they're a lot more fun to watch when my dad was diagnosed with cancer 3 years ago the chickens are what got him off of his diagnosis and out of his depression so now I'm going to pay $75 for chickens that cost I mean the eggs that I'm saving on the $75 I might as well get rid of my chickens and I refuse to do that because I have a right as an American I pay property taxes in this town okay you know I think $75 I I know I'm not opposed to a raise but 114% increase is absurd well I want to thank you for your comments uh your 5 minutes is up um but you did raise some some points that we'll consider um we um there rates are you know we have registration rates we have uh licensing LIC for an unspa animal for an unspa dog is $18 well we we'll we will look at and just make sure that we are in line and and that our rates are justifiable um there are a number of reasons why our rates are what they are um but I do appreciate your comments I also appreciate the fact of of what you're doing with chickens and how you found a lot of benefits um for for having chickens in in in your yard um and I appreciate that thank you thank you are there are any other comments receiving from the public well I wasn't little sity tonight but again um never thought about to chickens I own a farm up in the H County and there's a million dollar homes all around it and a lot of those people have chickens and kind of I said why would they you know you have chickens usually put eggs or things like that and so I as to a gentem over there two little girls over there I said how come most of you people have chickens over here do four eggs this oh no John he had a six but I only got one said two of them raccoons got it two hulks got it and one is disappeared i s got my left I said why you have chickens he said we have no ticks they eat bugs that's why we raise chickens so Board of Health I think that's very important I don't know where this live in never know but if you next to the woods you got lot of crickets or what you want to call it chickens did anything as a for a health issue I think people want to have him I think they should be kind of the best thing to do the DDT what they want to call it to kill the bug things of that but I couldn't believe it as I was talking to the little girl was playing over there and the chicken was eating over there and they just eat not just the seeds or they eat bugs pheasants quare every else they clean environment they keep the environment clean so I mean just to make money and I I think I would I would kind of a encourage people if they have a facility to do it but I never thought that was for bugs I always thought it was for eggs like we do what I get from but again uh it's up to you but it's a border heal they those chickens do more good for the environment than uh probably anything else not just chickens pheasants and all the birds and uh that's all I want to say thank you thank you any other comments from the public this evening Richard rev Nikki Woodbridge popper I've been living in this town for 77 years on Fulton Street I've been to Indian Affairs I've been to Spanish Affairs I've been to Irish Affairs I've been to every Affairs in this town this town years ago before any of you people were here was mostly all Western European Fon Street was nothing but hungarians and Pollocks but yet in this town we show nothing for Western W European people not a damn thing in this town and we should start doing it because this town was brought up by Western Europeans thank you thank you are there any other comments this evening from the public here are no other comment can I get a motion that the public comment portion be closed motion second all favor I I opposed eyes have it okay we're going to go into our agenda uh portion of the meeting uh and I will begin I just want to get my agendas open one second there we go okay um I want to First congratulate uh Woodridge High School baseball team uh for winning their division uh this year was the first time time in Woodbridge High School foot uh Woodbridge High School history that they won the division in football basketball and baseball all in the same season first time in the history of woodb high school and I'm also proud to say that my son Derek was told that he is the only athlete in the school that was a part of each one of those varsity teams so uh congratulations to Woodbridge and I do want to congratulate Derek for for having a uh significant role on all three of those teams our job bank as uh as everyone knows uh is on our um woodge Township website um there are companies that are specifically as we go into the summertime that are specifically looking for Woodridge Township residents going into the Employment Opportunity Center and you will see jobs uh that are there for woodrige Township residents um some very unique jobs uh whether you want to work in BASF Federal Express um Chick-fil-A um there are there are there's something for everyone and in every different department so please take a look at that um this coming June 15th um there will be a juneth holiday behind um celebration behind Woodbridge High School and this is our fourth annual event and that is uh is it our fourth or third fourth right four I think it's four I think it's four four fourth annual event um there will be all kinds of food music we'll have music from epic soul and DJ ran um we have a bike a bicycle giveaway um for um kids um you come in you got a a chance at winning we have four bicycles that are being donated uh at this event and we're asking that everybody this is open to everyone um to to come in and celebrate a uh very significant holiday in our country um and uh I want to mention that the tooling around the township program took place um last was last week and um over 16 homes were attended to by volunteers and there were many uh members of our community that volunteered in our home where it was something as simple as a yard cleanup or an installation of a bathroom to help those that can no longer um really do the work in their in their homes and I I want to thank everyone for that I want to thank the the township and the administration for running that program and um and all of our volunteers that were out there and all of the the local businesses that donated to it um and uh lastly I will mention um uh middle sex College uh is having their commencement on May 16th um uh councilwoman uh mcalli son will be graduating and I'm I'm proud to be I'll be on stage there uh but we have a number of graduates in Woodbridge Township this year uh from our local colleges and from uh kids that are coming home from college so let's make sure that we uh you know keep an eye out for those kids help them out as they're getting start in life and um and especially middle sex College it's a it I I tell everyone that's where I got my start um to to consider middle sex College um for your education starting out is a two-year um education specializes in so many different areas and um uh if you have to get to the campus because there's so much going on there a lot of uh new building and um that school is is really taking off so it's a great place to start and I want to congratulate all of our graduates this year um I'm going to move on to council vice president Spiller thank you council president andon item number four the Woodbridge golden Saints will be having fre cheer clinics in May and June the clinics will be held at cypress center Saints are also having registration for their fall football program interested interested parents can email the Saints at eboard at goldens saints.org or visit Woodbridge goldens saints.org uh I have number 14 the my leadway Army Corp of Engineers project just to give you an update the project received Senate approval last year and in it in its final year of design construction of this Levy will uh begin from the city of L Lyon running through the burough of Carterette willbridge and terminates at the city of raway uh the area of my lead way uh is encompassed in that area off of Randol Avenue uh My Le way will be a beneficiary of this project um so draining problems in that area uh should hopefully uh improve and see fast them improvements that's it for my agenda i' just like to congratulate George and Cecilia as they open the doors yesterday to JJ's pizzia located at 776 St George Avenue it's the old Pizza time I'm sure they're going to do very well and please support and Shop our local businesses speaking of our local businesses and uh Grant openings I want to congratulate councilwoman kif and Sharon uh Not Just Bagels coming back so happy for you so thank you rest agenda is an or coun president thank you to all our Emer responders our fire our EMS our Police Department C all of our Public Works and our Township employees God Bless America thank you thank you very much I'm going to move on to councilman Viara but I do just want to also mention I did forget to welcome uh the new uh varsity football coach at Woodbridge High School Coach Joe George he comes to us from South Brunswick uh he got a great resume five state championships um and these uh kids are getting coached by somebody who's uh could be their grandfather they're they're you know it's great that they're going to have that experience a lot of these young coaches are out there and and there's a coach who's retired and still doing it so I want to um uh congratulate him on his job and uh and wish him well that's some Cara you were on a slippery slope there m you were looking my way talking that's all right I have a few things on my agenda first I thank yous go out to our senior services the mayor and his administration for a wonderful senior Summit last week it was so well attended the uh roller rink was just jam-packed with people and then we followed it up this uh past Saturday with an amazing Arts and Music Express Festival here in town uh the weather didn't really cooperate but we had music in every corner of this section in town we had a jazz band walking up and down Main Street we started out the morning at the train station it was just a a wonderful day and just unfortunate that the weather was a little bit chilly um I'm going to just bang out some Recreation opportunities that are coming up uh this Sunday of course is uh Mother's Day and over at the community center's mom can do mini golf for free as long as they have a uh child with them that they pay for our our senior free movie program of the community center started last Thursday and will continue all the way to the end of the month every Thursday from 12:30 to 2:30 various movies for our seniors uh and there are opportunities for $5 uh bag lunch we also I'm announcing and again this is through the recreation department so if I'm stepping on anybody's agenda just let me know uh but the children's summer series of concerts and shows will start on June 22nd Alice in Wonderland uh Yates Family Theater that's at aracia and then uh Michael Roseman variety performance 10 to 11 that's Saturday June 29th at Woodbridge and it goes all the way through August I'll try to keep you updated but this is a wonderful program for families and young people I also have a very mysterious note here that says save the date special surprise guests to be announced June 16 2024 3 p.m. hint the genre is popped that's all I know so I don't know if you're excited but I share that with you our fireworks are Wednesday July the 3rd rain date is Friday July 5th Alvin P Williams Park the peninsula is absolutely beautiful uh it will be closed until 4:00 go Bo cancel uh over at the community center the mini golf and batting cages are open on a limited basis until June Fridays from 4: to 10: Saturdays from 12: to 10 and Sundays 12: to 9 best kept secret if you're looking for a nice family activity behind the community center it's just a lot of fun I feel like this is on somebody else's agenda but the farmers markets do start in late June 9:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. over at Parker press uh just mentioning that and you can keep up with all of this through the uh brochures that are mailed to our home about the community center and the club at Woodbridge that's all I have council president thank you thank you so much councilman Val thank you council president my agenda is in order I have a few announcements excuse me Forge business Community will be holding a flea market on Sunday May 19th located our public parking lot on new brunic Avenue in fors next to the BFW from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. for for uh for more information email Gary at the fbc.org week thank you to all our teachers for their commitment to our students and making a difference in their lives um just wish everyone a Happy Mother's Day especially my cter people on the D here thank you very much and God bless our troops God bless our First Responders and God bless America that's all I have thank you council president thank you Council de thank you council president one item in my agenda the library will be offering citizenship and ESL classes at conversation groups will begin a summer session in June in all Township libraries contact Katherine stub at 98486 1777 to register the library Health Series in May includes the program stroke are you at risk May 16th at 7 p.m. and eating healthy on a budget May 20th at 1 p.m. join us for yoga weekly at the main library on Saturdays at 9:15 um I would like to congratulate the health department they held their second mental health fair here um one main right in front of the municipal building and it was well attended and they had a wealth of information and they for the second year in a row did an amazing job at having a lot of resources that have to do with with mental health if you missed it this year look for it around the same time next year cuz there is a wealth of information that comes to Woodbridge for mental health so congratulations to the health department and a job well done happy Mother's Day to all the moms Fel mes and with that F de will be here on Sunday June 2nd from 2:30 to 6:00 p.m. it will be at Parker press there will be flamco with Life music Hispanic food paa and sangria tastings kids arts and crafts again that will be June 2nd from 2:30 to 6:00 p.m. Lafia DEA and that is all that I have thank you thank you very much councilwoman Mian thank you council president I just have one announcement tonight my agenda is in order is just uh save the date we will be doing the um annual Woodridge Township support through troop rally it'll be Wednesday May 22nd at 6 p.m. it'll be at George Frederick plaza plaza which is by the main library and Woodbridge High School if you know of anybody that is currently serving our country and would like us to mention their name during our program please reach out to me at 732 2 uh 382 0273 so that we could read their name um and just honor them in their service um that's all I have just happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there my Council mates and God bless America that's all I have thanks thank you councilman Patel all right thank you Council M call thank you council president my attend in order I have just a couple announcements today the Chamber of Commerce will be holding their annual Street fail on May 18th from 11: to 5: come out and walk on Main Street shop the vendors eat some food check out some new local shops on Main Street as well and there are a lot of other events at the chambers running you can go on to their website wber chamber.com to get some more information the C1 uh Molina is coming along really nice if you haven't taking a drive by the seaw war Waterfront recently you should there's a lot of EX exciting changes going on the tiki bar and the surrounding areas are nearly complete and we will keep you updated on the opening date of everything coming soon I'd like to wish all the moms a Happy Mother's Day and my Council mates the same thing happy Mother's Day uh last thing I'd like to say is just please keep our military your thoughts and prayers for a successful Mission and a safe return home God Bless America thank you thank you so much Mr Mitch uh thank you Mr president uh my agenda is also an order I have a couple comments thank you for approving the permanent uh expansion of Jr's Pub that went to effect today so the co expansion now is retired for him you also approved the ownership change of favorits at Woodbridge uh we're getting ready to go into renewal season for all liquor license owners so that those start seeing that uh in early June um just election comment the vote by mail drop boxes at the main library and in front of the municipal building are now open for people who vote by mail and Fin finally just a reminder we are immediately going to go into executive session after the legal department does their agenda thank you thank you mayor McCormick thank you council president all right thank you uh Mr simuka thank you council president my agenda is in order tonight but if you don't mind I'm going to cover uh director Bru he's away for the evening attending a conference uh under Public Works we have a proposal for CME Associates for the 2025 milling and resurfacing program and I have a resolution approving a Grant application for New Jersey uh do for avanel Street roadway improvements project thank you council president thank you very much director hubner thank you counc thank you Director D than you stand thank you legal nothing thank you counc president I have one more it we're going to be holding off on the executive session for this evening theu that we were waiting to receive did not come through okay okay with that said motion to second okay thank you thank you