[Music] good evening I'll Stand uh pledge I pledge allegiance play and then re uh remain standing for a moment of silence for I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the for it stands Nation God indivisible lice thank you please be seated notice requirements of the open public media law have been satisfied concerning this meeting the home Min VI the star published a notice on October 6 2023 is posted on the municipal bulletin board and shall be so not in the minutes of this meeting councilman bow here councilwoman de here councilman here councilwoman M here councilwoman here councilman Patel councilman small here vice president spillard here and president Anderson can I get a motion to approve the minutes from June uh 11 2024 motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I oppose eyes have it we have three second reading ordinances for you this evening we will take letter a first which is an amendment to our traffic chapter 7 with regards to Prospect Avenue East 2nd Street Greenbrook Avenue and Garden Avenue can I get a motion that this ordinance be taken up on second and third reading and the public hearing be open motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I oppose eyes have it the public hearing is now open on letter a letter A only with regards to handicap parking here no comment can I get a motion that the public hearing be closed the ordinance be adopted and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I opposed eyes have it letter B is an ordinance amending chapter 35 of the health regulations with regards to the disposal of fish waste can I get a motion that this ordinance be taken up on second and third reading and the public hearing be open motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I oppos eyes have it the public hearing is now open on letter b letter B only he no comment from the public how to get a motion that the public hearing be closed the ordinance be adopted and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law motion second questions or comments from Council all in favor I I oppos have letter C is an ordinance authorizing the acceptance of a deed of easen for drainage purposes on 94 Pitman Avenue in Fords can I get a motion at this Ord to take it off on second and third reading and the public hearing be open motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I opposed eyes have it public hearing is now open on letter c letter C only John good evening everybody um now let us see that the Pitman Avenue the drainage that's no near any place next to the Herz Creek and let me touch an Aven you by the woodb no no thank you mayor any other questions on letter C here and no other questions can I get a motion that the public hearing be closed the ordinance be adopted and submitted to the mayor for uh approval as required by law motion second any questions or comments All favor I I opposed eyes have it first reading ordinances listed before you as D and F can I get a motion that these three ordinance to be passed on first reading publish the home news toie on July 12 2024 with notice of public hearing be held on July 23rd 2024 at 6: p.m. motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I opposed let's have it Mr present resolutions listed 1 through 34 before you and I get a motion to approve 1 through 34 by consent motion second any questions or comments from councel Mr so noted any other questions or comments I oppos I have that's all I have thank thank you Mr Mitchell now move into the public portion of the council meeting When approaching the microphone please state your name what section of the township or state that you live in and you have a one-time opportunity to speak up to a 5minute period Mr thank you are there any comments from the public this evening uh John again uh a lot of people kind of are excited because of the uh TIY bar and C1 supposed to be uh open but I believe July 2nd and they were questioning about it it's going to be already uh all the approvals because they said sometimes things are not done yet but they're very excited and uh my question would be we get all the approvals from EPA DP whatever you want to call it so that is because of a public place and uh I think believe mayor said that in his newsletter there's going to be about 250 capacity about 250 people and some of those people they live in a neighborhood uh they kind of concern with the parking that would be big enough to accommodate uh the traffic I believe it people will show up it's next to the water things like that but they're kind of concerned about parking and what they going do to their local neighborhood because of traffic and of course ho in a wall so that's all I want to say but again if you got all the approvals for environmental and everything else to open it up and the second part of question would be uh how are we doing with the kby park I mean that's kind of took a long time for the EPA to approve the permit so that's all I want to know thank you so Mr roric uh I'll yield to the mayor um but I can tell you the Tikki bar will be open um July 3rd fireworks uh has gotten all of its approvals uh as far as the casby project the mayor and administration have commented numerous times um you know we're dealing with the state d uh mayor if I say anything different please bys yeah I'll answer any questions to do with the actual structure we're not going to answer any questions to do with the op actual operation we don't run it it's run by the Woodbridge Arts Alliance so when it's open the hours we're not going to answer those that's not our business we own the land we own the structure we have all the approvals necessary otherwise we would not be where we are and as to the casby land we're still waiting as I've said that's a very Monumental task in having that reviewed by the EPA and the D and it's not just not ready yet and there's nothing we can do about it very complex issue very significant cleanup as everybody knows any times there's people in white suits cleaning up land you know it's very very serious very toxic and hazardous chemicals are on that site and that's why it's taken so long to get the cleanup approved so the park can open thank you thank any other comments from the public this evening heing no other comment can I get a motion that the public comment portion be closed moot motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I oppose eyes have it thank you Mr Mitchell we now move to the agenda portion of the meeting starting with mine item number four um pardon me the rest um item number four W golden Saints uh their registration is starting for flag level K through 2 and Tackle level 3 through 8 you can register at eboard golden saints.org or visit their website www.bridge golden saints.org the rest of my agenda is in order I just like to congratulate longtime Avenel staple bird King on their grand reopenings so they are open go get your Whoppers um director Brew I just want to thank you and your team the fence at LR Park Avenel Street entrance is back repaired looks good is new so uh thank you I know it's been an ous Journey but uh thank you very much um thank you to all our emergency responders Fire EMS wood Police Department C all our Public Works and C employees God Bless America moving on councilman ficara thank you uh both at the Woodbridge Community Center and the club are chalk full of activities for the summertime for you and for adults uh things are hopping over there and it's air conditioning outside we have our Springwood swim club and our Highland Grove both chop full of activities if you like to be outside they're beautiful beautiful facilities which offer a lot of different uh activities uh July 17th uh 5:30 begins check-in at Alvin P Williams Park is our annual Woodbridge Pizza run it's a 4 Mile Run and it starts at 7 check in is at 5:30 on the 17th over Alvin P Williams um just looking ahead the uh fireworks are next week they're coming up very quickly on July the 3rd the park is closed all day it opens up at 4:00 uh please remember that Alber Williams Park is a peninsula there's one way in one way out it's very well directed by our Police Department by our Emergency Services by our search guys so if you follow your their instructions you should be able to get out uh in an efficient manner and in a safe manner um just a few activities that I wanted to mention where did I I lost them oh here they are children's uh summer series coming up on Saturday July 6th is Jack in the beant the Yates Family Theater that's at araa Youth Center 10:00 a.m. to 11: uh we do have a performance this Saturday Michael Roseman variety performance 10: a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Woodbridge High School there are a number throughout and I'll keep you updated as we move along um I know councilwoman de Zeus is going to mention the wonderful tenure of Miss Donna Brightman who's been our executive director of the Housing Authority uh but as the chairman of that Authority for most of her career here she's going to be greatly missed and did a lot of wonderful things and I'll let uh councilwoman Deus when she's up give you the details that's all I have council president thank you councilman councilman Bower thank you council president my agenda's in order just want announcement like to wish everybody happy and safe for July and lead the fireworks up to the professionals that's all I have God Bless America and God bless all our First Responders thank you thank you councilman bow councilman small thank you Council vice president my agenda is in order I just want to make mention uh best wishes and well wishes to officer Justin Nery who was involved in a shooting several weeks ago he's home and doing well and uh again our thoughts and prayers go out to him and his family God bless all our police officers our First Responders and God bless America thank you thank you Council uh councilman small councilwoman De Jesus thank you I just have one um announcement from the free public library this Friday at 2m the main library will host a great American song World sing along with Lori Goldman in the meeting room all Library locations are accepting notebooks that will recycle into new notebooks um an adventure begins at your library summer reading programs are accepting registration for all ages visit W library.org to sign up for the programs in person or online or summer long item number one Donna Brightman so our um Housing Authority director Donna Brightman just retired Donna has always been a dedicated and driven professional committed to helping to better the lives of those less fortunate from her early days as a program coordinator in pic where she organized Supportive Service programs to building homes for people in need with Habitat for Humanity which she continues to do her creativity with program design and implementation in policy has landed her a seat on several boards including patteron and Morris Habitat for Humanity and the Lincoln Park planning board she has even served as Global Village leader Donna has many accolades including outstanding Woman of the Year twice the mayor's award for outstanding Civic contribution and an outstanding Big Brother Big Sisters of America award just to name a few her Legacy in Woodbridge however is most remarkable for 24 years she served as the executive director of the Woodbridge Housing Authority where she led a diversified team of 50 she then took on directorship of the Highland Park housing authority and their Diversified staff all while maintaining a stellar reputation with the town's and higher performance status with Hut she has been instrumental in the coordination of services for Woodbridge residents including our families seniors and disabled populations she created many Resident training and employment programs after school and summer programs for the kids oldie Goldie functions for our seniors and Home Ownership opportunities for lowi income earners all in the interest of increasing quality of life and self-sufficiency her creative talents and outside of the box thinking has allowed the modernization of and creation of several authorities inventory and her talents have been Paramount in the creation of Maple Tree Manor Red Oak and Green Oak Manor her passion and dedication to service is on Match she's highly respected and beloved by those she serves and those who served under her I had the privilege to work with her all these years that I've been on councel and I got to say she has a heart for the people and has absolutely helped anyone that has lived in any of our housing complex so we will miss her and hopefully we'll get somebody that will be as equally driven as her thank you Al sir thank you councilwoman councilwoman man thank you council president I just have one uh my agenda is in order I just have one announcement for say the DAT is for the coloni and family day bar and whiffle ball tournament that this year will be held on Saturday August 3rd at 11:00 and we will be holding it at Colony little fellows field next to school 27 if you want to put a team in you can reach out to me at 732 382 0273 all proceeds from this will be donated to a charitable clause and I just want to wish all the 2024 graduates a uh wonderful summer and a great future and we wish you the best and just as drivers let's keep our eyes open schools out and slow down watch out for all the little kids out there that's all I have thank you councilwoman and councilwoman M call thank you Council vice president my agenda is in order I have one announcement please uh mark your calendar prep for Saturday come out to our Farmers Market which is located in Parker press 400 Railway Avenue uh there's a lot of uh good vendors out there come out and check it out and uh see what you can find there that's all I have today thank you thanks Council M Mr my agenda is alert thank you thank you mayor all good thank you council president administration of Finance Mr Sima thank you Council vice president I have a few items on my agenda I have an ordinance for next week for a or for next meeting for a lease for white pines and also uh the mayor's please to announce that he'll be swearing in seven new police officers tomorrow at The Acacia Center at uh 12:30 in the afternoon uh we're also very proud of the fact that councilman Howe Bow's son Thomas Bower will be part of that group congratulations thank you that's it council president thank you Mr s Mr Sima and congratulations uh councilman Bower um Planning and Development thank you thank you Public Works legal uh nothing nothing SE thank you look for a motion to adjourn motion second have a good night thank you