[Music] good evening welcome to Woodbridge the best town around my name is John McCormack I'm the mayor of this great town and we're going to see tonight why we're such a great town is we honor police officers for outstanding work certain ones for life saving others for a terrific job working with our community and I'd like to read a proclamation uh the details of the life- saving case on Sunday April 14th 2024 at 2:50 a.m. police units were dispatched to 48 westpond Road in the Hop section of Woodbridge Township on a report of a domestic violence dispute involving one person being stabbed police officers Andrew lick who's got 18 years with the force and George aad who's got two AR on location first and quickly ascertained that the dispute involved an adult male and adult female who have a child in common the officers located the adult male outside of the building and an adult female who remained inside the building in their apartment police officers Jacob benenti who's got four years and dip and na who's got one arrived moments later and found that the female possessed a knife and had a laceration to her hand it was determined that she was the aggressor when she was placed in handcuffs the male was observed to have a severe injury to his right leg as his pants were blood soaked and he was standing in a pool of blood the officers guided the patient to the ground and could see a large punct wound on his inner thigh that had pierced his femural artery the officers immediately applied a Tourette to control the bleeding which only slowed the bleeding officers then applied a second tourniquet which completely stopped the bleeding at which time the patient was transported to the hospital these police officers are hereby recognized for a job well done upon arriving they secured the scene and ified the aggressor who was placed under arrest officers identified the severity of the Stab Wound and provided life-saving measures to the male copies of these letters are to become part of their personnel's files ladies and gentlemen Andrew LK dipp and na uh Jacob manente and George aad please come [Applause] up congratulations Andrew congratulations George thank you thank you and yes thank all right uh you always ask this question the answer is frequently no yeah they're not listening yet lisc you're the senior member of the true group you want to say a few words um thank you as uh just doing our job so we don't need this but appreciate it thank you very much anybody else say few words Jake George oh come on up man you're the rookie they should said he's the rookie he's got one year he's the guy that should come up you want to say anything it oh thank you you want to say anything oh no I'm good how about anyone of you girls want to come up and and talk about your dad who wants to come up come on up come on up here you hold this come here stand right by me don't be afraid how about you all come together all come together all right stand right here look over there and stand over here a little more get right in front of the camera you got 15 minutes of fame here my dad is real my Daddy's kind of the best wa what are you here what did daddy do save someone's life save someone's life isn't that pretty good I feel very proud I said before I've known your daddy or your mom for a long long time and I know your grandma and grandpa for probably 30 years they live in Colonia so do why I used to be their accountant and they did my kitchen in my house so they never paid for taxes and I never paid for my kitchen it was a good deal right except the kitchen was worth a lot more than a couple tax returns and I'm only kidding about that if anybody's watching from the IRS all right you're good all right thank you very much let's take some pictures you guys okay so uh for the last many years we have had a program to honor the police officers of every quarter and then we select an officer of the year so we're here tonight to honor the police officer of the first quarter January 1 through March 31st 2024 and that is police officer well and jeno of the Woodbridge PD Squad 3 officer Jena [Applause] congratulations this is a little bit of a long one so officer Sim and Jenna having achieved all the criteria set forth by the Woodbridge Police Department is hereby awarded police officer of the first quarter for 2024 officer Jenna has distinguished herself as a role model for the Department by her commitment to Excellence and her enthusiasm to protect and serve the residents of Woodbridge Township officer jna strives to better herself and the image of the police department and establishes positive relationships when coming in contact with the public officer siman jenana who is assigned to the radio Patrol Division besides taking on her daily Patrol duties has volunteered to work with the Community Affairs unit furthering the community outreach program this program was developed to have officers provide businesses with safety and security measures in order to prevent and deter crime officer jna has also been selected and assigned to the arriv together program the arrived program has mental health experts riding with police officers who have received Crisis Intervention training the goal of the program is to assist individuals experience experiencing a mental health crisis obtain access to care and treatment and to reduce the risk of violent behavior during interactions during the first quarter of 24 officer Jena responded to numerous psychiatric calls which resulted in individuals both being voluntarily and involuntarily committ committed to the hospital for evaluation during January officer Jena and the mental health expert responded to the call of a female who was experiencing a mental health crisis the woman was an obvious crisis and the mental health expert determined that she needed to be transported to the hospital for evaluation the woman became uncooperative and more paranoid the women wanted the officers to leave and stated that she was too busy to go to the hospital the woman then attempted to enter her vehicle and leave at which point officer jna and other officers were able to stop the woman and plac her on a stretcher for transportation officer jna treated the woman with dignity and patience and assured the women re woman received the appropriate mental health treatment during early February of 24 officer Jenna and the mental health expert responded to a call of another woman who is in crisis officer jna knew from previous calls at this address that the woman had been violent in the past attacking both her husband and responding officers Officer Jen using this knowledge made sure that both she and the mental health expert were prepared in the invention event that the situation became violent once in presence of the woman it was determined she would need to be involuntarily committed the woman was initially uncooperative but after a lengthy conversation with officer jna who used her training and Cal Dem meter to convince the woman to walk to the ambulance and be transported without further incident arrive is something that we're one of the only towns in the county to do right Join one of the first ones to do uh and it is what it said we get mental health experts that can go to a situation with the police officer some sometimes people are afraid of police officers sometimes they're afraid of other people it's it's a very tense situation and officer Jena has embraced this program and become an expert in it and all you have to do is read the papers to see that this is a service that's so desperately needed in society today because there's always interactions uh with people with mental health issues and law enforcement and she's become an expert in Woodbridge I want to thank you for the great job that you do and you deserve to be the officer of the [Applause] order and you might not want to speak but you got to say something about this program you got to talk about it well first all I want to say thank you it is an honor being up here and receiving this award um the program started about a year ago we implemented it it was just one day a week and now we're up to two days a week where we basically just drive around with a mental health expert I don't wear this full uniform I'm actually just in a plane po just a duty belt and then we walk in other officers make this the safe scene and then I'll walk in with the mental health expert and then we just basically sit down and speak with them at the very minimum we at least try to offer them resources so that if they do come upon another episode or things like that they have the resources where they can actually call someone and just reach out you know instead of going through a whole episode or a mental waiting for that full episode to happen they can reach out to a therapist and things like that so it's like it's a lot like our peer recovery coach program except they jump in after an incident and help the person you're trying to help them before it gets to an incident a lot of times we get there when there is an incident but a lot of time if it's not severe we do offer them resources we give them handouts numbers to call and people to reach out to before it gets extreme you know but if it's an extreme case we do take them to the hospital how many people have the training you have in R PD uh there's just handful about 10 about 10 to about 10 on both sides if you go it's Contin all right as the program gets bigger they're adding more towns and hopefully we'll get more days and we can actually offer this resource to residents on a daily basis wow very good [Applause] congratulations I'd like to ask uh Police director hubner if he'd like to say a few words about both the life saving officers and the officer of the Court absolutely uh first I want to thank the mayor as usual he recognizes the outstanding work our officers do um to the gentleman who did the life saving uh we do these proclamations every so often and nine out of 10 times the officers that are being honored are for life- saving uh we put a a high value on preparing our officers to respond to these types of uh calls and it really works because count countless lives are saved because of the action of the officers who always I shouldn't say always but more than not beat the first aid to these calls so they take action and by the time the first Aid's there usually everything's under control so outstanding job um to Sue Ellen you know a lot of times officer at the quarter they get the award because they've stopped crimes of progress or things of that nature but the program that she's involved with and her volunteering with Community Affairs is equally important so congratulations to [Applause] her I did not uh I failed to introduce the council before we started so I'll do it now uh first of all we have deputy director Joe niski of the police department to his right is Kyle Anderson current council president and councilman of large to his right Cory Spiller third award councilman avanel and poor reading to his right Sharon Mccalla first award councilwoman for Woodbridge and seaw Warren to hard write fifth award councilwoman Debbie me who covers Colonia to her right that large councilwoman Lis beeth De Jesus to her right councilman at large Greg farara and to his right hoe Bower second war councilman covering hopon Fords and casby and I'll ask anybody starting with the council president if anybody would want to say a few words about our hero officers and about our our other hero officer of the quarter anybody want to say anything first of all uh I want to Echo the uh comments of director hubner and and thanking the mayor and the council for recognizing are uh first line uh officers that uh come out to a lot of calls where you don't know the situation um the word that I heard over and over was training and uh you can't get that training without support from uh the council the mayor and we're just glad to see that training is paying off um every year um you know we add more and more police officers our police officers are getting younger um you know this young man here uh I've known him for for a very young when he was a very young man uh and uh played played ball in my program and I've known his family for a very long time but just to see now that they're a part of um uh protecting us while we're sleeping and and protecting the the people that they come up on a uh situation that they don't know the uh scenario um the life-saving uh effort uh suelen um congratulations and thank thank you very much um because uh as far as coming up on a um uh a mental health situation uh you never know what you're walking into and like you said you're not in this attire you're in a polo and you're you're walking up and you don't know what that person's capable of but it's your training that is paying off and it's it's really helping our our community uh remain safe and we're also um you know situations that could go a different way are actually ending positively like having the woman walk herself to the um to the ambulance uh um voluntarily so thank you very much and um I know the community thanks you everybody else good Elizabeth come on I just want to say that in the world that we live in sometimes being a police officer or first responder can be a thankless job but we want you to know that we do appreciate the job that each and every one of you do I think it's safe to say that Woodridge with the support of the administration the mayor councel deputy director nisi and director hubner they always make sure that our police officers have the training that they need to meet the needs of our community so in behalf of Woodbridge Township I want to thank each and every one of you for the job that you do the training that you partake in we really appreciate everything that you do and just to have Woodridge M at ease we do have men and women that really care about our community and as shown here have the training that is needed to meet whatever arises in wridge Township thank you and just a quick piece of information we do have seven officers coming out of the academy in two weeks to be June 7th to become Woodbridge police officers and we actually have a class of 10 for the next Academy usually to get 10 we have to go through 40 or so uh we never wind up with 10 but we actually have 10 for the first time in how long probably four or five years four or five years since we've been able to identify 10 candidates and get them into the academy so as Kyle and Elizabeth said our force keeps growing and it keeps getting better and I say it all the time that this is the best police department in the state of New Jersey and these men and women go out and prove it every single day so thank you all very much we all rise for the uh pledge I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with Li and justice for all would remain standing uh for those who lost their lives in defending our country we're approaching uh Memorial Day notice requirements of the open public meeting will have been satisfied concerning this meeting the home the starl published a notice on October 6 2023 copy was scheduled was posted on the municipal bulletin board and it should be so noted in the minutes of this meeting councilman Bower here councilwoman Deus here councilman farara councilwoman muli here councilwoman me here councilman Patel here councilman small here vice president Spiller here and president Anderson here and I get a motion that the minutes from May 7 2024 be approved motion second any questions or comments all in favor I I opposed I have it beginning with second reading ordinances this evening we're going to start with letter A which is a bond ordance to the amount of $2.5 million papay for cost related to the it in the sewer utilities and I get a motion that this ORD to be taken up on second third reading and the public hearing be open mo second questions or comments from councel all in favor I I oppos eyes have the public hearing is now open on letter a letter a good evening Tom Maris fors New Jersey it's nice to be back here again and I Echo the the words of council president um as we we remember those who are serving and those who have served they make the ultimate sacrifice they put their lives on the line and along with our First Responders be it police fire or otherwise um deserve our full support God bless them all uh as far as a is concerned is that going to be on competitive bid basis I'm sorry is that going to be a competitive will it be issued when you go out for it the acquisition of the computer system will it be on a compet ative bid basis it should be yes if not it's either State contract purchases of equipment that the state's already done the bidding and we take advantage of that or if not we will bid it we we required by law to bid everything one way or another knowing something about the state I can't always say they got the best the lowest prices nor the best service out of what they do get um what would inspire you the township to say We'll look at the state but we'll still go out to for competitive bids if anything this is a special category that I'm not an expert in you know information technology but we have people that know what they're doing this is phone systems and this is um desktop computers so they know what's good and they know what's bad and they can generally make a judgment as to the price that we're getting either from the state or from a vendor so I trust that they will make the best decision for the just happens to be an area that I've got a little bit more than a little experience in so but I appreciate your cander thank you sir any other comments from the public on letter A there are no other comments from the public on letter A can I get a motion not the public hear and be closed the ordance to be adopted and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law motion second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I oppos I Happ we'll take letter B which is an ordinance amending chapter 7 entitled traffic with the town Woodbridge with regards to designation of handicap Park and on Camelot Drive in William Street and I get a motion that this ordinance be taken up on second and third reading in the public hearing be open motion second any questions or comments from councel all in favor I I oppose eyes have it the public hearing is now open on letter b letter B only hear no comment from the public can I get a motion that public hearing be closed your to be adopted and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law motion second any questions or comments all in favor I I opposed I have it letter C is an ordinance of the township of Woodbridge adopting the Woodbridge area 6 Reg development plan and I get a motion that this Ling be taken up on second and third reading and the public he be open motion second questions or comments from counc I yes I'd like to abstain from this please so noted any other comments or questions all in favor I I oppose eyes have the public hearing is now open on letter c letter C uh Jo I thought it would be under the LI SE uh woodb area 6 development uh uh plan what part of a a main street I mean the downtown woodb is what part of woodb this is so this is an area Mr v um over by Il Costello's William Street I believe uh William Street is the street that is uh perpendicular to um new and Maine it connects the two there are two homes and those two homes are property of Bill Costello and they are going to um use that as that is their property uh to create additional parking space okay uh there was a talk in town that's supposed to BU two houses over there so thank you thank you you're welcome any other comments on letter C Tom Maris for New Jersey just as a followup to what the uh council president just said so they're going to take down two homes is that correct believe so yes yes they actually already have they already have in process now I should say so what has happened to the tax rate on that property since it's being switched from residential or commercial whichever it may have been somebody was paying tax on it how will they pay tax on that and do they get a tax abatement on that modification don't know how the uh tax uh change I'm sure it would have to go before the zoning board if there is is a change from residential to commercial they'll still pay land taxes yeah um but we will lose the value of the two homes but with 30,000 homes it's not really anything we're worried about do they get a tax abatement no okay thank you any other questions on letter C you another questions got to get a motion out the public here and be closed your be adopted and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law motion sector questions or comments all in favor I I oose I have it letters d e f g h i and J are all first reading ordinances can I get a motion to please ordinance be pass reading published in the home newsun on Friday nove uh May 24th 2024 with notice of public hearing to be held on June 11 2024 at 6: p.m. motion second any questions or comments all in favor I I opposed eyes have Mr President you have before you 26 resolutions can I get a motion to approved all 26 by consent motion second any questions or comments Mr Mitch I just want to thank um the mayor Administration and Engineering uh for resolution number 18 the Grant application uh applying a grant uh for funding for Avenel Street Paving from raway Avenue all the way down to sge Avenue last time Avenel Street between raway Avenue and Route One was paid was 2013 it wasn't done by the township it was a construction project was done by the township we won't be having this conversation um but hopefully fingers crossed uh we can get that money and get that done so thank you very much any other comments Mr Mitch I'm going abstain from number item number 11 Mr Mitch I'm going abstain from item number 11 any other comments Mr Mitch I'm going to obain from number 11 any other comments all in favor I I oppose I out okay we will now go into our public comments portion of tonight's meeting uh When approaching uh the microphone please state your name in what section of the township or state that you live in um you'll have a onetime opportunity to speak up to 5 minutes all videotaping must be performed uh on the other side of the Blue Ribbon in the designated area please be respectful of one another and please make sure that there are no signs or posters in the aisles or walkway and I will try to advise you when there's a one minute remaining time any comments from the public this evening hello again Tom Maris starting to feel like I've never left couple of things real quick if I can I'd certainly like to U give congratulations to our councilwoman on the opening of her new store on Main Street it's always nice to see new business business is coming in it's a boom to the town unfortunately there was you something that went on with the robbery but that it should not be a reflection as far as I'm concerned on the uh efforts of our Police Department I think we're one of the safest communities around and very much because of this Administration and our police force um if I thought otherwise I'd certainly say so um I'd like to speak about casby for a minute you know we had all heard at the power plant went in we were going to get all this Revenue the power plant was uh cleaning up the site there'd be Trails over there and yet as far as I know the trails have not been open the park has not been open and we keep hearing well we're waiting on whatever government bureaucracy EPA whomever are we pushing them because I know when I push them on a dog park several years ago they responded pretty damn quickly and I'm not going to get into the Weeds on that but I'm wondering why is it taking this long what are we doing to get that up the community um I think it's well needed well deserved and I think it'll be a boom to the area if we get that going so if you would please elaborate on where we stand with that council president I can handle that we are pushing it it's obviously out of our hands it's not only the state but it's the federal EPA which makes makes the pushing even harder um the dog park was basically D which we have a good relationship with and which we communicate with regularly in fact we're meeting the commissioner tomorrow on a couple of things um but this involves the EPA the amount of paperwork what that had to go get filed related to that Park is feet high it's literally feet high and it all has to be reviewed by the bureaucracy in Washington and also to an extent by the D in Trenton there's not much we can do we we try to push but um and we're as anxious as anybody for it to open it's beautiful down there it's an absolutely stunning Park everything you said trails and Wildlife and bird blinds and canoeing and and access to the river it's just wonderful and we're as frustrated as anybody but we are trying everything we can do to keep it moving thank thank the mayor for that explanation it's good to know and glad to hear that we are you know following up with due diligence to to see if we can make that happen even faster same may be said of of sewor and the development that's going on over there I think that's going to be a real for the township um bring in a lot more people uh a lot more recreational facilities which we desperately need to keep people occupied and something safe to be able to do um one last thing cuz I don't want to run out of time as we know the U our elected I'll be kind our elected officials down in Trenton um recently adopted new changes to the Oprah and I'd like the council Andor Mr to speak about those changes how is it going to effect will it work as well as it did before what are we giving up what are they adding if you can comment on that within my remaining time thank you sure I'm aware of some of those changes but I will Mr Mitch I will uh um defer to you on this one if uh you have a any opinion since you're are expert in this area I think it's just a little premature to offer that that opinion for the reason I don't know the final bill version of the final bill that went to the governor's desk uh so so I don't know I saw pieces prior to it and and I personally supporting some of them so I'm I'm hoping it makes it better it has been a long time there were changes needed I'm hoping it makes it better for everyone involved I don't see it being restrictive to anybody which I've read in the newspapers they're claiming it it will be but I don't see how that's possible it's my opinion well you've been absolutely all the years that I've worked with you on op request straightforward very honest um so I'm sure I can reach out to you and talk about it once the bill gets passed finalized and we can go from there thank you sir thank you are there any other comments from the public this evening um John W again I want to go back to the mayor was bringing the all the EPA stuff in the ksb park over there I think personally I don't blame him or anybody else but you know we have a big town over here uh this is I believe beautiful location but again I think the EPA should take consideration uh we are not kind of chop meat that think would be over here that they should give us some kind of a results from it do do or don't I mean but don't just say God this is only second year and uh I think should be maybe get to the newspaper somebody else but you got to get something out there because you can't have a summary over here people want to come out and I believe that if it's clean I believe it's clean should be clean it be success for the not just a Wood Bridge for metropolitan area and I believe only question is is this is a county park or is Municipal Park uh that's May with then today but again uh if anybody can do it put some kind of pressure them come on put us on a front burner don't wait until another year another year another year because we know how they work and uh it's not going to do us any any any council president this is a county park I'm I'm sorry it's our Park not a county park um and the thought that Mr V wants us to mount a public relations campaign against the D who we need for dozens of other projects and the EPA who we need for dozens of other projects I can tell you right now we won't be doing that we will be patient we're anxious but we're patient and we're not going to go bite the hand that feeds us and go after the D and go after the EPA that's one of the most unbelievably ridiculous things he said since he's been coming here and then he said there's a lot of competition for that title of the craziest statement he's ever made yeah we appreciate that mayor uh we agree with you well I I it doesn't sound like it's a good bill of health over there but again there's another uh thing that people kind of are wondering safety of the town a lot of crime stalling cars Breakin all the s of stuff and number one complaint is he say how come it makes the newspapers they are feeling that people don't get a news because they we the news what discouraging they want to do something about it I believe it's happening down already but they want to start a some kind of a which I'm afraid myself organization they take the protection themselves protect the to protect the area general areas cuz everybody's got a cameras that they watch the uh What's happen in the house like 24/7 there's a robber attempt robber things in town and uh if people probably more aware of it that we know what's going on every day by day they probably more CES to close the cars close the doors whatever it is but again uh people are concerned and um what really is concerned is the apartments because they think those people they're supposed to be I believe they're good people but always blame well newcomers newcomers newcomers we all know they were businesses how many new faces come to our businesses because of the people come with this to which is great but again if you can do something more to make people aware of it and again please we do have good police department but they can do everything so if you tell people probably be careful do all those things that you should do don't take for granted because it's not the same town that used to be 20 30 years ago so uh that's my concern thank you so you're blaming problems in the town on the people that live in these apartments that's another ridiculous statement I don't think you have any evidence or any basis to possibly make a statement that the people who pay $2,500 a month or $3,000 a month to live in the downtown luxury apartments have anything to do with what you described but I'll let uh police officer H and by the way let me before let me say if people have problems they should call us not you tell them call us when somebody says this is something I need to have from the town tell them to call the mayor's office tell them to call their council person we will help them going to you is fruitless absolutely fruitless it's going to get them nowhere you don't have any way of getting anything done for them we do they should call us but I'll let officer director hubner uh answer the rest of that from what I isn't just here in wh Township and Statewide and I think the what he's referring to is some of these Auto thefts and burglaries into homes to get key fobs to steal high-end cars that's a Statewide problem we're addressing it um and to say that a lot of these offenders or from Apartments is just ridiculous because um without going too much into investigations uh We've identified most of the offenders from the Essex County area there they're not local they don't live here and as far as failing to report crime the newspaper inquires when they inquire we respond and give them the information and I I will say this thank you very much director and mayor I will also say this uh our free newspaper in M Township is the corner and director hner has his own column there where he does inform uh the public about the ongoings of protecting uh being vigilant and watchful of the crimes in Woodbridge Township so we're using that because everyone in the town gets that newspaper not everybody gets the home News Tribune anymore because there's very few people that are getting the the delivery paper and they're not really going and purchasing the paper like we used to but the free newspaper uh if you're getting it you'll see articles in there that director hubner has written specifically to the crimes and ways that we can protect ourselves and ways that the uh police department is trying to be uh more proactive in preventing these crimes so I I thank the police department I thank you uh director hubner for the communication and uh and your continued good work council president I'm sorry council president uh you know Mr Bard brought up about papers I think I am I know I am the only person on my block that still gets a newspaper I believe Mr Mitch you're probably the only one on your block that still gets a newspaper it's all this it's all social media and whether it's ring Facebook Tick Tock chuck chuck whatever you want to call it snap this that um the wers police department social media platform has been extraordinary at what has been going on be on the lookout what can you do to prevent uh proactiveness opposed to reactiveness in some other municipalities so it it's this is where it's at and I just want to commend the director on your and the township with your social media team on getting that information out there to the residents of what you can look for what to do to be proactive thank you are there any other comments from the public this evening he are no other comment kind get a motion that the public comment portion be closed motion sm all in favor I I oppos I all right we'll go into our agenda portion of the meeting and I will begin uh with uh there are ongoing registrations for both uh Pap warer programs in town uh the uh wber golden saint and the Woodbridge Broncos um we also go down to our job bank we're presently looking for U crossing guard substitute teachers uh if you go to our um our Employment Opportunity Center you'll see uh many many companies that are looking for um uh for Woodridge Township residents um I do want to um acknowledge uh this past weekend uh was probably uh one of the more fun weekends in Woodbridge Township for the kids that are part of our public school system and that's the Ernest dubet track meet which is held uh for the elementary school students um extremely exciting day I know I have a lot of fond memories of it and I know some of the people here on the deis uh have been there with either their kids or may have participated as well themselves um I want to thank all the volunteers the teachers um and uh especially the fizzed teachers uh that um took part in uh organizing a very memorable day for for all of our um uh students um for the um uh students that graduated I had the uh pleasure of participating in the middle sex College uh graduation last week uh and um I saw a number of students that graduated from uh our wooders Township Schools that were there and uh several of them including councilwoman McCall of sun who was graced with highest honors uh and congratulations to your son Kyle on on his achievement and um the valoran uh gave a uh resounding speech is and one of the things that I really like about this is a story that students don't realize that you can start off at a school like middle sex college and your next step can be to the Ivy Leagues this is the second year in a row that middle sex has sent their Val Victorian to Columbia University and there was also a Princeton University um student who will be transferring um as an associates degree holder from middlex College on to princet University so congratulations to Dr McCormick the president there and um and all the all the graduates it was a it was a wonderful event and it was held at Ruckers University uh so that was outstanding we'll also be having the juneth event on uh June 15th behind Woodridge High School um we're going to have some uh some bicycles that are going to be given away by a few local organizations we'll have a a a local choir that will be performing and uh also have a few cheer teams that are going to be performing and also epic soul uh which is a great um uh just great R&B uh group that will be performing and also DJ rant uh to keep the group going and keep the event going there'll be plenty of food fun hopefully we'll just have the great weather to to make it a fourth year in a row uh great event um and for all of those uh uh that uh We've mentioned earlier um that have uh given up their lives for for our freedom here in this country would would like to me uh remember them on on Memorial Day as we celebrate and also take into consideration those who are uh protecting us um overseas thank you very much that's all I have I'll move on vice president thank you counc thank you council president and item number five Adel Middle School community service Club i' just like to acknowledge and thank all the students of the community community service Club as they had their annual day of giving last week through Collections and hard work over the school year they made Financial donations to Meals on Wheels the W Township domestic violence response team W buddy ball wber animal shelter and be change New Jersey it's honored to be their liaison and an incredible job by the students advisors uh the rest of my agenda is in order council president um this Monday is Memorial Day um just remember this day isn't about being off and Grilling hot dogs uh please remember all those who have served made the ultimate sacrifice defending our country's Freedom uh while that um several not several all of our local vfw's in wge Township will'll be having VFW Memorial Services Avo VFW will be Monday Memorial Day obviously at 10:00 at 60 West Park Avenue in Avenue um just want to say welcome back councilman small I'm glad to see the Hof is uh tending along uh welcome back pleasure thank you to all our emergency responders Fire EMS our Woodridge Police Department C and all our Public Works in wge Township employees God Bless America thank you council president Anderson thank you uh councilman fette thank you council president let me start off to by echoing everyone's thoughts here thanking all our veterans those who has served those that are serving and those made the ultimate sacrifice uh starting off on my agenda the Woodbridge Community Center the best summary is the booklet that went out to all the homes around town with all the activities that are going but to highlight a few as the weather gets nice like today there the mini golf and batting cages are open in the back of the woodrige community center that's a great venue back there Fridays Saturdays and Sundays at uh at uh Spring hours on Father's Day fathers can mini golf for free as long as they're with one of their children and they pay for that that's 12 to 9 on Sunday Father's Day also at the community center on May the 30th uh Megan Ley uh is a movie a senior movie and that's 12:30 to 2:30 over at the community center so you can see at our community center there's activities for all ages uh coming up with our uh our youth committee our Our Youth Services Program there's a kickoff to the summer barbecue at Acacia Youth Center for middle school students and current registered Elementary School members 3 to 6:00 p.m. on Monday June the 3r Highland Grove Youth Center pool party for middle school students only at Highland Grove pool and Spray Park 3:30 to 6:30 Thursday June 6th and the Evergreen Youth Center pool party at Springwood swim club for middle school students only 3:30 to 6:30 on Monday May the 10th and again that's from our youth services department uh coming up very soon will be the Farmers Market on Saturday starting 22nd 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at Park of press and also we have a number of Summer uh concerts and series and shows starting on June 22nd Allison Wonderland uh with the Yates Family Theater 10 to 11 and that set the acacia youth center and then the next one would be the 29th Michael Roseman variety performance 10 to 11m at the Woodbridge High School field uh mayor McCormack's uh Woodbridge Community charity fun mini golf Gala is on June 17th 5: to 8:00 p.m. uh you can check in in town hall to pick up tickets for that that's all I have council president thank you oh one one other thing just a congratulations to uh Mr Mitch our own Mr Mitch at the uh at his state conference down in Atlantic City he was honored as I believe the mentor of the year which is quite an honor uh for the whole state that's it that's an off he's been a mentor to a lot of us right do I get to play around with each one of my kids or do I have to bring all five of them and play one a good question you might get off on a technicality there we go I'm back you all right uh councilman B thank you council president my agenda's in order I have a few announcements tonight excuse me fors VFW Post 690 Memorial Day Services we held on Monday uh Memorial Day which is May 27th at 11:00 a.m. at their Monument located at Kings George Road at Corel Street KB fire department Memorial Day service to be held on Monday May 27th at 8: a.m. at their monent Monument located at Smith Street and Newton Street in casby many veteran organizations will be holding their services this holiday weekend come out in honor those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our nation God Bless The Departed God bless our troops God bless all our Force responders and God bless America enjoy your holiday weekend thank you council president and welcome back Council Miss welcome back Council Miss absolutely thank you Mr President good to be back um I want to thank uh councilwoman moli and Council vice president Spiller for carrying my agenda for the last few months I appreciate that to all the uh messages and well wishes I received from my Council mates and of course Mr Mitch who sent me all my good mail and reached out once a week thanks a lot um on my agenda and the poor Runing fire in EMS Memorial Services is Monday 5 27 at 9:00 a.m. um I had the pleasure along with the mayor and councilman Spiller of the Redan cutton for Cypress 2 which is a incredible facility which has two street hockey Courts for wi PBA 38 Street Hockey League plays there a beautiful Park and still wiber soccer participates but it's a uh incredible uh Park and job well done um just uh again to all our veterans thank you we appreciate everything our veterans have done and uh I just want to uh thank all our First Responders Our Town employees and God bless America thank you thank you Council woman de JIS thank you council president I would just like to thank director mmar and Eileen cajano from the Wood Community Center today we hosted here at the municipal building Youth and government days and we have students from JFK WD High School Colonia and St Thomas again it's a great day for the Youth in our Township to learn how municipal government works um item number five uh police community relations I would just like to congratulate all of the officers that were honor um in our proclamations this evening and I just have a couple of announcements our Police Department played the students and faculty at JFK High School on May 16th and all their proceeds went to the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia they just celebrated Police Week big thank you for supporting them special shout out to Walmart and penos for providing lunch dinner to officers four of our offices represented W Township riding in the annual Unity Tour down to Washington DC 350 M ride on bicycles so we thank them for that there's going to be an upcoming bicycle rodeo in June and the date is to be determined and that's hosted by keep middle sex moving our um Community police officers were at the PO walk which was held this past weekend at w high school they also participated in schools 26 are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader and luckily they won they still have a few spots open for the annual junior Police Academy which will be held in July and you can apply for that on the website and National Night Out will be Tuesday August 6th at the community center and this Tuesday they will have the senior Police Academy graduation also St Anthony's and Port Reading will be dedicating their 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday June 2nd to detective Eric Ransom the mass is open to the public that is all that I have for the police community and item number nine the baron Art Center is hosting people and paintings gallery on view June 8th through July 20th the reception will be Friday June 7th from 6 to8 again it is on view from June 888th to July 20th people and painting you can call the Varon Art Center at 732 63441 3 for more information that is all that I have thank you thank you very much Council woman miem thank you council president my agenda is in order also I just have one announcement the colonial BFW post 6061 will be holding their Memorial Day service this Sunday on May 26th at noon with a barbecue to follow at their Grove tickets for the barbecue are $25 for adults 20 for seniors and children under 10 are free the post is located across from the Inman Avenue Library also the tle tle post American Legion will be holding their service Memorial Day at 11:00 a.m. at the post located in island and just just the thought this Memorial Day when you're enjoying time with your family and friends at barbecues and other fun activities please take a moment to thank a veteran or attend one of the many services that we will be holding throughout the Memorial Day weekend which can be found on the on the township website that honors those veterans that never came home and gave their lives for our country so that we can have the freedoms we enjoy today thank you to all our veterans past and present we thank you for your service that's all I have thank thank you very much councilman thanks my my like have few announcement I'd like to announce the ground breing of a brand new 60,000 Square ft healthc Care Facility by the haing second Meridian Health and Wellness Center to be constructed in the backland part of the paring lot at metrop Park Railroad Station in is New Jersey State Governor Phil Murphy he SEC merian Health Executives along with state county and Municipal officers announc $200 million project that will create at least 1,000 new jobs and will provide convenient access to Comprehensive Health Care to thousands of New Jersey New York and Northeast residents this brand new hackens Maran Healthcare facility is going to be a part of the larger development of metrop Park P station designed to modernize Transportation hubs throughout the state making the multi-use locations for residential office space retail and restaurants allowing people to leave work and play in one location when this F facility opens next year the hackensac Meridian Health and Wellness Center will offer more than 60,000 Square ft of he care services just Steps From the mass transit Hub services will include Primary Care Medical and surgical specialities a sport and Spine Center of Excellence Advanced Imaging flabom rehabilitation services or retail Farm Occupational Health Services and Urgent Care Facility we also welcome the following brand new businesses who have opened their doors in eastl and met menro Park Terrace in the last few months that includes byby baby store which is located at 671 US Route 1 South in islen The Original Pancake House located at 61 US Route 1 South in Mopar Terrace asand out located at 799 US Route 1 in Isen fast Bagel located at 171 us rout One South in vopa terce UFC gam located at 675 rout one in East Alpha kitchen and bath located at 216 Street in East vac Zone located at 218 W Street is lean D University located 57 17 us one in isin a smiley face located at 200 m t Pike in isin again we welcome them all and wish them best wishes tomorrow Wednesday May 22nd our department Health and Human Services Community Health Outreach Health mobile unit will take the health mobile to O Senor center located at 571 Lincoln Highway in eastl from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. they welcome anyone who would like to come by for a free health screening Health Mobile manager and other staff members will provide many health related services that includes blood pressure glucose testing cholesterol testing heart rate blood oxygen High weight health information and health office I allhe heartly thank our heart and Human Service director Philip buasi Health Mobile manager kimar AA and all staff members for their dedication and continued Community Services also o Center will have their hats on at Oak lunch on tomorrow that is from 11:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. anyone interested a pay by check payable to Township also next Monday on May 27th islen BFW post 2636 will hold the Memorial Day services at the post Memorial Memorial located at AR Avenue in Island the services will start at 11:00 a.m. also next Monday May 27 starting at 11 a.m. American Legion house 471 will hold their memorial dis services at the post headquarter located at 23 Brown Avenue in Italy also on this memoral day we remember those Heroes who courageously gave their lives and made the ultimate sacrifices for our freedom we thank them their families and those who contined to serve at F here and abro may God bless you all may God bless America that's all for tonight tonight back going on in Island right thank you I remember that uh 471 um Memorial every morning it would wake me up uh the 21 gun salute that was my alarm clock on Memorial Day telling me to get up Council woman M caller thank you council president I my agenda is in order of announcements um get yourself prepared for Farmers Market which will be starting on June 22nd and we'll run through the end of August the farmers market will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 1: p.m. at Parker press Park located at 400 raway Avenue uh the Relay for Life will be having their annual event um being held June 1st at wri high school to participate donate or obtain details log on to relayforlife.org SL Woodbridge and J I have uh several announcements for the Memorial Day services in Woodbridge and seor uh first we'll start off at uh Monday uh May 27th at 9:00 a.m. the United States Coast Guard auxiliary will be uh holding their service in seor at the um Marina and boat ramp launch in front of Cliff Road Street in Sewaren they will be laying WS in the water to honor the men and women who were lost at City also at 9:00 a.m. on Monday the 27th the Disabled American Veterans Chapter 56 will conduct their service uh the salute to soldiers and saur Monument which is located at the triangle at Main Street and Row Avenue they have a service that they'll be holding there also at 9:00 a.m. then we can go for the uh VFW Post 4410 uh which will be holding their service at the American Legion Post headquarters located at 393 Pearl Street in Woodbridge and lastly the American Legion Post number 87 will host their Memorial Day service on Monday as well at 11:00 a.m. at the post headquarters located at 314 Barry Street in Woodbridge I'd like to uh thank all the men and women who have um given their lives in the honor for this country and please keep in mind all of our men service women who are now serving here and abroad keep them in arfs and prayers and uh pray for them for a successful Mission and a safe return home God Bless America thank you thank you Mr Mitch uh thank you Mr President uh thank Council this evening for renewing 20 liquor licenses I hope 23 I hope to have the remaining 702 within the next two meetings uh far and no issues reminder two weeks from today is a primary election ction day a sample ballots will be going out shortly drop mail boxes already open at the wood main library the town hall for people we vote by mail also remember early voting starts May 31st through June 2nd at The Acacia Center uh 95 to reading Avenue uh that's the last item with one note uh we will be going into executive session immediately following the legal agenda thank you very much Mr Sima thank you council president I have a tax insur over payments I have 100% disabled veteran exemption and I have a shared services agreement for animal control thank you council president thank you director hubman thank you council president I have a number of traffic ordinances thank you thank you Director D thank you council president just Dr standard five weekly refund request thank you thank you coun president motion two go into executive s sorry motion to go into executive session motion second I just point out though it's going to be approximately 20 minutes to discuss collect the bargaining unit agreements in accordance with uh the state B okay all in favor oppos like to ask everyone if you're not pered to stay we're back into regular session uh Mr President we have three resolutions that are before you this evening uh numbers 28 29 and 30 uh I'll point out specifically so everyone's aware so 28 is with regards it's all the same local but division of streets and sewers 29 is with regards to division of parks and 30 with the division of Sanitation and equipment repair supervisors with that said can I get a motion to approve 28 29 and 30 motion second Mr Mitch are there any questions or comments I'm going to abstain from resolution 29 any other comments all in favor I I oppos I all right we got a uh motion to close the meeting motion second all in favor