[Music] good evening please rise we call the council meeting to order pledge the flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America to the Republic for which stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all please remain remain stand for a moment of silence for all our military personnel serving thank you what is the requirements of the open public meeting have been satisfied concerning this meeting by home starl published their notice on October 6 2023 was posted on the municipal bul board should be so in the minutes of this meeting councilor B councilwoman de J councilman councilwoman MLL councilwoman councilman Patel councilman small vice president sper president Anderson I get a motion to approve the minutes May 21st any questions or comments all in favor iOS eyes have it beginning with second reading ordinances we're going to take traffic and traffic related ordinances with that said we're going to take up and I'm just going to make a note letters a b c d e f and H right now that said can I get a motion that the these ordinance be taken up on second and third reading and the public hearing be opened Mo second any questions or comments from Council all in favor I I I oppose eyes have against public hearing is now open on letters a b c d e f and H uh good evening John W on letter B uh that uh intersection Avenue and the homestead venue that's in hill right in 5:14 right so that is a I'm sorry I thought you said Omar that's an intersection of rway Avenue and Homestead Avenue yes correct Avenue no no that that the traffic light uh I I mean is what's the purpose are the the warehouse over there or I'm sorry that's not near the warehouse that's not near the warehouse raway in Homestead is f I know but it's a new traffic light right there was a traffic light there it's now a new correct me if I'm wrong yeah we're just modifying in Council just updating the um and over here on letter e would be on the section of the turn uh the forat over the township of wood at the main street of Vera uh I mean there's a lot of beautiful uh job done over there uh everybody's agree with it the way the traffic is moving now I agree with it uh but again uh what other changes has to made over there I'm going to council vice president so there is a uh there's a new traffic light installed with a leftand turn signal this is the the entrance after that as you're heading west on Main Street and there's going to be no leftand turn there thank you thank you any other com a b c d e f n h here going to get a motion that the public here be closed and these ordinances be adopted and submitted to the mayor for approval as required by law second any questions or comments all in favor I oppose eyes have begin going with letter G which is ordinance of the township uh adopting the West Kelly Street 3 Redevelopment plan and again a motion that dis ordinance you take it up on second third meeting and the public hearing be open motion second any questions or comments from councel all favor I I oppos I have the public hearing is now open I letter no questions public motion the public he closed adop subm to approval required by law Mo thank you any questions or comments from councel all favor iOS I letter i in ordinance Ving chapter 35 healthare Health regulations never mind I apologize letters h i and J are going to be ordinances passed on first reading to be published in the homeb on June 14 2024 with noce public on June 25th 2024 at 6: p.m. did first second any questions or comments all in favor I opposed I have Mr President before you have resolutions 1 through 45 listed can I get a motion by consent motion second any questions or comments from counil like to abstain from resolution number 12 item 3185 please so noted any other comments number 12 obain 31 any other comments from Council all in favor I I opposed I Mr M first I just want to um thank uh Council vice president uh Spiller for standing in uh work called uh a little late today um but we are now going to move into our public portion of the uh comment uh tonight but public portion of the meeting tonight um When approaching the microphone uh please state your name what section town uh or state that you live in you'll have a onetime opportunity to speak up to a 5 minute period uh all videotaping must be done in the uh marked off area with the blue ribbon and uh please be respectful of one another please make sure that there are no signs of posters in the I walkway and I will give you a one minute warning uh do we have anyone uh who wishes to address the public any comments from the public this evening here no comment I get Mo the public comment commission motion second questions or comments all in favor I I opposed I Mr Mitchell go into our agenda I will begin uh first item I have is uh the juneth event uh is this Saturday uh behind Woodbridge High School uh that will be from 1:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. that will uh include um epic soul who performed last year uh have a great following we also have DJ rant uh it would be great food great fun um we have um some uh cheerleaders and we have some uh uh choirs that are going to be coming out and singing it's going to be a great time for all I hope that everyone in the community uh can stop by um again we always um want to remind everyone that's out of work right now or looking for work I'm to please to check our job bank on the employment opportuni center uh I will move over to council vice president Spiller thank you council president I have number 16th greway family Success Center uh as you mentioned juneth come out this Saturday uh at Jun option to meet all the people at Greenway Center's vendor table see all the great activities and programs they have to offer also the center this Monday the 17th they will be giving out free ice cream and books from one to four Greenway family Success Center is located at 1005 r Avenue rest rest of My AG council president I just like to congratulate all of our Township High School graduates here to a great summer before you go on to Journey thank you to allergen responders fire police department works that's how Poli great thank you and also uh Council missp uh we had a recent graduating class for our police department and uh uh councilman Valor son Thomas is a uh a new police officer so I just want to congratulate him thank you very much and uh move over to councilman thank you council president uh few items on my attend first from the community center uh rather than going down the list there's so much going on on the brochures came out as mail uh very easy for you to check not only the Woodbridge Community Center but the club at Woodbridge just to highlight one thing this uh this Sunday is Father's day and happy Father's Day to all fathers out there um there is a free game of Le go for the dads as long as they come with a a child that is um that will be paid for and that's going Happy Father's Day GI um anybody on the council doing anything with children's summer series I don't want to step on Jack Jack Jack Jack all right so our first is Saturday July uh June 22nd Alis in Wonderland Gates Family Theater and then Saturday June 29th is Michael Roseman variety performance um that's at woodb high school and the first one on the 22nd is at laaia Youth Center we have programs for the children all summer long it's absolutely amazing I'm not going to overwhelm you with these if you check our website there is publicity out uh but I'll just give you those first couple in June once again at the OA Youth Center June 22nd Alice Wonderland with the Yates Family Theater 10 to 11 and then the following Saturday the 29th Michael rosan variety performance 10 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at Woodbridge High School um we'll be down the line we're just around the corner we're less than a month away from our fireworks Fourth of July celebration which is on Wednesday July the 3rd the park Gates will open up at 400 p.m. remember the park will be closed until 400 p.m. so don't show up any earlier uh the rain date will be Friday July the 5th that's our our fire um speaking of Fourth of July we have our annual Four Mile Run we call it the pizza run and um the location is uh Al Park July 17th registration is 5:30 to 6:45 that's where you canay pick up your race packet everything starts out with you Williams we run along the Waterfront it's beautiful and then we end up over by the park uh by m and you can sign up for runsignup.com uh or you look on our website and just put in Woodridge Township on that will that will come up uh also our outdoor swim clubs the Highland Grove pool and Spray Park and um also our park at Springwood are now open so uh you can check in with our Recreation Department if you're interested in joining those and then finally for the seniors there's a movie time on Thursdays uh 12:30 to 2:30 uh and we start the 13th which is just a few days well it actually started last week so we have the 13th in the 20 the 20th of this month over at the Wood Community Center and you can check it so a lot of uh great activities going on in town as far as he all this is concerned once again take all the Cs out thank you counc president thank you very much councilman Bor thank you council president my agenda is in order I have a few announcements fors uh business Community First uh cruise night for uh 2024 will be Monday June 17th from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. at C paints parking lot is located at 372 new Avenue fors U come out there trophies food music and more and last now wishing all the fathers here on the days and all the follows out there a Happy Father's Day enjoy your time your family and friends that's all I happens thank you council president as well uh Brian Council Miss evening Mr President thank you thank you it's like a quot for just reading the the names here councilwoman Mian thank youc my is also everybody on Council happy father administra councilman Patel I have some announcements since we are approaching honor Cate resence resilience freedom and reach cultural of all our brothers and sisters out to you all also congratulations to the class of 2024 and St exting journey of college may your pleas fly by and your hard continue to the proud fast thank you for your unring support and dedication this achievement is Testament of your love and guidance thises for a pride and successful future Happy Father's Day to all those dedicated fathers thanking you tonight thank you very much and uh before I move over to council woman callif I want to congratulate you yesterday on a great uh uh Chamber of Commerce golf a and um last week it was a great golf AIT for the Buddy uh Council call thank you council president my agenda is in order I just have a few announcements today uh the gallery on Maine will be having an art and reception on June 20th from 7: to 9: the gallery is located at 101 Main Street in Woodbridge also the baron Art Center has a people and painting Gallery which is started on June 8th and'll run through July the 20th it's um they have a they have a lot of nice artwork there so please come by and see it it's located at 582 rway Avenue in Woodbridge also if you're um Happy Father's Day to all the fathers out there if you're looking for something to do on Father's Day there is a free show that you could uh go spend time with your children with it's called let sing it's Taylor Swift performance it's at the concert field at woodrige high school which starts at 300 p.m. and lastly I just uh would like to uh say that I have a concern about one resident that I would like to um discuss discuss with an issue that's going on in Woodbridge and if the administration could spend some time with me after discussed it I'd appreciate it thank you that's all I have thank you council president thank you very much Mr M thank you Mr President my agenda Mr yes council president thank you just want to mention that our Concert Series starts tomorrow night with the reggae band called Megan the cornerstones the Wednesday night eclectic shows uh at par press and then our first Thursday show was a local band Woodbridge High kids called spine that is at um Carlson not Carlson Park Urban ranking Park in Seymour outside Mobi dicks and then we pick it up next week and we have a 100 over 100 free individual shows this summer it's crazy what we have going on here yeah it's going to be it's going to be amazing um the only two days we don't have some kind of free show from the end of June to early September or of course Fourth of July for obvious reasons and then if the fireworks are the 3D the rain dat was going to be the is the 5ifth so we didn't schedule music for the 5ifth because of that and there are fire there are shows at the actual fireworks literally July 4th and July 5th the only two days the entire summer more than two months worth of days that we don't have some type of performance for um all different genres of music and the kids as councilman for Caris said so we're we're rocking and I think Sunday is going to be a very special show to kick everything off even though there's two shows this week um the let's sing Taylor show uh covering Taylor Swift this is a show that people paid you know in some cases over 100 bucks to see in Red Bank and at the count basy theater we have it for free and there's all kinds of shows that other towns have in their theaters that they charge for that we have for free so I'm telling you the summer is going to be amazing I can't wait thank you council president thanks a lot for those reminders mayor Mr Sim thank you council president I have two items on my agenda this evening I have a tax insur over payments and I have a tax appeal thank you council president thank you director hman nothing this evening thank you council president thank you uh director uh D thank you council president nothing is heing director BR thank you council president I have one idence of proposal for storm sewer and drainage improvements of Clyde Avenue thank legal report thank you council president nothing from leave thank you motion second leing a