e [Music] just quick one quick question [Music] ready no look at the post office oh thanks for trying you know how that works I knew you want going to get you everything went out with the mail carrier this morning nothing and he even came back cuz he found one thing in his truck that was addressed to us but it wasn't all right ready Ry goad n you ready hi Tim hi thank you for calling in I'd like to call a special meeting to order uh roll call please Mr bura here Mr Lane here Mr Madigan here Mr Shanley here and mayor mó here thank you uh could you please read the special meeting statement yes Mr Mayor this special meeting of the wof township committee is now in session in accordance with the the open public meetings act notice of this meeting has been posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Town Hall copy has been filed with the municipal clerk and posted on the municipal website and a copy has been emailed to the record The Ridgewood news and the north Jersey Herald news all newspapers having a general circulation throughout the township of whiteall at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda thereof was similarly posted filed and emailed to said newspapers thank you Nancy uh please rise for the flag salute I pledge alance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all thank you um we Matt we please have a administrator update sure so uh we're here as a special meeting to uh with the hopes of with the hopes that we were going to be uh adopting ordinance 2012 uh as you know that ordinance is our bond ordinance are that we do every year with regard to our improvements uh specifically roads uh this one also had has uh includes two vehicles for the DPW um and several other items including the roof for this building um that being said part of it uh part of our requirement uh to adopt this ordinance is that we have is that we need to receive a check in the rough amount of $400,000 from psng for their contribution towards our road program because they have as as you know has destroyed a lot of our roads due to the gas main this is a second second year of a two-year project as of today that check has not been received so we are unable to adopt the bond ordinance um we introduced this ordinance in April uh we had our public hearing which was properly noticed on our website in the newspaper uh as per law we had our public hearing at Tuesday night's meeting but we had to carry the option to a future date because we didn't have we didn't receive the down payment since we did not receive the down payment yet uh we need to carry it again um and that's really where our update is thank you Matt could I please have a motion to open 10-minute public comment period 10minute public comment period two minutes per speaker for public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the resident of the township of LOF so moved second Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes thank you and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you please step to the microphone if you wish to make a comment going once twice that being none I make a motion that we close the public session second Mr bura yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved so next on the agenda was the further consideration of ordinance number 2012 since we since we will not be further considering it tonight because we well this this afternoon uh I asked the governing body to uh decide uh when they would like to carry this adoption to question yes is there any way that we can trct this uh down payment uh I asked that question and I did not get an answer because you know we could we could make a a 48 hour notice but you know we may be we may be in the same boat repetitively and we don't want to take people's time out if right if it's uh you know well I Pete my initial my initial thoughtss are is the reason why we're having this special meeting um which everything was dis discussed uh last Tuesday at our regular meeting and all five Township committee members agreed to this meeting today um is the importance of the timing of receiving this check um this ordinance has been um open to the public in review from the township committee and the public of wof since March um there is nothing new here this is just strictly timing uh sorry since April um this is strictly timing because once we receive the these monies from psng then we're able to start our road resurfacing the importance with that is timing the sooner we start the roads the sooner we finish and we try to do everything in our power to avoid finishing the roads when school starts our goals is to get the roads done before before the schools open so that's the important of the timing and these special meetings to pass this particular ordinance once we receive that check um the meeting does not have to be in person it could be all over the phone we all five of us decided that we were going to do a hybrid if you were not available you could call in if you were available you could call Town Hall um I think that we should schedule a meeting um the next the first available date which is we need 48 hour notice which would be Tuesday n or W Tuesday or Wednesday Tuesday or Wednesday Tuesday you can do Mr Mr may i' like to remind you as I stated on Tuesday night I'll be traveling I'll be in California all next week I'm going out with my wife on Saturday tomorrow to meet my new grandson who uh we're looking forward to meeting him and spending Mother's Day with not only my wife but my daughter so it could be a little challenging for me I will be as flexible as I can be with the time change so I would ask that we put that in consideration Y and I think that was one of the considerations as well for today we wanted to get it done and we you know agreed today between 12: and 1 The Lunch Period so but I'm open to okay further discussion this discuss we're going to have Township committee comments but for this discussion we're just going to discuss the scheduling of a meeting Rudy any thoughts uh um well in in reference to Tom's travel schedule if we schedule it noon time would not be good cuz what's California 3 4 hours um well it's 9: in the morning that's not bad okay that's fine it was four hours haven't gone there a okay okay so I don't mind that okay that's fine it I going to say we push it into the afternoon might be easier for Tom if no's good with you that's fine the afternoon would not be good oh you're right it wouldn't be you're right um Tim do you have any comment on the scheduling of a meeting uh Tuesday is not good for me I've got depositions at 10 and deposition I've got an evening what about Wednesday what about Wednesday Wednesday will work a little bit better okay I'm good with Wednesday F Wednesday not before noon time uh Wednesday I know what scheduled for Wednesday I'm going to be traveling on Wednesday specifically I'm going to the Reagan library and it's an all day event it's definitely next Wednesday so you think you Tom you think you could free yourself up to get on the phone even I have to figure out yeah well I'm I'm actually I will be I could call in Wednesday or Thursday I will not the other option Mr Mayor you know our next regular meeting after the after the following meeting is the middle of June it's can't we only have one meeting in June due to the primary so the other option is if we have to wait to the regular meeting of uh May 21st May to adopt the ordinance we could have a special meeting just to award the road program okay I mean I could give it I could give it a shot that's it's just for Wednesday but can I the Wednesday early would be better even like 11:00 so makes it 8:00 for me let's try to do that if that would work for the rest of speak excuse me excuse me me excuse me excuse me I'm talking excuse me Jerry do a matter I can't hear you I'm not even talking to you sir Tom Tom uh Rudy could you do 11:30 Wednesday I can do 11:30 yeah 11's a little tight but I can do 11:30 all right 11:30 Wednesday okay okay um now we able to call I got a 10 we are doing this we're doing the same uh format it is going to either if whoever comes to town hall could come to town hall whoever could call in could call in so it's going to be the same format a hybrid type meeting that we all agreed upon I will have to call in as well I may also have to so there you go so um all right next we are going to have Township committee comments uh specifically on this um ordinance 2012 uh Tim do you have any comments uh no because I'm by phone it's a little harder to do so I'm I'm going to reserve my comment Rudy not really I just had I just wanted to point out one thing that um a significant portion of what we're looking at here is from for two equipment purchases one the U the vacuum truck and the other is the um the compactor which we that's driven by other things the the the vacuum truck is driven by Our obligation under the um on storm water management which we have to do we're under the gun for that and unfortunately to comp Factor truck is driven by this Draconian new Garbage Contract that we're dealing with so you know that's a large portion of this to begin with I just want to point that out thank you Rudy um Roger okay uh you know I'm I'm the newest member of the township committee since January and I know uh uh since my tenure I I went through the budget process and I uh along with Pete and the DPW head we we went over a lot of these purchases uh I'm really uh I I'm I'm talking slowly because I want to get it right and uh I want to say this Tim I've I've read your public comments can you hear me okay I want to make sure you can hear me you hear me okay yes I can hear you good good I've always shown respect for you ever since all always even through uh any uh disagreements we may have had but I have to tell you I am so disappointed in your comments it's beyond the pale uh you had two bites at the Apple on the budget introduction you voted yes and final passage you voted yes if you had Municipal Finance expertise you would understand that that in the capital budget that you voted yes for there are listings of Road repair and other items that are included in this Bond ordinance so you voted yes for that so that means you want to pave the roads you want certain equipment but now all of a sudden you don't want to pay for it this is a finance mechanism okay uh this is this is an insult to all of our people that work in this town hall to put together a budget it's an insult to the professionals that have done this and do our audits which we'll be getting one shortly and you know I would like to than Tim that this is nothing more than a political stunt and that somebody put you up to this that would at least give me 1 ounce of of respect that I would still have for you because right now it's just it's just uh it's disappeared so I'm I'm deeply disappointed in this Behavior I think it's Unbecoming of a Township committeeman in woff not to want to pay their bills after they voted affirmatively for the budget so that's my comment and if you want to go back and forth I'd be happy to Mr Shanley thank you thank you Roger uh Tom comments uh first of all i' like to uh thank Diana McLoud who uh was kind of she's our CFO for attending with us today she worked tirelessly along with Fran Pete M and myself and the budget over several meetings craftting a budget with the interests of our residents and taxpayers in mind so I just want to thank you for coming here and I'm sorry that you're getting any feedback other than positive same thing you mentioned we here for the audit's report we have nothing but Sterling comments um it is unfortunate that um all of a sudden we're getting political which we should not it's not why we were elected I just want to say that uh I fully support our volunteer firefighters and all the funds necessary for equipment including their new ladder truck I support the need for the equipment Mr Boonstra mentioned for our DPW in order that we uh adhere to the state Mandate of Wastewater management for the health and the well-being of all our residents and uh I also support those residents whose roads are scheduled to be paved this summer and um I just uh I just don't understand these Antics at the last minute particularly after we had discussion on Tuesday night it was a fality other that we hadn't received this check and I just want to remind everybody that we work very hard Matt worked hard our DPW layers on worked hard in a Cooperative Venture with psng who damaged our roads and rather than have patches in the road we were able to get uh psng to pay for half the road which means we got a lot more roads done for the benefit of our residents and that's why I sit here and that's why I've been on the township committee um it's just solely political and uh I also want to know Tam and just to remind you you were the one that mve the budget so not only did you vote for it but rather as a courtesy traditionally you would let the finance committee don't smile excuse me Sor Jerry excuse me not funny this is not you're damn right that's not funny Roger I know just don't Tom continue I just like to remind Tim that Tim you were the one that moved the budget and not only voed for you moved it traditionally the finance committee who worked on the budget would move it but at that time there wasn't a political election you were very enthusiastic about the budget now all of a sudden um we we're doing Township work on uh Facebook and I also want to just uh make one other comment and I'll save any other comments when I'm California uh ironically we had scheduled a Township committee meeting last July to discuss revenues finance and planning and Tim I'd like to remind you that you chose not to attend and you had no input and you had no interest so just like to remind you of that that's all I have to say Mr Man thank you um I just have brief comment we received a lot of Outreach and emails in the last uh less than 24 hours um you know I just want to I just want to point out that um um we have a great staff here at Town Hall we have a great CFO with Diana administrator with Matt along with the finance committee that work very hard on this budget uh we have our uh DPW uh supervisor and Fire Chief Joe Vander plat here today who we work closely with uh building department uh head uh Tom gensheimer and our police chief uh Dave Murphy here with us today and uh we spend a lot of time on this budget we always keep the taxpayers in mind um and what's best for woff investing back into our you know what investing back into wof um with that being said it's not easy budgets get harder and harder um a lot of expenses are going up inflation goes up it could goes it could go on and on um but we do do our best job and wof the current debt that wof is carrying right now compared to the allowable statutory debt that we are allowed to carry is 0.15% not 15% but 5% we with that being said we have one of the lowest debt loads in Bergen County so I think we've done a very good job managing our debt here in wof keeping our tax rate low while continuing to improve the services for all of the residents of wof and that's all I have to say today um we have our meeting scheduled Wednesday 11:30 you could either call in or you could attend here in person uh all of our meetings were full transparent they're streamed live on YouTube if you want to watch the meeting live or you could watch the recording of that and if no one else has any just just one point before I just want to make the point so everybody understands we had the part of the meeting for public comment when we first opened the meeting 15 minutes ago yes just want to make that point Thank youy and I just want to clarify that with regard to ordinance 2012 the public hearing occurred on Tuesday evening the whole purpose of the this the meeting is to carry the adoption which is just the vote to the next meeting correct correct or to the special meeting on Wednesday at 11:30 right all right no further notice in the paper will be provided right can I make a motion to adjourn second I'd like permission to speak roll call please Nancy Mr VRA yes Mr Lane Mr manigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes you just railroaded meeting adjourned you guys are disgusting I I made my comments Jerry we had it was ask anyone here we had no comments no comments you miss public com you miss public comment that was the point