yeah then all of a sudden you're like was done I'm like no still says the same thing's Flyn coming he is make beverages on the [Music] DI what are you doing put your water on yeah let [Music] them okay take seats IID like to call the 7 P.M work session meeting to order Nancy Roll Roll Call Mr boa here Mr Lane here Mr Madigan here Mr Shanley here and mayor mó here Nancy can I please have the reading of the open work session please yes Mr Mayor this regular work session meeting of the white golf Township committee is now in session in accordance with the open public meetings act notice of this meeting appears on our annual schedule of meetings a copy of said annual schedule has been posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Town Hall a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk and has been posted on our Municipal website copy has also been email to the record The Ridgewood news and the north Jersey Harold News all newspapers having a general circulation throughout the township of wof at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda thereof was similarly posted filed and emailed to said newspapers thank you Nancy can you please confirm finance committee has reviewed and signed the vouchers as soon as Mr gster is done we're closing in on we're closing almost ready all right thank you um I have a motion to open the 10-minute public comment period 10minute public comment Period 2 minutes per speaker for public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of the township of wof so move second Mr boa yes Mr Lane yes Mr Madigan yes M Mr Shanley yes and mayor Mone yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved sorry any members of the public please step forward to the microphone if you wish to make a comment and state your name seeing and hearing no one I move to close public comment second Mr bura yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Mone yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved all right um can I please have a motion to approve the promotion of Officer Michael Flyn to Sergeant okay it gives me great pleasure to make a motion to approve Michael flim as sent and I uh proudly second a motion Mr Boonstra yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor yes with an affirmative votee the motion is approved thank you um before we uh bring Sergeant fim up just want to read a few words Sergeant fim has been a member of the wov police department since July 2015 since joining the department he has taken on many responsibilities primarily in the Traffic Division where he assists in the day-to-day operations in addition Michael is trained and certified in at least 15 different areas including Dr drug recognition expert traffic crash reconstruction elder abuse domestic violence and document fraud for law enforcement Michael has been the recipient of awards and combinations where he where he was recognized by Mothers Against Drunk Driving for his outstanding dedication and support in deterring impaired driving on New Jersey roads in addition he has received two letters of commodation from the excuse me from the chief of police for his actions and risking his life while assisting a neighboring town with a disturbed and armed individual and the second for his response to a fire scene with attempted suicide Michael has also received multiple letters of thanks from citizens who he has encountered over the years as a patrol officer Michael graduated from the Essex County College Police Academy he earned his bachelor's degree in criminal justice from johnj college Michael's training education and experience makes him an ideal Sergeant for the wof police department now we're going to minister the oath getting a call already where's the Bible Peete get the Bible it's behind you oh you the family bible okay raise your right hand and repeat after me I I do solemnly swear do Solly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the constitution of the state of New Jersey and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and to the governments established in the United States and the state and to the governments established in the state St the St under the authority of the people under the authority of the people so help me God so help and I and iael do Solly swear swear that I will Faithfully that I will faithfully and partially and partially and justly perform all the duties of office of Sergeant and justly perform all the duties of the office of Sergeant according to the best of my ab ability according to the best of my ability and then I'll not use my office and that I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment to gr to Grant preferential treatment nor to seek personal gain see personal G favor or Advantage favor or Advantage not available to the public not available to the public so help me God so help me [Applause] go yeah yeah and you do need to actually sign you you have a moment congratulations any family want to come up congratulations to go well done Michael yeah let me get up here thank yeah baby sorry good yeah coms all right we will uh get you out of here in a few minutes to go celebrate but um before we do some of the uh Township committee members have a a few comments I just like to comment that as police commissioner last year all candidates for sergeant were commendable and it's a tribute to the caliber of the officers on our police force Michael fim in particular on the written portion of the promotional process was most impressive and on the oral interview portion he also was impressive congratulations welld deserved Mike wo Mike as you know I was on the police committee when we hired you um I think Kevin Rooney was there with me from the township committee and um you were impressive when we interviewed you to hire you and uh it was a very good decision and I've watched your career grow over these years in fact last year I was on the police committee as well and I participated in the uh in the promotional process which included scoring and an interview of yourself um you started in a field of eight well qualified candidates we've hired some great cops and help W up over the years and you Rose to the top so this is a well-deserved promotion and I'm really proud of you thank Youk congratulations from the new guy here okay all the best yeah congratulations uh Sergeant fim uh we're happy to have you as a police officer uh for wof police uh I got to meet you when I was the um Police Commissioner in 2020 during the pandemic but I also happy that my sons who did the police academy the junior Police Academy got to meet you and they had some kind words to say about you so thank you for all you do and [Applause] congratulations Mike congratulations again I already said a few words so um just before uh we leave we just want to uh since we have uh Chief Murphy here a proclamation for him for becoming the uh president of the uh Bergen County Chief's Association um so I'm just going to read this quickly and uh present it to the chief whereas David V Murphy embarked on his law enforcement journey in 1992 and his auxiliary police officer in the burough of Glenrock and whereas in 1995 David commenced his tenure as a dispatcher in wov subsequently transition transitioning to the role of police officer in 1996 and whereas David demonstrated exceptional dedication and competence progressing through the ranks to serve as sergeant in 2006 lieutenant in 2009 and ultimately Chief in 2016 whereas David has been an integral part of the township of wop's office of emergency management since 2017 and whereas David's commitment extended to his role as investigator on the Bergen County prosecutor's office arson Task Force Major crime Squad starting from 2011 and whereas David is recognized for his pivotal role in the Reconstruction of the wov police department after the bcpo AG oversight and whereas under David's leadership the department achieved accreditation twice within the last decade meeting the stringent standards of New Jersey State Association of chiefs of police and whereas David and his team have successfully established and managed programs as uh as the junior Police Academy and citizens police academy and whereas in the previous year David initiated the SLO 3 Program in all five k28 wov public schools and the Lo and the local parochial school recreating and training six new special law enforcement officers and whereas alongside his law enforcement career David has served as a dedicated yo volunteer firefighter for 31 years ascending to the role of Fire Chief from 2007 to 2011 and whereas David's involvement extends to membership in the Bergen County Police Chiefs Association since sorry since assuming the role of wo's police chief in 2016 and whereas David's recent election as president of the Bergen County Police Chiefs Association is a testament to his outstanding leadership and accomplishments and whereas David has has received a recipient of numerous Awards accomodations and and letters of Merit throughout his esteemed law enforcement career now therefore be a be proclaimed by the township Committee of the township of wof County of Bergen state of New Jersey and the township of wof we hereby Express sincere gratitude and extend heartfelt congratulations to T Chief David V Murphy for unwavering dedication and invaluable service to the wov Police Department volunteer fire department and to the community at large as we celebrate his installation as president of the Bergen County Police Chiefs [Applause] Association I us Council the new guy I just want to thank you very much for this Proclamation obviously 30 plus years in this Township and everything volunteerism and being part of this team and helping decision making working together has been a great honor um and It All Leads to the end which is where we're at now with this so thank you very much for that appreciate your time thank you for making the dinner the other evening and showing your support thank you for that and this means a lot so thank you very much for everything appreciate thank you we're we're take a brief recess if everyone wants toate the rest I have no [Music] [Music] h a he's like Superman without the phone book was nice Lieutenant how are you good to see you know hi how are you Roger Lan pleasure to meet you to congratulations thank you so much thank you appreciate it see you later see you [Music] Kevin [Music] hey Matt I don't see anything I'll see you later [Music] wait AE yeah wait a minute move table do something with the phos we keep getting squished into this corner not we take a lot of photos than got all right Matt we have a review of the APM business meeting agenda uh sure there are several resolutions on uh for this evening one is our standard resolution uh for the computation of the reserve for uncollected taxes uh the second one authorizes three properties for uh full tax exemption uh these are disabled veterans uh thank thank to them for their service to our country um and they'll be uh canceled for the 2023 rols uh the next one is a resolution that we passed we pass every year author authorizes uh Lieutenant Joe SoDo uh as the representative to the Bergen County communications Advisory Board uh 2009 sorry 19 sorry 119 authorizes our shared service renewal of our shared service agreement for the employee assistance program uh through the county of Bergen uh 121 authorizes our interlocal agreement for the Waldwick well baby Clinic um and both 19 and 21 have both been approved and recommended uh to the township committee for approval by the um Board of Health uh 123 authorizes application for the 2024 through 2026 spoted Lantern flight uh treatment reimbursement program4 25 26 27 and 28 authorize uh affordable affordability assistance grants uh to Christian health for the renovation of Evergreen Court AP uh units 1 four 5 6 and 14 this money comes from our affordable housing trust fund under our Rehabilitation obligation and 129 authorized the rejection of the bids received for contract 20235 which was this the supply delivery and installation of the brick veneer pbar uh bid to be uh revised bid specs to be revised they came in over budget uh and over estimate we have one ordinance for introduction which is to modify uh construction code uh code fees uh to be more in line with again the towns around us um as you recall the as you may recall construction department is is somewhat like a utility where but not a utility where the fees are all user based so we need to make sure that the fees that we collect offset the costs that we have uh and cost of inspections are going up uh just to retain inspectors the the cost uh the salaries of our inspectors has risen drastically over the years um so we did amend it last year we will be amending it this year uh so that we can include this increase in uh our projections for our 2024 Municipal budget we have uh a motion for a new firefighter at company number three uh motion for uh signage at Christian health and a motion to confirm an the appointment of Mr Lawrence berer to the recreation Advisory Board uh to complete the unexpired term of Mr David Asen who passed away earlier or I should say uh late last year we have four ordinances uh I believe three ordinances for uh public hearing and final consideration uh the first is an ordinance to amend uh and set our sore fee for 2024 the second is to amend our claims approval process um for the payment of bills and number uh the third one is to amend our salary ordinance uh specifically having to do with um our snow shovelers and our snowplow driver our part-time snowplow drivers and moving on to some policy and some uh administrative updates um The Ridgewood water raw water main project to the ases tank uh the contract has been signed uh sorry um that project is um Ridgewood is replacing water M along Carlton Road uh from wayth drive to Hartong Drive uh by the Ames wellfield the contractor is shoger Property Services they were awarded the contract pre-construction meeting was held on January 3rd Sher is scheduled to Begin work near the aswell field uh yesterday um notices were hand delivered to the residences last week advising them of the work sure is coordinating with our Police Department for traffic control and should have placed a uh digital construction advisory sign on the wellfield advisoring people of the work um and they will be using a portion of the wellfield property for storing of the materials um a contract has been signed for the new lease on the sports lighting poll with Dish Network we finally worked out the final um exceptions that needed to be uh worked out and uh I would expect that that work I know they've already submitted for a building permit so hopefully within the next couple months they will begin installing their equipment on that poll uh so we can start collecting Revenue uh preconstruction has occurred for the improvements to Grand View Avenue this work includes the reprofiling of Grand View Avenue from looi place to 500 ft south of Fox Hollow Road including the replacement of curb sidewalk and driveway aprons uh also the reprofiling of Grand View AB from 500 F feet south of Fox Hollow Road to 335 ft south of Fox Hollow Road um including the replacement of curb sidewalk and driveway aprons this also is the Milling of Grand View Avenue during in that same area from 427 Grand View AV to woff Avenue um includes some spot curb replacement some sidewalk replacement and minor drainage improvements and the Reconstruction of all the non-compliant ada8 uh ramps and then there'll be milling and resurfacing as I said from 427 Grand View to woff Avenue uh the project is set to start after the school year ends and should be completed by August 30th has to be completed by August 30th uh and a notice to proceed to get all their materials in order was issued on January 22nd and this is a full project that is funded completely except for the engineering work by uh NJ do grants that we received over two years um the county has been installing a new foot bridge on Russell Avenue on the Ridgewood water property between woff Aven Stony Brook Lane the new foot Bridge has been set uh the sidewalks have been set the old foot bridge bridge has been removed um and in the upcoming weeks River Rock will be added to the banks near the foot bridge for Bank stabilization there um Ridgewood water has finished identifying the lead service lines in wof uh I'm pleased to report that woff only has 20 that need to be replaced um more information on that is to come at a future meeting we're still meeting with Ridgewood to figure out how that project is going to move forward but I would expect uh at the next meeting that we will have uh a further discussion and possibly some action that needs to be taken with regard to that uh we are currently working on ordinances for tree removal and replacement and to regulate the storage of uh salt bulk storage of salt on private property uh these are both required uh to be adopted by the njde for our ms4 permit our Municipal separate storm water permit uh we have to adopt them by May 1 we're currently out to bid for our K to 5 and 6 to8 um grade 6 to8 uh summer camp program bids are due back on Thursday our staff is currently working with the grant writer for several Grant applications and probably as soon as the next meeting there'll be some resolutions authorizing the submission of those grants and the staff and the finance committee have been meeting several times on the budget we'll be meeting again later this week uh you know there are some several increases that we we need to account for um some noticeable ones are due are insurance which is being heard felt Nationwide and minimum wage increases uh that we have to account for and that is all I have on my administrative report thank you Matt Township committee reports uh Tim you want to start sure I'll start um happy to report that the Ramapo Indian Hills board at their meeting uh voted to retain sleo officers for the two high schools which is their special law enforcement officers who will have arms uh in case there's an attack that comes to one of the schools they're similar to the officers that are in all the whiteoff schools right now uh and it's it's important because if they didn't do this there they would have been a soft target U because if somebody was looking to do evil to a school they would look which schools don't have you know an officer in there so I'm happy to report Ramapo and Indian Hills will have a sleo officer uh it's still and I want to thank Mariana emo um I had a conversation with her afterwards to get a little bit more details on it they're trying to make sure they have the money for it they're going to get them in there as soon as possible but they still also have to retain them and the police Chiefs have to be involved so so they're going to try to do this as soon as possible and thank you Mariana for having that conversation with me and I want to thank Tom bansy and um Brian delit who also had conversations with me so thank you I'm happy you're moving forward with the SLO officers I think it's a great thing uh and and that's great thank you um I want to also report as a fire commissioner that the fire department is going to have their inspections um on March 1st Friday night at each of the firehouses for all their inspect their their fire inspections and their dinner is going to be at Macaluso on uh the 2nd of March so it should be a good good time but um I want to just thank the fire department uh for all they do and all the calls they go on and how to and they make us safe so thank you so much to the volunteer fire department and uh last thing for the volunteer ambulance Corps we are going to have a meeting with uh Franklin Lakes coming up next Monday uh because Franklin Lakes is in the position of wanting to bill um custom bill for their inspection for their ambulance calls and uh we need to discuss it with them because that impacts woff volunteer because if they go um you know they're opposed to it so we're going to have a meeting and see if we can work something now okay request at their request so thank you have nothing further all right thank you Tim uh brudy you want to go next sure sure um I received a call yesterday this is kind of um hot off the presses I received a call yesterday from Rich Miller who is the chairperson of the Bergen County Board of Elections informing me that the Lin house is too small for early voting now as we all know we host the early voting at the Lin house on on Godwin a and they are looking to add more voting machines especially for 2024 for the early voting they expect there will be more activity obviously and it has gotten too small and if we had another location so I I put out I reached out to Matt and to Nancy and uh they were good enough to meet with me yesterday afternoon and we went over it and um we kind of concluded that the only place we might be able to host them would be um we thought of the churches but ruled the two churches out because of the Sunday voting which isn't going to work um so we looked to the the shm room at the library Nancy called um Laura and surprisingly on the dates that we need there is there was nothing booked uh in the um in the shot meire room so um so we discussed it and Laura said she would check with her board so it looks like that's the direction we're going to go I called Rich Miller back and informed him of that and he thought the shot meire he was familiar with the shot meire room he thought that would be fine I guess they'll send a team up to inspect it just to make sure nany will arrange for that and um it looks like that's the direction we're going so the the voting this year anyway will be at the library the early voting not at the Lin house now Nancy informs me just a little while ago that Laur reached out to her board and they are okay with it so it looks like the whole thing's a go unless for some reason the county uh doesn't like the uh doesn't like it but it seems to be a perfect place to do it um okay um I just just quickly um congratul the crowd is gone but congratulations to um to Roger on his appointment to the township committee welcome and to officer fim on his promotion to Sergeant now they've all left as well so um but I have a couple of questions on on two the reports you want I'll come back to it at the end if you want me to do that good okay okay Roger okay well it's been a heck of a week uh first I'd like to thank uh mayor Pete if I can call you that uh he gave me a tour of the burough Hall and I got to get introduced to all the folks down there and Matt appreciate your help and Nancy uh last night I attended the k through eight school board meeting uh not that many people from the public but uh one thing that they raved about was the sleo officers that it's just uh working out tremendously well they're extremely happy and so are all the parents they also uh uh were talking about how they uh met with some people from St Elizabeth's as well because they have an officer too and uh that board is running uh extremely well uh and the officers uh that I've run into particularly Tony from uh coolage school is just a a great guy and he's it's just a just a tremendous asset to protect the kids uh this morning uh uh I went to the DPW with it's one of the Committees that I have uh again with with Pete and thank you Pete for taking the time and uh it was was bringing back some memories from many years ago when I was involved in redoing a Department of Public Works in the burrow New Milford so uh you know as as as many things that have changed a lot of things are still the same uh and and there's so many things that are already in the works that all you fine gentlemen have already approved uh you know it certainly this year makes my job easy because of the things that are done already uh so thank you and I just uh literally attended my first shade tree commission meeting and uh that seems to be more exciting than I thought it might be so we're g to we're going to have some interesting uh discussions with regard to ordinances fees etc etc so that's it Mr Mayor thank you thank you Roger Tom I have a couple of things I just wanted to uh go back a couple of weeks I was able to attend the uh the uh celebration dinner for Dave Murphy uh which was very nice when he was installed as president of police Chiefs Association and um it was a very nice event lot of people there lot of people from White cof and uh it was just a nice tribute to Dave and all the folks that were there the day before I had attended the YMCA uh annual uh meeting over at the at the Y uh this afternoon 5:00 it was at the ribbon cutting ceremony at pire SAA Studio over at CED the hill and with members of the chamber along with mayor Pete and Raj elene and it was a nice event and uh good luck and uh we wish them much success uh there a budget meeting I think Matt alluded to that we're still working on budget we have several meetings to go but there's a meeting coming up this Thursday and I just want to take the opportunity to recognize Mariana emo who who is sitting with us this evening in the audience uh she's from rampo Indian Hills High School Board of Ed and I know she's Del layers on to the township committee and I would just like to thank her for her service and for attending this night being thank you Marian thank you Tom um first I want to welcome Roger to your first uh official meeting here thank you um it was a busy uh two weeks since our last meeting with the uh appointment and a lot of other stuff going around town we had uh two grand openings uh cabinet Plus on wo fa and perspire sauna which was earlier this evening in uh Cedar Hill shopping center we welcome both of those new businesses to town um Matt and I attended a district 40 mayor's meeting uh last week or the week before um it was very informative we met with our district 40 representatives and they uh are going to try to help us here in District 40 with anything they could do from us down from uh Trenton um I attended to YMCA annual installation uh swearing in we SAR in some new officers and directors to the Y board um and also later that afternoon attended a dedication to the Patriot Club at the lakeh house it's a new spot for members of the Y that are veterans um we've had budget we had facility meetings um was able to attend the wear red annual photo this year here in the courtroom picture came out great and then uh lastly we gave Dave the uh Proclamation for president of the uh Bergen County Chiefs police chief police Association and so well deserved uh it was a great ceremony and uh a great a great dinner uh for that event and that's all I have Mr Mayor I just have one further item I just wanted to also congratulate one of our employees uh Fran pasalo our Deputy CF o for uh passing the uh cmfo exam and being a uh n certified Municipal finance officer great here in the state thank you for the reminder that that's great um and mayor I have one thing to add because I forgot that I didn't talk about the zoning board because that happened in January the zoning board appointed Mark borst as the chairman Eric Ruben AER as the vice chair and they appointed Tom garlic as their attorney so just want to give them the the U the the Kudos and thank you Mariana for your service on the rampo Indian Hills board and thank you for coming to the meeting two quick things y Matt regarding the um the foot bridge on Russell La yes um and this is for you and Roger um they took a number of trees down there when they began that project and maybe you could put on the shade tree commission agenda coming up that we replace some of those trees out of Russell Farms so we've already talked to rid water about that they are in the county and there will be Landscaping done on that property uh okay from that we offered the trees that are Russell Farms I know they've already I believe the county already paid for trees too okay so there will be there will be plantings going back on that property but not until the spring no no I'm not I'm just saying we should we should uh we have trees available if they uh but that you know that would be shade tree thank youy the other thing is just curiously Tim regarding the slo3 officers for that that would would be one from Frankin L one from Oakland I guess right yeah it seems that way I talked to uh to uh Dave Murphy and he said yeah he learned about it just about that time and I I brought it up to Mariana it would be helpful to bring it to Dave's attention just in case you know just so he knows what's happening in case he needs to be involved so he does know it's happening so I'm sure he'll talk to Franklin Lakes and he'll talk to uh Oakland because they they're part of uh the district well that's those are the towns that the school are ex because Franklin Lakes is in Frank I mean Franklin Ramapo Indie Ramapo is in Franklin Lakes although there's some some land on the fields is in whiteoff yeah but it's but the building is in it of itself is in Franklin Lakes it would probably be through Franklin Lakes and all of Indian Hills is in Oakland so the Oakland Police Chief would probably be involved so I'm sure it's in the works that's all just a quick comment on that Rudy because it just brings to mind uh Mariana good to see you uh I'm thinking of the size of both of those campuses right so you have if you have three towns involved maybe you know I don't want to speak out a turn here but maybe if there was a potential way to have two officers at each high school because of the size of it yeah I mean it's just a huge huge building both of them and a lot of areas that uh you know may need uh extra security what have you just a thought think it out out out of out of the box that's all yeah and woff has police officers that go there on a regular basis as well okay okay um tury's report yes I'd like to congratulate Roger Lane well deserved and with that I want to commend the whole Township committee because there were legal procedures timelines you met them efficiently and there was real collaboration and came to a consensus and I think this whole town should appreciate that you appointed a welld deserved person and I also just appreciate I know the rest of the town that you got to this in an efficient manner and uh work together on so thank you thanks steeve motion to adjourn we mov you can do it it's all right Mr B yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mó yes with an air to vote the motion is approved 15 minutes before meeting yeah