all right I'd like to call the 7 PM work session meeting to order roll call please Nancy Mr boa uh here Mr Lane here Mr Madigan I here Mr Shanley here and mayor milon here can you please read the open work session statement this regular work session meeting in the wof township committee is now in session in accordance with the open public meetings act notice of this meeting appears on our annual schedule of meetings a copy of said annual schedule has been posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Town Hall a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk and has been posted on our Municipal website and a copy has also been emailed to the record The Ridgewood news and in the north Jersy Harold News all newspapers having a general circulation throughout the township of whiteall at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda thereof was similarly posted filed and emailed to said newspapers thank you um can you please confirm Finance has reviewed and signed vouchers they have Mr Mayor thank you very much I please have a motion to open the 10-minute public comment period 10 minute public comment Period 2 minutes per speaker for public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the residents of the township of wol so moved second Mr boa H yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and Mayon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved please step forward to the microphone if you wish to make a comment and state your name you want to speak seeing none jurry getting 629 laand Road wof okay this doesn't count my time while I get my glasses out we'll give you a few extra seconds okay my first question is how much time is allotted for res resident comments I'm referring to the business meet the business meeting not the workshop so if it's open to the public then why do we limit the time limits of five minutes so how much time in the overall of the bi business meeting do you allocate for time for people to speak it's five minutes per speaker so if you have 20 speakers we can talk for five minutes each yes yes why do you have it limited to five minutes policy that's our policy that's your policy is that in writing is it uh done by uh what would it be uh something put in the paper that it's got to be five minutes or is just something that you people decide you don't want to hear from the people longer than 5 minutes if there isn't a lot of people there that's my question if there's two people wants to speak you're still going to limit to five minutes per speaker butd per speaker why that's our policy where did the policy come from it was Jerry this is uh public comment period so so not question and answer so if you have any more questions excuse me you could what good is it what good is it to have you could leave your question an open meeting when you don't want to even answer a resident's question we just answered your question so you if you have additional questions leave it with Nancy or Matt and we could get you any more detailed information you didn't answer my question okay you said five minutes but why that's the policy if you have any further questions where did the polic they come from from it's been in place it's been it's been in place as long as I've been here which is 12 years very generous 5 minutes very allowed to step policies such it's per if I may mayor yes it's permissible under the the open public meetings act and any governing body can uh set whatever time limits they feel are reasonable um and it's as long as I've been here here it's been policy and it's one of the policies we adopt along with all of the other Township policies at our reorganization meeting on New Year's Day okay now if if if someone wants to change it I guess they could petition us to change it but we'd have to look into it and go from there okay all right I just thought maybe you had a limit of the amount of time that you wanted to spend in a at the regular business meeting it's also recommended that we have a set policy on the time because suppose he did have all kinds of people how come I get a minute and this person got 32 minutes so if you have five minutes it's fair at all concerned I noticed that Township debit uh debt I have a list of it right here and that you've added uh authorization for $2,280 th000 for a fire engine was that done as a ordinance through the new newspaper or how was that created uh Matt could explain to you briefly on it so the ordinance was published twice in the newspaper there was a public hearing at the second meeting it was yes yes you not have an idea when it was probobly so it would have been published uh the Friday after the meeting in which it was adopted so I'm not sure when that was all right okay I read every last summer I read it would it would have been sometime during the summer the sum um but it would have been the Friday Friday after the meeting in which we had in which the the bond ordinance was adopted I read most things but I missed it okay now um the present ladder truck now you all voted to put this 2, 280,000 as a proposal I guess proposed anticipated Bond right but it's not a bond yet it's only anticipated is that correct so the ordinance authorizes it does does two things it authorizes the expenditure it it creates the appropriation it Al authorizes us to issue bonds or notes to finance the cost there want to in the future if we need to so because it has a and in this case because the ladder truck has a 2 and a half year delivery we're not taking we're not going out for debt on it until we get closer to the delivery date which will be some time probably in 2026 okay has the fire engine been ordered it has been ordered it was authorized at the same meeting in which we adopted the resolution but we adopted the ordinance sorry my question is how old is the fire engine years 20 years 22 years 20 years 2 how many how many miles is it yes okay how many miles does it have on it by by hours hours B goes by hours I don't we don't have that answer for you but I will I don't have it right here but I will get it for you I appreciate for okay uh how often has the ladder been raised in the year 2023 and in 2024 through February 2024 records of how many times the ladder gets raised itself is not kept we have a record of uh the fire department uh has to keep record of how many times the ladder responds to a call but not how many times it's actually the the apparatus is is deployed all right so that's my next question you just answered it that they have uh you know how many times it responds to a call I can I can get that for you okay are you looking for a specific time frame huh time frame 2023 you said yeah okay yeah uh um I'd like to add this comment that I don't understand why we need a new fire engine it's only 20 years old excuse me Rudy I think you've been in working for the Town Council and everything for over and the school board and everything for over 30 years is that correct he wishes and I believe you've been involved and everything for over 30 years so you guys are still around why can't the fire engine still be around it's not how it works okay I answer that I can answer that question too it's one of the most important firefighting so just to clarify this isn't a fire engine it's a fire it's the ladder truck so it does not have an engine it does not have a pump on it which would which would classify it as an engine to answer your question as to why it needs to be replaced the fire department follows Pro follows um standard set by the National Fire Protection Agency specifically NFPA 1911 which sets that first line fire apparatus which this is a first line fire apparatus has a useful life of 20 years who 20 that the National Fire Protection Agency they're the agency that rates the uh municipalities and the fire departments for insurance purposes which set which is goes into setting the rate for homeowners insurance okay National Fire Insurance whatever when you get that other stuff right that down for thank you um well I look around and I see within 8 miles we have seven other ladder trucks is that correct yes Midland Park white WWI all around within 8 Miles there's about seven other trucks so that means they're no further away than 8 Miles so why do we need a new one why can't ours keep going for another 10 years because when there's a fire in your house you want the ladder truck responding from wof that will be there in 3 minutes instead of maybe 12 minutes could be the difference between life and death right and if if there's a fire at a school I want the W off ladder truck going to that school that might be in on fire um uh let me see if I have another page well I thinkk you um I just want to make a comment that later on I'm going to comment about that I think the volunteers are wonderful and they should be but I'm not contributing this year because I think they're over doing it and I think there are ways to get around having to abide by the insurance that we're referring to just because a bunch of guys sitting in a crazy office are going to tell us how to run our town doesn't work for me you must think out of the box you can't keep going along with what everybody is doing it's not necessarily correct that's my opinion I'll see you later at the regular meeting thank you okay thank you Jerry seeing no one else I move to close public comment second Mr boa yes Mr Lane yes Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor melon yes to vote the motion is approved thank you Matt we please have your uh administrator report sure the uh there are several resolutions uh we have a budget transfer for the 2023 budget year um and a resolution authorizing a contract with Solutions architecture for the roof replacement and I'll get into that in a moment there are five motions uh for approval no ordinances for introduction or further consideration um congrats to the White Fire Company 1 on their achievement and winning this year's inspection as well as a firefighter myself I'm amazed to see the effort that goes into preparing for the inspection here it's something that's not done anywhere else that I can that I know of uh but I would be remiss to rec if I didn't recognize all the fire companies for their hard work that went into uh getting ready for this inspection uh stopping in all all three firehouses during the week while they were or the a couple weeks while they were doing that it's uh it's pretty amazing uh with regard to Grants we submitted the New Jersey law on Public Safety distracted driving campaign uh Crackdown campaign application on behalf of the white cof Police Department we appli for 100 hours of police department uh enforcement uh if awarded they will be uh notified before the campaign uh is to expect it to uh begin which is April 1st to April 30th we also submitted for the New Jersey Division vision of Community Affairs uh local Recreation Improvement Grant uh we applied for outdoor fitness equipment concrete footings surface materials Etc to be installed at Russell farm community park with a total Grant request of $100,000 we're currently working on the following uh several grants the FEMA assistance to Firefighters grants for portable radios for the number of riding sorry the number of seat riding positions across all trucks in the fire department Fleet this grant was du to be submitted this Friday we're in the process of preparing the Bergen County open space Grant the anj open space Grant the New Jersey Urban and Community forestry green communities Grant and the purpose of this program is to support the development of a community forestry management plan which is a proactive 5-year management plan for the township shade trees once we have this plan it opens up different opportunities through the UCF uh different funding opportunities but unless we have that plan in place it's like a master plan unless you have a plan in place you can't apply uh we're also uh applying for the we're also at working on the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities Community energy Grant application this is a planning Grant uh that provides for $25,000 for municipalities to identify and plan energy initiatives for for the community which again is a plan which opens up uh the opportunity to apply for the larger Community energy plan implementation Grant which can be applied for up to $250,000 uh towards implementing clean energy projects uh once we have more information uh on those on the plan uh and before we submit I'll be coming back to you the heart health and Black History Month Flags which dis which were displayed during the month of February have now been taken down and we are now displaying a flag for the month of March commemorating women's History Month staff is busy working on the new 2024 summer newsletter uh this newsletter will be issued in in June in Li of the spring and fall newsletters and from what I'm being told we'll look probably have a little bit of a different design to give it a new look since it's something uh new is is um sort of to fill in the Gap halfway uh between what we missed in the calendar or what has changed since the calendar went out to um mid year curving and RightWay tree workk for the Grand View Avenue Improvement project will begin on Thursday weather permitting uh work will take place between 9:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to accommodate Cool School traffic the county of Bergen Operations Division has advised us that Brookside Avenue from Crescent Avenue to Allen to the Allendale line Franklin Avenue from Main Street to the Waldwick line Godwin Avenue from Franklin Avenue to woff Avenue Godwin Avenue from Franklin Avenue to the Midland Park Line woff Avenue from God full Road to Lafayette Avenue woff AV from Russell AV to Godwin AV and Russell AV from Godwin to the Mawa line are scheduled to be resurfaced in 2025 2026 so we have pushed that to our given that to our engineers and uh it's in the plan so that we make sure that we any improvements that we need to do in those areas are being done once awarded tonight the architect will be here uh at the end of the week also weather permitting to map and sketch the roof so that we can quickly move forward with drafting plans to go out to bid for the replacement of the roof which is in dire need of replacement due to leaks almost everywhere in the building uh Solutions architecture has significant experience with slate roof Replacements and while it is more expensive than a traditional asphalt shingle roof uh a a a slate roof can um significantly last longer uh than the asphalt roof so what we've decided is that as part of the as the uh proposal the uh architectural work they'll be providing us a budget analysis uh for asphalt versus slate so that we can ultimately make that decision um before we finalize bid specifications Solutions will also be uh has also scheduled the beginning of their meetings uh for the police department programming study Wi-Fi access at the Len house which failed has been repaired the 2023 annual financial statement was signed off by the auditor and has been submitted to the division the 2024 tax assessment cards have been mailed the 20424 tax appeal deadline is April uh application deadline is April 1st the OSHA 300 forms are now posted in all buildings and will be taken down April 1st the new and new labor law posters um have been uh posted in each building and electronic versions will be posted on the Township's website uh this week finally several letters have been received from residents at Spring Meadow asking the township to consider a crosswalk across woff Avenue near Spring Meadow Drive the installation of a crosswalk particip particularly in the location mentioned near Spring Meadow Drive requires a thorough evaluation to ensure it meets the strict criteria set forth in the manual for uniform traffic control devices also known as the mutcd safety is our is our Paramount concern when we are uh planning any traffic Improvement um this site does pose as we've mentioned before poses some significant challenges uh posed by the geography and the Topography of woff Avenue um specific Bally the line of sight as you round the bend uh coming north com going Southbound from the Mawa area um as I mentioned site distance uh so I just want to clarify that we are working on the project we are working on looking at it we've invol we are involving the county of Bergen and the County engineer because ultimately the decision is the County engineer so the the committee that's working or the subcommittee that's working on this this is uh Rudy and Tom uh involving our Township engineer our Consulting engineer and then ultimately the County engineer uh but I do want to clarify a couple things the township does not does not normally install sidewalks so any such responsibility uh would on private property would be of the owners of the private property so should a sidewalk and curb improvements be uh necessary everybody will need to look into who is responsible for it uh going down uh you know as the planning continues and then finally the county has previously installed no pedestrian crossing signs uh a no pedestrian crossing sign near Spring Meadow Drive at wof hav highlighting the recognized danger of a pedestrian Crossing in that area at this time the township encourages people to abide by the signage at The Crossing At the location as a location is not safe and unfortunately due to the lack of sidewalks in the area we are not in a position currently to recommend any safe pedestrian Crossing routes from Spring Meadow across whiteoff a so once we get once we finish our analysis we'll get back to you but I just wanted to throw that final Public Safety announcement out there I've mentioned it several times to the residents of Spring Meadow when they've asked us but I I wanted to put it on the record here tonight thank you Matt committee reports Rudy you want to start uh sure mayor okay last uh Monday the environmental commission met and uh it's going to be a busy as it always is it's going to be a busy spring I'll just throw out some dates but I'll remind everyone as these dates um get closer um the composting event will be at Russell Farms park on April 6th that will be before our next meeting I think um the film festival will be on April 18th um the commission decided to change it from the flow Festival because wof does most of the work anyway and we're just going to to quote the environmental film festival and uh they work hard on it J.R Frank is working on it with his with his Architectural Group and but I'll remind you of that as it gets closer um Arbor day is April 26th a team up to tidy up day is April 27th and the shredfest and styrofoam collection is May 4th um the commission is working on uh grants from anj and psse G uh I think that's it for environmental on Tuesday the 27th I along with mayor Madigan attend or former mayor Madigan attended the Chamber of Commerce meeting um I attended along again along with Tom Madigan the Flo's um rehearsals that week and the flo F's production on Friday and Sunday um along with that um I attended the uh fire department inspections at the several firehouses and the fire department Awards dinner Friday night um congratulations to company one on winning the uh the uh contest and thank you to the judges who did a excellent job for for thank you for all the firefighters who worked on it obviously but especially the judges who represented surrounding fire departments and judging uh they asked some really good questions I I overheard and watched some of the interaction between they and our firefighters and they were impressed by the answers they got quite honestly so it was a it was really a good exercise as it always is um I mean I've been watching I watching it for 55 years and it's always a good exercise to go through and and and um it's correct not many fire departments if any do it as we as we do it um we're working just so everyone knows on a zabrisky house trustee change we're going to um someone may be stepping off and we'll be replaced by someone else I'll get back to you on that when it happens um I think I mentioned last month our last meeting that we've confirmed or actually it's been confirmed now the early voting will be in the shop meire room at the library no longer in the Len house we've got to get the word out there because people invariably will go to the Len house expecting do early voting uh so we need to get the word out there um we continue to work Nancy and I and Matt are working um with the Board of Elections to actually improve the voting process in a couple of our voting locations we're a little short on outlets and things like that we're working on that so it'll be an improved because it's going to be a busy election year this year obviously and we're trying to improve it for our residents um as much as possible and keep it as smooth as possible um as Matt mentioned um the we're working on the Crossing on white cff Abby or you know um near Spring Meadow um as Matt mentioned Scott fiser and I were the original subcommittee Scott is no longer here so Tom has joined me on the subcommittee and we're putting our team back together and we hope to meet maybe with some residents if they're interested to give them updates when we get it but Matt's points were uh right on On Target um I think that's it keep Mark de Jiro and his family in your prayers Mark's mother-in-law passed away I guess yesterday and uh the family is going through that difficult time she's she lived in Italy and just keep the family in your prayers father-in-law father-in-law father father-in-law I'm sorry what did I say mother-in-law sorry father-in-law thank you thanks r a few things uh Lieutenant SoDo and Lieutenant quac along with our detectives with Gucci and Deo had a comprehensive presentation along with a very informative Q a uh with the seniors at the locken house last week it was very well attended and uh they did a great job reaching out to uh all our seniors particularly with the many questions and answers and talked about different things to be care of be careful of Chief Dave Murphy was also there and uh warmly recognized for his leadership not only of the department but also being president of the Bergen County Police Chiefs Association I went to um I actually I went to the uh firefighters inspection last uh Friday evening company one company two company 3 and I want to congratulate and thank all our firefighters uh for uh their many contributions to all our neighbors here in town and and the mutual Aid that they participate in in their participation in the inspection and the prep uh really showed they go above and beyond and uh happy to be uh invited and celebrate along with them at the dinner on Saturday night which was well attended and I'll note that uh Rudy bonster was recognized for 55 years as a volunteer firefighter out of company uh three and uh Moody thank you again for your many years of service uh and there within lies why we need a new ladder truck because you can't do 55 years later what you did 55 years ago I know there you go anyway sorry to interrupt no that was good and then um I attended uh and participated in flow FES uh over the weekend again with we Boer and the mayor of Oakland uh we had a good time doing it reached out Rudy and I have many years experience volunteering as board members as member of the township committee and uh we're happy to do it all the proceeds go to high school seniors and they've been doing flow FES for 38 years and congratulations to all those folks wish there' been a little higher attendance they got to do something more to promot was a very good show and it was a really nice showing that's all I have uh Mr thank you Tom Roger you want me to go yeah we go right down the line okay what I am finding is uh as it goes down the line uh your report can become shorter because a lot of it is is redundant that's where I usually go at the end along those lines under the Department of Public Works uh uh please check the whiteoff website there'll be spring clean updates that'll be announced uh I think uh hopefully fingers crossed we're done with any any snow uh but along that line uh the the department is proactively going around and repairing areas where the ash fa burm uh was hit by a plow and it it's not very sturdy so wherever that happened they're proactively going to repair that if there was any additional lawn damage they're also uh trying to do the best they can repairing that as well well uh so they're they're way ahead of it the only only comment I'd make and it's probably the wrong time of year to do that but uh the more you can put Snow markers out uh the easier it is for those that are Manning that equipment not to damage your lawn or or or any of the uh the ashfall berms that are there are curbing that may exist in some places so uh always try to use those those snow markers uh Matt had already commented on work that's going to happen on Grand View I know our DPW will be involved with that uh it's going to start with tree work from what I understand and it's really good news that they're going to try to stay away from coolage school where I pick up some kids so I understand what happens at that point uh let's see what else oh yes there'll be a rabies clinic uh held at the Department of Public Works on March 16th uh from 1: to 300 p.m. it's a Saturday and I I would like to make just a few quick comments about about the uh fire inspection it was my first as a a member of the township committee it was extremely impressive uh there were a couple of guys that have the same accent as Tom Madigan that came down from Massachusetts and they have come a couple of years and uh I'll just give you one quote from one of the guys one one was a former police chief the other was an active fireman up in Massachusetts that active fireman said that he has visited what well in excess of over 100 fire departments he said that he's traveled the world and he's visited fire departments in nine different countries and he has never ever seen a department with the enthusiasm the preparation the uh sued Decor that they have as a team and the appropriate equipment they have to go out and save people's lives as whiteoff fire department so uh kudos to our department Rudy kudos to you when you were recognized for 55 years and uh Tim I guess you'll repeat some of that but sorry that's that's what you get for going after these guys thank you thank you Roger Tim thanks uh my fire commissioner report is a little redundant but I enjoyed seeing fire one two and three participate in those inspections and you know the firefighters that came down from Massachusetts came down because they knew they'd be looking at one of the best fire departments uh responding to a fire uh inspection uh and they wanted to learn more from it and uh it just shows you that our fire department is one of the best in the nation not just the state so we're well protected from any kind of fire emergencies in wof so and they're volunteers so just recognize that any body who serves in fire one two or three is doing so for the safety of all residents and anybody visiting wcom they respond to car accidents they respond to fires they respond to you know smoke alarms going off uh but they're doing it to protect everybody so you know just because we they may be getting a new fire truck doesn't mean you shouldn't support them uh and they they need that because that fire um ladder truck truck it's approaching Beyond its useful life so we have to make sure they have the equipment to to do their job which is volunteer it's a volunteer job so uh and I want to basically say that congratulate company one on winning the fire inspection uh you know they did a great job but all three fire departments uh one two and three did great during the inspections uh and I'm very pleased to see see the young firefighters you know women and men answering these questions of the fire inspectors uh and they've learned so much from those Elder members and it's not just you know it could be anybody from their 40s into their 50s they're teaching the young ones that are going to be the firefighters and and you know people that are going to be doing it for years they have treated that like a like a teach teacher they taught them very well they answered so intelligently these questions of these inspectors we're in very good hands so uh and it was a pleasure to go to their dinner the other night um so I'll leave it at that uh I'm going to go now on to the Ramapo Indian Hills uh update uh the Ramapo Indian Hills board met they uh approved the hiring of the new Ramapo uh football coach his name is Nick guso uh he's known as coach guts because he's a Ropo graduate he graduated and he coached under uh coach Gibbs as an assistant and he was known as coach guts so he's already met with the players of uh of uh Ramapo that are you know going to be playing again and they're all very thrilled with him so I think it's a good hire uh and it's going to go go well uh other updates the Ramapo basketball team the boys basketball team is now in the semifinals of the states against Colonia uh and they're playing in the semifinals at um Bloomfield High School at 4:30 on Wednesday so this is the second year in a row they're in the semi-finals against Colonia last year they had a play in Philipsburg when they played Colonia this time it's a little closer in Bloomfield so I want to wish them the best of luck if they win that they're in the finals and I hear the finals are not going to be at r this year is going to be somewhere down in Tom's River so but best of luck to them unfortunately the girls lost in the state sectionals to Old Japan so they're out of it but they had a very uh successful year I believe they were 24 and four so they still had a s very successful uh year uh lastly the design review board is going to meet next week on the 14th um so we've got we we were able to you know Moren did a good job of getting dates that pretty much all of them are going to be able to be there because they're going to have to choose a chairperson to chair the meeting and then you know because they haven't had a meeting in a long time so I'm looking forward to seeing them uh perform this this is going to be on that property on whiteoff Avenue uh across from uh you know the shopping center there they started removing the siding on it and they got a stop work order on that because they said wait a minute you got to go before the design review so I forgot the uh address on it but there's yeah yeah the one right here by uh one of those one of those one of those old homes there yeah but it's a business it's like most it's it's a business but it's across the street you can see some of the siding is off okay and I think Tom had to go the wheel is off so Tom I think Tom had to go over there and say you got to stop this is you got you can't do any further work until so they've been pressuring morine for for here just to just to clarify for the public we're talking Tom gensheimer not Tom no no Tom gimer yes I'm assuming it's Tom because Tom's gonna be in that meeting so because you know so I know Morin's getting pressure because they want to continue the work but they can't do it until they design review board meets and that'll be next week we all right thank you and that's that's the end of my report Mr Mayor if I can go back for one second yes Matt uh this is actually just hot off the presses uh the njdca uh announced their awards for their uh American Rescue plan firefighter grant that we applied for back in December and the white call fire department has been awarded $56,000 uh to support the purchase of spare uh structural firefighting PPE as you recall last year that's great news we received last year we received about $7,000 for the purchase of um gear washers and dryers yeah so now this will support our our efforts to make sure that our turnout gear is always clear of carcinogens and Fant other other uh cancer causing uh materials so while while the gear is being washed and dried we have spare sets for the firefighters to work a excellent thank you Matt good job um I along with the uh Township committee and Matt intended the inspections Last Friday Night so's very impressive to see uh See all three compan need the hard work they put in and the knowledge that they have about uh firefighting uh then I also attended the dinner the following night and that was another great night and congrats Rudy for your 55 years of service and everyone else that also received their uh Service Awards um lastly all I have is next Wednesday is one of my favorite kickoff meetings and that's the Memorial Day Parade committee meeting um I may not be able to attend cuz believe the planning board is that night also but um it's always uh everyone's heard this over the last few years memoral day parade is always one of my favorite days here in town um Dave anything for us tonight yeah real quick uh you may recall from the last meeting I mentioned that the bcusa had increased the service fee uh they were passing that on to uh G recycling who does our pickup carrier I was able to uh speak with the attorney for G uh I know Matt's been working on as well and they are willing to split that with our wolf Group which is White cough Oakland and Franklin Lakes I've recently been able to communicate with the attorneys for both of those towns who they are in agreement with it too they just have to take it to their elected officials so for this year it's not going forward but at least for this year we're going to split that fee going forward it's not huge but every savings counts so uh and I think that's the fair way to do it okay good J rough savings for us will be about if if if our tonnage is on par which it Happ has been for the last six or seven years uh our total increase would have been about $122,000 which would get paid to the bcua uh so our savings will be 6,500 our savings will be $5,500 uh and again we'll be paying the full boat uh as a pass through to the bcua so that uh I'll prepare as uh a change order to that contract for our next meeting thank you Matt thank you Dave just one more quick thing just I thought you were going to mention that and not nothing wrong um we're we're pointing someone as was mentioned to the environmental commission tonight and Pete and I interviewed uh the applicant this morning and everything was fine so thank you all right we had a motion to ad Jour so moved second Mr boa yes Mr Lan I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes mayor Melone yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approv smile --------- the door get the mirror on that yes all right okay A little a different agenda now there right like to call the regular business meeting to order uh please stand for the fla I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice all please remain standing for invocation by Pastor Brian good evening mayor and councel uh we are in the season of lent in the Christian church and uh I my prayer in this season is for peace and hope for all people and that they might find true life so with that I want to invite you to hear this prayer from the book of worship a prayer of discernment in the United Methodist Church almighty God in a world of change you placed eternity in our hearts and gave us power to discern good from evil grant us sincerity that we may persistently seek the things that endure refusing the things that perish and that amid the things Vanishing and deceptive we may see the truth steadily follow the light faithfully and grow ever richer in that love which is the life of all people may this body gathered here today discern that which is good and act with wisdom so that all may know love amen amen thank you thank all right Nancy can you please read the open public meetings act statement yes Mr Mayor the notice requirements of the open public meetings act have been satisfied with respect to this meeting specifically the time date and location were included in the annual notice of meetings adopted by the governing body posted in the municipal building by the township clerk's office and sent to at least two newspapers including the official newspaper of the township the Ridgewood news and the Bergen Record additionally to the extent known the agenda for this meeting and whether formal action will be taken was posted in the municipal building by the township clerk's office and sent to at least two newspapers including the official newspaper of the township the Ridgewood news and posted on our Municipal website in accordance with the open public meetings act thank you roll call please Mr bura here Mr Lane here Mr Madigan here Mr Shanley here and mayor Mone here request a motion to open the public comment period public comment period five minutes per speaker for public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be concerned of the residents of the township of wof so move second Mr B yes Mr Lane hi Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mil yes an affirmative vote the motion is approved please step forward to the microphone if you wish to make a comment and state your name jury getting 629 Loland Road wof I'd like to hear some response to some questions from members of the township committee the police force is one of the largest expenditures of the township why does the police department not issue a monthly activity report to the town's people the number of arrest speeding tickets drug arrests Etc after all the chief earns more than 220,000 a year at least he could communicate with the town's people who would like to respond to this contact jry we're not going to get into a question and answer right now for those type of questions if you do want some more detailed answers please leave it with matter Nancy and we will get back to you on that well i' like to say that online the last time that there's been any anything on pertaining to the police department was I don't have it with me right now but was in 2023 in October because I even called the police department and they verified it it's the last communications to the people did you did you guys ever hear of smoking in mirrors well you are all good at it I've commented on the quantity of police vehicles parked outside the police headquarters anywhere from 10: to 17 guess what yes they disappeared most of them strange I guess a little birdie must have had something to someone where did they all go I went over to the garage but I didn't look inside but they weren't outside the garage but over seven or eight police vehicles disappeared all of a sudden very strange proper use of Township assets or nonuse of town Township assets I bring up the subject once again of the larland property this is an asset that is cating the township over 880,000 a year to maintain with income of 10,000 plus lost of rebles my in investigation is that this property could generate approximately 3 to four million doar if sold as senior citizens complex with a 25 100 squ foot Clubhouse for the complex and for special uses um special occasions hovan and Suns has built many such complexes they are called patio homes or Carriage homes the $3 to4 million could be used to lower the township debt and the homes would generate around 150 in tax income plus 80,000 spend annually on their property would benefit the town by $230,000 annually this is nothing but a win-win situation and I do think that you people should start to really consider and think about it there's no legal reason why you can't do it now the fir Tru nobody's talked about how they could raise money I did once to a gentleman over here the volunteer fire department wants a truck badly enough let them hold one or two Raffles a year to generate funds for the truck nice price a car a minimum of 3,000 tickets at $100 each this could generate a net of $250,000 per raffle I did it years and years ago in Northern irelands High School I got a car we raffle it off we made money why can't we do that in white C thank you okay thank you Jerry know others a motion to close public second Mr Bo yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor M yes affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you uh can I please have a motion for approval of the febu February 20th 2024 work session and business meeting minutes motion to approve the minutes second Mr B yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes mayor melon yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you next up is the consent agenda all matters listed below are considered by the township committee to be routine in nature there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by the township committee that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately we have just four resolutions tonight cancellation of sewer billing for Block 506 lot 32.0 one budget transfers authorization of vouchers and payment of bills and awarding a contract to Solutions architecture LLC for municipal building roof replacement services no ordinances for introduction and several motions the first is to approve white golf reform church fish and chips takeaway fundraiser planned for Thursday May 9th 2024 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. the food truck vendor will provide the food and obtain a food handler's license and an inspection will take place by our fire inspector approve the application of Shan kall as a volunteer for the woff volunteer fire department Fire Company number two as a regular firefighter approved Temple Beth Ran's indoor purum Carnival event planned for Sunday March 24th from 11: to 1 with a temporary 3ot by 8ft Banner sign to promote the event placed on the lawn from March 14th to the 24th approve the ey Committee of New Jersey Ramadan event planned for Thursday March 14 2024 at 5:30 p.m in the front of town hall confirm the appointment of Miss Christine brener to the environmental commission to complete an unexpired term set set to end on December 31st 2026 sorry that's a typo may I have a motion on a second to approve the consent agenda MO approve the consent agenda second Mr VRA yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan I just like to comment I'd like to congratulate and thank Sean kcko and congratulate him for being elevated to a regular firefighter at Company 2 and I vote yes thank you Mr Shanley yes and mayor melion yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved we have no war that all right I to adjourn thank you Ry second Mr Bo yes Mr Lane I Mr Madigan yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor mil yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved and we are