you know what I need to know need to know this from you what you think really yeah best of luck schol oh yeah know where yet I don't know I'm kind of all over I any my sophomore will have to start thinking about that soon yeah maybe Dani you guys are around yeah my steps just graduated last year no she at Alabama last night everybody that's a fun yeah he's having enjoy sucess do that you going to do that tonight or not that's Madeas you stay matter make ask first do is ask you yeah yeah okay you get that time yeah right so you start basketball practice early today done by 6:30 yeah yeah they should they should thank you so much they're going to have a Target on their back though for winning it last year hopefully they can hand I think they okay i' like to call a regular meeting of the wov township committee to order I'd ask everybody please rise for the flag salute and remain standing and I'd like to ask Ella and Sarah the lead us in the flag slute Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all re please come forward and give us a nice invocation thank you good evening please remain standing thank you there seem to be more uh members here than the last time I was here just last month but that's a long story but we'll get to that all right very good uh so perhaps you've heard this scripture before comes from Ecclesiastes 719 it says wisdom makes one wise man more powerful than 10 rules rers in a city so with that I offer up this prayer thank you Lord for all our civil servants thank you for their hard work and sacrifice may you continually bless them I ask especially that you generously give to each of them wise and Discerning Hearts to skillfully govern the people in our town give each of them wisdom so that they may solve problems distinguish between right and wrong and bring order stability and prosperity to our community God bless BL these people in their work and may their decisions here today lead to a better tomorrow amen amen thank you re may be seated Nancy would you read the uh open public meetings act statement please I will Mr Mayor this regular business meeting of the township Committee of the township of wof is now in session in accordance with Section 8 of the open public meetings act I wish to advise that notice of this meeting has been posted on the bulletin board in Memorial town hall and on our Township Comm comm's website page copy has been filed with the municipal clerk and copies were emailed to the Ridgewood news the record and to the north Jersey Harold News all newspapers with General circulation throughout the township of whiteall at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda was similarly posted filed and email to set newspapers thank you very much just as a welcome we have some distinguished guests with us this evening up on the dis uh back 6 and a half years ago almost 7even years ago we had fifth grade student council members from Washington School come to the township meeting they sat with us and uh now they're seniors in high school so they're back this evening and uh those five students were uh Ella Saxton Jonathan calpian Sarah mwald Nicholas fely and Jacob Kramer then we have Ella Sarah and Jacob with us tonight so I'm just going to have them introduce themselves so everyone knows who they are I think they do what school they go to and then we'll get on with the meeting and get our big celebration for the rampo tennis team so Ella I'm Ella Saxton and I go to Ropo High School okay I'm Sarah mwal and I go to Ropo high school and I'm Jak Kramer and I go to rampo high school all right so they're going to be watching over our shoulders see if they remember anything from six and a half seven years ago which they probably don't and we'll try to move this along and then we can have the nice recognition for the uh tennis team and uh hopefully we'll be done around 8:15 maybe the latest 8:20 okay so can I have a request for uh a motion please a roll call Oh I thought you did the roll call Mr boa here Mr fiser here Mr mil own is absent Mr Shanley here and mayor Madigan uh here okay so can I have a motion for a public comment period 5 minutes per speaker on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may have concerned to the residents of the township of wov so move second Mr Boonstra here Mr fiser yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan uh yes with an affirmative vote the motion is appr did you read open public meeting statement yes we did that not for this meeting right for this no we just did it okay we just listen to it we missed the roll call we're good should I made one mistake we should have had the kids won the meeting right huh all right the same thing myself there you go well just shows that we're human all right so any any uh member from the public wishing to address did we get the roll call on that we're good right yeah we're good any member of the public wish should address the governing body please come forward state your name seeing none have a one I move to close public comment second Mr boa yes Mr fiser yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan I yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved okay can I have a motion as second for the approval of November 21 2023 work session and business meeting minutes motion to approve the minutes second thank you Mr boa yes Mr fiser yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan uh yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved okay and then Nancy could you take us to the consent agenda please yes Mr Mayor all matters listed below are considered by the township committee to be routine in nature there will be no separate discussion of these items if any discussion is desired by the township committee that item will be removed from the consent agenda and considered separately we have the following resolutions 296 authorizing the transfer of national opioid settlement funds to the Bergen County opioid program 297 endorsing Hope Christian Services application for Bergen County Community Development Grant therapy Suite Phase 2 298 authorizing application to Bergen County Community Development grant for Ada improvements at linous 299 release Landscaping cash shity for 182 Wayfair Circle 300 approval of vouchers and authorization to pay bills 301 return of certain overpaid taxes fees Etc 302 budget transfers 303 authorizing application to State and local cyber cyber security grant program 304 adopting Deferred Compensation Plan Equitable 457 305 authorizing Redemption of tax salale certificate number 23 quadruple 06 block 346 lot 32 for 494 acrison Avenue and finally 306 approving contract change order and close out for contract number compensation of each officer and Town Hall employee of the township of wof and the method of payment of such compensation for the year 2024 2000 fixing the salaries compensation and retainers of the paid Department of Public Works employees of the tant of wolf New Jersey for the years 2024 through 2025 and 2001 an ordinance to amend chapter 177 vehicles and traffic article 3 truck exclusions to exempt certain Vehicles we do not have any motions on for this evening may I have a motion and a second to approve this consent agenda motion to approve the consent agenda second thank you Mr bura yes Mr fiser yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved mayor Madigan I have ORD one ordinance for public hearing further consideration on tonight's agenda it is ordinance number 1998 which is an ordinance providing for the site lease for the operation of wireless communication antennas and related facilities at Scott Plaza woff New Jersey to Wireless LLC for second reading by title only and a copy of this ordinance has been posted on our Municipal website on the bulletin board in town hall where Public Notices are customarily posted and copies have been made available to members of the general public of the township who have requested the same this is the time and place for the public hearing on ordinance number 1998 all persons who wish to be heard please state your name before making a statement if you wish to make a comment please step forward to the microphone seeing and hearing no one I move that the public hearing on ordinance 1998 be closed second Mr bura yes Mr fiser yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved be it resolved by the township Committee of the township of WIP off that ordinance number 1998 after public hearing and further consideration is hereby adopted and the municipal clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish the notice of final passage of said ordinance in the official newspaper for the tach of as provided by law I move ordinance 1998 on second reading by title only second Mr bura yes Mr fiser yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved okay all right now let's go to the highlight of the evening presentation of proclamation to the rample high school girls tennis team to celebrate their backtack Bergen County tournament wins so ell in particular you pay attention attention you're going to get a little bit of my Boston accent when I enunciate this we'll bring it back in four years and you can read the next one for the next group because you'll be right at home all right so let's start whereas the 2023 Ropo High School V what said follow what I gave her her copy in case okay confused all right so we'll start again whereas the 2023 RAM for high school School girls varsity tennis team is the 2023 njsiaa group three state champions by virtue of their 3-2 victory over Milbourne on October 19th after winning each of their previous njsiaa state tournament games over mors Hills 5-0 in the quarterfinal round Fort Lee 3-2 in the semi-final round tenly 5-0 in the njsi AA North Jersey Section 1 group three sectional Final in West Winds of Plainsboro North 3.5 to 1.5 in the njsia AA group three semi-final match and whereas this exceptional team also won their third consecutive big North Freedom Conference Championship and their second consecutive Bergen County tournament and completed their season with an overall record of 17 wins one loss and dominated teams in mat play with 78.5 points for and only 11.5 points against and finished the 2023 season ranked number six in the top 20 and whereas the 2023 rampo High School girls varsity tennis team benefited greatly from the dedication commitment and Leadership of head coach Kim Marquez who has been an outstanding coach at rampa high school for 40 years and who is and who this season reached and exceeded his 700th win as the RPO girls Varity tennis coach and assistant coach Mitch hman and Alex cascado and whereas special thanks is extended to the coaches the parents the athletic director and all at rample high school Educators and administration for the never ending commitment and support and whereas a special group of a athletes led by Captain Ellis Axton and co- Captain Elizabeth ring including Caroline Baker Ariel gumberg Elizabeth Hots Khloe heler Gianna leor Maddie money Olivia ring Katie s Anna Stern Alexa stopler achieved these extraordinary Feats due to their commitment to unselfish team play tireless work ethic outstanding tennis skills and their overall commitment to the sport of tennis NOW Thor now therefore be it or proclaimed by the township Committee of the township of wof County of Bergen state of New Jersey that the 2023 rample high school girls Varity tennis team coach Mary and his staff are hereby extended congratulations on behalf of our entire Community for the significant success they have achieved and our thanks for serving as positive role models for the young athletes of our community and for illustrating the rewards which can be achieved through commitment diligence and in pursuit of Excellence witness today Township committee that's it we're going to have a big round of applause and I'm going to ask the athletes to come out we'll hand you your Proclamation we'll take some photos and then we'll have some remarks from the coach I also want to point out we're very pleased that your athletic director is here Glenn Stokes give him a round of applause how's he doing up there he's doing a good job as athletic director or what all right so we're gonna ask the ladies to come forward we're going to come in the well we'll direct you we're going to have Ella receive hers first and then she's gonna hands some out maybe all right help us out congratulations congratulations got one I got one left too congratulations else can take a picture see Matt we're going to move this mat watch your feet we're going to move this so it's not in the picture all right watch your feet now you lady should be light on your feet budge the [Music] cord and uh everybody see everybody this girl this young lady we can't see squee here all right you guys know what to do right you know coach in this picture want the coach in this picture hey coach can you say a few words I don't think you need the mic to get in this picture minute this is our official Town Administrator so Township committee members we love having our photo St coach well some more than others yeah coach do have I could talk about every single girl for about two minutes each so um I really want to thank you for this honor uh it's really been a worldwind kind of uh season this year uh we have 12 girls that earned of letter and we're a part of all these uh championships in their own little way um we've had alternates that would start for any other uh high school program uh and U for the for the girls that played uh most of the matches it's just been um a really unbelievable season hopefully something that you will uh remember and um and never um you know lose that thought of what what we went through we really had to be almost just about perfect what we did and all of you contributed you know greatly in some way so want to thank you for having a great season and making it just a little bit more fun for me and uh and also the parents we have several parents that I had coached uh uh previously and uh we have a couple of parents that played for other high schools we have a fan that was a uh New Jersey state champion for Ropo high school and we also have parents that played for Indian high school so it's been uh really a homecoming in a lot of ways not only uh for the girls but also for the parents and for all the fans that came out this year so thank you again for this [Applause] great okay so please be seated we good we're good please be seated talk about all the girls we had just one thing to do we're going to take a photo with our students up with the Govern then we going toj pretty much sched yeah I'm going to sit on the we're going to do we're just going to stand right okay we going to stand or sit no stand stand supposed to just make sure right now we moving the chair out of the way make sure you are we're looking okay it's great just we're going to take one picture and then we'll do all that okay want to do that one first or this one let's do this one we're already ready to go we'll do it I didn't know we're going to do that I would have done it all sorry we get everybody squeeze towards the middle squee the middle everybody we got here all right we good everybody all right just say cheese we all in say ordinance okay two say okay can I have a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn second all right all in favor say I I guys have it okay let's do some more photos and joy thank you everybody for coming congratulations again let's do some nice photos thank you thank [Applause] you you let get out of the way for your photos coach coach --------- a couple people today something off M would grab your water here I didn't open this one can you grab your one sure that one's not open yet you grab yeah thank you nice tie someone's wearing a nice tie that means the wife must have bought she did actually that's what I always true story all right okay it's 1 minute after 7 I have 7 o' let me know when you're ready you ready yeah we're ready okay like to call a 7 P.M work session meeting to order need can we have a roll call absolutely bura here Mr fiser here Mr mó is absent Mr Shanley here and mayor Madigan uh here could you read the open work session statement please yes Mr Mayor this regular work session meeting of the wov township committee is now in session in accordance with the open public meetings act notice of this meeting appears on our annual schedule of meetings copy of set annual schedule has been posted on the bulletin board in Memorial Town Hall a copy has been filed with the municipal clerk and has been posted on our Municipal website a copy has also been emailed to the record The Ridgewood news and the north Jersey Harold News all newspapers having a general circulation throughout the town to of white off at least 48 hours prior to this meeting the agenda thereof was similarly posted filed and emailed to said newspapers thank you we're in the process of uh signing vouches as we speak so uh I would move to the next item I could have a motion to open for 10-minute public comment period 10- minute public comment 2 minutes per speaker a public comment on any governmental issue that a member of the public feels may be of concern to the resident of Township of wov so move second Mr B yes Mr fiser yes Mr Shanley yes and Mr Madigan uh yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved okay anybody from the public wish to address the governing body please step forward your name and address not your address just your name please give us give us your name hi Deborah green uh 533 Spencer Drive in wof hi hi hi welcome um so I wasn't really sure where to begin but you know it's kind of been on my mind for a while I'm a longtime resident of wof since fifth grade living here um but um I wanted to express my concern for the um quality in town you know I read locally in the Suburban news and Bergen magazine and just different areas that you know we have really poor quality of you know air and um so I just thought I would mention um a couple things um the leaf blowers you know the gas powerered leaf blowers in town I mean they're spring fall they're everywhere and I'm a dog walker right now so you know there's no time of day that I can go out and I'm not breathing in fumes I mean it used to be in you know in in the olden days you could open your windows transitioning and let the fresh air in now it's just like I just smell the fumes and the pollution and I I know it's a probably a very big you know uh project to tackle um but um I I didn't know if there's some way that you know we could ask the landscapers to transition to Electric possibly you know um I just I just think it's I don't know it's a problem per every you know every home has I know they're probably stronger and they get the job done but anyway so that that was one concern I didn't know really where to start I in one of the Articles it did say that I could contact the U New Jersey Department um Environmental Protection and just you know put your your express your concern you know and the second thing is the um the schools I you know I'm by the coolage school and the car is just idle you know they all line up to get the kids and they're lined up you know every day and they just idle and it's you know it just like chokes me to death and whether the weather's nice or not you know I understand in the winter you know I guess they don't want to turn the car off because they're going to freeze and then the summer it's air conditioning and but there are plenty of days when they could be sitting there and but people just don't realize you know they're texting and so you know that that's a problem to me and um uh what was the other one there was something else it's just I guess it's personal because I think I have an inherited predisposition to lung cancer and they're saying you know there's so many more um incidents of lung cancer now that aren't related to smoking so um you know I I don't know if if there's something that could you know could be done it's just like I said it's just something I know in Greenwich Connecticut there was a big concern their properties are much larger and you know they complained about the noise pollution that's another thing the noise oh my God you know first thing in the morning they're they're there and you know you hear it and I you know I don't know what the answer is but but I just thought you know I I don't know if it's possible to you know ask them to transition to electric or not um and with the school situation I don't know either you know I know there's signs around like certain businesses you know they ask you not to idle but people just aren't aware I think that would be a very hard habit to break I think they're designing cars now that you know will just turn off after a while you know automatically I just you know I don't really know that there's any answers to my concerns but and the final thing is um the hazardous wastes um I was wondering if it would be possible to have in town you know at the recycling center a a container for your hazardous waste um I know they they have it um you know a few times a year at Bergen Community or Mawa or whatever they List It But there again you have to get there early the line goes forever all these cars are idling you know you're sitting there for like it seems hours to get rid of some paint and some stuff and I just you know I just think people don't have time to do that they're probably just chucking it into the garbage you know where it's not supposed to go because who has time to sit on that line and you know and I didn't know is there a reason why we can't have a container in town where they could you know collect it and you could just you know drop off your hazardous poisonous chemicals and you know is it something that we could look into you know to possibly do instead of having those long lines just you know okay so let me just thanks for taking the time to come with to share with these thoughts tonight and that's just give you a couple of thoughts as far as the air quality I'm not able to comment on that we have an administrator but all all the 40 years I've been in town I never heard anything about poor air quality in fact with all the trees and all the all the things we have in town I think the the air quality is pretty good but I'm not an expert on that I'm going to ask not what the Articles say I mean it's I don't know you know I've seen it over and over in different articles so it's not just you know one time and you know I am familiar with you know is anti-idling at the schools they have it posted in their property we have an ordinance in town you know it's the same thing you know we have all these school children moving they all one to a car maybe two to a car they were all lined up there's a lot going on one time here we had busing where kids got bust to school you didn't have mountains of vehicle traffic going into the air but I'm just I know it hazardous waste I know I've been I know the county runs them I believe they're quarterly but Matt probably knows it cuz I've gone to Mawa I've gone down to I've gone to Bergen Community I've gone all over but I like said the line you know for the few things that I have to get rid of and I got to sit in that line and then there again it's just like cars idling and just waiting and you know you're inching up and you know there's got to be I mean at the top of my head I don't know we want to be in the hazardous waste material business but so it's not simple to have a collection for hazardous waste there's so many different types hazardous waste collection one has to be overseen by the health department and the Hazmat and a HazMat team that's why they're both on site when the collection is done um and it cannot be disposed of in the same stream um and it's very expensive to dispose of hazardous waste um the reason why the county does it is that is paid for by the county um for the entire County it's actually paid for out of a bcua trust fund that exists for the last 20 something years um for the disposal of hazardous way so and you can't mix those chemicals together you could have a fire and an explosion with those chemicals too right so you know as is the HazMat team has to oversee it and the HazMat team is actually Burgen County so they control where hazardous material when and where hazardous material is dumped is there a um is there a chain of custody issue there too like there is with the with the drug collection we do I don't know not that okay not that all right uh you know the drug collection is definitely chain well yeah that's that's that's kind of different thing so it's a cost thing and if each Town had a container then it's you know collecting it up it can't it's not it's not even that that we can't have a container it has to physically be supervised right oh so that we're not mixing exactly what items are being are being disposed of has to be you know watched to make sure that somebody's not throwing something else in there yeah because they're very specific they don't want oilbased paints and but that take latex I don't know it's yeah it's a lot of stuff I just want to you know healthy planet and do my part and thank you for coming out I I know these things aren't easy to tackle but um I'll contact some of the other places they told me to and I just thought I would start here but thanks for hearing me thank you very much for all right good night anybody else from the public wish to comment okay I wasn't going to talk tonight um Janet Tumi no address your name now thank you this is new to me I didn't know we do that I wanted to support you she's she's right in every element that she's talking about but it took us five years five years of going to planning board meetings in Ridgewood to stop Valley hospital from having that huge they said 20 year buildup when they first decided to do it it would take them a total of 10 years at first but then they realized what they wanted to do would take 20 years and and all of what came from Route 17 which was right near uh BF school and the other Elementary School uh in Ridgewood was right near Route 17 we're getting all the fumes from the uh cars those thousands and thousands of cars every day and trucks coming down to uh the hospital and the homes in Ridgewood we had terrible air quality there and we are having three schools involved including it going into the high school then and in Somerville school where my kids went mbf which was right next door to the hospital five years I went to planning board meetings they call me Mrs particulate because I talked about the particulate matter in the fumes and uh anyway and right up to the end they were going to build they were going to build but they lied so much about the particulars in particular it was awful and they finally knew that they couldn't do it and it was better where they went I hope and I was a supporter of Valley Hospital I worked in the emergency room at Valley hospital had nothing to do with it personally but it had everything to do with children being harmed by by particulate matter which often times doesn't show till years later with bad asthma or something like that so I do support you for that however I often think how can they do that when you say cause idling I'm as you know uh want to be in the hurry as well as anybody else I can't even put imagine these poor mothers trying to pick up their kids and get out the street you know not Idol or these poor land people who land landscapers who have to have that thing on all the time and you know electric is more expensive and they run over their wires and all things like that so I don't know where that's at maybe in next five years it'll be better sorry to tell batteries and I know I know but we'll get there good thank you very much thank you thank you um have a very small thing to ask and I should ask have ask Nancy if I got here on time but is there are there any uh telephone numbers in the new uh calendar I thought not there is one little um directory of uh services around town not like the library phone number is in there and stuff like that not Town Hall numbers yeah that's that's I worried about we have a lot of people uh maybe not a lot but a goodly number of older people who um do not use cell phones who only use their landline phones um and we are a senior community so I didn't think that was so good in fact I I was so puzzled by that it's a lovely calendar so we do have the community like our our phone numbers Town Hall uh police department Recreation public Public Library Board of Education that stuff is in here uhhuh your numbers are in there our numbers are in here where where are they last page what cover is that today's uh 24 yes okay did you say that this is the 24 the one the one that was just mailed and I I missed inside back cover that's why I wanted to ask Nancy if it was there because I missed it I went through it but I didn't see it and I I always take that cover off and use that all the time when I need to but thank you very much I thought maybe you missed it but God bless you you didn't it's a beautiful calendar and uh I've never seen a better one for any town so thank you very much for that okay we'll pass that on Janet thank you very much anybody else see no other speakers we have a motion to close to the public motion to close second Mr B yes Mr fiser yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is approved thank you okay review of the 8m business meeting agenda please uh several resolutions we're getting to the end of the year so we have a lot a couple housekeeping resolutions we're trying to take care of as well first office 296 it's a resolution that authorizes the transfer of our opioid settlement funds to the Burton County opioid program um the as you recall wof has entered into uh The Joint settlements it uh agreed to by the state of New Jersey and several other Attorneys General um with regard to uh the opioid manufacturers unfortunately with that it came with very the money came with very tight restrictions on what the money can be used for and very V Uh u a lot of reporting requirements uh so in speaking with the county and some other towns we've made the decision to transfer our funds to the Bergen County program they'll handle the distribution through County programs uh drug court uh distribution of uh Naran and stuff like that um and handle all the reporting requirements to go along with it 297 uh endorses uh Hope Christian Services application for the Bergen County Community Development block grant for their therapy Suite Phase 2 uh 298 authorizes the application for the Bergen County Community Development block grant for ourself we're applying for Ada Improvement ments at the Len house and for sidewalk um Ada improvements curb ramps uh throughout the town we're applying for 100 uh just over $100,000 from them um 302 is uh end ofe budget transfers 303 uh authorizes our application to the state and local cyber security grant program this uh just came out this grant was just announced at the league um and from what I understand of it it's not actual ual money that's going to be coming to us but it's services that will be provided by a certain state agency uh with regard to Grant with money that they received from the federal government um but we want to be uh we want to apply for it 304 adopts a Deferred Compensation Plan for Equitable uh it's it's another 457 and I would expect possibly another 457 plan uh at our next meeting as well this is employee contribution deferred deferred uh retirement plans we have one tax sale Redemption um and 306 authorized the change order and close out for the removal of shade trees um that is a plus about $4,000 uh and that closes out the third shade tree removal and trimming bid that we did this year uh shade tree commission's been very busy I want to thank Anna who's been fielding all of those calls and Fielding um all of the Commissioners to get out there and look at these trees along with Joe vanderplatt and his staff there are three ordinances for introduction first is the 2024 salary ordinance for town hall employees 20 sorry ordinance 2000 uh now we've hit ordinance 2000 uh is fixing our uh salaries and compensation for our Public Works employees for the years 2024 and 2025 that's the remainder of their contract and ordinance 2021 is an ordinance which amends our 4ton truck restrictions to allow for um certain vehicles that are currently Exempted on all roads currently um there is no exemptions uh except for delivery trucks on streets um and we'll be making this amendment to include public utility trucks who are doing work on the public utility uh our vehicles um specifically our DPW and our our Leaf trucks uh and waste trucks buses and emergency vehicles uh just a clean up of that section of the ordinance there are no motions and there is one ordinance for uh further consideration and public hearing and that is the ordinance to uh enter into a lease agreement with Dish Wireless for the uh operation of Wireless uh communication antennas on the Memorial Field Sports lighting pole uh Tower and that's all I have for the report for the business meeting just a couple updates our Leaf collections on track we're currently concluding second round in District 8 we anticipate moving to district one end a day tomorrow into Thursday uh just reminding residents that our real time updates with regard to leaf collection are on our website and on social media we are out to bid this week for the pole barn brick veneer and the firefighter and crossing guard physicals and medical clearances through the wolf um and the pre-bid meeting for the pole bar veneer is this Thursday uh I want to extend a gratitude to the chamber for yesterday's santaur and Tree Lighting Event was a great event and I want to thank the fire department for their assistance with it uh as we approach the first night of Hanukkah uh this Thursday I want to extend a heartfelt wishes and joyful holiday to those residents who celebrate and our manora lighting here is Thursday at 6:00 p.m. in the front um the 2022 fir Grant uh has now been closed out we received our funding from the state our reimbursement funding from the state and as I mentioned uh at our last meeting we are applying for the 2023 firefighter Grant uh for spare turnout gear um starting December 15th Park and Ride permits will be available for purchase uh also a friendly reminder to renew your pet licenses that's due by March 31st for both of uh current registrants are to check their email for instructions on how to to register online and I believe on Monday it was Monday I believe or Friday Friday from the start from Friday through Monday through Monday we had 30 registrations online so people are doing it those and those um uh pet license tags have been already mailed back to the residents and whenever the wov post office delivers them they'll receive them uh any information on both of those items park and ride or pet licensing please contact the clerk's office I just want to remind residents that our uh we do have uh secure paper shredding available at the recycling center year round Monday through Saturday 9 to3 uh we have a walk-in container with secure shredding boxes you can drop your items in there and whenever the boxes are all full Gat comes out we watch them shred everything and they leave us with empty boxes uh same way as we do on our shred events that we do twice a year I've been working closely with Ridgewood water to identify the lead service lines in woff we are down to 18 unknowns uh for a total of we'll probably end up we believe about 20 total lead service lines that will need to be replaced on the resident side of the connection there's only a handful that Ridgewood has that are on their side of connection uh once we finalize the unknowns which I'm I'm pushing because we have the least amount out of the the four towns I'm pushing to get those unknowns in Wake off identified by the end of the first quarter next year um then uh we have some ideas on how to expedite them and get wof to be completely leadline free and then finally we are in the final stages for the cdbg grant the 2022 firefighter Grant to the DCA and the New Jersey uh cyber security Grant and uh we have one more meeting uh that I will provide the end of the year updates but other than that that's my report okay great thank you don't you committee reports I'm gonna give this a shot second time I don't know if I did do it we starting the alphabetical order with Rudy booster we're gonna we're going alphabetically again yeah this one I think I got to figur it out thank you mayor I'll be brief so I don't lose my voice um I du to unfortunately I wasn't able to attend the uh tree lighting last night I want to thank everyone involved the fire department the Chamber of Commerce the police department everyone who made that I here was a great event well attended uh I saw I was just at Walgreens before and I saw um a youngster who I know who was on wo F about that tall he had a great time um okay um next Tuesday the historic preservation commission will meet uh for first time in about three months uh the following um I'm sorry the the 13th next Thursday night um the planning board meets it's a relatively light agenda but there's a public hearing on the two zone changes that we're contemplating on scorebook road and um and Franklin a so that will be on and then if that's approved it'll come back to us uh at our final meeting of the year um the zabrisky house had on on Saturday had its holiday open house and it was the weather turned out great that helped attendance and um there are I three weeks ago four weeks ago they had the trick-or treat open house I attended both and there were a lot of young families and a lot of people who have never been to the Z brisky house before so it was really a great effort um and between the when you add the two um events together it's close to 500 people that came through the house it's really phenomenal it really is and the place looked great and um Joyce s tomorrow and her crew did a great job this past Saturday Rich Lynch was out I haven't seen him in over a year so that was good he was there um so that was all great um this morning I attended the funeral of former Hawthorne mayor and um at the time of his death he was mayor Meritus of foror Richard Goldberg um I've known Rich for maybe 15 or 20 years I was considered him a friend he was he was a great man to know and uh and worked with um he always had Hawthorne's best interests at his heart um I offered my condolences to Mayor Lane and to the burrow from us in wof here and I would like to just share something that happened at the funeral um it was a close casket and at the uh at the head end of the casket was an American flag on a poll and uh when the rabbi began his comments he started by referencing the American flag that was there he said in the synagogue there is an American flag on one end of the uh of the one side of the Altar and the Israeli flag on the other side of the Altar and um Rich Goldberg was always very particular about how the American flag is displayed because there is flag etiquette that directs how the flag is displayed and how the colors are shown even on an upright Pole to the point where he gave um he brought Rabbi a pamphlet on flag etiquette so they learned that they had to have the flag looking right whenever Rich Goldberg came to Services then he said Rich Goldberg loved this flag and he Lov this country and he said I think he would be honored if we all stood up and pledge allegiance to the flag so we did that before the rabbi started his service now I've been a lot of funerals um police officers firefighters after 9/11 wo fire department helped out some New York companies with uh uniformed firefighters I went to some of them I've never I can't remember ever being at a funeral that was started with the Pledge of Allegiance and it was really a nice touch especially for Rich Goldberg so I just want to share that with you I'm glad I went that's it there thank you B F Scott Fisher how I doing so far doing well um thank you uh I also was able to attend the tree lighting the other evening I was fortunate enough to be uh Santa's personal Uber that night with the fire department um like to thank all the members of the fire department and the police department that were out keeping us safe that night we did have a beautiful time the weather was great the kids had a blast uh it's a great event it's long-standing tradition in white cof to come on a Friday happen to be Monday this year because of the weather but light that beautiful tree out there and and kick off the holiday season um I also was able to attend in the zisy house uh holiday event um actually brought my wife with me who happens to be a holiday uh a history buff so she enjoyed that tremendously thank you to Joyce and all her volunteers who did a beautiful job um they had people talking and giving the history lessons of how the house came about and how many years it's been there and it actually was was really really nice um it's probably the first time in a long time that I attended one of those and it was it was good to go um I would just like to wish everybody a Merry Christmas Happy Hanukah happy holidays to all and uh and enjoy and uh thank you thank you Tim thank you mayor uh I'll be brief uh the Ramapo Indian Hills board met last Thursday night not much to report what happened but I want to congratulate white cofs Brian Delite on winning re-election to the board uh Ramapo football I want to congratulate them on making it to the group four finals they played Mainland at ruter unfortunately it was not a successful night or or afternoon uh they lost to Mainland and they lost in the finals but they were the second best group four team in the entire State and they had a great season so I want to congratulate the ruter uh the um Ramapo football team uh on their season they're starting they started basketball the next day so anybody who was playing football and playing basketball they started ex play playing basketball the next day um I was at the tree lighting uh last night I want to I want to thank the wof Chamber of Commerce it was well attended it was fun seeing all the kids uh getting all excited about Santa Claus uh it just reminded me of one of the things I missed in 20120 as the mayor because we had everything shut down and it was all um you know zoom and things done uh on video instead of live I would hope that the my colleagues would give me a chance to be mayor again so I can experience what it's like thank you that's it okay thank you okay I got a few things some things are said I'll say it uh quicker um but I'll do something different I attended the uh senior lunch today which is very nice Christmas lunch and uh they were very excited they both of them got their calendars they got their picture in it so they were very happy and jovial and appreciative um the brisy home I was there at the brisy house last week as well was great as Rudy Boer pointed out there a lot of people there thanks the volunteers a nice tradition we're fortunate they have such a Historic Museum here in town so kudos to everybody that works and puts so much time in to the zisy house the tree lighting I was here last night for the tree lighting thank you to the chamber of commer every year for organizing putting it together Refreshments fire department that comes out and Santa's driver and uh all the other folks and I was reminded last night that uh I've been fortunate my days are tree L and go back 40 years so 40 years and uh it's still like the kids there and they still call it organized chaos and there's nothing better than organized chaos especially with kids involved I also want to share a lot of accolades that I've heard from many many people on our DPW crew the leaves they're getting through it and um you know a lot of challenges that residents actually pointing out getting through the streets they clean up the street and the next morning landscapers are there dumping piles right in the middle of the street so uh they're working hard we fortunate with a DPW Department that we have we have a rich tradition of serving our residents in town and uh keep up the good work I look forward to welcoming uh two things we have a group of students tonight coming in that were here in the fifth grade and they've been invited back uh as seniors so seven years later that group of students have been invited this evening and we'll also be celebrating the ram tennis team championship that's all that I have Township attorney Dave the only thing I would mention in your packet you probably saw a letter from our Municipal Court Judge Russell Tesha that he's going to be retiring um two things on that one is obviously we need a replacement I'm sure good will be chosen um I hadn't had for 34 years hadn't had not had to think about that too much and uh I just want to say to one who appeared before him in my younger days on many occasions uh and also just in the profession he was a mentor to me in many ways so we miss him but uh I wish for us the best uh going forward and he's been a really good representative of this Township on the bench just his demeanor uh fairness equity and so forth uh I recall when I first saw the letter one of the Early times I was in Municipal Court he was the judge Rob landelle was the prosecutor and I came in with a defendant so the hats Chang but uh is it's um I wish Russ the best and I know this KEH will do a good job in selecting the next one that may serve another 34 years so that's it nice thank you thank anything else we need can we uh we got to adjourn this because we're going to go to the next so can I have a motion to adjourn so move second and then we'll see everybody at 8 o' Mr R yes Mr fiser yes Mr Shanley yes and mayor Madigan yes with an affirmative vote the motion is okay some of the tennis team come in you want to hand out some of these how many yeah sure how many team members will be here think not sure including coaches um I made I made 17 um or 18 I think we need for you we need 16 we'll just split them around te you I mean Scott yeah yeah may I just we should do we have a copy of this at our desk I have mine rest of the members have this I write on this one I don't have unless it's stapled or something yeah I didn't see a copy um it was with your packet I don't know I mean I'll read this one sorry sorry do I have the blown up one so I can read it not necessarily can go downstairs and